Volume 62: June 1-July 28, 1699

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 2, 1697-1702. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Volume 62: June 1-July 28, 1699', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 2, 1697-1702, ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol2/pp304-319 [accessed 21 February 2025].

'Volume 62: June 1-July 28, 1699', in Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 2, 1697-1702. Edited by Joseph Redington (London, 1871), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol2/pp304-319.

"Volume 62: June 1-July 28, 1699". Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 2, 1697-1702. Ed. Joseph Redington (London, 1871), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-papers/vol2/pp304-319.


June 1–July 28, 1699

June 1.
1. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of the Duke of St. Alban's, as to the grant of the duties on logwood, adverse to the grant of the same: together with the petition and another enclosure entitled “Accompt of the customes of logwood in London & the out ports for six years.”
The report is dated 1 June 1699.
Minuted:—“Read 16 Ap. 1700. My Lords concurr in opinion with ye Comrs of Customs.” 5 pages.
June 1.]
2. Petition to the King by Randolph Knipe and Messrs. Meyer and Beremberg, of London, merchants, on behalf of Christopher Vankochin, John Clayhills, and others, subjects of the King of Sweden, part owners of the ship “Fortune” of Narva, whereof John Russell, an Englishman (but a free burgher of Narva aforesaid), was master; which ship was forfeited for a breach of the navigation laws, it having been employed to fetch masts, timber, &c. from Norway: praying the King to grant them his part of the forfeiture. Referred to the Lords of the Treasury 1 June 1699.
Other papers relating thereto. 7 pages.
June 2. 3. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Joseph Sandwell, master of the ship “Floyer,” for a noli prosequi, he having infringed the navigation laws: recommending the remission of the forfeiture. Dated 2 June 1699.
Minuted:—“Agreed. Wt signed 30 June 1699.”
(Two enclosures.) 4 pages.
June 2. 4. Letter of the Duke of Schonburg and Leinster, accompanied by a petition of the Baron D'Antraques, whose small pension was two years in arrear; entreating their Lordships to give directions for the payment thereof, that he might go to Geneva for the recovery of his sight. Dated 2 June 1699.
Minuted:—“Read 9 June 1699. There is no mo for arrears.” 2 pages (quarto).
June 5. 5. Representation by the Comrs for Appeals and regulating the Duties of Excise, to the Lords of the Treasury, craving their Lordships' allowance of various sums paid for performing the business of appeals, and their direction to the Comrs of the Revenues of Excise to pay the same. Dated 5 June 1699.
Minuted:—“A warrt to pay this as an incidt.” 2 pages.
[? About
June 5.]
6. Report of William Vanbrugh to the Lords of the Tressury, on the petition of Mr. Herbert, His Majesty's clockmaker, for payment of his bill of 293l. [It appears that a watch was allowed to each of the pages of the bedchamber every third year by ancient custom.]
Also the petition.
Minuted:—“5 June '99. Mr Vanburgh to certifie particularly what is due to the petr, & for what services, & to acqt my Lords how often the watches have been furnished.”
Again:—“22 June '99. Speak wth Mr Vanburgh, & if the prices of ye watches are not risen, my Lords will now pay the 293li.” 2 pages.
June 8. 7. An answer of Sir John Hawles [Solicitor-General], to a query submitted to him, viz., whether the King had sufficient power in law to grant away or dispose of his share of all prizes taken by his men-of-war or privateers? affirming that the King had that power. Dated 8 June 1699. 1 page.
June 10. 8. Presentment of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury. Several surveyors and officers in the London Brewery, reputed as men of skill, laid down their commissions all together in the year 1695, as it was conceived, to inconvenience the revenue for want of their service; their Lordships to resent their misbehaviour ordered them not to be restored without their particular directions; since which they had begged to be again employed, expressing their sorrow for their misbehaviour. The Comrs had lately detected great corruption amongst the officers of the London Brewery, and dismissed several; and they then desired their Lordships' permission to make trial of such of the former officers as they (the Comrs) thought fit; they having promised to make great discoveries of negligence and mismanagement. Dated 10 June 1699.
In the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 145, 20 June 1699, is:—“Comrs of Excise. Their presentmt concerning the officers who were prohibited to be imployed by the order of 28 Aug. 1695, is read. My Lords give permission that ye Comrs may make trial of such of ye said officers as they shall think fitt, notwithstanding the said order.” 1 page.
June 10. 9. Report of the same to the same, asking for a warrant of exemption from the aid of 3s. in the pound for all officers in the Excise office, whose salaries were less than 100l. per ann. Dated 10 June 1699.
Minuted:—“Ordered.” 1 page.
June 10. 10. Report of Lord Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of the agents of the three French regiments of foot, disbanded in Ireland; stating that there was due for pay to those regiments 1,196l. 17s. 6d. Dated 10 June 1699.
Minuted:—“Read 20 June 1699. My Lords can allow no other pay, but what was upon the establishment.” 2 pages.
[? About
June 10.]
11. Petition of Thomas Bourne, aged above 74 years, praying that the remainder of his debt (734l.) might be paid, in order that he might be released from prison, and his family preserved from ruin. 60,000l. had been appointed by Parliament for the payment of that and other sums.
Minuted:—“10 June '99. The 60,000l. appointed by Act of Parliament is duely applyd, & Mr Leg had no part of it, because he did not take the oaths: but my Lds do order him 10li in chty.” 1 page.
[? About
June 10.]
12. Petition of William Hiller, of Weston Birt, in the county of Gloucester, yeoman, tythingman, and sole collector of the poll tax, who complained that Samuel Broadhurst, clerk, rector of that parish, refused to pay for his own and his wife's poll, and on the 19th of May 1699, he distrained his goods, when the rector laid violent hands on him, and on pretence that he had formerly neglected his duty, he was arrested and kept in the common gaol, bail being refused: praying that he might be set at liberty, and have lawful protection, &c.
Minuted:—“Read 10 June 1699. My Lds have no power to intermeddle in this matter, but ye petr must seek his remedy at law.” 1 page.
June 12. 13. Copy of Order in Council, the petition of the Earl of Antrim, and two other papers, with the following minute indorsed, which is indeed the report of the Lords of the Treasury thereon, viz.:—
“12 June '99. My Lđs read all ye papers concerning ye Earle of Antrim's quit rent, & upon consideration of ye letters of ye Lds Justices & of ye Comrs of ye Revenue of Ireld, their Lo[rdshi]ps are of opinion yt nothing ought to be don in Engld to stop ye legal proceedings in Irelđ, but yt ye matter be determined by due course of law there.”
This minute is also entered in the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 139, 12 June 1699. 10 pages or parts of pages.
June 12. 14. Report signed “Wm Aldworth,” to the Lords of the Treasury, with abstracts of the accounts of James Herbert, Esq., receiver-general for prizes, annexed, from 1 June 1689 to 29 Sept. 1693, and other accounts of later date. Dated 12 June 1699. 8 pages and 3 parts.
[? About
June 12.]
15. Various papers as to the allowance of 74l. 4s. disbursed by Richard Bere, late collector of Customs in the port of Carlisle, for the subsistence of 12 Irish soldiers, who were secured (being Papists) in the garrison of Carlisle.
Minuted:—“12 June '99. Referr'd to Mr Abbot, & if he has closed his acct to be allow'd it.”
There is a minute in the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 149, 23 June 1699, that [the warrant] for 74l. 4s. for Mr. Bere was to be sent. 8 pages.
[? About
June 12.]
16. Petition of William Tagg, keeper of the Privy Garden gate, leading to the Cockpit, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury. His uncle served in that station for 28 years, and he had served also for five years without salary, and Whitehall being burnt he reaped no benefit from the place, but he had received 10l. as bounty from their Lordships; praying an order for a salary or some other employment.
Minuted:—“12 June '99. Keeper of ye house & gardens at Whitehall to make ye petr a fit allowance.” 1 page.
June 13. 17. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Burdyn Anderson, gent., who had imported a parcel of gold lace and fringe, a parcel of ribbon, a sword knot and shoulder knot, some necklaces, and other things; some of which were sent as a present to the Duchess of Norfolk: which goods were seized: informing their Lordships that the common course upon compositions was, for the officer to have one third, the King one third, and the proprietor one third; but that the composition would not amount to near the value of the Custom. Dated 13 June 1699.
Minuted:—“My Lords do not think fitt to give reliefe in this matter”
(Three enclosures.) 6 pages or parts of pages.
June 13. 18. Presentment of the same to the same, recommending 40l. to be paid to Mr. Cole, the collector of Cowes, for his care and industry in bringing the goods in the “Thiley” sloop, of Dunkirk, to entry, and 70l. to James Imber, chief officer in the boat at Hurst, in the port of Cowes, for similar services, and 7l. to William Loup, one of the officers of Poole. Dated 13 June 1699.
(Four enclosures.) 7 pages.
June 14. 19. Memorial of the Victuallers of the Navy to the Comrs of the Treasury, as to obliging persons to take the tallies for payment of their debts in course, and concerning debts which must be paid with ready money, &c.; praying for the issue of moneys. Dated 14 June 1699.
Enclosing:—“A state of the tallyes, &ca. in the hands of the cashier of the Victualling Office.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 142, 15 June 1699, is:—“Victuallrs. They make a proposition for applying the tallys and ticqts in their hands to the debt of the victualling, wch my Lords approve of, and direct ye victuallers to assigne the tallys & ticqts appropriated by the clause in the Act for the last Land Tax, pursuant to ye directions of the said Act. 1,000li out of loanes on ye Land Tax to be issued for ye service of the victualł in genll.” 3 pages.
June 14. 20. Letter signed B. Bridges, to Mr. Powis at the Treasury, on the question whether it had been usual for accountants to be allowed their charges of passing privy seals for issuing money, fees for making out imprest rolls, coach hire, porterage of money, and losses by receiving bad money. Dated 14 June 1699. 1 page (quarto).
[? About
June 16.]
21. Petition of the mayor, aldermen, clergy, gentry, merchants, citizens, and tradesmen of the city of Exeter, for the continuance of the post from Bristol to Wootton-under-Edge, where the post from London into Gloucestershire ends. Referred to the Postmasters-General to consider and report thereon, 16 June 1699.
Also reasons for establishing the same, with numerous signatures.
One of the reasons brought forward was, that from Cirencester to Exeter was about 90 miles, and letters sent from the one place to the other went at least 220 miles, so that an answer would require a fortnight, and by the carrier it was the same; but if the post were established an answer might be had in four days, and the same might be said of the other towns lying about these stages. 3 pages.
[? About
June 16.]
22. Petition of the gentry, traders, and inhabitants of the town and borough of Cirencester, in the county of Gloucester, and parts adjacent. The post then ran from London through that town to Wootton-under-Edge, which was within 14 miles of Bristol, and if the same were continued it would be a great advantage; praying them, as in the last petition, to order that that stage might “be erected.” Referred to the Postmasters-General 16 June 1699.
This is followed by a great number of signatures, and on the next page the various reasons for granting the boon. 2 pages and 3 lines.
June 17. 23. Letter of the Comrs of Revenue for Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, sending the account of the revenue for the year 1698, also a view of the last quarter's revenue ending 25 March 1699, making some remarks on the woollen trade, and recommending Mr. William Broderick to their Lordships, who had been employed by them as their counsel in place of Mr. Reading, deceased. Dated 17 June 1699.
In the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 147, 21 June 1699, is:—“Write to the Lords Justices to recomend Mr Lechmore to be the King's counsell in matters of the revenue of Ireland, and to the Comrs of the Revenue in Ireld, that my Lords having heard that the sd Comrs (wthout aqting their Lops) have putt in one Mr Brodrick to be counsel for ye revenue of Ireld, of whom my Lords have recd a very bad character, as will appear by an extract of a letter from Sr Wm Beeston, Govr of Jama to Mr Sec. Vernon. My Lords direct them to make choyse of another fitt person for the sd imploymt, & to present him to my Lords for their approbation.” 1 page.
June 17. 24. “Copy of the decleration published for the payment of the debts of the Victualling Office to 1st June 1699.” Dated 17 June 1699. 1 page.
June 17. 25. Report of the Comrs of the Alienation Office to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Nicholas Whitaker, concerning 30l. borrowed from him by Mr. Courthop; advising that the petitioner should be allowed the same out of the surplusage of the office. Dated 17 June 1699.
Also the petition and a bond.
Minuted:—“28 June '99. To be allow'd. Wt signed 3d July 1699.” 3 pages.
June 20. 26. Report of the Officers for Prizes, on the petition of Capt. Peter Piccard, concerning the payment of 700l. gunnage for a French man-of-war and French privateer, destroyed by the petitioner. Dated 20 June 1699. 2 pages.
June 20. 27. Letter of Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes. The Duke of Schonburg had a warrant for his pay as commander-in-chief for the year 1697; his pay as general of horse was also due to him, for which a warrant was to be prepared on a debenture from the Earl of Ranelagh; the King referred it to their Lordships to enable the Earl to comply therewith, as his Grace was about to review the troops, which would be a necessary charge to him. Dated Dieren, 20/30 June 1699.
Minuted:—“27 June '99. There is no mony provided this year for this service. 1 page (quarto).
June 20.]
28. Petition of George Porter to the Lords of the Treasury. He was greatly indebted to his avowed enemies, who had obtained judgments, &c. against him, and reduced him to extreme poverty. Beseeches their Lordships to make their report to His Majesty, that something might speedily be done to preserve that life and liberty which His Majesty had so mercifully bestowed upon him.
Minuted:—“Read 20 June 1699. The King, upon his petition, was pleased to give no direction, & my Lords can do nothing in his absence.” 1 page.
June 22. 29. Memorial of the Trustees for exchanging Exchequer bills, offering to their Lordships the states of account of cash and bills. In the list of the last quarter's salary to the trustees, Sir Joseph Herne was, by mistake, included, but the amount was deducted at the Exchequer. 50,000l. were lying in the Exchequer applicable to the cancelling Exchequer bills, for which no bills had been brought in. They craved that some measure might be found that the King might not pay unnecessary interest. Dated 22 June 1699. 1 page.
June 22.]
30. Memorial of Mr. James Halsey and Alexander Gretton, collectors for the Verge of the Court, representing that they could not levy the arrears of the aids, due from the gentlemen and grooms of the bedchamber, the serjeants, and heralds; except their Lordships would direct the said taxes to be stopped out of their salaries.
Minuted:—“22 Jun. '99. Write a letter to stop these taxes if they are not satisfied already.” 2½ pages.
[? About
June 22.]
31a. Petition of Penelope Bolton, widow of Cornelius Bolton, deceased, late a captain in Col. Collingwood's regiment of foot. Her husband served in Ireland and Flanders; and at the siege of Namur he received a hurt from which, in two years, he died at Ghent, leaving the petitioner and four children. Prays for payment of 234l. due to her husband.
Accompanied by an account.
Minuted:—“22 Jun. '99. There is no mony this year for this arrear.” 3 pages.
June 22. 31b. Dormant warrant to the Receivers-General and Cashier of of the Customs in favour of John Crispe and Thomas Crisp, Esqrs. and Sir Nicholas Crispe, Bart, collectors of Customs in the port of London, for payment of their salary of 276l. 13s. 4d. per ann. Dated 9 Oct. 1691.
“Intrat xxij die Junii 1699, coram T. Done, audr.” 1 page.
22 June. 31c. Letter of Henry Shales, auditor, to the Lords of the Treasury. Mr. Auditor Aldworth refused to produce and deliver up tallies, vouchers, and writings relating to the forfeited estate of the late Lord Viscount Preston. Dated 22 June 1699. ½ page.
[? About
June 23.]
32. Petition of Sarah Fairbrother, widow, to the Lords of the Treasury, for some allowance to preserve her from suffering through want in her old age. Her husband, George Fairbrother, had served the King as lieutenant in the royal regiment of fusileers, and was slain at the battle of Landen, in Flanders.
Minuted:—“23 June '99. Ref. to Mr Clark.” 1 page.
[? About
June 23.]
33. An order to the bailiff and jurats of Seaford to impress 10 able seamen and send them on board the King's ships in the Downs, River Medway, or at Portsmouth.
Minuted as follows:—“Chas. Harrison. 23 June '99. To be p[ai]d five pounds 11s by Mr Tailour, as His Matys bounty, in consideration of his service for impresting seamen.” Again:—“Pd to Cha. Harrison 5£ 11s. 0d. 28 Jul. '99.”
Also a letter, dated 24 July 1690, relating to impressment of seamen by Geo. West, “in the absence of the Governor of Dovor Castle.” 2 pages.
[? About
June 23.]
34. Petition of John Champante to the Lords of the Treasury, showing that three Comrs were appointed by their Lordships to execute the Office of Alienations; two of whom should attend the dispatch of business. The Comrs were Peregrine Bertie, James Saunderson, and William Glanvill, Esqrs. Mr. Saunderson had the King's leave to travel, and appointed the petitioner to act as Comr, which he did for three years, till Mr. Saunderson's return, who then served as member for Newark, and could not attend the office during the sessions. Mr. Bertie was prevented from attending by the gout; and Mr. Glanvill was very aged. Praying to be appointed as a fourth Comr to avoid delay in passing fines.
Minuted:—“Read 23 June 1699. My Lords cannot grant a reversion, or that wch is the same thing, but he may apply when there is a vacancy.” 1 page.
June 23.]
35. Petition of Joseph Brookesby, brewer, to the Lords of the Treasury, setting forth the desirability of having some one or more among the Comrs [? of Excise] who thoroughly understood the brewing trade, and offering himself for the appointment.
Minuted—“23 June '99. My Lds do not apprehend there is anything material in his offer.” 1 page.
June 24. 36. “Produce of the Excise in five years ended 24 June 1699. A tabular view, year by year.” 2½ pages.
June 24. 37. Report of Lord Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of the Earl of Oxford, relating to the “Chirurgeon” of the royal regiment of horse, who had been reduced by the King's order of 1 Aug. 1698. The memorial prayed for the restoration of the said surgeon. Dated 24 June 1699.
Minuted:—“27 June '99. My Lds cannot alter wt is settled by ye proclamac[i]on.”
Also the memorial referred to. 2 pages.
June 24. 38. “Generall account of prizes,” being a debtor and creditor account thereof. 24 June 1699. 1 large page.
June 26. 39. Letter from the Navy Board to the Earl of Orford, Treasurer of the Navy. The Lords of the Admiralty had sent them a list of the officers discharged from the two late marine regiments, commanded by the Marquis of Carmarthen and Sir Cloudsley Shovell, who were entitled to half-pay, with directions for them to be allowed the same; and further that they had made an account thereof: they pray that the Lords of the Treasury might be solicited for the same, as the officers were very pressing. Dated 26 June 1699.
Accompanied by a letter from Mr. Reynolds, together with the two lists of officers. 4 pages.
June 26. 40. Payments to several regiments for raising recruits, which the King by warrant of 15 March 1692, directed should not be placed to their accounts, &c., with a certificate at the foot by Jas. Moody, deputy of Thomas Done, Esq., auditor, that he did not find any of the sums allowed Mr. Fox and Lord Coningesby in their account (as Paymasters of the Irish forces) for raising recruits for those regiments. Dated 26 June 1699. 1 page.
June 26. 41. Letter of Mr. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes. The Archbishop of Canterbury had communicated a letter of the Bishop of Dublin and Bishop of Clogher, relating to a library keeper at Dublin, to the King, who referred the part relating to an allowance of 200l. a year to the said library keeper, out of the first fruits and twentieth parts of that kingdom, to the Lords of the Treasury. Dated Loo, 6 July 1699, N.S. [i.e. 26 June].
Minuted:—“To have 200li a yeare from Midsmr during pleasure, provided that if the treasurership or chancellorship of the cathedrall church of St Patrick becomes voyd, this pension to cease.” 1 page (quarto).
June 6
and 27.
42. An information of Thomas Addison to the Lords of the Treasury. For want of a commission of inquiry, to find and seize the late Jesuits' houses in the Savoy, trials had been brought and a verdict passed against some of them, and to preserve possession until a commission could be issued out, or a bill be brought in the Exchequer, to assert His Majesty's interest. The informer (as advised) had brought a writ of error, and prayed their Lordships' directions and encouragement therein. Dated 27 June 1699.
Accompanied by another information of the said Addison on the same subject. Dated 6 June 1699.
Minuted:—“Read 8 June 1699. In case Mr Addison will forthwth pay the money agreed by Mr Survr for ye premisses, and be at the charge of defending the title, my Lords will give direction to the King's counsell to give their assistance, and to appeare in ye cause.” 2½ pages.
June 27. 43. Letter of Andrew Clayton, an excise officer, arrested by order of the Comrs of Excise, addressed to Wm. Lowndes, Esq., secretary to the Lords of the Treasury, asking his assistance to get him discharged from prison, ascribing his trouble to his brother Robert, who went beyond the sea, to the ruin of them all. Dated 27 [June?] 1699.
Minuted:—“27 June 1699. The Comrs are to proceed for recovery of ye debt, and if there be errors in the account, he has liberty to send any person to rectifie them.” 2 pages.
June 27.]
44. Memorial of the Apothecaries to the Lords of the Treasury, praying them “to order paymt of 2,500li due to them from the Comrs of Sick & Wounded, seeing they cannot now be paid what is reported due to them in the Earl of Ranelagh's office.” Recd 27 June 1699. 1 page (quarto).
June 27.]
45. Memorial of John Hammond of the Palace at Kensington, addressed to the Lords of the Treasury. He had been at great expenses and pains in cleaning the Treasury chamber at Kensington, together with the clerks' room, from 6 Oct. 1696 (His Majesty then returning from Holland) to 24 April 1697, when he went again thither, being 35 days of their Lordships' sitting there; as also for 30 days, from 17 Nov. 1697 to 19 July 1698, in all 65 days; craving an allowance for the same.
Minuted:—“27 June '99. The Lds have pd. Mr De Brienne for cleaning ye house.” 1 page.
June 27.]
46. Memorial of Michael Lange to the Lords of the Treasury. The commission for prizes being superseded he could not obtain payment of the 3,000l. given him for the discovery of the French effects on board the pretended Swede's fleet; prays further directions to be given.
Minuted:—“27 Jun. '99. The Comrs will bring in an abstract in two or three daies.” 1 page.
[? About
June 27.]
47. Petition of the Gun-forgers to the Lords of the Treasury. Certain indirect practices had been carried on by one Nathan Gregory and James Scofeild, a merchant in Shadwell, and others, as might appear by the seizures of foreign arms imported contrary to law, which things had ruined the trade. Some who had kept 10, 12, or 14 men were reduced to turn porters, beggars, &c. Prays that no proceedings against the offenders might be stayed. With six signatures.
Minuted:—“27 June '99. My Lds resolve not to discha seizures of forreign arms; but cannot hinder letters of licence, because granted by ye Ct of Excheqr.” 1 page.
June 28. 48. Report of the Lord Ranelagh to the Lords of the Treasury. On the petition of Col. Geo. Hamilton, relating to a debt which he alleges to be due, for transporting recruits for the King's service, in favour of his claim for 902l., besides consideration for his expenses and services. Dated 28 June 1699.
Minuted:—“3 July '99. Speak wth the E. of Ranelagh abt. this. Agreed. Lr~e writ.” 2½ pages.
[? About
June 28.]
49. Petition of Robert Alvey, one of the weighing porters in fee in the port of London, to transfer his employment to his kinsman Walter Bucksby.
Minuted:—“28 June '99. Rejected.” 1 page.
[? About
June 28.]
50. Petition of “Alix Molinier Widdow,” to the Lords of the Treasury, for the arrears of subsistence and off-reckonings due to James Viala, a serjeant lately belonging to the French regiment of Cambon, who, coming sick from Ireland, was subsisted by the petitioner for nine months, and then died.
Minuted:—“28 June 1699. Referred to ye paymar of Ireland.” 1 page.
[? About
June 28.]
51. Petition of John Lauze, late yeoman of the stirrup to the late Queen Mary, praying for a new lease at a small rent for 60 years of an old tenement in the manor of Richmond in Surrey, which he then held for an unexpired term, which tenement required rebuilding.
Minuted:—“28 June '99. Let him make a new petic[i]on according to ye rules for 31 yeares, & it shall be referrd to ye Surveyr Genll.” 1 page.
June 28. 52. Report of Mr. Charles Chetwynd to the Lords of the Treasury, certifying the last declared accounts of North and South Wales for the year ended Michaelmas 1695. In regard to the arrear, the receiver was ready to proceed upon his accounts for part of the year 1696, and the years 1697 and 1698; but could not for the reasons given, &c. Dated 28 June 1699. 2 pages (brief size).
June 29. 53. Memorial of the Comrs for Taxes in the parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, to the Lords of the Treasury, desiring the stoppage of the taxes from persons receiving pensions at the receipt of the Exchequer. Dated 29 June 1699.
Minuted:—“My Lords canot direct the stopping of this tax, till the daies of paymt are incurrd, and there is a default made.” 1 page.
June 29. 54. Copy of a report of the Earl of Montagu, concerning the trumpeters' and drummers' liveries, which had remained unserved for four years since the Revolution. Dated 29 June 1699.
Also the account of the cost of the liveries.
Minuted:—“Read 9 Apr. 1701. The K. would know how much in money was formerly allowed them.”
There is the same minute in the Minute Book, Vol. X., p. 250, 9 April 1701, with this addition:—“My Lord Montagu is to send the precedents.” 2 pages.
June 30. 55. Letter of the Comrs of Revenue in Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, acquiescing in their Lordships' pleasure that they should choose another person as their counsel for the Revenue, and naming Mr. John Forster; the fresh appointment being necessary, in consequence of the bad character of Mr. Broderick, whom they had in ignorance previously named. Dated 30 June 1699.
Minuted:—“Approved. A letter to the Comrs.” 1 page.
[? About
June 30.]
56. “An accot of Talleys, &ca. remaining in the Treãr of the Ordnance his hands, as per accot of cash, dated the 30th of June 1699; and likewise on what fund, after what sūme payable, when struck, how many of each, and their respective numbers.”
Also the said account concerning the “State of the Cash.” 1 very large page, and 2 smaller ones.
June 30.]
57. Memorial of John Parkhurst and John Paschal, to the Lords of the Treasury, applying for their instructions to guide them in carrying out the “constitution” which they had received empowering them to levy and receive all prizes, taken during the last war with France.
Minuted:—“Recd 30th June '99. Lett them prepare a draught of such instructions as they think most conduceable to the King's service, & present them to my Lords for their perusall & approbac[i]on.” 1 page.
June. 58. Report of the chief officers of the Mint to the Lords of the Treasury, on the memorial of Col. Roger Kirkby, governor of the castle at Chester. All he had represented therein, relating to his services and the buildings and other conveniences for the use of the late mint in Chester Castle, was true: further the King paid after the rate of 50l. per ann. for the like accommodation at York mint; and by their Lordships' directions 200 guineas were given to each of the “four general importers” at Bristol, Exeter, Norwich, and York: recommending the said governor for a proportionable recompense. Dated June 1699.
Also the memorial and copy of a letter written by the direction of the Lords Justices, to the said Col., in respect to the setting up of the said mint. Dated 21 July 1696.
There are two minutes on the dorse, the second of which is:—“Read 7 7br 1699. A warrt for 200li for his service there & the damage he susteyned.”
“Wt signed 22th 7br 1699.” 3 pages.
[? About
59. Memorial of Edw. Earl of Orford to the Lords of the Treasury, renewing his desire to deliver to the now Treasurer of the Navy, the money, &c. with all the imprest bills remaining in his hands, leaving sufficient to defray the charges and incidents of passing his accounts. Without date, but Lord Orford's successor was appointed 29 May 1699.
Minuted:—“To be brought in when my Lord is here.”
In the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 136, 8 June 1699, is:—
“Comrs of Navy with Sr Tho. Littleton & Mr Corbet & Mr Dodington. It is thought that if my Lord Orford goe on to pay the money resting in his hands, and that Sr Tho. be charged only with the money he receives at the Excheqr from the passing of his patent, this method will avoid many difficultys.”
(Further down on the same day is):—
“Mr Dodington informes my Lords that the Earl of Orford is willing to comply wth the method above mentioned tho' it will create him more trouble.” 1 page.
July 3. 60. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland, respecting arrears amounting to 6,700l. due to the Judges in Ireland, on their additional salary of 200l. per ann.; desiring directions. Dated 3 July 1699. Three enclosures, one of them being the petition of the judges, with their signatures.
Minuted:—“To be layd before ye K. 1st Nov. '99. Read to the King. His Maty thinkes this deserves farther considerac[i]on, in respect to the present state of the Revenue of Ireland. Respited.” Again:—“Ordered.”
This minute is also in the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 207, 2 Nov. 1699. 4½ pages.
July 4/14. 61. Letter of Mr. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, returning four warrants signed by the King. “(1), for Mr Ogle to be a Comr of Revenues in Ireland; (2), for allowing 74li 4s on Mr Bere's accot; (3), for appointing ye salrys of ye Lords of ye Admty; (4), for discha Mr Singleton of His Mts part of a fine,” and signifying “His Mats pleasure that ye Lords of ye Treary do dispose of ye Office of Comptrollr of Newcastle, as they shall think fit.” Dated Loo, 4/14 July 1699. 1 page (quarto).
July 4/14. 62. Letter of Mr. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes, sending the draft of regulation of subsistence for forces, &c. in England for the approbation of the Lords of the Treasury. Dated Loo, 4/14 July 1699. 1 page (quarto).
July 5. 63. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Elizabeth Lowe, widow of Thomas Lowe, of Bristol, tobacconist; praying to be relieved of a further debt of 48l., omitted out of a former account; favourable to the petitioner. Dated 5 July 1699.
Also the petition. 2 pages.
July 5. 64. Letter from the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, docquetted thus:—“About several particulars relating to the Forces in Ireland.” It more especially relates to their pay and to the barracks there. Dated 5 July 1699.
Minuted:—“To be layd before ye K.” 5 pages.
July 6. 65. Order in Council for a meeting of the Privy Council, for the trial of His Majesty's coins in the pix of the Mint, within the Tower of London. Dated 6 July 1699. 1 page.
July 8. 66. Copy of a letter of the Navy Board to Mr. Lowndes, respecting the memorial of Sir Tho. Littleton, Treasurer of the Navy, relating to the passing his accounts. Dated 8 July 1699.
In the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 164, 7 Aug. 1699, is a minute touching the reading of papers as to these accounts, finishing:—“The points are, that the books for wages be made up yearly, whereby the accts may be passed yearly. That the Treãr be allowd yearly all the money he paies by way of imprest, without tarrying till the imprests are cleared, and that he be allowd the money he paies by way of imprest to ye cashire of the victualling and that ye Comrs of the Victualling or ye cashire do pass a distinct accot of ye victuall. These severall points are debated.” 1½ pages.
July 8. 67. Two letters from the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, both dated 8 July 1699, and four other papers, concerning wool licences. The third is headed:—“Reasons against passing the Act for preventing the exportation of ye woolen manufactory of Ireland to forraine parts,” and the fourth is a copy of the opinion of ye Attorney and Solicitor General relating to the wool licences in Ireland. 10 pages.
July 11. 68. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Samuel Lubbock, who had been very active in the Kings's service upon the Revolution, and was employed as excise officer at Kingston-upon-Thames, and when called upon to pay the duties on leather which he had received, to the amount of 73l. 3s.d., was unable to pay the same and was discharged from his office: recommending him for remission of his debt, as a fit object of compassion. Dated 11 July 1699.
(One enclosure.)
Minuted:—“Granted. Wt signed 9th Augt 1699.” 1 page.
July 12
and 14.
69. Memorial of the Victuallers of the Navy to the Lords of the Treasury, praying for moneys to be assigned for the payment of the bills to uphold the credit of the office, and for the pursers; to prevent the “retardment” of the ships from prosecuting their voyages. Dated 12 July 1699.
Copy of the same, and a letter from the said victuallers to Wm. Lowndes, Esq., representing their want of money, dated 14 July 1699, and stating that they could not meet with any of their Lordships. 3 pages.
July 13. 70. Memorial of the Admiralty about supplying the express advice boat, &c. with provisions. Dated 13 July 1699.
Minuted:—“Directions given in this 19th July '99. 1½ pages.
July 13. 71. “Memorial of the Admiralty about the small vessels appointed to cruize on the coast of Kent and Sussex,” as to the seizure of vessels with customable goods. Dated 13 July 1699. 2 pages.
[? About
July 13.]
72. Petition of Charles Dering, Esq., His Majesty's Auditor-General, to the Lords Justices and General Governors of Ireland, praying to be put on the establishment of the civil list for the 50l. a year mentioned in his patent, his duty being to certify yearly the accounts of the revenue of Ireland into England.
Accompanied by a certified copy of the patent and a certificate by the Deputy Auditor General as to what appeared on record regarding the said salary. Dated 13 July 1699.
Minuted:—“Warrt signed.” 3 pages and 2 halves.
July 17. 73. Report of the Victuallers of the Navy to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Tutchin, who claimed to be rewarded for a saving effected by him from the “bloody pickle” which drained from the cask and binns which held the flesh, which pickle had hitherto been wasted; stating the experiments made on the subject, and that the whole benefit amounted to but 12l. 7s.d. Dated 17 July 1699.
Minuted:—“£12. 10. 0. to be pd him according to ye report.”
The petition and three other papers, one of which is a letter from the petitioner, in which he offered to farm the pickle at 7d. a barrel. 5 pages.
July 20. 74. Letter by direction of the Lords Justices to the Lords of the Treasury, transmitting a memorial of the Lords of the Admiralty, about supplying the pursers of the King's ships with money, to furnish wood, candles, and other necessaries; and another memorial for seizure of ships bound to parts of this kingdom, with prohibited goods. Dated 20 July 1699. 1 page (quarto).
July 24. 75. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of John Ford, searcher of the port of Chichester, for the payment of his third part of 760l., coming from a parcel of silks and lace imported by Roger Laming from France; in favour of the petitioner. Dated 24 July 1699. (Three enclosures.)
Minuted:—“Agreed. Wt signed 9th Augt 1699.” 4 pages.
July 25. 76. Letter of the Lords Justices of Ireland to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Francis Earl of Longford to the King, praying a grant of a mortgage upon part of his estate, called White Friars, in the suburbs of Dublin, which was forfeited to the King by the outlawry of Sir Daniel Arthur; transmitting the petition, the reports of the Attorney-General, and the Comrs of Revenue; observing that the forfeiture had not been found by inquisition, and the value could not be otherwise ascertained than by the petitioner's affidavit, enclosed, which states that the estate was set for 320l. per ann., besides the mansion house, worth about 60l. per ann., in ruins, and yielding nothing. Dated 25 July 1699. It is also accompanied by two other papers.
Minuted:—“1st Novr 1699. Read to the King. His Maty cannot grant this estate, it not being found by inquisic[i]on.”
There is a minute to the same effect in the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 206, 1 Nov. 1699.
The petition referred to, showing that the petitioner had with steady zeal served the King, and had lost by the rebellion in Ireland above 40,000l.; that part of his estate in the suburbs of Dublin called Whitefriars, was mortgaged to Sir Daniel Arthur for 4,300l., 2,220l. being due to the said Sir Daniel, who was outlawed.
With a note referring it to the Lords of the Treasury, 28 July 1698. 12¼ pages.
July 27. 77. “Certificate of money imprested to Mr. Lionell Herne, out of loanes on the second 3s. ayd, for the cancelling of Exchequer bills.” Dated 27 July 1699. 1 page.
July 28. 78. Letter from Mr. Wm. Blathwayt to Mr. Lowndes. The King's opinion was that the arrear of one year's pension should be paid to Richard Kingston, in consideration of his services and necessitous condition. Dated Dieren, 7 Aug. 1699, N.S.
Minuted:—“7 Aug. '99. My Lords will speak to His Maty abt this at his returne.” Again:—“200li to be pd as bounty.”
Accompanied by his petition. 2 pages (quarto).
July 28. 79. Report of S. Travers, Esq., Surveyor General, to the Lords of the Treasury, on the petition of Henry Jenkyns, gent., praying for a renewal of a lease of waifs, strays, &c. in the honour of Peverel, which had been granted by King Charles II. in his 25th year, to Sir John Packington and others, in trust for Col. Washington's children; informing their Lordships that King Charles II. in his 16th year granted to Charles Earl of Norwich all the said waifs, strays, &c. for 31 years at 50l. per ann., and in 1673 granted the same to Sir John Packington, Bart., and others, in trust for the daughters of the said Col. Washington; to be held for 31 years from that date (concurrent with the Earl of Norwich's lease then in being). The value, according to Sir Charles Harbord, would be 350l. Advising that in any new grant the lessee should account for at least a 10th part of the profits of working the mines and quarries. Dated 28th July 1699.
Accompanied by the petition.
Minuted:—“12 July 1700. Respited till a new report comes on a subseqt petition.” 4 pages.
July 28. 80. Report of the same to the same, on the petition of Lady Dorothy Burke, who sought to have a grant of the quit rent payable to the King out of the manor of Dantsey, in the county of Wilts, the estate of her father, the Earl of Clanricarde (who had gone to Ireland and declared himself a Roman Catholic), having been forfeited; informing their Lordships that the rent and arrears of Dantsey had been granted to the now Earl of Peterborough, together with the hundred of Chippenham, in Wilts, and that they came to the Crown by the attainder of Sir John Danvers, and were granted A.D. 1662 to James Duke of York, and afterwards in reversion to the Earl, at a rent of 300l. per ann.; further that no rent had been paid by the Earl, and there was 2,550l. due, and that the rent was worth 20 years' purchase, or 6,000l. Dated 28 July 1699.
Accompanied by the petition.
A second minute, on 1 Nov. '99, is in these terms:—“Read before His Maty. The Lords of the Trery are to hear the matter on my Lord Peterborow's caveat, and lay the whole before the King.”
There is also a minute to the same effect in the Minute Book, Vol. IX., p. 205, 1 Nov. 1699. 3½ pages.