Entry Book: October 1684, 22-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: October 1684, 22-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1369-1377 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: October 1684, 22-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1369-1377.

"Entry Book: October 1684, 22-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp1369-1377.


October 1684

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Oct. 22. Treasury reference to Sir Thomas Wharton and Philip Wharton, Wardens of the Mint, and to the Mint Commissioners, of the petition of George Macy, clerk to the said Wardens: petitioner shewing that said Wardens are by themselves (and those whom they shall appoint) to do what in them lies to discover and punish all abuses of the coin "besides the farther authority given them by your Lordships for that purpose": the said Wardens have authorised petitioner under them therein and for two years past petitioner has spent great pains and considerable sums of money in the discovery of clippers and coiners, as by a schedule hereto [missing]: petitioner has only a salary of 40l. per an.: therefore prays, for his better encouragement in the said service, a grant of the place of Clerk of the Papers of the Mint lately void by death, petitioner being able to perform the same without the least neglect of his duty as the Wardens' clerk. Reference Book II, p. 87.
Oct. 23. For the paper of the disposition of the Customs cash for the week ending the 23rd inst. see supra, p. 1359. Disposition Book III, pp. 4–5.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Ibid, pp. 5–6.
to Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces 4,500
to the Cofferer of the Household 1,500
to Mr. Hornby for secret service 300
to Sir John James and partners in part of their debt 1,000
(Same dated Oct. 15 to the Excise Commissioners enclosing the paper of the disposition of the Excise cash for the present week ended Oct. 21, said paper including the above four items [payable out of the Excise money in the Exchequer] together with following items [payable directly out of the Excise Office on tallies] viz. 1,000l. to Mr. Hornby; 1,000l. to Dr. Davenant and partners; 1,000l. to Mr. Toll; 2,000l. to the bankers. Total, 12,300l.)
Oct. 25. Money order for 50l. to John Pottinger, Comptroller of the Pipe, for half a year to 1684, Sept. 29, for the service of himself and his clerks in issuing process upon Popish Recusants for the penalty of 20l. per month etc.: to be paid out of the said penalties. Order Book XXXIX, p. 190.
Same for 5l. to William Parks, porter of the Receipt, for last Sept. 29 quarter's attendance at the gate of the Receipt for the better securing his Majesty's treasure etc. Ibid.
Oct. 27. Money warrant for 3,600l. to Nathaniell Hornby for 12 weeks to Dec. 23 next on his 15,000l. per an. for secret service as by the privy seal of 1683, Dec. 12. (Money order dated Oct. 28 hereon.) Money Book V, p. 88. Order Book XXXIX, p. 191.
Treasury allowance of the 1684, Sept. 29 quarter's salary bill of the Victualling Office. (Total, 925l.: said bill including four Commissioners of the Victualling; Edward Wivell, assistant; Anthony Sturt, junr., cashier; Thomas Colby, Accomptant General; Jacob Woodward, clerk of the issues; William Collins, clerk of the entries; Andrew Crawley, clerk of the cutting house; Josiah Keeting, clerk of the bakehouse; Richard Babington, clerk of the brewhouse; Richard Boult, haytaker and buyer of corn; Jeremiah King, master cooper; John Gosling, master butcher; John Webb, messenger; John Wright, labourer of the petty warrants; Will. Brandon, agent at Portsmouth; Christopher Godsalve, storekeeper at Portsmouth; Benjamin Hawkes, agent at Dover; Jarvis Willey, storekeeper and cooper; Rowland Crispe, agent at Chatham; Will. Addis, agent at Plymouth; Robert Searle, agent at Leghorn; Daniell Whittfield, [agent] at Kinsale; Phinees Bowles, [agent at] Lisbon, and accomptant; the two commissioners of the out ports, Chatham and Portsmouth.) Money Book V, p. 89.
Oct. 27. Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to hasten the payment of the 28l. 4s. 9d. ordered Aug. 12 last to John Hales, gent. as a volunteer on board the Sweepstakes. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 433.
Same to the Attorney General, enclosing for his opinion thereon the Customs Commissioners' presentment of the 14th inst. concerning Plantation ships trading to Scotland. Ibid.
Same to same. Report to the Treasury Lords your opinion as to what proceedings may be legal had against the pirate ship le Trompeuse seized with its goods at Boston in New England by Mr. Dyer, a Customs officer there, the said ship and goods [now] remaining in New England "or against the goods mentioned to be brought or put on board ships bound hither." Mr. Blathwayte and Mr. Prowse will attend you with papers concerning same. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to Col. Stede. There remains in your hands, as Receiver of his Majesty's revenue [Barbados] a parcel (the King's moiety) of red wood seized on the interloping ship _ Cobb. commander, and confiscated to the King pursuant to the Royal Africa Company's charter. You are forthwith to put it to sale, pay the charges of the recovery and disposal thereof, and certify us the surplusage. Ibid.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Samuel Walton, the King's purveyor of fresh fish, same being referred to the Treasury Lords by order of the King in Council of Feb. 15 last. Petitioner sets forth that for the better serving and supplying your Majesty in his said office your Majesty has given him licence to import eels from any places beyond the seas for the use of the Household, which trade, before his undertaking, was wholly supplied by the Dutch and other foreigners, and that since his said undertaking petitioner has supplied your Majesty's service to the entire satisfaction of the Board of Greencloth. But in regard no vessels fit for that service were ever built in England nor any such in Holland for above 30 years past, the petitioner, upon the decay and loss of his former vessels, was necessitated for carrying on the said service (and to prevent the returning of that trade into the hands of the Dutch and other foreigners) to go to Holland and there to build two hoys or well boats with wells, one the Hope, the other the Adam and Eve, each of 40 tons burden fit for importing eels, but also convenient for importing lobsters, cod and other fresh fish. Therefore prays for the said hoys to be made free and to have the privilege and freedom of importing eels, lobsters and cod only as if same had been English built, they being no ways prejudicial to the trade and navigation of his Majesty's dominions. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, pp. 455–6.
Hereon the Treasury Lords report that the Customs Commissioners have advised with Sir John Shaw, surveyor of the Navigation Act, and Joseph Dawson, one of the most ancient and experienced officers of the Customs, who report that the said vessels are already qualified to import live eels paying 20s. for every lading, and lobsters [these latter] customs free, but may not import fresh cod without the King's order. If such order were granted it would be an accommodation to the King's subjects and no way prejudicial to trade and navigation. We concur therein.
Oct. 27. Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands to rate the following particular at 50s. per an. rent for the first 10 years and 5l. per an. for the residue of the 31 years' term. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 456.
Prefixing report dated Aug. 19 last from John Fisher, in the absence of the Surveyor General of Crown Lands, revising the previous report supra, p. 1145, on the petition of Mr. Stringer for a lease of the salt houses in Nantwich. I have revised my said former report, being unable to procure a tenant for the said salt houses at the rate therein set "unless I were upon the place which was the proper work of the auditor at his receipts and audits, but the last deputy auditor who had been long in that office and acquainted with the place, being lately dead, it will be very hard for any new one to raise them to their full value." Some of the houses are quite down and the rest run to decay and said Stringer has but a very mean substance in that town. I therefore propose terms as above, he covenanting to re-edify and keep in repair.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Hender Mountsteven, for several years past surveyor of Customs at the Pill, Bristol port, at 80l. per an. salary, praying for a landwaiter's place, London port, at the same salary, loco Nevis Larrimore, dismissed, petitioner desiring to be near his relations. Reference Book II, p. 88.
Same to same of the petition of Thomas More of Loftus, co. Yorks: petitioner shewing that he is possessed of alum works at Linghberry hill in his manor of Loftus "and three or four other alum works near adjacent to him on each side and also many other creeks of the sea and towns to all which several ships may, and some to your petitioner's own knowledge have come and gone away without cocketts," that thereby the Customs have been and may be much defrauded both by imports and exports, and also the proprietors of alum [works] much incommonded for want of a customer resident there: that petitioner's alum work stands midway between Whitby and Stockton, under 30 miles from each, within the district of Whitby, where a cocquet is denied or delayed except the master of such vessel come themselves who dare not leave their vessels that can stay but one tide for fear of storms and in that time cannot go and return with their cocket, and so such ship may go beyond the seas either with alum or other goods or by unlading a few coals may transport the rest: therefore desires that a Customs officer may be constantly resident there for the preventing such frauds and for the better accommodating each of the said alum works "and your petitioner's alum works being the most expedient place to see every vessel go in and out of the said other works and therefore convenient to be made a port of to that end, and then he will build a safe harbour there and each alum work will contribute with your petitioner to pay the said Custom officer 20l. per an. salary for their like conveniency." Ibid.
Oct. 27. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to direct the Customs Cashier to pay all debentures, allowances and portages in London port, keeping distinct accounts thereof as well as for salaries and incidents: the said Commissioners having in their memorial of Sept. 24 last observed that according to the present management of the Customs there is not sufficient provision made for the regular payment of debentures in London port (the receipt inwards being distributed into several hands) whereby great inconveniences and delays happen to the merchant, and that there is not any visible account made for the portages and allowances paid in said port. Out Letters (Customs) IX, p. 62.
Oct. 28. Royal warrant for a privy seal dormant for the payment to Lawrence, Earl of Rochester, as Lord President of the Privy Council, of 1,500l. per an., 1,000l. thereof as in lieu of an allowance of diet of 10 dishes every meal formerly made to the Lord President, the remaining 500l. thereof as royal bounty: to commence from Sept. 29 last and to be payable quarterly, during pleasure, without account. King's Warrant Book IX, p. 403.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to William Legg of the leases, estate, chattels and personal estate whatsoever (other than those remaining in Ireland) of Sir Thomas Armstrong, kt., lately attainted for high treason. Ibid, p. 405.
Royal letter to the Governor of Nevis and other the Leeward Caribbee Islands. Upon the determination of the farm to John Strode et al. of the Four and a Half per cent. duty, which farm is to cease and become void at Christmas next, we have thought fit to take said duty into our own hands under the management of the Customs Commissioners, England. Henry Carpenter and Richard Nagle are appointed Commissioners for collecting and managing said revenue under the said Customs Commissioners, as also for the several rates, duties and impositions arising to us in the Island of Nevis and other the Leeward Islands by virtue of the Act of 25 Car. II. for encouragement of the Greenland and Eastland trades. Before said [sub-]commissioners enter on their employment they are to give bond and take oath before you as are likewise the officers to be employed under them. You are to administer said oaths and to send their bonds to the Customs Commissioners, England. And you and all other officers are to assist said officers in their duties. (The like letter to the Governor of Barbados to similarly swear in etc. and to assist etc. Edwin Stede and Stephen Gascoigne [sub-]commissioners of the like duty in Barbados as also of the like Plantation duties as above arising by the said Act of 25 Car. II. and so likewise of the officials to be employed under them therein.) Ibid, pp. 405–6. 406–7.
Treasury reference to Richard Graham of the petition of Sir William Bishop, praying a grant of certain lands in co. Gloucester of the value of 20l. per an. which were conveyed by Richard Reed to Richard Brent for some superstitious uses. Reference Book II, p. 89.
Treasury reference to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition to the King from the loyal citizens of Chester as by a reference dated Sept. 30 last thereof from the King to the Treasury Lords: petitioners shewing that in 13 Car. II. a lease was granted to Col. Roger Whitley of the Confraternity of Ively, co. Chester, parcel of the late dissolved Priory of St. John of Jerusalem, England, viz. for 31 years at 5l. 18s. 8d. per an. rent, "which said fraternity or place so-called lies near the city of Chester and may be commodious for the loyal citizens of the same city". therefore pray the King in the new charter to the city to grant [to them] the reversion of the said Confraternity for what term and under what rent his Majesty shall think fit. Reference Book II, p. 89.
Same to William Hewer, Treasurer for the affairs of Tangier, of the petition of Tho. Davenport, one of the poor Tangier soldiers that came from Tangier: petitioner shewing that 11 of his fellow soldiers "whose names are subscribed" [missing] lodged and dieted at his house, being allowed 8l. per an. each from his Majesty; that about a month before Michaelmas last they were sent away to garrisons with 10s. a piece to bear their charges; that each of them was indebted to him in 30s. for meat, drink, washing and lodging for eight weeks as appears by bill under their hands; that for want of said money petitioner is now arrested and cast into the Marshalsea for debt contracted for the said soldiers and is like to perish there: prays to be paid out of the 30s. due to each of said soldiers for eight weeks' pension, petitioner never having had any allowance from his Majesty. Ibid, p. 90.
Same to Sir Richard Mason and Bartholomew Fillingham of the petition to the King from Capt. William Legg as by a favourable reference dated 1683, Nov. 9, thereof to the Treasury from the King "his Majesty having had experience of the petitioner's loyalty and being well satisfied with his services." Petitioner shews that he served for six years as Captain of the King's Own Troop in the Earl of Oxford's Regiment, which command he bought and for which he has not since had any consideration from your Majesty: that he lies under the burden of debts thereby: therefore prays a grant of an arrear of about 1,200l. due to the King for a considerable time from one of the Receivers of his Majesty's revenue, which said arrear is not charged by any order from the Treasury; further prays an annuity of 500l. per an. for 31 years, as royal bounty, payable half yearly out of the Crown revenues of North and South Wales after what is already charged thereupon. Ibid, pp. 99–100.
The Treasury Lords to the Duke of Ormonde. The letter to you from the Secretary of the Treasury dated Aug. 26 last ("at which time our meeting here was adjourned") enclosed a copy of a letter sent to us by the Navy Commissioners, desiring the payment of the masters of the two vessels hired for transportation of soldiers to Cork upon their arrival there. As this was according to agreement we desired it might be complied with. The soldiers were landed at Cork Sept. 26 and no orders had arrived there before [i.e. on] Oct. 3 inst. for payment of the freight. The want thereof is a great disappointment to the persons concerned. We desire that speedy orders may be sent to Cork for paying the freight. Out Letters (Ireland) IV, p. 105.
Oct. 28. Henry Guy to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland. In reply to yours of the 15th inst. the Treasury Lords have desired the Earl of Sunderland to obtain from the King such a letter as you desire. He will send it you by this night's post. Out Letters (Ireland) IV, p. 106.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 15l. to Mris. Ursula Elliot for last Michaelmas quarter on her pension and 20l. to me [Guy] for secret service (total, 35l.); issuing same out of the following funds in the Exchequer, viz. 22l. 6s. 0d. of King's Bench fines, 6l. of Recusants' money, 6l. 5s. 8¼d. of Excise money and 8l. 3¾d. of the moneys of lands seized. Disposition Book III, p. 6.
Same to same. The 400l. directed the 15th inst. supra, p. _, to be issued to the Duke of Grafton out of Excise money was intended by the Treasury Lords to be issued to the Duke of Southampton. Please issue same accordingly. Ibid.
Same to same to issue (out of such Customs money as was paid into the Exchequer on Friday last and now remains there) the sum of _ to the Treasurer of the Navy to be by him paid over to Sir Richard Haddock and partners, present Commissioners for the Victualling. Ibid, p. 7.
Same to same to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be this week paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Ibid.
to Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces 4,500
to the Cofferer of the Household 1,500
to Mr. Hornby for secret service 300
to Mris. Ellen Gwynne 500
to Sir Robert Vyner 232
to Sir John James and partners 500
(Same of same date to the Excise Commissioners, enclosing the paper of the disposition of the Excise cash for the present week, said paper including the above six items [payable out of Excise money in the Exchequer] together with the following items [payable directly out of the Excise Office on tallies] viz. 1,000l. to Mr. Hornby; 1,000l. to Mr. Toll; 1,000l. to Mr. Davenant and partners; 1,000l. to the Duke [of York]; 500l. to Prince George of Denmark; 1,000l. to the bankers. Total, 13,032l.)
Oct. 30. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to appoint Robt. Mildbore as searcher of the Four and a Half per cent. duty in the island of Nevis at the salary of 6,000 lbs. of Muscovado sugar or 37l. 10s. 0d. per an. Out Letters (Customs) IX, pp. 63, 64, 65, 66.
Hender Mount-Stephens (present surveyor of the Pill, Bristol port) as a landwaiter, London port loco Nevill Larimore, lately dismissed.
James Whitwood as surveyor at the Pill loco said Mount-Stephens.
William Ogle as a tidewaiter, Newcastle port loco Robert Griffith, lately deceased. (In the margin: cancelled 8 Mar., 1684–5.)
George Avery and his mate as watermen for one of the boats directed Oct. 16 inst. supra, p. 1361, on the increase of coastwaiters, London port.
Samuell Gipps as a watchman ibid. loco Thomas Temple, who is removed to be a landcarriageman ibid.
John Hinds as one of the two additional watchmen [London port] directed Oct. 16 ut supra.
John Taunton as one of the two additional watchmen ibid. directed ut supra.
William Cliffe as one of the four additional boatmen in Penzance port as proposed in the Customs Commissioners' memorial of the 24th ult. (In the margin: cancelled 8 Mar., 1684–5.)
Peter Ripper as boatman at Harwich in Ipswich port loco John Mann, lately dismissed. (In the margin: cancelled 8 Mar., 1684–5.)
William Knowles as one of the additional noontenders, London, directed the 16th inst.
Oct. 30. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to insert in the general establishment of the Customs salaries, London port, the fees or salaries of 52l. per an. each to the 19 King's waiters ibid.. their salaries to be payable quarterly thereout from Christmas next and no arrears to be hereby cut off. Out Letters (Customs) IX, p. 63.
Same to same to pay Field Dunn his patent salary of 24l. per an. as Customer of Berwick port. (In the margin. cancelled 8 Feb., 1684–5.) Likewise to pay him 10l. additional for a clerk to him as Customer and collector there; in consideration of the difficulty of returns [of money] from Berwick. Ibid, p. 64.
Treasury fiat for royal letters patent to constitute Sutton Oglethorpe as searcher of Carlisle port and its members in Cumberland and Westmorland loco Thomas Addison, late searcher there. Warrants not Relating to Money IX, p. 457.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 9,139l. 3s. 3d. to Robert Woolley with 6 per cent. interest in satisfaction of the tally of July 30 last for saltpetre and as by the warrant of Aug. 26 last supra, p. 1312: the said Woolley being content to forbear the receipt of said money till Feb. 1 next on condition that interest be paid him to that time. In the margin: cancelled by my Lord Treasurer 1685, May 18. Money Book V, p. 89.
Money warrant for 1,250l. to Mris. Ellen Gwynn for last June 24 quarter on her 5,000l. per an. for the support of herself and Charles, Earl of Burford. (Money order dated Nov. 3 hereon.) Ibid, p. 89. Order Book XXXIX, p. 193.
Same for 375l. to Andrew Newport, Sir Peter Apsley and Sir Benjamin Bathurst for last Sept. 29 quarter on the 1,500l. per an. to them in trust for Charles, Duke of St. Albans. (Money order dated Nov. 3 hereon.) Money Book V, p. 90. Order Book XXXIX, p. 193.
Dr. Wynn desires that no grant pass to any person of the offices of master forester, chief warder of the forest and chases within the lordship of Barnard Castle or of chief ranger of the forest of Teesdale and chase of Marwood in co. Durham without notice given to Sir Leoline Jenkins, Sir William Bowes or Mr. Wynne. [This caveat is] entered by order of Lord Godolphin. Caveat Book, p. 27.
Oct. 30. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed proposal [missing] for farming the aliens duty. Out Letters (General) VII, p. 434.
Oct. 31. Royal sign manual for 500l. to Henry Guy for secret service, without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of Aug. 30 last. (Money warrant dated Nov. 1 hereon. Money order dated Nov. 4 hereon.) King's Warrant Book IX, p. 407. Money Book V, p. 90.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to revoke the patent of 34 Car. II. which constituted Richard Sandys as Customer of Bridgwater port, he having got into his hands a considerable sum of the King's money and having withdrawn himself. King's Warrant Book IX, p. 407.