Index: S

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.



Sackville, Charles, Earl of Middlesex and Earl of Dorset, a Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 180, 186, 477; grant of chains in the river Thames, 653.
-, -, Capt. (Lieut.-Col.) Edward, disbandment, 328, 334, 336, 374, 817, 826, 829; royal bounty to, 770, 778; Col. (Tangier), 759.

Sadler, William, Justice of Peace, Wilts, 841.

Saint Agnes (co. Cornwall), 681.
-, - Agnes Isle, Scilly, 665.
-, - Albans, Earl of; see Jermyn, H.
-, - Albans (co. Herts), 600, 861.
-, - Allen (Ellens), (co. Cornwall), 681.
-, - Andrews Gate (York city), 396.
-, - Andrews, Holborn, 72, 169.
-, - Aubin (Jersey), 10.
-, - Austell (co. Cornwall), 63, 681.
-, - Blazey (co. Cornwall), 681.
-, - Botolphs, perpetuity to poor of, 159, 631.
-, - Breock (co. Cornwall), 681.
-, - Briavels Castle; see Dean Forest.
-, - Catherine Wharf (Tower), 132.
-, - Christopher (West Indies), 651.
-, - -, account of goods imported from, 723, 729; sugar, tea and ginger, 758.
-, - -, collectors of Customs, 25.
-, - -, Companies of Foot in, 651.
-, - -, English quarter, 255.
-, - -, fortifying against the French, 256.
-, - -, French division, 255.
-, - -, French judge in, 255.
-, - -, French violence in, 255.
-, - -, Governor of; see Wheeler, Sir C.
-, - -, muskets for, 595.
-, - -, National Commissioners, 255.
-, - -, three years' rebate of the Four and a Half per cent. duty, 723, 729, 757–8.
-, - -, Treaty between English and French, 313.
-, - Claire, Capt. Robert, disbandment, 328, 330, 816.
-, - Clare manor (co. Bucks), 783.
-, - Clements Danes (London), 448, 583; Receiver of Recusants' forfeitures, 583.
-, - Davids, bishopric, Tenths of, 90, 283, 497, 701.
-, - Dunstans in the Strand, 589, 650.
-, - Ewe (co. Cornwall), 681.
-, - George Henry, Norroy, King at Arms, 626.
-, - -, Thomas, Somerset Herald, 624.
-, - George's parish, London, 350, 354, 356, 357, 363.
-, - Giles in the Fields, 352, 583, 650; Receiver of Recusants' forfeitures, 583.
-, - Germain (France), 190, 475, 795.
-, - Helen, Fishergate (York city), 395.
-, - Helen's Isle (Scilly), 665.
-, - Issey (Cornwall), 286.
-, - Ives (co. Cornwall), 267, 510.
-, - -, (co. Huntingdon), 94, 857.
-, - James's, Duke Place, 146.
-, - James's Garden; see St. James's Park.
-, - -, House, 490, 493.
-, - -, Park, 542; fowl in, 667; Garden, 409; Garden keeper; see Gurle, L.; houses in, 229, 517, 591; keeper of; see Lisle, T.; underkeeper of; see Price, G.
-, - -, Square and Streets; see Streets.
-, - John, Lord; see Powlett, C.
-, - -, Oliver, Commissioner of Spoils, New Forest, 199.
-, - -, Sir Walter, Justice of Peace, Wilts, 841.
-, - -, Thomas, payment, Tangier, 233, 455.
-, - -, of Beverley, Chapter Court (manor, Yorks), 396.
-, - -, Baptist, Walbrook, 428.
-, - John's Castle, near Kilmainham, 240.
-, - Leger, Sir Anthony, Warden of the Mint, 154, 251, 520, 550, 564, 768, 808.
-, - Leonard's Hospital (York city), 395.
-, - Martins (? England or France), 792.
-, - Magnus, perpetuity to poor of parish of, 314.
-, - Malo (France), 10, 40.
-, - Margarets, Westminster, 175, 539, 583, 589, 650; royal bounty to poor of, 37, 624, 549, 589, 669; Receiver of Recusants' forfeitures, 583.
-, - Margarets (York), 396.
-, - Martins Isle (Scilly), 665.
-, - St. Martins in the Fields, 125, 169, 175, 229, 262, 583; royal bounty to poor of, 36, 393, 505, 525, 549; Receiver of Recusants' forfeitures for, 583.
-, - Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, 250.
-, - Mary's and the District (Spain), agent for his Majesty at; see Westcombe, Sir M.
-, - Mary's Isle (Scilly), 665.
-, - Michael, Cornhill, perpetuity to, 625, 676.
-, - -, Queenhithe, 263.
-, - Neot (co. Cornwall), 681.
-, - Neots (co. Huntingdon), 368, 371, 372, 374, 375, 377, 378, 379, 380.
-, - Nicholas parish (York city), 395.
-, - Olave's, Southwark, 250.
-, - Paul, Covent Garden, 583, 872; Receiver of Recusants' forfeitures for, 583.
-, - Paul's Cathedral, London, half the revenue of the Greenwax devoted to, 605, 670, 684.
-, - -, churchyard, 75.
-, - Peters ad Vincula (Tower), perpetuity to vicar of, 76.
-, - Ravy, Sir William, imprest for deer, 409.
-, - Saviours, Southwark, 309, 311.
-, - Sepulchre's, London, 242, 407.
-, - Stephen's (co. Cornwall), 286, 681.
-, - Valery (France), 111.
-, - Wilfrid's parish (York city), 395.

Sakins, William, falconer, 87, 210, 453, 657.

Salcey Forest, felling timber in, 4, 16, 17, 96, 193, 222, 759.
-, - -, in the Queen's jointure, 392, 759.
-, - -, Hanslopp coppice, 759.
-, - -, Little Streights Coppice, 392.
-, - -, Major Stirke's walk, 759,
-, - -, Robert Howling's Walk, 392.
-, - -, repairs in, 315.
-, - -, spoils in and commission for, 125, 164, 184–5, 193, 262, 290, 294, 324, 392, 427.
-, - -, woodward of; see Newton, T.

Sale, Richard, of Barrow-on-Trent, 862.

Salesbury (co. Herts), 36.

Salisbury, Gilbert, making shoes for the Forces, 385.
-, -, Col. Thomas, Regiment of, 337, 339, 370, 371, 373.

Salisbury (co. Wilts), 380, 534, 840, 858, 868; mayor of, 841; plague in 841; merchants of, 449; Customs officers and frauds, 618, 687.
-, -, bishop of; see Ward, S.; payments to for the Order of the Garter as Chancellor of the Garter; see Garter.

Sallaway, Peter, disbandment, 350, 819.

Salmon, export of, 25.

Salmon, Tho., ship's purser, 488.

Salop county, 418, 558, 563, 583, 785, 860–1.
-, - -, Excise Farm, sureties, subcommissioners (1668), 515, 838, 840, 860.
-, - -, receivers of Taxes, 740; see Hosier, G., Cressett, R.
-, - -, receivers of forfeitures of Recusants in, 583, 586 (see Wightwick, Fr.).
-, - -, sheriffs, 553.

Salou (Spain), 550.

Salt, Scotch, farm of duty on, 445, 456, 495, 518; issues out of, 577, 597.
-, - -, farmer of; see Strickland, Sir T.
-, -, French, frauds in imports of from Jersey and Guernsey, 210, 239.

Salter, William (to seize uncustomed goods), 445.

Saltfleet (Boston port), 221.

Sam, Jno., disbandment, 369.

Sampson, Jeremiah, disbandment, 353, 820.
-, -, William, disbandment, 359, 824.

Sampson Isle (Scilly), 665.
-, -, Great, Isle (Scilly), 665.

Sams, John, alum works, 44.
-, -, Mr. (of Stony Stratford), dis bandment, 370.

Samsbury (Sansbury), Ambrose, disbandment, 357, 822.
-, -, John, disbandment, 358, 822.

Samuell, Sir Tho., Whittlewood and Salcey Commission, 184.

Sanders Wood; see Red Sanders.

Sanderson (Saunderson), Dame Bridgett, pension, 86, 453, 455, 766; Lady [mother of the Maids], 452, 767.
-, -, Robert, tidesurveyor, Hull, 759, 770.

Sandford, Francis, Rouge Dragon Pursuivant, 162.
-, -, -, Lancaster Herald, 162, 624.
-, -, William (Carlisle port, wardenship), 63, 99.

Sandgate (Kent), garrison, 71, 399.

Sandown Castle (Deal, Kent), garrison, 71, 399.

Sandwich (Kent), port, 29, 47, 228, 295, 304, 454, 730; collector of Customs (outports), 266.

Sandwich, Earl of; see Montagu, E.

Sandy (co. Beds.), 371.

Sandys (Sands), Edwin, lease, 544.
-, -, Capt. Edwin, disbandment, 357.
-, -, Lady, pension, 593.
-, -, Capt. Martin, receiver of Hearthmoney, Worcester, 127, 290, 315–6, 425, 441, 466–7; receiver of the Eighteen Months' tax, ibid, 425, 441, 466–7; Farmer of Excise, Worcester (1668), 861.
-, -, Thomas, disbandment, 337.

Sanhill (Yorks), 395.

Sansbury; see Samsbury.

Sansome (Sanson), John, surveyor, Bristol port, 63, 69, 109; assistant to the secretary of the Customs, 99, 184, 454.

Santa Cruz (Barbary), 63, 95.

Santage, Anthony, of Snowshill, Gloucester, 861.

Santon, Lucas, of London, merchant, 853.

Sarsfield, Capt., Roman Catholic officer, 701, 790.
-, -, Patrick, Ireland, father of William, 215–6.
-, -, William, of Lucan, Ireland, 215–6.

Sarum (Bishop of; see Ward, S.); see Salisbury.
-, -, (Bishop of), Tenths of, 309, 532, 570.

Satterthwaite, William, 416.

Saul (Saule), William, disbandment, 575 832.

Saunders (Sanders), Lieut. Moore, disbandment, 332, 824.
-, -, Nicholas (collector, Truro), 324.
-, -, William, disbandment, 371, 829.

Sauory, Michaell, London Customs, 464.

Savage (Savidge), Richard, disbandment, 351, 819.
-, -, -, Plantation Clerk, Custom House, 184.
-, -, Thomas, 7th Earl Rivers, 31, 405; lease, 804–5.

Saville, George, 1st Earl of Halifax, 200.
-, -, Henry, Groom of the Bedchamber, 170, 182; Ambassador in France, 186, 190, 296, 299, 417, 484, 522, 619, 682, 705, 706.
-, -, Sir William, 302.

Savoy, Duchess, Regent, 5, 431.
-, -, Envoy Extraordinary to; see Soames, W.
-, -, - from; see Mayan Ctde.
-, -, The (Strand), 253, 650.
-, -, -, pension for French minister in; see Westminster (Dean and Chapter).
-, -, -, Parish of the, 583.
-, -, -, receiver of forfeitures of Recusants in, 583.

Sawyer, Sir Robert, King's Counsel, 275, 286, 299, 302, 307, 310, 312, 412, 433, 449, 495, 502, 512, 515, 516, 541, 547, 548, 562, 571, 608, 636, 714, 732; fee as, 606.

Saxmundham (Suffolk), 377.

Sayer, Sir Robert, fee farm, 272.
-, -, Widow, disbandment, 370, 830.

Sayers (Saiers), Adolphus, Page of Honour to the Queen, 91, 456, 457, 779.
-, -, George, Page of Honour, 91, 324, 456, 457, 778.
-, - (Sayer), John, the King's master cook, 115, 192, 316, 461–2, 642, 691; pension, 734, 757.
-, -, Dame Katherine, pension, 182, 187, 190; house, 467.
-, -, Robert, disbandment, 330; Ensign, 818.

Sayes (Seyes, Seys), Lieut. Edward, disbandment, 333, 362, 824.

Sayes Coppice; see Whittlewood Forest.
-, -, Court (Deptford, Kent), grant of, 795.

Scadgett, Richard, landwaiter, Looe, 751.

Scaltrope (Scultrop), Weymarke, disbandment, 353, 820.

Scanderoon (Syria), 519.

Scarborough (Yorks), 267, 445, 529, 637, 710, 754.
-, - Castle (Yorks), 395; Constable of; see Slingsby, Sir T.

Scarborough, Sir Charles, physician to the King, 232, 558, 618, 619.

Scarsdale, Earl of; see Leke, N.

Scattergood, Mathew (Bridgwater port) 457.

Scawen, William, trustee of Mr. Ward, 110.

Schuckburgh, Sir Charles, bart., fee, 283, 325, 470.
-, -, Sir John, 325, 470.

Scilly Islands, 322.
-, -, lease of, 665.

Scotch corn; see Corn.
-, - pladding, fingrins, imports of, 711.

Scotland, army in, 109, 188, 197, 625, 628.
-, - borders, riding surveyor in; see Green, J.
-, -, Customs frauds on the borders, 193, 774.
-, -, exports to, 254.
-, -, Holyrood House, bill for, 714.
-, -, King's debts in not cognisable in the English Treasury, 139.
-, -, Privy Council, 119.
-, -, rebellion in, 109, 119, 169, 194, 197, 248, 285, 733; forces for suppression of, 625, 628.
-, -, salt from, farm of duty on; see Salt.

Scott (Scot), Elias, Customs officer, Wooler, Northumberland, 193.
-, -, George, surveyor, Barking, 208.
-, -, James, Duke of Monmouth, 532; at Utrecht, 719.
-, a member of the Royal Fishery of England, 2.
-, General of the Forces and issues to as such, 71, 110, 248, 256, 285, 580, 733.
-, Governor of Southampton, 29.
-, grant of the Percy estates, Northumberland, 524, 651, 797.
-, grant of Alienation fines, 17–18.
-, grant of savings of the Army establishment, 788–9.
-, Master of the Horse and issues to for the stables on his undertaking to supply the stables for 8,000l. a year, 38, 61, 423, 484, 486, 487, 496, 520, 639, 683, 739, 773; issues to on the 3,000l. per an. for coaches, 38, 47, 68, 102, 182.
-, officers at Tangier, 487.
-, pensions (6,000l. per an.), 141, 238, 647, 648, 783, 840–1, 866, 869; (2,000l. per an.), 141, 236, 781.
-, Regiment of, 60, 61, 195, 326, 328, 329, 331, 332, 334, 335, 339, 340, 341, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 362, 364, 365, 366, 367, 369, 370, 374, 376, 379, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 807, 818, 820, 836.
-, -, John, waiter, Hull, 678.
-, -, Jon., constable, 531.
-, -, Nehemiah, brewer, co. Salop, 515.
-, -, Richard, disbandment, 333, 826.
-, -, Simon, fine on, 679.

Scowen, Robert, Commissioner for Appeals in Excise, 878.

Scrayingham (Skreingham) (co. Yorks), 395.

Scrimpshaw, Edwin, Farmer of Excise, Sussex (1667), 845.

Scriven, Col. Richard, Excise Farmer, Salop (1667), 837, 860.
-, -, William (lease, 1631), 82.

Scrivener, John Doyly's estate, 176.

Scroggs, Sir William, Chief Justice, King's Bench, 89, 90, 135, 296, 420, 425, 502, 548, 596; Lord Chief Justice, King's Bench, 446.

Scrope (Scroop), Adrian, pardon for killing, 796.
-, -, Lady, come from France, 594.

Scudamore, Capt. Samuell, 335, 369, 829.

Scultrop, Weymark; see Scaltrope.

Scurr, Leonard, outlaw, 727.

Scutt (Skutt), Ben., Barbados merchant, 261, 263, 504, 513.

Sea passes, 26.
-, -, encroachments by; see Encroachments.

Seabrook, Thomas, referee in Mint dispute, 154; moneyer, 410.

Seabry, Thomas, sub-commissioner Excise, Worcester, 861.

Seaford (Sussex), 15.

Seagar; see Segar.

Seagrave, William, disbandment, 353, 820.

Seal oil, duty on, 40, 164, 549, 607; and see Fish oil.

Seaman, Tho., 262.

Seamer, Capt. Henry, disbandment, 338, 339, 832.

Seares, Wm., disbandment, 817.

Seaton Sluice, Newcastle port, 542, 616, 686.

Seatt, Mr., assisting Auditor Aldworth 131.

Seckford place; see Sockford.

Secret Service, agent for; see Petit, R.; see also Ambassadors (Extraordinaries).
-, - -, payments for; see Bertie, C., Clark, J., Clare, C., Coventry, H., Guy, H., Gwilliams, S., Jefferies, J., Jenkins, L.; Secretaries of State, Taylor, Dr. J.; see also dormant (privy seal).

Secretaries of State, 238, 533; see Earl of Arlington, Earl of Sunderland, Coventry, H., Jenkins, Sir L., Williamson, Sir J.
-, -, -, Latin Secretary to; see Oudart, N.
-, - -, office fees, 190, 390.
-, - -, secret service, 678.
-, - -, ships' warrants for naturalizations to be entered in office of, 799.

Segar (Seagar, Seger, Sagar), Anthony, payments to, for incidents of the Treasury Chamber, 21, 54, 130, 222, 408, 497, 539, 589, 624, 716, 718; Doyly's estate, 175; payments to, for Roman Catholic officers, 701, 704, 744, 790; assignments by, 114.
-, -, John, disbandment, 381, 383, 388.

Seinsiere, Mdlle. La, 542.

Seizures (Customs), seizures and forfeitures in the Exchequer, 12, 15, 25, 65, 89, 295, 751; King's moiety of, 25, 27; Commissions for, 27; bills of incidents, 534; Register of; see Culliford, W.; account of prosecution of, 49.
-, - (navigation) of ships; see Navigation Act.
-, - of plate and bullion on attempted transport of, 561, 794.
-, - of wines; see Wines.
-, - appropriated to the Privy Purse; see Privy Purse.

Selby, William, surveyor, Customs, Berwick, 193.

Sellars, Peter, a mate in Sir John Berry's ship, 24, 28, 39.

Seller (Sellers), John (Survey of England, or Atlas Anglicanus), royal bounty to, 276, 467, 670, 678, 718.

Selward (tenement, Welton, Somerset), 168.

Senegal river, 421, 546.

Senior, Richard, disbandment, 347, 817.

Seppen (Seppin), Robt., disbandment, 361, 825.

Sergent, Michaell, 75.
-, -, Mr. [? servant to Hy. Sidney, ambassador, 719].
-, -, Thomas, Hearthmoney, Northants, 259.

Serjeant Painter; see Streeter, R., senr. and junr.

Serjeant-at-Arms, 180–1, 526, 635, 645; see Beck, J., Bishop, W., Bishop Sir W., Charnock, R., Charnock, T., Fitz Symonds, O., Gyde, R., Harsnet, R., Hatch, E., Mease, W., Middleton, J., Norfolk, Sir J., Payne, T., Ramsey, J., Smith, G., Templer, J., Thorne, R., Topham, J., Williamson, Edmund, Stephens, F.

Serjeants-at-law, 606; see Baldwyn, Sir S.. Bertie, V., Brampston, F., Maynard, Sir J., Rigby, E., Street, T.

Serle (Searle), Jane, disbandment, 361, 825.
-, -, Lambert, disbandment, 362, 825.

Serrinchamp, Monsieur, Envoy from the Duke of Lorraine, 182.

Sessions Court, procedure, 56.

Setchwell, Mary, disbandment, 373, 831.

Severn, river, 612, 613.

Seville (Spain), 683.
-, -, dollars, 757.

Sewers, Commissioners of, 19.

Seymour, Sir Edward, bart., Royal bounty, 656; a member of the Royal Fishery of England, 2; Speaker of the House of Commons, 2, 656; Treasurer of the Navy, 9, 12, 34, 41, 43, 47, 61, 64, 69, 71, 76, 78, 84, 93, 102, 103, 108, 113, 119, 121, 127, 130–1, 134, 138, 143, 149, 151, 158, 165, 167, 174, 178, 180, 187, 188, 189, 197, 198, 201, 205, 211, 212, 217, 222, 232, 249, 260, 274, 287, 292, 294, 300, 305, 314, 320, 324, 389, 390, 391, 402, 406, 412, 416, 417, 423, 428, 429, 430, 435, 437, 439, 444, 447, 474, 477, 478, 491, 492, 494, 496, 507, 509, 512, 517, 518–9, 520, 527, 538, 549, 555, 564, 571, 575, 587, 590, 593, 611, 621, 635, 638, 644, 654, 660, 697, 731, 736, 757, 772, 776.
-, -, Edward, receiver of Law duty, 21, 512, 579.
-, -, Henry, a member of the Royal Fishery of England, 2; lease, 547, 798; Groom of the Bedchamber, 170, 182, 265, 313, 391; Clerk of the Hanaper, 583.
-, -, Sir Joseph, Auditor of Crown revenues, 166, 702.

Shackerley (Shakerley), Sampson, disbandment, 342, 681; Supervisor, Tin Blowing Houses, 675, 689.

Shaddock, William, boatman, Ipswich, 754.

Shadwell (co. Midd.), 357.
-, -, Mr. (Excise Clerk), 653.

Shaen, Christopher, King's waiter, London, 753.
-, -, Sir James, Irish Revenue Farmer, 507, 543, 551, 553, 615, 618, 623, 630, 690, 700, 706–7, 790.

Shaftoe, Capt., Jno., disbandment, 338, 832.

Shaife, Henry, of Pilkington, Northants, 859.

Shales, Capt.(Additional Excise loans), 12.
-, -, Henry, collector Customs, outports, Rochester, 266.
-, -, John, Auditor of Crown revenues, 13, 18, 24, 37, 41, 112, 127, 132, 166, 214, 217, 218, 234, 238, 247, 257, 258, 264, 397, 398, 427, 448, 492, 493, 538, 669, 696, 699, 702, 717, 736, 738, 744, 770, 785–6, 809.

Shanen brass, 65.

Sharpe, Nicholas, victualler, disbandment, 348, 818.

Sharrett, John, churchwarden of Ludlow, 765.

Shaterwaite (Shatterwaite), Eliz., disbandment, 359, 823.

Shaw, John, Surveyor and Master Mason of Works, Chester Castle; comptroller of records etc., Chester, Flint etc., 174, 223.
-, -, -, King's waiter, London, 33, 223, 472, 539, 661, 797.
-, -, -, surveyor, Blackwall, 52, 94, 131; deceased, 200, 208.
-, -, Sir John, collector inwards, London, 10, 19, 121, 128, 152, 561, 564, 630, 708; annuity like bankers, 646; surveyor of the Navigation Act, 152, 708; Customs Farmer, 153.
-, -, -, father of Sir John, 561.
-, -, Mr., housekeeper, Custom House, 450.
-, -, Richard, refereee, Mint dispute, 154.
-, -, Thomas, merchant, a member of the Royal Fishery of England, 2.

Shaw Farm [Frogmore], Berks, 109.

Sheares (Sheres, Shere); see Sheres.

Shedd, John, officer, Sheerness garrison, 13.

Sheen, Francis, sub-commissioner Excise, Leicester, 883.

Sheerness (Kent), 203, 550.
-, - garrison, 13.
-, -, Governor of; see Dorrell, N.
-, -, King of Sweden's goods in, 13.
-, -, Ordnance for, 474.
-, - yard; see Navy.

Sheffield (co. Yorks), Rob., 203.

Sheffield, John, Earl of Mulgrave, regiment, 327, 332, 334, 335, 337, 338, 339, 341, 343, 346, 351, 352, 359, 360, 362, 365, 373, 375, 376, 380, 381, 382, 384.

Sheheag, Morogh, Irish Roman Catholic officer, 790; see Shesreay, Morogh.

Shelbury, John, husband of Lady Eliz Hamilton, 139.

Sheldon, Mris. Anne, Queen's dresser, 183, 187, 189, 191.
-, -, George, of Westrip, Gloucster, 859.
-, -, Capt., Lieut. Governor of Guernsey, 239; disbandment, 376.
-, -, Sir Joseph, in St. Paul's churchyard, 75, 298.
-, -, Lieut. William, disbandment, 833.

Sheldrake, John, disbandment, 367, 828.

Shell, Mr., Scotchman, 417.

Shelley (Shelly), Jno., disbandment, 336, 829; Capt. John, disbandment, 829.
-, -, Mr., a collector for Sir Lionel Walden, 4.
-, -, William, disbandment, 345, 816.

Shenton, William, referee in Mint dispute, 154.

Shepard (Sheppard, Shepheard), Anne, widow, disbandment, 376.
-, -, George, comptroller, Berwick, 267, 417.
-, -, John, disbandment, 816.
-, -, Mathew, gold ingots, 306.
-, -, William, disbandment, 350, 819.

Sherborne (Gloucester), 859.

Sherbrooke, John, victualler, disbandment, 347, 818.

Sherburne, Capt. Edward, Clerk of the Ordnance, 56, 431, 573.
-, -, Thomas, disbandment, 328, 817; Provost Marshal, 327.

Sherby, Charles, disbandment, 358, 823.

Sheres (Shere, Sheares), Henry, undertaker for the Mole at Tangier, 398, 414, 419, 671, 685, 736, 758, 775, 787–8.
-, - (Sheares), William, Customs place, 610.

Sheridan, Thomas, Irish Revenue Farmer, 507.

Sheriff Hales (Stafford), 632.

Sheriff Hutton (Yorks), 395.

Sheriffs americaments, 19, 55.
-, -, collecting Recusants' moneys, 590.
-, -, cravings and accounts, 64, 103, 116, 810.
-, -, fined for not fulfilling their office, 471.
-, -, poundage, 93.
-, -, proffers, issues out of, 274, 307, 571.
-, -, records of surplusages, 77, 177, 578, 643, 646.
-, -, tournes, 19, 55.

Sherington, William, of London, merchant, 128.

Sherman, Charles, surveyor Customs (outports), Margate, 266.
-, -, Tho., deceased (landwaiter, Yarmouth), 305.

Sherwood Forest, Billagh, 279.
-, -, Birkland, 279.
-, -, timber, 433, 640, 682, 698, 705, 708.

Sherwin (Sherwyn), Robert [Treasury Clerk], 201.
-, -, William (shipsmaster), 566.

Shesreay, Lieut., Roman Catholic officer, 701; and see Sheheag.

Shewel, Daniel, surveyor, Falmouth, 305.

Shields (Durham), 206, 220, 267.

Shimpling Park (co. Suffolk), 401, 508, 770.

Shin, Samuell, disbandment, 817.

Shingleton, William, disbandment, 365, 827.

Shipdam, Mr., warehouse, London port, 99.

Shipmasters' reports, 26.

Ships, foreign, not made free, 184.
-, -, naturalizing, 799; and see Customs, aliens.
-, -, Customs smack, 612, 658.

-, Adventure, 48, 146, 431, 549, 711, 792.
-, Advice, 792.
-, Almond [of Chaillevette], 793.
-, America, 488, 498.
-, Andaluzia, 126.
-, Ann (of Greenvile), 792.
-, Anne yacht, 499.
-, Anne and Christopher, 498.
-, Antelope, 73, 455, 473, 494, 499.
-, Assistance, 314, 319, 397, 498, 515, 549, 557, 566.
-, Augustine, 522, 802.
-, Barnaby, 522, 802.
-, Barnardiston, 683.
-, Batchellor, 77, 812.
-, Batchellor (of Hull), 793.
-, Batchiller (of Bridgwater), 792.
-, Bengal frigate, 812.
-, Blue Dove, 852.
-, Bonetto sloop, 679.
-, Bristol, 194, 195, 222, 498, 490, 726.
-, Bristol merchant, 522, 802.
-, Britannia, 629, 644.
-, Burdeaux merchant, 853.
-, Bull alias Sanariton's Well, 792.
-, Calliobe hoy, 254.
-, Cambridge, 78, 94, 99, 498, 501.
-, Captain, 278, 500.
-, Captain (Captaine), 137–8, 265, 488, 498.
-, Castle, 499.
-, Casimere, 853.
-, Centurion, 198.
-, Charles yacht, 93.
-, Charles, 566.
-, Charles pink, 93.
-, Charles galley, 660, 679.
-, Charlotte yacht, 241.
-, Chatham Double, 488.
-, Civita Vechia, 852.
-, Cleveland yacht, 248.
-, Coventree, 138.
-, Crown, 194, 207, 432, 494.
-, Concord, 522, 535, 684–5, 802, 812.
-, Crown Mary, 792.
-, Date Tree, 555.
-, David, 132, 853.
-, Deal yacht, 488.
-, Defiance, 100, 636.
-, Defiance, 488, 498, 499.
-, Despatch, 853.
-, Diamond, 405, 434, 473, 489, 498, 500.
-, Double sloop, 501.
-, Dover, 489, 494, 499, 500, 501.
-, Dover frigate, 793.
-, Drake, 414, 498.
-, Dreadnought, 39, 488, 498, 499.
-, Duke of York, 522, 689, 702, 802.
-, Dunkirk, 499.
-, Eagle, 853.
-, Eagle guardship, 203, 785.
-, Eaglet, 550.
-, Edgar, 498, 501.
-, Edmond, 543.
-, Elizabeth, 132, 161, 852.
-, Elizabeth (of Topsham), 792.
-, Elizabeth and Mary, 792.
-, Encrease, 853.
-, Endeavour ketch, 792.
-, Europa, 222, 473, 488, 498, 500.
-, Expedition, 792.
-, Experiment, 48, 146.
-, Faulcon, 495, 540, 637.
-, Flying Eagle, 792.
-, Fortune alias Adventure, 792.
-, Fortune of the Sea (Dutch Privateer), 793.
-, Foresight, 297, 299, 319, 320, 321, 455.
-, Francis frigate, 13.
-, Francis, 438, 498, 794.
-, Frederick, 126.
-, Friendship, 263, 628, 852, 853.
-, Frog, 48, 146.
-, Gentleman, 254.
-, George, 699.
-, Gloucester, 194, 207, 432, 494, 686.
-, Golden Fleece, 699.
-, Grafton, 264.
-, Greenwich, 132, 498, 579.
-, Grey Horse, 852.
-, Greyhound, 719.
-, Greyhound frigate, 254, 520, 526.
-, Gaarland (Guardland) frigate, 13, 755, 756.
-, Guernsey, 78, 434, 498, 500.
-, Happy Return, 274, 278, 488, 489, 500.
-, Harwich, 499, 726; see ships (Horwich).
-, Henrietta yacht, 426.
-, Henry and Anne, 522, 802.
-, Holmes frigate, 499.
-, Holy Island, 48, 146.
-, Horwich, 489; see ships (Harwich).
-, Hope (of Rostock), 792.
-, Hope (of Rochelle), 793.
-, Hopewell, 65, 801.
-, Hound sloop, 434, 489, 500.
-, Hunter, 726, 727, 731, 852.
-, James (of Bordeaux), 793.
-, James, 853.
-, James galley, 203, 222, 500.
-, James (of London), 38.
-, Jersey, 151, 488, 498, 499.
-, John and Alexander, 35, 307.
-, John, 543, 714.
-, John Baptist, 543.
-, Judith, 852.
-, Katherine, 5, 98, 120, 213, 556, 714.
-, Kitchin yacht, 47, 409, 410, 412.
-, King David, 853.
-, Kingfisher (King's Fisher), 48, 146, 194, 195, 222, 499.
-, Larke, 499.
-, Leister, 480.
-, Leopard, 278, 297, 299, 319, 320, 321.
-, Little Samuel, 17.
-, London, 194, 207, 432.
-, Lucy, 95.
-, Lyon, 112, 488.
-, Maidenhead, 148.
-, Margareta, 248.
-, Mary, 6, 86, 96, 98, 105, 109, 111, 162, 254, 488, 490, 499, 792.
-, Mary and Margaret, 792.
-, Marygold, 47, 501.
-, Mary Rose, 570, 579.
-, Merchants' Adventure, 45.
-, Mermaid (Mermayd), 78, 488, 498.
-, Merlin, 203.
-, Merlyn yacht, 500, 811.
-, Monmouth, 203; yacht, 498, 499.
-, Mountague, 501.
-, Montague, 137–8, 265.
-, Navy yacht, 488.
-, New London, 770, 780.
-, Newcastle, 78, 94, 488, 501, 704, 759.
-, Nevis Merchant, 792.
-, Nicholas, 65, 543.
-, Nightingale (of Middleburg), 792–3.
-, Northumberland, 203, 498.
-, Orange Tree, 488, 498.
-, Paradise, 852, 853.
-, Parsee (Persian) merchant, 770, 780.
-, Pearl, 195.
-, Pearle, 498, 499, 742.
-, Pellican, 566.
-, Phenix, 144, 566.
-, Plymouth, 297, 499, 501, 742.
-, Portland, 405, 434, 473, 495, 498, 500.
-, Prevention sloop, 500, 799.
-, Princess Royal or Mary, 111.
-, Prosperity, 853.
-, Prosperous, 275.
-, Prosperous Ann, 101.
-, Providence, 120.
-, Providence, of Falmouth, 792.
-, Prudent Mary, 516.
-, Quaker ketch, 488, 501, 688.
-, Queenborough, 434.
-, Rebecca and Elizabeth, 289.
-, Recovery, 197.
-, Reserve, 263, 569, 570, 616–7.
-, Resolution, 726, 737.
-, Richard and James, 194.
-, Richmond, 213, 295.
-, Robert and Richard (of Barbados), 184.
-, Rose, 499.
-, Royal James, 790.
-, Royal Oak, 100, 488.
-, Rupert, hoy, 489.
-, Rupert, 434, 579, 660, 679.
-, St. Andrew, 73.
-, St. David, 501, 562, 586.
-, St. George, 161.
-, St. John (of Bergen), 792.
-, St. Joseph (of St. Martin's), 792.
-, St. Peter (of Bayonne), 792.
-, St. Saviour, 109.
-, Sandwich, 120.
-, Saphire, 313, 434, 489, 498, 500, 549.
-, Sea Flower, 566.
-, Soudades, 556.
-, Spanish Merchant, 488, 499.
-, Speedwell, 48, 146.
-, Stavereen (Stavereene), 18, 488, 499.
-, Stockholme Merchant, 550, 711.
-, Success, 48, 146, 208, 679, 699.
-, Susanna (of Weymouth), 792.
-, Swallow, 455, 852.
-, Sweepstakes, 71, 155, 519, 550, 562, 586.
-, Swiftsure, 488, 498, 500.
-, Thomas (of Kirklade), 792.
-, Thomas and Edward, 13.
-, Triumph, 287.
-, Two Brothers, 852.
-, Unity, 853.
-, Whale dogger (of London), 792.
-, William, 227, 316.
-, William and Sarah, 853.
-, Willing Mind, 522, 802.
-, Windsor Castle, 488.
-, Woolwich, 222, 499.
-, York, 489, 501.

Shipton, Tho., collector, Whitby, 267.

Shipton (Southants), 433.

Shipway, Ralph, disbandment, 366, 828,

Shirley (Sherley), Richard (Custodiam). 777.

Sholbrook Walk; see Whittlewood Forest.

Shoreham (Sussex), 29; customer, 266, 478, 754.

Shotover (Oxford), 222.

Shottesham (Norfolk), 176.

Shotwick (manor, Chester), 82.

Shovell, Capt., 501, 549, and see Shuell.

Shrewsbury, Thomas, disbandment, 356, 823.

Shrewsbury (co. Salop), 407, 523, 861.

Shrobb Walk; see Whittlewood Forest.

Shuell, Robt., disbandment, 371, 830; and see Shovell.

Shuley, John, disbandment, 348, 818.

Shuttleworth, Anne (disbandment), 350, 819.

Sibley, John, scrivener, Westminster, 857.

Sick and Wounded accounts, 143–4, 276, 410, 424, 700, 775; and see Osborne, Sir H.
-, -, Commissioners' incidents, 579.
-, -, issues for, 47, 60, 61, 69, 84, 113, 158, 159, 167, 186, 209, 429, 434.
-, -, quarters for sick and wounded, 73, 124, 240, 263–4.

Sidderfin, Robert, steward of Kennington, 231.
-, -, Tho., steward of Kennington, 231.

Sidenham; see Sydenham.

Sidney (Sydney), David, merchant, 59.
-, -, Henry, Envoy Extraordinary to the States General, 115, 122, 134, 135, 180, 202, 417, 426, 484, 522, 657, 682, 718–9, 735.
-, -, Col. Henry, regiment, 327, 334, 335, 336, 337, 340, 342, 343, 344, 364, 371, 372, 373, 374, 381, 829.
-, -, Henry, Master of the Robes, 780.

Signet Office, 190.

Silesia lawns, 65.

Silks imported, 12, 137.
-, - called Prisoniers; see Italian.

Silly alias Sully (Scilly), 665.

Silva, John de (d'Asilva), 87.

Silver lace, 26.
-, -, leaf silver, seizures of, 26.
-, - thread, 26.

Silversides, Isaack, disbandment, 349, 819.

Silverwood, John, sub-commissioner of Excise, Norfolk, 875.

Silvester; see Sylvester.

Silvius; see Sylvius.

Simkins, George, disbandment, 355, 822.

Simpson, Francis, clerk to William Wardour, 114, 591; payment for jewels, 540.
-, -, John, payment for jewels, 540.

Sims, Jno., Excise case, 879.

Singleton, John, of the King's music, 181, 673, 784.

Six Acre Close, near Piccadilly, 276.

Six Clerks in Chancery; see Chancery.

Sixpenny writs, grant of the Countess of Newburgh, 278, 558–9.

Six wells (Glamorgan), 142.

Skeffington, John, 2nd Viscount Massareene, Captain of boats on Lough Neagh, 505–6.
-, -, Mary, wife of the 2nd Viscount Massareene, 506.

Skeffling (Yorks), 396.

Skegg, John, victualler, disbandment, 347, 818.

Skelton (Yorks), 173.

Skelton, Bevil, Envoy Extraordinary to the Emperor of Germany, 191, 271, 408, 417, 476, 484, 522, 528, 657, 682; Capt., disbandment, 328.
-, -, Capt. Charles, 499.
-, -, Capt. Jno., disbandment, 378, 817.
-, -, William, disbandment, 358, 823.

Skidmor, Capt., of Kentchurch, Justice of the Peace, 422.

Skinner, Abell, disbandment, 357, 822.
-, -, Daniel, petition for Customs place, 20; loan to the King beyond the seas, 20.
-, -, Edward, tidesman, Bideford, 149.
-, -, Thomas, goods for the Duke of York, 643.

Skip, George, Excise Farmer, Hants, 877.

Skipple, George, Excise Farm, Somerset (1668), 856.
-, -, John, of Ledbury, Hereford, 856.
-, -, Richard, of Ledbury, Hereford, 857.

Skutt; see Scutt.

Slapeworth, alum works (Skelton, Yorks). 173, 230.

Slarke, John, disbandment, 348, 818.

Slaughter (Slater), John, London, noontender, 745.
-, -, Widow, disbandment, 366, 828.

Slaves; see Redemption.

Sleigh (Slye), John, disbandment, 350, 819.
-, - (Slye), William, disbandment, 378.

Slingsby, Sir Arthur, lease to nieces of, 805.
-, -, Henry, Master and Worker of the Mint, 23, 111, 114, 117, 124, 142, 154, 241, 312, 397, 444, 469, 492, 512, 518, 570, 808; Mint accounts, 185, 195, 204, 250–2, 257, 261, 268, 275, 302, 307, 316, 422, 427, 433, 442, 455, 457, 482–3, 490, 502, 510, 515, 526, 541, 542, 543, 555, 556, 562, 564, 569, 648, 662, 724; suspension from his office for delinquency in his accounts, 568, 580, 581, 595–6, 617, 641, 708; trial of his case, 541, 542; (800l. per an.), 577; Secretary to the Committee of Trade and Plantation in 1670, 651.
-, -, Major Henry, disbandment, 374.
-, -, Mr., ensign, disbandment, 382.
-, -, Sir Thomas, Constable of Scarborough Castle, 496; Regiment of, 327, 333, 334, 336, 337, 340, 344, 364, 365, 367, 368, 370, 372, 374, 380, 381, 382, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 735, 826.

Slutts Pill (Bristol ? Huntspill), 99.

Smallbone (Smalbone), Mr., accounts of the Earl of Oxford, 536.

Smalts, farm of ; see Kinnoul, Earl of.

Smart, John, doorkeeper House of Lords, 36.
-, -, Rob., purser, 500.
-, -, Thomas, watchman, London, 659.
-, -, William, victualler, disbandment, 378, 834.

Smeaton (Smyton), Mr., messenger, 341, 749, 752, 755, 760, 762, 768, 779.

Smethwick (Smithwick), Francis, searcher, London, 463, 761, 762.

Smith (Smyth), Abraham, disbandment, 363, 826.
-, -, Ann (disbandment), 386.
-, -, Charles, disbandment, 350, 359, 819, 823.
-, -, Edmund, disbandment, 356, 360, 822.
-, -, Edward, disbandment, 341, 824.
-, -, Ellinor (disbandment), 356, 821.
-, -, Francis (Customs), 262.
-, -, George, serjeant-at-arms, 181, 635.
-, -, -, disbandment, 360, 824.
-, -, Henry, arresting Popish priests, royal bounty to, 14, 18.
-, -, -, beltmaker, disbandment, 356, 386, 823.
-, - (Smyth), Howell, ships' surgeon, 498.
-, -, James, of New Windsor, 237.
-, -, -, disbandment, 362, 372, 825, 830.
-, -, -, rent of old Excise Office, 863.
-, -, Sir James, disbandment, 329, 817; Farmer of Excise, Devon (1668), 862, 870, 875, 878.
-, -, -, of Rochester, disbandment, 347, 370, 819, 830.
-, -, John, alias Gowan, alias O'Gowan Shane, petition, Ireland, 224–5, 253.
-, -, Customs place, 632, 658, 798.
-, -, -, receiver, fee farms, London, Middlesex, Essex, Herts, 299; Crown revenues, London, Middlesex, Essex, Herts, 402; Berkhampstead grant, 691.
-, -, Sir John, fee farm, Bury St. Edmunds, 100, 793; receiver of Crown revenues, Sussex, 793.
-, -, Jos., of Hartlepool, 584.
-, -, Mr., referee in Mint dispute, 154.
-, -, Nathaniel, receiver of Seventeen Months and Eighteen Months' Poll, co. Northampton, 610, 640.
-, - (alias Gowan), Nicholas, 224.
-, -, Col. Paul, Dartmoor Forest lease, (1664), 163.
-, - (alias Gowan), Phillip, 224.
-, - (Smyth), Phillip, tidesman at the Pill, 754.
-, -, Robert, D'oyly's estate, 176.
-, -, -, mariner, 488.
-, -, Sampson, Popish priest, 66.
-, -, Sarah, widow, disbandment, 381.
-, -, Silvester, innholder, disbandment, 378, 834.
-, -, Simon, of Windsor, 532–3; receiver for co. Southampton, Wilts, Gloucester, 32, 149, 272, 393, 433, 566; fee farms, 783.
-, -, Thomas, tidesman, 612, 754.
-, -, -, lands, Hereford, 753.
-, -, -, Tho., Lieutenant (ship), 500.
-, -, -, messenger, London, 669, 671, 672.
-, -, alias Gowan, Wickell, 224.
-, -, William, of Dursley, Gloucester, 858.
-, -, -, Windsor avenue, 533.
-, -, -, merchant, Customs place, 614.
-, -, -, ship-master, 802.
-, -, -, M.A., discoverer of Re-cusants' estates, 91–2.
-, -, -, referee in Mint dispute, 154.
-, -, -, disbandment, 359, 372, 823, 831.
-, -, Sir William, referee in Mint dispute, 154; tin pre-emption, 570, 603–4, 802–3.

Smithfield, East London, 137.

Smithsby (Smythsby), Mr., clothes for Dunkirk soldiers, 737.

Smyrna, 495, 540.

Snaith (co. Yorks), 805.Sneath, Robert, disbandment, 381.

Snell, George, bankers' perpetuity, 587.

Snow, Jeremiah, baronet fee, 36; bankers' perpetuity, 587.
-, -, Mr., Clerk of the Peace, Surrey, 810.
-, -, John, doorkeeper, House of Lords, 36.
-, -, Robt., stationer, 579.

Snowshill (Gloucester), 861.

Soames, William, Envoy Extraordinary to the Duchess Regent of Savoy, 104, 521, 661, 682.

Soane, Christopher, disbandment, 361, 825.

Soesdijk (Holland), 719.

Socage, tenure; see Greenwich, East.

Sockford Hospital or Seckford Place, Clerkenwell, 58.

Solby, Edmund, tidesman, London, 97.

Soleby, Mr., the King's Apothecary, 432.

Solicitor General; see Winnington, Sir F., Finch, H.; lodgings, 217; salary, 299, 449, 608.

Soissons, Countess of, 677.

Somborne manor, co. Southants, 272, 433.

Somers, Mr., caveat, 555.

Somerset, Charles, Lord Herbert of Raglan, son of Marquess of Worcester, Commissioner, Dean Forest, 196, 796.
-, -, Henry, Marquess of Worcester, 254, 405, 753; Governor of Chepstow Castle, 107; Dean Forest Commission, 196.
-, -, -, ship's surgeon, 498.
-, -, Margaret, widow of the 3rd Marquess of Worcester, D'Okearney, 752–3.

Somerset Herald; see Herald College.

Somerset county, 52, 152, 167–8, 229, 252, 272, 282, 300, 391, 544, 555, 558, 583, 632, 732, 745, 746.
-, -, Excise farm, sub-commissioners and sureties (1668), 35, 842, 844, 854, 856–7, 864, 865, 866, 868, 874.
-, -, receivers of forfeitures of Recusants in, 583, 586, 600, 645; see Randall, J.
-, -, receiver of taxes, 35; see Tooker, J.

Somersham (co. Hunts), 301.

Sommaster, Samuel, Clerk in Prerogative Office, Customs place, 752.

Sommers; see Summers.

Sone, Francis (and see Soane), Irish Revenue Farmer, 507.
-, -, -, Excise, London, Farmer (1662–5), 854.

Soper, Capt. Tho., disbandment, 339, 833.

Sorrell, Thomas, sub-commissioner of Excise, Dorset, 861, 867.

Sound, the (Denmark), 101, 549.

Sourdis, Count de, 254.

South, Dr., perpetual interest, 107.

South Mimms (co. Midd), 849, 851.

Southall, William, of Penkridge, co. Stafford, 66, 67; arresting priests, 771.

Southampton, Earl of; see Wriothesley, T.
-, -, Duchess of; see Fitz-Roy, Mary.

Southampton, port and town, 98, 137, 201, 210, 240, 252, 266, 381, 403, 534, 537, 637, 737.
-, -, dispute with the Isle of Wight, 27.
-, -, fee farm of, 393, 432, 433.

Southampton county, 262, 272, 558, 652, 688, 858.
-, - -, Excise, 858, 864, 877, 880, 881.
-, - -, Receiver General of Crown Revenues, 432, 518, 678; see Smith, S.
-, - -, Receiver General of Assessments, 272, 370; see Williams, Capt. S.

Southcote (Southcott), Sir John, of Merstham, 116.
-, -, Cornet Thomas, disbandment, 378.

Southcrooke, passage in the Menai, Anglesey, 70, 283, 392, 425.

Southovener (Welton) farm, co. Somerset, 168.

Southwark (Surrey), 250, 309, 311, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 367, 427, 539, 664; fire at, 785.

Southwell Grammar School, pension to Master of, 133, 667, 676.

Southwell, Sir Robert, payment, 47, 263, 288, 438, 767; Queen's Dowry, 38, 160, 303, 412, 446, 755; Clerk of the Privy Council, 294; Commissioner of Excise, 45, 78; Envoy Extraordinary to Elector of Brandenburg, 439, 744; victualling ships, 71; lands, Ireland, 557, 693–4.

Southwick (Hants), 239.

Southwold (Suffolk), 267, 294, 547, 658.

Souton; see Sowton.

Sowersby, Lawrence, disbandment, 356, 821.

Sowton (Souton), Mr., refree in Mint dispute, 154.
-, -, Samuel, pitch for the Navy, 130, 288, 398.

Spain, 316, 542.
-, -, Ambassadors; see Ambassadors.
-, -, Queen, marriage of, 226, 233, 240, 417.
-, -, horses for Tangier, 621, 623, 640, 654.
-, -, King, portrait of, 717.

Spalding (Lincoln), 267, 315, 431.

Spanheim, Mr. Envoy from the Elector of Brandenburg, 479.

Spanish Horse, 527.

Spanish Netherlands; see Flanders.
-, - Governor; see Parma, Prince of.

Sparke, Jonathan (lands, Plymouth), 132.

Special services; see Dormant Privy Seal.

Speenhamland (Berks), 377.

Spelman, Clement, 5th Baron of the Exchequer, 178, 535.
-, -, Richard, disbandment, 356, 821.

Spelthurst (Berks, near Windsor), 547, 798.

Spencer, Sir Charles (Four and a Half per cent. Farm), 513.
-, -, Dorothy, Countess Dowager of Sunderland, issue for, 597; goods for, 738.
-, -, John, disbandment, 356, 821.
-, -, Nicholas, Customs collector, Potomac river, Virginia, 15, 295.
-, -, Robert (Four and a Half per cent. Barbados Farm) 445; Leeward, 513, 724, 743; Commissioner for Appeals in Excise, lease, 42, 46.
-, -, Robert, 3rd Earl of Sunderland, Secretary of State, 10, 64, 116, 136, 141, 151, 162, 191, 205, 323, 410, 426, 491, 528, 533, 575, 590, 705, 712; annuity (1,000l.) 16, 216, 526, 532, 570; secret service 22, 57, 62, 187, 189, 238, 452, 695, 718, 778, 789; Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 180, 198; lease, 800.
-, -, William, Barbados soldier, 655.

Spendlove, Francis, comptroller, Yarmouth, 446, 796.

Spica Celtica, 95.

Spicer, John, debt like bankers, 124, 136; surety, 495.

Spices, import of, 801.

Spier (Spire), John, disbandment, 361, 825.
-, -, Richard, disbandment, 363, 826.

Spillar, Henry, tobacco planter, 166.

Spiney, Jon., 500.

Spooner, John, disbandment, 358, 822.

Sprag, Edwd., Boatswain, 489.

Spratt, Samuel, landwaiter, Sandwich, 304.

Spring, Jno., disbandment, 371.

Springold, John, collector, Blakeney and Cley, 15, 97.

Squibb, Lawrence, Teller of the Receipt, 399.
-, -, Robert, junr., 588; Teller of the Receipt, 665–6; surety, 496.

Stacey, Robt., disbandment, 380.

Stafford, Symon, innholder, disbandment 378.
-, -, William, disbandment, 818.

Stafford town, 862.
-, - county, 67, 139, 583, 776, 861, 862.
-, - -, Excise Farm, sub-commissioners, sureties (1668), 862.
-, - -, receiver of taxes; see Chetwind, J., Hollinshed, Fra.
-, - -, receiver of forfeitures of Recusants in, 583, 586; see Wightwick, F.
-, - -, sheriffs, 66, 67, 771.

Staggins, Isaac, of the King's music, 181, 673, 784.
-, -, Mr., 486.
-, - Nicholas, of the King's music, 181, 481, 673.

Staidt, Monsieur, Envoy from the Duke of Curland, 182.

Staindrop (Durham), 148, 467.

Staines (co. Midd.), 366, 370, 371.

Stallard (Stallerd), John, disbandment, 379, 383, 834.

Stampe, Sir Tho., sheriff of Middlesex, 77.

Stanfield, Robert, 200.

Stanhope (Stanhopp), Alexander,
-, -, Capt. Ferdinando, disbandment, 385, 386.
-, -, William, junr., Farmer of Excise, co. Notts, 134, 609, 842, 864.

Stanley (Standley), Capt., disbandment, 378.
-, -, Mr., Navy payment, 562, 586.
-, -, Edward, Justice of the Peace, Cumberland, 876.
-, -, William, perpetual interest, 107.
-, -, William George Richard, 18th Earl of Derby, 225, 445, 471–2; grandfather to 472; Isle of Man ministers, 690.

Stansby, Richard, of Winchester, 858.

Stanton, William, disbandment, 380, 835.

Stanyon, Lawrence, Irish Revenue Farmer, 507, 630.

Staples Inn, 325.

Staples, Capt. John (Company of New Raised Forces), 59; Grenadiers, 248, 285, 326, 836.
-, -, Mr., timber, Windsor Forest, 444.

Stapleton, Capt., two companies of, 8.
-, -, Col. Sir William, baronetcy for, 321; Governor of the Leeward Isles, 254–5, 432, 440, 457, 720, 724, 729, 743.

Stapley, Sir John, kt., 171.

Starkey, Clement, disbandment, 348, 818.
-, -, James, Receiver General of the Eighteen Months' tax, co. Lancs., 145, 391, 651, 691.

Star Chamber (room for trial of Pix), 179.

Starcross (Devon), 537.

Starr, Jon., 499.

Starling; see Sterling.

States General; see Ambassadors.

Statham, Thomas, disbandment, 358, 823.

Statues, 454; see Marbles.

Stede, Edwin, secretary and marshal within the Island of Barbados, 724.

Stedman, Tho., tidesman, London, 97.

Stephens (Stevens, Steevens), Anthony [Cashier to the Treasurer of the Navy], 11, 112, 144, 159, 168, 188, 194, 200, 209, 220, 260, 492, 501, 519, 686, 687, 708; Auditor of the Exchequer, 701, 782; payments for Windsor Castle buildings, 106.
-, -, Aphra., 848, 877.
-, -, Fra., a Commissioner for Appeals in Excise, 18.
-, -, -, serjeant-at-arms, 838, 840, 863, 866.
-, -, Mr., surety of Mr. Peters, 537, 538, 556.
-, -, -, (Stevens), sub-commissioner of Excise, Kent (1668), 848, 877.
-, -, Phillip, collector, Plymouth, 266.
-, -, Ralph, disbandment, 371, 829.
-, -, Robert, messenger of the press, 434; payment, 645.
-, -, Thomas, Customs searcher, 50, 97.
-, -, -, innholder, disbandment, 379, 834.
-, -, (Stevins), William, disbandment, 369, 829.

Stepney (London), 138, 790, 859.

Stepney, (London), 138, 790, 859.

Stepney, Lady; see Vandyck.

Sterling, Noah [Nicholas or Noah], of Reading, sub-commissioner of Excise, Berks, 860, 880.
-, -, Sir Sam., Norfolk Excise (1667), 677, 845, 853, 868.

Steventon, George, purser, 489.

Steward; see Stewart.

Stewart (Steward, Stuart), Charles, 5th Duke of Rutland, 195, 805.
-, -, Edgar, Duke of Cambridge, pension, 840.
-, -, Frances Teresa, Duchess of Richmond, widow of Charles 5th Duke of Richmond, pension to, 674 (per the Earl of Bath and Lord Hawley).
-, -, John, Customs place, 807.
-, -, Mrs. Sophia, pension, 390, 576, 593, 767, 768.
-, -, Col. William, Durham forest lease (1664), 163.
-, -, Major William, disbandment, 334, 364, 365, 366, 381, 826.
-, -, Lieut. William, Navy bill, 713.
-, -, Zachary, alum works, 38.

Stewkley (Stukeley, Stuckley), Hugh, sub-commissioner of Excise, Somerset, 865, 872.
-, -, Lady, widow of Sir Thomas, share of Logwood Farm, 865, 872.
-, -, Laurence, comptroller, Plymouth, 266.
-, -, Roger, sub-commissioner of Excise, Devon, 865, 872.
-, -, Sir Thomas, surety of Hugh and Roger, 865, 872.

Stickbury, Giles, disbandment, 357, 822.

Sticklac, 95.

Stiles, Daniell, disbandment, 372.

Stirke, Major Stirke's Walk; see Salcey Forest.

Stisted, Charles, London Customs, 464, 702.
-, -, Mr., riding surveyor, 98.

Stoakes, Nicholas, surveyor, Rochester, 215, 266, 636, 659.

Stoaknails for admeasuring keels, 99.

Stock, Susannah (legatee of Thos. Booth), 88.

Stockdale, George, perpetual interest, 107.
-, -, Robert, collector, Dover, 21, 42, 81, 94, 97, 102, 103, 104, 110, 126–7, 134, 230.

Stockgarth (South Duffield, Yorks), 395.

Stockholm (Sweden), 80, 321, 430, 550, 711, 799.

Stockton (Durham), port, 584, 613, 712, 804; officers, 15, 267.

Stockton, William, Excise Farmer, Suffolk (1667), 848–9, 871.

Stoddart, Charles, disbandment, 378.

Stoke (one of the three Chiltern Hundreds, Bucks), 308, 473.
-, -, (co. Notts), 508.

Stokes; see Stoakes.

Stone, Francis, messenger between Newcastle and Shields, 206.
-, -, John (warehouse, Bristol), 207.

Stony Stratford (Bucks), 370, 377, 381, 383.

Story (Storey), Capt., 556 (Navy).
-, -, Edward, of Barnards Inn, 856.
-, -, Martin, cheat, 621.
-, -, Thomas, Farmer of Excise, Cambridge and Ely (1667), 842, 856.

Stoughton Berry, manor (Bucks), 783.

Stow on the Wold (Gloucester), 859.
-, - (Shestow), co. Devon, 681.

Stowmarket (Suffolk), 360.

Stradling, Col., brother of Mansell Stradling, 142.
-, -, Mansell, Receiver General for South Wales of the Seventeen Months' tax, Poll and Eighteen Months' tax, 9–10, 141, 142, 664, 691.
-, -, Col. Tho., disbandment (regiment), 332, 333, 334, 336, 344, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 384, 824.

Strafford, Earl of; see Wentworth, T. and W.
-, -, William, disbandment, 346.

Straits; see Gibraltar.

Strange, Edward, solicitor of Excise, 846.
-, -, Phill., boatswain, 499.

Stratford le Bow (Bow, London), 351.

Stratford, Edward, perpetuity like bankers, 647.
-, -, Mr., banker or receiver (moneys in the hands of Sir R. Vyner), 625.
-, -, Richard [banker], orders, 60.
-, -, Simon, disbandment, 834.

Stratton super Fosse (Somerset), 124, 746; Perthill and Plummers Close, 258.

Strawberries for the King, 409.

Streete (Strete, Streate, Sturt), Capt. John, disbandment, 823.
-, -, Mr. Mayor of Worcester, 868.
-, -, Richard, ship-master, 853.
-, -, Tho., disbandment, 332.
-, -, Thomas, serjeant-at-law, 606, 608.
-, -, -, deputy accountant in the Excise Office (1668), 875, 877.
-, -, William, disbandment, 359, 823.

Streeter (Streather), Col., disbandment, 289.
-, -, Robert, senior and junior, serjeant painter, 44.

Streets (London and Westminster):—
-, Aldersgate Street, 125, 851, 855, 856, 862, 863, 864, 865.
-, Axe Yard, 238.
-, Bartholomew Lane, near Royal Exchange, 871.
-, Bishopsgate Street, pump, 555.
-, Bowling Green, 150.
-, Broad Street, 549.
-, Cannon (Channon) Row, 669, 675–6.
-, Chancery Lane, 72.
-, Chandos Street, 861.
-, Cornhill, 164.
-, Covent Garden, 650, 655, 861, 872.
-, Dorset Yard, 669, 675.
-, Duke Place, 146.
-, Fetter Lane, 448.
-, Germain Street, 176–7.
-, Holborn, 171.
-, King Street, 467.
-, Leadenhall Street, 859.
-, Leicester Fields, 491.
-, Long Acre, 412.
-, Ludgate, 262.
-, Maiden Lane, 311.
-, Mark Lane, 100.
-, Martin's Lane, 164.
-, Mile End, 94, 355, 356.
-, Mincing Lane, 600.
-, Minories (The), 680.
-, New Palace Yard, 595.
-, Old Palace Yard, 171.
-, Old Street, 68.
-, Piccadilly, 276.
-, Queen Street, 171, 752.
-, Rotten Row (in Old Street), 68.
-, St. Germains Street, 132.
-, St. Giles in the Fields, 349.
-, St. James's Square, 194, 195, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 218, 620.
-, St. James's Street, 229, 275, 485, 492.
-, St. Nicholas Lane, 857.
-, Scotland Yard, 113, 306, 448, 769.
-, Southampton buildings, 863.
-, Spittlefields (near Knightsbridge), 276.
-, Strand, 253, 589.
-, Suffolk Stable Yard, 791.
-, Thames Street, 792.
-, Tower Hill, 289.
-, Weld Street, 124, 495, 542.
-, Whitechapel, 345.

Stretch, Samuel, searcher, London port, 210, 238, 393.

Strickland, Sir Roger (ship's commander), disbandment, 339, 499, 832.
-, -, Sir Tho., farm of salt, 456, 495, 518, 597; Scotch salt, 445.
-, -, Walter, Receiver, Royal Aid and Additional Aid, Yorks city, 772.

Stringan, Thomas, landwaiter, Sandwich, 304.

Stringer, Sir Thomas, 298.

Strode, Charles, Suveyor General of Woods, Trent South, 17, 122, 125, 184, 193, 217, 242, 311, 641, 652, 653, 656; Commissioner for spoils, Dean Forest, 196; Commissioner for spoils, New Forest, 199.
-, -, Col. John, of the Committee of the Royal Fishery of England, 2; Farmer of the Four and a Half per cent. Barbados, 57, 145, 170–1, 240, 261, 306, 313, 314, 315, 445, 504, 513, 519, 531, 566, 574, 581, 651, 655, 607, 663, 720, 722–4, 729, 743, 748, 757–8, 759.
-, -, William, Commissioner for spoils, New Forest, 199.

Strong, Robert, of the King's music, 181, 673, 784.
-, -, William of Coventry, supervisor of Excise, co. Warwick, 860; Excise farmer, 46, 585.

Strood (Kent), 240.

Stroud (co. Gloucester), 702.

Strowde, John, disbandment, 817.

Stuart; see Stewart.

Stubb Ride (co. Surrey), 419, 532.

Studs, Master of; see Oglethorpe, S.

Stuff; see Crape, Damask, Dimity, Dowlas, Durans, German linen, Lawns, Mohair, Scotch Pladding, Silesia.

Sturman, George, 811.

Sturt, Alderman Anthony, interest to, like the bankers', 627; victualler of the Navy, 238; fowl in St. James's Park, 667.
-, -, Capt., 793.
-, -, Thomas; see Street.

Styles, Daniell, disbandment, 831.
-, -, James, disbandment, 365, 827.

Sturton, Edward, referee in Mint dispute (moneyer), 154, 410.

Subsidy; see Assessments.

Suckling, Sir John, receiver, Alienation Office, 246.

Sudbury (co. Suffolk), 871.

Suff, John, outlaw, 544.

Sufference; see Customs (Sufference).

Suffolk, Earl of; see Howard, James.

Suffolk county, 100, 176, 401, 445, 508, 531, 555, 558, 565, 583, 770, 800, 857.
-, - -, Excise, 35, 839, 840, 843, 844, 846, 849, 849–50, 856, 869, 871, 877, 878, 880.
-, - -, receiver of forfeitures of Recusants in, 583.
-, - -, receiver of taxes; see Gipps, G., Keene, E., Bigsby, Mr. Sugar, proposal about, 655.

Sully (Swansea port), 754.

Sulyard, Capt. Thomas, disbandment, 330, 826.

Summers (Summer, Sommers), Abraham, discovery, 621.
-, -, John, draper, London, surety of R. Dereham, 72.
-, -, John, disbandment, 362, 825.
-, -, Solomon (Carolina), 517, 575, 663, 677, 744, 777, 806–7.

Sumpter, Richard, tidesurveyor, 609; coastwaiter, 612.

Sunderland, Earl of; see Spencer, R.

Sunderland (Durham), 126, 267, 404, 529,

Sundridge (co. Kent), 600.

Supers, allowance of, in accounts, 767.

Superstitious uses; see Roman Catholic.

Supremacy, oath of, 261, 266.

Surin (Surines), Ambrose, disbandment, 358, 822.

Surrey county, 160, 231, 419, 445, 532, 558, 858.
-, - -, Excise, 71, 850, 856; see Excise (London Farm).
-, - -, Hearthmoney ; see Doyly, Sir W.
-, - -, Recusants' receivers, 600, 626, 627; see Pemberton, R.
-, - -, receiver of Taxes, 627.
-, - -, sheriffs, 93, 116, 810.

Sury, Robt., disbandment, 359, 823.

Survey of England and Wales, 276–7, 467.

Survey, Parliamentary; see Parliament.

Suspension; see Cornwall Duchy (suspension).

Sussex, Earl of ; see Lennard, T., temp. Eliz. ; see Radcliffe, T.

Sussex county, 169, 305, 438, 558.
-, - -, Excise Farm, sub-commissioners, sureties (1668), 845, 860, 881.
-, - -, Recusants' estates, 426; receiver, 600, 626, 627; see Pemberton, R.
-, - -, receiver of Taxes; see Goodwin, C.

Sutton (Sutten), Christopher, moneyer, Mint, 410.
-, -, John, disbandment, 361, 365, 825.
-, -, Thomas, disbandment, 381.

Sutton (Yorks), 49, 301.
-, - Marsh (Lincoln), 195.

Swale, the (Sheppey), 138.

Swallow, John, boatswain, 798–9.
-, -, Mr., Mint, 154.

Swan (Swann), Cecilia, Maid of Honour, pension, 86, 456, 457.
-, -, Nicholas, late boatman, Ipswich, 531, 754.
-, -, Robert, pension, 219, 223, 451, 455, 531, 577, 627, 710.

Swanage (Dorset), 711.

Swansea (South Wales), 267; port, 478, 754.

Swanton, John, tidesman, Bristol, 194.

Sweden, 13.
-, -, Ambassadors; see Ambassadors.
-, -, Court of, 80.
-, -, King of, 79.
-, -, -, goods of, 13.
-, -, servants etc. of, 79.
-, -, ports of, blockaded by Danish ships, 13.

Swedish iron, 177.

Sweeting, John, disbandment, 368, 829.

Swift, Francis, disbandment, 358, 822.

Swiner, Anthony, bill of exchange, 198.

Swinock, Samuel, merchant, London, 852.

Sydenham (Siddenham, Sidnam, Sydman), Charles, tidesman, Lyme Regis, 208.
-, -, Capt. (Lieut.) John, ship's Lieutenant, 488; charges against, 137–8, 160, 195; troop of, 613.

Sylvester (Silvester), Abigall (disbandment), 362, 825.
-, -, Edward, referee in Mint dispute, 154; smith of the Mint, 555.
-, -, John, falconer, 87, 210, 453, 657.

Sylvius (Silvius), Dame Anne (Mris. Anne Howard), royal bounty to, 205.
-, -, Gabriel, Envoy Extraordinary to the Dukes of Brunswick and Luneburg, 459, 484, 487; Sir Gabriel, ditto, 456.

Symes (Symmes, and see Sims), Lestrange, clerk comptroller of tents, toils and pavilions, 14, 45, 107, 391.

Symons (Symonds), Adam, disbandment, 376, 833.
-, -, John, disbandment, 363, 827.
-, -, Thomas, disbandment, 368, 370, 374, 828, 830, 832.
-, -, William, boatswain, 488.

Syng, Edward (discoverer of pamphlet) 434.