Volume 229: October 5-December 26, 1720

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'Volume 229: October 5-December 26, 1720', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728, ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1889), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol6/pp22-29 [accessed 21 February 2025].

'Volume 229: October 5-December 26, 1720', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Edited by Joseph Redington (London, 1889), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol6/pp22-29.

"Volume 229: October 5-December 26, 1720". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 6, 1720-1728. Ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol6/pp22-29.


October 5–December 26, 1720

5 Oct. 1. John Williams, Sub-Governor, and Rand. Knipe, Deputy Governor of the Royal Exchange Insurance Office, to the Lords of the Treasury. Have laid before their Directors their Lps order to delay no longer the second payment of 300,000l. for the debts and expenses of the King's Civil Government. Will do what they can to comply therewith, but apprehend they will not be able to do it without the assistance of the Fire Charter, which they, as well as the several proprietors, always looked upon as the best part of their agreement, and doubt not, if that were in their possession, they should be quickly enabled to perform their contract. Thank their Lordships for the notice given them of the warrant for the charter being sent to his Majesty, by order of the Lords Justices, and beg that it may be dispatched. It will be the only means to extricate them out of the difficulties from the necessity of the times and other unexpected disappointments, and lay a lasting obligation on the Royal Exchange Assurance Company. Royal Exchange, Oct. 5, 1720.
Minuted:—“6 Oct. 1720. Read at ye Board.” 1 page.
In the Minute Book, vol. 22, p. 310, 13 Oct. 1720, is:—
“Sir J. Williams, Mr London, and Mr Cole are call'd in: a l~re sent in by them on the behalf of the Compa is read, praying that the Fire Charter may be prepar'd in the interim of the warrt, and that the grant of Assurance may be made to extend to all his Mats dominions. As to the first, Mr Chancellour says they may attend the Attor. Genll and talk to him about it, but as to the 2d nothing can be inserted in the charter which is not specifyd in the warrt. Sir J. Williams proposes in lieu of the next paymt to deposite in my Lords' hands the tallys for the Plate Act till they shall be able to raise the money. Mr Chancellour recommends to them the disposing of those annuitys, that they make their paymts at the time appointed and in the manner prescribed by the Act.”
Again, in vol. 23, p. 5, 18 Nov. 1720:—
“The Deputy Govrs of the 2 Assurance Companys are call'd in. Mr Chancellour says the Earl of Sunderland has acquainted the King with their petition to have the Grant of Insurance on lives, houses, &c. to extend to Ireland: who has been graciously pleas'd to grant their request; and as to its extending to Scotland, the difference of the forms of law, in that Kingdom and this, will require that such grant do pass under the seal kept there; in lieu of the Great Seal: and the draught must be approved of by the King s Counsel there.
My Lords will also move the King to indulge the 2 Corporations by giving them further days for payment of the sum of 189,000l. remaining unpaid by each of them, to wit:—One third part on the 25th March 1721; one third, 25th May 1721; the remaining ⅓ on the 25th July 1721.”
15 Oct. 2. Comrs of Forfeitures, Scotland, to the Lords of the Treasury, enclose account of moneys which have arisen by forfeitures, with the amount of the claims on the four estates sold last year, and the balance remaining to the public. There is due from the purchasers of principal and interest (exclusive of what they are allowed to retain in respect of the annuities granted to the ladies of the forfeiting persons) about 7,000l. There remains to be paid in, upon their precepts, about 9,000l. more. Give reasons for the produce of the forfeitures being so small. When the claims of property are determined considerable sums will arise to the public. Have sold seven of the forfeited estates this week, viz.:—
The estate of Stirling, late of Keir, at twenty-one years' purchase.
That of David Threapland, late of Fingask, at about twenty.
That of Pitcairn at twenty.
That of the late Earl of Southesque at nineteen.
That of Hugh Paterson, late of Bannockburn, at twenty.
That of Rob Roy at about twenty-five.
That of the late Earl Marischall at nineteen years' purchase.
The whole amounting to 134,279l. Will expose the estate of the late Earl of Linlithgow on Monday, which at twenty years' purchase will add about 20,000l. Will have to leave this country shortly to give attendance in Parliament and beg payment of the two last quarters' salaries. Edinburgh, 15 Oct. 1720.
Minuted:—“25th Octr. My Lords order a quars salary to Midsr 1720 with the incidts. Wt signd.” 3 pages.
25 Aug. and
17 Oct.
3. Two certificates of the Comrs for the forfeited estates and estates given to superstitious uses, viz.: that Richard Grantham, Esq., had on two occasions absented himself from the office to which he was appointed, as one of the Commissioners, without the consent of the others, for three weeks and more, and thereby incurred a forfeiture of 500l. Dated 25 Aug. and 17 Oct. 1720. 3 pages and 2 halves.
20 Oct. 4. The Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland to the Secretary of the Treasury. Have received a warrant from the Lords Justices requiring them to cause the Receiver General to send up the money in his hands, on account of forfeitures for treason, and pay the same into the Exchequer at London. Have ordered the Officers belonging to the Comrs of Enquiry to certify what sum remains above the payment of Creditors. Are informed by Brigadier Preston, the Commander-in-Chief here, that though he is ready to give a sufficient guard for the safe-conduct of the money to Berwick, yet unless there be a party here empowered to receive it, the money will be returned here; which has obliged them to send an express to Berwick to see if it can be conveyed under safe conduct. If they find there is no order to receive the same at Berwick, they will be obliged to wait further orders. Exchequer Chamber, Edinburgh, 20 Oct, 1720. 2 pages.
20 Oct. 5. Agents (Richard Thomlinson and Jonas Alstrom) for receiving the subsidies to the King of Sweden, to the Lords of the Treasury. Apply for payment of such part of the subsidies as their Lordships shall direct, to enable them to discharge the bills drawn and execute other commissions for his Swedish Majesty's immediate and pressing occasions. Baron Sparre has despatched the necessary orders for the payment of these subsidies, the sum payable being 280,000 imperial Rix-dollars granted by treaty at Stockholm in 1719. October 20, 1720. 2 pages.
22 Oct. 6. Report of the Comrs of Taxes to the Lords of the Treasury upon the case of Sir Bilbye Lake. Mr Peter's debt appears to amount to 10,892l. 5s. 9d. The real and personal estate at the time of his failure were estimated at about 24,000l. The board closed with the offer of Sir Bibye Lake to discharge the debts, and he paid 2,257l. 4s. 10d. What money has accrued from the estates is in the hands of the Sheriffs and Trustees for the use of the creditors.
Also “the case.”
Minuted:—“21st Novr 1720.” Sir Bibye Lake to attend the Attor. and Solr Genll with the copies of all the proceedings in the Courts of Law and Equity when Mr Wills may attend with his state of the case and objections, and thereupon my Lords desire their report.” 3 pages.
24 Oct. 7. Report of A. Cracherode to the Lords of the Treasury. According to instructions attended the Comrs of Forfeitures to hasten the bringing in of 200,737l. 14s.d. granted in the last Parliament to his Majesty. The Comrs gave orders to their Solicitor, Mr Samuel Allen, to give a state of the prosecutions under his management, who has delivered the same. 24 Oct. 1720.
The state referred to, and two other papers. 9 pages.
26 Oct. 8. Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland to [the Secretary of the Treasury]. Have received from the Comrs and Trustees of the forfeited estates in Scotland an account of the moneys arising from the forfeitures (above the debts and claims thereon), amounting to 46,616l. 11s. 1/6th. By another account there are in the hands of the purchasers 18,881l. 8s. 85/12d., so that there are only 7,735l. 2s.d. in the Receiver General's hands. Have issued their warrant for the amount to be transmitted. 26 Oct. 1720.
Accompanied by copies of the two accounts.
In the Minute Book, Vol. 22, p. 320, 4 Nov. 1720, is:—
“To Commrs Forfeitures in Scotland to acquaint my Lds how it comes to pass that the sum of 18,881li 8s. 81/5d. remains still in the hands of the purchasers of certain estates in Scotl., and to inform their Lord[shi]ps in what time they think the said sum may be received, and likewise desire them pressingly to solicite the paymt of it, and to inform my Lords when the appeals will be adjusted.” 5 pages.
4 Nov. 9. Memorial of Sir Bibye Lake, Bart., to the Lords of the Treasury. The Comrs for Taxes having certified the state of Mr. Peter's debt, prays for their warrant for vesting in his (memorialist's) hands the estates and the bonds of him and his sureties to the Crown for the use of memorialist and other creditors. 1 page.
7 Nov. 10. Report of the Auditor (S. Godolphin) to the Lords of the Treasury. Has considered the discovery of concealed rents and arrears thereof. The substance is as follows:—Upon the demise of Katherine, Queen dowager, there was due to his Majesty out of the manor of Whapload, in the co. of Lincoln, 38l. 6s.d. per ann., and out of the Manor of Moulton Dno~r cum Bewsolus, 78l. 5s.d., in all amounting to 116l. 11s. 6d. per ann., which for fourteen years, ending at Michaelmas, is 1,632l. 1s., and which were charged in the declaration of the accounts of Richard Rose, the receiver, ending at Mich. 1707, and the same ending at Mich. 1710, were exonerated by grant of 36 Charles II. to Sir Stephen Fox, in trust for the Duchess of Monmouth and her children for 99 years; whereas there is no more granted than the Manor of Spalding and Holbech, amounting to 474l. 19s. 11¾d.; the residue whereof, being 116l. 11s. 6d., issues out of the manor of Whapload and Moulton cum Bewsolus, remaining still in the crown and which ought to be charged from the demise of the late Queen.
In his answer says that the later grant to the Duchess (reciting the former grant to the Duke) appearing to be so very extensive as to comprehend the Manors of Spalding and Holbech, besides the Manors of Whapload and Moulton, and the duchess being in possession when he entered on his office in June 1705 might be the reason his clerk, one Bolton (formerly clerk to the Petitioner Hewitt), discharged the sum in the account. If it should happen to be otherwise than a mistake, has good reason to suspect that it was done by contrivance between Mr Hewitt and his former clerk, with a further view of making such discovery for his private advantage. It manifestly appears that the petitioner's whole view in all these transactions was to impose on their Lordships, and to carve out more for his own benefit than for the advantage of the crown; besides, in case my lady Duchess should not have a title to the premises, she is answerable for the arrears. Had his report ready long ago to lay before their Lordships, but was prevented by their Order until her Grace the Duchess of “Buchleaur” had consulted with her counsel relating to her title to the premises, &c. Now sends it in, at the importunity of Mr Hewitt. Nov. 7, 1720.
Accompanied by copies of clauses from the grants referred to, and the memorial of Robert Hewitt, dated 17 Sept. 1720, a petition, Auditor's Report, and a state of the case, “Pro Rege.” Dated 14 Sept. 1720. 19 pages.
10 Nov. 11. Report of the Attorney and Solicitor General to the Lords of the Treasury on an annexed draft which they “apprehend to be intended to make the first payment of 39,000l. paid in by Sir John Williams and Sir Randolph Knipe in Trust for the company of the Royal Exchange, Assurance,” &c. Are of opinion that the day fixed by the Act for making the second payment being already past, the company are, in point of law, liable to the penalties; but in case their Lordships have authority by their Privy Seal to grant forbearance or give further day of payment, then the existence of this security will amount to a suspending of those penalties for the time thereby given. But in case their privy seal does not extend to give them such power, then this agreement will not defeat or suspend any of these penalties, but only amount to a collateral security, which will not affect the provisions made by the act of parliament to enforce the payment. Have made some alterations on the draft. 10 Nov. 1720.
The draft referred to. 7 pages.
15 Nov. 12. Copy of representation of David, Earl of Wemyss, to the Lords of the Treasury, and copy of the report thereon by the Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland, and of three other documents touching certain salt shipped from the Earl's harbour of Methel without entry and payment of duty. One is a certificate of the correctness of the copies, and is dated 15 Nov. 1720. 6¼ pages.
18 Nov. 13. Lord Lieut. of Ireland (Grafton) to the Lords of the Treasury. Has enclosed a copy of a letter received from the Lords Justices of Ireland, with a report of a Committee of Council relating to the means for the better performance of “Quarantain” there; by which their Lps will see that it is thought advisable that several armed wherries and sloops should be disposed in different bays and stations for that purpose. The Lords Justices must have the requisite power to issue such money as is requisite for this service. Asks for the proper warrant to be prepared. Bond Street, 18 Nov. 1720.
Minuted:—“19th Novr 1720. Prepare the proper warrt.”
The copies of the letters referred to, also a list of quarantine ships. 8½ pages.
24 Nov. 14. E. Pauncfort to Mr Lowndes. Lord Coventry tells him that his brother is joined with him (Mr Pauncfort) in the room of Mr Charlton, deceased. This will, if not prevented, oblige him to procure fresh security which he could not trouble his friends to give. Besides people will be more cautious of entering into security, and the rather because it is too well known that he has been forced to pay 10,000l. for a person acting under him, who had been in the office a great many years, and was recommended to him by the Comrs as a person of approved honesty and integrity. Desires that a way may be found to let Mr Coventry have a share with him of the salary as cashier. November 24, 1720.
Minuted:—“Read.” 1½ pages.
26 Nov. 15. Report of the Controllers of the accounts of the army to the Lords of the Treasury on a memorial of Mr Thomas Missing craving payment of 998l. 4s. on account of victualling the garrisons of Annapolis Royal and Placentia, 998l. 4s. is due to him by the contract. 26 Nov. 1720.
Minuted:—“26th Novr 1720. Order'd out of the money voted by parlt for this service now in Lord Lincoln's hands. The Sec[reta]ry-at-War to write to the commanding officers in Annapolis and Placentia to send duplicates of their effective numbers, &c. pursuant to the desire of the Comptrollers.” 2 pages.
29 Nov. 16. Report of the Lord Lieut. of Ireland (Grafton) to the Lords of the Treasury on the petition of Capt Wm Hamilton, wherein it is set forth that the petitioner and several other officers were struck off the half pay list, upon a false information of their refusal to go to the West Indies, but that in the year 1712 upon an Address of the House of Commons the petitioner with Lieut. Gunter was restored. The petitioner is thought to have been wrongfully struck off, and Lieut. Gunter obtained his Majesty's warrant for his arrear of half pay upon the very same reasons as the petitioner offers. Thinks that the petitioner should be recommended for his Majesty's bounty. Bond Street, 29 Nov. 1720.
Accompanied by the petition, report of the Lords Justices, and report of the Deputy Muster-Master-General. There is also a letter signed:—“Ja. Hamilton” pressing for payment of these arrears, as that Gentleman's circumstances are brought to a very low ebb. Dated 4 May 1721.
Minuted:—“Prepare a warrt upon the report.” 1 page.
[? About
8 Dec.]
17. Petition of Thomas Madox, Esq., his Majesty's historiographer, to the Lords of the Treasury. At the time of the death of her Majesty there was and still is due to the petitioner 120l. 2s. 9d. from Christmas 1713 to Aug. 1714. Prays payment.
Certificate to the same effect. Dated 8 Dec. 1720. 1½ pages.
14 Dec. 18. Report of Charles Withers, Esq., Surveyor-General of his Majesty's woods, on the memorial of Charles Frampton, Esq., Lieut. Col. in the first regiment of foot guards, who three months since purchased the place of Keeper of the Goose green Lodge in his Majesty's Forest of Alice Holt, and now asks allowance of timber to do the necessary repairs. The late King William granted the office of Ranger in Chief of the forests of Alice Holt and Woolmer to Emanuel Howe, Esq., with power to appoint underkeepers, upon condition to maintain all the lodges in repair, &c. for 45 years. His relict granted to James Pendlebury, Esq., the office of keeper of the above lodge, &c. for the residue of the term, viz., 29 years; who assigned the same to the memorialist. The repairs will require about 80 loads of timber. It has been customary for the keepers of this forest, by direction of the chief ranger, to fell great quantities of timber for repairs. And the memorialist caused 15 oaks to be felled for the repairs, although his (the surveyors) deputy marked them with the broad arrow. 14 Dec. 1720.
Minuted:—“29th Decr 1720. My Lords direct the survr to cause the broad arrow to be marked upon such trees as are felled for the repairs of his lodge.” 3½ pages.
22 Dec. 19. J. King to the Lords of the Treasury. Her late Majesty in her 12th year granted to Edward Harley, commonly called Lord Harley, all wrecks between 26 and 40 degrees N. lat. in the West Indies, and which should be taken up before 24 June 1734: reserving 1/10 to her Majesty, with a provision for the attendance of a person or persons to be appointed to inspect the fishing for and taking up the said wrecks.
As great riches have been wrecked within the limits of the grant, the ships “Foresight and Assurance” are fitting out to take up the same, and all possible accommodations will be made on board of these ships for the person or persons appointed. 22 Dec. 1720.
Also an affidavit as to a Spanish Galleon which had been lost near the Island of Bermudas. 1½ pages.
26 Dec. 20. Robert Armstrong, Collector of Customs, to Charles Burniston, Esq., Surveyor General of his Majesty's woods in America. By the copies of reports formerly made, it would appear that the collector of New Hampshire was the most proper person to take care of his Majesty's woods, &c. Is under great surprise that his friend Dummer should join with Mr Bridger against him. The Lords of Trade have wonderfully forgotten themselves, since by their own reports they approved of him and ordered their Secretary to thank him, and desired that he should continue to give their Lps the best information as to the production of naval stores in America. Sends a duplicate of letter previously sent as to the preservation of the masts and timber. Only adds in this duplicate what was not in the first, the advantage it would be to the Crown to raise and produce hemp in the province of New Hampshire. Prays that the quantity of hemp seed he wrote for may be sent New Hampshire, New England, 26 Dec. 1720. 3 pages.
[? About
21. Petition of the “creditors of the late Duke of Ormond on the butlerage and prizage of wines” in Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury. The Duke in the year 1707 assigned for ten years, from 1711, 3,500l. a year out of the butlerage and prizage of wines to the petitioners until his debts were paid. Before the Duke's attainder they received certain sums; but since that time the butlerage, &c. having vested in Comrs for estates of Traitors, they have received nothing. The Comrs have decreed their claims to be just, and have issued debentures for 5,639l. 16s. 5d.: pray for payment of the debentures. Undated. 1 page (brief size).
22. “Abstract of a scheme for raising a sum of money for the use of the government, approv'd by the late Mr. Lownds and deliver'd into his hand in ye year 1720.” 2½ pages.
23. “A List of extra Clerks [employed in the subscriptions] who had money imprest to Christmas 1720.” 1 large page.
24. Petition of the noblemen, gentlemen, & c. of the Western Shires of Scotland to the King. By several laudable and standing laws the importation of oat-meal and cattle is forbidden; but vast quantities are notwithstanding imported, to the discouragement of tillage and pasturage, and the ruin of the landed interest. The excessive running of French brandies without payment of duties is also a heavy grievance: pray that the laws may be put in force.
Signed. Undated except in a more modern hand, 1720.
Copy of the same. 2 pages.
25. Certificate of the Auditors (Harley and Foley) to the Lords of the Treasury as to how far the several accountants have passed their accounts. [Undated, but after 1719.] 13 pages.