Entry Book: July 1682, 1-8

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: July 1682, 1-8', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp513-530 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: July 1682, 1-8', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp513-530.

"Entry Book: July 1682, 1-8". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp513-530.


July 1682

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 1. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Customs money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 156.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for one week of the [Navy] weekly money whereof 2,000l. is for the Victuallers 3,500 0 0
to ditto for repair of the Soveraigne 500 0 0
to ditto for widows [of men] belonging to the Gloucester 1,200 0 0
to ditto for hemp 1,163 4 6
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance according to a former letter 500 0 0
to the Mint Commissioners 500 0 0
to Mr. Griffith to buy horses 500 0 0
to Prince Rupert 1,000 0 0
to the Paymaster of the Works for the King's new buildings at the end of the stone gallery in Whitehall 500 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance in part of a debt of 6,000l. In curred in the last [? Treasury] Commissioners' time 2,000 0 0
£11,363 4 6
July 3. Treasury warrant to William Blathwayt, Auditor General of the Plantation revenue, to engross in parchment and to present for declaration the account of the Farmers of the Four and a Half per cent. duty in the Barbados, with allowances etc. therein as follows. By the great seal of 1670, Sept. 9, the King dismised to Robert Spencer, Sir Charles Wheeler and John Strode (together with George Marsh, who is since deceased) the duty of 4½ per cent. imposed on the dead commodities of the growth or product of Barbados for seven years from 1670, Christmas, at the rent of 7,000l. per an. with covenants for defalcations etc. By the privy seal of 1678–9, Mar. 19, the King declared that said Farmers should become accomptants for said revenue for said whole term of seven years and on their parts they agreed thereto. An account was stated by Auditor Richard Aldworth, assisted by Edward Thornburgh and Benjamin Scutt, merchants, for the first four years of the farm. Therein the said Farmers were charged with Muscovado sugar (into which the several species of commodities were reduced) to the value of 16,371l. 11s. 3d. Their payments into the Exchequer were 9,404l. 10s. 11d. and this sum, together with the allowances they claimed for sums by them expended in relation to the farm came to 12,139l. 13s. 11d. leaving them indebted 4,231l. 17s. 4d. besides 175,176lb. weight of Muscovado sugar to be answered in their next account. By said privy seal the King approved of said account and further ordered the account for the last three years of the farm to be made up with such allowance therein as the Treasury Lords should think fit, and upon the passing and clearing said account the Farmers to be absolutely discharged from their farm rents reserved in their lease. In accordance herewith said Blathwayt is to engross in parchment the account for the first four years of the farm so stated and approved as above, and to present same to the Treasury Lords for declaration. For the account of the said last three years of the farm the Treasury Lords have had the Farmers' books of accompts kept by their officers in Barbados and which were sent to England by order, examined by Jno. Eyles, Benjamin Scutt and Jno. Baudon, three merchants in London, traders to Barbados, who are well skilled in accompts of that nature. The said merchants reported that several of the sums demanded by the Farmers were unreasonable. Thereupon the Treasury Lords have several times heard said Farmers, and thereupon do hereby order the account for the said last three years to be made up as follows, viz. Charge: 4,231l. 17s. 4d. being debt remaining on the foot of the last accompt; 512l. 18s. 0d. for the value (at 11s. per hundredweight) of 93,256lbs. of Muscovado sugar, part of 175,176lbs. charged by memorandum at the foot of the said last account; 20,174l. 4s. 0d. for the produce of the duty for the said three years (being the price of the goods received from Barbados as for such produce) together with 81,920lbs. of Muscovado sugar, being the remainder of said 175,176lbs.; 792l. 9s. 4d. for the value of 144,086lbs. of Muscovado sugar remaining in the hands of the Farmers' officers at Barbados; 190l. charged on the accomptants' own ships which is included in the disbursements on the farm; 24l. 12s. 4d. for the value of 4,476lbs. of Muscovado sugar charged upon the same account; 22l. 10s. 0d. for a butt and a hogshead which came full of sand but were charged by the merchants as sugar; 10l. being an overcharge received by the said accomptants of a loss upon Capt. Westcot's ship. The total of the abovesaid charge is 25,958l. 11s. 0d. Against this the discharge is to be hereby as follows, viz.: 4,800l. to the Farmers for salary, being 400l. per an. each for the first four years; 135l. paid to Auditor Aldworth for auditing; 5,471l. 5s. 11d. for freight, custom and other charges upon the goods received in England [being goods sent to England instead of money and so equivalent to the product of the duty raised]; 605l. 4s. 0d. for 50s. per cent. commission and 10s. per cent. brokerage on the abovesaid 20,174l. 4s. 0d.; 605l. 4s. 0d. for the care and pains of the Farmers in managing said revenue during said last three years; 850l. 0s. 4d. for loss by the wastage of sugar and sundry charges as certified by Benjamin Scutt and Jno. Eyles; 22l. 10s. 0d. for the butt and hogshead filled with sand but charged as sugar on the Charge side of this account; 30l. for abatements made to grocers and others for damages on goods found defective on arrival here occasioned by the hurricane and bad weather; 3l. 10s. 2d. for the charge of sending several commissions to Barbados relating to the said duty, by order of Treasurer Danby; 15l. paid by the Farmers for copies of entries of their goods at the Custom House in order to the better management of their trust; 11,251l. 1s. 1d. for so much paid by the accomptants into the Exchequer; 455l. 6s. 0d. for the value of 93,256lbs. of Muscovado sugar, part of the proceed of said duty still remaining in the hands of John Rushworth, George Terwhit, Mr. Bayly and George Strode, officers in Barbados to the said Farmers and which the said Farmers have by good assignment transferred to the King. The total of the said allowances is 24,244l. 1s. 6d. leaving the said Farmers, accomptants herein, indebted to the King 1,714l. 9s. 6d. upon the determination of such their accounts. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 108–112.
July 3. Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the capital messuage or scite of the manor of Tinten, co. Cornwall, with a view to a fresh lease thereof to Jno. Bligh for 99 years terminable on the lives of Francis Westlake and two others to be nominated by said Bligh on surrender of the present lease. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 106–8.
Prefixing: (a) said Bligh's petition for a fresh lease: (b) reference dated Dec. 26 last thereof from the Treasury Lords to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands: (c) report dated Dec. 28 last thereon from Jno. Fisher in the absence of William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands. Premises were granted by the late King when Prince 1621, Dec. 12, to Christopher Trehane for the lives of John, Francis and Nicholas Westlake, sons of Jno. Westlake, of Poxhill [? Poughill], co. Cornwall. This grant was assigned 1621, Dec. 13, by said Trehane to Jno. Westlake, who by will gave the premises to his son Francis, who did 1680, Dec. 25, pass his interest therein to said Bligh for the remainder of said three lives all yet living, but aged, and the youngest of them above 60 years old. According to the Parliamentary Survey the premises contain 60 acres and are valued at 42l. per an. Sir Rich. Prideaux estimates it at 54 acres and 32l. per an. A fine of 60l. is reasonable for exchanging the lives of John and Nicholas Westlake (the oldest and youngest of the brothers) and continuing the life of Francis, being about 66 years old: with the old rent of 57s. per an.
July 3. Henry Guy to the Attorney General. Mr. Blathwaite will attend you with the privy seal for making the late Farmers of the Four and a Half per cent. duty [in Barbados] to be accomptants for the produce of that revenue. Consider the accounts and advise the Treasury Lords whether same may pass accordingly. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 462.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 1,337l. 7s. 5d. to Thomas Ducke, esq., for 6 per cent. interest for dates as below on 41,916l. 14s. 11d. by him lent to the King. Money Book IV, pp. 2–3.
Prefixing: account of said interest as certified by Deputy Auditor Henry Aldworth and as allowed by the Treasury Lords. The said 41,916l. 14s. 11d. appears due to said Duck upon the balance of his last preceding account [of interest] up to 1681, Nov. 24. The present account runs for the whole 41,916l. 14s. 11d. from said Nov. 24 to Jan. 13 following, when 1,916l. 14s. 11d. [of said principal] was repaid by the Customs Cashier out of the Customs; and to 1682, June 13, for the 40,000l. remaining still un-repaid.
Money warrant for 362l. to Edmund Poley for six months to June 24 last on his ordinary as Resident with the Elector of Brandenburg. (Money warrant dated July 5 hereon.) Ibid, p. 3. Order Book XXXIX, p. 14.
Same for 40l. 13s. 4d. to Sir Robert Sawyer for half a year to June 24 last on his fee as Attorney General. Money Book IV, p. 3.
Same for 1,500l. to Heneage, Earl of Nottingham, on his annuity or yearly pension as Lord High Chancellor: 500l. thereof to complete 1682, Lady day quarter, and 1,000l. for 1682, June 24 quarter. Ibid, p. 4.
Same for 35l. to Heneage Finch, esq., for half a year to June 24 last on his fee or salary as Solicitor General. Ibid.
Same for 125l. to Sir George Jefferyes for last Easter term on his salary or allowance as one of the Justices for the city of Chester. Ibid.
Same for 50l. to John Warren for same term on same as one of the Justices for the city of Chester. Ibid, p. 5.
Same for 25l. each to Sir Charles Cotterell, Sir William Glascock, Mr. Morley and Mr. Povey, being respectively for the quarters due 1681, Lady day, Lady day, Christmas, and Lady day on their fee or salary of 100l. each as Masters of Requests. Ibid, p. 8.
July 3. Money warrant for 2,000l. to the Treasury Lords (Laurence Visct. Kenilworth, Sir John Ernle, Sir Edward Dering, Sidney Godolphin and Sir Stephen Fox) for 1681, Christmas quarter, on their salaries. (Money order dated July 10 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 14. Order Book XXXIX, p. 15.
July 4. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ William Piccard (Picard) as coalwaiter at Newcastle loco William Willson, altered to Tho. Harrison, lately dismissed. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 119.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 15l. to Jno. Needler for half a year to 1681, Sept. 29, on his fee or salary as Comptroller of great and petty Customs London port. Money Book IV, p. 5.
Same to same to pay 24l. to Feild Dunn for one year to 1680, Lady day, on his fee or salary as Customer of Berwick port. Ibid, p. 6.
Money warrant for 150l. to Sir Thomas Windham for 1680, June 24 quarter, on his pension. Ibid.
Same for 100l. to Rachell and Frances Windham, daughters of Lady Anne Windham, for 1681, Christmas quarter, on their pension. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 26l. each to the 19 King's waiters of London port for half a year to 1681, Christmas, on their salaries. Ibid, p. 7.
Money warrant for 150l. to Mris. Catherine Gunter for three quarters to 1677, Christmas, on her annuity or pension. Ibid.
Same for 12l. 10s. 0d. to Mris. Joane Hurford for 1680, Lady day, on her same. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 25l. to Timothy Thornbury for half a year to 1681, Christmas, on his salary as collector of the duty on leather etc. London port. Ibid, p. 8.
Money warrant for 50l. to Thomas Whitgrave for 1680, June 24 quarter, on his annuity or pension. Ibid, p. 9.
Same for 20l. to Robert Swan for 1682, June 24 quarter, on his yearly sum for his fidelity in securing the King in his escape after the battle of Worcester. (Money order dated July 5 hereon.) Ibid, p. 9. Order Book XXXIX, p. 14.
for July]
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to direct the Customs Cashier to pay 50l. to Benjamin Herne for his extraordinary charge and pains in relation to the Customs. Money Book IV, p. 9.
July 4. Money warrant for 75l. to Charles Gifford for 1681, Lady day quarter, on his annuity or pension. Ibid, p. 10.
Same for 125l. to Tho. Lane for 1678, June 24 quarter, on his pension. Ibid.
Same for 50l. to Francis Mansell for 1680, Sept. 29 quarter, on his annuity or pension. Ibid.
July 4. Money warrant for 25l. to John Rogers and Anne his wife (daughter of Richard Pendrill) for 1681, Lady day quarter, on their pension. Money Book IV, p. 11.
Same for 50l. to Francis Reynolds for 1679, Christmas quarter, on his pension. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to pay 50l. to Thomas Vile for service in relation to the Excise done by the Treasury Lords' direction. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 116l. 14s. 5d. to the messengers of the Exchequer, issuing same out of the following [funds or] particulars, viz.: 15l. 18s. 7½d. out of compositions in the Exchequer, 40l. out of [moneys of the] Customs, 27l. 11s. 9d. out of [the proceeds of] lands forfeited, 33l. 4s. 0½d. out of Hearthmoney. Disposition Book II, p. 157.
Same to same to issue 807l. 10s. 0d. (being made up of the following funds, viz.: 69l. 6s. 11½d. of compositions in the Exchequer, 711l. 16s. 7d. of Recusants' [forfeitures] money, 26l. 6s. 5½d. of [produce of] lands forfeited) to the following persons, viz.: 100l. to Lady Windham's daughters, 50l. to Mr. Whitgrave, 12l. 10s. 0d. to Mris. Hurford, 25l. to John Rogers and his wife, 75l. to Mr. Gifford, 150l. to Mris. Gunter, 50l. to Mr. Reynolds, 20l. to Mr. Swan, 50l. to Mr. Mansell, 150l. to Sir Tho. Windham, 125l. to Mr. Lane. Ibid.
Same to Sir Rich. How and Peter Rich. The King has referred to the Treasury Lords a petition of Anthony Thomas, esq., for a further term in a waterwork in Southwark. Inform my Lords how the affair of that waterwork stands between the borough or other parties concerned and said Mr. Thomas. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 462.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to hasten the Victuallers' account. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to (Mr. Cranfield,) Lieutenant Governor of New Hampshire, to the like effect as in the circular letters from the Treasury Lords to the various Governors of the Plantations of 1680, July 5, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, pp. 597–600, viz.: recommending to your care and furtherance William Blathwaite in his office of Surveyor and Auditor General of all his Majesty's revenues arising in America; and further requiring the like transmission of a particular account of such rents, revenues, prizes, fines etc. ut ibid. as have accrued since the publication of [said Blathwayt's] commission of 1680, May 19, and by whom received and expended; and for the like accounts half yearly in future and duplicates thereof; and likewise [for copies of] all laws and public acts relating to the revenue [in New Hampshire]; and further to enter a duplicate of said Blathwayt's commission among the public records of your government. Ibid, pp. 462–3. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor), pp. 101–2.
Henry Guy to the Navy Board. The Treasury Lords have seen yours of yesterday to Visct. Falkland about buying a quantity of hemp for supply of the King's rope yards. They desire you to buy 300 tons at the lowest price, to be paid [for by tallies] in course. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 463.
July 4. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners. The Treasury Lords have seen your presentment of to-day concerning their warrant of June 29 last for discharging the East India Company of the duty of 300 bahars of pepper. You are to execute said warrant unless you can prove that any pepper was delivered by virtue of the Treasury warrant of May 4 last for the Bantam Ambassador's equipage. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 464.
Treasury warrant to same to permit 500 barrels of powder to be shipped Customs free on the ship Kempthorne by the East India Company, being the King's present to the Sultan of Bantam. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 124.
Same to same to suppress the place of Deputy Receiver of wines and currants void by the death of Phillip Marsh and to put that receipt in the hands of Sir John Shaw, the patent collector inwards [London port] for his patent salary and fees without further allowance: all as proposed May 31 and June 30 by the Customs Commissioners. Ibid, p. 125.
July 5. Money warrant for 375l. to Sir William Scroggs for the present Trinity term on his annuity or yearly pension of 1,500l. Money Book IV, p. 5.
July 6. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the shipment Customs free, on board the Kempthorne, of the equipage and baggage of the ambassadors from the Sultan of Su-ro-soan (or Bantam). Out Letters (Customs) VIII, pp. 125–6.
Appending: schedule of said goods.
Money warrant for 700l. to Dr. Jno. Taylor for half a year to 1682, Lady day, on his 1,400l. per an. for secret service, without account: as by the privy seal of 1676, June 30. (Money order dated July 7 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 11. Order Book XXXIX, p. 16.
Treasury allowance of the 1682, Mar. 25 quarter's incidents bill, detailed, of the Excise Office. (Total, 383l. 17s. 0d.) Money Book IV, p. 12.
Money warrant for 1,398l. 13s. 1d. to Joseph Hornby and Nathaniell Hornby of London, goldsmiths, for interest and reward to June 24 last [on moneys lent and advanced]; as by an account stated by Henry Aldworth, deputy to Auditor Anthony Stephens, and allowed by the Treasury Lords the 5th inst. (Money order dated July 12 hereon.) Ibid, p. 13. Order Book XXXIX, p. 16.
Same for 120l. to Major Richard Brett for one year's interest to June 14 last on 2,000l. owing to him from the King on an order on the Hearthmoney. (Money order dated July 10 hereon.) Money Book IV, p. 13. Order Book XXXIX, p. 15.
Money order for 100l. to William Wardour, Clerk of the Pells, in reward for one year ended June 24 last for his pains in attending the Treasury Lords. Order Book XXXIX, p. 15.
Same for 45l. 8s. 4d. to same as well for his attendance in vacation time for the despatch of his Majesty's service in his Office of Clerk of the Pells as in lieu of the sums of 16l. 13s. 4d. and 8l. 15s. 0d. per an. anciently allowed him by tallies on the Customs by way of reward. Ibid.
July 6. Henry Guy to Visct. Falkland to issue as follows the 531l. 3s. 4d. remaining in your hands of the 500l. a week part of the [Navy's] weekly money, viz.: Out Letters (General) VI, p. 464.
l. s. d.
to the repairs of the dock at Portsmouth 310 0 0
to Mr. Beverly, anchor smith 221 3 4
Same to [the Customs Commissioners] to open at the lodgings of Sir John Finch, late ambassador at Constantinople, his baggage arrived from thence. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to satisfy out of the weekly money of the Navy the bills of exchange in the Navy Office which are become due, amounting in all to 15,037l., the Treasury Lords not being in a capacity to provide otherwise for them at present. Also you are to pay out of the same fund the three bills of John Deane, late purser of the Gloucester, viz. one dated 1676, June 8, for 44l. 13s. 9d. on the Richmond extraordinary, one dated 1677, Oct. 15, for 21l. 5s. 9d. balance bill, and one for 36l. for the Gloucester extraordinary necessary money. Ibid, p. 465.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 158.
to the Paymaster of the Forces 4,000
to the Cofferer of the Household 1,000
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
to the Duke of Southampton 375
to the Earl of Northumberland 75
to Mris. Nelly [Gwynne] 250
to me [Guy] in part of 700l. [for secret service] 100
Same to same to reserve for the Treasury Lords' disposal what money of the revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall shall be paid into the Exchequer. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General. The Treasury Lords have heard Sir Phillip Howard, Mr. Windham, Mr. Powney and Mr. Staples on the proposal made by them concerning the discovery of old arrears of taxes levied or received between 1649, Mar. 25, and 1651, Dec. 25. The particulars following have been consented to, viz. (1) that the money which shall be recovered shall be all brought into the Exchequer. (2) That the said gentlemen shall have half of what is so brought in. (3) That they are to be at the charge of recovering the whole. (4) That they shall sue none but the persons named in the schedules herewith, or their heirs, executors or sureties. (5) That this grant continue for three years only. Draw a warrant on these heads in order to a great seal. Out Letters (General) VII, pp. 1–6.
Appending: said schedules of names of said debtor Receivers and their arrears. "The arrears of the monthly assessments in the counties hereafter named from the 25th day of March. 1649, unto the 25th of December, 1651, which are set in super on the Receivers General of each county and are now invested in the King's Majesty, his heirs and successors by Acts of Parliament."
Co. Leicester. l. s. d.
Thomas Sumerfeild, Receiver General of the Three Months' Assessments, ending 1650, June 24 502 16 4
ditto for the three months ending 1651, Dec. 25 645 4 8
Co. Northampton.
John Wyatt, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 260 16 9
ditto for three months ending 1649, Christmas 103 15 4
ditto for three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 94 11 4
ditto for three months ending 1650, June 24 122 16 8
ditto for three months ending 1650, Sept. 29 200 0 0
ditto for three months ending 1650, Dec. 25 86 2 8
ditto for four months ending 1651, April 25 177 0 0
ditto for six months ending 1651, Sept. 29 258 13 5
ditto for three months ending 1651, Dec. 25 130 15 2
Co. Northumberland.
Mathew Newton, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 198 12 4
Co Notts.
Edward Richards, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1651, Sept. 29 166 0 0
Co. Oxford.
William Spripp, Receiver General of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Dec. 25 526 13 10
Co. Rutland.
Tho. Burneby and Tho. Maston Receivers General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 98 5 10¾
Robert Edmonds, same of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Dec. 25 55 8 4
Samuell Hunt, same of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1650, Sept. 29 28 0 6
The said Robert Edmunds for the three months ending 1650, Dec. 25 54 10 0
Co. Salop.
Tho. Proud, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 267 18 11
John Proud, same for the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Dec. 25 135 18 4
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 113 17 8
ditto for the three months' ending 1650, June 24 100 16 0
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Sept. 29 122 12 0
John Proud, Receiver General, for the three months ending 1650, Dec. 25 100 2
ditto for four months ending 1651, April 25 158 4 5
ditto for six months ending 1651, Sept. 29 430 19 1
ditto for three months ending 1651, Dec. 25 461 10 0
Co. Somerset.
Robert Webb, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 372 2 2
George Smyth, ditto of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1651, Sept. 29 490 13 0
Co. Stafford.
Henry Wilson, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 101 16 8
ditto for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 63 17 10
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 66 12 10
Richard Squire, same of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1650, June 24 42 11 10
Robert Smyth, same of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1651, Sept. 29 235 18 4
Co. Bedford.
John Spencer, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 217 2 11½
ditto for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 121 1
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 120 18 0
ditto for the three months ending 1650, June 24 80 10
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Dec. 25 163 12
ditto for the three months ending 1651, Dec. 25 258 9 8
Co. Bucks.
William Russell, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 245 1 8
ditto for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 142 10 4
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 144 15 6
ditto for the three months ending 1650, June 24 100 2 6
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Dec. 25 84 6 8
Co. Dorset.
John Bragg, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 199 0 9
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 246 4 4
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Sept. 29 138 13 10
Co. Durham.
Thomas Leidgard [Receiver General] for the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 75 6 0
John Heyrson for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 155 8 0
John Egarson for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 148 17 0
Fra. Wrenn for the three months ending 1650, June 24 9 19 4
Exeter City.
Samuel Slade [Receiver General], for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 7 5 4
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 10 6 8
ditto for the three months ending 1650, June 24 8 13 6
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Sept. 29 7 18 3
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Dec. 25 [20 0 11]
Coventry [City].
George Earle [Receiver General] for the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1650, Mar. 25 21 9 0
ditto for the three months' ending 1650, June 24 17 4 0
Thomas Rose [same], for the three months ending 1650, Sept. 29 14 5 3
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Dec. 25 15 4 7
Bristol City.
Jeremias Holway [Receiver General] for the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 882 19 10½
Thomas Sprigg, same, for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 35 15 0
Co. Cornwall.
Richard Marten, Receiver General of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Dec. 25 152 12 0
Co. Essex.
Robert Smyth, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 1,470 2 8
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 551 9 0
ditto for the three months ending 1650, June 24 183 8 10
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Sept. 29 405 1 0
Co. Hereford.
John Hering, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 149 2 9
ditto for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 79 16 9
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 79 16 9
ditto for the three months ending 1650, June 24 53 4 6
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Sept. 29 79 16 9
John Hering, Receiver General, for the three months ending 1650, Dec. 25 53 4 6
ditto for the four months ending 1651, April 25 225 18 10
ditto for the six months ending 1651, Sept. 29 491 4 10
ditto for the three months ending 1651, Dec. 25 853 3 10
Co. Hertford.
William Hickman and William Turner, Receivers General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 284 16
ditto for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 129 9
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 114 14 2
ditto for the three months ending 1650, June 24 236 9 8
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Dec. 25 69 2 0
ditto for the four months ending 1651, April 25 160 10 8
ditto for the six months ending 1651, Sept. 29 299 0 0
ditto for the three months ending 1651, Dec. 25 195 15 8
Co. Huntingdon.
Leonard Nitinghall, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 287 11 7
ditto for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 56 3 11
Co. Kent.
Charles Bowles, Receiver General of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1650, Dec. 25 397 0 7
Co. Lincoln.
John Desney, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 516 0
ditto for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 342 15 10
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 342 5 4
ditto for the three months ending 1650, June 24 226 3 4
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Sept. 29 178 12 2
Co. Middlesex.
Richard Graves, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 627 9 8
ditto for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 209 6 8
Co. Lancashire.
Edward Holdbrook, Receiver General of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Dec. 25 379 13 0
Co. Berks.
Thomas Bateman, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 1,088 14
Thomas Bateman, Receiver General, for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 758 16 8
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 1,503 6 4
ditto for the three months ending 1650, June 24 82 8 8
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Sept. 29 112 6 8
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Dec. 25 100 0 0
ditto for the four months ending 1651, April 24 166 13 4
ditto for the six months ending 1651, Sept. 29 36 13 4
Co. Southampton.
Edmond Riggs, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 297 18 4
ditto for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 329 0 0
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 377 17 8
ditto for the three months ending 1650, June 24 177 14 4
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Sept. 29 253 14 0
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Dec. 25 180 5 8
ditto for the four months ending 1651, April 25 237 15 11
ditto for the six months ending 1651, Sept. 29 317 6 4
ditto for the three months ending 1651, Dec. 25 177 6 0
Southampton Town.
for the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 553 3
for the three months ending 1649 Dec. 25 365 16 0
Richard Walker, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1650, Sept. 29 402 2 8
The Old Isle [Wight].
Tho. Knight, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 837 15 9
Benjamin Goodwine, Receiver General of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 484 15
John Mowdey, Capt. Daniell Ewing and Edward Nevill, Receivers General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 5,368 3
Samuell Duncane, Nicho. Cooke, Ed. Nevill, Jasper Shephard and Roger Harrington, Receiver General of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Dec. 25 878 4 3
Sam Duncan, Ed. Nevill, Tho. Hubbard, Jasper Shepheard and Nicho. Cooke, Receivers General of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1650, June 24 869 4 8
William Hawes, Receiver General and Jasper Shepheard, Edward Nevill and Nicho. Cook, Collectors General of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1650, Sept. 29 317 13 4
William Hawes, Jasper Shepheard, Edward Nevill and Nicho. Cook, collectors of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1650, Dec. 25 210 14 4
William Chaplaine, Ed. Nevill, Jno. Moody and Nicho. Cooke, collectors of the Four Months' Assessment, ending 1651, April 25 450 9 9
William Hawes, William Chaplaine Ed. Nevill and Nicho. Cook, collectors of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1651, Sept. 29 753 14 11
ditto for the three months' ending 1651, Dec. 25 419 12
Co. Warwick.
Thomas Rouse, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 181 9
Tho. Rose, Receiver General of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Dec. 25 579 15 0
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 114 17 9
ditto for the three months ending 1650, June 24 77 13 7
ditto for the four months ending 1651, April 25 159 5 2
ditto for the six months ending 1651, Sept. 29 237 8 7
ditto for the three months ending 1651, Dec. 25 220 17 0
Co. Wilts.
William Blisset, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 400 10 10
ditto for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 305 7 8
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 214 9 0
ditto for the three months ending 1650, June 24 214 9 0
ditto for the three months ending 1651, Dec. 25 246 8 1
Co. Worcester.
Gervas Buck, Receiver General of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Dec. 25 91 15 4
ditto for the three months ending 1650, June 24 113 19 7
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Sept. 29 210 0 0
ditto for the three months ending 1651, Dec. 25 1,375 0 9
Newcastle upon Tyne.
George Dawson, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1651, Sept. 29 210 10 3
ditto for the three months ending 1651, Dec. 25 168 0 0
Co. Cambridge.
Robert Browne, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 73 13
Richard Wendham, Receiver General of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Dec. 25 4,216 10 0
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 491 15 8
ditto for the three months ending 1650, June 24 278 12 4
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Sept. 29 84 10 0
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Dec. 25 47 13 0
Co. Chester.
Christopher Blease, Receiver General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 548 10 3
Richard Lee [same], for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 1,271 6 8
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 1,544 15 0
ditto for the three months ending 1650, June 24 136 16 8
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Sept. 29 209 19 8
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Dec. 25 85 1 0
Co. Yorks.
Radolphus Rimer, Receiver General, and Francis Darly, Robert Coniers, Receivers General of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1650, Mar. 25 213 12 1
The said Rimer, Darly and Coniers, Receivers General of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1650, June 24 1,218 19
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Dec. 25 561 2 5
ditto for the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1651, June 24 287 8 4
Co. Gloucester.
Henry Fletcher and Jasper Clutterbuck, Receivers General of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 322 18
Jasper Clutterbuck, Receiver General of the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 173 11 7
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Mar. 25 158 11 0
ditto for the three months ending 1650, June 24 108 16 6
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Sept. 29 164 9 2
ditto for the three months ending 1650, Dec. 25 108 0 4
ditto for the four months ending 1651, April 25 217 9 4
ditto for the six months ending 1651, Sept. 29 321 5 0
ditto for the three months ending 1651, Dec. 25 868 15 0
William Osmond, John East, Henry Eldred, Jno. Lord Dale and Tho. Carey, Receivers of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Sept. 29 844 11
John Chambers, Tho. Sherman, Rich. Nicholas, Robert Coates, Tho. Feild and Simon King, Receivers of the last three months of the aforesaid Six Months' Assessment 921 14 4
Anthony Ficketts, Richard Castle, Allan Snow, Joseph Hickman, Tho. Pease and Ambrose Hussey, Receivers of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1649, Dec. 25 921 14 4
ditto for the three months ending 1649, Dec. 25 564 4 7
William Haynes, Jno. Cheese, Tho. Phillips, Jno. Swaile, Robt. Greenhill and Phillip Lasingby [Receivers General] for the Three Months' Assessment ending 1650, Mar. 25 481 3
Tho. Collins, Robert Butler, Phillip Symonds, Jno. Fowles and Cha. Young, Receivers of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1650, June 24 372 8
Richard Joyne, Sam Thurston, Geo. Sauter, Anthony Stert, Jno. Devnham and Jno. Jones, Receivers of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1650, Sept. 29 660 1 2
Edward Wade, Edward Mason, Edwine Winstandly, Tho. Smyth, Gilbert Maddocks, James Baron, Tho. Colwell and Henry Hayward, Receivers of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1650, Dec. 25 439 12 3
Walter Lapp, Robt. Pratt, Jno. Gifford and Tho. Hussey, Receivers of the Four Months' Assessment, ending 1651, April 25 1,291 14 3
John Clarke, Sam Day, Jasper Chapman, Jno. Lane and Tho. Bishop, Receivers of the Six Months' Assessment, ending 1651, Sept. 29 2,209 1 3
George Wood, Jno. Gibson, George Carlan, Tho. Green, and Alexander Pell, Receivers of the Three Months' Assessment, ending 1651, Dec. 25 3,141 8 4
July 8. There is due from Symon Smith about 36l. upon the foot of his last account "which is occasioned by reason there is more reserved for perpetual pensions [on the county revenues within his receivership] than will pay them." Mr. Smith desires that this sum may not be granted away till he have notice. Caveat Book, p. 18.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Customs money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 158.
l. s. d.
to the 12 Judges of England 3,000 0 0
to the Welsh Judges 175 0 0
to the Masters in Chancery 275 0 0
to the Lord Chancellor 1,500 0 0
to the Masters of Requests 100 0 0
to the Attorney General 40 13 4
to the Solicitor General 354 0 0
to Sir William Scroggs 375 0 0
£5,500 13 4
July 8. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt likewise to issue out of such Customs money as above. Disposition Book II, p. 159.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for one week [of the Navy's] weekly money whereof 2,000l. for the Victuallers 3,500
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance weekly pursuant to a former letter 500
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Ruby 7,000
to Sir Richard Bulstrode 1,200
Same to Richard Kent [Customs Cashier] to pay to Mr. Hewer, Treasurer of Tangier, 1,000l. a week according to the Treasury warrant of Mar. 22 last "till the tallies struck upon you for 5,385l. 10s. 10d. are satisfied": and likewise to pay him 412l. 2s. 102/3d. due June 24 last on a tally struck on the Customs for a house bought of Mr. Povey at Tangier. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Burton to despatch the extending of the estate of Alderman Backwell in London "and to promote the doing it elsewhere with all just favour to the alderman," and to acquaint the Lord Chancellor by motion in Court of the extent by the King. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 465.
Same to the Solicitor General to attend the Treasury Lords on Tuesday afternoon next concerning the new contract for the revenue of Ireland. In regard the seal[ing day of the Court] is to be on Tuesday morning the Treasury Lords consider you cannot conveniently attend till the afternoon. (The like notice to Mr. Roberts or the [other of the Irish Revenue] Contractors to attend then with the said new contract.) Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners referring to them the letter of the Mayor and Jurats of Dover to Sir Ed. Dering. Ibid, p. 466.
Same to Mr. Hewer [Treasurer of Tangier] to pay 100l. to Widow Heathly as in full satisfaction of all her pretensions to any more money from the King. The Treasury Lords will take care to provide money in a short time to reimburse you and for a warrant for the regular discharge of this sum. Ibid, pp. 466–7.
Prefixing: report dated 1681–2, Feb. 25, from William Hewer and Jo. Creed on the petition of said Widow Mary Heathley as by the order of reference of 1680, Nov. 8, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, p. 730. Petitioner prays for 297l. as due to her late husband, Serjeant Heathley, who lost his life in his Majesty's service in the defence of Whitby fort at Tangier with the most signal gallantry. By a particular of debts attested by a notary public at Tangier and now also corroborated by Sir James Lesley and the engineer, it appears that for victuals and liquors trusted out upon the credit of their wages to masons, carpenters and others that wrought on the fortifications in the Earl of Middleton's time of being Governor of Tangier there was 1,083 pieces of Eight and 5s. 5d. due to said Heathley, the said artificers and labourers never being paid their wages, it seems. At the exchange rate of 4s. 6d. [per piece of Eight] this makes 243l. 13s. 6d., so that the other 53l. 6s. 6d. claimed has no foundation.
July 8. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Thomas Preston, of Holker, co. Lancs. Petitioner has been very instrumental in discovering Sir Tho. Preston's estate by several expensive journeys and attendances. The present value of so much thereof as is already recovered [to your Majesty] is 768l. 8s. 8d. per an., less a fee farm issuing thereout of 190l. 13s. 4d. per an. leaving 577l. 15s. 4d. per an. We advise a lease to petitioner for seven years of what is already recovered at 400l. per an. rent; the lessee to pay said fee farm without defalcation from the Crown. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 115–6.
Appending: report to the Treasury Lords from Ri. Graham and Philip Burton dated June 23 last on said Thomas Preston's petition. On a former petition the King declared in Council that he would consider same when it appeared how much came clear from said estate and how far petitioner was instrumental in the discovery. There was a memorandum made in the Treasury books in May, 1679, that if he so proved instrumental petitioner may have 500l. per an. which is entailed on the family. By a deed of 40 Eliz. and a will dated 1 James, both made by Tho. Preston, late of the manor of Furness, being ancestor of the said Sir Thomas and of petitioner, a settlement was made on the eldest son with remainder to George Preston, petitioner's grandfather, unless his eldest son should conform to the laws. It appears by the affidavit of George Hilton that there was a settlement made by the grandfather of Sir Thomas settling the estate in remainder upon petitioner's grandfather. By affidavits and by the deposition of William Hilton it appears that Sir Tho. Preston about July, 1673, declared he would have settled this estate upon petitioner in case he had not been a Protestant. Petitioner's father's loyalty and sufferings are attested by papers, including a warrant from the late King and a commission from Prince Rupert. Petitioner has been instrumental in the discovery. In the manor already recovered there are iron mines which, when they were worked, made the value of the estate 1,300l. per an., but the same having lain still for some time have sunk the value to 760l. 8s. 8d. per an. out of which is payable a fee farm rent of 190l. 13s. 4d. to the King or the Duke of Albemarle. Petitioner may be granted 350l. out of the profits of the estate or have a short lease of same for 400 l. per an. rent.