Entry Book: July 1679, 11-19

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: July 1679, 11-19', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp126-140 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: July 1679, 11-19', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp126-140.

"Entry Book: July 1679, 11-19". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp126-140.


July 1679

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 11. Privy seal for the discharge of Robert Stockdale, former Collector of Dover port and his sureties, Edward Billing of Westminster, Michael Arnold of Westminster, and William Dent of Sunderland, of and from the sum of 2,316l. 10s. 9¾d. and all 12 percent. damages thereon. said sum representing the whole debt due to the King on said Stockdale's collection (viz., 2,287l. 6s. 9¼d. on the Customs, and 29l. 4s. 0½d. on the Coinage duty): the said Arnold and Dent having formerly paid a considerable sum of money to the King in part of Stockdale's debt, whereby that debt was reduced to the said 2,316l. 10s. 9¾d., and the King being willing (upon a representation from said sureties that they are unable to make full satisfaction) to accept a composition of 1,100l. in full satisfaction of said 2,316l. 10s. 9¾d.: upon which agreement with the King said Arnold and Dent have paid 29l. 4s. 0d. on account of Coinage duty and 743l. on account of Customs by tallies of June 21 and 28 last stricken in the name of Richard Kent, and 327l. 16s. 0d. to Henry Dering, Esq., on a tally dated February 5 last. Their surety bonds are hereby to be delivered up, viz., one dated 1671, October 29, from Stockdale and Billing for 2,500l., one dated 1673, December 25, from Stockdale and Arnold for 2,500l., four dated 1676–7, January 11, of 600l. each from said Stockdale and Dent, conditioned for payment of 311l. 12s. 11½d. each, the last named four being for part of an arrear of the said Stockdale which had then incurred. Ibid, pp. 63–5.
July 12. Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to forbear process against Capt. Martin Sands on his accounts as late Receiver of Hearthmoney for co. Worcester, for five years ended 1674, Lady day, and of the (1672) Eighteen Months' Assessment for Worcester county and city. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 26.
Same to the Receipt to issue 10,000l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: for the service of the Navy: to be by tallies on the Excise Commissioners on the 50,000l., part of the 270,000l. Excise farm advance money payable by George Dashwood and partners, September 29 next. Money Book, p. 105.
Money warrant for 150l. each to Andrew Newport and Marmaduke Darcy for half a year to Christmas last on their fees of 300l. per an. each as respectively Controller and Surveyor of the Great Wardrobe. Ibid, p. 106.
Same for 600l. to Dame Philadelphia Wentworth for one year to 1676, September 29, on her annuity or yearly pension of 600l. Ibid.
Same for 250l. to Charlot (Howard, wife of William) Paston, for half a year to June 24 last on her annuity or yearly pension of 500l. Ibid, p. 107.
Same for 13l. 13s. 9d. to James Davis, Esq., for one year to 1673, Lady day, on his fee of 6d. a day for himself as Keeper of his Majesty's Wardrobe at Windsor and 3d. a day for a servant. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to George Dashwood and partners, Excise Farmers, to pay to the Excise Commissioners 10,000l. in part of the 50,000l. payable by you September 29 next in part of your 270,000l. Excise Farm advance money as by the patent of March 13 last. Ibid, p. 108.
In the margin. [for the] Navy.
Henry Guy to Henry Hayter, Esq. The Treasury Lords are content that so much provender be provided for the 60 horse that are to be fetched over from Jersey as will be sufficient for their passage. Same will be paid for together with the freight. Out Letters (General), p. 91.
Same to Col. Birch with the Comptroller of Excise and Auditor Shales to take the account of the Managers [Farmers] of Excise, viz., for the year ended June 24 last. Ibid, p. 92.
Treasury reference to Heneage Finch, Esq., Solicitor General, of the separate petitions of Randle Dod and John Taylor for the stewardship of the Hundred Courts of Wirral, co. Chester; Dod having four or five years therein and praying a convenient lease to his kinsman, Tho. Dod, for 31 years, for which grant he had the Surveyor General's report and Treasurer Danby's warrant; while Taylor prayed a reversion after Dod [Dod's term in being] and had the like report and warrant. Ibid.
July 12. Treasury reference to the Attorney General of Gratian Perenant's petition for the completion of his warrant for 400l. out of a discovery by him made of Coinage duty unpaid in Boston port; the King's warrant for same not being passed under seal in Treasurer Danby's time (who countersigned the same) wherefore the Attorney General refuses to obey it. Out Letters (General) p. 93.
Treasury recommendation to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Burgh, whose petition was referred to said Commissioners May 1 last whereon they reported June 7 last that he was an able honest man, and was left out of the last establishment [of the Customs] as a Jerquer. They are hereby desired to present him on the first vacancy. Out Letters (Customs), p. 72.
Treasury warrant to Sir John Shaw, Collector London port, to swear in and admit Peter Capelin as a deputy to Law[rence] Corbet, one of the King's waiters London port. Ibid, p. 71.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Sherington, of London, merchant, for leave to ship out eight tables of mohair and four bales of dimity, Customs free, for Alicante. Ibid, p. 72.
Same to same of the petition of George and Robert Williamson for a power to seize prohibited and uncustomed goods; they having had like power from Sir John Duncombe. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of Thomas Watson, Esq., Alderman of Berwick, complaining that the Customs officers seize his corn that groweth near the walls of the said town and keep it at the Custom House till he swear it is not Scotch corn, though they cannot but know where it grows, and do it only to vex and molest him: prays liberty to bring home his corn without trouble or vexation. Ibid.
July 14. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Machado and Pereira, late Providoers General of the King's forces in Flanders, concerning their damages sustained by furnishing his Majesty's army in Flanders; as by the order of reference thereof from the King to the Treasury dated June 25 last. In our report of June 7 last on this matter we stated petitioners' demand to be 1,741l. 16s. 0d. We have caused the annexed copy [missing] of their contract to be compared with that which was entered in the books of Lemuel Kingdon, late Paymaster of the Forces, and the same are found to agree. We have therefore nothing to object to the demand which well deserves consideration. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 24.
Letters patent (in Latin) from the Treasury Lords appointing Samuel Langford doorkeeper of the Treasury of the Exchequer for life, loco Richard Brayne, deceased, to attend the Treasury Lords and the Chamberlains of the Receipt. Ibid, p. 25.
July 14. Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for speediest possible process against Robert Cressett, Receiver General for co. Salop for the first six months of the last Eighteen Months' Assessment and against his sureties; he being indebted to the King in a great sum for part of his receipt, which may be in danger to be lost. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 27.
The like for similar process against Christopher Banastre, Receiver of the late Seventeen Months' Assessment and of the late Poll for co. Lancs. who has not duly paid in his receipts but detains in his hands a considerable part of both. Ibid, pp. 27–8.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal containing new dormant letters patent to authorise the Treasury to pay from time to time all such fees, salaries and wages as have formerly been accustomed to be paid to the Lord Treasurer or Treasury Lords, Chancellor of the Exchequer and other the officers, deputies, ministers, clerks and messengers of the Court and Receipt of the Exchequer, and also such diet by liberate or otherwise as formerly payable to said officers and also such rewards to any other the King's officers and ministers as well of the Exchequer as others as have been hereto fore allowed; as shall be thought fit by the Treasury: such dormant letters patent having always been thought necessary; and the like dormant patent of 1660, September 28, having directed several things which, though formerly done, are now useless. and having omitted several other things convenient to be done. Further by reason that upon surrender of any grant of fees, wages, salaries, pensions or annuities the arrears thereon cannot be paid by reason of the surrender thereof, being the original warrants for payment thereof, without the passing of a privy seal to warrant such payment of arrears, the Treasury is hereby authorised to direct payment of such arrears. And if any subject shall hereafter make double payment or excess payment of their debts or rents to the King or shall pay any sum for fines of leases or purchase of lands which for any reason they cannot [come to] enjoy, or if there be any surplusage on an accomptant's accompt when duly stated, all which said excess payments cannot be refunded without special letters patent, the Treasury is hereby authorised to make such repayment to every of them respectively as the Treasury see fit. (The letters patent dormant drawn in accordance herewith bear date July 24.) King's Warrant Book, pp. 72–5.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal as follows. Sir John James and Robert Huntington, late Commissioners and Receivers General of Excise, agreed to give the King credit for 100,000l. as part of the orders for 200,000l. payable to them and registered on the 412,925l. 13s. 6d. [part of the last Eighteen Months' Assessment] namely by making assignments on said orders to the amount of said 100,000l. for the King's service. Pursuant to the great seal of March 10 last they have therefore assigned 40,200l. to Anthony Sagar "whose name was only used for the better accomodation of our service and who hath since by the direction of our late High Treasurer the Earl of Danby, assigned or delivered over the same" to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy, upon four orders registered on the said tax, viz., No. 81 for 2,000l.; No. 92, for 20,000l.; No. 93, for 10,000l.; and No. 95, for 18,200l. Further, Charles, Marquess of Winchester, has undertaken and agreed with the King forthwith to pay 16,531l. 6s. 3d. into the Exchequer for the King's use, and to discharge the King of 5,626l. 16s. 9d. due and payable from the King to several persons upon four bills signed by the Navy Commissioners for stores (viz., one bill dated 1678, June 15, for 2,345l. 5s. 0d. to Charles Duncomb, merchant, for hemp served into the stores; 1678, June 24, for 1,599l. 18s. 5d. to said Duncombe for the like; for 90l. to Samuell Sowton for pitch delivered into the stores at Woolwich the 2nd September, 1678; and a bill of 1678, September 6, for 412l. 10s. 0d. to said Sowton for tar delivered into the stores; a bill of 1678, September 17, for 1,179l. 3s. 4d. to said Sowton for pitch and tar), the consideration for such payments and acquittances (amounting together to 22,158l. 3s. 0d.) by said Marquess being the sum of 24,953l. 6s. 4d. to be assigned to him on the abovesaid orders, which was accordingly done by the King's special command June 14 last, viz., 14,953l. 6s. 4d. part of the said order No. 92 for 20,000l. and 10,000l. on said order No. 93 for 10,000l. After deduction of the abovesaid 22, 158l. 3s. 0d. there thus remains a credit balance to the King of 2,795l. 3s. 4d. out of which by the King's agreement with said Marquess 412l. 6s. 10d. is to be allowed him for 6 percent. interest and 2 per cent. gratuity on the said 5,626l. 16s. 9d. to June 14 last, making said sum into 6,039l. 3s. 7d. and further interest on this last total from June 14 last till the date of repayment thereof by the payment of the said orders in course in the Exchequer; and further 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. gratuity on the said 16,531l. 6s. 3d. from June 2 last until repayment thereof in like manner, whereupon any remainder of said 2,795l. 3s. 4d. is by said Marquess to be repaid into the Exchequer. The present privy seal therefore is to authorise the Auditor of the Receipt to compute the interest and gratuity in manner aforesaid when the orders for said sums of 6,039l. 3s. 7d. and 16,531l. 6s. 3d. shall come in course to be paid and to take care that any overplus of said 2,795l. 3s. 4d. be repaid as above back to the Exchequer. Further by the above said great seal the officers who shall receive any part of the abovesaid assignments of 100,000l. are to be charged therewith as imprest as if the money were actually paid to them out of the Exchequer. Therefore the said Seymour is become accomptable for said 40,200l. for which he has given his acquittance in the Exchequer. Nevertheless it is just that he be discharged of 24,953l. 6s. 4d. part thereof in regard same is as above assigned to said Marquess of Winchester and that no part thereof has been received by said Seymour. This is therefore further to authorise the Auditor of the Receipt to forbear to charge said Seymour with said item and a memorandum to this effect is to be made on said Seymour's next account [as Treasurer of the Navy]. Ibid, pp. 68–72.
July 14. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay the 1679, June 24 quarter's salary bill of the Customs [London port]. (Total 5,053l. 8s. 4d.) Money Book, p. 109.
Money warrant for 100l. to Sir John Howell for last Lady day quarter on his annuity or yearly pension of 400l. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Mr. Thornborough and Mr. Seatt to assist Auditor Aldworth in auditing the last three years of the first Farm of [the Four and a Half per cent. duty in the] Barbados, etc. Out Letters (General), p. 93.
Same to [R. Dereham] to attend the Treasury with a state of your account as Receiver of the Poll, London. Ibid, p. 94.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Alexander Corner, tidesman London port, for the Surveyor's place at Blackwall, loco John Shaw, who is disabled from executing said office: petitioner being promised preferment by the Customs Commissioners for his diligence and faithfulness. Out Letters (Customs), p. 73.
July 15. Money warrant for 60l. to Richard Brett for interest for half a year to June 14 inst. on the 2,000l. owing to him from the King for which he ha th an order on the Hearthmoney: as by the privy seal of 1677, August 31. (Money order dated July 21 hereon.) Money Book, p. 109. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 26.
Same for 50l. to Rebecca, daughter of William, late Lord Chandos, for last Lady day quarter on her annuity or yearly pension of 200l. Money Book, p. 110.
[?] Treasury warrant to the Receipt to satisfy to Sir Stephen Fox the 15,000l. remaining unpaid on the order of June 16 last for 55,000l. to him for the Guards, Garrisons and Contingencies thereof for three months to October 1 next: the present payment to be by tallies on the Excise Commissioners for said 15,000l. in part of the 50,000l. due from G. Dashwood and partners, September 29 next, in part of their 270,000l. advance money on their Excise farm. Ibid.
July 15. Same to said Dashwood and partners to pay 15,000l. advance money instalment ut supra to the Excise Commissioners. Ibid, p. 111.
In the margin: Sir Stephen Fox: Forces.
Money warrant for 100l. to the Duke of Newcastle for one year to Christmas last as Chief Justice in Eyre of all his Majesty's Forests beyond Trent. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to pay 308l. 15s. 4½d. to Ralph Montagu on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Master of the Great Wardrobe: as imprest for the service of the Great Wardrobe: same to be paid out of the 308l. 15s. 4½d. which shall be brought into the Receipt by the Customs Cashier as so much received from Robt. Clarkson, Esq., surety for David Horton, late Collector of Cowes port. Ibid, p. 112.
July 15. Money orders for 20l. each to Mathew Lister and John Lowe as Deputy Chamberlains of the Receipt of the Exchequer for Easter and Trinity terms last on their allowances of 40l. per an. each payable to them as an additional increase of their fees in respect of their extraordinary service in sorting and ordering his Majesty's records as well foreign as domestic remaining in his Majesty's Treasury [of the Receipt] at Westminister. Order Book XXXVIII. pp. 24–5.
Same for 10l. to William Parkes, porter at the Receipt of the Exchequer, for half a year to June 24 last for his attendance at the gate of the Receipt for the better securing his Majesty's treasure and attending the officers there. Ibid, p. 25.
Treasury warrant to the Customers Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, the goods of Monsieur Solomon de Foubert who is lately come from France to set up an academy here at London: said goods being shipped by Richard Pickersgill at Rouen on board the Elizabeth of London, Jon. Marshall master, and directed to Mr. Laine in St. Germains Street, London, and being now in said ship riding at Fountain Stairs near St. Catherine. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 73–4.
Appending: (a) copy of the bill of lading dated Rouen 7 July, 1679; (b) schedule of said goods, including six pieces of arras tapestry and a case full of pictures, a case of old books with some books in large folios relating to the academy and horse-manship, a case full of china and bastard china ware; and some plate brought by Monsieur Foubert's wife.
Henry Guy to Mr. Cooke (and the like to Mr. Foord and Mr. Clerke) to assist Mr. Hern in the sale of a parcel of tin as below. Out Letters (General), p. 94.
Same to abovesaid Mr. Heron. The Treasury Lords empower you to set up for sale 1,000 blocks of tin on Friday next for the King's account. For encouragement of those that shall bid, you may promise that no more shall be set up [for sale] for a month, and you may allow 1 per cent. to buyers for ready money. The proceeds of the sale you are to pay to Richard Kent and Charles Duncomb, Esqrs. Ibid.
July 16. Same to the Customs Commissioners to examine the fitness of Thomas Godfry, of Yarmouth, to be Comptroller of Customs there loco Dr. Hoogan. Out Letters (Customs), p. 75.
Same to the Commissioners of the Admiralty. This week 6,000l. will be provided for 12 months' pay to the David, and 6 months' pay to the Greenwich. Out Letters (General), p. 94.
Same to same to direct the Navy Commissioners to cause the monthly cheque books of the Yards and the accompts of the issues of the stores to be sent to Mr. Shales for the satisfaction of the Treasury Lords in the expense of the Navy. Ibid, p. 95.
Same to Serjt. Sir John Maynard to take the deeds and evidences of the vendors of the lands taken in by Sir Barnard de Gomme, Kt., for the use of the King's royal citadel at Plymouth in order to secure the King's title: said vendors being Jonathan Sparke, Esq., John Gubbs, Joane Allen, Richard Cowes and others: they having received satisfaction from the King by levying tallies in the Exchequer. Ibid.
July 16. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to inform the Treasury Lords what the interest of this last whole Disbanding Act comes to for three months, and when that interest will be due to the respective persons concerned, and what money now remains in the Exchequer to answer same. (Vacated and a fresh letter written the same day for a statement of the interest on the several orders registered on the last Disbanding Act, etc., ut supra.) Out Letters (General), pp. 95, 98.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. Yours of the 3rd to me concerning Capt. Joseph Knapman's bill for 459l. 6s. 8d. has been communicated to the Treasury Lords. It is their pleasure, notwith-standing any former order, that said bill be forthwith assigned for payment, in regard they did promise the payment of said bill to Mr. Duncomb before they made any such order. Ibid, p. 96.
Treasury subscription for the execution of a warrant of the late Treasurer Danby dated 1678–9, March 15 last, to Sir Stephen Fox and Lemuell Kingdon, present and late Paymaster of the Guards, Garrisons and Land Forces, for an allowance to the Auditors of Imprests, ut supra, Cal. Treasury Books, Vol. V, p. 1279. Money Book, pp. 112–4.
Money warrant for 75l. to Dr. Nicholas Gibbons for three quarters to last Lady day on his annuity or yearly pension of 100l. Ibid, p. 114.
Same for 38l. 6s. 8d. to Timothy Whitfield for half a year to Lady day last on his fees of 6l. 13s. 4d. and 26l. 13s. 4d. and 10l. and 33l. 6s. 8d. per an. as Clerk of Foreign Estreats: [the said 26l. 13s. 4d. being for reward] for himself and clerks for pains in writing and extracting all fines and amerciaments whereby the King may be answered the same with more expedition: (and the said 6l. 13s. 4d. per an. being for reward for writing and extracting all fines in the 12 shires of Wales). (Money order dated 17 July for 16l. 13s. 4d. on the last two items above.) Ibid, p. 115. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 24.
Same for 45l. 5s. 0d. to Thomas Duppa, Esq., for half a year to June 24 last on his fee or allowance of 5s. a day as one of the King's Gentlemen Ushers in Ordinary: to be satisfied by tallies on the Tenths of the diocese of Oxford. Money Book, pp. 115 6.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to pay to Giles Dowle a further 40l. in reward of his service in prosecuting the planters of tobacco in co. Gloucester and elsewhere pursuant to an order given him by the late Treasurer Danby " for which service we do not find that he has hitherto received above 50l." Ibid.
Money warrant dormant for the payment from time to time to Andrew Meeres, clerk, present school-master of the free Grammar School at Southwell, co. Notts, of the perpetuity or yearly pension of 10l. to the schoolmaster there. Ibid, p. 117.
July 16. Money warrant for 60l. to Sir Thomas Hanmer for 1½ years to Lady day last on the fee of 40l. per an. as one of his Majesty's Counsellors at law. Money Book, p. 117.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to forbear process against Lord Byron on the super of 102l. 16s. 0d. set upon him by the high Collector of Aids and Assessments in the hundred of Broxtow, co. Notes, being so much set upon the manor of Newstead: same being promised to be paid into the Exchequer by November 20 next. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 31.
Same to same to forbear process against Elizabeth Eyres, widow and executrix of Anthony Eyres, who with William Stanhop, jun., was late Farmer of Excise for co. Notts for three years ended 1674, June 24, and who is indebted to the King on account thereof in 604l. 4s. 0d.: it being alleged that said arrear is in the hands of Edmund Royall and Nicholas Battaile, some of the sureties for the said arrear. Ibid.
Same to same to supersede process against John Davys (Davies) and Edward Cornwall his surety, said Davies having been Receiver of Hearthmoney co. Hereford for 2½ years ended 1674, March 25, and being in debt to the King 1,881l. 7s. 0d. thereon. Ibid, p. 32.
July 17. Same to same to deliver up the bonds of Robert Stockdale, Edward Billing, Michaele Arnold and William Dent directed by the King to be discharged from said Stockdale's debt ut supra, pp. 126–7: said Arnold and Dent having paid 1,100l. to the King. Ibid, pp. 32–3.
Same to Samuel Heron, of London, merchant. There are in your custody in several warehouses within the Stillyard, London, 3,183 blocks of tin containing 8,919 cwt. 3 qr. 14 lb., which belongs to the King. You are hereby to expose to sale the whole or such part thereof as you judge will sell at present for the best advantage of the King; and to pay the receipts to the Customs Cashier for the King's use. You are to allow the purchasers 1 per cent. to encourage them to pay present money. Ibid, p. 33.
Same to the Receipt out of such moneys as Richard Kent, the Customs Cashier, shall pay weekly into the Exchequer (over and above the 3,600l. per week [which he is regularly to bring into the Exchequer, being 3,000l. for the Navy and Victualling and 600l. for the Privy Purse]) to issue 12,105l. to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy, on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name for the service of the Navy: and likewise similarly 3,840l. to Sir George Wharton for the Office of the Ordnance for land and sea service to be performed by that Office: and likewise similarly 955l. to Henry Sidney upon his order of the 9th inst (ut supra, p. 122): all which said sums are intended to be paid over by them to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in satisfaction and repayment of the like sums by them advanced under their agreement to advance 50,000l. to the King for the Navy as mentioned in the warrant of June 19 last supra, p. 102: of which 50,000l. there is yet 17,400l. not by them paid or advanced and it being now agreed that said 17,400l. shall be forthwith advanced by them as above, that is 12,105l. to the Treasurer of the Navy, 3,840l. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance, 955l. to said Sidney and the remaining 500l. to Prince Rupert on his pension of 2,000l. per an. Money Book, pp 119–20.
July 17. Money warrant for 18l. 5s. 0d. to Andrew Lawrence for half a year to Christmas last on his fee of 2s. a day as Surveyor of his Majesty's ways; and 15l. 3s. 4d. for last June 24 quarter on his fee of 3s. 4d. a day. Money Book, p. 120.
Same for 125l. to Charles, Earl of Marlborough, for 1¼ years to June 24 last on his annuity or yearly pension of 100l. Ibid, p. 121.
Same for 100l. to Sir Edward Bysse for 2½ years to 1674, September 29, on his fee of 40l. per an. as Clarencieux King at Arms. Ibid.
Same for 36l. 10s. 0d. to Rebecca Low, widow of William Low, for one year to Christmas, 1673, on his allowance of 2s. a day as late one of the Grooms of the Queen's Chamber; and as by virtue of the privy seal of 1663, September 21. (Money order dated July 19 hereon.) Ibid, p. 122. Order Book XXXVIII,p. 25.
[?] Same for 250l. each to the following for last Trinity term's salaries as Judges, viz., Sir Francis North (Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas), Mr. Ellis, Sir William Scroggs, Baron Atkins, Justice Pemberton, Baron Gregory, Lord Chief Baron Montague, Sir Robert Atkins, Baron Raymond, Justice Dolben, Sir Hugh Windham, Sir Thomas Jones. Money Book, p. 122.
July 17. Same for 639l. 15s. 6d. to Sir Peter Wyche, Kt., Resident with the Hanse Towns, viz., 480l. in full of his ordinary of 3l. a day from October 29 last (on which day he took leave of the King as appears by Sir Joseph Williamson's certificate of October 31 last) to July 7 inst. (he having already received 273l. for his first quarter's ordinary): and 159l. 15s. 6d. in part of a bill of extraordinaries as follows, the 9th item therein being allowed by the Treasury Lords as reasonable [but the 7th item therein being not allowed]. Ibid, pp. 126–7. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 27.
Appending: said bill dated Hamburg, 1678–9, March 11–21, of extraordinaries "of my transportation hither, of two journeys to deliver my credentials at Lubeck and Bremen and of my settling here."
l. s. d.
My journey to the ship and all provisions put on board 35 16 0
Given to the [ship's] master for my passage 12 10 0
Given to the ship's company 3 0 0
Going part of the way by land to Hamburg and bringing my goods 7 8 0
My journey to Lubeck 13 7 6
My journey to Bremen 15 14 0
My laying here till I could get a house of my own 25 5 6
Postage for a quarter of a year 19 0 0
[Discount paid by me to x.y. for the] advance [of money] on my tally [for my ordinary] 23 0 0
Fees [paid] for my privy seal and [for issues] at the Exchequer 30 0 0
£185 1 0
Followed by: (a) the Earl of Sunderland's certificate of allowance dated Whitehall, 1679, May 25. I allow this bill only the 7th article for 25l. 5s. 6d. for lodging, and the 9th article for 23l. for advance for a tally: the consideration of these I must leave to the Treasury Lords. (b) Sir Joseph Williamson's certificate dated Whitehall, 1678, October 31, that said Wyche took his leave and kissed hands Tuesday, October 29 inst., as Resident with the Hanse Towns. (Money order dated July 24 hereon.)
July 17. Henry Guy to Sir Robert Howard [Auditor of the Receipt]. A petition has been exhibited to the King in Council by John Spicer et al. for perpetual interest to be settled for their several debts ("their principal sums of money lent to his Majesty"). Said petition was referred to the Treasury Lords who do refer to you the accounts of said debts to examine and certify whether the said principal money was really lent and paid into the Exchequer and to the King's use as they allege, and whether there be no fictitious loans in the said accounts. In accounts of this nature for the future you are to distinguish, in your certificates, what are real and what are fictitious loans. Out Letters (General) p. 96.
Treasury reference to Solicitor General Finch of a commission to empower Edward Randolph to put into execution in New England the laws relating to trade and navigation. Ibid, p. 97.
Henry Guy to the Excise Commissioners to forthwith pay into the Exchequer 500l. upon your accounts: which sum is intended to be issued to Prince Rupert upon his pension of 4,000l. per an. Ibid.
Same to Alderman Backwell to immediately despatch his account of the Queen's [Portuguese dowry] portion. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Roberts for a state of the revenue of the Honor and manor of Windsor, what debt is paid upon it and what money is in your hands of that revenue and what money you have in your hands of any kind for the repair of the castle. Ibid, p. 98.
Same to the Trustees for the sale of fee farm rents for a certificate whether there be fee farm rents remaining undisposed of to the value of 70l. per an. [for] to be passed to Mr. Thornton, junr. Ibid.
Same to Gyles Lytcott [Comptroller of the Customs], to sign for the future Mr. Kent's weekly certificates [of the Customs] which Kent brings to the Treasury: and also to keep a particular book of the payment of the tallies levied on the Customs and the time of the doing thereof. Ibid, p. 99.
Treasury reference to Sir Richard Mason, Kt., Bartholomew Fillingham and Serjt. Ramsey [Agents for Taxes], of the state of accompt of John Langly, Receiver for co. Worcester of the Seventeen Months' tax and the Poll [on said Langley's petition for extra allowance for his pains] Sir Richard Mason having certified that he has been a good receiver and cleared his accounts. The referees are to report what extra allowance such good receivers deserve. Ibid. p. 101.
July 17. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Laurence Cole, late commander of the Southampton smack, who prays a hearing, having been dismissed by the said Commissioners unheard. Out Letters (Customs), p. 75.
Same to same of the petition of Mris. Dorothy Pulford for release of a seizure of Point lace, wrought silks and ribbons, seized under pretence of their being of the manufacture of Holland: which she denies. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of Tho. Fanshaw, Esq., setting forth that several masters of ships carrying goods betwixt port and port do enter into bond not to transport same beyond the seas but to carry them to some port of England and Wales: that, by reason of ill securities taken, fraudulent certificates, false affidavits, uncertain returning of bonds and other miscarriages the King is defrauded as by a copy of the (said Fanshaw, Ed. Turner and Nicho. Crispe's) certificate of frauds hereto annexed [missing]: whereupon petitioner drew up several proposals for the officers of the several ports to observe and offered them to the late Lord Treasurer [Danby] to be settled as orders, who referred them to Sir John Ernle, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who met at the Lord Chief Baron's chamber with the rest of the Barons there to settle the same: but the patent officers praying a copy of the said proposals to be given them have since put in an answer to them, though not such as agrees with the said proposals: therefore petitioner prays that a time may be appointed for settling such rules as will secure the King his Customs and ease the subjects from unreasonable prosecutions. Ibid, pp. 75–6.
July 18. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay Tho. Doyley 25l. for last June 24 quarter on his pension. Money Book, p. 123.
Henry Guy to_to bring a positive account next Monday when you will pay the arrears due from you to the King. Out Letters (General). p. 99.
Same to the Admiralty Commissioners forwarding the affidavits of Peter Jones and others containing a complaint against Capt. John Siddenham. The Treasury Lords desire that Peter Jones, Vincent Corbet, Mr. Garrett and John Francis now serving on board the ship Captaine may be sent for to make out said complaint and to give information of such other embezzlements as they know of that nature. Ibid, pp. 99–100.
Appending: said affidavit of Peter Jones, of East Smithfield, mariner, dated the 3d inst.: was quartermaster to the king's frigate Montague, then commanded by Capt. Rich. Trevanion till October 15 last and was then with others turned over to his Majesty's ship Captain under the command of Sir John Holmes and has continued there ever since: on or about May 10 last, by command of some of the officers of the Captain, he received 50 rolls of tobacco, which were brought with many more on the Captain by the ship's barge: by the like command he stowed in Sir John Holmes's particular store room where he saw several other rolls of the same tobacco which were taken on the same day out of the same barge: said tobacco came from a vessel then riding in the Downs near the said ship Captain, and newly come from Jamaica: on June 3 last deponent handed out of the said ship Captain by the command of Capt. John Syddenham, Capt. Lieut., and then commander of said ship (Sir John Holmes being absent), 97 rolls of said tobacco, and saw same put on a hoy at Queenborough Swale, bound for London, the master's name whereof is David Rogers living near the Old Stairs, Wapping, "which came on board the Captain under pretence of taking in empty casks or some other of the purser's things."
(b) Like affidavit dated July 3 by Vincent Corbet, formerly master's mate of the Montague, Gabriell Pitt and Sam Seacomb, mariners, belonging to the ship Captain, that they saw about 100 rolls of tobacco handed out of the Captain June 3 last ut supra.
July 18. Henry Guy to Mr. Heron. Your letter intimating the scruple that has arisen about the certainty of the tin being delivered to those you sell it to came after the Treasury Lords were risen. Their Lordships intend that the tin which you sell shall be fairly delivered to the buyers according to your contract with them. As soon as my Lords meet next, on Monday morning next, you shall have an order to this purpose. Out Letters (General), p. 101.
Treasury reference to Sir Richard Mason et al. [Agents for Taxes], of the petition from Sir Christopher Musgrave, Receiver of the Seventeen Months' Tax in co. Yorks, praying an extraordinary allowance for his pains, the Act allowing [to Receivers] a penny per £ less than former [Assessment] Acts. Ibid.
Treasury recommendation to the Customs Commissioners to present Anthony Brock as a tidesman in fee London port. Out Letters (Customs), p. 76.
Prefixing: certificate from the minister, church-wardens and overseers of Stepney parish that said Brock has been serviceable to the King at sea as a gunner's assistant in all engagements since the Restoration; that in 1665 and 1666 being in the King's ship Coventree was forced on shore by a hurricane upon an island whence he was taken by the French into the West Indies, where he was kept prisoner for some years and might have had his liberty if he would have served against his King and country.
Money warrant for 55,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox as imprest for pay of the Guards and Garrisons and incidents thereof for three months from October 3 next by way of advance: 20,000l. thereof to be by tallies on the Excise out of the 50,000l., part of the 270,000l. advance money due September 29 next from G. Dashwood and partners, Farmers of Excise. (Money order dated July 23 hereon.) Money Book, pp. 127–8. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 26.
July 19. Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to pay to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy, the 10,000l. which is paid to you by G. Dashwood and partners in part of their Excise Farm advance money ut supra, p. 127. Money Book, p. 118.
Same to the Receipt to issue 500l. to said Edward Seymour, for the service of the Navy and Victualling, on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name: issuing same out of the 3,600l. which the Customs Cashier is to bring into the Exchequer this week. Ibid, p. 129.
July 19. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Lady Elizabeth Hamilton and John Shelbury her husband for speedy payment of a debt of 3,000l. due to them from the King. Are of opinion that if petitioners could make out their pretentions to said debt, yet same being contracted in Scotland is not cognisable before the English Treasury. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 25–6.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to John Ferrers, Esq., and his heirs of the manor of Tettenhall alias Tetenhale Regis, co. Stafford, and of all lands, tenements, chief rents and other rents, courts and profits thereof, jurisdictions, royalties, emoluments, rights and appurtenances whatsoever thereto belonging, which said manor and premises are computed to be of the clear yearly value of 25l. 6s. 11¾d. and were granted by Edw. III to Henry de Ferrarys and his heirs male from whom the said John Ferrers is descended and holds the premises: there being, as he has affirmed upon oath, ten male persons besides himself lawfully descended from the said Henry. The present grant to be without fine in regard the said John Ferrers paid to the King 200l. for the manor of Walton, co. Derby, and the King intended that the said manor of Tetenhale should have been comprehended therewith in the same grant. Grantee is to hold said manor of Tetenhale and premises to him and his heirs and assigns for ever as of the manor of East Greenwich in free and common soccage by fealty and at the rent of 6s. 8d. per an. payable at Michaelmas. All clauses to be inserted in the grant to make the premises and the reversion thereof most firm and effectual to the grantee. King's Warrant Book, p. 76.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal dormant for the salaries to the attendants on the Committee of Trade and Plantations as follows. Upon the dissolution of the late Privy Council the Committee of the [Privy Council] Board appointed for matters relating to Trade and Foreign Plantations became likewise extinguished and dissolved; and the King being sensible of the great benefit arising to his service by the management of the said matters in the same method and manner as formerly, did declare his pleasure April 22 last that the care and inspection of the said matters relating to Trade and Foreign Plantations should be again left to a select Committee of the Privy Council under the same rules and establishment as were then settled and did accordingly grant and allow to such of the [Clerk or] Clerks of the Privy Council as did attend on the said business 400l. per an.; and to William Blathwayt, Clerk of the [Privy] Council in Extraordinary, 250l. per an. as a constant assistant in this matter to the Clerks of the [Privy] Council; and to two clerks to be continually employed therein 100l. per an.; and to the underkeeper of the records of the Privy Council 2s. a day or 36l. 10s. 0d. per an. in considertion of his attendance and expense in providing paper, pens, ink and other necessaries at the meeting of the said Committee; and to the two keepers of the [Privy] Council Chamber 2s. a day for their attendance and furnishing fire and candle at the said meetings; and to a messenger 50l. per an. for his pains and attendance. The present privy seal dormant authorises the abovesaid payments, amounting in all to 909l. 10s. 0d. per an., to be made from time to time and further authorises payment of all such accounts of extraordinary charges incident to this business as shall be attested by any three or more of the Lords of the said Committee of Trade and Plantations: all the abovesaid payments to be made quarterly from March 25 last and to be without account to the said William Blathwayt therefor, to whom the said moneys are to be paid to be by him distributed as herein. The former like privy seal of 1679, June 24, is hereby to be void as from March 25 last. Ibid, pp. 77–9.
July 19. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for releasing and pardoning to Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, and his heirs, executors, etc., the 414l. 2s. 5d. remaining unpaid by him to the King (and all interests and damages thereon for nonpayment thereof) upon his composition for the First Fruits of his bishopric, viz., 207l. 1s. 2½d. payable 1678, June 24, and 207l. 1s. 2½d. payable 1679, June 24. All bonds and securities therefor are hereby to be delivered up. King's Warrant Book, pp. 79–80.
Same to same for a same to authorise Sir John Chicheley, Kt., Sir William Hickman, Bart., and Sir Christopher Musgrave, Kt. (appointed Commissioners for executing the office of Master General of the Ordnance), to pay out of moneys in their hands or imprested to them for land and sea service of the Ordnance the salary of 800l. per an. to each of themselves quarterly during pleasure; the first payment to be made September 30 next: said salaries to be inserted in the quarter books of said Office which are usually signed by the principal officers of the same. Ibid, pp. 81–2.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to Monsieur Solomon de Foubert as royal bounty. (Money warrant dated July 21 hereon. Money order dated July 30 hereon.) Ibid, p. 82. Money Book, p. 124. Order Book, XXXVIII. pp. 28–9.