Entry Book: January 1677, 21-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Entry Book: January 1677, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp520-534 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: January 1677, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp520-534.

"Entry Book: January 1677, 21-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp520-534.


January 1677, 21-31

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Jan. 22. Money warrant for 40l. to John Bagott for one year on his pension. (Letters to the Receipt and Customs dated Jan. 25 for payment of same, notwithstanding any former restriction.) Money Book (General) p. 17. Out Letters (General) p. 23.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the Excise (and same to the Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies) for 300l. to Sir Thomas Windham for half a year to Christmas last on the pension of 600l. per an. to Sir Francis Windham, deceased, and his heirs. Out Letters (General) p. 21.
The like letters for 250l. to the Earl of Arlington for half a quarter on his pension of 2,000l. per an. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Cashier to bring in immediately 200l., to be issued to Sir Robert Howard and his clerks. Ibid.
Same to same to pay 75l. to Thomas Doyly for three quarters of a year to Christmas last on his pension of 100l. per an. Ibid.
Same to same to pay in with [due] respect, etc. (altered on Feb. 5 to notwithstanding any former restriction), and same to the Receipt to issue 50l. to Mr. Chiffinch, et al, to pay off the order of the 9th inst. for one year's royal bounty to the Pages of the Bedchamber. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to Mr. Seymour and Mr. Maydwell, Receivers of the Law duty, to forthwith pay 500l. to Sir Robt. Southwell on a tally in course. Out Letters (General) p. 22
Same to same to pay 400l. on a tally for the Treasurer of the Chamber. Ibid.
Jan. 23. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Edward Seymour and Samuell Maydwell, Receivers of the Law duty. By the privy seal constituting you such Receivers you are to follow such rules and directions as I shall give from time to time for the management and carrying on the said service. By the King's command I have lately contracted with Sir William Basset, Sir Richard Lloyd and John Hutchings for the farm of said duty from Oct. 23 last, but by reason that the patent thereof cannot [so] soon pass the great seal as was intended, whereby some inconvenience might arise unto them for want of power to inspect the respective offices and settle the management and receipts of said duty which are already grown due and will be payable the 23rd inst., you are hereby to permit them, with William Osgodby or any of them jointly or severally, to sit with you and to examine, inspect and be present at the accounts and receipts of any moneys of said duty grown due since Oct. 23 last, and to [permit them to] take notice [notes] in writing out of the books containing the entry of such accounts and receipts. Such moneys so received grown due since Oct. 23 last are to be kept distinct and apart, and not disposed of to any use whatsoever without further warrant from me, so that when said farm is perfected said moneys may be in readiness to be delivered to said Farmers as I shall direct. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. pp 28-9.
[Charles Bertie] to the Customs Commissioners to excuse Henry Colchester, a landwaiter in this [London] port from going from his duty in this port and to choose some other in his room to Bristol or where else you intend to send him. Out Letters (Customs) III p. 259.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in with [due] regard to the weekly payments, and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, 50l. to Sir Edwd. Carterett for last Christmas quarter's salary as Usher of the Black Rod. Out Letters (General) p. 22.
[?] The like for 13l. 6s. 8d. to Mr. Sandford for half a year to Lady day last on his fee of 40 marks per an. as Lancaster Herald. Ibid.
Jan. 23. The like for 63l. 17s. 6d. for Richard Change, John Hall, William Low, John Robinson, Hobart Colby, Thomas Witherden and Richard Elton, the seven Grooms of the Queen's Chamber, being 9l. 2s. 6d. each for a quarter on their allowance of 36l. 10s. 0d. each. Ibid, p 23.
The like for 450l. to Mr. Hide upon any [unsatisfied] order for the Robes. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring in with [due] regard to the weekly payments, and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, 148l. to pay off Sir William Boreman's order of 1675-6, Mar. 18, for that sum for charges expended in keeping the Dwarf Orchard [at Greenwich] for one year ended 1670, Lady day. Out Letters (General) p. 23.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies (and same to the Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies) for 100l. in part for one quarter of Sir William Killegrew's pension of 500l. per an. Ibid.
Same to the same to pay (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in, notwithstanding any former restriction) 25l. 1s. 10d. to Roger Charnock for a quarter as a serjeant at arms. Ibid, p. 22.
Jan. 24. Privy seal for payment to Sir Robert Vyner, kt. and bart., the King's Goldsmith, of all sums up to 10,000l. which shall be due to him for gold works, gilt and white plate and other things which he shall deliver into the Jewel House for the King's service as by certificates to be given by the Master of said Jewel House. (Royal warrant dated 1676, Dec. 20, for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Jan. 17 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book pp. 293, 258. Docquet Book, p. 108.
Cave that no fines, etc., which come under the Greenwax be granted away without notice given to the bishop of London :
That no grant-pass of anything relating to Thomas Widmere, of Wishingdon, alias Hegingdon, co. Bucks, a lunatic, without Treasurer Danby's particular direction "and being put in mind of his Majesty's promise to his Lordship."
Caveat Book, p. 24.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Francis, Lord Hawley and the rest of the Trustees for Fee Farms and to Auditor John Phelips to contract with Sir William Haward for all the rents as in the schedule supra, pp. 373-8, at 16 years' purchase, and with the usual rebate of interest : said Auditor being hereby to rate such contracts accordingly. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 29.
The like for a similar contract with John Chase for rents as in the schedule supra, pp. 513-5, as by the royal sign manual of the 17th inst. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to Sir Francis Leeke. By order of the Customs Commissioners the deputed searchers at Gravesend are to sign all clearing bills jointly with the patent searcher. You are therefore not to admit such clearing bills or notes to you unless you find them so signed. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 261.
Money warrant for 81l. 6s. 8d. to Sir William Jones for one year to Sept. 29 last on his fee as Attorney General. (The usual letters dated Jan. 26 to the Customs aud the Receipt for payment thereof, notwithstanding any former restriction.) Money Book (General) p. 17. Out Letters (General) p. 25.
Same for 125l. each to the Duke of Newcastle and to Robert, Earl of Lindsey, Lord Great Chamberlain of England, for half a quarter on their pension as Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. Money Book (General) p. 17.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Rich. Reve, Esq., Receiver of the last Eighteen Months' Assessment for London and Middlesex, to pay 100l. to William Man, Sword Bearer to the City of London and appointed by Treasurer Danby to attend the Commissioners for London for the last Eighteen Months' Assessment ; said Man's services herein having been certified by Sir Robt. Vyner, late Lord Mayor, and Sir John Howell, Recorder [of London] and others viz., in summoning the Commissioners, sending out warrants to the assessors of the several wards and divisions, delivering the rolls to collectors and continually quickening them to pay in, without which his services it would have been hardly possible to have got in near that proportion of money. Ibid.
Letter of direction on an order, No. 36, dated 1670, Dec. 3, for 2,000l. to Sir Robt. Vyner, with interest, same having been (1670-1, Jan. 24), assigned to Mris. Simona Carey now wife of Bevill Skelton, Esq. : same is hereby to be satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' and Farmers' rents payable 1678, Sept. 19, and 1678-9, Mar. 15 : with interest at 6 per cent. Money Book (General) p. 17.
Same on an order dated Jan. 12 last for 1,300l. to Lord Berkeley for three months' ordinary as ambassador at Nimuegen : to be hereby satisfied by tallies on Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due in Sept. next. Ibid.
Same on an order of Dec. 24 last for 1,300l. to Sir Leoline Jenkins for same as same : to be hereby satisfied ut supra. Ibid.
Same on same of Dec. 18 last for 1,000l. to Phillip Packer for repair of the Mews : to be paid by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due Mar. 15 next. Ibid, p. 18.
Same on same dated the 17th inst. for 1,409l. 13s. 9d. to Benjamin Polsted as royal bounty : to be by tallies on the Customs. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt for issues to be made on an order of loan, No. 391, dated 1671, Nov. 21, for 150l. to Sir Charles Cottrell, same having been lost as appears by Cottrell's affidavit before Baron Spelman 1674, Dec. 22. Ibid.
Money warrant for 43l. 10s. 0d., 200l. and 90l. to Thomas Felton and William Chiffinch for last Christmas quarter on their fees of 10s. a day, 800l. per an. and 30l. a month as Masters of the Hawks. (Letters dated Jan. 26 hereon to the Receipt and Customs respectively.) Money Book (General) p. 18. Out Letters (General) p. 25.
Same for 40l. to Sir Edw. Bish for one year on his fee as Clarencieux King at Arms. Charles Bertie dated Feb. 1, to the Receipt to pay same "which I understand the Customs Cashier has brought in." Money Book (General) p. 18. Out Letters (General) p. 27.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 4,000l. for the Great Wardrobe on any unsatisfied orders in the name of Ralph Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe : to be by tallies on the Customs. (Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier dated Feb. 5, to pay same as soon as possible with [due] respect to the current weekly payments.) Money Book (General) p. 18. Out Letters (General) p. 30.
Money warrant for 500l. to the Earl of Northampton for half a year to Christmas last on his pension : and 100l. to same for one year to Christmas last on his fee as Constable of the Tower. (Usual letters dated Mar. 9 hereon to the [Customs and] Exchequer respectively, the money to be brought in with [due] respect to the weekly payments.) Money Book (General) p. 18. Out Letters (General) p. 43.
Same for 20l. to Charles Clare for soliciting in the several proceedings against Lord Cornwallis, Mr. Radford and Mr. Freake, being employed therein by the Attorney General. (Letters as above, dated Mar. 5 : the money to be brought in notwithstanding any direction to the contrary.) Money Book (General) p. 19. Out Letters (General) p. 44.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt for tallies and discharge the baronet fee of 1,095l. due from Sir John Clerk, deceased. Money Book (General) p. 19.
Money warrant for 50l. to Ward, a Clerk of the Crown Office in the King's Bench for prosecuting several informations in that court against divers offenders as well such as have been ordered by his Majesty as others : said sum having been formerly allowed yearly to a clerk of that office for the like service. (Letters as above, dated Mar. 26 hereon, the money to be brought in with [due] respect to the weekly payments.) Ibid, p. 19. Out Letters (General), p. 55.
Same for 50l. to Katherine Gunter, widow, for a quarter on her annuity or yearly pension of 200l. (Letters as above, dated Feb. 21 hereon.) Money Book (General) p. 19. Out Letters (General) p. 39.
Letter of direction on the remainder of an order of May 21 last of 4,556l. 14s. 0d. to Col. Stapleton for two years' pay of the two foot companies in the Leeward Islands : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due in Sept. next. Money Book (General) p. 21.
Same on the remainder of an order of June 1 last for 2,100l. to said Col. Stapleton for three years' allowance to 1675, June 24, as Governor of St. Christopher : to be hereby satisfied as above. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the Excise (and same to the Treasurers of Excise to pay said tallies) for last Christmas quarter on Lady Charlotte Paston's pension of 500l. per an. Out Letters (General) p. 22.
Same to Mr. Stephens. I am directed by Treasurer Danby to supply Col. Stapleton with 3,678l. 7s. 0d., viz., 2,278l. 7s. 0d. to complete his order of 4,556l. 14s. 0d. for the pay of the two foot companies in the Leeward Islands to July 7, 1674, and 1,400l. to complete an order for his own pay. You are to pay these sums out of the money I received of Mr. Chiffinch, the ship bound to St. Christopher being ready to sail and stays for the same. Treasurer Danby will direct it to be made good to me again upon the said orders. Ibid, p. 24.
Jan. 25. Same [to George Scott] to attend Treasurer Danby forthwith upon the complaint of John Jackson (Jacson), a merchant of London, that you detain a parcel of gilt leather of his. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 259.
Money warrant for 700l. to Col. William Stapleton, Governor of St. Christopher, etc., for one year to June 24 last on his allowance. Money Book (General) p. 15.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the First Fruits and Tenths for 750l. for last Christmas quarter of the Earl and Countess of Bristol's pension. Out Letters (General) p. 23.
Same to same (vacated) for 25l. to Christopher Barker for half a year's fee as one of the King's falconers : to be out of the 406l. 7s. 8d. which the Customs Cashier is to bring into the Exchequer for the falconers. Ibid, p. 24.
Jan. 26. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Barons of the Exchequer to take the securities of Francis Weaver, Esq., appointed by patent of the 17th inst. (with John Weaver his son), Collector of the Great and Petty Customs at Southampton, upon surrender of William Andrews and William Brerewood : said securities being said Weaver, Samuel Maydwell of St. Martins in the Fields and William Paulin, of Southampton, gent. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 29.
Treasurer Danby to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. There has been a great complaint made to me from time to time by the Customs Commissioners [England], that ships which lade commodities at the English Plantations, and ought to bring them for England, and to give bond so to do, either do not give such bond or notwithstanding such bond [if] given, carry the goods to Ireland without coming hither. In either of these cases the ship and goods are liable to forfeiture by the Act of Navigation and the Act for Regulating the Plantation Trade. I have had the case more particularly stated and referred to the Attorney General here, and I enclose same with his opinion thereon, and earnestly recommend this affair to you as one in which the Customs and trade of this kingdom is very much concerned If you consult the King's Council [= Counsel] in Ireland, I doubt not they will concur with the Attorney General's opinion, and advise an effectual way for prosecuting offenders in Ireland.
Postscript. Upon the receipt of your letters of the 16 and 26 Dec. last, I have called before me William Dashwood and some others of the old Irish [Revenue] Farmers, and have pressed them to clear the balance of their accounts and to pay in the meantime 6,000l. or 7,000l. to the Forces. But the Forths, who have failed, being principally concerned, these gentlemen [the said old Farmers] have desired a month's time to satisfy themselves how this matter stands, and are obtaining a commission to collect the arrears which they say will more than satisfy the King's debt, and [as to this debt they say they] hope twill be but small when their defalcations are allowed, which I will take care strictly to examine.
Ibid, p. 30.
Warrant from same to Francis, Lord Hawley, and the rest of the Trustees for sale of Fee Farms, and to John Phelips, Auditor of the rates for such sales, to contract with John, Lord Frescheville for rents as in the schedule, supra, pp. 405-6, and to rate such contract of the said several rents therein accordingly. Ibid.
Treasurer Danby's signature of the docquet of the demise [by in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal] to John Morgan, Esq., at the nomination of James Walker and William King, of divers lands and tenements in co. Flint, of Sir John Hanmer, outlaw. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 30.
Instructions from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners in reply to their representation of the 23rd inst. (1). You are to dismiss Owen Lindsey the present waiter at Totnes, and to suppress that office from Lady day next as useless. (2). I approve your proposal touching William Christian, who is collector of Whitehaven and patent customer of Carlisle (whereof Whitehaven is a member) that he shall collect the customs of Whitehaven for his patent salary with the allowance only of 10l. per an. for a clerk from Lady day next. His present salary of 40l. per an. as collector of Whitehaven to be retrenched. (3). You are to add the title of surveyor to that of waiter and searcher at Bridgwater ; [but] without any further charge to the King. (4). As to the 100 yards of raw cloth belonging to Mr. Calvin, who lives near Berwick, which were carried from England to be milled in Scotland, as is alleged, and the 80 yards of milled cloth brought out of Scotland into England to be dyed and the 30 yards more of milled cloth brought out of Scotland to England to Mr. Lovell, a dyer in Berwick, which several parcels were stopped by the collector of Berwick, and by him delivered to the owners upon bond to abide my order, you are to direct the delivering up and cancelling of said bonds, but I intend to give you further directions when I receive the Attorney General's opinion in the like cases which may happen hereafter. (5). You are to allow 16l. 11s. 5d. in the account of Mr. Rowet, collector of Truro, being surcharged on him by the collector of the outports for taking the one per cent. duty on a parcel of tin shipped upon a ship [which proved to be blameless as being] under the rule of the law : but this favour [to officials making such wrong seizures] is not to be drawn into precedent for the future. (6). I approve your order of the 19th inst. to the patent searchers at Gravesend, requiring them to frequent a public or common place as was formerly used for the dispatch of such business as is to be dispatched on shore, and to concur with the deputed searchers. You are to pay 9l. per an. for the rent of such place, and 8l. per an. towards the maintenance of a boat there. (7). You are to pass as outs three pipes of Canary wine landed out of the Prosperous, John Horwood, master, from the Canaries, which are certified as being most[ly] salt water, and not worth above 9l. the three pipes. Out Letters (Customs) III. pp. 259-61.
Royal warrant to Treasurer Danby to give warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Altham Vaughan, of Goulden Grove, co. Carmarthen, Esq., for life, of the office of steward and keeper of the courts of the manors of Mallaen, Cayo, Mabelview, Mabedrudd, Maenordaelo, Kethinock, forest of Glyn-Cothi and Pennant, co. Carmarthen, and of the manors and possessions of the late dissolved monastery of Talley, co. Carmarthen, and of the royal manors of Mavon, alias Mavonion, Gwynionedd Ucharden, alias Gwynionedd Yuckkerden, Iscoed Isherwin, alias Iscoed Isherwyn, Gleneurglyn, Blaen, Arrian, Syllian and Tal-y-sarn Green, co. Cardigan ; and of the offices of prepositor, bailiff, and beadle in all and every the said manors and lands with the fee of 30l. per an. as formerly paid to Leicester, Visct. Hereford, deceased : all in as ample manner as Robert, late Earl of Essex, Theophilus Howard, late Lord Walden, Leicester, Visct. Hereford, or any other formerly. (Treasurer Danby's warrants dated Jan. 29 and Feb. hereon accordingly, to the Attorney or Solicitor General the second warrant revoking the grant of 1660-1, Jan. 25, to Visct. Hereford and W. Devoreux.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 286. Warrants not Relating to money VII. pp. 31, 33.
Money warrant for 250l. each to Anne and Elizabeth Lawson, daughters of Sir John Lawson, deceased, for one year on their pensions. (Charles Bertie to the Receipt, dated Jan. 26, to issue same ; and to the Customs Cashier, dated Feb. 7, to bring same in without any restriction whatever.) Money Book (General) p. 19. Out Letters (General) pp. 24. 30.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay Richard Goodlad, John Evance and Charles Beauvoir 18l. each for 1 years to Sept. 29 as undersearchers London port. (Charles Bertie's letter to the Customs Cashier of same date only authorises 12l. each for one year each.) Money Book (General) p. 19. Out Letters (General) p. 25.
The like for 138l. 13s. 4d. to Philip Warwick for half a year to Christmas last on his fee as Customer outwards, London port. (Charles Bertie to same, dated Jan. 31, to bring same in with [due] respect to the weekly payments.) Money Book (General) p. 20. Out Letters (General) p. 27.
Money warrant for 26,000l. to Lemuell Kingdon as imprest for the Guards, Garrisons and incidents to April 1 next exclusive : to be by tallies on the Excise. Money Book (General) p. 20.
Same for 60l. to Anthony Segar to be by him distributed to Archibald Calender, John Walker, James Foresyth and Robert Chambers, doorkeepers, and Thomas Safe, firemaker, and a necessary woman attending the Commissioners for the Union of the two kingdoms of England and Scotland. (Like letters as above, dated Feb. 28 hereon. In these letters the date of the order is given as Jan. 19, an erratum for probably Jan. 29.) Ibid, p. 20. Out Letter (General) p. 42.
Same for 100l. to Dame Anne Windham for last Christmas quarter on her pension of 400l. per an. 100l. to Mris. Winifred Windham, wife of Thomas Windham, Esq., for half a year on her pension : and 50l. to Thomas Windham for a quarter on his pension. (Like letters as above, dated Feb. 8.) Money Book (General) pp. 20, 25. Out Letters (General) p. 32.
Same for 20l. to William, Earl of Devonshire, for one year's creation money. (Like letters as above, dated Jan. 26.) Money Book (General) p. 20. Out Letters (General) p. 25.
Same for 50l. to Dame Katherine Sayers, for one quarter on her pension of 200l. per an. (Like letters as above, dated Feb. 6.) Money Book (General) p. 20. Out Letters (General) p. 29.
Same for 75l. each to Madam Civett and Honora Harding for one quarter on their pensions ; 100l. to Mris. Grahme (Dorothy Howard, late Maid of Honour, and now wife of James Grahme) for half a year to Christmas last on same ;
75l. each for a quarter each to the Queen's eleven Dressers, viz., Madam Deboard, Lady Frazer, Lady Killegrew, Lady Wyche, Lady Joanna Thornhill, Lady Clinton, Lady Tuke, Mris. Windham, Mris. Crane, Mris. Orpe and Mris. Cranmer ;
50l. each for same to the Queen's six Maids of Honour, viz., Frances Sheldon, Cary Frazier, Anne Howard, Anne Walker, Cecilia Swan, Philippa Temple.
62l. 10s. 0d. each for a half quarter each to the 12 Grooms of the Bedchamber, viz., Henry Savile, Thomas Elliot, Thomas Felton, Edward Progers, Sydney Godolphin, Thomas Killegrew, David Walter, Robert Phillips, Bernard Greenvile, Richard Lane, Henry Guy and Henry Seymour. (Charles Bertie, dated Feb. 15, to the Receipt to issue and to the Customs Cashier ("immediately after the weekly payments, and Sir William Temple and the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber, payable out of the Customs, are to be paid in the same course"), to bring in 3,050l. to cover the above warrants, together with the following, five Gentlemen of the Bedchamber, viz. 375l. to the Earl of Bath, and 125l. each to the Earls of Lindsey, Rochester, Suffolk and Duke of Newcastle : and 50l. to Lady Sanderson for a quarter on her pension.)
Money Book (General) p. 21. Out Letters (General) p. 35. 38.
Money warrant for 200l. to William Chiffinch for one year to Christmas last on his pension as Closet Keeper. (Like letters as above, dated Jan. 31. for same, "immediately after the weekly payments" : a second letter, dated Feb. 12, from C. Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring same in, notwithstanding any former restriction.) Money Book (General) p. 22. Out Letters (General) p. 26.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in with [due] respect to the weekly payments), 250l. each to Sir Edward Walker, Sir John Nicholas, Sir Robt Southwell, and Sir Phillip Lloyd for one year each to Sept. 29 last as Clerks of the Privy Council. Out Letters (General) p. 25.
Jan. 29. Same to the Customs Commissioners transmitting for examination, etc., Sir Robert Holmes's two letters of complaint against the patent officers of the Isle of Wight. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 262.
Money warrant for 50l. to Barbara Strickland for a quarter on her pension. (Charles Bertie, dated Feb. 21 to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same and to the Customs Cashier to bring same in to the Exchequer with [due] respect to the weekly payments. "Pray you let this be one of the first after the weekly payments.") Money Book (General) p. 22. Out Letters (General) p. 39.
Same dormant for the fee of 40l. per an. to Sir Thomas Hanmer, appointed by patent of June 28 last (being then Thomas Hanmer, Esq., and since knighted), one of the King's counsel learned in the law : and warrant for the sum due thereon at Michaelmas last. Money Book (General) p. 22.
Same for 100l. each to Thomas Lisle and Raphael Folyard for half a year to Christmas last as his Majesty's barbers. (Letters as above dated Feb. 5 hereon : to be paid in, notwithstanding any former restriction.) Money Book (General) p. 22. Out Letters (General) p. 28.
Money warrant for 100l. 7s. 6d. each to Richard Thorne. John Topham and James Beck for one year's salary and board wages as Serjeants at Arms. (Letters as above, dated Mar. 12, for said sum to Serjt. Topham, and Feb. 5 for only a quarter thereof, viz., 25l. 1s. 10d. each to Thorne and Beck : to be paid in with [due] respect to or next after the weekly payments.) Money Book (General) p. 22. Out Letters (General) pp. 45, 47.
Same for 500l. to Lady Fisher (Mrs. Jane Lane, now wife of Sir Clement Fisher) for half a year on her pension. (Letters as above, dated Feb. 24 hereon : to be brought in notwithstanding any former restriction.) Money Book (General) p. 23. Out Letters (General) p. 41.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in, notwithstanding any former restriction), 12l. 10s. 0d. to Mr. Bond for a quarter on his pension. Out Letters (General) p. 25.
Jan. 31. Reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of James Barbett, master of the ship St. William, of Honfleur, in France, who, being in his voyage from Newfoundland to France, driven by storm on the coast of Sussex, was forced to hire a shallop, the St. John, of Dieppe, to carry away his fish to France, for which the officers at Chichester demand [the French duty of] 5s. per ton, and have caused him to deposit 4l. for same. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 262.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to same to put in execution the order in Council as follows.
Prefixing : Order in Council, dated Whitehall, Jan. 26. The Royal Africa Company of England by petition this day read at the Board have represented that having formerly complained to the King of same ships going out to the coast of Guinea contrary to petitioners' charter (which grants petitioners the sole liberty of trading on the coast of Africa from Sallee to the Cape Bon Esperance) the King did order the stop of such ships till the master gave security not to proceed to any of the said limits. Since this those loose traders have been more cautious by entering at the Custom House for some other places the goods they intend for that trade, having at the same time other ships fitting out to take in the said goods at sea or at some convenient ports, and then proceed for the coast of Africa, as petitioners have very good ground for believing that sundry ships have lately done, and are now informed that one John Case. master of the Antego Merchant, is laden with goods proper for Guinea, though entered at the Custom House for Antigua. Therefore petitioners pray remedy against said ship and all others such. It is therefore hereby ordered that Treasurer Danby direct the Customs Commissioners not to permit said ship to depart till security be given that she shall not trade within the said limits : and if the master refuse to give such security, the Lord Treasurer is to report it to the Council Board.
Ibid, pp. 262-3.
Same from same to same to employ Samuell Hunter as waiter and searcher at Queenborough, loco Richard Solomon. Hunter to be under engagement to reside at Queenborough : and out of his salary there 5l. per an. is to be allowed to each of the three boatmen under him. Ibid, p. 264.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to discharge the seizure of the ship James, of New York, Jacob Mauritts (of his Majesty's colony of New York) master, seized by the Navigation Act surveyor as improperly manned, the master and three mariners being strangers and four being English : to which said Mauritts alleged that he was a denizen of this kingdom, and has produced letters of denization under the great seal by which he is obliged to reside with his family in England : and he has further made proof that in Feb. last he sailed with his ship from England to New York with nine men, seven thereof English, and from New York made a voyage to Barbados with the same company, but there two English left him, and compelled him to pay their wages, and after his return to New York another of the English was drowned, and when he came from New York more Englishmen were not to be had, so he came away with seven men, whereof four English, two Dutch and a Dutch boy, one of the said Dutch being a denizen and inhabitant of New York : further, said master has sworn that his wife, which is all his family, is an inhabitant of New York, and that himself has been a denizen of that place eight years. Out Letters (Customs) III p. 264.
Same from same to same to employ Gerard Anderson as boatman at Shields, loco Thomas Headly, deceased.
Henry Shargall as an extraordinary tidesman, London port, loco Robert Lowis, dismissed, being detected by Shargall of fraud.
Robert Baxter as a noontender, ibid, loco Isaac Joyce, dismissed.
Andrew Carre as a tidesman, Newcastle, loco John Collinson, who declines same.
John Morrice as waiter at Cardigan, loco Thomas Lewis, deceased.
William Allexander as doorkeeper of the Custom House, London port, and a watchman, ibid, loco John Tickle, deceased.
Ibid, p. 265.
Royal warrant to Treasurer Danby to give warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal "or that otherwise you direct a bill to be drawn by the Clerk of the Pipe for your own hand to pass our said seal or the seal of our Court of Exchequer" for a grant to Sir Alexander Frazier, the King's chief physician, of all that plot of ground lying in the Greencloth Yard in, and part of, Whitehall Palace containing 50 foot east to west and 28 foot 2 inches north to south, and lying contiguous to the yard or backside belonging to a new erected building in the same yard built by Thomas Windham, Esq. : all for 31 years from date of such grant at the rent of 6s. 8d. per an., and to be in consideration that said Frazier shall within seven years erect a substantial brick building thereon, with the approval of Treasurer Danby and of the Surveyor General of Works : with a clause for re-assumption by the Crown on payment of moneys expended on such building. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 26 of a docquet dated Mar. hereof.) King's Warrant Book V, p. 278. Docquet Book. p. 122.
Privy seal for payment to Lemuell Kingdon of 2,831l. 1s. 11d. remaining unpaid of 4,831l. 1s. 11d. ordered to Sir Stephen Fox by a privy seal of 1675, April 14, for the wages, etc., of the officers and soldiers of Arcliffe Bulwark, Moates Bulwark, and Dover, Sandown, Deal, Sandgate and Walmer Castles as being grown due to them 1674, Dec. 31 : (the 2,000l. paid to Fox being to be charged on said Fox's account, and the present 2,831l. 1s. 11d. to be on said Kingdon's account : care being taken by memoranda in the margin of the entry and enrolment of said privy seal of 1675, April 14, that no further payment thereon [to said Fox] be made) : further the present privy seal orders the payment to said Kingdon of 1,222l. 15s. 0d. per an. from said 1674, Dec. 31, onwards as imprest for the daily pay of said castles and bulwarks in the same method as the same has heretofore been done and practised when they were paid by the Receivers of our revenue in our counties of Kent, Surrey and Sussex before the sale of our fee farm rents, that is to say upon indented muster rolls signed by the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports or by his lieutenant according to the ancient establishment following, viz., for Dover Castle, a gentleman porter 8d. a day, nine gunners 8d. a day each, seven gunners more 6d. a day each, and for one [gunner] at Moates Bulwark, 6d. a day ; in all, 10s. 8d. a day : for Deal Castle, the captain 20d. a day, four captain's soldiers 6d. a day each, the lieutenant 8d. a day, one lieutenant's soldier 6d. a day, the upper porter 8d. a day, the under porter 6d. a day, 12 gunners 6d. a day each, in all 12s. a day : for Sandown Castle, captain 20d. a day, four captain's soldiers 6d. a day each, lieutenant 8d. a day, one lieutenant's soldier 6d. a day, the upper porter 8d. a day, the under porter 6d. a day, ten gunners 6d. a day each, in all 11s. a day : for Sandgate Castle, captain 20d. a day, four captain's soldiers 6d. a day each, lieutenant 8d. a day, one lieutenant's soldier 6d. a day, porter 8d. a day, 11 gunners at 6d. a day each, in all 11s. a day : for Walmer Castle, captain 20d. a day, four captain's soldiers 6d. a day each. lieutenant 8d. a day, one lieutenant's soldier 6d. a day, upper porter 8d. a day, under porter 6d. a day, ten gunners 6d. a day each, in all 11s. a day : for Moates Bulwark, captain 20d. a day, two captain's soldiers 6d. a day each, lieutenant 8d. a day, one lieutenant's soldier 6d. a day, one master gunner 12d. a day, seven other gunners 6d. a day each, in all 8s, 4d. [a day] : for Arcliffe Bulwark, six gunners 6d. a day each, in all 3s. a day, all which sums, according to the ancient establishment of all the said castles and bulwarks come to 3l. 7s. 0d. per diem, or 1,222l. 15s. 0d. per an. (Royal warrant dated 1676, Dec. 20, for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Jan. 26 of docquet hereof. For money warrant hereon see Mar. 13 infra.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 315-8, 282. Docquet Book, p. 100.
Same for a grant to John Hardstaffe, gent., as royal bounty, of the sum of 780l. 11s. 5d. which is to be paid into the Exchequer by Sir Hugh Bethel by contract with the Fee Farm Trustees for the purchase of the reversion of several fee farms in co. Yorks, and also of such other sums not exceeding 800l. as shall be payable by said Bethell upon said contract or any other like contract. (Royal warrant dated Jan. 17 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Jan. 26 of docquet hereof. Money warrant dated Feb. 8 hereon for 780l. 11s. 5d. to said Hardstaffe.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 282, 295. Docquet Book, p. 110. Money Book (General) p. 28.
Privy seal for the annual sum or allowance of 10l. each Thomas Franklyn. Henry Baldwyn and Robert Emms as three of the Groom littermen in place of John Young, George Ward, and Richard Gwynne, deceased or removed from said employment since the privy seal of 1664, July 7, which directed the like yearly sum each to the nine Groom Littermen at that time, viz., Alexander Sympson, John Eldridg, John Young, George Ward, Robt. Pound, John Hosey, John Redwood, John Williams and Richard Gwinne. King's Warrant Book V. p. 318.
Same for 100l. per an. to Sir Timothy Tyrrell to be paid half yearly (the first payment thereof at Lady day next) until the 3,000l. be paid to him which the King has appointed to be paid to him out of quit rents in Ireland as follows, viz., the King having formerly granted a temporary payment of 5,000l. per an. to the Duke of Ormonde out of our particular quit rents in Ireland, and having further appointed that after such temporary annuity shall cease, there shall be paid 6,000l. to the daughters of Col. John Lane, deceased, 8,888l. to Lawrence Hyde and 3,000l. to said Tyrrell and moneys due to others, to be satisfied successively out of the said quit rents. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland is to certify the Lord Treasurer in England of the payment of the said 3,000l. or any part thereof : also detainer or defalcation is to be made out of the said 3,000l. of "so much as may reimburse us in our Exchequer of England all such sums of money as before that time shall have been paid of said 100l. per an. to said Sir Timothy Tyrrell." such defalcation to be paid into the Receipt in England by the Vice Treasurer and officers of the Exchequer in Ireland. Memorials hereof to be made in the Exchequer, Ireland, for due compliance herewith : the present grant being made at the humble prayer of said Tvrrell. (Royal warrant dated Jan. 17 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Jan. 26 of docquet hereof.) Ibid, pp. 334-5, 282. Docquet Book, p. 109.
Same granting to George Dashwood. Thomas Rowney, Samuel Dashwood, Felix Calverd. John Friend and William Strong assurance as follows for repayment of their advance money pending the completion of the grant to them of the management [farm] of the Excise of beer and ale and other liquors in England, Wales and Berwick on Tweed for three years from June 24 next : for which management the said persons have lately contracted agreeing thereby to advance 250,000l. in manner following, viz., 60,000l. thereof before the 12th inst. or within ten days after, 40,000l. before Feb. 12 next or within ten days after, and similarly 40,000l. each for the months of March, April and May, and 30,000l. for the month of June next : and relying on our royal word and bounty for the performance of our part of said agreement they have paid to the Commissioners of Excise the said first sum of 60,000l. on or before the 12th inst. : wherefore the present privy seal provides that the acquittance therefor given, and similar acquittances to be given in future by the Excise Commissioners to said Dashwood and partners, shall be good and effectual, and that tallies shall be thereon levied at the Receipt on the Excise : and further this privy seal provides that over and above the interest of 6 per cent. and the reward or salary of 10,000l. which shall be mentioned in the letters patent to said Dashwood, they shall [as gratuity or extra or over interest] retain out of their first quarter's payment of farm rent two-thirds the interest at 6 per cent. on whatever of the said 250,000l. they shall have advanced between Dec. 17 last and June 24 next, and similarly one-third such interest onward from June 24 next until the full repayment thereof [i. e., of the advance of 250,000l.] : and if need be, tallies are to be levied in the Exchequer for such interest moneys. By the agreement the Crown is to be at liberty during the first 2 years of the said term to re-assume the management of the Excise, or to let same to farm on six months' notice and on the king's paying and securing the said advance money and interest, which might prove not only prejudicial to the said Dashwood and partners in disposing of so great a sum of money as may then be due from the King to them, but otherwise also greatly disappoint them, therefore the King hereby declares that in case of such re-assumption said partners shall first receive not only all advance moneys then due to them and interest (after satisfaction of their rent), but also all other sums then due to them of the respective gratuities of two-thirds and one-third as above, and such further gratuity or reward as the King shall think fit. All officers concerned [in the Exchequer, etc.] are hereby empowered to carry out the above.
Appending : (a). Charles Bertie, Jan. 24, to the Attorney General referring the draft of the above for any amendment with all possible expedition : (b), Sir William Jones's opinion, dated Jan. 25. I have perused this draft and see no cause to except to the same. (Royal warrant dated Jan. 26. for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Jan. 26 of docquet hereof.)
King's Warrant Book V. pp. 286-92. Docquet Book, p. 110.
Money warrant for 12l. 3s. 4d. to William Bedborough for one year on his fee as stable keeper at Hampton Court. (Charles Bertie, dated Jan. 31, to the Receipt to pay, and to the Customs Cashier to bring same in with [due] respect to the weekly payments.) Money Book (General) p. 22. Out Letters (General) p. 27.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay 20l. and 30l. to John Rogers, searcher of Yarmouth, for his reward and charges in several journeys in making several seizures of uncustomed wines, which he subsequently admitted to entry whereby the King received 200l. duty, he [thereby] resigning his moiety of said seizure. Money Book (General) p. 23.
Money warrant for 227l. 10s. 0d. to Sir Richard Bulstrode for 91 days' ordinary to Jan. 17 inst. as his Majesty's Resident with the Governor of the Spanish Netherlands. (Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier dated Mar. 15 to bring same in, notwithstanding any previous restriction.) Ibid, p. 24. Out Letters (General) p. 49.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the Excise (and same to the Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies) for 375l. for half a quarter of the Lord Privy Seal's pension of 3,000l. per an. Same to same and to the Customs Cashier for 182l. to same for half a quarter of his diet allowance. Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 94l. to same for last Christmas quarter's fee of 20s. a day. Out Letters (General) p. 26.
Same to same and to the Customs Cashier for 50l. for one year's payment to King Charles's Hospital at Westminster : (to be brought in immediately after the weekly payments). Ibid.
The like letters for 50l. for one year's royal bounty to the poor of St. Margaret's, to pay off their order of the 2nd inst. Ibid.
The like for 70l. to the Solicitor General for one year on his fee : (to be brought in, notwithstanding any former restriction). Ibid, p. 27.
The like for 100l. to Mr. Agar or Mr. Strode for the charges of executing a Commission in New Forest. Ibid.
The like for 256l. 13s. 4d. to Mr. Knight for two half years of his fees and annuities as one of his Majesty's Serjeant Surgeons. Ibid, p. 29.
The like for 64l. 3s. 4d. for Mr. Pile, 47l. 10s. 0d. for Mr. Whittle, and 35l. for Mr. Peirce for one quarter's fees and pensions as three of his Majesty's Chirurgeons : (to be brought in with [due] respect to the weekly payments). Ibid.
Jan. . Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated Jan., of a grant to Gerard Weymans, merchant, of all the issues which are or shall be returned upon any writ of distringas against the heirs or tenants of the lands of John Richaut, deceased, by reason of their not appearing to original writs filed against the heirs of said John Richaut in the Common Pleas for two debts of 1,000l. each due on bonds to said Weymans entered into by said Richaut. Docquet Book, p. 109.