Entry Book: April 1680, 14-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: April 1680, 14-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp493-502 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: April 1680, 14-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp493-502.

"Entry Book: April 1680, 14-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp493-502.


April 1680

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
April 14. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the report from the Duke of Ormonde, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, on the petition of Edward Villiers alias Fitzgerald, esq. Said petition to the King sets forth that having married Katherine Fitz Gerald sole daughter and heiress of Jon. Fitzgerald, late of Dromana, co. Waterford, petitioner is become entitled to said Fitzgerald's estate, but in regard of a former grant thereof made by your Majesty to the Earl of Tyrone (since vacated in Chancery in pursuance of an Order in Council), petitioner for greater security applies for a grant and confirmation of said estate to him and his wife. Said petition being Aug. 21 last by the King at Windsor (being disposed to gratify petitioner) referred to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the latter on the 27th Sept., 1679, at Kilkenny, referred same to the Attorney and Solicitor General, Ireland. Thereupon Sir John Temple reported 1679, Nov, 29, thereon to the Lord Lieutenant. The Earl of Tyrone was guardian to said Katherine Fitzgerald and did about 1673 pass patents under the great seal of England of all or the greatest part of said estate. Soon afterwards a scire facias was brought in the Chancery in England in the King's name against said Earl for repeal thereof, and said patent was ordered to be avoided. Petitioner's request is reasonable. The King being acquainted with said Solicitor General Temple's report referred same 1680, March 31, to the Treasury Lords, who hereupon hereby report concurring therewith, provided the grant to petitioner, his wife and heirs be restricted to the such lands as said John Fitzgerald had in his life time and as are now in seizin. Out Letters (Ireland), pp. 43–6.
Followed by: a later memorandum dated 1680, Aug. 3. The above written report [from the Treasury Lords] was cancelled and another one signed made upon the Earl of Ormonde's report as well as upon the Solicitor General of Ireland's report. We concur therewith, provided it be restrained to such lands as above, or whereof Mabel Digby, widow and relict of Garret Fitzgerald, the petitioner's grandfather, her assigns or undertenants are in seisin in right of dower, jointure or thirds as widow; and of such lands as are now in the tenure or possession of Ellen, Countess of Clanricarde or her assigns as her dower or thirds being formerly the wife of John Fitzgerald, the petitioner Katherine's father.
April 14. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to constitute William Hewer as Treasurer for the affairs of Tangier, loco Samuel Pepys: with power to issue moneys for said garrison and the mole there according to warrants under the hands of six of the Lords of the Privy Council, the Treasury Lords or any others who shall be entrusted with the management of the affairs of Tangier. King's Warrant Book, pp. 275–6.
Money warrant for 447l. 2s. 6d. to Samuel Pepys, Treasurer of Tangier garrison, as in further part of 14,300l. for the quarter ended Sept. 30 last for said garrison on which there has already been issued 5,853l. 3s. 1d. and 7,535l. 1s. 2d. (Money order dated April 20 hereon.) Money Book, p. 65. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 104.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,500l. to Edward Seymour upon any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy, for one week's allowance to the 10th inst. for the ordinary service of the Navy. Money Book, p. 66.
The like for 500l. to same: to be paid to the Victuallers for same week's allowance.
The Treasury Lords to Mr. Kent [Customs Cashier] to pay to Prince Rupert 500l. for last Lady Day quarter on his pension of 2,000l. per an. "for which you have already our dormant warrant." Out Letters (General), p. 451.
Same to Mr. Seymour [Treasurer of the Navy] to apply 400l. towards the repairs of the Gloucester and Crown, taking same out of the 1,900l. which remains in your hands of the money appointed for the repairs of the Dover and Anthelope. Said 400l. will make up 2,200l. for the repairs of said Gloucester and Crown. Ibid.
April 19. Henry Guy to the Attorney General. The Treasury Lords have made some alterations in the draft patent constituting Mr. Blathwayte surveyor, etc., of the Plantation revenues. Insert the amendments and return the draft amended. Out Letters (General), p. 464.
Same to Sir Robert Sawyer to attend the Treasury Lords as soon as you come to town. Ibid, p. 451.
Same to the Commissioners of Ordnance to forthwith deliver to Sir Tho. Fitz (upon account of what is due to him for carrying on the works and fortifications at Gosport) one tally for 3,000l. part of the tallies for 10,000l. which are levied 1678–9, March 19, on the Customs. The Treasury Lords will make this 3,000l. good to the Office of Ordnance by supplying it with a fund of the like value, which shall be paid by the time that the said tally comes in course to be paid. Ibid, p. 452.
Same to same to forthwith examine the accounts of the said Sir Tho. Fitz and Mr. John Fitz, and to report what is reasonable to be allowed them for their advancing money for their carrying on the fortifications at Portsmouth and Gosport. Ibid.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to forthwith bring in Sir Thomas Strickland's account of the rent of his farm of the duty on imported salt. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to seal up at Weld House in Weld Street the Marquess of Bergomaner's goods, he being now upon his departure hence. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. The Treasury Lords have sent to the Navy Treasurer for his accounts in order to their being perfected. He replies that he has two years' accounts now before you, and that those for 1677 have lain at your board for 2 years past in order to be examined and signed by you, and that he cannot get you to dispatch them. My Lords desire that you will forthwith pass same. Ibid, p. 453.
Same to same. The Treasury Lords desire that the bills of Exchequer [sic for exchange] drawn upon you for 165l., 137l. 10s. 0d., 82l. 10s. 0d. and 330l. (in all 715l.) for furnishing his Majesty's ships Portland and Faulcon at Smyrna with victuals may be satisfied by equal payments in three weeks out of the weekly money of the Navy. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners of Ordnance. The Treasury Lords desire that 266l. 12s. 0d. may be applied to repairs of the Tower to the river side out of the first moneys in the hands of the Treasurer of the Ordnance applicable thereto. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to take the securities of George Downing, esq., as a Teller of the Receipt, loco Sir William Doyly, kt. and bart., deceased. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 170.
Appending: list of said sureties, viz., Sir Phillip Howard, John Lawrence, Richd. Prowse, Sir Jno. Fenwicke, bart., Edmd. Woodroffe, Daniell Collingwood, Phillip Howard of Berks, Francis Villiers, John Spicer, Giles Lydcote, John Upton, Francis Millington, Sir Robt. Cotton, Phillip Cotton, Leviston Gore, Sir John Chichly, kt., Rob. Squibb, junr., Sir Geo. Downing, kt. and bart. (Total bond 4,300l.)
April 19. Letter of disposition for issues as follows out of the 6,000l. Excise money paid into the Exchequer the 10th inst. Disposition Book I, p. 28.
to the Cofferer 1,000
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces, over and above the weekly payment of 2,000l. 3,000
and out of the 8,000l. [Excise] money paid [into the Exchequer] the 17th inst.
to the Cofferer 2,000
to Mr. Johnson for the Forces over and above ut supra 4,000
[?] Same for the disposition of the 250l. which the Hearthmoney Contractors will pay into the Exchequer this week. Ibid, p. 29.
to the Duke of Monmouth for the Stables 50
to the Wardrobe 150
to Mr. Packer for the ordinary [of the Works] 11
to same more for repairs at the Mews 39
April 19. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Napleton as waiter and searcher at Milton, loco Stephen Tomlyn with the established salary for himself and a boatman which he is to keep. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 206, 207, 208.
Jon. Smyth as tidesman at Yarmouth, loco Jon. Mills preferred to be riding surveyor.
Robert Hitchins as a landcarriageman, London port, loco Henry Deane, lately dismissed.
Thomas Bradeley (Bradley) as boatman at Liverpool, loco Edward Browne, lately dismissed.
James Limskel as boatman at Hull, loco Richard Bibby, deceased.
Jonas Smith as tidesman Boston port, loco John Bird, lately dismissed.
Money warrant for 20l. to Edward Teare as reward for his extraordinary pains in carrying letters upon several occasions for his Majesty's service: for one year ended Lady Day last. (Money order dated April 20 hereon.) Money Book, p. 67. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 103.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,500l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be for one week's allowance to the 17th inst. on the ordinary service for the Navy. Money Book, p. 67.
The like for 500l. for the Victuallers for same week on their allowance.
Money warrant for 48l. to Sir Thomas Slingsby for 3 years to 1679, Sept. 29, on his fee of 16l. per an. as Constable of his Majesty's castle of Scarborough. Ibid, p. 68.
April 20. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to direct the outport collectors to pay last Lady Day quarter's outport salary bill (total 3,327l. 5s. 8d.). Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay same quarter's salary bill for the Customs, London port (total 5,232l. 2s. 1d.). Money Book, p. 70.
Same to the Auditors of the Receipt for tallies of assignment on the respective collectors of Tenths in the dioceses of Oxford, Worcester, Hereford and St. Davids, for 637l. 10s. 0d to Elizabeth Hamilton, widow of James Hamilton, for three quarters to Lady day last on the annuity of 850l. for her children, and in the dioceses of Chester and Rochester for 250l. for half a year to same date on the annuity of 500l. for herself. Ibid, p. 69.
Money warrant for 44l. 14s. 0d. to Anthony Segar, 10l. thereof for a quarter's salary to Lady day last for attending the Treasury Lords, and 34l. 14s. 0d. for disbursements for the Treasury Office in said quarter. (Money order dated April 21 hereon.) Ibid, p. 70. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 104.
Same for 9l. 15s. 10d. to Henry Norris for half a year to 1680, Lady day on his fee of 12d. a day and allowance of 1l. 6s. 8d. per an. for a livery as his Majesty's joiner. Money Book, p. 72.
Mr. Alexander Dunbarr, having a king's warrant for a reversion upon Capt. Catcher, surveyor of the blowing houses in Cornwall, which place is now void by Catcher's death, desires that no grant may pass of that office to any person (except to Capt. Upcoat) without his knowledge. Caveat Book, p. 9.
Henry Guy to Sir Cyril Wyche. The Treasury Lords have received the drafts of the letter to the Duke of Ormonde [Lord Lieutenant of Ireland] to authorise the issuing of the money for building the fort of Ringcurran; and in regard it relates to an account (under the hand of Mr. Robinson the Surveyor General) of the expense of the said money and that account is recited to be received by the King from the Duke of Ormonde, my Lords think it absolutely necessary that that said account itself be seen here [at the Treasury Chambers]. Send for it out of Ireland immediately. Out Letters (General), p. 454.
Same to the Ordnance Commissioners to direct the officers of the Ordnance to peruse Sir George Wharton's voluntary charge and to place to account the money in the proper years that it was borrowed in and to certify to the Auditors the precise time when the imprests were vacated. Do this with all speed. Ibid.
Same to abovesaid Wharton to forthwith make affidavit that the imprests by you placed to account were paid and vacated within that time. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt. It is the Treasury Lords' pleasure that Mr. Downing enter on his office as a Teller of the Exchequer, he having given security. Ibid, p. 455.
Same to Mr. Collins. The Treasury Lords will hear on Tuesday, May 4 next, the matter concerning the decree against you and the rest of Sir William Doily's sureties. Ibid.
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy forwarding the following lists. The first of these you are to satisfy entirely out of money which you are now to receive at the Exchequer out of loans which Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe have agreed to make into the Exchequer. In the other list [you are to satisfy entirely] those persons only which have the crosses set against their names. If any of the pursers have not yet passed their accounts, the Treasury Lords desire you to keep their money in your hands till further direction. The particulars of the said lists which my Lords have now provided for (in case the pursers have passed their accounts) amount to 3,015l. 8s. 7d. Ibid, pp. 455–9.
Appending: (1) a list of 4 pences and 2 pences remaining unpaid to the several ministers and chirurgeons of his Majesty's frigates as follow:—
l. s. d.
David Kelley, chirurgeon, America 10 0 0
Jon. Hogbin, chirurgeon, Anne and Christopher 3 0 0
George Miller, chirurgeon, Assistance 43 15 0
Hen. Somerset, chirurgeon, Bristol 32 2 0
Robt. Legrosse, chaplain, Cambridge 57 7 3
Sam. Prat. chirurgeon, Defiance 46 8 9
Edward Robinson, chirurgeon, Dreadnought 39 11 0
Robt. Baker, chirurgeon, Drake 9 15 0
Francis Luellin, chaplain, Edgar 91 0 0
Sam. Lopez, chirurgeon, Francis 14 7 0
Jon. Bell, chirurgeon, Greenwich 8 10 0
Jon. Ancleby, chirurgeon, Jersey 19 10 0
Ruben Pettitt, chaplain, Mermayd 23 3 4
Robt. Anderton, chirurgeon, Monmouth yacht 9 6 8
Howell Smyth, chirurgeon, Northumberland 7 0 0
Isa. Welsh, chirurgeon, Orange Tree 11 17 6
William Higham, chirurgeon, Pearle 16 10 0
Tho. Corden, chirurgeon, Europa 10 16 8
Antho. Jorden, chirurgeon, Swiftsure 49 12 0
Jam. Gilbert, chirurgeon, Swiftsure 25 17 6
William Warner, chirurgeon, Diamond 105 16 8
Robt. Manistee, chirurgeon, Diamond 53 10 0
Walter Binion, chirurgeon, Portland 60 7 6
Jos. Hubbert, chirurgeon, Captaine 41 11 3
Sam. Evans, chirurgeon, Saphire 13 17 10
Rich. Huckly, chirurgeon, Guernsey 9 3 4
Patr. Guthry, chaplain, Guernsey 18 6 8
Tho. Hewitt, chirurgeon, Dover 39 11 0
Mart. Call, chirurgeon, Antelope 43 16 0
Jon. Goodrick, chirurgeon, Castle 11 10 0
£927 9 11
(b) an account of wages remaining unpaid—
To men which stand upon the books. Men. Discharged.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
*Sir Jon. Ernle, com[mander], Defiance 226 0 0
*Capt. Charles Skelton, Stavereen 166 2 6
*Comptr. Felton, Rose 128 14 0
*Sir Rob. Robinson, com[mander], Harwich 233 10 0
*Nath. Bunch, purser, Dunkirk 56 11 5
*Luke Croggs, purser, Dunkirk 17 10 1
Capt. Jon. Voteere, Holmes frigate 210 18 0
*Rob. Knewstubb, purser, Woolwich 71 18 7
Capt. Rich. Dickenson, purser, Woolwich 170 5 0
Sir Jon. Narbrough, com[mander] Plymouth 2,193 0 0
*William Fox, purser, Plymouth 88 16 2
Math. Dawson, com[mander] Spanish Mer[chant] 86 8 0
*Tho. Harpum, Spanish Mer[chant] 7 18 5
Capt. Jon. Temple, Jersey 168 7 6
*Phill. Strange, boatswain, Jersey 54 16 2
*Edm. Blood, purser, Jersey 54 16 2
William Trelawny, captain, Larke 127 0 0
*Dan. Batwell, purser, Mary 16 8 6
*Tho. Davis, Mary 8 7 6
Walter Baynard, captain Anne yacht 161 10 0
*William Gwillam, purser, Monmouth 59 16 10
*George Nicholls, purser, Dreadnought 61 2 1
*Jon. Maynard, Dreadnought 9 7 2
*Jon. Starr, Monmouth 14 11 0
*Rice, Freeman, purser, Kings Fisher 76 13 0
Sir Roger Strickland, com[mander], Bristoll 85 17 6
Capt. Rich. Borthwick, Pearle 209 8 0
*Rich. Burdett, purser, Jam[es] galley 94 8 3
*Jon. Gibson. Jam[es] galley 14 1 9
Capt. Rich, Day, Merlyn yacht 185 5 0
Capt. Ro. Arthur, Prevention sloop 146 0 0
*Tho. Barrett, boatswain Prevention sloop 88 0 0 33 0 10
*Sym. Bardolph. Prevention sloop 2 6 10
*Jon. Arthur, Prevention sloop 17 5 10
*Jon. Spiney, Prevention sloop 16 2 10
Capt. Edwd. Russell, Swiftsure 279 0 0
*Tho. Smyth. lieut., Swiftsure 69 15 0
*Antho. Berry, purser. Swiftsure 35 8 0
*Tho. Beale. Swiftsure 20 8 9
*James Preston. Swiftsure 18 0 4
Sir Jon. Holmes, Captain 862 0 0
*Jer. Phillipps, purser, Captain 35 10 0
*William Robins, Captain 10 2 1
*Jon. Beale. Captain 6 8 1
*Jam. Harry, Captain 9 14 8
*Jon. Kitfeld. Captain 17 0 3
*Rob. Manly, purser, Europa 33 10 6
*Jon. How. Europa 13 6 0
Sir William Poole, Happy Return 151 17 6
*Greg. Aldr. boatswain, Happy Return 39 5 9
*Jon. Prestman. Assistance 15 0 0
*William Bracey, Assistance 2 8 2
Rich. James, com[mander], Portland 363 0 0
*Jon. Burton, purser, Portland 89 4 11
Jon. Wood. commander. Diamond 373 17 6
*Tho. Durburn, purser, Diamond 12 17 3
*Fra. Causton. carpenter, Saphire 99 6 11
Jon. Lambert. mar., Saphire 121 10 9
*Geo. Churchill, purser. Saphire 22 15 0
Math. Tennant. com[mander]. Guernsey 264 0 0
*Mark Wildboore, purser. Guernsey 83 10 0
*Mark Cotton, Capt. Hound sloop 191 5 0
*Robt. Smart, purser, Dover 27 14 9
David Lloyd, com-[mander], Dover 104 15 0
*Ben. Blake, Cambridge 10 11 0
*Jon. Gibson, Double sloop 6 4 3
*Jon. Brown, boatswain, St. David 29 8 0
*Alex. Hall, St. David 7 3 4
*Edw. Chatterton, boatswain, Edgar 34 19 8
*Jon. Jarrald, Marygold 7 13 9
*Francis Warland, Mountague 15 1 6
*Ral. Williams, boatwain, Newcastle 58 6 11
*Rich, Rolfe, York 8 2 7
Capt. Richd. Haddock, Quaker ketch 143 15 0
*Dan. Fearne, Quaker ketch 17 3 3
*Mat. Fennick, Quaker ketch 23 0 9
£8,527 17 11 £564 14 11
*Mr. William Morgan's bill for Judge Advocate's pay 253 12 0
*to several men now going to sea with Capt. Shovell for their wages due aboard the Plymouth, etc. 120 0 0
Total £9,466 4 10
April 20. Henry Guy to Mr. Stephens forthwith to make up and send to the Treasury Lords an account of what money has been received for the service of the Navy from 1679, March 25, to 1680, March 25, the particular sums, the dates, and of whom received. Out Letters (General). p. 459.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on petition of Sir Nicholas Armorer. Said petition prays a privy seal for 400l. as compensation for the office of receiver of the duties upon imported liquors in Jamaica, which office was granted to him under the royal signet and afterwards for his Majesty's service resigned. We find that in the latter end of 1673 and beginning of 1674 the Earl of Arlington did by your Majesty's direction treat with petitioner about the surrender of said office to Thomas Martin and Leonard Compear two persons whom your Majesty was then willing to gratify therewith. Petitioner readily submitted but told his lordship that he was offered 400l. by a merchant in London for said office and his lordship judged this reasonable compensation. As yet petitioner has received nothing. Petitioner deserves a grant of something of equal value which shall next fall within your Majesty's dispose. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 171.
Treasury warrant to the Barons of the Exchequer to swear George Downing, Esq., into office as a Teller of the Receipt to which he has succeeded by virtue of his patent dated 1668–9, March 5. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Brewer as surveyor of Customs, Hythe port. Kent, loco John Johnson, lately removed from that employment. Out Letters (Customs), p. 207.