Appendix III

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Appendix III', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Appendix III', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Appendix III". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


Appendix III

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
1689. April 20. Entry of a Treasury caveat in behalf of Mr. Freeman Howse, Comptroller of Chichester port, that no grant may be made of his said office to Mr. Booker or any other till said Howse be heard. Caveat Book, p. 1.
The like for Robert Compton as to the office of searcher of Hull. Notice be given to my Lord President. Ibid.
The like for Robert Hall and Robert Tayer as to the office of customer of Chichester port. Notice to be given to John Bateman at his house in St. Nicholas Lane, London. Ibid.
April 24. The like for Capt. Harrington as to the place of King's searcher, Hull, for which he has the recommendation of Marshal Schomberg. No grant to be made of that office till Lord Delamere be present. Ibid.
April 25. The like for William Hall in Vine Court in the Temple against any grant of restitution of estate to Reginald Tucker, attainted of high treason. Ibid.
The like for Mr. Martin against any grant to Mr. Kemp of the office of searcher of Plymouth. Notice to be given to Mr. Kynvin at his house in Bow Lane. Ibid.
April 26. The like for Sir Cornwall Bradshaigh as to the office of Comptroller of Bristol [port] granted to him and his son. Notice to be sent to Sam. Guillym. Ibid.
The like for Mathew Humberston as to his office of Usher of the Custom House, London, of which he has a patent for life. Notice to be sent to Mr. Kynvin. Ibid.
The like for Sir John Stapely as to his office of Surveyor of Customs, London port, of which he has a patent for life. Notice ut supra. Ibid.
The like for Sir John Osbourne as to any grant of the office of Comptroller of Lotteries. Ibid, p. 2.
April 29. The like for Berna. Tonstall against a renewal of Ralph Williamson's late office as Comptroller of Customs, Newcastle. Ibid.
May. 1. The like for Josiah Niccolls and 150 other tenants of the Archbishop of Canterbury's lands at Deal pretended to be derelict, against any proceedings on George Watson's petition and the Attorney General's report, which declares the matter doubtful. Notice to be given to Mr. John Ince, their agent, in Fanchurch Street next Ironmonger Hall. Ibid.
May 2. The like for William Bache as to renewal of his patent from James II of the place of King's locksmith, during pleasure. Caveat Book, p. 2.
May 3. The like for George Robinson as to his place of solicitor to take care of coast bonds in London port. Notice to be given to Mr. Barry. Ibid.
The like for Mr. Barnard as to the offices of the King's patent searchers, London port, who all hold for life. Ibid.
May 7. The like for Lewis Stukely against the renewal of Mr. Fall's patent as Comptroller of Plymouth port. Notice to be given him at Mr. Bowman's in Eagle Court over against Somerset House. Ibid.
The like for James Hamilton as to the place of Receiver [of Crown lands] for London, Middlesex, Essex, Herts, Huntingdon and Norfolk. Notice to be given to Mr. Barry. Ibid.
The like for Mr. Antho. Meek and Mr. Robert Cowley as to their office of one of the five undersearchers of London port. Notice to be given to Mr. Meek at his lodgings in Scotland Yard. Ibid, p. 3.
May 8. The like for Lord Lovelace against any grant to Lieut. Col. Wolsley of the place of Supervisor of the Forest of Deane. (Caveat withdrawn May 11.) Ibid.
The like for Thomas Godfrey as to his office of Comptroller of Great Yarmouth port. Notice to be given to Mr. Edward Mills of Furnivall's Inn. Ibid.
May 9. The like for Lord North and Grey as to his warrant for a grant by the late King James of certain derelict lands and concealments in Kent and Essex. Notice to be sent to Lord North's house in Leicester Fields. Ibid.
May 14. The like for Hen. Sclater against any grant of the office of Surveyor General of Customs to Mr. Culliford. Ibid.
May 15. The like for Samuell Harris as to a jerquer's place in London port. Ibid, p. 4.
The like for Phillip Ellston and William Blackaller for the office of Solicitor to the Excise. Notice to be given to Mr. Blackaller at Lion's Inn. Ibid.
May 16. The like for Frances Thornton concerning her pension of 40l. per an. granted by Treasurer Rochester out of the salary of Mr. Mitton, Comptroller of Hull, for her life or for Mitton's term of holding said office ; that no grant of said office be made till her pension be secured thereon or she be heard on it. Ibid.
The like for the Bishop of St. Asaph, Lord Almoner, against any grant or pardon of the forfeited estate of Francis Bonny of London, goldsmith, a felo de se, without notice first to the Lord Almoner or his Deputy Almoner, Mr. Brunskell. Ibid.
The like for Elias Ashmole, Comptroller of Excise, against any grant of his said office till he be heard. Notice to be given him at the Bishop of St. Asaph's house. Ibid.
May 27. The like for John Clark against any grant of one of the customers' places of Hull (vacant by the absence of Mr. Rowland Tempest) till notice be first given to Mr. Clark at the Mairmaid in Broad Street. Caveat Book, p. 4.
June 6. The like for Christopher Sheen against any grant to Mr. Ward of a King' waiter's place, London port : notice to be given to Sheen in the Market Place at Westminster. Ibid.
June 28. The like for Tho. Turner against a grant to the Earl of Torrington of the lands etc. in Mr. Marriott's patent of discoveries until the possessors be first heard. Notice to be sent to said Turner at his seat in the Six Clerks' Office. Ibid, p. 5.
July 10. The like for William Kempe, searcher of Plymouth, against a grant of that office to John Martyn. Notice to be given to Thomas Shorte at the Sugar Loaf near Somerset House. Ibid.
July 11. The like for William Shaw against any grant of Leyland Hall and demesnes. Notice to be given to Mr. Hayford, wainwright, at his house in Old Southampton Buildings by Chancery Lane or to John Walmsley esq., at his chamber in Grays Inn in Holborn Court. Ibid.
July 12. The like for Mr. Ward, late a King's waiter [London port] against anything being done as to the ship, Madrid Deos and a parcel of oils seized by him under the Navigation Acts. Notice to be given to Counsellor Bernard in the Middle Temple. Ibid.
July 17. The like for Mr. Williamson, Comptroller of Newcastle port, against anything to his prejudice relating to his said office. Ibid.
July 18. The like for Mr. Henry Rowlandson as to the disposal of the office of Clerk of the Bakehouse in the Victualling Office. Ibid.
July 19. The like for George Treweeke as to any grant of the office of [one of the four] supervisors of the tin blowing houses of Cornwall and Devon ; for which office he has petitioned. Ibid, p. 6.
Aug. 5. The like for John Collins as to any grant of the Receivership of Crown Revenues for cos. Worcester, Hereford, Salop and Stafford for which he has a petition referred. Ibid.
Aug. 13. The like for Henry, Lord Herbert of Chirbury, as to any grant of the Chief Rangership of the Forest of Snowdon, Constableship of Conway and Stewardship of Bardsey Island in North Wales, enjoyed by his ancestors and for renewal of which he intends to apply. Ibid.
Aug. 16. The like for Thomas Peirce as to any grant of the office of surveyor of Plymouth port. Notice to be given to him at Mr. Jephson's. Ibid.
Sept. 3. The like for Richard Butler as to any grant of the abovesaid office of surveyor of Plymouth port, in which office he has been several years and refused to sign to the taking off the Penal Laws and Test and has made a proposal for saving above 200,000l. per an. in the subsidy, additional duty and new impost on tobacco, which proposal is referred to the Customs Commissioners. Ibid.
Sept. 20. The like for Thomas Buckworth, collector of Wisbech, a member of Hull port, as to any grant of his said office to John Arden. Caveat Book, p. 7.
Sept. 27. The like for Elizabeth Randolph as to any grant of her husband, Edward Randolph's, place as collector and surveyor of Customs in New England. Ibid.
Sept. 30. The like for William East, searcher of Plymouth port, as to any grant of his said office of which he has petitioned for a renewal. Notice to be given to him at his chamber in the Middle Temple. Ibid.
Oct. 9. The like for James Frontin, Keeper of their Majesties' Ice and Snow House in St. James's Park, on behalf of his Majesty, that no grant of Ice House and plot of ground in St. James's Park adjoining to Cleaveland House or Garden do pass to the Duke of Grafton or Mr. Rosinden without notice first to said Frontin at his house in York Buildings. Ibid.
Oct. 26. The like for Thomas, Earl Rivers, as to any grant of the pannage, herbage and pasturage etc. of Mara and Mondrein, alias Delamer Forest. Ibid.
Oct. 28. The like for Sir Henry Ashurst in behalf of the Governor and Convention of the Massachusetts Colony in New England, that the accounts of Mr. John Usher for any money by him received in New England may not be allowed until said Ashurst be heard. Ibid.
Nov. 11. The like for Mr. Barry as to any grant of any derelict lands to any person till the Earl of Monmouth have notice. In the margin : 1689, Dec. 16, Mr. Barry excepts my Lord Sydney. Ibid, p. 8.
Nov. 15. The like for Mr. Guy as to any pardon to John Abrathat et al. for a riot in the office of the Treasury. Notice to be given to Mr. Langford. Ibid.
The like for Richard Aldworth as to any grant of the King's Remembrancer's Office in Ireland, of which he is the patentee for life. Notice to be given to him at the post house in Reading. Ibid.
Nov. 19. The like for Mr. Norden as to any grant of the office of Auditor of Wales on the surrender of Mr. Tuder's interest, for which place he has petitioned for eight years ; the said Tuder having a patent for life in reversion of Sir William Godolphin and Tuder being lately dead. Notice to be given to Henry Killegrew at Locketts. Ibid.
The like for Col. Cha. Herbert as to said office of Auditor General within the Principality of Wales, for which he has a petition referred : he being now on the King's service in Ireland. Notice to be given to the Earl of Torrington or to Mr. Justice Gibbs at his Chambers in Grays Inn. Ibid.
Nov. 23. The like for Visct. Brandon as to any grant of the said office of Auditor of Wales, for which Roger Kirby has the King's promise. Notice to be given to "him" at Gerrard House. Caveat Book, p. 9.
Nov. 25. The like for Mathew Price (in behalf of Sarah White, widow) as to any grant of the pre-fines and profits of the Original Seal in cos. Anglesea, Carnarvon and Merioneth. Notice to be given to Richard Price at the Exchequer Office of Pleas in Lincolns Inn. Ibid.
Dec. 3. The like for Earl of Kingston (for Mr. Laycock) as to any grant of the office of Surveyor of Woods, Trent South, the King having promised Lord Kingston the nomination for the like office Trent North, when a surveyor should be made [appointed] for Trent South. Notice to be sent to said Lord or to Mr. William Laycock at his chamber in Fig Tree Court, Inner Temple. Ibid.
Dec. 10. The like for the Earl of Monmouth as to any grant of any [Customs place or] office in Colchester port until notice be first given to Mr. Barry. Ibid.
Dec. 19. The like for Capt. Paston against any grant to the Earl of Oxford of said Earl's house as follows : a lease having been granted to William Paston, now Earl of Yarmouth, of a piece of ground abutting west 54 feet on a wall of the Earl of Oxford's building and south on the old wall of the King's palace or garden ; on which ground the Earl of Oxford's house has encroached 23 feet ; said William Paston having assigned to his brother, Capt. Paston. Ibid.
The like for Sir Robert Howard for notice to him before the establishment be settled (finished) for Sir Rowland Gwynn for the office of Treasurer of the Chamber. Ibid, p. 10.
Dec. 27. The like for the Queen Dowager for a hearing before any lease to Mr. Blathwayt of the house commonly called Walsingham House in the manor and bailiwick of Westminster ; the said Queen insisting that same is part of her jointure and the Attorney General (on reference) having appointed a day to hear them, but in regard Mr. Marriott, clerk of the said Queen's Council and solicitor (who has the custody of her patents and evidences), was out of town, the Queen's counsel at law could not produce same ; wherefore the Attorney General hath made his report. Ibid.
Dec. 28. The like for Tobias Bilvah as to any grant of the office of a landwaiter loco John Hoard, deceased, for which he has petitioned. Ibid.
1689-90. Jan. 22. The like for Samuell Lubbock as to any grant of the office of surveyor of Yarmouth port for which he had a commission from the Customs Commissioners 1689, Nov. 14, in pursuance of a Treasury warrant, but the said Commissioners having since presented one Moor thereto and that Lubbock should be only landwaiter at Barnstaple, whereupon the Treasury Lords stopped the presentment till Lubbock have an equivalent to the said place at Yarmouth. Ibid, p. 11.
Jan. 23. The like for John Jephson as to any grant of the office of customer of Dublin port loco Capt. John Worsop, deceased ; the King having promised it to said Jephson. Ibid.
Jan. 28. The like for Mr. Nash as to any grant of the office of Receiver General of [Crown Revenues in] South Wales : the case being referred to the Attorney General by the Treasury Lords after a full hearing of the several pretensions of Bevis Lloyd and John Nash to said office. Caveat Book, p. 11.
Feb. 3. The like for the Marquess of Carmarthen, Lord President [of the Privy Council], who has a grant of 39l. 13s. per an. issuing out of Delamere Forest in Co. Chester and 36l. 14s. 6d. per an. issuing out of Marybone Park, co. Midd. ; that the Earl Rivers may not renew his term in said forest nor Lord Ossulston his term in said park till said Marquess be heard, In the margin Withdrawn as to the Earl Rivers. Ibid.
The like for Lord Montagu that no moneys be appropriated by the Treasury Lords towards the provision of the King's Stables [without first provision for his rights] belonging to his office as Keeper of the Great Wardrobe : he having obtained a verdict on a trial at bar in the Exchequer Court in Michaelmas term last wherein the rights of his said office are ascertained. Ibid, p. 12.
Feb. 17. The like for William Young against the passing of the Wine Licence Commission till Mr. Albion Chaire (who is to be one of the said Commission) hath made a release of all perquisites and profits relating to that office except the salary of 200l. per an. Ibid.
Feb. 18. The like for Samuell Carkett as to any grant of the office of land surveyor at Plymouth loco Richard Butler, who has desired to be dismissed therefrom ; Carkett being recommended for same by the Treasury Lords. Ibid.
Feb. 22. The like for the East India Company against a grant which they are informed is passing before the Treasury Lords concerning moneys and goods seized by their agents in the East Indies from the princes and their subjects with whom said Company are or lately have been in war. Notice to be given to Sir Benj. Bathurst. Ibid.
The like for Mr. Delone, the Queen's Secretary, as to any grant of the Haymarket in Piccadilly. Notice to be given to Mr. James Kinvin. Ibid, p. 13.
Mar. 5. The like for the Lord President [of the Council] as to any grant of derelict lands upon the river Humber to William Thompson or any other. Ibid.
Mar. 10 [? 20]. The like for Lord Rockingham as to any lease of lands in Garthorpe, co. Leicester, of which the late Lord Rockingham had a grant for 31 years at 10l. per an. rent, of which term three years are yet to come, and the present Lord Rockingham intends to [petition to] renew the said lease. Notice to be given to Mathew Johnson, esq., of the Middle Temple, London. Ibid.
Mar. 20. The like for Col. Herbert as to any renewal to Robert Humfreys of the commission to act for the Auditor of Wales ; which commission expired the 1st inst. Caveat Book, p. 13.
1690. Mar. 28. The like for Sir John Barker and Sir Cha. Blois as members of Parliament for and in behalf of the town of Ipswich against the design of settling a Custom House at Harwich. Notice to be given to Mr. Kinvin. Ibid.
April 17. The like for the Duke of Norfolk against any grant of any annual payment to be charged upon the revenue of the Honour and Castle of Windsor. Ibid.
May 2. The like for Mr. Evelyn on behalf of himself and the rest of the Receivers of their Majesties' Crown Revenues against any grant of any fee farm rents by virtue of a privy seal which is now passing. Ibid, p. 14.
May 13. The like for Col. Mathew Alured as to any grant of the office of customer in Hull port till he be heard. Notice to be given to Mr. Popple, living in Essex Street. Ibid.
The like for Sir Timo. Tyrrell, the present lessee of the dis-forested lands of Shotover, co. Oxford (of which the reversion is in the Crown), against any grant thereof before he be heard. Ibid.
The like for the Earl of Kingston against the renewal of the Commission of Appeals in Excise till he be heard ; the King having promised him that Mr. Edmund Chaloner shall be made one of said Commission upon the first vacancy. Ibid.
May 16. The like for James, Visct. Lanesborough, who (through the Bishop of London) has applied to the King, shewing that, being son and heir of George, late Visct. Lanesborough, he has no estate but what is in the kingdom of Ireland, of which he is now totally deprived by his firm adhering in England to the Protestant interest, for which cause [Alick] Visct. Galloway [Galway], an Irish Papist, hath lately in Ireland obtained a grant of and is in actual possession of all the said estate real and personal, under colour of having married Frances Lane, youngest daughter of said late Visct. Lanesborough, whom he hath since perverted to the Romish religion, and has got into his custody all the writings and evidences as to said estate : wherefore the King, intending to pass to said Visct. Lanesborough all the estate of the said Visct. Galway, now in rebellion in Ireland, directs a caveat to be entered at the Treasury against any other disposal of any part of said estate. Ibid, pp. 14-15.
May 26. The like for Col. Cutts as to any grant of Newnham Abbey or any other lands in co. Beds found by a commission of enquiry lately taken at the charge of said Cutts for discovery of estates settled to superstitious uses in said county. Ibid, p. 15.
May 30. The like for Sir Matthew Bridges as to any grant of the office of searcher, packer and gauger of the port of Dublin. Notice to be given him next door below the Black Posts in the Haymarket. Ibid.
May 31. The like for the Earl of Monmouth as to any grant of the manor of Reigate or the arrears thereof, or as to the renewal of office to any officer of said manor till notice be given to said Earl. Caveat Book, p. 15.
June 6. The like, by direction of the King, on the petition of Frances, Lady Lanesborough, shewing that her mother Frances, late Countess Dowager of Dorset, settled the manor of Awkridge and other lands in co. Hereford of a great value in such manner that same are now come unto Henry Powle, esq., the Master of the Rolls, but reserved to herself by deed the power to appoint the raising of 2,000l. thereon, and did so appoint said sum to be raised and paid to said Powle in trust for the education of Frances, daughter to petitioner, till 21 years of age, on attaining which age 1,000l. to be paid her ; that petitioner's said daughter Frances was seduced [induced] to marry Lord Galloway in Ireland against the will and to the unspeakable affliction of petitioner and said Lord is now in arms in Ireland against the King, whereby the King will be entitled to the said trust, but it is hoped that said Frances may come to a sense of her folly and undutifulness : wherefore petitioner prays a grant of the Crown's title to said trust and to receive the interest of it to employ it for the benefit of said Frances if she so behave herself or to improve it for the advantage of her children, who, it's feared, will have nothing else to depend upon. Ibid, p. 16.
The like for the Queen Dowager (by request of the Earl of Faversham and the rest of her trustees) against any grant of the manor of Richmond, co. Surrey, till they be first heard in said Queen's behalf. Ibid.
June 13. The like for Mr. Robert Ferguson as to any disposal of his place in the Excise Office, London. Ibid, p. 17.
June 20. The like for Sir William Godolphin, kt., Auditor of Wales, against any warrant for admitting Col. Herbert into that office till he be heard by counsel. Notice to be given to Mr. William Hitch at Mr. Castle's house in Crown Court in Chancery Lane. Ibid.
June 23. The like for Lady Lovelace against any grant to Lady Philadelphia Wentworth of any part of the honors, manors, lands etc. of Lady Henrietta, Baroness Wentworth, deceased, in cos. Middlesex, Beds, Kent, Essex, without notice first to Anne, Baroness Wentworth of Nettlestead, Dowager Lady Lovelace, at her house at Water Eaton, co. Oxford, and John, Lord Lovelace, at Hurley, near Henley on Thames. Ibid.
July 7. The like for John Oliver as to any grant of a tenement called Haunch within the manor of Boyton, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall ; he having petitioned for a renewal of his lease thereof. Ibid.
July 21. The like for the Bishop of St. Asaph, Lord Almoner, as to any grant of the forfeited goods and chattels of John Oalver of Cornwall, who lately hanging himself was found felo de se : the said Bishop claiming a right thereto as their Majesties' Lord Almoner. Ibid, p. 18.
Aug. 5. The like for Mr. Packer, high steward of the Honor of Otford, co. Kent, as to any grant to Sir John Bankes of any lands in co. Kent. Caveat Book p. 18.
Aug. 6. The like for Dame Margaret Hay, administratrix to the late Earl of Kinnoul and guardian to the present Earl and his two sisters, against any grant of the duties upon smalts, barillas or saffers and potashes. Ibid.
Sept. 9. The like for Mr. William Midwinter as to any grant of certain lands in Stockwith, co. Lincoln : he having petitioned for a renewal of his lease thereof on surrender. Ibid.
Oct. 9. The like for Sir Robert Howard that nothing pass in the Treasury concerning the Comptrollership of the Excise till he have notice. Ibid.
Oct. 31. The like for Col. Phil. Howard against any grant of the estate, real or personal, of — Coock, attainted of murther and executed last Assizes at Chelmsford. Ibid.
Nov. 21. The like for the Earl of Berkeley against any patent to Stephen Righton and Tho. Hanford or others about wrecks in the South Seas or in the Gulph or for sperma ceti whale fishing at the Bahama Islands or Bermudas till he be further heard. Ibid, p. 19.
Nov. 28. The like for William Thompson against any grant to Thomas Chichley or any other of the derelict lands upon the Humber. Ibid.
Dec. 13. The like for the Earl of Oxford for stopping any proceedings concerning the estate of John Cook, late executed for murther at Chelmsford. Ibid.
The like for Mr. Rooke, present tenant of several tenements in Bradninch in the city of Exeter, against any grant thereof to any other person. Ibid.
Dec. 17. The like for Col. Cha. Herbert against any grant of Oatlands Park or the chambers in Serjeants Inn or any of the personal estate of Sir Edward Herbert till notice be first given to James Sloane, esq., at his house in Boswell Court in Little Lincolns Inn Fields on behalf of Col. Charles Herbert, who has right in the premises by conveyances from said Sir Edward before his leaving this kingdom. (Caveat renewed 1691, Nov. 9, in behalf of the Earl of Torrington, administrator of Col. Herbert.) Ibid.
Dec. 23. The like for Mr. Dockwra that no grant be made or proceedings had upon any petition, report etc. for any person (other than himself) to set up a Penny Post in any county of England till he be heard. Notice to be sent him in Little St. Helens. Ibid.
Dec. 30. The like for Lord Lexinton against any grant of Stoughton Magna, co. Huntingdon, he having the present interest therein. Ibid, p. 20.
The like for Mr. Rupert Browne that he be heard as to Mr. Harbord's report touching said Browne's interest in Needwood Forest in case the Treasury Lords do not think fit to satisfy him 3,300l. with interest by felling timber there as provided by Act of Parliament, which upon hearing him at the Bar is already passed the Lords and now lies before the House of Commons for their [con]currence, but is refused to be read without their [the Treasury Lords'] cognisance. Ibid.
1690-1. Jan. 2. The like for Hugh Boscawen, esq., against any grant of the office of Constable of the Castle of Launceston, co. Cornwall. Notice to be given to Mr. Sherwood at his chambers in New Inn. (In the margin : Caveat withdrawn by Mr. Sherwood.) Caveat Book, p. 20.
Jan. 12. The like for William Sheriton, esq., tenant to the Priory of Eye for 40 years past, that no grant thereof pass till he be heard. Ibid.
Jan. 15. The like for Serjt. Topham that if any person shall put in to repair the Little Park at Windsor he may be first heard ; [he] being the first undertaker. Ibid.
Feb. 9. The like for Sir William Coryton that no grant pass of the stewardship of the Hundred Courts in Cornwall, in reversion of Nathaniel Lugger, gent., the present steward, till notice be first given to Sir William at his Chamber in Elme Court in the Middle Temple. Ibid.
The like for Sir Robert Dashwood et al. that no grant pass of the estate of Thomas Price at Norwich until notice be sent to Mr. Hanlake of the Inner Temple on behalf of said Dashwood, Sir Samuell Dashwood, and others, executors of Samuel Dashwood, deceased. Ibid.
Feb. 16. The like for Geo. Meese that no grant pass of annuities as follows till the King has declared his further pleasure ; said Meese having petitioned for the Crown's title to a rent charge of 80l. per an., being two annuities of 40l. out of the lordship of Stannod [Stanford] Rivers in Essex, on which petition the Attorney General reported to the King, which report has been referred to the Treasury Lords. Ibid, p. 21.
Feb. 20. The like for Mr. Barston on behalf of the Company of Potters touching the seizure of 33 chests of painted gally tiles and other foreign painted earthenware seized by William Vi kers, an officer in London port, about the beginning of February instant ; that no petition [as to release of said seizure] be given to the Treasury without speedy notice to said Barston, assistant to the said Company, living at Lambeth. Ibid.
Feb. 27. The like for John Hall, surviving executor of John Brook, tenant of a house which he built in the Castle Close at Exeter : that no grant pass thereof till he be heard. Ibid, p. 22.
Mar. 10. The like for William Mompesson and Henry Wilson, executors of Major Peter Beilby, late Capt. in the Earl of Drogheda's Regiment, that no part of Beilby's pay be assigned or paid to Lieut. Laicock till they be heard. Notice to be given to Mr. Molyneux at his house in Pauls Churchyard. Ibid.
1691. Mar. 30. The like for William Eastchurch, tenant of a house in the Castle Close at Exeter, to be heard before any grant thereof pass to Mr. Brook.