Entry Book: March 1680

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: March 1680', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp798-807 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: March 1680', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp798-807.

"Entry Book: March 1680". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp798-807.


March 1680

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
March 2. Henry Guy, Secretary to the Treasury, to Mr. Maddockes for a new ticket to be made out according to the following copy, in order to the poor man's receiving his wages. It is pretended that the original ticket was delivered into my office. If so, it is at present mislaid. Ibid., p. 25.
Prefixing: certificate by Nathaniel Whitfield that John Swallow, boatswain of his Majesty's sloop Prevention, entered on board said sloop 11 Feb., 1677–8, and was discharged 1679, May 30, his net wages amounting to 32l. 16s. 1d., which was salved on the book in order to the payment the 14th Oct., 1679. Examined by the book remaining in the Ticket Office this 9th of Feb., 1679–80, by Nathaniel Whitfield.
March 2. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of Robert Webb's petition for a place as tidesman, London port loco his eldest brother Gilbert, deceased, the said Gilbert having been appointed in place of his father, Gilbert Webb, superannuated. Reference Book I, p. 26.
Same to Sir Creswell Levens, Attorney General, of the petition of Sir Henry Cocker as by a reference dated Feb. 16 last thereof from the King, "having a gracious sense of petitioner's loyalty and sufferings," and being disposed to gratify him. Petitioner sets forth that he was sheriff of Wilts in 1663. and then had directions from the Deputy Lieutenants to collect the arrears of the trophy money for the militia of that county, "who had no power to distrain nor compel refusers, and for that reason there became an arrear of 570l., for which the said Deputy Lieutenants brought an information against" him in the Exchequer; but upon two previous petitions to the King process has been stayed by the Lord Treasurers C[lifford] and D[anby], but some ill-affected persons do renew their prosecution upon the removal of the late Lord Treasurer. Prays a discharge of the said arrear, for which he has been so often molested. Ibid., pp. 26–7.
March 4. Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Richard Ferrier et. al., owners of the foreignbuilt ship _: shewing that they purchased a warrant dated 1674, June 10 to make said ship free, that on 28 July, 1676 they paid custom at Yarmouth on said ship itself at the valuation of 852l. 3s. 5d., "of which the nett custom is 40l. 9s. 7d.," as is certified by Mr. Townson, deputy to Sir John Shaw [Surveyor of the Navigation Act], but as the ship was not then in port to be surveyed no certificate [of her being free] could be granted, though the said Townson regarded the warrant as good: and before the arrival of the ship there came an order of the late Treasurer Danby that no warrant or pretended warrant from the King for the freedom of any ship should be registered with Sir John Shaw for the future save such as were entered in the books of one of the Secretaries of State; and petitioner's warrant being not so entered, they could not bring themselves within the rules and have ever since been forced to pay strangers' customs, as they did lately in London port [on imports] from Stockholm. Therefore pray to be repaid the said 40l. 9s. 7d., seeing they were not obliged to pay custom for their said ship, but in hopes of making her free as aforesaid, in which they have been disappointed. Ibid., p. 32.
[?] Same to same of the petition of Sir Anthony Mayne, bart., praying to be appointed a sub-searcher, London port, as additional to the present five sub-searchers, and jointly with them to receive equal fees and immunities and the salary of 12l. 10s. 0d. from the King: all in consideration of the great loss sustained by petitioner and his family in the late usurpation: petitioner shewing that the ancient constitution of the Custom House, London port has been 16 King's waiters, 1 searcher and 5 sub-searchers, all which officers were suspended in the late usurpation, but at the Restoration the King's waiters were increased to 19, thus proving that the increase or decrease of officers in the Custom House is in the pleasure of the King or the Lord Treasurer, and "the searcher's office is improved by the great importations of goods imported not only from his Majesty's foreign plantations, but from other places to almost one half of what formerly," and so the fees are much increased. Ibid., p. 31.
Appending: reference dated Windsor, July 7 last from the King to the Treasury Lords of said petition.
March 6. Treasury reference to the Attorney General of the draft warrant or patent for securing (upon the Excise, Customs and Hearthmoney) of tallies for money lent by Nicholas Johnson for his Majesty's immediate service amounting to 163,577l. 12s. 5d. Reference Book I, p. 28.
Same to Sir Richard Mason, Bartholomew Fillingham and Serjt. Ramsey, [Agents for Taxes,] of the petition of Sackville Whittle and Adam Bagshaw, setting forth that there is due to said Whittle 130l. for 3¼ years to 1679, Christmas on his fee of 40l. per an. as Chirugeon to the King, and 487l. for same time on his annuity of 150l.: and that likewise there is due to James Tunsted, Keeper of the Game, 657l. for 13½ years to Christmas last on his annuity of 50l., which arrear said Tunsted has assigned to said Bagshaw: therefore Whittle and Bagshaw pray that, towards such arrears, they may be granted a discovery which they can make of about 1,000l. which was collected for the use of the King in 1662 and still remains in the hands of the high collector thereof. Ibid., pp. 28–9.
Same to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of the Earl of Sunderland and Earl of St. Albans (as by the reference dated Feb. 28 last thereof from the King to the Treasury Lords): petitioners praying for a fresh grant of the scite of the late monastery and priory of St. Peter's in Eye, co. Suffolk, with the rights, members and appurtenances, and also several lands, meadows and pastures as granted by Queen Elizabeth 1595, June 26 and 1598, June 29 to Edward Hanning and Ursula his wife and Wingfield Hanning their son for their lives in the first grant, for 40 years after their death in the second grant, under the several rents of 20l. 2s. 9d., 13l. 6s. 8d., 13s. 4d., and 12l.: there being 17 years of the latter term still in being. Ibid., pp. 29–30.
Appending: entry of a later Treasury reference dated 1682, Dec. 5 to Mr. Aldworth of a new petition in the same words on a reference dated 1682, Nov. 15 from the King to the Treasury Lords.
March 8. Same to same of the petition of William Urwens for a lease for 31 years of the colliery of Cowpen Bebside, co. Northumberland, said colliery having been drowned for many years, and with it the ancient rent of 3l. 6s. 8d. heretofore payable to the King for same: petitioner will endeavour the recovery of the mine if given such a grant, but with the right to surrender same if he fail. Ibid., p. 30.
March 9. Treasury reference to Sir Robert Howard, Auditor of the Receipt, of the petition of Thomas Hughs, Edmund Cooper, Thomas Harding and Abell Carew, attendants and servants of the House of Commons. Petitioners having received no satisfaction for their faithful attendance on the said House for the several sessions to May 27 last, did petition the Treasury in June last. They are now informed that another petition has been presented in their name but unknown to them, with an addition of four or five other persons lately entertained, and [who] did no service but what they were paid for, and whose names were not in any former petition, yet have obtained an order of reference to Sir Robert Howard. Petitioners therefore pray that their former petition may be read and order given for their relief. Reference Book I, p. 33.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Robert Jackson, merchant, shewing that by the proclamations of 1662, Dec. 20 and 1663, Aug. 26 the King granted (notwithstanding the Navigation Act), to all merchants and others free liberty to import nutmegs, cinnamon, cloves and mace in any English ships from any ports until the East India Company should be able to serve the kingdom with those commodities from India, all on condition of notice being given beforehand at the Custom House, London. of the intention to lade such spices and thereupon obtain a licence for same. In accordance with this method petitioner gave notice of his intention to lade a hogshead of nutmegs at Amsterdam for London on the ship Hopewell. Stephen Penny master, being an English ship wholly English-owned and manned, and in due form he obtained a licence from the Customs Commissioners for such importation, but on arrival said ship and goods are seized by Capt. Henry Lowe. Deputy Surveyor of the Act of Navigation, on pretence that said ship is not a free ship of this kingdom, although said ship is and has been for some time a ship belonging to England and had the reputation of a free ship. Ibid, pp. 33–5.
March 10. Same to same of the petition of Richard Long, a tidesman in extraordinary, London port, who prays to be made a tidesman in fee. Ibid, p. 35.
March 11. Same to the Navy Commissioners of the petition of the Virginia merchants: setting forth that they have applied to said Commissioners for satisfaction according to their several contracts, and after great attendance were at length referred to the Admiralty Lords, who after some time spent there told them they could not relieve them, it being for land service: whereupon they petition the King in Council for relief, who has, Jan. 28 last, directed the Treasury Lords to examine their allegations and relieve them: petitioners have earned their respective sums [as follows] very hardly, have waited long and been at great charge and trouble already in the [trying for] obtaining it. Therefore pray speedy payment in order to the encouragement of others to serve his Majesty upon the like occasions. Ibid, pp. 43, 46.
Appending: the particulars of the respective debts, "which are clearly made out by particular contracts and certificates ready to be produced, viz. to officers and soldiers per head":—
l. s. d.
Thomas Grantham, master of the Concord, for passage of 29 [soldiers carried to Virginia], at 4l. 10s. 0d. [each] 130 10 0
Zachary Taylor, [of the] Augustine, for 29 at ditto 130 10 0
William Smith, [of the] Bristol Merchant, for 26 at ditto 117 0 0
John Parvis, [of the] Duke of York, for 14 at ditto 63 0 0
Thomas Arneell, [of the] Henry and Ann, for 32 at ditto 144 0 0
Mathew Rider, [of the] Barnaby, for 27 at ditto 121 10 0
John Lucon, [of the] Willing Mind, for 31 at ditto 139 10 0
£846 0 0
March 11
[? an erratum
May 11].
Treasury reference to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, with the assistance of the officers of the Mint, of the [petition and] proposal of Sir William Smyth. Reference Book I, pp. 49, 67–9.
Prefixing: said paper of [petition and] proposals. The pre-emption and coinage of tin was let by Charles I at 12,000l. per an. rent and the Farmers [thereof] paid 3l. 5s. 0d. per hundred[weight] for tin, Stannary weight, and in that time 1,000,000[lb.] weight of tin was made communibus annis. There is now made double the quantity, and the tinners desire 4l. per hundredweight for their tin. This great quantity of tin made it impossible to be let to farm, the former uses of tin not being capable to consume that great quantity, so that it was proposed that farthings, halfpence and pence should be made of tin for England, Ireland and the Plantations at the value not exceeding 16d. the lb. weight for England, and upon that resolution the last Lord Treasurer did agree with Sir William Smith to let him the pre-emption and coinage of tin for 11 years at 12,000l. per an. rent, and half a year's rent was to be paid when the farm began. The copper farthings were to be exchanged for tin, that the King's subjects might have no loss. The copper farthings then issued forth were to the value of 31,000l. sterling; the loss in the exchange of them would have been 11,000l.; one half the King was to bear, the other half the [said] Farmers. And the Farmers were to coin tin farthings, halfpence and pence 10,000l. every three months for the said exchange, and after the first six months the farm was to begin and the Farmers were to have delivered to them those instruments which the King had provided for coining the copper farthings. The Farmers provided all things necessary for carrying on this great work, which afterwards was obstructed to their very great damage; the Lord Treasurer having some thoughts to manage it for the King's use, and in order to it, bought up great quantity of tin, which was kept in bank; and because [= in order that] the people should not want farthings [he, Danby] suffered about 10,000l. more to be issued forth. So that now the affair is much more difficult and will be much more chargeable than it was at the first undertaking, for there is now about 40,000l. of copper farthings to be exchanged, and this great quantity of tin, which was kept in bank and now sold abroad, will so fill the world with tin that the Farmers will not find any market for their tin in a much longer time, which will require a far greater stock [of capital], which must lie dead, and the interest will eat out any reasonable profit, which, after a market comes, can be made by the increase of the price of tin. Nevertheless the said Sir William Smyth in behalf of himself and partners proposes as follows:—
(1) That tin farthings, halfpence and pence may forthwith be coined for the exchange of copper farthings, and three months allowed for every 10,000l., and that the King's instruments which coined the copper farthings may be delivered to the Farmers.
(2) That the Farmers may have a compensation for this.
(3) That a term certain for the farm may be agreed by the Treasury Lords, and that [same be] to begin at the end of the exchange of copper farthings; [the farm to be] at 12,000l. per an. rent and a half-year's rent to be paid at the said time of commencement.
(4) That the price of the tin be agreed with the tinners.
(5) That if at the end of the term the Treasury Lords do not think fit to renew it or the King let it to other Farmers or take it into his own hands to manage, that then either the King or the new Farmers shall take all the tin in the old Farmers' hands, and only pay the money it cost them, with one year's interest for the same.
(6) That the Farmers may have the assistance of the King's ships to bring the tin to London.
Note: that his Majesty was pleased to grant a warrant for the coining of tin farthings, etc., in order to the facilitating the management of a tin farm: which [procedure] must of necessity preceed [in the present instance] the said [proposed] farm, which otherways can never be managed. And the Attorney General told Sir William Smyth that the Treasury Lords prohibited his proceeding upon that warrant until the said farm was first settled.
March 11. Endorsement by Henry Guy, Secretary of the Treasury, on an order of Council dated 1679–80, Jan. 23, referring to the Treasury Lords John Perkins's petition for a reward for taking William Russell alias Napper, a Popish priest, as in accordance with the promise in the King's proclamation of 1679, Nov. 12. The said endorsement hereon is "a certificate from the judge, of the party's conviction is desired." Reference Book I, p. 51.
March 12. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of [the petition of] Tho. Addison, alleging that he has been acquitted by the Customs Commissioners of the crimes of which he was accused. Ibid, p. 37.
Prefixing: certificate by John Kent, Assistant Receiver General of Customs, that the last payment of salary to said Addison, as searcher in Carlisle port, was for the half-year ended 1675, Christmas.
March 12. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Gerard Fox, shewing that he was from his youth employed in the Customs until 1648, when he was put out by the pretended Parliament, and since the Restoration was surveyor of the Northern district from Newcastle to Whitby in all the time of the late Customs Commissioners and Farmers until the erection of the office of General Surveyor lately executed by Gyles Dunster, and that since, viz. in Oct., 1675, petitioner was recommended for the collectorship of Stockton port: prays to be appointed to a riding surveyorship which is thought fit to be established for that district by reason the alum contract is destroyed (whereby the King and also petitioner are sufferers) and that divers new alum works are set up all along the coast there, which will necessitate such a surveyorship to prevent the fraudulent shipping of goods from said alum works into foreign parts (as by information has been lately done) and to see to due landing of goods, etc. Reference Book I, pp. 38–9.
Same to same of the petition of Richard Taylor, surveyor, waiter and searcher since 1671 in the port of York, shewing that he has been imprisoned on false actions because of seizures of wine made by him, and has had false and malicious articles exhibited against him to Surveyor General Dunstar by merchants whose displeasure he had incurred by detecting their Customs abuses, and upon said charges he has been dismissed his employment without being heard. Therefore prays a hearing. Ibid, pp. 39–40.
Same to Sir Creswell Levins, Attorney General, and William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of Robert, Visct. Cholmondeley (as by a reference dated March 5 inst. thereof to the Treasury Lords from the King, who is graciously disposed to gratify petitioner): praying a fresh grant, upon surrender, of the hundred court of Nantwich held by him and his ancestors for many years, and that the jurisdiction of the courts baron in said hundred may be enlarged from actions not exceeding 40s. to the trial of causes in all personal actions arising within the same not exceeding 20l. Ibid, pp. 40–1.
Same to Sir Rich. Mason and the rest of the Agents for bringing in of Taxes, of Lord Frescheville's petition to the King for a [grant of a] fifteen years' old arrear of 5,655l. in the account of George Gipps, esq., Receiver General for co. Suffolk of the Royal Aid and Additional Supply, which [arrear] could never yet be recovered. Ibid, p. 41.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular and ratal of the agistment, etc., within the forest of Mara and Mondren alias Delamere in co. Chester, and the two enclosures there, ut supra, p. 405, with a view to an extension of term therein for 19 years at the present rents to Thomas, Earl Rivers. Ibid, pp. 41–3.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Earl's petition for same: (b) report dated 1679–80, Jan. 31, from William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, thereon. The grant of 1661, Oct. 9, to said Earl is of the said premises for 17 years from 1674–5, Jan. 11, under the old rent of 13l. 0s. 5d. and 26l. 12s. 7d. per an. de incremento, and 5l. for a heriot after the death of the said Earl or other tenant dying in possession. The present rents are estimated at a moiety of the improved value, the reversion of which for 19 years to be added to the unexpired term may be valued at 120l., and 40l. more for 10 more years, all at the present rents. If the rent is reduced to the old 13l. 0s. 5d. per an., the fine is to be increased accordingly. The valuation of the premises was reported on two years since by Sir C. Harbord, and lately by me on the petition of Sir Sam. Morland, and the premises are also included in a schedule of manors, etc., lately petitioned for by the Duke of Richmond.
March 12. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Samuell Rodes to be employed as a waiter in Liverpool port, the trade there having of late years so increased that the Customs officers there have declared there is a necessity for one or two more waiters. Reference Book I, p. 44.
Same to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of Mris. Dorothy Nightingale, as by a reference dated the 9th inst. thereof to the Treasury from the King, who has a particular regard to the loyalty, services and sufferings of petitioner's family. Petitioner, on behalf of her nieces, the daughters of Sir Arthur Slingsby, bart., deceased, sets forth that six years since she petitioned for a privy seal to empower the Queen Consort's Trustees to make her a lease of the lands called Dykes Marsh, co. Yorks, in reversion of Lord Gerard, now Earl of Macclesfield, on which petition a reference was made to Treasurer Danby, but he never made any report thereon, and all the favour petitioner could obtain from the Queen's Council (who by direction of the Queen have mediated for her) was the preference to purchase an assignment from the said Earl of Macclesfield (which she has done) for 300l., the full value thereof, which money petitioner has borrowed on mortgage, having formerly spent in defence of the Crown title to the premises above 500l., which is more than the benefit she has made from the farm since the Restoration, and must yet be at more charge to recover part of the lands belonging thereto and now enjoyed by others, so that she has now no hope of enjoying the benefit of the said lease (the intended provision for her said nieces and without which they are like to be exposed to the utmost necessities), although same has remained in their family for near 400 years. Therefore prays a grant of the manor of Cowick and Snaith, co. Yorks (whereof Dykes Marsh is parcel) for 41 years after the 31 years in being to the trustees of said nieces and for their benefit, the Queen being already acquainted with and disposed to gratify petitioner's desires. Ibid, pp. 44–5.
March 13. Same to Sir Creswell Levens, Attorney General, of the petition and case of Richard Mitchell. Ibid, pp. 47–8.
Prefixing: (a) affidavits by William Boyes, Mary Drake, Richard Tompson and Fra. Arnold to the effect that Thomas Mitchell, complainant's uncle, was executed and left two sons, Thomas and William; that he died seized in fee of a house and lands in Clayhill, in the parish of Epsom, co. Surrey; that his only issue, male or female, is now said Richard Mitchell, being reputed nephew and next heir; as to Elizabeth puisent [sic] do not know whether she was a daughter of said Thomas, as she was born after Thomas was hanged and said Thomas's wife married one Hill. (b) Certificate dated 1678, November by the Duke of Buckingham that said Richard Mitchall was under his command in the King's service and suffered much and was in Rochester gaol at the time when defendant surreptitiously gained possession of the house and land. (c) Certificate by the Clerk of the Assize dated 1670, June that Tho. Mitchall was attainted for felony (rape) and was sentenced to death at a general gaol delivery in Southwark 1617–8, Feb. 20. On pretence of a purchase of the premises by the defendant from one that was no heir at law, the land is concealed and the King is deceived of the benefit of the attainder. The petition is admitted in forma pauperis by the Master of the Rolls and Counsel assigned him, viz. Sir John Churchill, H. Bedingfield and M. Hildesley. (d) Report to the Treasury Lords from John Fisher, in the absence of William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, on the case of said Richard Mitchell. The premises are worth 20l. per an., and petitioner is heir at law and has served the late King and suffered for his loyalty, and is a fit object of favour to have same granted to him for support in his old age and decrepit condition. But the tenure of this tenement with appurtenances is not expressed whether copyhold or fee, nor to what manor it belongs, nor how his Majesty comes to be entitled to it, for the manor of Epsom was anciently belonging to the Crown, but long since sold away, and probably felons' goods and escheats of this nature were passed with it, and it is now above 60 years since the forfeiture, and no claim made by the Crown thereto. Therefore until there be an inquisition found that may entitle the Crown to this estate and set in whose tenure it is with the abuttals, etc., there can be no good lease granted.
March 15. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Samuell Hardley, who has been petitioning for a twelvemonth for a tidesman's or watchman's place in the Customs, but in vain, although the Bishop of London has had many promises for him from the Treasury Lords: prays to be made a watchman below stairs loco Christopher Hallester, promoted to be above stairs. Reference Book I, p. 46.
Same to same of the petition of Solomon Sumers, showing that in 1677 he was employed to convey Tho. Miller, then the King's collector, in a small shallop from Bermudas to Albemarle in Carolina; they set sail from Bermudas May 20 and arrived July 9 following, from which time till Dec. 4 following, being 6½ months, petitioner and his men were employed by said Miller, collector, for prevention of frauds, "which formerly was offered to his Majesty in his Customs by the insolence of some New England traders" [petitioner's task being] to attend the new inlet of the said county; from whence (before the late insurrection there broke out) petitioner, in prosecution of his charge from said Miller, brought up sundry New England vessels coming thither to trade, [and so brought them] in order to their fair entry with the said collector. For said service petitioner has been considerably out of purse for the wages of his men and charges of his shallop, and 84l. 14s. 3d. is due thereon to him, which has not been paid him by reason of said Miller's being incapacitated by imprisonment and having all his Majesty's concerns violently taken out of his management and sustained great damage and prejudice to himself and family. Prays examination hereof by the Customs Commissioners. Ibid, pp. 49–50.
March 17. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of John Steward's petition for a place in the Custom House, London, he being compelled to leave off his trade. Reference Book I, p. 49.
March 20. Same to Commissary Baynes, Jno. Lawrence, and Bartho. Fillingham of the certificate of Capt. Rupert Billingsley, Capt. J. Cotter, Capt. James Barrett, and Abra. Langford, officers late of the regiment late commanded by Sir Tobias Bridge in Barbados and the Leeward Islands, shewing that Maurice Roch who was lately Lieutenant in the Duke of Monmouth's Regiment, was a private soldier in the said Bridge's Regiment in Capt. James Cotter's Company from the first raising to the disbanding of said regiment, and never quitted that service until the said time for disbanding. Ibid, p. 51.
March 30. Same to Auditor Aldworth of Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe's interest account to 1680, March 25, for moneys lent [into the Exchequer], the balance of principal [remaining unrepaid on the last day to which said account is made up] being 176,846l. 19s. 8d. and the balance of interest [remaining similarly unpaid at said date] being 3,793l. 8s. 11d. Ibid, p. 50.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Macklin, shewing that he has given information of 33 blocks of tin which were about to be transported for Holland, for which discovery he ought by the Act of Parliament to be allowed one third, but Mr. Bevis, one of the searchers, refuses to allow him more than 5l. 10s. 0d.: prays that he may have sufficient satisfaction for his discovery. (In the margin: cancelled 12 Feb., 1681–2.) Ibid, p. 55.