Entry Book: April 1690, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: April 1690, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp560-576 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: April 1690, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp560-576.

"Entry Book: April 1690, 1-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp560-576.


April 1690, 1-10

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
April 1. William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of any disposable money) 560l. to the Treasurer of the Navy to complete the payment of Deptford and Woolwich Yard[s] for 1689, Lady day quarter. Disposition Book VIII, p. III.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, some sashes and hats arrived from Holland in the Sweepstakes, Capt. Vennor commander, now at Gravesend : being for the use of the Earl of Portland's Regiment. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 239.
Treasury reference to Mr. Culliford and Mr. May [Revenue Supervisors, Ireland] of the petition of Hugh Rowley for the place of collector of Coleraine or Drogheda, he having lost above 3,000l. in Ireland and an estate of 700l. or 800l. per an. Reference Book VI, p. 148.
April 2. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to authorise the Treasury Lords to issue commissions to such as they think fit to be Receivers General in the various counties etc. for moneys granted by the Act [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 7] for review of the late Poll and for an Additional Poll. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 391.
Same dormant to the Navy Commissioners to make forth bills from time to time ("according to the muster rolls") for the pay of the two Marine Regiments of Foot according to the establishment of 97,272l. 10s. 0d. per an. from Jan. 31 last as signed by the King. Ibid.
Instructions, under the King's sign manual, for Chidley Brooke, appointed Sept. 14 last as collector and receiver of all his Majesty's revenue of New York and the territories depending thereon in America : all ut supra, p. 254. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 405-8.
Confirmation by the new Treasury Lords of money warrants as follow : viz. : of June 13 last for John Earle's salary, ut supra, p. 157 ; of June 17 last for Joseph Jordan's salary, ut supra, p. 160 ; of July 2 last for Timothy Thornbury's salary, supra, p. 174 ; of Aug. 16 last for John Needler's salary, supra, p. 224 ; of Feb. 17 last for Mris. Hamilton's 500. per an., James Hamilton's 425l. per an., George Hamilton's 212l. 10s. 0d. per an., William Hamilton's 212l. 10s. 0d. per an. ut supra, p. 505. Money Book X, pp. 35, 36, 59, 83, 184, 185, 186.
William Jephson to Mr. Fox [Customs Cashier] to pay into the Exchequer 1,000l. of Customs money weekly till 10,000l. be paid (with 5 per cent interest thereon) for Richard Woollaston in repayment of the like sum by him lent to his Majesty : the first payment to be for the week ending Wednesday next. (Same dated same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue said money to Woollaston as it is paid in.) Disposition Book VIII, p. 112.
The Treasury Lords to the Bishop of Exeter. Referring to the Treasury letter of Feb. 1 last, supra, p.—, we have received a fresh complaint from Mr. Ford and his partners that there is neither any delivery of the goods (silver and other things taken up out of the sea) nor any reason given by you for the longer detention of same. We are convinced by the Attorney General's report that the goods ought to be delivered to Mr. Ford. We therefore desire you to forthwith deliver same. In order to your indemnity we have taken bond of said Ford and partners in 10,000l. to re-deliver same in case you or any other make out any title thereto within three months. Out Letters (General) XII, pp. 239-40.
Same to the officers of the Ordnance. You certified [my Lords] Mar. 9 last that there was sufficient stowage for 15 tons of farthings on board the Burdeaux Merchant (which was taken up to transport stores from your Office to Ireland) and that she was ready to receive same, but Mr. Herriott has informed my Lords that the officers of the ship have refused to receive said farthings, which is a great prejudice to his Majesty's affairs. Report an account hereof to us. Ibid, p. 240.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to pay the assessments of the three present Aids, viz. : 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20 and c. 31], 2s. Aid and 12d. Additional Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 1 and c. 5], charged upon the salaries of Customs officers of below 60l. per an. both in London and the outports and to reimburse them any assessments already paid by them for said taxes or for the Poll : all by reason that they are for the most part taxed to the utmost penny (the said Aids falling very close one upon another) and are not able to subsist without some relief herein. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 140.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Starke of London, merchant, for liberty for the ship Blessing to sail for Virginia with the convoy now going thither : "she sails only with 10 men and will pay 4,000l. Custom." Reference Book VI, p. 148.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to forbear issue of process on the 500l. fine imposed on the county of York at the assizes held at York, 1688, July 8, in default for not keeping in repair the country gaol commonly called the Castle of York. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 150.
[?] Entry of [the Treasury Lords' signature of] the docquet of a lease to William Fosse, butcher, of a tenement in the village of Cerne Abbas, near Shammel [the Shambles there], ut supra, pp. 224, 533. Ibid.
April 2. Treasury letters patent authorising Thomas Webb to attend in the Office of Alienations for the entering of all Writs of Covenant and Writs of Entre : during pleasure : as amply as he, said Webb, has lately held [and now still holds] same or as Henry Clerke, Robert Westcombe or Ciprian Moore or any other predecessor therein heretofore. Ibid, p. 151.
Royal warrant [to the Clerk of the Signet] for a privy seal for 3,000l. to Thomas Casse as follows : viz. : the King is indebted to said Casse in said sum for stores delivered and work done for the Office of Ordnance, as appears by certificate of John Charlton, Surveyor General in said Office, and Thomas Gardiner, keeper of the stores there. The King therefore hereby appoints that said Casse shall and may immediately make loans for 3,000l. at the Receipt on credit of the Exchequer in general, which loan so soon as made shall be issued to the Treasurer of the Ordnance to be by him applied to the discharge of the debentures for the moneys due there to Casse : he to have tallies of loan on the Exchequer in general with 6 per cent interest : and this loan (and the interest thereon) is to rank and be registered on the proceeds (whether receipts or loans) of the 2s. Aid next in course after the satisfying with interest of the following items, viz. : (1) the transferred orders from the 12d. Aid ; (2) 400,000l. appropriated as by the Act, 1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. l ; (3) 30,000l. to Thomas Westerne, ut supra, pp. 527-8 ; (4) 8,8552l. 4s. 8d. to John Fitch ut supra, pp. 534-5 ; (5) 6,031l. 10s. 10d. to John Hayward, ut supra, pp. 534-5. Ibid, pp. 155-9.
Report to the Treasury Lords [from William Blathwayte as Auditor General of the Plantations] on the memorial of Chidley Brook, ut supra, p. 543. The former Collector and Receiver of New York, viz. Lucas Santon did, without any direction or establishment, take to himself 40l. per an. out of the revenue of New York for salary paid by him to a surveyor and 30l. per an. for a landwaiter and searcher and craved an allowance for same upon his accounts in 1687, but same was not allowed. His successor, Mathew Plowman, applied for an allowance of salaries to a landsurveyor and two waiters and the Treasury Lords, by Mr. Guy, directed the Governor of New York to ascertain what might be reasonably allowed for same : but no return was made thereto by Col. Dungan or by the succeeding Governor, Sir Edmond Andros. I advise that the [abovesaid] former order to the Governor be renewed and that such salaries may be allowed as he shall advise not exceeding 40l. per an. for the landsurveyor and 30l. per an. for two waiters.
In response to your Lordships' orders of Mar. 28 last I have prepared a draft of Mr. Brooks's instructions for his office of collector of New York suitable to former instructions given for said office [see supra, pp. 254, 561].
Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, pp. 322-3.
April 3. Money warrant for 125l. to Sir William Killigrew for last Christmas quarter on his pension. (William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay same out of any disposable money.) Money Book X, p. 216. Disposition Book VIII, p. 112.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to pay the 1690, Lady day quarter's salary bill of the Customs officers of the outports (5,265l. 14s. 0d. for established salaries and 577l. 7s. 0d. for additional salaries, or in all 5,842l. 14s. 0d.). Money Book X, p. 217.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay same quarter's salary bill of the Customs officers, London port (5,084l. 2s. 3d. for established salaries and 123l. 15s. 0d. for additional salaries, or in all 5,207l. 17s. 3d.). Ibid.
Confirmation by the new Treasury Lords of money warrants as follow : viz. : of 1689, June 17, for the salaries of William Richards and Francis Boggest as King's waiters, London port, ut supra, p. 160 ; of June 21 for Thomas Carpenter's salary as same, ut supra, p. 160 ; of June 21 for Robert Townson's salary as collector inwards, London port, ut supra, p. 160 ; of June 26 for Sir John Stapley's salary, ut supra, p. 169 ; of June 26 for George Nicholas's salary, ut ibid. ; of June 26 for Mathew Humberston's salary, ut ibid. ; of Dec. 31 for Richard Evans's salary as searcher of Milford Haven, ut supra, p. 350. Ibid, pp. 36, 37, 42, 45, 47, 163.
William Jephson to Mr. Harbord to forthwith advance to Mr. Henry Allen (who is employed in the packing of hay to be transported into Ireland) the 400l. which the King at the Committee for Irish Affairs has directed to be forthwith furnished to said Allen ; "his Majesty's affairs very much pressing the immediate payment thereof." The Treasury Lords will take care to repay you the same, "there being not at present money to pay the same." Disposition Book VIII, p. 112.
Same to Sir Christopher Wrenn [as Surveyor General of Works]. Upon consideration of your report concerning the prize marbles, my Lords direct you to sell as much of the worst of those marbles as will raise sufficient to defray the charges of bringing the said marbles to the [stores of the Office of Works in] Scotland Yard. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 240.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on (a) infra.
Appending : (a) memorial from Lieut. Gen. Douglas, shewing that the officers of the Second Battalion of Scotch Guards in Flanders were commanded to Scotland for levies to complete the said Battalion, where they have been since Jan. 1 last, and levies are going on so that arms will be soon wanted : therefore praying that the said officers and levies may be mustered from Jan. 1, and subsistence immediately issued to the officers, and that orders may be given to the Ordnance for arms to complete the said Battalion for service.
William Jephson to Mr. Harbord [as Surveyor General of Crown Lands] to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] concerning renewing the lease of some ground in Cleveland House Garden. Out Letters (General) XII p. 241.
Same to same [as Paymaster of the Forces employed in Ireland] to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Sir George St. George, praying the King to order money for clothing his Regiment. Ibid.
Same to same, enclosing a letter [missing] from the officers of the Ordnance. You are forthwith to send the farthings on board the ship in order to their being transported into Ireland. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Col. Charles Trelawney against Mr. Chubb and Mr. Parish for defrauding the King of Customs at East Low [Looe]. Ibid.
Treasury order to same to observe (a) infra
Prefixing : order, dated April 2 inst., by the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland (present : Lord President, Earls of Shrewsbury, Nottingham, Fauconberg and Marlborough, Visct. Lumley, the Comptroller of the Household, Sir Henry Goodrick and Mr. Harbord), desiring the Treasury Lords to direct the Customs Commissioners to permit all vessels employed in the transportation of necessaries into Ireland for their Majesties' service from Whitehaven, Hoylake and those parts to sail away, notwithstanding the embargo.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 140.
Treasury reference to Mr. Harbord of the petition of Alice Cross, widow, shewing that she has lived upon his Majesty's land called King's land in Lancashire above 31 years, containing 5½ acres, at 3l. per an. rent ; which lease being near expired she prays to be continued tenant to his Majesty. Reference Book VI, p. 148.
April 4. Money warrant for 922l. 11s. 1d. to Leonard Robinson, Chamberlain of the City of London ; whereof 422l. 11s. 1d. is for charges in receiving and paying into the Exchequer the loans by the citizens of London to the King when Prince of Orange [after his landing], amounting to 185,675l., and in receiving back the same and interest thereof and repaying same to the respective lenders : and the remaining 500l. as reward for his great care, pains and attendance therein : to be satisfied out of such money as said Robinson shall lend on credit of the Additional 12d. Aid. (Money order dated April 5 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 218. Order Book III, p. 67.
Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to satisfy William Scawen's and Henry Cornish's tallies of assignment on the Excise (for 10,624l. 3s. 0d. lent Mar. 6 last and 15,834l. 3s. 3d. lent Mar. 28 last, or in all 26,458l. 6s. 3d.) by payments of 2,000l. a week for 13 weeks from May 1 next, with a final payment of 458l. 6s. 3d. in the 14th week : together with 6 per centinterest. Money Book X, p. 218.
Treasury warrant dormant to the Customs Cashier to pay the salary of 20l. per an. to Oliver and Thomas Lyme as Comptroller of Chester port. Money Book X, p. 219.
Money warrant for 30l. to Augustine Briggs, Receiver General of the First Six Months' Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 3] for co. Norfolk, for his extraordinary expences in the carriage of 20,685l. 4s. 5d. of his receipts to the Exchequer. (Money order dated April 11 hereon.) Ibid, p. 224. Order Book III, p. 68.
Same for 20l. to George Howell, Receiver of the Poll in co. Glamorgan, for allowance on his receipt of 1,491l. 5s. 3d. thereon : his poundage on said receipt amounting only to 12l. (Money order dated April 11 hereon.) Money Book X, pp. 224-5. Order Book III, p. 68.
Same for 70l. to John Darbie, Receiver for Dorset and Poole of the first Six Months' Aid, the Poll and the 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20], for his extraordinary expences therein, he having brought 19,586l. 15s. 4d. of his receipts to the Exchequer at five several journeys. (Money order dated April 11 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 225. Order Book III, p. 68.
Confirmation by the new Treasury Lords of dormant money warrants as follows : viz. : of June 17 last for Thomas Edlyn's and John Kynvin's salaries as King's waiters, London port, ut supra, p. 160 ; of July 2 last for George Tuthill's annuity, ut supra, p. 174. Money Book X, pp. 36, 55.
William Jephson to the Attorney or Solicitor General to give warrant to the Clerk of the Petty Bag for a commission to enquire whether the grant of 1664, Oct. 7, to William (afterwards Sir William) Godolphin of the office of one of the seven Auditors of the Exchequer Court (viz. within the Principality of Wales and the dominion of North Wales and South Wales) is become void by the said Godolphin not having taken the oaths according to the Act of 1 Wm. and Mary, c. 8. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 240.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of George Shukburgh for the place of surveyor, London port, loco Capt. Cooper, who has not qualified himself according to law. Reference Book VI, p. 148.
Letters patent by the new Treasury Lords (appointed by privy seal of May 23 last to manage the Alienation Office) constituting Edward Nicholas as Receiver in the Office of Alienations as amply as he [now] holds same or as Sir Arthur Aty, Sir John Suckling, Henry Tweedy, Thomas Bond or any other his predecessors therein. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 167.
Treasury reference to William Culliford and Edward May [Revenue Commissioners, Ireland] of the petition of Thomas Neesham, shewing that he was commissioned by the Duke of Schonberg to act as collector of Strongford, but was superseded by the late Treasury Lords' commission to Capt. William Dobbins ; therefore praying a new commission for said place, petitioner having been a great sufferer by adhering to his Majesty's interest in Ireland. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 16.
April 5. Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to pay by 2,000l. a week from Aug. 7 next and by 500l. 1s. 0d. in the fifth week the tallies of assignment on the Excise as follows : viz. : 2,833l. 7s. 0d. held by Antho. Cracherode, gent., for so much lent by him into the Exchequer Mar. 28 last ; 2,833l. 7s. 0d. held by Francis Molyneux and partners and 2,833l. 7s. 0d. held by Benjamin Baylies, gent., and partners, being similarly respectively lent by them on same date into the Exchequer ; all with 6 per cent interest thereon. Money Book X, p. 220.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to Visct. Sydney 5,120l. 1s. 3d. out of the 25,120l. 1s. 3d., which Robert Graham has undertaken to lend or to procure to be lent into the Exchequer on the credit of the 12d. Additional Aid : so soon as the said loan is fully completed. Disposition Book VIII, p. 113.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing John Ellsdon's petition [missing] for the riding surveyor's place in Dorset void by the death of George Pley. My Lords desire you to present him, if fit, in view of the recommendation from the Commissioners for Regulating the Army. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 242.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Sir Scroop How for a grant of the arrears and surcharges of Hearthmoney remaining in the collectors' hands, whose accounts are stated, between Lady day, 1685, and Lady day, 1689. Reference Book VI, p. 154.
Royal sign manual to William Harbord, Paymaster General of the Forces in Ireland, to pay to Mary Barnier a pension of 5s. a day from April 1 inst. : during pleasure : out of regard to the services of Camille St. Sauveur, deceased, said Barnier being "his mother." King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 421.
April 7. Money warrant for 5,120l. 1s. 3d. to Visct. Sydney, [formerly] Gentleman and Master of the Robes, in part of 11,475l. due to the Office of the Robes to Christmas, 1684. The present payment is as imprest for said Office and is not to include said Sydney's own salary, but is intended to be paid over to Robert Graham, tailor, for so much due to him for clothes and other things furnished by him to said Office in the time of Charles II. Money Book X, p. 219.
Confirmation by the new Treasury Lords of dormant money warrants as follows : viz. : of 1686, May 19 last, for the annuities to the Prince and Princess of Denmark, ut supra, p. 98 ; of June 21 last for Roger Charnock's and Thomas Charnock's salaries as King's waiters, London port, ut supra, p. 160 ; of June 21 last for the salary of Jo. Crispe, Tho. Crispe and Sir Nicholas Crispe as collectors outwards, London port, ut ibid. ; of July 2 last for Sir Edmund Turner's salary as surveyor of the outports, ut supra, p. 173. Ibid, pp. 10, 37, 40, 50.
William Jephson to the Excise Commissioners to pay into the Exchequer 1,000l. a week for seven weeks beginning this week, and 500l. in the eighth week, for the Prince and Princess of Denmark in full of their last Lady day quarter's pension. Disposition Book VIII, p. 113.
Same to the Victualling Commissioners to attend the Navy Commissioners this afternoon to lay before them the present state of the Victualling. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 243.
William Jephson to the Farmers of the Royal Oak Lottery to forthwith pay into the Exchequer last Lady day rent of their farm. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 243.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit the transport to Holland, Customs free, of five horses which the King has presented to General Flodroffe. Ibid.
Same to the Agents for Taxes to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of the Honble. Charles Bertie et al. touching their tenants of Deeping Fen, co. Lincoln, being doubly charged upon account of the present taxes. Ibid, p. 244.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Phillip Dumaresq (Dumarecq), farmer of the impost on wine and brandy for the year 1689 in the island of Jersey (as referred from the King in Council, Mar. 27 last) : petitioner shewing that 55 tuns of wine and 33 butts of brandy belonging to one Du Puis "were imported there and refuse to pay the impost duty." Reference Book VI, p. 149.
Same to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Zachariah Bayley for a gauger's place in the Excise for his son whom he hath brought up in that employment. Ibid.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of William Whitebread for an allowance for his extraordinary charges as Receiver of the 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20] in co. Bedford. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Renatus Palmer for the surveyor's place, Dartmouth port, void by the death of Mr. Knoyle. Ibid.
April 7,
et postea.
Same (dated April 7) to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of William Whitebread, proposing sureties for his receipt of the Additional Poll [and the review of the late Poll as by 1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 7] for co. Bedford : sureties. himself and John Whitbread. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 12.) (Commission dated April 12.) Ibid, pp. 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 159, 164, 168, 169, 187, 197, 209, 216. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 163-4, 165-6.
Samuel Foden as same for co. Stafford : sureties : himself and John Chetwynd of the same [county]. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 14.) (Commission dated April 14.)
Noah Starling (dated April 8) as same for co. Berks : sureties : himself and David Middleton of London, chirurgeon. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 17.) (Commission dated April 17.)
Col. Nathaniell Rich (dated April 10) as same for co. Essex : sureties : himself and Nathaniell Rich, gent. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 17.) (Commission dated April 17.)
Tho. Allen as same for co. Somerset : sureties : himself and John Mogg of Castle Cary, co. Somerset, John Allen of Bruton, co. Somerset, John Allen of Midsomer Norton. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 15.) (Commission dated April 15.)
Edward Jolley (dated April 9) as same for co. Huntingdon : sureties : himself and James Farside of Huntingdon. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 12.) (Commission dated April 12.)
Nathaniel Molyneux (dated April 8) as same for co. Lancaster : sureties : himself, James Rogers of Manchester, gent., Nathan Abrom of Warrington, gent. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 14.) (Commission dated April 14.)
John Darbie as same for co. Dorset : sureties : himself, John Billers, Richard Andrews, Tho. Ward, John Calamy, all citizens of London. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 15.) (Commission dated April 15.)
Ralph Williamson as same for Northumberland, Durham, Newcastle, Berwick, Yorkshire and Hull : sureties : himself and Isaack Sugden of York, merchant. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 15.) (Commission dated April 15.)
Leonard Robinson as same for London, Middlesex and Westminster : sureties : himself, James Pickering of London, merchant, James Collett of Thames Street, London.
John Stanier (Staniers) as same for co. Salop : sureties : himself, Richard Stanier of Longe [sic ? Tonge], co. Salop. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 14.) (Commission dated April 14.)
Edward Mitchell as same for co. Gloucester : sureties : himself and John Carter of Charlton Abbotts. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 12.) (Commission dated April 14.)
Augustine Briggs as same for co. Norfolk : sureties : himself, Michael Beverley and Edward Tennison of Norwich, gent. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 12.) (Commission dated April 12.)
Tho. Mathews as same for co. Hereford : sureties : himself and William Mathews of Hereford. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 12.) (Commission dated April 12.)
Char. Williams as same for co. Monmouth : sureties : himself and Nehemiah Williams of Newport (Warrant for taking his securities, dated May 6.) (Commission dated May 6.)
John Cruwys as same for Devon and Exeter : sureties : himself and Samuel Foot of Tiverton. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 12.) (Commission dated April 14.)
John Child (dated April 3 [sic? for 8]) as same for Devizes in co. Wilts : sureties : himself and Thomas Child of Headington. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 15.) (Commission dated April 15.)
Charles Goodwin (dated April 9) as same for co. Sussex : sureties : himself and Ambrose Istead of Edmonton, co. Midd. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 14.) (Commission dated April 14.)
Geo. Howell (Howells) as same for co. Glamorgan : sureties : himself and William Randes of St. Andrew, minister. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 14.) (Commission dated April 14.)
Sam. Bradshaw (dated April 10) as same for co. Derby : sureties : himself and Hen. Ferne of Westm[inster], gent. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 14.) (Commission dated April 14.)
Tho. Trueman (dated April 8) as same for co. Nottingham : sureties : himself and Geo. Spencer of Smithfield, co. Midd. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 12.) (Commission dated April 12.)
Nicho. Baker (dated April 10) as same for co. Worcester ; sureties : himself, Richard Chambers of Milk Street [London], haberdasher, Richard Baker of Hackney, merchant, John Baker of Shrewsbury, linen draper. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 17.) (Commission dated April 17.)
Tho. Love as same for co. Suffolk : sureties : himself and John Turner of Stowmarket, co. Suffolk, woollen draper. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 15.) (Commission dated April 15.)
Richard Tregeare as same for co. Cornwall : sureties : himself, Philip Jeoffry, Thomas Bauden of Launceston, gent. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 15.) (Commission dated April 15.)
William Cawthorpe and Christopher Randes (dated April 12) [as same for co. Lincoln] "for the review of the Poll." (Warrant for taking their securities, dated May 5.) (Commission dated May 5.)
Gilbert Spencer (dated April 11) as same for Kent : sureties : himself and James Stockton of St. Martins in the Fields, co. Midd. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated May 5.) (Commission dated May 5.)
James St. John (dated April 15) as same ("for the receipt of the Additional Poll") for co. Herts : sureties : himself, Benj. Williams of London, merchant, John Cutlove of London, linen draper. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 25.) (Commission dated April 25.)
Tho. Doyley (dated April 17) as same ("for the review of the Poll and Additional Poll") for cos. Southampton and counties, universities and cities of Oxford and Cambridge : sureties : himself, William Kent of Winchester Street, London, gent., Thomas Joyner of Fresh Wharf, London. (Warrant for taking his securities dated April 25.) (Commission dated April 25.)
Morgan Whitley as same for co. Chester : sureties : himself, Tho. Whitley of Aston, co. Flint. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 25.) (Commission dated April 25.)
Benj. Mathews (dated April 18) as same ("for the Additional Poll") for co. Northampton : sureties : himself, Samuell Sparry of London, haberdasher. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 17 sic? for April 25.) (Commission dated April 17 sic ? for 25.)
John Newsham (dated April 17) as same for co. Warwick and Coventry city : sureties : himself and William Newsham of London, gent. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 28.) (Commission dated April 28.)
Tho. Eggleton (dated April 21) as same for co. Bucks : sureties : himself and John Eggleton of London, haberdasher. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated April 25.) (Commission dated April 25.)
David Williams as same for cos. Denbigh, Flint and Montgomery : sureties : himself, David Williams of Suchtyn [Sychtyn or Soughton], Edward Evans of Graigwen, both of the parish of Llansilin, co. Salop. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated May 5.) (Commission dated May 5.)
John Philips (dated April 24) as same for Carmarthen, Pembroke, Cardigan and Haverford West : sureties : himself and James Philips of Llanelly, co. Carmarthen, gent. (Warrant for taking his securities, dated May 6.) (Commission dated May 6.)
Charles Duncombe, esq. (dated April 26) as same ("to be Receiver of the review of the late Poll and for an Additional Poll") in co. Surrey and Southwark borough ; surety : himself only. (Warrant for taking his security, dated May 6.) (Commission dated May 6.)
Joseph Cradock (May 6) as same for the Additional Poll in cos. Leicester and Rutland : sureties : himself and Samuel Cradock of London, gent. (Warrant, dated May 6, for taking his securities.) (Commission, dated May 12, for cos. Leicester and Rutland.)
Cha. Duncombe (May 6) as same for the Additional Poll in London, Westminster and Middlesex : sureties : viz. himself, Mr. Browne of Greek Street [Soho, London]. (Warrant, dated May 12, for taking his securities.) (Commission dated May 12.)
Danael Price (May 13) as same for the Additional Poll in cos. Brecon and Radnor : sureties : himself and William Anbery [sic? for Aubery] of Aberbran, co. Brecon, gent. (Warrant, dated May 16, for taking his securities.) (Commission dated May 16.)
Isaac Willison (June 4) as same for the receipt of the last or Second Poll [2 Wm. and Mary, c. 2] in co. Cumberland : sureties : himself, James Colleson, Joshua Colleson and Robert Benson, all of Penrith, co. Cumberland, gents. The like petition of same date for the Additional Poll [and review of the Poll 1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 7] in said county : sureties : himself and abovesaid James Colleson and Joshua Colleson. (Warrant, dated June 13, for taking his securities.) (Commission dated June 13.)
Morgan Whitley (dated June 25) for the Review and the Additional Poll within cos. Anglesea, Carnarvon and Merioneth : sureties : himself and Ralph Walley [Whalley] of Chester, goldsmith. (Warrant, dated June 27, for taking his securities.) (Commission dated June 27.)
Isaac Willison (dated July 15) as same for (a) the Review of the Poll and the Additional Poll [1 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 7] and (b) the last [granted or 2nd Poll, 2 Wm. and Mary, c. 2] for Westmorland : sureties : himself, James Colleson, Joshua Colleson, Robert Benjon [Benyon], all of Penrith, co. Cumberland. The warrant for taking his sureties is not entered in the present series but under that of the Second Poll infra, p. 606, by reason of his petition covering both receipts. His commission does not appear.
John Fowler, gent. (Aug. 8), for both the present receipt and the Second Poll in the counties of Cardigan, Carmarthen, Pembroke and Haverford West : sureties : himself, William Bowen of Haverford West, Alderman Barrett Bowen of Neeson, co. Pembroke, gent. The warrant for taking his securities is not entered under the present series but under that for the second Poll infra, p. 606, but his commissions appear under both series. (Commission dated Aug. 11.)
April 8. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 37l. 10s. 0d. to John Taylour for making an account of the receipt and application of the Customs and for other services performed in 1690, Lady day quarter. Money Book X, p. 225.
April 8
[possibly an erratum for April 18].
Money warrant for 15l. to Sir John Playters, bart., Receiver General for the division of Beccles, co. Suffolk, of the first Six Months' Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 3] ; as an allowance for his extraordinary charges therein. (Money order dated April 21 hereon.) Money Book X, p. 229. Order Book III, p. 69.
April 8. Confirmation by the new Treasury Lords of the dormant warrant of June 17 last for Charles Tyrrell's salary, ut supra, p. 160. Money Book X, p. 36.
William Jephson to the Commissioners of Excise. Mr. Alderman Duncomb is directed to pay [as loan] 12,500l. into the Exchequer to-morrow upon account of Excise money. You are to satisfy the tallies which he will have for the said sum by applying thereto the money of the Excise as it comes in [viz. the surplus] over and above what may be sufficient to discharge the payments already directed, until said 12,500l. be fully paid off. Disposition Book VIII, p. 113.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue said 12,500l. to the Earl of Ranelagh to answer a bill of Monsieur Shulinberg's from Holland for the use of the Forces there. Ibid, p. 114.
Same to the Agents for Taxes. My Lords are informed by Sir Richard Middleton that the Commissioners for the Review of the Poll and for the Additional Poll in co. Denbigh have not yet had any meeting, by reason as is alleged that the copies of the Act [1 Wm. and Mary, Session 2, c. 7] were not timely delivered to the sheriff. But the sheriff's acquittance shews that they were delivered before the time appointed for such meeting. You are to write to the sheriff to summon as many Commissioners as he can with speed, if he have not time enough to summon all ; so that his Majesty's affairs may not suffer by such neglect. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 243.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report forthwith on the petition of Renatus Palmer for the surveyorship of Dartmouth loco William Knoyle, "notwithstanding your presentment of Alexander How for that employment." Ibid, p. 244.
Same to the Attorney General to give warrant to the Clerk of the Pells for commissions (severally for the several counties as follow) to William Wybrant, Rob. Saunders, Anderson Saunders, Richard Parry, Rob. Mossam, Eliphal Dobson and Geo. Bohy to enquire of lands and goods conveyed to superstitious uses in cos. Lincoln, Chester and Salop, of which the King is informed. In the margin : Lord [Visct.] Colchester. Ibid.
Mar. [sic probably erratum for April] 8. Treasury reference to Aaron Smith of the petition of David Venables for discharge of the 500l. fine set on him by the late Lord Chancellor Jeffreys : together with the Attorney General's report thereon. Reference Book VI, p. 149.
April 8. Same to Mr. Harbord [as Surveyor General of Crown Lands] of the petition of Tho. Edolph for a lease of two closes of land called Abbott Wood in Alkham, co. Kent, as granted by Queen Elizabeth to Symon Edolph, which lease is long since expired and not renewed. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of (a) infra.
Appending : (a) order of the King in Council, dated Kensington, Mar. 29 ult., referring to the Treasury Lords the petition of John Lloyd of London, merchant, for liberty to import to Ireland, duty free, 100 pipes of Madeira wines now at Plymouth on board a ship bound for Holland, petitioner being sensible that there is occasion for such wines in Ireland for their Majesties' Army and being desirous of supplying them with same at reasonable rates.
Reference Book VI, p. 150.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh [as Paymaster of the Forces] of the petition of Mr. Holford for payment of 43l. 10s. 0d. for [his work] in painting drums and making colour cases for the First Regiment of his Majesty's Foot Guards. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Edwd. Gellibrand for the first vacancy of a landwaiter's place. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of Mr. Foley, proposing to take his Majesty's share of the forfeitures of iron wire, viz. for a valuable consideration for it for life or term of years. With : a later marginal entry, dated April 12 inst : "Mr. Foley being since satisfied that a grant of forfeitures before they are recovered is void in law, therefore of his own motion caused this petition to be retracted and desires all proceedings thereon may be quashed." Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of John Burrowes, a distressed Irish Protestant, praying employment in the Customs. My Lords recommend petitioner for the first vacancy he is fit for. Ibid, p. 151.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Thomas Trueman for a reward for his extraordinary pains as receiver and also solicitor of the 12d. Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 20] for co. Notts. Ibid, p. 152.
April 9. Royal warrant [to the Attorney or Solicitor General] for a great seal for a grant to Henry, Lord Delamer, of an annuity or pension of 2,000l. per an. in consideration of many good and acceptable services performed and to be performed : to be payable quarterly from Mar. 25 ult. : during pleasure. King's Warrant Book XIV, p. 393.
Same to same for a same to contain the indenture of Isaac Pereira's contract for bread for the Forces in Ireland. See supra, pp. 639-40. Ibid, XV, pp. 25-37.
Royal letters patent under the sign manual granting to Sir Jonathan Jennings, late high sheriff of co. Yorks, to his own use, 14 horses seized and brought to him in pursuance of the Act of 1 Wm. and Mary, c. 15, for disarming Papists : he having paid 46l. and upwards to the seizers for their charges in keeping said horses and he having been at the charge of keeping them since.
Appending : schedule of said horses (four mares belonging to Sir John Lawson of Brough ; one grey horse of Francis Calvert, gent. ; one bay horse of John Rider, gent. ; one grey horse of Robert Plumpton, gent. ; one bay gelding of John Middleton, esq. ; one bay mare of Mr. Walsworth of Whenly [Whenby] ; a ditto of Mr. Staintliff of the same ; a bay gelding of Mr. Bulmer ; two stoned horses of William Collingwood, esq. ; one sanded grey gelding of William Peirson of Stokesley).
Ibid, pp. 393-4.
Royal warrant to Christopher Dalston, storekeeper of the garrison of Carlisle, to deliver to Col. Jeremiah Bubb, Governor of the Castle of Carlisle, five horses taken as above respectively from Francis Howard of Corby, esq., Henry Dacres of Lannerd Course [Lanercost], co. Cumberland, Papists, for refusing to subscribe the declaration as in 30 Car. II, Stat. 2, c. 1, as required by the above Act of 1 Wm. and Mary, c. 15 : the present grant being on the petition of said Bubb and in consideration of good and faithful services : but he is first to defray the charges of keeping said horses since their seizure. King's Warrant Book XIV, pp. 394-5.
Treasury warrant [to the Receipt] for tallies to be struck for [or in favour of] the Farmers of the Post Fines (Thomas, late Earl of Berks, and Sir Robert Howard, kt., as by the grant of 1661, April 29) for 1,182l. 4s. 0½d. answered direct to the King [instead of being paid to said Farmers] by the several sheriffs of the counties upon the determination of their respective yearly accounts : being for the year ended 1683, Michaelmas.
Prefixing : (a) certificate by Bartholomew Fillingham, Deputy Clerk of the Pipe, of the said several sums (to the said total) so answered direct by the sheriffs. (b) Memorandum by same that the yearly rent of 2,276l. for said farm is answered as follows by said Farmers, viz. 500l. paid to the executors of Lady Barbary Villiers for one year to 1684, Lady day, on her pension [out of Post Fines] ; 200l. paid to Sir Robert Clayton, kt., for one year to 1684, June 24, on the pension granted to him and John Morrice, esq., deceased ; 140l. paid to Thomas Aram, gent., for same time on his pension ; 100l. paid to Edward Ball, gent., for same time on his same ; 1,181l. 4s. 0½d. answered direct to the King as above ; balance remaining due to the King from the Farmers, 153l. 15s. 10½d.
Followed by : five separate like certificates (with like warrants for striking tallies as above in each case) for 1,336l. for the year 1682 ; 2,394l. 12s. 11½d. for the year 1687 ; 1,929l. 10s. 0d. for the year 1686 ; 870l. 5s. 11½d. for the year 1684 ; 2,111l. 9s. 10d. for the year 1685 ; and a final certificate "of Robert Fish that the sum of 125l. 5s. 0d. was by several rules of the Court of Common Pleas spared and not certified into the Exchequer that so the moneys might be employed towards reparations and necessaries for the said Court" : whereupon the like warrant as above for striking tallies was signed by my Lords.
Money Book X, pp. 221-3.
William Jephson to the Customs Commissioners to present Henry Brabant to the place of wine taster, London port, in case you have dismissed John Cooper from that post. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 245.
Same to same to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] concerning the office of Comptroller of Yarmouth port. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to same to employ Abraham Hough as waiter and searcher at Margate in Sandwich port loco Tho. Child, lately dismissed.
John Blomfeild (an extraordinary tidesman, London port) as a tidesman in fee ibid, loco Lyonall Skinner, lately dismissed.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 142.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Pye, praying to continue to be solicitor to take care of coast bonds. Reference Book VI, p. 151.
Treasury letters patent allowing and authorising Bernard Halfepenny of the Middle Temple, gent., to attend in the Office of Alienations for the endorsing of all Writs of Covenant and Writs of Entre : being the place already held by him : as amply etc. as he or Samuel Rhodes, William Bartholomew, Edward Carvile, Hugh Dodd or any other heretofore. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 151-2.
April 10. Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to pay off by 2,000l. a week the tallies struck April 1 inst. for 22,000l. for [purchase price of the] fireships ; beginning said payments in the first week of July next. Money Book X, p. 200.
Same dormant to the Customs Cashier to pay the pensions of 100l. per an. each to Amias Hext and Juliana his wife ; what is now due thereon and what shall hereafter become due. Together with a later marginal order of confirmation dated 1691, Oct. 9. Ibid, p. 226.
Money warrant for 30l. to Isaack Goodwin, Receiver General in co. Essex, of the first Six Months' Aid [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 3], for his extraordinary charges in four journeys in bringing to the Exchequer 18,051l. 0s. 6d. of his receipts thereof. (Money order dated May 3 hereon.) Ibid, p. 228. Order Book III, p. 71.
William Jephson to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of any disposable [unappropriated] money in the Exchequer : viz. : Disposition Book VIII, p. 114.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for subsistence [of the Forces, England] 3,446 8 0
to Mr. Harbord for Monsieur Auverquerque for the Dragoon horses and his Majesty's waggons 2,000 0 0
to ditto for Monsieur Pereira in part of 5,000l. for the marching of the waggons 2,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for the marching the Irish [artillery] train etc. 1,000 0 0
to ditto to buy 100 horses more for the Irish train 1,000 0 0
£9,446 8 0
In the margin : Mr. Bl[athwayte] to prepare a warrant [for the above two items to be paid to said Harbord].
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy. There are tallies (ut supra, p. 574) struck on the Excise for 22,000l. for fireships. My Lords desire that said tallies may be applied to satisfy the builders of the fireships for building the same, together with 6 per cent interest for each sum agreed to be paid to them for the said ships from the time same is or shall be due by contract until the actual payment thereof upon the said tallies. (Same to the Navy Commissioners to make forth bills upon the Treasurer of the Navy for the respective sums and interest items as above.) Ibid, pp. 114, 115.
William Jephson to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing the petition [missing] of Edmd. Allen. You are to provide something better for him than what he now has. Present him for the next vacancy of a landwaiter, London port. Out Letters (General) XII, p. 245.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to procure royal warrants for allowing in the accounts of Mr. Harbord [of moneys for the Forces in Ireland] the following payments this day directed by my Lords, viz. 2,000l. to Monsieur Auverquerque and 2,000l. to Monsieur Pereira as above, p. 574. Ibid.
Same to Sir Christopher Wrenn. Referring to my letter of the 3rd inst., supra, p. 563, you and the Comptroller of the Works and other proper officers are to view the worst of the prize marbles and certify their value to my Lords. You shall then have further directions therein. Ibid, p. 246.
Same to Mr. Harbord [as Surveyor General of Crown Lands]. Please despatch the Earl of Torrington's particular of Peterborough Level. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Agents [for Taxes] of the petition of Samuell Bradshaw for payment of 177l. 12s. 6d. for his extraordinary charges in his receipt of the first Six Months' Aid, Poll and Twelve Months' Aid for co. Derby. Reference Book VI, p. 152.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General of the petition of Eliz. Boshier, shewing that she is in possession of an estate as heir at law to Ann Burlace, widow, deceased, but that same is pretended to by Mary Portington, a professed nun, under Burlace's will ; therefore praying a confirmation of the title as escheated to the Crown. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of George Robinson for restoration to his place as late Agent for the coast bonds. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of Arthur Shallet and Gilbert Heathcote for leave to enter wine and fruit arrived in their ship from Spain, leaving the brandy (import of which is prohibited) for leave to be obtained by law for its importation or else for leave for its exportation. Ibid.
Same to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] of the petition of the Marquess of Carmarthen, shewing that he is tenant to the Crown for 99 years (terminable on the death of the Queen Dowager) of several manors etc. as in an indenture dated 1678-9, Mar. 24, by which same were demised to Charles Osborne and John Knight, who assigned to said Marquess for said term at 3l. 10s. 4½d. per an. rent : therefore praying a grant of a further term of 31 years therein, to take effect after the lease in being and at same rent, with the franchises belonging to the manors and with power to recover the rents from the under tenants. Ibid, p. 153.
Same to the Auditor for co. Bucks of the petition of Joseph Somner for a grant of 15l. 0s. 1½d. [per an.], part of the rent of 22l. 0s. 1½d. arising out of the manor of Burnham, co. Bucks, which part has been unpaid for above 20 years, "and the petitioner will be at the charges of recovering it and ascertaining [making certain for the Crown] the rent for the future." Ibid, p. 154.
Treasury reference to Thomas Hall of the petition of Chidley Brook, proposing his sureties (the Earl of Bellomont and Sir Phillip Coote) for his office of collector of the revenues in New York. Reference Book VI, p. 154.
April 10 and 11. Confirmation by the new Treasury Lords of the dormant warrant of June 7 last for Samuel Clarke's salary, ut supra, p. 151 ;
of June 21 last for Humphry Fitzherbert's salary, ut supra, p. 160 ;
of Nov. 9 last for Morgan Powell's salary, ut supra, p. 299 ;
of June 21 last for John Feild's salary as a King's waiter, London port, ut supra, p. 160.
Money Book X, pp. 31, 45, 119, 37.