Minute Book: October 1677

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Minute Book: October 1677', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp471-477 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: October 1677', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp471-477.

"Minute Book: October 1677". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp471-477.


October 1677

Oct. 17. Wednesday. Memorandum : This day the Attorney General did acquaint his Majesty (Treasurer Danby and the Earl of Essex being present) that in obedience to his Majesty's commands he had considered the proceedings of the Earl of Essex, late Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and other Commissioners appointed by his Majesty for moderating the quit rents on the coarse and barren land of that kingdom and the abstracts of the several certificates [which] they had made pursuant to their said commission as also that he had perused the covenant with the present Farmers of the revenue of Ireland relating thereto, and upon consideration of the whole matter did humbly certify his opinion that the Farmers could in no wise be entitled to a defalcation from his Majesty, and therefore he humbly conceived that the said certificates ought to be delivered out, which accordingly was by his Majesty ordered to be done.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 317.]
Oct. 17. Treasurer Danby having received the King's command at Newmarket to pay Mr. William Killegrew 100l. as [royal] bounty, directs that 100l. be sent immediately to the Earl of St. Albans (who furnished Mr. Killegrew with that sum by his Majesty's command at Newmarket).
Treasurer Danby, by like command, directs 100l. to be paid to Monsr. .
His lordship also directs that Sir Samuell Morland be paid 300l. to make all his three pensions even to one half year.
[Ibid. p. 312.]
Oct. 19.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Sir John Coppleston and the Hearthmoney Farmers are called in. They complain against Mr. Nanfan, a justice of peace in Worcestershire, and against the justices in Yorkshire, for giving judgments against [the sense of] the judgments in Westminster Hall in the case of smiths' forges, etc. Treasurer Danby directs them to attend on Monday next, when the two Chief Justices and all the Barons of the Exchequer will be at the Treasury Chambers, and then they shall receive directions.
The Judges and Barons [of the Exchequer] are to be then consulted with about assigning to the King [debtors' or accomptants'] bonds, as in the case of the bankers and Receivers.
Mr. Parry to attend at the Treasury Chambers on Wednesday next with Mr. Corbett and the auditor.
Treasurer Danby has settled in a great measure the case of the Receivers who had money in the bankers' hands, as on pp. 473-5 [infra.]
Treasurer Danby directs a report to be made from the referees of the bankers' business, touching the method to be used for discharging the King.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer reports Mr. Pretiman's case since the instalment of his debt. Treasurer Danby directs that Mr. Charles Porter be sent to, to attend the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who is desired to settle that business.
The business of the Receivers and such others who are indebted to his Majesty, and have money in the goldsmiths' hands [is] taken into consideration ; and first those who have money in Sir Robert Viner's hands, viz. :
Dr. John Browne, surety for his brother Tho. Browne, late Receiver of Hearthmoney and the last Eighteen Months' tax in cos. Oxford and Berks claims of Sir Robt. Viner, by bond, which he has assigned to the King (erased) [had] siezed [from him] by extent into the King's hands 1,213l. and interest [due thereon]. Sir Robt. Viner says this money was in his hands, at interest, ever since 1670 [and therefore presumably represented Browne's private assets, not the moneys of his receivership] and the Receiver is very able to pay his Majesty [the balance of his receivership accounts] and [Vyner] humbly prays that he [Vyner] may not be compelled to pay this money out of his interest, but that Dr. Browne may accept of an assignment of a proportionable part of the perpetual interest granted him [Vyner] by the King. Treasurer Danby directs that Mr. Browne, the Receiver, shall pay the King what he owes him, and be at liberty to take what remedy he has against Sir Robert Viner.
Hugh Holland, late Receiver of Hearthmoney in Suffolk, London and Westminster, claims of Sir Robt. Viner 200l. and interest. Sir Robert says he owes but 100l. to Mr. Holland. Mr. Holland says the other 100l. is in the name of one Rowse, who constantly returned and paid in all his [Holland's receivership] money [into the Exchequer] and that this 100l. was actually the King's money returned by him [Holland to Rowse to be paid in as above]. Treasurer Danby directs that Sir Robt. shall pay Mr. Holland's money out of his [Vyner's] interest.
Charles Goodwin, Receiver of the last subsidy in Sussex, claims of Sir Robt. Viner 250l. and interest. Sir Robt. Viner says that this money was on bond and at interest, but [said bonds were] seized into the King's hands. Treasurer Danby directs the payment of this.
Mr. Jenkins, formerly Receiver to the late Queen Mother (and since her death the debt belongs to his Majesty) claims of Sir Robt. Viner 1,598l. 16s. 8d. and interest. Sir Robt. Viner says that this money has lain at interest ever since 1664, and he always took it to be Mr. Jenkins' own money, but if it were the Queen's, he hopes the King will accept of the same way of payment which his Majesty has made to them [the bankers]. Treasurer Danby will lay this before the King and [the same also as to] what Mr. Gwyn desires in his petition.
Mr. Churchill, late Receiver of Hearthmoney in co. Somerset, claims of Sir Robt. Viner 300l. and interest. Sir Robt. says he owes no money to Mr. Churchill. Mr. Churchill says the security was in Mr. Bestland's name, who usually paid in[to the Exchequer] his [Churchill's] money. Treasurer Danby will consider of this.
Mr. Alderman Backwell :
Thom. Browne, Esq., late Receiver of the Hearthmoney and the last Eighteen Months' tax in cos. Oxford and Berks, claims of Alderman Backwell as due upon bond 1,566l. and interest. Alderman Backwell says this was not the King's money, but was money placed at interest with him before Mr. Browne was [appointed] the King's Receiver, and [therefore Backwell] is willing to assign [to said Brown a proportionable] part of his [Backwell's] perpetual interest. Treasurer Danby conceives that Mr. Browne ought to pay the King, and take his own remedy against Alderman Backwell.
Richard Wynn, principal deputy and one of the sureties of Jno. Vaughan Esq., late Receiver of Hearthmoney and the Eighteen Months' tax co. Monmouth and South Wales, claims of Alderman Backwell 1,000l. and interest. Alderman Backwell says he never owed Mr. Wyn money till of late, and that this money was originally Mr. Coney's, and that Mr. Wynn buying it of Mr. Coney, prevailed with the alderman to change the bond into his own name on condition [with the stipulation on Backwell's part] that he should receive equal [but no more] satisfaction with the rest of his [Backwell's] creditors. Treasurer Danby disallows Mr. Wyn's claim.
Mr. Gilbert Whitehall :
The same Mr. Richard Gwyn claims of Mr. Whitehall 1,120l. and interest. Mr. Whitehall says that he never owed Mr. Gwyn any money, and that he always refused to take any Receivers' money at interest. Mr. Gywn says that he took this bond in Sir Nich. Crispe's name. Mr. Whitehall says that Mr. Gwyn only bought this bond of Sir Nich. Crispe, and that it never was originally Mr. Gwyn's or the King's money : quod conceditur. Treasurer Danby disallows Mr. Gwyn's claim.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 312-15.]
Oct. 22. Monday, at 10 a.m. in the forenoon. The two Chief Justices and all the Barons of the Exchequer are to be desired to meet at the Treasury Chambers [this day] about the business of the fines, etc., estreated into the Exchequer, and the state of that business is to be in the meantime delivered to them. The Attorney General to attend also.
[Day Book, p. 312.]
Oct. 22.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : The King, Duke of York, Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, Lord Privy seal, the Judges.
Brunskell and Dod about fines. The Solicitor General opens the case upon the first warrant that passed two years since for granting the collection of fines and forfeitures during his Majesty's pleasure and conceives it was very legal. Sir Robert Sayer, Mr. Simpson and Mr. Sanders are all of opinion that the Commission of inspection is warrantable. Mr. Whitacre, the Foreign Apposer, opposes the passing it. The Attorney General opposes the collection by Brunskell, etc. [Upon debate hereof] the proposers [for the farm of said fines and forfeitures are ordered] to make it appear by what means they intend to advance his Majesty's revenue, and a scheme thereof is to be drawn first, and then to be debated whether it be a probable scheme.
The Contractors for the Hearthmoney exhibit a complaint against several Justices for warrants signed for the delivery of distresses taken by their officers for non payment of the duty. Several [such] warrants are produced from Yorks, Notts, Worcestershire, issued since the late judgments in the King's Bench, and the charges thereupon given at the Assizes. Resolved : That the Contractors do petition the King in Council next Wednesday.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 315-16.]
Oct. 26.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Mr. Bevis Lloyd, late Receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Somerset, Monmouth, etc., claims of Dorothea Colvile, executrix of John Colvile, deceased, 272l. 9s. (and interest) [secured] by bill made [out] to George Grove and assigned by him to Tymothy Wade, who assigned the same to Mr. Lloyd. Mr. Lindsey [present husband of said Dorothea Colvile] says that this money was actually paid to Mr. Wade, but by a contrivance between Mrs. Colvile's servant and Mr. Wade, the note (on the back side whereof the discharge is written) was gotten into Wade's hand, but the same is now in suit in the Exchequer, where it is properly determinable. Treasurer Danby directs that it be there determined.
Richd. Gwynn, late deputy Receiver and surety to John Vaughan, Esq., late Receiver of Hearthmoney and the Eighteen Months' assessment for Monmouth and South Wales, claims in Mr. Ashurst's name 600l. and interest from the said administratrix [Dorothea Colvile]. Mr. Lindsey says that they [he and said Dorothea his wife] owe no such sum, but that there is due from them to one Mr. Ashurst 441l. 16s. 6d., which is part of an account of moneys which has lain long at interest, and Mr. Ashurst has filed an original against Mr. Colvile's land, and by that way secured the money, and [therefore Lindsey] hopes that this not being the King's money, they shall not be compelled to pay it. Mr. Gwyn says the money was part of the King's money, received and returned by him, which he can prove. Treasurer Danby directs a trial to be in this case.
[Ibid. p. 316.]
Oct. 26.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
To lay before Treasurer Danby the state of Walter Strickland's arrears upon the Royal Aid, Additional Aid, Poll, One Month and Eleven Months' assessments as Receiver General thereof for co. Yorks.
Wednesday next is appointed for the consideration of the accompt of the farm of the Four and a Half per cent. [duty] of the Barbados : and Mr. Lawrence is to attend [Treasurer Danby on that occasion] and also the auditor with the [said] accompt and papers relating to this affair : and Mr. Scutt, the merchant, is to be summoned for the same time. Treasurer Danby is to consider then the petition of the widows, etc., of the late Barbados officers.
Col. Whitley's Post [Office] defalcations [for franked letters, despatches and packages] amounting to 3,546l. 19s. 7d., is to be directed by warrant [is by warrant to have a letter of direction] for striking tallies [for the said sum] on the Customs in course.
Mr. Proger's bill and account [after] being stated by the auditor [is ordered] to be paid.
Treasurer Danby directs that the Mris. Lawsons [Mistresses Lawson] shall be paid [in] full for his lordship's time [of acting as Lord Treasurer].
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 317.]
[Day Book, p. 133.]
Oct. 27. Saturday forenoon, between 11 and 12 o'clock. The Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, Earl of Essex and Chancellor of the Exchequer are to attend the king at the Treasury Chambers in Whitehall about the Irish Commission. Visct. Ranelagh and the Attorney General are to attend also at that time.
Memorandum : Treasurer Danby at that time to settle the Irish papers.
Adjourned till Tuesday.
[Day Book, p. 133.]
Oct. 30. Tuesday. Prince Rupert's pensions to be forthwith paid [by the Customs Cashier] without respect to the [priority of] weekly payments [charged on the Customs].
[Order for] 45l. to be forthwith paid to Mris. Elianor Dykes.
My Lord Treasurer to be put in mind of writing several letters on Saturday next.
Mr. Vernon's pension of 300l. per an. [is ordered] to commence at Michaelmas, 1676, and Treasurer Danby is to receive his Majesty's pleasure therein.
Treasurer Danby to receive his Majesty's pleasure about the arrears [due to the servants, etc., of] the [Royal] Household, being about 60,000l. for the year [of retrenchments, when full payment of salaries was] suspended.
Mris. Buckley to be paid.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 318.]
Oct. 31.
Treasury Chambers.
The Farmers of the Four and a Half per cent. [duty in Barbados] are to be called on for their two years' accompt expired at Christmas last. Mr. Scutt and Auditor Aldworth are called in and the state of the [said] Farmers' first four years' accompt is read with all the allowances and defalcations craved by them. The balance of the first four years' account, being 4,231l. 17s. 4d., is to be immediately demanded of the Farmers.
Treasurer Danby consents to give deputations to the persons employed in the Barbados and Leeward Islands by the Farmers for gathering the duty of Four and a Half per cent. from Christmas next (in the margin : drawn accordingly) for his Majesty, and will consider whether Mr. Edwin Steed shall be added to them. His lordship to be [re]minded to write to the respective Governors of these [the Leeward] Islands.
The Farmers of the Hearthmoney are to advance the 2,978l. 7s. for the Leeward Islands. In the margin : [for Col.] Stapylton.
The Wine Licences Commissioners are to have their account forthwith stated by an auditor. In the margin : Done. [Meaning : The particular anditor written to accordingly.]
A letter to be written to Mris. Fleetwood to know whether she will nominate Mr. Gelson to be a Commissioner of Wine Licenses in her late husband's place or whether she intends any other. Her letter wherein she nominates Mr. Gelson is to be sent to her. In the margin : Done.
Dr. Troutbeck to be paid what is due to him for the Earl of Danby's time [of officiating as Lord Treasurer] upon his pension payable by tally on the Tenths of the diocese of Lincoln.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 318-19.]