Index: S

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Index: S', Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, (London, 1911), pp. 1635-1655. British History Online [accessed 4 July 2024].

. "Index: S", in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, (London, 1911) 1635-1655. British History Online, accessed July 4, 2024,

. "Index: S", Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, (London, 1911). 1635-1655. British History Online. Web. 4 July 2024,



Sabbs, Peter, inquisition, 1286.

-, Charles, Lord Buckhurst, afterwards Earl of Middlesex and Earl of Dorset, lease, 1356
-, Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 51, 127, 209, 302, 323, 389, 551, 604, 695, 766, 904, 992, 1057, 1141, 1428, 1446, 1461.

-, Mary, widow of Charles Berkeley, first Viscount Fitz-Hardinge (afterwards Earl of Falmouth), and afterwards wife of Charles, Earl of Middlesex and Dorset, pension to, 288, 506, 707, 879, 968, 1091, 1161.

-, Richard, eighth Earl of Dorset, creation money, 113.

Safe, Thomas, firemaker to the Committee of Union, 527, 622.

Sagar, John and John, quakers, 1257.

Saint Albans
-, Earl of
-, see Jermyn, H.

- Andrews, Holborn, 239, 1077.

- Anthony (Cornwall), 1455.

- Asaph, bishopric, tenths of, 1281.

- Austin's, near Canterbury, 616.

- Austins, Lathe (Kent), 456, 920, 1047, 1392.

- Botolph, Aldersgate (Hospital), perpetuity to, 122, 535, 896.

- - without Bishopsgate, 341, 538.

- Bride's, 615.

- Catherine (Katherine), Cree Church, alias Christchurch, 109, 341.

- Christopher, Island of, 524.

- -, fort for defence of, 824.

- - Four and a Half per cent. duty, 961.

- -, Governor of
-, see Stapleton, Col. W.

- -, transporting convicts to, 826.

- -, transporting soldiers to, 738, 1440.

- -, two Companies of foot in, 195, 783.

- Clement's Church, 805.

- David's, bishop of, 970.

- -, bishopric, First Fruits, 970, 1453.

- Diago, Alcade Muscho, Governor of Tetuan, 262.

- Donat's (Donnetts) (co. Glamorgan), 617, 953.

- Dunstan's in the West, 615, 616, 951.

- Edmunds, Lombard Street, 616.

- Erne (co. Cornwall), 615.

- George, Henry and Sir Henry, Richmond Herald, 5, 33, 610, 715
-, Norroy, 602, 610.

- - (? Statue), 772.

- George's Hall
-, see Windsor Castle.

- Germain (France), 547, 584, 765, 873, 908, 1086, 1095.

- Giles without Cripplegate, 615
-, constable of, 31.

- - in the Fields, 342, 380, 615, 1097.

- Helena (Atlantic), 176.

- Ives (Cornwall), 224, 626, 785, 957, 1257.

- Jacobs parish [Stockholm], 907.

- Jago de la Vega
-, see Santiago.

- -, Juxta Lincoln, monastery, 514.

- James's in the Fields, 211.

- - Fields, 234, 763, 1119.

- - Manor, lease of, 1466.

- - Palace or House, 652, 828.

- - - building, 437.

- - -, Clerk of Works at
-, see Rotheram, T., Nevill, T.

- - -, Duke of York's garden, 1152.

- - -, Housekeeper of
-, see Earl of Bath.

- - - paving, 1152.

- - -, lodgings in, 109-10, 940, 1333
-, Princess Mary's and Princess Anne's lodgings, 1152.

- - -, store cistern, 1152.

- - -, Terrace walk, 1152.

- - Park, 135, 162, 613.

- - - garden, orange trees in, 269
-, plantation, 1152
-, gardener's agreement for upkeep of, 308, 520, 595, 686, 828-9, 983, 1095, 1193, 1377
-, gardeners of
-, see Rose, J., Gurle, L.

- -, King's fowl in, 1339.

- -, Pall Mall
-, see Streets.

- - paving, 1152.

- - sewer, 1196, 1339.

- -, underkeeper of
-, see Price, G.

- - wall, 341, 1152, 1338.

Saint John (St. Johns), Henry, process, 1401.

- -, Oliver, a Commissioner for spoils New Forest, 410.

- - -, second Earl of Bolingbroke, ship of, 307, 311.

- -, Sir Walter, Ranger of Woodstock Park for the Earl and Countess of Lichfield. 226
-, Sir Walter lands in St. James's Park, 613
-, trustee for the Earl and Countess of Lichfield, 1094, 1422, 1465.

- John Baptist, Walbrook, 1065, 1459.

- John's. Clerkenwell, 1086.

- Katherine Cree Church
-, see St. Catherine.

- -, Monsieur de, Secretary to the Dutch Envoy to France, 331.

- Lawrence
-, see Canterbury.

- - Lane, London
-, see Streets.

- Leger, Sir Anthony, Warden of the Mint, 427, 901, 1297.

- Leonard's, Foster Lane, 615.

- - Forest (co. Sussex), 1047.

- - -, coal from, 400.

- - -, iron mills, 400.

- - -, timber from, 400.

- Lisle (Sentleill), Seth, collector, Carolina, 1266.

- Magnus, perpetuity to, 124, 408, 768.

- Margaret's, Westminster, royal bounty to the poor of, 301, 534, 805, 909, 912, 1259.

- Martins in the Fields, perpetuity to poor of, 109, 173, 211, 268, 301, 341, 342, 357, 525, 583, 615, 617, 625, 719, 970, 1097, 1099, 1168, 1226, 1229, 1367.

- - Le Grand, 617, 943.

- - (France), 745, 758.

- Mary and the Districts, agent at
-, see Westcombe, Sir M.

- - Overy (Southwark), royal bounty to for poor watermen, 96.

- - Magdalen, London, 109.

- - Matfellon or Whitechapel, 230.

- Mary's near York, keeper of records of the Court of, 780, 787
-, receiver of, 875.

- Maurice, Count, Envoy from the Duke of Savoy, 699, 742.

- Michaels, Cornhill, 515, 965, 1441.

- Nicholas Bay, Russia, 814.

- - Island (Plymouth), 1277.

- Olave (Southwark), 618.

- Paul, Shadwell, 230.

- Paul's Cathedral (London), Commissioners for rebuilding of, 4, 118-9, 823, 1164.

- -, Dean and Chapter of, fee farms of, 2, 119, 127, 560, 571, 809.

- -, flag stones of sold for paving, 308.

- -, rebuilding of, issues for, 41, 215, 1443
-, Greenwax money devoted half for, 242, 823, 916, 963, 982, 993-4, 1164, 1183, 1349, 1363, 1468.

- -, stone for rebuilding of, 14, 74, 118-9.

- -, Treasurer for re-building of, 308.

- Paul's, Covent Garden, 403, 1123.

- -
-, see Canterbury.

- Peter de Eye
-, see Eye.

- - ad Vincula, in the Tower, perpetuity to Vicar of, 344, 603, 727, 912, 1247.

- Saviours
-, see Southwark.

- Sepulchre, London, 109.

- Stephen, Coleman Street, 341.

- - (Stevens), Brannel, co. Cornwall, 950, 1097.

- Thomas' Hospital
-, see Bridewell.

- (Sanct) Veit (Austria), 639.

- Weonards (co. Hereford), 377.

Sakins, William, falconer, 130, 148, 402, 715, 1116.

-, see Exchequer, Chamber.

Salcey Forest, Atterbury Coppice, 1181.

-, Hartwell deer coppice, 138.

-, Howlett's Walk, 138, 810-1
-, Robert Howling's Walk, 1181.

-, the King's Woodward General
-, see Newton, T.

-, Knighton's coppice, 387.

-, Lieutenant and regarders, 387.

-, Mad Iron, coppice in Howlet's Walk, 810-1.

-, Mr. Stirke's Walk, 387.

-, timber out of, 19, 32, 138, 142, 161, 185, 187, 306, 387, 620-1, 811, 1012, 1181, 1284.

Salerno (Italy), 1134.

Salinas, don Bernardo, Envoy Extraordinary from Spain, 273, 366, 574, 588, 607.

Salisbury (Sallsberry), Sir John, 1330.

- Bishop
-, see Sarum.

-, (New Sarum), Receiver General of the Eighteen Months'
-, see Davies, A.

Salkeld, John, tidesman, London, 813.

Sallee (Barbary), 261, 396, 529.

Sallock, Henry, fee farm tenant, 374.

Salmon, 125.

-, Capt. Tobias, shipmaster, 660
-, petition, 62
-, coal mines Stratton on Fosse, 89, 92, 248, 280, 500.

Salmons, tenement (Ingrave, Essex), 340.

Salop County, 647, 875, 1394.

-, Receiver of Crown Revenues
-, see Bordman, S., Oliver, T.

-, receivers, commissioners, solicitors, etc. of taxes
-, see Cressett, R., Lawley, Sir F.

-, sheriffs, 1039.

Salt from Germany
-, 66 (forbidden), 294
-, Spanish, 122
-, Netherlands (forbidden), 129, 294
-, foreign toll, 294.

- exports, 1221.

- farm see Strickland, Sir T., 153, 652
-, orders on, 208, 942
-, pensions, 226, 268, 411, 591, 652.

Saltash (Plymouth port), 1300.

Saltburnmouth (co. Yorks), 1067.

Salter, Anthony, 1242.

-, Joseph, yeoman, pardon for murder, 129.

-, Thomas, merchant and land waiter, London, surety of N. Bigsby, 617, 871, 916, 950, 1097.

-, Timothy [Customs officer], 629.

Saltingstall (Saltonstall), Bernard, importing carpets, 207, 535.

Saltersford (co. Chester), 615.

Saltpetre, 540.

-, see East India Company.

Salvin (Salven), Francis, watchman, London, 360, 369.

Sambourne, Margaret, widow of Thomas, 1356.

-, Thomas, 1356.

Sambrooke, Sam., merchant of London, 1261.

Samms, John, alum farmer, 421, 425, 428, 1066.

Sampson (Samson), John, murderer, 282.

-, -, messenger to the Council (1672), for Trade and Plantations, 308.

-, Simon, husband of E. Withers, 1080
-, for his wife see Withers, E.

Samuel, Mr., a converted Jew, petition, 3.

Samwell, Sir Thomas, baronet fee, 111, 124.

-, Dr. William, Dean of St. Pauls, 560, 571, 809, 821
-, Archbishop of Canterbury, 963.

-, see Saunders.

Sanderson (Saunderson), Charles, commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1206.

-, Christopher, commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1206.

-, Henry (Sir R. Thomas and Mellish), 116, 245.

-, John, weighing porter, London, 1090.

-, Lady (Mother of the Maids), pension, 138, 145, 257, 282, 389, 528, 1032, 1058.

-, Robert, receiver of Crown Revenues, Lincoln, 94, 1238.

-, Thomas, tenant of fee farm, 375.

-, Fra., Lancaster Herald, petition, 97, 349, 521, 808
-, grant of fines, 625, 806
-, Genealogical History of the Kings of England, 625.

-, John, landwaiter, London, 1231, 1470.

-, (Kent) Castle Governor of
-, see Allen, Sir T.

-, -, establishment, 531, 568, 774.

Sandhurst Walk
-, see Windsor Forest.

-, (Isle of Wight) Castle, garrison, 764, 774
-, establishment, 531, 568.

Sandwich port (Kent), 398, 408, 509, 779, 948, 1402, 1450.

Sandy Hurst Coppice
-, see Whittlewood Forest.

Sandys (Sands), Capt. (Major), assignment on the Earl of Oxford's pension, 378, 1332.

-, Lady, pension (per E. Progers), 415, 612, 681, 965.

-, Martin, Receiver for Hearthmoney and the Eighteen Months' assessment and the subsidy, co. Worcester, 9, 97, 125, 304, 358, 573, 921, 1046, 1281, 1393, 1448, 1450, 1460.

-, Thomas, of London, merchant, 800, 999.

-, -, a Page of Honour to the Queen, 222, 391, 401, 609, 716, 766, 790, 1059, 1111, 1418, 1430.

-, Sir Thomas, 1326, 1330, 1332.

Sankey, Anne (lease), 780, 917.

Sanson (Sansom), John, Surveyor, Bristol, 822, 828, 844, 845, 868, 956, 964, 987, 1071, 1090, 1093-4, 1116, 1364.

-, -, clerk to the Secretary of Customs, 664, 921, 955
-, Customs officer to be sent to Ireland, 784.

-, Lucas, corn exporter, 502.

Santa Lucia
-, (West Indies), Captain General and Governor in Chief
-, see Atkins, Sir J.

Santen, Mr., petition, 97.

Santiago, de la Vega (Spanish Town, Jamaica), 578, 1314.

Sapcote (Leicester), 375.

Sapey, Over (Hereford), 377.

Sapp, Mr., a yeoman warder of the Tower, 848-9.

Sark, register for sea passes, 166.

Sartillion, Arnold, calfskins, 367.

-, bishop of (see Ward, S.), 84
-, Chancellor of the Garter and issues to for the Order of the Garter, 106, 256, 502, 581, 705, 771, 892, 959, 1045, 1246.

-, -, tenths of, 627, 641, 643, 647, 758, 764, 776, 782, 869, 889, 988, 1160, 1183, 1226.

Sassafras, 1013, 1024.

Saunders (Sanders), Mr., Mayor of Truro, 467.

-, -, counsel, 474, 479.

-, -, shipmaster, 1143, 1167.

-, Nicholas, collector, Truro, 626, 713, 1469.

-, see Sanderson.

Saunderton (Bucks), 1256.

Savage, Francis Darcy (fine), 982, 1465.

-, Tho., tenant of fee farm, 376.

-, Thomas, seventh Earl Rivers, creation money, 306, 706, 1088, 1294 1430.

-, -, first Viscount Savage, trustee for Car. I., 238, 542.

Savernake Park (co. Wilts), 617, 952, 1098.

Saville (Savile), George, Viscount and Earl of Halifax, 1042.

-, Henry, Groom of the Bedchamber, 51, 123, 127, 206, 227, 300, 383, 528, 604, 701, 766, 899, 968, 993, 1057, 1070, 1141, 1145, 1157, 1246, 1468
-, Envoy Extraordinary to France, 1244, 1247
-, Portugal money, 478, 480
-, grant Ireland, 398
-, pension for Mrs. Hamilton (500l.), 693, 804, 889, 965, 1070, 1132, 1319, 1429, 1431
-, goods for, 348
-, Excise Farmers discoveries, 24, 107.

-, Duchess Regent, 753
-, present to Car. II., 204, 1015.

-, Duke of, 581.

-, -, Envoy to and from
-, see Ambassadors.

-, French minister in the
-, see Westminster abbey (Dean of).

-, Francis, 279
-, deputy to Oliver Sawle, 403.

-, Oliver, sheriff of Cornwall, receiver of Hearthmoney, Cornwall, 279, 403.

-, Robert, lease, 708, 1430.

-, (Sayer), Sir Edmo., Auditor of the Exchequer, 41, 51, 106, 156, 187, 210, 247, 378
-, executors, 390.

-, Mr., Vintner, 21.

-, Sir Robert, Counsel, 14, 93, 431, 434, 436, 447, 456-7, 464, 474, 486, 492, 854, 1323.

Say, Alexander, landwaiter, London, 563.

-, Thomas (lease), 618.

Sayers, Adolphus, Page of Honour to the Queen, 1190.

-, George, Page of Honour to the Queen, 222, 391, 401, 609, 716, 766, 804, 914, 1059, 1111, 1418, 1430, 1445.

-, John (Wadlow, Wine Act), 943, 1240.

-, -, the King's cook, 46, 636, 767, 1011, 1095, 1111, 1185, 1223
-, lease, Berkhampstead, 271, 284, 298, 1417.

-, Dame Katherine, pension, 285, 527, 623, 625, 889, 1064, 1124, 1294, 1438.

Sayes Court (Kent), manor, 1048.

Scaffold, the, 58.

Scanderoon (Syria), 99, 1083.

Scarborough (Yorks), 718, 1206.

- Castle, Constable and Keeper of
-, see Slingsby, Sir T.

- -, surrender of to the King, 105.

Scarburgh, Sir Charles, salary, 336.

Scarlett, Mr., First Fruits affair, 1405, 1406, 1407.

-, William, Vice-Warden of the Stannaries, 251
-, tin merchant, 924
-, bailiff of fines in the Duchy of Cornwall, 1004
-, (and son), Collector of Hearthmoney, co. Cornwall, 1368.

Sceaux (France), 765.

Schnbrunn (near Vienna), 363.

Schonen (Sweden), Swedish victories in, 907.

Schwerin, Monsieur, Envoy from the Elector of Brandenburg, 214, 1197.

Scilly Islands, register for sea passes, 166.

-, see Slater.

Scolfield, Mris., Coffee house, 445.

Scotch cloth imports
-, 499
-, imported for dyeing, 526, 702
-, linen see Linen
-, pladding and fingring, 112, 147, 298, 539, 1071.

- Hospital
-, see Scottish.

Scotland, 147, 382, 539, 816, 879, 1018, 1113, 1218.

-, cattle imported to Northumberland, 1217.

-, Commissioners for freedom of trade with, 123.

-, corn imports from, 88, 1217, 1381
-, and see Corn, Berwick.

-, export of goods to, 298.

-, fines in, grant of, 1357.

-, High Court, President of
-, see Gilmer, Sir J.

-, Highlands, 1084.

-, natives of, not to have share in English ships, 1024.

-, oats, 1059.

-, prize ships, 607, 802, 1025.

-, sailors, 818, 1113, 1134.

-, sea passes, regulations for, 165-6, 183.

-, Secretary of State, 166.

-, ships, 549, 958
-, trading with the Plantations, 1000, 1208
-, to trade with England and Ireland in spite of the embargo, 980.

-, tolls, 61.

-, Treasurer Depute (see Maitland, C.), 800l. per an. to, for secret service, 652.

-, Union, Commissioners for, 43, 621, 769
-, officers to, 97, 527, 622.

-, Yard see Streets
-, labourers in see Works.

Scott, Anne, Duchess of Monmouth, wife of James, Duke of Monmouth, goods for, 582, 1139.

-, Elias, waiter Wooler, 633, 1420.

-, Elizabeth, wife of Jonathan, 152.

-, George [Customs officer], 524, 539, 729.

-, James, Duke of Monmouth, 204, 839
-, Captain General of all the Land Forces, 1055, 1193
-, Master of the Horse, 28, 29, 157, 185, 186, 301, 351, 580, 770, 780, 821, 1032, 1038, 1051, 1226, 1435, 1437
-, contract with the King for supplying the Stables, 118, 186, 229, 260, 319, 575, 587, 748, 749, 756, 969, 1006, 1026, 1034, 1122, 1185, 1226, 1247, 1292-3, 1315
-, Justice in Eyre, Trent South, 29, 157, 770, 1437
-, pension to, 36, 101, 217, 221, 277, 296, 344, 402, 509, 583, 681, 874, 961, 1051, 1145, 1315
-, pension on Irish establishment, 1313-4
-, lands in Ireland, 196, 721, 1444
-, grant of the balance of the army establishment, 749, 1142
-, grant of remains of imprest moneys, 361
-, grant of debts, 1001, 1299-1300, 1456
-, creation money as Duke of Monmouth and as Earl of Doncaster, 261, 518, 635, 1013
-, regiment of, 451, 726
-, King's Troop of Guards under, 628
-, privy seal for Exchequer fees, 38, 51
-, building in the Mews, 28, 51, 699
-, building in the Cockpit, 28
-, attending the Treasury, 427, 428, 483
-, kettle drum and trumpet attending, 442
-, equipage, 1148
-, coming from Flushing, 1150
-, goods for, 582.

-, James, commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

-, John, shipmaster, 870.

-, Jonathan, (J. Trevor's debt to), 152.

-, Joseph, commissioner of Assessments, Yorks, 905.

-, Robert, of London, the King purchasing books from, 1270.

Scottish Hospital, Charter (17 Car. II.), 367.

Scovil, Richard, steward of Portland, 1005.

Scrase, Richard, quaker, 1257.

-, Walter, quaker, 1257.

Screeven, Mr., 1333.

Screw press for letters, 345.

-, Sir William, bailiff of Hinckford, etc., 922, 984, 1011, 1456
-, Justice of the King's Bench, 1030, 1459, 1469
-, ditto of Common Pleas, 391, 1169
-, Serjeant at Law, 286, 291, 393.

-, -, junr., 922.

Scrope (Scroop), Sir Adrian, 141.

-, Lady Mary, lands to, in lieu of pension, 31, 141-2.

Scrutton, Robt., commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

Scudamore, Joseph, keeper of Records of the Court of St. Mary's, York, near York, 780.

-, see Statues.

Scutt (Skutt), merchant, Barbados, 6, 16, 24, 55, 70, 84, 423, 424, 475, 476, 836, 1280.

Sea beach (Boxgrove, Sussex), 1047, 1048.

- Passes, passes for ships, 386, 654, 745
-, regulations and forms as to, 66, 154, 165-6, 183-4, 191, 252, 290, 311, 910, 944, 1446
-, fees for, 184 : register for, 165-6.

- -, City of London and passes, 425, 426, 537.

- - for Irish ships, 308, 311.

- -, Treaty with Spain as to, 154, 183
-, ditto with the United Provinces, 154, 183
-, ditto with Holland, 183
-, ditto with Algiers, 154, 183
-, ditto with Tripoli, 154, 183
-, ditto with Tunis, 154, 183
-, ditto with Sweden, 165, 183
-, ditto with Denmark, 165, 183, 184, 191.

Seabrey, Thomas, 446.

-, (Segar), Anthony, Chamber keeper to the Treasury, issues to for salary and for incidents of the Treasury Chamber, 138, 190, 271, 285, 295, 354, 359, 399, 500, 527, 568, 627, 690, 694, 773, 871, 965, 1050, 1171, 1176, 1209, 1215, 1222, 1311, 1452, 1472
-, issues to for C. Bertie [for secret service], 384, 510, 558, 583, 608, 620, 762, 811, 988, 1143, 1165, 1213, 1325, 1326, 1329, 1334, 1417, 1438, 1444
-, issues to for Treasurer Danby's directions, 402, 501
-, issues to for the Navy, 1245, 1265
-, issues to for the Commissioners of the Union, 621
-, issues to for secret service, 869
-, for Barbados Regiment arrears, 243
-, loan to by the Receivers of Excise, 865, 866
-, tallies in the hands of, 63
-, payments by, 1108
-, attendance at Windsor, 4, 130, 1466
-, searcher for prohibited goods, 1086.

Seale (fight at) (see Sole), 632.

-, see Writs.

-, see Exchequer Court, Durham, Bishop of.

-, chief graver of
-, see Harris, H., Leeward Isles.

Searle, Edward, importing mace, 303.

-, dominion of
-, see Flag.

Seat, Mr., tidesman, London, 114.

Seaton (co. Rutland), 374, 375.

- (co. Yorks), 859.

- Beer (Devon), 224.

- Sluice (Newcastle port), 1205.

Seaward, Christopher, petition, 381.

-, James, waiter, Bristol, 1001.

-, sea wreck or tangles, farm of, 698
-, Halsall, J. and E., Walter, J.

Seckford, Thomas, estate of, 1389.

Secret service, annual expense of under the stoppage scheme, 117.

-, for intelligence, 432, 856
-, and see Intelligence.

-, issues for, 20, 29, 48, 83, 835, 1328, 1329, 1462
-, and see Fox, Sir S., Bertie, C., Williamson, Sir J., Coventry, H., Lloyd, Sir P., Fillingham, B., Fleetwood, Mr., Taylor, Dr. J., Windsor, Lord, Maitland, C., Heron, B., Laurence, J., Sunderland, Earl of, Williams, Sir T., Seagar, A., Robinson, J., Rawkins, Mr., Napoote, Mr., Predinckos, Mr., Tilleyard, Mr., Wynne, J.

-, payments out of, 66, 78, 82, 88, 447, 471, 738, 778, 851, 852, 1316-23, 1324-35
-, and see Excise (secret).

Secretaries of State
-, 442, 489, 494, 697, 1003
-, see Trevor, Sir J., Arlington, Earl of, Williamson, Sir J., Coventry, H., Sunderland, Earl of.

-, books and certificates of naturalized ships
-, see Naturalizing.

-, fees in office of, 1325.

-, French Secretary
-, see Henshaw, T.

-, issues to for secret service, 83, 392
-, and see each Secretary separately as above.

-, intelligence (and see Intelligence), annual allowance for under the stoppage scheme, 117.

-, Latin Secretary
-, see Oudart, N.

-, new year's gift to, 834.

-, question as to grants passed by, 65.

-, salary in lieu of pensions, 677, 688, 1244.

-, Southern Province, 49.

-, to sign sea passes, 183.

Sedan glasses, 1156.

Seeman, Jacob, shipmaster, 1006.

-, see Seagar.

-, see Sykes.

-, devoted to the Privy Purse
-, see Privy Purse.

- (Customs), 75, 76, 94, 127, 147, 156, 170, 214, 349, 385, 393, 623, 660, 729, 743, 780, 781, 799, 855, 957, 976, 984, 1102, 1303
-, and see Customs (prohibited).

- (ships), 129, 382, 734, 906, 910
-, and see Navigation (Act seizures).

-, Register of
-, see Culliford, W.

Selby, William, surveyor of Berwick, 268.

Seller, Mr. (for a map), 283.

-, see Wines (Claret).

-, Samuel (Savile's privy seal), 25
-, Excise farmers' discoveries, 108
-, Register of Excise, London and Middlesex, 1358.

Semper, Mr., lands, Ireland, 504.

Senegal, river (Africa), 238, 1087.

Serecold, Lieut. William, 1162.

Serge, imports, 1212.

Serjeant, Thomas, Hearthmoney, Northampton, 724.

Serjeants at Arms
-, 43, 44, 1141, 1395
-, see Baldock, Sir R., Beck, J., Bishop, Sir R., Bishop, W., junr., Bull, M., Charnock, R. and T., Dereham, H., Greaves, H., Harsnett, R., Hatch, E., Mease, W., Middleton, J., Norfolk, Sir J., Payne, T., Ramsey, J., Read, R., Simmons, F., Smith, G., Templar, J., Thorne, R., Topham, J., Williamson, E.

-, grant of old mace to, 1214.

- at Law, 55
-, see Baldwyn, Mr., Brampston, F., Charlton, Sir J., Calthrope, Sir L., Hardress, Sir T., Jones, Sir T., Maynard, Sir J., Newdegate, Sir R., Pemberton, Sir F., Scroggs, Sir W., Stote, Sir R., Strode, Sir G., Turner, J., Turner, Sir T.

- Skinner
-, see Nott, R.

- Trumpeter
-, see Price, G.

- of Vestry
-, see Chapel Royal.

Serra, Gomez, importing wines, 906.

Sesac, Marquis de, 552, 596, 1417.

-, see Ireland (Act).

Seward, Christopher, importing earthenware, 792.

-, James, waiter, Bristol, 741, 1297.

Sewell, Henry, Arras maker to the King, 819, 1442.

Sewers, Commissioners for, 1196.

Sexton, Thomas, senr. and junr., burglar, 390.

Seymour, Dutton, Attorney, 818.

-, Edmond (New River Company grant), 336.

-, Edward, Treasurer of the Navy, 13, 143, 215, 237, 299, 302, 320, 331, 339, 349, 350, 351, 352, 358, 360, 361, 369, 414, 510, 546, 554, 566, 572, 574, 580, 589, 605, 625, 659, 697, 703, 735, 738, 741, 757, 760, 762, 897, 909, 912, 918, 928, 930, 935, 936-7, 1016, 1025, 1029-30, 1037, 1051, 1053, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1082, 1083, 1089, 1092, 1101, 1103, 1108, 1109, 1114, 1124, 1127, 1131, 1135, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1150, 1153, 1157, 1161, 1165, 1168, 1170, 1172, 1177, 1178, 1182, 1185, 1200, 1207, 1213, 1214, 1224, 1260, 1261, 1264, 1289, 1290
-, Speaker of the House of Commons, 231, 350, 351, 352, 361, 369, 572, 625, 703, 738, 928, 935, 1016, 1025, 1029, 1051, 1070, 1071, 1083, 1092, 1114, 1127, 1139, 1150, 1153, 1165, 1170, 1172, 1185.

-, Edward (nephew of Henry), lease, 191, 276.

-, -, Receiver of Law duties, 89, 115, 128, 189, 370, 492, 511, 519, 521, 551, 578, 624, 635, 645, 836, 837, 932, 933, 1012, 1268, 1276, 1393, 1460
-, Clerk of the Patent Office, 119
-, duty on sealing writs, 54.

-, Henry, Groom of the Bedchamber, 51, 123, 137, 206, 233, 300, 383, 528, 604, 701, 766, 899, 968, 993, 1057, 1141, 1162
-, lease, Cornwall, 251, 276, 315-6, 1167, 1184
-, Hanaper, 487
-, loans, interest on, 898.

-, -, son of Edward, reversion of Clerk of the Patent Office, 119.

-, Sir Joseph, one of the Auditors of the Exchequer Court, 54, 106, 156, 192, 227, 247, 322, 373, 379, 561, 695, 699, 736, 749, 805, 925, 962, 1052, 1090, 1181, 1214, 1292, 1327, 1330, 1332.

Shackleton, Peter, quaker, 1257.

Shadwell (Middlesex), 230.

-, Sir James, Irish Revenue farm, 27, 30, 162, 173, 181, 182, 188, 307, 462, 483-4, 491, 494, 495, 668-9, 711, 840, 841
-, lands, 891-2.

Shaftesbury (co. Dorset), 169.

Shaftoe, John, sheriff of Northumberland, 708.

-, (Shackerley), Sir Jeffery, 458, 713, 806, 876, 1014
-, pension, 674, 1425, 1425, 1431.

Shales, Henry, Sandwich port admeasurement, 398.

- (Shale), Capt. John, an Auditor of Crown revenues, 373, 1173, 1181, 1214, 1215, 1238, 1242
-, appointed to inspect the Excise cash, 102, 494
-, appointed to inspect the control of naval stores, 683, 838, 1280
-, for the Sick and Wounded, 7, 13
-, for the Navy, 8, 65, 448, 454, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1355, 1367
-, for Tangier, 69
-, clerk to the London Sub-Commissioners of Prizes, 637, 1277
-, prizes' accounts, 85
-, Navy building and repairs office, 449
-, for the Navy slop sellers, 360
-, Four and a, half per cent. duty, 423, 424
-, acting in the absence of C. Bertie, 326, 328, 754, 835, 1128
-, inquisition, 1286
-, surety of C. Corney, 617.

-, Mr., stop of process, 1422.

Shalter, Tho., commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1206.

Shannon, Lady, 534.

-, river (Ireland), 1125.

Shargall, Henry, tidesman, London, 530.

Sharington (Shurington), William, petition, 1378.

Sharp (Sharpe), John, Comptroller (Customs, etc.), New York, 641.

-, Thomas, comptroller and surveyor, Pemaquid, 1018, 1458.

-, William (Barbados accounts), 1296.

Shave, Edward (Bristol smack), 1018, 1458.

-, John, landwaiter, 8
-, King's waiter, London, 209, 368, 582, 585, 697, 782, 823, 873, 961, 1020, 1062, 1133, 1221, 1268, 1298, 1348
-, Navigation Act, 1054
-, examiner of wines, London, 346.

-, Sir John, 1401
-, old Customs Farmer, 10, 67, 70, 152, 286, 454, 666, 1025-6, 1188, 1236, 1459, 1468
-, annuitv on the Excise, 1254, 1300, 1336
-, prizes' account, 1302
-, lease, 454, 1303, 1423, 1430
-, Surveyor of the Navigation Act, 87, 250, 291, 297, 315, 348, 357, 454, 549, 607, 626, 704, 735, 745, 759, 782, 795, 802, 1110, 1197, 1233, 1242-3
-, collector inwards, London, 224, 245, 612, 627, 739, 782, 792, 795, 874, 893, 928, 1030, 1093, 1231, 1243, 1261, 1291.

Shaw farm manor (co. Berks), 155.

Sheen, East (Surrey), 633, 1048.

Sheepy (Leicester), 375.

Sheeres (Sherrs, Sheires, Shere), Abraham, tidesman, London, 288.

-, Henry (contract for mole at Tangier), 35, 48, 203, 445, 628, 1227.

-, and Ordnance buildings at, 232, 402, 469, 701, 720, 851, 1028, 1103, 1391
-, ferry to, 252.

Sheffield, Edmund, second Earl of Mulgrave, 1066.

-, John, third Earl of Mulgrave, 859, 1150, 1390
-, Gentleman of the Bedchamber, pension, 51, 212, 310, 323, 436, 604, 608, 766, 899, 1066, 1068
-, goods for, 184, 752, 763.

Sheiends [? or Sheerness] [or? near Plymouth], 1277.

Shelbrook Walk. See Whittlewood Forest.

-, Anne, dresser to the Queen Consort, pension, 875, 1006, 1058
-, petition, 1373, 1445.

-, Mris, Frances, Maid of Honour to the Queen Consort, 123, 223, 292, 323, 378, 528, 604, 716, 766, 895, 1007, 1058, 1430.

-, Francis (duty on ship Star), 232.

-, Gilbert. See Canterbury, Archbishop of.

-, Sir Joseph, lease for J. Hall, 1021, 1270-1, 1461.

-, William, creditor of J. Lindsey, 1396.

- (co. Warwick), manor, 160, 417.

Shelley, Thomas, of Newhaven, 958.

Shepherd (Shepard, Sheppard), Charles, a keeper of the Council Chamber, 774.

-, Dormer, tobacco, 408.

- Peter, Treasurer and Paymaster for fortification buildings at Plymouth, 1278.

-, Samuel, of London, merchant, 1113.

-, Thomas (wine importer) and partners, 43, 205.

-, William, tidesman, Newcastle, 388.

Sheppey, Isle of (Leet or Law day at Kingborough and officers of), and ferry to, 252, 511.

Shepton Mallet (Somerset), 1204.

Sherbet, sub farmers of, excise of, 93.

Sherborne (Gloucester), 1026.

Sherburne, Edward (clerk of Ordnance), 174, 830, 1111.

Shere, Sheres. See Sheeres.

-, (Sheredun, Sharedon), Thomas, a Revenue Farmer, Ireland, 27, 30, 162, 173, 495, 1287
-, Hearthmoney farm proposal, 850.

Sheriffs, abuses in detaining Court fines, 795.

- accounts, 362, 487, 1103.

- apposals, discontinuance of (up to 1672), 1358.

- arrests, 1103, 1410, 1411, 1465.

- collecting First Fruits, 978.

- cravings, 251, 272, 550, 635, 638, 639, 679, 688, 694, 707, 708, 713, 787, 832, 936, 990, 995, 996, 1015, 1018, 1024, 1030, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1042, 1133, 1175, 1261, 1342-3.

-, excusing persons from, 84.

- farm, 62.

- fining for not qualifying, 269.

-, Ireland
-, see Ireland.

- poundage allowance on seizures, 494, 1312-3, 1448.

- proffers, 216, 818, 997, 1169, 1172, 1182, 1253, 1282.

- removing felons, 1342-3.

-, surplusage transferred from one sheriff to another, 487-8, 871-2, 994, 1015, 1342-3.

Sherman, Charles, waiter, Margate, 347.

-, Thomas, waiter, Yarmouth, 983, 1381.

Sherne, John, lands, Cornwall, 708.

Sherwood, Thomas, weigher, Newcastle, 564, 565, 614.

Sherwood Forest, 89.

-, Billay (Billagh), 91, 548.

-, Birkland, 91, 548.

-, claims of inhabitants to wood from, 548.

-, Clipston, 91.

-, destruction of timber in, 91, 267, 285.

-, felling timber in, 407.

-, Noman's wood, 267.

-, steward, keeper and Guardian of
-, see Latimer, Visct.

Sherwyn, Mr., 1400.

Shetland Isles, 71, 241.

Sheviock (Cornwall), 250.

Shewell, Daniel, surveyor of Portsmouth, 214.

Shields (Northumberland), 530, 980.

Shillingford. See Izard.

Shills, William (goods for the Duke of Hamilton), 129.

Shingay (Cambridge), 594.

Shipborne manor (Kent), 211.

Shiplake coppice. See Whittlewood Forest.

Shipman, Elizabeth, grant of Lighthouse, 1270, 1395.

Shippon, William, rector of Aldford, Cheshire, 584.

Shippon manor, 708.

-, bounty of, 5, 10, or 20 per cent. on Customs of for encouraging building, 204, 714, 742, 933, 958, 1078, 1117
-, Act for, 958, 1117.

-, building see Navy
-, building in Ireland see Ireland
-, building of stone, 1333.

-, denied pratique in foreign ports, 382.

-, embargo (of 1677-8, Mar. 20), 944, 958
-, remission of (of 1678, Mar. 25), 944, 958, 959, 967, 971, 980, 987, 1000, 1002, 1008, 1009, 1451, 1452, 1453
-, removal of (1678, June 1), 1013
-, cases under, 1036
-, embargo on ships to Virginia, Maryland or Barbados, 82, 337, 360, 372.

-, English or foreign, 112, 172, 660
-, and see Naturalizing, Customs (duties).

-, English ships destroyed in the Elbe
-, see Elbe.

-, French
-, see French.

-, Irish
-, see Ireland.

-, lists in Plantations
-, see Navigation Act.

- lost, 214
-, merchant ships lost in war see Navy (merchant), Prizes.

- naturalizing
-, see Naturalizing.

- of New England
-, see New England.

-, One per cent. duty
-, see Navigation Act.

- passes
-, see sea passes.

-, scarcity of merchant ships because of the Dutch war, 297.

-, Scotch ships
-, see Scotland.

- taken by French and Dutch
-, see Prizes, France, Holland.

- trading coastwise, etc., bonds of, 191.

Ships, names of :

Abraham, 1100.

Abraham's Sacrifice, 886, 1388.

Adam and Eve, 1009.

Advice, 326, 607.

African, 1244.

Aleppo Merchant 297, 308.

Alexander, 1156.

Alice and Mary, 970.

Allen, of Poole, 159.

Amity, 789, 801.

Andrew, 275.

Angel Michael, 223, 311, 318.

Anna Maria, 1092.

Anne, 350, 640, 1012, 1314.

Anne, fireship, 655.

Anne, yacht, 213, 230, 669, 673.

Anne and James (Jane), 1221, 1232.

Antigua Merchant, 529.

Arms of London, 1243.

Arms of Rotterdam, 176, 241.

Arms of Skelling (later The Hound), 315.

Assurance, 853, 1127.

Barbados Merchant, 158.

Barbara and Isabella, 1150.

Barnaby, 358, 372.

Batchellors' Delight, 582.

Beginning, 734.

Benjamin, fireship, 1388.

Benjamin, 204.

Benjamin and Elizabeth, 1150.

Berkeley Castle, 726.

Bezan, 590.

Bilboa Merchant, 216.

Biscay Merchant, 216.

Black a Moor (Blackmore), 976, 1233.

Blackcock, 1108, 1146.

Blossom, 443, 619.

Blue Dove, 654, 745, 758, 763.

Bonaventura (Bonaventure), 577, 660.

Bourse, 906, (Burce) 1447.

Brazil, frigate, 1378.

Breton, 535.

Bristol, 240, 297, 743.

Britannia, 651.

Bull, 632.

Cambridge, 240.

Castle, 357.

Charity, 745, 924, 1435.

Charles (now Mary Flower), 235.

Charles, 499, 619, 822, 1059, 1201.

Charlotte, yacht, 772, 1139, 1143, 1167.

Chichester, 784.

Christopher, 350.

Cleveland, 557.

Cleveland, yacht, 210, 763, 1066, 1139.

Columb, 745.

Concord, 742, 752, 1378.

Constant, 358, 372, 581, 592.

Constant Jane, 516.

Constant Warwick, 918.

Constantinople, 627.

Content, 734, 789.

Dame Susan, 590.

Danby, 1243.

Dartmouth, 369, 743.

Defiance, 17.

Delight, 746.

De Profette, 273.

Deptford, ketch, 240, 331, 1038.

Deptford, pink, 694.

Desire, 962.

Diligence, 1078, 1113, 1114, 1133, 1467.

Dogger, of Dublin, 300.

Dover, dogger, 311, 764.

Dragon, 158, 369, 1322.

Duke of York, 1299.

Edgar, 412, 1015.

Elizabeth, 277, 747, 754, 810, 1111, 1178, 1471, 1472.

Elizabeth and Magdalen, 539.

Elizabeth and Rebecca, 1017.

Endeavour, 99, 559.

England, 607.

Europe, 772.

Experiment, 99.

Faulcon, 204.

Flounder, 235.

Flyboat, 1353.

Foresight, 317, 321, 853, 1127.

Fortune, 241.

Fortune, of Dunkirk, 124.

Fortune, of London, 294.

Fortune, of Waterford, 300.

Four brothers, 1145, 1242-3.

Francis, 358, 372, 1352.

Francis and Elizabeth, 1243.

Friend, 160, 785.

Friendship, 813, 1197, 1472.

Garland, 1232-3.

Genoa Merchant, 1130.

George, 110, 633, 870, 919, 1113.

Gloucester, 1233.

Golden Lion, 358, 372.

Golden Phnix, 170.

Great Algerine, 1133.

Greyhound, of Dover, 348.

Griffin, 351, 781, 799, 920, 1104, 1148.

Guernsey, 31, 240.

Guift, of Brighton, 112.

Hannah, 577.

Harwich, 358, 399, 761.

Henrietta, 217, 399, 853, 1127.

Henry and Anne, 356, 372, 1078, 1117.

Hollandia, 607.

Holmes, 351, 577.

Holy Island, 99.

Honor and Elizabeth, 1237.

Hope, 870.

Hope, of Guernsey, 104, 147, 252, 607, 681, 802, 1015, 1032, 1404.

Hope, of Lynn Regis, 146.

Hopewell, 743, 745, 972-3, 1116, 1467.

Hound, flyboat, 253.

Hound (formerly Arms of Skelling), 315.

Hunter, 738, 1196.

Improvement, 785.

Inclination, 500.

Industry, 160, 567, 697, 737, 1243.

Isaac and Benjamin, 1185.

James, 1036, 1133, 1218.

James, of New York, 122, 129, 519, 530.

Jersey, 1196.

Jerusalem, 893.

John, of London, 128.

John, of Newcastle, 549.

John and Elizabeth, 559, 759.

John and Francis, 1015.

John and Martha, 1117.

John and Mary, 393.

John and Mathew, 1012, 1314.

John and Rachell, 1150.

John and Sarah, 561.

John and Thomas, 381.

Jonas, 667, 763.

Jonas Hye [? Hoy], 1110.

Joseph, of Jersey, 388.

Joshua, 357.

Justice, 656.

Katherine, 125, 199, 205, 321, 381, 581, 582, 601, 623, 910, 918, 1017, 1032, 1063, 1087, 1113, 1148, 1242, 1459.

King David, 956, 957.

King Fisher, 17, 23.

Kitchen, yacht, 328, 803, 828, 962.

Lady Margaret, 607.

Lamb, 632.

Lancaster, 1013, 1024.

Lark, 471, 738.

Leicester, 1384.

Leopard, 1133, 1382.

Lilly, pink, 107.

Little Samuel, 347, 1110.

Loving Friendship, 704.

Loyal Merchant, 1196.

Lucitania, 329.

Marchant of Morea, 1081.

Margaret, 692, 1015.

Maria, 397.

Mary, 801, 812, 823, 973, 976, 986, 1029, 1037, 1053, 1086, 1139, 1192, 1212, 1221.

Mary Flower (now Charles), 235.

Mary Jane, 992.

Mary and Martha, 535.

Mary Port, 582.

Mary Rosa, 240.

Massingberd, 1405, 1406.

Matthew, 870, 919, 1360.

May Flower, 539, 640.

Merchants' Adventure, 147, 987, 1005.

Merchants' Consent, 317, 372.

Merchants' Goodwill, 1155.

Merlin, yacht, 135, 367, 591, 1092, 1146, 1230.

Middle Algerine, 1134.

Morning Star, 746.

Navy, 976, 1139.

New Katherine, 703.

New Valentine, 571, 589, 1032.

Newcastle, frigate, 14, 123, 240, 241.

Noble Katherine, 306, 315, 1000, 1008.

Norwich, 55, 738.

Oaken Plank, 1212.

Olive Branch, 370, 499, 589, 1121.

Owners' Adventure, 146.

Owners' Friendship, 887.

Oxford, 412.

Papenburgh, 413.

Paradise, 1009.

Paradise, flyboat, 595.

Patience, 818.

Pearle, 240, 1310.

Phnix, 17, 240, 359, 397, 577, 582, 743.

Plymouth, 17.

Portsmouth, 369, 612, 853, 886, 1127, 1148, 1251.

President, 933, 958.

Prince, 557.

Prophet Daniel, 277.

Prosper, 737.

Prosperous, 104, 526, 1090, 1118, 1155.

Providence, 35, 188, 370, 412, 602, 645, 739, 1207, 1108, 1155.

Quaker, ketch, 127, 152, 167, 918.

Quale, 1402.

Raphael Coots, 612.

Rebecca, 170, 247, 313.

Recovery, 358, 372.

Reeders Friendschap, 579.

Resolution, 1015, 1146.

Restoration, 1077.

Richard's Adventure, 695.

Richmond, yacht, 13.

Roan, 772.

Robert and Jane, 1008.

Roebuck, 107, 240.

Rose, 369, 743.

Rowland and Mathew, 767.

Royal Exchange, 1182.

Royal Katherine, 557.

Royal Marine, 1006.

Royal Prince, 557, 1388.

Rupert, ketch, 142.

Rupert, yacht, 638.

Ruth, 500.

Saint Andrew, of London, 300.

Saint Catherine, 176.

Saint David, 17, 240.

Saint George, 1100, 1119, 1243.

Saint John, 311, 529, 580.

Saint Martin, 550, 763.

Saint Michael, 557.

Saint Peter, 246.

Saint Peter, of Friedrichstadt, 246.

Saint Thomas, 359.

Saint William, 529. (See William.)

Sapphire, 1077, 1146.

Sarah and Anne, 1118, 1134.

Sarum, 1115.

Satisfaction, 759.

Soudades, Queen's frigate, 55, 329, 350.

Speedwell, 99.

-, ship, 115, 240, 962, 1251
-, frigate, 62, 393.

Spragg, frigate, 73, 329.

Star, of London, 232.

Star, of Portsmouth, 812, 910, 918.

Streights Merchant, 317, 326, 329, 335.

Submission, 812.

Success, of Bristol [frigate], 99, 240, 626.

Supply, 1069.

Surat Merchant, 984.

Swallow, 470, 557, 637, 735, 752, 853.

Swan, 1024, 1253, 1275.

Teneriffe Merchant, 1120, 1133, 1382.

Thomas and Francis, 297, 397, 590.

Thomas and William, 641.

Tiger, 1083.

Tortoise, 1025.

True Merchant, 1134.

Trulove, 1100.

Turkey Merchant, 535.

Unicorn, of Dantzic, 94, 337.

Unity, 367, 707.

Victory, 335, 356.

Virgin's Delight (alias Gloucester), 1233.

Welcome, 1020.

William, 1036.

William, of Honfleur, 580. (See Saint William.)

William, of Limerick, 629.

William Bushell, 1155.

William and George, 627.

William and Robert, 372.

Willam and Sarah, 800, 999.

Wivenhoe, 361.

Yarmouth, 1153, 1170.

York, frigate, 710.

Young Emperor, 549.

Young Spragg, 1352.

Young Trump, 1261.

Zebulon, 273, 579.

Shipton, Thomas, collector, Whitby, 370, 1068.

Shore (Shoare), Christopher or Charles, boatman, Hull, 641, 1421.

-, Sir John, knight, surety of J. Rawlins, 615.

Shoreham (Kent), 1047.

- (Sussex), 214, 238, 1212
-, election, 854.

-, see Sharp.

Short, Francis, surety of J. Chetwynd, 615.

-, John, surety of J. Chetwynd, 615.

-, Mr. [Wardrobe or Household], 450.

-, Thomas, merchant of drugs, 750, 1002.

Shorter, Sir John, sheriff of London, 826, 1015.

Shotover Woods (Oxford), 1048.

Shotwick (Cheshire), 287.

Shoyswell, Mr., 1341, 1354.

-, Earl of
-, see Talbot, C.

Shrobb Walk
-, see Whittlewood Forest.

Shuermans, Charles, 1265.

-, see Sharington.

Shuter, Hopton, 1298.

-, Katherine of Laverton, 1298.

Siberia [sic? for Hibernia], 369.

Sick and Wounded, Commissioners for, 16, 17, 326, 448, 672, 733, 1343, 1364.

- , -, Comptroller of accounts of
-, see Gibson, R.

-, -, issues for, 29, 188, 713, 725, 733, 1150, 1185, 1192, 1245.

-, -, quarters of, 7, 13, 29, 75, 326, 666, 725, 733, 839, 869, 1092, 1153, 1157, 1192, 1245, 1408.

-, -, seamen abroad, 491, 907.

-, -, Treasurer
-, see Cock, G.

Sidderfin, Robert, steward of Kennington, Surrey, 1215.

-, see Sydney.

Signet Office, fees, 934, 1334.

-, see Linen.

Silian (Cardigan), 527, 1021.

Silke, Pasco, tidesman, Cowes, 1211.

Silks, import of, 691,780, 1118, 1130, 1150, 1261, 1303.

Silver fringe, 612.

- lace, 171.

-, ribbon, 601.

-, thread, 171, 588.

Silverton, Grace, petition, 454.

Silvester (Sylvester), Edward, smith to the Mint and Ordnance, 1368.

-, John, falconer, 130, 148, 402, 716, 1116, 1429.

-, Sir Gabriel, Envoy Extraordinary to the Prince of Orange, 1, 5, 101, 107, 783, 1191, 1405
-, minister in Holland, 566, 1187
-, grant in Ireland, 195, 331
-, wool licences, 708
-, wife of see Howard, Anne.

Simeon, Sir James, baronet fee, 769, 770, 1436, 1437, 1438.

-, (Simonds, Simons, Symmons, Symons, Symonds), Fitz Orlando, 74
-, Serjeant at Arms, 177, 593, 1036, 1459.

-, Peter, tenant, London, 341.

-, Robert, Alderman, of Hereford, surety of W. B issell, 1097.

-, Thomas, Alderman, of Hereford, surety of W. Bissell, 1097.

Simon, Mr., with the Danish Ambassador, 1092.

Simpson (Sympson), Alexander, groom litterman, 267, 532, 705, 931.

-, Mr., counsel, 474.

-, Mr., groom of the Privy Buckhounds, 5.

-, Thomas, shipmaster, 637.

Singleton, John, receiver or clerk to the Queen Mother's trustees, 97, 168, 418, 609, 665.

-, -, of the King's music, 174, 645, 824, 1364, 1383, 1424.

Sittingbourne (Kent), 940.

Six clerks
-, see Chancery.

-, Bevil, Groom of the Bedchamber, 301, 372
-, Envoy Extraordinary to the Emperor of Germany, 18, 41, 80, 185, 206, 208, 283, 293, 339, 363, 372, 380, 386, 507, 523, 563, 571-2, 588, 596, 605, 638-9, 646, 670, 685, 758, 880, 881, 943, 965, 979, 988, 1023, 1037, 1123, 1138, 1206, 1225, 1226, 1234, 1238, 1253, 1426, 1427, 1438, 1447, 1467
-, lease, 207, 236, 357.

-, Simona (Simona, Carey), wife of B. Skelton, interest for loan, 5, 108, 288, 408, 464, 523, 689, 779, 872, 901, 1055, 1442, 1463.

Skelton (co. Yorks), 405.

-, see Riding.

Skinner, Arthur, draper, London, Customs seizer, 219.

-, John, wrecked goods, 809, 812-3.

-, Nicholas, wrecked goods, 809, 812-3.

-, Richard, watchman, London, 1231.

-, see Hides.

Skipwith (Skypwith), Dorothy, superstitious uses legacy, 1146, 1195, 1205, 1398.

-, John [deputy searcher, London], 703, 739, 1209, 1343, 1468.

-, Sir T. baronet fee, 1103, 1195, 1467.

Skull, Nicholas, tidesman, London, 755.

-, see Scutt.

Slanning, Nich., outlaw, 381.

-, Sir Nich., Cornwall, 1259.

Slater (Slatier, Sclater), Christopher, quaker, 1256.

-, Henry, surety of J. Starkey, 1099.

-, John, searcher for uncustomed goods, 1032 1459.

-, Mr., issues to, 2
-, petition, 4, 7.

-, Richard, sheriff of Notts, 990.

-, redemption, 557
-, and see Barbary.

-, trade in, 396
-, and see Negroes.

Slebech (co. Pembroke), 248, 1221.

Slee, Geo., comptroller, Boston, 391.

-, -, junr. comptroller, Boston, 296.

Slingsby, Sir Guildford, 1381.

-, Henry (Master and Warden of the Mint), 31, 253, 427, 437, 464, 466, 557, 697, 787, 808, 811, 846, 851, 901, 942, 1014, 1015, 1060, 1069, 1076, 1101, 1166, 1246, 1266, 1276, 1403, 1408
-, pension, 208, 548, 591
-, for C. Maitland, 652-3
-, for the Duke of Lauderdale, 433.

-, Mr., for a map, 283.

-, Sir Thomas, Constable and Keeper of Scarborough Castle, 561.

Small, Joseph, waterman at the Pill, 288.

Smallwood, Matthew, surety of R. Coke, 616, 951.

-, Mr., versus Goddard, 94.

Smart, John, doorkeeper of the House of Lords, 726, 1170.

Smethwick, Francis, searcher, London, 1355.

Smith, Abraham, shipowner, 812.

-, Ann, alias Horsley, brother of in Barbados regiment, 1356
-, and see Horsley.

-, Arthur, 910, 918.

-, -, son of Arthur, 910.

-, Edward, quaker, 1256.

-, Francis, felon, 639.

-, George, clerk to Plymouth Works, 1278.

-, -, Serjeant [at Arms], 177, 274, 391, 647, 1014, 1455.

-, Henry, escheated estate (brother of Robert), attainder, 497, 1354.

-, James, quaker, 1257.

-, -, receiver of Hearthmoney, Sussex, process, 43, 47, 97, 275, 302, 305, 308, 431, 455, 1033, 1056, 1057.

-, Sir James, sheriff of Middlesex, 1067, 1326, 1332.

-, Sir Jeremy, prizes account, 1302, 1404.

-, John, bailiff of Berkhampstead, 937, 1450.

-, -, petition, 97
-, extended estate, Yorks, etc., 307, 382.

-, -, waiter, Margate, 245, 347.

-, -, quaker, 1256.

-, -, commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

-, -, receiver of Crown Revenues for London, Essex, Middlesex and Herts, 126.

-, -, receiver of Crown Revenues for Cambridge and Suffolk, 1123, 1143.

- [-], Voyages, 283.

-, Jonas, tidesman, Boston, 1119.

-, Matthew, shipmaster, 579.

-, Mr., receiver of the Queen's rents, 13.

-, Mr., petition, 1422.

-, Mr., a Justice of the Peace, Excise, Gloucester, 36, 51, 52-3.

-, Mr., shipmaster, 746.

-, Mr., Agent for Virginia, 66.

-, Mrs., petition, 43
-, payment, 289.

-, Nathaniel, receiver of the Seventeen Months' tax, co. Northampton, 618
-, ditto of the Eighteen Months' tax, ibid, 1099
-, ditto of the Poll, ibid, 951.

-, Philip, waiter at the Pill, 957.

-, Richard, assignee of Sir G. Charnock, 1343.

-, -, of Kennet, Wilts, surety of A. Davies, 615, 952, 1098.

-, Robert, mortgage, 1354.

-, Sir Robert, bart., surety of W. Norrington, 616.

-, Samuel, servant to Scotch merchants, 1119.

-, Simon, keeper of the King's Otterhounds, 414, 500
-, petition, 24, 40
-, Windsor Great Park account, 71, 192-5, 259, 413, 549
-, Coventry Park, 191
-, receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Hants, 193-5, 259, 1388
-, receiver of Crown Revenues, Somerset, Wilts, Gloucester, Dorset and Southants, 304, 577, 875, 979, 1213, 1388, 1415, 1453.

-, Thomas, of Southwark, dyer, 781.

-, - (Customs officer, Newnham), 644.

-, William, interest in Mote Park, 193-4.

-, -, tenant, London, 341.

-, -, tidesman, Southampton, 660.

-, -, messenger of the Chamber, 904, 1353.

-, -, chantry (co. Lincoln), 514.

-, William, quaker, 1257.

-, Sir William, bart., a Commissioner for the Mint, 31, 751, 986, 1266
-, tin farm preemption (farthings), 836, 1356.

Smith's forges and smithies
-, see Hearthmoney (legal questions).

Smitheson, George, a Justice of the Peace, Yorks, 417.

-, Mr., petition, 40.

Smiths by (Smisby), James, surety of E. Jolly, 615, 953, 1099.

Smyrna wines
-, see Wines.

Snapes, Andrew (Hampton Steeple), 596.

-, -, junr. (Hampton Steeple), 596.

Snap-hances, 31.

Snashall, Thomas, quaker, 1257.

Snead, Richard, sheriff, Hereford, 1133.

-, George, banker, 360, 1319
-, interest, 266, 1416, 1418, 1419, 1425
-, principal and annuity, 600, 661
-, for Sir R. Vyner, 1317.

-, John, shipowner, 735, 752.

Snelling, Matthew, collector of Ipswich, 132, 144.

-, Jeremiah, banker, 18, 21
-, principal and annuity, 600, 661, 1416, 1418, 1419, 1427.

-, John, doorkeeper of the House of Lords, 222, 726, 1170.

-, William, doorkeeper of the House of Lords, 222, 726, 1170.

Snutt, Mr., seizer of prohibited goods, 114.

Soames (Soame), William, Envoy Extraordinary to the Duchess Regent of Savoy, 753, 756, 803, 1026, 1051, 1103, 1135, 1162, 1239, 1245, 1315, 1436.

-, Sir William, knight, surety of N. Bigsby, 1097.

-, see Sone.

Soap, imports of, 589, 608, 788, 900.

Soberton (Southants), 1041, 1058.

Socage tenure
-, see Greenwich East, Dublin Castle.

Sockerton, Ralph, 237.

Soestdijk (near Amersfoort, Utrecht, Holland), 696.

Solby (Soleby), Edward, tidesman, London, 1266.

-, Mr., Navy Bill, 1201.

Sole Bay, sick and hurt, quarters, 13.

Solicitor General
-, (see Winnington, Sir F.), 37, 47, 52, 58, 59, 90, 93, 106, 109, 110, 111, 122, 474, 481-2, 486, 854, 860, 1151, 1263
-, fee to, 144, 534.

Solomon, Richard (Master of the Queenborough smack), 245, 325, 529.

Somercotes (co. Lincoln), 515.

Somers (Sommers), Abraham, soldier wounded in the Indies, pension, 557.

-, John, grant of recognizance, 982.

-, Henry, third Marquis of Worcester (afterwards Duke of Beaufort), Constable of Dean Forest, 41, 51, 241, 244, 250, 285, 520, 586, 592, 869, 989, 1140
-, President of Wales, 495
-, Governor of Chepstow (as Lord Herbert), 327.

Somerset County, 275, 279, 401, 409, 500, 549, 575, 610, 710, 734, 810, 982, 990, 1163, 1166, 1173, 1193, 1204, 1298, 1362, 1472.

- -, Hearthmoney, 9
-, receiver, see Churchill, R.

- -, Justices of the Peace, 455.

- -, receiver of Crown Revenues
-, see Bennett, J., Smith, S.

- -, receivers, commissioners, solicitors, etc., of taxes
-, see Tooker, J.

- -, sheriffs, 707, 787, 996.

- House (or Denmark House), 209, 308, 1124.

- -, the Queen's garden at, 277, 402, 1152, 1304, 1305-6.

Sondes, Sir George, Earl of Feversham, etc., 186, 418.

-, Mary, Countess of Feversham (wife of George, first Earl of Feversham), 382.

Sone, Francis, Irish revenue farm, 162, 173.

Sorrell, John, collector of the Eleven Months' Tax and Additional Aid, Holt, Norfolk), 401.

Sotheby, James, Chief Searcher, London, 627.

Sound, the, 1275-6.

South Cave (Yorks), 718.

South Fields
-, see Leicester town.

South, John, pardon, 1018.

South Mimms (Middlesex), 830.

-, Duke of
-, see Fitzroy, C.

-, Earl of
-, see Wriothesley, T.

-, town and port, 14, 113, 122, 129, 183, 208, 388, 412, 442, 525, 551, 552, 572, 577, 620, 660, 755, 817, 1003, 1042, 1049, 1058, 1075, 1212, 1218, 1262, 1409
-, decay of trade, 1361
-, fee farm rent of the town, 1100, 1206. Customs dispute with the Isle of Wight, 113, 647-8, 1376, 1417, 1458.

- County, 264, 335, 1041, 1166, 1180, 1206, 1309, 1312.

- -, fee farms, 744-5.

- -, Hearthmoney, receivers
-, see Smith, S.

- -, receivers of Crown Revenues, 586
-, see Smith, S.

- -, receivers, commissioners, solicitors, etc. of taxes, 744-5
-, see Collingwood, Mr., Thistlethwaite, B., Williams, S.

- -, sheriffs, 930, 995, 1450.

Southcot, Richard, collector, Penryn, 747, 784.

Southwall principality, 1181.

Southwark (Surrey), 96, 203, 618, 781.

-, Excise, 830.

-, Hearthmoney, 90, 151.

-, Justices, 90.

-, poor of, 1317.

-, quartering soldiers, 1401, 1403.

-, receivers, commissioners, solicitors, etc. of taxes
-, see Coke, R.

-, St. Saviours, 515.

Southwell (Notts), schoolmaster, perpetuity, 277, 720, 1088.

Southwell, Seth, collector, Carolina, 1093.

-, Sir Robert, a clerk of the Privy Council, 154, 244, 432, 441, 456, 461, 528, 781, 887, 1123, 1231
-, attendance and disbursements for the Committee of Trade and Plantations, 249, 282, 364, 405, 642, 1075, 1190, 1220, 1234
-, a Commissioner of Excise, 122, 734, 759, 1055, 1249
-, Queen's Portugal dowry money, 477, 478, 480
-, issues to, 69, 81, 299, 321, 521
-, Falmouth port, 632
-, lands Ireland, 1241
-, victualling ships at Kinsale, 1140.

-, William, watchman, London port, 347.

Southwold (Suffolk), 288, 641, 784, 1211, 1218, 1421.

Sowry (Sowrey), Edward, shipmaster, 581, 623.

Spain, 347, 348, 356, 812, 836, 961, 1008, 1387.

-, Ambassadors
-, see Ambassadors.

-, Court and officials of, 716.

-, Empress Claudia's death, 716.

-, lace
-, see Lace.

-, salt from
-, see Salt.

-, Treaty with, for sea passes, 154, 165-6, 183.

Spalding (co. Lincoln), 156, 333, 418.

Spalling timber, 410.

Spanheim, Monsieur, Envoy from the Elector Palatine, 259, 973, 1006, 1456.

Spanish horses, 29, 1S5.

- man-of-war, 152.

- Netherlands
-, see Netherlands.

- tobacco, 919.

Sparkes, Ralph, tidesman, London, 1211.

Sparr, Baron, Ambassador from Sweden, 259, 263.

-, Anthony
-, see Norwich, bishop of.

-, William, quaker, 1257.

Speidel, Euclid, Irish wool officer, 1140.

Speight, William, deputy receiver (of Lincoln, Notts, Derby), for theQueen Mother, 169.

Spelman, Baron [Clement], 382, 726, 1086, 1095.

-, James, reversion of Master of Tents and Toils, 136.

Spencer, Anne, Countess of Sunderland, wife of Robert, third Earl Spencer, 164.

-, Mr. (brother to William), 63.

-, Nathaniel, Customs offices, Hull, 1372.

-, Nicholas, collector, New Plantation duty, 347.

-, Robert, third Earl of Sunderland, 116, 1426, 1438, 1464
-, Secretary of State, 1232, 1244, 1252
-, Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 51, 127, 209, 323, 389, 551, 604, 095, 766, 904, 992, 1057, 1077, 1141, 1428, 1446, 1461, 1464, 1465
-, issues for secret service, 1249, 1257, 1264, 1274
-, Ambassador to France, 673, 843, 858, 1035, 1087, 1092, 1095, 1148, 1186, 1193, 1223, 1252, 1255, 1264, 1427
-, pension (1,000l.), 763-4, 889, 892, 975, 1036, 1129, 1226, 1437
-, Embassy to Spain, 180
-, Duchess of Portsmouth's debt to, 71.

-, Honble. Robert, Commissioner for Appeals in Excise, 197, 663, 1204, 1263
-, Farmer of four and a half per cent., 55, 774, 836, 929, 961, 1280, 1300, 1452.

-, Tho., tenant of fee farm, Herefordshire, 377.

-, William, receiver of rents, co. Lanes., Westmorland, etc., for the Queen Mother, 63, 282.

Spicer, John, one of the four messengers of the Exchequer Court, 550.

-, Mr., alias Goodman, bastard, 419, 420, 681.

-, Mr., officer at Lyme, 46.

Spleidt, Peter, merchant of London, 593.

Sporne, Obadiah, shipmaster, 813.

-, Sir Edward, Admiral of the Blue, Vice Admiral in the Straits, pension, 8, 393, 557-8
-, executors, 57.

Spratt, Henry, waiter Faversham, 1002.

Sprigg, Henry, tenant of fee farm, 375.

Springell, Capt., 297.

-, Arthur, estates, Cornwall, 994-5, 1454, 1455
-, daiighters of, 994
-, bond, 1004.

-, George, senr. and junr., estates, Cornwall, 995.

-, Honor, estates Cornwall, 995.

-, William, estates, Cornwall, 994.

-, see Royal (Mews).

Stables, John, surety of W. Bissell, 615, 950, 1097.

-, Robt., commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

Stackney (co. Dublin), 882.

-, Earl of
-, see Howard, William.

- County, 250, 560, 571, 644, 1287.

- -, chantries in, 514-5.

- -, receiver of Crown Revenues
-, see Bordman, S., Oliver, T.

- -, receivers, commissioners, solicitors, etc., of taxes
-, see Chetwynd, J., Hollingshead, F.

Stagg, Mr., list of English officers serving in France, 948.

Staggins, Isaac, a King's musician, 274, 645, 824, 1419, 1469.

-, Nicholas, of the King's music, 123, 146, 274, 293, 605, 645, 824, 983, 1188, 1310
-, one of the King's wind instruments, 146, 983, 1188, 1310
-, journey to France, 275
-, fee, petition, 10, 28, 157.

Staines road [from Piccadilly], 342.

Stainton (co Yorks), 109.

Stallage coppice
-, see Whittlewood Forest.

Staly (Staley), John, goldsmith, petition, 98, 1195, 1464.

-, William, son to John, 1195.

-, (Northants), 374
-, (Lincoln), 753, 951, 1096.

Stamp, Martin, inquisition post-mortem, 268.

-, Sir Thomas, sheriff of London, 871-2, 1342.

Standford, Richard, Barbados regiment, soldier, 1390.

Standin, William, seizer of uncustomed goods, 1376.

Standish, Sir Richard, of Duxbury, Lanes., 538.

Stanhope (Stanhop), Alexander (husband of H. M. Price), 582, 646, 656, 1050, 1415, 1422.

-, Henrietta Maria
-, see Price.

-, John, first Lord Stanhope, of Harrington, grant of the Post Office, 1383.

-, Mr., order on the Hearthmoney, 453, 1461.

-, Philip, third Earl of Chesterfield, Trustee to the Queen Mother, 511
-, creation money, 705, 1425.

-, William, senior, Farmer of Excise, Notts, 135.

Stanley (Staneley, Standley, Stanly), Ferdinando, confirmation of manors, 947, 1449, 1451.

-, George, commissioner for Spoils, New Forest, 410.

-, Henry, thirteenth Earl of Derby, 947.

-, Henry, grandfather of Ferdinando, 947.

-, Mr., petition, 455.

-, Reynold, tidesman, London, 367.

-, Richard, surety of G. Russell, 953.

-, Thomas, commissioner for Spoils, New Forest, 303.

-, William, third Lord Monteagle, 947.

-, William George Richard, eighteenth Earl of Derby, 198.

Stannaries see Tin.

Stanton, Grace, executrix of J. Rose, 1377.

Stanyon (Stannian), Abraham, surety of J. Pritchett, 615.

-, John, surety of J. Pritchett, 615.

-, Lawrence, Irish Revenue farm, 162, 173.

Stapeley, Anthony, a gentleman pensioner, 1170-7, 1470.

Staple Inn (London), 618.

-, Auditor of the
-, see Exchequer Court, Auditor.

Staples, Samuel, lease, 250.

-, Thomas, 151, 464.

Stapleton (Stapylton), Col. Edmund, brother of Col. Wm. Staples, Deputy Governor of Montserrat, 195, 312.

-, Miles, Auditor of the Bishopric of Durham, 744.

-, Col. William, Governor and Captain General of the Leeward Isles, 79, 195, 249, 476, 519, 621, 751, 775, 824, 976, 1208, 1288, 1318, 1378, 1419, 1436, 1443, 1444, 1472
-, Governor of St. Christopher, 524, 525, 621, 750, 1065
-, Lieut.-Colonel in T. Bridges' regiment, 1362
-, issues to for foot companies, 140-1, 222, 524.

Starke, James, surety of C. Banastre, 951.

Starkenberg, Peter, servant to the King of Poland, 737.

Starkey, James, Receiver General of Eighteen Months', co. Lancs., 1099.

-, Thomas (lease), 409.

Starling, Sir Samuel, Farmer of Excise, Norfolk, 243.

Starman, Samuel, boatman, Hull, 743.

Start, John, commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

State Papers
-, see Privy Council Records.

States General
-, see Holland.

Stationers' Company, 420, 504.

-, see Royston, Mr.

-, 41, 190
-, of brass, 679
-, of wax, 1018
-, of marble, 640
-, and see Marble.

- of King Charles
-, see King Charles.

- of Hercules, 679, 893.

- of Jeremiah, 893.

Staunton [on Wye] ("Church Staunton"), (Hereford), 378.

Staunton, William, deputy to C. Duncombe, receiver of Eighteen Months' tax, co. Beds, etc., 210.

Stawell, Ralph, sheriff of Somerset, 996.

Steed, Edwin, collector of Four and a Half per cent., Barbados, 476, 774.

Steeg (Steggs), Thomas, Auditor General of Virginia, 807.

Steele, John, clerk of St. Andrews, Holborn, 1077.

Steeping (co. Lincoln), manor, 515.

Steeple Morden (co. Cambs.), 952, 1098.

Steepleton (co. Dorset), 1204.

Steeres, Robert, wine bond, 569.

Stenaypoole, William, 1335.

-, (Stevens, Steevens), Anthony, Cashier to the Treasurer of the Navy, 33, 44, 73, 74, 82, 180, 215, 229, 328, 329, 331, 353, 360, 384, 414, 415, 432, 433, 497, 499, 516, 524, 549, 554, 661, 669, 754, 838, 846, 865, 913, 974, 1043, 1072, 1104, 1110, 1128, 1161, 1170, 1172, 1246, 1322, 1330, 1331, 1366
-, money received from Chiffinch for the Navy, 46, 48, 52, 66, 372
-, an Auditor of the Exchequer, 1181, 1274, 1470, 1471
-, for Treasurer Danby, 663, 1065, 1268, 1311
-, tin account, 847, 1193.

- [Francis], Serjeant at Arms, 1410, 1411.

-, Francis, Commissioner for Appeals in Excise, 197, 663, 1204, 1263.

-, John, lands, Bampton, Devon. 973.

-, Sir John, knight, lands, Ireland, 179.

-, Judith, wife of John, 973.

-, Philip, collector, Looe, 372.

- [Robert], Serjeant at Law, 111, 112.

-, Robert, discovering libels, 70, 478, 1329.

-, William, fee farm tenant, 374
-, waiter Saltash, 1300.

Stephenson (Stevenson), Elizabeth, Navy Bill, 1214.

-, Henry, tidesman, Liverpool, 786.

Stepkin, John, Ireland Navigation frauds proposal, 974.

-, Mrs.
-, see Vandick.

-, Capt., 640.

Stepney Mills (co. Lincoln), 515.

-, alias Stebunheath (co. Middlesex), 230.

Steppingley (co. Beds), manor, 324.

Sterling [? Studland] (Dorset), 1115-6.

Sterry, Mr., Excise, country accomptants office, 762.

Steward, Nic., fee farm tenant, 373.

-, (Stuart), Charles, Duke of Rich mond, 471
-, Extraordinary, Den mark, 27, 28, 282, 893-4, 926, 1439, 1443, 1445
-, rent of Sutton Marsh, 7, 28, 282.

-, Charles, Duke of Cambridge, son of James, Duke of York, 944.

-, Frances Teresa [wife and widow of Charles, Duke of Richmond, "La Belle Stuart"] [pension], 9, 36, 64, 433.

-, Mary, Dowager Duchess of Richmond, widow of James, third duke of Richmond [pension], 42, 385, 898.

-, Sir Robert [trustee for fee farms], 541-2.

-, Sophia, pension, 24, 50, 65, 402, 163, 228, 233, 405, 478, 685, 771, 899, 1061, 1111, 1272, 1320, 1444.

-, William (Ireland), 1241.

Steyning (co. Sussex), 1257.

Steynor, Edward (for W. Devereux), 539.

Stibbens, John, outlaw, 409.

Stiles, Tho., fee farm tenant, 374.

Stillingfleet, George, steward of Portland, 1005.

-, pricker of the
-, see Agberow, E.

-, Mr., walk
-, see Salcey Forest.

Stisted, Charles (Poole port), 1207, 1221.

Stoak nails, measuring keels by at Newcastle, 1078.

Stock, Abraham, senr. and junr., 817.

-, Mris., Susannah, 817, 841.

-, Robert, prisoner, 50, 61
-, collector, Dover, 190, 198, 223, 234, 378, 381, 447, 448, 456, 457, 498, 504, 620, 626, 703, 908, 1011, 1028, 1085, 1177, 1180, 1217, 1222, 1286, 1341.

Stockholm (Sweden), 186, 547, 1146, 1224, 1267.

Stocklow (Hereford), 378.

Stockton (Durham), 183, 328, 846, 785, 1221, 1242, 1285.

Stockwood, William, waiter, Uphill, 224, 288.

Stoke Bruern Park (Northants), 658, 1085-6.

- Climsland (Cornwall), 505, 1184.

-, Dry (Rutland), 375.

- Edith (Hereford), 377.

- under Hamdon (Somerset), 1204.

Stoker, Anthony, junr., surety of Jo. Tooker, 950.

Stokes, Nicholas, clerk to Mr. Madox, 1361.

Stondon (Essex), 187.

Stone Conduit Close
-, (St. Martins in the Fields)
-, see Streets.

Stone, Francis, wine merchant, 346.

-, John, assistant to Clerk of coast business, London, 1108, 1115.

-, -, fee farm tenant, 374
-, Irish Revenue Farmers arrear commission, 535, 601.

Stonebridge Close
-, (St. Martins in the Fields)
-, see Streets.

Stonehouse, Plymouth port, 1181.

Stoner, Mr., 1400.

Stonesfield (co. Oxford), 228.

Storfam [Stopham], (co. Sussex), 1257.

Storms, 407.

Storthshall (co. Yorks), 307.

Story, Richard, waiter, Carlisle, 587.

Stote, Sir Richard, Serjeant at Law, 719, 1038.

Stoughton, Mr., creditor of E. Backwell, 13.

-, Nathaniel, sheriff of Warwick, 1041.

Stout, Robert, captain, 240.

Stow (co. Suffolk), 387.

Stow Wood (co. Oxford), 1048.

Stowmarket (co. Suffolk), 617, 950, 1097.

Strabane, Ireland, 40.

-, Provost of, 167.

Stradbally ("Stradbury"), (Queen's co., Ireland), 508.

-, see Stradbally.

Stradling, Sir Edward, bart., surety of M. Stradling, 617, 953, 1100.

-, Mansell, receiver of the Seventeen Months' tax, Monmouth and South Wales, 617, 1457, 1462
-, ditto of the Eighteen Months' tax in Seven Counties of South Wales and Monmouth, 1100
-, ditto of Poll, South Wales, 953
-, searcher, Cardiff, 646.

-, Capt. Thomas (for Capt. Barber's Company), 1085, 1121.

-, Earl of
-, see Wentworth, W.

-, George, Scotchman, question of trading rights in Ireland, 896.

Straits, the [of Gibraltar], goods and ships from, 382, 588.

-, -, ships in, 17, 557, 1017, 1134, 1146, 1208, 1259.

Strangford (Ireland), 1036.

Strangwaies, Col., 46.

-, Giles, son of Sir John, steward of Fordington and Ryme, 216.

-, John, brother of Thomas, and son of Giles, steward of Fordington and Ryme, 216.

-, Sir John, steward of Fordington and Ryme, 216.

-, Tho., petition, 40
-, steward of Fordington and Ryme, 216
-, Commissioner, Lyme Regis, 1109.

Strasburg, Bishop of, 273.

Stratford, Edward, banker's annuity, 801, 825, 1439.

-, Richard, goldsmith, servant of Sir R. Vyner, 180, 780, 1292.

-, William, Justice of the Peace, Gloucester, 330, 390.

Stratford on Avon (co. Warwick), 479.

Stratton on Fosse
-, (co. Somerset), royal manor, 89
-, coal mines, 89, 90, 92, 275, 500, 810, 1166, 1204, 1469
-, Perthill, 92, 248, 279-80, 401, 500
-, Plummers Close, 92, 248, 279-80, 401, 499-500, 810
-, Vaggs tenement, 280.

- (co. Gloucester), 1226.

Strayne, Thomas, receiver of Hearthmoney, Lincoln, 295.

Street, Mr. (Excise Comptrol), 37.

Streets (London and Westminster topography generally) :

Aldermary Churchyard, 998.

Aldgate, 398.

- ward, 109.

Angel Court, Throckmorton Street, 823.

Austin Friars, 616, 617.

Bartholomew Lane, 309.

Bishopsgate Without, 1006.

Bloomsbury, 610, 1088.

Bowling Green
-, see Whitehall.

Broad Street, 617, 943, 953.

Buckingham Street, 1139.

Bunches Close, 342.

Castle Baynard Ward, 109.

Chancery Lane, 512.

Chandos Street, 697.

Channel Row, 821.

Charing Cross, 28, 445, 589, 1152, 1174.

Cheapside, 616, 950.

Cockpit, 613, 964, 969, 1025, 1152.

-, buildings in, 28, 699.

-, lease of to Treasurer Danby, 135.

-, Tennis Court, 135, 380.

Coleman Street, 341, 998.

Cornhill, 515.

Court of Guard, 1056.

Covent Garden, 403, 409, 610.

Crane Court (Fleet Street), 939.

Crosby Place, 515.

Cursitor Alley, 1174.

Dean's Yard, Westminster, 634.

Denham's Buildings, 1020, 1271.

Drury Lane, 232, 876.

Duke Street, 1115.

Duke's Place, 998.

Dung Yard, 301.

Farringdon Without, 109.

Fenchurch Street, 998.

Fleet Street, 616, 939.

Frying pan stairs, 121.

Gallows Green, 1286.

Giles in the Fields, 950.

Great St. Helens, 998.

Greencloth Yard, 530, 571, 1056.

Gunyard in Hounditch, 998.

Hampden Garden, 613.

Hedge Lane, 301, 342.

Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, 610.

Hog Lane, 342.

Holborn, 239, 1067.

- bridge, channel from the Thames to, 244.

Houndsditch, 998.

Kelley's Alley, 341.

Kemp's Field, 342.

Lawrence Lane
-, 1097
-, and see Streets (St. Lawrence).

Laysoyle (Pall Mall), 342.

Leicester Fields (in St. Martin's in the Fields), 951.

Lincoln's Inn Fields, 610.

Lombard Street, 617, 1386.

Little Pot Alley, 341.

Ludgate, 504.

Mark Lane, 153.

-, see Royal Mews.

Milford Lane, 805.

Minorites, 398, 830.

New Palace Yard, 1039.

New Stairs near the Tower, 121.

Newgate Prison, 487.

- Street, 569.

Old Fish Street, 515.

Old Jewry, 818.

Old Spring Gardens, 216, 1168, 1469, 1473.

Palace Yard (Westminster), 289, 409, 719, 770.

Pall Mall, 534, 539.

- - Field, 341.

- - Street, 341-2.

- -, keeper of
-, see Puy, L. du.

Pennyclose, Bank, 211, 352.

Philpot Lane, 1134.

Piccadilly [Street], 342.

- Tennis Court, 342.

Pike Garden, 1048, 1301.

Portugal Row (Lincoln's Inn), 610, 1195.

Prince's Meadows, Lambeth (part of demesnes of the manor of Kennington), 287, 371.

Rotten Row, 1286.

St. James's Square, 565.

St. Lawrence Lane, 950, 616.

St. Martin's in the Fields, 950.

Scotland Yard
-, 1020, 1210, 1271, 1442, 1451, 1463
-, see Works.

Scroop's Court (Holborn), 239.

Seething Lane, 998.

Serjeant's Inn, 512.

Soho Street, 342.

Southampton Street, 1088.

Stone Conduit Close, 211, 352.

Stonebridge Close, 211, 352.

Strand, 1049, 1115.

Suffolk Street, 1139.

Temple Bar, 1262.

Thames Street (and Billings gate), 515, 616.

Threadneedle Street, 998.

Throckmorton Street, 823.

Vesey's garden, Pall Mall, 342.

Wapping Street, 121.

Watling Street, 616.

Watts's Close, Pall Mall, 342.

Wood Street, 66.

York Buildings, 1115, 1139.

Stretch, Samuel, searcher for uncustomed goods, 355, 780, 1303.

Stretton, Ric., a yeoman warder of the Tower, 1377.

Stretton (co. Rutland), 375.

-, Honble. Barbara (Lady Dalton), lease 113
-, pension, 290, 299, 323, 528, 1462.

-, Sir Roger, grant of galley at Tangier as royal bounty, 692.

-, Sir Thomas, salt farmer, 226, 268, 411, 652, 942.

- Walter, Receiver of Assessments, Yorks, 475, 905, 1248
-, Receiver of Hearthmoney, York City, 95, 113, 493.

Stringer, Col. John, collector of New Plantation duty, Eastern shore, Virginia, 347.

-, Sir Thomas, 646.

Strode (Stroud), Charles, Surveyor of Woods, Trent South, 41, 47, 50, 59, 81-2, 92, 163, 303, 310, 333, 410, 412, 430, 478, 480, 489, 490, 534, 636, 706, 765, 767, 822, 921, 948, 1415, 1437.

-, George, landwaiter, London, 563.

-, Sir George, a Serjeant at Law, 702, 1018, 1430.

-, Col. John, Governor of Dover Castle, 397, 568, 764
-, Farmer of Four and a Half per cent. Barbados and Leeward Isles, 6, 12, 16, 55, 345, 397, 774, 836, 904, 961, 1280, 1300, 1408.

-, Mr., merchant, 660.

-, Sir Nicholas, 1412.

-, William, commissioner for Spoils, New Forest, 410.

-, Sir William, 1402.

Stroder, John, of Newcastle, 607.

Strong, John, tenant, London, 341.

-, Mr. (fine), 479.

-, Richard, merchant, smuggler, 494-5, 730, 758, 840, 890, 955, 969, 980.

-, Robert, of the King's music, 174, 645, 824, 1419.

-, William, Excise Farmer, 532, 536, 830, 855, 903, 1178, 1250.

-, see Strode.

Stubbes, Henry, book [? Further Justification of the Present War against the United Netherlands], 547.

Stubbs, Richard, sheriff of Bristol, 794.

-, Thomas, shipmaster, 577.

Stukeley (Stuteley), Scipio, comptroller, Exeter, 595, 1052.

-, Antho., 46, 49, 75
-, Household payment, 84, 97
-, banker's annuity, 874, 921, 1435, 1443.

Sturt (Climsland Prior, Cornwall), 1167, 1184, 1301.

Suffolk County, 103, 125, 200, 387, 713, 1175, 1211, 1303, 1356, 1357, 1378, 1470.

- coast, 287.

- -, conventicles, 400, 553, 1000, 1454.

- - Hearthmoney receivers
-, see Goddard, T., Holland, H.

- -, receivers of Crown Revenues
-, see Cawood, T., Dering, E., Smith, J.

- -, receivers, commissioners, solicitors, etc. of taxes, 73, 74
-, see Bigsby, N., Gawdy, Sir C, Keene, E.

- -, sheriffs, 148, 242, 400, 1252.

-, Earl of
-, see Howard, J.

Sugar, duty in Plantations, 728.

-, engines invented for squeezing canes, 104.

-, imports (from Barbados), 626.

- merchants of the Plantations, 104.

-, Muscovado, 16, 1280, 1296-7.

-, prices, Barbados, 12, 16.

Sugar, John, clerk of the Cheque, Plymouth Works, 1278.

-, Earl of
-, see Spencer, R.

Sunderland port, 183, 312, 784, 796, 1206, 1304.

- measure, coal, 441, 442.

- measuring keels, 516, 1078, 1205, 1212.

-, collector of Customs, 1206.

-, Surveyor of Customs, 1206.

-, see Exchequer Court.

- on Navy Treasurer's accompts, 1158.

Superstitious uses
-, see Roman Catholics.

-, see Appropriation.

Surinam Book (in Trade and Plantation Office), 282.

-, Earl of
-, see Howard, T.

Surrey County, 125, 132, 204, 232, 287, 298, 324, 370, 585, 589, 912, 969, 1048, 1109, 1118, 1215, 1288, 1294, 1356.

- -, coast surveyor, 214.

- -, Excise
-, see Excise Farm, London.

- -, Hearthmoney receivers
-, see Doyley, Sir W., Robinson, W., Weaver, F.

- -, receivers of Crown Revenues, 531, 1215.

- -, receivers, commissioners, solicitors, etc., of taxes, 225
-, see Coke, R.
-, deputy auditor, Hawes, J.

- -, sheriffs, 148, 242, 272, 1252.

Survey (Long Parliament)
-, see Parliament.

Suspension of salaries [pensions, etc.]
-, see Revenue (scheme).

-, Earl of
-, see Lennard, T.

Sussex County, 153, 309, 399-400, 529, 567, 571, 580, 611, 832, 1047, 1048, 1137, 1288, 1376, 1402.

- -, Excise, 830.

- -, Hearthmoney receivers
-, see Smith, James.

- -, quakers, 1257.

- -, receivers of Crown Revenues, 531, 1137, 1215.

- -, receivers, commissioners, solicitors, etc., of taxes
-, see Goodwin, C.

- -, sheriffs, 148, 242, 1252. 1458.

Sutton, George, weigher, Yarmouth, 784.

-, John, deputy comptroller, Lynn Regis, 503 (grant of fine of Sir J. Read), 269.

-, Thomas, shipowner, 75, 253, 277, 317, 326, 329.

-, William, searcher, Sandwich, 948.

Sutton (co. Hereford), 377.

- Marsh (co. Lincoln), 7, 27, 28, 282.

-, Oliver, chantry (co. Lincoln), 514.

- Pool (Plymouth), 191, 276, 313.

-, St. Edmund chantry (co. Lincoln), 514.

-, St. Thomas Apostle, chantry co. Lincoln), 514.

Sutton's Hospital (Danby's nominations to), 823, 1248.

Swadle, Geo., commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

Swaine, Philip, boatman, Rye, 312.

Swainmote Court, 202, 548.

Swale, Sir Solomon, sheriff of Yorks, 195, 307, 362.

-, Thomas, clerk of the Irons and Surveyor of the Melting, 93
-, clerk of Exchange and Mint and Surveyor of the Melting House, Coinage and Mint, 365, 399, 427.

Swan (Swann), Cecilia, Maid of Honour, 225, 237, 257, 292, 323, 378, 528, 604, 716, 766, 895, 1007, 1058, 1430.

-, Robert, petition, 33
-, pension (Worcester fight), 172, 348, 565, 619, 733, 808, 970, 1234.

-, Sir William, Resident with the Hanse Towns, 80, 200, 229, 345, 549, 560, 637, 724, 725, 756, 776, 902, 907, 908, 1015, 1058, 1155, 1161, 1224, 1421, 1432, 1446, 1449, 1468.

Swanage (Dorset), 1115-6, 1212.

Swanmore (co. Hants), 1256.

Swans, export of, 933.

Swansea (Glamorgan), 183, 413, 785, 1024, 1211.

Swanson, widow, tenant, London, 341.

Swarkeston ("Swarthingcote"), Derby, 536.

Swavesey (co. Cambs), 1256.

Sweden, 189, 907, 980.

-, ambassadors to and from
-, see Ambassadors.

-, chancery, 547, 906, 1224.

-, colleges, 1224.

-, Commissaries at Gothenberg, 739.

-, copper money of, 703.

-, coronation and rejoicings, 547, 906
-, birthday rejoicings, 1224.

-, French Ambassador at
-, see Feuquires, Monsieur.

-, imposition upon copper, 1267.

-, iron from, 1227.

- King and Queen, servants and officials of, 547, 622, 906, 1224.

-, minister in France, 739.

-, murders of English subjects in Sweden, 1224.

-, Prince's fight at sea, 622.

-, ships and sailors, 253, 277, 648.

-, timber from, 850.

-, treaty with England as to sea passes, 165, 183.

-, victory at Rugen, 1224.

Sweete, Nathaniel, planting New Forest, 1163, 1469, 1470.

Swingfield manor (co. Kent), 1048.

Swyny, Denis, 1327.

Syborne, Robt., boatman, Rochester, 980.

Sydney (Sidney), David, merchant, 1020.

-, Henry, coach harness for, 220.

-, Humphry, portrait of, 1020.

-, Mr., pictures for, 1458.

-, Sir Henry, 1292.

-, Robert, Viscount Lisle (twelfth Earl of Leicester, 1618-26), 1291-2.

-, Sir Robert, son of Viscount Lisle, 1292.

-, Sir William, 1291-2.

Syer, Eustace, servant to the Spanish Envoy, 588.

-, (Seykes, Seikes), Thomas, poor prisoner, 23
-, Receiver General of the Royal, Additional, One and Eleven Months' Assessments, 187.

-, see Silian.

Sylliard, William [Andrew], surety of N. Bigsby, 1097.

Syllim, John Helwig of Hamburg, 158.

-, see Silvester.

-, see Silvius.

-, James, deputy auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall, 276, 315, 317, 337, 576, 1004
-, Receiver for Arrears of Prizes, 1105, 1131, 1138, 1166, 1446
-, deputy auditor of the Queen Mother's Revenues, 900, 1362.

-, Lestrange, clerk controller of Tents, 991, 1139.

-, Thomas, tidesman, London, 755.

Symmons (Simonds, Simons, Symmons, Symons Symonds)
-, see Sim monds.

-, see Simpson.

Syresham hatch
-, see Whittlewood Forest.

Syveret, Philip (ship Elizabeth), 810.