Entry Book: December 1691, 16-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Entry Book: December 1691, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1412-1429 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Entry Book: December 1691, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1412-1429.

"Entry Book: December 1691, 16-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 9, 1689-1692. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol9/pp1412-1429.


December 1691, 16-31

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Dec. 16. Royal warrant to Sir George Treby. Attorney General, to enter a noli prosequi to the information in the Exchequer on the seizure of the Firr Tree. John Garfoot master, seized, ut supra, p. 1399 ; the said ship being solely owned by John Taylor, merchant, and beginning her voyage from Holland she could not procure the necessary complement of threefourths English for her crew, the ship being Dutch built and manned by foreigners, but Taylor having a protection signed by the Navy Commissioners, shewing that she was employed by contract with that Board to import the said stores for the Navy. King's Warrant Book XVI, pp. 100-1.
Royal sign manual for 310l. to Sir John Trevor, kt., without account : as for 62 days, Sept. 29 last to Nov. 30 last, on his allowance of 5l. a day as Speaker of the House of Commons. (Money warrant dated Dec. 21 hereon. (Money order dated Dec. 23 hereon.) Ibid, p. 102. Money Book XI, p. 226. Order Book III, p. 233.
Royal warrant [to the Clerk of the Signet] for a privy seal to authorise the Treasury from time to time to issue their warrant to the Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall to pay to Henry. Earl of Warrington, his annuity or yearly pension of 2,000l. granted by a great seal of 1690, April 15, as payable at the Exchequer, viz. all arrears thereon from 1690, Michaelmas, and all sums growing due thereon for the future ; it appearing that said annuity has been paid at the Receipt no further than 1690. Michaelmas, and the King intending that it shall for the future be more duly paid. King's Warrant Book XVI, pp. 102-3, 105-6.
Henry Guy to the Auditors of Imprests to charge to Charles Fox's account of the Forces [in Ireland] the 60l. which the Duke of Leinster has lately paid to him, being the remains of money in said Duke's hands for buying up of recruit horses for the service of the Army in Ireland. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 176.
Treasury reference to Mr. Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor] of the petition of William Briggs, esq., Marshal of the King's Bench, praying to be paid his charges in the execution of John Cross and in the carrying John Davies to stand in the pillory at Buckingham and for seven men he is now sending to St. Edmundsbury in Suffolk to stand in the pillory. Reference Book VI, p. 354.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Symon Davyes, late Receiver General for the First Six Months' Aid in co. Cardigan, praying an allowance for his extraordinary charges therein and for an overpayment of 20l. Reference Book VI, p. 354.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt [as Auditor General of the Plantations] of the petition to the King from Dame Letitia Bawdon, widow, and executrix of Sir John Bawdon, late of London, merchant, shewing that her husband consigned several goods and merchandises to Terence Dermott, then residing as a factor in the Island of Montserrat, which Dermott sold and received money for part thereof, the remaining proceeds standing as debt owing to Dermott, to the value of 3,000l. ; that an outlawry is issued against said Dermot and his estate in Montserrat [is] granted to Sir Michaell Cole ; therefore praying that she may not be hindered in recovering her just debts : the said petition being referred from the Privy Council to the Treasury Lords. Ibid.
Dec. 17. Royal warrant to the Attorney General to acknowledge satisfaction on record of the fine of 100 marks imposed on Charles Janvers at the Sessions of Oyer and Terminer for the county of Middlesex on Sept. 8 last for assaulting and wounding Stephen Piper, esq. : all in order to the discharge of said fine and to the enlarging of said Janvers from prison. King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 104.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer : viz. : Disposition Book X, pp. 38-9.
l. s. d.
Out of 3,461l. 9s. 10¼d. of loans on the unappropriated Excise ; 2,500l. of general loans ; 69l. 5s. 7½d. of moneys of Tenths ; 136l. 3s. 8½d. of [arrears of the] 12d. Aid ; 10,603l. 2s. 11¾d. of the Double Excise ; 1,000l. of [moneys of the duties on] low wines ; 800l. of the Letter [Office] money ; 400l. of the Second Poll ; 400l. of the 2s. Aid ; 200l. of the Additional Aid and 321l. of the moneys of the small branches [of the revenue] : making 19,891l. 2s. 2d. in all.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the growing week's subsistence [of the Forces, England] and half pay [to the officers] 7,752 9 3
to ditto for Col. Ashton and Col. Bynns in part of the arrears of their allowance of 1s. 3d. a day each 200 0 0
to ditto for the gunners in the several garrisons in further part of their arrear 107 18 4
to ditto for Sir Joseph Tredenham in further part of his arrear as Keeper of the Castle of St. Mawes 100 0 0
to ditto for the wives of the Earl of Portland's Regiment 60 0 0
to ditto for Monsieur Zuylestein's Regiment 600 0 0
to ditto for Monsieur Schuylenburg in part of 3,000l., the balance of his account 1,000 0 0
to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby in part of 8,179l. 5s. 0d. to answer bills [of exchange] from Ireland 2,000 0 0
to ditto to answer bills [of exchange] from Chester for subsisting the Forces that are to land there 600 0 0
to ditto for Col. Fairfax and Col. Windham in part of 600l. to be imprested to them, being ordered to [proceed to] Chester and Bideford to take care of the Forces that are to land there [from Ireland] 200 0 0
to ditto for 14 days' subsistence for Col. Byerley's Regiment of Horse 477 12 8
to ditto for Col. Boncour 400 0 0
to ditto for Col. Lloyd's Regiment 600 0 0
to ditto for the Commissioners of Sick and Wounded for the Irish prisoners in the Savoy 200 0 0
to ditto for the Commissioners of the Transports 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the chaplains to [Major Gen. Julius Ernst] Tettau's Regiment 80 0 0
to ditto for the recruiting of the Regiments of [Sir John] Lanier. [Col. Robert] Byerley and [the Marquis de] Ruvigny at 1,000l. each Regiment 3,000 0 0
to the Earl of Portland for the Privy Purse 1,000 0 0
to the keepers in Waltham Forest. 233 0 0
to Lord Lucas for diet for the prisoners in the Tower 180 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service 100 0 0
£19,891 0 3
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to send to Mr. Frontin at the King's Cellar at Whitehall six cases of wine consigned to me [Guy], which are for their Majesties' use. (Same to said Frontin, giving him notice thereof.) Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 179.
Same to same to report on the enclosed case [missing] of the Sugar Refiners. Ibid, p. 176.
Treasury reference to Mr. Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of Aubrey, Earl of Oxford, for a lease of a piece of waste ground behind Wallingford House. Reference Book VI, p. 359.
Dec. 18. Money warrant for 2,500l. to John Stock, esq., in repayment of the like sum lent by him into the Exchequer Dec. 11 inst. (Money order dated Dec. 19 hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 218b. Order Book III, p. 231.
Money warrant for 190l. to Phillip Bearcroft, Receiver General for co. Worcester of the 3s. Aid [2s. Aid and Additional 12d. Aid] ; as reward and for his extraordinary charges in bringing up [to London] his receipts, being 28,000l. and upwards, at five several journeys. (Money order dated 1691-2, Jan. 5, hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 219. Order Book III, p. 279.
Same for 40l. to same for his extraordinary charges in attending the Commissioners for Assessing the 3s. Aid [2s. and Additional 12d. Aids] on the salt springs and salt works in the borough of Droitwich and taking a journey to London thereupon, whereby he advanced that tax 118l. more than some of those Commissioners would have allowed. (Money order dated 1691-2, Jan. 5, hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 219. Order Book III, p. 279.
Same for 250l. 17s. 6d. to Edward Mitchell, Receiver for co. Gloucester of the 12d. Aid, 3s. Aid [2s. and Additional 12d. Aids], the Review of the Poll and Additional Poll, and the last Poll [being for extraordinary expenses etc. as above]. (Money order dated 1691-2, Jan. 5, hereon.) Money Book XI, p. 219. Order Book III, p. 279.
Treasury warrant to the Principal Commissioners for Prizes to direct their Receiver General to pay 103l. 4s. 0d. to the mariners of the ship Sturgeon, Jacob Steer master, being due to them for wages : it appearing from the said Commissioners' memorial of the 12th inst. that said ship was some time since discharged upon bail of 1,672l. 18s. 8d. given to the Admiralty Court, and that now by the means of one Peter Albertson, who was the person that gave the information and that brought all the mariners belonging to said ship to be examined as witnesses for the King (as appears by the certificate of Sir Thomas Pinfold, their Majesties' Advocate in the said [Admiralty Prize] Court, together with Samuell Francklin, esq., their Majesties' Proctor), whereby the said ship was condemned with her lading ; and by the said sentence of condemnation the wages due to the said mariners are all forfeited, but they being poor aliens and foreigners and having nothing wherewith to subsist, have prayed payment of their wages to the above amount, as without their evidence there would have been little or no proof to condemn the ship ; and the Prizes Commissioners think a precedent of such a bounty, if now made, would much facilitate the condemnation of ships for the future which for want of sufficient evidence are more frequently discharged than condemned, "and being likewise informed that the like thing [bounty] was frequently practised in the late wars, which gave great despatch to the affairs in that Court." Money Book XI, pp. 220-1.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue out of any disposable, unappropriated moneys in the Exchequer 25l. to Mr. Laycock, Surveyor of Woods, Trent North ; and 20l. to Mr. James Roche. Disposition Book X, p. 39.
Same to Mr. Laycock, enclosing a petition of the Corporation and inhabitants of Hedon, co. Yorks, praying a grant of dotard trees out of Sherwood Forest sufficient to raise 500l. towards rebuilding the houses, shambles and other public buildings belonging to that Corporation that were consumed by fire. The King being pleased to gratify petitioners, you are to certify out of what part of the forest such trees may be most conveniently felled. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 176.
Henry Guy to Aaron Smith to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of Sir Joseph Williamson touching a fee farm rent payable to him by Visct. Preston out of the manor of Nunnington, co. Yorks. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 176.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Robert Waller for a lease of their Majesties' Manor House at York. Ibid, p. 177.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to write to the Excise Collectors about Bideford to carry and pay to Mr. Coldham, the collector of that port, what money they have in their hands of the King's ; [same to be] for subsisting the Forces that are to land out of Ireland. They are to take said Coldham's bills on Mr. [Charles] Fox for their reimbursement for so much as they shall so pay ; and my Lords will enable Fox to comply therewith. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt [as Secretary to the Forces] to prepare a warrant for the King's signature for clearing to May 1 last the [subsistence of the] Regiments under the Earl of Marlborough and Col. Fitzpatrick. Ibid.
Same to same to similarly procure a royal warrant to authorise Charles Fox [as a Paymaster of the Forces, Ireland] to transfer to Charles Bertie, Treasurer of the Ordnance, several orders of loan, amounting in all to 15,000l., registered on the Two Thirds of the Additional Excise, being dated 11 August last and numbered from 1,848 to 1,887 inclusive : it being the King's pleasure that Fox shall so assign same, together with 7 per cent. interest thereon. Allowance thereof is to be made upon the account of said Fox and Thomas Coningsby as Paymasters of the Forces lately employed in Ireland : and the said sum is to be surcharged on the said Bertie's accounts as Treasurer of the Ordnance. Ibid.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Dec. 10 inst., giving permission to the John and Susanna, 200 tons, now cleared at Bristol, to sail to the West Indies with 16 seamen and 12 landsmen, on the petition of Sir John Duddlestone, the owner : provided the said Duddlestone do let to hire to the Commissioners for Transports, at the usual rates, two ships of about 400 tons in the whole, to be employed in bringing over the Forces from Ireland to sail with or before the said John and Susanna and within 16 days from date hereof, and also another ship of about 100 tons for the same service as soon as possible she can be got ready.
Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 371.
Same to same to observe (a) infra.
Prefixing : (a) a like Order in Council, dated Dec. 17 inst., granting permission to the Swallow brigantine, 35 tons, Richard Hinton master, to proceed on her voyage from Brighton Bay, near Chester, to Lisbon with four English seamen, on giving bond to return to England with the convoy.
Ibid, p. 372.
The like order for the ship Samuel, 200 tons, with 30 English seamen, to go as an advice ship to Fort St. George. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 372.
Treasury reference to Mr. Tailer [Deputy Surveyor General] of the petition of Thomas Morgan for a new lease of the agistment of the great forest of Brecon at the usual rent of 20l. 6s. 8d. per an.
Followed by : note of a fresh reference, dated 1692-3, Jan. 20, hereof.
Reference Book VI, p. 360.
Same to same of the petition of Rawson Hart for extension of his lease of the manor of Kirton in Lindsey, co. Lincoln, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to John Mitchell, esq., of the messuage or mansion house called Walton's Mease in Old Windsor, late in the tenure of George Wright, being parcel of the possessions acquired from Thomas Gibbons and annexed to the Honor of Windsor, and formerly demised to Dorothy Wright, 1557-8, Feb. 14, for 31 years, and granted in reversion to Robert Rainston and Freeman Young, 1568, April 17, for 21 years, and afterwards to Humfrey Michell, 1576, Dec. 30, for 21 years, and again to him, 1590, July 7, for 21 years, and afterwards to William Gwyn and William Loving, 1635, June 10, for 31 years, and now in lease inter al. to Thomas Windham by grant of 1670, May 2, for 31 years in reversion of all the aforesaid grants : always at 4l. per an. rent : of which last lease there will be 20 years to come at 1692, Lady day.
The present grant is to be in reversion of Windham's grant at the ancient rent of 4l. and fine of 20l.
Prefixing : (a) particular and memorandum of the premises made out by Norton Cambridge, deputy auditor ; (b) ratal thereof by William Tailer, Deputy Surveyor General [of Crown Lands]. The lessee is to covenant to take down the old buildings and to build a new house there to the value of 200l. at least ; with licence to dig brick earth and burn bricks for same.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 472-5.
Henry Guy to Mr. Vanhomrigh. The Treasury Lords will take care that any bills you shall think it necessary to draw, not exceeding 2,000l., by way of advance for the pay of the transport ships that went into France, shall be punctually answered. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 103.
Dec. 19. Royal warrant to Henry, Visct. Sidney, Sir Charles Porter and Thomas Coningsby, Lords Justices of Ireland, to pass letters patent under the great seal of Ireland for a grant to Geo. Tollet (Tollett), gent., of the office of Comptroller General and Accomptant General [of Ireland] to comptrol, examine and audit all accounts whatsoever relating to any the King's revenues in Ireland loco James Bonnell, gent. : to hold during pleasure, by himself or deputy : with the salary of 200l. per an. for himself and 200l. per an. for his clerk from 1691, Christmas. Ibid, pp. 103-4.
Dec. 21. Money warrant for 136l. to Anthony Church, Keeper of the Gatehouse Prison at Westminster, in full of all his demands as follows, viz. : in several journeys to carry one John Williams, a prisoner in his custody, to give evidence against clippers and coiners at several Assizes and Sessions, viz. to Gloucester, Monmouth and Hereford in July, 1687, and in September following to the Grand Sessions at Presteigne and Brecon, 90l. of which he received 50l. in part ; and 1688, April and September, in carrying the said Williams to the Grand Sessions at Brecon, 48l. and 48l. : all as certified by the report of Benjamin Overton, Warden of the Mint. (Money order dated Dec. 22 hereon.) Money Book XI, pp. 221-2. Order Book III, p. 232.
Royal sign manual for 449l. 10s. 11½d. to Shadrack Vincent, esq., without account : in consideration of his service and charges in two journeys into Cornwall, made in pursuance of the King's immediate commands. (Money warrant dated Dec. 21 hereon.) (Money order dated 1691-2, Jan. 2, hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 103. Money Book XI, p. 223. Order Book III, p. 235.
Money warrant for 727l. 2s. 9d. to George Macy, clerk to the Warden of the Mint, for charges and disbursements as follows in discovering, apprehending and prosecuting false coiners and clippers within the time of the four late Wardens of the Mint, to wit, Sir Thomas Wharton, Philip Wharton. Sir Philip Lloyd and Owen Wynn, as also of Benjamin Overton, the present Warden. Money Book XI, pp. 224-5. Order Book III, p. 233.
l. s. d.
disbursements in the time of the said Whartons, 403l., of which he has been paid 267l. 18s. 0d., as certified by the Mint Commissioners 1685, Sept. 26 135 2 0
in the time of said Lloyd 7 16 6
in the time of said Wynn, as certified by Wynn Oct. 13 last : balance due 194 14 0
in the time of said Overton, viz. from 1689-90, Feb. 6, to 1691, Sept. 6 389 10 3
£727 2 9
(Money order dated Dec. 22 hereon.)
Henry Guy to the Excise Commissioners to take care that Mr. Smith's unsatisfied tallies on the arrears of the Hearthmoney be forthwith paid off. If you have not sufficient of that fund in your hands to discharge same you are to apply what you have towards payment and to give effectual orders for the speedy bringing in of the arrears now standing out, in order to the discharge of the remainder. Disposition Book X, p. 39.
Same to Mr. Colinge, transmitting (a) infra. Please get the Privy Council to sign a letter as therein desired.
Prefixing : (a) extract of a letter from the Customs Commissioners, dated Dec. 11 inst., presenting John Prescot to be surveyor, waiter and searcher in the Isle of Man loco Benj. Dewey, whom they have thought fit to remove ; and desiring a letter from the Privy Council to the Earl of Derby to countenance and assist Prescot and the other officer there and any other Customs officer hereafter to be appointed by the said Commissioners to reside on the said island.
Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 178.
Henry Guy to Mr. [Charles] Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Mary, wife of Cuthbert Wilkinson, a Captain in the Earl of Meath's Regiment ; praying payment of some of her husband's arrears to enable her to go to Ireland. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 179.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor]. My Lords are informed that there is a debt or share in "a certain engine of napping of cloth" of about 1,600l. value belonging to Mr. James Delabadie, who is outlawed and attainted for high treason. You are to prosecute same for the King. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt [as Secretary to the Forces] to report on the enclosed presentment [missing] to the Treasury from the Commissioners of the Transportation in answer to a complaint against them by the officers of the Duke of Leinster's Regiment ; with a certificate and account annexed thereto [both missing]. Ibid, p. 180.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. Send my Lords forthwith an account of what tallies were struck at the Exchequer from 1689-90, Mar. 20, to Michaelmas following, with a particular account of what loans were made within the said time : to the end same may be presented to the House of Lords pursuant to their address to the King to that purpose ; which the King has been pleased to assent to. Ibid.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe an Order in Council [of Dec. 17 inst.], granting permission to the ship Union to go to Barbados, instead of the ship Hope, which is to go to Portugal. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 372.
Treasury warrant to same to employ Thomas Browne (who has acted for some years past as a weighing porter in London port and behaved well therein) as an established weighing porter ibid. loco John Sanderson, lately deceased.
John Prescott as surveyor, waiter and searcher in the Isle of Man loco Benj. Dewey, dismissed.
Nath. Browne (a quayman, London port) and Ben. Spense (a landwaiter, Hull port) to exchange places.
Samuell Champante, a landwaiter, Bristol port, loco Fran. Leicester, preferred.
Charles Alford as searcher of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty at Bridgetown in Barbados loco Edward Randolph, who is otherwise employed.
Francis Leicester as surveyor of Bristol port loco William Cole, who has for 20 years been surveyor there with great integrity and diligence, but is grown in years and desirous to retire ; the said Leicester having for many years acted as landwaiter there with great reputation for his skill and industry : one moiety of the salary to remain to said Cole by being charged during his lifetime on the junior surveyor there for the time being.
Ibid, p. 373.
Entry of a Treasury caveat in behalf of Charles Davenant, Dr. of Laws, against any grant to Col. Cornwall or any other, of a Hearthmoney debt due from the manor of Bredwardine in co. Hereford till Davenant be heard. Caveat Book, p. 25.
Dec. 22. Treasury warrant dormant to Mr. Knight, Customs Cashier, to pay Thomas Penington his salary of 52l. per an. as a King's waiter, London port. Money Book XI, p. 222.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 100l. to me [Guy] for secret service ; out of any unappropriated unreserved moneys in the Exchequer. Disposition Book X, p. 40.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Richard Wood and Richard Jackson, innholders in Preston, co. Lanes, for money due to them from some of the officers of Visct. Colchester's Regiment. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 180.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to remit to Ozee Belin (Bilin). a French Protestant, the King's part of the seizure of a parcel of goods (cloth, stuffs and other native manufactures shipped outwards) compounded for by him by licence of the Exchequer Court, being forfeited for non-payment of Customs, being short entered ; the appraised value being 90l. and the Customs 3l. : the ship lading same being ready to depart and the said Belin like to lose the advantage of his voyage unless speedily relieved, wherefore he was allowed to deposit the King's third part in the hands of the warehousekeeper [London port], where it still remains, and is hereby to be returned as in compassion to his case because of his ignorance of the language and custom of the country. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 374.
Treasury reference to Mr. [Charles] Fox of the petition of Lieut. Laycock for the arrears of pay due to Capt. Peter Beilbys [Beilby], his uncle, who died in Ireland, and to whom petitioner is administrator. Reference Book VI, p. 360.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith of the petition of Gilb[er]t Edwards to the King, shewing that Sir Patrick Trant is indebted to him 320l. and upwards on a bond : therefore praying to be satisfied out of the said Trant's confiscated estate : said petition being referred to the Treasury Dec. 16 inst. Ibid.
Same to the Solicitor General of the petition of Hen. Killigrew to the King, shewing that Edmd. Robinson of Yorkshire, clerk, in March, 1690. was convicted and executed for coining false money ; that he was seized of a farm worth 8l. or 9l. a year and the sheriff seized between 50l. and 60l. of his personal estate ; therefore praying a grant of "the real estate not exceeding 20l. per an. and the personal not exceeding 600l., the overplus to his Majesty" : said petition being referred to the Treasury Dec. 1 inst. Ibid, p. 361.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Sandford for payment of a debenture given some years since to one Huddleston for the drawback on tobacco exported hence to Scotland ; the Customs Commissioners refusing to pay same because of its long standing. Ibid.
Dec. 23. Royal warrant to the Earl of Ranelagh [as Paymaster of the Forces]. Our Forces in Holland and Flanders have been paid by you from time to time at the [exchange] rate of 11 guilders per £ sterling [for the subsistence] "due unto them upon the establishment of our Forces." This rate far exceeds the exchange of money in those parts and has been of extraordinary charge to us. From Jan. 1 next you are hereby to pay the said Forces at the rate of 10 guilders 10 stivers per £ sterling and no more. King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 103.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to enstal the First Fruits of Dr. John Moore as Bishop of Norwich : same to be payable by three yearly payments from 1692, Sept. 29, of 208l. 12s. 11d., 208l. 12s. 11d. and 417l. 5s. 9½d. Ibid, p. 117.
Henry Guy to the Agents for Taxes to issue process forthwith against John Latham, Receiver General for co. Lancs of the 3s. Aid [2s. Aid and Additional 12d. Aid], for the speedy recovery of the remains owing on his account. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 181.
Treasury reference to Mr. Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor] of the petition of Henry Peirson to the King, shewing that he has been at great charge for discovering divers treasonable practices against the Government : therefore praying a grant of the fine of 200l. set the last day of last term upon Thomas Thurlow, clerk, for misdemeanour : same being referred to the Treasury Dec. 9 inst. Reference Book VI, p. 360.
Same to Phillip Ryly of the petition of the inhabitants of Bray, co. Berks, shewing that the bridges within said manor and in Windsor Forest are much out of repair, and that same have always been repaired by their Majesties' ancestors : therefore praying a warrant for 18 load of timber from Windsor Forest to repair same. Ibid.
Treasury order for the execution of a warrant dated Dec. 12 inst. from the Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain, to Sir Francis Lawley, Master and Treasurer of the Jewel House, for the delivery of six pair of silver candlesticks and a silver warming pan for their Majesties' service at Windsor. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 476.
Treasury nomination of Edward Randolph as deputy in the Province of Maryland to William Blathwayt, Surveyor and Auditor General of the Plantations, viz. to be deputy in the said Office of Surveyor and Auditor General of their Majesties' revenue arising within the said Province.
Prefixing : said Blathwayt's deputation, dated Dec. 20 inst., to said Randolph as such ; during the pleasure of said Blathwayte : with power (similar to the powers granted to Blathwayte himself in his commission of 1680, May 19) to inspect all accounts of the said revenue, prizes, fines, escheats, seizures etc. from the beginning of the first Dutch war : Randolph to transmit to him every six months all such accounts as he shall before that time have inspected, examined and stated of the rents, revenues, duties and profits of the said revenue, with duplicates thereof by the next conveyance, with a note of all moneys by him recovered and paid to the proper offices for their Majesties' use which have hitherto not been so properly answered or formerly certified and made known to the said Blathwayte : Randolph to obey Blathwayte's instructions in all matters relating to his office.
Ibid, pp. 476-9. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, pp. 412-16.
Dec. 24. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of disposable, unappropriated and unreserved moneys in the Exchequer : viz. : Disposition Book X, p. 40.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the growing week's subsistence [of the Forces, England] and half pay [for the officers] 7,752 9 3
to ditto for Sir Jos. Tredenham in further part of his arrear as Keeper of the Castle of St. Mawes 100 0 0
to ditto for the wives of several of the Earl of Portland's Regiment 60 0 0
to ditto for the gunners in the several garrisons in further part of their arrear 107 18 4
to ditto for fire and candle for the Dutch Foot Guards 44 7 2
to ditto for the Commissioners of the Transports 1,000 0 0
to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby to answer bills from Chester for subsisting the Forces [brought from Ireland] 550 0 0
to ditto to answer a bill from Whitehaven for subsistence to Col. Hales's Regiment [similarly brought from Ireland] 300 0 0
to ditto to complete a month's subsistence for the same Regiment 309 8 4
to ditto for a week's subsistence for Col. Byerley's Regiment of Horse 238 16 4
to ditto for Monsieur Vander Esch, in part, to answer bills of Lieut. Gen. Sgravemore's 100 0 0
to ditto for subsistence to the Duke of Leinster's Regiment 553 4 8
to the Earl of Portland for the Privy Purse 1,000 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service 1,000 0 0
£13,116 4 1
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh. "The following particulars are what his Majesty has been pleased to appoint money to be issued to your Lordship for in this week's disposition," viz. items 1-6 as above to a total of 9,064l. 14s. 9d. Ibid, p. 44.
Same to Sir Rowland Gwyn [Treasurer of the Chamber], enclosing a letter [missing] from Sir William Forester. Return my Lords your answer to it forthwith. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 181.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt [as Secretary to the Forces] to procure a royal warrant to authorise the Earl of Ranelagh to pay 80l. to Mr. Crawford, the Chief Deputy Commissary of Musters, to be by him paid to four Deputy Commissaries of the Forces coming from Ireland for their extraordinary charge and expense in that service. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Earl of Ranelagh, [Mr. Charles Fox] and Mr. Blathwayt. My Lords desire you to meet together to consider the following particulars : what Regiments want whole clothing ; how many want half clothing ; what will be wanting on each of the said heads ; what may be the arrears of each Regiment for clothing ; what Regiments going abroad are to be first provided for ; what the several Regiments have had towards their clothing since the last clearing ; what the several Colonels will demand upon account for their arms and tents. Send my Lords your answer to this whole matter. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 182.
Same to the Commissioners of the Victualling to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of William Guard, baker. Ibid.
[?] Same to the Agents for Taxes to report on the enclosed letter from Mr. Thomas D'Oyley, Receiver General of the last Twelve Months' Aid for co. Oxford, setting forth that the tax assessed upon the five Chiltern Hundreds at the first general meeting [of the County Assessment Commissioners] was 550l. per month, "but they have not assessed or paid little above 450l. per mensem." Ibid.
Dec. 24. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to restore John Chetmell as a watchman, London port, the Commissioners having been heretofore pressed to make some suitable provision for the subsistence of Francis Smith, who was old and infirm, and therefore prevailed with said Chetmell "to give way for the said Smith to come into that part of his employment, being also messenger and doorkeeper, by means whereof the said Smith had the ease and advantage of living in the [Custom] house" : the said Smith being now dead. Out Letters (Customs) XII, p. 375.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of the merchants of Minehead, shewing that there is a duty payable at the Custom House by Act of Parliament [1 Wm. and Mary, c. 12] to exporters of corn ; but the Customs in the said port have fallen short [of what is necessary] to pay the officers' salaries, they being supplied from Bristol, so that petitioners cannot receive the money due to them : therefore praying relief. Reference Book VI, p. 361.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Francis Parry, esq., of a piece of ground, ut supra, pp. 1402-3, near the circuit of St. James's Park : for 61 years, at the rent of 6s. 8d. : with covenants to build three new substantial ice-houses etc. ut ibid.
Prefixing : constat of the premises and ratal made out by William Taylor, Deputy Surveyor General of Crown Lands : the present lease to be in consideration of 250l. to be spent in such new building of ice-houses and of all such losses which James Frontine, Yeoman of their Majesties' Ice-houses, did sustain by importing wines, brought for their Majesties' use, in uncertain cask.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 480-2.
Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to discharge Mary Boradale or the executors of her late husband, John Boradale, and his sureties from the 244l. 19s. 0d. owing by him as a collector of Hearthmoney in co. Notts, he having that sum in his hands at the time of the King's arrival in England, at what time he listed himself under Sir Scroop How and went to the siege of Carrickfergus, was at the action of the Boyne and showed himself on all other services in Ireland, even to the reducing of Limerick, where he lost his life, leaving his widow and three children in a most deplorable condition : he having been collector for several years under King James and collected very considerable sums for the duty due at Michaelmas, 1688. Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, p. 483.
The Treasury Lords to the Lords Justices, Ireland. It has been already agreed that the contract which was made last year with Mr. Isaac Pereyra to provide bread for the Army in Ireland should have continuance till Jan. 10 next. The King, considering that the said Army may want provisions of bread for their subsistence after the said Jan. 10, unless some care be taken for the same, has commanded us that either by prolonging the contract with Pereyra or by giving directions to Mr. Vanhomrig or some others for provision of bread for said Army for some further time or by such other means as you think most fit, you take effectual care that said Army be supplied after the said date until further directions be given. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 105.
Dec. 28. Treasury dormant warrant to Mr. Knight, Customs Cashier, to pay Col. Charles Fairfax and his heirs the perpetuity of 100l. per an. payable out of the Customs of the port of Kingston upon Hull, as granted by Charles II. Money Book XI, p. 225.
Henry Guy to same enclosing an Order of Council and an Order of the Committee for Trade and Plantations [both missing, see supra, pp. 1344-5]. You are to pay Col. Copley, Governor of Maryland, 500l., viz. 120l. in money and the remaining 380l. in London bills. Disposition Book X, p. 44.
Same to the Agents for Taxes. Send my Lords forthwith a list of the names of all the Receivers of the present taxes within the counties of England and Wales. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 181.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Ringsall for a noontender's place in the Customs loco William Taylor, lately deceased. Reference Book VI, p. 361.
Same to Sir Christopher Wren of the petition of John Loveing, esq., one of the Tellers of the Exchequer, showing that the house allowed him as Teller is so ruinous as to be in danger of falling to the ground. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to the Rt. Honble. Thomas, Earl Rivers, of the farm of the agistment, herbage and pasturage and the pannage of hogs, turbary, fern, crops and barks within the whole Forest of Mara and Mondrein, co. Chester (except in the enclosed grounds belonging to the Old Pale Lodge and other lodges and intakes thereto, and the Old Pale Walk which the forester there for the time being hath heretofore used to marle, plough and mowe), and of all the residue of the said enclosed grounds belonging to the Old Pale Lodge or Old Pale Walk which have not heretofore been usually marled etc. ; and of all that other parcel of enclosed ground called the New Pale within the said forest, both which grounds are reputed and have been heretofore enjoyed as part of the said agistment.
The present lease to be for 30 years concurrent with the term in being as below at the several rents of 13l. 0s. 5d. and 27l. 12s. 7d., to be paid to the Marquess of Carmarthen or other assignee of Charles Osborne and John Knight during the life of the Queen Dowager, and from the death of the Queen Dowager to be paid direct into the Exchequer ; and also reserving 5l. in the nature of a herriot after the death of the said Earl if within the present herein term : and at a fine of 200l.
Prefixing and appending : (a) Auditor William Aldworth's particular and memorandum of the premises, with data as to former grants thereof, ut supra, pp. 1378-9 ; (b) ratal of said particular by William Tailer, Deputy Surveyor General of Crown Lands ; (c) undated entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of this lease.
Warrants not Relating to Money XIII, pp. 484-6, 496.
The Treasury Lords to the Lords Justices, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition and proposal [missing] of Samuell Travers and Cha. Nicholas Eyre, esqrs., "for a lease of Post Office in that kingdom." Please report "the value of the said Post Office." Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 105.
Dec. 29. Treasury warrant to Mr. Knight [Customs Cashier] to pay 100l. to the Mayor etc. of Berwick for one year to Lady day last on the annuity granted by Charles II for repairing and keeping up the bridge built by James I over the Tweed there. Money Book XI, p. 226.
Money order for 10l. to John Lowe, gent., one of the Deputy Chamberlains of the Receipt, for 1691, Christmas quarter, for locking up and delivering out the moneys in the Receipt. Order Book III, p. 235.
Henry Guy to Mr. Knight, Customs Cashier, to pay 6,000l. into the Exchequer out of the moneys of the Fourth of the Customs. Disposition Book X, p. 41.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the above 6,000l., viz. : Ibid, p. 42.
l. s. d.
to the Cofferer of the Household 2,054 16 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber for half a year to Sept. 29 last for the Master of the Buckhounds 1,170 10 0
to the Lord Almoner, according to debentures to be made out by the Comptroller [of the Accounts of the Treasurer of the Chamber]. The remaining 2,649l. 14s. 0d. is to be reserved for my Lords' disposal 125 0 0
£3,350 6 0
Henry Guy to Sir Jos. Herne and Sir Stephen Evance. My Lords desire you to make your proposal in writing for returning [by bills of exchange] the money to the Army in Flanders for the ensuing year at 10 gilders 10 stivers for 20s. [sterling]. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 182.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to restore the ketch Salisbury and her lading to Geo. Nicholas Page, the owner : it appearing from the petition from him and Nicholas Lawrence, master of same, that she came from Boston in New England to Liverpool in 1690 and re-laded there in September or October and returned directly to Boston, arriving in February, 1690-1, but on her arrival was seized by Jahleel Brenton, who at the Court of Assistants held at Boston, Mar. 3 last, exhibited an information that she imported goods of the manufacture of Europe not bona fide laden in England ; petitioners pleaded not guilty and produced in proof the cocquets or certificates signed at Liverpool, yet the Court gave judgment for the forfeiture under the Act of 15 Car. II [c. 7], but petitioners appealed to the Court of Admiralty in England : the Customs Commissioners having also reported Oct. 7 and Dec. 3 last that it appears by the certificate of the officers of Liverpool port that said ketch was regularly cleared and discharged there and that they cannot see what cause the jury should find upon that single point, and that Brenton's mistake was probably due merely to the variations between the species of goods and the denominations under which they were expressed in the cocquets "as that the kerseys and freezes were entered as so many pound of woollen cloth, silk crapes as so many pound of silk manufactures." Out Letters (Customs) XII, pp. 375-6.
Dec. 30. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Thomas Neale of a Post [Office] as follows in the West Indies. The said Neale has lately represented that there never yet hath been any Post established for the conveying of letters within or between Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New York, New England, East and West Jersey, Pennsylvania "and northward as far as our Dominions reach in America" and that the want thereof has been a great hindrance to the trade of those parts and has therefore prayed a patent for his settling such a Post at his own charges. The Treasury Lords consulted John Wildman, then Postmaster General, on the said petition, who reported Jan. 31 last "that if the said Thomas Neale should think fit to propose a settlement of a Post Office in every or any of the chief parts in America, unto which all masters of ships and passengers might upon their first landing deliver all the letters that they shall bring ; and that if the undertakers being authorized by our General Post Office shall be bound to dispose all such letters unto all such parts of the said respective Colonies on rates proportionable to the rates established by Act of Parliament or at such other rates as the planters shall freely give for their letters upon the first settlement of such an Office ; and that if the undertakers will be also bound to collect letters as the same shall be sent to such an Office and send them for England by the first ship that shall be bound for any port of England to be there delivered to the next Post Office as the law directs," such Office may be of service to trade and correspondence and the undertaker may be licensed.
Further, the Solicitor General reported thereon July 14 last that such a grant would be legal and the initial expense considerable and little prospect of profit, therefore the grant should not be during pleasure, but a saving clause of revocation by Order in Council in case it be found inconvenient or abused should be inserted.
It is therefore hereby granted that the said Neale, his executors and assigns may for 21 years enjoy, within every or any the chief ports of the several islands, Plantations or Colonies belonging to their Majesties in America, an Office or Offices for the receiving and despatching of letters and pacquets brought from England or any parts whatsoever with power to receive same from any masters of ships and to despatch same to the addressees, taking to his own use such rates for the postage or conveyance as shall be proportionable to the rates in the Act of 12 Car. II, c. 35, for erecting and establishing a Post Office or such other rates as the planters and others will freely agree to and with power likewise to collect and receive letters and pacquets and to despatch same by the first ship to England to be delivered to the Postmaster of any port or town in England or to any of the islands, Colonies or Plantations : the rent for the present grant to be 6s. 8d. per an. payable to the King : all other persons to be forbidden to erect any such Office in any the said islands etc. : but this not to prevent any merchants, masters or others from sending by any ships or persons specially entrusted any letters or pacquets.
On his part Neale is to covenant to collect, deliver and despatch forthwith and by the first conveniency of carriage etc. and will keep fair accounts in books of the profits arising hereby and suffer same to be inspected from time to time by the appointment of the Treasury Lords to the end they may have certain knowledge of the yearly value thereof for the future : and that such public orders as the Governors of the respective Plantations etc. shall give shall be despatched and distributed by the said offices without any charge : and that no person shall be capable of any deputation relating to the exercise of said office or offices until they have taken the oaths as by 1 Wm. and Mary, c. 8. Finally this grant is to contain a clause of reassumption as above and a proviso that it be void if the said Office be not established within two years : further with a reservation that the delivery to the Postmasters of any port etc. in England of such packets and letters as above shall be without any charge to the Post Office in England and that the inland postage [in England] of such letters shall be reserved to the Crown : and that Neale shall appoint an officer in London to receive and collect all letters and pacquets for such Colonies etc. and that all letters commonly called State letters which are usually carried postage free here in England shall pass free through all our Plantations : and that at the end of the first three years from date hereof Neale shall transmit to the Treasury a true account of all the profits hereof and thereafter the like yearly if thereto required. Finally Neale to have liberty during the said term to make, use and have ferries over any river or lake in the said Colonies etc. (where no ferries are yet made or granted) and shall receive the profits thereof to his own use ; provided always that where such ferries are made over other men's land or water the proprietor's consent be first gained.
King's Warrant Book XVI, pp. 108-114.
Royal warrant to Charles Fox [as one of the Paymasters of the Forces employed or lately employed in the reducing of Ireland] to assign and transfer to Charles Bertie. Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance, the 15,000l. in orders of loan numbered from 1,848 to 1,887 on the Two Thirds of the Additional Excise, together with the interest thereon at 7 per cent. [all ut supra, p. 1416] : with authority to Auditors Brook Bridges and Thomas Done to allow same in the account of said Fox and to surcharge same in the account of said Bertie as upon account of land and sea service of the Office of Ordnance. King's Warrant Book XVI, p. 115.
Royal sign manual for 4,000l. to John Braguiere, esq. : without account : to be distributed by him among the distressed French Protestants "as our charity and benevolence to them for and towards their relief and subsistence." (Money warrant dated 1691-2. Jan. 5, hereon.) (Money order dated 1691-2. Jan. 11. hereon.) Ibid, p. 117. Money Book XI, p. 231. Order Book III, p. 235.
Same for 180l. to Robert, Lord Lucas. Governor of the Tower of London, as in full of the bill infra for dieting of several prisoners at the Tower from Aug. 15 last to Dec. 19 inst. : it being certified by the Earl of Ranelagh, Paymaster of the Forces, that these disbursements are not comprehended or allowed in the establishment of the garrison in the Tower.
Appending : said bill (the prisoners being the Earl of Clancarty. Col. MacEllyot, Col. Owen Maccarty, Major Maccarty and Col. Murphey : 18 weeks at 40s. per week each). (Money warrant dated 1691-2, Jan. 5, hereon.) (Money order dated 1691-2, Jan. 11. hereon.)
King's Warrant Book XVI, pp. 117-8. Money Book XI, p. 232. Order Book III, p. 235.
Henry Guy to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of John Vernon. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 105.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,500l. to the Master of the Horse on his order of the 14th inst., supra, p. 1411, out of the Fourth of the Customs appointed to be reserved, supra, p. 1425. Disposition Book X, p. 43.
Dec. 31. Same to same to issue as follows out of any disposable, unappropriated and unreserved moneys in the Exchequer : viz. : Ibid, pp. 42-3.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for the growing week's subsistence [of the Forces. England] and half pay [to the officers] 8,755 9 10
to ditto for the wives of several of the Earl of Portland's Regiment 60 0 0
to ditto for the gunners in the several garrisons in further part of their arrear 107 18 4
to ditto for the Commissioners of the Transports 1,000 0 0
to Mr. Fox and Mr. Coningsby in part to answer bills for 6,679l. 5s. 0d. from Ireland 1,000 0 0
to ditto to answer bills from several ports for subsisting the Forces [on their transport from Ireland to England] 752 10 0
to ditto for a week's subsistence to Col. Byerley's Regiment of Horse and Col. Hales's Regiment of Foot 391 3 5
to ditto for Thomas Seabourn in part of his disbursements on account of the Hospital at Chester 100 0 0
to ditto in part of 580l. 13s. 0d. for three months' subsistence to the wives and families of four French Regiments 100 0 0
to ditto for Count Nassau 300 0 0
to ditto for Monsieur Vander Esch in further part of Monsieur Sgravemore's bills 100 0 0
to ditto for Col. Langston's Regiment 1,000 0 0
to ditto for Col. Boncour's Regiment 900 0 0
to ditto for the Regiments of Foot of Colonels [Richard] Brewer, [Sir John] Hales and Venner 600 0 0
to ditto for Mr. Venner for cheese 416 0 0
to the Earl of Portland for the Privy Purse 1,000 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service 1,000 0 0
£17,583 1 7
Henry Guy to William Blathwayt [as Secretary to the Forces] to procure a royal warrant to authorise Charles Fox and Thomas Coningsby, Paymasters of the Forces in Ireland, to pay 200l. to the Commissioners of Sick and Wounded upon account for subsisting the Irish prisoners in the Savoy. Out Letters (General) XIII, p. 178.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. I have read to my Lords your presentment of the 23rd inst. touching the duty on sea coal to be exported to the Plantations. They direct you to take the opinion of the King's Counsel in that matter. Ibid, p. 183.
Same to same, enclosing an Order of Council and a draft letter [both missing] prepared there [at the Privy Council] to be sent to the Earl of Derby by Mr. Prescott, "whom you are sending to the Isle of Man." Report to my Lords whether the same be written as fully as you desire. Ibid.
Same to same. Send my Lords an abstract of Mrs. Jackson's case relating to the potash farm and how that matter stands since the last hearing. Ibid.
Same to the Agents for Taxes to report on the enclosed letter [missing] from three of the Commissioners for the Aids in co. Chester. Ibid.