Entry Book: October 1680, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: October 1680, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp700-714 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: October 1680, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp700-714.

"Entry Book: October 1680, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp700-714.


October 1680

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Oct. 11. Henry Guy to the Hearthmoney Contractors. Some of your number have agreed with the Treasury Lords to anticipate so much money of your half year's rent. payable 15 March next. as will pay off the tallies overstruck upon your half year's rent. payable March 15 last. Also Mr. Trant has agreed with my Lords to pay all the tallies that have been overstruck upon the rent payable Sept. 19 last and the 1,000l. tally which was overstruck upon that part of your advance money which was payable 1679, March 25. My Lords look upon all this as a seasonable service to his Majesty and will allow you 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. gratuity from Sept. 19 last to March 15 next on the tallies you have so undertaken to pay, and the like to Mr. Trant for the like time on the tallies overstruck on the last Sept. 19 rent and the like from 1679. March 25, to March 15 next. on the said 1,000l. tally. And my Lords will allow you all charges you shall be at in applying the said tallies to your rent payable March 15 next. This [security] my Lords will cause to be done [formally] by privy seal or otherwise. Ibid, p. 103.
Same to same. The Treasury Lords desire you to continue your advance of 1,000l. a week from Michaelmas last for 3 weeks longer at the same interest and gratuity as formerly to be repaid you out of your next half year's rent which will bear it. My Lords desire your speedy answer herein. Ibid.
Same to [Mr. Dawson] to send to the Treasury Lords a copy of Sir John Champante's acquittance for 12,295l. Ibid, p. 104.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to hasten the despatch of Sir John Osborn's account of the Sick and Wounded. Ibid.
Oct. 11. Henry Guy to Mr. Trant. The Treasury Lords direct you forthwith to pay 205l. to Anthony Segar for Capt. MacCarty, Capt. Purcele, Capt. Mugent, Capt. Talbot, Capt. Sarsfield, Capt. FitzGerald, Lieut. and Adjutant Lacy, Lieut. Purcell, Lieut. Barry, Lieut. Shesreay, Lieut. Pritcoll, Lieut. Bourke, Ensign Corbet and Ensign Conner. "And it is their Lordships' pleasure that you acquaint all of the abovenamed officers who are Roman Catholics that their Lordships expect that they immediately depart from the city of London and the parts adjacent according to his Majesty's late proclamation, otherwise that the severity of the laws shall be put in execution against them." Out Letters (General) VI, p. 104.
Same to Rowland Thruppe, Customer outwards of Bristol port. You are to attend the Custom house bench of your port according to the duty of your office. (The like letter to John Fitzherbert, Customer inwards ibid.) Ibid.
Same to the Wine Licence Commissioners to report by Thursday next at latest, on the state of the Ryves' account, ut supra, p. 698. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of such moneys as Sir Samuel Morland shall procure to be brought into the Exchequer from time to time of the revenue of Tenths) the 300l. due to said Morland at Michaelmas [last] and what shall hereafter grow due on his annuities of 400l. and 200l. per an. as by dormant warrant of Dec. 8 last. You are to constantly make these payments out of such moneys without expecting any further direction from my Lords. Ibid, p. 105.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies of assignment on the Collectors of the Tenths of the clergy in the dioceses of Oxford, Worcester, Hereford and St. David's for 425l. to Elizabeth Hamilton, widow of James Hamilton. for half a year to Sept. 29 last on her annuity of 850l. for the lives of James, George and William, her sons; and likewise on the like collectors of the dioceses of Chester and Rochester for 250l. for the like half year on the annuity of 500l. for herself. Money Book, pp. 249–50.
Money warrant for sums not exceeding 1,500l. in all to Sir George Wharton, Treasurer of the Ordnance; as imprest for the building of a hospital at Portsmouth, and for repairs of the chapel at Godshouse and the Alarm Gallery there as by the privy seal of 28 July last, supra, pp. 652–3. The orders hereon are to be drawn as the proceeds of the timber to be herefor felled in New Forest are paid into the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 250.
Treasury warrant to [the Customs Commissioners] to direct the Customs Cashier to pay 20l. to Thomas Millar, the [Customs] officer of Carolina, for his present support. Ibid, p. 251.
Same to the Barons of the Exchequer to swear Anthony Stephens into office as one of the seven Auditors of the Exchequer loco Richard Aldworth, Auditor for co. Yorks, archdeaconry of Richmond and cos. Durham and Northumberland, lately deceased: said Stephens having a grant thereof dated 1678–9. Jan. 6. in reversion after John Phelipps. Sir Joseph Seymour, Rich. Aldworth, Anthony Parsons. Humphrey Morrice, John Shales, or any of them. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 259.
Oct. 11. Fiat by the Treasury Lords for royal letters patent to constitute Edward Gibbs. gent., of Gloucester city. to be comptroller of Gloucester port loco William Twining, deceased. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 259.
The like for Thomas Kirlew, gent., as searcher of the port of Berwick on Tweed on the surrender of Sir Christopher Musgrave, present searcher thereof. Ibid, p. 260.
[?] Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of] a docquet of a demise [by in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal] to Thomas Warner. gent., of divers messuages. lands and tenements in the parish of Stroud and elsewhere. co. Gloucester, being parcel of the lands. etc., of William Warner, extended for debt: at a rent of 10s. per an. Ibid.
Oct. 11. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to discharge the seizure of the ship Duke of York, John Purvis master, and her guns, furniture, etc.: said Purvis having petitioned. ut supra, p. 689, whereupon the Customs Commissioners reported Sept. 20 last that it is certified by John Evance, Cha. Stystead and Peregrine Bertie that petitioner took in 3 tuns of wine in the Downs contrary to the Act for encouragement of Trade and landed same in Virginia; they therefore seized said ship, whereupon affidavits were produced of said Purvis the master, Richard Howard mate, Hen. Wilkinson boatswain. Robt. Norman gunner and Richd. Bent quartermaster of said ship to the effect that said ship was bound for Virginia in Oct., 1679. with 110 passengers and seamen, and was delayed in the Downs. etc., ut supra. it being further ascertained that said brandy was taken in within the limits of the port of Deal: further John Jeffrys, esq., Peter Joy and Barnaby Dunch of London. merchants, part owners of said ship, having sworn the 9th inst. that they knew nothing of such lading of brandy or wine. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 270–1.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Culliford, Register of the Seizures. praying allowance of 60l. expended by him in his journeys to Portsmouth. etc., besides the ordinary allowance of 10s. per day. Ibid, p. 272.
Oct. 12. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of the Earl of Ranelagh and his partners [in the undertaking concerning the pay of the Forces, etc., of Ireland] as by an order of reference thereof from the King dated Whitehall, Sept. 11 last. Said petition sets forth that the King furnished to petitioners an imprest of 24,000l. for the better enabling them to clear the December, 1675, pay [of the Forces. etc., in Ireland]. whereupon some of the petitioners did, 1676. May 29. enter into a bond of 30,000l. to repay said 24,000l. (or so much as their just demands when settled should fall short of that sum) to the King within two months after the settling and adjusting of the accompt of their [abovesaid] undertaking. By order of 1679, July 4, the Lord Lieutenant and Council of Ireland directed the Attorney General of Ireland to prosecute said bond in the Exchequer Court, Ireland. In Michaelmas term following the Attorney General began said prosecution, although petitioners were diligently attending the passing of their [accompts]. Thereupon petitioners represented to the Lord Lieutenant that their bond was not to take effect till after settlement of their accompts which were not then settled and therefore desired a stay to the prosecution. This petition of theirs was laid aside and the Attorney General continued his prosecution in Easter and Hilary terms last, although petitioners' accounts were not stated until July 29 last and from what was then done petitioners have in several cases humbly appealed to the King, viz., from that pretended settlement and particularly from the great severity they have met with in relation to this very bond. They therefore hereby pray that all proceedings relating to this bond may be vacated and that the Attorney General may be ordered not to prosecute them further upon the bond until their appeal be determined. Out Letters (Ireland), pp. 93–5.
On this petition the Treasury Lords hereby report. The accompts referred to above are now lying before us, but we have not yet had time to examine them. We therefore think that all prosecution may be stopped upon the bond till the first day of Hilary term next, before which time we hope to be able to give your Majesty a more exact information of the said accompts.
Oct. 12. Money warrant for 388l. to the Earl of Anglesey, Lord Privy Seal, for last Michaelmas quarter on his 4l. a day in lieu of the ancient allowance of sixteen dishes of meat. (Money order dated Oct. 13 for 752l., being 364l. as by the money warrant of Aug. 4 last and 388l. as by the present warrant.) Money Book, p. 252 Order Book XXXVIII, p. 168.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 188l. to abovesaid Earl for half a year to Sept. 29 last on the 20s. a day payable to him out of the Customs as Lord Privy Seal. Money Book, p. 254.
Same to same to pay the patent officers of the outports half a year upon their patent fees. Ibid, p. 252.
Treasury allowance of the 1680, Sept. 29 quarter's salary bill of the Customs, London port. (Total 5,323l. 3s. 9d.) Ibid, p. 251.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to direct the Collectors of the outports to pay the abovesaid quarter's salary bill for the officers of the outports. (Total 3,452l. 0s. 1d.) Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners, forwarding copies [both missing] of an Order of Council upon a petition of the inhabitants of Exeter, and of a paper containing a character of the officers at Bristol. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 105.
Same to the Customs Cashier. The Treasury Lords have signed the last Michaelmas quarter's salary bill for London port. You are to pay same in three weeks. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, for a particular and ratal of the messuage called the Christopher in Eton, with some common field lands thereto belonging, all with a view to an extension of lease thereof to Mr. Beheathland for 19 years to make up his term 31 years at the fine of only 5l. in regard that the increase rent of 10l. is to be continued in the new lease, making together with the old rent 14l. 5s. 0d. per an. Reference Book I, pp. 140–1.
Prefixing: said Surveyor General's report, dated 1679–80, Feb. 3, on said Beheathland's petition for same. The premises are in lease to petitioner at more than the yearly value that can be made of them, being a large old inn with many mean outhouses and buildings thereupon that require great charges to keep in repair. Petitioner was a sufferer for the late King and his former term in the premises under the rent of 4l. 5s. 0d. expired 1675, Nov. 8, and the new lease being taken in 1661 there was added 10l. to said rent, which was very hard upon him, and is to continue during the present term, he not being in a condition to buy it off. The housing are all very ancient and part of them must be rebuilt. Therefore advises a small fine.
Oct. 13. Henry Guy to Mr. Trant to forthwith pay 205l. to Anthony Seagar to be by him disposed of as the Treasury Lords shall direct. My Lords intend said said sum to be part of the 1,000l. per week which you [and your partners in the Hearthmoney Farm] are to lend weekly from Sept. 29 last to Christmas next. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 105.
Same to Mr. Duncombe to proceed in the payment of the remainder of Mr. Bertie's advance money notwithstanding any order to the contrary. Ibid, p. 106.
Same to Mr. Brewer to hasten the state of the account of the [Earl of Anglesey, present] Lord Privy Seal, as late Treasurer of the Navy. Ibid.
Same to Sir Robt. Vinar. Mr. Bradshaw has again complained to the Treasury Lords that you have not yet paid his uncle Dering the 100l. you formerly promised before my Lords to satisfy. I am to remind you of that promise. Ibid.
Oct. 14. Same to the bishop of London. The hearing betwixt Mr. Nevill and the officers of the Works is put off till Monday morning next. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to make out bills for half a year's interest to Michaelmas last to the creditors of the Navy on account of a war against the French King. Assign same for payment on the money which the Treasury Lords will appoint to the Navy Treasurer for that purpose. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to Sir Palmes Fairborne, Lieutenant Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Tangier, to apply the remainder of the 20,000 pieces of eight which Sir Martin Westcombe is to send you (ut supra, p. 700), together with 5,052l. 10s. 0d. (whereof 2,000l. is sent over in specie from hence in his Majesty's ship Newcastle, and the remaining 3,052l. 10s. 0d. by Sir John Mathew's letter of credit for 13,320 pieces of eight), towards the pay of the garrison of Tangier on the old establishment [viz.], for three quarters of a year commencing 1679, March 28, according to the order of the Commissioners for the affairs of Tangier, which [order] will be sent in the same ship to you by Mr. Hewers. For what shall be wanting to complete the said three quarters' pay you are to take it up there [at Tangier] upon credit and draw bills for the same [on us] here for the same, which [bills] shall be punctually complied with. And in regard you have extraordinary occasions for money to be expended in fortifications or other contingencies for which no provision is yet made, we have received an Order of Council to direct us to supply you in such cases. We hereby give you power, if any such extraordinary occasions happen, to take up money on credit to supply same, not exceeding 1,000l., and to draw bills for same [on us], which shall also be duly complied with here. Ibid, pp. 107–8.
Oct. 14. Henry Guy to the Auditors of Imprests to attend the Treasury Lords on Monday afternoon next about the accounts you brought in to-day. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 108.
The Treasury Lords to the Duke of Newcastle. We have directed Mr. Brunsden and Mr. Presland (on the nomination of the Navy Commissioners) to repair to Sherwood Forest to survey the timber there. As you are chiefly in power there they are to apply to you. Please direct the officers of the forest and some of the gentry of the country to assist them and permit them to fell or bore what trees they think fit as a means of thoroughly informing themselves how much of said timber is fit for shipping, how much for other purposes and what the value is. (Henry Guy, dated Oct. 15, to Mr. Corbin, Surveyor [General of Woods, Trent North], informing him of the above instructions. You are to be present and assist herein.) Ibid, pp. 108–9.
Money warrant for 1,695l., to Henry Savile, Envoy Extraordinary to France; 455l. thereof for one quarter's ordinary, May 27 last, to Aug. 26 last; 640l. thereof for a bill of extraordinaries, 1679, July 27, to 1680, May 23, and the remaining 600l. for his extraordinary expense laid out in his attendance upon the King of France in his late progress in Flanders. Money Book, p. 253. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 169.
Appending: (a) said bill of extraordinaries for 640l. as allowed by Secretary Sunderland Oct. 11 instant (being for postage of letters, intelligence and other extraordinaries). (b) The like bill dated Aug. 31, for said 600l. extraordinaries as allowed by Secretary Sunderland. ("I think it reasonable to allow this.") (Money order dated Oct. 15 hereon.)
Same for 1,000l. to William Briggs, gent., in repayment of so much by him lent this day into the Exchequer: to be repaid out of the Wine Licence money: together with 6 per cent. per an. interest to be payable [or made into principal] at the end of every six months. (Money order dated Oct. 14 hereon. In the Money Book there is a second entry of a money warrant for a loan of the same date and the like amount. But as there exists only one money order it would appear that this second warrant is a duplicate of the first and inserted by a clerical slip.) Money Book, pp. 254, 255. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 162.
Oct. 14. Treasury reference to the Navy Commissioners of James Robinson's petition shewing that his father in the great visitation furnished the Navy's necessities with several copper furnaces to the value of 262l. 15s. 10d. upon the said Commissioners' faithful promise of ready money: which said contract was so hard on petitioner's side, because of the promise of ready money, that petitioner's father got but 1½d. per 1b.: the said Commissioners gave his father an imprest bill of 100l. upon Sir George Cartwright [Carteret], but none of it was ever paid: therefore praying payment of said debt and interest thereon [such interest being] allowed by an order of the King in Council. Reference Book I, p. 142.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Phillips, gent., for the office of Comptroller of Milford port loco George Powell, deceased; and of Richard Fenton's petition for the same place. Ibid, p. 140.
[?] [Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue as follows the 31,424l. remaining of the 34,615l. 5s. 10d. lent into the Exchequer the 4th inst. by Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe (after deducting the 2,000l. paid to Sir William Temple and the 1,191l. 5s. 10d. paid to Dr. Taylor ut supra, p. 696), viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 26.
l. s. d.
to the Navy for the Yards 22,485 0 0
to Mr. Hewer for pay of Tangier garrison and 18s. 8d. out of any other money to complete the said order 4,989 18 8
to Mr. Bertie for his equipage and three months' ordinary 955 0 0
to Mr. Hewer on an order dated 1678, July 22, for 7,758l. for Sir John Lanier to repay Mr. Duncombe or out of any other orders that will bear the same 300 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service 500 0 0
to the Keeper of the Privy Purse 500 0 0
to Mr. Savile 1,695 0 0
£34,616 4 6
Memorandum: the 18s. 8d. to Mr. Hewer to complete the order is out of [the] ordinary [establishment for Tangier] and to be deducted out of the [present] loan, thus leaving the total 34,615l. 5s. 10d.
Oct. 14. Same to same and to the other officers of the Exchequer to take in a loan of 1,000l. from Mr. William Biggs on the credit of the Wine Licence revenue. Give him a tally of loan for his repayment thereon and issue the said sum to me [Guy] for secret service upon such warrant and order as you shall receive for that purpose. Ibid, p. 27.
Treasury fiat for royal letters patent to constitute Robert Levins, esq., searcher of Lynn Regis port, co. Norfolk loco Edward Brumley (Bromley), deceased. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 39.
Oct. 15. Treasury reference to Sir James Shaen and partners, Farmers of the revenue of Ireland, of Thomas Lloyd's petition: said petitioner shewing his disbursement of 14,000l. by the King's command, and for his service in Ireland "for such uses as his Majesty, by warrant under his royal sign manual, should direct": therefore prays a patent under the great seal for payment of 2,000l. per an. to him for seven years out of the revenue of Ireland to commence as soon as the last payment of the like sum of 14,000l. granted to the Earl of Ossory, deceased, shall become due: said petition having been referred to the Treasury Lords by the King 9 Oct. inst. Hereupon said Shaen et al. are to inform the Treasury Lords when the said grant to the Earl of Ossory will expire. Reference Book I, p. 143.
Oct. 15,
his Royal
[the Duke
of York's]
Edward, Visct. Latimer, being entitled to a share in the concealments and embezzlements of prize goods brought into the ports of London, Portsmouth, Hull and Plymouth within the time of the [last] two Dutch wars desires that, if any person endeavours to obtain a grant of all or any such prize goods in prejudice of his lordship, notice may be given to him and he heard before the passing thereof. Caveat Book, p. 12.
Oct. 15. Henry Guy to Henry Bruncker, Cofferer of the Household, to pay 100l. to the King's laundress to provide a house for the King's laundry: commencing from the death of Mrs. Chiffinch the late laundress. You shall be allowed the same on your account as an extraordinary. See supra, p. 690. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 108.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to constitute and appoint Martin Hoare, gent., to be Chief Clerk of the Mint within the Tower loco Corney Frowd, lately deceased: to hold during pleasure and as amply as James Hoare, deceased, Corney Frowd, deceased, or any other heretofore holding same. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 43.
Royal sign manual for 500l. to Henry Guy for secret service: without accompt. (Money warrant dated Oct. 18 hereon. Money order dated Oct. 19 hereon.) Ibid, p. 44. Money Book, p. 256. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 169.
Same for 1,000l. to same for same. (Money warrant dated Oct. 18 hereon. Money order dated Oct. 19 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 45. Money Book, p. 256. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 169.
[?] Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to declare the King's pleasure that the tallies for, in all, 116,419l. 10s. 3d., which were on Feb. 28 last levied at the Receipt upon the Hearthmoney Contractors [being for the settlement of the Navy Creditors ut supra, pp. 436–7] and which have since been delivered to Sir Charles Bickerstaff, kt., Nathaniel Tench, esq., and divers others persons [Eastland merchants et al.] in order to their satisfaction for goods provided [to the Navy] and services performed upon account of a war against the French King [together with interest thereon to Michaelmas last and then made principal] shall be satisfied by the Hearthmoney Contractors or Receivers at the respective times appointed for the payment thereof out of Hearthmoney revenue, before the moneys of said revenue be brought into the Exchequer, and according to the date of said tallies and before any other tally or warrant whatsoever of a subsequent date struck upon the same half-yearly payment of the Hearthmoney Contractors' rent: all according to equity and justice and for the preservation of the ancient credit of the Exchequer and for the better security of the persons interested in the said tallies. The said Hearthmoney Contractors are hereby authorised and commanded so to pay same and the Auditors of Imprests are to allow same in account to said Hearthmoney Contractors. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 45–8.
Appending: a detailed schedule (giving sums only without names of persons) of the abovesaid tallies, viz.: 41 tallies to a total of 18,419l. 10s. 3d. struck on the half year's Hearthmoney rent due 1681, March 25, and payable by the utmost days of grace 1681, Sept. 19; 59 tallies to a total of 32,000l. struck on the like rent for the succeeding half year due 1681, Sept. 29; 72 tallies to a total of 32,000l. struck on the like rent for the succeeding half year due 1682, March 25; 159 tallies to a total of 34,000l. struck on the like rent for the succeeding half year due 1682, Sept. 29.
Oct. 16. Money warrant for 75l. to William Blathwayte [for half a year] to Michaelmas last on his 150l. per an.; and 50l. [for the like] on his 100l. per an. being respectively the parts payable out of the Barbados revenue and the revenue in the Leeward Islands of his salary of 500l. per an. as Surveyor and Auditor General of the King's revenues in America as by the patent of May 19 last ut supra, p. 544: together with dormant clause for the like payments in future: these payments to be satisfied from time to time by tallies on the Farmers or Receivers of the Four and a Half per cent. duty in Barbados and the Leeward Isles respectively. Money Book, pp. 254–5.
Same for 50l. to Thomas Doyly for half a year to Sept. 29 last on his annuity or pension of 100l. Ibid, p. 257.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 241l. 13s. 4d. to Sir John Shaw for last Lady day quarter on his fees of 466l. 13s. 4d. per an. as Collector Inwards, London port, and 500l. per an. as Surveyor of the Navigation Act. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Capt. Lashley to attend Mr. Newport and Mr. Darcy, officers of the Great Wardrobe, to consult with them concerning the presents to be sent to the Emperor of Fez. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 110.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to admit Alexander Cleeve as deputy to Andrew Haynes, one of the King's waiters London port. Ibid.
Same to Mr. James Leece to attend the Treasury Lords on Monday next at 8 a.m. to meet Mr. Stephens, Mr. Duncombe, Mr. Hewers and Mr. Lownds to settle some matters relating to Mr. Duncombe's loans made lately for the use of the Ordnance. Bring an account thereof. Ibid.
Same to Mr. [Auditor] Aldworth to deliver to Mr. Blathwait all the accompts, papers and tallies in your custody relating to the revenue of Barbados and the Leeward Islands. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to give Mr. Brunsden and Mr. Presland all necessary instructions for their survey of Sherwood forest. Ibid, p. 111.
Oct. 16. Treasury warrant to Henry Ayloff, the King's Remembrancer, to discharge all process against Griffith Rice, on his payment of 100l., as heir to Sir Edward Rice, late sheriff of co. Carmarthen and Receiver of the Hearthmoney for said county for the year ended at 1663, Michaelmas, the said sheriff having died within the year of his shrievalty between Lady day and Michaelmas, leaving Walter Rice, his brother and heir, as executor, who being prosecuted by distringas to account for the said duty prayed a commission to inquire what sums of the said duty were paid to the said Sir Edward, on the return of which commission it appeared that 100l. of that duty and no more was paid to one of said Sir Edward's servants: the said commission having been lost in the late fires in the Temple and the said Walter Rice being since dead and succeeded by his son and heir, Griffith Rice, esq., who has petitioned for a discharge on his payment of said 100l.; on which petition Thomas Hall, first secondary in the King's Remembrancer's Office, has reported that it is fit to accept such offer in regard that 59l. 17s. 0d., part of the said revenue for the year 1663, is charged in the account of the subsequent sheriff and that if any account should now be made up process cannot now be issued upon the supers, the two years limited for recovery of such debts being long since elapsed. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 261–2.
Treasury reference to the Chancellor of the Exchequer (together with Sir Robert Howard, the Surveyor General of Crown Lands and Mr. Lawrence) of the petition of Brooke Bridges and Tho. Done, Auditors of Imprests, praying for some further allowance for their care and pains in examining the following papers: being such as their predecessors since the times of Elizabeth and James I received such further allowance for: viz.: the account of the Treasurer of the Ordnance to which is now added the charge of the armoury, for which there is allowed but 10l. per an.: the account of the Victuallers of the Navy, the fee whereof is 10l. per an.: the accounts of the Great Wardrobe, the fee whereof is 10l. per an.: the account of the Robes, the fee whereof is 10l. per an.: the account of the Master and Worker of the Mint, the fees whereof were anciently and of late years 40l. per an. to the Auditors and 4l. to their clerks, which [fees] is now taken away: the account of the Treasurer of the Chamber, the fees of which are 20l. per an. to the Auditors and 3l. 6s. 8d. per an. to their clerks: the account of the Works, the fees of which are 20l. to the Auditors and 10l. to their clerks: the account of First Fruits and Tenths, for which there is allowed 13l. 6s. 8d.per an. The allowances for passing these accounts are very small, not being sufficient to defray the necessary charges of preparing them for declaration, besides the constant necessary charges said auditors are at in respect of their offices, each having a deputy and three clerks at least, whose salaries with the office rent and necessary charges amount to upwards of 500l. per an., which must be borne by the said Auditors [even] "though accomptants, as it sometimes happens, do not pass accounts sufficient to defray charge." Reference Book I, pp. 141–2.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of such Excise money as shall be paid into the Exchequer this week) 3,000l. to Mr. Johnson for off reckonings [of the Forces]. Disposition Book II, p. 27.
Oct. 16. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 40l. to Mr. Swan out of any disposable money in the Exchequer. Disposition Book II, p. 27.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Thomas Barney as surveyor at Poole loco Richard Fisher, removed to be landwaiter at Bristol. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 272, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281.
Thomas Moore as landwaiter at Bristol loco _ Lingwood, lately dismissed.
Samuel Rhodes as an additional landwaiter in Liverpool port in regard of the great increase of trade there.
_ Grosse as tidesman at Looe loco Ralph Thompson, dismissed.
Richard Hill as waiter and searcher at Poole loco Ralph Milton, dismissed.
William Vincent as boatman ibid. loco Anthony Avon, dismissed.
Henery Heane as a tidesman in fee, London port, loco Thomas Martin, lately deceased.
Ewan Christian as waiter at Whitehaven loco Henry Addison, who resigns.
Thomas Keeping as tidesman at Poole loco Thomas Mathews, who declines that employment.
William Weddle as a tidesman in Yarmouth port with the established allowance [of a tidesman] but to be employed as assistant to the present officer at Lowestoft or elsewhere within the port of Yarmouth as the Customs Commissioners shall think most for his Majesty's service: all in regard of the great increase of shipping in Lowestoft, a creek of Yarmouth port; and upon a late vacancy in the tidesmen of Yarmouth, which vacancy the said Commissioners at first thought of retrenching.
Richard Fisher, present surveyor of Poole, to be removed to Bristol as a landwaiter loco William Holland, lately dismissed.
Richard Bilburgh, as a tidewaiter at Scarborough, a member of Hull port; to be established with the salary of 10l.
_ Impen to be commander of the boat at Lynn Regis with the salary of 30l. 12s. 0d. per an. and Robert Atwood to be tidesman and boatman ibid. with 15l. per an.: the Treasury order of Jan. 24 last having ordered the establishment of a smack at Poole with an allowance of 182l. per an., but the Customs Commissioners, in their memorial of the 11th inst., having represented that they have agreed the said establishment for 136l. 12s. 0d. per an., and therefore proposed that the saving in said establishment may be applied for the boat at Lynn Regis and the tidesmen there, ut supra.
Henry Rogers as waiter at Christchurch loco James Dewy, who resigns same.
William Newbury, at present an extraordinary tidesman London port, to be a tidesman in fee ibid. loco John Hunt, lately deceased.
William Marshall, at present an extraordinary tidesman London port, to be a tidesman in fee ibid. loco Philip Hawthorne, lately dismissed.
John Jillett, at present an extraordinary tidesman London port, to be a tidesman in fee ibid. loco Jeremiah Croston, lately deceased.
Nicholas Culliford as a waiter at Swanage loco Christopher Harris, lately dismissed.
William Wood as a boatman at Deal loco John Hazlewood, who is unfit.
Oct. 16. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to discharge the seizure of the ship Stockholme Merchant, on the petition of John Thompson, of Hull, mariner, on which petition the said Commissioners reported Aug. 13 last that said ship arrived in London with tar and iron, navigated with eight English and four strangers, but William John and William Benson, of London merchants, swore that said ship was English-owned, and the said Thompson, master of the said ship, swore that he sailed from Hull in Sept., 1678, as master of a pink called the Adventure of Hull, bound for the Narve with himself, eight English and one stranger, that from the Narve he sailed for Hull with the same company, but his ship was lost on the outrocks at the isle of Vannas, he lay 14 days on the rocks and saved the rigging, went to Stockholm and there bought the ship Stockholm Merchant, which being of greater burthen than the pink, he was obliged to hire four strangers, being able to get no English, and so returned to England, where said ship was seized by the Surveyor of the Navigation Act. Out Letters (Customs), p. 273.
Instructions from same to same in reply to the latter's memorial of the 11th inst. (1) You formerly (upon [the subject of] the patent landwaiters of London port doing the duties of their office) represented that the supernumary commission landwaiters there still numbered 14, that in accordance with the Treasury order of Aug. 2 last, supra, p. 658, you have sent away all but 11 of them into the country to officiate as riding surveyors in the outports, but that several of the remainder are not fit for that service in regard of infirmity of body; you therefore desire power to choose others than landwaiters to do duty in their steads, the landwaiter in whose stead such person shall go being to allow 50l. per an. out of his salary for such substitute's services, and that the persons excused by the Treasury Lords (except Danl. Macadam and William White, dispensed with for particular respects and merit) may be sent to the outports in their turns after the other landwaiters, so as to remove all cause of complaint in the other landwaiters who otherwise might be unwilling to go out a second time. We approve hereof and so accordingly authorise you. But Sam. Dale. another of the landwaiters, is by the King's express command, also to be excepted. (2) You are to deliver, on payment of Custom ad ralorem, the 46 yards of Scotch pladding or fingrins imported by James Bonner with a parcel of stockens, the duty being 15d. a yard, and the commodity not valued above 8d. a yard. But Bonner is first to give security to return same to Scotland [after it has been dyed]. (3) We have moved the King in Council concerning the Custom on coals shipped for Tangier. The King has directed that the former orders in Council of 1677, July 24 and Sept. 12 (for duty to be paid on all goods [going to Tangier] except victual and ammunition for the garrison) shall be observed and consequently that coals and other goods carried thither shall pay Custom. Your solicitor is to attend the Clerk of Council for the order of Council pursuant hereto. (4) You are to order Richard Kent, the Customs Cashier, to pay 48l. 18s. 10d. to Arnold Browne, junr., for moneys by him expended in the destruction of English-planted tobacco. (5) Your solicitor is to attend the Earl of Sunderland's Office for the King's letter to empower Lawrence Cole, the officer for Jersey, to register goods, etc. (6) As to the articles in your said memorial which relate to a further encouragement for seizing French prohibited goods, etc., as also your former presentment wherein you offer the retrenching several officers of the Customs as they shall fall void, the same are lying before us for our further consideration. Ibid, pp. 274–5.
Oct. 16. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners. The mayor and chief burgesses of Hartlepool petitioned that a custom house might be re-established there, as hath been in former times. On reference thereon you report the 11th inst. that the port of Hartlepool has been anciently, and is, a member of the port of Newcastle and, time out of mind, the patent officers of Newcastle have had their deputies at Hartlepool for entering and clearing: that the Customer and Comptroller of Newcastle withdrew their seals of office from Hartlepool because they found that for 3 years past there has not been occasion for 1 cocquet outward or inward that paid one shilling to his Majesty, so they removed them to Stockton, also a member of Newcastle port, being more convenient for accomodating merchants in shipping of lead, butter and corn, which is the product of the country, all or most brought to Stockton to ship, it lying nearer than Hartlepool by eight miles and several merchants living there; yet that Hartlepool ought not to be neglected as having a good pier for the safety of the coast ships that come there for coals and other goods; that the patent officers, if it be thought fit, are ready to return their seals again to Hartlepool and to appoint officers of their own there: also that in the execution of the late commission for setting out the port of Newcastle there is a [clause] saving to Hartlepool all immunities and privileges formerly or anciently enjoyed: that therefore you think it no inconvenience for the patent officers [of Newcastle] to appoint their respective deputies at Hartlepool provided they employ not the King's deputed officers for their deputies, but appoint other deputies of their own. You are therefore hereby to order the said officers at Newcastle to immediately return their seals of office to Hartlepool with deputies as above. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 276–7.
Oct. 18. Henry Guy to Major Huntington. I wrote Mr. Dawson a week since for a copy of Sir Jon Champante's acquittance for 12,295l. As he has not sent it you are to immediately send it to the Treasury Lords. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 111.
Same to the Earl of Sunderland [Secretary of State] forwarding from the Treasury Lords copies of orders in Council concerning Lawrence Cole, the officer at Jersey, in order to the drawing up the letter which my Lords have desired you to procure from the King authorising said Cole to keep a register and to do such other things as are directed by the order of 1679, Dec. 17. My Lords desire a clause to be added for all the officers of said island to assist Cole therein. Ibid.
Oct. 18. Henry Guy to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue (out of the 34,615l. 5s. 11d. lent into the Exchequer the 4th inst. by Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe) 955l. to Mr. Bertie for his equipment and a quarter's ordinary: notwithstanding any direction to the contrary. Disposition Book II, p. 28.
Same to [same] to issue to the Lord Chancellor the 1,000l. which Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe will lend into the Exchequer this day or very speedily. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Jno. Brisban, esq., of the petition of Geo. Pendne [Pendrie ? Pendril] et al. for payment of the arrears of 1¾ years to 1679, Christmas, on their pensions. Brisban is to certify my Lords whether the said pensions are respited or retrenched. Reference Book I, p. 142.
Serjeant John Topham having discovered that Cow Close and other parcels of land in Eton, co. Bucks, which were formerly demised from the Crown for term of years expired, are now unjustly concealed, desires that no grant thereof may pass to any other person till he be heard. Caveat Book, p. 12.
Oct. 19. Money warrant for 1,000l. to Wortley Whorwood in repayment of so much by him this day lent into the Exchequer: [to be repaid out of the Wine Licence revenue and with 6 per cent. per an. interest]. (Money order dated Oct. 19 hereon.) Money Book, p. 255. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 170.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Richard Barly concerning 26 pieces of brandy imported by him to London from Rotterdam whereof 9 were drawn off and filled up with salt water, the Excise Commissioners declaring that without Treasury warrant they can make no allowance for same. Reference Book I, p. 139.
Henry Guy to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue to the Band of [Gentlemen] Pensioners the remainder of their unsatisfied order for 1679. Sept. 29 quarter [on their establishment]: paying same out of such moneys of First Fruits and Tenths as now are or shall come into the Exchequer. Disposition Book II, p. 27.
Same to same and to the Clerk of the Pells, etc., to take in from Wortley Whorwood the 1,000l. which he will this day lend into the Exchequer on the credit of the Wine Licence revenue and to give him a tally of loan therefor. Thereof 500l. is to be issued to the Master of the Great Wardrobe (viz. 200l. for the trumpeters and 300l. for the watermen), reserving the remaining 500l. for the Treasury Lords' direction. Ibid, p. 28.
Same to Col. Legg to send for Mr. Williams and bring him to finish his accompt. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 113.
Same to the Navy Commissioners enclosing Lieut. William Stewart's bill for 40l. You are to assign same for payment out of the weekly money [of the Navy]. Ibid.
Oct. 19. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to Mris. Bash a parcel of Holland linen and the remnants of wrought silk imported for her in the Katherin yacht from Holland and now in the King's warehouse, London port: provided same are not of French manufacture. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 113.
Same to Sir Robt. Sawyer forwarding from the Treasury Lords papers about the goldsmiths' interest tallies. Among these you will find that on July 12 last direction was given to the Auditor of the Receipt to forbear striking such tallies for a quarter if the preceding quarter was unpaid. My Lords did this to prevent trouble and importunities to the officers of Excise who (now [that] so much of that revenue is gone off and the rest [thereof] far charged) cannot comply with the payment of said interest exactly at the end of every quarter. For the same reason my Lords are inclinable to sign a warrant for that purpose, which is herewith also sent to you [missing]. The goldsmiths have given their reason to the contrary in the enclosed petition [missing], which my Lords desire you to consider with their patent [of grant of annuities on the Excise] and the laws of Excise. Advise my Lords what they may legally or prudentially do herein. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit two bells, both made in London, the one designed for Holyrood House, the other for a parish church near the same, to be exported to Scotland, Customs free, on board the John of Leith. Ibid, p. 114.
Oct. 20. Privy seal for the disposition of the Greenwax moneys ut supra, p. 670. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 23.
Money order for 1,763l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in repayment of so much lent by them this day to the King [into the Exchequer]: with 6 per cent. per an. interest and 4 per cent. per an. reward payable quarterly. (With a later Treasury letter of direction dated 1680, Dec. 13. Let this order be satisfied by tallies on the Customs.) Order Book XXXVIII, p. 170.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 375l. to the Earl of Radnor as Lord President [of the Privy Council] out of the loans made into the Exchequer by Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe. Disposition Book II, p. 29.