Entry Book: July 1682, 21-29

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: July 1682, 21-29', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp545-562 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: July 1682, 21-29', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp545-562.

"Entry Book: July 1682, 21-29". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp545-562.


July 1682

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 21. Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to William Kekewich of premises as in the two particulars below on terms etc. ut supra, p. 537. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 124–8.
Prefixing: (a) Two particulars of the said premises made forth by John Griffith, deputy auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall. (1) Two tenements in West Bonyalva, co. Cornwall, late in the tenure of Thomas Bach, a tenement called Jane's tenement, late in the tenure of John Jane, containing 42 acres parcel of the manor of Bonyalva, the tenement and mill with appurtenances in West Bonyalva now or late in the tenure of Walter Bach and John Ellyott; being all parcel of the manor of Bonyalva and late appertaining to the monastery of Launceston and now annexed to the said Duchy: excepting a messuage, orchard, garden, one acre of meadow, three acres of land, 1½ acres of wood, part of the said two tenements in the tenure of Thomas Bash: all as demised to William Kekewich, 1626, May 24, for 99 years, determinable on the lives of Jane, his wife, and George and William, his sons, at rents of 23s. 4d. for the two tenements, 21s. 8d. for Jane's tenement, and for the tenement and mill 26s. 8d.: and as afterwards by patent dated 1662, Aug. 6, demised (on surrender of the above lease) to Jane Kekewich, William Kekewich and Richard Kekewich (on the nomination of Joseph Jane, deceased) for 99 years terminable on their three lives at the rent of 3l. 11s. 8d. during the lives of Jane Kekewich and William Kekewich and 20l. de incremento during the life of Richard Kekewich. (2) The tenement in West Bonyalva late in the tenure of Stephen Hodge and Christiana, his wife, late appertaining to the said monastery of Launceston and annexed to the said Duchy: as lately demised to Thomas Chubb, senr., 1626, July 10, for 99 years determinable on the lives of Thomas, his son, and Elizabeth, wife of said Thomas, junr., and John Chubb, son of said Thomas, senr., at the rent of 24s. per an., and afterwards demised to Henry Seymour by indenture dated 1664, April 26, for 99 years (in reversion of said grant to Chubb) and determinable on the life of William Trelawney, son of Jonathan Trelawney, and at the rent of 24s. and 10l. de incremento. This increased rent of 10l. became chargeable upon the death of the abovesaid Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Chubb, who was the last life in being of that grant and died about Mich. 1674, from which time said increased rent is in arrear, being 50l. for the five years ending 1679, Sept. 29, the said tenement about that time falling into his Majesty's hands upon the death of the abovesaid William Trelawney, and for the year ending 1680, Sept. 29, the said rent of 24s. is also in arrear in regard the said tenement lay void, but for the year 1681 it was let to one Mr. Upcott, for which he paid 15l. rent to the Receiver at the audit for that year, but would hold it no longer at that rate, thinking it too dear, so that since Sept. 29, 1681, it lies unoccupied.
(b) Ratal dated 1682, June 19, by William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of said particulars.
(c) A later Treasury warrant dated 1682, Aug. 23, to the Clerk of the Pipe for the present lease to pass in the name of Mary Ross, spinster, according to the desire of said William Kekewich for such terms etc. as above, determinable upon lives to be named by her.
July 21. Henry Guy to the Attorney General. The Treasury Lords have acquainted the Excise Farmers with your opinion concerning the Excise of exported beer, and the Farmers have since brought to my Lords Mr. Sanders' opinion. Consider the same and report on it to my Lords. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 6.
Same to the Customs Commissioners forwarding for reference George Elton's petition and papers annexed, among which is William Goodall's affidavit. Examine him and report on the whole matter. Ibid, pp. 6–7.
Appending: note of said papers, viz. Elton's petition to be restored to his place as Surveyor of the Navigation Act, London port; a certificate of Sir Rich. How and Mr. Rich in Elton's behalf; a certificate of the curate and lecturer and several parishioners of St. Olave's, Southwark of his coming to church and taking the Sacrament; a certificate of William Pengrey that he has taken the oaths of allegiance and supremacy; affidavit of William Goodall of London, waterman, overseer of Waterman's Hall, London, that said Elton, waterman of the City of London, was employed in the Customs about the time of the battle of Worcester, and was appointed by the usurped powers their agent and waterman with a boat to search all vessels and boats whatsoever passing between Whitehall and Limehouse Point and to seize the King or any of the royal family or any person acting for that interest, and that he did actually night and day officiate accordingly, "and that about the same time aforesaid, some watermen at Whitehall Bridge in common discourse putting the question what would be done to the King if he were taken after the said fight at Worcester, Elton being then and there present answered, A young Tarquin, meaning the King, what should they do with him but serve him as they served his father." Further, has heard that Elton was employed in carrying the late King to his trial and that at the Restoration he conducted and endeavoured to carry away Sir Henry Mildmay, one of the King's judges.
July 21. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed papers concerning Sir Bernard Gascoine. Out Letters (General) VII. p. 7.
Appending: note of five papers concerning the fraud committed by merchants when the same vessels pass in France for French and in England for English: (a) a form of a power to agree on an expedient to prevent the said frauds; (b) the Attorney General's opinion and Mr. Thursbye's concerning same; (c) Mr. Lytcot's report to the Customs Commissioners; (d) interrogatories to be administered to masters of ships etc. on their arrival in any port in England; (e) a letter from Richard Breton dated July 4 in answer to one from Calais about this business. Out Letters (General) VII. p. 7.
Same to Mr. Agar to survey the posts, rails, gates and bridges in Salcey Forest, which are much in decay, and estimate the timber necessary for their repair. Ibid, p. 8.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Customs money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 166.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for one week's [Navy] money, whereof 2,000l. is for the Victuallers 3,500
to ditto for pay of the Oxford 9,500
to ditto for discharging the Constant Warwick's men 885
to ditto for the second payment of the towing engine 200
to ditto to reimburse yourself what you paid the Gloucester's men 600
to ditto towards repairs of ships in harbour 1,000
to ditto towards repairs of the Rupert, Greenwich, Portsmouth and Bonadventure 1,000
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for one week of the [Ordnance] money 500
Same to same to issue as follows out of such Customs money as is now remaining in the Exchequer, viz.: Ibid.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for one week's [Navy] money, whereof 2,000l. is intended for the Victuallers 3,500 0 0
to ditto for the Richmond 3,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance, weekly money according to a former letter 500 0 0
to Mr. Fox for the Forces in Virginia 2,860 16 8
£9,860 16 8
July 21. Henry Guy to Mr. Hewer. Send the Treasury Lords an account of what money has been paid by you for the victualling of Tangier since 1675, June 24. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 274.
Same to the Solicitor General. What day can you be ready with the contract for the Irish revenue? Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General returning the Warden of the Mint's proposals concerning clippers etc. ut supra, p. 541. Consider the best means for directing the Justices of the Peace to give notice to the Warden of the Mint from time to time of examinations taken by them so that he may take care of the prosecution. Ibid.
July 22. The Treasury Lords to the Bishop of Bath and Wells. You are several years in arrear with the Tenths of your diocese, for which you have sent up no account, and notwithstanding you have lately paid 550l. there remains due from you at this time 14,036l. 11s. 6½d. Make speedy payment, or otherwise inconvenience will ensue to you. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 8.
Henry Guy to Mr. Luggar, Mayor of Bodmin. The Hearthmoney Farmers complain that you have used their officers amiss and obstructed the collection of that duty. The Treasury Lords admonish you to assist the said officers all you can in the future. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Hind for a copy out of your books of the account of the 3,678l. 7s. 0d. tallies received by Mr. Kirwood out of the Hearthmoney. Ibid.
John Mytton, esq., one of his Majesty's Gentlemen Ushers, having petitioned for the office of one of the Surveyors of Woods loco Charles Strode, who lies now a-dying, is to have notice before it be granted to any other person. This caveat is entered by Mr. [Henry Guy the Treasury] Secretary's order. Caveat Book, p. 19.
Richard Robbins in behalf of Charles, Earl of Newburgh, desires that nothing be granted to Simon Smith, Robt. Brereton etc. concerning Sir William Doyly's interest in the said Earl's estate at Cirencester till the said Earl be heard. Mr. R[obbins] lives at Mr. Bull's in Duke Street in German Street. Ibid.
Phillip Nisbet and Tho. Nisbet having a reversion of the searcher's place at Hull and George Moore, the late searcher being dead and the Nisbets on the road in order to be sworn, they pray that no other by mistake [may] endeavour a grant of said office. Ibid.
July 22. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export of stores as below, Customs free, to Tangier for the service of his Majesty's ships in the Mediterranean or Gibraltar to be delivered to his Majesty's stores there, being shipped by order of the Navy Board on the Margaret pink, Ralph Crow master. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, pp. 129–30.
Appending: schedule of said stores out of the stores at Deptford and received July 15, 17 and 20 last on board the Margaret, then riding below Blackwall: (including Ipswich canvas, Lincolnshire broad [cloth] flags, cables, ironworks, pitch etc.).
Same to same to make an allowance of 10l. per an. from June 24 last till further order to William Christian, customer of Carlisle, as allowance for returning the money he collects at Whitehaven: he being directed by Treasurer Danby, 1676–7, Jan. 26, to collect the customs at Whitehaven for the patent salary [as customer of Carlisle] with an allowance of 10l. per an. for a clerk, and having had a further allowance since of 10l. per an. in regard of the difficulty of returns of money. The present [third] extra allowance is on the same score, but Christian is first to pay to the Receiver General of the Customs the residue of the money in his hands of that collection. Ibid, p. 139.
Same to Thomas Preston, of Holker, co. Lancs., to ask, demand and enter into and take possession of the following premises on behalf of the King and to receive the rents thereof upon account until the King's pleasure be further signified touching the same: all in accordance with the decree made in the Exchequer Court in Easter term last, which adjudged to the King and his heirs for ever, [as forfeited for] having been conveyed to superstitious and unlawful uses, all the scite of the late dissolved monastery of Furness, co. Lancs, and divers parcels of meadow and pasture ground called Booth grounds lying in the precincts of Dalton, the pasture, turbary or waste ground called Angerton Moss, the fishings called the oyster fishings, the fishings at Rampside. Walney and Duddon, with the liberty to take coneys in Walney and Old Barrowe, all those two messuages in Dalton and Kirkby, the Barcary alias Sheep Pasture of Kirkby Moor and Means Moor, the rectory of Dalton and all glebe, tithes, oblations, obventions, profits and commodities thereto belonging, the parcel of ground called Colt Park, the three water grist mills called Hart Milns and Sea Miln in Gleaston and Muckland alias Huckleland in Furness, the park called Hart Park, the pasture called Kilne Close, 17 acres of meadow called the Mill Damm, the parcel of ground called the Herehill, Morelett or Warelett, Greenhill, Northwick, Mare-Meadow and Hare Park, those 10 acres of land lying near the Castle of Gleaston, co. Lancs, the herbage or pasture upon the Quarrells, the park called Sheepe Park, the farm or lands called Wheat farm and Drymoulter rents, the Your [ore] mines alias iron mines, the fisheries and fishings called Urswick Tarn and the Mire in Adlingham [Aldingham] and the Standing Tarn in Muckland, parcel of the castle and manor of Gleaston and all other the messuages, buildings, lands, tenements and hereditaments of Sir Thomas Preston in Furness aforesaid. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 123.
July 22. Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of a demise to Humphrey Hughes of the tenement called Sychant [in] Nantwrog, co. Merioneth, for 21 years from 1682, May 31, at 13s. 4d. per an. rent. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 129.
Treasury warrant to Francis Dickins, woodward of New Forest, to deliver yearly six load of fuel wood to Thomas Ash, under-keeper of his Majesty's Ducquoy in said forest, he having no allowance of fuel wood as formerly and as other keepers in said forest have. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be paid into the Exchequer this week, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 167.
l. s. d.
to the Paymaster of the Forces for subsistence 2,000 0 0
to ditto for [the Cinque Port] castles 1,222 15 0
to ditto for Arcliffe [bulwark] 97 0 0
to the Cofferer of the Household 1,000 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200 0 0
for Mr. Hornby's interest 1,398 13 1
£5,918 8 1
Same to [same]. The Treasury Lords are certified by Elias Ashmole, the Comptroller of Excise, that the persons following have grants of perpetual interest on the Excise "a quarter's payment whereof to each of them is set against their respective names." The Treasury Lords desire you to certify them upon what consideration these grants are made and whether granted by letters patent or letters of privy seal, together with the dates of the respective grants, viz.: Ibid, p. 168.
[per quarter.]
l. s. d.
Lord Latimer 108 6 11
Sir John Shaw 140 6
Dr. Chamberlaine 10 11 9
Sir Edmund Turner 68 17 9
Capt. Young 6 18
Capt. Gunman 10 6
Francis Millington 19 5
Isaack Le Gouch 80 11 0
Anthony Sturt 81 19
Edwd. Stratford 30 19 5
Major Clark 36 2 8
Sir Henry Bernard 42 18 7
John Thurston 78 2 6
Geo. Toriano 1 18 7
Sir Tho. Wolstenholme 40 6 8
Robt. Rives 245 10 5
Sir Hen. Johnson 20 16 5
Tho. Price 194 2
Treasury allowance of the 1682, June 24 quarter's salary bill of the Customs, London port (except such patent officers as are paid by particular warrants). (Total, 5,346l. 14s. 5d.) Money Book IV, p. 29.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to Aubrey, Earl of Oxford for half a year to 1682, June 24, on his pension as by the patent of 1673, June 19, and privy seal of 1680, May 19. To be paid out of First Fruits moneys in the Exchequer. Ibid.
July 24. Henry Guy to Mr. Hewer. I have laid before the Treasury Lords your account of what has been paid to the Victuallers of Tangier since 1675, June 24. Inform my Lords more particularly how much was paid to Sir Dennis Gauden for the year 1677. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 8.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to send officers to-morrow to Visct. Hyde's house in St. James's Street, and to Lady Thanet's house in St. James's Square, to visit the goods of Lady Thanet and Viscountess Hyde, who are going to France. Ibid.
Same to Col. Oglethorpe to have a warrant prepared and signed by the Commissioners for the office of Master of the Horse, to be directed to the Master of the Great Wardrobe for his issuing 212l. 16s. 4d. to Sir Charles Cotterell, Master of the Ceremonies, to pay for a coach presented by the King to the Morocco ambassador. Ibid, p. 9.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit Ralph Moone to officiate pro temp. in the place of Charles Greene, riding surveyor at Uphill, who has three months' leave. Ibid.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to make up the interest accounts of Sir John James and Company and also those relating to the Forces to June 24 last and to present same to the Treasury Lords as soon as possible, "together with the ballances of all other accounts between his Majesty and them." Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Duke of Ormonde, Lieutenant General and General Governor of Ireland. Several ships laden in the Plantations with tobacco and other enumerated commodities have either not given bond at all before lading or have given bond to return to England or Ireland, in which case the Plantation duties are payable by the Act of 25 Car. II; but such ships and vessels have by several frauds and artifices evaded the payment of the said duties and carried the said goods directly to Ireland and there landed same to the great prejudice of the Customs. Further there are great frauds frequently committed in the shipping of coals, lead and tin from England to Ireland. For remedy hereof the Customs Commissioners England have appointed Charles Horne to inspect and look after the Plantation trade carried on in Ireland and Mr. Silvanus Stirrup is in like manner to examine the quantities of coals, lead and tin that shall from time to time be landed in the several ports of Ireland from England or Wales. To promote this service you are to give order from time to time for said Horne and Stirrup to have the sight and perusal of the Customs books in the respective ports of Ireland so far as may be necessary to enable them to perform their trust and that the Customs officers give them all assistance. Out Letters (Ireland) II, pp. 226–7.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue out of Wine Licence money now remaining in the Exchequer 221l. 12s. 6½d. to Jno. Walker, Usher of the Exchequer Court, as in full of 230l. 13s. 2d. for necessaries delivered to the officers of said Court in 1681, Michaelmas term. Disposition Book II, p. 168.
July 24. Treasury warrant to William Hewer [Treasurer of Tangier] to pay 40s. per quarter each to John Taylor, Dennis Lochland (Loftin), Jno. Fearcloth (Fairecloth), Robert Stapleton, John Barnes, James Sheeres (Shares), Benjamin Clarke and Thomas Churchman, eight poor Tangier soldiers "in like manner as you pay the rest of the disabled soldiers returned from that place." Money Book IV, p. 30.
Prefixing: (1) petition to the King from said soldiers having been sick and wandering in the country to find friends [and thus having] lost both their admission into hospitals and his Majesty's gracious other gifts, "excepting that four of us had 40s. a piece formerly, but none in March last when the rest had, Mr. Hewers denying their pensions because not named in the Hospital Route; and the other four never had anything since their discharge in Broad Street, only his Majesty's gracious Maundy gift," whereby petitioners are almost famished and their landlords discouraged, petitioners being deprived of all privileges at Whitehall and all parochial houses of hospitality. (2) Order by the King in Council dated Hampton Court, 1682, June 17, recommending petitioners to the Committee for the affairs of Tangier. (3) Order by the Lords of the said Committee dated July 22, desiring the Treasury Lords to have favourable consideration of petitioners, "they appearing equal objects of his Majesty's compassion with the others that have the charity of 40s. per quarter."
Same to the Excise Commissioners, Auditor and Comptroller, to accept as so much money the tally levied 1680–1, Mar. 8, on which tally there has been paid into the Exchequer 304l. 4s. 0d. by William Stanhope and Anthony Eyre, late Farmers of Excise, co. Notts, as in full of the rent agreed by them to be paid to the King for the said farm for the three years thereof from 1671, June 24; which said sum ought regularly to have been paid to the Excise Commissioners. Said Commissioners are to charge themselves therewith in their account and the Auditor and Comptroller are to allow said tally (said 304l. 4s. 0d.) in discharge. Ibid, p. 31.
Same to Auditor Brooke Bridges to allow 40l. in the account of the Clerk of the Hanaper for the year 1681, as for his expense in the passing of his said account: it being represented to the Treasury Lords by Edward Seymour. Deputy Clerk of the Hanaper that the profits arising by that office are much lessened by the taking away the Court of Wards and the Star Chamber and by reason that the wine licences do not now pass under the great seal as formerly, but that the charge of passing the accounts through the Exchequer is as great as ever, amounting to at least 40l. per an. Ibid.
July 25. Same to the Customs Commissioners to employ William Garrard as a tidesman at Scarborough loco Richard Bilburgh, lately deceased. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, pp. 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138.
William Archer as tidesman at Yarmouth loco Henry Tyrrell, lately dismissed.
George Butler as a same ibid. loco Thomas Lotham, dismissed.
Ralph Milton as a same ibid. loco Robt. Griffin, dismissed.
Charles Lewis as a landwaiter ibid. loco John Taylor, lately dismissed.
Robert Webb (an extraordinary tidesman, London port) as a tidesman in fee ibid. loco Christopher Appleby, who is to be waiter and searcher at Newcastle.
Charles Bishop as an extraordinary tidesman, London port loco Thomas Thorpe, lately dismissed.
John Ely and his mate to be established as boatmen to attend the coastwaiters in London port: with 60l. per an. salary.
George Meverell as waiter and searcher at New castle loco Thomas Sholter, lately dismissed.
Christopher Appleby (a tidesman in fee, London port) as waiter and searcher at Newcastle loco Nathaniell Massey, lately dismissed.
Stephen Sandwell as [a same ibid.] loco Ralph Collingwood, lately dismissed.
John Tolhurst [as a same ibid.] loco Robt. Stodart, lately dismissed.
William Winford as waiter and searcher at Hull loco Robert Northan, lately dismissed.
John King as same, ibid. loco John Coppledyke, lately dismissed.
Clement Potts as tidesman at Hull loco Arthur Saunderson, lately dismissed.
George Sharples as surveyor at Liverpool loco John Haughton presented to be commander of the Yarmouth [Customs] smack.
William Pope to be added to the number of the present tidesmen at Liverpool according to the Customs Commissioners' presentment of June 14 last.
Capt. Gregory Alford to be continued for one year more from June 24 last as Surveyor of the Customs in the counties of Hants, Dorset and Devon, in which he has been employed for a year to June 24 last and has done divers good services therein: to be at the salary of only 200l. for this year: as by the Customs Commissioners' report of the 11th inst.
James Lingwood as landwaiter at Colchester loco Stephen Furly, lately dismissed.
John Houghton (surveyor of Liverpool port) as commander of the Customs smack at Yarmouth loco Richard Davy, lately dismissed.
Richard Dermott as tidesman at Yarmouth loco John Crust, lately dismissed.
Thomas Yard as waiter and searcher at Sunderland loco Anthony Wooly, lately dismissed.
Arthur Bramley as waiter and searcher at Minehead loco George Blake, who is to be removed to Clovelly.
Capt. John Man, collector of Swansea, to take upon him the collection of Falmouth; and John Penhalurick, collector of Falmouth, to take upon him the collection of Poole; and Tho. Miller, collector of Poole, to take upon him the collection of Weymouth; and Alexander Trotter, collector of Weymouth, to take upon him the collection of Swansea; and Michael Walford, tidesurveyor of Yarmouth, to be tidesurveyor at Beachley in Bristol port (at his present and additional Yarmouth salary of 50l. per an.) loco Richard Fisher, and said Richard Fisher to be tidesurveyor at Yarmouth at his present Beachley salary of 55l. per an. loco said Walford: all as proposed by the Customs Commissioners in their memorial of the 21st inst.
William Seagar (a landwaiter Plymouth port, but insufficient for that employment) to be a tidesman ibid. loco Philip Gross, dismissed.
William Longwood as collector of Southwold in Yarmouth port loco John Taylor, lately dismissed.
Mr. Lynsted, collector of Lynn Regis, to have an allowance of 10l. per an. for a clerk as proposed by Mr. Dickenson in his late survey of the northern ports.
Thomas Hill as tidesman at Weymouth loco Joseph Watts, lately deceased.
Jeremy Holycrosse as waiter and searcher at Sidmouth in Exeter port loco Tobias Cawley, lately dismissed.
Richard Winn as a waiter and searcher at Plymouth loco William Seagar, who is to be a tidesman there.
Randolph Chamberlaine and John Somers as boatmen in Poole port at 10l. per an. each, the collector and surveyor of said port having proposed the addition of boatmen there for the King's service.
John Imber, waiter and searcher at Southampton port, to have 10l. per an. added to his salary.
Henry Bayly as boatman at Harwich loco Thomas Drewry, who is to be removed to Brightlingsea.
John Heron to be established as waiter and searcher at Wisbech in Lynn Regis port, with 30l. per an. salary, he having served several years as deputy to one of the patent officers: as proposed by Mr. Dickenson, ut supra.
William Loftus as tidesman at Bideford loco Edward Skinner, lately dismissed.
Daniell Chambers (waiter and searcher at Clovelly) to be removed to be waiter at Sunderland loco William Cramblington, lately dismissed: and George Blake, waiter and searcher at Minehead to be removed to be waiter and searcher at Clovelly.
Thomas Drewry (one of the boatmen at Harwich) to be removed to Brightlingsea to command the boat (which is ordered to be there) at 30l. per an. and Edward Snudden to be his mate at 25l. per an.
July 25. Instructions from the Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners in reply to the latter's memorial of the 21st inst. (1) You are to deliver up the parcel of Scotch pladding which is brought in as a wrapper to other goods and which is liable to more Customs than it is worth: ad valorem duty is to be paid on it and bond given to return it to Scotland "as hath been done in like cases." (2) We intend to speak to the Barons of the Exchequer for the order you desire concerning granting writs of assistance. (3) We intend to write to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in relation to the granting certificates and other matters. (4) In accordance with Mr. Dickenson's proposal, and your desire, you are to dismiss John Stephens, the boatman at Wivenhoe, John Lamb, waiter at Bricklesea [Brightlingsea], and Gregory Church, waiter at Mersea in Colchester port; and to sink their places and to apply their salaries of 55l. per an. to the maintenance of two able boatmen with a stout boat [at Brightlingsea]: for the better guarding Burnham river in Harwich port, one of them at a salary of 30l. per an. (which is 10l. more than the present established salary for the said boat and 25l. per an. for another able boatman; and that two additional boatmen be established in Stockton, Newcastle port, at 15l. per an. each, they finding a boat between them without further allowance or day pay: and you are to remove Cornelius Fish (the waiter at Scarborough) to Bridlington and Thomas Scovel (the waiter at Bridlington) to be waiter at Scarborough: and you are to sink the place of Edward Andrews, late tidesman and boatman at Whitby, deceased, and divide his salary between Thomas Waade, waiter and searcher, and Ralph Nicholls, the other tidesman and boatman at Whitby: and you are to present an additional tidesman for Lynn Regis port: and you are to establish two boatmen and tidesmen with a yawl at Torrington Steep "where it is informed considerable quantities of goods are shipt off," one at the salary of 25l. to keep a yawl in repair and the other at 20l. per an. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, pp. 134–5.
July 25. Henry Guy to the Excise Farmers forwarding a copy of the Attorney General's answer to Mr. Saunders' opinion touching the Excise of exported beer. Send your resolution hereon to the Treasury Lords. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 9.
The Treasury Lords to the Justices of Peace of co. Yorks. The King has been greatly prejudiced for want of due prosecution of counterfeiters, clippers and debasers of the coin. It is conceived that the Wardens of the Mint are the most proper persons to whom the informations should be transmitted in order to their prosecution. You are to so transmit them hereafter to Sir Tho. Wharton and Philip Wharton, Wardens of the Mint. Ibid, p. 10.
[?] Henry Guy to Mr. Hewer and Mr. Sheeres, forwarding the following order touching his Majesty's revenue of porterage at Tangier. Give my Lords an account herein with all speed. Ibid.
Appending: order dated Council Chamber, Whitehall, July 6, by the Lords Committees of Council for the Affairs of Tangier. Having received a letter from Col. Kirk, Governor of Tangier, of May 18 last, intimating that he had let his Majesty's revenue of porterage there to farm for six months at 2,000 pieces of Eight per an. being 900 pieces of Eight more than it was formerly let at, it is ordered that same be referred to the Treasury Lords so that such order may be given as shall be best for his Majesty's service before the expiry of said term of six months.
June 28.
altered to
July 25.
Same to the following merchants, viz.: Samll. Bulseale, William Clerke, John Polexfen, James Rudge, Samll, Tucker, Reginald Tucker, Mr. Hubland to certify the Treasury Lords how the rate of exchange of milreis from London to Lisbon went according to a medium from 1669 to 1680, and likewise of the exchange from London to Lisbon for as much as relates to Mr. Parry's own salary and allowances brought to account within that time. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 460.
July 25. Treasury warrant dormant to William Hewer [Treasurer for Tangier] to pay 40s. per quarter each to Edward Chapman and Gyles Bodwin (Bodmin) two Tangier soldiers, in like manner as the rest of the disabled soldiers returned from thence are paid. Money Book IV, p. 31.
July 25. Money warrant for 1,222l. 15s. 0d. to Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces, as imprest to be by him paid to the Lieutenant of Dover Castle for one year's pay to 1679, Sept. 29, to the Garrisons of Arcliffe Bulwark, Motes Bulwark, and Dover, Sandown, Deal, Sandgate and Walmer Castles, according to the ancient establishment and as by muster rolls to be signed by the Lord Warden or Lieutenant of the Cinque ports. (Money order dated July 26 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 32. Order Book XXXIX, p. 24.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to direct the Customs Cashier to pay 39l. 3s. 10d. to Thomas Miller in consideration of his great sufferings at Carolina and the improvement of the Customs at Poole port. Money Book IV, p. 32.
Money warrant for 23l. 12s. 1d. to Hugh, Lord Clifford, Clerk of the Pipe, for half a year to 1681, June 24, on his yearly fee of 47l. 4s. 2d. and likewise for 30l. for same half year on the allowance of 60l. per an. formerly payable at the Exchequer to the Clerk of the Pipe for writing the business of Recusants. (Money order dated July 29 for 60l. for one year ended 1681, June 24, on said allowance.) Ibid, p. 32. Order Book XXXIX, p. 24.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of any disposable, unappropriated money in the Exchequer) 21l. to the minister of the church of St. Botolph without Aldersgate for three years on the perpetuity of 7l. per an. Disposition Book II, p. 169.
July 27. Royal sign manual for 100l. to Francis Sandford, esq., as royal bounty towards his pains and charge in making a Genealogical History of the Kings of England etc.: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of April 12 last. (Money warrant dated July 28 hereon. Money order dated July 31 hereon.) King's Warrant Book IX, p. 37. Money Book IV, p. 34. Order Book XXXIX, p. 24.
Same to the Treasury Lords to grant to John Swaddle warrant to the Exchequer for stay of process against him on account of the 50l. which was paid to him by virtue of the royal sign manual dated 1665, June 29, directed to Lord Ashley, who by commission dated 1664–5, Jan. 20, was constituted Treasurer of Prizes and Prize Goods in the first Dutch war, "in which our said warrant we not declaring the uses thereof and that it was to have been paid him without imprest or account other than what we did verbally direct, which we well remember was only paid him for the use of Fabouliere, then our Engineer, process of distringas has issued" against Swaddell for same: the King being well satisfied that Swaddell has so paid the said 50l. and that no further account thereof ought to be rendered in the Exchequer. King's Warrant Book IX, p. 39.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 13,000l. to be paid to Sir Nathaniell Johnson, kt., Patrick Trant, Cornwall Bradshaw, William Bridges and John Hind in repayment of the like sum lent by them July 17 [last] upon credit of the Hearthmoney farm rent due 1683, Mar. 25: also for the payment to them of 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. reward on said 13,000l., making both the said interest and the said reward into principal at the end of every six months. The said interest and reward to be paid out of Hearthmoney or out of any other the King's treasure unappropriated to particular uses. And if the said Johnson et al. as above shall hereafter lend to the King any further sums on the credit of the Hearthmoney the present privy seal is to be the authority for their repayment with interest and reward as above. Ibid, pp. 40–1.
July 27. Royal sign manual to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for regulating the accounts of William Ashburnham, late Cofferer of the Household, as follows. By a certificate of the Auditor of the Receipt of May 27 last it appears that said Ashburnham had orders registered on several branches of the revenue and for the service of the Household and that thereof 105,386l. 4s. 2d. was by him assigned to several persons who advanced that sum for the said [Household] service which sum is remaining unpaid, that is to say 29,000l. assigned by him to Isaac Meynell, of London, goldsmith, upon six orders registered on the Country Excise (viz. No. 448 for 5,000l., No. 478 for 5,000l., No. 479 for 5,000l., No. 480 for 5,000l., No. 481 for 5,000l., No. 482 for 4,000l.); and 6,790l. more to the same Meynell upon 10 orders registered on the London Excise (viz. No. 190 to 198 for respectively 1,000l., 1,000l., 1,000l., 500l., 500l., 500l., 500l., 540l., and No. 208 for 250l.); and 12,000l. to the same Meynell upon three orders registered on the additional Excise (viz. No. 25 for 10,000l., No. 36 for 1,000l., No. 37 for 1,000l.); and 8,404l. 10s. 11d. assigned to Jeremy Snow (now Sir Jeremy Snow, bart.) of London, goldsmith, upon two orders registered on the Country Excise (viz. No. 512 for 3,404l. 10s. 11d. in part of 5,000l. and No. 513 for 5,000l.); and 20,000l. more to the same Snow upon two orders registered on the additional Excise (viz. No. 26 for 10,000l. and No. 29 for 10,000l.); and 15,000l. by him assigned to Edward Backwell, esq., upon three orders registered on the London Excise (viz. No. 175, 176 and 178 for 5,000l. each); and 2,479l. 14s. 3d. more to the same Backwell in part of 5,000l. upon an order No. 515 registered on the Country Excise; and 6,271l. 8s. 6d. by him assigned to John Portman of London, goldsmith, upon two orders registered on the Country Excise (viz. No. 490 for 1,271l. 8s. 6d. in part of 2,000l. and No. 514 for 5,000l.); and 5,340l. 10s. 6d. assigned by him to John Colvile, late of London, goldsmith, on two orders registered on the sale of fee farm rents (viz. No. 41 for 5,000l. and No. 42 for 340l. 10s. 6d. in part of 5,000l.); and 100l. by him assigned to William Wetherden on an order No. 43 for 5,000l. registered on and payable to the said Cofferer out of the sale of fee farm rents: all which sums of money so assigned, amounting to 105,386l. 4s. 2d., the executors of the said Cofferer are willing to charge themselves with and to render an account thereof, "although they cannot regularly be charged in our Exchequer with any more money than what has been issued thence. It is therefore hereby ordered that Richard Bayly," John Lawrence and Charles Toll, executors of the said William Ashburnham, late Cofferer of the Household, be charged upon their accompts with all the before-mentioned sums. King's Warrant Book IX, pp. 41–5.
It also appears by the same certificate that there are several sums of money remaining on several of the orders before-mentioned which are not assigned by the said late Cofferer to any person whatsoever, nor hath any part thereof been received by him; that is to say 1,595l. 9s. 1d. remaining on an order No. 512 for 5,000l. registered on the Country Excise, 2,520l. 5s. 9d. remaining on an order No. 515 for 5,000l. registered on same, 728l. 11s. 6d. remaining on an order No. 490 for 2,000l. registered on same. The said executors cannot be charged with these sums, amounting to 4,844l. 6s. 4d. in all, in regard the said Cofferer did not receive or assign any part thereof. "Yet we think it convenient that for our security the same be vacated upon the respective orders whereupon the same is made payable to our said late Cofferer." It is therefore hereby ordered that when an account of the said first-mentioned sum of 105,386l. 4s. 2d. shall be declared in the Exchequer Court endorsements shall be made upon all and every of the said orders whereupon that sum is payable, that the said executors have accompted for the several sums so assigned as aforesaid and are not therefore to be hereafter charged with any part thereof; and all and every of the [items of the] said last mentioned sum of 4,844l. 6s. 4d. are to be vacated upon the respective orders whereupon that sum is payable and upon the several entries thereof, so that no further claim of any part thereof be hereafter made.
Further it also appears by the said certificate that the said Cofferer had other orders registered in his name on the Hearthmoney with direction in the said orders to assign the same to the persons hereafter named, viz. an order No. 686 for 304l. 3s. 4d. directed to be assigned to Mr. Andrew Gallaway, an order No. 737 for 304l. 3s. 4d. directed to be assigned to Jeremy Gohory, an order No. 744 for 308l. 19s. 0d. directed to be assigned to William Stanhop, an order No. 1043 for 1,100l. directed to be assigned to Samuell Cooper. These sums amounting to 2,017l. 5s. 5d. the said executors are willing to charge themselves with, provided they may be likewise discharged of the same by an allowance thereof upon their account. It is hereby directed that said sum be hereby so charged in the debit and so allowed in the credit; and endorsements are to be made on all and every the said orders and on the register thereof that the said executors have accounted for the said several sums and are not therefore to be hereafter charged with any part thereof.
Further the said Cofferer did in 1668 by warrant from the Treasury Lords receive 3,000l. from Edward Backwell out of the produce of the tin buoyed up at Ostend. But in regard said Backwell has not as yet made any account to the King of the product of the said tin the said Cofferer could not be charged with said 3,000l. But his executors being willing to be charged therewith it is hereby ordered that they be so charged and that when an account of this sum be declared in the Exchequer Court such entries and memorials are to be made in the respective offices concerned to the effect that said executors have accompted for the said sum, and are not hereafter to be charged with any part thereof.
Further by royal sign manual dated 1673, Oct. 2, the King directed the officers of the Greencloth to pass, allow and pay to Sir George Carterett [since] deceased, late Vice-Chamberlain of the Household, 20s. per day "which warrant was obtained from us upon a false suggestion that he had little or no allowance during the time he had been our Vice-Chamberlain, notwithstanding he had then as large an entertainment as any of our Vice-Chamberlains heretofore received." In pursuance of said warrant the said late Cofferer Ashburnham paid to the said Carteret 2,190l. being the full of the said allowance of 20s. a day from 1673, Oct. 1, to 1679, Sept. 30. The King thinks it reasonable that the said sum be allowed to Ashburnham's executors and it is hereby so directed. But to the end the King may be reimbursed the said 2,190l. from the heirs of said Carteret it is hereby directed that under the title of foreign receipts in the accounts of the Household for the year ended 1679, Sept. 29, the executors of the said late Cofferer be charged with the sum of 332l. 9s. 3d. due from them to said Sir George Carteret upon the establishment of the Household (over and above the said 20s. a day) viz. 159l. 12s. 0d. for board wages for the 15 months of suspension ending 1677, Mar. 31, and 172l. 17s. 3d. for one year's wages and boardwages ending at 1679, Michaelmas. And the executors of the said Cofferer are hereby authorised to stop and detain in their hands the said 332l. 9s. 3d. so due from them to Carteret, in order to repay to themselves the said sum so charged. And further there is due from the King to said Carteret 618l. 19s. 10d. upon the balance of his account as Treasurer of the Navy. An entry and memorial is hereby to be made in the necessary Offices that no part of the said balance be paid to the heirs of said Carteret but that same be applied towards satisfying to the King the said 2,190l. and that no other money be paid to the heirs of said Carteret upon any account whatsoever until the King be fully satisfied the said 2,190l. And the 1,238l. 10s. 11d. being the remainder of the said 2,190l. is to be charged upon the executors of said Carteret.
Further, in pursuance of the privy seal whereby the said late Cofferer Ashburnham was authorised to receive moneys out of the Exchequer for the service of the Household the sum of 61,665l. 14s. 2d. was made payable to him by tallies on the Hearthmoney and on the Law duties for the satisfaction and payment of boardwages and other allowances due to the servants of the Household, Chamber and Stable for the last fifteen-month suspension and the said tallies are all satisfied and paid except 8,000l. due upon six of the said tallies levied on the Law duties and dated 1677, Dec. 20 (viz. five for 1,000l. each and one for 3,000l.). The said [tallies for] 8,000l. remain unpaid, by reason whereof "many of our poor servants are without their allowance." The King being willing to grant relief herein, in case the said 8,000l. or any part thereof cannot be recovered from the Farmers of the Law duties, hereby directs the Treasury Lords to cause payment to be made to the said Ashburnham's executors of said 8,000l. (or so much thereof as cannot be recovered as above) without any account or imprest to be set upon them as being already charged therewith, they on their part then delivering up the said tallies on the Law duty (or so much thereof as shall remain unsatisfied) to be vacated.
July 28. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Customs money as is directed to be paid into the Exchequer this week, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 167.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy, whereof 2,000l. is intended for the Victuallers 3,500 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for weekly money 500 0 0
to the Lord President [of the Privy Council] 375 0 0
to Phillip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, of his Majesty's new buildings at the end of the Stone Gallery in Whitehall 500 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service 500 0 0
to the Navy Treasurer for Mr. Gore for hemp 619 8 11
to ditto for the Assistance 5,000 0 0
£10,994 8 11
Money warrant for 97l. 6s. 8d. to Sir Thomas Daniell, kt., Captain of his Majesty's forts at Dover: being for one year to 1680, Sept. 29, on his fee of 16d. per day and 8d. per day for the pay of four gunners and two soldiers. Money Book IV, p. 33.
Same for 3,000l. to Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, on account of the 4,000l. per an. for extraordinaries of the Works for one year ended 1681, April 1. (Money order dated Aug. 1 hereon.) Ibid, p. 33. Order Book XXXIX, p. 25.
Same for 750l. to the Duke of Grafton for 1681, Christmas quarter, on his pension of 3,000l. per an. Money Book IV, p. 33.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to charge only one-third duty on six bale of worm seeds imported by John Wise and John Parker: the said Commissioners having reported the 15th inst. on the petition of said Wise and Parker that drugs imported direct from the place of growth in English shipping are only to pay a third the rate charged in the Book of Rates, and Wise having sworn that said goods were taken from the place of growth to Leghorn and from Leghorn to England in English shipping, although not by one and the same ship at one entire voyage: such importation having been in practice admitted within the favourable understanding of the Act of Tunnage and Poundage, but the Attorney General having expressed the opinion that this is not a direct importation within the intention of the said law and that the great duty is payable for the said goods; this being the first case of the kind that has been objected to. But this is not to be a precedent for the future and the Treasury Lords hereby approve the direction given by the Customs Commissioners for collecting the great duty in such cases for the future. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 139.
Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to John Boult, Samuel Hutchinson and Richard Palfreyman of the lands and tenements of Andrew Slee, George Slee and Thomas Burton, extended for debt: at a rental of 3l. 4s. 1d. per an. and fine of 6l. 8s. 2d. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 129.
July 28. Henry Guy to Mr. Graham to write forthwith to Mr. Kenyon to send up the names and conditions of the Papists in Lancashire which he has now [in] prosecution, and what are their estates, real and personal. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 11.
Same to Mr. Burton to take out a copy of the Duke of Buckingham's patent for a petition [sic for pension] on the Excise and to take same to the Attorney General for his opinion thereon. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Hosier to forthwith pay into the Exchequer 295l. 16s. 8d. due on your account as receiver of taxes in co. Salop. Ibid.
Same to Sir Ric. Derham to forthwith pay into the Exchequer the arrear in your hands and to pass your accounts, returning those persons in super who have not yet paid what is due from them. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Phillip Howard to forthwith prepare a state of your account and to bring to the Treasury Lords the names of the debtors to be set in super in said account. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Tho. Price to forthwith pay in the 52l. 2s. 1d. and 77l. 9s. 10d. due to the King from Mr. Robert Cooke, for whom you are security. Ibid.
Same to John Lawrence and others to report the state of Mr. Ashburnham's account of the Poll money. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Francklyn to take out letters of administration for the personal estate of Abraham Hayman, of Bideford, co. Devon [taking out same] in the name of Richard Graham, of Clifford's Inn, as in trust for the King. Ibid, p. 12.
Same to the Customs Commissioners apprising them of the Treasury warrant for continuing Capt. Alford in his employment of Surveyor of the Western ports for one year. But if any other employment fit for him fall vacant within said year you are to present him for same "for saving charge to the King." Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to assign for payment out of the Navy's weekly money by four week's equal proportions [or instalments] the 88l. due to William Crowbeard, boatswain of his Majesty's frigate the Orange Tree, being due for wages for two voyages in said ship. Ibid.
Same to the Countess of Newburgh. The Treasury Lords will on Tuesday afternoon next hear your case lately given in to them concerning the estate in your possession in Cirencester and in co. Gloucester. Mr. Smyth will have counsel in this matter. Ibid, p. 13.
Same to Mr. Burton to consider the enclosed case of William Wicks, the poor petitioner, and to assist him as much as you can. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Graham to write to all the Receivers of the Recusants' forfeitures for them to make the ame returns to you as you are to obtain from Mr. Kenyon, ut supra, p. 561. Ibid.
July 28. Henry Guy to Mr. Franklyn. In reply to yours of today, Abraham Hayman died Dec. 31 last and his wife within a few days after him leaving no kin, by which means the King is entitled to the estate. Mr. Graham's name is to be used only in trust for the King. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 13.
July 29. Same to the Lord Chancellor. The King has appointed a meeting to-morrow afternoon, Sunday, at 4 o'clock at Windsor concerning the new contract for the Irish revenue, and does expect you to attend then. (The like notice to the Lord President of the Privy Council, the Lord Chamberlain of the Household, Earl of Halifax, Earl of Conway, Secretary Jenkins, Mr. Seymour, Sir Jno. Ernle, Sir Edward Dering, Sir Stephen Fox, Earl of Ranelagh, Solicitor General, Sir James Shaen, Mr. Roberts.) Ibid. VI, p. 475.