Minute Book: January 1677

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Minute Book: January 1677', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp419-425 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: January 1677', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp419-425.

"Minute Book: January 1677". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp419-425.


January 1677

1676-7. Jan. 2. Tuesday. Treasurer Danby and the Chancellor of the Exchequer are to be at the Treasury Chambers [this day] to consider further of the goldsmiths' business.
[Day Book, p. 116.]
Jan. 10. Wednesday. Mr. Robt. Lobb's petition and case touching the administration to the estate of one Spicer alias Goodman, a bastard [is] to be heard [this day].
Mris. Biggs's petition about lands at Plymouth and the report from Sir Charles Harbord [are] to be considered [this day].
[Ibid. p. 117.]
Jan. 12. Friday. Mr. George Dashwood, Mr. William Dashwood, Mr. Breedon and Alderman Phillip Jemmett, late Farmers of [the revenue of] Ireland, are to attend at 4 in the afternoon [of this day].
The Excise Commissioners and the present Farmers of Excise are to attend at the Treasury Chambers [this day].
The things appointed, ut supra, for Wednesday [last to be then heard are] to attend this day [instead, for consideration].
Jan. 12.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer [Danby], Chancellor of the Exchequer [Sir John Ernle].
Mr. Parsons waited on my Lord Treasurer on the 11th inst. in the name of the rest of his partners [in the Excise Farm], excusing that they did not attend his Lordship on the summons, but declared to his Lordship that they would continue the payment of the running cash (as was expected by his Lordship from them) to discharge the tallies.
Mr. Bertie to attend the Lord Chief Justice in the [matter of the case or] cause of empty houses [and Hearthmoney defalcations for same : all for said Lord Chief Justice] to give speedy judgment therein. In the margin : Done.
This day Mr. Dashwood and the Excise Commissioners acquainted Treasurer Danby that the 60,000l. [advance money] payable the 12th of January upon the undertaking of the management of the Excise was actually paid [by the Excise Farmers] into the [Excise] Commissioners' hands. A certificate [is ordered] to be sent from the said Commissioners of the actual payment thereof. In the margin : Done [meaning : letter to that effect written to said Commissioners].
Sir Geo. Charnock's and Gerard Foxe's tallies on the alum farm are directed to be struck.
The letter from Sir Godfrey Copley and Sir John Reresby about robberies in Yorkshire is ordered to be shewn to the Secretaries [of State] and caveats are to be entered against passing of pardons [to the culprits herein].
Mr. Lobb's petition read for the estate of one Spicer, a bastard dying without will, by which the estate about 100li. is become escheated to the King. Treasurer Danby refers the petition to Dr. Lloyd to certify the value of said estate.
Treasurer Danby directs that Mr. Beamont have 500l. out of the money reserved for his Lordship's disposal in the hands of the Wine Licence Commissioners.
Treasurer Danby directs the payment of 254l. 13s. 0d. for the liberate to the officers of the Exchequer Court.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 248.]
Jan. 13. Saturday. Mr. Patrick Trant, Capt. Langford and Capt. Talbott are to attend at the Treasury Chambers at 4 in the afternoon [of this day] about the Barbados [Four and a Half per cent. duty] accounts.
[Day Book, p. 117.]
Jan. 17. Wednesday. Mr. Worrall, of Greenwich, to be heard [this day] upon his claims for houses and ground at Greenwich.
Mr. Henshaw's petition [to be heard this day].
The Master and Wardens of the Company of Stationers [are to attend this day]. They say they are commanded to attend the Lords of the Committee of Grievances [erased] at the same time, and desire any other time may be assigned.
Jan. 17. Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Mr. Worrall's petition is read and ordered to be referred to the Attorney General first : "and afterwards to move my Lord Chancellor concerning Mr. Withers."
Mr. Lawrence and [the Wardens of the] Company of Stationers are called in about their pretensions to the discovery of the 'Catholique Naked Truth.' The Solicitor General owns that the Company discovered the book, but insists that Mr. Lawrence discovered the author. John Wright says [that] at an examination before Mr. L'Estrange about the 29th June [last] Mr. Moor and Mr. Turnor confessed that Mr. Berry was the author and Mr. L'Estrange found that Mr. Turner had then sold some of them, and Turnor sent his man with Wright to his wife for 15 of these books, which were delivered to Mr. L'Estrange. Mr. Mearne says he delivered 40 of these books to my Lord [bishop] of London, and then acquainted him with Turner's confession that Berry was the author. Mr. Lawrence says that Turner denied before the King in Council (in the margin, 6 Dec., 1676) that Berry was the author, or that he had any books from him, and that on Lawrence's testimony only was [he] committed to the Gatehouse.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 248.]
Jan. 19. Friday. Mr. Henshaw to attend at 3 in the afternoon [of this day] at the reading of his petition.
Mris. Bigg's petition (put off since the 10th instant) [is to be heard this day]. [Day Book, p. 117.]
Jan. 19.
Treasury Chambers
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Carteret.
The pretensions [of the claimants to payments] upon the Four and a Half per cent. duty [in the Barbados and the Leeward Isles] are heard and Mr. Henshaw and other creditors of the late Earl of Carlisle setting forth their pretension to 24,716l. 16s. 4d. debt, for which they pray a settlement upon those that shall farm the said duty and hope that upon surrender of their right their debt may in equity be considered in the first place, because they sold the King the land.
Pretenders : Mr. Henshaw, Earl of Kinnoul, Lord Brereton, Visct. Ranelagh, Sir Tobias Bridge's regiment, the merchants' claim, Sir Geo. Carteret.
Treasurer Danby directs a state of the several claims on this revenue to be forthwith drawn up.
Mr. Dashwood, et al, are called in about explaining the 5,000l. per an. to be allowed [in the Excise farm] for securing bad debts, insolvencies, etc. Query : whether this sum be to be deducted out of the rent of 560,000l. and 446,000l. Treasurer Danby declares it must not be deduceable out of the rent to be ascertained [fixed certain] to his Majesty, and conceives they cannot have it otherwise than out of the overplus. To which the [Excise Farmers or] managers do agree.
A warrant to be drawn for the Attorney General's fee of 81l., etc.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 249.]
Jan. 23. Memorandum. Upon the motion of the Customs Commissioners in their presentments of this day that the King's waiters in London port might be paid their patent fees quarterly because they now attend the duty of their employments immediately [and not by deputy] under the appointment of the [said] Commissioners, Treasurer Danby directed them to be [so] paid by dormant warrant for the future, and their arrears when others are paid : as likewise appears in the margent of the said presentments.
[Ibid, p. 247.]
Jan. 24. Wednesday. The executors of Sir Nicho. Crisp, Dr. John Twisden, Fra. Pargiter, Mr. John Samms, Farmers of the alum works, and Sir Geo. Charnock are to attend [this day] with the auditor. (struck through).
The old Farmers [of the revenue] of Ireland are to attend [this day] upon the accompt of their farm, etc., the balance of the accompt being 19,000l. odd.
Mr. Herbert Aubrey [is to attend this day] to shew cause why extent should not go against his lands, and his sureties to have the carriage of it, to secure themselves and pay the King.
[Day Book, p. 118.]
Jan. 24.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
The Attorney General's opinion concerning the Duchess of Cleveland's satisfaction on the Wine Licences is to be looked out.
Sir Robt. Viner and Auditor Aldworth are called in upon some differences arisen upon Sir Robt. Viner's interest accompt particularly concerning 40,000l., part of the interest of [sic? for the interest of 40,000l. part of] 100,000l. advanced to the Navy into Mr. Fenn's hands, and also 15,000l. upon a Lincolnshire tally. Treasurer Danby directs that Sir George Carterett's account [as Navy Treasurer] be inspected as to this particular sum, to see that it be not charged to the King doubly, and this to be done before Sir Robt. Viner's accounts be declared.
The old Irish [Revenue] Farmers are called in upon [the subject of] the balance of their account, being 19,633l. 6s. 8d. They present a petition to Treasurer Danby that they may have liberty [of their person from arrest] for some time, inasmuch as they had long since assigned all their interests to Alderman Forth and his brother, and have had no benefit nor expected to hear of any trouble, and they doubted not (by what they were informed) that the demands of defalcation would exceed the King's debt : besides they have lately prayed a commission to gather the arrears which will more than answer this debt.
Treasurer Danby then pressed them for 6,000l. or 7,000l. for the Forces [in Ireland]. They conceive there will be none due, and pray a month's time to send over an express to despatch their affairs there : to which Treasurer Danby agrees, and directs that the Lord Lieutenant be acquainted that they [the said old Farmers] are now procuring a new commission to gather their arrears ; which is now under the Attorney General's consideration.
Mr. Herbert Awbrey is called in to shew reason why he does not clear the 1,548l., in super, on his account for the [Receivership for co. Hereford] of the Eighteen Months' tax. He offers a particular of an estate at Brampton Abbotts, co. Hereford, to be sold to make satisfaction to the King, which he conceives will soon be done. Treasurer Danby asks him why this arrear did not fall upon Col. Birch, who was to be paid out of the last money received out of that county, in satisfaction of his pretences for his plantation in Hyde Park. Mr. Awbrey acknowledges he had done ill, and ought to have paid his Majesty in the first place, but knowing the temper of Col. Birch, who he believed would have torn him to pieces, he rather chose to trust his Majesty, and humbly craved Treasurer Danby's pardon and commiseration. Mr. Brent [is by my Lord Treasurer] directed to speak with Mr. Rawlins about the purchase of this manor, and Mr. Awbrey and Mr. Clyue [are] to have answer this day sevennight.
"Mrs. Lawsons" [the mistresses Lawson] to be paid one year of their pensions [in] full.
Memorandum. That Sir Stephen Fox in a letter dated 21 Jan., 1676-7, to Mr. Charles Bertie, complains that he has not received a penny of his tallies since 11 Nov. last, yet the [Excise] weekly certificates acknowledge great sums to remain in the hands of the Receivers General of Excise ; and that his interest tallies which by the rule of payment are to be satisfied half yearly, have been refused [to be cashed] by the [Excise] Receivers when [all the time] they detain money for the payment of their own interest [even] before they have [obtained] tallies [for same] upon declared accounts of interest. This letter was transmitted to the Receivers of Excise to return an immediate answer thereto. The said Receivers in their answer dated 24 Jan., 1676-7, say [that] at the finishing their last [weekly] certificate of the 20th inst. their disbursements amounted above their receipts to 11,000l., but the 18th of Nov. last they were charged with 29,548l. 4s. 5d., because there was included therein 8,158l. 9s. 3d. paid without a regular discharge, and for incidents of the office and interest due to them, the bankers' tallies 15,000l., and due to the Duke of York 4,000l. : that Sir Stephen Fox hath tendered no tally to them on any interest account, but one which related to old postponed orders, which my Lord Treasurer thought fit should not be paid before its course in order of date, and that a balance of 9,517l. 8s. 4d. remains on Mr. Kent, which he has kept a year in his hands on pretence of interest coming to him, for which they [the Excise Receivers] hear of no tally levied.
In another letter of the same date the Receivers taking notice of a report that the King pays 6 per cent. [interest] for running cash, 6 per cent. to Sir Stephen Fox and 6 per cent. to the Receivers [of Excise] in all 18 per cent. interest for money on the Excise, say that if all the money raised by the Farmers, Sir Stephen Fox, the Receivers and by the running cash were cast into one sum, the interest now paid to the respective persons, brought to the notion of one entire loan, would amount but to 6 per cent., as it doth [and] to no more.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 249-51.]
Jan. 26. Friday. My Lord Treasurer [is this day] to hear the business of Sir G. Carteret's pretensions to the Leeward Islands.
Mr. Scutt and all others concerned with the Four and a Half per cent. duty are to attend [then] that a state may be made of their respective claims.
The exec[utor of ...] ...
Mris. Bigg's [business to be heard this day] for whom Mr. Chace attends and has done since the 10th inst.
[Day Book, p. 118.]
Jan. 26.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Lord Gerard's pension to be forthwith paid after the weekly payments [have been met].
Capt. Middleton's name to be put upon the King's papers for 500l. In the margin : Done [meaning : memorandum to that effect inserted among the papers to be carried to the King by Treasurer Danby].
The several claims of the persons pretending satisfaction out of the Four and a Half per cent. duty are to be referred to Mr. Fillingham, Mr. Bertie, Mr. Shales, Mr. Lawrence and Sir Cha. Harbord.
A warrant to be drawn for Altham Vaughan, Esq., to be steward of the manors of Mallaen, Cayo, etc., as in a paper delivered in. In the margin : Done [meaning : warrant drawn].
The Barbados [Four and a Half per cent. duty] Farmers are called in with Mr. Skutt and the [Barbados] merchants. Mr. Skutt and Mr. Thornborough's report is read stating the four years' collection of said duty for 1671, 1672, 1673 and 1674 to amount to 32,736l. 17s. 6d., and the Farmers' discharge amounts to 10,286l. 17s. 6d., so that the balance due from the Farmers will be 22,450l. The farmers desire to deduct out of this sum of 22,450l. their charges of cask, bags and wasting. Mr. Skutt and the merchants disallow of the said defalcation out of the said balance of said Farmers' account. Treasurer Danby directs that (inasmuch at this balance is made but by estimate) the Auditor shall state their real accompt as accomptants in the way of an Exchequer account, and Mr. Skutt and Mr. Shales to attend the auditor at the same time.
A warrant [is ordered to be drawn] for a privy seal for Col. Legg and Capt. Wharton to be allowed several sums of money amounting to 11,994l. 5s. 9d. on their accounts, which [sums] they paid to Sir Tho. Chitchley in pursuance of three warrants under the royal sign manual : which [payments] Treasurer Danby cannot allow by virtue of those warrants without a privy seal [to base such warrants on].
The Bishop of Durham's paper about the discharge of the payment of his Tenths for the year 1674, amounting to 182l., is to be put among the papers for the King. In the margin : Done.
Mr. Parry, Mr. May, Mr. Roberts and Alderman Backwell are called in upon [the subject of] the Portugal money [remaining in arrear of the Queen's dowry]. Mr. Parry charges Alderman Backwell with the receipt of 20,552l. 3s. 0d. at [the exchange rate of] 7s. 2d. the milrei. The alderman says that all the money sent to him (except the last parcel which Mr. Parry brought with him) was so light that it did not make in his Majesty's mint above 6s. 10d. a milrei ; so that in this parcel there would be a difference of 750l. : and in the first parcel of 16,000 milreis, which was shipped upon his [Backwell's] own account and risk he alleges his agreement with the Lord Treasurer at 6s. 4d. the milrei, which makes a difference of 400l. more. The alderman says further that he has paid into the Exchequer at several payments 19,100l. So that upon the whole account of 20,552l. 3s. 0d. which Backwell is charged with, it appears that he hath in his hands but 350l. for all his charges, care and pains and passing this great account. Treasurer Danby directs the whole accompt to be stated by the Auditor.
On Wednesday next the executors of Sir Nich. Crisp, et al, and the Farmers of the alum works are to attend with the Auditor and Sir Geo. Charnock.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 251-3.]
Jan. 27. Saturday. Treasurer Danby to be put in mind of the tin business when the King is at the Treasury Chambers : and [also] of the [business of the] wine licences.
[Day Book, p. 118.]
Jan. 31. Wednesday The executors of Sir Nich. Crispe, Dr. Jno. Twisden, Fra. Pargiter and Mr. Jno. Samms, Farmers of the alum works, and Sir Geo. Charnock are to attend [this day] with the auditor Raband [Raban].
Mr. Biggs (for whom Mr. Chace attends) is to be heard [this day] upon his petition for compensation for ground taken into the fort at Plymouth.
[Day Book, p. 118.]
Jan. 31.
At Wallingford House,
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
The Excise Commissioners called in. Treasurer Danby demands the reason of them why they do not pay the 35,000l. ordered for the Navy. They answer they do not know the Navy was in that exigence nor was the payment so hastily pressed upon them, otherwise it should have been immediately complied with ; that they have already paid 10,000l., and are this day paying on the remainder. Treasurer Danby directs them to pay off the 35,000l. with all speed.
On Saturday afternoon next Sir Stephen Fox, Mr. Kent and the Treasurers of the Excise are to attend with George Dashwood about the excessive interest paid in [managing] the revenue of the Excise.
The Earl of Nottingham's proxy [is ordered] to be sent with a blank. Likewise Lord Norris's proxy in case he come not up himself.
The alum Farmers [are ordered] to attend this day week.
The Earl of Marlborough [is ordered] to be paid the 160l. due to him upon his pension and creation money.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 253.]