Entry Book: June 1681, 3-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: June 1681, 3-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp165-172 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: June 1681, 3-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp165-172.

"Entry Book: June 1681, 3-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp165-172.


June 1681

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 3. Henry Guy to the Auditors of Imprests. On Tuesday last the Treasury Lords heard Sir John James and partners and decided not to agree to the interest of the Fifth part of the Excise any further than what you have allowed at the foot of the account; but they agree to the 7 per cent. for the [money advanced for pay of the] Forces, allowing the two months. As for the charge of the two Offices of the Excise and Forces the accountants must prove the particulars before you and if reasonable they are to be allowed. Make up all their interest account to May 31 last inclusive. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 254.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. In the list of April 28 last 350l. was directed to be issued to Lord Lumley "which cannot be done for want of a privy seal to warrant the same." The Teller, in whose hands the said money remains, is to advance and lend to said Lord Lumley 300l. in part of said 350l. taking his acquittance for the whole money and is to detain the 50l. for charges in passing a privy seal and [for Exchequer fees in] receiving the money. The Treasury Lords will take care that a privy seal be forthwith passed for same to be regularly issued [so as] to discharge the Teller that advances the same. My Lords would not desire or direct the doing hereof did not his Majesty's service require the same. Disposition Book II, p. 70.
June 6. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 250l. to Thomas Lloyd out of such money as shall be paid in by Hugh Holland upon his account for half a year to 1673, Lady day, as late Receiver of Hearthmoney for London and Westminster. Disposition Book II, p. 69.
Same to same to issue 233l. 6s. 8d. to Mr. Burton [Treasury Solicitor] out of King's Bench fines moneys paid into the Exchequer by Mr. Samll. Astry. Ibid.
Same to same to reserve in the Exchequer for the Treasury Lords' particular directions the 10,000l. which Nathanll. Horneby has agreed to lend into the Exchequer to-morrow or soon after. Ibid, p. 70.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of Tho. Eagleton's petition for a tidewaiter's place, London port. Reference Book I, p. 283.
Henry Guy to Capt. Ri. Goodlad. Attend the Treasury Lords this afternoon about your detaining a parcel of quilts and beds belonging to Sir Thomas Bond. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 254.
Same to Mr. Kirwood. Attend my Lords forthwith with your accounts as stated for the Seventeen Months'. Eighteen Months' and Six Months' Assessments for London and Middlesex. Ibid, p. 255.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a privy seal for a grant to Sir Thomas Meeres (in consideration of the sum of 631l. 12s. 9d. to be by him paid into the Exchequer) of the several obligations or bonds of Thomas Duckett, esq., and of the penalties therein contained, and of all manors, lands, tenements, goods and chattels of the said Duckett: the said Duckett having as Receiver General for co. Cambridge and Isle of Ely for the [last] Eighteen Months' Assessment for the disbandment entered into a bond with several sureties in 6,000l. dated 1678, Nov. 16, and two other obligations dated 1679–80, Mar. 23, likewise for 6,000l. and 2,100l. as the like Receiver for the said places of the last Six Months' Assessment for the disbandment: the said Duckett not having answered his money on either account, but being indebted 136l. 4s. 8d. on the first and 495l. 8s. 1d. on the second of the said Assessments or 631l. 12s. 9d. in all, which sum Sir Tho. Meeres, bart., has offered to pay into the Exchequer, provided he may have the benefit of the said obligations. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 172–3.
June 7. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 13l. each to the 19 King's Waiters in London port for last Lady day quarter on their salaries of 52l. per an. each. Money Book III, p. 53.
Money warrant for 781l. 16s. 8d. to Dorothea Colvile, relict of John Colvile for [compound interest or] interest arising by making into principal every six months the interest and reward on 30,000l. lent by said Colvile on six orders (numbered 254, 255, 257, 259, 263, 265) registered on the 310,000l. Wine Act; said present payment being as in full of 8,210l. 17s. 8d. for said interest and reward from the several days of lending same to 1671, Dec. 1: same to be hereby satisfied out of the like sum of Hearthmoney loans now remaining in the hands of John Loving, one of the four Tellers of the Exchequer. (Money order dated June 8 hereon.) Ibid, p. 54. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 221.
June 7. Money warrant for 6,000l. to Sir Walter St. John, Sir Richard How, Sir Ralph Verney, and Jo. Cary, the trustees of Henry Edward, Earl of Lichfield and Charlotte his wife, as in part of 20,000l. dowry, which sum (or in lieu thereof 2,000l. per an.) was agreed and promised to be given as a marriage portion to the said Countess by the patent of 1678, Sept. 12: the King being pleased to make the present payment at the instance and supplication of said Earl and his Countess, to which the said trustees have assented. Said sum is to be paid out of the 6,000l. paid or to be paid into the Exchequer by the Excise Farmers for the sub-farm of Excise of Wales and the four Northern Counties. Memorials to be made in the respective books of the Exchequer, that what money has been paid to Sir Stephen Fox or shall be paid to him for the said Earl upon the 2,000l. per an. for any time since the date of said patent is intended and agreed by the said Trustees to be in discharge of the abovesaid 2,000l. per an. and that a proportionable sum, viz., 600l. per an. shall cease out of the said 2,000l. per an. from the date of payment of said 6,000l. (Money order dated June 8 hereon.) Money Book III, pp. 54–5, Order Book XXXVIII, p. 220.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier from time to time to pay to Nathainell (Nathaniell) Horneby [sums to a total of] 10,000l. the said Horneby having paid to the Treasurer of the Navy 10,000l. for which the said Treasurer has delivered to him a tally upon the Customs dated 1680, Oct. 4: same (with 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. gratuity as from May 12 last) is to be paid out of the first moneys arising by the Customs of East India commodities imported by the East India Company. And as the said Company have by their Charter 6 and 6 months' time for payment of their Customs for which they do give their obligations, their said obligations up to said 10,000l. are to be hereby from time to time delivered to said Horneby. Money Book III, p. 56.
Same to George Dashwood [et al. Farmers of Excise] to pay to the Excise Commissioners 249l. 12s. 7¾d. as in part of the [Excise farm] rent payable by you: which sum is intended to be by said Commissioners paid to John Parsons, esq., and partners for the Excise by them paid for small beer delivered to his Majesty's butteries above the duty of 9d. per barrel. (Same to the Excise Commissioners to so pay said sum to Parsons.) Ibid, pp. 56. 57.
Money warrant for 75l. to the following as Queen's Dressers, being for 1679, Lady day quarter, on their annuity or pension; viz.: Mris. Winifred Windham, Mris. Henriette de Borde, Dame Mary Killegrew, Dame Mary Tuke, Mris. Lilian Cranmer, Dame Isabella Wyche, Mris. Mary Crane, Dame Mary Frazier; and the like to Mris. Anne Sheldon for 1678, Christmas quarter, and to Lady Johanna Thornhill for 1678, Michaelmas quarter. Ibid, p. 57.
June 7. Treasury allowance of the 1681, Lady day quarter's incidents bill of the Excise Office, detailed. (Total, 333l. 11s. 2d.) Money Book III, p. 58.
Money warrant for 50l. to Dame Katherine Sayers for 1677, Lady day quarter, on her annuity or pension. Ibid.
Same for 100l. to Tho. Boucher, Dr. of Civil Law, and Reader of the same in the University of Oxford, for 2 ½ years to 1679, Lady day, on his fee of 40l. per an. payable at the Exchequer: together with dormant warrant clause for payment of said fee in future. Ibid.
Same for 100l. to James Hyde, Dr. in Phisick, and Reader of the same, ibid., for 2½ years to 1679, Lady day, on his fee of 40l. per an. and dormant warrant clause, ut supra. Ibid, p. 59.
Same for 33l. 6s. 8d. to the University of Oxford for 2½ years to 1678, Christmas, on the perpetuity of 13l. 6s. 8d. per an. payable at the Exchequer for a Divinity lecture there; and dormant warrant clause, ut supra. Ibid.
Same for 125l. to Sir William Killigrew for last Lady day quarter on his pension of 500l. per an. Ibid, p. 60.
Same for 1,000l. to Prince Rupert for last Lady day quarter on his annuity or pension of 4,000l. Ibid.
Same for 30l. to the University of Cambridge for three years to 1680, Christmas, on the perpetuity of 10l. per an. for a preacher. Ibid.
Henry Guy to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue as follows out of Excise money which is this week to be paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 72.
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000
to ditto for interest 976 10 7
to Mr. Hill for interest 1,023 9 5
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
to me [Guy] more in part of 908l. 100
to the Cofferer of the Household 1,000
to Mr. Topham for the Duchess of Cleveland's children 300
to Sir William Killigrew 125
Same to Mr. Brisbane. Inform the Treasury Lords when the next ships go for Tangier and if there can be conveniency in them to carry six Galloway nags thither. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 255.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to make out bills to the creditors of the Navy on account of a war against the French King for the interest due to them respectively for the half year ended Lady day last; assigning same for payment out of moneys which the Treasury Lords will direct to the Navy Treasurer for that purpose. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Marriat. Attend the Treasury Lords on Monday afternoon next at the hearing of the case of Mris. Browne. Give notice to all the parties concerned. Ibid.
June 7. Henry Guy to the Attorney General. Report your opinion to the Treasury Lords on the enclosed two drafts [missing] of a warrant touching the remission of Major Broxholme's debt as Receiver of the Eleven Months' Assessment, co. Lincoln. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 256.

June] 7.
Treasury reference to Mr. Graham [deputy to the Treasury Solicitor] of the petition of Tho. Preston, esq., shewing that Sir Tho. Preston of co. Lancs, bart., was seized in tail of the manor of Preston Patrick and several messuages, etc., in Preston and Nether Levens in Westmorland and a capital messuage and other lands in Furness, co. Lancs, which were all in the family of the Prestons for many generations, the remainder thereof being to Tho. Preston, petitioner's late father, being the next of kin of the male line of that family; said premises being only of the value of 500l. per an. In addition said Sir Tho. Preston was seized in tail of the manor of Weston in co. Warwick, and several other lands in cos. Warwick and Northampton, to the value of 3,500l. per an. Said Sir Thomas having no issue and being a Roman Catholic several overtures were made to petitioner that if he would change his religion and become a Catholic the said ancient estate and the greatest part of the rest of the estate should come to him according to the said ancient settlements. The petitioner refusing this the said Sir Thomas about seven years since, with the object of depriving petitioner of the benefit of said settlements, did by several fines and recoveries bar and destroy all the said ancient settlements in tail and made new settlements thereof (some provision for daughters only excepted) to superstitious uses and shortly after withdrew beyond seas, entered Popish orders and is now become a _ in foreign parts. Petitioner's father for his loyalty suffered 14,000l. in his estate and the same is now reduced. Petitioner some time since petitioned for the said ancient estate (which would leave 3,000l. per an. still forfeited to his Majesty) and the King promised he should have it continued to him and his family. As the matter is now referred to the Treasury Lords, he prays that he may not sink for his adherence to the Church of England. Reference Book I, pp. 281–2.
June 7. Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Tho. Hutton for discharge of a seizure of cloth stuffs and other woollen manufactures shipped by him for Stockholm in the Hope, Jacob Green master, being seized for short entry of some of the pieces, the mistake being due to his own ignorance, he having since his return to England left the shipping to his packer. Ibid, pp. 282–3.
Same to same of the petition of Alford Gregory for the office of head surveyor of all ports and creeks in Dorset, Somerset and Devon; as by a very recommendatory reference thereof of May 16 last from the King at Windsor to the Treasury Lords. Ibid, p. 283.
Treasury warrant to Henry Ayloff, the King's Remembrancer, to forbear till next Michaelmas term all process against William Ellesdon as surety of George Pley, late collector of Weymouth port. (The like for like stay of process against Bullen Reymes, esq., whose father, Col. Bullen Reymes was a surety for the said Pley. The like for like stay of process against William Harding, a surety of said Pley. The last of these entries is margined: cancelled 12 Feb., 1681–2.) Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, pp. 348, 349.
June 7. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, customs free, a small parcel of household goods sent for from France by Peter D'Agar, painter, who has petitioned the Treasury Lords, setting forth that he had lived for 10 years an inhabitant in London, being a Protestant and now keeping the Royal Academy for painting, designing, mathematics, etc., in the Savoy, and has a design to reside here: said household goods consisting of one bed of silk and thread damask and one suite of thread damask hangings of 60 ells for a room. In the margin: Cancelled 12 Feb., 1681–2. Out Letters (Customs) V, p. 330.
June 8. Privy seal to discharge John Chetwynd of the sum of 1,000l. which was paid to him at the Exchequer by virtue of the privy seal of 1679–80, Mar. 3, as Yeoman of the Horse and for imprest for buying of horses, mares or geldings for the King's particular use and service to be expended by direction of the Commissioners for the office of Master of the Horse: it appearing from an account of the said Chetwynd's expenditure in buying horses and other charges relating to the Stables 1679–80, Jan. 1, to 1681, April 30 (as examined and attested by Sir Stephen Fox, Sir Richard Mason and Tho. Windham, three of the said Commissioners) that said Chetwind did within that time lay out 1,176l. 12s. 0d. [being 176l. 12s. 0d. more] than the said sum by him received: which said account the King hereby allows and approves. Further said Chetwind is hereby to be paid the said balance of 176l. 12s. 0d. out of the Exchequer. "And in regard there will be frequent occasions of money to be employed in the service of our stables, for the issuing whereof there is at present no authority from us," therefore there are hereby to be paid to said Chetwynd from time to time any sum or sums not exceeding 1,000l. per an. as imprest for the buying of horses, mares or geldings and such other uses as by the said Commissioners for the office of Master of the Horse shall be directed: the said annual payments to commence from 1681, May 1, and to continue during pleasure. (Royal warrant dated May 19 to the Clerk of the Signet for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 168–170.
Henry Guy to Sir Leoline Jenkins, to get razed out that part of the Earl of Pembroke's bill which grants a restitution of his lands and goods and to insert a memorandum in the margin of the bill in his Majesty's presence that this pardon is to pass only for the death and killing of the man. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 256.
Same to Mr. Dickins, Woodward of New Forest. Lord Noell has desired of the Treasury Lords an order for felling fuelwood, which he claims as Lord Warden of New Forest, the Marquess of Winchester having had the same in his time [of being Lord Warden thereof]. In regard the said Marquess still claims a right to the same as appertaining to his house in the forest, you are to forbear felling any such wood till the matter be determined. Ibid.
June 8. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to reserve for the Treasury Lords' disposal the 800l. which the Wine Licence Commissioners are directed to forthwith pay into the Exchequer. Disposition Book II, p. 71.
Same to the said Wine Licence Commissioners to forthwith pay to Mr. Robert Ryves. on his talleys in course, all the money of Wine Licence revenue now remaining in your Office except the above 800l., which is to be immediately paid into the Exchequer. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Cashier to forthwith pay into the Exchequer 3,000l. of Customs money. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the abovesaid 3,000l. to Mr. Johnson on account of interest. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the abovesaid 3,000l. to Mr. Johnson on account of interest. Ibid.
Same to Edward Griffin, esq., Treasurer of the Chamber, to apply as follows the 101l. which is directed to be paid to you at the Exchequer. viz.: Ibid, p. 72.
l. s. d.
to Mr. Cox. Keeper of the Council Chamber 26 13 4
to the sweepers and chimney sweepers 47 5 0
to the Serjeant of the Vestry 15 0 0
to the ratkiller 6 1 8
to George Oldner, Groom of the Vestry 6 0 0
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 5,995l. 15s. 1½d. as by the following list out of such money as shall be lent into the Exchequer by Nathaniell Horneby on [the credit of] the Excise, reserving for the Treasury Lords' disposal the remainder of this money after satisfaction of this list, viz.: 538l. 9s. 11½d. to the falconers, 100l. to Mr. Packer for Capt. Gurle, 100l. to Serjeant Price, 60l. to Mr. Elliot, Master of the Harehounds, 40l. to the huntsmen at Newmarket, 375l. to Lady Williams for house rent, 142l. 9s. 11d. to the Lieutenant of the Tower as the remainder of 650l., 100l. to Mr. Vernon for Col. Scott, 100l. to Mr. Purcell, 37l. 10s. 0d. to Mr. Sayers the King's master cook, 90l. 12s. 6d. to Mr. Packer for the Keeper of the Privy Garden, 351l. 6s. 3d. to the 14 Serjeants at Arms, 50l. 3s. 9d. to Sir William Bishop, 14l. 6s. 0d. to Serjeant Derham, 50l. 3s. 9d. to Serjeant Ramsey and Serjeant Harsnet, 80l. to the doorkeepers of both Houses of Parliament (being 40l. for each [House]), 100l. to Sir Alexander Frazier's executors, 500l. to Lord Arundell of Trerice, 125l. to Lord Lucas, 300l. to the Duke of Albemarle, 33l. 0s. 6d. to Benja. Coleing for three quarters of a year to 1680, Christmas, at 2s. 6d. a day, 30l. to Dr. Coell, University Preacher of Cambridge, 50l. to Mr. Hill of Battles Walk in Windsor Forest, 455l. to Sir Henry Goodricke, 455l. to Mr. Soames, 455l. to Sir Gabriell Sylvius, 455l. to Mr. Warwicke, 455l. to Sir Edward Wood, 101l. to the Treasurers of the Chamber, 60l. to Mr. Rogers and 20l. to Mr. Woodcocke late Receivers, 60l. 16s. 8d. to the Earl of Lindsey for the Keeper of Woodford Walk in Waltham Forest, 50l. to Lady Sayers, 20l. to Mris. Loup administratrix of John Loup, late Clerk of the Nichills, 26l. 13s. 4d. to Mr. Bridal clerk of the Jewel House, 9l. 2s. 6d. to Mr. Norris [the King's] joiner, 5l. to Richard Dorney [the King's] musician for one quarter. (Total, 5,995l. 15s. 1½d.) Ibid, pp. 74–5.
June 8. Money order for 60l. to Anthony Davys, esq., Receiver General of co. Wilts, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, p. 673. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 221.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Sir Francis Leeke, bart., one of the searchers at Gravesend, praying for the constitution of William Greenwood as his deputy there. Reference Book I, p. 284.
June 9. Same to same of Henry West's petition for the place of collector of Lancaster port loco Francis Metcalfe, deceased. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of Mr. Shirson for the same place of collector at Lancaster. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of Robert Mason, shewing that at the Restoration the place of one of the collectors [customers] of Hull was granted to Sir Nath. Appleyeard, kt., and his son Mathew, that the said Sir Mathew died about 10 years since and his son Mathew, being only 11 years old and so unable to perform the office, petitioner was to supply the place till his majority at an allowance of 80l. per an. About five years ago Tho. Meriton, collector of said port (with a salary of 100l. and 30l. for a clerk), died and petitioner was put into the collection but without any salary (he being then and still said Appleyard's deputy) and only the 30l. per an. for a clerk was continued. Mr. Appleyard is now come of age and the Customs Commissioners will [design to] put the collection upon him [Appleyard] and Tho. Lysons, the other customer, and save the 100l. per an. formerly paid to a collector, but both the Commissioners and the customers desire petitioner to continue his services, themselves being not so well experienced, but only at the 30l. per an. salary for a clerk, whereas in the late [Customs] Farmers' time the clerk had 50l. per an., his place being of great import and burden. Prays that the said 30l. per an. be made 50l. per an. Ibid, p. 285.
June 10. Treasury warrant to the Surveyor of Woods Trent South to fell 50 tons of oaken timber in Windsor Forest, and to deliver same to Sir Samuell Moreland; the King having declared his pleasure to the Treasury Lords to have an engine made to convey the water from the river of Thames to Windsor Castle and Park, and in order thereto that said Moreland be provided with said timber. The offal is to be sold and accounted for before the auditor for co. Berks before Michaelmas term next. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 349.
The Treasury Lords to Prince Rupert, informing him of the above warrant. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 256.