Entry Book: February 1692, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: February 1692, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1487-1502 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: February 1692, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1487-1502.

"Entry Book: February 1692, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1487-1502.


February 1692, 11-20

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Feb. 11. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer : viz. : Disposition Book X, pp. 61-2.
l. s. d.
Out of 10,681l. 6s. 7d. of the Double Excise and 21d. per barrel ; and 18,874l. 6s. 10d. of the third of the loans on the second Twelve Months' Aid ; making 29,555l. 13s. 5d. in all.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the growing week's subsistence [of the Forces, England] and half pay [to the officers] 8,755 9 10
to ditto for the English [Army] pensioners, for four months to April 30 last 985 0 0
to ditto for the French pensioners [in the Army list], for a quarter to Sept. 30 last 387 11 0
to ditto for Sir Jos. Tredenham in full of 533l. 1s. 3d. for his arrear as Captain and Keeper of the Castle of St. Mawes to Oct. 1 last 133 1 3
to ditto for the wives of several of the Earl of Portland's Regiment 60 0 0
to ditto for the gunners in the several garrisons in further part of their arrear 107 18 4
to ditto for Sir Jos. Herne, remainder of the money due upon the Savo account 333 6 8
to ditto for Sir Ste. Evance for money returned [remitted by bills] to Scotland 309 6 6
to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby in part of 1,879l. 5s. 0d. to answer bills from Ireland 1,000 0 0
to ditto in part of 5,828l. 19s. 4½d. to answer bills from several ports for subsisting the Forces [in their passage from Ireland] 1,000 0 0
to ditto for a week's subsistence to the Royal Regiment [of Horse], Sir John Lanier's, Langston's, Byerley's, the Duke of Leinster's and the three Danish Regiments of Horse 2,284 0 0
to ditto for same to the Royal Regiment of Dragoons 326 0 0
to ditto for same to eleven Regiments of Foot and the Company of Miners 1,941 6 2
to ditto, to be returned to Hamburg for the Danes 2,000 0 0
to ditto for the Marquis la Barr on account of his pay to 1691, Dec. 31, as Aide de Camp to the Duke of Wurtemberg 274 10 0
to ditto as in part of 24,000l. to be sent to Ireland 2,000 0 0
to ditto for Monsieur Vander Esch in part of 1,400l. for subsistence for seven Regiments of Dutch Horse ; at 200l. each 1,000 0 0
to ditto more for said Vander Esch for the Regiment of Horse Guards 400 0 0
to ditto more for said Vander Esch for subsistence to the Regiments of Hesse, Lord Cutts, Lloyd, Nassau, Brandenburg and Groben ; at 187l. 1s. 4d. each 1,187 1 4
to ditto for Langston's Regiment 200 0 0
to ditto for Byerley's Regiment 200 0 0
to ditto for Lanier's and the Marquis de Ruvigny's Regiments 500 0 0
to ditto for Col. Erle's Regiment 1,471 2 4
to ditto for Monsieur Vander Esch for the Earl of Portland on account of pay 600 0 0
to ditto for said Vander Esch for the Marquis of Monpouillans 300 0 0
to ditto for said Vander Esch for Col. Newenhuys 300 0 0
to ditto for said Vander Esch for the Regiment of Foot Guards 1,000 0 0
to ditto for Col. Leveson to provide horses 500 0 0
Out of low wines.
to the Keeper of the Privy Purse 1,000 0 0
£30,555 13 5
The 600l. paid [into the Exchequer] by Mr. Grahme is to be reserved for my Lords' disposal.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to satisfy to John Packer his order of Oct. 29 last, ut supra, p. 1432, for 1,459l. 15s. 5½d. (for necessaries delivered to the officers of the Receipt) out of the small branches of the revenue "by such proportions at a time as may be spared with respect to the payments usually made out of the said branches to the other officers of the said Receipt." Disposition Book X, p. 63.
Treasury reference to Mr. Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of Antho. Segar for a lease of a piece of waste land lying near the Castle of Winchester, which was designed for a park [to Charles II's intended palace there]. Reference Book VI, p. 374.
Feb. 12. Money warrant for 45l. to Jane Browning, relict of Micah Browning, late commander of the ship Mountjoy of Londonderry, for three quarters to Christmas last on her annuity. [This warrant replaces the cancelled warrant of Dec. 8 last, supra p. 1403.] Money Book XI, p. 260.
Money warrant for 183l. 6s. 8d. to Henry D'Auverquer, esq., for 2¾ years to Christmas last on his fee of 100 marks per an. as Master of the Horse to the King. Money Book XI, p. 261.
Same for 112l. 10s. 0d. to John, Philip and Joseph Roteires for last Christmas quarter on their annuity. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows the 600l. which is paid into the Receipt by Mr. Grahme : viz. : Disposition Book X, p. 63.
to the Privy Purse 200
to me [Guy] for secret service 400
Same to same to issue as follows out of the moneys [arrears] of the 3s. Aid [2s. Aid and Additional 12d. Aid] reserved for my Lords' disposal, viz. : Ibid, p. 64.
l. s. d.
to Sir John Trevor, Speaker of the House of Commons 155 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service 427 11 4
to Mr. Burrard, Forester in N[ew] Forest 11 8 10½
to Mris. Browning 45 0 0
£639 0
Same to same to issue out of the third [part] of the loans reserved on the second Twelve Months' Aid 300l. to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby to be paid by them to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded upon account of subsisting the Irish prisoners in the Savoy. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of William Sinkler and Ann Allam (Allan), widow of James Allan, deceased, praying payment of 4,892l. 13s. 3d. due to them for clothing of Col. [Robert] Hodges' Regiment. Out Letters (General) XIII p. 200.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Col. Theodore Russell, praying payment of 3,689l. 1s. 0d. due for the offreckonings of his Regiment at the time it was broke. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners of Transports. I have read to my Lords your report on the petition of Francis Marshall, master of the Jeremiah and Eliz[abeth] of London. You are to pay him the 33l. therein mentioned for bringing Col. Erle from Ireland. Ibid.
Same to Sir John Cotton. My Lords desire you to give leave that your courtyard may be used by the officers of the Works and that they may have free access to raise scaffolds on the south side of the House of Commons from the top to the bottom in order to take down the stonework and carry it off ; and also that the wall of your garden may be opened to give free access to the Thames to carry the rubbish into lighters and to bring in timber for the new roof of the said House of Commons ; and that a part of the said garden during the said building may be paled in for the workmen. Care is taken that all damage shall afterwards be made good either in the garden walk or garden walls or the tiling of the house adjoining. (The like letter to Mr. Loving [for his ground].) Ibid.
Henry Guy to Lord Chief Justice Holt. The officers of the Works have represented to my Lords that in order to the repairing the House of Commons it will be necessary that the records lodged thereabouts may be moved. They desire you to give order to those "concerned in the said office" to have the records removed. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 200.
Same to Sir Christopher Wren, enclosing the above three letters, "that you may see them delivered and speak with the persons concerned if you find occasion." Ibid.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests. Send my Lords forthwith a state of the Hanaper account as last passed with you. Ibid, p. 201.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox to give my Lords a state of the enclosed accounts [missing], which they have received from Mr. Fotherby, of money received and paid for the use of the Danish Regiments. Ibid.
Same to the Councillors for Medicines to attend my Lords on Monday afternoon next and in the meantime to make no further proceedings upon your contract for providing medicines and drugs for the Army. Ibid.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Feb. 11 inst., granting protection and permission to four fishing vessels, unnamed, to prosecute their fishing trade, notwithstanding the embargo ; on the petition of James Worteley and other merchants in the town of Wells, co. Norfolk, praying such liberty for four vessels which they have fitted out and victualled for fishing in the Northern Seas with four men and the master in each vessel.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 387.
Same to same to observe a like order, dated Feb. 4 inst., for permission to the Elizabeth to go to the East Indies instead of the Williamson. Ibid.
Same to same to observe a like order, dated Feb. 4 inst., for the ships Tryall and Ruth to go to Italy instead of the Italian Merchant, with the same number [in all] of men allowed to that ship. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to same to employ Thomas Took as warehousekeeper in Dover port loco Richard Golder, lately deceased.
Peter Southwick as collector of Lyme port loco Johannes Jones, dismissed.
William Rolph as surveyor of Lyme port loco Peter Southwick. preferred as above.
David Westropp as tidesman at Whitby port loco Jo[h]n Biggen. lately deceased.
Winston Williams as waiter and searcher at Weymouth loco Samuell Dassell, preferred as below.
Samuel Dassell as landwaiter at Lyme loco William Rolph, preferred as above.
Ibid, p. 388.
Treasury reference to Mr. Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor] of the petition of Barbara Caswell, widow, to the King, shewing that her late husband, Geo. Caswell, one of the Gents of the First [Troop] of Guards, was last Sessions executed for killing a man in November last ; that she has a jointure from him of five houses in Brentford, which is forfeited by the said murther : therefore praying a grant of the [Crown's] inheritance of the said houses. Reference Book VI, p. 375.
Same to the Postmasters General of the petition of James Vickers, master of the Irish pacquet boats, shewing that in October last he lost one of his boats in their Majesties' service, of the value of 400l. at least ; therefore praying relief. Ibid.
Entry of a Treasury caveat on behalf of the owners and freighters of the ship Aleppo Merchant, that was some time since blown up at Hole Haven, that no grant pass of said ship and goods to Sir John Elways or any other on pretence of being a wreck before said owners be heard against same : notice to be given to Mr. John Bateman in St. Nicholas Lane, London. Caveat Book, p. 26.
Treasury warrant to Mr. Peter Pagen, merchant in London (in accordance with the Order in Council of Jan. 7 last), to deliver to Mr. John Knight, Customs Cashier, the several bills for [in all] 248l. 2s. 6d., received by said Pagen by order of the Convention in Maryland, in discharge of so much of the moiety of the duty of 2s. per hogshead and of the port duties payable in Maryland by several masters of ships [there] ; said bills being first endorsed by said Pagen as for their Majesties' service relating to the Government of Maryland : same to be disposed of by the Treasury Lords according to the Acts of Maryland in that behalf. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 502.
Entry of a power of attorney from William Legg of London, esq., to Francis Comyn (Comins) of Chigwell, co. Essex, gent., for taking and discharging all debts payable from the Exchequer or any other office or person [being in effect an assignment to said Comins]. Ibid, p. 515.
Treasury warrant to Cha. Chetwynd, Pro-Auditor or Deputy Auditor [of Crown Revenues] for Wales, for a particular of the premises (a mill) petitioned for by John Weaver, ut supra, p. 905 ; with a view to a fresh lease thereof to him for 31 years at the rent of 19s. 8d. per an. constantly paid by him as farmer thereof.
Prefixing : said Chetwynd's report on said Weaver's petition. The premises are not worth more than 20s. per an.
Ibid, p. 516.
Feb. 13. Royal sign manual for 155l. to Sir John Trevor : without account : for 31 days, 1691, Dec. 31, to Jan. 31 following, on his allowance of 5l. a day as Speaker of the House of Commons. (Money warrant dated Feb. 19 hereon.) (Money order dated Feb. 22 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVI, pp. 142, 152. Money Book XI, p. 263. Order Book III. p. 247.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 10,000l. to Henry D'Auverquer, esq., Master of the Horse : as imprest for the extraordinary expense and service for the Stables. (Money warrant dated Mar. 4 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated Feb. 27.) (Money order dated Mar. 7 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 153. Money Book XI, p. 273. Order Book III, p. 252.
Same to same for a same for 40,000l. to Thomas Lloyd, Paymaster of the Works, as imprest for the service of the Works. (Money warrant dated Mar. 14 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated Feb. 29.) (Money order dated Mar. 14 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 157. Money Book XI, p. 277. Order Book III, p. 256.
Royal sign manual for 80l. to John Bellamy : without account : "in reward and consideration of his services performed to us." (Money warrant dated Feb. 23 hereon.) (Money order dated Feb. 24 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 158. Money Book XI, p. 264. Order Book III, p. 249.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a grant to the Bishop of Peterborough of the temporalities of that bishopric between the feast of St. Andrew (Nov. 30), 1690, and the time of the restitution of the said temporalities to the said present Bishop : being 305l. 10s. 2¾d. due for rents and profits for the half year ended at Lady day, 1691, and 2l. 18s. 7½d. for fines and profits of courts received at the same feast. King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 163.
Feb. 15. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the 2s. Aid, the Additional Poll and the 1s. Aid, together with 3l. 7s. 10d. of the small branches of the revenue : viz. : Disposition Book X, p. 64.
l. s. d.
to Mr. Bertie for Mris. Cocke 20 0 0
to Mris. Baker 225 0 0
to the poor of St. Margaret's, St. Martin's, Westminster, and King Charles I's Hospital 200 0 0
to Serjt. Reyley 50 3 9
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox. I have read to my Lords your report on the petition, ut supra, p. 1293, of Capt. David Heard, late Provost Marshal General of Ireland, that 171l. is due to him. You are to insert that sum upon your [next weekly] memorial for money. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 201.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Hercules Browne. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt, enclosing a draft [missing] of an agreement between the Comte de Solms and Antonio Machado for furnishing 200 waggons etc. It is approved by the King. Please signify same to the Comte de Solmes. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded, enclosing the petition [missing] of four prisoners of war in Chester Castle. It is the King's pleasure that they be paid 12d. a day each from Feb. 1 inst. and to continue until they are transported. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Mr. Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor]. Send my Lords an account of the yearly value of all that is now recovered into the King's hands of the estate of Visct. Preston. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 202.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox, enclosing a memorial [missing] of Balthazar Vanulite, esq., agent to the Rt. Honble. Hen. D'Nassau D'Auverquere, Master of the Horse to the King, concerning money imprested to the Duke of Leinster for buying recruit horses in Ireland ; together with Auditor Bridges' report thereon. My Lords desire you to do as is therein desired. Ibid.
Same to same, enclosing a petition and other papers [all missing] of the officers and soldiers that served in Londonderry during the siege. You are to state that account and present same to my Lords. Ibid.
Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Ordnance to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Col. Jacob Richards. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh. I have read to my Lords your report on the petition of Mary Hopkins and Margaret Harris, matrons of the Hospital on Hounslow Heath. You are to put on your [next weekly] memorial for money the 58l. 18s. 0d. which you certify as due to them to Sept. 25 last. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Lau. Ambrose, desiring to substitute Charles Ambrose for Hen. Beck as a surety for him as collector for co. Berks of the second Twelve Months' Aid, ut supra, p. 1474. Reference Book VI, p. 372.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Ann Archer, widow of Capt. James Archer, showing that her husband was 26 years Engineer to Charles II and that she lost three of her sons in the King's service ; therefore praying a grant of several fines, viz. of Beaumont Biron, Thomas Ballard and Philemon Coddan, late officers of the Customs at Bristol, who were fined 17 Nov., 1690, respectively 200l., 100l. and 100l. for endeavouring to defraud the King of his Customs. Ibid, p. 375.
Feb. 16. Money warrant for 100l. to the churchwardens of St. Martins in the Fields for one year to Christmas last on the annuity for the poor of that parish. (Money order dated Feb. 17 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 262. Order Book III, p. 248.
Same for 50l. to the Treasurer of King Charles I's Hospital in Westminster for one year's annuity to Christmas last for the keeping and bringing up of poor fatherless children in the said Hospital.
50l. to the churchwardens of St. Margaret's, Westminster, for same time on the annuity for the poor of said parish.
(Money orders dated Feb. 20 hereon.)
Money Book XI, p. 262. Order Book III, p. 248.
Same for 75l. to Ann Baker, widow of Col. Henry Baker, for same quarter on her pension. Money Book XI, pp. 79, 223.
Henry Guy to Mr. Blathwayt [as Secretary to the Forces] to send the necessary directions that the shoes at Chester may be sent for the use of the Army in Ireland, as they were at first intended. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 203.
Henry Guy to Mr. Blathwayt. My Lords have received the King's pleasure that Col. Geo. Churchill should be put upon the establishment of the Army for the same allowance as Col. Ashton and Col. Bings. Take care to do this as from Jan. 1 last. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 203.
Same to the Auditor [of Crown Revenues] for co. Warwick, enclosing a draft warrant [missing] for a grant and confirmation to Sir Richard Newdigate of the manor of Astley. co. Warwick, and of divers lands etc. therein. You are to certify whether any of the said premises belong to the Crown and are in charge before you or not. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Hunt as a tidesurveyor, London port. loco Richard Hurlston, who relinquishes same. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 388.
Treasury reference to Mr. Harbord [Surveyor General of Crown Lands] of the petition of Mr. Fremyn for a lease of the manor of Curry Mallet, co. Somerset, and the manor of Mere, co. Wilts. Reference Book VI, p. 375.
Same to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of William Buggin, administrator of Robert Buggin, one of the sureties of Giles Baker, late a receiver of the Excise on coffee, praying release from Robert's bond, the said Baker being indebted in 370l. 18s. 8d. to the Crown and said Robert having died intestate, and petitioner having distributed his estate before receiving notice of said bond to the King. Ibid, p. 376.
Same to same of the petition of Richard Price, praying discharge from his bond as security for one Williams, [late] a collector of Hearthmoney, who is in arrear about 69l. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Deputy Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the parcel of land called Ellmore, at Tiverton, co. Devon, and for a ratal of same in order to a lease thereof to the Mayor, burgesses and inhabitants of Tiverton for the sole use and benefit of the poor of said town for 99 years at a rent of 20s. to the Crown.
Appending : report, dated Nov. 25 last, by William Tailer. Deputy Surveyor General of Crown Lands, on the Treasury reference of July 31 last, supra, p. 1251. enclosing an Order of Council of the 23rd of the same month, therein reciting a report made by the Attorney General on the petition of said Mayor etc., concerning said land. This piece of ground was petitioned for in 1686 by John Sibley by the name of a plot of barren waste ground containing 12 or 14 acres full of pits and holes, very noisome to the inhabitants and of little or no profit to anyone, and that no one claimed interest therein, but that it belonged to the Crown. The truth of Sibley's petition was attested by Sir Hugh Auckland. Mayor of Tiverton, Edmund Gibbons, Deputy Recorder, and 15 of the burgesses and assistants of that Corporation. Thereupon Mr. Fisher, then Deputy Surveyor of Crown Lands, reported 1686-7, Feb. 27, that he had no survey of the premises, nor were they in charge before the auditor ; he therefore sent to Mr. Sainthill, then steward of the manor of Bradninch, who certified that it was reputed about 20 acres and expressed the abuttals thereof as they were afterwards inserted in the lease thereof made to Lord Hunsdon and James Calwoodleigh, gent., at the nomination of said Sibley. These abuttals agreed with those certified to Mr. Fisher by two able inhabitants of the town, who found it to contain about 17 acres. A constat was thereon rated under Treasury warrant of 1687, April 18, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VIII, p. 1313, and thereupon a 99 years' lease (not the inheritance, as desired) afterwards passed.
In July, 1687, Richard Cole petitioned the Treasury Lords, alleging that the quantity was much more than was expressed in Sibley's lease, and thereupon Fisher advised a survey and on the 13th Oct., 1687, wrote accordingly to Sir John Southcote, kt., and to the Mayor etc. of Tiverton, and they returned reply that divers ancient inhabitants of the said town testified that they had been told by their ancestors and other aged people that all the lands called Elmore had been ever anciently esteemed 150 acres and that the same reputation had been continued to that day and that the boundaries which included the said 150 acres were the same as in Sibley's lease, and that they believed about 20 acres thereof was unenclosed, but that the remainder, as those ancient men told them, had been enclosed and possessed by divers inhabitants beyond the reach of their memory, and that they believed his Majesty was deceived in his grant to Sibley.
Upon the return of this certificate, the Treasury Lords ordered that Cole should at his own charge bring a scire facias against Sibley's lease and when that lease was avoided, then Mr. Cole should have a lease of the whole 150 acres at Elmore, but nothing further appears done for that petitioner. The Attorney General is of opinion that Sibley's lease is void by reason of mistakes in the boundaries and that it is reasonable to grant and confirm the premises to the present petitioners for their encouragement to improve the same for the sole use and benefit of the poor of the town, who are alleged to be very many.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 510-14.
Treasury order, by way of subscription, for the execution of a warrant, dated Dec. 26 last, from the Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain, to Sir Francis Lawley, Master and Treasurer of the Jewel House, for the delivery to the Rt. Honble. Lord Lucas, Governor of the Tower of London, of a silver flagon and bason, gilt and chased, for the use of their Majesties' Chapel in the Tower. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 516.
Feb. 17. Royal warrant to the Attorney General for a privy seal to discharge Sir James Edwards, of the city of York, of the baronet fee of 1,095l. due from him for that dignity. (Privy seal dated Feb. 29.) King's Warrant Book XVI, pp. 144, 188-9.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a same for raising 20,000l. by wood sales in Dean Forest as follows. Phillip Ryley, Surveyor General of Woods, Trent South, William Cooke, Reginald Pindar, William Boevy, John Viney and John Kyrle being commissioned May 18 to view said forest, have certified that in the places as in the schedule below there are great and valuable quantities of scrubbed beech and birch with some holly, hazel and orle fit to be cut, and that provided care be taken to preserve all oak, straight beech and sufficient shelter the cutting of the said timber will be consistent with the Act of 20 Car. II, c. 8 ; further that the fences there necessary to be repaired for preservation of timber are the Lea Bayly, Chestnut Coppice, Edghills, Badcock's Bayly, Buardeans[Ruardean] Inclosure and the Fence, to a total charge of 137l. 10s. 0d. ; further that the greatest part of the Castle of St. Briavel, being an ancient building, is ruined and fallen down and only some part thereof kept up for a place to hold the Courts in for the King's manor and hundred of St. Briavell, and also for a prison for debtors and offenders in said forest, and that the charge of mending the roof, tiling, glazing and building a new pound will be 10l. 14s. 2d. : further that two keepers' lodges, Worcester Lodge and York Lodge, which were pulled down in 1688, are absolutely necessary to be rebuilt at a charge of 90l. and 12 tons of timber, being 18l. ; further, that the Speech House, where the Courts are held for the said forest, being also the principal Lodge, requires still 111l. 12s. 0d. besides the moneys already laid out for repairs of the roof ; further, that the colliers of the said forest have, time out of mind, had an allowance of wood for [pit props for] support of their pits, which allowance has been usually made them by order of the verderers and taken by view of a woodward or keeper ; but of late some stop has been put thereto, and for preventing of wastes which are daily committed under pretence thereof, the said Commissioners have advised that the allowance of wood may be made to the said colliers and taken by view of a woodward or keeper, as formerly.
Hereupon the King hereby authorises the Treasury Lords to give warrant to said Ryley, with the approbation of two of the Justices of Peace of co. Gloucester, to cut such scrubbed beech etc. as above as may within seven years next ensuing raise the full sum of 20,000l. ; that is to say 2,000l. within one year hereof and 3,000l. for each of the six succeeding years : and thereout the abovesaid repairs at charges of 137l. 10s. 0d., 10l. 14s. 2d. and 219l. 12s. 0d. respectively are to be hereby done ; and further hereby the allowance of wood to the colliers there is to be continued to them by order of the verderers and to be taken by view of the woodward or keeper as formerly ; and further thereout 500l. is hereby to be paid to Daniel Osborne, esq., for and towards rebuilding the houses, shambles, part of the Town Hall and other public buildings of the town of Hedon, co. Yorks, which were burned by a great fire there.
Further, after payment of the above, there shall hereby be paid out of the proceeds as above 2,500l. to Henry Guy for secret service without account. All the rest of the moneys arising by the sales of timber as above are hereby to be paid into the Exchequer by the Surveyor of Woods from time to time as it shall be raised.
Nothing herein is to hinder the privy seal of 1690, July 17, supra, pp. 738-9, for payment of 5,000l. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance out of Dean Forest and Whittlewood Forest. Finally the said Ryley is to account for all his doings herein before the Auditor for co. Gloucester as often as the Treasury Lords shall require.
Appending : the abovesaid schedule of the parts of the forest within which such timber as above may be taken : viz. : Aywood ; Great Bourte and Little Bourte ; Ruardeane Inclosure ; Blaysse Bayly ; Bradley and Copes ; Viney Hill ; Blackney's Eaves and Thorneyhill ; Morewood and Hangerbury ; Lee Bayly ; Deadmans Cross ; Blackney's Bayly, Old Bayly and Mosely Green ; Misayhurst ; Little Staplidge and Putnedge and thereabouts ; Edgehills and Badcock's Bayly ; Little Kensly, Kensley's Edge and Rusty Lawn ; Sturley Tufts ; Perry Hayditch, Middle Rudge, Saintly ; Stonedge ; Phelps Meadow ; Old Vellet ; Brockwerehill, Brockwere Ditches, Wettwood, Breemes Eves, Parkhill, Daniel Moore, Orling Meeres, about Fetterhill, Stone Stile, Wynnolls, Quiestlade, Cleeve, Birchhill, Tivey, Treehill, Darkhill, Churchhill, Ivemoorehead, Little Fairmore, Hunters Beech, Oakwood, Barnhill, Wymberly, Slade, Cannope, Coverham "and the rest of the Great Inclosures."
(No Treasury warrant appears to have been issued upon the above ordered privy seal.)
Ibid, pp. 144-8.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a privy seal for a grant to Captain Christopher Billop (in consideration of many faithful services) of the debt of 900l. 9s. 6d. due as follows for the rent of the Lordship of Dyffryn Clwydd and town of Ruthin from the estate of Richard Parry, late receiver of the rents thereof ; and further of all other moneys incurred therein or levied thereon by said Parry ; and further of all the estate of the said Parry as follows and the benefit of any securities, extents or seizures thereof : the said Richard Parry of Coedmarchan [Coed Mawr], co. Denbigh, having been appointed 1674, June 1, collector of the said rents and of the arrears thereof, and having given bond in 3,000l. thereon to Charles II, and it appearing by the account of Godfrey Harcourt, late Receiver General of Land Revenues for co. Denbigh, for the year 1687 (which was some time after the death of said Parry) that there was a super of 900l. 9s. 6d. due from him, of which some small part has been since answered ; and by an inquisition taken at Llandegla, co. Denbigh, 1690, Nov. 4, before William Robinson, sheriff of said county, it appears that Parry at his death was seized of a capital messuage called Vaynoll and divers other messuages and lands in co. Denbigh. King's Warrant Book XVI, pp. 150-2.
Same to same for a great seal for a grant to Col. Phillip Howard of the King's tenth part (up to and not exceeding the sum of 2,000l. in all) of the wrecks granted 1690, Nov. 25, to Thomas Neale, ut supra, p. 844 : all in consideration of the faithful services of the said Howard : with authority to the said Neale to pay said tenth part direct to said Howard up to said total on said Howard's acquittances, or if Neale should happen to pay any such part into the Exchequer then the Treasury Lords are hereby to be authorised to issue same forthwith to said Howard. Ibid, pp. 154-6.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a grant to John, now Bishop of Norwich, of the temporalities as follows of said see for the period between 1690, Nov. 30 (the feast of St. Andrew), and the time of the restitution of said temporalities to said present Bishop.
The said privy seal is to be directed to John Knight, gent, (who is appointed to audit the accounts of the revenues of the bishoprics lately in the King's hands), and Edward Eyre (who was appointed receiver of the sede vacante revenues of the said bishopric of Norwich on its becoming void by the deprivation of Dr. William Lloyd, whereby the temporalities thereof were in the King's hands from 1689-90. Feb. 1). The said profits so hereby granted consist of several sums, amounting to 648l. 18s. 7¾d. in money reserved and for rents payable in wheat, barley and straw valued at the market price at the time of payment thereof, that is to say 617l. 19s. 8¼d. due for the half year ended 1691, Lady day, and 30l. 18s. 11½d. due between 1691. Lady day, and June 10 following : all subject to the payment by the said present Bishop of all sums due out of the said revenue from 1690, Nov. 30, for rents resolute, stipends, pensions, fees, salaries, taxes etc. In case any of the said revenues for said interim period happen to be paid into the Exchequer, same is to be hereby issued to said Bishop. Finally, the said Edward Eyre's account for the said temporalities is hereby to terminate at 1690, Nov. 30.
King's Warrant Book XVI, pp. 158-163.
Money orders for 20l. each to Jo[h]n Lowe and Mr. Le Neve, Deputy Chamberlains of the Receipt, for 1691, Michaelmas and Hilary terms, on their allowance as additional increase of fee for sorting and ordering the Records, Foreign and Domestic, in the Treasury [of the Receipt] at Westminster. Order Book III, p. 248.
Feb. 18. Privy seal for 500l. as equipage and 5l. a day as ordinary to Robert Wolseley, esq., as Envoy Extraordinary to the Elector of Bavaria, Governor of Flanders : the first three months' ordinary to be paid in advance : together with the usual clause for allowance of his extraordinaries. King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 174.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer : viz. : Disposition Book X, pp. 64-66.
l. s. d.
Out of 5,690l. of the Double Excise and 31,233l. 7s. 3d. on the third part of the loans on the second Twelve Months' Aid for the Forces ; making 36,923l. 7s. 3d. in all.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the growing week's subsistence [of the Forces. England] and half pay to the officers 8,755 9 10
to ditto for the Aides de Camp in Flanders in 1691 in part of 1,237l. 10s. 0d. 600 0 0
to ditto for Lord Fairfax as assignee of Lady Margaret Culpeper in part of 450l. due on Dec. 31 last on her allowance of 600l. per an. 300 0 0
to ditto for the gunners in the several garrisons in further part of their arrear 107 18 4
to ditto for the matrons of the Hospital on Hounslow Heath to clear them to Sept. 25 last 58 18 0
to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby to answer bills from Ireland 879 5 0
to ditto in part of 4,828l. 19s. 4½d. to answer bills from several ports [for maintenance of the Troops brought from Ireland] 1,000 0 0
to ditto for Col. Fairfax at Chester for sick soldiers 50 0 0
to ditto for a week's subsistence for the Royal Regiment [of Horse], Sir John Lanier's, Col. Langston's, Col. Byerley's, the Duke of Leinster's and the three Danish Regiments of Horse 2,284 0 0
to ditto for the like for the Royal Regiment of Dragoons 326 0 0
to ditto for the like for eleven Regiments of Foot and the Company of Miners 1,941 6 2
to ditto for Marquis la Forrest on account of his pay as Major General of the Danish Forces 1,520 13 11
to ditto for a year's pay to Lord Geo. Hamilton as Col. and Capt. of Foot 365 0 0
to ditto for Col. du Cambon for his pay as Quarter Master General and his assistants ; to Dec. 31 last 343 15 0
to ditto for Col. Fletcher in part of 471l. 2s. 4d. for his pay as Major to the Princess Ann's Regiment of Foot to Jan. 1 last 200 0 0
to ditto for Capt. Chidley Coot, his pay as late Capt. in Sir Hen. Ingoldsby's Regiment : to the 4th inst. 151 4 0
to ditto for Monsieur le Grand on account of his pay as Aide de Camp to Count Nassau 187 10 0
to ditto, to be returned [forwarded by bills] to Hamburg for the Danes 1,000 0 0
to ditto in further part of 24,000l. to be sent to Ireland 2,000 0 0
to ditto for Monsieur Vander Esch in part of 9,113l. 8s. 0d. for four months' pay to the officers of six Regiments of Foot 4,556 14 0
to ditto for same for the serjeants, corporals, drummers and soldiers of the said six Regiments 3,633 5 0
to ditto for same for recruits to Lord Cutts' Regiment 140 0 0
to ditto for same for subsistence to Regiment of Horse Guards 400 0 0
to ditto for same for five of the seven Regiments of Horse ; 200l. each 1,000 0 0
to ditto for same for subsistence to the Regiments of Hesse, Lord Cutts, Lloyd, Nassau, Brandenburg and Groben ; 187l. 1s. 4d. each 1,122 8 0
to ditto for the Danes 4,000 0 0
£36,923 7 3
Henry Guy to Mr. Blathwayt [as Secretary to the Forces] to procure a royal warrant to authorise Charles Fox and Thomas Coningsby, Paymasters of the Forces in Ireland, to pay to the Commissioners of Sick and Wounded 300l. upon account for subsisting the Irish prisoners in the Savoy. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 203.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Richard Graham concerning a debt owing by Visct. Preston to his [Graham's] late father. Ibid.
Feb. 19. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 29,999l. 4s. 11d. to the Treasurer of the Navy and 1,978l. 9s. 1d. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance out of the loans on the second Twelve Months' Aid. Disposition Book X, p. 66.
Treasury warrant to the Navy Commissioners to pay the abovesaid 29,999l. 4s. 11d. as follows [as by the clauses of appropriation in the Act 3 Wm. and Mary, c. 5. for the abovesaid Aid]. viz. : Money Book XI, p. 263.
l. s. d.
to the Victualling 7,518 2 6
to pay of officers and seamen 11,277 3 9
for wear and tear (exclusive of the charge of building the docks as follows) 10,881 9 11
towards building a dry dock and two wet docks at Portsmouth 322 8 9
Same to the Principal Officers and Commissioners of the Ordnance to pay the abovesaid 1,978l. 9s. 1d. for the services of the Ordnance in respect to Naval affairs, as by the like clauses of appropriation. Ibid, p. 264.
Money warrant for 20l. to Robert Bertie for half a year to Christmas last on the annuity for the life of Mris. Mary Cock. Ibid, p. 263.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, out of the loans on the second Twelve Months' Aid, 8,744l. 10s. 0d. to Charles Fox and Thomas Coningsby : for the pay of the soldiers that are now agoing into Flanders. Disposition Book X, p. 66.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Sir Edward Carteret, praying payment of 73l. 12s. 0d. due for 1688. July 1, to 1688-9. Jan. 1. on his pension of 8s. a day. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 203.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. The Customs Commissioners have received from Mr. Cole, collector of Cowes port, a letter pressing for the payment of his arrears of imprest [press gang] and conduct money for that [press gang] service pursuant to the Proclamation of Jan. 28. supra, p. 1009, and further representing the great hardships he and other collectors are under in being so long out of their moneys : that the general accounts of the Customs are thereby retarded in regard that no credit can be given them for such money upon their accounts : whereby they may be discouraged to issue money upon these [press gang] occasions, which may prove of very pernicious consequence to their Majesties' service when the approaching service shall require it. My Lords recommend you to take care herein in view of the inconveniences that will arise for want of a more speedy method of payment of such moneys. Ibid, p. 204.
Henry Guy to Mr. [Charles] Fox, enclosing letters and accounts [all missing] received this day from the Commissioners of the Accounts in Ireland and from Mr. Van Homrigh. My Lords desire you to communicate to Mr. Blathwayt what is fit to be communicated from them [the said papers]. As for what relates to the bills of exchange drawn upon me, I am directed to send the persons concerned in them to you as soon as they come to me. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 204.
Same to same to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Mary Duncan, widow of Capt. Mark Duncan, praying payment of 75l. 13s. 6½d. due to her said late husband. Ibid, p. 205.
Same to the Board of Greencloth to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Robert Bedoe, underkeeper at Whitehall, praying the continuance of 100l. a year for keeping clean the street before Whitehall. Ibid, p. 204.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe an Order of Council of the 18th inst., granting permission to the Mary sloop to return home to Antigua. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 387.
Treasury reference to Sir John Somers, Solicitor General, of the petition to the King from John Nash, "Receiver General of the revenues in Bath Wells" under Charles II ; petitioner shewing that, going to his [present] Majesty upon his landing in the West, the said King signed a warrant, dated 1688, Dec. 18, "for discharging the petitioner's patent" : therefore praying a patent for the said office. Reference Book VI, p. 374.
Same to the Attorney General of a draft warrant for a grant and confirmation of the manor of Astley and other premises in co. Warwick to Sir Richard Newdigate. Ibid, p. 376.
Same to Mr. [Charles] Fox of the petition of Margaret Hooks, widow, praying payment of 108l. 17s. 2d., being her husband's arrears as Captain in Col. Herbert's late Regiment. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Auditor Aldworth of the petition of Sir William Bowes for payment of 66l. 13s. 4d., being his arrears of salary as Chief Ranger of the Forest of Teesdale. Ibid.
Same to same of the state of account of George London of moneys received for the use and service of their Majesties' Gardens and Plantations from the Earl of Portland, Superintendent thereof, or from Casper Frederick Henning or any other from the accession to Aug. 8 last : Ibid, p. 377.
l. s. d.
total charge 10,941 2 6
total discharge 11,922 7
surplusage £981 5
[? Feb. 19.] Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Walley, mariner, praying that the barke Lark of Boston in New England. 50 tons, may be permitted to sail home from Hull, where she is stopped : said petition being referred to the Treasury from the Privy Council. Reference Book VI, p. 377.
Feb. 19. Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the Manor House and land at York in order to a lease thereof to Robert Waller for 31 years at 10s. per an. rent : with a covenant to discharge the King of the fee of 20 Nobles a year payable to the housekeeper there and with a reservation of such rooms as are now used for the steward to keep the courts there, as has been accustomed.
Prefixing : note only of the report of the Attorney General on said Waller's petition. Having heard said Waller and Mr. Ralph Rymer as to his title thereto, the Attorney General reported that it was in their Majesties' power to grant the premises to whom they should think fit.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 502.
[?] Entry of [the Treasury Lords' signature of] the docquet of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Geo. Luxford of divers lands and tenements in co. Sussex, part of the lands of Augustin Floate. outlaw at a rent of 5s. per an. and fine of 10s. Ibid, p. 503.