Entry Book: December 1683, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: December 1683, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp967-982 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: December 1683, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp967-982.

"Entry Book: December 1683, 1-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp967-982.


December 1683

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Dec. 1. Money warrant for 2,250l. to George, Duke of Northumberland, for three quarters to 1682, Sept. 29, on his annuity or pension. Money Book IV, p. 297.
The like for 750l. to Charles, Duke of Southampton, for 1681, Christmas quarter, on his same.
The like for 1,500l. to Henry, Duke of Grafton, for half a year to 1683, Sept. 29, on his same.
Same for 25l. each to the Masters of Requests as follow, for one quarter each to the respective dates stated on their fee: viz. Sir Charles Cotterell, Sir William Glascock and Thomas Povey, esq., to 1682, June 24; Charles Morley, esq., to 1683, Lady day. Ibid.
Same for 125l. to Sir George Jefferyes for one quarter to the last day of Trinity term last on his salary or allowance as late one of the Justices of the city of Chester. Ibid, p. 298.
Same for 50l. to John Warren for same quarter on his same as one of the Justices of Chester. Ibid.
Same dormant for the salary of 1,000l. per an. to Sir Thomas Jones, kt., as Chief Justice of Common Pleas. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of 500l. lately paid into the Exchequer by John Loving upon account of the Poll) 499l. 14s. 1d. in discharge of a money order dated Oct. 19 last for that amount to be paid to the Agents for Taxes for and upon account of Christopher Banastre, late Receiver of the Poll, co. Lancs., in satisfaction of the like sum by him overpaid on the Exchequer on the account of said Poll and to be then thereupon repaid back into the Exchequer to be applied towards said Banastre's debt on the late Seventeen Months' Assessment for co. Lancs. Ibid, p. 299.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to Roger Hewett, Customs free, a case of pictures now arrived in the Thames from Flanders in the ship William of Antwerp, Peter de Wolfe master; same being for said Hewett's own use and not for sale. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 246.
Same to the Victualling Commissioners to survey, value and take possession of the provisions and cask, hoops and bags now in the hands of Anthony Sturt and formerly provided by him for the garrison of Tangier. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 247.
Same to same approving their proposed list of officers for the Victualling to be employed at salaries detailed, viz. Edward Wivell as assistant; Anthony Sturt, junr., as cashier; Tho. Coleby as accomptant general; Jacob Woodward as clerk of the issues; William Collins as clerk of the entries; Edw. Crawly as clerk of the cutting house; Joseph Keeling as clerk of the bakehouse; Richd. Babington as clerk of the brewhouse; Richd. Boult as hoytaker and buyer of corn; Jeremiah Kinge as master cooper; Jno. Gosling as master butcher; John Webb as messenger; Jno. Wright as labourer of the petty warrants; William Brandon as agent at Portsmouth; Christopher Godsalve as storekeeper;—Hawks as agent at Dover; Rowland Cryspe as agent at Chatham; William Addis as agent at Plymouth; Mr. Searle as [agent] at Livorno; two commissioners for the outports, Chatham and Portsmouth; Mr. Whitfield [as agent] at Kinsale in Ireland; _ [as agent] at Cadiz or Lisbon; Jervace Willis as cooper at Dover. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Visct. Falkland, Treasurer of the Navy. Money will be provided for paying off the Swallow next week. You are to order Mr. Stephens to send to the Treasury Lords an estimate what will pay her off. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 246.
Same to the Commissioners for Victualling the Navy to provide and keep in store as a constant staple beef and pork for 4,000 men for 56 days over and above the [Victualling] declarations. Ibid.
[?] Same to the Customs Commissioners. The Treasury Lords have considered your last paper concerning your going of circuits and are still of opinion that 'twill be for the King's service that one of you make a circuit and particularly begin in the ports of Southampton, Poole, Weymouth, Lyme, Dartmouth, Exeter and their members and that it be begun immediately in this season while new wines are expected. Ibid.
Dec. 1. Same to the Mint Commissioners forwarding the following proposals for making copper farthings. Report thereon and also as to what advantage it may be to the King to make farthings of tin. Ibid, pp. 246–7.
Appending: (a) petition [to the Treasury Lords] from John Hyde of Hambo [Hamburg] merchant, submitting said proposal, petitioner being informed that the King is taking care for the coinage of more halfpence and farthings for the accommodation of the petty trade of the nation.
(b) said Hyde's proposal for the obtaining a grant to coin halfpence and farthings of copper. Not many years since the King ordered the coining of halfpence and farthings of copper of near their full value. As petitioner conceives that there is not at this time a sufficient quantity of halfpence and farthings to accommodate the petty trade he proposes (on the King's allowing him the use of the coining engines in the Tower) to coin as much such coins as shall be necessary, paying the King one half the profits thereof, and advancing money for carrying on the undertaking without interest: or alternatively to pay the King 1,200l. (? 12,000l.) for the grant for such coinage.
Dec. 1. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows the 4,650l. of Customs money which Mr. Duncombe has directions to pay into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 283.
to the 12 Judges 3,000
to the Masters in Chancery 275
to the Judges of Chester 175
to the Masters of Requests 100
to me [Guy] for secret service on a warrant for that purpose 500
to ditto for same on another warrant 500
to Hugh Lloyd, clerk, for apprehending Hone 100
Same to same to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Ibid.
to the Paymaster of the Forces for subsistence 2,000
to ditto for off-reckonings 3,000
to the Cofferer of the Household 1,000
to me [Guy] for secret service on 20,000l. per an. 200
to the Duke of Monmouth 1,000
to the Duke of Southampton 375
to the Duke of Grafton 1,750
to the Duke of Northumberland 2,200
to me [Guy] for secret service on a warrant for that purpose 375
to Sir William Killegrew 125
to Somerset Fox, esq. 75
to Mris. Elianor Gwynne 500
Same to the Excise Commissioners, enclosing two papers of the [Treasury Lords'] weekly disposition of the Excise from Oct. 6 last to date hereof. Ibid, pp. 283–6.
Appending: only one of the said papers: arranged in tabular form for the services as follow and for the respective weeks from Oct. 6 onwards, viz: for the Forces subsistence 2,000l. a week for eight weeks, Oct. 6 to Nov. 24; ditto, off-reckonings 2,000l. a week for same eight weeks; ditto, Grenadiers, nil; ditto, Cinque Ports garrisons, nil; ditto, Sir Tho. Daniell for Dover garrison for a year, nil; ditto, for Portland Castle garrison for two years, nil; for the Royal Household, 2,000l. on Oct. 6 and 1,000l. weekly for the seven remaining of the said eight weeks; for [me, Guy for] secret service, 200l. a week for the said eight weeks; for the Queen to clear Midsummer Quarter [on her annuity out of the Excise] nil; for the Duke of York, nil; for Prince George of Denmark, nil; for the quarterly bill [of the Excise Office, salaries and incidents] nil; for the payment of under officers [of the Excise] 1,558l. 10s. 0d. on Nov. 17; for the Duchess of Monmouth, nil; for the Duke of Grafton for Michaelmas quarter, nil; for ditto to clear his arrears, nil; for the Duke of Southampton, nil; [? for same] towards a suit in Chancery, nil; for the Duke of Northumberland, extraordinaries, nil; [? for ditto] four months' entertainment, nil; for La[dy] Ma. Tudor, nil; for the Earl of Lichfield, nil; for the Earl of Sussex, nil; for Mris. Nelly [Gwyn] nil; for the Robes, nil; for the Duchess of Richmond, nil; for the Earl of Berkshire, nil; for Jno. Darcy, nil; for Sir William Killegrew and Somerset Fox, nil; for the Master of the Temple, nil; for Mr. Dashwood and partners [late Farmers of Excise] 1,200 weekly for the first seven of the above weeks and 12l. for the 8th week; for ditto for interest, nil; for Mr. Toll, nil; for the bankers' [perpetual annuities'] tallies, nil.
The above disposition leaves 13,022l. 10s. 0¾d. remaining in cash on the 24th Nov. and with a further 11,200l. which is to be received by Dec. 10 will make 24,222l. 10s. 0¾d. which is to be disposed as follows, viz. 2,000l. to the Forces for subsistence; 3,000l. to ditto for off-reckonings; 1,000l. to the Royal Household; 200l. [to me, Guy] for secret service; 1,000l. to the Queen; 1,000l. to the Duke of York; 1,000l. to Prince George of Denmark; 1,000l. to the Duchess of Monmouth; 375l. to the Duke of Southampton; 1,750l. to the Duke of Grafton; 2,200l. to the Duke of Northumberland; 375l. to Lady Mar Tudor; 125l. to Sir William Killegrew; 75l. to Somerset Fox; 1,002l. 9s. 0¾d. for the bankers' tallies; 904l. 14s. 2d. for interest to Dashwood et al.; 4,607l. 16s. 10d. for Mr. Toll's tallies; 2,107l. 10s. 0d. for the [Excise [Office salary] quarterly bill; 500l. for Mris. Nelly [Gwyn].
Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to pay to the survivors of George Dashwood, deceased, et al. the late Farmers or Managers of Excise (as by the indenture of 1681, June 3) 731l. 2s. 4½d. for 6 per cent. interest for 172 days (from 1682, Dec. 25, up to which date said interest is paid, to 1683, June, when the security for same was altered) upon the sum of 25,858l. 7s. 7½d. which the said Farmers overpaid to the King beyond their farm rent, allowances and surplus for the year ended 1682, June 24. Further to pay them 173l. 11s. 9½d. for the like interest for 132 days (Feb. 3 last to June 15 last, when the security was similarly altered) on the further sum of 8,000l. which they lent to the King Feb. 3 last, as by the privy seal of May 29 last. Money Book IV, pp. 303 4.
Dec. 3. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ William Lewis as a noontender London port loco Nathaniel Andrews, lately deceased. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 246.
Henry Guy to same to deliver to Don Joseph de Faria, Envoy Extraordinary from Portugal, a box of pictures arrived at the Custom House in the ship William of Antwerp. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 247.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests, enclosing (a) infra. Take care that Mr. Slingsby be charged with the 1,934l. mentioned. Ibid.
Appending: letter from Josep. Bruere [to said Guy] concerning Mr. Slingsby's petition and account and the 1,600l. therein acknowledged by said Slingsby as received for making of presses and providing other necessary instruments for coining in the new way by the mill and press "an account whereof he says shall be delivered in with all possible speed but takes no notice of the 1,934l. which he likewise received more about the same time for the like service from Sir William Parkhurst, late Warden of the Mint." He ought to render an accompt thereof before his suspension be taken off or process suspended.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Customs money as is now remaining in the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 287.
to the Treasurer of Tangier Garrison for Mr. Price's bills of exchange 1,004
to the Treasurer of the Navy for one week of the Navy's weekly money, whereof 1,000l. is for the old Victuallers 2,500
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance [for one week of the Ordnance Office's] weekly money 500
Same to same to take in 10,000l. on loan from Sir Benjamin Bathurst, which he has agreed to lend; and to reserve same for the Treasury Lords' disposal. Ibid.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to James, Duke of Monmouth, as in full of 1,500l. for 1682, June 24 quarter, on his annuity or pension. Money Book IV, p. 299.
Same for 75l. to Somerset Fox for last Sept. 29 quarter on his same. Ibid.
Same for 125l. to Sir William Killigrew for same on same. Ibid, p. 300.
Treasury warrant to Charles Fox, esq., Paymaster of the Guards [and Garrisons] approving and allowing the following sums paid by said Fox to sundry poor soldiers and widows lately sent home from the King's garrison of Tangier, being for royal bounty for their support and relief, viz.: Ibid.
l. s. d.
to 22 poor widows, 20s. each 22 0 0
to 31 poor soldiers, 20s. each 31 0 0
to 30 helpless soldiers for one week's subsistence, commencing 23 Oct. last at 3s. each 4 8 6
to 30 helpless soldiers more for one week beginning Oct. 30 6 7 6
for burying two dead soldiers and other charges 3 18 2
£67 14 2
Further requiring said Fox to take care to defalc from the pay of the soldiers as follows the moneys advanced as follows, viz.:
l. s. d.
advanced to the wives of 38 soldiers 20s. each on account of their husband's pay 38 0 0
advanced to one gunner on account of pay 2 0 0
advanced to sundry poor soldiers by clothes delivered to them which must hereafter be deducted from their pay 42 7 6
£82 7 6
Treasury fiat for royal letters patent to constitute John Dryden, of the parish of St. Bridget, London, collector of Customs and subsidies [outwards] London port loco Philip Warwick, deceased: to hold during pleasure and to be exercised by himself or deputy: with the annual fee of 5l. and all other fees and profits thereof. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 245–7.
Treasury warrant to Godson Penton, Mayor of Winchester, Sir Jno. Cloberry, kt., Sir Christopher Wren, kt., William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, Philip Packer, Paymaster of Works, Ellis Mewes [and] William Taylor, ald[erman] of Winchester, and John Fisher, gent. [deputy to said William Harbord] to view and contract for the purchase of lands at Winchester for a park there adjoining his Majesty's castle of Winchester, his Majesty having directed such a survey thereof to be taken. The rates of the contracts to be reasonable and a good title to be assured to the King. Ibid, pp. 248, 250–9.
Appending: report to the Treasury Lords from said John Fisher dated 1683, Oct. 6, containing a survey and admeasurement of said lands (with extents, and rentals detailed) as made in obedience to the King's commands signified by Sir Christopher Wren at the end of August last. The particulars consist of (1) a tenement without the Southgate, being the sign of the ball next the city south ditch and in lease to Alice Newbold, widow, from the Dean and Chapter of Winchester and let by her to one Dovey; (2) a small close of pasture between Southgate Lane and Painters Field and belonging to said Alice Newbold; (3) a small cottage and garden adjoining No. 2 and held by Widow Downton from the city of Winchester; (4) a small tenement and garden south of No. 3, held by John George as successor to Widow Stephens; (5) a same south of No. 4 and called the Naggs Head, let by Mris. Ford to William Coman with two closes leased to Mris. Ford by the Dean and Chapter of Winchester; (6) a brick tenement south of No. 5, and called the Five Bells, a freehold of James Barefoot and let by him to Peter Buffield; (7) a little hopground south of No. 6 and held by Mrs. Coulson for her widowhood and three pieces of arable land called three acres in St. Faiths Field held by her by copy of Court Roll from Sir Robt. Worsley; (8) a little piece of meadow called the Shearing Place, south of No. 7, and used with Thurmond's farm but the tenure questionable; (9) the Parock or small close of the aforesaid Mris. Ford south of No. 8 and let by her to William Coman: all the above lying in the parish of St. Thomas and all the following lying in the parish of St. Cross: (10) and old house and yard and parock or close south of No. 9 and held by Mris. Ford (with a farm over Blackbridge) from the Dean and Chapter of Winchester, the house and parock being let to Alex. Oram; (11) west of the preceding, the close called Painters Field held by farmer Robert Forder from Francis Morley, with the tithes thereof leased from the college of St. Mary near Winchester and containing 30 acres; (12) at the south end of No. 11 a little close called Bush Close belonging to said Thurmond's farm; (13) south of No. 12 a close of pasture called Barn Close, belonging to said Thurmond's farm and abutting on a lane leading from St. Cross Street to Pitt Corner; west of No. 13 a close called Square Close, belonging to Thurmond's farm, and abutting on Stammer Lane, with a footway through it; all the residue as follows lie in the great field called St. Faith's Field, viz. (15) one part of five pieces called the Forty Acres belonging to Priors Barton farm, held by Farmer Forder from the Dean and Chapter of Winchester; (16) another of said five pieces near Stammer Lane; (17) the third piece and half an acre of Mris. Coulson's; (18) the fourth piece between two small plots of Mris. Coulson; (19) the fifth piece next Mris. Coulson's last acre; (20) south of No. 19 three small pieces of Thurmond's farm; (21) east and north of No. 20 a piece called the Five Acres held by Mris. Ford with two tenements and lands in Kingsgate Street from the Dean and Chapter of Winchester; (22) more north, three pieces of land of Mris. Coulson called Three Acres and adjoining Farmer Forder's pieces and Sleeper's Bottom; (23) a piece of land partly enclosed lying on Chapel Hill, near the graves held by John Badger by copy from the Dean and Chapter of Winchester; (24) all the residue of St. Faiths Field and extending from Chapel Hill to Sleepers Bottom, Sleepers Hill and Lent Hill, and part of Thurmond's farm and now in the use of James and John Forder; (25) adjoining No. 24 about 10 acres may be spared now laid waste and open to the broad highway from Chapel Hill by Sleepers Hill to Pitt Corner, which is never ploughed but left for the passage of carts and horses. The total acreage of the said 25 lots is 352 acres 1 rood 19 perches. Thurmond's farm consists of a messuage in the parish of St. Cross and several other lands all belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Winchester and granted by them in the time of the late King to Sir Richard Titchborn, bart., for three lives whereof Sir Henry Titchborn is sole survivor, and demised by said Sir Richard to William Price, whose lease was extended for a debt to Sir Martin Barnham, whose executor Thomas Reynolds sold it to John Barton, who let it to said John and James Forder, present tenants, but Sir Henry Titchborne conceives he has the right of preemption. The separate values, detailed, of the said lots total 7,180l. which said Fisher considers very high in view of the questionable and intricate titles and therefore advises a Commission to treat etc., as herein. There is likewise a piece of ground containing one acre within the city wall near the south gate against the Bowling Green on the south side of Lady Philips's garden wall, being a hop-ground in the use of Mr. Godson Penton, present mayor, who holds it from Sir James Phillips, and which the King may think fit to add to the Bowling Green for the enlargement of a privy garden. The greater part of this piece is Sir James Phillips' free land and he seems unwilling to part with it unless he sell his house and adjacent land; but the lesser part is city land and was granted him 29 Car. II at 7s. 4d. rent and two chickens yearly. Mris. Ford has hitherto insisted on 1,050l. for her house "but since his Majesty's return now from Winchester she seems to be very ready and desirous to accommodate his Majesty therewith and wholly to submit the value thereof to his Majesty's pleasure." The Arbour Closes without the West Gate are both in lease from the city for the benefit of the children of Thomas Musprat, deceased, and are let to Alexander and Thomas Oram at 12l. per an. but the citizens formerly valued the whole at 150l. Part thereof may be used for enlarging the ground on the west side of the [King's] house and turning the highway there called Cock Lane. So much of the city west ditch as may be thought necessary for stables and yards must be agreed for with Richard Lane.
Treasury warrant to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, to pass, Customs free, the bedding, clothes and goods of the soldiers and inhabitants coming and to come from Tangier, on proof being made that same had been [previously] exported [to Tangier] from England or Ireland. Out Letters (Ireland) III, p. 221.
Dec. 4. Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit the shipment, Customs free, of victuals and stores as follow shipped by the Navy Commissioners on the William, a merchant ship, John Bennet master; same being for his Majesty's ship Ruby at Jamaica and his Majesty's ship Francis at Nevis. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, pp. 246–9.
Appending: schedule of said victuals as received from the Victualling Commissioners, viz. sea victuals for 45 men for 168 days for the Francis at Nevis, and for 200 men for four months for the Ruby at Jamaica.
Henry Guy to same. Report to the Treasury Lords on the information given them of frauds and abuses committed by Webb and Longwood, two officers at Southwold. Jno. Warren and Joseph Sheeres, who live there, will give evidence against them. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 248.
Same to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] to report to the Treasury Lords on the enclosed papers concerning the ground on which stands the Hand and Sword Inn at Newmarket, which is intended to be conveyed to the King by Lord Alington. Ibid.
Appending: note of said papers, being Sir Chr. Wrenn's report and platform of the ground and Sir Robert Sawyer's report and a draught of the ground.
Henry Guy to Mr. Stephens [Cashier to the Treasurer of the Navy]. The Treasury Lords have directed 5,500l. to be issued to the Navy Treasurer for the discharge of the Swallow. Send to the Exchequer for the money. (Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue said sum out of the money lent or to be lent by Sir Benj. Bathurst.) Out Letters (General) VII, p. 248.
Same to Mr. Porter. Hasten the perfecting your accounts of the First Fruits and Tenths. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to reserve for the Treasury Lords' disposal the 75l. paid into the Exchequer this day by Hen. Nevill, esq. Ibid.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to Philip Burton as imprest for Crown Law charges. (Money order dated Dec. 4 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 301. Order Book XXXIX, p. 114.
Same for 606l. 14s. 6d. to William Blathwayte for half a year to 1682, June 24, for incidents and salaries of the Committee of Council for Trade and Plantations. Money Book IV, pp. 301–3. Order Book XXXIX, p. 114.
Appending: two separate accounts of same for the separate quarters of said half year: (separate totals 302l. 18s. 6d. and 303l. 16s. 0d.: the Clerk of the Council in attendance being Sir Thomas Doleman, the other salaries as usual and the only incidents of interest being payments "for maps as per account," and 2l. for making a silver seal for his Majesty's Province of New Hampshire in New England, and 36l. for Exchequer fees and other charges). (Money order dated Dec. 5 hereon.)
Treasury warrant dormant to Thomas Whitley, Receiver of Crown Revenues in North Wales, to pay 100l. per an. to Edward Herbert, present Chief Justice of Chester, on the ancient fee and allowance payable to such Chief Justice out of the Crown Revenues of co. Chester which can be no longer paid thereout by reason of the sale of fee farm rents in said county. Money Book IV, p. 303.
Royal sign manual for 625l. to John Baron, esq., without account: as in consideration of the surrender made or to be made to the King by him and others of the office of circuitor and bailiff of Battles Walk in Windsor Forest, which was formerly granted to his father, Hartgill Baron, for 21 years. To be issued on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of Oct. 31 last. (Money warrant dated Dec. 10 hereon. Money order dated Dec. 10 hereon.) King's Warrant Book IX, p. 234. Money Book IV, p. 307. Order Book XXXIX, p. 115.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for a Commission to be directed (at the request and nomination of Edward Gregory under the terms of the privy seal of Aug. 29 last, supra, p. 891) to William Gregory, Henry Gregory, Michael Gregory, John Digby and to the customer, comptroller and collector of each part where this Commission shall be executed, to enquire into embezzlements, concealments, abuses or fraudulent practices whereby the King has been defrauded of prize ships or goods brought into any port of England, Wales and Berwick, except London, Portsmouth and Hull. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 249.
Dec. 5. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Henry Thornhill, esq., of the office of Receiver General of all the revenues and issues of all the honors, castles, lordships, manors, lands, tenements, rents, services and of all other possessions and hereditaments of the Crown in the counties of Kent, Surrey and Sussex, Canterbury, Rochester and Chichester and all places within the precincts of the said counties and cities in the survey of the Exchequer Court: all loco Marke Trouts, deceased: during pleasure and with the annuity or yearly fee of 100l. and all other fees, portage money, profits etc. Thornhill to first give good security. King's Warrant Book IX, pp. 234–5.
Four separate royal sign manuals for respectively 692l. 19s. 6d., 500l., 500l. and 375l. to Henry Guy for secret service without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of Oct. 31 last. (Four separate money warrants dated Dec. 8 hereon. Four separate money orders dated respectively Dec. 8, 8, 8, and 10 hereon.) Ibid, p. 235. Money Book IV, p. 305. Order Book XXXIX, pp. 114, 115.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 11,999l. 7s. 0¼d. to Sir Hugh Cholmley, bart., the King being indebted to him in 6,999l. 7s. 0¼d. for the surplusage at the foot of said Cholmley's account as late contractor for building the mole at Tangier and as afterwards Surveyor General of the said work [said account running] from 1663, Mar. 25, to 1676, June 30; and in a further sum of 5,000l. lent by said Cholmley into the Exchequer Aug. 17 last on the credit of the Customs. The payment hereof is to be as follows, viz. 1,000l. out of the Customs 1684, July 31, and 1,000l. at the end of each succeeding month till 11,000l. be paid and the remaining 999l. 7s. 0¼d. on the last day of June, 1685. Further 6 per cent. interest on said 11,999l. 7s. 0¼d. is to be paid half yearly as from Aug. 17 last to the respective times of repayment, abating the principal as same comes to be paid off. (Treasury warrant dated 1683–4, Jan. 24, to the Receipt for tallies of pro or assignment to be struck on the Customs and to be delivered to said Cholmley.) King's Warrant Book IX, p. 236. Money Book IV, p. 328.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to Mr. Blathwaite 606l. 14s. 6d. out of the money of the Four and a Half per cent. duty now remaining in the Exchequer. Disposition Book II, p. 287.
Dec. 6. Same to same to take in on loan 8,000l. from Anthony Sturt, junr., which he has agreed to lend; and to reserve same to the Treasury Lords' disposal. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the landing, Customs free, from the ships David, Dartmouth and Unity, of the goods of the soldiers or inhabitants come from Tangier; provided same be not of the product of the dominions of the French King. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 249.
Nov. 27.
altered to
Dec. 6.
Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to from time to time assign bills of imprest on the Navy Treasurer for all such sums as shall be paid into his hands for the Victualling: and to make same payable to Anthony Stuart, junr., Cashier to the Victualling Commissioners. (In the vacated Nov. 27 form of this letter the said imprest bills were to be payable to said Victualling Commissioners on their said Cashier.) Out Letters (General) VII, pp. 246, 249.
Dec. 6. Same to the Auditors of Imprests. Hasten the making up the interest account of Sir Denny Ashburnham and partners, late Victuallers of the Navy. Ibid, p. 249.
Same to Mr. Brisban for another letter to be written from the Admiralty to the Navy Commissioners to hasten their report on the proposal for furnishing hemp, pitch etc. for the Navy "because the time for providing them will be quickly gone." Ibid.
Same to Jno. Wood in co. Salop, giving him notice that Visct. Newport has petitioned the Treasury Lords for a lease of the tithes of Wilcott and Nesscliff, co. Salop, and has obtained an order for a particular. Ibid.
Money warrant for 5,000l. to Anthony Sturt, junr., in repayment of the like sum by him lent to the King into the Exchequer this day: with 6 per cent. interest payable half yearly till repayment of the principal which is intended to be on 1684, Dec. 7, to which said Sturt has assented. (Money order dated Dec. 6 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 310. Order Book XXXIX, p. 173.
Dec. 7. Same for 3,000l. to same in repayment of that sum by him lent into the Exchequer this day: with interest etc. ut supra. (Money order dated Dec. 7 hereon.) Money Book IV, p., 310. Order Book XXXIX, p. 173.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to authorise the Navy Commissioners forthwith to sell and dispose of the decayed ships, vessels and stores as in the schedule hereto, paying the proceed thereof to the Treasurer of the Navy upon account: [proceeding herein] according to instructions from time to time from the Admiralty Commissioners. King's Warrant Book IX, pp. 237–9.
Appending: (a) order of the King in Council dated Whitehall, 1683, Nov. 9, directing preparation of the privy seal as herein, upon a memorial from the Admiralty Lords representing said ships and stores as fit to be sold. (b) said schedule (the ships being the Roebuck, Hunter and Calabash, the Red Lyon and the Eagle hulks at Chatham, and the Castle and Wivenho at Portsmouth; and the sloops Emswouth, Chatham Double, Spye, Dover and two sloops at Portsmouth; and the smacks Bridgett and Lovejoy: the stores being arranged under the yards at Deptford, Woolwich, Chatham, Sheerness and Portsmouth).
Dec. 8. Same to the Receipt to issue 2,282l. 17s. 0d. to Ralph Mountague, Master of the Great Wardrobe, on the money order of 1682, Nov. 4, for 10,000l. to him in part of 40,000l. for the Wardrobe; the present issue to be for the provisions as in the following estimate. Money Book IV, pp. 305–6.
Appending: said estimate, dated Great Wardrobe, Nov. 28 last,
l. s. d.
12 close stool pans and six yards of serge for the King 4 10 0
18 0 0
a bed for the Yeoman of the Robes serge crimson curtains for the Queen's bed 15 0 0
trunks and other necessaries for the King's laundress 31 0 0
liveries for the Yeomen of the Guard and Warders 2,200 0 0
six necessary stool pans for the Queen 2 14 0
clothes for James Cuttle, a [singing] boy, dismissed 11 13 0
£2,282 17 0
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to similarly issue 376l. 7s. 3d. to Ralph Mountague, for provisions as follows. Money Book IV, p. 306.
Appending: estimate dated Great Wardrobe, Oct. 26 last, of said provisions.
l. s. d.
Garter robes for the instalment of George, Prince of Denmark 250 0 0
hire of two beds for said Prince from July 23 to Aug. 26, and hire of one of the said beds from Aug. 26 to Sept. 18 30 0 0
two books for the Register of the Garter 8 0 0
books for the Thanksgiving day 3 12 3
stuff to hang a room and three closets at Whitehall for two Maids of Honour 14 10 0
five Portugal mats for the King's and Queen's lodgings 14 5 0
scouring four suites of feathers and mending four formes 27 0 0
cloth and serge for mourning, for five porters at Whitehall 29 0 0
£376 7 3
Henry Guy to Sir Ben. Bathurst. You have not yet made the loan of 10,000l. into the Exchequer. This money is assigned for the payment of his Majesty's ships and his service suffers very much for want of it. The Treasury Lords desire you to forthwith pay it in. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 250.
Same to Sir Richard Mason et al. [late Agents for Taxes] enclosing papers from the Earl of Bridgewater [concerning the Militia Act moneys and accounts in co. Herts or Bucks]. Report thereon to the Treasury Lords. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Customs money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 288.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for one week [of the Navy's weekly] money, whereof 1,000l. is for the old Victuallers 2,500
to ditto for Mr. Pearce 200
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for one week [of the Ordnance Office's] weekly money 500
to me [Guy] in part of 692l. 19s. 6d. [for secret service] 500
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 288.
l. s. d.
to the Paymaster of the Forces for subsistence 2,000 0 0
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000 0 0
to ditto for the Grenadiers 2,000 0 0
to ditto for the [garrisons of the Cinque Port] Castles 1,222 15 0
to Sir Tho. Daniell [for Dover garrison] 152 8 4
to the Capt. of Portland Castle 300 0 0
to the Cofferer of the Household 200 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 600 0 0
to the Duke of Southampton 50 0 0
to Mris. Eleanor Gwynn 250 0 0
to the Master of the Temple 37 6 8
£10,612 10 0
(The whole of this entry is struck through and marked in the margin 'vacated.' See supra, p. 970, under date Dec. 1; infra, p. 982, under date Dec. 11.)
The Treasury Lords to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, not to let any distresses be laid on Sir Richd. Belling's lands until the King's pleasure be known on said Belling's petition for releasing part of the quit rents due to the King. Out Letters (Ireland) III, p. 222.
Dec. 10. Money warrant for 10,000l. to Ralph Mountague, Master of the Great Wardrobe, as imprest for the service of the Great Wardrobe; as by the privy seal of 1681, Dec. 7. (Money order dated Dec. 11 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 307. Order Book XXXIX, p. 115.
Same for 146l. to Sir Thomas Daniell, Captain of his Majesty's fort at Dover, for 1½ years to 1682, Lady day, on fee of 16d. a day for himself and 8d. a day each for the pay of four gunners and two soldiers. Money Book IV, p. 307.
Same for 1,222l. 15s. 0d. to Charles Fox, esq., Receiver and Paymaster of the Guards, Garrisons and Forces, as imprest to be paid over to the Lieutenant of Dover Castle for one year's pay to 1680, Sept. 29, to the captains, officers and soldiers of Arcliffe Bulwark, Motes Bulwark, and of Dover, Sandown, Deal, Sandgate and Walmer Castles, according to the ancient establishment and as by muster rolls to be signed by the Lord Warden or Lieutenant of the Cinque Ports. (Money order dated Dec. 12 hereon.) Ibid, p. 308. Order Book XXXIX, p. 116.
Same for 298l. 1s. 8d. to Wadham Strangeways, Lieutenant and Captain of the Isle and Castle of Portland, for two years to 1681, Mar. 31, on the fees and wages of 16d. a day for himself, 8d. a day for the head porter, 6d. a day for the under porter, 8d. a day for the master gunner and 6d. a day each to five other gunners and five soldiers. Money Book IV, p. 308.
Money order for 227l. 1s. 4d. to John Walker, Usher of the Exchequer Court, for necessaries delivered to the officers of said Court in Michaelmas term, 1683. Order Book XXXIX, p. 116.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Capt. William Tuite. We have no objection to a lease to petitioner and his heirs for 1,000 years from the determination of the estate tail of and in such lands as were in the possession of Sir Oliver Tuite in 1641, and to which his great grandson, Sir James Tuite, was restored by decree of the Commissioners for the Act of Settlement, except the towns and lands of Aghenemadde, Cornemuck, Moreduffe, and Banerash, alias Brenrush, in the barony and county of Longford, which are excepted in the said decree and waived by petitioner. Out Letters (Ireland) III, pp. 222–6.
Prefixing: (a) said Tute's petition to the King, shewing that by reports on his previous petition it appears that the reversion expectant in [said] estate is in the King and that the King has a present title to four ploughlands thereof because Sir James Tute was postponed for having accepted lands in Connaught for them, but it's most certain that Lord Kingston and others recovered the said lands in Connaught soon after Sir James Tuite was restored so that the said four ploughlands and the lands in Connaught are taken from the said estate: therefore prays a grant of the King's title in said estate (on the failure of the issue male of Sir Oliver Tuite). (b) Report to the King from the Duke of Ormonde dated St. James's Square, Mar. 30 last, on said petition. Petitioner has lost a considerable estate in Ireland and has served your Majesty with great affection in foreign parts. (c) Reference dated Whitehall, April 4 last, from the King to the Treasury Lords of said report. (d) Reference dated April 21 from the Treasury Lords to the Earl of Arran. Lord Deputy of Ireland, of said petition and of the Duke of Ormonde's report thereon. (e) Reference dated May 2 from the Earl of Arran to the Attorney and Solicitor General of Ireland of said petition etc. (f) Report dated July 5 from Sir William Domvile, Attorney General, Ireland, to the Earl of Arran on said petition. Sir Oliver Tuite of Sannagh, Westmeath, bart., in 1616 had issue Thomas Tuite his only son. Thomas had issue Sir Oliver, Hen. and Balthasar and died in 1635. Sir Oliver had issue Sir James, and Hen. Tuite had issue Sir Joseph, now living. The said Balthasar Tuite is living, without issue. Sir Oliver the elder being seised in his demesne as of fee in several manors, lands etc. in cos. Westmeath and Longford did by deed dated 1616–7, Jan. 8, settle same to himself and his son Thomas, except the above four excepted town lands. Said Thomas died in 1635 before his father and the said father, Sir Oliver, died in 1642 seised of an estate in the above for life only. At his death Sir Oliver the younger entered into the entailed estate as special heir male and into the said four town lands as heir at common law and enjoyed same till outed by the late usurped powers. He died in Aug., 1661. His son, Sir James, put in his claim before the Court of Claims, 1661, Sept. 8, and was heard by them 1663, Aug. 19, was declared innocent and restored, but was postponed as to the said four town lands in regard he claimed as heir at common law and had accepted lands in Connaught in lieu of them. Sir James died in 1669 without issue, when his uncle, Sir Henry, entered as next heir in tail and died in 1675, leaving issue, Sir Joseph, who is now in possession. Only he and Balthasar can pretend title to the lands entailed. As to the four townlands they are in the present disposal of the King.
Dec. 10. Henry Guy to Mr. Kent to report to the Treasury Lords on Mr. Hilton's accounts of the Customers' fees in London port from Mar. 1 last to Sept. 30 last. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 250.
Same to the Customs Commissioners for an account of the receipts of the wood farm in London port and the outports for three years to Sept. 29 last and of the repayments [of the duty on unwrought timber etc.] upon debentures [for drawback etc.] and also of the charge of management of said farm. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Brisban. Sir Richard Dutton, Governor at Barbados, has represented to the Treasury Lords that it will be more convenient for the King's service to have a yacht to attend him at Barbados rather than a frigate; and the Governor of the Leeward Isles, who now has a yacht, desires a frigate instead of it. The Treasury Lords desire the Admiralty Lords' opinion whether the changing the stations of the said vessels will be for the King's service. Ibid, p. 251.
Same to Sir Christopher Musgrave. The Committee for Trade and Plantations have reported to the Treasury Lords on several proposals made by Sir Richard Dutton, Governor of Barbados, wherein he desires that there may be given to that island 40 iron guns, culverins, and demi-culverins, to furnish the forts he had newly built and that 60 barrels of powder wherewith the country [Barbados] has supplied three of his Majesty's frigates may be satisfied to them. You are to take care that said 60 barrels be forthwith satisfied out of the stores and to inform the Treasury Lords whether said 40 guns can be furnished out of the [Ordnance] Office without prejudice to his Majesty's service. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Sir Richard Dutton, Governor of Barbados, has represented in a memorial to the Committee for Trade and Plantations, which said Committee has transmitted to the Treasury Lords, that said island wants a yearly supply of white servants not only for their plantation employments but principally for keeping up the Militia of the country which is very much lessened for want of such recruits and it is desired that they may have such a proportion yearly of servants from Scotland as may supply the necessities of Barbados, "they finding by long experience that they are much better servants than any that are sent thither from any other place." Report your opinion hereon to the Treasury Lords. Ibid.
Dec. 10. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of any Popish Recusants' money in the Exchequer, except 250l. lately paid by Mr. Whitwick) 500l. to Phillip Burton in part of 1,000l. for Crown law charges. Disposition Book II, p. 288.
Same to same to issue to me Guy, in part of 692l. 19s. 6d. [for secret service] the 192l. 19s. 6d. paid into the Exchequer by the sheriff of Middlesex and Berks, being levied by him on Mr. Buckeridge; and further to issue to Mr. Burton [for Crown law charges] the 75l. paid into the Exchequer by Mr. Nevill pursuant to a decree made in the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 291.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Capt. Richard Coote, son of the Earl of Mountrath. We concur with the Duke of Ormonde's report therein. Out Letters (Ireland) III, pp. 233–4.
Prefixing: (a) said petition. In the year of the Restoration the King granted to the said Earl (in consideration of his great charges as then one of the Lords Justices) 3,300l. out of forfeited bonds for exporting wool from Ireland to forfeited parts. Said Earl dying soon after never received any of the King's intended bounty. There has been an office erected in Ireland for entering and suing for all such wool bonds "answering unto your Majesty one-eighth part of all the money that shall be recovered thereof." Said office was granted to Sir Nicholas Armorer for 21 years from 1662, Aug. 25. This grant is now expired. Therefore prays a grant of said 3,300l. out of such bonds forfeited hereafter. (b) Reference dated Whitehall, 1683, Oct. 31, from the King to the Duke of Ormonde of said petition; the King being disposed to gratify petitioner. (c) Report dated St. James's Square, Nov. 27, from said Duke to the King thereon. The allegations are true and the petition may be granted in consideration of the eminent services of petitioner and his said father. (d) Reference dated Whitehall, Nov. 29, from the King to the Treasury Lords of said petition and report.