Entry Book: October 1681

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: October 1681', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp270-289 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: October 1681', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp270-289.

"Entry Book: October 1681". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp270-289.


October 1681

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Oct. 1. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, out of Customs money in the Exchequer, 3,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy for one week on the Navy's weekly money. Disposition Book II, p. 96.
Oct. 3. Same to same to issue as follows, out of Excise money remaining in the Exchequer, viz., Ibid.
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
Oct. 8. Same to same to issue as follows, out of Excise money directed to be paid into the Exchequer this week, viz.: Ibid.
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
and out of Customs money [in the Exchequer] to issue as follows, viz.,
to the Treasurer of the Navy for one week of the Navy's weekly money 3,000
to ditto for the yards 19,996
Oct. 11. Henry Guy to Mr. Stephens for an estimate of what the four years' pay due to the Centurion amounts to. Out Letters (General) VI. p. 306.
[?] Same to John Brisban, esq., Secretary to the Admiralty. I have laid before the Treasury Lords yours of the 8th inst. touching the arrival in the Downs of his Majesty's ship Centurion, to be paid off and laid up, and that there is four years' pay due to her company. My lords will speedily provide money for the discharge of said company. Ibid, p. 307.
Oct. 11. Same to Hugh Buckenham, esq., Mayor of Norwich. The Treasury Lords have received complaints from several inhabitants of Norwich that you have of late suppressed divers of them from the trades of victualling by refusing to grant them licences as formerly, which will not only reduce several families to want but also diminish the revenue of Excise. My Lords desire you that the said victuallers may have their licences unless there be any considerable reasons shewn to the contrary. Ibid, p. 308.
Oct. 13. Same to the Lord Chancellor to meet the Treasury Lords at the Treasury Chambers next Saturday morning about the Irish [revenue] farm. (The like letter respectively to the Earl of Radnor, Earl of Conway, Earl of Arlington, Sir Leoline Jenkins and Edward Seymour.) Ibid, p. 307.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to attend the Treasury Lords on Saturday afternoon with an account of the forcible taking out of the [Customs] warehouse of the lading of the ship that lately came from Muscat. In the margin: [delivered] to N[ed] T[yre]. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Burton to pass Mr. Randolph's patent with all expedition. Ibid.
Treasury allowance of the 1681, June 24, quarter's salary bill of the Excise Office. (Total 2,107l. 10s. 0d.) Money Book III, p. 143.
Money warrant for 200l. to the executors of Lady Henrietta Maria Howard for one year to 1679, Christmas, on her annuity or pension. Ibid, p. 144.
Report to the Treasury Lords from William Blathwayt on the Four and a Half per cent. duty in Barbados and other matters, as follow. There are two accompts made up and stated of the said revenue from 1670 to 1677. I will present them to the Chancellor of the Exchequer on receiving your warrant directing me to prepare them as now stated. The Farmers thereof have not yet delivered to me their tallies for 4,800l. for their salaries, and Sir Charles Wheeler has hitherto refused to swear to the truth of the said accounts. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, pp. 87–8.
As to the farm of the said revenue in the Leeward Islands from 1670–7 there is an account thereof also stated and ready to be passed as soon as the King's pleasure be received concerning defalcations craved by Col. Strode as in the report supra, pp. 239–40. I have since [the date of that report] received divers other certificates and depositions from the Leeward Islands shewing the unreasonableness of Col. Strode's pretensions. I also herewith present a state of the present farm of the Four and a Half per cent. to June last. But the Farmers are not willing to deliver up the tallies which they alleged to have paid until Col. Strode shall come to town and shall consent thereto. I am ready to give an accompt of all tallies at any time struck on the said duty.
Col. Henry Norwood was by patent of Sept., 1650, made Treasurer and Escheator of Virginia, and exercised that office from the Restoration to 1669 and remains yet accountable for the quit rents and other profits of Virginia received by him in the execution of his office. Upon a letter in this behalf from Mr. Guy, and another from the Committee of Plantations, he has not returned any direct or satisfactory answer. I propose that he be charged with the quit rents payable to the King within the said nine years at the rate of 2,000l. per an., which, if duly collected, they ought to have amounted to at the least.
Sir Jonathan Atkins is now arrived from his government of Barbados. I await your orders to require from him an account of all seizures and other profits accruing to the King within that island which have at any time been received or disposed of by him.
Oct. 13. Treasury warrant to Sir Gilbert Talbott, Master of his Majesty's Jewels and Plate, to discharge Lawrence, Visct. Hyde, of the white and gilt plate as by the privy seal of Aug. 30 last, supra, pp. 256–7. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 1.
Oct. 15. Same to the Customs Cashier to advance and pay to Edward Randolph 50l. for half a year to Lady day next on his salary as collector etc. of Customs in New England, he being now transporting himself and family thither and will be at extraordinary charges in providing necessaries for his voyage. Money Book III, p. 144.
Money warrant for 5,000l. to Baptist May, Keeper of the Privy Purse, without account: for his Majesty's particular use and service: to be paid out of such moneys as shall from time to time be brought into the Exchequer out of seizures and forfeitures of uncustomed and prohibited goods, as by the privy seal of 1665, Sept. 5. (Money order dated Oct. 17 hereon.) Ibid, p. 145. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 251.
Same for 375l. to John, Earl of Radnor, Lord President of the Council for 1681, Sept. 29 quarter, on his allowances of 1,000l. per an. in lieu of diet and on his 500l. as royal bounty. (Money order dated Oct. 19 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 146. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 252.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of Customs money now remaining in the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 96.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for one week of the Navy's weekly money 3,000
to ditto to pay off the Centurion 10,400
and to issue as follows out of Excise money directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.:
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000
to ditto for off-reckonings 42,000
to me [Guy] for secret service 200
Oct. 15. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of Wine Licence money paid into the Exchequer Aug. 1 last, and out of Hearthmoney now remaining in the Exchequer (and of what shall be paid in there) of the payment [rent] due at Lady day next but payable by the utmost days of grace on the 19th Sept., 1682, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 97.
l. s. d.
to Phillip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, for repairs at the Mews 120 0 0
to Visct. Lumley for horses for the Queen 250 0 0
to Mr. Peacocke, gardener at Hampton Court 54 2 4
to eight Grooms of the Queen 73 0 0
to the ministers of the Savoy 60 0 0
to the Master of the Robes 1,500 0 0
to Mris. Robart 30 0 0
to Mr. Le Gouch, his Majesty's jeweller 1,250 0 0
to the Falconers 538 9 11¼
£3,875 12
The remainder of the said moneys is to be reserved for the Treasury Lords' disposal.
Treasury nomination and appointment of Edward Randolph to be deputy in the colonies of New England to William Blathwayt, Surveyor and Auditor General of the Plantation Revenues. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 2.
The like for Richard Chamberlaine as the like deputy in New Hampshire and the territory thereon depending.
The like for Nath. Bacon as the like in Virginia and the territories depending thereon.
William Blathwayt this day signed deputations to the following as deputies to him in his office of Surveyor and Auditor General of Plantation Revenues: viz. Reginald Wilson, for Jamaica; Edward Randolph, for all New England except New Hampshire; Richard Chamberlane, for New Hampshire; Nathaniel Bacon, for Virginia;—Doughty, esq. for Barbados. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, p. 88.
Oct. 17. Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners. The Treasury Lords desire you to pay out of the weekly money of the Navy the bill of 112l. drawn by Capt. Christopher Billop, commander of the Deptford ketch, for provisions supplied to said vessel at Nevis; and the bill of 157l. 15s. 6d. from Lord Colepeper for victuals furnished to his Majesty's hired ship James at Virginia, where she was lately employed. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 308.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to the Treasury Lords (Lawrence, Visct. Kenilworth, Sir John Ernle, Sir Edward Dering, Sidney Godolphin and Sir Stephen Fox) for last June 24 quarter's salaries. Money Book III, p. 145. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 251.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to make payable to Charles Bertic, the present Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance, the following orders which remain unpaid in the name of Sir George Wharton, deceased, late Treasurer thereof, viz. 4,222l. 3s. 7d. upon the privy seal of 1677–8, Feb. 6, for 200,000l. for the Ordnance; 1,000l. upon the privy seal of 1680, July 28, for building a hospital at Portsmouth; and 100,000l. on the privy seal of 1681, June 22. In order hereto orders for said sum and to said uses are to be drawn in the name of said Bertie. And as there are orders lying before the said Auditor of the Receipt for said sums in the name of said Wharton special care is to be taken that no part of the said funds be hereafter issued on those orders, and memorandums to that effect are to be made in the margin thereof. Further, 1,000l. is hereby to be paid to said Bertie for land and sea service of the Ordnance on the said order for 4,222l. 3s. 7d. out of Customs money now in the Exchequer. (Money order dated Oct. 19 for payment of the abovesaid 1,000l. to said Bertie in full of the 1,500l. as by the privy seal of 1680, July 28, for the hospital at Portsmouth: same to be paid out of money arising by the sale of dotard trees to be felled in the New Forest. Money Book III, pp. 146–7. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 252.
Same dated same for the abovesaid 100,000l. to said Bertie on the privy seal of 1681, June 22.)
Oct. 18. Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 16l. 3s. 4d. to Jno. Langwith, messenger attending the Customs, for last Sept. 29 quarter. (Treasury allowance of said Langwith's bill of 16l. 3s. 4d. for his attendance upon the Treasury Lords for same quarter.) Money Book III pp. 147. 149.
Money warrant for [250l. each for] last Trinity term's allowance to the following justices on their 1,000l. per an. each. and dormant warrant clause for such payments in future: viz. Sir Fra. Pemberton, Chief Justice of the King's Bench; Sir Tho. Jones, Sir William Dolben and Sir Tho. Raymond, Justices of the King's Bench; Sir Fra. North, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas; Sir Hugh Windham, Sir Job Charlton and Sir Cresswell Levin, Justices of Common Pleas; William Montagu, esq., Chief Baron of the Exchequer; Sir Edwd. Atkins, William Gregory and Tho. Street, esqrs., Barons of the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 198.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to direct the collectors of the outports to pay last Michaelmas quarter's salary bill of the outports. (Total, 3,536l. 12s. 2d.) Ibid.
Treasury allowance of the same quarter's salary bill of the Customs, London port, with direction to the Customs Cashier to pay same. (Total, 5,070l. 5s. 0d.) Ibid, p. 149.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay a half-year's salaries to the patent officers of the outports other than such as are directed to be paid upon the establishment or by dormant warrants. Ibid.
Money warrant for 50l. each to Sir Edward Lowe, Sir Adam Otley, Sir Timothy Baldwin, Sir Lacon William Child, Sir Jon. Hoskins, Sir Saml. Clerke, Sir Miles Cooke, Sir Jon. Franklin, Sir Thomas Estcourt, Sir Jon. Coell and Sir William Beversham, the eleven Masters in Chancery, for a half-year to Sept. 29 last on their yearly sum of 100l. each; and dormant warrant for payment of same for the future. (Money order dated Oct. 24 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 150. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 253.
Same for 3,492l. 11s. 7½d. to Anthony, Visct. Falkland, Treasurer of the Navy, upon account: viz. 3,291l. 2s. 8d. thereof to pay off interest bills which the Navy Commissioners are to make out to the respective persons interested in the 109,704l. 10s. 9¼d. for stores for a war against the French King as in the privy seal of 1679–80, Feb. 20 (see Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, pp. 436–7) and 201l. 8s. 11d. for the like interest bills to be made out to the persons interested in the 6,714l. 19s. 6d. ut supra, ibid.: said interest in both cases being for 6 per cent. for the half-year ending 1681, Lady day. (Money order dated Oct. 20 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 150. Order Book XXXVIII. pp. 252, 253.
Same for 2,078l. 4s. 8d. to Charles Bertie, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Office of Ordnance; as imprest; to be by him paid over for interest for the half-year ended 1681, Lady day to the creditors interested in the 69,273l. 19s. 2½d. due in the Office of Ordnance upon account of a war with the French King: as by the privy seal of 1679–80, Feb. 28 (ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, p. 440). (Money order dated Oct. 24 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 151. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 253.
Henry Guy to the Auditors of Imprests to despatch the account of Sir John James and partners. Out Letters General) VI, p. 309.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the following papers. Ibid, pp. 309–12.
Appending: (a) Order of the Privy Council dated Whitehall, Oct. 5 inst. (present: Prince Rupert and seven others named) referring to the Treasury Lords a memorial of Antoine Holzafel, a master painter and sculptor at Paris, desiring liberty to bring into England some pictures and picture frames gilt and ungilt, together with his tools and implements, amounting in all to near 600l., he being a Protestant and intending to come over with his family to inhabit here.
(b) A proposal for altering the establishment in order to prevent the present practised frauds in the Customs as follows:
The tidesurveyors and tidesmen in the managing of the Customs have the greatest trust reposed in them, the hardest duty and the least salary. (1) Therefore 'tis offered that the tidesurveyors be increased from five to ten; two of them every week to attend at Gravesend to board tidesmen and rummage all ships that come up the river and go out, as well coasters as over-sea ships: two to attend every week above bridge every flood in the night-time, one at the Bear Stairs and one at the Old Swan, and in the day-time to go up one of them every ebb to search all small vessels, boats and barges and vessels coming from the westward and one of them, in turns, to take his rest every day: two upon the quays to set the watch and see that the watchmen and tidesmen are not off, nor neglect their duty, and to walk the round of the quays every night, one of them one part the night, the other the other part: two upon the flood to take care to board such ships as have slipped by Gravesend unmanned, and to enter into their books the tonnage of all ships and also whether in full or in part laden and of what quality the goods and to inspect the tidesmen that they discharge their duty in keeping constant watches; their station to be at Erith: two upon the ebb to prevent smuggling and to clear ships that have discharged their lading and in the night one of them constantly to be in motion betwixt the [London] Bridge and Limehouse and lower as occasion shall require: these last six to take their turns alternately, by which the river will be well guarded, frauds prevented, effectual care taken that none of the tidesmen go off duty and the tidesurveyors enabled to discharge their great trust. (2) That the 80 tidesmen in fee who have but 5l. per an. salary may have 10l. and 3s. a day instead of 2s. 6d. a day when employed: that to the 50 extraordinary tidesmen 50 more be established, which will not increase the king's charge, they being not to be paid but when employed, but upon a glut of shipping it will prevent the taking in porters, watermen and other inferior persons which upon such occasions have been entrusted without oaths or security.
This being done it will be easy to prevent some of the late practised frauds in running of whole ship-loading of wines etc., by directing (1) that the tidesurveyors who in their week are appointed to attend at Gravesend do every day give in to the Customs Commissioners a list of all ships as shall come up the river and the tidesmen's names by them boarded on every ship and date; which list they are to subscribe with their names. (2) That the tidesurveyors for the stream do the like every day for their week, and the officer for the Navigation Act deliver in his list as usual every morning; all which to be filed together and out of them a list to be fairly written in a book. (3) That the clerk of the ships' entries do also every day (when he brings the Customs Commissioners the book of all ships entered together with the names of the waiters appointed to every ship) note against the name of each ship in the book aforesaid the day when she entered, which lists being compared 'twill be easy to discover what ships are not entered in due time, and care may be taken to enquire after them so as to prevent their running the whole lading as has of late been done, by directing (1) that every tidesman that comes up with a lighter of goods shall bring with him a lighter bill subscribed, numbered and dated under the hand of the tidesman that takes the account of the [? same] and no tidesman on board to come up with two lighters one after another, but to take their turns successively: (2) that every tidesman charged with a lighter of goods do remain in charge thereof till the said lighter be delivered and then and not before deliver his lighter bill to the landwaiter, who shall endorse thereon the tidesman's name, the quantity and quality of the goods, and date and subscribe the said endorsement, and every such lighter bill carefully keep and with his warrants deliver them into the jerquer's office; and that where the lighter shall prove long in delivering the surveyor that attends for the quay shall relieve the said tidesman with a night watchman, but so as the tidesman first trusted with the lighter shall deliver and receive the lighter and the goods therein to and from the said watchmen by account taken both at the delivery and receipt again and remain chargeable with it unless he can immediately charge the watchmen with some embezzlement in the night: (3) that upon the delivery of every lighter the landwaiter shall give the tidesman a receipt for the lighter bill, which receipt shall be given to the tidesman that took the account of the ship and with his general bill be delivered into the jerquer's office, till which be done (and a certificate be produced under the jerquer's hand) none of the tidesmen shall be paid that attended the delivery of the ship: (4) that every tidesman taking care of a lighter of goods do enter fair in his book the day of the month that he brought up the said lighter, at what quay he delivered the same and who were the landwaiters: and lastly that due care be taken to prevent the irregular delivery of goods at unreasonable hours by the landwaiters and that the tidesmen be strictly forbidden to work at night or after the hours which are by law allowed.
Oct. 18. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to forthwith make strict enquiry what Customs officers in any port have taken the oaths of supremacy and allegiance and also the Test, and who have not; and also of those who absent themselves from the church; and likewise to enquire into the security of all the officers who give security. Certify these particulars to the Treasury Lords with all convenient speed. Out Letters General VI, p. 313.
Oct. 19. Treasury reference to same of the petition of Mr. Massum shewing that there has been time out of mind (and allowed by the 22nd article annexed to the Book of Rates) two patent searchers and two deputed searchers at Gravesend, the deputed searchers as a check to the patent searchers, till of late one of the deputed searchers has been laid aside, which is a loss to the revenue, as it is impossible that one should always attend "as will further appear by the seizures and tallies struck by the said officers" in the Exchequer: therefore praying a warrant for such place, having been bred a merchant and perfect in the French and Dutch tongues. In the margin: cancelled 1681–2, Feb. 12. Reference Book I, p. 319.
Henry Guy to same to send an officer to Whitehall to view Lady Bellings' goods before their transportation to France. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 313.
Oct. 20. Treasury reference to Sir R. Mason, B. Fillingham and Serj. Ramsey [Agents for Taxes] of the petition and account of Nicholas Veale, late Receiver General of the Additional Aid, co. Gloucester. The referees are to consider the best way to bring the matter to a conclusion. Reference Book I, pp. 400–2.
Prefixing: (a) said Veale's petition setting forth that by the auditor's statement of his account he is in arrear to the King 3,679l. 4s. 3½d., but that in truth it is paid as follows, as appears by Treasurer Danby's warrant "when the petitioner was in the Fleet [prison]": viz. 2,000l. paid upon a privy seal by order of Treasurer Southampton allowed by Treasurer Danby; 1,300l. paid into the Exchequer by Henry Ward, who purchased part of the petitioner's estate; and 379l. 4s. 3½d. (balance of said debt of 3,679l. 4s. 3½d.) allowed by Treasurer Danby upon report from the Agents [for Taxes] in consideration of petitioner's great loss in his receipts. Petitioner therefore prays a privy seal for the discharge of the said sums or to be heard by the Treasury Lords before any process issue.
(b) Copy of Treasurer Danby's warrant of 1676–7, Mar. 9, for staying process against Veale, the King having signified his pleasure for discharging him of what he owes on the said account, for which a privy seal is necessary to be passed, "which cannot suddenly be done."
(c) a brief state (made out by Auditor Parsons in pursuance of a Treasury letter of 1680, Dec. 14) of said Veale's account as Receiver for 2¼ years of the Royal Aid and 1¼ year of the Additional Aid to 1667, Lady day, for Gloucester county and city.
Charge. l. s. d.
receipts of the Royal Aid 49,893 12 9
ditto of Additional Aid 20,976 11 10½
£70,870 4
Discharge. l. s. d.
allowances 1,181 3 0
paid into Exchequer on account of Royal Aid 49,216 0 4
ditto on account of Additional Aid 16,793 17 0
£67,191 0 4
leaving remains, 3,679l. 4s. 3½d.
(d) unsigned memorandum [by said Auditor Parsons]. There is no allowance made to the above accomptant of any money paid to Henry Killegrew on a privy seal for 2,000l., but that upon his account for the Additional Aid he has by a tally dated 1667, Mar. 30, an allowance of 2,000l. "But whether the said tally was levied by virtue of the said privy seal or no I cannot certify, neither can I certify why he doth not prosecute his account in order to be declared."
Oct. 20 Acknowledgment of Henry Guy of his receipt from Edward Brimley, messenger to the Post Office, of five books containing the state of the account for the years 1677–9, of Richard, Earl of Ranelagh, Vice-Treasurer of Ireland. Out Letters (Ireland) II, p. 190.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export, Customs free, on board the pink Betty, William Duncombe commander, for Ostend, of the apparel and provisions for 600 men raised by the King's permission for the King of Spain's service in the Netherlands and under the command of Col. Porter. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 11.
Appending: schedule of said goods (600 coats and breeches, 600 pairs of shoes, 600 pairs of stockings, 600 sashes, 1,200 cravats, 50 barrels of beef and pork, 6,500lb. of flour, 10 hogsheads of pease, 8,000lb. of cheese, 20 firkins of butter, 20 quintals of fish, 1 hogshead of oatmeal, 3 hogsheads of bran, 4 hogsheads of wine, 18,000 [lb.] of bread, fruit 1,000 1[b.]).
Oct. 20. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to deliver Customs free to Peter Harrack, a French Protestant lately arrived from France, 113 ounces of new white plate and 125 ounces of old plate which he has brought with him, the customs whereon would be 50s. and 3l. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 11.
Oct. 22. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer: viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 97.
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000
to the Cofferer of the Household 3,000
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
and out of Customs money [in the Exchequer] to issue 3,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy for one week on the Navy's weekly money.
Oct. 24. Treasury reference to Auditor Stephens of Charles Toll's interest account to Sept. 30 last. (Total principal, 61,114l. 9s. 10d.; total interest, 2,181l. 1s. 3d.) Reference Book I, pp. 402, 406.
Treasury constitution of Sir John Ernle, junr., of Hom-House, co. Hereford, kt., to be his Majesty's conservator and supervisor for the enclosures and springs of young wood of the nursery ordained in Dean Forest by Act of Parliament: all loco Sir Baynam Throckmorton, and with the salary of 100l. per an.: and to keep out sheep, hogs and other incommonable cattle and to prosecute all spoils of timber etc. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 3–4.
[?] Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of a demise to the Hon. Thomas Egerton, third son of John, Earl of Bridgewater, of the hundred of Bucklow for 31 years from 1680, Lady day, at 47l. [sic for 47s.] per an. rent and fine of 4l. 14s. 0d. Ibid.
Oct. 24. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,000l. to the Treasury Lords for last June 24 quarter's salary; paying same out of Customs money paid into the Exchequer for that purpose. Disposition Book II, p. 98.
Same to same to issue 200l. to Mr. Baker, Consul at Tripoli; paying same out of the Hearthmoney [farm rent] payment due at Lady day next now remaining in the Exchequer. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Whyniard. Attend the Treasury Lords to-morrow upon a complaint against you from the Managers [Farmers] of the Hearthmoney. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 313.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. Send to the Treasury Lords a schedule of the stores which you desire to ship off Customs free. Ibid, p. 314.
Same to the Wine Licence Commissioners to forthwith pay into the Exchequer, out of the King's money in the hands of your Treasurer, 124l., whereof 60l. is to be issued to Mr. Briggs for one year's interest to Oct. 15 inst. on his 1,000l. lent 1680, Oct. 14, and 60l. to Wortley Whorwood for the like [interest] to the 20th inst. [on his 1,000l. lent 1680, Oct. 19]. Ibid.
Oct. 24. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the abovesaid 120l. to said Briggs and Whorwood, ut supra. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 314.
Money warrant for 30l. 18s. 0d. to Anthony Seager without account: 20l. 18s. 0d. thereof for disbursements for the Treasury Office incidents for last Sept. 29 quarter and 10l. for said quarter's salary for attendance on the Treasury Lords. (Money order dated Oct. 25 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 151. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 254.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 200l. to Seth, bishop of Sarum, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, for 1681, Lady day quarter on the allowance of 1,200l. per an. for support of the honour of that Order; of which allowance there has of late years been paid only 800l. per an. by agreement. Money Book III. p. 152.
Oct. 25. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to observe an Order of Council as follows. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 315.
Appending: said Order of the King in Council dated Whitehall, Oct. 19. The Treasury Lords this day presented to the Board a report from the Customs Commissioners touching the goods and lading of the ship William and John, lately entered in London port from Muscat and seized as forfeited under the Navigation Act and afterwards forcibly taken away by the sheriffs' officers by colour of replevin, the King's lock upon the warehouse door where they were secured being broken off. Ordered that said report be sent to Sir Robt. Sawyer, the Attorney General, who is to bring an information at the King's suit in the Exchequer against the sheriffs of London for awarding a replevin to take the said goods out of the custody of the law and refusing to put the same into their former state, "and that he prosecute the said sheriffs for the same as far as the law will permit."
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh. The Treasury Lords have now gone through all the books of the new contract proposed relating to the revenue, Ireland, and do desire you to proceed in taking your notes out of all the books as you have begun and that you will offer your objections to them at the Treasury Chambers in writing on Monday next at 3 p.m. Ibid, p. 316.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 8,600l. to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay off the Nonsuch: issuing same out of the 10,750l. paid into the Exchequer by the East India Company as a voluntary present to his Majesty. And further to issue 2,150l., the balance of said 10,750l., to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for the ordinary of the Office of Ordnance. Disposition Book II, p. 98.
Oct. 26. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the following stores to be exported Customs free in the John and William ketch, Isaac Brapell master, of Brighthelmstone, to Kinsale in Ireland, for the use of his Majesty's frigate Swan there, being for boatswain's and carpenter's stores by warrant of the Navy Commissioners of the 7th and 14th Sept. last. In the margin: d[elivered to] Mr. Mordan, mes[senger]. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, pp. 14–16.
Prefixing: schedule of said stores, subscribed by J. Sothern and Isaac Brapell.
Oct. 26. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners for the Customs-free shipment of boatswain's stores for the use of his Majesty's ship Norwich at Jamaica. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, pp. 12–14.
Prefixing: schedule of said stores as subscribed by J. Sotherne.
Same to the Barons of the Exchequer to swear Eusebius Brooke into office as deputy to Cornwall Bradshaw as comptroller of the great and small customs, Bristol port, said office being granted to said Bradshaw without option of a deputy by patent of 1674–5, Feb. 20, for life in reversion after Tho. Jennings (since deceased), but the royal sign manual of 1679–80, Feb. 9, having authorised Bradshaw to make a deputy. Ibid, pp. 16–17.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners. Consider and report to the Treasury Lords on your presentment of 1679, Oct. 13, for retrenchments, together with the proposal last sent you concerning the addition of officers. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 316.
Privy seal for 500l. for equipage and 5l. a day as ordinary to Bevill Skelton, esq. (one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber) as Envoy Extraordinary to the Dukes of Brunswick and Luneburgh and to the Hanse Towns: the ordinary to be payable quarterly, and the first quarter to be advanced: together with the usual clause for his extraordinaries. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 245.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 510l. to Edward Backwell for two years to Sept. 29 last on his fee or salary of 255l. as Comptroller of Customs, London port. Money Book III, p. 152.
Same to same to pay 25l. to Thomas Doyley, gent., for last Sept. 29 quarter on his annuity. Ibid.
Oct. 27. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of James Phipps' petition for a landcarriageman's place, London port. Reference Book I, p. 402.
Same to same of John Hearne's petition for a surveyor or landwaiter's place in any of the outports. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor of Woods, Trent South, to fell 18 loads of oaken timber in Windsor Forest and to deliver same to Sir Saml. Morland to finish and perfect the engine now making to convey water from the Thames to Windsor Castle and Park. The offal to be sold and an account thereof rendered to the auditor for co. Berks. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 5.
Money warrant for 1,500l. to Heneage, Earl of Nottingham, Lord Chancellor; 1,000l. thereof as in full of last Lady day quarter and 500l. thereof as in part of last June 24 quarter on his annuity or yearly pension of 4,000l. Money Book III, p. 153.
Same for 364l. to Arthur, Earl of Anglesea, for last June 24 quarter on his 4l. a day in lieu of diet as Lord Privy Seal. (Money order dated Nov. 3 hereon.) Ibid, p. 153. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 255.
Oct. 27. Money warrant for 455l. to Henry Savill for a quarter's ordinary May 25 last to Aug. 24 last as Envoy Extraordinary to France. (Money order incorrectly stated to be for 400l. dated Nov. 3 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 153. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 255.
Same for 40l. 13s. 4d. to Sir Robert Sawyer for half a year to Sept. 29 last on his fee as Attorney General. Money Book III, p. 154.
Same for 35l. to Henage Finch, esq., for half a year to June 24 last on his fee as Solicitor General. Ibid.
Same for 50l. to George Johnson for one quarter due last Trinity term on his salary or allowance of 200l. per an. as late one of his Majesty's Justices for the city of Chester. Ibid.
Same for 125l. to Sir George Jeffreys for same quarter on his same of 500l. per an. as a same. Ibid, p. 155.
Same for 360l. to Henry Sidney for 72 days to June 23 last on his ordinary as late Envoy Extraordinary to the States General: it being certified by the Earl of Conway, one of the Principal Secretaries of State, that said Sidney returned into his Majesty's presence from that employment on said 23rd of June. (Money order dated Dec. 10 hereon.) Ibid, p. 155. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 267.
Same for 25l. each to Sir Charles Cotterell, Sir William Glascock, Tho. Povey, for 1680, June 24 quarter, and to Mr. Fanshaw for 1681, Lady day quarter on their yearly fee or salary as Masters of Requests. Money Book III, p. 155.
Same for 955l. to Bevill Skelton as Envoy Extraordinary to the Dukes of Brunswick and Luneburg and to the Hanse Towns: being 500l. for equipage and 455l. for a quarter's ordinary in advance. (Money order dated Nov. 2 hereon.) Ibid, p. 156. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 254.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to attend this day week at the hearing of the petitions of Mr. Shales and Mr. Yardley, collector and surveyor of Rochester. (The like notice to said Shales and Yardley.) Out Letters (General) VI, p. 316.
Same to Mr. Sanson to bring all the affidavits and other papers relating to the above business of Shales and Yardley. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh. I have communicated to the Treasury Lords your letters of this morning. In reply I am to signify that the order for your taking observations out of the books relating to the proposal for the new contract of the revenue in Ireland was made when the Lords of the Council were here [at the Treasury] and therefore cannot be altered by the Treasury Lords alone. But [in order] that you may have the whole time between this and Monday for that work they will adjourn to-day at noon till Monday, and I am to attend you here this afternoon. Ibid, p. 317.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Send to the Treasury Lords a list of all the petitioners that have been recommended and a list of those that have been referred to you for employment [in the Customs]. Ibid.
Oct. 27. Henry Guy to Mr. Blathwait forwarding a letter [missing]. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 317.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. This is to remind you of what you proposed to the Treasury Lords the other day concerning sending Mr. Dickenson into the north and Mr. Culliford to Bristol with instructions to dismiss or suspend officers as you shall judge most fit. You are to do this with all possible speed unless you have objections to the contrary. You are also to report on the enclosed two papers [missing] brought in by Mr. Fanshawe concerning coast bonds. Ibid.
Oct. 28. Same to the Lord Chancellor to meet the Treasury Lords on Monday next at the Treasury Chambers concerning the new contract for the revenue of Ireland. (The like notice to the Lord Chamberlain. Lord President [of the Privy Council], Earls of Halifax, Arran, and Conway, Secretary Jenkins, Mr. Seymour and the Solicitor General.) Ibid, p. 318.
Same to the Customs Commissioners enclosing the Order in Council as follows in favour of foreign Protestants, together with the printed order. You are to have the printed orders dispersed to the several ports. Ibid, pp. 318–9.
Appending: Order of the Privy Council dated Whitehall, the 26th inst. By order of this Board of Sept. 14 last several printed copies of the King's order July 23 [28] last (in favour of such poor, distressed foreign Protestants as should put themselves under his protection for the preservation and free exercise of their religion) were sent to the Customs Commissioners to observe that part of said order in the execution of which they were concerned, "although they could not receive any formal directions therein from the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury as is directed by the said order in regard their Lordships were adjourned till Michaelmas": notwithstanding which, complaint was this day made to the [Privy Council] Board that in divers ports of this kingdom and particularly at Dover no notice is taken of the said order and several of the said Protestants with their goods and household stuff, tools and implements belonging to their crafts and trades have been stopped, to their great trouble and discouragement. It is therefore ordered that the Treasury Lords cause a sufficient number of the printed copies of the said order of July 28 to be sent to the Customs Commissioners and to the officers of the several ports for their observing of same.
Oct. 29. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of Customs money to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz: Disposition Book II, p. 99.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for one week of the Navy's weekly money 3,000 0 0
to ditto for clearing the ships in the docks 1,000 0 0
to ditto for hemp, pitch and tar 1,000 0 0
to the 12 Judges 3,000 0 0
to the Masters in Chancery, excepting Sir Saml. Clerk, "whose salary, being 25l. [for the quarter] you are to reserve" till the Treasury Lords give direction 250 0 0
to the Welsh Judges 175 0 0
to the Masters of Requests 100 0 0
to the Lord Chancellor 1,500 0 0
to the Attorney General (13s. 4d. thereof out of any disposable money [in the Exchequer] erased) 40 13 4
to the Solicitor General 35 0 0
to the Lord President of the Council 375 0 0
to the Lord Privy Seal 264 0 0
to Sir William Scrogs when due 375 0 0
£11,214 13 4
[? Oct. 29.] Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of Excise money directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 99.
l. s. d.
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000 0 0
to ditto for off-reckonings 2,000 0 0
to ditto for interest money 1,726 14 2
to the Cofferer of the Household 1,000 0 0
to Mris. Eleanor Gwynne 250 0 0
Oct. 31. Treasury reference to the Attorney General of the petition of Samuel Keck and Robert Heiton (as by a favourable reference thereof from the King dated Whitehall, Oct. 19 inst.): said petitioners praying a grant of a discovery made by them of the soil and ground between the high and low water mark of the river of Thames from Hermitage Wharf to Dickshore in Middlesex; whereon some houses and other things being erected and unjustly detained from his Majesty the late King (after an assertion in the Exchequer of his title thereto) granted same to James, then Earl of Carlisle, but by reason of the late unhappy rebellion said Earl was hindred from a peaceable enjoyment thereof and died soon after the Restoration without heir general or special whereby the premises are escheated to the Crown. Reference Book I, p. 403.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to despatch the delivery of Mr. Roper's goods which are come from Flanders on board the Saudados and to shew as much civility as may be in opening same so that none of them be spoiled. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 313.
Same to Visct. Falkland [Treasurer of the Navy]. There remains in your hands 3,200l. of the money which was ordered for the Centurion. You are to pay same to the Victuallers of the Navy in part of 4,000l. appointed them. Ibid, p. 319.
The Treasury Lords to [the Barons of the Exchequer], recommending to their consideration the opinion of the Attorney General on the proposals of Percivall Brunskell relating to the Greenwax as follows. Proceed thereupon to make such rules and orders as you shall be satisfied will tend to his Majesty's service without any prejudice or injury to his subjects. Ibid, pp. 321–3.
Said Brunskell's proposals are (1) that all judgments, licences to compound and process whereby a fine or amerciament shall accrue to the King, before [they be] signed by any of the officers of any of the Courts at Westminster to whom it belongs [to sign same] may be stamped or signed by the Surveyor of the Greenwax or his deputy, and that the King's fine be paid upon the signing of judgments, it being thought as reasonable that the plaintiff should pay the fine for the defendant's imparlances, pleas etc. and to be allowed the same in taxing of the costs. (2) That [in order] to control the Clerks of Assize and associates, the Judges cause their own marshals to keep a book and therein to enter exactly all such fines, forfeitures, issues and amerciaments as the Judges shall think fit to spare, remit or moderate and receive the Judges' hands thereto presently after it be done; and at the ending of Assizes such books may remain with the Judges; and that the Justices cause the Clerks of the Peace to do the same at Sessions under the hands of two Justices of the Peace, to be certified with their estreats into the Exchequer, to be [there] perused by the [Greenwax] Surveyor or his deputies when desired: and that the officers of every Court at the ending of every term make and certify estreats of all fines, issues and amerciaments and shew them to the Judges to be presented to the Exchequer as anciently [was used] and that the Clerks of the Peace do the same at the end of every Sessions. (3) That the fines and amerciaments upon contempts, rules and orders nisi disobeyed, or attachments or the like be duly set and recorded in the bills of pleas and parchment rolls. (4) That fines or amerciaments may be as high as anciently; that the amerciaments misericordia be estreated and affeered as formerly. (5) That the bailiffs' returns and accounts of all the process of Greenwax be attested upon oath. (6) That compositions may not be made to the King's or subject's prejudice as now ex parte upon hearing the party's own pleas and allegations for una re inspecta altera incognita de ea judicare incivile est, least notorious offenders upon specious suggestions be acquitted who ought not to be admitted to compound; therefore that due information be first had by certificate from the Justices or informers who best know and can inform of the persons and their offences, that mercy and pity be shewn accordingly and officers' fees moderated as well as the King's fines; and in case a fine or penalty appear to be vexatious that the parties be discharged gratis: that notice of every composition or licence to compound be given to the Attorney General and the [Greenwax] Surveyor or his deputy.
The Treasury Lords having desired the opinion of the Attorney General upon the abovesaid proposals, said opinion was as follows: To the 1st that it is fit to be done and that the several courts give rules accordingly [so] that the King may not be injured. To the 2nd he conceives there is a great abuse practised by Clerks of Assize and Sessions for that they cannot spare anybody but by express order of Court, and to prevent such abuses for the future it may be fit the Judges put it into such a method that the abuse may be prevented. To the 3rd that he conceives the pursuing of the ancient course to be best. To the 4th that it belongs to the several Courts to give rules in it [so] that the King be not injured. To the 5th that he conceives all accounts in the Exchequer ought to be upon oath and no man ought to make oath by proxy. To the 6th that he conceives it fit such rule should be made in the Exchequer.
Oct. 31. The Treasury Lords to the [Justices of the] King's Bench and to the [same of the] Common Pleas to the like effect as above throughout save that proposal (6) of Brunskell and the Attorney General's opinion thereon are omitted. Out Letters (General) VI pp. 323–5.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for settling the course of repayment out of the Wine Licence revenue of the sums as follow. The said revenue stands charged with several sums, viz. 5,344l. 5s. 8d. to Robert Rives of London, goldsmith, for principal and 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. reward to July 1 last of moneys by him lent for his Majesty's service; 1,000l. with 6 per cent. interest to William Briggs, gent., for so much lent by him into the Exchequer, 1680, Oct. 14; 1,000l. with 6 per cent. interest to Wortley Wherwood for so much lent by him into the Exchequer, 1680, Oct. 19; 10 000l. (or 2,000l. each) to Robt. Wolsley, William Young, John Taylor, Henry Dering and Michell Brighouse, Commissioners for Wine Licences, being their advance into the Exchequer on the said revenue (whereof 1,000l. was so advanced by Henry Dering, June 16 last; 1,000l. June 20; 1,000l. by William Young, June 22, 1,000l. June 23; 2,000l. by Michaell Brighouse, July 17 last; 2,000l. by John Taylor, July 18; and 2,000l. by Robt. Wolseley, July 15), in which advance they performed an acceptable service. Therefore in order to the repayment to them of said 10,000l. with 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. reward it is hereby ordained that the present cash in the hands of the said Commissioners and all the moneys of said revenue which shall hereafter arise (except the necessary allowances for salaries, incidents, and half-yearly interest and reward) shall be applied, disposed and appropriated to the satisfaction of the abovesaid sums till they be fully paid off in the manner following, viz. 3,344l. 5s. 8d. to said Ryves, leaving 2,000l. of his abovesaid debt, "which our meaning is shall be that sum of 2,000l. (part of the debt aforesaid) which was lent by the said Robt. Rives into the Exchequer on the 16th day of November, 1680," for repayment of which said Ryves has a money order dated 1680, Nov. 16, for 2,000l. with 6 per cent. interest. In order to prevent double payment memoranda are to be made in the margin of the books where the said order is recorded that the interest thereof is satisfied to July 1 by allowance thereof in the abovesaid total of 5,344l. 5s. 8d. In the next place thereafter 1,000l. is to be reserved for said Briggs and 1,000l. for said Wherwood and then 2,000l. to said Rives as in satisfaction of their orders respectively as above dated 1680, Oct. 14, Oct. 19 and Nov. 16. In the next place thereafter 10,000l. is to be reserved for repayment of the said Commissioners' advance as above by applying thereto upon the 1st of every calendary month the whole receipt of the Wine Licence revenue of the preceding month (except as before excepted) to them share and share alike, they delivering up to the Comptroller of said revenue their respective tallies as same are liquidated, and the said Comptroller is to deliver the said tallies to the Auditor when the account of said Commissioners comes to be made up. The Treasury Lords are hereby to direct payment of the above sums without any further authority from the King and are also to pay to said Ryves, Briggs and Wherwood such allowances [i.e. interest and reward] for their loans as the king has agreed to pay them and to the abovesaid Wine Licence Commissioners 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. reward until the respective times of the repayment of the principal. Nevertheless a strict account and inspection is to be made and given to the Treasury Lords every month (by the Wine Licence Commissioners and by the Comptroller of that revenue) of moneys received and paid upon account of that revenue. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 246–54.
Oct. 31. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for granting and transferring to Richard Stracy the surety bond of John Hartop et al. as follows. The said John Hartop, of Rotherby, co. Leicester, Tho. Rotherby, of Hartop [sic for Thomas Hartop, of Rotherby], co. Leicester, and William Young, of Kainton, co. Salop, by bond dated 1679–80, Mar. 3, in 6,400l. became sureties for said Hartop's due accounting as Receiver General for co. Leicester of the [last] Six Months' Assessment for disbanding the Forces. Said Hartop has not so accounted, and by the state of his account as made up by the deputy auditor of that county it appears that said Hartop had in his hands 2,159l. 13s. 9d. by reason whereof said bond is forfeit. In consideration of the full sum of 2,159l. 13s. 9d. paid into the Exchequer by Richard Stracy, of London, gent. on Aug. 25 last the King hereby grants, assigns and transfers to said Stracy, his executors and assigns, the said bond and all the estate which the King and his successors may have therein; and whatsoever shall be seized and extended in execution thereof: to hold to their own use without account. Further, it is hereby ordered that the said 2,159l. 13s. 9d. shall be issued for the uses mentioned in the said [Second Disbandment] Act. (Royal warrant dated 1681, Sept. 2, for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 230–2.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Tho. Gypps as a tidesman extraordinary, London port. Out Letters (Customs) VIII, p. 17.
Same to the Customs Cashier to take from Michael Wicks, Receiver of the Plantation duty, London port, tobacco bonds to the value of 8,239l. 13s. 4d. and to deliver same to Charles Duncomb in repayment of so much advanced by him, he delivering up his tally dated Oct. 29 last for said sum: and further hereby to pay him the calculated mercantile discount on said bonds. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 6.
[October.] [Consideration was had by the Treasury Lords of the following letters, which were read to their Lordships. In the absence of the Treasury Minute Book the resolutions of the Treasury Lords hereon cannot be stated.] Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, pp. 89–93, 96.
(a) Order of the King in Council dated Whitehall. 1681, Aug. 17, for the Secretary of State to prepare letters to be signed by the King and to be sent to the Governor of Virginia and the other officers of the revenue there renewing [and enforcing] the former orders, which strictly charged and required all persons concerned therein to execute their duty and to render true and regular accompt to the Treasury Lords of all the moneys raised and expended in the support of the Government of Virginia. The present order is made after reading a report read at the Privy Council Board this day from the Committee for Trade and Foreign Plantations concerning the revenue of the Plantations: which said report is as follows. Upon consideration of several papers concerning Virginia presented to us, the said Committee, by Colepeper and particularly in relation to the revenue there, we advise that the Treasury Lords consider of the best means for bringing the quit rents of that Province [Virginia] into your Majesty's hands "according to your gracious promise made to the Assembly": and we advise that your Majesty renew the orders given formerly in the royal letters of 1680, June 30, for preventing such abuses as have been formerly practised in the management and disposal of the revenue there.
(b) Royal letter dated Newmarket, 1681, Oct. 1, to Lord Colepeper on the lines as advised in the abovesaid Order in Council. After reciting the substance of the former royal letter of 1680, June 30 (ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, p. 599) the present letter continues: We are informed that delays have been used in the prosecution of that service (of assisting Blathwaite in the execution of his office), which cannot but tend to the prejudice of the revenue and to the encouragement of the like abuses as formerly. You are therefore hereby charged to pursue the directions of the said former royal letter and that you cause accompts to be rendered as therein. Notice hereof is to be given to the several officers of the public revenue within your government and a copy hereof is to be entered in the books of the Council there.
(c) Copy of a letter to the Treasury Lords from Sir H. Morgan undated, but marked in the margin received 1681, Oct. 21. I am sorry that I (who on all occasions have used the utmost of my endeavours in promoting his Majesty's service and in executing the laws of England and this place) should be evil represented to his Majesty or be thought to deal severely with any of his Majesty's allies and confederates when it has been my greatest study to protect them, as I have done the Spaniards, in punishing to the utmost extremity of the law such pirates as do molest them, and have been so zealous in the prosecution of those rovers as to irritate them to the committing of depredations upon our own people, as they have done in taking lately two of our vessels. The entertaining of the Brandenburghers was in my opinion and in the judgment of his Majesty's Council here (by whose advice I was directed in countenancing them) no more than what the articles of peace and right of alliance and amity direct us to, "as I did more at large express in my next after their being here, in which all transactions were duly represented." The concern of the [realisation of the value of the seizure of the ship] Vyner in the Treasurer's hands amounts to near 1,000l. My allowance has been long postponed and I have been at considerable expense in defraying the necessary charges of government. I pray "that sum" to make good my disbursements and care. I have received his Majesty's letter directing me to pay one Hazle, a merchant here, a sum of money recovered for the use of the proprietors of the ship Prince William, he being their attorney. I will take care to pay whatever the sum amounts to according to law. I have already transmitted the Naval Officer's accounts to Mar. 25 last and those of the Receiver General are ready. I have appointed one to examine them and intend that the Receiver shall swear to them. The suddenness of Banister's sailing and the pressing business of the Council and Assembly now sitting will not allow me time to dispatch them by this opportunity. But by the next I will send his account up to the 18th inst. carefully audited and will then also send copies of all Acts from the beginning of Lord Vaughan's time, "beyond which I never saw any nor can, by what strict search I am able to make, recover any of an ancienter date." The copies of the Acts of former Assemblies will more probably be found [in the Plantation Office] at home, which I believe the respective Governors were careful to transmit. I intreat you believe (notwithstanding the evil suggestions of people envious and causelessly malicious against me) that I will not swerve from the least tittle of my duty. No man has been more willing to adventure his life and fortunes for the honour of the King.
(d) Letter dated 1681, June 15, from William Blathwayt to the Earl of Craven, Palatine of Carolina. By a grant passed in 1662, which granted the Province of Carolina to the Earl of Clarendon, Duke of Albemarle, your Lordship and others, there is reserved to the King the yearly rent of 20 marks payable at All Saints yearly. By virtue of my office as Surveyor etc. of revenues in the King's dominions in America, I address myself to your Lordship as the present Palatine of Carolina, to the end that you and the rest of the Proprietors of that Province may give order for payment into the Exchequer of all arrears of the said rent and of the accruing rent for the future.