Entry Book: May 1681, 2-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: May 1681, 2-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp133-150 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: May 1681, 2-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp133-150.

"Entry Book: May 1681, 2-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp133-150.


May 1681

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
May 2. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Eliz. Willson, daughter and executrix of Capt. Jno. Willson: said petition shewing that said John was granted on the establishment of Ireland 200l. per an. for eight years, which expired 1680, Sept. 29: that said sum was, in the establishment, placed among the pensions, whereas petitioner conceives it should have been placed among the temporary payments: that upon the stop of the pensions in Ireland from 1678, Sept. 29, said allowance was stopped, so that petitioner is in arrears 400l.: that petitioner and her family went into Ireland in hopes to have her yearly payment continued and is now reduced to a low and necessitous condition. Prays to have the stop of the pension taken off and a grant thereof for some further number of years. Out Letters (Ireland) II, p. 160.
Said petition being referred Feb. 28 last to the Treasury Lords, the latter hereby report that 100l. per an. may be ordered her on her pension till such time as the arrear be satisfied without breach of the orders in Council touching the premises.
May 2. Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to forbear process against Nicholas Veel as security for Thomas Veel, late Receiver of Hearthmoney for co. Gloucester. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 331.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Capt. Thomas Paulden of a parcel of waste and sandy ground lying between the county of Northumberland and Holy Island, containing about 1,500 acres, all for 99 years from Lady day last at the yearly rent of 10l. 3s. 0d.: all on surrender of the present grant of same to [said] Tho. Paulden, gent., dated 1674, Aug. 17: and without fine in consideration of the loyalty and signal services of said Paulden to the late King and of the great charge he has and must incur in [embanking,] recovering, securing and preserving the premises from time to time. Ibid, pp. 332–3, 348.
Prefixing: particular and memorandum dated Jan. 24 last by auditor H. Stephens of said premises and ratal dated 1680–1, Mar. by John Fisher (in the absence of the Surveyor General of Crown Lands) of said particular. The lessee to covenant to do his best endeavour from time to time to embank, enclose, secure and defend the premises from the sea at his own cost and to preserve the walls, banks and fences thereof already made; and every seven years to deliver a terrar or particular of the lands gained by such embankings.
Entry dated May 31 of the Treasury Lords' signature of docquet of this grant.
Same to same for a lease to John, Earl of Bridgewater of the hundred of Bucklow, co. Chester, except fines of court: as granted 1606, Aug. 9, to Sir John Egerton for the lives of him, Francis Leigh, son of Sir Francis Leigh, and Peter Egerton, son of Ralph Egerton, of Ridley. The present grant to be for 31 years from 1680, Lady day, at a rental of 47s. per an. and fine of 4l. 14s. 0d. Special enumeration to be made in this lease of deodands, goods etc. of fugitives, felons, felons de se, treasure trove and escheats. Ibid, pp. 334–7.
Prefixing: particular and memorandum by Deputy Auditor T. Raban of the premises, and ratal dated April 26 thereof by William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners. The Duchess of Portsmouth is about to send some (household) goods to Aubigny in France, and Mris. Bulkely is likewise going into France. Send some officer to their respective lodgings at Whitehall to examine same with a view to their transport. Custom to be paid on such of said goods as ought to pay. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 241.
Same to same to attend the Committee for Trade to-morrow about the Treaty of Commerce with Sweden. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Mr. Johnson to pay Capt. Hugh Verman, Lieut. Edward Scot and Lieut. Ulisses Burk according to the list of officers of the Duke of Monmouth's Regiment of Foot that came out of France in the room of so many of those officers that are gone to Tangier. In the margin: [delivered] to Davy. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 241.
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy. The following are the persons intended by the Treasury Lords to be paid in the list of poor widows mentioned in mine of April 30 last to you, ut supra, p. 131: viz. Eleanor Russell 33l. 18s. 8d. (33l. 18s. 0d.), Jon. Jackson 11l. 0s. 6d., Mr. Chichester Trelawney 12l. 9s. 10d., Mr. Dallison 19l. 6s. 3d. (19l. 6e. 8d.), Ann Lanaway 21l. 9s. 0d., Jon. Goodrick 7l. 14s. 2d., Elias White 9l. 18s. 0d., Zachery Ewell 30l. 16s. 6d. (Total, 146l. 12s. 3d.) (Same dated May 3 to the Navy Commissioners to apply same as above.) Ibid, p. 241. Disposition Book II, p. 63.
Same to Sir Henry Johnson and Alderman Strut. In reply to yours of April 30 the Treasury Lords are well content to stay till the gentleman you mention is come to town. Hasten your proposal as soon as possible. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 242.
Same to Mr. Rives (Ryves). Send an account forthwith of what tallies on the Wine Licences remain in your hands unsatisfied. Ibid.
Same to the Wine Licence Commissioners for a list as above of tallies on the Wine Licences now unpaid and the particulars of them. You are to reserve the 1,219l. 14s. 10d. now in cash in your hands till further order from the Treasury Lords. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for a list, ut supra, of what tallies have been since 1677, July 17, levied on the Wine Licences revenue and what payments have been since that time made into the Exchequer upon that revenue. Ibid.
[Same] to the Farmers of Unwrought Wood. On Feb. 17 and Mar. 12 last I sent to you to pay 225l. into the Exchequer in part of your rent due last Christmas. My Lords very ill resent your disregard hereof and expect you to forthwith pay it or otherwise they will consult the Attorney General what legal course is to be taken against you for recovering that money. In future you are punctually to pay on the days due the portion of your rent which is unassigned. Ibid, p. 243.
April 2
May 2].
Treasury reference to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of Sir George Downing for a fresh lease for 99 years of a messuage in Westminster, situate at the north end of King Street next the gate there and adjoining the Cockpit and St. James's Park, lately known by the name of Hambden House, together with all the buildings, yards, gardens, orchards and appurtenances thereto belonging, formerly in lease to Sir Tho. Knevet, kt., for his natural life and 60 years thereafter, and of which a lease under the great seal dated 1663–4, Feb. 23, was granted to said Downing in reversion to make up 99 years therein: the rent being 20l. per an. payable to the Crown, and 4l. per an. payable to the keeper of Whitehall during the said 60 years, and 4l. per an. increase during the remainder of said term of 99 years, whereof 14 are now expired. Downing's said former lease gave liberty to build upon the premises as far as the west end of the Cockpit then extended. Forasmuch as the Cockpit is since pulled down and several other great houses and buildings lately erected more westward than the said Cockpit then stood, and the houses upon petitioner's part being all ruinous and decayed and must be all rebuilt, he therefore prays to have his term made up again to 99 years at the old and increased rent and with liberty now and at all times hereafter to build upon any part of the premises: he intending to erect none that shall have a prospect towards the Park but such as shall be fit for persons of good quality to inhabit in and be graceful and ornamental to the said Park. Reference Book I, p. 263.
Appending: (a) The King's reference to the Treasury dated April 25 of said petition. (b) A later reference dated May 11 to Sir Christopher Wren. Surveyor General of the Works, of the report hereon from the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. Wren is to report if there will be any inconvenience to the King by Downing's so building.
May 2. Treasury reference to Auditor Raban of the petition of the Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. Said petition setsforth that two annual payments, one of 1l. 13s. 4d. under the name of a pension, the other of 9l. 2s. 10½d. under the name of a rent anciently granted to the cathedral church from the Crown, have always been allowed and deducted by the Receivers General [of Crown Lands] of the county of Northampton out of the composition which said church paid yearly to the King for First Fruits and Tenths, but that same have now been unpaid for above five years by reason of the sale of the said composition for First Fruits and Tenths, which sale the Treasury Lords did upon hearing the case last year allow to be good, and at the same time ordered that some other way should be settled for the payment of said pension and rent and the arrears thereof due to the said church. Petitioners pray that the constant payment thereof may be established for the future and for payment of the arrears. Reference Book I, p. 264.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Robert Lucas, Surveyor of the coast of Sussex, at 55l. a year, praying to be made a tidesurveyor, London port, at 50l. per an. Ibid.
Money warrant for 40l. to Robt. Swan, gent., for half a year to Christmas last on his pension of 80l. per an. in consideration of his fidelity to his Majesty in his escape after the battle of Worcester. Money Book III, p. 29.
Same for 25l. 1s. 10½d. each to John Topham, Roger Charnock, Thomas Charnock, John Templer, and Robert Gyde, serjeants at arms, being for a quarter's fee and allowance to respectively 1680, Lady day; 1680, Lady day; 1679, Christmas; 1678, Michaelmas; 1676, Michaelmas. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Excise Farmers to discharge from or to repay to John Parsons and his partners the sum of 249l. 12s. 7¾d. for Excise owing from or paid by them, in excess of the small beer duty, for 350 tuns 3 hogsheads and 26 gallons of beer each tun containing 240 gallons beer delivered by them to his Majesty's butteries between 1678, Sept. 24, and 1680, Oct. 31, whereof 318 tuns five hogsheads and 18 gallons were delivered before June 24 last, the Excise of which at 3s. 3d. per barrel (deducting three barrels in every 23, according to the Acts of Excise, and 9d. per barrel for the duty of small beer) amounts to 230l. 17s. 8¾d., and the remaining 32 tuns one hogshead eight gallons were delivered after June 24 last, the Excise of which (at 2s. 6d. per barrel, deducting three barrels out of every 23 and 6d. per barrel for the duty of small beer) amounts to 18l. 14s. 11d., or together to 249l. 12s. 7¾d. Ibid, p. 30.
May 2. Money warrant for 60l. to Sir Edw. Griffin, kt., to be by him paid over to Edward Glenn. gent., for one year to Christmas last on his allowance. Money Book III, p. 30.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 20l. 5s. 0d. to John Holman for executing the office of a Customer of Newcastle port for nine months to 1677, Sept. 29. Ibid.
Same to same to pay 75l. to Sir William Dugdale for nine months to June 24 last on his salary of 100l. per an. as [Garter] Principal King at Arms. Ibid, p. 31.
Same to Auditors Brook Bridges and Tho. Done [Auditors of Imprests], to allow 80l. to the Clerk of the Hanaper for the expense of passing his accounts for the years 1679 and 1680: it appearing from the report of Feb. 23 last from said Auditors on the petition (ut supra, pp. 40–1) of Edward Seymour, Deputy Clerk of the Hanaper, that said allowance is reasonable. Ibid.
April 2
May 2].
Money warrant for 40l. to John Topham, serjeant at arms attending the House of Commons, without account: to be by him distributed among Thomas Hughs, Abell Carey and Edward Cooper, doorkeepers, and John Wood, John Bennet, Henry Pight, Samuell Freeborne and Davis Powell, messengers attending said House, as his Majesty's reward for their services at the several sessions and meetings of Parliament since 1680, May 20, to the dissolution of the last Parliament on Mar. 28 last. (Money order dated May 11 hereon.) Ibid, p. 32. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 218.
Same for 100l. to Sir Alexander Frazier for one year to 1679, Lady day, on his fee as his Majesty's principal physician. Money Book III, p. 33.
Same for 34l. 7s. 6d. to Benjamin Coling for three quarters to Dec. 25 last on his fee of 2s. 6d. a day as Keeper of his Majesty's Council Chamber. Ibid.
Same for 30l. to John Gibbon (Gibbons) for 1½ years to Christmas, 1675, on his fee of 20l. per an. as Bluemantle Pursuivant. Ibid, p. 34.
May 3. The Treasury Lords to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. By an Order in Council of 1667–8, Jan. 31, it is required that all letters, orders, warrants, etc., into Ireland for disposing any his Majesty's treasure or revenue not comprised in the civil or military lists there established should be first communicated to the Treasury Lords in England, so that the King may have their opinion in writing before he be engaged by his signature. We are informed that some letters or directions in such cases as aforesaid have of late been obtained and sent into Ireland without our knowledge. We desire you to see the abovesaid Order in Council complied with in respect of all such letters, warrants or orders hereafter. Out Letters (Ireland) II, p. 161.
[? May 3.] The Treasury Lords to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Referring to ours of Mar. 5 last, ut supra, p. 68, concerning the granting of warrants and paying the civil and military lists to Dec. 25 last and the stating the Vice-Treasurer's accounts to Mar. 25 last; same are of such great importance to his Majesty's service that we must remind you of the necessity of transmitting those accounts hither with all speed. And if all payments which are made or to be made to the civil and military lists and lists of pensions for any time to Dec. 25 last and the moneys directed to be paid to his Majesty's use upon bills to the value of between 1,700l. and 1,800l. drawn by the Vice-Treasurer [of Ireland] on the [Irish Revenue] Farmers and payable to Mr. Trant be not included in the Vice-Treasurer's and Farmers' said accounts ending Mar. 20 last, please give order to each of them and to the Barons of the Exchequer and the Commissioners of Accounts that they be included therein: also that the Farmers do in their account charge themselves with the whole 20,000l. principal money ordered to be paid for the fort at Kinsale and with all the monthly rent of their farm which was due without days of grace on Mar. 20 last. And because his Majesty is very desirous to have a clear and perfect state of all affairs relating to his revenue of Ireland to that time we again by his command desire you to order the Deputy Vice-Treasurer to give you and us a state of the arrears of pay due to the civil, military and pensions lists at Easter last over and above what has been assigned to them for what was due Dec. 25 last. His Majesty intended to have a true representation of this affair by a state from us of said arrears and of the Farmers' accounts and the Vice-Treasurer's accounts to Mar. 20 last before any further payments should be made of any sums which became due after Dec. 25 last. Yet his Majesty commands us to signify that if you find it of absolute necessity to make any such payment before we can receive the said abstract that you do order the Farmers to give assignments on Mr. Tho. Taylor, the Farmers' Treasurer, or on their collectors, to answer those payments by way of imprest out of such moneys as shall come to any of their hands after all payments and assignments mentioned in our former letter [ut supra]. Out Letters (Ireland) II, pp. 162–3.
May 3. Henry Guy to Justice Warcup. Send to the Treasury Lords forthwith the papers of Mr. Wild's declaration of trust concerning Sir Tho. Preston's estate. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 243.
Treasury reference to Richd. Graham of the petition of Sir Edwd. Blackett, sheriff for co. Northumberland, shewing that by Mr. Hasleline, his under-sheriff, he has prosecuted the Papists in that county by levyings and enquiries into their estates and has been at great expenses thereby, having summoned betwixt 1[00] and 300 men in to give evidence for the King upon a melius inquirendum upon which inquiry there was Recusants' land found worth 4,859l. per an. or thereabouts. Prays consideration for his trouble and charge hereon. Reference Book I, p. 264.
May 3. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of Phillip Hall's petition for a tidewaiter's place, he having been bred a clothier in Worcester City. Reference Book I, p. 265.
Same to same of the petition of Tho. Holmes on a reference dated April 17 last from the King, recommending him to be provided for. Petitioner prays a tidewaiter's place London port, having been a serjeant in the King's own Company of Foot Guards, but rendered unfit for that employ by a distemper whereby he lost the palate of his mouth. In the margin: cancelled Feb. 12, 1681–2. Ibid, p. 266.
Treasury warrant to Thomas Agar and Charles Strode, Surveyors of Woods Trent South, and to the verderers, etc., of New Forest to assist the officers whom the Admiralty Lords shall appoint as purveyors to view and mark such trees in New Forest as shall be there found fitting for the service of the Navy. None of the trees so marked are to be cut down till further order. (The like warrant for Dean Forest.) Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, pp. 333, 334.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Jon. Arscott of Tetcott, co. Devon, of a tenement called Horseland alias Horslade, in the parish of Clawton, co. Devon, late parcel of the priory of Launceston: and of a messuage and 145½ acres; all which premises were late in the occupation of Edmund Arscott and parcel of the manor of Bradford and Duchy of Cornwall: all as demised to Henry Walrond, esq., by patent of 1627–8, Feb. 1, for 99 years, terminable on the lives of John, William and Anne Arscott, children of Edmund Arscott of Tetcott, co. Devon, at a rental of 40s. per an. and fine of 100l. The present grant is to be to John Arscott for 99 years, terminable on the lives of Anne Arscott abovementioned (the surviving life in the present lease) and two such others as he shall name: at the old rent and a fine of 190l. Ibid, pp. 337–40.
Prefixing: particular and memorandum of the premises by John Griffith, deputy auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall, dated Mar. 12 last, and ratal dated Mar. 14 by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Same to the Trustees for Fee Farms to convey to John Chase and his heirs the following rents, viz., Ibid, p. 343.
per an.
l. s. d.
Co. Bucks.
a fee farm rent issuing out of the rectory of Radnage 10 14 0
a rent issuing out of the rectory of Mursley 1 0 0
Co. Beds.
a rent issuing out of lands in Eaton 0 1 0
a ditto out of lands in Luton and Leagrave 0 13
£12 8
which at 16 years' purchase amount to 188l. 16s. 8d. Same are to be as a reprise and in lieu for other fee farm rents as follows, formerly conveyed to him viz., a rent of 60s. per an. in co. Beds (being conveyed as a rent in possession at 16 years' purchase: but it appears now by the certificate of the Clerk of the Pipe to be parcel of the Queen's jointure and should have been rated but at eight years' purchase as a reversion, wherefore said Chase is entitled to a reprise of 24l.): the rent of 13s. 4d. in the city of London (being pre-conveyed [to some other purchaser]): the rent of 60s. 8d. per an. in co. Derby (which was set apart for payment of pensions [and other fixed county charges in co. Derby]). The purchase price of said rents with two years' arrears to Michaelmas last comes to 197l. 12s. 0d. (sic for 187l. 12s. 0d.) thus leaving a balance of 1l. 4s. 8d. which Chase is to pay into the Exchequer on this new contract.
Prefixing: particular of said rents as certified April 18 last by Auditor J. Philips.
May 3. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay John Langwith, the present messenger [of the Chamber] appointed to attend the affairs of the Customs, 15l. for last Lady day quarter on his allowance of 3s. 4d. a day. Out Letters (Customs) V, p. 328.
T[reasury allowance of] abovesaid Langwith's bill for same quarter's attendance [on the Treasury Lords as messenger] at 3s. 4d. a day, being 15l. Money Book III, p. 34.
Money warrant for 650l. to Tho. Cheeke, now Lieutenant of the Tower, being 517l. 6s. 8d. for half a year to 1679, Dec. 25, and 132l. 13s. 4d. in part of 263l. 1s. 10d. due upon 1680, Lady day quarter, for the allowances of himself, the Gentleman Porter and 36 warders: same being due as appears by three bills thereof signed by six of the Lords of the Privy Council. Ibid, p. 33.
Same for 60l. to Dr. Robert Brady for 1½ years to 1680, Sept. 29, on his salary as his Majesty's reader or professor of physic in the University of Cambridge. Ibid, p. 34.
Henry Guy to Sollomon Sommers to attend the Treasury Lords upon the petition of Thomas Leach. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 246.
May 4. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 500l. to me [Guy] for secret service out of such Custom money as shall this week be paid into the Exchequer. Disposition Book II, p. 63.
Same to same to issue as follows out of such Excise money as is directed to be paid into the Exchequer this week, viz., Ibid.
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces 2,000
to ditto for off-reckonings 3,000
to me [Guy] for secret service in part of 5,000l. 200
to the Cofferer of the Household 700
Same to Mr. Prowse. Attend the Treasury Lords on Monday about the enclosed petition of Mr. Reymes. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 243.
Money order for 60l. to Edward Griffin, esq., Treasurer of the Chamber, without account: to be by him paid over to Edward Glynn, gent., for one year to 1680, Christmas. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 212.
May 5. Royal sign manual for 341l. 13s. 4d. to Henry Guy for secret service without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of Mar. 9 last. (Money warrant dated May 9 hereon. Money order dated May 10 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 166. Money Book III, p. 39. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 215.
Same for 100l. to same for same: to be issued on same. (Money warrant dated May 9 hereon. Money order dated May 10 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 166. Money Book III, p. 39. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 215.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of Customs money to be paid into the Exchequer this week, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 64.
to Mr. Hewer, Treasurer of Tangier, for the victuallers of Tangier 2,259
to ditto to pay a bill of exchange of Sir James Leslie's 500
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance 1,500
and out of such Custom money as is already paid into the Exchequer to issue to Sir Edward Dering for principal money and the interest thereof from the day of the loan to the day of repayment.
May 7. Money order for 375l. to Dame Rebecca Williams for 1¼ years to 1680, Michaelmas, on the rent of 300l. a year for keeping her house in New Palace Yard, Westminster, ready furnished for his Majesty's use to receive and lodge ambassadors and their train as the Lord Chamberlain shall think fit. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 213.
May 9. Money warrant for 1,724l. 4s. 3d. to Charles Toll for 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. reward to April 1 last for several sums of money by him advanced and lent (for the service of the Household) on sundry tallies levied by William Ashburnham, deceased, late Cofferer of the Household, for that service: as by an account thereof stated by Auditor John Shales and allowed by the Treasury Lords to 19th inst. [sic for ult.]. (Money order dated May 9 hereon.) Money Book, p. 35. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 218.
Same for 100l. to Richard Foillard for one year to 1679, June 24, on his fee or allowance as late barber extraordinary to his Majesty. Money Book III, p. 35.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 53l. to John Ady and John Cole for the year ended 1678, Michaelmas, on their allowance or fee of 2s. for every 1,000l. of Customs tallies joined and entered by them, they being the two deputy chamberlains [of the Exchequer] who perform this service: and there having been 530, 179l. 17s. 9d. [of Customs money] paid into the Exchequer within that time. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 750l. to Sir Thomas Dereham, kt., being 500l. for equipage and 250l. for a quarter in advance on his ordinary of 1,000l. a year as Resident with the Great Duke of Tuscany, as by the privy seal of April 30 last. (Money order dated May 10 hereon.) Ibid, p. 36. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 215.
Money warrant for 400l. to the Countess Dowager Marischal, 300l. thereof for half a year to 1679, Lady day, and 100l. in part of 1679, June 24 quarter, on her annuity of 600l. Money Book III, p. 36.
May 9. Money warrant for 20l. to John Potenger for half a year to Lady day last on his fee of 40l. per an. as Comptroller of the Great Roll of the Pipe. Money Book III, p. 36.
Same for 9l. 15s. 10d. to Henry Norris, his Majesty's joiner, for half a year to Lady day last, on his fee of 12d. a day and allowance of 26s. 8d. per an. for a livery. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 6l. to Mris. Amphilis Chiffinch, relict of Thomas Chiffinch, for half a year to Christmas last on her late husband's salary as one of the two patent searchers for the district of Gravesend. Ibid, p. 37.
Money warrant for 14l. 17s. 0d. to Henry Dereham for 54 days, 1680, May 1, to June 24, on his fee of 3s. a day and allowance of 2s. 6d. a day for boardwages as a serjeant at arms as by the privy seal of 1680, June 17, granting him same from 1680, May 1. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay Randolph Willmer 31l. 3s. 4d. for half a year to 1678, Christmas, on his fee as Customer of the Strangers' Customs Inwards, London port. Ibid.
Money warrant for 100l. to Tho. Purcell for half a year to 1676, June 24, on his fee as one of the King's musicians. Ibid.
Same for 40l. to John Board, Dr. in Laws, for one year to 1679, Lady day, on his fee as Reader or Professor of Laws in the University of Cambridge. Ibid, pp. 37, 41.
Treasury warrant to Sir Peter Killegrew, kt. and bart., Receiver General of the revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall, to pay 25l. to Nicholas Courtenay for half a year to 1681, Lady day, on his fee of 50l. per an. as Attorney General of the Duchy of Cornwall: and dormant clause for payment of said fee in future. Ibid, p. 38.
Money warrant for 348l. to the Earl of Anglesey, Lord Privy Seal, for 1680, Christmas quarter, on his diet money of 4l. a day in lieu of the ancient allowance of 16 dishes of meat. (Money order dated May 10 hereon.) Ibid. p. 38. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 215.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay abovesaid Earl of Anglesey, as Lord Privy Seal, 87l. for 1680, Christmas quarter, on his 20s. a day out of the Customs. Money Book III, p. 38.
Same to the Receipt for tallies of pro or assignment for [repayment of] 15,000l. to Thomas Duck to complete the 40,000l. agreed to be lent by him to the King, ut supra, p. 100. The tallies of loan which are or shall be struck for said 15,000l. are to be first taken in and vacated. Ibid, p. 39.
Money warrant for 90l. 12s. 6d. to Phillipe Packer, Paymaster of the Works, as imprest, to be by him paid to Mr. Wayte, Keeper of his Majesty's garden at Whitehall for wages and disbursements for 1679, Sept. 29 quarter, for keeping the said Garden and the Fountain Garden and also for cleaning the Long Stone Gallery within the said palace [of Whitehall]; as by a certificate of Sir Christopher Wren, Surveyor of the Works. (Money order dated May 11 hereon.) Ibid, p. 40. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 216.
May 9. Money warrant for 2,759l. to William Hewer, Treasurer for Tangier Garrison, as imprest on account [and in part] of the 50,000l. as by the privy seal of Nov. 17 last for the extraordinary expense of the expedition then designed to that garrison. Hereof 2,259l. is intended for the victuallers of Tangier for the month of April last and 500l. is to pay a bill of exchange drawn from Tangier by Sir James Lesly. (Money order dated May 10 hereon.) Money Book III, p. 40. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 213.
Treasury reference to Auditor Parsons of the petition of the seven orphans of James Innes, shewing that their father for his loyalty and services before and in the Restoration suffered to the extent of 1,800l. in his estate besides the loss of his place, hazard of his life and five years' outlawry and exile in the late times of the usurpation: that in 1670, being authorised by the King to use his endeavours to procure the last London loan, to encourage others thereto he spared not that little mite of livelihood he had left but lent so mnch as amounts with principal and interest at 6 per cent. to 824l. one half whereof is not yet satisfied, he resolving to wait until he could find out some expedient which might best consent with the convenience of your Majesty's occasions. Petitioners have now made discovery of about 600l. owing to the King by William Cook, formerly sheriff of co. Gloucester, and his agent, who collected and received the Hearthmoney for said county, which said money has been concealed and unpaid for 15 years. Therefore pray a grant of said money in lieu of their said debt, having nothing left for their relief. Reference Book I, pp. 266–7.
Appending: (a) note of said Innes's loan.
lent on the fee farm rents 500
laid out for procuration of 4,000l. and incidents 200
interest 124
[re]paid 400
balance [£424]
(b) reference dated 1679 from the King to the Treasury Lords.
(c) certificate dated 1679, July 8, by [the Earl of] Shaftesbury, President [of the Privy Council] and [Lord] Howard. "In the year 1670 Mr. James Innes was authorized and employed by his Majesty and the then Commissioners of the Treasury in procuring of a loan of a very considerable sum of money from the citizens and inhabitants of London and was very useful and serviceable to his Majesty therein and did himself lend divers sums of money which I believe were not all paid him, nor satisfaction made for his great services therein, though often promised it. And I do further certify that I doe know and am assured that the said James Innes was a very loyall person and a very great sufferer in the late times."
Same to Bartholomew Fillingham and John Lawrence of the petition of William West, Tho. Bates, Jon. Hawkes, et al. [creditors and assignees of the following deceased soldiers late of the Barbados Regiment], viz., Charles Preist, Jon. Baker, Rowland Hoskins, James Clesse, John Bowyer, Rowland Ellis, shewing that the said soldiers went out in the Barbados Regiment under Sir Tobias Bridges in 1667 and served in all engagements until the Regiment returned into England and they with it: that the Order in Council of 1679, July 9, referred to the Treasury Lords the case of the soldiers' pay and arrears whereupon the rest of said soldiers obtained their pay but the said deceased soldiers being left out of the said Order [of reference] the King did, upon another petition, give further order concerning the same. But upon some misinformation or pretence that petitioners had no right to the pay of those deceased soldiers, said order was stopped to the ruin of petitioners who have good right and title thereto as may appear by certificate, several debentures and letters of attorney. Two previous petitions have miscarried. Pray redress. Ibid, p. 268.
May 9. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of Richard Hewet's petition for a commission to seize prohibited and uncustomed goods at the Custom House, London, or elsewhere. Reference Book I, p. 269.
Same to Auditor Stephens of the Hearthmoney Farmers' account of interest, being on several sums, amounting to 26,000l. lent into the Exchequer by Anthony Rowe and the rest of the said Farmers, viz., for 6 per cent. interest made up half yearly and 4 per cent. for gratuity and charges as follows: Ibid.
4,000l. lent 1680, Nov. 16, at the Exchequer per tally; carried to 16 May, 1681, or 181 days (interest, 119l. 0s. 3d.).
4,000l. lent 1680, Dec. 8, at the Exchequer per tally; carried to 1681, May 16, or 159 days (interest, 104l. 10s. 11d.).
5,000l. lent 1680–1, Feb. 5 [being paid] to Mr. Squibb; carried to 16 May, 1681, or 100 days (interest, 82l. 3s. 10d.).
6,500l. lent 1680–1, Mar. 5 [being paid] to Mr. Squibb; carried to 16 May, 1681, or 72 days (interest, 76l. 18s. 7d.): 4 per cent. gratuity and charges, 255l. 2s. 4d., making a total interest and gratuity of 637l. 15s. 11d., which, added to the 19,500l. total lent as above make 20,137l. 15s. 11d. On this latter total the interest and reward for the period 1681, May 16, to Nov. 16, will be 1,025l. 2s. 6d., making a fresh total of 21,152l. 18s. 5d., on which fresh total the interest and gratuity from 1681, Nov. 16, to 1681–2, Mar. 15, will be 689l. 12s. 1d.
Further on 6,500l. lent 1681, April 22 [being paid] to Mr. Squibb the interest for 183 days to 1681, Oct. 23, will be 195l. 10s. 7d., the gratuity will be 130l. 7s. 0d., which sums added to the said 6,500l. principal will make 6,825l. 17s. 7d. On this fresh total the interest and gratuity for 182 days 1681, Oct. 23, to 1682, April 23, will be 340l. 6s. 8d., giving a fresh total of principal and interest of 7,166l. 4s. 3d., on which the interest and gratuity for 149 days, 1682, April 23, to Sept. 19, will be 292l. 10s. 5d. The total interest and gratuity is 3,301l. 5s. 2d.
Same to William Blathwayte of the petition of Edward Bushill (Bushell), Grace Hill, et al. owners of the ships Bachelour, Concord and Brazeele Frigote, shewing that there is due to them for the hire and loss of the ship Batcheller 1,813l. 18s. 1d., and for the hire of the ship Concord and Brazeele Frigott 1,100l. as is certified in the report of Jon. Lawrence: that they have often prayed a privy seal for said sums as has been already done to others concerned in debts of the same nature and that the former privy seal for the ship Batchelour might be vacated as the sum thereby granted is 620l. short of what is their just due. But after long attendance petitioners can receive no effectual answer, which must arise from their case being misunderstood. Therefore pray a hearing. Ibid, p. 270.
May 9. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Edmund Clerke, an officer in the Customs of 20 years' standing, praying for a pardon for his first offence in delivering for a sum of money a seizure of a box of fans. Reference Book I, pp. 270–1.
Same to Nicholas Johnson, esq., of the petition of Lieut. Purcell, shewing that his father being Major General of the late King's Forces in Ireland under the then Marquess of Ormonde, was executed by Ireton for his constancy and zeal therein and for defending the city and castle of Limerick, being exempted from life and estate by false fellows, then burgesses and inhabitants of the said city, and petitioner's estate was disposed of to Sir Hardresse Waller and other Regicides. petitioner being then an infant of very tender years: that petitioner has not been restored since the Restoration and was forced to go into the French service for a livelihood, where he lived in good credit till his Majesty recalled him thence: that he is on the establishment for 2s. a day amongst other reformed officers, but being absent by reason of sickness, missed the King's bounty and gratuity extended to others, though the said allowance of 2s. a day is not sufficient support. Prays the payment of the 2s. a day from the time of the first payment to others of his fellow soldiers and some further share in his Majesty's bounty as others have had. Ibid, p. 271.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of Abraham Summers' petition for a noontender's place. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt and the Agents for Taxes of the petition of John Langly [Receiver for various Assessments in co. Gloucester] shewing that his agent in London being ordered to pay into the Exchequer moneys which Langly had returned to him did misplace the sum of 689l. 9s. 1d. upon the Eighteen Months' Assessment after that account was declared, and took a tally for it on that tax. Prays that this item may be applied to his account of the Six Months' Assessment for said county, for which it should have been paid. Ibid, p. 272.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of William Norrington, Receiver for co. Essex, of the Seventeen Months' tax, Poll, Eighteen Months' tax and last Six Months' tax: shewing that with great care and charge he has got in the moneys of those assessments, that for want of returns out of that county he brought up in specie above 50,000l. which has cost him 20s. per 1,000l., and has paid 5s. per cent. at Newport for the return of 5,000l. which might otherwise have fallen into the hands of robbers in passing the forest of Waltham and Epping: prays to be allowed for these disbursements and for his good services. Ibid, p. 273.
May 9. Henry Guy [to the Customs Commissioners] forwarding (a) infra, which the Treasury Lords have received from a gentleman of whose integrity and ability they have a very good opinion. Proceed thereon as you think best for his Majesty's service. Out Letters (General) VI, pp. 244–5.
Appending: (a) unsigned letter to the Treasury Lords dated Bristol, 1681, April 25. I find you have made a considerable alteration in the officers in this port. I know some of the new ones are as bad as the old. You may remember that I proposed advancing some men's salaries to [by] 100l. per an. amongst them and offered to engage for their honesty in future, one of which men is since dead and three turned out of their places. I am bold to renew that former motion desiring that, if you value the king's interest, they may be restored, viz. Thomas Lowden, a wherryman, Richard Hopkins, a boatman at the Pill, and John Plumley, the officer at Uphill and Woodspring. They are men able to do more service to the King in this port than any 10 officers belonging to it, and if they continue turned out no men are more able to serve a merchant. I esteem the wherrymen and boatmen to have the greatest trust imposed on them of any officers in the port for if a merchant can but make in with them he can do anything. I propose they be restored and with two more may have their salaries advanced. I will not only engage for their faithfulness but give them instructions how to act. The persons I desire to be so advanced in salary are said Lowder and his partner, Nowell Parsley, wherryman (their present salary but 30l. per an. each, they well deserve 50l. each), the abovesaid Hopkins and one Thomas Playell, boatman at the Pill (their present salary 25l., I propose 40l.) and that Mr. Plumley's salary, if he be restored, be advanced from 15l. to 30l. No man can look to both places. Uphill and Woodspring, and live honestly under 30l. per an. and Plumley is worth 50l. per an. and was turned out on a false information. There have been two in since, poor men who would do anything for a little money. "What I here propose is altogether against my owne interest, for was I minded to goe on in the smugling trade I had better give them 50l. per an. each to assist me then to endeavour to get them into their places again upon this account for if they all continue out and will joyne with me, which I doubt not, I would not value all the other officers in the port." There are six boatmen at the Pill. I understand two of them are to be removed to Beachly. If so I desire that said Hopkins and Playell may be continued at the Pill, who shall be a sufficient check upon the other two. The men being poor, cannot wait long, but must settle one way or other to maintain their families.
Treasury letters patent of constitution and appointment of Henry Wynn as clerk to the Commissioners of Appeals in Excise loco Henry Robinson, resigned: during pleasure of the Treasury Lords and with the salary of 100l. per an. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 340.
Treasury fiat for royal letters patent to constitute Job Dowle, gent., searcher of Gloucester port loco Clement Dowle, surrendered: to hold during the King's pleasure. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 342.
Henry Guy to the Wine Licence Commissioners, Auditor Shales [? and] Mr. Rives, referring to their examination this [? Mr. Rives'] account of interest and the enclosed papers [missing] relating to the Wine Licence revenue, a state whereof you are forthwith to prepare for the Treasury Lords. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 245.
The Treasury Lords to Prince Rupert. It appears by the report of Thomas Agar, one of the Surveyors of Woods, that John Topham has for eight years past been at charge about the Little Park at Windsor in repairing the gates and pales, cutting the mole hills, destroying the vermin, preserving the game, etc., and that 100l. is wanting to repair the gates and pales toward the river, and that the p[l]attform of boards in the top of the Round Tower in the Castle [at Windsor] is rotten (as Major Potts informed Mr. Agar). We have ordered said Agar to fell pollards in Windsor Forest, to raise money for these uses. (Treasury warrant dated May 9 to said Agar to fell said timber in Braywood, Haslewood and Hadneyswood in Windsor Forest to the value of 300l., and to pay 200l. thereof to said Topham for having taken care, etc, ut supra, for eight years at his own cost without any allowance; the other 100l. to be for repair of the gates and pales of said park: and further to fell 10 pollards for repair of said platform of the Round Tower. An account hereof to be rendered to the Auditor for co. Berks before the end of Michaelmas term next.) Ibid, p. 245. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 341.
Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to order payment of Mr. Jon. Pcarse's bill of 14l. 14s. 10d. out of the Navy's weekly money, by way of imprest or otherwise as you think fit. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 246.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of Matthew Yarrow's petition for the place of a master weigher in the Custom House. Out Letters (Customs) V. p. 329.
Treasury warrant to same to employ John Hampton as a noontender London port loco Henry Morris, lately deceased. Ibid, pp. 329, 330.
Guy Smith (an extraordinary weigher) as a weighing porter, ibid. loco James Royce, disabled.
Dudley Hammond as a landwaiter, Liverpool port loco Ralph Milton, dismissed.
Same to same to discharge a seizure of 191 dozen of worsted hose shipped for France by John Fellowes of London, merchant, and seized by Charles Stisted and Peregrine Bertie, two of the undersearchers, London port, for being entered as woollen hose; same being a mere mistake of William Bishop, packer to said Fellows. Ibid, pp. 329–30.
Money warrant for 100l. to Phillip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, to be paid over to Leonard Gurle, his Majesty's Gardener, upon the 240l. per an. for his wages [etc.] for keeping his Majesty's Garden in St. James's Park: viz. 20l. thereof to complete 1679, June 24, half-year, and 80l. in part of 1679, Christmas half-year. Money Book III, p. 47.
May 9. Henry Guy to the Attorney and Solicitor General, forwarding the following paper for report. Call to your assistance herein such of the King's Counsel as you think fit. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 247.
Appending: a paper unsigned and undated. By patent of 1611–2, Feb. 2. James I. incorporated the Company of Vintners, London, and inter al. therein granted to the freemen of said Company that they might always after, by themselves or servants, sell wine by retail or in gross to their best advantage in their houses or elsewhere, viz. within the city of London and the suburbs thereof and within three miles from the walls and gates thereof, and in the cities and port towns in England, and in all thoroughfare towns where posts were set or laid between Dover and London, and between Berwick and London where any of the said mystery should happen to dwell. And this has been adjudged a good dispensation. (Vaughan Reports 330 in the case of Thomas and Sorrell.). But the said Company have abused and forfeited their charter and therefore it may be seized by quo warranto or scire facias into the King's hands, and thereby this dispensation so prejudicial to the King's interest will fail [fall] with the patent and by consequence all the vintners in London and other places abovementioned must take licences, to the great increase of the revenue arising by wine licences.
May 10. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. The Treasury Lords notice the following remainders in the Exchequer, viz. 205l. 13s. 4d. (remainder of 300l. formerly reserved for Mr. Griffin) 1,126l. 15s. 0d. (remainder of Mr. Duck's loan, reserved for a list to be sent) and 573l. (surplus of Excise). These sums, making in all 1,905l. 8s. 4d. are to be issued as follows, viz., 341l. 13s. 4d. to me [Guy] for secret service; 30l. to Mr. Gibbon; 50l. to Mr. Collins; 250l. to Christ Church Hospital; 100l. to the poor of St. Martins; 100l. to Mr. Staggins; 50l. to the poor of St. Margarets; 50l. to King Charles I's Hospital; 60l. to Mr. Griffin for Mr. Glynn; 100l. to Mr. Foillard; 100l. to Mris. Elliot, widow of The Elliot; 75l. to Mr. Levet upon his order; 60l. to Dr. Brady, Professor of Physic, Cambridge; 40l. to Dr. Board, Professor of Law, Cambridge; 84l. 9s. 0d. to Mr. Seagar; 20l. to Edwd. Teare; 250l. to five Maids of Honour; 100l. to the Professors of Law and Physic at Oxford; 18l. 5s. 0d. to Change and Hall, Grooms of the Great Chamber; the remainder being 26l. 1s. 0d. to be reserved for the Treasury Lords' direction. Disposition Book II, p. 64.
Same to the Victuallers of Tangier, transmitting from the Treasury the paper of proposals as below. Compare same with the present charge of the victualling of Tangier and the present Victuallers' contract and [report] for how long that contract is and also concerning the whole matter. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 214.
Appending: proposal to the King from the following Cornish gentlemen, viz., Francis Roberts, Sir Richard Edgecumbe, Sir John Carew, Sir Nicho. Slanning, Sir Joseph Tredenham, Hugh Biscowen, Jonathan Rashley, Charles Trevanian, John Butler, Nicholas Glynn, Walter Kendall, John Tanner, John Trefrey, Daniell Eliot, Edward Nosewarthy, the knights and burgesses of the present Parliament for the county of Cornwall on behalf of themselves and the said county.
We propose to victual Tangier garrison with the several species of provisions following, viz., to allow each man per week 7lb. of biskett, 2½lb. beef, 1lb. pork, four pints pease, three pints oatmeal, six ozs. butter, eight ozs. Cheshire cheese; the beef to be oxen of English growth not under 500lb. each ox; hogs, English growth. each 100lb. weight and upward; the rest of the above to be of English growth and good and wholesome. The proposers also agree to pay the present victuallers of the garrison for such provisions of theirs (that is good and fit) that shall be remaining in the stores at Tangier at the end of their contract, which is to determine at six months' warning on either side.
May 10. Treasury reference to the Mint Commissioners of the petition of (George Evans et al.) several artificers belonging to the Mint, who pray payment of their several bills for finishing the several works left undone at the time of Mr. Slingsby's departure from the Mint. Reference Book I, p. 272.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Edward Forster for a place in the Customs, being educated in the ways of merchandising and being disabled from following the same. Ibid, p. 273.
Same to the Navy Commissioners of the petition of Robert Cole, shewing that in June, 1680, he [his ship] was taken up by the Navy Board and did transport hay to Tangier, which he delivered in good condition and had therefor, pursuant to charter party, a bill dated April 6 for his freight: that 150l. remains unpaid on said bill after deducting imprest. By the charter party the Navy Board covenants that the King should pay the money upon producing ample testimony from Tangier, which is done. His ship, on returning to London, was unhappily cast away to a loss of 500l., and his men have arrested him for wages. Unless he be speedily paid his 150l. he cannot comply with his debts, but shall be cast in prison. Ibid, pp. 274–5.
Henry Guy to Mr. Nicholson. I have acquainted the Treasury Lords with Sir Samuel Morland's proceedings against you at law, and that you have thereupon declined to be heard before their Lordships. As you have withdrawn your cav?at at the Treasury my Lords expect you to do the like at the Privy Seal [Office] so that no further stop be put to that [Morland's] grant. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 246.
Same to Rives and his partners. Send to Auditor Shales your patents and vouchers for your whole account of the charge on the Wine Licence Revenue. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Shales. Make up the whole [above-said] account originally of the charge on the Wine Licence Revenue and present same to the Treasury Lords. Ibid, p. 247.
[?] Same to the Customs Commissioners, forwarding for report thereon the exceptions of the Lord Mayor of London. Ibid, p. 246.
May 10. Henry Guy to the Attorney General forwarding a copy of the minutes which were agreed to by the Treasury Lords and Sir William Jennings yesterday morning. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 247.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Sir Marmaduke Dalton, bart., and Dame Barbara his wife, relict of Walter Strickland, ut supra, pp. 26–7, as by the order of reference of Jan. 14 last thereof from the King to said Treasury Lords. It appears from the certificate of the Agents for Taxes that petitioners have passed the accounts of said Strickland as Receiver of the Royal and Additional Aid for co. Yorks upon which they are in surplusage, 369l. 8s. 11d., and of the One Month's and Eleven Months' Assessments for co. Yorks, on which they are indebted 2,808l. 6s. 4½d. Out of this debt they crave allowance of 369l. 8s. 11d., surplusage, 210l. paid into the Exchequer 1672, May 25, by said Dame Barbara upon account of the Eleven Months' Assessment, 200l. allowed by the privy seal of 1671, June 20, for carrying 60,000l. of the said taxes from York to London (same being hitherto unallowed as appears by the certificate of Walter Wallinger, secondary in the office of the Clerk of the Pipe) and 2,100l. directed by the same privy seal to be paid to her as being for 1,800l. in full of all arrears to said Walter Strickland upon his pension of 200l. per an. (granted him by patent of 1661–2, Mar. 14) and 300l. for moneys returned by Mangy of York, who failed to pay same, and who on arrest was protected from same. The total of these allowances is 2,879l. 8s. 11d. Pursuant to the above said privy seal a money order was drawn 1671, Oct. 9, by Treasurer Clifford, No. 236, for 2,100l. Same stands registered on the fee farms to be paid in course out of the transferred fee farm orders of William Ashburnham, late Cofferer of the Household, and Sir Stephen Fox, but no payment thereon has been made at the Exchequer. Further all the orders that stand registered upon the register of the Eleven Months' tax are either paid or otherwise satisfied by several grants of a perpetual interest "whereby we humbly conceive that all arrears of the said Eleven Months' tax are in your Majesty's disposal." Petitioner's case is deserving of favour (her husband, Sir Marmaduke being dead since the presentation of this petition) by releasing to her 779l. 8s. 11d. (being the abovesaid items of 369l. 8s. 11d., 210l. and 200l.), and by directing the payment of said 2,100l. to her by a tally upon herself as administratrix to said Strickland, she reciprocally releasing to the King said items of 369l. 8s. 11d. surplus, and paying the remainder, being 18l. 17s. 5½d. and delivering up the patent for said pension of 200l. per an. to be cancelled and made void as said privy seal directs. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, pp. 342, 344–5.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Shillingford, alias Izard, for a tidewaiter's place, London port. Reference Book I, p. 275.