Index: S

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Sabin, John, tidesman, London port, 179, 1071.

Sacheverell, William, a Lord of the Admiralty, 11, 168.

-, Charles, 9th Earl of Dorset, Earl of Middlesex, Housekeeper of Greenwich Palace, 26, 27, 29
-, Keeper of Greenwich Park, 1546, 1628, 1629, 1733
-, Lord Chamberlain, 80, 83, 85, 101, 104, 107, 118, 133, 137, 177, 179, 184, 245, 262, 277, 287, 290, 305, 307, 320, 341, 439, 442, 454, 491, 514, 525, 702, 970, 1026, 1064, 1228, 1421, 1519
-, petition of, concerning a wreck of Canary wine, 841, 853
-, trustee for the Duke of St. Albans, 1952.

-, Edward, colonel, providing boots for the Army, 1136.

-, Frances, late Countess Dowager of Dorset, lands of, in co. Hereford, 2016.

-, Thomas, colonel, Yeoman of the Removing Wardrobe, 1065.

Sadler, Benjamin, searcher, Bristol port, 263.

-, Roger, lands, co. Essex, 239.

Saffery, alias Sutton, William, a messenger of the Chamber, 1334.

Saffin, , for Col. Beveridge, 128.

Saffora, Saphora, 1294.

Safi, Safio, Sophia, Morocco, 831, 1236, 1759.

Sagdon, co. Salop. See Sugden.

Sageaux, de, cornet, 1916, 1946.

Sailly, Michel de Buros, French Reformed officer, 295, 1597.

St. Agnan, , lieutenant, French Reformed officer, 1597.

St. Agnes, co. Cornwall, tin-blowing house, 322.

St. Albans, St. Ellans, co. Hertford, 973.

St. Albans, Duke of. See Beauclerk, C.

-, Earl of. See Jermyn, H.

St. Allen, co. Cornwall, tin-blowing house, 322.

St. Amand
-, James, apothecary to James II., 120
-, plate for, 1522-3.

St. Andrews, co. Glamorgan, 249, 568.

St. Ann's, Padstow. See Padstow.

St. Asaph
-, bishop of, Lord Almoner to the King, 92, 319, 1129, 2010, 2016. See also Lloyd, W.
-, house of, 2011.

St. Auban, , goods for, 114.

St. Augustine's, co. Kent, stewardship of, 1771.

St. Austell, co. Cornwall, 1656
-, tin-blowing house, 322, 1222.

St. Austin's, co. Kent, 804.

St. Bernard [? St. Weonard's], co. Hereford, superstitious lands in, 473.

St. Blazey, co. Cornwall, tin-blowing house, 322.

St. Breock, co. Cornwall, blowing house called Godolphin House, 243-4.

St. Briavels, co. Gloucester, Castle of, in ruins, 1496
-, manor and hundred of, 1496.

St. Buryan, co. Cornwall, 261.

St. Christopher's, West Indies, 877.

indigo from, 696.

Lieutenant-Governor of. See Hill, Col. T.
-, agent to. See Carpenter, N.

mines in, 1713.

ships for, 984.

sugar from, 696.

St. Clare (St. Clair, St. Claire), , lieutenant, an officer in the Fusiliers, 1184.

-, William, Army clothing, 396, 559-60, 822-3, 829, 830.

St. Croix, Peter, chief boatman, Jersey, 532.

St. David's, co. Pembroke, 461.

St. Dunstan's, Harbledown, co. Kent, 1027.

St. Ellan's. See St. Albans.

St. Erth, co. Cornwall, 243.

St. Estienne, , ensign, French Reformed officer, 1597.

St. Ewe, co. Cornwall, tin-blowing house, 322, 1222.

St. Faust, , lieutenant, French Reformed officer, 1597.

St. George, co. Glamorgan, 131.

St. George
-, Sir George, half pay for, 859
-, petition by, for payment for recruits, 687
-, regiment of, 186, 274, 371, 377, 389, 394, 500, 518, 538, 541, 564, 580, 583, 585, 623, 657, 664, 671, 677, 701, 722, 743, 758, 765, 945, 1535, 1735, 1928, 1933
-, to examine soldiers from Ireland, 892.

-, George, esquire, 1240.

-, Hen., loans by, 765.

-, Sir Henry, Clarencieux, 1312, 1826.

-, Sir Oliver, half pay, Ireland, 191, 796, 913, 1045.

-, Richard, captain, half pay, Ireand, 191.

-, Sir Thomas, Garter Principal King at Arms, 995, 1000, 1039, 1312, 1826
-, carrying the Garter to the Duke of Zelle, 1897, 1898.

St. George's Robe. See Garter, Order of.

St. Germain (St. German), Daniel. See Germain.

St. Germaine, , captain, French Reformed officer, 1596.

St. Helen's, Auckland, co. Durham, 457, 977, 1470.

St. Helen's Road, Isle of Wight, 101, 158, 511, 661, 735.

St. Ives, co. Cornwall, 285, 313, 444, 445, 482, 493, 593, 727, 1095, 1359, 1404.

-, co. Huntingdon, 1470.

St. James', Clerkenwell, co. Middlesex, 647.

St. James's Gardens, Palace, Park and Parish. See London and Westminsterstreets etc. in.

St. John, Francis, of Thorpe, 129, 251.

-, Henry, of Lydiard Tregoze, 461.

-, James, goldsmith and banker, 123, 364, 365, 375, 377
-, agent for Col. Herbert's regiment, 1250-1
-, accounts, 373, 376
-, arrears, 378
-, bills, 369, 371, 374, 502, 533, 557
-, receiver of assessments, co. Bucks, 129, 251, 262, 460, 1582
-, ditto, co. Cambridge, 251, 262, 1255
-, ditto, co. Dorset, 262
-, ditto, co. Herts, 130, 460, 461, 569, 1255, 1287, 1399, 1582
-, ditto, co. Northants, 52, 129, 218, 251, 262, 460, 1582
-, ditto, co. Oxford, 130, 251, 262.

-, John, receiver of assessments, cos. Herts and Cambridge, 374, 376, 377, 502, 1238.

-, Oliver, colonel, 1662
-, fortifications, Limerick, 1664
-, pay for, 1590.

-, -, lands, Peterborough Level, 596, 597.

-, Thomas, captain, deputy treasurer of Tangier garrison, 961.

-, -, colonel, regiment of, 1035
-, schedule of goods for, 1719.

-, Sir Walter, lands in Whittlesey, 598
-, Ranger of Woodstock, 870.

St. John de Porto Rico. See Porto Rico.

St. John's, St. Jones, in Swingfield, co. Kent, 853.

St. John's Wood. See Chipping Wycombe.

St. Lawrence, co. Essex, 184, 332.

St. Leger
-, , captain, French Reformed officer, 295
-, Army pension, 254.

-, Sir Anthony, 486.

-, John, colonel, horses of, for Ireland, 1180.

-, -, concealments of mortgages etc., Ireland, 1768.

St. Leonard's Forest, co. Sussex, iron mills and ore in, 1759, 1837.

St. Ling. See Sentling.

St. Lucas. See Sanlucar.

St. Maison, D., French Reformed officer, 1054, 1201, 1203, 1596.

St. Malo
-, France, 530, 1636, 1696, 1779, 1790, 1820, 1873, 1883
-, English seamen, prisoners at, 705, 1636.

St. Martin, France, 483.

St. Mary's Abbey, York. See York.

St. Maughans, co. Monmouth, land called "Blackmore," 470, 471.

St. Mawes, co. Cornwall, 662, 816, 1004 : keeper of the Castle of. See Tredenham, Sir J.

St. Neot, co. Cornwall, tin-blowing house, 322.

St. Pardon, Nassau de, French Reformed officer, 295.

St. Paule, , ensign, French Reformed officer, 1597.

St. Paul's Cray, Paulstray, co. Kent, township of, 807.

St. Peter's in Eye. See Eye.

St. Pier, Nathaniel, tidesman, London port, 320.

St. Quintin
-, William, commissioner for assessments, co. York etc., 1470
-, surety for R. Williamson, 1540.

St. Radigund, monastery of, possessions of, in Alkham etc., co. Kent, 646.

St. Sauveur, , lieutenant, French Reformed officer, 1201, 1203.

-, Camille, services of, 566, 890.

St. Sebastian, Spain, 556, 1339, 1580, 1880.

St. Serveur (Sarveur), , lieutenant, French Reformed officer, 1597.

St. Stephen's, co. Cornwall, tin-blowing house, 322, 1222.

St. Thomas, , French Reformed officer, 295.

St. Weonard's, co. Hereford, 473. See also St. Bernard.

St. Xavier, co. Hereford, Jesuit College, 469, 471, 473, 474.

St. Yore, , lieutenant, French Reformed officer, 1597.

Sainthill, , steward of Bradninch manor, 1495.

Saintloe, George, captain, royal bounty for, 1704.

Saissac (Saiseac), Marquis of, goods of, for transport to France, 852.

Salcey Forest, co. Northampton, 467.

Clubb's Coppice, 1546.

deer in, 1267.

Durnway Coppice, 467.

felling in, 586, 606, 612, 987, 1267, 1546.

gates and posts, order concerning, 1546.

Great Lawn, 590, 612, 1267
-, bad fencing of, 1267
-, keeper of. See Lawton, J.

Hasell Coppice, 987.

lieutenant of, 987. See also Montague, C.

Orgaine's Hill Coppice, 987.

Quinton Tounge Coppice, 1546.

regarders of, 987, 1267.

vert and venison, 1267.

woodward of. See Newton, T.

Salcombe, co. Devon, 662, 1004.

Salem, New England, 1937.

Salisbury, co. Wilts, 214, 215, 262, 1889, 1904.

Army at, 1136.

Bishop of. See Sarum.

Close, 1473.

hospital at, 1185.

receiver of assessments, 458, 602, 974, 1473, 1539.

Salisbury, Earl of. See Cecil, J.

Salisbury (Salsbury), , widow of Samuel, fencing work in Windsor Park, 52, 193, 199, 262.

-, Norwich, toll of the Haymarket, London, 194, 231.

-, Richard, tidesman, Bristol port, 285.

-, Samuel, cornet of Dragoons, half pay, Ireland, 192.

-, William, waiter, Bideford port, 13.

Salkeld (Salkield), , oats at Whitehaven for Ireland, 319.

-, Ralph, captain, Army pension for, 648, 1582.

-, Thomas, commissioner for superstitious lands, co. Northumberland, 530.

Salle, Stephen Monginot de la. See Monginot.

-, exportation of, 1160, 1753
-, price of, 1730.

Salmon (Salman, Sammon), Archer, tidesman, Plymouth port, 662.

-, James, shipmaster, 995.

-, John, coal mines, Stratton-super-Fosse, 203.

-, Peter, of the Custom House, surety for R. Williamson, 977, 1470.

-, -, of Whitechapel, surety for R. Williamson, 250, 457, 606.

-, -, surveyor of the Wood Farm, London port, 277, 778.

-, Thomas, shipmaster, 1328, 1364.

Salop. See Shropshire.

Salsbury. See Salisbury.

-, foreign, duty on, 2
-, farm of, 2.

French Bay salt, 149, 1462.

from Scotland, duty on, 2, 947, 994
-, farm of, 2.

seizures of, 849, 855.

weighs ("ways") of, 2.

-, Thomas, collector, Bridgwater port, 230, 320
-, petition for restoration as landwaiter, London port, 730-1.

Saltfleet, co. Lincoln, 928.

Salthouse, Henry, tidesman, Yarmouth port, 927.

Saltonstall, John, waiter and searcher, Sharperton, 845, 1025.

-, duty on, 1559
-, price of, 980
-, prohibition of export of, 297, 379
-, purchases of, from the East India Company. See Ordnance.

Salvador, Francis, loans by, 2003, 2004.

Salway, Posthumus, shipmaster, 1922.

Salwin, William, Army pension for, 648.

Sambach, Anthony, of Snowshill, 251.

Sambridge (Sambitch), Henry, a Customs officer, 223, 853.

Sambrooke, Sir Jeremy, loan by, 1995.

-, Peter, loan by, 1997.

Samford, co. Suffolk, hundred of, 908, 1919, 1952.

Sammon. See Salmon.

Sampford, George, condemned goods at Topsham, 127.

Sampson (Samson), , lease of passage over the Trent, 230.

-, -, memorial against Post Office accomptant, 1369.

-, -, rent paid by, out of Nonington, 804.

-, Henry, boatman, Burnham, 864.

-, Hugh, shipmaster, 861.

-, Isaac, tidesman, London port, 923.

-, John, messenger to the London brewers, 610.

-, Thomas, improvement of Post Office revenue, 1803, 1838.

-, William, Cock of the King's House, 439.

-, See Sampson
-, Sansom.

Samwell, William, grant to, of site of Burnham Monastery, 1602.

San Remo, Italy, 784.

-, William, former Archbishop of Canterbury, 1337
-, fine on, payments out of, 1405.

Sander, Sanders. See Saunders.

Sanderson. See Saunderson.

Sandford (Sanford), Christopher, receiver of assessments, co. Somerset, 251.

-, Edward, lands, co. Essex, 332.

-, Ephraim, receiver of assessments, co. Westmorland, 132, 251, 261, 460, 659, 1044, 1222, 1227, 1234, 1430.

-, Francis, late Lancaster Herald, 1312.

-, George, tidesurveyor, Exeter port, 218, 661, 1770.

-, Jo., of Newcastle, 132.

-, John, of Minehead, 251.

-, -, son of Edward, lands, co. Essex, 332.

-, -, petition of, for payment of Customs debenture, 1420-1.

-, Joseph, waiter and searcher, Gosport, 925.

-, Simon, of Harwich, contractor for pacquet boats, 842, 1571.

-, William, of Askham, 132.

Sandhurst Walk. See Windsor Forest.

Sandown Castle, co. Kent, 8, 475.

Sandwell, Matthias, waiter and searcher, Exeter port, 1767.

-, Stephen, waiter, Newcastle port, 929.

Sandwich, co. Kent, 12, 174, 573, 639, 672, 681, 709, 770, 1859.

comptroller of. See Breame, W.
-, Veale, W.

customer of. See Breton, R.
-, Veale, T.

Customs officers at, 661.

Sandwich, Earl of. See Montagu, E.

Sandys, Sir Edwin, captain, an officer of the Horse Guards, 1048, 1555, 1587, 1834.

-, Lady Elizabeth, wife of Sir Edwin, 1555, 1587
-, payments to, 1815, 1823, 1824
-, petition for an allowance, 941, 1047-8, 1283, 1869, 1911.

-, Hen., tidesman, London port, 175.

-, Philadelphia, loans by, 1974, 1988, 1991, 1992, 2006.

-, Sir Thomas, grant to, by Charles II., of lotteries, 1174, 1817.

Sanford. See Sandford.

-, (Sanky), , captain or colonel, deputy governor of the Hospital, Ireland, 1664, 1720
-, half pay for, 1727.

-, Nicholas, captain or colonel, half pay, Ireland, 191, 1503.

-, Richard, payment to, for secret service, 968.

Sankey Bridges, co. Lancaster, 931, 1842.

Sanlucar, St. Lucas, Spain, 849.

Sanmares. See Saumares.

Sansaix, , French Reformed officer, 295.

Sansom (Samson, Sanson), John, Secretary to the Customs, 18, 25, 66, 68, 72, 82, 175, 280, 311, 314, 322, 438, 503, 515, 552, 716, 842, 848, 877, 879, 910, 1016, 1407, 1462, 1583.

-, -, jun., Northern Clerk, 1407.

-, Thomas, surveyor's place, Boston, 95.

Sanson (Santon), John, shipmaster, 216.

-, Lucas, collector of the revenue, New York, 254, 443, 562, 642, 1526.

Santa Cruce. See Agadir.

Santon. See Sanson.

Saphora. See Saffora.

Saporlas, Samuel, loan by, 2003.

Sarazon, John, Army pension for, 648.

-, (Sarsnet), of Florence, 694
-, Persian, 694.

Sark, Channel Islands, 146.

Sarment, Claud, French Reformed officer, 294.

-, Patrick, Lord Lucan, agent to, 1841
-, provisions for Irish troops going to France, 1941-2
-, wine and cloth for, 1548
-, wine of, seized, 1446.

Sarsnet. See Sarcenet.

-, Bishop of, 1445
-, book written against, 1010. See also Burnet, G.

Customs officer, 230.

First Fruits, 28, 103.

late Bishop of, 1146, 1445.

New. See New Sarum.

Tenths, 109, 504
-, collector of. See Duppa, Sir T.
-, surplusage, 1146, 1445.

Sashes, orange net, 1135.

Saten. See Staten.

Saugere, Suzanne de, 1134.

Saule, Nicholas, land in Treverbyn Courtney, 503.

Saumares (Sanmares), Dr., arrest of, 1328.

Saunders (Sander, Sanders), , ship's commander, 1369, 1741.

-, Anderson, commissioner for superstitious lands, cos. Bedford etc., 515
-, ditto, cos. Lincoln, Chester and Salop, 571
-, ditto, cos. Hereford, Flint etc., 732.

-, Jacob, ship's commander, 1382.

-, John, loans by, 1977, 1978, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1991, 2004, 2006, 2007.

-, -, shipmaster, 1751, 1936.

-, -, weigher, Custom House, 1400.

-, Joseph, tidesurveyor, Ipswich, 927, 1189
-, ditto, Harwich, 1749.

-, Nathaniel, house in Queen Street, 630.

-, Nicholas, collector, Truro, 127, 925.

-, Richard, tidesman, London port, 923.

-, Robert, commissioner for superstitious lands, cos. Lincoln, Chester and Salop, 571.

-, -, grant of Post Groats duty, 1892.

-, -, shipmaster, 1789.

-, Samuel, ship's commander, 847.

-, William, seaman, 1.

Saunderson (Sanderson), Alexander, cornet, half pay, Ireland, 191.

-, Christopher, shipmaster, 1391, 1407.

-, George, 5th Viscount Castleton, 93
-, issues to, 537
-, lands in Peterborough Level, 596
-, lodgings of, 1576
-, regiment of, 274, 371, 500, 518, 538, 541, 623, 664, 677, 701, 722, 739, 996, 1147, 1673, 1782
-, tents for, 1755.

-, James, Commissioner, Alienation Office, 19, 137, 153, 551, 619, 1407.

-, John, weighing porter, London port, 922, 1419.

-, Nicholas, steward of the lordship of Kirton, 20, 93, 1957.

-, Ralph, lease of lands in Eastcombe, 1227, 1620, 1678, 1699.

-, Robert, bricklayer, land in St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, 723.

-, William, adjutant, half pay, Ireland, 192.

Sautier, la, French Reformed officer, 1201, 1203, 1596.

Sauvage, John le, King's waiter's place, London port, 160.

Savage, Edmund, waggoner, Ireland, 1945-6.

-, Joshua, landwaiter, London port, 882.

-, Philip, clerk of the Court of King's Bench, Ireland, 1577
-, allowance to, for outlawries, 1741, 1859
-, solicitorship of the Customs, 88
-, trustee for the children of J. Crow, 1562.

-, Richard, Viscount Colchester, 571
-, loan by, 651
-, officers of regiment of, 1505
-, regiment of, 439, 651, 1161, 1169, 1335, 1347, 1398, 1420, 1435, 1444, 1448, 1531, 1579, 1610, 1616, 1685, 1724, 1780, 1784, 1942.

-, -, prosecuting wool exporters, 946.

-, Thomas, 7th Earl Rivers, house of, 1901
-, lease of Mara and Mondren Forest, 324, 1378-9, 1424-5, 1901, 2012, 2014.

-, Walter, commissioner for assessments, co. Worcester, 1473.

Savell, John, a page of the Bedchamber, 1128.

Savery, William, a foreshore commissioner, 794.

-, George, 1st Marquess of Halifax, 653
-, issues to, 709
-, loans, 338-9, 345, 1988
-, Lord Privy Seal, 5, 14, 22, 210, 221, 344, 713, 1445, 1961
-, patent of, revoked, 957
-, trustee for the Queen Dowager, 1391.

-, -, additional waiter, Exeter port, 661, 1285
-, surveyor, Bristol port, 1767.

-, William, sub-commissioner for prizes, Hull, 1631.

Savory, William, an outlaw, 709.

-, French Reformed officers going to, 982
-, return of money to, 992.

-, Duke of, bills of exchange to, 431, 433, 435, 991.

envoy from, 435. See also Ambassadors
-, Tour, President de la.

loans for, 1552.

payments to, 914, 1431. See also Herne, Sir J.

question of interest etc. on bills, 1015.

treaty concerning, 1207, 1208.

troops for the assistance of, 1212, 1225, 1247, 1303, 1522.

- See also London and Westminster streets and places in.

Sawbridge, John, seaman, 984.

Sawston, co. Cambridge, 605.

Sawyer, , a Quaker, frauds at Bristol, 430, 1148.

-, Arthur, of Bristol, merchant, 1394.

-, Edward, land of, Cable Street, 1968.

-, John, of London, surety for J. Smith, 138.

-, Richard, pensionary yeoman, 600. See also Sayer.

-, Sir Robert, commissioner for assessments for the Inner Temple, 748
-, counsel for Lord North and Grey, 360.

Saxe-Gotha, troops of, 1467, 1480, 1740.

-, Elector of, marriage of, 1846
-, mourning for, 1863
-, Order of the Garter for, 1843, 1910.

Say, Alexander, landwaiter, London port, 238.

-, William, lands in Peterborough Level, 596, 599.

Sayce, Robert, watchman, London port, 923.

-, (Sayer), George, lease of Chertsey and Hardwick manors, 1761
-, loans by, 1742, 1743.

-, Henry, assistant to the Weigher and Teller of the Mint, 172.

-, John, shipmaster, 1727.

-, -, Groom of the Bedchamber, 330, 350, 609, 916, 1130, 1157, 1158, 1509.

-, Margaret, loan by, 1987.

-, Mary, of Berkhampstead, 106, 125, 139.

-, Richard, a Yeoman of the Guard to Charles II., 591. See also Sawyer.

-, Thomas, commissioner of assessments, co. Huntingdon, 1474.

-, William. See Layer.

Saywell, John, waterman for the Wood Farm, 277.

-, Thomas, a messenger of the Chamber, 653.

Scaells, , envoy from the King of Denmark, 1873.

Scaldwell, co. Northampton, 747.

Scanderoon. See Alexandretta.

Scarborough, Scharborgh, co. York, 150, 466, 929, 1465.

Castle, 466, 480, 484.

collector of, 1042.

garrison of, 944.

place appointed to receive seamen, 1009.

want of money in, to defray charges of pressed seamen, 1042.

Scarborough, Earl of. See Lumley, R.

-, (Scharborough), Charles, envoy extraordinary to Portugal, 1196, 1206
-, loan by, 1206.

-, -, collector, Virginia, 1819.

-, Edward, King's waiter's place, London port, 96, 166
-, agent for prizes, Liverpool port, 1015
-, collector, ibid., 196.

-, -, lands in Peterborough Level, 596.

-, John, work at Chelsea Hospital, 1262, 1290.

-, Richard, of Halifax, 1540.

Scardevill (Scardevile), Henry, chaplain to the Duke of Schomberg, 1502.

-, Joseph, Customs place, 106.

Scarle, Daniel. See Searle.

Scasbrook, Tho., shipmaster, 1936.

Scasebrick, Lawrence, shipmaster, 1831.

-, (Scowen), William, of London, merchant, 24
-, clothing for the Army, 354, 538, 548, 716, 717, 983, 985, 1007, 1531
-, grant of quit rents, Ireland, 1759-60
-, loans by, 524, 528, 555, 558, 564, 716, 748, 1759, 1764, 1994
-, payments to, 703
-, ships belonging to, 861, 871, 1678, 1687.

-, -, and partners, 434, 435, 1469.

Schadt, Stephen, shipmaster, 218.

-, (Schack, Schackell), , colonel, adjutant to. See Exsell, A.
-, French ship seized by, 1595
-, petition of, 1752
-, regiment of, 677, 1467, 1481, 1603, 1604, 1611, 1616, 1640, 1703, 1746, 1754.

Scharborgh. See Scarborough.

Scharborough. See Scarborough.

-, van, Company of, 366
-, goods stolen from, in Norfolk, 366.

Schelder (Van Schelder), , captain, of the Danish Forces, 691.

-, (Schestedt, Sechstede, Seehestedt), , colonel, chaplain to. See Brinck, I.
-, regiment of Danish Horse of, 370, 519, 690, 691.

Schimmelpenninck, Alexander Oge, Lord of, Lord of Engelenburg, Dutch Commissioner for the Debt from England, 291, 296.

Schlestine, Mademoiselle, one of the Queen's dressers, 780.

Schmelbaut, Wolfgang de, 173.

Schmeltan. See Schmettau.

-, (Schmeltan, Smettau), , envoy from the Elector of Brandenburg, 522
-, present to, from William III., 1026.

-, (Schonberg, Sconberge), Charles, Duke of Schomberg. Lieutenant-General chaplain to. See Dubourdieu, J.
-, in Piedmont, 1875
-, issues to, 1616, 1685, 1694, 1793, 1949
-, loan by, 1203
-, pension for, 1197, 1203, 1761
-, regiment of, 1113, 1115.

-, Frederick, Duke of Schomberg, Marshal, 24, 46, 47, 54, 91, 169, 215, 252, 390, 432, 495, 565, 681, 702, 820, 1850, 1852, 2009.

Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in Ireland, 220, 224, 256, 290, 291, 303, 320, 322, 500, 608, 611, 624, 697, 748, 798, 1088, 1225.

Commander of the Royal Regiment of Foot in Holland, 517.

General of Horse, 632, 859, 988.

Master General of the Ordnance, 17, 290, 829, 1154, 1158, 1322.

aides-de-camp for, 859. See also Montarge
-, Turin.

baggage for, 552.

bills drawn by, on the Ordnance, 1101, 1301, 1308, 1322.

chaplain to. See Scardevill, H.

commission of, 671.

executors of, 1154, 1158.

goods for, 84, 172.

horses for, 552.

landing in Ireland, 966.

lodgings, 172.

money due to, 434, 938.

order of, concerning some tobacco, 985.

payments to, 385, 389, 392.

Regiment of Horse of, 186, 623, 820, 828, 830, 837, 851, 861, 875, 1089, 1104
-, wives and families of, issues for, 792.

secretary to. See Cardonell.

-, Meinhardt, Duke of Leinster, Commander-in-Chief, England, 1627, 1722.

Commander-in-Chief of the expedition to France, 1728.

General of Horse, 1190, 1211, 1380, 1467, 1588.

aides-de-camp to, 1397, 1691, 1693, 1694, 1703, 1709.

child of, christened, 1904.

money for horses for Danish troops, 1150, 1170.

officers attending, 1697, 1878.

payments by, for horses, 1407, 1412.

payments to, for horses, 1453-4, 1493, 1629.

regiment of, 1162, 1179, 1183, 1190, 1193, 1195, 1201, 1209, 1211, 1223, 1230, 1235, 1236, 1240, 1249, 1254, 1263, 1268, 1280, 1290, 1299, 1309, 1317, 1319, 1325, 1337, 1243, 1347, 1354, 1360, 1362, 1366, 1374, 1388, 1398, 1406, 1419, 1422, 1444, 1449, 1452, 1481, 1486, 1487, 1499, 1507, 1525, 1531, 1535, 1551, 1556, 1573, 1607,1641, 1684, 1835, 1856, 1857, 1901, 1906, 1907, 1964.

secretary to, 1722.

tents for, 1755.

wrecks in America, 1807.

Schoutten, Cornelius, shipmaster, 775.

-, (Shuckburgh, Shugburgh, Shukburgh), George, agent for prizes, Rye port, 1466
-, collector, ibid., 868
-, searchership, London port, 87
-, surveyor's place, London port, 565.

Schulenberg, (Schulimberg, Schuylembere, Schylemberg, Zulenbergh), William, Paymaster of the Dutch Forces, 23, 50, 75, 81, 85, 91, 169, 242, 306, 331, 337, 405, 488, 502, 506, 776, 1152, 1243, 1257, 1277, 1460, 1466, 1525.

bills of, not answered, 1104.

correspondent of. See Clifford, G.

details of payments etc., 1521-2.

drawing Army bills from the Hague, 284, 381, 383, 440, 571, 837, 845, 851, 859, 899, 907, 984, 1023, 1045, 1057, 1068, 1102, 1193, 1207-8, 1218, 1220, 1230, 1243, 1246, 1268, 1309, 1374, 1380, 1388, 1398, 1405, 1467, 1521-2, 1547, 1740
-, account of, 1152, 1220-1, 1243.

goods for, 80.

gratuity to, 26, 27, 29.

ordnance stores furnished by, 1701, 1740.

payment by, for Irish prisoners at Ostend, 984.

payments by, for the Army in Flanders, 984, 1220, 1396-7, 1621.

-, for ordnance stores, 1178, 1183, 1395-6, 1526, 1621.

-, for troops of Saxe-Gotha, 1480.

remittances to, 1105, 1290, 1325, 1414.

to cease drawing bills for the Forces in Flanders, 1186.

Schtz (Shoultz), , envoy from Luneburg, present to, from William III., 1026.

Scilly Isles, 68, 160, 495, 583, 835, 1314, 1315.

collector etc. at. See Bassett, J.
-, Bolitho, J.

Customs officers in, 662.

Governor of, 106, 160.

proprietor of, share of, in wrecks etc., 835, 1315. See also Godolphin, Lord.

Sclater, Henry, place of Surveyor General of Customs, London port, 97, 2010.

Sconberge. See Schomberg.

Score, Richard, deputy collector, Exeter port, 127, 128, 214.

Scoting, Joseph, shipmaster, 1364.

Scotland, allowance for remitting money to, 9.

Army for, 6, 111, 153, 190, 224, 563.

artillery train, 1446.

issues for, remittances to Scotland, 9, 35, 42, 377, 546, 584, 857, 913.

regiments, 80, 184, 300-1, 339, 439, 692, 1144.

for Flanders, 909, 911.

for names of regiments, see ArmyRegiments.

stores and clothes for, 80, 149, 339, 692.

bills from, 518, 520.

commissary of musters in, 898. See also Bruce, Sir A.

Customs officers for the coast of, 312.

Danish Forces in, 53, 54, 64, 73-4, 258, 333, 513, 867, 1317.

Dutch Forces in, 42, 192, 867.

grain, export of, to Ireland, 514, 524.

Highlanders, reduction of, 1506.

issues for the King's service in, 1303.

Lord High Commissioners, 692. See also Melville, Earl of.

meal from, for the Army in Ireland, 489, 524.

money, 37.

naturalizations, 170.

payment in, of Scots Guards, 374.

provisions from, for Ireland, 691.

recruits raised in, 554.

salt trade. See Salt.

Secretary for. See Dalrymple, Sir J.

Office, ground of, 423.

ships going to, 170
-, naturalization of, 170.

ships of, hired for transports. See Transports.

tobacco exported to, 1420.

tobacco landed in, 1079.

transport service in, issues for, 1406.

Treasury, money from, for James II., 1185.

troops from, 1815, 1823.

wrecks on the coast of, 213.

Scott, , captain, Roman Catholic officer, Deputy Governor of Guernsey, 19.

-, Ann, widow of James, Duke of Monmouth, Duchess of Buccleuch suo jure, wife of Lord Cornwallis, annuity to, 544, 708, 918, 1199, 1200, 1530, 1533.

-, Bartholomew, work at Chelsea Hospital, 1290.

-, Sir Edward, lease of Milton rectory, 514
-, a rebel against the King, 514
-, Lieutenant-Governor of Portsmouth, 1185.

-, Elias, waiter and searcher, Norham, 930.

-, Francis, Customs place, 13.

-, Gilbert, a constable, Durham, 1392, 1444.

-, James, Duke of Monmouth, 544, 1375
-, Chief Justice, Trent North, 1960
-, Master of the Horse, 1430
-, grant of Kinsale ferries, 1431-2
-, landing of, 1839
-, regiment of, 856.

-, -, shipmaster, 1936.

-, Jane, detecting Customs frauds, 1254.

-, John, loans by, 1972, 1974, 1982, 2001, 2007.

-, Richard, 1504.

-, -, tenant, Carwinley, 1775.

-, Robert, furnishing Bibles for the Chapel at Whitehall, 997, 999
-, furnishing stationery for the Chamber, 997, 1001
-, loan by, 997.

-, William, searcher, packer and gauger, Dublin, 660, 692, 738, 756.

Scougall, John, of Chiswick, 1469.

Scowen. See Scawen.

Scrafton, William, deputy King's waiter, London port, 1000.

Scravemore. See Duyn.

Scriven, Nicholas, loans by, 712, 2008.

-, William, Customs officer, Scarborough, 929.

-, (Scudmore), Magdalen, loan by, 1354
-, royal bounty for, 1346.

Sea, co. Somerset, 234.

Sea crab, invention of, 835, 1840.

Sea passes. See Admiralty
-, Passes.

Sea Valley. See Deal.

Seaborne, (Seabourn), Thomas, Master of the Hospital, Chester, 1116, 1227, 1399, 1429, 1835, 1852.

Seacombe, John, waiter and searcher, Falmouth port, 662.

Seaford, co. Sussex, 841.

Seagar. See Segar.

Seal, co. Kent, 976, 1473, 1541.

Seal Office
-, grant of, to the Duke of Northumberland, 143
-, sealing writs in the King's Bench and Common Pleas, 177.

Seal oil imported by the Muscovy Company, 314, 328.

Seal, Royal, 103.

Sealby, Jonathan, waiter, Saltfleet, 928.

Seals, new, to be made, 987.

Seaman, Aldrich, steward of Milverton, 244.

-, Robert, of Harwich, surgeon, 1571.

Seamen. See Customs
-, Navy
-, Ships.

Searle, , accomptant to the General Letter Office, 1288, 1301, 1369, 1803.

-, Anthony, boatman, Hamble River, 924.

- or Scarle, Daniel, absconding Hearthmoney collector, 1239, 1291.

-, George, lands in Whittlesey, 599.

-, Henry, lands in Whittlesey, 599.

Searson, Daniel, shipmaster, 751.

Seaton, co. Devon, 662.

Seaton Sluice, co. Northumberland, 930.

Seaward. See Seward.

Sechstede. See Schested.

Secret Service, account of, demanded, 1314.

accounts of H. Guy, 26.

foundation for payments, 1313.

issues for, 33, 40. See also Guy, H.
-, Jephson, W.
-, Nottingham, Earl of
-, Shrewsbury, Earl of.

issues out of, 27, 29, 42, 48, 53, 54, 61, 76, 77, 306, 370, 400, 410.

no list of payments, 1313-4.

order concerning moneys issued out of, as bounties, 1221-2.

statement by Treasury Lords as to method of payment, 1313-4, 1327.

Secretaries of State, 4, 417, 674, 1182.

Office of, 154
-, commissions entered in, 1555
-, fees, 312, 1166.

plate for, 101, 290.

stationery for, 1811-2.

See also Middleton, Earl of
-, Nottingham, Earl of
-, Sunderland, Earl of
-, Sydney, Viscount
-, Williamson, Sir J.

Sede vacante temporalities. See Bishoprics.

Sedgell, William, tidesman and boatman, Looe, 756.

Sedgley, co. Stafford, 1541.

-, (Sedgwich), Francis, of London, goldsmith, petition for receivership of assessments, co, Berks, 1317-8
-, surety for N. Starling, 460, 604, 977.

-, Lancelot, Army pension for, 648.

-, Obadiah, loans by, 1980, 1986.

-, William, malt for the Navy, 741.

-, Zacheus, revenue commissioner, Ireland, 1631, 1688, 1749-50.

Sedley (Sidley), Catherine, Countess of Dorchester, grant to, by James II., of quit rents, Ireland, 1518-9.

-, Sir Charles, loan by, 1986.

Seehestedt. See Schested.

-, (Seagar), Anthony, customer, Southampton port, 160, 957, 1340
-, keeper of the Treasury Chambers, 1453, 1456, 1574, 1610, 1700, 1704, 1845, 1855, 1959
-, lease of lands, Winchester, 1488, 1625, 1661, 1693
-, messenger to the Commissioners for Appeals, 157.

-, Charles, doorkeeper to the Commissioners for Appeals, 880
-, a yeoman porter, 1333.

-, George, King's waiter, Bristol port, 255, 305.

-, Henry, assistant to the Weigher and Teller of the Mint, 192.

-, -, comptroller, Hull port, 622, 624, 689, 693, 1059, 1340.

-, -, doorkeeper to the Commissioners for Appeals, 157, 880.

-, John, payment to, for quartering soldiers, 856-7.

Seigne, la, French Reformed officer, 294.

Seigneret, Stephen. See Signeret.

Seissack, , goods for, 912.

Selby, co. York, 232, 326.

Selby, , captain, 1799.

-, William, comptroller's place, Berwick port, 96
-, landsurveyor's place, London port, 125.

-, -, custodiam lease, co. Chester, 853.

Selgrave, co. Kent, borough of, 806.

Selian, co. Cardigan, stewardship of, 122.

Selkirk, Earl of. See Douglas, C.

Selling, alias Haefield, co. Kent, borough of, 806.

Sellwood, Robert, jun., custodiam lease, Oxford, 260.

-, William, colonel, 1019, 1043, 1087, 1194, 1545
-, regiment of, 1466, 1505, 1536, 1590, 1603, 1610, 1750, 1888, 1901, 1943.

Senden, John, shipmaster, 552.

Senhouse, Andrew, ship's commander, 1085.

Sente, Samuel, shipmaster, 823.

Sentling, St. Ling, co. Kent, township of, 807.

Sequestrations, Commissioners of, 1101.

Sergison, , 387.

Serive, , lieutenant, French Reformed officer, 1596.

-, Henry, surveyor's place, London port, 93
-, surveyor of landwaiters, ibid., 206, 246.

-, John, lands in Peterborough Level, 597.

-, Robert, lands in Peterborough Level, 597.

-, Thomas, King's waiter's place, London port, 1586.

-, Walter, King's waiter's place, London port, 89.

Serjeants-at-Arms. See Treasury.

-, See Atkins, Sir R.
-, Dolben, Sir W.
-, Eyre, G.
-, Gregory, Sir W.
-, Holt, Sir J.
-, Lechmere, E.
-, Lutwyche, Sir T.
-, Neville, Sir E.
-, Pollexfen, Sir H.
-, Powell, Sir J.
-, Rokeby, T.
-, Turton, J.
-, Ventris, P.
-, Wogen, W.

Serment, , captain, French Reformed officer, 1597.

-, Anthony Gomez, alien merchant, London, 281
-, loan by, 1993.

-, Pinhas Gomez, alien merchant, London, 281.

Serranillas, The (near Jamaica), 767-8, 785, 834.

Serrieres, , Army pension, 255, 336.

Servants not properly rated for the Poll, 443.

Settlement and Explanation, Act of, 1454.

Seven Hundreds, the, co. Kent, 806.

Sevenoaks, co. Kent, 803.

Severn River
-, Customs smack for the guard of, 917
-, water bailiwick of, 70, 318, 1357.

Seville dollar. See Dollar.

-, real. See Real.

Seward (Seaward), Charles, petition of, for allowance to Henry, 694, 734.

-, Edward, of Exeter, 458, 976, 1847.

-, Henry, receiver of the Poll, co. Hereford, 130, 694, 734, 766.

-, -, warehouse keeper, Bristol port, 119.

-, John, commissioner for the regulation of Bristol port, 620.

-, -, shipmaster, 1936.

Sewell, Hen., bread for the Navy, 712.

-, John, a page of the Bedchamber, 1128.

-, Thomas, Chamber payment for, 1334.

Sexton, William, entering into the King's Timber Yard, 723.

Seymour, Charles, 11th Duke of Somerset, 221, 225.

-, Christopher, a messenger of the Chamber, 1242, 1284, 1334.

-, Edward, Clerk of the Hanaper, 9, 276, 449, 758, 1021, 1479.

-, Sir Edward, late Treasurer of the Navy, 413, 809, 824, 858, 1059 1131
-, a Lord of the Treasury, 1747, 1846, 1959
-, accounts of, 1131, 1161, 1568, 1684
-, house at Maiden Bradley, 809
-, payment to, in the West, 136.

-, Governor, payments to, 128.

-, Henry, lease, Boyton, 1111, 1217, 1361
-, lease, Chipping Wycombe, 328, 1348, 1479
-, lease, Plymouth, 223, 240
-, lease, Trematon, 687.

-, John, labourer, St. James's Park, 1020.

-, Sir Joseph, 226
-, debt due from, 1712.

Seywell, Josias, a groom of the Chamber, 512, 1127.

Sgramore. See Duyn.

Shack. See Schaeck.

Shackell. See Schaeck.

Shad, Alexius, a messenger of the Chamber, 736.

Shadwell, Thomas, Poet Laureate and Historiographer Royal, 206, 342, 343, 851, 1102, 1103, 1249, 1251, 1453, 1456, 1733, 1747, 1950, 1969.

Shaen (Shane), Lady Frances, royal bounty, 1306, 1311.

-, Sir James, Surveyor General of Ireland, 959, 961.

Shaftesbury, co. Dorset, post bag, 809.

Shaftesbury, Earl of. See Cooper, A. Ashley.

Shalcross, Henry, accountant of Hearthmoney, 499.

-, -, landsurveyor, London port, 87
-, jerquer, 182.

-, Philip, Hearthmoney Office, 499.

Shales, , 29, 353.

-, Charles, money owing to, for biscuit, 794.

-, John, Commissary General of Provisions, Ireland, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 52, 92, 174, 175, 188, 201, 220, 222, 224, 228, 240, 248, 253, 258, 288, 292, 303, 306, 307, 311, 322, 395, 489, 490, 665, 670, 734, 767, 794, 826, 852, 885, 1136, 1219, 1261, 1322, 1324
-, Auditor of Crown Lands, 419, 510, 753, 802, 841, 886, 903, 1076, 1163, 1384-5.

accounts, 301, 420, 431, 823, 843, 884, 910, 966, 992, 998, 1020, 1022, 1030-1, 1537
-, account of bedding at Hounslow Heath Hospital, 1310
-, account of provisions for Danish Forces, 1465
-, commissioners to enquire of, 348-9
-, transport account, 1303.

boards etc. sold from Hounslow Heath, 329, 734, 1049, 1079.

charterparties demanded from, 824, 825.

debt owing to, by the Victuallers, 1050, 1949.

examining naval and ordnance accounts, 1621, 1698, 1730, 1732, 1733, 1778, 1788, 1804, 1806, 1823, 1825, 1839, 1851, 1859, 1880, 1891, 1899, 1904, 1909, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1952.

loans by, 867, 2000.

payments to, by Mr. Harbord, 413, 415
-, for discharging ships at Belfast, 691
-, out of assessments, 43, 282
-, out of Customs, 1219
-, out of Excise, 313, 1249
-, out of small revenue, 1617.

petition against, by J. Jones, 767.

to assist in examination of shipmasters' accounts, 992.

-, Phi., chief surveyor of imported liquors, London port, 611.

-, Arthur, of London, merchant, 128, 575, 580, 590, 1261, 1657, 1678
-, Army bills, 162, 518, 520
-, coal for the Army, 1185
-, debt to, from the Crown, 559
-, freight for the Ordnance, 1039
-, money for the Danes, 691
-, money owing from, on account of Excise, 559, 1032
-, ship of, hired for transport, 1753, 1810
-, surety for A. Isaacson, 250, 459
-, wharf of, 1611
-, wine etc. from Spain, 801, 1699-1700, 1749.

Shalloon, 1097, 1098, 1110, 1410.

Shandangan, Shandagin, co. Limerick, 1598.

Shane. See Shaen.

Shanniballimore [? Shanballymore], co. Limerick, 1598.

Shannon River, Ireland, wrecks in, grant of, 1697.

Shannon, Viscount, See Boyle, F.

Shapland, John, of Wexford, merchant, 1115.

Shapless. See Sharplesse.

Sharnall, Eleazar, prisoner at Calais, 581.

Sharpe, Edward, landcarriageman, London port, 490, 1469.

-, Henry, commissioner for, assessments, co. Hants, 1472.

-, Hugh, lands of, in Garthorpe, 1204.

-, James, waterman, London port, 1063.

-, John, Archbishop of York, 1245.

-, -, estate of, on Little Tower Hill, 354.

-, Richard, receiver of assessments, co. Rutland, 321, 325, 327.

-, William, a messenger of the Chamber, 526, 549, 653, 1242, 1284, 1334
-, a messenger, Ireland, 969.

-, -, ship's commander, 1266.

Sharperton, co. Northumberland, 121, 175, 845, 1025.

Sharplesse (Shapless), Cuthbert, shipmaster, 1083, 1936.

-, George, agent for prizes, Liverpool port, 1015
-, surveyor, ibid., 931.

Shaw, co. Lancaster, 460.

Shaw, , a Treasury clerk, 350, 360, 1323, 1520.

-, John, examiner of outport books, London port, 922.

-, -, examiner of wines and currants, London port, 922.

-, -, gunsmith, 1856.

-, -, loan by, 1992.

-, Sir John, collector inwards, London port, 268, 277
-, account of potash farm, 1228, 1242.

-, -, lease, Peterborough Level, 579, 597.

-, -, petition of, concerning enclosure at Eltham, 1438, 1599.

-, Moses, tidesman, Weymouth port, 661.

-, Ralph, loans by, 1992, 1997.

-, Robert, owner of the Swan, 1645, 1808.

-, Thomas, waiter, Ribble Water, 931.

-, Walter, Army clothing, 1314, 1730
-, executor of Lieut.-Col. Pope, 1547.

-, William, Hearthmoney arrears, Ireland, 1554, 1832.

-, -, house in Queen Street, 630.

-, -, [a Treasury Clerk], 1774.

-, -, waiter, Gravesend, 21, 88.

-, -, grant of Leyland Hall, 2011.

Shaw Hall [? Nutshaw Hall], co. Lancaster, 881.

Shayle, Joseph, loans by, 1981, 1992, 1997.

Sheaford. See Sherford.

Shearard. See Sherard.

Shearn, Abr., tidesman, Exeter port, 158.

Sheen, Priory of, 200.

- See also Richmond.

Sheen, Christopher, King's waiter's place, London port, 2011.

Sheepskins, 1110.

Sheeres, , captain, Guide to the Army in Ireland, 969.

-, John, Customs officer, Isle of Man, 175.

Sheerness, co. Kent, 580, 1784.

Garrison, 734, 811, 851.

Guards going to, 1299.

Lieutenant-Governor of, 305.

repairs at, 1638.

ships to be sunk at, 1861.

soldiers at, subsistence for, 376, 541.

works and fortifications at, 786, 793, 845, 846, 1078, 1621, 1659, 1695, 1704, 1715, 1755, 1770, 1781, 1792, 1844, 1854, 1860.

-, John, Earl of Mulgrave, Lord, Chamberlain to James II., 120
-, alum ship of, 405
-, loans by, 398, 705.

Shelcrosse, John, quartermaster, half pay, Ireland, 191, 204.

Sheldon, Henry, a messenger of the, Chamber, 1242, 1284.

-, Richard, surveyor etc., York, 929.

Sheldrake, Jacob, clerk to the Excise Comptroller, 1696.

Shelshewell (Shelswell), Matthew, tidesman, London port, 923, 1533.

Shelton, Robert, petition for landwatchman's place, 1195.

Shelve, alias Roughton, co. Kent, manor of, 804.

Shenton, George, receiver and billman, Excise Cashier's Office, 1178.

Shepherd (Shepard, Shephard, Sheppard, Shipperd), , druggist, 1820.

-, Charles, a messenger of the Chamber, 1333.

-, John, landwaiter, London port, 922.

-, Jos., chief boatman, Bristol port, 1794.

-, Richard, tidesman, Newcastle port, 718.

-, Robert, of Rollright, commissioner for the rangership of Woodstock, 870.

-, -, wine and brandy taster, 611.

-, Samuel, general gauger, London, 611.

-, Thomas, merchant, 1883.

-, -, tidesman, London port, 923.

-, William, labourer, St. James's Park, 1020.

-, -, tidesman, Newcastle port, 718.

Sheppey, Isle of, co. Kent, rent of land in, 1619, 1818.

Shepreth, co. Cambridge, 605.

Shepton Mallet, co. Somerset, 264, 1254.

Sherard (Shearard, Sherrard, Sherwood), Bennett, Lord Sherard, Lord Lieutenant, co. Rutland, 1606.

-, Daniel, lieutenant, supernumerary officer, Londonderry, 1905.

-, Philip, of Car Colston, 130, 251, 604, 974, 1470, 1539.

Sherborne, co. Dorset, 87, 214.

-, co. Gloucester, 1474.

Sherbrooks, Robert, of Arnold, co. Nottingham, 251.

Sherford, Sheaford, co. Kent, manor of, 804.

Sheridan, Thomas, of Cork, a farmer of the Irish revenue, 959.

Sheriton. See Sherrington.

Sherley. See Shirley.

Sherlock, William, D.D., master and keeper of the New House, New Temple, 1005, 1018, 1122, 1695, 1696.

Sherman, Charles, collector, Faversham port, 136, 923.

Sherrard. See Sherard.

Sherrer, Richard, a messenger of the Chamber, 1333.

Sherrill, Adam, shipmaster, 751.

Sherrington (Sheriton), William, lease of priory of Eye, 990, 1142-3, 2018.

Sherry, importation of, 468.

Sherwin, John, of Nottingham, 1539.

Sherwood, , caveat concerning constableship of Launceston Castle, 2018.

-, Philip. See Sherard.

Sherwood Forest, co. Nottingham, felling trees in, 1042, 1090, 1171, 1415-6, 1434.

Navy timber, 1171.

purchases of timber in, 896-7.

regarders of, 1042, 1090.

Surveyor of Woods, Trent North. See Corbyn, T.
-, Laycock, W.

timber from, 140, 350, 356, 363, 723, 772, 810, 873.

trees blown down in, 1677.

verderers of, 1042, 1090
-, fees of, 1073.

windfalls in, 1852.

woodward of, 1090.

Shestow [? co. Cornwall], tin-blowing house, 322.

Sheward, John, cofferkeeper, 1108, 1127.

Shewell, Daniel, Customs place, 189.

Shields, co. Northumberland, 157, 176, 208, 245, 551, 930, 1161, 1401.

Shingleton, Shringling [in Eastry], co. Kent, township of, 806.

Ship, John, tenant, Cheveley, 1075.

Shipide. See Shipside.

Shipperd. See Shepherd.

Shippon, co. Berks, 172, 200, 1111, 1601, 1779.

Ships and Shipping, attack on wrecked ship, 892.

convoys, regulations for, 1361.

ships not to leave, 1361.

distribution of, for Plantations trade, 1933-4.

embargo. See Embargo.

English, 141, 328.

for the coal trade in Chester port, 300.

foreign, English goods carried in, 1295.

English seamen to be prevented from sailing in, 1382.

giving bond not to trade with the enemy, Orders in Council for, 299-300, 320, 1286, 1412, 1445-6, 1916.

to return certificates of discharge of ladings, 1767, 1881, 1925.

giving false bonds, 1437.

hired for speedy conveyance of intelligence, 1758.

insurance of, proposal concerning, 1947.

lists, 328, 1170, 1819, 1831, 1922, 1934-8.

of ships rationed for mariners under the embargo. See Embargo,

required, 1766, 1912, 1933.

measuring of. See Bowles, J.

not to go to Ireland or France, 123-4.

passes. See Admiralty.

pressed into the King's service, 1142.

privateers, captures by, 1806.

quarantine, details of procedure for, 1762, 1766.

exemptions, 1785.

orders concerning, 1762, 1766, 1823.

revoked, 1799, 1891.

ships going into, 1708, 1740.

scarcity of, 501, 539.

seamen etc., desertions of, 1022, 1260.

difficulty of hiring, 1260.

impressment of, 1293.

lists of, required, 879.

numbers of, order concerning, 1959-60.

seized, 68, 784. See also Navigation Act
-, Prizes.

seizures for wrong proportion of British seamen, 1399, 1636, 1648, 1651.

Ships, names of :

Abraham, 751.

Abraham and Francis, 479, 1085.

Abraham and Isaac, 1831, 1935.

Abraham and James, 861, 1083.

Adrian, 331.

Adriana, 296.

Adriance, 523.

Adventure, 300, 462, 479, 1677, 1699, 1700, 1934, 1936, 1938
-, loss of, 861.

-, of Lancaster, 1937.

-, of London, 3, 748.

-, brigantine, 121.

-, Customs smack, 154.

Agnes, 1579.

Agreement, 888, 1824, 1936.

Alathea, 1935.

Albemarle, 1016.

Aleppo, 1922.

Aleppo Merchant, 1159, 1236, 1491.

Alexander, 8, 10, 14.

Amelia, 1.

America, of London, 493, 861, 1084.

-, 1084, 1294, 1763, 1839.

American Merchant, 121.

Amity, 197.

-, of Bristol, 1083, 1934.

-, of Dartmouth, 946.

-, of Jamaica, 891, 893-4, 1113.

Amos, of Stockholm, 788.

Andrew, 121, 170, 172.

-, of Dublin, 863.

Ann, 1085, 1275, 1936.

-, galliot, 1355.

-, of London, 12.

-, of Maryland, 1084.

-, of Southampton, 952, 964.

Ann and Hannah, 741.

Ann and Mary, 478, 1816.

Ann and Sarah, 491, 505, 1936.

Ann Arundell, 891, 893-4, 1085.

Ann Bonadventure, 1364.

Anna, 523, 1003, 1006, 1865.

Anne, 418, 479, 884, 1763.

-, yacht, 1, 625.

Antelope, 479.

Antigua (Antego), 1357.

Antigua Merchant, 1160, 1935.

Arabella, 1001, 1004.

Archangel, frigate, 831, 833, 840, 1931.

Armenian Merchant, 1933.

Armes of Poland, 1569.

Armes of Riga, 784, 864.

Asia, 1922.

Assistance, 185.

Assurance, 1931.

Augustine, 479.

Aulego Merchant, 340.

Bachelor, 1935.

Bachillier, of London, 24, 94.

Baltimore, 479, 1085.

Barbados Merchant, 840, 1083, 1936.

Barnaby, 497.

Batchellour's Delight, 1028.

Bayly, 1186.

Beauford, 1651.

Beaufort, frigate, 508.

Beaver, of New York, 1410, 1437.

Beeston, 1887.

Beginning, 936, 1935.

-, ketch, of New England, 1083.

Bengal (Bengala) Merchant, 45, 257, 479, 1935.

Beging, of Barbados, 901.

Benj. Stow, 1364.

Benjamin, 496, 498, 865, 880.

Berkeley, frigate, 1321.

Berkeley Castle, 1165, 1258, 1266, 1726, 1767, 1810.

Betties, of Maryland, 1084.

Bird of Prey, of Flushing, 302.

Biscay Merchant, 1153, 1774.

Black Cock, 755.

Blessing, 311, 480, 562.

Blossom, of Bristol, 491.

-, of Charleston, 827.

Bohemiah, 1083.

Bonadventure, 485, 493, 861, 1437, 1794, 1831, 1935.

Bond, pink, 1081.

Booth, 479.

Bordeaux Factor, 894, 900.

Bordeaux Merchant, of Bristol, 491, 558, 561, 938, 979, 1083, 1547, 1937.

Bowles, pink, 1082.

Boyne, 1810.

Brangoose, 775.

Breda, frigate, 1219, 1220.

Brethren's Love, 1301.

Breil, 1182.

Bridg Towne, 1170.

Brill or Brull, Dutch frigate, 175, 181.

Bristol, 942.

Bristol Factor, 1935.

Bristol Merchant, 1148, 1155, 1935.

Britannia, 1382, 1935.

Brother's Desire, 1647.

Brouderlike, of Lefe, 552.

Bull, of Hamburg, 212.

Burford, 451.

Cadiz Merchant, 705, 870, 1870.

Csar, frigate, 508, 984, 1236.

Canterbury, 479.

Carnation, 462.

Carolina, 840, 861.

Chandois, 1016, 1266, 1385, 1922.

Charity, 589, 591, 751, 1364.

-, of Dublin, 878.

-, of Margate, 24, 95.

-, of Rotterdam, 276.

Charity and Love, 890.

Charle, 1084.

Charles, 124, 1936.

-, of London, 1059, 1079.

Charles the Second, frigate, 508, 748, 776, 984, 1266.

Charlotte, yacht, 139, 1835, 1876.

Chearful Mary, 508.

Cherry Tree, 1934.

Chester Merchant, 1084.

China Merchant, 1865.

Christiana, 105.

Christianus Quintus, 1311.

Christina, 523.

Christopher, 1789.

City of Cadiz, 1789.

City of Riga, 784, 825.

Civil Merchant, 183.

Coast, 1022.

-, frigate, 1763.

Coaster, 902.

Comfort, of Bristol, 1083, 1935.

Concord, 478, 620, 751, 831, 894, 936, 1160, 1922, 1926, 1937.

-, of Boston, 1839.

-, of Bristol, 700, 1935.

Constant, 1647.

Constant Love, 871.

Constant Mary, 479, 1085.

Constant Warwick, 418.

Content, 506.

-, of Poole, 1170.

Cornelius and Lambert, 464.

Coronation, 1891.

-, of Bristol, 483.

Corporacon, 1321.

Craine, 1083.

Crane, ketch, of Dartmouth, 1897.

Crown, 1922.

-, frigate, 1339.

Crown Mary, 1329.

Crown Prince Friedrick, 1550.

Crowne, of Boston, 864.

Crowned Hope, 218, 297.

Culpeper, 17, 478.

Daniel, 751.

Daniell and Elizabeth, of Plymouth, 1083.

Dankbarheit, 338.

Darby, 1831, 1936.

Dartmouth, 793, 1579, 1669, 1701.

Deborah, of Plymouth, 1239.

Deborah and Martha, 1938.

Defence, 1933.

Delaware Merchant, 865.

Delight, 751, 1548.

Deliverance, of Whitehaven, 814.

Demyater, 24.

Desire, 101.

Dexterity, 1451.

D'Hope, 526.

Diamond, 1321, 1876.

Diligence, 751, 1936.

-, of Limerick, 121.

-, of Topsham, 1788.

Dolphin, 237, 238, 496, 498, 555, 1355, 1935, 1937.

-, pink, 1751.

-, of Chester, 1937.

-, of New York, 1811, 1831-2, 1853.

Don Carlos, 1382.

Dorothy, 453, 889.

-, of Bremen, 3.

Dove, 1085.

Dowrish, 1548.

Drage, frigate, 768.

Dragon, 32, 35, 154.

Drake, frigate, 1946.

Duke, 451.

Dunbarton, frigate, 1028, 1561.

Dunkirk Merchant, 1922.

Eagle, 1909.

-, King's ship, 836, 878.

-, of Middleburg, 302.

Eagle Tower, 1831, 1936.

East India Merchant, 902, 1768.

Eastland Merchant, 751.

Ebenezar, 1085.

Edward and Anthony, 1074.

Edward and Jane, ketch, 1926

Edward and Mary, 479, 1084, 1364.

Edward and William, 751.

Effingham, 479, 968, 982, 984.

Eleanor (Elinor), of Boston, 1194.

-, of Bristol, 491.

Elizabeth, 300, 912, 1279, 1490, 1647, 1935, 1936.

-, fireship, 288.

-, of Dartmouth, 121.

-, of Truro, 322.

Elizabeth and Ann, 1170, 1936.

Elizabeth and Catherine, 479, 1085.

Elizabeth and Mary, 1778, 1789.

Emaus, 915.

Endeavour, 479, 751, 936, 1084, 1153, 1732, 1935, 1937.

-, ketch, 1935.

-, of Appledore, 863.

-, of Belfast, 20.

-, of London, 1079.

-, of Virginia, 1083.

Endraught, 594.

Enquiry, Customs sloop, 154, 721.

Essex, 891, 900.

Europe, 453.

Exchange, 462, 1711.

Expectation, 836, 1789.

Expedition, 1247, 1260, 1548, 1727, 1758, 1936.

Experience, 1083.

Factor, 1148, 1155.

-, of Milford Haven, 863.

Fairfax, 1790.

Falcon (Faulcon), 1831, 1935.

Fanfan, 1784.

Fauconbergh, 1294.

Fellowship, 1083.

-, of Bideford, 863.

Fidelia, 453, 1548.

Firedrake, 1.

Firr Tree, 1399, 1412.

Floveda, 775.

Fortune, 751, 1831, 1936.

-, of London, 24, 94.

Fountain, 497, 506.

Fox, of Bideford, 1697.

Frances, ketch, 1342, 1459.

Francis, ketch, 1192, 1210, 1816, 1935.

-, of Bideford, 325.

Francis Padsey, 305, 327.

Francis and Mary, 861, 1935.

Frederick, 453, 1548.

Freeman, 1349, 1937.

Friendly Merchant, 223.

Friends' Adventure, 751, 798, 862, 1110, 1558, 1779, 1790, 1820.

Friendship, 150, 454, 497, 722, 751, 868, 894, 1364, 1831, 1919, 1934, 1935, 1936.

Fubs, yacht, 1909.

Garland, frigate, 1636.

Generous Hannah, 152.

George, 889, 1547, 1789, 1870, 1922, 1935, 1936.

-, brigantine, 1788.

-, ketch, 80, 124.

Gilbert and Anne, 861.

Globe, 479, 847, 1085.

Golden Flight, 1045.

Golden Frigott, 1789.

Golden Lion, 497.

Golden Nangle or Hooke, 836, 878.

Good Fellowship, 891.

Good Hope, 751, 1084.

Good Intent, 497.

Good Success, 1789.

Goodwill, 1445.

Gorcom, 587.

Grace, 1083.

-, pacquet boat, 1806.

Grand Cairo, 124.

Grape, 1936.

Great Tunisien, 1912.

Greenwich, 329.

Greyhound, 984, 1170, 1623, 1635, 1644, 1935.

-, brigantine, of Jamaica, 1690, 1757, 1767.

-, privateer, of Jamaica, 1107.

Guift of God, 149.

Guinea Company, 453.

Guinea Frigott, 480.

Hales, brigantine, 1081-2.

Hampton Court, 1150, 1153.

Hanietta, 1937.

Hannah, 138, 1935.

-, flyboat, 1039.

Happy Returne, 717, 1007, 1084, 1085, 1789, 1937.

-, of Plymouth, 1091.

Harm Jansen Valk, 1355.

Harman, 1934.

Hawke, 1933, 1936.

Henrietta, yacht, 549, 1369, 1444, 1741.

Henry, 158, 479, 894, 1085, 1711.

-, of London, 1841.

Henry and Francis, 746.

Henry and William, 900, 1153, 1938.

Henry Lamb, 1082.

Herbert, 121.

Herne, 889.

Hester, 1110.

Hope, 182, 1400, 1419, 1847, 1871, 1876.

-, of Amsterdam, 1034.

-, of London, 1831.

-, of Rotterdam, 1014.

-, of Stralsund, 1074, 1090.

Hopeful, 1407.

Hopeful Merchant, 891, 1430.

Hopewell (Hopwell), 85, 478, 479, 498, 751, 787, 889, 1083, 1085, 1110, 1364, 1382, 1858, 1891.

-, brigantine, 1935.

-, pink, 1873, 1883.

-, of Hull, 1391.

-, of Ireland, 836.

-, of Maryland, 1084.

-, of Nevis, 1172.

Hopewell Adventure, of Newcastle, 1298.

Hopewell Merchant, 1382, 1430.

Imployment, of London, 855, 870.

Increase, 919.

-, of Bristol, 1059.

Industry, 300, 831, 936, 1647, 1759.

Isabella, 205, 1279, 1936.

Italian Merchant, 1382, 1490, 1922.

Jacob, 479, 498, 503, 894, 1382, 1789.

Jamaica Merchant, 453, 506.

James, 479, 889, 936, 1172, 1361, 1382, 1569, 1935.

-, frigate, 969.

-, of Boston, 1919.

-, of Leith, 121.

James and John, 1402, 1437.

James and Mary, 152, 1870, 1933.

James and Robert, 1671.

James and Thomas, 1936.

James the Second, 1382.

Jane, 1936.

Jefferys, 478.

Jennet, frigate, 1615.

Jeremiah and Elizabeth, 1479, 1489.

Jeremy, 1452.

Jersey (Jerzey), King's ship, 897, 1041, 1051.

-, ketch, 1727.

Jerusalem, 1195.

Johanna, 775.

John, 479, 503, 755, 864, 938, 1085, 1328, 1364, 1469, 1647, 1789, 1936.

-, of Bristol, 863, 1433, 1935.

-, of Bruges, 84.

-, of Minehead, 1404.

John and Ann, 862, 888.

John and Dorothy, 1083.

John and Katherine, 751.

John and Margaret, 479, 1085.

John and Mary, 1084, 1936.

John and Rachel, 1909.

John and Susanna, 1416.

John and Thomas, 1, 833, 1364.

John and William, 1768.

John of London, 751.

John Bonadventure, 1402.

John Frigott, of Bristol, 503.

John's Adventure, 1079, 1847.

Joseph, 1170, 1547, 1789, 1816, 1935, 1938.

-, of Southampton, 1957.

Joseph and Jacob, 453.

Joseph and Mary, ketch, 1926.

Josiah, 479, 1266, 1887.

Josias, 1084.

Judith, 479, 1936.

Katherine, 121, 205, 216, 497, 1364, 1891.

-, of Lancaster, 1937.

-, of Plymouth, 1052.

-, yacht, 18, 19, 276, 1192, 1783.

Kendall, frigate, 902, 1865.

Kent, 1938.

King William, 696, 871, 1678.

-, yacht, 1707.

Kitchen, yacht, 1257, 1258.

Lamb, 1935.

Larke, of Boston, 1402, 1502, 1591.

-, of New York, 1689.

Laurell (Lawrell), 1831, 1887, 1936.

Legion, 300.

Leonora, 239, 264.

Leopard, 590, 751, 1753, 1935.

Lewis and James, 1937.

Liberty, Dutch dogger, 243, 249.

Lion (Lyon), 1885, 1936, 1938.

-, of Liverpool, 1937.

Little Bristol, 1934.

Little Windmill, sloop, 1083.

Lockley Friggot, 946.

London, 1887.

London Armes, 1084.

London Merchant, 478.

Love, hoy, 1376.

-, of Rotterdam, 1052.

Loyal Frances, 508, 1085.

Loyal Goring, 463, 741.

Loyal James, 1085.

Loyal Joseph, 339.

Loyal London, 1266.

Loyal Merchant, 75, 257, 508.

Loyal Mount Eagle, 1758.

Loyal Plymouth, 1083.

Loyalty, 1463, 1831, 1922, 1936, 1937, 1938.

Madam Swaen (Swan), 802, 848.

Madeira Merchant, 861.

Madre de Dios (Madrid Deos), 255, 2011.

Malaga, 464.

-, frigate, 840.

Malaga Merchant, 121.

Margaret, 1142, 1795, 1935, 1936, 1937.

-, of Danzig, 872.

-, of Ipswich, 751.

-, of New York, 1865.

Marine, yacht, 1748.

Mariner's Adventure, 1678, 1749.

Martin, of Plymouth, 1083.

-, of Whitehaven, 1937.

Martin's Delight, 1946.

Mary, 124, 150, 209, 230, 267, 464, 919, 1159, 1303, 1323, 1819, 1871, 1876, 1937, 1951.

-, of Dublin, 1636.

-, of London, 1737.

-, sloop, 1501.

-, yacht, 525, 1245, 1355, 1370, 1390, 1394
-, furniture for, 981.

Mary and Hannagh, 1751.

Mary and Maryland, barque, 1085.

Mary Catt, 433, 1148.

Maryland Merchant, 479, 1083, 1085, 1171, 1935.

-, of Boston, 1937.

Matthew, 1159.

-, of London, 150.

Mauretania, 483, 488.

Mayflower, of Whitehaven, 1937.

Mediterranean, 902.

Merchant's Adventure, 1938.

Merchant's Goodwill, 1789.

Mercy, 1936.

Mistress Ann, flyboat, 1355.

Mistress Joane, galliot, 1355.

Modena, 508, 517, 1266.

Monmouth, 154.

Mordaunt, 1321, 1871.

Morning Star, 1937.

-, of Bristol, 480, 1831, 1935.

Mountjoy, 454, 518, 637, 1191, 1403, 1489, 1936.

Muscovia Merchant, 872.

Nathaniel, fireship, 1784, 1861.

-, of Whitby, 173.

Neptune, 748, 1084, 1085, 1382, 1707, 1785, 1816, 1937.

New England Charity, 1452.

New England Merchant, 1824.

New Hopewell, 1084.

New London, 776.

Newcastle, 1392.

Newfoundland, frigate, 831.

Newport, 965.

Nightingale, 467.

Norwich, 1321, 1876.

Nostra Seniora d'Pantra d'Francha S Francisco and St. Antonio, 1611.

Observator, Customs sloop, 154, 721.

Olive, of Bideford, 503.

Olive Branch, 126, 288, 292.

Olive Tree, of Bristol, 1815.

Orange, 593.

Orange Flower, 614, 1789.

Orange Tree, 1766.

Ossery, 475, 481.

Ostridge, 1236.

Owner's Adventure, 462, 479, 491, 751, 1085, 1160, 1548, 1934.

Owner's Endeavour, 1831, 1935.

Owner's Goodwill, 269, 272, 751.

Oxford, 1392.

Oxinden, 1790.

Palm Tree, 751, 1936.

Parham, sloop, of Exeter, 1935.

Patience, 453, 1142.

Peace, 1084.

Pellican, 467.

-, of Bideford, 863.

-, of Brighton, 1701.

-, fireship, 1784, 1861.

-, frigate, 1615.

Pembroke, sloop, 1766.

Pendennis, 322, 356, 451.

Penelope, ketch, 5.

Penn, pink, 1081.

Pennsylvania Merchant, 865, 894, 901, 1364.

Perry and Laine, 478.

Peter, 126, 941, 946.

Peter and Elizabeth, 1788, 1937.

Philip and John, 1747.

Phnix, 505, 1349, 1789.

Popley, frigate, 223, 560.

Port Royal, 1028.

Port St. Mary Merchant, 1306.

Portsmouth, 274.

Postillion, 1355.

Potomac Merchant, 1935.

Prince, 7.

Prince Charles, 967.

Prince Frederick, of Copenhagen, 485, 506.

Prince George, 1790.

Prince of Orange, 24, 120, 780, 884.

Prince William, 1681.

Princess, 152, 1382.

Princess of Denmark, 1933.

Prosperous, 101, 161, 751, 1936.

-, of Salem, 1937.

Prosperous African, 462, 1283, 1789.

Prosperous Endeavour, 755.

Providence, 107, 464, 483, 751, 833, 1033, 1085, 1160, 1303, 1437, 1548, 1839, 1935.

-, of Guernsey, 124.

-, of London, 821.

-, of Stockton, 863.

Provincial, 283.

Prudent Sarah, 1364.

Quaker, ketch, 30, 105, 1028.

-, of Maryland, 1084.

Queen Esther, 1951.

Queen Mary, of Middelburg, 696.

Rainbow, 1215, 1937.

Rebecca, 1815.

-, of Jamaica, 937, 965.

Recovery, 126, 1083.

Reformacion, of Bristol, 609, 611.

Reserve, 1084, 1831, 1936.

Resolution, 508, 864, 1085, 1266, 1933, 1936.

-, of Hull, 1631.

-, of New York, 1410, 1437.

-, of Plymouth, 1083.

-, of Whitehaven, 1937.

Reward, 1922.

Rhody, of Chester, 1937.

Richard, 1938.

-, of London, 1412.

Richard and John, fireship, 135, 137, 1784, 1861.

-, of Glasgow, 100.

-, of Newcastle, 177.

Richard and Samuel, 1636.

Richard and Sarah, 464, 889, 1084.

Richard and Thomas, 144.

Robert, 462, 483, 488, 1816, 1935, 1938.

-, pink, 462.

Robert and John, 751.

Robert and Mary, 1382.

Robert and Richard, 1938.

Rochester, 984.

Roe Buck, fireship, 1784, 1861.

Roger, 1936.

Rose, 216, 1936.

-, frigate, 801.

Rose (Ross), of Hamburg, 45, 216.

Rotterdam, 24.

Royal Joseph, 175.

Ruby, 1382, 1790, 1937.

-, frigate, 315.

Ruth, of London, 995.

St. Albans, 1778.

St. Andrew, 1879.

St. Antonio de Padova, 511, 525, 584, 587, 752, 1451.

St. David, 506.

St. George, 690.

St. Jago de la Victoria, 853.

St. John, of Rochelle, 106, 495.

-, of Rotterdam, 1101.

St. John Baptist, 1762.

-, of Genoa, 1811, 1841.

St. Lawrence, of Bruges, 1857.

St. Malo Merchant, 590, 1935.

St. Mark, 80.

St. Martin, 1735.

St. Mary Magdalene, of St. Sebastian, 1580, 1880.

St. Michael, 497.

St. Patrick, of Galway, 1738, 1779.

St. Peter, 198, 782, 1298.

St. Thomas, 479.

Salem, of Hull, 751.

Salisbury, ketch, 861, 1309, 1382, 1426.

Sally Rose, 542.

Samaritan, 19.

Samson, 1385.

Samuel, 494, 861, 864, 889, 894, 1417.

Samuel and James, 1839.

Samuel and Mary, 1160.

Sandwich, 1885.

Sanson, fireship, 288.

Santa Cruz or Cruse, 300, 462.

Saphire, 32, 35, 154, 464.

Sarah, 479, 1295, 1790, 1819.

-, fireship, 288.

Sarah and Ann, 1678, 1699, 1749.

Sarah and Elizabeth, 1858, 1891.

Sarah and Susanna, 1935.

Sarah Ann, 488.

Sea Flower, 4, 121, 1083, 1831, 1935.

Seven Stars, of London, 170, 180.

Seville Merchant, 1294.

Shadwell, 100.

Shield, 1083.

Six Friends, 1751.

Smyrna, frigate, 1091.

Smyrna Merchant, 1341, 1931.

Society, 1051, 1569, 1936.

Soestdike, yacht, 481, 580.

South Dyke, 1681.

Speedwell, 138, 156, 751, 1084, 1160.

-, fireship, 1784, 1861.

-, sloop, 714.

Spencer, 497.

Stephen and Edward, 488.

Sturgeon, 1415.

Submission, 1936.

Success, 453, 479, 488, 979, 1084, 1647, 1936.

Suffolk, 1376.

Supply, 1937.

-, ketch, of New England, 1852.

Susan, 218.

-, ketch, 462.

Susanna, 297, 1482.

Susanna and Elizabeth, of London, 820, 1144.

Susanne, 1153.

Swallow, 1865.

-, brigantine, 1402, 1416, 1852.

-, frigate, 1349.

Swan, 751.

-, frigate, 340.

-, pink, 509, 525, 530, 1648.

-, of Ayr, 1645, 1808.

Sweepstakes, 560.

Swift, 1824, 1935.

Tartann Velocita, 1584, 1788.

Teneriffe Merchant, 1788.

Terra Nova, 152.

Terra Nova Merchant, 1789.

Thames, 1452.

Thomas, 1261.

Thomas and Elizabeth, 1938.

Thomas and Frances, 1.

Thomas and Francis 897, 1789, 1936.

-, pink, of Plymouth, 1082.

Thomas and James, 1936.

Thomas and Mary, 1083.

Thomas and Peter, 101.

Thomas and Samuel, 1547.

Thomas and Susan, 864.

Thomas and Susanna, 1084.

Thomas de la Place's, barque, 1004.

Thomas Wharton, 1082.

Three Brothers, 1753, 1936.

-, of New England, 1188.

Three Johns, of Jamaica, 1690, 1757, 1767.

Tiger (Tyger), 124, 1150, 1160, 1392, 1394, 1763, 1789.

Tonqueen, 888.

Tonquin Merchant, frigate, 508.

Towne of Ostend, 855.

True Trudge, 751.

Tryall, 483, 1084.

-, of Dartmouth, 121.

-, of Dublin, 1073, 1397, 1830.

Tryall and Ruth, 1490.

Tryston, 1463.

Turtle, 1935.

Two Brothers, 1912.

Two Sisters, 865.

Tyger. See Tiger.

Union, 1400, 1419.

-, frigate, 1789.

Unity, 144, 751, 775, 861, 1547, 1937, 1938.

Valencia Merchant, 1160.

Veler Merchant, 1382.

Velocita Tartann. See Tartann.

Venetian, 1382, 1789.

Venture, 1261.

Victoria, 1611, 1726.

Vine, 508, 1936.

Violet, 1463, 1831, 1935.

Virginia, 480.

Virginia Factor, 479, 864.

Virginia Merchant, 840, 868, 1935.

Vos, 1.

Vryhyt, 552.

Waterford, of Barnstaple, 863.

Welcome, 462, 481, 869, 982, 1085, 1876.

White Rose, 751.

William, 105, 479, 751, 1085, 1364, 1382, 1394, 1753, 1860, 1901.

-, of Barbados, 1052.

-, of Plymouth, 1083.

-, Dutch flyboat, 1809.

William and Alice, 1702.

William and Ann, 453.

William and James, 755, 1636, 1648.

William and John, of Belfast, 985, 990, 1113.

William and Mary, 305, 479, 1084, 1186, 1364, 1876.

-, of Southampton, 322.

-, brigantine, of Boston, 1083.

William and Onan, 1935.

William and Sarah, 751, 1835.

William and Thomas, 874.

Williamson, 1266, 1490.

Willing Minde, 1083, 1944.

Windmill, 1936.

Wolfe, 479.

Wren, 1935.

Young Prince, 479.

Young Spragg, fireship, 1784.

Zante, frigate, 1382, 1873, 1881, 1892, 1922.

Shipside (Shipide), Geo., a messenger of the Chamber, 1242, 1284.

Shipton, Richard, warehouse keeper, Starcross, 662, 741.

Shipway, co. Kent, lathe of, 1607.

Shirley (Sherley), Thomas, shipmaster, 902, 1768.

Shirts, 1110.

Shish, Jonas, contractor for fireships, 378.

Shoar, Phineas, waiter, Abbotsbury, 313, 1699.

Sholden, Shoulden, co. Kent, 803.

Shole, William, tidesman and boatman, Falmouth port, 1216.

Sholter, Thomas, waiter and searcher, Blyth etc., 930.

Shore, Matthias, Serjeant Trumpeter, 1108, 1607.

Shoreditch, Richard, a serjeant-at-arms, 846, 1306, 1433, 1828, 1829.

Shoreham, co. Kent, manor of, 807.

-, co. Sussex, 121, 158, 419, 727, 842, 848, 924, 1644
-, privateer at, 502, 515.

Shorne, co. Kent, township of, 806.

Short (Shorte), Benjamin, boatman, Plymouth port, 1654.

-, Daniel, Chamber payment to, 1333.

-, Robert, landwaiter's place, London port, 154.

-, Thomas, caveat concerning searchership, Plymouth port, 2011.

-, William, tidesman, Shields, 930.

Shotover, co. Oxford, 2015.

Shottesham, co. Norfolk, 1737, 1742.

Shoulden, co. Kent. See Sholden.

Shoultz. See Schutz.

-, Sir Cloudesley, ketch of, 1349
-, loan by, 1652.

-, co. Salop, 365, 371, 374, 459, 501, 569, 1471, 1472, 1541
-, commissioners etc. of assessments, 1916
-, inhabitants of, furnishing provisions for Ireland, 791, 867.

Shrewsbury, Earl of. See Talbot, C.

Shringling, co. Kent. See Shingleton.

Shropshire, county of, 533.

Excise officers, 104.

Receiver General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 72, 234, 251, 459, 556, 568, 605, 777, 793, 976, 1103, 1471-2, 1541.

Receiver General of Crown Revenues, 184, 202, 208. See also Bowdler, T.

receivership of Crown Revenues, 2011.

superstitious lands in, 571.

Shrubb, Thomas, surveyor at the Custom House, 611.

Shrumpleden, co. Kent, borough of, 806.

Shuckburgh, Shukburgh, Shugburgh. See Schuckberg.

Shuman, Christian, landwaiter's place, 166.

Shute, Ann, loans by, 1973, 1980, 1988.

-, Mary, loans by, 1973, 1977, 1988, 1989, 2004, 2005.

-, Samuel, Surveyor of the Mews at Hampton Court, 1123, 1453, 1458, 1667, 1847, 1850.

-, Zacha., surveyorship of landwaiters, London port, 105.

-, Samuel, boatman, Dartmouth, 12
-, waiter and searcher, Brixham, 1277, 1286.

Shuttleworth, Barnaby, petition of, for the Lockley Friggot, 946.

-, Peter, Hearthmoney collector, failure of sureties, 483, 1431.

Sibbolds, , surveyor, Foxford, 256, 263.

Siberston, Syberston, co. Kent, township of, 805.

Sibertswold, Sybertswould, alias Upton, co. Kent, township of, 806.

Sibley, James, of London, glass seller, 106.

-, John, lease of lands, Tiverton, 1494-5, 1657.

Sioily, Consul in. See Chamberlain.

Sick and Wounded, Commissioners for the, 402, 413, 610, 846, 915, 1260, 1296, 1308, 1310, 1492. See also Addison, T.

account demanded from, 1209, 1295.

payments by, 547, 809.

warning issued to, 1260.

debt, estimate called for, 1327.

Irish prisoners in the Marshalsea, 435, 915, 947, 948, 964, 982, 989, 992.

in the Savoy, 1367, 1369, 1388, 1392, 1414, 1429, 1489, 1500, 1746, 1748, 1856.

in Soho Square, 1297, 1308.

issues for, 52, 53, 54, 236, 248, 268, 274, 291, 304, 346, 365, 392, 394, 403, 416, 423, 426, 431, 435, 492, 546, 610, 663-4, 721, 731, 744, 821, 828, 837, 845, 851, 863, 867, 876, 895, 911, 915, 947, 948, 964, 989, 992, 997, 1036, 1092, 1137, 1162, 1226, 1278, 1299, 1319, 1325, 1633, 1643, 1654, 1666, 1755, 1815, 1844, 1854, 1881.

no provision for sick at Chester, 1260.

prisoners of war, 202, 997, 1036, 1296, 1298, 1301, 1309, 1319, 1321, 1325, 1746, 1755, 1780, 1860, 1868, 1914.

account of, required, 1920.

quarters, 195.

sick and wounded seamen, 1209.

Sidlesham, co. Sussex, 268.

Sidley. See Sedley.

Sidmouth, co. Devon, 662.

Sidney. See Sydney.

Signeret (Seigneret), Stephen, loans by, 1981, 1989, 1991, 1992.

Signet Office
-, books, 314
-, fees for privy seal, 655.

Sike. See Sykes.

Silk, crape, 694.

flowered, 339.

imports, 208, 212, 227, 694, 831, 848.

seizures of, 705, 1583, 1753-4.

sewing, 1410.

"sticking and soing," 1097.

thrown, 831, 848
-, Act for discouraging the importation of (2 William and Mary, c. 9), 848.

See also Alamode
-, Ardas
-, East India
-, Indian
-, Italian.

Silver, in West Indies, 411, 420.

issues in, and not in guineas, 235-6.

purchases of, for coining, 705, 916, 987, 1353, 1637, 1672, 1827, 1867.

See also Wrecks.

-, (Sylver), , captain, memorial of, 1547
-, payment for, 1551.

-, Ann, wife of Thomas, royal bounty for, 1455.

-, John, searcher's place, Bridgwater port, 99, 325, 376, 381, 449, 542, 544, 548.

-, Thomas, building a storehouse in St. James's Park, 617, 697
-, loans by, 617-8, 697, 726, 821, 824, 1999.

-, -, husband of Ann, 1455.

-, Edward, master smith to the Ordnance, 608, 652, 814, 825
-, loans by, 608, 616, 652, 674, 814, 825, 829, 1999
-, surety for Barrett, 1469, 1565.

-, John, falconer, 267.

-, -, of Portsmouth, smith, loans by, 616, 669, 814.

Silvyus, Sir Gabriel, pension for, 1356, 1646, 1861.

Simmons, Tho., warehouse keeper, Topsham, 741.

Simnell, Thomas, lands, co. Hereford, 1824.

Simon, French Reformed officer, 295.

Simpkin (Simkin), Leonard, tenant, Cheveley, 1075.

-, Mary, house in Queen Street, 630.

-, Samuel, tenant, Cheveley, 1075.

-, (Simtkins, Sympkyns), Francis, haberdasher, clothing for the Army, 424, 622, 1006, 1124
-, loan by, 1999.

Simpson (Sympson), Daniel, boatman, Boston, 12.

-, Elizabeth, royal bounty for, 1439.

-, George, coastwaiter, London port, 1225, 1594.

-, Hugh, of London, merchant, 219.

-, John, of London, surety for A. Huddleston, 976.

-, -, ship's commander, 1819.

-, -, watchman, Bristol port, 246.

-, Joshua, riding officer for the guard of the coasts, 490.

-, -, surveyor's place, London port, 121.

-, Lancelot, commissioner for superstitious lands, co. Cumberland, 530.

-, Thomas, commissioner for waste lands, cos. Chester and Flint, 1433.

Sinclair (Sinclare, Sinkler), Rob., shipmaster, 1410.

-, William, beltmaker, 1052, 1090, 1259, 1489, 1927.

Sindry, Ralph, King's waiter's place, London port, 89.

Singleton, John, of London, surety for J. Darby, 604, 1541.

-, Luke, landwaiter, London port, 882.

Singlsole Farm, in Eye, co. Northampton, 597.

Sinkler. See Sinclair.

Sitch, William, shipmaster, 311.

Six Clerks' Office. See Chancery.

Sixpenny Writs
-, farm of (Countess of Newburgh), 167, 276, 446, 464-5
-, Office, 446
-, salaries and profits, 464-5.

Sixpences, coining of, 185.

-, Robert, Army debt due to, 1940
-, horses for Holland, 19.

-, Roger, money stolen from, at Pay Office, 263, 462
-, receiving money for the Forces in Flanders, 1220, 1522.

Skanderoon. See Alexandretta.

Skeene, Andrew, chaplain, Leeward Islands, 1440, 1453.

Skeffington, Clotworthy, son of Viscount Massereene, 142.

-, John, 2nd Viscount Massereene, goods from Ireland, 142, 211
-, salmon for the Army, 347, 1730.

Skegness, co. Lincoln, 604, 1540.

Skelton, John, colonel, goods of, seized, 1022.

Skenfrith, Skenfreth, co. Monmouth, superstitious lands in, 472.

Skilton, John, petition of, to seize prohibited goods, 1477.

Skinner, , money for the Danish Forces, 675.

-, Benjamin, King's waiter, London port, 90, 92, 104, 139, 187
-, patent waiter, ibid., 89.

-, James, shipmaster, 1831, 1936.

-, John, chief boatman, Portsmouth port, 1649.

-, Lionel, tidesman, London port, 574.

-, Martin, shipmaster, 901, 936.

-, Samuel, shipmaster, 862, 888, 1789.

-, -, draper, loan by, 2006.

Skippon, Sir Philip, petition on behalf of Dunwich, 493.

Skipwith, Thomas, chief keeper, Hainault Walk, Waltham Forest, 1690, 1886.

Skirme (Skirine), John, a Household drummer, 1224, 1250.

Skreens, co. Essex, 24, 977, 1472.

Skues, Tho., shipmaster, 1160.

Slack, John, commissioner for assessments, co. Derby, 1473.

Slade, James or John, landwaiter's place, Truro, 139, 158.

Slane, Lord. See Fleming, C.

-, Abel, clothing for Dutch troops, 1280, 1771, 1812
-, goods from Ireland, 1368, 1410.

Slangebourg, , Major General, beds belonging to, 529.

Slanning, Sir Nicholas, Deputy Governor of Plymouth, 298.

Slapton, co. Northampton, 1540.

-, Daniel, waiter and searcher, Christchurch, 924
-, ditto, Abbotsbury, 1699.

- See also Sclater
-, Sloughter.

Slaughter. See Sloughter.

Sleaford, co. Lincoln, 550.

-, co. Pembroke, 83
-, Forces at, 1230-1, 1231, 1235.

Sleigh, George, landwaiter, Lynn Regis port, 13.

-, Walter, of London, distiller, 1216, 1438.

Slelands, farm, co. Cumberland, 1775.

Slew, or Slow, William, ship's commander, 894.

Sley, , lands in Peterborough Level, 596.

-, Ireland, 253, 256, 263, 1637
-, Governor of. See Lloyd, T.

Slingsby, , 383.

-, Ann, widow of Henry, payment to, 630
-, petition for repayment of moneys paid by Henry, 665-8.

-, Sir Cha., pension for, 1356, 1645, 1861.

-, Elizabeth, pension for, 1356, 1645, 1861.

-, Henry, late Master and Worker of the Mint, 630
-, accounts of, 665-8.

-, Mallet, pension for, 775, 1356, 1645, 1861, 1862.

-, Lady Mary, wife of Sir Cha., 1356, 1645.

-, Sir Tho., regiment of, 857.

-, Victoria, pension for, 775, 1862.

Sloane, James, caveat concerning Sir E. Herbert's estate, 2017.

-, (Slater, Slaughter), Henry, colonel, Governor of New York, 543, 1014-5, 1410, 1526, 1609, 1963
-, loans by, 620
-, money advanced to, by the Governor of New Jersey, 1080.

-, Paris, loans by, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1981, 1989, 1991, 2002.

Slow, , quartermaster, 1799.

-, Daniel, ship's commander, 1083.

-, Jeremy, watchman, London port, 922.

-, William. See Slew.

Sly, Walter, lands in Peterborough Level, 596.

-, William, lands in Peterborough Level, 596.

-, John, exempt from pressing, 591
-, lightering prize marbles for the Works, 591.

Small, William, house in Queen Street, 630.

Smalley, Ann, receiving money from Roman Catholics, 1265.

Smallpeece, John, of Guildford, chandler, 1945.

-, Robert, boatman, Harwich, 1811.

-, Tho., surety for D. Searle, 1239, 1291.

Smalts. See Customssmalts.

Smart, John, doorkeeper, House of Lords, 780, 1732.

-, Mary, petition for her late husband's pay, 1719.

-, Samuel, Receiver General of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty, Barbados, 1359, 1390.

Smartfoot, Francis, grant to, of use of inventions of a sea-crab and a pair of lungs, 835, 1840.

Smeaton, John, tidesman, London port, 923.

-, Thomas, royal bounty for, 1455.

Smelts, Robert, lands in the Isle of Ely, 598.

Smettau. See Schmettau.

Smith, , 360.

-, -, bill of exchange drawn on, 1214.

-, -, customership, Chichester, 89.

-, - frauds at Bristol, 1148.

-, -, loan by, 396, 693.

-, -, proprietor of the herbage in Hanbury Park, 1148.

-, -, revenue collector, Ireland, 73, 74.

-, -, tallies on Hearthmoney arrears, 1418.

-, Aaron, Treasury Solicitor, 27, 29, 31, 56, 84, 88, 112, 116, 135, 137, 143, 197, 267, 273, 275, 277, 287, 291, 293, 310, 319, 353, 360, 369, 371, 390, 393, 394, 404, 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 446, 452, 456, 478, 494, 512, 513, 523, 531, 571, 580, 594, 627, 642, 659, 723, 741, 744, 746, 787, 790, 808, 826, 895, 920, 952, 1007, 1020, 1022, 1043, 1098, 1101, 1146, 1173, 1186, 1192, 1230, 1236, 1237, 1267, 1283, 1287, 1315, 1317, 1362, 1391, 1412, 1416, 1419, 1420, 1421, 1462, 1466, 1491, 1493, 1565, 1569, 1572, 1587, 1591, 1605, 1607, 1608, 1615, 1630, 1638, 1639, 1645, 1651, 1654, 1667, 1673, 1675, 1682, 1686, 1716, 1718, 1721, 1756, 1790, 1850, 1857, 1879, 1885, 1892, 1899, 1909, 1910, 1940, 1944, 1964
-, accounts of, 1731
-, attornments, co. Surrey etc., 412, 771
-, Greenwax profits, 493
-, issues to, 432, 440, 441, 488, 514, 637, 645, 786, 851, 934, 949, 1023, 1024, 1102, 1103, 1162, 1168, 1240, 1354, 1357, 1381, 1384, 1468, 1534, 1536, 1615, 1617, 1618, 1628, 1632, 1660, 1661, 1714, 1715, 1721, 1883, 1886, 1918, 1923.

-, Ambrose, Excise money, bills of exchange, Cambridge, 171, 331, 1305.

-, Andrew, chaplain, Virginia, 1355.

-, Anthony, in the West, 215.

-, Bernard, Chamber payment to, 1333.

-, Brent, ensign, 1791, 1795.

-, Christopher, of Westminster, surety for Simon, 188.

-, -, a Page of the Removing Wardrobe, 1065.

-, Daniel, waiter, Burnham, 12.

-, Edward, chest and scriptore for the Master of the Mint's Office, 666.

-, -, Second Justice of Brecon, Radnor and Glamorgan, 333.

-, -, ship's commander, 894, 900.

-, Sir Edward, commissioner for superstitious lands, Charing Cross etc., 770.

-, Eleanor, petition of, 1594.

-, Francis, 2nd Viscount Carrington of Burford, lease in St. James's, 673
-, Preston's lands, 116-7.

-, -, Army pension for, 648.

-, -, clerk of the cheque in the warehouse, London port, 226.

-, -, Customs place, 1534.

-, -, waiter, Tenby, 180.

-, -, watchman, London port, 282, 1423.

-, George, loan by, 2006.

-, Guy, weighing porter, London port, 922.

-, Hugh, Army pension for, 1125.

-, -, watchman, London port, 923.

-, James, customer, Chichester port, 90, 159, 171, 225, 230, 633, 1370.

-, -, lands in Yaxley, 597.

-, -, loans by, 1974, 2005.

-, -, petition, 226.

-, -, woollen draper, London, 24.

-, Sir James, loan by, 1976.

-, Jasper, boatman, Plymouth port, 445.

-, John, agent of C. Henning, loans by, 1240.

-, -, boatman, Newhaven port, 782, 1585.

-, -, boatman, Woodbridge, 756.

-, -, bricklayer and plasterer, 666
-, work at Chelsea Hospital, 1262, 1289, 1290, 1796.

-, -, collector of Hearthmoney, cos. Norfolk and Suffolk, 826, 1166.

-, -, commissioner for A. Lawrence's surveyorship, 510.

-, -, examiner of gaugers' books, 610.

-, -, Excise gauger, Exeter, 214.

-, -, lease in St. James's, 740, 1390, 1643.

-, -, loans by, 339, 1987, 1989, 1991.

-, -, of Southampton, brewer, 1677.

-, -, of Sugden, surety for J. Stanyer, 605, 976.

-, -, page of the Bedchamber, 1128, 1519.

-, -, quartermaster, half pay, Ireland, 191.

-, -, Receiver General of Crown Revenues, London, Middlesex, Essex, Herts, Norfolk, Huntingdon, 106, 118, 122, 125, 138-9, 194, 789, 1048, 1850
-, ditto for cos. Cambridge and Suffolk, pro tem., 190, 862
-, appointment revoked, 844.

-, -, ship's commander, 1382, 1789, 1938.

-, -, superstitious lands, co. Hereford, 474.

-, -, surveyor's place, Dover port, 104.

-, -, tidesman and boatman, Rye port, 672.

-, -, waterman, London port, 922.

-, Jonathan, Kensington manor, 167.

-, Joseph, tidesman, Exeter port, 662
-, tidesman, Topsham, 895.

-, Kenelm, loan by, 1985.

-, Magdalen, pension for, 775.

-, Nicho, shipmaster, 479, 1084.

-, Osmond, of London, distiller, 1017.

-, Ralph, money for the Association in Ulster, 1802.

-, Richard, assistant to the clerk of ships' entries, London port, 922.

-, -, chief boatman, Chichester port, 924.

-, -, loans by, 1932, 2006
-, lost order of loan, 492.

-, Robert, lands in Peterborough Level, 596.

-, -, shipmaster, 1936.

-, -, watchman, Bristol port, 283.

-, Roger, King's waiter's place, London port, 103, 159.

-, Sir Sam., loan by, 2006.

-, Sarah. See Greenhill, Sarah.

-, Simon, 86.

-, -, Knight Harbinger, 26, 28, 212, 917, 935, 1129, 1305, 1566, 1568
-, Otter Hunter, 624, 1377
-, loan by, 1308
-, travelling charges, 1568.

-, -, Receiver General of Crown Revenues, cos. Somerset and Dorset, 157, 188, 207
-, receiver of forfeitures of Recusants, cos. Wilts and Hants, 1052
-, seizing Sir E. Doyley's estate, 788
-, sureties for Sir W. Doyley prosecuted, 508, 791.

-, Susanna, widow of William (Accomptant General, Ireland), 779.

-, Theophilus, loan by, 1977.

-, Thomas, Army pension for, 649.

-, -, captain, Army pension for, 648.

-, -, merchant, 1632, 1671.

-, -, messenger 216, 653, 1284, 1334.

-, -, of Cotwall, 605.

-, -, of London, distiller, 1017.

-, -, ship's commander, 1084.

-, -, tenant, Cheveley, 1075.

-, -, waiter, Polruan, surveyor, Fowey, tidesman, Bristol, 87, 158, 245
-, tidesurveyor, Falmouth, 1161.

-, -, Yeoman of the Guard to Charles II., 591, 600.

-, William, Comptroller and Accomptant General of Revenue, Ireland, 260, 322, 323, 327, 481, 484, 488
-, death of, 779-80
-, residing at Belfast, 335.

-, -, Customs officer, Dover, 91.

-, -, Customs place, 1666.

-, -, late a child of the Chapel Royal, 1064.

-, -, late collector, Rochester port, in gaol for debt, 721, 1019.

-, -, loan by, 2006.

-, -, of Bristol, merchant, 1394.

-, -, of Windsor, surety for Simon, 188.

-, -, Receiver General and Paymaster of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, 17, 114, 230, 343, 554, 716, 726, 1044, 1132, 1277, 1765, 1766, 1947
-, accounts of, 1731
-, loans by, 1302, 1766.

-, -, revenue officer, Belfast, 253.

-, -, shipmaster, 1085.

-, -, tallies of, on Hearthmoney, 1660.

-, -, tenant, Ashborne, 1265.

-, -, watchman's place, London port, 138.

-, -, wine bonds, 16.

Smithel, Robert, 1785.

Smithsby, , Hewer's account, 52, 62.

-, James, agent to Col. Hastings' regiment, 325, 710
-, loans by, 830, 1976, 2000.

Smyrna, credits for Victuallers at, 420.

Snagg, Richard, coining proposal of, 1531, 1559, 1583.

Snelgrove, Edward, contractor for fireships, 378, 619.

Snell, John, shipmaster, 594.

Snelling, Robert, customer, Ipswich port, 103.

Snelljus, Simon, surveyor's place, Dover port, 641.

Snow, Sir Jeremiah, a prisoner in the Fleet, 52, 690.

-, Moses, Chamber payment to, 333.

-, Ralph, sede vacante receiver, Canterbury archbishopric, 406, 782, 820, 1337, 1338.

-, William, doorkeeper, House of Lords, 780, 1732.

Snowdon Forest, chief rangership of, 1205, 1477, 1524, 1726, 2011.

See also Herbert, Henry, Lord Herbert of Cherbury
-, Radnor, Earl of.

Snowshill, co. Gloucester, 251.

Soame, John, loan by, 1981.

Sohnius. See Sonniers.

Solam. See Solom.

Solard, Joshua, French Protestant, petition concerning molasses, 441, 482-3.

Solby, William, surveyor of Berwick, 1063.

Soldaate, Walter, shipmaster, 1101.

Soldiers, poor, money for, 411.

Soles [? Easole in Nonington], co. Kent, township of, 805.

Solicitor General
-, passim
-, issues to, 760, 1510, 1960, 1961
-, opinions, 298, 367, 396, 418, 510, 1294, 1427, 1600. See also Somers, Sir J.
-, Treby, Sir G.
-, Trevor, T.

Solley, Geo., of Worcester, 459.

Sollom. See Solom.

-, Count Ludovicus Henricus de, 193, 215, 635, 730, 1136, 1492, 1888
-, General of all the Forces in Ireland, 859
-, General of Foot, 859, 1406, 1505
-, aides-de-camp to, 677, 859 See also Milditze
-, Foot Guards of, Marshal to, 1201
-, goods for, 552
-, lodgings of, 860
-, regiment of, 836, 845, 863.

Solom, Solam, Sollom, co. Cumberland, 1256, 1774.

Solport, co. Cumberland, 1256, 1774.

-, (Somaster), Samuel, Customs place, Plymouth port, 90
-, landwaiter, Liverpool port, 860.

Somerden, alias Queenborough, co. Kent, township of, 807.

Somers, John, boatman, Poole port, 507, 661.

-, Sir John, Attorney General, 1735, 1742, 1805, 1889, 1890, 1963, 1966
-, Solicitor General, 108, 188, 298, 543, 763, 1258, 1501, 1621, 1631, 1644, 1889, 1890.

-, Solo., shipmaster, 1935.

-, Stephen, tidesman, Cowes, 263.

-, Thomas, surveyor's place, London port, 108
-, tidesman, London port, 923.

Somerset, county of, Excise, 213.

raising seamen in, 1553.

Receiver General of Crown Revenues. See Bennett, J.
-, Smith, S.

Receiver General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 234, 251, 252, 267, 401-2, 459, 567, 605, 976, 1471, 1541.

actions against, 1600.

sheriff of. See Baber, E.

superstitious lands in, 515.

undersheriff of, 401-2, 720.

Somerset, Duke of. See Seymour, C.

-, Charles, Lord Herbert, Marquess of Worcester, keeper of the Gawle, Dean Forest, 1682
-, steward of Melenydd etc., 189.

-, Edward, Earl of Worcester, a former Master of Horse, 1430.

-, Henry, 1st Duke of Beaufort, a commissioner for Dean Forest, 1156
-, Lord President of Wales, 177
-, Lord Warden of Dean Forest, 1156.

Somerset Herald. See Burghill, F.

Somerville (Somervell), Ann, loan by, 1995.

-, Elizabeth, loan by, 1985.

-, Tho., refugee from Ireland, 136, 154.

Somner, Joseph, grant of rent of Burnham manor, 575-6.

Sone, , servant to Monsieur Scravemore, 150.

-, Francis, of Eltham, a farmer of the Irish revenue, 959.

-, John, deputy King's waiter's place, 849, 882
-, landwaiter's place, London port, 93.

Sonniers (Sohnius, Sonnius), , 1731, 1815.

-, Frederick, Keeper of the King's Pictures etc., 686
-, books for the Earl of Portland, 338
-, tapestry for the Earl of Portland, 267.

Soper, Philip, commissioner for assessments, co. Huntingdon, 1474.

-, Thomas, loan by, 1981.

Sopez. See Lopez.

Sophia. See Safi.

Sorey, Leo., waiter, Hull port, 928.

Sotheby, James, loan by, 2007.

Sotherne. See Southern.

Souches, Count, Imperial General, 1002.

South, , captain, petition of officers for pay, 1452.

-, -, house of, Clarendon Street, 1968.

-, Eleanor. See Needham.

-, Hum., captain, 1751.

-, Thomas, landwaiter, London port, 1138.

South Bere Forest
-, co. Hants, 468
-, New Coppice, 757
-, wood sales in, 757.

South Cave
-, co. York, 170
-, derelict lands in, 445, 614, 872, 1512, 1523.

South Foreland, 146.

South Pingle, in Whittlesey, co. Cambridge, 599.

South Seas
-, the, 983
-, pirates and privateers in, 1028
-, wrecks in, 2017.

South Stoke, co. Oxford, 260.

South Warnborough, co. Hants, 1540.

Southall. See Southwell.

Southampton, county of, assessment arrears in, 1549.

Auditor of, 663, 1117, 1346. See also Parsons, A.

forfeitures of Recusants in, receiver of. See Smith, S.

Poll, bad execution of, 709.

raising seamen in, 1553.

Receiver General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 82, 173, 190, 234, 249, 283, 303, 407, 458, 709, 975, 1472, 1549, 1905.

sheriff of. See Fleming, E.

undersheriff of, 709.

Southampton, co. Southampton, 20, 91, 160, 173, 190, 476, 513, 518, 520, 522, 532, 639, 780, 1004, 1258, 1268.

brewers of, petition of, 1677.

Commissioners of Assessments for, 234, 309, 312, 322, 329.

Corporation of, 833.

customer and comptroller of, 1063. See also Culliford, R.
-, Segar, A.

Customs, 624.

Customs collector at, 362.

Customs officers at, list of, 924.

decay of trade in, 1549.

Mayor of, 833.

place appointed to receive seamen, 1009.

sheriff of. See Cardonell, A. de.

Southampton, Duke of. See Fitzroy, C.

-, Earl of. See Wriothesley, T.

Southbury, co. Carmarthen. See Burry.

Southcote, Sir John, 1495.

Southern (Sotherne), George, shipmaster, 1887.

-, James, Secretary to the Admiralty, 366, 377, 452, 485, 501, 549, 588, 589, 590, 591, 636, 700, 702, 708, 744, 748, 755, 767, 808, 893, 897, 910, 912, 949, 952, 984, 986, 989, 1015, 1079, 1090, 1100, 1150, 1153, 1189, 1293, 1435, 1482, 1583, 1671, 1745, 1879, 1946.

-, Thomas, commissioner for assessments, co. Leicester, 1471.

Southkinton, co. Essex. See Kennington.

Southmead, William, of Exeter, clothing for the Army, 452, 481, 498, 505, 538, 895.

Southrop, co. Gloucester, 1542.

Southton, co. Kent. See Sutton.

-, co. Surrey, 129, 605, 1850
-, receivers etc. of assessments, 458, 570, 605, 975, 1539
-, St. Saviour's, Court House, 1075.

Southwell (Southall), Lady Margaret, lands, Essex, 239.

-, Sir Robert, Commissioner of Customs, 82, 1199
-, [Commissioner of Excise], 698
-, Principal Secretary of State for Ireland, 756, 1064, 1120
-, frauds at Bristol, 430
-, horses bought from, 932
-, issues to, for secret service, 396
-, lease of Spring Garden, 1187
-, Sir J. Edgworth's patent, 405
-, trustee for Lady Castlehaven, 1867.

-, Sir Thomas, payment for, 1813.

Southwell School
-, 785, 787
-, annuity for schoolmaster of, 1107, 1787, 1803.

-, Peter, surveyor, Cowes, 661
-, surveyor, Lyme, 741, 1890.

Southwold, Sowold, co. Suffolk, 285, 801, 897, 927, 1339, 1341, 1569.

Southwood, Hulbert, Customs officer, Shoreham, 924.

Southworth, Francis, King's waiter's place, London port, 89, 202.

Sowlade, Lewis, seizure of woollen hose, 1330, 1385.

Sowold. See Southwold.

Spaen, General, and his son, Coronation medals for, 85.

Spaight, James, waiter, Donaghada, 256, 263.

Spain, brandy from, importations of, 801-2.

prohibited, 575, 590.

convoys for, 827, 834, 1361, 1925.

embargo on, 1133.

relaxations of, 1339, 1361.

exports to, 91, 105.

fish for, 941.

goods of pirates seized in West Indies belong to subjects of, 1029.

hides from, 827.

hock for, 1306.

horses from, 172, 933.

King of, 762.

servants of, gifts for, 1271.

merchants trading to, 1823.

pacquet boats for, 1571.

Queen of, 389.

birthday of, 1271.

going to Spain, 287, 288, 290, 300, 1578.

goods for, 51, 275.

Great Chamberlain to. See Staremberg, Countess.

plate for, 287.

yacht, 68.

Queens of, gifts for servants of, 1271.

salmon for, 1195.

salt from, 849, 855.

ships allowed to go to, north of Cadiz, 864.

ships for, 888, 889, 894, 900, 1823.

ships of, bonds for, 344, 442.

freed from embargo, 124.

Spanish tun and English gallon, difference between, 801.

wine from, 283, 575, 590, 849, 855, 1699-1700, 1738, 1859.

traders in, petition of, 1369.

Spalding, co. Lincoln, 928, 938.

Spanish Indies, commissioner for the introduction of negroes into, 259.

Spanish West Indies
-, 264
-, piracy in, 827.

Spann, Thomas, Hearthmoney Office, 499.

Sparrowhawk, Alexander, lands of, Shorter Street, 1968.

-, Richard, lands in Peterborough Level, 597.

Sparry, Samuel, of London, haberdasher, 569, 973.

Spateman, John, of Rodencote, 251.

Speachly, Humphrey, lands in the Isle of Ely, 598.

Spear, Nicholas, landwaiter, Padstow, 94.

Speidel, Euclid, clerk of the coast business, London port, 922.

Spence (Spenso), Benjamin, deputy King's waiter, London port, formerly landwaiter, Hull port, 727, 999, 1419.

-, Daniel, waiter, Orford, 12.

-, Richard, landwaiter, Hull port, 89.

Spencer, Adam, shipmaster, 755.

-, Ann, Countess of Sunderland, goods for, 19, 525, 625, 645
-, house of, 19, 218, 525, 625.

-, Elizabeth, widow of Thomas, 1148, 1359.

-, Francis, petition of, for his father's pay, 1259.

-, George, of Smithfield, 568.

-, Gilbert, Receiver General of Assessments, co. Kent, 129, 261, 324, 456, 467, 569, 605, 651, 727, 766, 976, 1473, 1541, 1920
-, loan by, 719.

-, -, jun., surety for Gilbert, sen., 129, 456, 605, 976, 1473, 1541.

-, John, Clerk of the Faculties, 1133.

-, -, tidesman, Bristol port, 1811.

-, Nathaniel, waiter and searcher, Emsworth, 1216.

-, Nicholas, Customs collector, Potomac River, 445.

-, Robert, 3rd Earl of Sunderland, ambassador to Spain, 120, 1522
-, Secretary of State, 120, 1028
-, grant of plate, 1522
-, grant to, of tenths, by Charles II., 504
-, prosecution against, 1237.

-, -, Viscount Teviot, Commissioner of Appeals in Excise, 110.

-, -, Hearthmoney collector, 1133, 1288, 1392.

-, Thomas, surety for W. Johnson, 1148, 1359.

Spendlove, Francis, comptroller, Yarmouth port, 91, 299, 1038.

Spenso. See Spence.

Spermaceti oil, 812, 815, 816, 886, 910, 2017.

Spirits, duties on. See Excisestrong waters.

Spithead, roadstead, 493, 763, 1946.

-, (Spoure), Peter, riding surveyor's place, 112, 143
-, waiter, Bideford, 312
-, waiter, Tynemouth, 16.

Spooner, Thomas, shipmaster, 1858.

Spott, Thomas, boatman, Plymouth port, 1611.

Spouts Crowch, co. Kent, 803.

Sprag, , captain, 1107, 1946.

Spranger, John, of Dublin, 1939.

Spratt, , informer against J. Edwards, 886.

-, -, of Ipswich, 1537.

Sprigg, Richard, an outlaw, 747.

Spring, Francis, landwaiter's place, London port, 95.

Springett, Herbert, surveyor of the officers for cyder, coffee etc., 611.

Sprott, Henry, surveyor, Ipswich port, 927, 1585.

Sprules, Charles, loan by, 1998.

Spry, , collector of Penryn, 127.

-, George, farmer of tin, Duchy of Cornwall, 1893.

-, Lewis, shipmaster, 1936.

Spyck, van, payment to, for flints etc., 1395.

Sqravemore. See Duyn.

-, Arnold, Clerk of the Nichils, 515, 517, 1131, 1962
-, deputy for W. Jephson, 833
-, surety for R. Squibb, 212
-, surety for R. Williamson, 1540.

-, John, lease, Charing Cross, 1576, 1686.

-, Robert, of St. Margaret's Westminster, deputy to the Treasury Secretary, 750, 1183, 1285
-, Receiver of First Fruits and Tenths, 97, 157, 206, 212, 236, 281, 293, 496, 771, 1376, 1640, 1690
-, issues to, for secret service, 1186
-, issues to, on behalf of, and correspondence concerning, the redemption of English captives in Barbary, 525, 539, 1039, 1696, 1947.

Squire, , [? a Treasury clerk], 38.

-, Gervase, mayor of Londonderry, collector of the revenues in Londonderry, 322, 495.

-, Hugh, loans by, 1771, 1798, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1981, 1983, 1992, 1996, 1997, 2004.

-, William, of Liverpool, a merchant from Ireland, 8, 10, 351, 549, 704, 766, 824, 853, 861, 986, 1017, 1053, 1101, 1146.

-, Benjamin, tidesman, London port, 232
-, surveyor, Selby, 232.

-, Leonard, tidesman, London port, 326
-, surveyor, Selby, 326.

Stabler, John, boatman, Bridlington, 929.

Stafford, county of, Excise collectorship of, 1043.

fee farms unsold, 642.

Receivers General, Commissioners etc. of Assessments, 72, 184, 202, 208, 234, 250, 402, 458, 556, 567, 602, 975, 1473-4, 1541.

receivership of Crown Revenues, 2011.

-, co. Stafford, 975.

-, [? co. Warwick], 251.

Stafford, Benedict, shipmaster, 1294.

-, Benjamin, tidesman, Falmouth port, 264.

-, John, envoy extraordinary from James II. to Spain, 881.

Staggins, Nicholas, Master of the King's Music, 933, 1108.

Staintliff, , of Whitby, horse of, seized, 572.

Stair, Viscount. See Dalrymple, J.

Stambourne, co. Essex, 104, 161, 200.

Stamford, Earl of. See Grey, T.

-, Sir Thomas, Lord Mayor of London, 1675
-, loan by, 1652.

Stamper, , mercer, 536.

Standbrooke, John, house of, Monck Street, 1968.

Standen, Stonden, co. Kent, 646.

Standen, Griffith, captain, pension for, 775, 1862.

Standish (Standidge), Edward, waterman, London port, 1950.

-, Ralph, grant to, of Mottram in Longdendale, 934.

- Sir Richard, of Duxbury, trustee for the vicar of Leyland, 881.

Standoffin, co. Glamorgan, 1474.

Standon, co. Stafford, 250.

Stanford, Stannod, Rivers, co. Essex, manor of, 1177, 2018.

Stanground, Peterborough, 596, 597.

Stanhope, , captain, troop of horse of, 856.

-, Alexander, Envoy Extraordinary to Spain, 286, 288, 314, 760, 762, 867, 869, 1163, 1269, 1271, 1280, 1282, 1528, 1538, 1621-2, 1872, 1873, 1897, 1908, 1911
-, Resident at Florence, 149, 153, 286
-, agent de negotios, 1271
-, alguazil of, 1271
-, bills of extraordinaries, 762-3, 1163, 1271
-, chapel of, 1163
-, loan by, 1179.

-, Philip, Earl of Chesterfield, Chief Justice, Trent North, 1960.

Stanley, , mercer, 535.

-, Charles, a volunteer for Flanders, 1203.

-, Elizabeth, Countess of Derby, Groom of the Stole to the Queen, 104.

-, James, a Groom of the Bedchamber, 350, 372, 477, 515, 609, 916, 1130, 1509
-, pension, 455.

-, John, a Groom of the Bedchamber, 916.

-, William, Earl of Derby, 1429
-, assisting in Customs appointments, Isle of Man, 1418-9
-, issues to, for the poor ministers of the Isle of Man, 111, 750, 754, 1122, 1567, 1568
-, order to, concerning trade in goods, Isle of Man, 1247, 1261-2.

-, Sir William, attainted of high treason (temp. Henry VIII.), 934.

Stanley Hall, in Wakefield, co. York, 976.

Stannaries. See Tin.

Stannod Rivers. See Stanford Rivers.

-, (Stanier, Staynier), John, receiver of assessments, co. Salop, 129, 251, 261, 459, 481, 568, 605, 811, 976, 1209, 1471, 1518, 1541, 1678
-, executors of, 1273.

-, John, of Shrewsbury, 1541.

-, -, son of John, 1209, 1306.

-, Richard, of Tong or Ashton, 568, 605, 1471.

-, William, of Leighton or Brockhurst, 459, 976, 1471.

Stanyon (Stanion, Stanyan), Charles, Customs place, London port, 91.

-, Lawrence, a farmer of the Revenue, Ireland, 72, 218, 362, 368, 385, 387, 391, 393, 414
-, accounts, 897, 905, 959-63.

-, Richard, of Higham Ferrers, 1788, 1912.

Stapehill, William, landwaiter, Dartmouth port, 100, 326.

Staples, Michael, shipmaster, 479, 1084, 1364.

-, Sir Robert, supplying iron for the Forces in Ireland, 1225.

Stapleton, co. Gloucester, 809.

Stapleton (Stapylton), Miles, a justice of the peace, co. Durham, 1444.

-, Sir William, money imprested for the Leeward Islands, 1132.

Stapley (Stapeley), Sir John, surveyor of petty Customs, London port, 169, 563, 1336, 2009.

Star Chamber
-, 211, 260, 1572
-, petition for a lease of, 1016
-, to be used by the Clerk of the Pells, 1532.

Starburon, , collector, Strangford, 549.

Starcross, co. Devon, 113, 283, 662.

Staremberg, Countess of, Great Chamberlain to the Queen of Spain, 611, 626.

-, Heer, Coronation medals for, 85.

Staresmore, Thomas, Customs employment, 1929.

-, Robert, quayman, London port, 1559
-, waiter and searcher, Whitby, 1701.

-, Thomas, of London, merchant, 480, 562
-, trader in negroes, 1926.

Starkey, , commissioner for the Powis estates, 1851.

-, Henry, landsurveyor's place, London port, 94.

-, John, customer's place, Lynn, 159.

-, -, jun., collectorship of petty Customs, London port, 223.

-, Richard, coastwaiter's place, London port, 182
-, tidewaiter, Liverpool port, 503.

-, Noah, receiver of assessments, co. Berks, 130, 251, 261, 346, 453, 460, 567, 604, 726, 903, 976-7, 1160-1, 1190
-, death of, 1317-8, 1323, 1340.

Starman, Lawrence, shipmaster, 979.

Startley, [co. Wilts], manor of, 579.

Staten, Saten, New England, 827.

Staten, van, gardener at Hampton Court, 601, 1109, 1232.

States General. See Holland.

Statham, Samuel, Hearthmoney collector, 1729.

Staughton, Stoughton, Magna, co. Huntingdon, manor of, 907-8, 998, 1009, 1125, 1141, 1187, 2017.

Stawell, Anthony, grant of Kinsale ferries, 1432.

-, William, of Park, 976, 1474.

Staynier. See Stanyer.

-, (Stede, Steed), Edwyn, colonel, Lieutenant-General and Commander-in-Chief, Barbados, 266, 822, 954
-, Receiver of the Casual Revenue, Barbados, 341, 813
-, leave of absence, 813, 815, 824
-, petition of, for pay and expenses, 797-8, 811
-, petition of, on behalf of his brother, 1359, 1370, 1390
-, resigning, 797.

-, John, Receiver General of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty, Barbados, 1359, 1370, 1390.

Steadwell, John, a royal waterman, 1186.

Steare, Humphrey, comptroller, Bridgwater port, 90.

- See also Steer.

Stebbing, Philip, commissioner for assessments, co. Norfolk, 1473.

Stedman, Fabian, clerk in the Office of the Auditor General of Excise, 511, 1282.

-, John, customer's place, Bridgwater port, 98
-, Cardiff, 106.

Steel wire. See Wire.

-, Fabian, surveyor, Carlisle port, 312
-, surveyor, Whitehaven, 13.

-, John, surveyor's assistant, Custom House, 611.

-, -, watchman, London port, 923.

-, Lawrence, secretaryship to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, 387, 388-9, 481, 607, 688
-, secretary to the Excise Commissioners, Ireland, 1631
-, officer of the Irish revenue, 960.

-, Count, payment to, for Horse and Dragoons, 768
-, troop of, 1943.

Steenkirk, battle of, 1901, 1907.

Steeple, co. Essex, 332.

Steer, Jacob, shipmaster, 1415.

-, Roger, surveyor, Lisburne, 256, 262.

- See also Steare.

Stefkin. See Stepkin.

Stein, Gasper, chief agent in London to the Marquis La Barr, 1078.

Stent, Thomas, receiver and billman, Excise Cashier's Office, 1178.

Stephens (Stevens), , 355, 359, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 377, 378, 380, 381, 385, 391, 403, 413, 418, 425.

-, -, searchership, Plymouth port, 43.

-, Anthony, Cashier to the Treasurer of the Navy, 356, 361, 362, 369, 392, 413, 415, 416, 418, 419, 442, 455, 464, 529, 712, 715, 730, 830, 849, 1309, 1532, 1691
-, loans by, 584, 664, 781, 1996, 2007
-, proposal concerning the telling of Navy money, 1956-7.

-, Arabella, 1812.

-, George, shipmaster, 300, 831, 1759.

-, Hen., waiter and searcher, Poulton port, 931.

-, James, loan by, 1980.

-, John, lands in Peterborough Level, 597.

-, -, late a King's messenger, payment to the widow of, 1064.

-, -, of Bristol, merchant, 1394.

-, -, royal bounty for, 1455.

-, -, shipmaster, 1935.

-, -, tidesman's place, London port, 321, 714, 831.

-, -, waiter and searcher, Christchurch, 1699.

-, Joseph, ship's commander, 1083, 1214.

-, Nicholas, customer's place, Plymouth port, 96.

-, Richard, loan by, 1981.

-, Robert, a messenger of the Chamber, 512
-, to look after the printing presses, 1332, 1453, 1827, 1829.

-, Tyringham or Terringham, of Newark, 131, 132, 251, 459.

-, William, agent for prizes, Guernsey, 1904
-, Register of Certificates, Guernsey, 196, 797, 924, 1877.

-, -, landwaiter's place, London port, 119.

-, -, tidesman, Plymouth port, 662.

-, Sir William, surety for J. Bowler, 458.

Stephenson (Stevenson), John, of the Hearthmoney Office, 808.

-, -, tenant, Cheveley, 1075.

-, Robert, lease, Hampton Court, 243.

-, Samuel, loan by, 1981.

-, Thomas, debt due to, for hiring ships, 1279, 1332.

-, (Stefkin, Stepkins), Peter, commissioner for superstitious lands, co. Middlesex etc., 329
-, ditto, co. Lancaster, 344
-, money levied on Dissenters, 1143, 1797, 1829, 1859, 1865, 1877, 1886.

-, -, customer's place, Berwick port, 90
-, searcher's place, Carlisle port, 152.

Stepleden [? Stuppington, in Norton], co. Kent, borough of, 806.

Stepney, George, at the Court of Brandenburg, 1648, 1652, 1686, 1803, 1804, 1844, 1845, 1897, 1898.

-, John, debtor to the Crown, 1086, 1205.

-, Joseph, King's waiter's place, London port, 109.

Sterg, Peter, Hearthmoney Office, 499.

Sterry, Peter, accountant to the London brewers, 610.

Stevens, Stevenson. See Stephens, Stephenson.

Steventon, John, supervising prize goods at Plymouth, 874.

Stewart (Steward), Charles, Duke of Richmond, Master of the Horse, 1430.

-, -, ensign, half pay, Ireland, 191.

-, Frances Teresa, Dowager Duchess of Richmond, 418, 918
-, annuity in trust for, 1198, 1200, 1530, 1533
-, rent of the Alnage Duty, 832, 833.

-, Ja., prisoner of war, 1868.

-, James, master of the Friendship, 722, 740.

-, Jane, loans by, 1976, 1979, 1987.

-, Joan, loan by, 1971.

-, John, landsurveyor's place, London port, 93.

-, -, tidesman, London port, 445.

-, Mary, wife of Viscount Mountjoy, royal bounty for children of, 392, 1508, 1531
-, secret service pay, 48.

-, William, Viscount Mountjoy, regiment of, at Londonderry, 1895.

-, -, captain, half pay, Ireland, 191.

-, -, colonel, 1475, 1634
-, pay for, 1590, 1915
-, pension for, 775, 1563
-, regiment of, 557, 559, 863, 1031, 1069, 1078, 1138, 1154, 1234, 1267, 1351, 1481, 1482, 1507, 1577, 1777
-, schedule of goods for regiment of, 1667.

-, -, lieutenant, half pay, Ireland, 191.

-, -, Customs place, London port, 1342
-, tidesman, London port, 1749.

Stiddolph. See Stydolph.

Stie, Henry, weighing porter, London port, 922.

Stigant, William, commissioner for general enquiry into New Forest, 1550.

Stileman, Stilleman. See Styleman.

Stillingfleet, Edward, bishop of Worcester, 474-5.

Stirke, John, major, forester, Salcey Forest, 467, 987.

Stirling, Earl of. See Alexander, H.

Stirum, Countess, goods for, 82.

Stisted, Charles, an informer, formerly a Customs officer, 728, 736.

Stivers, Dutch, 1426.

Stoakes. See Stokes.

Stoakham, William, loans by, 1985, 1996.

Stock (Stocke), Abraham, letter of, from Dover, 776.

-, Charles, commissioner for superstitious lands, co. Hereford, 243, 649.

-, John, loans by, 1414, 1443, 1976, 1979, 1986, 1987, 1994.

Stockbridge, George, tenant, Rostrees, 1775.

Stockfish, 1150.

-, Sweden, 340, 652, 676, 788, 829, 915, 987, 1166, 1171, 1300, 1772
-, envoy at, 1203.

-, William, third physician to the King, commanded for Ireland, 706
-, issues to, 697, 1108.

-, crimson, 1135
-, white, 1135
-, worsted, 1081.

Stockport, co. Lancaster, inhabitants of, quartering tropos, 1735.

-, co. Durham, 13, 87, 825, 863, 1470, 1937
-, Customs officers at, list of, 929.

Stockton, James, of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, 569.

-, William, letter concerning excise of beer, 1349.

Stockwith, co. Lincoln, 230, 425, 429, 463, 2017.

Stodd, Francis, of Cambridge, 459.

Stoke Mandeville, co. Bucks, 1473.

Stoke Newington, co. Middlesex, prebendary of. See Tillotson, J.

Stoke under Hamdon, co. Somerset, 166.

Stokes (Stoakes, Stoke), Henry, shipmaster, 1935.

-, James, shipmaster, 498.

-, Samuel, shipmaster, 1085.

-, William, tidesman, Liverpool port, 931.

-, -, waiter, Southampton port, 924, 1268.

Stokesley, co. York, 573.

Stombyltye, in Alkham, co. Kent, 646.

Ston, , shipmaster, 152.

Stonden, co. Kent. See Standen.

Stondon, co. Essex, 1472.

Stone, co. Stafford, Post Office bag, 1221.

Stone, , revenue, Ireland, 388.

-, John, commissioner for stating the accounts of the Army in Ireland, 1071.

-, -, lodging gentlemen ushers, 767.

-, -, of London, merchant, 7, 17
-, lease, Wirksworth, 167
-, regality of lead mines in Derby, 236.

-, -, of Steeple, co. Essex, 332.

-, -, officer of the Irish Revenue, 960, 962.

-, -, tidesman, London port, 175, 338.

Stonegrave, Stonegreave, co. York, 1256.

Stoneham, Isaac, shipmaster, 1936.

Stonehewer, William, transporting recruits to Holland, 554.

-, co. Devon, 708, 755, 782
-, French Protestants at, 1579.

Stoney, Thomas, of Justice Town, 461.

Stonnard, Thomas, assaulting Customs officers, Hythe, 1699.

Stony Stratford, co. Bucks, 1540.

Stoop, Peter, shipmaster, 7, 105, 1394.

Stopford, James, 1284.

-, Mary, widow of James, lands, co. Meath, 1284.

-, Derek, body coachman to the King, 906
-, grant to, of the profits of the toll of the Haymarket, 781-2
-, issues to, for horses, 195, 228, 319, 491, 499.

Storer, Daniel, landwaiter, London port, 95.

Storey, Francis, lands in Peterborough Level, 596, 597.

-, John, surety for T. Truman, 1470.

-, Richard, tenant, Howend and Chapel Town, 1774.

-, -, waiter, Bowness, 312.

-, Samuel, Deputy Comptroller of Excise, 1651, 1696, 1912.

-, William, fowl keeper in St. James's Park, 628, 1279, 1887
-, house of, 627, 628, 650, 774-5, 854, 904.

Storton. See Stoughton.

Stoughton (Storton), James, of London, corn chandler, 456, 976, 1473.

-, Roger, loan by, 1994.

Stoughton Magna, co. Huntingdon. See Staughton.

Stourbridge, co. Worcester, 1369.

Stourton, Thomas, Army pension for, 648.

Stowmarket, co. Suffolk, 131, 250, 569.

Stowting, co. Kent, hundred of, 806, 807.

Strabane, co. Tyrone, 253, 256, 262, 1064, 1237.

Stradling, Watkin, customer, Cardiff port, 125.

Straits, The, 485, 493, 721.

agent for prizes in. See Cowse, W.

brimstone from, 485, 714, 1284, 1316, 1392.

convoy, 359, 462.

credits in, for the Victuallers, 420, 846, 1018.

embargo on, 1133, 1295.

English seamen unobtainable in, 493.

fish for, 880, 994, 1279, 1295.

fleets, victuals for, 78.

ordnance office in, 1392.

salmon for, 1753.

ships from, 467, 485, 1001, 1248, 1260.

ships in and going to, 344, 385, 1258.

Stralsund, Pomerania, 1074, 1090.

Stranaver, Lord. See Gordon, J.

Strange, Furner, tidesman, London port, 923.

Strangeways (Strangwaise), James, riding surveyor, Liverpool port, 931.

-, -, tidesman, ibid., 931.

-, Thomas, colonel, stewardship of Fordington and Ryme manors, 321-2, 527, 556.

-, co. Down, 253, 256, 263, 549, 565, 608
-, collector at. See Neesham, T.

Stratford, Nicholas, bishop of Chester, 273, 900.

Stratford Langhorn, co. Essex, 818.

Strathnaver (Stranaver), Lord. See Gordon, J.

-, co. Somerset, 152, 202
-, Nagg's tenement, 203
-, Plummer's Close, 260.

Streater. See Streeter.

Strech, John, searcher of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty at Bridgetown, 1034.

Street, Streate, co. Kent, hundred of, 806.

Street, Francis, discovery of lands in Ashborne, 513.

-, -, a messenger of the Chamber, 653.

-, Leonard, of the Red Lion Inn, 1968.

-, Sir Thomas, a judge, 1392.

-, William, commissioner for assessments, co. Chester etc., 233, 1471.

Streeter (Streater), John, tidesman, London port, 1330.

-, Robert, serjeant painter, 1951
-, loan by, 1951
-, work at Chelsea Hospital, 1262, 1289, 1290, 1796.

Strickland, Hugh, tenement, Cerne Abbas, 224, 533.

-, John, tenement, Cerne Abbas, 224, 533
-, loan by, 2003.

-, Roger, landwaiter, Whitehaven, 795.

-, Sir Roger, attainted for high treason, estate of, 659.

-, Sir William, commissioner for derelict lands, co. York, 614.

Stringer, James, waiter, Exeter port, 662.

-, John or Peter, waiter, searcher and warehousekeeper, Chester port, 446.

-, Nathaniel, of Billingsgate, 249.

-, Thomas, commissioner for superstitious lands, Charing Cross etc., 770
-, commissioner for waste lands, cos. Chester and Flint, 1336.

-, -, waiter and searcher, Boston port, 507.

Strode. See Stroud.

Strong, (Irish Revenue), 49, 50, 70, 389, 456.

-, -, ship's captain, 152.

-, -, Excise surveyor, Bristol, 87.

-, John, loans by, 1988, 1991.

-, -, son of Richard, 1736
-, prosecuted for perjury, 1793.

-, Richard, prosecuting for transporting wool, 1735-6, 1793.

-, Robert, Chamber payment to, 1333.

-, William, Excise Commissioner, 273, 833, 1098, 1349
-, advance by, 292, 296
-, loans by, 583, 595, 747, 882, 935, 965, 1987, 1990, 2004.

Stroud (Strode), , major, payment to, 49.

-, Bernard. collector's place, Chester port, 94.

-, Charles, former Surveyor of Woods, Trent South, 516.

-, Edmund, of Downside, obstructing the tax collectors, 401, 1109
-, refusing to take the oath of allegiance, 1109.

-, Edward, action for trespass, 498.

-, -, solicitorship of Customs, 90
-, malpractices of, 720.

-, John, loans by, 1971, 1973.

-, Joseph, lieutenant, half pay, Ireland, 191.

-, Richard, lands of, near the Citadel, Plymouth, 1391.

-, Sydney, landwaiter, Plymouth port, 13.

-, Thomas, Customs place, 190.

Strutt (Strut), Francis, grant to, of lands in Ashborne, 1191-2, 1265.

-, -, messenger of the Chamber, 736.

-, Joseph, of London, merchant, 840.

Stuart. See Stewart.

Stubbs, John, jerquer's place, London port, 99.

-, Philip, farmer of the Lotteries, 1817
-, bankrupt, 1817, 1822.

Stuckie, John, noontender, London port, 1120.

Stuckley (Stukely), Lewis, comptroller, Plymouth port, 103, 2010.

Studd, Ralph, waterman, London port, 923.

-, Michael, Guide and Conductor of their Majesties' Roads, 1328, 1845
-, Keeper of the King's Private Roads etc., 873, 1456, 1759
-, allowances for, 1456
-, contract made to, 1335, 1338
-, issues to, 442, 552, 588, 1280, 1281, 1299, 1303, 1320, 1328, 1834, 1835, 1845, 1847, 1855
-, loans to the Exchequer, 442, 1329
-, making roads in Hyde Park and St. James's Park, 51, 57, 69, 232, 317, 337, 354, 379
-, repairs at Kensington, 1246.

Studland Bay, co. Dorset, 661.

Stuffs. See Alamode, Baize, Bengals, Buckrams, Calico, Chercole, Colony, Crape, Damask, Dimity, Gulix, Hawkins, Jamwars, Lawns, Linen, Muslins, Pelongs, Romalls, Sarcenet, Silk, Tabby, Velvet, Western Cloth, White Mode, Ysingham. See also Cloth.

Stukely. See Stuckley.

Stumbles, Henry, coastwaiter, London port, 445.

Stuppington. See Stepleden.

Sturck, , captain, Danish officer, 1201, 1203.

Sturgeon, importation of, 774.

Sturman, Jam., boatman, Hull port, 929.

Sturry, co. Kent, 804. See also Ecasture.

-, , alderman, 62
-, [? Navy victuals], 63, 387.

-, Anthony, 241, 489, 819
-, loans by, 1999, 2003.

Stydolph (Stiddolph, Styddolf, Stydolfe), Sir Richard, lands in St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, 660, 752, 1618, 1656.

Style, George, of London, merchant, 584.

Styleman (Stileman, Stilleman), John, grant to, of estate of J. Cook, 1323, 1352-3.

Styles, , captain, lands in Peterborough Level, 596.

-, -, hosier, 536.

-, Edward, tidesman, Dover port, 1099.

Suchtyn. See Sychtyn.

Suckling, Sir John, Receiver in the Alienation Office, 153, 565, 1411.

-, co. Suffolk, 1471
-, mayor of, commissioner of assessments, 1471.

Suffolk, county of, General Gaol Delivery, 1552.

raising seamen in, 1553.

Receiver General of Crown Lands, 40, 190, 302. See also Dering, Sir E.
-, Smith, J.

Receivers General, Commissioners etc. of assessments, 171, 234, 250, 267, 319, 323, 328, 460, 569, 604, 973, 1471, 1540.

sheriff of, 1099.

Vice-Admiral of, 1619. See also Allen, Sir T.
-, Rich, Sir R.

Suffolk, Duke of. See Brandon, C.

-, Earl of. See Howard, J.

Sugar, Barbados, 154, 463.

duties, 309, 463, 467.

abatements, 800.

duty commencement (1685), 17.

Jamaica, 154, 463.

Leeward Islands, 463.

new impost, 81, 872, 922.

refiners, case of the, 1414.

seizures of, 420, 1623, 1644.

Surinam, 449, 467, 1623.

Sugar, Sir Nicholas, receiver of sede vacante revenues, York, 8, 14, 151, 944.

Sugden, Sagdon, co. Salop, 605, 976.

-, Isaac, of York, deputy to R. Williamson, 415, 823, 1613
-, surety for R. Williamson, 457, 568, 977.

Suglestein. See Zuylestein.

Suleigden, , [an ambassador], 327.

Sullivan, John, ship's commander, 1215.

-, Lawrence, and others, shipowners, 1215-6.

Sully, co. Glamorgan, 926.

Sumner, Ann, loans by, 1973, 1974.

-, co. Durham, 13, 86, 277, 328, 507, 659, 895, 1594
-, Customs officers at, list of, 928
-, place appointed to receive seamen, 1009.

Sunderland, Countess of. See Spencer, Ann.

-, Earl of. See Spencer, R.

Sunderland, John, shipmaster, 1870.

Superannuation allowances to officers (Civil Service), 246, 280.

Superstitious lands. See Roman Catholics.

Supply, appropriation of. See Appropriated Duties.

Surgeons' Company, Governors of, 517.

Surinam, sugar from. See Sugar.

Surrey, county of, Auditor of, 1075.

Receiver General of Crown Revenues, 165, 166, 184. See also Child, J.
-, Evelyn, J.
-, Trouts, M.

Receivers General, Commissioners etc. of assessments, 234, 238, 251, 458, 570, 605, 975, 1075, 1471, 1539.

sheriffs, 238, 1451.

superstitious lands in, 622.

-, de sergeans, 1113
-, de soldat gris blanc, 1113
-, de tambour, 1113.

Surveyor of his Majesty's Ways, office of, 873. See also Lawrence, A.

Sussex, county of, Auditor of, 704.

Commissioners for Sewers, 1520.

fee farm rents in, 1338.

Receiver General, Commissioners etc. of assessments, 31, 234, 250, 262, 348, 453, 458, 520, 521, 568, 603, 975, 1472, 1539.

Receiver General of Crown Revenues, 165, 166, 184. See also Evelyn, J.
-, Trouts, M.

smuggling in, 1074.

troops to march from, to Leicestershire, 996.

waste ground in, 704, 1580.

Sussex, Earl of. See Lennard, T.

Sutton, co. Denbigh, 1229.

-, Southton, co. Kent, township of, 805.

-, Plymouth, co. Devon, 149
-, Pool, lease, 223, 239-40, 1217.

Sutton, , embroiderer, 536.

-, -, shipmaster, 479.

-, David, deserter from the Irish Army, 1683, 1782.

-, Edward, paymaster of the incidents, London port, 922.

-, George, land of, in St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, 752, 1656.

-, Tho., shipmaster, 1937.

-, William, messenger of the Chamber, 1242, 1284. See also Saffery.

Sutton and Beelsby, co. Lincoln, manor of, 326.

Sutton Valence, Valentse, co. Kent, 804.

Suzannet, [Frederick Henry de], Marquis de la Forrest, Major General of the Danish Forces, 1499.

Swaby, Robert, waterman, London port, 1063.

Swaddell, John, Clerk of the Ordnance, 213.

Swaine, Bernard or Bennet, loans by, 1972, 1978.

-, Edward, shipmaster, 1790.

Swallwell, Dorothy, tenant, Visct. Preston's estate, 1639.

-, John, tenant, Visct. Preston's estate, 1774.

Swan, Cornelius, Customs place, London port, 90.

-, Edward, refugee from Ireland, surveyorship, London port, 198.

-, John, lieutenant, payments for, 1890, 1915.

-, Tho., petition for a landcarriageman's place, 824.

Swanage, co. Dorset, 661.

Swanemoot Courts, 440.

-, co. Glamorgan, 106, 125, 326, 927, 1513, 1546, 1877
-, Customs officers at, list of, 926.

-, Thomas, collector, Falmouth port, 127, 165, 206-7. 1031-2
-, surveyor, Plymouth port, 545.

Swardiere, de la, Army pension, 255.

Swayneland, St. Lathill, lands in Farcet, 598.

Sweden, ambassadors to and from. See Ambassadors.

copper dollars, rate of exchange, 829.

hemp, flax etc. from, 501, 539, 906.

King of, 539, 828.

letters from, 839.

Naval stores from, 986.

Queen Dowager of, powder for, 1772.

ships and shipping, 784.

wood from, 915.

Sweetaple, John, goldsmith, loan by, 1972.

Sweetmeats, 4, 1150.

Swetland, John, tidesman, Lynn Regis, 661.

Swetman, Ralph, wastes at Otford, 1630.

Swift, , 363.

-, Jonathan, chamber of, 1485
-, notice concerning lands in Delamere Forest, 1485.

-, Samuel, commissioner for assessments, co. Worcester, 1473.

Swilland, co. Suffolk, 759.

Swinehoe, Gilbert, waiter and searcher, Budle, 930.

Swinfen, Francis, of Shrewsbury, 374, 502.

-, Robert, landwaiter's place, London port, 155.

Swinford, Swinsford [? in Hothfield], co. Kent, borough of, 806.

Swingfield, co. Kent, 804, 853.

-, John, searcher, Sharperton, 175
-, tidesman, Shields, 1401.

Swinney, Dennis, tidesman and boatman, Falmouth port, 662.

Switzerland, bills of exchange on, 425, 426.

Cantons of. See Ambassadors.

Diets of, 1001, 1002.

gifts etc. by the English ambassador in, 1002.

odd customs of, 1002.

poor French in, 1002.

Rix dollars. See Dollars.

Tribes and Societies, 1002.

Sword blades
-, imports of, 136, 141, 145, 220, 239, 289-90, 309
-, seizures of, 115.

Sword cutters. See Londoncompanies.

Swymmer, John, et al., of Bristol, merchants, 1160.

Swynny, Morgan, treasure trove, co. Surrey, 326.

Syberston, co. Kent. See Siberston.

Sybertswould, co. Kent. See Sibertswold.

Sychtyn, Suchtyn, co. Salop, 460, 569.

Sydenham, Charles, tidesman, Lyme Regis, 245.

-, Sir Edward, burial of, 1686
-, grant of house, Charing Cross, 1576, 1686.

-, Grace, wife of Richard, 1356, 1645, 1861.

-, Henry, collector's place, Deal port, 1580
-, Customs employment, 1693.

-, Richard, Customs place, London port, 90
-, pension for, 1356, 1645, 1861.

Sydney (Sidney), Henry, Viscount Sydney, 63, 1594.

Colonel of the 1st Regiment of Guards, 281, 502, 512, 516, 740, 855.

Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 330, 349, 609, 1130, 1157.

Justice of Ireland, 891, 1005, 1063, 1417, 1756.

Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1520, 1556, 1610, 1706, 1730, 1785
-, allowances and fees of, 1639
-, equipage, 1575, 1577
-, plate for, 1560
-, trumpeters attending, 1515
-, wardrobe provision for, 1560, 1610.

Lord Warden of the Cinque ports, 1386.

Master of the Robes, 566, 1132
-, accounts of, 1731
-, issues to, 566, 584.

member of the Committee for Irish Affairs, 1068.

Secretary of State, 950, 977, 993, 999, 1034, 1165, 1166, 1215, 1270, 1271, 1272, 1300, 1357, 1666, 1863, 1898
-, board wages, 1609
-, patent fee, 1633
-, salary, 1333
-, secret service issues, 950, 1046, 1158, 1756, 1761.

goods for, 1126, 1349.

grant to, 357.

grant of derelict lands, 2012.

grant of rebels' estates, Ireland, 1520-1, 1669.

house of, 1126, 1349, 1586.

loan by, 1158.

plate for, 970.

raising seamen in Kent, 1553.

-, Robert, Earl of Leicester, former Chief Justice, Trent North, 1960
-, former Master of the Horse, 1430.

Sykes (Sike), Christopher, boatman, Hull port, 929.

Sylver. See Silver.

Sylvester. See Silvester.

Symcolne, Baron de, envoy extraordinary from the Elector of Bavaria, 1519.

Symonds, Alexander, tidesman and boatman, Lostwithiel, 925, 1277.

-, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas, 1075.

-, Humphrey, loans by, 396, 693, 1999, 2007.

-, John, messenger of the Chamber, 1242, 1284.

-, -, shipmaster, 1938.

-, -, tidesman, Poole port, 1585
-, waiter and searcher, Wareham, 661.

-, Matthew, of Leicester, 131.

-, Michael, Customs officer, Dover, 721.

-, -, of London, distiller, 1017.

-, Thomas, custodiam lease, Cripplegate, 1075.

-, -, Customs officer, Barnstaple, 925.

-, William, commissioner for assessments, co. Cornwall, 1472.

-, -, landwaiter's place, London port, 136.

Symons, Jan., shipmaster, 775.

Sympkyns. See Simpkins.

Sympson. See Simpson.

Syms, Charles, surveyor, Bristol port, 672.

-, Henry, landswaiter's place, London port, 156.

Syringham, Francis, commissioner for assessments, co. Bucks, 1473.

Syrup of elder, 1004.

Syzer. See Sizer.