Appendix V: Miscellaneous, 1667

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Appendix V: Miscellaneous, 1667', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Appendix V: Miscellaneous, 1667', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

"Appendix V: Miscellaneous, 1667". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.


Miscellaneous, 1667

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
? 1667. In pursuance of your Majesty's order in Council of July 29 last declaring your resolution to reduce and contract your expenses as much as might possibly be done and authorising us as a Committee of the [Privy Council] Board to take into consideration the several branches of your expenses and issues and what proportion of each may best and most conveniently be spared and retrenched for the future, we have several times met and upon serious consideration of all the said particulars do humbly offer this ensuing representation. Egerton MS. 2543, pp. 129–30.
In these following particulars there can be no retrenchment (struck through and altered to) we do not perceive what way any reduction of expense can be made, viz.:
l. s. d.
Queen Consort 40,000 0 0
Queen Mother 60,000 0 0
Household and Stables besides extraordinaries for ambassadors at St. George's [Garter] Feast 100,000 0 0
Buildings [Works] 10,000 0 0
Robes 5,000 0 0
Ambassadors and agents 20,000 0 0
entertainments and presents for foreign ambassadors 10,000 0 0
Privy Purse 30,000 0 0
Judges 12,000 0 0
Court of [the Marches of] Ludlow 1,916 13 4
Masters of Chancery and Requests
Secretaries of State for intelligence and secret service besides what they receive out of the Post Office [Farm] 6,000 0 0
Charge of his Majesty's letters and expresses, and letters for Parliament men 3,000 0 0
Angel gold for healing 1,200 0 0
Masters of the Horse, to buy horses (to which 500l. to be added and the stud to be wholly taken away) 2,000 0 0
New Year's gifts 2,000 0 0
Creation money 788 0 0
Chancellor of the Garter 1,200 0 0
Countess of Chesterfield's composition for powder, if thought fit to be paid 3,000 0 0
Lord Privy Seal's diet 1,400 0 0
Liberates out of the Exchequer 1,500 0 0
Dormant privy seal 300 0 0
Harriers 500 0 0
Tents and pavilions. But we are of opinion the officers of the Ordnance should provide the tents and the Lord Chamberlain appoint the office as formerly 500 0 0
Jamaica and Bombay 5,000 0 0
In these following parts of his Majesty's expense we have yet made no retrenchment.
Pensions, fees and salaries paid in the Exchequer 87,580 0 0
Pensions on the Customs 14,606 0 0
Pensions on the Excise 500 0 0
Pensions on Tangier [establishment] 1,500 0 0
Pensions on the coal farm 1,700 0 0
Pensions paid on the alnage 1,000 0 0
Pensions paid on alum [farm] 400 0 0
Pensions paid on Alienations 300 0 0
Pensions paid on [Crown] lands [revenues] 3,213 0 0
Pensions, warrants and privy seals paid by the Cofferer since the establishment, about 4,000 0 0
Pensions on the Greenwax and Post Fines 500 0 0
Defalcations in time of peace from the great farms [the farms of the great branches of the revenue] and extraordinary expenses not foreseen 100,000 0 0
Interest of money borrowed (by estimate) till [the] debts [be] paid 150,000 0 0
In these other branches of your Majesty's expenses we humbly propose the following reductions and limitations.
The great expense of the Navy to be reduced in times of peace according to a project prepared at our desire by Sir William Coventry and acknowledged by the officers of the Navy to be practicable, your Majesty's ships being first repaired and stores replenished by some other means 200,000
The Guards and Garrisons to be reduced according to an establishment to be prepared by the Lord General 200,000
Tangier with the Mole, to be reduced from 70,000l. per an. according to a new establishment herewith presented [missing] 50,000
The Treasurer of the Chamber's payments which amounted this last year to 36,670l. to be kept within 25,000l. which we conceive may be done as in a paper herewith presented 25,000
The Lord Chamberlain's bills which the last year came to 6,000l. to be reduced to 2,500l. and in your father's regime exceeded not 1,500l. 2,500
Allowances for lodgings for their Majesties' service, increased since the like King's time, to be cut off: the same amounting to about 3,000l.
The pay of the 17 trumpeters and the kettle drum amounts to 1,290l.: whereof 11 trumpeters being put into the Guards, their salaries of 60l. per an. each being taken off, there will be saved 660l. and the remaining pay will be 630
The music, violins etc. which now amounts to 2,017l. to be reduced as it was in the late King's time to 1,240l. so that there will be saved 777l. 1,240
The whole charge of the falconry which at present amounts to _ to be reduced to _ (struck through).
The Cormorant keeper to be taken away, by which there will be saved 84l.
The pay of 13 falconers taken off from the Treasurer of the Chamber which amounts to 380l. 10s. 0d.
The whole charge of the Hawks and Falconers to be paid in the Exchequer, which will be reduced from about _ to _.
The charge of the Master, Serjeant Yeomen etc. of the Buckhounds which is at present 2,248l. 9s. 7d. to be reduced by agreement with the Master of the Buckhounds to 1,500l. per an. Notice hereof to be given to the Green Cloth, Avenry and Wardrobe for taking of[f] the liveries etc.
The charge of the two apothecaries' wages and bills to be reduced from 2,536l. to 1,536l. by ordering no bills to be allowed to the apothecaries of the Household but such as are avouched by the physician of the Household's receipt: and the proportion of perfumes to be delivered [is] to be regulated anew.
Keeper of the Volary cut off: 30l. per an.
100 of the Yeomen of the Guard [their] places being reduced as they die off, there will thereby in time be saved (struck through) 3,956l.
Bills of allowances which now come to 1,500l. to be reduced to 900l. (total of the abovesaid eight items of [saving] 11,494l. plus 300l.= 11,794l.).
Likewise the pay of 200 Yeomen of the Guard, being 7,913l. 6s. 8d. if they be reduced to 100 as they die off or can be recompensed for their places, there will be saved 3,956
The messengers of the Chamber to be reduced to 30 as they fall [vacant].
Gentlemen ushers on the King's and Queen's side. [Quere.]
For making ready houses [for the King in progress] which amounted this last year to 1,415l. 12s. 6d. Quere.
[Band of Gentlemen] Pensioners.
We humbly propose that the number of Gentlemen pensioners be reduced to 30 as they die off, and that none be admitted henceforth into that Band but such as are Gentlemen of quality and estate, whereby your Majesty will save 2,000l.: the charge of the whole band being now 6,000l.
Great Wardrobe.
We humbly offer to your Majesty that the Great Wardrobe be erected into an office to consist of a Master (and in his absence a deputy), a Comptroller, the Clerk of the Wardrobes and the Clerk of the Great Wardrobe; who are to have a board in some certain place where they may meet once every week at least to treat of, settle and order all business relating to the payments and provisions to be made by the said Great Wardrobe according to such regulations and instructions as shall hereafter be made. And that whereas the expense thereof amounted these last years to about 30,000l. that the same be reduced to 20,000l. per an.
Office of the Ordnance.
We humbly propose that the yearly expense of that Office in time of peace do not exceed 40,000l. for sea and land service according to an estimate made thereof and including therein the ordinary of the Office of 12,000l. per an. formerly allowed, to which end the following retrenchments are to be made.
the Commissioners' salary of 1,000l. each to be reduced to 600l. 1,800
the 100 gunners as they die off to be reduced to 60.
the pension to Sir Alex. Brett's daughter to be stopped 100
Mr. Geo. Marsh, his pension of 200l. yearly to be stopped 200
Daniel Favillier's pension of 180l. per an. to be stopped 180
salaries of artificers to be taken off 218
abatement in the salaries to the clerks of the outports about 200
the salary of 171l. payable to the Master Gunner to be reduced to 100l., whereby will be saved 71
total of which abatements amounts to £2,469
Besides we humbly desire to know your Majesty's pleasure concerning Matthias Sutoleback's pension of 250l. per an.
It's also proposed that all accounts of the Treasurer of the Ordnance be brought to the Board of that Office and there allowed and signed by the Master and officers according as it is practised in the office of the Navy.
Office of the Armory.
l. s. d.
The annual charge whereof [at present] amount to 1,093l. 4s. 7d. It's proposed that the said office be put under the inspection and regulation of the Office of the Ordnance: and the Master and officers of the Armory to enjoy their salaries during their lives and afterwards to cease, whereby will be saved 200 6 3
In relation to the Expenses of the Tower.
Whereof there are 40 yeomen of the Guard, wardens at the Tower, whose pay comes yearly to 851l. 13s. 4d. It's proposed that the places which now are or hereafter shall become void be not supplied until the number be reduced to 20, whereby there will in time be saved 425 16 8
The whole constant fees and charges paid to your Majesty's Lieutenant and Officers in the Tower amount to 1,194l. And whereas there are customary fees allowed by his Majesty to the Lieutenant of the Tower for safe keeping and dieting prisoners of several quality, viz. for a Duke or Marquess 4l. by the week and in proportion for all other inferior degrees it's proposed by agreement with the present Lieutenant that during his continuance in that place one-third part of those fees shall be proportionably abated and after his death or avoidance a moiety shall be abated to his successor and successors. But hereof no medium can be made in regard of the casualty.
Hawks and Falconry.
Whereas your Majesty's Falconry consisted formerly of these four branches, viz. the Brook, the Field, the Heron and the Crow, and your Majesty having thought fit that the charge of the two latter should cease, the expense of the other two, viz. the Field and the Brook, we have reduced with Sir Allen Apsley's consent to 1,559l. 17s. 6d. per an. with which the Master of the Hawks is for the future to provide and keep six cast of hawks for the brook and so many for the field and to defray all other charges, fees and salaries relating thereunto according to an establishment thereof to be prepared.
Game Keepers.
All the gamekeeper's salaries, which amounted to _ to be reduced [retrenched] except that of Whitehall, Newmarket, Hampton Court, Greenwich and Richmond, whose salaries come to 107l. 15s. 0d. So as your Majesty will save _.
Keepers of forests, parks and closes. (Blank.)
Jewel House. (Blank.)
It's humbly proposed that the Trumpeters be ordered to bring in their rich coats and banners to the Great Wardrobe as soon as other coats suitable to your Majesty's livery and banners shall be provided for their ordinary wearing.
Also that the Children of the Chapel have black gowns and plain suits such as the King's scholars at Westminster wear.
It's also proposed that his Majesty will be pleased that good and decent (struck through) salary be allowed to all officers: and perquisites and petty gains to be cut off and no more allowed.
If your Majesty shall approve of these proposals of retrenchment, we humbly conceive it fit that your Majesty appoint a committee to direct the putting the several parts thereof in execution.