Entry Book: April 1689, 16-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: April 1689, 16-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp82-101 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: April 1689, 16-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp82-101.

"Entry Book: April 1689, 16-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp82-101.


April 1689, 16-30

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
April 16. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to take in loans from any persons to a total of 370,000l. on the credit of the Six Months' Assessment and to levy tallies of loan and to draw orders of repayment with 6 per cent. interest payable quarterly ; the orders to be registered and paid in course : all in accordance with the terms of the Act for said Aid. Money Book X, p. 2.
William Jephson to Mr. Harbord for an account what lands revert to the Crown on the death of the late Duke of Albemarle. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 3.
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners [for Assessing the present Aid] in the town and county of Southampton and Isle of Wight. We have your letter dated Winchester, the 10th inst., being the day fixed for your first general meeting. The printed copy of the Act for this Aid was sent you on the 2nd inst. and was delivered in time by one of the Coroners. But by some mistake you have not appointed your Receiver General as you should have done at that meeting according to the Act. We desire you to do this with what speed you can ; take his securities and send us his name and address. We expect that the Exchequer messenger has delivered you the requisite number of copies of the Act for your use throughout the county. Ibid.
William Jephson to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export to Holland, Customs free, of the clothing of Sir David Collier's Regiment. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 4.
Same to Mr. Harbord to attend the King to-morrow at Hampton Court to give an account what is necessary to be provided for the Forces under your care. Ibid.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe an order of the King in Council, dated Hampton Court, April 15 inst., for a stop to be made of all ships and vessels whatsoever now within or which hereafter shall enter any of the ports or roads of England, Wales and Berwick. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 1.
Treasury reference to Tho. Hall of the petition of Bevis Lloyd, proposing a change of his securities for his office [of Receiver of Crown revenues] in South Wales ; viz. Walter Midleton of Slebech, co. Pembroke, in place of Daniell Williams of Penpont, co. Brecon, in 500l. Reference Book VI, p. 2.
Treasury order for the execution of a warrant dated the 10th inst. by the Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain, to Sir Gilbert Talbot, Master of the Jewel House, for the provision and delivery to each of the eight Serjeants at Arms of a collar of S.S. "as formerly were delivered to them ; the same to be delivered against their Majesties' Coronation." Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 2.
Treasury warrant to Deputy Auditor Robert Humfreys for a particular of the offices of steward of Mevenydd &c. as granted 1685, Dec. 19, to William Hooker and Hector Phillips in trust for John Vaughan, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VIII, p. 460 ; which grant being during pleasure is determined by the accession of their present Majesties : all with a view to a fresh grant thereof to said Hooker in trust for said Vaughan.
Prefixing : said Humfreys' report on said John Vaughan's petition for same. The said offices were formerly granted to petitioner's father, Edward Vaughan, and grandfather, Sir John Vaughan, late Chief Justice of Common Pleas. It is of very small profit.
Ibid, p. 3.
April 17. Royal warrant to the Receipt to issue by way of advance as follows "till such time as letters of privy seal or letters patents can be passed for the regular issuing thereof," viz. 24,950l. 15s. 8d. to the Earl of Ranelagh for the Forces ; 15,000l. to William Harbord for the Forces under his care ; 6,000l. to the Navy Treasurer for the Navy and 8,000l. for the Victualling ; 4,000l. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance ; 500l. to Mr. Lloyd for the Works ; 500l. to the Earl of Portland for the Privy Purse ; 500l. to Hen. Killegrew ; 500l. to Mr. Jephson for secret service. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 36.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a grant [of renewal] to Charles Bertie of the office of Treasurer and Paymaster of the Office of Ordnance : with the fee of 40l. per an. Ibid, p. 37.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to instal the First Fruits of Thomas, Archbishop of York : same to be payable by 362l. 4s. 9½d. in 1690, April 10 ; 362l. 4s. 9½d. in 1691 and 724l. 9s. 7d. in 1692, or in all 1,448l. 19s. 2d. : on the Archbishop's own bond and with the usual clause for ceasing of liability on avoidance. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 37-38.
Same to same for a same to authorise the Treasury Lords to compound fines in the Exchequer ; in the usual form, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VIII, pp. 188-9. Ibid, pp. 38-40.
Royal letters patent appointing Sir John Holt (a Serjeant at Law) to be Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench quam diu vos bene gesseritis.
Sir Robert Atkyns, Knight of the Bath (a Serjeant at Law) as Chief Baron of the Exchequer.
Ibid, pp. 73, 89-90.
April 18. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 140l. to the Lord Privy Seal. Disposition Book VIII, p. 1.
Same to the Earl of Shrewsbury. The business of the quorum of Customs Commissioners was yesterday laid before the King and it is his express pleasure that it be altered from three to four. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 4.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, on payment of Customs, a list of wines etc., detailed (including one nightgown), come from Holland in the John [? of] Bruges yacht, Richard Howlatson (Honwlitson) master : being for the King's use. Ibid.
Same to same to deliver, Customs free, a chest of plate come from Holland for Marshal Schomberg. Ibid, p. 5.
Treasury reference to the Attorney and Solicitor General of the petition of Aaron Smith for the office of Solicitor of the Treasury loco Philip Burton. Reference Book VI, p. 2.
Royal letters patent appointing Sir William Gregory (a Serjeant at Law) as a Justice of Common Pleas. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 105.
April 19. Privy seal to authorise the Treasury Lords to cause payments to be made of the several sums remaining due on the respective orders made and signed by Sidney, Lord Godolphin, Sir John Ernle and Sir Stephen Fox pursuant to the privy seal of Mar. 11 last, supra, p. 5 : in pursuance of which privy seal and of the royal sign manual of Mar. 12 last they issued their warrants and orders for various departmental payments on which issues have been made in part, but the payment of the sums remaining due thereon having been interrupted by the new Treasury Commission ; whereby it is doubted whether such remainders can be paid without fresh authority under the great or privy seal as herein. (Royal warrant, dated April 15, to the Clerk of the Signet for said privy seal.) Ibid, pp. 31-2.
Royal warrant (privy seal) for 25,000l. to William Jephson for secret service, without accompt. (Money warrant dated April 24 hereon. Money order dated April 24 hereon.) Ibid, p. 41. Money Book X, p. 2. Order Book III, p. 4.
Treasury warrant to Visct. Falkland, late Treasurer of the Navy, to pay to Edward Russell, now appointed Treasurer of the Navy, the sum of 1,600l. of the moneys imprested to you [Falkland] at the Exchequer and elsewhere and which now remains in your hands : said sum being to be received by said Russell to answer assignments of the Navy Board agreeable to the uses formerly intended and appropriated. Money Book IX, p. 125 ; X, pp. 1-2.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to forthwith advance 10,000l. to the Earl of Ranelagh, Paymaster of the Forces, in accordance with the King's pleasure. (Same, undated [? April 19], to said Earl. The [? abovesaid] 10,000l., part of the money this week appointed to be advanced to you, is intended for the Dutch Troops. Please pay it to Monsieur Vanderech for them accordingly.) Disposition Book VIII, p. 1 ; VII, p. 51.
Same to the Lord Privy Seal. It is the King's pleasure to have John Wilcocks the younger in the Commisson of Excise and Hearthmoney now passing. The privy seal for this commission is therefore to pass notwithstanding any caveat for Mr. Wilcocks the elder. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 5.
Same to the Customs Cummissioners to permit the transport to Holland, Customs free, of 60 horses for the use of the officers of Col. Fitz Patrick's and Col. Hales's Regiments. Ibid.
Same to same to pass, Customs free, for transport to Holland some bundles of long Western cloths with baize for lining now on board the Hopewell, Nicholas Ashley master ; same being for Col. O'Farrell's Regiment : he not having time enough during his stay in England to make up said cloth for his Regiment and intends to have them made up in Holland. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Neale, Master Worker of the Mint, to provide 28 gold [Coronation] medals of double the value of those which were distributed on Coronation day ; and to deliver same to the Earl of Dorset, to be by him distributed to the Foreign Ministers residing here and other persons as by a list delivered by Sir Cha. Cotterell, Master of the Ceremonies, in accordance with the King's pleasure.
Appending : said list (the Ambassadors Extraordinary from Spain ; United Netherlands (five in number) ; Portugal ; Sweden (old and new) ; Denmark : Resident from Venice ; from Florence : the Emperor's Secretary ; Envoy Extraordinary from Elector of Brandenburg ; from Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel ; from Governor of Flanders : the Agent of Spain : Consul of Genoa : Elector Palatine's Resident : the Luneburg Envoy : twenty persons in all : "probably some others may yet come before the Coronation, for whom there ought to be the same regard. There be also strangers of quality here without public character, which are left to consideration, viz. Marshal Schomberg ; General Spaen and his son ; Heer Staremberg ; Monsieur Blancard ; Count of Carlesson ; Monsieur Bonnett ; Count de Schomberg). Memorandum : last Coronation 27 pair gold medals."
Ibid, p. 6.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to admit Henry Maynard into office as a Teller ; he having given security and taken the oath. Ibid, p. 7.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe an Order of the King in Council, dated Hampton Court, April 18, declaring that the embargo laid on ships by the Order in Council of the 15th inst., supra, p. 83, shall not extend to any of the ships and vessels of his Majesty's subjects dealing in the coal trade at Newcastle and Sunderland and all places between those ports and that all ships and vessels may proceed from those ports on that trade with the usual number of mariners, provided the masters thereof give bond to sail directly to some port in England and to be accountable on their arrival there to the officers of the Admiralty or Customs. Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 1-2.
Treasury warrant to same to deliver, Customs free, the French wines of which two cargoes were imported by Henry Davys to Belfast in Ireland on which he paid full duty there, but being despoiled by the Popish army of a great personal estate and nothing saved [thereof] but 30 hogsheads of claret, which he consigned to his brother, Capt. Hercules Davys, at Chester, ut supra, p. 80. Ibid, p. 3.
April 20. Royal letters patent appointing Sir John Powell (a Serjeant at Law) as a Justice of the Common Pleas quam diu se bene qesserit.
Sir William Dolben (a same) as a Justice of the King's Bench.
King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 85, 103.
Treasury order for the execution (either in toto or for the portions remaining unpaid) of the money orders as follows, viz. of Jan. 22 last for 500l. to Henry Killegrew.
Of Mar. 13 last for 5,000l. to Thomas Neale for the Mint.
Of Mar. 13 last for 10,000l. to Thomas Lloyd for the Works.
Of Mar. 13 last for 400,000l. to the Earl of Ranelagh for the Forces.
Of Mar. 13 last for 200,000l. to Viscount Falkland for the Navy (the unpaid remainder hereof to be issued to Edward Russell, successor to said Falkland as Treasurer of the Navy).
Of Mar. 13 for 30,000l. to Charles Bertie for the Ordnance.
Of Mar. 13 for 10,000l. to Ralph, Lord Montagu, for the Great Wardrobe.
Of Mar. 13 for 4,000l. to Monsieur Overkirke for the Stables.
Of Mar. 13 for 6,500l. to Monsieur William Bentinck for the Privy Purse.
Order Book III, pp. 1-4.
William Jephson to Symon Smith. You are to hire Berkshire House at 200l. for half a year, as you cannot find any [other] house in town affording so much conveniency. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 7.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Before you make any alterations in the officers of Bristol port you are to advise with Mr. Colt, collector of that port. Ibid.
Same to same, enclosing a list of the persons employed by Mr. Trenchard in the Customs and Excise in the West by virtue of a Commission from his present Majesty, dated at Sherborne. You are to report on their fitness for employment, as they have since been displaced without any crime alleged against them, viz. Henry Flory (made collector at Lyme loco Brown, a Papist) ; George Pley (made collector at Weymouth loco Hanford, a Papist) ; Edward Roy (made surveyor ibid. loco Watson, who refused to pay the money in his hands to the present King) ; Giles Kent (made surveyor of imported Excise in Bristol port loco Strong, who deserted) ; James Thornton (restored as landwaiter ibid.) ; William Barnard (made landwaiter ibid.) ; Thomas Smyth (restored as a tidesman ibid. loco a Papist). Ibid, pp. 7-8.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the following petitons, viz. of Customs officers for renewal of their patents [which being only during pleasure expired with the accession of William III] or of applicants for places in the Customs, viz. :
Nicholas Booker, searcher at Hull ; for renewal.
James Pearse, landsurveyor [London] ; for renewal.
Ralph Williamson, comptroller, Newcastle ; for renewal.
Sutton Oglethorpe, searcher, Carlisle ; for renewal.
Freeman House, comptroller, Chichester ; for renewal.
Humphry Fitzherbert for the place of customer outwards, Bristol, in reversion of his father's grant.
John How for same place.
William Christian, customer, Carlisle ; for renewal : cancelled, see infra under date 1689, June 11.
Henry Brabant, customer and collector, Newcastle ; for renewal.
David Bennet for restoration as surveyor of landcarriagemen [London port].
Charles Robertson and George Lloyd for restoration.
Charles Nourse for a landsurveyor's place, London.
John Aldridge for a noontender's place ibid.
Lewis Montgomery for a King's waiter's place ibid.
William Pollard for a landwaiter's place ibid.
George Shuckburgh for one of the five patent searcher's places ibid.
Robert Thorogood for the customer's place, Lynn Regis.
Hugh Nash for a landwaiter's place, London.
Henry Shalcross for a landsurveyor's place [ibid.].
John Lowther for a landwaiter's place ibid.
Humphry Levermore for the place of riding surveyor of the Customs in the four Western counties.
Edward Kirkby for a landwaiter's place, Stockton.
William Jacomb for a landwaiter's place, London.
John Barcroft for the place of inspector of all French contraband goods [ibid.].
Andrew Corbett for the place of Register of Seizures ibid.
John Earle, Register of Seizures, ibid. ; for renewal.
Richard Hutchinson, solicitor of the Customs ; for renewal.
Reference Book VI, pp. 2-5.
Treasury reference to the Auditors of Imprests of the accounts of Sir Thomas Player et al. as Commissioners [about London] for disbanding the Forces [new raised in 1677]. Reference Book VI, p. 5.
Treasury letters patent appointing Aaron Smith as Solicitor for the Treasury ("Solicitor for negotiating and looking after the affairs of their Majesties' Treasury" to solicit and take care of the prosecution and recovery of all debts due to their Majesties except those for the Customs or other matters for which other solicitors are or shall be specially appointed) : loco Thomas Lloyd, gent. : with all the powers of said Lloyd or of Philip Burton, gent., said Lloyd's late deputy : with the salary of 200l. per an. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 2.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant to William Hooker in trust for John Vaughan of the offices of steward of Mevenydd, ut supra, p. 83.
Prefixing : particular and memorandum of said office made out by Deputy Auditor Robert Humfreys.
Ibid, pp. 4-5.
April 21. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 500,000l. to Richard, Earl of Ranelagh, Paymaster of the Forces ; as imprest for the Guards, Garrisons and Land Forces. (Money warrant dated May 16 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated May 16.) (Money order dated May 16 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 40-1. Money Book X, p. 21. Order Book III, p. 10.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to John Berkeley, esq., and Christopher Waters [Walters], gent., of the office of one of the two searchers at Gravesend ; to wit the office lately enjoyed by said Berkeley and William Shaw.
Memorandum : the 7th of June, 1689, the Earl of Nottingham was writ to to have the bill altered by correcting Waters to Walters.
King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 44.
April 22. Royal sign manual (by virtue of the privy seal [see supra, p. 84] of the 19th inst.) for any sums not exceeding 400,000l. in the whole, to William Harbord, esq., as imprest for the pay of the Forces designed for Ireland. Ibid, p. 40.
Money warrant for 12,000l. to William Harbord in part of the abovesaid imprest. (The omission of the entry in the Order Book of the money order on this warrant is probably accidental.) Money Book X, p. 1 ; IX, p. 126.
Treasury reference to Owen Wynn, Mint Warden, Thomas Neale, Mint Master Worker, and James Hoare, Mint Comptroller, of the petition of John and James Roteires for payment of 241l. 4s. 0d. for graving and finishing the broad seal of England. Reference Book VI, p. 4.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the following petitions concerning Customs places, viz. :
Col. William Parsons for a landsurveyor's place [London port] in consideration of ten years' service in a military employ.
Giles Lytcott for renewal of his place as Comptroller General of the [accounts of the] Customs.
Phillip Savage for the place of Solicitor of the Customs.
Charles Bignell for a landwaiter's place, London.
Fran. Southworth for a King's waiter's place, London.
John Lloyd for restoration to his place as Solicitor of the Customs.
Richard Evans for continuance in his place as searcher of Milford port.
Benjamin Spenso (landwaiter at Hull) for a landwaiter's place in London port where his family lives.
David Bennett for restoration to his office as surveyor of the landcarriagemen.
Thomas Penington for the place of Register of Seizures, London port.
Lawrence Corbet for restoration to his place of a King's waiter, London port.
John Kynvin for renewal of his grant of a same ibid.
John Culliford for the office of Surveyor of the Navigation Act.
Thomas Wolstenholme for renewal of his grant as customer of Bridgwater and collector of Minehead (cancelled, see infra, under date July 5).
Lodowick Jackson for some Customs place [in England] during the ill circumstances in Ireland where he has been employed in several capacities in the revenue.
Ibid, pp. 5-6.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of James Frontin et al., praying that 75 ton of wine imported by them in uncertain cask may be gauged ; the Customs officers demanding that they should be entered as terces, hogsheads and puncheons, whereby petitioners would lose 36 gallons in every ton. Reference Book VI, p 5.
April 23. Same to same of the following petitions concerning Customs places, viz. :
Thomas Peirce for restoration to his place as surveyor, Plymouth port.
William Gregory for a landsurveyor's place, London.
George Rodney for a surveyor's place [London].
John Mackley for a landwaiter's place, London.
Robert Hall and Robert Tayer concerning their claim to the office of customer of Chichester port as against Mr. Smith.
Walter Sergeant for a King's waiter's place, London.
John Overing for a same [ibid.].
William Hulme for the place of customer of Chester loco [James] Vernon, deceased.
John Ward for renewal of his patent as a King's waiter, London.
Samuell Wilson for the place of customer and collector of Berwick-on-Tweed loco James Waring.
Benjamin Skinner for renewal of his grant as a patent waiter, London.
Ralph Sindry for a king's waiter's place ibid.
Thomas Tannat for a place as surveyor of the landsurveyors ibid.
Samuell Harris for a surveyor's or jerquer's place ibid.
Henry Lawrence for a landwaiter's place ibid.
James Marshall for the place of customer at Lynn Regis.
Richard Poulter for a jerquer's place, London.
John Fairclough for a landwaiter's place, London.
John Ellard for the place of surveyor, Exeter port.
John Greenway for the place of collector, Lyme Regis port.
Robert Pawling for some Customs place [London].
William Kirkby for a Surveyor General's place [ibid.].
Rose Peterman for a new patent as a King's waiter, London port.
George Tuthill for the place of collector of Exeter port.
James Hooper for the place of Register of Seizures or a searcher's place, London.
William Arnold for a jerquer's place ibid.
Edward Strode for the place of Solicitor of Customs.
Richard Sydenham for a place as customer or searcher, London.
Samuel Somarster for a landwaiter's place, Plymouth port, in which he has served twelve months.
John Nutt for a jerquer's place, London.
Samuell Broughton for a landwaiter's place [ibid.].
Thomas Curtis for a same at Bideford.
Edward Williams for a same at London.
Bedford Whiting for a surveyor's or jerquer's place [ibid.].
Henry Baker for a landwaiter's place [ibid.] loco Bennet Richards, a Papist.
John Topham for a King's waiter's place ibid. loco Mr. Skinner.
Peter Stepkins for the place of customer of Berwick port loco Mr. Wareing.
Josua Wright for a landwaiter's place. London.
John Pickering for the place of Solicitor of the Customs.
Thomas Langley for a King's searcher's place at Ipswich.
Phillip Barker for the office of surveyor of the landwaiters, London.
George Blackburne for a jerquer's place [ibid.].
Edward Mores (Moses) for restoration to his place as collector of Bideford, from which he was removed to Padstow.
Richard Phillips for a King's waiter's place, London.
Isaac Manley for the place of inspector of seizures in the Customs House, London.
James Smith for renewal of his grant as customer of Chichester.
Cornelius Swan for a searcher's place [London] loco Mr. Duke, deceased.
Peter Griffith for a landwaiter's place, London.
Humphry Steare for restoration to his place as Comptroller at Bridgwater.
Samuel Danvers for same to his place as a King's waiter, London.
Thomas Leigh for a landsurveyor's place ibid.
John Partridge for a King's waiter's place ibid.
Daniell Gwyn for a place as collector or surveyor at Penryn or Falmouth ; he having collected the Customs under Mr. Roe for his present Majesty.
Edward Rowe for a landwaiter's place, London.
James Howard for the customer's place, Berwick loco Mr. Wareing.
Samuell Gibbs for a landsurveyor's place, London.
Thomas Mitton for continuance in his place as Comptroller, Hull port.
John Copley for the place of surveyor of [Customs in] the Isle of Man.
Francis Godfrey for renewal of his grant as customer of Lynn Regis.
Thomas Edwards for restoration to his place as a deputy searcher, London.
Roger Clutterbuck for renewal of his grant as searcher of Southampton.
Robert Culliford for same as Comptroller, Southampton port.
Francis Spendlove for same as Comptroller, Yarmouth port.
Thomas Raymond for same as a King's waiter, London.
Christopher Barret for same as searcher, Yarmouth.
John Bennet for the office of solicitor of Customs, or Register of Seizures, or to be a Commissioner of Appeals in Excise.
Thomas Jeffereys for a King's waiter's place, London.
Nathaniell Loddington for a landwaiter's place, London.
John Barroby for a surveyor general's place [London port].
Thomas Lindon for revival of the useful place of examiner of [Customs officers'] securities and for a grant thereof ; together with the prosecution of forfeited bonds.
Paul Calton for a surveyor's place [London].
Isaac Beaulieu for a landwaiter's place ibid.
Christopher Hurt for a same ibid.
John Barksdale for the place of surveyor of Customs [ibid.] or of a Commissioner for Prizes.
Oliver Geery for a surveyor's or landwaiter's place [ibid.]
Humphry Willet for the place of surveyor of the Customs.
Michaell Oatway for a surveyor's or landwaiter's place, London.
Tho. Randoll for a landsurveyor's place, being recommended by the Earl of Shrewsbury.
Charles Stanion for a clerk's place in the Custom House [London].
Thomas Axe for a landwaiter's place [ibid.].
Thomas Currey for a King's waiter's place [ibid.].
Daniell Williams for the place of Comptroller, Bristol port.
William Smith for a landwaiter's place, Dover port.
Lieut. Edw. Harrington for a King's waiter's place, Hull port : being recommended by Marshal Schomberg.
Ibid, pp. 6-12, 15, 28.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Upton, junr., for leave to import 75 pieces of baizes (bayes) from Ireland and to export them to Spain, Customs free. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 8.
Same to same of the petition of Peter and Piere Henriquez, shewing that there is a stop upon all English vessels trading to France and therefore praying permission to import malasses from France in Hamburghers' [vessels] on payment of duty and for permission to transport them into places beyond sea. Ibid, p. 14.
April 24. Royal warrant to Thomas Neale, Master and Worker of the Mint, to give order to John Roettiers, chief Engraver [to the Mint], to prepare all the master puncheons, letters and charges for the gold and silver coins, detailed ut supra, p. 15, and to make dies therefrom "according to such directions as he shall from time to time receive from you." King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 42.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to William Talman of the office of Comptroller of the Works ; as amply as Hugh May or any other predecessor therein. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 42.
Same to same for a same for a grant to William, bishop of St. Asaph, the King's High Almoner, of all personal estates of all felo de se, and of all deodands already forfeited or which hereafter shall be forfeited to the Crown within England and Wales and with the usual powers to himself or his deputies for the disposal thereof : all during pleasure. Ibid, p. 43.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh, Paymaster of the Forces, to imprest 400l. to John Shales for the provision of hay and oats to be put on board for the use of the second Troop of Horse Guards and the King's Royal Regiment of Horse in order to their transportation to Holland.
And likewise to imprest to James Pearse 330l. to be by him distributed to the respective chirurgeons of the Regiments ordered to be sent into Holland ; being for internal and external medicines for the non-commissioned officers and soldiers thereof.
Treasury allowance of the 1689, Lady day quarter's salary bill of the Customs, London port, being 4,128l. 1s. 6d. for established salaries and 156l. 5s. 0d. for additional salaries. (Henry Guy to Thomas Fox, Customs Cashier, to pay 2,000l. towards the said quarter's bill.) Money Book X, p. 3. Disposition Book VIII, p. 1.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the items ut supra, p. 28, under date April 24 (the 2,000l. to Jephson and 140l. to the Speaker being here lumped together as 2,140l. to Jephson for secret service). Disposition Book VIII, p. 2.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe a warrant of the Admiralty Lords, dated April 19 inst., for permitting the ship commanded by Michael Packstow to sail to Berwick with a protection for 12 mariners ; notwithstanding the present embargo ; she having on board arms which are to be carried thither for the use of Col. Hastings' Regiment. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 2.
Treasury warrant to same to employ Roger Jacob (waiter and searcher at Bideford) as a landwaiter in Bristol port loco John Lamplugh, who has quitted the employment. Ibid.
Treasury reference to same of the following petitions, viz. of :—
Philip Mayon for a King's waiter's place, London.
William Jessop for a same loco Mr. Morley or Mr. Skinner.
John Pye for the place of Solicitor of Coast Bonds.
Thomas Lloyd for a landwaiter's place [London].
John Briscoe for the office of Surveyor of the Navigation Act, London, which was executed by one Marshall, a Papist.
Phillip Laxton for a King's waiter's place, London.
Charles Powell for a place as searcher, Bristol port.
Thomas Nicholls for a landsurveyor's place [London].
John Stewart for a same [ibid.].
James Twisden for a same [ibid.].
Damaris Dering, widow, for a same ibid. for her son, her [late] husband having been turned out of said place.
Christopher Franklin for continuance in his place as comptroller of Berwick port.
Capt. Baron for a King's waiter's place, London.
Henry Turner for a place as landsurveyor [London] or surveyor of the wood farm.
John Higgons for a jerquer's place [ibid.].
John Bateman for the place of Solicitor of the Customs.
Andrew Huddleston for the place of collector, Whitehaven port.
Samuell Hayne for the office of Customer of the Petty Customs, London, and surveyor thereof in the outports.
Thomas Porter for a place as surveyor of the landwaiters or landcarriagemen [London port].
Seaborne Buckeridge for a searcher's place ibid.
Chris. Adams for the place of collector, Exeter port.
Edward Young for a landwaiter's place, London.
John Ford for a King's waiter's place [London] or the customer's place of Sussex.
Reference Book VI, pp. 11, 12, 13, 14, 18.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to take Walter Middleton's bond in 500l. as a surety (in lieu of Daniel Williams) for Bevis Lloyd and William Jones for their office of Receiver of Crown revenues in South Wales. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 5.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant to Nicholas Saunderson, eldest son of Visct. Castleton, of the offices of steward and keeper of Courts Leet, liberties and view of frankpledge in the manor and soke of Kirton in Lindsey, co. Lincoln, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, and of all lands and tenements in the said soke : all with the like clauses and exceptions as in the former grant thereof to Sir Willoughby Hickman, bart.
Prefixing : particular of said office by William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Ibid, p. 6.
April 25. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the following petitions, viz. of :—
Ralph Price for a landwaiter's place, Bristol port.
Robert Tubman for the place of collector, Whitehaven port.
John Lyford for the office of surveyor of the landwaiters [London port].
John Sone for a landwaiter's place ibid.
John Custis for a landsurveyor's place ibid.
John Holland for the place of surveyor, Topsham port, "the next vacancy."
Henry Serjeant for the place of surveyor of the landwaiters, London port.
Fairfax Overton for a jerquer's place [ibid.] loco Mr. West, whose patent was during pleasure and who is disabled by age and infirmities.
Alexander Johnson for the place of Solicitor of the Customs.
Hen. Starkey for a landsurveyor's place, London.
Edward Tules for a tidewaiter's place ibid.
Sir John Turner for the place of Comptroller of King's Lynn.
Joseph Leonard for a landwaiter's place, London.
Evan Vaughan for a King's waiter's place ibid.
William Lillingston for a landwaiter's place ibid.
Hugh Bantock for renewal of his patent as a King's waiter, ibid.
Samuell Birch for the patent searcher's place, Bristol port.
Bernard Strode for the collector's place, Chester port, void by Mr. Molineux being a Papist.
John Hawke for a King's waiter's place, London.
John Browne for a landwaiter's place ibid.
Edmund Allen for a King's waiter's place ibid.
Westerne Browne for the place of solicitor of the Customs.
John Watson for a landsurveyor's place [London] loco Mr. Wharton, a Papist.
Cuthbert Best for a landwaiter's place, London port.
Edward Rounsevell for a landwaiter's place at Totnes.
Nicholas Spear for a same at Padstow.
Thomas Harley for a searcher's place at Bristol.
Clement Wakelin for a King's waiter's place, London port.
William Hammond for a same ibid.
Reference Book VI, pp. 12, 13, 14, 15, 17.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Sir John Magill, bart., and James Hamilton, esq., on behalf of themselves and others ; shewing that being forced to fly out of Ireland with such part of their goods as they could get the Customs officers at Whitehaven have seized same and demand Customs thereon. Reference Book VI, p. 18.
April 26. Money warrant for 100,000l. to William Harbord in further part of 400,000l. as imprest for the Forces designed for the service of Ireland : as by the privy seal of the 19th inst., supra, p. 84. (Money order dated April 27 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 5. Order Book III, p. 5.
Same for 1,500l. to George, Duke of Northumberland, for half a year to Christmas last on his annuity or pension out of the Excise. Money Book X, p. 5.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt. There remains in the hands of Mr. Fox, Customs Cashier, the sum of 4,913l. 0s. 3d. in Dutch coin, which he received from the collector at Exeter, who made affidavit that same was collected within the time limited by his Majesty's proclamation concerning Dutch coins. This sum is to be received by the Tellers at the rates specified in the said proclamation. Disposition Book VIII, p. 2.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to Mris. Eliz. Gigou 27 dozen of winter gloves on board the vessel of Mr. Haslewood and 52 dozen and 64 dozen and 30 dozen of Jessamin gloves on board the Bachellier [Bachelor] of London, Thomas Bancks master, the ship Fortune of London, — Francis, master, from Bordeaux, and the Charity of Margate, Humphry Pudner master, from Bordeaux ; same having been seized respectively by Mr. Rafford, Owen George, Mr. Conner and Tho. White, Customs officers. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 8.
William Jephson to Mr. [Auditor] Aldworth to bring to the Treasury Lords forthwith Mr. Hornby's interest account. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 9.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe an Order of the King in Council dated Whitehall, April 25 inst., requiring the Customs officers to seize and secure in all the ports of this realm all ships and vessels appertaining to the subjects of the French King or having goods or effects belonging to them on board, together with all such goods on board or in any of his Majesty's warehouses and all mariners whatsoever that shall be found being subjects of the said [French] King : and to return an account of their proceedings herein to the Privy Council. Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 3-4.
Treasury warrant to same to deliver, Customs free, to Mr. Beecher and Mr. Roper respectively (who have lately fled from Ireland in distress) the Canary wine and the broadcloth which they brought with them respectively to Bristol and Whitehaven port. Ibid, p. 5.
Treasury reference to same of the following petitions, viz. of :—
John Needler for the place of Comptroller of the Great and Petty Customs, London port.
Edward Gross for a landwaiter's place [London port].
Stephen Furly for the office of surveyor of Colchester port.
Thomas Samson for the office of surveyor of Boston port.
Richard Kinnersley for a landwaiter's place [London].
Joseph Hide for a same ibid.
Daniel Lawrence for a King's waiter's place ibid. ; he having been bred in business.
Francis Spring for a landsurveyor's place ibid.
John Whiting for a searcher's place ibid.
Daniel Storer for a landwaiter's place ibid.
Richard Windebanke for a landsurveyor's place ibid.
John Ridges for a surveyor's place ibid.
Tho. Westrowe for a head searcher's place ibid.
Robert Castle for a King's waiter's place ibid.
Joseph Billop for a same ibid.
Edward Clarkson for a same ibid.
Edward Ladkin for a same ibid.
Richard Nitingale for a landwaiter's place ibid.
Nicholas Roope for the place of customer of Exeter.
William Hemster for a King's waiter's place, London.
Tho. Sayer for the next vacancy of a landwaiter's place ibid.
John Rowett for a landsurveyor's place [ibid.].
Tho. Baynard for a landwaiter's place [ibid.].
Tho. Wallis for a same [ibid.].
Thomas Pascall for a searcher's place, Ipswich port.
Richard Knightley for a surveyor's or King's waiter's place [London].
Joseph Webster for a landwaiter's place [London].
John Whetcombe for a King's waiter's place [ibid.].
Isaac Jackson for the place of collector, Bideford port.
William Parsons for a landwaiter's place, London.
William Vaughan for the place of collector, Exeter port.
Thomas Briggs for the office of Comptroller, Lynn Regis port.
Francis Termy for the place of Comptroller, Yarmouth port.
Edmd. Hampden for a King's waiter's place, London.
Giles Child for a surveyor's place ibid.
William Lambard for a King's waiter's place [ibid.].
Rob. Murray for a King's waiter's place ibid.
George Pearce for a landwaiter's place ibid.
John Wheeley for a surveyor's place, Harwich port.
Thomas Pitts for a same [London].
Alexander Dilman for a landwaiter's place ibid.
George Lyman for a same ibid.
Edward Scarbrough for a King's waiter's place [ibid.].
Nicholas Stephens for the place of customer or searcher, Plymouth port.
George Duke for the place of Register of Seizures, London port, or comptroller of Plymouth port.
Roger Mallock for the place of surveyor, Topsham port.
Tho. Cook for restoration to his place of collector of Faversham port.
Tho. Morgan for a King's waiter's place, London port.
Joseph Poole for some small employment in the Customs.
Robert Baxter for a King's waiter's place, London.
John Kellaway for a landwaiter's place [ibid.].
Jonathan Wills for a landsurveyor's place ibid.
William Selby for the office of Comptroller of Berwick.
John Webb for a landwaiter's place [London port].
Reference Book VI, pp. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 28.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Key for delivery of a parcel of wire seized at the Custom House as prohibited which has for some years been permitted to entry as steel wire. Reference Book VI, p. 16.
April 27. William Jephson to same to send an officer to the Venetian Resident's house to seal his goods in order to their transport to Venice. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 9.
Same to same for an account what places are vacant or likely to fall vacant in London port. Ibid.
Same to same to deliver to the Duke of St. Albans' servant some goods arrived in London from Dover for him. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to same to observe an Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, April 26 inst.
Prefixing : said order, concerning the present embargo : (1) that the embargo be taken off from all vessels using the coal trade as well empty ones as others and [such vessels] may be permitted to follow the said trade between any ports in England or Wales : and if the masters of those vessels desire protection for their seamen they may be given to understand same will be granted to them at the Council Board for any number of seamen not exceeding four men for every 100 tons. (2) That the embargo be taken off from all coasting vessels which go from port to port. (3) That it be taken off from all foreign ships except French ships, provided they have not on board any of his Majesty's subjects. (4) That it be taken off from all fishing smacks and other small craft which ply in the rivers, bays and creeks of this kingdom. (5) That it be taken off from all ships returning from Virginia or other parts of the West Indies or from other foreign ports bound for England if they put into any outport by chance or necessity, [on their] giving security to the officers of the Customs that they shall bring their men directly to the port of London or some other port of England.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 4-5.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the following petitions, viz. of :—
Nathaniel Pinney for the place of usher of the Custom House [London].
Richard Culliford for a King's waiter's place, ibid.
Henry Tichborne for a same, ibid.
Henry Lunn for a landwaiter's place, ibid.
John Pranke (Prank) for a place as waiter to the landcarriagemen [ibid.].
Nathan Heckford for a landwaiter's place, London.
John Atherton for a same [ibid.].
John Colledge for a landsurveyor's place, ibid.
Hen. Sclater for the office of Surveyor General of the Customs, void by the death of Mr. Dunstar.
Reference Book VI, pp. 17, 18, 19.
April 29. William Jephson to the Attorney General to give warrant to the Clerk of the Petty Bag for a Commission to Bartholomew Fillingham, Tho. Hall, Edmd. Woodroff, Phi. Ryley, Aaron Pengry and Robert Squibb, junr., to enquire whether the offices of the four messengers of the Receipt of Exchequer formerly granted to Nathaniell Wright, Ezekiell Wright, Benj. King and Geo. Vincent be not forfeited or otherwise become void. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 9.
Same to Mr. [Deputy Auditor] Humphreys for a certificate of what the fees of Courts of Mallaen, Cayo etc. do amount to, as referred to in said Humphreys' report on the Earl of Carbery's petition for several stewardships in Wales, "his lordship having agreed to decline the stewardship of Brecknock." Ibid, p. 10.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to appoint such of their officers as they think fit for executing an Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, April 26 (made upon a representation from the Admiralty Lords) requiring that persons be appointed to take charge of such ships and prizes as shall be seized and taken by his Majesty's subjects and frigates at sea and brought in ; to prevent all embezzlements and abuses. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 5.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the following petitions, viz. of :—
Hum. Randall for a landsurveyor's place, London port.
Tho. Dixon for a tidewaiter's place [ibid.].
Richard Williams for a riding surveyor general's place.
Joseph Durden for a patent searcher's place, London.
Tho. Tickell for the office of customer of Carlisle port.
Richard Butler for continuance in his place of surveyor of Plymouth "and that the patent for the office of customer of Boston port, in which he is joined with his father Jo[h]n Butler, may be renewed in his father's name and the petitioner joined with him, as the present patent is."
Tho. Canon for a King's waiter's place [London].
John Stedman for the place of customer of Bridgwater port.
John Annesley for a King's waiter's place [London].
William Holmes and William Cloake for some employment in the Customs at Folkestone, Hythe or Romney.
George Pearce for a waiter's place in Helford port, co. Cornwall.
William Dewstoe for a landwaiter's place, Falmouth.
John Tucker for the collector's place, Barnstaple port.
John Boyen for a King's waiter's place, London.
John Vile for a landwaiter's place, ibid.
John Hobart for a same ibid.
Reference Book VI, pp. 18, 19, 21, 25, 46.
April 30. Privy seal for 500l. for equipage and 5l. per day as ordinary to William Duncombe, esq., as Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Sweden : said ordinary to be payable quarterly and one quarter thereof in advance : with the usual clause for allowance of his extraordinaries. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 59.
Same for 1,500l. as equipage and 100l. per week as ordinary to Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, as Ambassador Extraordinary to the States General : to be payable etc. ut supra. Ibid, p. 61.
[?] [Treasury allowance of] Richard Kent's bill of charges in passing his accounts as Customs Cashier, viz. for the half year ended 1689, Lady day (total, 870l. 4s. 5d. as sworn to by said Kent April 27 inst. and reported upon by the Auditors of Imprests). Money Book X, pp. 5-6.
April 30. Same of the salary bill, detailed, of the Hearthmoney Office for 1689, Lady day quarter (total, 570l.). Ibid, p. 7.
Same of the same quarter's salary bill, detailed, of the Excise Office (total, 5,079l. 16s. 0d.). Ibid, pp. 8-9.
Treasury order for the execution of a dormant money warrant of 1689 [sic for 1686], May 19, for the several annuities, making in all 30,000l. per an., to the Prince and Princess of Denmark, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VIII, p. 749.
Subscribed in the margin with later similar confirmatory subscriptions of date 1689, Dec. 20, and 1690, April 7.
Ibid, p. 10.
William Jephson to the Farmers of the Royal Oak Lottery to pay into the Exchequer their farm rent now due, reserving thereout so much as is due to the respective pensioners [charged upon said farm rent] until the King's pleasure in this behalf be signified to you. Disposition Book VIII, p. 3.
The Treasury Lords to the [Assessment] Commissioners for co. Dorset. From your letter of the 27th inst. from your general meeting at Blandford we note that you have not appointed your Receiver General. This is one of the principal things you ought to have done, according to the Act [1 William and Mary, c. 3, for the Six Months' Assessment]. As to the smallness of the salary allowed for him we are not authorised by the Act to allow more than 2d. in the £. If further power be given us herein we shall be ready to do it. We therefore desire you to proceed cheerfully in your commission. The full number of copies of the Act has been delivered to Mr. Edwd. Lock, one of the coroners of your county. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 10.
William Jephson to Mr. Parry, enclosing a vote [of the House of Commons of this day, Com. Jour., X, p. 112] for an additional Excise for three years for raising 700,000l. for the Navy. Send me (to my lodgings in Whitehall) your opinion how far such proposal will by a reasonable estimate increase the Excise revenue. Ibid, p. 11.
Same to Mr. Duncombe [as Cashier of Excise] to stop, till further order, the last quarterly payment to Mr. Graham, now prisoner in the Tower. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the following petitions, viz. of :—
John Frederick for a landwaiter's place [London].
William Cheshire for the place of patent searcher, Exeter.
John Stubbs for a jerquer's place, London port.
John Dagg for the collector's place at Padstow.
Stephen Ballew for a surveyor's place, London port.
Thomas Belfeild for a coastwaiter's place, ibid., or elsewhere.
John Jurin for some place in the Custom House.
Robert Hughes for renewal of his patent as a King's waiter, London port.
Joseph White for a King's waiter's place, ibid.
Thomas Workman for restoration to a noontender's place [ibid.].
John Blunt for a tidesman's place [ibid.].
John Harrison and John Norton for a tidesman's and a watchman's place [ibid.].
Bryan Thompson for the place of riding surveyor for Devon and Cornwall.
John Silver for the place of searcher at Bridgwater.
James Roode for the place of landwaiter ibid.
John Wallen for restoration to his place as noontender, London port.
Samuel Heyrick for a King's waiter's place, ibid.
John Osbourne for a riding surveyor's place, Cornwall.
Gilbert Hutchinson for a landwaiter's place [London].
William East for renewal of his grant as searcher of Ipswich.
Richard James for a coastwaiter's place, London.
John Maurice for a landsurveyor's place, ibid.
William Stapehill for a landwaiter's place, Dartmouth.
Reference Book VI, pp. 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of James Barston, William Knight and Thomas Harper on behalf of themselves and others, manufacturers of painted earthenwares in this kingdom ; petitioners shewing that by 3 Edward IV the importation of all earthenwares is prohibited and also by several orders and proclamations : that petitioners are arrived to such perfection in the art of making those wares as to be fit for service, but some few persons endeavouring to monopolise that trade contrived with Sir Nicholas Butler and procured liberty to import them : therefore pray for the law to be enforced. Reference Book VI, p 21.
Same to same of the petition of Bartholomew Vanhomrigh, shewing that being a merchant in Dublin he was forced to fly into England by reason of the dangers approaching that kingdom and brought with him 236 salt hides which he had intended to transport to Holland and did pay Custom thereon at Liverpool : therefore prays leave to transport same to Holland. Ibid.
Same to the Mint Master Worker and Mint Comptroller of the petition to the King from Thomas Wharton, esq., Comptroller of the Household, praying for the sole making of copper or tin farthings and half pence of such values and according to such rates as formerly for the term of five or seven years. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners of the petition of Capt. Robt. Drummond, shewing that Lord Dartmouth seized petitioner's ship Richard and John of Glasgow and made her a fireship ; therefore prays the value of the ship ; said petition having been referred by the King to Mr. Pepys, who reported that it would be to the King's service to buy said ship, being valued at 643l. 14s. 0d., "whereupon the Earl of Shrewsbury signified his Majesty's pleasure to pay for the said ship."
Hereon the Navy Commissioners are to report the value of the ship and "their opinion what they think fit to be done upon the petitioner's request."
Ibid, p. 22.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Beech, master of the ship Shadwell, shewing that he made a voyage to Dublin and thence to Rotterdam and Bruges and returning to Dublin was driven into Weymouth with a lading of copper and hops belonging partly to English and partly to Irish merchants : that the English merchants desire he may break bulk here, but the Irish merchant, who is a Papist and Mayor of Dublin, opposes it : therefore praying that the English goods may be delivered and the rest secured in the King's warehouse. Ibid, p. 23.
William Jephson to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition of Capt. John Grosvenor, setting forth that he had a Troop in the Marquis de Mermont's [Miremont's] Regiment of Horse and his Majesty ordered the arrears of said Regiment to be paid, but the money still remains in the Earl of Ranelagh's office and petitioner is 400l. out of purse in equipping the said Troop. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 13.
Treasury warrant to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, for a particular of the mansion house of Theobalds with the park and all the tenements thereupon built : with a view to a grant thereof to the Earl of Portland and his heirs.
Prefixing. said Harbord's report on the Treasury Lords' request for an account of what lands revert to the Crown by the death of the late Duke of Albemarle for want of issue male. The abovesaid premises are so fallen to the Crown. In the grant in 1661 to the Duke of Albemarle the said premises were rated at 1,749l. 10s. 0d. per an., but I now find that the several rents reserved by the late Duke amount only to 1,767l. per an. in all, but on the improvements made by those tenants the same may be raised to 1,916l. 10s. 0d. per an., "which is the highest value the premises can be valued at."
Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 7.
[?] Treasury order for the execution of a warrant dated April 30 inst., of the Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain, to the Master of the Jewel House to provide and deliver to the Earl of Nottingham, Principal Secretary of State, 1,000 ounces of white plate "as hath been accustomed for a Secretary of State." Ibid, p. 8.
April 30. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Giles Biggs of London, merchant. Petitioner sets forth that he has fitted out two small vessels called the Prosperous, Richard Mocher master, of 70 tons with eight men and a boy, and the Desire, Caleb Barnes master, of 50 tons with six men and a boy, with provisions for the relief of his Majesty's subjects in Newfoundland whereof they are in great want : and therefore praying a pass and protection for said ships. On said petition the Customs Commissioners have reported that the said inhabitants are in want of provisions and this is a seasonable time for sending them : and that petitioner should give bond to carry same only to Newfoundland. Ibid, pp. 8-9.
Same to same from same on the petition of Joseph Hall, commander of an English built ship called the Thomas and Peter of London, belonging wholly to English subjects. Petitioner sets forth that at Havre de Grace he laded for the Straits, but was driven by contrary winds into St. Helens Road, where Carell Vandeputt, Vice-Admiral of Zealand (on information that petitioner was bound for Tholone [Tolen in Zeeland]) seized the ship and carried her into Portsmouth, where she is still detained by the Admiralty officers : therefore praying a discharge and satisfaction for any embezzlements of tackle and lading. Hereon the Customs Commissioners do report that said ship was bound to Tholone with her lading on accompt of the French King. Ibid, pp. 9-10.