Entry Book: March 1682, 2-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: March 1682, 2-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp416-430 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: March 1682, 2-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp416-430.

"Entry Book: March 1682, 2-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp416-430.


March 1682

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Mar. 2. Henry Guy to Mr. Samuel Clerke for a certificate how much wire was in the King's warehouse 1681, May 19, as the King's moiety [of the seizures of such wire] and how much thereof has been disposed of in accordance with the Order in Council of 1681, May 19, directing so much of the said King's moiety to be delivered to Thomas Barrow to the amount of a debt of 1,000l. and upwards owing to him for wax and other materials used in the service of the great seal. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 417.
Same to Mr. Roberts. The King having gone for Newmarket on Saturday, the Treasury Lords think it very requisite to know the [Irish Revenue Farmers' or] Contractors' answer to these [missing] minutes before his Majesty goes. They therefore desire it to-morrow afternoon when my Lords will meet here [at the Treasury Chambers] on purpose for that business. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Stephens. Send to the Treasury Lords the estimates for the following particulars which are desired by the two letters laid before my Lords to-day, so that my Lords may know what money is to be provided therefor, viz., the materials wanting to carry on the repairs of the Rupert for despatching her out of the dock; the materials wanting for the works of the Sovereigne and Bonaventure; the wages of the mate, gunner and carpenter belonging to the Merlin yacht whilst she was employed under Capt. Collins in surveying the coast to the time she was ordered to be laid up. Ibid, p. 418.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 906l. 7s. 6d. to Sir Gabriell Silvius out of Wine Licence money paid into the Exchequer by Henry Dering. Disposition Book II, p. 127. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 417.
Same to same to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is this week to be paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 129.
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
to Mris. Eleanor Gwynne 250
to the Duke of Grafton 500
Mar. 2. Money warrant for 100l. to the Duke of Newcastle for one year to Christmas last, on his fee as Chief Justice in Eyre beyond Trent. Money Book III, p. 260.
Same for 1,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox for half a year to 1680, June 24, on the 2,000l. per an. to him for secret service as by the privy seal of 1674. July 27. In the margin: for the Earl of Lichfield. (Money order dated Mar. 3 hereon.) Ibid, p. 261. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 288.
Same for 2,654l. to Nicholas Johnson, Paymaster of the Forces, as imprest for the pay of the Governor, officers and soldiers in Virginia: on the sum of 6,502l. 16s. 8d. per an. (Money order dated Mar. 3 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 261. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 288.
Same for 22l. 15s. 0d. each to Nathll. Cox and Benjamin Coling (Cooling) gent. for half a year to 1681, June 24, on their fee of 2s. 6d. a day as Keepers of the Council Chamber. Money Book III, p. 261.
Mar. 3. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for the payment of the sum of 2s. a day to Edward Cane, gent., who is sworn and admitted as one of the Grooms of the Great Chamber in Ordinary to the Queen in the place of John Kernam. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 340.
Authorisation under the royal sign manual to Richard Robins of London, gent., to dig and search for treasure trove in the parish of Edmonton, co. Midd., for three months within date hereof: he retaining two-thirds thereof to himself and accounting to the King for the remainder: all by reason that the said Robins is informed that there is a parcel of money hidden underground in a certain place in the said parish, which belongs to the King by his prerogative royal. Ibid, p. 342.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for the payment to the executors of Dame Barbarah Villiers of 600l. per an. for 10 years from 1681, June 24 (the first payment to be made forthwith for the two quarters ended at Christmas last, all as in lieu of the grant made to her by the patent of 1671, Aug. 26, of 2d. per 1b. Troy tale of silver money coined in the Mint; from 1681, Aug. 9, to 1691, Aug. 9. The present grant is to be revokable at pleasure; being made at the prayer of said executors for said 600l. to be paid as in lieu of said 2d. per 1b. as was done in lieu of a like grant of 2d. per 1b. formerly made to her and lately expired. Ibid, pp. 343–4.
Royal sign manual for 147l. to Henry Guy for secret service, without account: to be paid on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of July 20 last. (Money warrant dated Mar. 6 hereon: to be paid out of Recusants' fines. Money order dated Mar. 6 hereon.) Ibid, p. 345. Money Book III, p. 262. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 288.
Mar. 3. Royal sign manual for 44l. to Elizabeth Dyson (Dison) wife of Thomas Dyson and daughter of Francis Yates, deceased: as royal bounty and in consideration of the said Francis Yates's services and sufferings, who was instrumental in the King's escape from the battle of Worcester. (Money warrant dated Mar. 7 hereon. Money order dated Mar. 9 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 345. Money Book III, p. 264. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 289.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for an allowance of 400l. to be made to Sir John Osborne upon his account as Treasurer of the Sick and Wounded Seamen and Prisoners of War, he having been appointed to said office by Order in Council dated 1675, Dec. 8, on the death of his brother, Sir Hen. Osborne, with 400l. for his care and attendance on condition that he should within a year of the date thereof make up and pass his own and his said brother's accounts of that service: it appearing by certificate of Robt. Cooper, Clerk to the late Commissioners for Sick and Wounded, that within five or six months after said 1675, Dec. 8 (the date of his [Sir John's] Commission) the accounts of both the said Treasurers were taken before the said Commissioners and by them certified to the Navy Commissioners in order to their being stated but by reason of the affairs of said Commissioners said statement could not be obtained until 1680, Sept. 17, so that the delay in passing said accounts was not due to said Sir John Osborne's neglect. King's Warrant Book VIII. pp. 346–7.
Royal warrant to the Treasury Lords for a warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to William Coryton of the meadows, feedings, pastures, woods, underwoods, houses and edifices within the circuit, walk or precinct of the late disparked park of Kerry-bullock, parcel of the manor of Stoke Climsland and Duchy of Cornwall, and the 46 acres of underwood on the farm ground called Kerrybullock Park: all as granted 1625–6, Mar. 22, to Sir Richard Buller, kt., for 99 years, terminable on the lives of his sons John, Anthony and William, at the rents of 6l. per an. for the park and 42s. for the underwoods and as regranted 1661, Nov. 23, to Francis Buller (in reversion after John and Anthony, survivors of the said three sons) for the life of William Coriton, son of John (afterwards Sir John) Coriton, at the above rents of 8l. 2s. 0d. and increase rent of 12l. per an.; which said John and Anthony Buller are now deceased and the said William Coriton only remaining in the premises at this time. The present grant is to be for two lives in reversion of said William Coriton or other expiration of the lease of 1661, Nov. 23; all on payment of 100l. into the Exchequer and at the old rents of 8l. 2s. 0d. per an. as soon as the said premises shall come into possession by virtue of the said grant and not before, and with a special clause to release and discharge the increased rent of 12l. per an. payable "during the said present demise of the 23rd of Nov." Also the present grant is to include the woods, underwoods and woodlands called Wareham Wood and Greenscombe Wood and other the premises granted therewith, 1660–1, Mar. 20, to the said John (afterwards Sir John) Coryton, containing 183 acres and situate in the said manor of Stoke Climsland, for 31 years from 1660, Sept. 29, under the old rent of 8l. 3s. 0d. per an. and increased rent of 4l. per an.: the present grant of this latter item is to be for 21 years from the determination of the said demise of 1660–1, Mar. 20, at the said old rent of 8l. 3s. 0d. payable when same shall come into possession by virtue of this grant and not otherwise and with a special clause for the discharge of the increased rent of 4l. per an. payable under the demise of Mar. 20: the Surveyor General having rated the said two new items of grant at fines of 200l. and 88l. respectively, and the sinking of the said increased rents at 72l. and 20l. respectively or in all 380l., in lieu of which the King is pleased to accept 100l. in consideration of William Coryton's father's loyalty and services. Ibid, pp. 347–50.
Mar. 3. Royal sign manual for 5,549l. 9s. 6d. to Henry Guy for secret service, without account: to be paid on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of Jan. 31 last. (Money warrant dated Mar. 7 hereon. Money order dated Mar. 7 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 351. Money Book III, p. 264. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 288.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,000l. to the Keeper of the Privy Purse out of such Customs money as shall be paid into the Exchequer for that purpose. Disposition Book II, p. 128.
Same to same to issue to the Treasurer of the Chamber 152l. out of Wine Licence money and 125l. out of King's Bench fines. Ibid.
Same to the Treasurer of the Chamber to apply the above money as follows, viz., 12l. 10s. 0d. each to William Gregory, Clerk of the Cheque, Thomas Atterbury, messenger, Robert Ozler, messenger, Francis Strutt, messenger, Edward Goldgay, messenger, Richard Phesant, messenger, Anthony Binns, messenger, Tho. Smith, messenger, Edward Dechaire, messenger, Nicholas Copley, messenger; 23l. 5s. 5d. to John Twist, musician; and 11l. 12s. 8½d. each to Tho. Farmer, musician, Jeff Aylworth, musician, Th. Fitz, musician, Richard Tomlinson, musician, Edward Flower, musician, Jo. Fashions, musician, Isaac Staggins, senr. musician, Robert Strong, musician, Henry Stevens, musician, Tho. Finall, musician, Mr. Staggins, master [of the King's music]. (Total 276l. 5s. 2½d.) Ibid.
Mar. 4. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to levy tallies for the discharge of the baronet fee of 1,095l. due to the King from Sir Thomas Napier. Money Book III, p. 262.
Money warrant for 1,050l. to Henry, Duke of Grafton, on his pension of 3,000l. per an., 300l. thereof as in full of 1681, Lady day quarter, and 750l. for 1681, June 24 quarter, thereon. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of Customs money now paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 129.
to the Cofferer of the Household 6,000
to the Commissioners of the Mint 500
to the Treasurer of the Navy for Sick and Wounded 400
to Mr. Savile 455
to Mr. Griffith for buying of horses 500
Mar. 4. Henry Guy to the Solicitor General, forwarding the copies of the minutes according to which the new contract for the revenue of Ireland is to be drawn. "I send you all of them that you may see the full method of every debate and by comparing them receive perfect information for the draught of the said contract," which the Treasury Lords desire you to prepare with all speed. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 418.
Mar. 6. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt and to the Clerk of the Pells to make memorials in the books of their respective offices that no payment of the 618l. 19s. 10d. surplusage resting on Sir George Carteret's Navy treasurership account for the years 1665–6, Jan. 1, to 1667, June 30, be made to the heirs etc. of said Carterett, upon any warrant whatsoever to be hereafter obtained without notice first given to the Treasury Lords, it being intended that the said surplusage shall be applied towards the satisfaction of the sum of 2,190l. paid to said Carterett in his Majesty's wrong; it appearing that the said 2,190l. has been paid to William Ashburnham, late Cofferer of the Household, by tallies levied on the said Carterett, which tallies were to be paid by Carterett out of the moneys due to the King upon the said account of Carteret, but that the said Ashburnham in pursuance of a royal sign manual and of Treasurer Danby's warrant did pay said sum to Carterett by delivering to him the said tallies, for which Carterett gave his acquittances; but upon the said Cofferer's producing his own account to the Board of Greencloth it appears that there was no such sum due to said Carterett for board wages as Vice Chamberlain as was alleged in his Majesty's said warrant, for that Carteret had [been] fully allowed all that was due upon that account as amply as any of his predecessors ever had. Money Book III, p. 263.
Money warrant for 50l. to Nich Staggins for 1680, June 24 quarter, on his fee or salary of 200l. as Master of his Majesty's Music. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 470l. 6s. 8d. to Mr. Brisban out of such customs money as shall be paid into the Exchequer for that purpose. Disposition Book II, p. 129.
Treasury warrant to the Treasurer's Remembrancer to forbear and to supersede process until further order against John Peters, junr., of Fittlers, in the parish of Writtle, co. Essex, and Mary his wife, who have been convicted for Recusancy and for want of payments of [the Recusancy fine of] 20l. per month are become indebted to the King in 400l., whereupon his real estate has been seized and returned at 40l. per an.: all by reason that an inquisition is again issuing whereby the true value of the said estate may be found. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 51.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to pass, Customs free, all such ordnance, carriages, powder, shot and other gunners' stores and munition of war as shall be certified by the Master General of the Ordnance to be shipped for his Majesty's service in any his garrisons, forts, castles and Plantations or Colonies abroad; there being divers quantities of such stores frequently shipped and to be shipped at Tower wharf and other places of the Thames and Medway for such forts as well foreign as domestic. Out Letters (Customs) VIII. p. 65.
Mar. 6. Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners, forwarding a state of the account of the Victuallers of the Navy. Inform the Treasury Lords whether you have any objection thereto, also inform them what accounts of the Victuallers are now lying before you and what is due to them upon bills of imprest. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 418.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to certify the Treasury Lords why the posts, pales and rails in the enclosed paper may not be exported for Scotland on payment of Customs. Ibid, p. 419.
Appending: Petition to the Treasury Lords for the release of the pink James of Leith, 70 tuns burden, William James master, which is bound from London to Ipswich, there to load posts, pales and rails, being the proper goods of the Duke of Lauderdale, for the enclosing of part of his park in Scotland, the Customs officers at Ipswich having refused to allow her to export same to Scotland without special order from the Treasury Lords, pretending that oaken posts etc. are prohibited.
Same to Mr. Hewer to certify the Treasury Lords to what time the Earl of Inchiquin was paid as Governor of Tangier on the establishment and from what time Sir Palmes Fairborne's pay as Governor there commenced. Ibid.
Mar. 7. Treasury warrant to Serj. John Ramsey to authorise, by letter or otherwise as shall be legal and sufficient, the gaoler who is in charge of Ralph Hollinshed to withdraw and discharge the action entered by said Ramsey for 3,000l. on the King's behalf on account of moneys owing to the King by said Hollinshed as late Receiver of the last Eighteen Mouths' assessment for co. Chester, on which action said Hollinshed was delivered to gaol in the city of Chester. The present order is by reason that said Hollinshed desires to appear before the Treasury Lords in order to the adjustment of his debt and the making satisfaction therefor. Hollinshed is to surrender to Ramsey's custody to be by him brought before the Treasury Lords. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 52.
Followed by: a later Treasury order dated 1682, July 6, to said Ramsey to deliver said Hollinshed to the Warden of the Fleet to be charged in execution at the King's suit, he having not yet made any proposition for payment of his arrear.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners. The Committee for Trade and Plantations have desired the Treasury Lords that monthly accounts may be transmitted to the said Committee of all commodities exported and imported at all the outports of England and Wales to and from the Plantations in the form designed as below and that this work may begin from September last exclusive: and also that duplicates of the yearly accounts which are sent by the several collectors of the Customs settled by Act of Parliament within the said Plantations [be likewise sent to them]. The Treasury Lords hereby direct you to transmit the said accounts accordingly and in order thereto to give the necessary directions to the outports officers. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, pp. 66–72.
Appending: a series of forms for the said accounts (1) [Form of Plantations yearly account.] An account of all goods exported from one of his Majesty's Plantations to the other in ships cleared by the Customs collectors there: for the year. (Memorandum: the collectors of the Customs in the Plantations are obliged to keep and transmit these accounts.) The form is ruled in perpendicular columns for tobacco, sugar, provisions and in horizontal columns for the routes or lines of export: viz. from Virginia to Jamaica (tobacco), from Jamaica to New England (sugar), from New England to Barbados (provisions), from Barbados to Leeward Islands, from Leeward Islands to Bermudas, from Bermudas to Maryland, from Carolina to New York, from New York to Hudsons Bay, from New Jersey to Carolina, from Hudsons Bay to New Jersey, from Maryland to Virginia, and other parts and vice versa.
(2) [Form of English outports, exports, accounts]. England, Wales and Berwick: an account of all sorts of merchandises and commodities with their several species and quantities exported from the port of _ to _ [Jamaica etc.] for one year from _ Michaelmas to _ Michaelmas, and in what ships.
The forms are ruled in five perpendicular columns for respectively date of entry, ship's name and burthen, master's name, goods, quantities: and there are separate forms for Jamaica, Barbados, Leeward Islands, Bermudas, Virginia, New England, Carolina, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Hudson's Bay, other places in America.
(3) [Form of English outports, imports, account.] England, Wales and Berwick: an account of all sorts of merchandises and commodities, with their several species and quantities imported from _ [Jamaica etc.] into the port of _ for one year from _ Michaelmas, to _ Michaelmas, and in what ships.
The forms are ruled as above and there are separate forms for each Plantation as above.
Mar. 7. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to appoint Samll. Sheafe as a tidesman in extraordinary, London port, and to be employed next after those in fee. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 73.
Money warrant for 400l. to William Levett, gent., for two years to 1672, Sept. 29, on his pension. Money Book III, p. 264.
Same for 1,635l. 0s. 5d. to Anthony Row and partners, Farmers and Managers of the Hearthmoney, for six per cent. interest and four per cent. reward on several sums of money by them advanced and lent for his Majesty's service; as by an account thereof stated by Henry Aldworth, deputy to Auditor Anthony Stephens, and allowed by the Treasury Lords Feb. 24 last: to be paid by tally on themselves on their rent payable 1681–2, Mar. 15, to which day the interest and reward is carried in the said account. (Money warrant dated Mar. 11 hereon.) Ibid, p. 265. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 289.
Same for 120l. each to Tho. Pulteney, esq., and Adulphus Sayers, esq., for one year to 1681, June 24, on their pension of 120l. per an. each as Pages of Honour to the King. Money Book III, pp. 265, 266.
Mar. 7. Henry Guy to the Treasurer of the Chamber to issue to William Stanhop, Gentleman Usher Daily Waiter to the Queen, the 304l. 4s. 0d. which is directed to be issued to you at the Exchequer. Same is to be as in part of the 1,101l. due in the Office of the Treasurer of the Chamber. (Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue said 304l. 4s. 0d. to Mr. Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, out of the like sum which will be speedily paid into the Exchequer by Antho. Eyre and William Stanhop, Farmers of Excise for co. Notts, for the three years from 1671, June 24; being the debt due from them on account of that farm.) Disposition Book II, p. 130.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of King's Bench Fines now remaining in the Exchequer, viz. 120l. to Mr. Killegrew, Page of Honour, and 113l. 14s. 10d. to Mr. Poultney [as a same], making up the 6l. 5s. 2d. balance of his 120l. out of any other disposable money in the Exchequer, viz. out of the Customs. Ibid.
Same to same to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.. Ibid, p. 131.
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
to the Cofferer of the Household 2,000
Same to same to issue 5,549l. 9s. 6d. [to me Guy] in satisfaction of an order for that sum this day in my name for secret service, supra, p. 419: paying same out of money which is to be paid into the Exchequer by Mr. Duncombe. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Kent, Customs Cashier, to pay to Mr. Nathll. Hornby the 230l. 2s. 4d. due to him for six per cent. interest and two per cent. gratuity on the 10,000l. which he advanced to the Treasurer of the Navy 1681, May 12, on a tally struck on the Customs 1680, Oct. 4. You (Kent) are to insert same [said payment] in the interest account of yourself and Mr. Duncombe for the quarter ending Lady day next wherein the Treasury Lords will pass the said sum of 230l. 2s. 4d. as if the principal thereof [10,000l.] had been advanced by you. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 420.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to consider the enclosed proposal [missing] of William Christian for surveying several northern ports, which business, if it can conveniently be performed by him, may save the King the charge of several officers. Also report on the ability and honesty of Houseman, the surveyor of Dover. I am also to remind you that there are no presentments lying before the Treasury Lords for making a surveyor of the searchers, the two additional tidesurveyors, London port, and the three landwaiters wanting at Bristol. Ibid.
Mar. 9. Treasury warrant to the same to permit the export from Ipswich to Scotland, on payment of ad valorem custom, of 50 loads of timber posts, rails and pales for impaling a park in Scotland belonging to the Duke of Lauderdale. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 73.
Mar. 9. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Henry Prestcott as an additional wine taster in London port with 80l. per an. salary and to be also styled viewer of outs, gauger of wines and at such seasons as there is no work of this kind to be done that he be employed at the quays to inspect the landwaiters: all as proposed in the Customs Commissioners' memorial of Feb. 23 last. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 73.
Same to same to employ Lawrence Prior as an addition to the present number of deputation searchers, London port, with 60l. per an. salary. Ibid, pp. 73, 74.
William Man as the like, ibid. with the like salary.
Edward Duke as the like with the like salary.
William Cannon as a coastwaiter, London port, as additional to the present number and with the salary of 40l.
The same respectively for George Day and John Golding and George Loyde.
Thomas Davis as a riding surveyor to be established at Faversham with the salary of 60l. per an. In the margin: cancelled 7 May, 1682.
James King as same at Titchfield with 50l. per an. salary.
Shadrick Vincent as same at Truro with the like salary.
Charles Greeneas same at Uphill with the like salary.
James Strangwayes as same at Liverpool for the coast of Cheshire with the salary of 60l. per an.
Richard Boys as a surveyor of the coastwaiters, London port, with 60l. per an. salary: the Customs Commissioners having represented the necessity of said office.
Same to same to pay back to the East India Company six per cent. discount on their paying down in ready money the Customs on the goods imported by them lately in the ships President, Barnardiston, Persia, Merchant [sic for Persia Merchant], Berkeley Castle, Society and Eagle, lately arrived from India, for the unexpired residue of the period of six months and six months which by their Charter they are allowed for the payment of their Custom. Money Book III, p. 266.
Same to the Receipt for tallies of pro or assignment to be levied on the Excise and to be delivered to George Dashwood, et al. ut supra, pp. 303–4, for 40,000l. by them advanced to the King. The said tallies are to express the use thereof on the pro side as directed by the indenture, ut ibid. Ibid, pp. 267–8.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Customs money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 130.
l. s. d.
to the Paymaster of the Works for the extraordinary of the Works, viz., for the King's new buildings at the end of the stone gallery in Whitehall 500 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the anchor smith 300 0 0
to ditto for Chatham Chest 6,000 0 0
to the Cofferer of the Household 3,000 0 0
to the executrix of Col. Buller for interest 154 13 0
to Mr. Brisban, according to a former letter 470 6 8
£10,420 6 8
Mar. 9. Henry Guy to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay to the anchorsmith and to Chatham Chest the 300l. and 6,000l. as above: and further to apply as follows the 6,900l. which the Treasury Lords have directed to be issued to you next week, viz., 6,000l. for [pay of] the Faulcon, 600l. for the new ships and 300l. for launching ships at Portsmouth. Disposition Book II, p. 132.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to hasten the despatch of the Victuallers' accounts which now lie before you. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 420.
Same to same. You will receive herewith a warrant from the Treasury Lords [for you] to contract with Sir Jno. Tippetts for the making of a wet dock at Chatham. My Lords desire you to use great secrecy herein and if you find anything necessary for his Majesty's service that is not mentioned in the proposal you are to add it to the contract. Ibid, p. 421.
Same to the Master of the Ordnance, forwarding the petition of John Holmes, master of the St. Jacob, ut supra, p. 349, with the copy of a debentur out of the Office of Ordnance of moneys due to said John Holmes. Inform the Treasury Lords of the true state of said Holmes's case in relation to said debentur. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Navy Commissioners to make a contract with Sir John Tippets, kt., Surveyor of the Navy, for the making of a wet dock contiguous to his Majesty's dockyard at Chatham for the receiving and lodging any 25 of his Majesty's ships of the second and third rate, the new second rates only excepted, and also a graving place to be made at the end of the apron of the said wet dock, with several conveniences necessary for the use of said dock: his Majesty having thought fit that same be made forthwith according to the particulars mentioned in the enclosed plat and articles relating thereto, all which appear to the Treasury Lords to be advantageous for his Majesty's service. Same is to be finished by the time limited in the articles and after the signing of said contract according to the method and custom of the Navy you are to make out bills of imprest from time to time for the several sums that are to be paid for carrying on said work and for the reward that is to be allowed to said Tippets by the contract for his care and pains in contriving and managing thereof. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 53–6.
Appending: copy of said articles of agreement or contract. The dock to be on the north side of the dockyard at Chatham, capable of receiving at one and the same time ships as above with the watch-houses, pitch-house, cranes, crabbs and other conveniences: and to make without the gates of the said dock towards the river one complete graveing place fit for any of his Majesty's ships to be laid upon and graved at: the wet dock to be 250,376 superficial square feet in the inside, the south end to be where the mast dock now is but to be full 200 feet distant from the wall of his Majesty's dockyard: the depth to be to contain 17 feet of water so that the said ships may be at all times afloat with 100 tons of ballast in each of them: the dock to have an apron in the mouth or entrance of it full 70 feet in length and 43 feet wide, the groundways thereof to be 44 feet long and 18 inches square, to be 18 inches asunder and to be well piled, bolted and rammed with clay and to have a tyre of copherdamm piles at each end: the said apron to be planched with 4-inch plank, and to have four pairs of standards placed thereon, one pair at each end, and two pair at the gates thereof: the wharves on each side the apron to be 20 feet deep, to be planked with good, well-seasoned 4-inch plank, to have two pair of substantial gates, one pair to open inward, the other outward: the wharfing within said dock to be in all about 2,190 feet running measure and 18 feet deep: the three long front lines where the wharfs having a great slope are to be in two heights, the uppermost not to exceed four feet in depth: the wharfing without [outside] the gates, being in all about 1,110 feet running measure, to be of different heights, that within on each side the graving place and the two pier heads to be 19 feet deep and at the end next the shore eight feet deep, that within the graveing place to be in two heights for the more convenient shoreing of ships that shall be graved there. The scantlings of the timbers for the several depths of wharfing to be as follows, viz. (where the wharf shall be 20 feet deep) for cam-shots and mud-sells 12 inches for the over and 11 inches for the in and out: for punches 10 inches for the over and nine inches for the in and out: for the bends nine inches for the over and eight inches for the in and out: for the land ties in the head 15 inches for the over and 13 for the in and out: for the shores 14 inches for the over and 15 inches for the in and out: and so pro rata detailed in decreasing sizes for successive depths of the dock, viz., of 18 feet, 16 feet, 14 feet, 12 feet, 10 feet, eight feet and four feet depth: all the wharves of 14 feet and upwards to have two tyre of land ties and shores placed at 10 feet distance and all wharves under 14 feet to have only one tyre of each at the same distance: the mud-sells of all the wharfing to be very well secured with piles and all wharfing that is more than 10 feet deep to be planked with 3-inch plank and the rest with 2-inch plank: four watch or guard houses to be built of 12 feet square on the ground: to have one lower and one upper room with one chimney in the lower room: one convenient pitch house to be built for the heating of pitch, as also two capstorne cranes sufficient to take up at once four tons weight at each crane: 14 crabbs to be made for the careening and moving of ships: two saw-pits to be dug and a convenient shed set over each of them: a fence wall of brick to be made to the landward between 60 and 70 perches in length of the same height and thickness with the present wall which is a fence to the dockyard, to be at least 50 feet distant from any part of the said dock: the graving place to contain 12,000 superficial feet and to have 34 groundways of 18 inches square for ships to rest on and to be made as deep as is the present graving dock at his Majesty's yard at Chatham: all to be complete before 1683, Oct. 31: the said contractor to bear all charges for all manner of materials as timber, plank and tree-nails, iron work, bricks, lime, sand etc. all charges of work in digging etc. and of carpenters, bricklayers, smiths etc.: provided he be furnished at all times freely with the use of such of his Majesty's floating stages and lighters as there shall be occasion for and have liberty of laying the waste earth upon the marshes adjoining the said ground and provided always that the sum of 28,500l. be paid without fail into the hands of the Treasurer of the Navy for the said contractor's use at the following times, viz., 2,000l. in Mar., 1681–2; 2,000l. in April [1682]; 3,000l. in May; 3,000l. in July; 3,000l. in Sept.; 2,000l. in Nov.; 1,000l. in Jan., 1682–3; 1,000l. in Feb.; 3,500l. in Mar.; 3,500l. in May [1683]; 3,500l. in July; 1,000l. in Sept.; finally the said contractor to have a reward of 1,500l. for himself for his care etc. as above, provided that the whole cost of said work when finished shall not exceed said 28,500l.
Mar. 9. Treasury warrant to the Trustees for Fee Farms to convey to Henry Dering fee farm rents as follows in lieu of or as reprise and satisfaction for other rents formerly contracted for by him but [by accident] doubly conveyed. The reprise is to be: Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 56–7.
per an.
l. s. d.
a rent issuing out of the tithes of Dinton, co. Bucks 5 0 0
a rent out of a close called Bonnesby in Hedg[er]ley 0 8 0
a rent issuing out of lands in Thornborough 0 10 0
a rent out of lands in Easthorpe and Elthorpe 0 6 8
a rent out of a tenement in Wycombe 0 10 0
a rent issuing out of the rectory of Edsor [Hedsor] 0 6 8
These rents at 16 years' purchase come to 113l. The lands for which said Dering formerly contracted by contract dated 1680–1, Jan. 18 (but which had been previously by contract dated 1679, Sept. 27, conveyed to Jno. Chase by the Fee Farm Trustees) were a rent of 3l. 6s. 6d. per an. out of woods in Ludgershall, called Haverly Coppice in co. Bucks, and another rent of 3l. 6s. 6d. per an. there paid by the Mercers' Company, which at 16 years' purchase come to 106l. 8s. 0d. and with one year's arrear thereon to 1681, Sept. 29, came to 113l. 1s. 0d., so that said Dering loses 1s. by this reprise.
Prefixing: certificate from Auditor J. Philips and from William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, as to these respective contracts.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to William Coriton of premises in Kerrybullock, ut supra, pp. 418–9, for 99 years, terminable on the lives of Sir Jno. Coriton, bart. (brother of said William Coriton) and Dame Elizabeth, wife of said Sir John, in reversion after the term granted in the premises to aid William Coriton 1661, Nov. 23: the fine to be 100l. and the rent to be the old rent of 8l. 2s. 0d. per an. from the commencement of the new lease as herein, the increased rent of 12l. per an. being hereby to be discharged as from Michaelmas last. Likewise for a lease of the woods, underwoods etc. ut supra, ibid, for 21 years after the existing grant thereof made 1660–1, Mar. 20, at the old rent of 8l. 3s. 0d. per an. from the commencement of this new lease, the increased rent of 4l. per an. being to be hereby similarly discharged as from Michaelmas last. Ibid, pp. 58–63.
Prefixing: particular and ratal for each of the two sets of premises all ut supra, ibid.
Mar. 15. Royal warrant to the Paymaster of the Forces to pay to Sir Thomas Lynch, appointed Governor of Jamaica (loco the Earl of Carlisle, late Governor resigned), for his entertainment in that service, the 300l. per an. which was payable to him as Major General of said Island, which sum was continued when by Order in Council dated 1680, Nov. 3, the sum of 1,000l. per an. payable upon the establishment of Jamaica to the Governor thereof was retrenched together with divers other allowances therein mentioned. The said 1,000l. per an. is hereby to be paid to the Earl of Carlisle in consideration of his resignation: same is to be paid out of moneys receivable from time to time for the pay of the Forces. The first payment thereof is to commence from Michaelmas last and same is to continue during pleasure. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 351–2.
Royal sign manual dated from Newmarket for 920l. to Henry Guy for secret service without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of Jan. 31 last and to be paid out of Recusants' forfeitures. (Money warrant dated Mar. 20 hereon. Money order dated Mar. 21 hereon.) Ibid, p. 352. Money Book III, p. 268. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 289.
Same dated same for 1,236l. 4s. 6d. to same for same: to be issued on same dormant privy seal. (Money warrant dated Mar. 21 hereon. Money order dated Mar. 22 hereon.) King's Warrant Book IX, p. 1. Money Book III, p. 269. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 289.
Royal warrant dated same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for allowances to Sir Richard Pigott in his account as follows. By indenture under the great seal dated 1666, Mar. 30, between the King of the one part and Sir Kichard Pigott, kt., Perient Trott and Humphrey Beane of the other part the Hearthmoney of England, Wales and Berwick was let to them to farm. They held the said farm for three years and no longer and said Trott and Beane both died before any account was rendered. Said Pigott, the surviving Farmer, is now upon his account and has prayed allowance of the following sums which although not warranted by the said indenture are (as he alleges) very just and equitable to be made to him but cannot regularly be allowed without this our privy seal: viz. (1) 18,492l. 18s. 2d. which was allowed to the said Farmers by Order in Council dated 1668–9, Feb. 10, for four per cent. gratuity on their advance of 250,000l. on their taking the said farm; (2) 41,507l. 1s. 10d. also allowed them by the said Order in Council for their damages and losses sustained by the many obstructions in the collecting of the said duty; (3) 20,702l. 14s. 0d. also allowed by the said Order for their losses by the dreadful fire of London in 1666; (4) 170l. which was paid by said Farmers to Henry Fanshaw by virtue of Treasurer Southampton's warrant of 1666, Oct. 16, and of a warrant from the Treasury Lords dated 1669, May 17, for payment of 20l. per an. to said Fanshaw for 8½ years ending 1671, Mar. 25 (which comes to said 170l.) for sorting etc. the Hearthmoney Rolls; (5) 450l. which the said Farmers were necessitated to pay to the late Visct. Fanshaw, King's Remembrancer, for liberty to remove the Hearthmoney Rolls from his office to their own and without payment whereof they could not have had the said rolls, although the King convenanted with them that all returns and records of the Hearthmoney should be kept in their office; (6) 1,494l. 13s. 0d. being part of 2,971l. 12s. 0d. which said Farmers allowed to Thomas King, their sub-Farmer in co. Suffolk, as defalcation, the Farmers being by the privy seal of 1671–2, Mar. 7, and the Treasury warrant of 1672, Mar. 26, directed to allow 2,971l. 12s. 0d. to Edward Smyth, Robert Carr and Abraham Wilkinson, sureties of the said Thomas King, as upon account of Suffolk Hearthmoney; (7) 152l. 5s. 0d. which said Farmers paid to Rich. Baddely, et al. their sub-farmers in co. Dorset, towards their charges in prosecuting rioters and murderers upon an insurrection against the Hearthmoney officers in Bridport in 1668, and for improvement of said duty in said county as by Treasurer Danby's warrant dated 1676, Aug. 30; (8) 150l. being the Hearthmoney charged on Windsor Castle during their tenure of said farm which they could not collect because the royal sign manual of 1663, May, 12, declared that the Dean and Canons of the Chapel Royal in Windsor should not be taxed towards payment of any impositions in respect of their houses or stables; (9) 200l. which was recovered from said Farmers by Daniel Andrews, esq., by decree of the Judges at Cliffords Inn Hall, 17 April, 1667, towards the rebuilding his house where their office was kept which was burned down in the great fire of London; (10) 1,740l. for damages sustained by the said Farmers by a decree of the Exchequer Court, 1673, June 24, decreeing that the bonds of Bevis Lloyd and Richard Gwynn, then sub-farmers of Hearthmoney in co. Somerset, should be delivered up to be cancelled by reason of their damages therein mentioned to be sustained, which said sub-farmers owed said Farmers said 1,740l.; (11) 11,590l. 7s. 3d. allowed by said Farmers to several others of their sub-farmers by reason of the like damages as in the case of said Lloyd and Gwynn, which allowances were made to prevent the like suits as is sworn by William Webb, late Auditor to said Farmers; (12) 22,600l. and 10 g[uinea]s part of 105,000l. which said Farmers were charged in their account to have received of the several Receivers of the Royal Aid by virtue of tallies delivered to them for security of their 250,000l. advance money, one tally dated 1665–6, Feb. 12, for 11,285l., another dated same date for 11,235l. (both struck on said duty in London) and another dated 1666, May 3, for 80l. and 10 g[uinea]s struck on said duty in Cornwall; which sums were never paid to said Farmers for want of sufficient receipts in said Receivers' hands, so that the said Farmers are ready to produce and deliver up said tallies. King's Warrant Book IX, pp. 1–4.
It is hereby ordered that all the abovesaid sums be allowed in account to said Farmers upon Pigott delivering up the said three tallies.