Index: P

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Index: P', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: P', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: P". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Pacheco, Aaron, loan by, 2004.

Pachmohr (Pachmore), , colonel, regiment of, 836, 845.

Packer, Gilbert, tidesman, Plymouth port, 626.

-, John, boatman and tidesman, Harwich, 1246.

-, -, son of Philip, 320, 1132, 1731, 1756
-, steward of Otford, 144, 270, 1630, 2017.

-, -, Usher of the Receipt, 16, 46, 108, 244, 272, 275, 297, 559, 765, 995, 1140, 1432, 1468, 1488, 1592, 1711, 1864, 1881
-, loans by, 769, 839
-, petition by, for lease of the Star Chamber, 1016.

-, Philip, late Paymaster of the Works, 46, 144, 320, 1132
-, accounts of, 1731.

-, Samuel, of Bristol, merchant, 1394.

Packhurst, John, place of riding surveyor of Customs, 112.

Packstow, Michael, shipmaster, 92.

Pacquet boats See Post Office.

Pacy, Samuel, of Lowestoft, receiver of assessments, co. Suffolk, 1540.

Paddington. See London and Westminster streets etc. in.

Padstow, co. Cornwall, 90, 94, 99, 160, 180, 183, 225, 1711.

Customs officers at, list of, 925.

officers for prizes at, 1689.

St. Ann's, people of, attacking a wrecked ship, 892.

Paetz, , payment to, for boxes, 1395.

Page (Paige), , bill of exchange drawn on, 1214.

-, Geo., tidesman, Lynn Regisport, 928.

-, John, collector, James River, 1819.

-, -, loans by, 1979, 1987, 2005.

-, Nicholas, colonel, petition of, concerning the Salisbury, 1309, 1426.

Pagen. See Paggen.

Paget (Pagitt), Frances, loan by, 1996.

-, [Henry], captain, Sir J. Leslie's regiment, 680.

-, Richard, loans by, 1992, 1997.

-, William, 7th Lord Paget, Ambassador to the Grand Seignior, 1799, 1902, 1908, 1910, 1926, 1929
-, Envoy Extraordinary to the Emperor of Germany, 124, 170, 226, 351, 495, 655, 656, 845, 848, 1070, 1165, 1198, 1206, 1299, 1300, 1528, 1538, 1704, 1705, 1860, 1862, 1897, 1898
-, Lord Lieutenant, co. Stafford, 1606
-, bills of extraordinaries, 655-6, 1072-3, 1177-8, 1863
-, goods for, 1016
-, hounds for, 1310 , house of, 242, 1748
-, loans by, 1179, 1206.

Paggen (Baggin, Pagen), Peter, merchant, 894, 1323, 1326, 1344, 1402, 1409-10, 1442, 1491.

Pagham Point, co. Sussex, 924.

Pagitt. See Paget.

Paige. See Page.

Painted earthenware. See Earthenware.

Painter, Allington, of Gillingham, 1674.

-, Edward, tidesman, Bristol port, 263.

Paite, , shoemaker, 536.

Paiva, Abraham de, loan by, 2003.

Palatine, Elector of, mourning for the death of, 1056, 1057, 1072, 1073.

Palden, Thomas, cured of lunacy, 1185.

Palgrave, Sir Augustine, sheriff of co. Norfolk, 1803.

Palma, David de, 1394.

Palmer, , lands in Peterborough Level, 596.

-, Anthony, waterman, London port, 922.

-, -, commissioner for assessments, co. Rutland, 1473.

-, Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland, debt owed by, to W. Williams, 1702
-, garden of, in St. James's Park, 1342
-, pension on the Post Office, 35, 52, 113, 137, 238, 356, 357, 358, 361, 364, 478, 505, 626, 918, 1198, 1381, 1570, 1921.

-, Sir Henry, steward of Wingham, 307, 326.

-, Renatus, surveyor, Dartmouth port, 282, 567, 571, 578.

-, Robert, lands in Cumberland, 598.

-, -, loan by, 1977.

-, Roger, Earl of Castlemaine, Ambassador to Rome, 120.

-, William, [commissioner for stating the accounts of the Army in Ireland], 1802.

-, -, loan by, 1985.

-, -, member of Parliament for Malton, 1899.

-, -, watchman, London port, 923.

Pamiere, Louis la, French Reformed officer, 294.

Pamphlets. See Books.

Pamunky, Pomunky, Neck, Virginia, 1409, 1504, 1725, 1964, 1965.

Pancefort. See Pauncefort.

Pancier. See Pencier.

Panck, , widow, lands in Peterborough Level, 597.

Paper, imports of, for books, 199.

-, Thomas, a Navy victualler, 65, 68, 69, 70, 316, 323, 387, 388, 394, 639, 986, 1824
-, loan by, 1996.

Papwell, John, shipmaster, 1445, 1789.

Parckman. See Parkman.

Pardoe, Thomas, landwaiter's place, London port, 1672.

Pare, David, of Rochelle, French Protestant merchant, 351.

-, John, surety for J. Cradock, 604.

Pargiter, John, merchant, 1737.

Paris, France, 60.

Paris, James, of Godmanchester, 1541.

-, Thomas, waiter and searcher, Poole port, 230
-, ditto, Sarum, 230.

Parish, , defrauding the Customs, 564.

-, John, commissioner for assessments, co. Suffolk, 1471.

Parishes not rated for the Poll, 443.

Park, co. Devon, 976, 1474.

Park House, Parkehouse, co. Kent, manor of, 804.

Parke (Park), George, landwaiter's place, London port, 853.

-, Joseph, usher of the Exchequer, 1728.

-, Nicholas, King's waiter, London port, 160, 593.

Parkendon [in Sutton Valence], co. Kent, 804.

Parker, Mris., 160, 164.

-, George, boatman, Hamble River, 924.

-, Henry, waterman, London port, 922.

-, James, tidesman, London port, 209.

-, John, boatman, Liverpool port, 931.

-, -, commissioner for Crown revenues, cos. Lincoln, Nottingham etc., 1805.

-, -, searcher, Gravesend, 923.

-, Luke, lands in Peterborough Level, 597.

-, Michael, money for prisoners of war, 1785.

-, Samuel, late bishop of Oxford, 1132.

-, Thomas, Lord Morley and Monteagle, royal bounty for, 1444, 1447.

-, -, commissioner for the seizure of J. Cook's estate, 1021.

-, -, Excise collector's place, co. Devon, 104.

-, Vernon, lieutenant, half pay, Ireland, 191.

-, William, shipmaster, 1700.

-, -, waterman, London port, 923.

-, -, of Peterborough, wood merchant, 932.

Parkes (Parks), William, assignee of N. Brett and others, 856.

-, -, porter at the Exchequer gate, 108, 195, 276, 350, 623, 759, 848, 977, 1234, 1440, 1592, 1846, 1958, 1963.

Parkhurst (Parkhouse), John, a commissioner for Prizes, 649, 1060, 1147, 1219, 1371.

-, Thomas, loans by, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1985.

-, Sir William, formerly Warden of the Mint, 665.

Parkins, Sir Thomas, sheriff of Nottingham, 244.

Parkman (Parckman), Bartholomew, shipmaster, 1090.

-, Elias, shipmaster, 1364.

Parlett, John, lands in Peterborough Level, 596.

Parliament, account of public moneys given to, 1314.

Acts, 292, 324, 426, 481, 510, 528, 543, 554, 590, 607, 716, 776, 824, 848, 870, 872, 951-2, 952, 957, 1004, 1025, 1063, 1348, 1408, 1409, 1426, 1427, 1462, 1632, 1671.

printed, 1614.

See also France.

appropriation of supply. See Appropriated Duties.

Bill concerning offices, 416-7.

concerning royal mines, 1407.

Committee for Accounts, 998.

considering the Bankers' Debt, 52.

Convention, 1001
-, Speaker of. See Powle, H.

meeting at Court of Requests, 1633, 1938.

members of, assessed twice, 1911.

money paid to, out of secret service money, 1313, 1314.

printing. See Newcomb, T.

privilege of, 401.

repairs, 1536, 1564, 1568, 1588, 1604, 1617, 1686, 1703, 1734, 1780, 1844, 1854, 1958.

stationery for, 1931.

Supply Acts, loans on, 1093.

Votes, 1072.

Parrott, Paul, noontender, London port, 923.

-, , appointed to gather a debt from Ruthin manor, 519
-, prisoner in the King's Bench, 519.

-, Francis, a commissioner of Excise, 26, 82, 99, 397, 725, 833, 947, 1098, 1349, 1800, 1813
-, loan by, 1003
-, petition for a lease, St. James's Park, 1342, 1368, 1402-3, 1423, 1460, 1479.

-, George, solicitor of Excise, 103, 141, 610.

-, Richard, arrears of fee farm of Dyffryn Clwydd, 1136, 1229, 1497
-, estate of, 1497.

-, -, commissioner for superstitious lands, cos. Lincoln, Chester and Salop, 571.

-, -, outlaw, 1229.

-, Thomas, of Sychtyn, 460, 1474.

-, William, mariner, payment for, 1249, 1257, 1259.

Parsons, , captain, ship's commander, 1004.

-, -, clothing for the Army, 622.

-, -, management of Reigate manor, 510.

-, -, spurrier, 536.

-, Anthony, auditor of the Exchequer Court, 188, 751, 1225
-, auditor for co. Hants, 528.

-, Blanche, lease in Boyton, 1217.

-, Christopher, lease in Boyton, 1217.

-, Edward, postmaster, Exeter, 127.

-, Francis, shipmaster, 479.

-, George, boots for the Army, 1136.

-, Henry, lands of, in Boyton, 1217.

-, John, of London, 818.

-, Sir John, Navy victualling, 51, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 387, 388, 489
-, rents of Reigate manor, 493, 594
-, sheriff of London and Middlesex, 532.

-, Mary, lease in Boyton, 1217.

-, Richard, chancellor of the diocese of Gloucester, 1021.

-, Thomas, collector's place, Bridgwater port, 115.

-, -, cottage of, in Boyton, 1217.

-, William, landwaiter, London port, 45, 88, 96, 208, 1385, 1386
-, surveyor of landwaiters, ibid., 1386.

-, -, Navy victuals, 62.

-, -, shipmaster, 1938.

Partington, Joseph, commissioner for superstitious lands, Furness, 156.

-, Puleston, commissioner for assessments, co. Chester etc., 1471.

Partlington [Partington], Thomas, of Chester, 1540.

Partridge, John, King's waiter's place, London port, 90.

-, William, boatman, Hastings, 196.

-, -, work at Chelsea Hospital, 1289, 1290, 1796.

Partrishow, Patricio, co. Brecon, messuage called "Nijat" in, 474.

Pascall (Paschall), , lieutenant, French Reformed officer, 1596.

-, -, victualling commissionership, 65.

-, Thomas, noontender, London port, a Roman Catholic, 175.

-, -, searcher's place, Ipswich, 95.

Pashley, Noel, tidesurveyor, Bristol port, 452, 941-2, 1631.

-, for persons leaving England, orders concerning, 830-1, 847
-, presentment concerning, 420
-, stoppage of, at ports between Gravesend and Rye, 286-7, 300, 301.

Passy, , captain, French Reformed officer, 1596.

-, , 423
-, pretensions to ground of Scottish Secretary's Office, 423, 2013.

-, Aaron, Hearthmoney collector, 1628.

-, Thomas, petition of, for fee farm of Dyffryn Clwydd, 1136.

-, William, 2nd Earl of Yarmouth, Treasurer of the Household to James II., 120
-, agent to. See Loades, W.
-, grant of ground of Scottish Secretary's Office, 423, 2013
-, Wood Farm, 277.

Pate, Richard, tidesman, Exmouth port, 13, 245.

Patricio. See Partrishow.

Patrick, John, clerk, loan by, 1988, 1991.

-, Simon, bishop of Chichester, 475
-, bishop of Ely, 1245
-, grant to, of part of sede vacante temporalities, 1371-2.

Patrickson, Richard, searcher, Carlisle port, 704, 965, 983.

Patrixbourne, co. Kent, borough of, 805.

Patt, Franois de la, French Reformed officer, 294.

Patten, John, Excise surveyor, 611.

-, Nathaniel, coastwaiter, Hull port, 175.

-, Thomas, seizure of Papists' horses, 231, 486.

-, William, commissioner for superstitious lands, Furness, 156.

Pattinson, Thomas, commissioner for superstitious lands, cos. Northumberland and Cumberland, 530.

-, (Patteson), James, collector, Poulton port, 1019, 1585
-, deputy comptroller, ibid., 313.

-, River, Maryland, 634, 1028, 1082
-, collector at. See Plater, G.
-, district of, Naval Office in, 1083.

-, James, sub-farmer of the prizage and butlerage of wines, 863
-, loan by, 1993.

Paulet (Pawlett), , collector of Haymarket toll, 194.

-, James, a Roman Catholic, conviction, 293.

-, Lord William. See Poulett.

-, William, Chief Justice of Brecon, Radnor and Glamorgan, 333
-, Chief Justice, Trent North, 1960.

-, -, gallery keeper at Whitehall, 1007, 1065.

-, -, loans by, 1786, 1798.

- See also Poulett.

Paulin (Pawlin, Pawling), Robert, Customs place, 90.

-, -, to view the testing of ore, 1654.

-, William, of London, surety for J. Newsham, 1540.

-, -, et al., supplying victuals for the Navy, 1046-7.

Paulstray. See St. Paul's Cray.

-, (Pancefort), Tracey, Army clothing contractor, 617, 658, 1256, 1287, 1293, 1392, 1544, 1783, 1945
-, bills, 750
-, loans by, 617-8, 697, 708, 821, 824, 1999.

Pauret, , payment for, for embroidery works, 875.

Pawlett. See Paulet
-, Poulett.

Pawlin, Pawling. See Paulin.

Paxton, John, waiter and searcher, Looe, 1885.

-, Robert, landwaiter, London port, 23.

Payler, Sir Watkinson, commissioner for derelict lands, co. York, 614.

Paynall, Thomas, et al., overseers of the poor, Holborn, 1155.

Paynard, Thomas, commissioner for assessments, co. Hereford, 1470.

Payne, George, surveyorship of Aldeburgh port, 239.

-, Henry, house in Queen Street, 630.

-, John, boatman, Ipswich port, 280.

-, -, collector of revenue, Maryland, 590, 634
-, murder of, 1431.

-, -, of Salisbury, brewer, 214.

-, -, ship's commander, 865, 880.

-, -, tenant, Kirby, co. Essex, 1353.

-, -, tidesman, Plymouth port, 662.

-, Philip, of Bristol, 900
-, supervisor of weighers, Bristol port, 1004.

-, Richard, jun., landwaiter's place, London port, 1445.

-, -, sen., 1445.

-, -, jun., commissioner for assessments, co. Sussex, 1472.

-, -, sen., commissioner for assessments, co. Sussex, 1472.

-, Thomas, a serjeant-at-arms, 846, 1306, 1828.

-, William, commissioner for the Powis estates, 1851.

-, -, porter, 1611.

Paz, Samuel de, searcher, Ipswich port, 280.

Peach, John, Yeoman of the Field to James II., 120.

Peacock, Charles, tidesman, London port, 245.

-, Elizabeth, loans by, 1983, 1997, 2004.

-, Henry, keeper of the bowling green at Hampton Court, 1109, 1168.

Pearce (Peirce, Pierce), , mason, 355.

-, Alexander, Army pension, 1026, 1610, 1673.

-, Edward, outlawed for debt, 1803.

-, -, seaman, 984.

-, George, Chamber payment for, 1334.

-, -, landwaiter's place, Helford, 98
-, ditto, London port, 96.

-, Henry, petition for revenue employment, Ireland, 1569.

-, James, landsurveyor, London port, 20, 87, 246
-, surveyor of landwaiters, ibid., 206.

-, -, late Chirurgeon General, 92, 120, 685.

-, John, inspector of Customs prosecutions in the Exchequer, 206, 245.

-, -, tidesman's place, London port, 1816.

-, -, waiter and searcher, Manningtree, 1241, 1553.

-, Richard, undersearcher, London port, 173, 740, 1476.

-, Robert [? Richard], undersearcher, London port, 127.

-, Thomas, surveyor, Plymouth port, 89, 2011.

Pearl ashes, wrongly entered as potashes, 1437-8.

Pearson (Peirson, Pierson), , major, deserter, Ireland, 1664.

-, Edward, payment to, and loan by, 1560.

-, Henry, discovering treasonable practices, 1421.

-, John, creditor of Viscount Preston, 1899.

-, Sir Matthew, commissioner of assessments, co. York, East Riding, 233.

-, Richard, landcarriageman, London port, 490.

-, Robert, jun., Hearthmoney collector, 1258, 1307.

-, -, sen., surety for Robert, jun., 1258, 1307.

-, -, waiter and searcher, Combwich, 926.

-, Thomas, boatman and tidesman, Whitehaven port, 930.

-, William, of Stokesley, horse of, seized, 573.

Peartree, William, shipmaster, 937, 965.

Peasley (Peisley), William, steward of Kensington manor, 167, 172, 200.

Pebby, William, coastwaiter, London port, 445.

Pebmarsh, co. Essex, 1353.

Peck, Thomas, commissioner for Dean Forest, 1156.

-, -, tenant, Cheveley, 1075.

Peckett, William, tidesman, London port, 831.

Peckover, Matthew, goods of an outlaw, 1803.

Pedley, , of the Chapel Royal, 120.

-, Roger, waiter and searcher, Wells, 928.

Peele, co. Chester, 213.

Peele, Jan. or John, ship of, seized, 849, 855.

-, Mary, widow, petition of, concerning Customs debt, 1283.

-, Oliver, waterman, London port, 923.

Peers of England
-, receiver of assessments upon. See Medhurst
-, Gregg.

-, , lieutenant, Army pension, 255
-, French Reformed officer, 295, 1597.

Peirce, Peirson. See Pearce, Pearson.

Peisley. See Peasley.

Peiters, Jacob, shipmaster, 1569.

Pelham, Henry, commissioner for assessments, co. Sussex, 1472.

-, Sir John, ammunition for the Ordnance, 608, 743, 811, 1137
-, assessed twice, 1911
-, commissioner of assessments, co. Sussex, 1472
-, loans by, 608, 616, 743-4, 809, 811, 833, 882
-, raising seamen in Sussex, 1553.

-, Sir Nicholas, loan by, 1971.

-, Thomas, a commissioner of Customs, 82, 1666
-, a Lord of Treasury, 377-435 passim, 543, 761, 865, 1086, 1228, 1252, 1434
-, assessed twice, 1911.

Pellat, , French Reformed officer, 295.

Pelongs, 694.

Pemberton, Robert, undersearcher's place, Bristol port, 165.

-, Roger, receiver and steward of Peterborough bishopric, 397, 764, 1027.

Pemble, Henry, landwaiter's place, 1879.

Pembridge, co. Hereford, superstitious lands in, 474.

Pembroke, county of, 16, 83, 249.

commission for advancing the Excise revenue, 521.

Justices, 333.

receivers, commissioners etc. of assessments, 234, 460, 569, 570, 606, 1474, 1542.

Pembroke, co. Pembroke, Customs surveyor at. See Nash.

inhabitants of, petition of, concerning corn export, 1639.

place appointed to receive seamen, 1009.

Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert, T.

Pen. See Penn.

Penal Laws and Test, 7, 13, 16, 36, 112, 124, 152, 313, 324, 2012. See also Test Act.

Penally, co. Pembroke. See Bier.

Penarth, co. Glamorgan, 926, 1513. See also Pennard.

Pencier (Pancier), Andrew, merchant, silks from France, 208, 227.

Pencombe. See Pincombe.

Pencoyd, Pencon, co. Hereford, 1626.

Pendarves, Richard, grant of wrecks, Scotland, 213.

Pender, Nathaniel, searcher's place, London port, 210.

Pendock, Richard, waiter and searcher, Polperro, 925, 1216.

Pendrell (Pendvillis), , Army pension for the daughters of, 647.

-, Eleanor, royal bounty for, 1455.

-, Aaron, commissioner for A. Lawrence's surveyorship, 510
-, commissioner for the Powis estates, 1851
-, commissioner for superstitious lands, Charing Cross etc., 770
-, a foreshore commissioner, 794
-, referee, 97.

Penhallow, Charles, 1504.

Penington. See Pennington.

Penn (Pen, Penne), John, Attorney General of the Duchy of Cornwall, 954.

-, Solomon, a witness in Rex v. East India Company, 748.

Pennant, Kath., widow, custodiam lease, co. Denbigh, 1229.

Pennard, Penarth, co. Glamorgan, 926.

Penneck, John, lease to, of Rialton manor etc., 903, 942-4.

Pennell, Israel, supervisor of the remelting of tin, Truro, 802.

-, Robert, carter, St. James's Park, 1020.

-, William, shipmaster, 1897.

Penneynt Forest, Pennant, co. Carmarthen, 122.

Pennington (Penington), James, watchman, London port, 950.

-, Thomas, King's waiter, London port, 187, 268, 592, 1420
-, Register of Seizures, London port, 89, 159, 160, 172, 186.

Pennsylvania, Government of, 1028.

pirates in, 1028.

postal service, 1426.

ships for, 894, 901, 1364.

Penny, Nathan, tidesman, London port, 445.

-, Richard, commissioner for New Forest encroachments, 1123
-, spoils in New Forest, 429.

-, William, deputy comptroller, Lancaster port, 264.

-, -, of Salisbury, brewer, 214.

Pennyman, William, mariner, 1591.

Penpont, co. Brecon, 83.

Penrith, co. Cumberland, 132, 148, 570, 606.

Penrith and Kerrier, co. Cornwall, stannary, 511.

Penry, Nathan, waiter, Minehead port, 12.

Penryn, co. Cornwall, 13, 90, 127, 136, 263, 268, 322, 965, 1287.

Penshurst, co. Kent, 129, 605, 976, 1473, 1541.

-, (Army. See Army
-, on the Excise. See Excise
-, on First Fruits. See First Fruits
-, French Protestants. See France
-, on the Royal Oak Lottery. See Royal Oak
-, on the Post Office. See Post Office), account of, 1712.

superannuation scheme. See Superannuation.

names of pensioners :

Acton, Ann.

Armstrong, Dame K.

Baker, Anne.

Barnier, Mary.

Bath, Earl of.

Bedford, Earl of.

Bell, Jane.

Berkeley, Jane.

Bray, L.

Bristol, Countess of.

Browning, Jane.

Cambridge University.

Carey, Lady M.

Carey, Lady P.

Clark, S.

Cleveland, Duchess of.

Cox, Henry.



Delamere, Lord.

Docwra, W.

Duncomb, C.

Fanshaw, Mary.

Finch, C.

Fincher, T.

Floubert, S.

Gibbons, Dr. N.

Gifford, C.

Golding, Anne.

Goldsborough, Amy.

Grafton, Duke of.

Grey, J.

Gunter, Katherine.

Gwynne, Mary.

Hall, Elizabeth.

Hamilton, Elizabeth.

Hamilton, George.

Hamilton, James.

Hawley, Lord.

Hext, A.

Howard, Col. P.

Hyde, Elizabeth.

Hyde, Capt. T.

Kien, R.

Killigrew, Charlotte.

Killigrew, Sir W.

Kirle, Capt. W.

Lane, T.

Leighton, Susanna.

Levett, W.

Mansell, F.

May, Sir A.

Needham, Eleanor.

Needham, N.

Newcomen, T.

Northumberland, Duke of.

Ogar, Col. E.

Osborne, Sir J.

Oxford, Earl of.

Phillips, J.

Pretty, Mary.

Price, Goodetha.

Reynolds, F.

Richards, Capt. J.

Rochester, Earl of.

Rogers, John, and Ann his wife.

St. Botolph's.

Schomberg, C.

Slingsby, V.

Smith, M.

Southwell School.

Standen, Capt. G.

Stanley, James.

Stewart, Col. W.

Sylvyus, Sir G.

Thornton, F.

Tuthill, G.

Vaughan, Col. J.

Villiers, E.

Villiers, G.

Villiers, Lady.

Vosper, Capt. J.

Westminster, Charles I.'s Hospital.

-, St. Margaret's.

Windham, Frances.

Windham, Rachel.

Yates, N.

Pensoa, David, loan by, 2003.

Penthieu. See Ponthieu.

Pentire, Frances, lease in Boyton, 1217.

-, Jonathan, lease in Boyton, 919, 1111, 1217.

Penton, Godson, commissioner for assessments, co. Hants, 1472.

-, John, tidesman's place, London port, 281.

Penworden, James, tidesman, Exeter port, 158, 534.

-, co. Cornwall, 23, 159, 175, 283, 313, 326, 727, 767, 1004, 1794
-, collector at. See Bolitho, J.
-, Ustwick, R.
-, Customs officers at, list of, 925.

-, exportation of, 1881
-, importation of, 1569.

Pepper, R. [? Pr.], boatman, Ipswich port, 927.

-, William, lands in Crowland, 598.

Pepys, Charles, surveyor's place, London port, 193.

-, Samuel, 100, 137
-, late treasurer at Tangier, 1132.

Percival (Percefull), , payment to, for horses for Ireland, 546, 547.

-, Peter, banker and goldsmith, 123
-, commissioner for wine licences, 817, 870
-, loans by, 216, 1975.

-, -, head searcher, London port, 173, 739, 1356.

Perdew, Joshua, boatman, Penryn port, 268.

Pereira (Perera, Pereyra), Isaac, 368, 374, 379, 389, 1945.

accounts demanded from, 1199, 1317, 1366.

bills drawn on, 915.

bread and provisions for the Forces in Ireland, 376, 378, 380, 433, 541, 542, 549, 556, 572, 576, 584, 622, 639, 665, 794, 797, 868, 986, 1022, 1024, 1066, 1073, 1076, 1734, 1769, 1814, 1833, 1843, 1882
-, accounts of, 1303-4, 1351, 1366, 1638, 1644, 1735
-, draft contract, 919
-, new contracts, 945, 945-6, 1095, 1196-7, 1424
-, provisions for Irish troops, 1941-2
-, terms of contracts, 639-41, 1095, 1196-7.

carriages and waggons for the Forces, 455, 456, 476, 477, 488, 489, 538, 574, 575, 633, 649, 677, 678, 1093
-, new contract, 1196.

horses for, 701, 1119, 1250.

issues to, 379, 500, 502, 526, 1154, 1200, 1201, 1206, 1209, 1211, 1213, 1221, 1224, 1230, 1235, 1249, 1251, 1254, 1261, 1263, 1267, 1616, 1658, 1685
-, account of, 1303, 1318-9.

loans by, 1066, 1073, 1196, 1212, 1253, 2007.

-, Manuel Lopez, loan by, 2003.

Perfedd, co. Cardigan, stewardship of, 23.

Periam, John, stewardship of Milverton, 171, 244.

Perin. See Perrin.

Perkins, , fees of, 376.

-, Mary, house in Queen Street, 630.

-, Matthew, tidesman, Bristol port, 283.

-, William, jewels for the King and Queen, 345, 439, 499, 538, 552.

-, -, of Monmouth, 469.

Peronneau, , silk from Holland, 583.

Perpetuanos, 1810, 1891.

Perrin (Perin), Carey, a farmer of the Lotteries, 1331, 1862.

Perrott, Elizabeth, 529.

-, John, coastwaiter's place, London port, 529
-, collectorship of petty Customs, London port, 264.

-, Lancelot, clerk of the papers in the Mint, 192, 666.

-, Humphrey, commissioner for assessments, co. Stafford, 1474
-, money from Dissenters, 1865.

-, Michajah, salt for Virginia etc., 1811.

-, Robert, shipmaster, 138.

-, William, labourer, St. James's Park, 1020.

-, -, tidesman and boatman, Falmouth, 662.

- See also Berry.

Perse, Martin, collector, Dungarvan, 980.

Perth, Earl of. See Drummond, J.

Pestell, William, of London, goldsmith, 723.

Peter, Charles, Surgeon to the Household, 1109.

-, John, collector, Looe port, 925.

-, William, lande, co. Essex, 239.

Peterborough, co. Northampton, 932.

-, Bishopric, bishop of, 764
-, grant to, of temporalities, 1492. See also Cumberland, R.
-, White, T.

receiver of. See Baxter, G.
-, Pemberton, R.

sede vacante temporalities, 397, 764, 932.

steward of. See Pemberton, R.

stewardship of, 1027.

vacancy, 1175.

Peterborough, Earl of. See Mordaunt, H.

Peterborough or Bedford Level, 575.

land called the Ten Thousand Acres, 485, 579, 595, 599.

particulars of, 596-9.

Surveyor General's report on, 579.

tenants, list of, 596-9.

-, Rose, assignee of J. Radcliffe, 592, 601
-, King's waiter, London port, 90, 159, 165, 183, 187, [390], 622, 713, 714, 1000, 1346.

-, Abraham, coastwaiter, London port, 482
-, deputy searcher's place, ibid., 622.

-, John, of Westminster, money for the Forces, 9
-, surety for W. Christian, 197
-, surety for R. Squibb, 212.

-, Thomas, mariner, 1591.

Petersfield, co. Hants, 709.

-, co. Surrey, 279
-, petition of inhabitants of, 1252, 1321.

Peterson (Pieterson), Mris., servant to Monsieur Scravemore, 150.

-, Ary or Harry, shipmaster, Rotterdam, 296, 331.

Petit (Pettitt, Pittit), , 1113.

-, -, colonel, Army pension, 254.

-, Elizabeth, loans by, 1972, 1979, 1986, 1989, 1994, 1995.

-, Giles, tenant, Cheveley, 1075.

-, John, tidesman, Newcastle port, 1051.

Petre, Richard, outlawed for high treason, 1177.

-, Robert, outlawed for high treason, 1177.

Petrockshire. See Pyder.

Pett, Robert, surety for R. Chaplin, 460, 973, 1471.

-, William, loan by, 2005.

Pettitt. See Petit.

Pettiward, , commissioner for assessments, co, Surrey, 1321.

Petty, Fra., shipmaster, 161.

Petty Bag, Clerk of, 97, 143, 156, 190, 243, 328, 344, 510, 515, 565, 709, 770, 870, 872, 1021, 1123, 1141, 1329, 1502.

Petworth, co. Sussex, innholders of, 1858, 1872.

Pevensey, co. Sussex, 12, 924, 1059.

Pevington, co. Kent, borough of, 806.

Pew. See Pugh.

Pewter, 1081.

Peyton, Sir Robert, regiment of, 128, 214, 285, 481, 498.

Pheasans (Phesant), William, shoes for the Army in Ireland, 490, 691.

Phelips. See Phillips.

Phelps, James, shipmaster, 1831.

Phenney, John, Customs place, London port, 184.

Phenwick. See Fenwick.

Phesant. See Pheasans.

Philipi, Peter, boatman, Scilly Isles, 662.

Phillips (Phelips, Philips), , colonel, issues to, out of secret service money, 415.

-, -, houses in the Savoy, 770.

-, -, issues to, for the works at Portsmouth, 744, 761, 764.

-, -, justice of the peace, co. Warwick, 731.

-, -, Northampton Hearthmoney, 171.

-, Alexander, lieutenant, half pay, Ireland, 191.

-, Anthony, brewer, 1914
-, petition of, 1000, 1800.

-, Chichester, captain, half pay, Ireland, 191.

-, Christopher, surety for E. Price, 132.

-, Constantine, steward of Cookham and Bray, 172, 202.

-, Edmund, of Hampt, a foreshore commissioner, 794.

-, Edward, of London, merchant, surety for J. Stanyer, 1471, 1518.

-, -, of Picton, 132, 249.

-, Sir Edward, raising seamen in Somerset, 1553, 1662.

-, Sir Erasmus, loan by, 1980.

-, Francis, boatman, Penarth, 1513.

-, George, colonel, royal bounty for, 1207.

-, -, petition of, 1797.

-, -, petition of, for grant of mortgage, 1086, 1205.

-, -, ship's commander, 1085.

-, Hector, commissioner for assessments, co. Cardigan, 1253
-, steward of Mevenydd, 83.

-, Hen., carver to the Works, 1312, 1828.

-, James, of Kilmaenllwyd, 132, 249, 460.

-, -, of Llanelly, 569.

-, -, shipmaster, 1935.

-, Jennet, superstitious lands in Llantilio Crossenny, 472.

-, John, auditor of the Exchequer Court, 59, 102, 106, 118, 125, 226, 362, 364, 454, 751, 804, 807, 847, 998, 1737
-, pension for, 789.

-, -, customer, Burry and Llanelly, 927.

-, -, examiner of officers' securities in the Customs, 226, 236.

-, -, of Builth, 132, 252.

-, -, Receiver General of assessments, cos. Cardigan, Carmarthen, Carnarvon and Pembroke, 132, 249, 460, 569, 1033, 1049, 1070, 1216, 1274, 1306.

-, -, refugee from Ireland, Excise place, 187.

-, -, son of Jennet, 472.

-, Paul, lieutenant, half pay, Ireland, 191.

-, Rice, tidesman, Bristol port, 158, 1004.

-, Richard, collector, Foxford and Ballinrobe, 253.

-, -, King's waiter's place, London port, 90.

-, Robert, lease of the manor of Mere, 264.

-, Samuel, shipmaster, 479, 1085.

-, Stephen, St. Martin's-in-the-Field chapel, 168.

-, Thomas, captain, royal bounty for, 1218.

-, -, engineer to the Cork expedition, 1587, 1689, 1692
-, naval bomb ships, 1691, 1695.

-, -, of Aberedw, 132.

-, -, of Builth, 252.

-, -, ship's commander, 1382.

-, -, surveyorship of the Navigation Act, London port, 156.

Phillipson (Philipson), Sir Christopher, an outlaw, 736.

Philpot, Edmund, of Dixton, 469.

-, Richard, boatman, Faversham port, 445
-, waiter and searcher, ibid., 507.

Phinney, George, ship's commander, 1382, 1922.

Phipps (Phipp, Phips), William, tidesman, Bristol port, 158.

-, Sir William, Governor of New England, 1452, 1825
-, proposal by, for New England coinage, 1446.

Phnix Park. See Dublin.

-, College of, Censors of, 531, 538, 1820
-, drugs etc. for the West Indies, 1820
-, payments to, for drugs etc. for the Army, 341, 375, 440, 541
-, President of, 1820.

-, under-rated for the Poll, 443.

Pickard (Piccard), Dan., surveyor, Southampton port, 924.

-, Thomas, loan by, 1979.

Pickering, , on behalf of O. Lyme, 1256.

-, James, of London, surety for L. Robinson, 568, 602, 974.

-, John, commissioner for superstitious lands, cos. Hereford, Flint etc., 732.

-, -, landwaiter, London port, 298.

-, -, of London, draper, surety for J. Mason, 973, 1470, 1541.

-, -, of Thelwall, surety for H. Horton, 1539.

-, -, solicitorship of the Customs, 90.

Pickford, Jedediah, of Bristol, merchant, 1394.

Pickhill, Pickhall, co. York, 1256.

Pickton, John, waiter and searcher, Cardigan port, 926.

Picton, co. Pembroke, 132, 249.

Pictures, 11, 205.

of the Earl of Melfort, schedule of, 1679-81.

of the King, given as presents to ambassadors etc., 305.

on India paper, 339.

Pieces of Eight. See Eight.

Piedmont, Italy, 1875.

Pierce. See Pearce.

Piercy (Peircy), Henry, boatman, Newhaven, 782.

Pierrepont, Francis, commissioner for assessments, Nottingham, 233.

-, William, 4th Earl of Kingston upon Hull, Chief Justice in Eyre, Trent North, 356, 810
-, caveat concerning Commission of Appeals in Excise, 2015
-, executors of, 830
-, regiment of, 548, 830, 1031
-, [sheriff of Nottingham], 140, 350, 355, 363, 368, 440, 442
-, surveyorship of Woods, Trent South, 2013.

Pierson. See Pearson.

Pieterson. See Peterson.

Piffe, Timothy, boatman, Plymouth port, 662.

Pigott, , landwaiter, London port, 45.

-, Robert, commissioner for superstitious lands, Furness, 156.

-, -, surveyor of landwaiters, London port, 196, 208.

Pigs of melted money, 832.

Pike heads, 1135.

Pilbrough, Nich., discovery of concealed silk and lace, 1469.

Pilchards, exportation of, 483, 847, 1279, 1282, 1323.

Pilkington, , houses in the Savoy, 770.

-, Sir Lyon, of Stanley Hall, 976.

-, Sir Thomas, Lord Mayor of London, 284, 813, 1198, 1295.

Pill. See Till.

Pill, the, in Bristol port. See Bristol.

Pilley, , payment by, to Sir H. Goodrick, 944.

Pillory, charges for sending men to stand in, 1412-3.

Pilot, Joshua, captain, petition of, for pay, 1369, 1385.

Pilsworth, Edward, clerk to H. Springett, 611.

Pim. See Pym.

Pincombe (Pencombe), Simon, Army clothier, 104, 155.

Pindar (Pinder), Reginald, a commissioner for Dean Forest, 1156, 1495.

-, Thomas, trader to Barbary, 831, 1236, 1759.

Pine. See Pyne.

Pinet, , ensign, Army pension, 255.

Pinfold, Sir John, Advocate General, 766.

-, Sir Thomas, 406, 848, 1877
-, Advocate General, 1202, 1203, 1415
-, money from Dissenters, 1886.

Pinkney, , Excise officer, Salisbury, 214, 215.

Pinney, Nathaniel, usher's place in the Custom House, 97.

Pinssar, , captain, goods from Holland, 3.

Pipe staves, importation of, for the Navy. See Navy.

Piper, , colonel, regiment of, 875.

-, Granville, grant of constableship of Launceston Castle, 1463-4.

-, Sir Hugh, constable of Launceston Castle, 1027, 1463
-, custodian of the county gaol, Cornwall, 463, 512.

-, Hugh, grandson of Sir Hugh, constable of Launceston Castle, 1027, 1463
-, custodian of the county gaol, Cornwall, 463, 512.

-, -, tidesman, Plymouth port, 662.

-, Joshua, of the Hem, 459.

-, Philip, son of Sir Hugh, 1463.

-, Stephen, assaulted and wounded, 1413.

Pirates and privateers, 115, 146, 160, 264, 502, 515, 590.

commission for the suppression of, appointed by James II., 1027.

goods, 240
-, seizure of, case concerning, 1027-30.

money of, seized, 1044.

proclamation by James II. for the suppression of, 1027-30.

seizures of, 982, 984, 1027-30.

Pirton, co. Oxford, hundred of, 1448.

Piscataqua, America, 1386.

Pising, John, surveyor, Fowey port, 13.

Pitches, Lambert, surveyor, Leigh, 834, 835.

Pitman, Robert, shipmaster, 1935.

Pitt (Pitts), George, guilty of manslaughter, but pardoned, 1790.

-, John, captain, company of miners of, 1031, 1703, 1819, 1831
-, payments to, 392, 633, 1857.

-, -, carpenter, 666.

-, Mary, loans by, 1973, 1974, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1984, 1988.

-, Moses, builder, land let to, in St. James's Park, 628.

-, Thomas, gold articles for, 1113.

-, -, of London, merchant, 493.

-, -, surveyor's place, London port, 96.

Pittitt. See Petit.

Pizzini, Barnaby, shipmaster, 1451.

Pla, Mark la, rector of Stambourne, 161-2, 200.

Place, Thomas de la, barque of, 1038.

Plaer. See Player.

Plaine, Jam. d. le, shipmaster, 1083.

Plant, Peter, lands in Peterborough Level, 597.

Plantations, Act for bringing certain commodities to England and Wales, 990.

Auditor General of. See Blathwaite, W.

chaplains going to, 1589.

coal exported to, duty on, 1429, 1479-80.

reduction of duty, as encouragement 1480.

coal traders at, 1041.

Committee of the Privy Council for Trade and Plantations, 6, 70, 667, 703, 983, 1234, 1266, 1302, 1314, 1339, 1344-5, 1347, 1361, 1363, 1364, 1383, 1386, 1401, 1409, 1410, 1526, 1548, 1601, 1602, 1697, 1774, 1905.

clerks to, 147, 1368, 1704. See also Blathwaite, W.

incidents, 668, 1827.

issues for, 1022, 1829.

orders of, 1424.

renewal of, 146, 237, 238, 245, 259, 263, 284.

salary bills, 637, 1721, 1827.

convoys for, dates of sailing, 827, 1302.

embargo on ships not sailing with, 1364, 1365.

courts of, to assist in enquiring into wrecks, 1524.

Duty (as by the Act for the Greenland Trade, 25 Car. II., c. 7), 176, 467, 486.

Act of Trade, 249.

embargo on, suspended, 1283.

fleet for, 1945.

ginger duties, 1225.

Governors of, instructions concerning pay upon death or absence, 811.

orders etc. of, to be dispatched by, post free of charge, 1427.

vouchers to be presented with accounts, 1514.

gunpowder for, 197.

impoverishment of, 463.

indigo from, 1820.

duty on, 905.

issues for, 423, 554.

King's rights and revenues in, 33.

Lords of, 1526.

men from London for, 419.

merchants of, petition concerning the embargo, 827.

ships belonging to, lists of, 328.

mines in, Crown's share of, 1760.

grant of, 1760.

See also America.

necessity for more ships to, 1302.

Office, bills for, 1359.

clerks attending. See Plantations Committee.

expenses, 147, 195.

issues for, 645, 1008.

keepers of, 164. See also Coling, B.
-, Cox, N.

quarterly bills for, 333, 334, 335, 1011.

passes for persons going to, order concerning, 847.

pirates in, suppression of, 1027-30.

Post Office, 162.

postal service in, 917, 1093, 1324, 1364.

grant of, 1426-8.

regulations for, 1427-8.

rent of, 1427.

Receiver of, at London port. See Wicks, M.

Register for. See Guise, C.

revenue, 1774.

certificate of, 1964.

report on, 1775-7.

saltpetre from, Ordnance Office share of, 1760.

seal for, 43.

seals, new, for, 987.

seamen for, order concerning number of, 1959-60.

secretaries of, no allowance to, for stationery, 1381.

security for collectors etc., 642.

ships and seamen of, allowed to return, 1832.

ships from, 269.

ships from Ireland allowed to go to, 1683.

ships to, 238, 483, 827, 877, 888, 889.

account of, 1601.

carrying troops to Ireland, 1404, 1925, 1927.

from Ireland, account of, to be given, 1079.

impressment of seamen on, 1293.

list of, 1934-8.

list of, to be prepared, 1302.

quarantine. See Ships.

seamen on, orders concerning, 834, 841, 888, 914, 1823-4.

seizures of. See Navigation Act.

to give bond to sail with convoy, 1283, 1286.

tin farthings for, 1152.

tobacco trade. See Tobacco.

troops going to, 1755, 1770.

wine for, 1824.

Planteau (Plantea), , lieutenant, French Reformed officer, 1597.

Plas Madoc, co. Denbigh, 250, 603.

Plastrier, Robert le, French Protestant merchant, 180, 194, 254.

Plate, grants of, and returns of, to the Jewel House. See Jewel House.

Plater, George, collector, Patuxent River, Maryland, 634, 1442-3.

-, (Plat), John, boatman, Hurst (Isle of Wight), 661
-, surveyor etc., Fowey port, 1161.

Player (Plaer), Henry, brewer, 1190, 1298.

-, Sir Thomas, Chamberlain of London, a commissioner for the Disbandment of the New Raised Forces (1677), 88, 134, 1731.

Playters, Sir John, of Beccles, Receiver General of the Present Aid, co. Suffolk, 319, 571, 766.

-, (Plea), George, collector, Weymouth port, 38, 87, 201
-, riding surveyor, co. Dorset, 219, 566.

Plomely. See Plumbly.

Plowden, Francis, Furness monastery lands, 155, 642.

Plowman, Matthew, collector of the revenue, New York, 235, 254, 443, 543, 562, 576, 642, 718, 852, 1620, 1948.

Plum (Plumb), Isaac, tenant of farm, Aldham, 1353.

-, Samuel, tidesman, Cowes, 661.

Plumbly (Plomely, Plumby), John, King's waiter, Bristol port, 280, 1023, 1025, 1026.

Plumer, Arthur, of Bristol, merchant, 480.

Plummer, Sir Walter, of Mitcham, loans by, 55, 271, 1984.

Plumpton, Robert, horse of, seized, 572.

Plumptre, Hen., loan by, 2007.

Plumstead and Little, co. Kent, township of, 807.

Plymouth, co. Devon, 2, 8, 13, 14, 17, 43, 62, 69, 70, 81, 89, 90, 96, 98, 103, 110, 115, 126, 127, 128, 136, 138, 149, 156, 158, 172, 198, 200, 223, 230, 239, 243, 260, 268, 270, 277, 301, 303, 309, 329, 351, 369, 435, 442, 445, 447, 464, 483, 488, 501, 506, 507, 516, 540, 545, 552, 560, 572, 594, 620, 638, 639, 696, 703, 705, 706, 710, 718, 734, 741, 767, 775, 782, 794, 812, 871, 891, 893, 902, 1052, 1059, 1067, 1082, 1083, 1091, 1113, 1239, 1279, 1283, 1323, 1343, 1370, 1569, 1579, 1580, 1632, 1654, 1655, 1677, 1707, 2009, 2010.

assessment commissioners at, 1735.

bakers and brewers of, petition of, 450.

citadel, 1391.

collector of, 557.

comptroller of. See Fall, W.
-, Stuckley, L.

Custom House at, 874.

customer of. See Warren, C.
-, Warren, R.

Customs ketch at, to be laid aside, 658-9.

Customs officers at, 662.

French Protestants at, 779.

garrison, 866.

mayor of, 1485.

naval agent at. See Greenhill, H.

naval stores at, 1391.

officers executing quarantine at, 1766.

prisoners in the citadel of, surrender of, 298.

prize goods seized at, 874, 878, 880.

prize ships at, 1097, 1100.

receiver of prizes at. See Tom, W.

recorder of, 1485.

ships from, list of, 1936.

Stonehouse, 588.

stores from the Navy to, 1186.

sub-commissioner for prizes at. See Buckeridge, E.
-, Carew, R.

surveyor of. See Pearce, T.
-, Butler, R.

surveyor-general of Customs at. See Wharton, J.

victualling office at, 1485, 1565, 1735.

Plymouth, Countess of. See Fitzcharles, Bridget.

-, Earl of. See Fitzcharles Charles.

Plympton, co. Devon, tin-blowing, house at, 322.

Plympton St. Mary, co. Devon, 755.

Poble, Nicho., one of the King's falconers, 267.

Pochin, Joseph, landwaiter's place, London port, 121.

Pocock, Luke, keeper of the Queen's Little Garden, Windsor, 1168, 1232.

Podd, Thomas, spoils in New Forest, 427.

Poet Laureate
-, 342
-, emoluments of, 1950
-, names of previous poets laureate, 1950. See also Shadwell, T.
-, Tate, N.

Poictvin, John, tradesman to the Great Wardrobe, 295.

Point, , of the cellar of James II., 120.

Point lace. See Lace.

Pointelle, Charles, French Reformed officer, 295, 1182.

Pointz (Points, Poyntz), , hangings for the Wardrobe, 1132.

-, Gabriel, lands, West Thurrock, 239.

-, Robert, lieutenant, half pay, Ireland, 191.

Pois, la (Laipois), , captain, French Reformed officer, 1597.

Poland, kingdom of, 539.

Poley, Edmund, envoy extraordinary to the Duke of Savoy, 1139, 1140, 1169, 1200, 1291, 1292, 1370, 1528, 1538, 1860, 1863, 1897, 1898, 1909, 1911.

Polgooth, co. Cornwall, tin-blowing house, 322, 1222.

Pollard, Sir Amias, grant of West Ashford manor, 1517, 1602.

-, Anthony, Army pension for, 648.

-, William, landwaiter, London port, 87, 229, 238, 866.

-, Sir Henry, Attorney General, 116, 361
-, Chief Justice of Common Pleas, 108, 145
-, Lord Chief Justice, 361, 374, 1228, 1515
-, executors of, 1510, 1515.

Polling, Anthony, noontender, London port, 923, 1401.

Polperro, co. Cornwall, 925, 1216, 1655.

Polruan, co. Cornwall, 13.

Pommeau, , French Reformed officer, 295.

Pomunky. See Pamunky.

Ponsonby, William, cornet, half pay, Ireland, 191.

Pont, Bernd. du, French Reformed officer, 1596.

Pontefract, co. York, mayor of, 629.

Ponterun, , French Reformed officer, 295.

Ponthieu (Penthieu), , captain, French Reformed officer, 1597.

Pool, co. Montgomery, 1529. See also Guilsfield.

Poole, co. Dorset, 108, 109, 173, 182, 201, 206, 230, 231, 233, 433, 496, 507, 903, 919, 1004, 1114, 1170, 1546, 1585, 1819.

collector at. See Bowles, W.
-, Bradshaw, Sir C.
-, Coldham, G.
-, Jacomb, W.
-, Tannatt, T.

comptroller of. See Bernard, R.

Customs officers at, 661.

place appointed to receive seamen, 1009.

receivers etc. of assessments, 458, 975, 1474-5, 1541.

scout boat at, 1546.

Poole (Pool, Pooll), Joseph, clerk in the Ordnance, master gunner etc. of Guernsey, 19.

-, -, Customs place, 96.

-, Lady Margaret, widow of Sir William, 800-1, 1407.

-, Richard, commissioner for assessments, co. Hereford, 1470.

-, Samuel, of Ladbourne, 251.

-, Sir William, collector, Bristol port, 10, 81, 308, 800-1.

Poor Knights of Windsor. See Garter.

Poore, Thomas, loan by, 2006.

Pope, , bill of exchange drawn on, 1214.

-, Anne, clipped money seized from, 1251.

-, Michael, et al., petition of, for a ship's crew, 831, 840.

-, Richard, lieutenant-colonel, 1549
-, executors of, 1547.

-, William, tidesman, Liverpool port, 931.

Pope's Hall, co. Kent, township of, 806.

Popish priests. See Roman Catholics.

Popple, , caveat concerning customership of Hull port, 2015.

Poretell, William, tidesman, Plymouth port, 507.

Porrie, Henry, captain, half pay, Ireland, 191.

Port Royal, Jamaica, 1853.

Port St. Mary's. See Puerto de Santa Maria.

Portadown, co. Armagh, 253, 256, 262.

Portcullis Pursuivant. See Cromp, L.
-, Holford, T.

Porte, de la, captain, Army pension, 255.

-, Morne la, French Reformed officer, 294.

Porter, , lands in Peterborough Level, 596.

-, -, vice-chamberlain to the Queen Dowager, 1916.

-, Charles, riding surveyor, Aldeburgh, 268.

-, Sir Charles, 36, 41, 42, 55, 57, 59, 371, 375, 434, 531, 767
-, Chancellor of Ireland, 1825
-, Lord Justice of Ireland, 1005, 1063, 1386, 1417
-, Remembrancer of First Fruits and Tenths, 782, 871
-, deputy to, 433, 434
-, house of, 874.

-, Francis, of Chelmsford, 132.

-, James, clerk to the tidesurveyor, London port, 922, 1063.

-, -, shipmaster, 894.

-, Nathaniel, clerk to the tidesurveyor, London port, 1063.

-, Richard, watchman, London port, 922.

-, Thomas, surveyor's place, London port, 93.

-, William, waterman, Pill, Bristol port, 871.

Portington, Mary, a nun, claimant to the estate of Ann Burlace, 575.

Portland, co. Dorset, 661.

Portland, Earl of. See Bentinck, W.

-, Lady. See Weston, Frances.

Portman, Sir William, Forces in the West, 45.

Porto Rico, 877.

Portray (Portrey), Lyson, shipmaster, 938, 1083.

Portsdown, co. Hants, hundred of, 1549.

Portsmouth, co. Hants, 41, 48, 62, 101, 117, 190, 197, 201, 206, 209, 246, 309, 328, 329, 369, 427, 476, 501, 507, 518, 520, 540, 616, 635, 639, 702, 708, 722, 744, 762, 788, 797, 808, 824, 833, 851, 855, 859, 893, 967, 1185, 1218, 1268, 1277, 1298, 1523, 1588, 1611, 1649.

artillery train going to, 1628.

barracks at, 1193, 1230.

brewers at, 1677.

brimstone imported at, 1316.

building ships at, 1192.

comptroller of. See Cardonell, P. de.

Customs collector at, 362, 826. See also Weaver, F.

Customs officers at, assaulted by naval officers, 702, 708
-, list of, 924-5.

Danes at, 361, 476.

decayed ships of, 1784.

docks. See NavyYards.

fortifications at, 534, 761, 793, 801, 1054.

garrison, 734, 1023, 1185, 1227, 1290
-, kept by Irish regiments, 3.

Guards at, 328, 1179.

gunners at, 1227.

Lieutenant-Governor of. See Gibson, J.
-, Scott, Sir E.

master builder at, 850, 1117, 1650
-, assistant to, 1650.

Navy Commissioners at, 734, 1009.

Navy stores at, 1279
-, embezzlement of, 1310.

powder for, 400, 722.

principal naval officers at. See Wilshaw, T.

ships to be sunk at, 1861.

sick and wounded at, 851, 859, 876.

soldiers embarking at, 411, 787.

stores for, 1275.

sub-commissioner for prizes at. See Battine, E.
-, Cowse, W.

transports at, 1780.

Yard. See NavyYards.

Portugal, convoys for, 827, 834, 1842, 1925.

elephants' teeth, 1385.

lead for, 437, 439.

merchants, 255, 453.

oil from, 1677.

relaxations of embargo on, 1352, 1842.

ships for, 344, 442, 464, 483, 834, 888, 889, 894, 900, 1400, 1419, 1766.

wine, 80, 545, 1636, 1648, 1677, 1696, 1700, 1799
-, traders in, petition of, 1369.

Portums [? Portame], co. Limerick, 1598.

Post, Court Post. See Court.

Post Fines, 452, 493, 607.

farmers of, 56, 573, 983, 1676. See also Berkshire, Earl of
-, Clayton, Sir R.
-, Howard, Sir R.

pensions on, 56, 573, 983. See also Villiers, Lady.

sums answered direct to the Crown, 1676.

Post Groats, duty of. See Cornwall, Duchy of.

Post Office, accomptant to. See Searle.

accounts, details of, 1570-2.

to be declared yearly, 1572.

Act for erecting (12 Car. II., c. 35), 737, 1427.

agent to the King of Spain for matters concerning, 1436.

boats hired for, 1571.

charge of, quarterly, 81.

coaches searched by Customs officers, 1566.

Commissioners of, 1122.

country postmasters, 81, 231.

current cash paid weekly at the Exchequer, 52.

deputy postmasters, 3.

establishment of a post office in the American Colonies, 1426-8. See also Neale, T.
-, Plantations.

expresses, 1571.

Governor of. See Frowde, P.

house, rent of, 1570.

improvement of revenue, 1803.

Inland Office, comptroller of. See Gardiner, T.

letter carriers, 81.

loans on, 406, 407, 409, 410, 411, 412, 750, 753, 755, 765, 773, 788.

arrangement of, 737-8.

no Exchequer fees from lenders, 738.

register for, 737.

satisfaction of, 737.

stopped, 1381.

officers, payments by, to the King in the West, 334.

payments to Sir H. Goodrick, 944.

petition for repayment of taxes, 887-8, 920.

pacquet boats, 426, 427, 580, 581.

attacked by French men-of-war, 1208, 1210, 1342, 1459.

how rated, 1549.

Italy, 1584.

payments for, at Harwich, 680, 1571.

seamen on, mutinous, 1208
-, payments for, 1571
-, wounded and killed, payments for, 1208-9, 1458-9.

payments out of, and pensions charged on, 35, 52, 238, 626, 918, 919, 977, 979-80, 1122, 1135, 1198, 1208, 1210, 1218, 1223, 1230, 1239, 1264, 1268, 1280, 1282, 1291, 1299, 1309, 1319, 1325, 1344, 1354, 1360, 1373, 1380, 1381, 1388, 1405, 1413, 1508, 1509, 1530, 1536, 1748, 1786, 1860, 1864, 1881, 1883, 1921, 1941, 1951.

no further payments on dormant warrants, 1640-1.

payments to the King in the West, 1571.

payments for Whitehall paving charges, 1618.

payments for the Works, 1621, 1624.

postmasters, gratuities to, 1011.

Postmasters General, 1282, 1288, 1301, 1342, 1369, 1381, 1402, 1491, 1553, 1566, 1584, 1693, 1788, 1803, 1864. See also Cotton, Sir R.
-, Frankland, T.
-, Rochester, Earl of
-, Wildman, J.

Commissioners for the office of, 1208, 1210. See also Cotton, Sir R.
-, Frankland, T.

office of, 162.

powers and duties of, 1037.

profits, 1570.

rates payable to the Crown, 737.

Receiver General of, 755, 783, 1209. See also Lilly, S.

weekly payments by, into the Exchequer, 1672-3, 1676, 1690, 1700, 1858
-, for secret service, 1684, 1722-3
-, to be punctual, 1695.

returned letters, 81.

salary bill, 15, 81, 169, 1570.

shipmasters carrying letters, 1570-1.

state letters carried postage free, 1427.

tallies struck on, for the Works, 1544.

tradesmen, payments to, 1570.

weekly certificates of cash, 231.

weekly payment into the Exchequer, 737.

-, Penny. 16, 229, 418, 917, 1037.

accomptant of. See Lawe, T.

assistant to. See Oxenbridge, C.

augmentation of salary of, 1363.

collector of. See Golling, F.

increase of business in, 1363.

messengers, 783. See also Cully, J.

officers of, increase of salaries for, 783.

parish dues, 1571.

pensions on, 418, 844, 939. See also Docwra, W.

profits, 1570.

proposals for setting up a penny post in the country, 912, 1210-1.

rent, 1571.

reports on, 434.

salaries, 1571.

tradesmen's wares, 1571.

Postag', or fines of fish intores, lease of, 240.

Poston, Timothy, of London, merchant, 1881.

Potash farm. See Customspotashes.

Potomac River
-, Virginia, 445, 1082
-, Customs collector at. See Blakiston, N.
-, Lee, R.
-, Wormley, C.
-, district of, Naval Office in, 1082.

Potsdam, Germany, wine from, 522.

Pottenger (Pottinger), , captain, commander of the Dartmouth, 793.

-, Edward, royal bounty for the relict and children of, 1198.

-, John, Comptroller of the Pipe, 321, 751, 854, 860, 1389, 1399, 1856, 1870
-, Master in Chancery, in the Alienation Office, 153, 615
-, lease of the Star Chamber, 211, 260.

-, Thomas, agent for prizes, Belfast, 1248
-, Army debts, 1900-1.

-, -, trustee for the relict and children of Edward, 1198, 1227.

-, William, coastwaiter's place, London port, 184.

Potter, Jane, lace seized, 223, 853.

-, John, one of the King's falconers, 267.

-, -, commissioner for J. Cook's estate, 1142, 1352.

-, Thomas, lease of shop, St. James's Gate, 1365, 1655, 1732, 1768
-, petition of, for payment for Army clothing, 424, 490, 527, 622, 1006.

Potters, Company of, caveat concerning seizure of foreign painted earthenware, 2018.

Potts, John, commissioner for R. Wright's estate, 759.

-, -, ship's commander, 741.

-, Michael, boatman, Sunderland, 895.

-, Richard, surveyor, Sunderland, 928.

-, William, loan by, 2005.

Poulett (Pawlett, Powlett), Charles, Duke of Bolton, 361, 607.

Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire, 75, 205, 1268, 1513.

Disbanding Act, 8.

house in Warwick Street, 144.

patent for the Greenwax, 417.

plate for, 179.

recruits for, 419.

regiment or regiments of, 186, 274, 308, 331, 371, 376, 423, 424, 432, 500, 518, 520, 521, 541, 557, 559, 582, 585, 622, 623, 664, 677, 701, 722, 769, 862, 875, 877, 884, 934, 1045, 1046, 1124, 1227, 1288, 1294, 1297, 1301, 1321, 1323, 1327, 1334-5, 1336, 1343, 1354, 1380, 1393, 1406, 1510, 1559, 1586, 1730, 1775, 1822, 1900, 1904, 1920
-, agent to. See Geary, P.
-, details of money due to, 1728.

Warden of New Forest, 199, 554, 594, 1278, 1384, 1630, 1638, 1812, 1820.

-, -, Earl of Wiltshire, Marquess of Winchester, 109, 1643
-, bailiff of Burley, 980
-, goods for, 12
-, lands, 329
-, Lord Chamberlain to the Queen, 179
-, plate for, 179
-, surety for T. Cobb, 975, 1472
-, transporting horses to Holland, 1144.

-, Francis, brother of Lord John, lands, 264.

-, John, Lord Poulett, lands, 264.

-, Lord William, goods for, 144
-, grant to, of a fine, 1173
-, lease of the Greenwax, 199, 361, 607, 745, 761.

- See also Paulett.

Poulle, Benjamin, bill drawn on, 773.

Poulson, Gilbert, waiter, Southampton port, 924.

Poulter (Pulter), John, of Broughton, 1541.

-, -, tidesman, London port, 326.

-, Richard, jerquer's place, London port, 90.

Poultney. See Pulteney.

Poulton, Pulton, co. Kent, 646, 647.

-, co. Lancs., 313, 1019, 1316, 1585
-, Customs officers at, list of, 931.

Poun, George, Gentleman Harbinger, 1129.

Pountney. See Pulteney.

-, John, 1601, 1708
-, [clerk to the Committee for Trade and Plantations], 1721, 1727, 1774, 1788, 1814, 1819, 1822, 1823, 1829, 1830, 1836, 1838, 1852, 1918.

-, Richard, agent to Capt. F. Nicholson, 879
-, receiving money for sick and wounded, 1666.

-, Thomas, a Commissioner for Tin Farthings, 1211.

Powderham Castle, co. Devon, 146.

Powdermakers. See Ordnance.

Powell, , ensign, in the West Indies, 1227.

-, Anthony, superstitious lands in Llanvihangel, 473.

-, Caleb, of Leominster, 130.

-, Charles, of Castle Madoc, 252.

-, -, searcher's place, Bristol port, 93.

-, Eleanor, superstitious lands, Llantilio Pertholey, 472.

-, Elizabeth, quarters, Exeter, 45.

-, Frances, surety for D. Price, 604.

-, George, searcher's place, Bridgwater port, 124.

-, James, superstitious lands, co. Hereford, 473.

-, -, of Leominster, 130.

-, Jeremiah, surety for J. Stanyer, 1471, 1518.

-, John, lieutenant, half pay, Ireland, 191.

-, Sir John, a baron of the Exchequer, 1395, 1432, 1512, 1944
-, a Justice of Common Pleas, 86, 145.

-, Joseph, King's waiter's place, London port, 9.

-, Lewis, surveyor of Customs, Waterford, 1595, 1669.

-, Morgan, comptroller, Milford port, 16, 23, 299, 576, 1400.

-, Nathaniel, commissioner for superstitious lands, cos. Kent etc., 622.

-, Philemon, captain, officer in the West Indies, 1227.

-, Robert, Army pension for, 648.

-, Samuel, loans by, 1972, 1979.

-, Thomas, one of the King's watermen, 454.

-, -, owner of the Olive, 503.

-, -, Popish priest, 471, 473.

-, Sir Thomas, commissioner for assessments, co. Denbigh, 234.

-, William, apprehending clippers and coiners, 1039.

Power, Cha., Chamber payment for, 1334.

-, Edmund, major, custodiam lease, Ireland, 1573-4.

-, Peter, of London, merchant, 584.

-, Henry, Master of the Rolls, lands of, in co. Hereford, 2016
-, Speaker of the Convention, 3, 23, 282
-, loan by, 1987.

Powlett. See Poulett.

Pownatt, , captain, in the West, 214.

Powson, , a merchant of Gothenburg, 1056.

Powys Castle, 528.

Powys, Earl of. See Herbert, W.

-, Littleton, Second Judge of Chester, 247, 303, 318, 509, 764, 1144, 1230, 1509, 1697, 1890
-, ditto, cos. Denbigh, Flint and Montgomery, 245, 330, 333.

-, Richard, comptroller, Lynn Regis port, 1852, 1868
-, searcher, Ipswich port, 264, 280, 299, 592, 921.

Poyke, Richard, messenger of the Chamber, 1242, 1284.

Poynter, Samuel, loan by, 2006.

Poynton, , ensign, mustering the Irish, 1663.

Poyntz. See Pointz.

Praad, Charles des Vignolles de, loan by, 623.

Prad, Laine, lieutenant, Army pension, 255.

Praed, Francis, tidesman, London port, 1401.

Pramesat, , French Reformed officer, 295.

Prank, John, waiter's place, London port, 97.

Pratt, Alexander, payment to, for victualling freight, 645.

-, Charles, collector, Newhaven, 801.

-, Mris. Jane, royal bounty for, 1231, 1244, 1257, 1360, 1373.

Preague, James, loan by, 1992.

Prediaux, Predieux. See Prideaux.

Pre Fines. See Original Seal.

Preese, Thomas, superstitious lands in Garway, 474.

Preistman. See Priestman.

Prela-Daria, Count, envoy from the Duke of Savoy, 1519.

Prendergast, John, author of The History of the Convention, 1214.

Prentice, Prentise, Prentiss, co. Essex, manor and farm, 1353.

Prescott, , alderman, issue to, 722.

-, Andrew, house of, Albemarle Street, 1968.

-, Edward, agent for prizes, Galway, 1248
-, collector, ibid., 1251.

-, Henry, commissioner for J. Shales' accounts, 348.

-, -, wine taster etc., London port, 922.

-, John, surveyor etc., Isle of Man, 1418, 1419, 1429.

-, Michael, loans by, 1980, 1988, 1991, 1997.

President of the Marches. See Wales.

Presland, Richard, of Shrewsbury, 374, 502.

Pressac, , captain, French Reformed officer, 1597.

Pressing. See Navy.

Prestatyn, co. Flint, hundred of, 779, 1614, 1658.

-, co. Radnor, 189, 1359
-, Grand Sessions at, 1418.

Preston, co. Kent, borough of, 805.

-, co. Lanes, 148, 912, 1420, 1435, 1444, 1448.

Preston, Viscount. See Graham, R.

Preston, , lieutenant, half pay, Ireland, 191.

-, -, affidavit of, concerning tobacco sent to Ireland, 704, 766.

-, Jenico, Viscount Gormanston, lands of, 1248, 1267.

-, John, lands in Peterborough Level, 597.

-, Philip, tidesman, London port, 923, 1099.

-, Thomas, lands of Visct. Preston in co. Lancaster, 81, 116-7, 487, 614, 642, 898, 900.

-, Sir Thomas, forfeited estate of, in co. Lancaster, 642.

Preston Capes, co. Northants, 1471.

Prestwood, William, locksmith, 666.

Pretty (Pritty), Mary or Margaret, pension for, 775, 1862.

Prettyman, , debt by, to John Evelyn, 767.

-, Henry, pilloried at Bury St. Edmund's, 1451.

-, Tho., noontender, London port, 923.

-, William, Remembrancer of First Fruits, 871.

Preuer. See Pruer.

Price, , town major at Chester, 883.

-, Abraham, petition of, concerning debts to the Crown, 1466.

-, Alice, of Stourbridge, 1369.

-, Sir Carbery, commissioner for assessments, co. Cardigan, 234
-, mine discovered by, in Wales, 1460, 1565, 1607, 1638-9, 1645, 1654, 1912.

-, Daniel, of Brecon, mercer, receiver of assessments, cos. Radnor and Brecon, 461, 570, 604.

-, Dorothy, widow of Thomas, 246.

-, Edward, of Builth, Receiver General of assessments, cos. Brecon and Radnor, 132, 252, 262, 1071, 1098-9, 1190.

-, Gervase, Gentleman of the Bows, 957
-, Ranger of St. James's Park, 1605.

-, Dame Goodetha, pension for, 1107, 1351, 1355.

-, James, commissioner for assessments, co. Hereford, 1470.

-, -, surety for W. Brookes, 1432.

-, Sir John, petition for stewardship of manors, co. Montgomery, 1139, 1267, 1964.

-, John, detecting Customs frauds, 1254.

-, -, payment to, for clothing, 856.

-, -, payments to, for medicaments, 801, 1218.

-, -, quartering soldiers, 857.

-, -, shipmaster, 1938.

-, -, Vice-Treasurer of Ireland, 203, 819, 960, 962, 963, 1232
-, debt to the Crown, 1913
-, estate of T. Price, 1232-3.

-, Joseph, of London, merchant, 1400.

-, Lewis, watchman, London port, 923.

-, Matthew, lease of pre-fines, cos. Carmarthen etc., 613, 2013.

-, Nathaniel, lieutenant of marines, 1790.

-, Nicholas, bread for the Navy, 712.

-, -, lieutenant, half-pay, Ireland, 191.

-, Ralph, landwaiter's place, Bristol port, 93.

-, Rice, of Kilmery, 252.

-, Richard, lieutenant, half pay, Ireland, 191.

-, -, executor of A. Thelwall, 1709.

-, -, grant of pre-fines, 2013.

-, -, lands of, in Norwich, extended for debt, 1318.

-, -, security for a Hearthmoney collector, 1494.

-, Robert, lease of lands, cos. Hereford and Worcester, 1204, 1484-5.

-, Thomas, King's debtor, 112, 350, 359, 360, 1572
-, outlaw, 260.

-, -, houses, Newport ground, 1391.

-, -, Constable and Keeper of Gloucester Castle, 246.

-, -, of London, goldsmith, estate of, 494, 778, 818-20, 1232-3, 2018.

Prichard (Pritchard), Daniel, lighterman, 1611.

-, Jane, superstitious lands in Abergavenny, 471.

-, John, tenant of "Amberley," Monmouth, 469, 471.

-, Mary, superstitious lands in Abergavenny, 471.

-, Susan, widow of a Hearthmoney collector, 1591.

-, William, 469.

-, Sir William, loans by, 682, 2002, 2006, 2007.

Prickman, Jonathan, King's waiter's place, London port, 230.

Prideaux (Prediaux, Predieux), Edmund, grant to, of Recusants' forfeitures, 1446, 1506, 1546, 1796-7.

-, Helen, royal bounty for, 1455.

-, Sir Richard, former Surveyor General of Crown Lands, 224, 1000.

-, William, land of, Cable Street, 1968.

Priest (Preist), Titus, boatman and tidesman, Exmouth, 778.

-, (Preistman), , captain, concerning fireships, 378
-, exportation of bells to Cadiz, 896.

-, Henry, an Admiralty Lord, 800, 1125, 1647
-, loans by, 1647, 1654.

-, John, Army clothing, 617, 658
-, loans by, 617-8, 697, 821, 824.

Prince, Tho., shipmaster, 861.

Printer. See King's Printer.

Prints. See Loggan, D.

Prior (Pryor), Lawrence, searcher, London port, 922, 1005.

-, Matthew, secretary to Viscount Dursley, 1911.

-, Randolph, lands in Peterborough Level, 596.

Priors Fen (in Whittlesey), co. Cambridge, 599.

Prise, Thomas, town major of Dublin, 1785.

Prisoners of war. See Prizes.

Prissick, Geo., shipmaster, 840.

Pritchard. See Prichard.

Pritland, , bills payable to, 482.

Pritty. See Pretty.

Prius, Samuel, ship's commander, 1678, 1699.

Privateers. See Pirates.

Privy Chamber
-, gentleman ushers of, 767
-, joiner of, livery for, 287. See also Norris H.
-, picture frames etc. for, 1345.

Privy Council, 25, 776, 790, 1402, 1408.

books, 314.

Chamber, 1409.

keepers of, 1803. See also Coling, B.
-, Cox, N.

stationery for, 1812.

Clerks of. See Blathwaite, W.
-, Coling, R.
-, Montagu, C.
-, Musgrave, P.
-, Nicholas, Sir J.

issues for, 645, 1008, 1704, 1705, 1829.

under clerks. See Lloyd, E.
-, Madox, P.
-, issues for, 1453.

committees of. See Corporations
-, IrelandCommittee
-, PlantationsCommittee.

Lord President of, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 109, 110, 222, 539, 760, 1026, 1067, 1344, 1409, 1538, 2009, 2014. See also Carmarthen, Marquess of.

diet, allowance in lieu of, 139, 344, 1962.

officers attending, 601.

Orders in Council, 53, 64, 146, 185, 199, 209, 218, 289, 299, 300, 311, 317, 320, 325, 327, 328, 334, 335, 339, 342, 344, 345, 357, 397, 398, 439, 440, 443, 444-5, 448, 450, 451, 454, 462, 464, 467, 478, 480, 481, 482, 483, 493-4, 495, 503, 504, 505, 506, 508, 512, 513, 514, 517, 521, 522, 524, 525, 527, 528, 531, 532, 538, 539, 541, 547, 550, 572, 578, 583, 592, 593, 594, 609, 614, 619, 620, 631, 636-7, 665, 703, 704, 710, 718, 722, 724, 730, 732, 733, 736, 741, 743, 746, 751, 755, 771-2, 782, 784, 788, 812, 824, 825, 827, 830-1, 831, 831-2, 833, 834, 836, 840, 841, 847, 852, 853, 861, 863-4, 864, 865, 868, 871, 878, 879-80, 880, 884, 887, 888, 889, 892, 893, 894, 900, 901, 902, 914, 917, 936, 937, 938, 941, 946, 965, 978, 979, 1005, 1009, 1016, 1017, 1022, 1030, 1033, 1041, 1048, 1049, 1051, 1059, 1074, 1085, 1110, 1133, 1142, 1149, 1153, 1159, 1170, 1172, 1186, 1188, 1191, 1194, 1195, 1201, 1211, 1213, 1215, 1236, 1239, 1258, 1261, 1266, 1267, 1275, 1279, 1283, 1285, 1286, 1294, 1295, 1302, 1306, 1310, 1311, 1323, 1324, 1328, 1339, 1344, 1347, 1349, 1352, 1357, 1359, 1361, 1364, 1365, 1368-9, 1378, 1382, 1385, 1385-6, 1393, 1400, 1401, 1402, 1404, 1405, 1409, 1411, 1412, 1416, 1419, 1424, 1429, 1430, 1437, 1442, 1445, 1446, 1458-9, 1463, 1482, 1490, 1494, 1501, 1502, 1511, 1512, 1547, 1553, 1561, 1569, 1591, 1606, 1619, 1622, 1629, 1636, 1639, 1642, 1647, 1660, 1671, 1683, 1689, 1697, 1707, 1711, 1727, 1737, 1753, 1758, 1759, 1762, 1763, 1766, 1767, 1785, 1788, 1794, 1795, 1799, 1811, 1815, 1819, 1823, 1824, 1831, 1836, 1839, 1842, 1847, 1852, 1853, 1865, 1870, 1876, 1880, 1882, 1886, 1891, 1901, 1912, 1916, 1919, 1922, 1924-5, 1926-7, 1933, 1943, 1944, 1946, 1951, 1959, 1964.

proceedings in July, 1686, 422.

proclamations of the King in Council, 146, 294, 319, 1009, 1022, 1189, 1224, 1500.

Queen in, in absence of the King, 709, 722, 732, 736, 741, 755, 782, 812, 1009, 1033, 1048, 1091, 1113, 1142, 1149, 1170, 1172, 1186, 1188, 1215, 1258, 1261, 1266, 1275, 1323, 1328, 1339, 1357, 1548, 1553, 1606, 1629, 1639, 1642, 1647, 1671, 1689, 1697, 1707, 1753, 1758, 1762, 1788, 1794, 1799, 1836, 1842, 1870, 1886, 1912, 1922, 1964.

records, underkeeper of. See Gauntlett, J.

Privy Garden, 754.

Privy Purse, debt of, estimate called for, 270, 347, 1327.

issues for, 3, 6, 22, 27, 28, 30, 33, 79, 83, 86, 105, 111, 123, 135, 141, 148, 151, 154, 162, 169, 175, 186, 193, 197, 205, 216, 222, 227, 236, 242, 248, 258, 266, 275, 279, 282, 287, 288, 292, 297, 304, 310, 317, 323, 331, 342, 346, 440, 449, 455, 476, 500, 502, 510, 518, 527, 537, 543, 546, 554, 558, 636, 651, 677, 679, 693, 821, 828, 837, 845, 851, 859, 867, 876, 883, 892, 899, 907, 913, 935, 945, 951, 964, 982, 986, 1106, 1134, 1145, 1281, 1354, 1360, 1367, 1374, 1380, 1388, 1398, 1406, 1414, 1422, 1429, 1441, 1450, 1454, 1459, 1482, 1488, 1489, 1508, 1526, 1536, 1552, 1564, 1568, 1628, 1788, 1792, 1803, 1808, 1815, 1833, 1844, 1855, 1860, 1872, 1879, 1888, 1903, 1908, 1918, 1929, 1949, 1956.

not to pass account, 1314.

Keeper of. See Falmouth, Earl of
-, Graham, Col. J.
-, May, B.
-, Portland, Earl of.

payments to, for healing medals, 1731.

money for, in the Exchequer, to be used for the Army, 971.

power of Earl of Portland's agent to receive for, 512.

Privy Seal
-, Commissioners, 722, 1834. See also Cheyney, W.
-, Knatchbull, Sir J.
-, Pulteney, Sir W.

allowance to, in lieu of diet, 736, 1158, 1384.

appointment of, 956-7.

loans by, 1158.

salaries payable out of the Customs, 1223.

fees for passing, 490, 655, 666, 762, 1006, 1011, 1040, 1168.

Keeper of. See Pembroke, Earl of.

allowance to, in lieu of diet, 1876.

Lord Privy Seal, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 85, 231, 345, 1872. See also Halifax, Marquess of
-, Pembroke, Earl of.

allowance in lieu of diets, 14, 736, 1961.

fee, 1961.

names of former Lords, 1961.

Office, caveats, 231.

fees, 312, 663.

issues for, 27, 84.

lease, 361.

Prizage of wines, 127.

Prizes (taken by English and Dutch), 302.

account books of, 1134, 1685.

agents in Ireland appointed, 1248.

bounty for sailors' evidence, 1415.

brandy taken in, 334, 809, 836, 878, 1088.

caveats, to begin in Treasury, 38.

Commission for, charges in passing, 1188.

Commissioners (Principal) of, 41, 48, 58, 185, 202, 260, 293, 318, 370, 371, 434, 435, 444, 449, 467, 506, 649, 836, 870, 871, 878, 897, 919, 947, 965, 1067, 1088, 1094, 1095, 1097, 1100, 1131, 1191, 1248, 1307, 1329, 1338-9, 1349, 1350, 1370, 1376, 1386, 1390, 1415, 1466, 1484, 1517, 1550, 1613, 1631, 1689, 1704, 1707, 1708, 1762. See also Ayscough, Sir E.
-, Carpenter, J.
-, Cole, Sir M.
-, Darcy, P.
-, Dering, C.
-, Jennings, Sir E.
-, Jennings, Sir J.
-, Langley, Sir R.
-, Littleton, Sir T.
-, Middleton, C.
-, Murray, R.
-, Overton, B.
-, Parkhurst, J.

accounts, 435, 1386, 1708.

instructions for, 1829, 1852, 1918.

new commissions, 1060, 1147, 1219, 1371.

powers of, 1060.

salaries of, 1060.

secretary to. See Dyve, J.

sub-commissioners in Jamaica, 58
-, salaries etc. of, 649, 1060.

to come under the Treasury, 41, 42.

unable to pay debts, 949-50.

Control Office, 649.

custody of prisoners of war, 39. See also Sick and Wounded.

declaration concerning, 1376.

docquets of grants of, to begin in the Treasury, 38.

encouragement for captains, 1376.

fish, 449.

goods, 48, 185, 260, 508.

between decks, right of captors to, 874, 878.

jewels, 508.

King's share of prizes of the sea, 231, 373, 508-9, 649, 1060, 1550, 1671.

payments out of moneys arising from, 885, 1187, 1397, 1704.

privateers' prizes in the West Indies, 293.

Prohibition Act, proposal concerning, 870.

rate of payment, 1376.

recaptures of captured vessels, 947, 994, 1059, 1329.

Receiver General of, 1415, 1631. See also Herbert, J.

repayment of money issued out of secret service money, 1131.

ships, 48, 162, 185, 202, 508, 836, 897, 1097, 1100, 1762, 1841.

condemnation of, 1415.

Customs officers not to serve on, 318.

guarding from embezzlements, 97.

measuring of, declaration concerning, 878.

sale of, 1339.

sugars, 449, 467.

to come under Treasury direction, 38, 41, 42.

war with the Mogul. See East India Company.

wines seized, 506, 836, 874, 878, 1021, 1067, 1681.

Probert, William, Receiver General of Hearthmoney, North Wales, 1800.

Proby, John, loans by, 1977, 1982, 2002.

Proclamations of the King in Council. See Privy Council.

Proctor, Cuth., tidesman, Newcastle port, 929.

-, George, lands of, Shorter Street, 1968.

-, John, tidesman, Liverpool, 931.

-, William, loans by, 1947.

Procurator General, 647.

Progers (Proger), Edward, keeper of Middle Park, Hampton Court, 156, 1171, 1737.

Protestant interest, 18. See also Roman Catholics.

Prothero (Prothro), Evan, collectorship of Aberdovey, 18.

-, Lewis, King's waiter, 889, 999, 1350, 1811
-, loans by, 1980, 1981.

Prou, Isarn, captain, French Reformed officer, 295, 1597.

Provost, alias Provance, the, co. York, derelict lands in, 445, 614, 872, 1523.

Prowse, , clerkship of the Pipe, 143.

Pruer (Preuer), , French Reformed officer, 295.

Prym, John, surety for E. Mitchell, 1542.

Pryme, Robert, petition of, for Customs place, 1244.

Pryor. See Prior.

Public accounts. See Accounts, Public.

Public offices, houses used for, untaxed, 1486.

Puckey, Richard, weighing porter, Plymouth port, 902.

Pudner (Pudnor), Humphrey, shipmaster, 24, 95.

Puerto de Santa Maria, Port St. Mary's, Spain, 1306.

Pugh (Pew), John, messuage in Pembridge, 474.

-, William, a Popish priest, 470, 471, 473.

Puis, du, wine and brandy, Jersey, 567.

Puleston, Jane, widow, an outlaw, 904.

-, Sir Roger, waste lands, river Dee, 1468.

Pullen (Pullein), , lieutenant, payment to, by Sir H. Goodrick, 944.

-, Mary, superstitious lands in Llantilio Crossenny, 471.

-, Peter, superstitious lands, co. Hereford, 473
-, ditto, co. Monmouth, 469, 471.

-, Thomas, Master of the Stud, 797, 807, 906, 1305, 1918, 1923
-, loan by, 1308.

-, -, house of, Aldbrough, 1477.

Pulley, co. Salop, 1472.

Pullinger, Robert, tidewaiter, Bristol port, 13.

Pulteney (Poultney, Pountney), John, Clerk of the Privy Council, Ireland, 969, 1548-9.

-, Thomas, cornet, petition for arrears of pay, 1916, 1923-4, 1943, 1946.

-, Sir William, commissioner for assessments for Westminster, 233
-, a Commissioner of the Privy Seal, 736, 956, 995, 1158, 1223, 1384, 1393
-, death of, 1384
-, ground leased from, by Dr. Tenison, 418, 1928
-, lease purchased of, 1778, 1821.

Pulter. See Poulter.

Pulton, co. Kent. See Poulton.

Puncheons. See Measures.

Purbeck, Viscountess. See Villiers, Margaret.

Purcell, Henry, organist of the Chapel Royal, 1334.

-, Ignatius, estate of, seized, 1771
-, tenants of, to pay arrears, 1771.

-, Toby, lieutenant-colonel, half pay, Ireland, 191
-, pay for, 1639
-, petition of, for pay, 1610, 1637
-, regiment of, 1411, 1444, 1466, 1505, 1545, 1617, 1689, 1737, 1778, 1794, 1890, 1907, 1920.

Purnell, James, boatman, Gadcombe, 1766.

Purser, William, shipmaster, 1935.

Pursuivants-at-Arms, list of, 1312.

Purtis, John, chirurgeon, half pay, Ireland, 191, 192.

Purvis, , bringing money of privateers from Virginia, 1044.

-, -, issue to, for equipment, 509-10.

-, George, shipmaster, 479.

-, John, shipmaster, 479.

-, Thomas, bills of exchange, 6
-, drugs etc. for Ireland, 483, 499, 508.

- See also Putmans.

Putmans (Putland, Puttmans), Gerard, gunpowder for the Ordnance, 760, 1119, 1143.

Putnam, Charles, imprisoned for clipping, 1859, 1876.

-, Thomas, imprisoned for clipping, 1859, 1876.

Putney, co. Surrey, petition of inhabitants of, 1252, 1321.

Putts, Tho., shipmaster, 861.

Pyard, George, waiter's place, Aberdovey, 196.

Pyder, alias Petrockshire, co. Cornwall, hundred of, 903, 942-4.

Pye, Edmund, of London, surety for L. Ambrose, 1474.

-, John, solicitor of coast bonds, 92, 294, 336, 345, 574
-, dismissed for neglect, 369, 1836.

-, Sir John, loans by, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004.

-, Thomas, assaulting Customs officers, 1623.

-, -, searcher, Yarmouth port, 927.

Pym (Pim), John, captain, Army pension for, 648.

-, -, landsurveyor's place, London port, 164.

-, Robert, tidesman, Topsham, 895.

-, Thomas, shipmaster, 1831, 1935.

Pyne (Pine), Hugh, of Rayleigh, clerk, 1613.

-, Richard, a Commissioner of the Great Seal, Ireland, 698
-, circuit of, to Munster, 969.

-, Valentine, ship's commander, 1266.

Pynsent, Sir William, commissioner for assessments, co. Wilts, 1473.

Pyworthy, co. Devon, 240, 271.

Pyx. See MintPyx.