Entry Book: February 1681, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: February 1681, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp22-33 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: February 1681, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp22-33.

"Entry Book: February 1681, 1-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp22-33.


February 1681

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Feb. 1. Same to the Attorney General, forwarding the papers relating to [the estates of] Sir John Arundell, upon which the Treasury Lords desire you to draw a warrant with all those qualifications which they agreed upon when you were present. Return the papers. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners [for the last Six Months' Assessment of 31 Car. II, c. 1], for co. Somerset. The Taxes Agents report that your county was 3,537l. 18s. 4d. in arrear upon the last Six Months' Assessment. We directed them to press Mr. Hooker (who, in accordance with the Act, was by you appointed Receiver) to make speedy return of the said arrear so long since due, and of which there is so urgent occasion. But we observe their applications to him to be ineffectual, and therefore we desire you to see said sum forthwith returned into the Exchequer or process must issue against yourselves and the county. Ibid, pp. 168–9, 171–2.
The like letters severally to the like Commissioners for the counties as follows, viz.: for co. Oxford (Mr. Levett, Receiver, arrear 1,254l. 12s. 11d.); co. Hereford (Mr. Woods, Receiver, arrear 796l. 0s. 2d.); co. Herts (Mr. Andrews, Receiver, arrear 609l. 17s. 7d.); co. Salop (Mr. Hosier, Receiver, arrear 1,105l. 16s. 8d.); co. Devon (Mr. Northcott, Receiver, arrear 1,846l. 4s. 0d.); co. Worcester (Mr. Langley, Receiver, arrear 665l. 12s. 10d.); co. Gloucester (Mr. Langley, Receiver, arrear 2,382l. 1s. 11d.); co. Leicester (Mr. Hartop, Receiver, arrear 2,159l. 4s. 7d.); co. Beds (Mr. Duncombe, Receiver, arrear 462l. 4s. 1d.); and the like dated Feb. 3 to the like Commissioners for co. Cambridge (Mr. Duckett, Receiver, arrear 494l. 18s. 8d.); London (Capt. Howard, Receiver, arrear 5,480l. 5s. 11d.); co. Yorks (Mr. Shaw, Receiver, 2,104l. 5s. 4d. arrear); co. Stafford (Mr. Foden, Receiver, 523l. 0s. 4d. arrear); co. Cornwall (Mr. Trethewy, Receiver, 2,137l. 18s. 7d. arrear); co. Glamorgan (Mr. Stradlin. Receiver, 823l. 10s. 10d. arrear).
Feb. 1. The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners for said Assessment in co. Carnarvon. The Taxes Agents inform us that no person has yet been appointed Receiver for said Assessment in your county. "which, nevertheless, was in hopes of being by your care so accommodated as to have the moneys due returned to Shrewsbury and from thence remitted to the Exchequer." This is not performed, and the whole tax lies in charge upon your county. We cannot but complain to you herein and desire you to forthwith cause the said money to be paid or process will issue against you. Out Letters (General) VI, pp. 169–70.
The like letter to the like Commissioners for co. Anglesey to hasten the payment of the whole of the assessment for said county.
Henry Guy to the Auditors of Imprests to make all despatch with the Earl of Ranelagh's accounts, with said Earl's objections to said accounts and the answers of the Lords of the Privy Council in Ireland to said objections. As soon as you can you are to state to the Treasury Lords how the balance stands as between the King and the said Earl. Ibid, p. 170.
[?] Same [? to same]. The draft warrant for allowances in Sir George Wharton's account has been sent to the Ordnance Commissioners or elsewhere. Make use of the copy you have left by you. Ibid.
Feb. 1. Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver two suits of clothes and trimming sent from Paris to the Count de Thun, Envoy from the Emperor, said clothes being arrested at Dover by William Nepvio, Customs officer there. Out Letters (Customs) V, p. 312.
Appending: said Count's letter (in French), dated Jan. 29 last, requesting the delivery of said packet to the factor of Peter van Zittert, said Count's banker, in London.
Treasury reference to Tho. Agar of the matter of the repairs of Chapel Henalt [Hainault] Walk in Waltham Forest. Agar is to certify whether there be any wood in said forest fit to be sold for raising this money for repairs. Reference Book I, pp. 202–3.
Prefixing: (a) petition from Samuel Maydwell, keeper of said walk, praying for repair of the lodge house of said walk; (b) reference dated 1679, Nov. 1, of said petition to Thomas Agar and Charles Strode, Surveyors of Woods [Trent South]; (c) report dated 1679–80, March 11, thereon from Tho. Agar. Said lodge is called his Majesty's hunting house, having been used by former kings and princes for their repose after hunting, and always inhabited by persons of honour and quality, there being no other lodge on that side of the forest and but few and those of small account in any other part thereof. Details the decays of said house, which is of timber. The stables have been new built by Maydwell at his own charge. "I do not find any woodward of the King's in Waltham Forest, only some keepers and underkeepers appointed by the Earl of Lindsey are called the woodwards in several parts of the forest.
Feb. 1 Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of the City of York praying the discharge of an arrear of 517l. 7s. 1d. (ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, p. 772). Said arrear is charged on petitioners in the accounts of Walter Strickland, deceased, which accounts are but lately declared; and are set in super on the inhabitants of said city, viz.: 375l. 13s. 5d. for the Royal Aid and Additional Supply, and 141l. 13s. 10d. for the Eleven Months' Assessment, all granted for the first Dutch war. The delay in issuing process has arisen from said Strickland's accounts not being made up so early as they ought to have been. We think the case hard, but the Acts of Parliament for those taxes admit of no excuse of mistake, neglect or other accident. We think petitioners are in equity fit objects of your Majesty's bounty. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 292.
Feb. 3. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners for the customer of Minehead to pay Robert Dashwood, waiter and searcher at Watchet, his salary forthwith as ordered Jan. 13 last, and not to presume to give further cause of complaint. Out Letters (General) VI p. 170.
Same to Mr. Kent to forthwith pay into the Exchequer the moneys due from Mr. Corney, late a Receiver of the Seventeen Months' Assessment, for whom you are surety. Ibid, p. 171.
The Treasury Lords to the Honble. Col. Edward Sackvill, Commander-in-Chief of the Garrison of Tangier. We have received some bills of exchange drawn by you on Mr. Benjamin Price, which though we have not actually paid we have taken such care for that you will find your credit in those parts supported, "which we think most necessary for the King's service to do." Send us by return of this messenger a perfect account of what officers and soldiers are now actually in the King's pay within said garrison. If you find it for the King's service, send him back either by sea or land [according] as his return, in your opinion, may require haste. Or if you should think fit to send him further into the country to Sir James Leslie furnish him with such means as you think requisite for his charges thither and afterwards home. Draw bills for this on London: we will see they are punctually complied with. Ibid, p. 172.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt. By the privy seal of 1672, July 22, the King directed 9,743l. 6s. 8d. to the Paymaster of the Works for satisfaction of that sum remaining unsatisfied on several orders out of the sale of fee farms. But we are informed by the said Paymaster that the said unsatisfied remain amounted to above 600l. more than the said 9,743l. 6s. 8d. Certify us whether there be any error in the computation of the money due upon the orders as in the said privy seal, together with [a list of] what tallies are thereupon levied. Ibid, p. 173.
Feb. 3. Treasury reference to the Navy Commissioners of the following paper [from Sir Thomas Littleton and partners former Victuallers of the Navy], touching the stating of the account of interest. Where the said Commissioners do not agree with any of the items of the said paper they are to state their reasons for disagreeing. Reference Book I, pp. 204–6.
Prefixing: said paper. Question is made touching the time of the commencement of the payments. The state of the matter is as follows. The [victualling] contract under the broad seal is dated 4 Nov., 1671, though the agreement was long before. In the contract there are these three clauses: (1) That a declaration be made by or before the 15th of October in each year. (2) That payment of one-third of the sea victuals and extra petty warrant victuals be made within 10 days after the delivery of an estimate signed by the principal officers of the Navy and a privy seal thereupon and the residue by 10 equal monthly payments. (3) Upon default of payment as above the Victuallers shall receive sufficient imprest in hand before they make any such provision.
The 28th Sept., 1671, a letter is written to the Duke of York taking notice of the King's pleasure signified in Council and other ways for the making speedy provision of victuals for the ensuing year's service (though it was not judged convenient to make a declaration thereof), and praying that a supply of money might be paid to the Victuallers in order thereto, with an estimate of some things of an absolute necessity to be immediately secured, amounting to 56,000l. The said letter was transmitted in another of the same date to Mr. Pepies to Newmarket. The 7 Oct., 1671, Mr. Pepys returns answer, that he had attended the King and the Duke and satisfied them of the reasonableness of the Victuallers' desires, and had [obtained] the grant thereof. The 12 Oct., 1671, a bill of imprest is made to the Victuallers for 10,000l. upon account. The 26 Oct., 1671, a letter is sent from the Victuallers to the Navy Board acquainting them that according to contract a declaration should have been made on or before Oct. 15, and a third of the value paid to them in 10 days, etc. The 2 Nov., 1671, the Navy Board write to the Victuallers and acquaint them that the same reasons which formerly occasioned his Majesty's respiting the making of a formal declaration did still prevail with him, but [the Board did] require the Victuallers, in pursuance of the Duke of York's orders of Oct. 31, to make provision as if his Majesty's whole fleet were to be set out to sea for the full number of men in time of war. The 21 Dec., 1671, a declaration is made for 23,000 men's victuals for eight months. The 9 Jan., 1671–2, an estimate thereof is made by the Navy Board.
This being the true state of the case Sir Thomas Littleton and partners, Victuallers, affirm that the commencement of the times of payment ought at latest to be from 1671, Oct. 15, the one-third to be paid in 10 days after that and the residue by 10 equal monthly payments.
Though his Majesty deferred the making of a formal declaration for reasons of state, notwithstanding the express words of the contract that it should be by or before Oct. 15, this ought not to prejudice the Victuallers' right, especially since they had intimations of his pleasure even before the 15th Oct., [and thereupon] did actually apply [themselves] to the service and made provision accordingly; had an imprest of 10,000l. the 12th Oct., and did fully perform the service; which it had been utterly impossible for them to have done if they had stayed till the 21st of Dec., when the declaration was made and much less if to the 9th Jan., when the estimate was made, before which time they received orders for victualling the great ships.
Besides it is to be noted that as matters were then ordered the Victuallers were to have their moneys imprested to them by the Navy Board, and so the procuring of estimates and privy seals was the work of the Navy officers and not of the Victuallers.
Notwithstanding [all this] the Navy Board do insist now on the second clause of the contract touching the formal making of an estimate and would put the commencement of the payments to be from [1671–2], Jan. 9, the day they made the estimate.
The Victuallers further allege that as the failure on the King's part in not making the declaration formally by or before the 15 Oct. according to contract, ought not to prejudice their right as to the time of the commencement of their payments from the said day when it should have been done: so, on the other hand they do not insist to take advantage on the default made in their payments, which they might as justly do. For the third clause in the contract saith [that] they are, in such case, to have all their money advanced to them before they make any provision. And in fact there having been a default in payment, the third [part] not having been paid by the 19th Jan. all the whole money was due to them and [was] to be accordingly advanced [to them by imprest] before they made provision, and no monthly payments were to take place, and so the interest due to them would amount to much more for they did make full provision and performed the service and this first declaration was all supplied in March, so that a second and further declaration was made the 1st April the same year.
Feb. 3. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Earl of Sunderland the 2,300l. of Customs money which the Customs Cashier will shortly pay into the Exchequer: same is to be to complete said Earl's order for 3,000l. for secret service. Disposition Book II, p 46
[?] Same to same to pay 20l. to Mr. Potenger for half a year to Sept. 29 last on his fee. Ibid.
Feb. 4. Treasury reference to Sir Richard Mason, Bartholomew Fillingham and Serj. Ramsey [Agents for Taxes], of the petition of Sir Marmaduke Dalton and Dame Barbara his wife, relict of Walter Strickland, esq., on a reference dated Jan. 14 last thereof from the King to the Treasury Lords: said petition shewing that by privy seal of 1671, June 20, the King ordered 2,100l. to said Barbara without account in satisfaction of all arrears of a pension granted 1661–2, March 14, to said Walter Strickland and in satisfaction of 300l. received by [for] said Walter for the Royal and Additional Aid by one Mangy, a goldsmith of York, who was arrested and prosecuted for the same, but discharged upon a protection, "but should not be allowed out of the sum of 2,500l. 5s. 0d. due by the said Walter upon his account of the Eleven Months' Tax, the same being assigned to other persons; and that the said Walter Strickland should be allowed upon his account for [the said] Eleven Months' Tax the sum of 200l. for carriage of 60,000l. of the said taxes from York to London, he, the said Walter Strickland, paying the sum of 210l. 5s. 0½d. to make the said sums, so to be paid and allowed to him, amount to the sum of 2,510l. 15s. 0½d. due by him to his Majesty upon the said account"; that the said Barbara paid the said 210l. into the Exchequer 1671, May 25, upon said Walter's account for the Eleven Months' Tax: that by virtue of said privy seal an order was made by the Treasury Lords 1671, Oct. 9, for payment of said 2,100l. to said Barbara but same was never paid to her: that the accounts of said Walter for the Royal and Additional Aid have since been made up by said Barbara and declared, and show him in surplusage 369l. 8s. 1d.: similarly his accounts for the One Month's and the Eleven Months' tax have been declared and shew a debit of 2,898l. 6s. 4½d.: that in the latter account no allowance is made of the abovesaid 200l. for carriage and 210l. 5s. 0½d. for money paid in by Barbara. The credits of 2,300l. by the said privy seal, 369l. 8s. 11d. by the surplusage, and 210l. 5s. 0½d. so paid in as above, amount to 2,879l. 13s. 11½d., which, being deducted from the abovesaid 2,898l. 6s. 4½d., leaves a net debt to the King of 18l. 12s. 5d.: "that all the money due upon orders registered on the Eleven Months' Tax being paid by your Majesty's money and the [balance] due to your Majesty for the same being absolutely in your Majesty's dispose" petitioners therefore pray release from the said debt on a reciprocal release from them to the King of the abovesaid credit items. Reference Book I, pp. 207–8.
Feb. 5. The Treasury Lords to Sir Robt. Carr. [Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster]. The Paymaster of the Works has contracted with the Trustees for Fee Farms for the purchase of some rents within the survey of the Duchy of Lancaster. The money is due to the officers of the Works and as we know they lie under great exigencies we find ourselves under a necessity of passing the contract, "but we think ourselves obliged by the promise we made you to give you first this intimation thereof." Out Letters (General) VI, p. 173.
[?] Henry Guy to Mr. Hewer [Treasurer for Tangier Garrison], to pay 10l. to this petitioner, Tho. Abbot, for his good service at Tangier. The Treasury Lords will see you reimbursed. Ibid, p. 174.
Feb. 5. Henry Guy to Andrew Worth [customer of Minehead port], to forthwith pay Mr. Dashwood's salary as waiter and searcher at Watchet, and don't presume to delay his payment in future. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 174.
Same to Mr. Buckworth. Send my Lords your opinion on the papers concerning the tin [farm] proposal. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to reserve out of any moneys of First Fruits and Tenths that shall be paid into the Exchequer, 500l. for the disposal of the Treasury Lords notwithstanding any former warrant. Disposition Book II, p. 46.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a privy seal for a grant to Lionel Copley, esq., of two-thirds of all the arrears still due to the King of the monthly assessments in Wales between 1649, Lady day, and 1651, Christmas, and of the rents and revenues of churches and vicarages received or levied within Wales between Lady day, 1648, and Lady day, 1660 (except the county of Pembroke, town of Haverford West and county of Monmouth), in whose hands soever the same remain, and whether due and recoverable upon speciality or without speciality: with power to said Copley with the aid of the Exchequer to sue for and compound with anyone chargeable for same: the present grant being at the desire and request of said Copley. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 89.
Feb. 7. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of Mathew Gripp's petition for a tidewaiter's place London port, he having served the King as steward of several ships of war for 20 years. Reference Book I, p. 208
Treasury recommendation to same of Joshua Wright for some employment in the Customs. Ibid, p. 209.
Prefixing: said Wright's petition for a landwaiter's place London port loco Edward Lovell, lately deceased, in regard of the sufferings of petitioner and his family in the late civil wars. Together with: an order of the King in Council dated Dec. 10 last recommending petitioner to the Treasury Lords. Together with: a later order of reference dated 1680–1, March 7, from the Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners to certify which of the following four is fittest for the post of Surveyor of the Pill, Bristol port, viz.: Hender Mountstevens, Tho. White, Tho. Miller and said Josua Wright.
Treasury reference to same of Alexander Yonger's petition shewing that Thomas Salter, a landwaiter London port, has defrauded the King and petitioner of 40l. and upwards by making sale of a seizure of salt made by petitioner 14 months since at Torquay in Devonshire, where petitioner was waiter and searcher, but mainly by means of said Salter has been unjustly put out of his place in order that said Salter and the other officers there might the better go on in their unjust practices without discovery; further shewing that said Salter took a bribe of 14 broad pieces from Richard Manning, of Newton Abbot, for letting go the seizure of six horse loads of cloth worth 300l., besides several misdemeanours: prays not to be referred to the [Customs] Commissioners because Mr. Sanson has great influence with them and is a friend to said Salter and an enemy to petitioner. Ibid, p. 210.
Feb. 7. Money warrant for 6,108l. 1s. 0¾d. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe for 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. reward (both to be [paid or] made into principal at the end of every three months, as by the privy seal of 1679, Aug. 14), on their account for same as made up and stated for 1680, Christmas quarter by Auditor Anthony Stephens and allowed by the Treasury Lords Jan. 29 last. But in regard some part of the said interest is or may be authorised in the [separate] orders for repayment of several of the principal sums by them lent, care is to be taken by making memorandums in the margin of the entries of the said orders and upon the orders themselves to prevent the King being doubly charged. The present sum to be paid out of Customs moneys in the Exchequer. (Money order dated Feb. 8 hereon.) Money Book II, p. 330. Order Book XXXVIII p. 198.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the transport Customs free of provisions as follow. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, pp. 243–4.
Appending affidavit dated Feb. 7 by Edward Wivell and Robert Brett of London, of the lading Jan. 25 last by them and their partners, Victuallers of the Navy, of provisions for Tangier on the Charles of London, Robert Lurting commander, viz.: 1,700 bags of bisket containing 190,400lb., 230 bushels of peas, 400 bushels of oatmeal, 50 firkins of butter containing 2,838lb., 255 Cheshire cheeses containing 3,732lb., same being part of the declaration or warrant directed to said Victuallers by the Navy Commissioners Nov. 15 last for victualling 1,100 men at Tangier for one year from Jan. 1st last.
Royal sign manual for 620l. to Henry Guy for secret service without account: to be paid on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of Nov. 6 last. (Money warrant dated Feb. 7 hereon. Money order dated Feb. 8 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 90. Money Book, p. 329. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 199.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,000l. to Mr. Johnson for offreckonings [of the Forces], and 2,000l. to the Cofferer of the Household out of Excise money in the Exchequer this week. Disposition Book II, p. 47.
Same to Henry Bruncker, Cofferer of the Household, to apply said 2,000l. to the [Household's] privy seal for this year, and to pay same to the purveyors.
Same to same to issue as follows out of the 5,000l. which the Hearthmoney Contractors will speedily pay into the Exchequer on their half year's rent due Sept. 29 next, viz.:— Ibid, p. 48.
l. s. d.
to the Master of the Robes 1,500 0 0
to the Master of the Great Wardrobe 1,200 0 0
to the Paymaster of the Works on the ordinary 300 0 0
ditto for extraordinaries, to be employed at Oxford 200 0 0
ditto for water at the Mews 30 0 0
to Lord Alington 500 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber 102 0 0
ditto for interest of money: for a warrant to be received 300 0 0
to twelve [of the] musicians 294 9
to Roger Charnock, serjeant-at-arms 50 3 9
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 620l. 520 0 0
£4,996 13
and a further 100l. to said Guy to complete said 620l., paying same out of any money remaining in the Exchequer, "which [100l.] by the list of the 23rd of Dec. last was directed to be paid to Serjeant Topham."
Feb. 7. Henry Guy to Ralph Montague, esq., out of the abovesaid 1,200l. to apply to the service of the stables 400l., and 800l. to the ordinary of the Wardrobe. Disposition Book II. pp. 47, 48. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 176.
[Same] to the Treasurer of the Chamber to apply the abovesaid 102l. to the footmen (60l), the rat-killer (12l.), and the sweepers (30l.).
Same to the Board of Greencloth. Send to the Treasury Lords an account of the yearly expence of the King's Household in the years of suspension of 1663 and 1675, and the heads of those particulars which are [were] continued in the Household during those years of suspension. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 175.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Chamberlain. In obedience to the King's commands we have now under consideration the reducements in the present establishment of the office of the Treasurer of the Chamber. It will be necessary to confer with you about this. Appoint a time for this. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Wine Licence Commissioners for an account of their receipts of Wine Licence moneys since the last account. Ibid.
Feb. 8. Same to the Auditors of Imprests to report on the enclosed [wanting] draft privy seal for passing the account of [the French] moneys received by Mr. Chiffinch. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Griffin. Send to the Auditors of Imprests such authorities and vouchers as are necessary to the passing your account. The Lord Chamberlain will be at the Treasury this afternoon about the business of [the reduction of the establishment of] your Office [of Treasurer of the Chamber]. Attend at the same time. Ibid, p. 176.
Same to the Wine Licence Commissioners to inform the Treasury Lords whether the account sent to-day shows all your receipts of Wine Licence money since the last account sent, which was Nov. 29 last. Send also an account of this whole year's profit of your Office. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Parsons to attend the Treasury Lords with Major Dickins's accounts of New Forest. Ibid.
Same to Alderman Breedon. You and your partners have failed to attend the Treasury Lords to-day. You are to attend on Saturday. Ibid.
Money order for 50l. for the poor of St. Margarets, Westminster, as royal bounty for one year past, as by the privy seal of 1671–2, Jan. 31. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 200.
Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to assign for payment by four equal weekly payments out of the Navy weekly money the 83l. 15s. 0d. due to Susanna Browne, sister and administratrix of Capt. Marke Hartley, deceased, for so much due to him as late commander of the King's sloop Woolwich upon the balance of his account for victualling the said sloop's company from 1677, Aug. 22, to 1678, July 22. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 177.
Feb. 9. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to John Baker and Michael Baker, gent., of the office or place of Marshal of the Marshalsea of the Court of the Exchequer loco William Gaseley, deceased; to hold during pleasure by themselves or sufficient deputy: all in as ample manner as the said Gaselay, Henry Parker, William Fowkes, Richard Nightingale, Edmund Thorold, Nathaniell Thorold or any others formerly. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 90.
Same to same for a same containing the King's election and declaration for taking the recusancy fine of 20l. a month or 260l. per an. from Sir John Arundell of Langhearne, co. Cornwall, kt., instead of seizing and taking the two-thirds of his lands; the said Arundell having been convicted of recusancy at the last assizes for co. Cornwall: the present election being made by the King on a report from the Treasury Lords and a report from the Receiver of Recusants' estates in Dorset and Cornwall, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, pp. 780–1: the money to be paid into the Exchequer in Easter and Michaelmas terms, the first payment to be made in Easter term next: without any seizure of lands or other or greater profit so long as Arundell pay the said money. Ibid, pp. 91–2.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a discharge to John Shales, purser of the King's ship Prince from Jan., 1671–2, to Oct. following. During the said time several sums of money and provisions of victuals, cask, iron hoops and bisquett bags were imprested or delivered to him by order of the Navy Commissioners for the said ship's company. By a certificate of 1672, June 25, from John (now Sir John) Narbrough, captain of said ship, it appears that the said ship being on the 14 of June, 1672, at Sheerness, the masts and rigging [being in process of] removing and the whole ship in disorder by re-fitting after Sole Bay fight, the said Shales having lost his steward in the fight was obliged to take his books, accompts and papers ashore to Queenborough to adjust and settle the accounts of the victualling and other matters under his care, he having no cabin standing to do the same in; which having done, and returning on board with his said books and papers, his boat was overset in sailing and said books and papers lost; further that by his great care and diligence he not only plentifully supplied the said ship from time to time but other ships out of her in cases of necessity. Being satisfied of his fidelity and honesty herein the King hereby acquits, releases and discharges him, his heirs, etc., and his secretaries, their heirs, etc., of all the said moneys and provisions, as above, of his surety bond dated 1670, Nov. 30. in 600l., which bond is to be hereby delivered up or vacated. Ibid, pp. 93–4.
Royal sign manual for 500l. to Henry Guy for secret service without accompt: to be paid on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of Nov. 6 last. (Money warrant dated Feb. 10 hereon. Money order dated Feb. 11 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 95. Money Book, p. 331. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 200.
Feb. 10. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, out of such Excise money as shall be paid into the Exchequer this week, 3,000l. to Mr. Johnson [for the Forces] and 1,000l. to the Cofferer of the Household. Disposition Book II, p. 48.
Jan. 10
Feb. 10].
Money warrant for fees or salaries to the following of the King's musicians, viz.: 13l. 15s. 0d. to Thomas Farmer for 1680. Lady day quarter; 10l. to William Gregory for 1679, Christmas quarter, and 12l. 10s. 0d. for same quarter on his two fees; 11l. 13s. 2d. to Jeffery Aleworth for 1680, June 24 quarter; 16l. 17s. 3½d. to Thomas Lanier for 1675, Sept. 29 quarter. Money Book II, p. 331.
Feb. 10. Same for a quarter's salaries each to the following King's musicians, viz.: 15l. to Symon Hopper for 1669, Michaelmas quarter; 15l. to Henry Gregory for 1669, Christmas quarter: 11l. 12s. 8½d. to Edward Flower for 1678, Lady day quarter on one fee, and 10l. for 1679, Lady day quarter on another fee; 11l. 12s. 8½d. to Theophilus Fitz for 1672, Michaelmas quarter; 11l. 12s. 8½d. to Joseph Fashion for 1679, Christmas quarter. Ibid, p. 332.
Same for 61l. 12s. 8½d. to Nicholas Slaggins as one of the King's musicians, being 11l. 12s. 8½d. for a quarter due 1676, May 6, and 50l. for 1679, Michaelmas quarter on his two fees. Ibid, pp. 333, 334.
Thomas Pursell 50l. and 5l. for 1675, Christmas quarter, on his two fees as a same.
William Clayton, 38l. 3s. 4d., being 11l. 12s. 8½d. for 1669, Michaelmas quarter, 16l. 10s. 7½d. for 1671, Christmas quarter, and 10l. for 1674, Christmas quarter, on his three fees as a same.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 25l. to Timothy Thornbury for half a year to 1680, Sept. 29, on his salary as collector of the duty on leather, etc., London port. Ibid, p. 334.
Same to same to pay 138l. 6s. 8d. to Sir Nicholas Crisp, bart., for half a year to 1680, Christmas, on his salary as collector outwards London port. Ibid, p. 335.
Same to same to pay 13l. each to the 19 King's waiters, London port, for last Christmas quarter on their salaries. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Auditor Anthony Stephens of Francis Parry's report and account concerning the Queen's [Portugal money or] portion. Reference Book I, p. 211.
Henry Guy to the widow and executrix of the late Bishop of Gloucester. Your late husband has not accounted for the Tenths of his diocese for the year ended 1679, Christmas, on which account there is due to the King nearly 1,000l. You are to have the said account passed as soon as may be, and the money paid in, otherwise process will issue. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 177.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. Mr. Herne has informed the Treasury of a great parcel of linen cloth privately conveyed from the house of Mr. Tannat, Collector of Poole, by George Lewin, a merchant there. Give my Lords an account hereof. Ibid, p. 178.
Feb. 10. Henry Guy to Mr. Hewers. In answer to your note of to-day, Col. Sackville's bill of exchange is taken care of. The Treasury Lords desire that Mr. Shere's bill may be put off one week longer if possible, but if not possible send my Lords an account thereof. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 178.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed paper [missing] concerning arrears of rent due to the King upon concurrent leases during the vacancy of the see of Durham and to commence a prosecution if it turn out that the said arrears will be lost if no prosecution be commenced against the Trustees before the end of this term. Ibid.
Same to the Wine Licence Commissioners to apply all the Wine Licence revenue money now or hereafter in your hands to the payment of tallies struck in course upon that revenue. Ibid, p. 179.
Same to Mr. [Auditor] Shales. My Lords have ordered Mr. Stephens to be joined with you in the stating the accounts of the late Farmers of the Law duty. (The like letter to said Stephens.) Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to make out process against the estate of Sir William Doyley, kt., and bart., deceased, on his bond of 500l. as surety to Sir William Doyley, junr., as a Teller of the Exchequer, the said Doyley, junr. being dead indebted to the King in a great sum of money received by him in his said office and applied to his own use; process having issued against said Doyley whereon a mortuus [est] is returned; and Philip Burton, the Treasury [Deputy] Solicitor, having certified that he cannot find that the said Doyley senr. made any will or has had any administration whereby process might issue against his executors or administrators: so that said debt is likely to be lost unless extent issue against his estate. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 294.
Same to same for like process against the body, lands and goods of William Doughty, citizen and merchant tailor of London, on his bond in 500l. dated 1670, July 4, as a surety for said Sir William Doyley, kt. and bart., of Shottesham, co. Norfolk, Receiver of Hearthmoney for co. Surrey: the other co-searchers of said Doyley having paid their proportion of said Doyley's debt, as promised, but said Doughty having failed to pay his proportion according to his agreement. Ibid, pp. 294–5.
The Treasury Lords to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to constitute Adam Coleclough (on the recommendation of Chief Justice North and the Attorney General) as Surveyor of the Greenwax money until the obstruction to the passing of his patent be removed: the King having signed a warrant for said patent but said patent being stopped by a caveat entered before the Lord Privy Seal, so that no person at present executes the said office whereby the King's service is prejudiced. Ibid, p. 295.
Letter of direction for a further issue of 230l. to Phillip Packer [upon his order for the extraordinary of the Works]: being 200l. for his Majesty's service at Oxford and 30l. for the rent of the Mews. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 199.