Entry Book: June 1690, 21-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: June 1690, 21-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp715-726 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: June 1690, 21-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp715-726.

"Entry Book: June 1690, 21-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp715-726.


June 1690, 21-30

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 21. [Same] to the Auditor of the Receipt to receive from Mr. Robson 3,000l. which he will lend on credit of the last [Second] Poll. Disposition Book VIII, p. 178.
Same to same to issue to the Treasurer of the Navy, for the Victuallers, the 280l. 3s. 2d. lent or to be lent by Mr. Hudson on credit of the Additional 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 5] : same to be paid over by the Victuallers to John Bennit for pork furnished towards victualling the Navy. (Same to Mr. Stephens [Cashier to the Navy Treasurer] to so pay same to the Victuallers.) Ibid, p. 179.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing the petition [missing] of Nath[aniel] Francklin, late collector of Deal port, praying restoration, together with certificates etc. thereto. You are to restore him to that employment. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 314b.
William Jephson to the Customs Commissioners. You have not yet delivered to Monsieur de Bruse the linen seized at Harwich, ut supra, p. 622. You are to forthwith deliver it. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 314b.
May 22
[probably erratum for June 22].
Treasury warrant to Thomas Fox, Customs Cashier. The Receivers of Taxes demand that in the [case of the officers of] the port of London the present taxes of 2s. and 12d. in the £ [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1 and c. 5] be paid at one entire payment for the whole year. To the officers of the Customs who hold during pleasure this proves very unequal if not impracticable, it often falling out that they die or are removed in one quarter. The Customs Commissioners have therefore desired us, the Treasury Lords, to advance the money for said taxes for such officers holding during pleasure and that same be defalced by four quarterly payments out of their salary as it becomes payable and so pro rata for those that serve a lesser time, whereby each officer will equally bear his proportion of tax and where an interval occurs between death or removal and the admission of a successor that the tax for said interim period [be paid out of the salary saved to the King by the interim]. We agree thereto and you are hereby to act accordingly. Money Book X, p. 404.
June 23. Money warrant for 3,000l. to William Smith, esq., Receiver and Paymaster for the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners ; for half a year to Lady day last to said Band : to be satisfied out of loans on the Customs. (Money order dated June 25 hereon.) Ibid, p. 396. Order Book III, p. 99.
Treasury warrant to Richard Kent, late Cashier of Customs, and to the Cashier thereof and Comptroller thereof for the time being and to the Auditors of Imprests to pay and allow in account the allowance of 12d. per £ to the officers of the Customs for collecting the Coinage Duty money, viz. 4d. per £ to each receiver in London port and each collector in the outports ; 4d. per £ to the Comptroller General of the Accounts of the Customs ; and the remaining 4d. to the Receiver General and Cashier of Customs : the said allowance being authorised by the Act of 1 James II [c. 7] and having been previously allowed 1674, Sept. 23, by Treasurer Danby, "and since by warrant from the Treasury." Money Book X, pp. 396-7.
William Jephson to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue to Charles Fox and Thomas Coningesby, Paymasters of the Forces in Ireland, the 2,041l. 15s. 0d. which Mr. William Scawen and Mr. Henry Cornish will lend into the Exchequer on the unappropriated part of the Excise : same is to be by them applied to pay for clothes furnished by said Scawen and Cornish for the soldiers in Ireland, according to an account attested by the Honble. Col. Godfrey. Disposition Book VIII, p. 179.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. I have read to my Lords yours of the 21st, per Mr. Sansom, your secretary, desiring orders for the settlement of officers for the guard of the Kentish coast. My Lords recommended to you Capt. Furlong for one of those officers, but you have made no return thereto. This has hindered the passing of those warrants. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 314b.
William Jephson to the King's Remembrancer, Treasurer's Remembrancer, Clerk of the Pipe, Comptroller of the Pipe, Auditors of the Revenue and their deputies and secondaries. The Receivers General of the Aids and Taxes of divers counties complain of your great delays in passing their accounts and that you exact great fees of them. You are forthwith to despatch the accounts before you and to transmit to my Lords a table of the fees you so demand of them ; and by what authority you demand same. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 315.
The Treasury Lords to Sir Eliab Harvey and the rest of the [Assessment] Commissioners for the division of Unger [Ongar], co. Essex. We referred to the Agents for Taxes the account of the 149l. paid to Mr. Wroth, one of your number [being money received] upon the Additional Poll. We enclose the Agents' report [missing] thereon. As Mr. Rich, the receiver [for your county], has hitherto acquitted himself well in paying his moneys into the Exchequer, we think that what the Agents propose will be most conducible for the King's service. We have no reason to doubt that the receiver will conform himself to his duty. Ibid.
[William Jephson] to Mr. Blathwayte to prepare royal warrants to allow upon the account of the Paymasters of the Forces in Ireland the 550l. for surtout coats furnished by Philip Coleby by contract with the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland : same being to be reimbursed to the King by deductions out of the soldiers' pay. Ibid.
Same to same for the like for 2,041l. 15s. 0d. to be paid by said Paymasters to William Scawen and Henry Cornish for clothing by them delivered to Col. Tallmash and Col. Godfrey. Ibid, p. 316.
Same to same for the like for 386l. 3s. 2d. to be paid by the Earl of Ranelagh [as Paymaster of the Forces, England] to Lord Lucas and Col. King, viz. 270l. 5s. 5d. to Lord Lucas on his 700l. per an. as Governor of the Tower and 115l. 17s. 9d. to Col. King on his same of 300l. per an. as Deputy Governor thereof : being for 141 days, 1688, Dec. 11 (the time of their appointment), to 1689, May 1 (the date when the said salaries or allowances were inserted on the establishment of the Army). Ibid, p. 318.
[Same] to Mr. Thompson. The Irish Revenue Commissioners inform my Lords that you have in your hands the transcripts of the records and charge of all rents due to the Crown [in Ireland]. You are to attend and give them your assistance [in that matter] in Ireland. Ibid, p. 315. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 29.
Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Ann Morris, widow of Andrew Morris, deceased, praying payment of 111l. 6s. 0d. due to him for hire of a vessel called the Happy Returne, employed in the service of the Ordnance. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 316.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Alexander Newman as tidesman, Bristol port, loco John Cary, deceased.
Richard Shepard as a same, Newcastle port, loco William Shepard, lately deceased.
John Jones as landwaiter, Plymouth port, loco Henry Glisson, who has deserted the service.
John Turnpenny as boatman at Hurst in Cowes port loco Peter Richard, disabled by the loss of both his hands in the firing of a gun on the 5th of November last.
Chidley Brooke as collector of Customs at New York loco Mathew Plowman, dismissed, being a Papist.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 161.
Treasury reference to Charles Fox of Mr. Chudleigh's memorial (as referred to the Treasury Lords by order of the 20th inst. of the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland) ; petitioner desiring payment of 1,000l. in part of 2,300l. due to several tradesmen for furnishing with clothing and accoutrements the Royal Regiment of Dragoons now in Ireland under Col. Heyford. Reference Book VI, p. 196.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Holmes, praying a tidesman's place, London port, he having served for four years there as weigher and watchman extraordinary. Ibid.
Same to same of Samuell Bushell's petition for a landwaiter's place, Bristol port, loco Mr. Greens, lately deceased. Ibid, p. 199.
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners of the Great Seal in Ireland. The Irish Revenue Commissioners have proposed to us that if at the time of their arrival in Ireland there be any lands or other effects of the rebels in the dispose of the King or if any shall [here]after happen to come into the King's hands, care may be taken not to grant custodiams thereof or to make other disposal thereof to any person whatsoever but such as the said Revenue Commissioners shall first agree with for the same and where they shall thereupon give certificates of such agreements. We conceive this to be for their Majesties' service and recommend it to you to take effectual care that no grants [of such lands or effects] be made but in such method as above. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 29.
June 24. William Jephson to Mr. [Stephen] Evance. You are to satisfy the tallies of pro for 30,000l. which were struck on you as Receiver of the Poll money for London, Middlesex and Westminster "as fast as the said Poll money shall come to your hands and can be applied thereto." Disposition Book VIII, p. 179.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to forthwith pay into the Exchequer 400l. of Excise money. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh [as Paymaster of the Forces] to report on the enclosed petition of John Clancy, a prisoner in Newgate [as referred to the Treasury Lords] by Order of Council ; petitioner praying that the fine of 100l. lately set on him may be discounted out of the money due to him as agent to Col. McElicot's Regiment. Send my Lords a state of said debt. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 316.
June 25. Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies of pro or assignment to be levied on the respective Receivers of the last [Second] Poll [2 Wm. and Mary, c. 2] as follows, in repayment of the 32,000l. which Charles Duncomb has lent this day into the Exchequer on credit of said Poll : viz. : for 5,000l. on said Duncomb himself as Receiver thereof for co. Surrey ; 5,000l. on Gilbert Spencer as ditto for Kent and Canterbury ; 4,000l. on Nathaniel Rich as ditto for co. Essex ; 3,500l. on Charles Goodwin as ditto for co. Sussex ; 2,000l. on John Newsham as ditto for co. Warwick and Coventry city ; 1,500l. on Thomas Truman as ditto for co. Notts ; 4,000l. on Robert Chaplin as ditto for co. Suffolk ; 2,000l. on Joseph Cradock as ditto for co. Leicester ; 2,500l. on Thomas Doyly as ditto for co. Southants and Isle of Wight ; 2,500l. on said Doyly as ditto for co. Oxford. Said tallies are to be delivered to said Duncombe and thereon his tallies of loan are to be taken in and vacated. (Treasury letters dated June 27 [from William Jephson] to the said Receivers to satisfy the said tallies as fast as the Poll money comes to their hands : viz. for the sums respectively Nos. 2-9 inclusive as above.) Money Book X, pp. 399-400. Disposition Book VIII, p. 182.
Same to same for like tallies on the Receiver of First Fruits for 500l. to Aubery, Earl of Oxford, for last June 24 quarter on his pension. Money Book X, p. 400.
Money warrant for 121l. 13s. 4d. to John Dormer for one year, 1688, Mar. 25, to 1689, Mar. 25, on his fee of 6s. 8d. a day as Assistant to the Master of the Ceremonies, as by the letters patent of the late King James and by the dormant patent of their present Majesties dated 1689, April 8, for said fee. (The like for 121l. 13s. 4d. to same for one year thereon to 1690, Lady day.) Ibid, pp. 400, 401.
Same for 200l. to Sir Charles Cottrell, Master of the Ceremonies, being for two years to 1690, Lady day, on his annuity or yearly sum in lieu of all allowances by bills out of the Treasury of the Chamber. (Money order dated June 26 hereon.) Ibid, p. 401. Order Book III, p. 100.
Same for 400l. to same for same two years on his salary as Master of the Ceremonies. Money Book X, p. 401.
Treasury warrant to the Receiver and the Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall to pay 75l. to Nicholas Courtney for 1¼ years to Lady day last on his fee or salary as Attorney General of the Duchy of Cornwall : with dormant clause for said fee in future. Ibid, p. 402.
Money warrant for 1,372l. 10s. 0d. to Thomas Felton and William Chiffinch, Master of the Hawks, for one year to June 24 last [inst.] on their respective fees of 182l. per an., 30l. per month and 800l. per an. : to be satisfied out of any unappropriated moneys in the Exchequer "or by levying tallies on the collectors of the Tenths of such dioceses as shall be desired." Ibid.
Same for 3,000l. to Thomas Robson in repayment of loan to that amount made into the Exchequer the 21st (26th) inst. on credit of the last [Second] Poll : to be paid out of the moneys of said Poll with 6 per cent interest. (Money order dated June 26 hereon.) Ibid, p. 402. Order Book III, p. 99.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Excise for 1,087l. 10s. 0d. to the Duke of Southampton ; 337l. 10s. 0d. thereof to complete 1685, Lady day quarter, and 750l. for the succeeding quarter on his pension of 3,000l. Money Book X, p. 403.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to me [Jephson] for secret service the 400l. which the Excise Commissioners are directed to pay into the Receipt ; and likewise 640l. to me for same out of the 32,000l. lent or to be lent by Alderman Duncomb on credit of the Exchequer in general. Disposition Book VIII, p. 180.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to pay 5,000l. to Nathaniel Hornby in full of his tallies on the Excise ; to wit 1,000l. thereof forthwith and the remainder by 1,000l. a week from this time. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of loans to be made by Col. Godfrey or his procurement on credit of the Customs) 3,580l. 13s. 4d. to the Earl of Ranelagh [Paymaster of the Forces] ; "the same being intended to clear Col. Godfrey's Regiment to the 1st of January last." Ibid.
Same to same to issue 18,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy on any unsatisfied orders in his name [for the Navy] : same to be satisfied out of such loans as shall be made by said Treasurer or his Cashier on credit of the Customs : and my Lords "desire that no further payment of the weekly sum of 6,000l. be made to the said Treasurer of the Navy out of the loans on the said Customs." Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Hasten your report on Thomas Rastell's petition for a lease of the Customs of potashes etc., ut supra, p. 645. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 316.
Same to Edw. Strode. My Lords are informed that by some undue practices you have gotten into your custody some goods distrained for non payment of the 2s. and [Additional] 1s. Aids, to the great prejudice and loss of those who bought the said goods, and have also very much obstructed the service by suing and threatening several officers and others concerned in the collection of said tax. You are to attend the Treasury Lords hereon on Friday next as you will answer the contrary. Ibid, p. 317.
Same to the undersheriff for co. Somerset to attend my Lords as above for obstructing the service by granting replevin for goods distrained for taxes and by otherways discouraging the officers. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners establishing 11 tidesmen and boatmen as follow in Dover port at a salary of 20l. per an. each and 18d. a day by incidents when employed ; making a total establishment of 220l. for salaries and an estimated 80l. per an. for such incidents, or 300l. in all ; whereby 65l. per an. will be saved on the present establishment of said port, which consists of 10 tidesmen employed by incidents at 2s. a day each, whereof five are sent alternately to Folkeston, Hythe and Romney, which amounts to 365l. per an. : all as proposed by the Customs Commissioners' memorial of the 12th inst. The 11 officers hereby established are to be as follows, viz. Robert Davies, Robert Rigden, Thomas Naylor, John Lecandle, Thomas Hopkins, Thomas Taunton, William Monger, John Tooth, John Burton, Michaell Symonds and John Ruck. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 162.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners establishing eight riding officers for the guard of the Kentish coast (to prevent the carrying of wool into France and bringing over uncustomed and prohibited goods by the French privateers) : at a salary of 60l. per an. each as in lieu of the two sloops now employed : said officers to be David Russen and Thomas Hatton at Lydd ; Henry Broadly and Edward Anderson at Romney ; John Knight and Edward Furlong at Hythe and William Whatton and Robert Underwood at Folkeston : to be removed or exchanged from one station to another as may be found convenient : by which method 1,008l. 4s. 0d. per an. will be saved out of the establishment of said two sloops, the present charge of which is 1,488l. 4s. 0d. per an. : viz. the sloop Enquiry, Peter Knight commander, who by a Treasury warrant of 1689, June 11, had an addition of eight men to his complement of 11 men and a boy ; and the Observator sloop, John Knight commander, who by the same warrant had 20 men added to make his complement 30 men. The present warrant is by reason of the Customs Commissioners' memorial of the 12th inst. based on the report of Mr. Breton, customer and collector of Dover, and Mr. Colchester, surveyor, who was sent to inspect the several ports in Kent and Sussex, to the effect that the great number of French privateers upon the coast have in effect rendered both the said sloops useless, which (though they generally keep together) are not strong enough to prevent the said privateers from bringing over prohibited goods. Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 162-3.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of William Smith, shewing that when he was dismissed his employment he was indebted 227l. to the King, which by reason of losses neither he nor his securities can pay ; that he has since paid 100l. thereon and is now in gaol and cannot pay the remainder, but if discharged might have some hopes to pay it : therefore prays a discharge [out of gaol]. Reference Book VI, pp. 196-7.
June 26. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of any unappropriated moneys in the Exchequer, viz. : Disposition Book VIII, pp. 181-2.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh to pay a bill from Holland 20,900 0 0
to ditto for a week's subsistence [of the Forces, England] 6,666 19 6
to Mr. Bertie [Treasurer of the Ordnance] to be paid to Monsieur Goullon, by the King's order 400 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Sick and Wounded 2,000 0 0
to ditto for the Victuallers, to answer Mr. Hern's bills drawn from the Straits 1,810 18 4
to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby for 11 days' subsistence to the Regiments of [the Duke of] Bolton, Viscount Castleton and [Sir George] St. George ; 281l. 3s. 3d. each 843 9 9
to ditto to bal[ance] Visct. Castleton's recruits 194 16 8
to ditto to be returned to Alderman Prescott in satisfaction of what he has paid to Mr. Watts at Liverpool 156 5 6
to ditto for James Stuart, master of the Friendship of Londonderry, for freight and charges in carrying arms for the use of that garrison, in pursuance of the Order of Council of Jan. 2 last 196 0 0
to ditto for several officers at half pay in part of 617l. due to them from Jan. 1 to May 1 last 308 10 0
to ditto to enable Capt. Gardner to go into Ireland 25 0 0
to ditto for Capt. Rolston, the like 35 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Forward, pursuant to the Queen's Order in Council of the 24th inst., to enable him to attend the King as High Sheriff of the county of Donegal in Ireland 100 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Butts, Commissary of the Danish Forces, for his equipage 100 0 0
to [ditto for] Mris. Fleming for the freight of a ship 131 4 0
to the Earl of Portland for the gardens 700 0 0
to the Treasurer of Christ's Hospital, due at Christmas last 370 10 0
"what my Lord Ranelagh's order will not bear [out of the above payments to him] you are desired to issue him by advance."
June 27. Money warrant for 370l. 10s. 0d. to the Treasurer of Christ's Hospital for one year to Christmas last on the annuity to the Mayor etc. of London for the better support of the children of that foundation. Money Book X, p. 404.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 400l. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance out of the first unappropriated money that shall come into the Exchequer : to be for sending powder to Portsmouth and other services to be performed "there" [in the Office of Ordnance]. Disposition Book VIII, p. 182.
Same to the Commissioners of the Privy Seal. You have stopped the passing of the patent for erecting the Office of Comptroller of the Accounts of the Treasurer of the Chamber until Sir Rowland Gwynne can be heard. The King gave directions for the patent on the Treasury Lords' representations that it would be for their Majesties' service. The service is immediately concerned in the speedy settling of that Office. My Lords therefore desire you to pass the patent. If Sir Rowland Gwynn applies to my Lords they will hear him before they constitute the Comptroller. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 318.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. Mr. Russell [the Navy Treasurer] has transmitted to my Lords yours of the 25th inst., in which you desire 600l. to satisfy a bill of exchange drawn by Capt. Killigrew on you for brimstone bought for the use of the Navy. My Lords expect that said bill be paid out of the money already allotted for the service of the Navy. Ibid.
William Jephson to Mr. Laycock, enclosing the Earl of Clare's memorial [missing] for a grant of 3,000 trees out of Birkland and Bilhagh in Sherwood Forest, towards building his house at Haughton and making a park there. The King is pleased to grant his request. You are to survey the said trees and report thereon to my Lord. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 319.
Same to John Aldridg, John Herring, William Sexton and Richard How for their answer forthwith to the enclosed petition [missing] of Mris. Elizabeth Ball, which complains against you for entering into her apartment in his Majesty's Timber Yard at Windsor and distraining her goods for parish duties, which have not been demanded there for many years, and is an encroachment upon the liberties and privileges of their Majesties' palace there. By what authority have you so done? Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Attorney and Solicitor General of the form of a commission for sede vacante collectors and receivers of the temporalities of the bishops who have not taken the Oaths as by the Act of 1 Wm. and Mary, c. 8, and have thereby become ipso facto deprived. You are to report your opinion whether such a commission may be lawfully issued.
Prefixing : said form.
Reference Book VI, pp. 197-8.
Same to Aaron Smith of the petition of John Hunt, citizen [of London], shewing that one William Pestell, late of London, goldsmith, about 12 years since became indebted in 50l. on bond to petitioner and by original writ was thereon outlawed in the Court of Common Pleas ; whereupon a writ of special capias utlagum was directed to the sheriff of Middlesex in 1st James II and by virtue thereof the sheriff found by inquest that Pestell was entitled to the remainder of a term in a close or parcel of land in St. Giles in the Fields, co. Midd., value 100l. : whereupon a writ of Venditioni exponas issued from the Exchequer and thereon Sir Benjamin Thoroughgood and Sir Thomas Kinsey, sheriffs of Middlesex, about July, 1686, sold same to Robert Saunderson, bricklayer, and received 100l. for same, and have the same ready to return into the Exchequer : therefore petitioner prays that said sum may be paid him towards his said debt and his costs. Ibid, pp. 198-9.
June 28. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Treasurer of the Navy, on any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of the Navy, the 20,000l. which will be lent into the Exchequer in the name of said Treasurer or of his Cashier on credit of the Customs : said sum being to be applied to the Victualling. Disposition Book VIII, p. 183.
Same to Sir John Morgan. The Earl of Nottingham has sent to my Lords yours of the 25th inst., in which you desire an allowance for the subsistence of the prisoners at Chester. Please send my Lords a list of the several prisoners and their qualities, for whom subsistence is desired. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 319.
William Jephson to Mr. Williamson. I have read to my Lords yours of the 25th inst. from York. You are to get together with all imaginable speed what money you can upon the Poll Act [the Second Poll, 2 Wm. and Mary, c. 2] and the Review of the [First] Poll [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 7] and pay same to Sir Joshua Allen at Chester. Take his receipt for same and it shall be allowed in your accounts. Let my Lords know the shortest day you can pay this money at Chester and how much you can get together to pay there. If you cannot get [bills for] returns for the money that shall come in upon your receipt you are to take care that it be safely conveyed [by road under sufficient guards], the Poll [receipts], to Chester and [the receipts of the 2s. and 12d. Aids or] the 3s. per £, to the Exchequer. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 319.
Treasury reference to the Auditor concerned of the petition of Stephen Godfrey for renewal of his grant under the Exchequer seal of the office of bailiff and collector of the late Monastery of St. Mary, near York city, and of the manor of Whitgift and Armin. Reference Book VI, p. 199.
Same to Mr. Fox [as a Paymaster of the Forces in Ireland] of the petition of Col. Baldwin Leighton, praying payment of his half pay which he formerly received from Mr. Harbord, but since his [Harbord's] removal hath had none paid him. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Walter Tredenham for a place as deputy officer to seize uncustomed and prohibited goods ; petitioner being well versed in the business of the Customs and being sensible that from connivance or neglect goods are imported contrary to law and are run without paying Customs. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Harbord, as auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall, of the petition of John Oliver for a new lease of a tenement in Boyton, parcel of said Duchy. Ibid, p. 201.
June 30. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,000l. to Charles Bertie on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Treasurer of the Ordnance : to be satisfied by tallies on the Customs of Hull port : same to be applied towards what is due to John Fitch for work done about the fortifications at Hull. Money Book X, p. 405.
William Jephson to same to issue (out of the money lent or to be lent by James Gray, esq., on credit of the Customs) 200l. to the Earl of Ranelagh to be paid over to Col. King "to enable him to put himself into their Majesties' service" in Ireland. (Same to said Earl to so pay same pursuant to an Order of Council.) Disposition Book VIII, pp. 182, 183.
Same to same to issue 50l. to Mr. Kein and 100l. to Sir Samuell Moreland and his son ; out of the small branches of the revenue reserved for officers and messengers. Ibid, p. 184.
Same to same to issue 108l. 6s. 8d. to Sir Rowland Gwynn (out of the money reserved in the Exchequer for Sir Rowland Gwynn) : to be by him paid over to the Lord Almoner in full of what is due at Christmas last on his allowance of 500l. per an. (Same to said Gwynn to so pay same.) Ibid.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Earl of Ranelagh by way of advance the 5,111l. 11s. 4d. which the Earl of Bath will lend or cause [procure] to be lent into the Exchequer on credit of the Customs : same to be applied to clearing the Earl of Bath's Regiment to Jan. 1 last. Disposition Book VIII, p. 184.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Thomas Gate as waiter and searcher at Mindrim in Berwick port loco Henry Rutledge, lately dismissed.
Robert Barnes as landwaiter, Bristol port, loco James Collins, who relinquishes.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 164.
Treasury fiat for royal letters patent to constitute Christopher Francklyn, gent., as Comptroller of Berwick port, being the post already held by him. Ibid, p. 167.
Treasury reference to the Attorney General of a draft commission for constituting Francis Parry as a Commissioner of Excise with Sir Henry Ashurst et al. Reference Book VI, p. 200.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of William Christian, solicitor for the 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20] in the county and city of York and Durham, Northumberland, Westmorland, Cumberland, Newcastle and Berwick, praying an allowance for his extraordinary expenses therein ; he having made the tax produce several thousand pounds more than would otherwise have arisen and been at great expense in buying and keeping horses, and most of them spoiled, and riding many difficult and hazardous journeys all the winter in getting the moneys of said tax duly assessed and collected and in inspecting the books of assessments and the books of the Receiver General of the said respective places. Ibid.
Same to Charles Fox [as a Paymaster of the Forces, Ireland] of the petition of the clothiers of Lord Lovelace's Regiment ; shewing that their whole debt for clothes and accoutrements for said Regiment was 2,738l., the payment for which out of the offreckonings began 1690, May 1, which in May, June, July and August have yielded 922l. 15s. 1½d., thus leaving 1,815l. 10s. 1d. still due ; and further that there is due to William Vanburgh for the clearing of particular officers [the sum of 328l. 11s. 3d. and also] 48l. 13s. 0d. for contingencies, or in all 2,192l. 14s. 4d. : therefore praying payment thereof. Ibid, p. 201.
Same to Brooke Bridges and Thomas Done of Mr. Wharton's account for horses bought for his Majesty's service in Ireland : viz. charge 19,717l. 8s. 0d., discharge 21,504l. 2s. 8d. ; surplusage 1,786l. 14s. 8d. Ibid.
Same to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Edward Carter, shewing that for several years he was entrusted in the returning of Excise and Hearth tax moneys in cos. Bucks, Oxford, Herts and Beds and always complied very exactly with his payments until lately by reason of his decay in the world and some misfortunes he became unable to pay several sums of the King's moneys which he had received, amounting to 726l., viz. 420l. charged on him by Thomas Bird, Excise collector in cos. Oxford and Bucks, 230l. by William Hornby, ditto in cos. Herts and Beds, and 76l. by Mr. Fletcher, a collector of Hearthmoney in the three Hundreds of Newport, co. Bucks : that an extent has been executed on him for same and all his goods seized and he imprisoned in the common gaol at Ailesbury and thereby he was left without a shilling to keep his wife and children, having before lived well and in good repute with all men : that there is no possibility of recovering a penny more from him while he remains in prison, therefore praying to be set at liberty to enable him to keep his family from perishing and to pay his debt to the Crown. Ibid, p. 202.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 101l. 7s. 0d. to me [Jephson] for secret service, "which sum is part of the loan made by Mr. William Churchill upon the Customs, and directed by my letter of the 7th inst. to be reserved in the Exchequer for their Lordships' disposal." Disposition Book VIII, p. 190.