Minute Book: December 1689

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Minute Book: December 1689', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp70-78 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Minute Book: December 1689', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp70-78.

"Minute Book: December 1689". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp70-78.


December 1689

Dec. 2. Present : ut supra.
Sir Jo. Parsons and Sir Richard Haddock are called in upon a letter from the Committee of Plantations touching the provisions ordered for the soldiers for Nevis requiring 1,530l. [the said sum] remaining unpaid ; and some dispute arising whether the ship that was agreed with to carry the provisions had room for the stowage Haddock and Parsons were ordered to enquire into the matter and report to my Lords to-morrow morning.
[Ibid, p. 163.]
Dec. 3. Present : ut supra.
In pursuance of an Order in Council of Nov. 28 it is ordered that 500l. be paid to Mr. Harbord to be by him paid over to John Magridge to be by the latter laid out in coals for the use and relief of the Mayor, commonalty and citizens of Londonderry.
Ordered that 1,530l. be issued to Sir Jo. Parson et al. for paying for the provisions for the Regiments now going to Nevis.
Speak to the Commissioners of Excise and Customs to order their officers to furnish the Victualling officers with money and to draw bills on the Victuallers of the Navy as formerly.
Write the Customs Commissioners to dismiss Nathaniel Francklyn, Customs collector at Deal.
Afternoon : present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Write the Customs Commissioners to attend on Friday afternoon next on the Order of Council of the 21st ult., which required the Treasury Lords to hear the merchants and others concerned touching the payment of aliens' duties upon exportations. Desire the said Commissioners to send to such merchants and others concerned therein to attend then.
Mr. Ant. Rowe to attend on Friday afternoon next.
The Excise Commissioners called in with Sir Vere Fane and Mr. Farthing. My Lords told the Commissioners they sent for them upon a letter from said Fane and partners desiring a more general order for an enquiry from 1677 [onwards] into the books and papers of the Excise. The Commissioners answered that they thought the orders they gave pursuant to my Lords' first direction were very full and they are ready to give any other orders desired or commanded ; and though the accounts from 1677 to 1683 have been sufficiently examined, audited and passed and discharges thereon given under the broad seal, yet if they [Fane et al.] would inspect from 1677 or 1687 they are content and it shall be in what method Vere and his partners desire and any difficulty shall be removed on their application. Thereupon it was agreed and ordered that they should look back for what time they please.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 164.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, pp. 136, 137.]
Dec. 4.
Present : the King ; all my Lords.
Ordered by the King that 1,800l. be paid to Mr. Fotherby at York to be by him paid over to the Duke of Würtemberg "and is to be deducted out of the last payment that is to be made to the King of Denmark for his Forces sent over for the service of Ireland."
The Lords of the Committee for Regulating the Musters, Pay etc. of the Army were called in. What they had agreed at their former meetings to be proposed to the King was read "and his Majesty's answer to the same is written in the margent." The King was further pleased to order as follows :—
The certificate for a sick soldier shall be signed by the Major, Adjutant, Surgeon and the two eldest Captains upon the place in whose Company the soldier is not ; or any three of them.
The certificate for an absent man is to be signed by the Officer Commanding in Chief and the two eldest Captains present are to attest it. "And the King will not allow the two usual furloughs."
The King will allow the officers the pay of the servants as formerly, but the servants shall not appear in the ranks, but stand by their officers at the time of the muster.
Ordered by the King that the proceedings in this Committee be transcribed and signed by the Lords of the Committee and offered to the King in Council.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 165.]
Dec. 5.
Treasury Chambers, Whitehall.
Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Sir Jo. Parsons to attend to-morrow afternoon.
Write the Excise Commissioners to send word by this night's post to their officers at York and places adjacent to forthwith pay to Thomas Fotherby, esq., any sum not exceeding 1,800l. for purposes ut supra, p. 71 ; the officers taking said Fotherby's receipt and drawing bills on James Herriott, goldsmith, as usual.
Write the Agents for Taxes to similarly write the respective receivers in North Wales, Staffordshire, Cheshire, Shropshire and Lancashire to forthwith pay to Sir Joshua Allen at Chester (to be by him sent over to Mr. Harbord in Ireland) all moneys they have or shall receive upon account of the 12d. subsidy. The said officers are to take said Allen's receipt and to draw bills on Mr. Herriott, ut supra.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 166.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 138.]
Dec. 6. Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir Hen. Capell.
The Lords of the Committee for Regulating the Musters etc. of the Army are desired to attend my Lords next Monday afternoon to adjust the report touching these matters to be presented to the King.
Write Mr. Sanson to give my Lords notice when the [Customs] Commissioners will be ready to attend touching the matter of the Aliens' Duties.
Ordered that 10,000l. be issued to Mr. Herriott in part of his memorial of the 4th inst. ; to be by him forthwith transported to Mr. Harbord in Ireland.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 167.]
Dec. 7. Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir Hen. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
My Lords agree to the petition of Edward Richbell and Laurence Stanyan, [two of the] late Farmers of the Revenue of Ireland ; petitioners shewing that about Midsummer last the Treasury Lords referred to Mr. Lowndes the stating of petitioner's accounts ; that Lowndes has long since prepared the same and petitioners have attended the Treasury ever since expecting a decision of those points yet open in said accounts ; but as the Treasury Lords have not yet had time for finishing this matter petitioners pray that if this matter cannot be adjusted before Christmas then a minute may be entered [in the Treasury Minute Book] that no advantage be taken by the elapsing of their security for their advance money, which determines at Christmas next.
[Ibid, p. 168.]
Dec. 9. Present : Lord Delamere, Lord Godolphin, Mr. Hampden.
The Lords Committees for Regulating the Army Musters and Pay etc. came in and agreed on a report to be presented to the King.
Serjeant Ryly to attend to-morrow morning.
[Ibid, p. 169.]
Dec. 10. Present : Lord Godolphin, Mr. Hampden.
Write Mr. Carlton (struck through and replaced by) Mr. Smith in Ireland to call upon all the collectors in the several districts in the north of Ireland for their accounts from Michaelmas, 1688. Send to Mr. Harbord, Vice-Treasurer of Ireland, a copy of this letter and acquaint him that this is done upon a suggestion of money being due from several of the said collectors, being moneys in their hands received by them since Michaelmas, 1688, and not yet accounted for, and that my Lords desire him to cause the matter to be examined into and to report thereon. Mr. Smith is to send copies of the said accounts to my Lords and also to Mr. Harbord.
Write "the said Mr. Carleton" that if there be occasion to add one or other officer to the district of Derry my Lords recommend John Mogridge to be packer, searcher and gauger there, "he being a person that his Majesty is disposed to gratify for his late services at that town."
Afternoon : present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir Hen. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Ordered that Mr. Rowe and partners do forthwith make up their account of the Chimney money farm.
Alderman Duncomb to attend on Thursday morning next.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 170.]
[Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 12.]
Dec. 11.
Holland House at Kensington.
Present : the King ; all my Lords.
Ordered that the Customs Cashier pay 1,000l. weekly for 10 weeks to me [William Jephson, the Treasury Secretary] for secret service "to be by me paid over to the Earl of Nottingham for the purchase of Kensington House."
Mr. Edmund Challoner having petitioned the King for the place of one of the five undersearchers of London port, held by Mr. Cowley and Mr. Meeke (whose grant has been renewed to them by the King), his Majesty orders that Challoner shall have the next vacant place of equal value.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 171.]
Dec. 12.
Treasury Chambers, Whitehall.
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Sir Francis Child, Sir Sam. Dashwood, Mr. Duncomb and Mr. Evance are to attend to-morrow afternoon.
Visct. Newport to attend to-morrow afternoon.
[Ibid, p. 172.]
Dec. 13. Present : all my Lords.
Mr. Blathwaite is called in. On reading a letter from Mr. Williamson, my Lords order that said Williamson do pay to Mr. Fotherby or his order 500l. at Berwick and 2,000l. at Newcastle and Durham and also 500l. to Mr. Feilding or his order at Berwick ; [being all] upon account for the Danish Horse in Scotland and those that are marching thither. Further that he pay to Mr. Fotherby or his order 2,000l. at York on account of the Danish Foot besides what he has already paid. Fotherby to draw bills on Mr. Herriott etc. as usual.
The Customs Commissioners to attend next Monday afternoon.
Mr. Dockrawy and partners to attend on Tuesday afternoon next about money levied on the Dissenters.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 173.]
Dec. 16. Present : all my Lords.
The Earl of Ranelagh, Mr. Stephens, Mr. Herriott, Mr. Bertie and the [Navy] Victuallers are to attend to-morrow morning.
Mr. Dockwray and partners are to be put off to Friday afternoon next.
Send into Ireland (write to Mr. Smith) for an account as speedily as possible of what merchant ships are in any of the ports of Ireland under their Majesties' allegiance at present outward bound as well laden as unladen, to what places they are bound and what number of men they have now on board each ship and what number of men they need more for their respective voyages : all in pursuance of a late Order of Council sent to the Customs Commissioners requiring a list of what ships are now in the ports of England outward bound.
Ordered that 2,000l. be issued to the Queen's Treasurer.
[Ibid, p. 174.]
[Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 13.]
Dec. 17. Present : Lord Godolphin, Mr. Hampden.
Mr. Edward Lee, living in Bartholomew Close, is to attend on Thursday morning.
Write the Excise Commissioners to pay in [to the Exchequer] to-morrow morning 25,000l. on the 12d. [Aid] Bill according to their proposal ; "and for so much as they shall by my Lords' direction lend upon that Act my Lords will not call upon them to advance upon their contract in their patent."
Mr. Fryth to send up forthwith an account of what money he has received and what bills he has drawn on Mr. Herriott.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 175.]
Dec. 18. At Kensington.
Present : all my Lords.
[No entry of any minute.]
Afternoon : present : the King, Earl of Monmouth, Lord Delamere, Lord Godolphin.
Sir Rowland Gwynn to be at the Treasury Chambers to-morrow morning concerning his memorial delivered in this day.
Sir Robert Howard to attend then concerning loans to be made.
Sir Chris. Wren to attend then about the wall which is fallen at Hampton Court. The King orders that business to be examined.
The Lord Almoner's agent to attend then to give my Lords an account what money is due for alms. The King orders it to be paid against Christmas.
The King orders 2,200l. to be issued to Mr. Harbord to be, by his deputy, paid over to-morrow to Monsieur Overkirke in part of 9,000l. for buying 600 horses at 15l. each.
The King likewise orders that 3,000l. be returned [remitted by bills] to Monsieur Schulenburgh in part of 7,000l. to pay for tents for the King.
Mr. Herriott to attend to-morrow morning about these two last named sums.
The King orders that 10,000l. be now issued for the Victuallers and the other 10,000l. demanded by them [is ordered by the King] to be paid next Friday : and further that 30,000l. be issued to Mr. Harbord to-morrow to be forthwith sent to Ireland under the convoy that is to go with the other money lately paid for that service.
The King directs that 3,000l. be put upon Mr. Jephson's paper [of moneys and issues required] ; same to be for the gardens at Hampton Court.
My Lords to attend the King here [at Kensington] again next Friday afternoon.
The King ordered 10l. to be paid to Laud Crisp.
The King will appoint a day after Christmas for the two Lord Chief Justices and the Lord Chief Baron to attend him at the Treasury Chambers in Whitehall about the Duke of Bolton's business.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 176.]
Dec. 19.
Treasury Chambers, Whitehall.
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Sir R. Gwyn is called in and proposes to get 7,500l. to be lent on the 12d. [Aid] bill. My Lords agree that if it be lent it shall be issued to him. They order that to-morrow morning he bring a paper of what he has already received and how he has paid it and also an account how he would propose to dispose of this 7,500l.
Write Sir Robert Howard [Auditor of the Receipt] that my Lords order that all the officers of the Receipt of the Exchequer do attend to-day and to-morrow in their respective offices till three or four o'clock in the afternoon "or so long as they can see" ; to receive such loans as shall be made and paid for the King's service.
The Earl of Ranelagh, Mr. Bertie, Mr. Stephens and Mr. Herriott to attend to-morrow afternoon.
Sir Christopher Wren called in about the wall that is fallen at H[ampton] Court and is told that the King commands that matter to be examined into by the officers of the Works and [my Lords order] that he report to my Lords in writing.
Ordered that 1,000l. be issued to Col. Hill in pursuance of an Order of Council : and that 200l. be issued to Mr. Richier, Lieutenant Governor of Bermudas, by the like order.
[Ibid, p. 177.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 145.]
Dec. 20. Present : all my Lords.
Write to Mr. Williamson concerning the divers sums of money which by several Treasury letters he has been directed to pay to Mr. Fotherby et al. for the Danish Forces ; and direct him (if the same be not already paid) to forthwith pay same and not delay it from time to time, as his Majesty's service does extremely press the immediate payment thereof. If he has not money enough in hand out of his receipts he is to get credit for so much as may enable him to satisfy said payments.
Afternoon : at Holland House : present : the King [and my Lords].
The King orders [that he is] to be minded on Friday next of Mr. H. Killigrew's petition and will order something for him then : and that at that time a list be laid before his Majesty of the pensioners ; to be then considered of.
Mris. Fitzharris, by the King's command, is to have 50l. out of secret service.
The King commands that it be entered that he is graciously pleased in consideration of the good services done by Thomas Vincent, esq., at his Majesty's landing in the West to promise that upon the death of Mr. Ashmole, the present Comptroller of the Excise, the said office shall be granted to Vincent.
The King commands that 100l. be paid to Dr. Tennison for the support of the two sons of Mris. Needham.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 178.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 150.]
Dec. 21.
Treasury Chambers, Whitehall.
Present : Lord Godolphin, Sir H. Capell, Mr. Hampden.
Ordered that 1,417l. be issued to Mr. Harbord to be by him paid to the four Censors of the College for the use of his Majesty's Hospitals in Ireland.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 179.]
Dec. 24. Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Delamere, Lord Godolphin, Mr. Hampden.
Ordered that money be issued to the Treasurer of the Chamber for one quarter for the Yeomen of the Guard.
Ordered that credit be given to Mr. Robinson, one of the Commissary Generals for such money as he shall have occasion for. (Write him that my Lords being informed that he is in want of money for the said service he may draw bills for such sums as he shall take up or get credit for from the officers of the revenue or any other persons.) Upon his drawing bills at ten days' sight on Mr. Harbord my Lords will enable Harbord to comply therewith (my Lords being informed by an extract of a letter from Mr. Van Homrigh, Commissary General of the Provisions, dated at Lisnegarvy, Dec. 7 inst., which was sent to my Lords from the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, that he is in great want of money for carrying on the service committed to his charge), Mr. Harbord is to be written to and directed to take care that said Vam Omrig be supplied with such sums as that service requires.
Mr. Robinson to send my Lords an account of what the particulars of the expense and the establishment of his [abovesaid] Office will be.
Write Sir Rowland Gwynn to bring next Friday morning an account how he has disposed of the money already received by him for the service of his Office ; and a list of those persons he proposes to pay this quarter [the money for which is] designed to be paid him.
Write the Attorney General to give my Lords his opinion how the word "wages" is to be expounded in the Act of Parliament for distributing money to the servants of King Charles II (to wit, whether the same will extend to the yearly allowances which the servants received in reward for their services in the Great Wardrobe [viz.] in lieu of liveries).
The Customs Cashier [is ordered] to pay every week 1,000l. into the Exchequer until 10,000l. be completed ; to be there reserved "to be paid to me [Jephson] for secret service to be by me paid over to the Earl of Nottingham for the purchase of his house at Kensington."
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 180.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 150.]
Dec. 27. Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Delamere, Lord Godolphin.
The Commissioners of Customs and of Excise are to give directions that the Commissioners of the Victualling and their Agents have credit with the respective officers of those revenues in those places where they have occasion for it.
At Kensington House.
Afternoon : present : ut supra ; the King.
Mr. Henry Killegrew, by the King's order, is to have 100l. out of secret service.
Sir Chr. Wrenn, Mr. Talman and the other officers of the Works are to attend on Monday morning next.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 181.]
Dec. 30.
Treasury Chambers, Whitehall.
Present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Godolphin, Mr. Hampden.
The Victualling Commissioners to attend to-morrow morning. Alderman Herne [is] desired to attend at the same time.
Mr. Blathwaite to attend to-morrow morning.
Write the Auditors of Imprests to make their report with all speed on the papers relating to Sir George Wharton's accounts.
Mr. Tallman to attend to-morrow morning.
Dr. Wynne to attend this afternoon.
"Sir Christopher Wrenn and Mr. Tallman [attended concerning my Lords' demand] for an account of the condition of the building at Hampton Court. Sir Christopher says they are preparing to give an account in writing. He is told the doing this is a thing so nice that it must be required of them without delay ; that warning was given them a week ago ; though it may be necessary to use caution in the making this state yet it requires some haste for the King is of opinion the building is in a bad condition and therefore they should make haste and despatch their report under the hands of all the Office [of Works]. Sir Christopher thinks that may not be so well and that he will go and examine upon oath and that my Lords shall have the affidavits of able men not interested, bricklayers, carpenters and masons that have left off their aprons and are without suspicion of being influenced by him. He is told [by my Lords] the King is in haste to see [a statement of] the condition of it as it stands now ; and [Sir Christopher] answers that he believes it will stand very well and promises to bring in his report on this day sevennight which will be Monday, 6th January."
Afternoon : present : Earl of Monmouth, Lord Delamere, Lord Godolphin, Mr. Hampden.
The Clerks of the Peace in each county are to return the best estimate they can make of the number of inns and alehouses in their respective counties.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, pp. 182-3.]
[Out Letters (General) XII, p. 152.]
Dec. 31. Present : Lord Godolphin, Mr. Hampden.
The Victuallers are called in and upon reading their memorial it was agreed that about 6,000l. would be requisite for the credit to be given to the ships going for the Straits. Alderman Herne being called in, promised to find credit at Cales [Cadiz] or other ports thereabouts for any sum not exceeding 6,000l. and will come on Thursday morning next and give my Lords an account of it.
[Treasury Minute Book VII, p. 183.]