Entry Book: March 1676, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Entry Book: March 1676, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp154-163 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: March 1676, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp154-163.

"Entry Book: March 1676, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp154-163.


March 1676, 11-20

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Mar. 13. Mr. Weaver in behalf of himself and Richard Baddeley desires that the privy seal for discharge of Sir Richard Pigott and others, (Receivers of the half year's duty of Hearthmoney ended at Lady Day, 1666) may not pass till they are heard ; they having a petition now before the Lord Treasurer. Caveat Book, p. 18.
Mr. Lisle in his own and Mr. Thomas Windham's names desires that no grant may pass without notice given to them of (1) the manor of Shaw Farm co. Berks, (2) the messuage or mansion house called Walton's Mease in Old Windsor, co. Berks, (3) all that messuage or tenements called Windsor Under Ore in the parish of New Windsor, co. Berks. Caveat Book, p. 18.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring 2,000l. into the Exchequer for the Treasurer of the Navy. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 96.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,000l. (which the Customs Cashier is directed to bring into the Exchequer) to the Treasurer of the Navy on any [unsatisfied] orders in his name. Money Book (General) p. 309.
Mar. 14. Same to same to issue to Mris. Stepney the 100l. which the Customs Cashier is directed to bring into the Exchequer for her. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to pay 195l. 16s. 6d. to the assigns of widow Tilford in full of her late husband's bill of 1,323l. 13s. 0d. Your are to make out a bill of imprest for said sum and to assign the same to be satisfied out of the Customs bonds for 25,000l. in the hands of the Treasurer of the Navy. Ibid.
Mar. 15. Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated 1675-6, Mar., of a grant to Lewis, Lord Duras of an annuity of 4,000l. for three years from Dec. 25 next payable quarterly out of the revenue in Ireland : the first payment to be made at Lady Day, 1677 : and of another annuity of 3,000l. for three years from Xmas, 1649 [sic for 1679] payable similarly : the first payment to be at Lady Day, 1680 : both annuities to be inserted in the present and future establishments of Ireland. Docquet Book, p. 37.
Same of same dated same. "Richard Kent, Esq., having for his Majesty's immediate service advanced and lent upon the credit of the several tallies mentioned in the schedule annexed [missing] and levied at the Receipt of the Exchequer, several sums of money amounting to 250,580l. and although His Majesty hath thought fit to determine his grant of the office of Receiver General and Cashier of the revenue of Excise, and to put the receipt of that revenue into another course" yet the King hereby directs the Excise Commissioners and Excise Receivers to pay said tallies in course according to the respective dates thereof and before any other tally or warrant of a later date, but subject [or to be postponed] in the first place to the quarterly payments settled or charged on said revenue to the Duke of York and for pensions and for allowances or salaries to Commissioners and officers of Excise, the interest money to Sir Robert Viner and others, the interest of the money advanced by the present [Excise] Farmers, and the interest of the ordinary running cash in the Excise Office in such manner as the said respective payments have been used to be paid. The interest due to said Kent for all moneys lent by him on said tallies is also to be paid out of the Excise. Ibid, p. 39.
Privy seal for 150l. to Gervas (Jervis) Price, Gentleman of the Bows, for 1 years from 1674. June 24, on his 100l. per an. for keeping the king's pistols, guns and other arms in the King's private armoury at Whitehall in good condition and for servants to look after them and to continue said 100l. per an. in future as by the agreement made with him by the King : the said 100l. per an. having been paid him on the establishment of the Household until 1674, June 24, at which time upon an alteration of the establishment of the Household, it was omitted. (Royal warrant dated Mar. 3 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar 10 of docquet hereof. Money warrant and dormant warrant hereon dated Mar. 18.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 96, 77. Docquet Book, p. 35. Money Book (General) p. 313.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver (on payment of custom ad valorem) 4 doz pairs of gloves sent from Leghorn by order of the Earl of Clare to his Lady (Lady Clare) for her own use. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 97.
Same from same to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against William Andrews. Receiver of the Eighteen Months' Assessment, co. Herts ; he having promised to levy before Easter term the 80l. standing out in arrear on said county. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 257.
Same from same to same to forbear or to stay process against John Dunklyn, late Receiver of Hearthmoney for London, Westminster, Middlesex and Lincoln, who is in arrear 755l. 0s. 3d. on the receipt for co. Lincoln : the matter having been heard before the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of the Exchequer on the 10th inst. when he was ordered to pay a moiety thereof in Trinity term next and the remainder in Michaelmas term. Ibid.
Same from same to the surviving Trustees of the Queen Mother to discharge Sir William Killegrew of his bond for 275l. being the moiety of the fine of the lease of Prior's Marsh in the manor of Spalding, co. Lincoln, as by his contract made with the Council of said late Queen Mother : the King having by the privy seal of Dec. 31 last discharged said bond and ordered it to be delivered up. Ibid, p. 258.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to Mr. Packer for the Works the 500l. which Mr. Mounteney is to bring into the Exchequer for the Works. Money Book (General) p. 309.
Money warrant for 97l. 16s. 8d. to Timothy Whitfield, Clerk of the Foreign Estreats in the Exchequer, for five quarters to Xmas last on the several yearly fees of 10l., 33l. 6s. 8d. and yearly allowances of 26l. 13s. 4d. and 6l. 13s. 4d. Ibid, p. 310.
Same for 20l. each to the seven Auditors of His Majesty's revenues (viz. Sir Edmond Sawyer, Sir Joseph Seymour, Sir William Godolphin. John Philips, Richard Aldworth, Anthony Parsons, and Humphry Morrice) for one year to Sept. 29 last on their [patent] fee. Ibid, p. 311.
Same for 148l. to Sir William Boreman, Keeper of the dwarf orchard at Greenwich for one year on that annual sum to be by him employed for payment of salaries and other uses relating to His Majesty's garden, park, coppices &c. at Greenwich. Ibid.
Money warrant for 125l. to Lord Lucas for last Xmas quarter on his pension of 500l. per an. (Mar. 23, a letter [to the Auditor of the Receipt] to pay same out of Customs money). Money Book (General) p. 311.
Same for 34l. 18s. 1d. to Elizabeth Mell, relict of Thomas Mell, late one of the King's musicians for three quarters to 1666, Lady Day, on his fee of 20d. a day and allowance of 16l. 2s. 6d. per an. for a livery : it appearing by a certificate of Dr. Robert Breton that said Thomas Mell was buried at Deptford 26 Mar., 1666. Ibid, p. 312.
Same for 30l. to John Warner for one year's fee as Master of His Majesty's barge. Ibid.
Same for 500l. to the Duke of Monmouth for 3 years to Sept. 29 last on his several fees of 100l. and 100 marks per an. as Chief Justice in Eyre on this side Trent. Ibid.
Same for 83l. 6s. 8d. to same for 1 years to Sept. 29 last on his fee of 100 marks per an. as Master of the Horse. Ibid.
Same for 19l. 11s. 8d. to Henry Norris (Norrice) for one year as joiner of His Majesty's Privy Chamber. Ibid, p. 314.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt for tallies on the Customs for 291l. 13s. 4d. to the Earl of Nottingham for a quarter on his several pensions of 1,000 marks and 500l. per an. Ibid.
Treasurer Danby to the Auditor of the Receipt to rate and pay the bill of the four ordinary messengers attending the Great Seal of England and the Receipt of the Exchequer for their travel and pains in dispersing letters from Sir Edward Walker, one of the Clerks of the Privy Council directed to all the Bishops of England and Wales by virtue of an order of Council to that purpose with 10,000 proclamations for observing the 30th of Jan. as a day of fasting and humiliation according to the late Act of Parliament for that purpose, which were dispersed into the several parishes of England and Wales, which said letters did bear date Jan. 12 last. Ibid, p. 317.
Privy seal for discharging Benjamin Maddox (Madox) of Wormley, Herts, of the baronet fee of 1,095l. due from him : non obstante the privy seal for 20,000l. to the Great Wardrobe out of baronet fees. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 15 of docquet hereof). King's Warrant Book V. pp. 95-6. Docquet Book, p. 37.
Mar 16. Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay to Mr. Staggins the 246l. 10s. 10d. which the Customs Cashier has brought into the Exchequer. Money Book (General) p. 309.
Treasurer Danby's allowance of the bill, detailed, of Exchequer fees paid by Andrew Lawrence on moneys imprested to him as surveyor of the King's ways, gates and bridges, viz., since the passing his last account, the 6th Aug., 1674. (Total fees, 26l. 10s. 0d.) Ibid, p. 310.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Countess of Newburgh the 150l. which the Customs Cashier is directed to bring into the Exchequer for her. (See supra p. 149). Money Book (General) p. 311.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated 1672, Nov., of a pardon and release to Thomas Roomcoyle, late Capt. of His Majesty's ship Dragon of and from the sum of 2,384l. and to John Heath, late Capt. of His Majesty's ship Berbados Merchant of the sum of 1,680l. and of and from all the King's parts and proportions thereof and from all other sums wherewith they are chargeable by reason of prizes or prize goods. Docquet Book, p. 39.
Mar. 17. Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to permit the shipment (on payment of custom) of goods as in a paper annexed [missing] brought lately from Leghorn and belonging to John Helwig Syllim of Hamburg whither he desires to carry them. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 96.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to William Roberts, Receiver of the Honor and Castle of Windsor to pay 253l. 8s. 9d. to William Taylor for 10 year's arrears to Sept. 29 last on his fee of 10l. per an. as Receiver of all the manors, lands, tenements and hereditaments within the Honor of Windsor ; and for half a year to Michaelmas, 1665, and 5 years more to 1671, June 24, on his fee of 9l. 2s. 6d. per an. as Clerk of Windsor Castle and Clerk to the Constable of said Castle ; and for the same period on his fee of 14l. 12s. 6d. per an. as Surveyor of the Works of said Castle (said arrears being certified by Christopher Crow, Deputy Auditor for co. Berks) : said Taylor having offered upon payment of his arrears to surrender his grant and interest in said offices. Money Book (General) pp. 312-3.
Mar. 18. Treasurer Danby's approval of the report from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, dated Mar. 17, on the petition of Edward Villiers, Lieutenant to the King's Own Troop of Horse Guards, as by the order of reference thereon of the 15th inst. : said report being to the effect that by sign manual of Jan. 15 last the 20,000l. reserved out of the revenue of Ireland is appropriated to the building of Windsor Castle with non obstantes to all other subsequent letters : the only way will be to order the receiver of said 20,000l. to pay 1,000l. per an. quarterly to petitioner or otherwise to grant him a great seal for such pension out of said fund. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 293.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt. Treasurer Danby has appointed the weekly money for the Navy to be increased to 2,300l. from Jan. 1 last, and has directed the Customs Cashier to bring into the Exchequer so much money as shall make up the payments accordingly for the time past and for the future. You are to issue same accordingly till further order ; upon any unsatisfied orders in the name of the Treasurer of the Navy. Money Book (General) p. 313.
Letter of direction on 2,000l. in part of an order of this day's date for 5,906l. 17s. 1d. to Lady Robina Lockhart (viz. 5,566l. 17s. 1d. for extraordinaries and 340l. in lieu of plate intended her, but returned into the Jewel House ut supra, p. 140) : said 2,000l. being hereby to be paid by tally on the Hearthmoney farm rent payable in Sept. last [sic]. Ibid, p. 314.
Letter of direction on an order of 1672, April 19 (based on a privy seal of 1672, April 11) for 3,753l. 15s. 0d. to the Master and owners of the ship Allen of Poole for the hire and loss of the said ship lost in fight in the West Indies ; same being hereby to be paid by tallies on the Four and a Half per cent. Money Book (General) p. 314.
Money warrant for 40l. to Thomas Hughs, Edmond Cooper and Thomas Hardy for attending the House of Commons last session.
Same for 1,300l. to Sir William Temple for 3 months' ordinary, Feb. 23 last, to May 24 next.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer to issue the writs of levari facias and venditioni exponas as decided by the Chancellor of the Exchequer against George Clarke, late Receiver of Hearthmoney for Devon and Cornwall, notwithstanding the warrant of the 6th inst. for stay of process against him and his sureties with the exception of John Norman : it appearing by the petition of William Bogan, one of the said sureties that the lands &c. of said Clarke and Norman are extended and the other sureties have paid in the respective proportions of themselves and of the said Norman towards the King's debt and that said Clark's proportion only remains unpaid. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 258.
Entry of Treasurer Danby's agreement with the report from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on the petition of Sir George Lane praying that upon his surrender of the office of Secretary of War for Ireland, his fee of 25s. a day may be settled upon the present establishment of Ireland for his son's life and that his arrears may be secured upon the establishment : on which petition said Lord Lieutenant reports that said office being found inconvenient said salary may be settled on said son as a mark of favour to petitioner and his family for long and faithful services : and that as to the arrears a state thereof has already been delivered and reported on. Ibid, p. 259.
[?] Entry of demise by in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal, to Thomas Wentworth of divers lands in Hemsworth, co. Yorks, parcel of the lands of Thomas Horne, outlaw. Ibid.
Mar. 18. Treasurer Danby from Wallingford House to Lord Fairfax at his house at Denton to be communicated to the rest of the Justices of Peace for co. Yorks (directed "to be left with the Postmaster of York"). I received a letter of the 7th inst. from sundry gentlemen, my very worthy friends, signifying that in your opinion the late order made [by them] for redelivery of distresses taken for non-payment of the [Hearthmoney] duty on smiths' forges was not contrary to law. The reason upon which this opinion is founded is estimated [by me] to be for that smiths' forges are exempted from payment of the duty under the term of blowing houses. I have taken full information from the King's Counsel here, the Attorney General positively affirming that they are not excepted under those words (1) for that in vulgar speech smiths' forges do never pass under that determination nor did he ever hear one so called before this dispute raised : if it shall be said that a smith's forge is within the description of those words because the fire is blown there with a pair of bellows by as good reason (he saith) may a kitchen or any room in which a fire is usually blown : (2) because there is that which is properly and usually called a blowing house and that is a place used for melting of iron or lead ore which was the only thing meant by the Act to be excepted under the word blowing-house. I have also for this opinion two judgments after solemn arguments, the one in the King's Bench and the other in the Exchequer, in which it was adjudged that smiths' forges were charged with the duty and not exempt under the term blowing-houses. I cannot but believe that against these judgments you will not give a hasty determination, but, if still unsatisfied, will put the matter into the most solemn way of trial. "Tis true that if the distresses be re-delivered the King loseth soe much, though it should fall out the law be for him. Whereas if they are not re-delivered the party whose goods are distreyned will at worst have his action, and if the law be for him recover his damages and costs. Now which of these two ways is the most equall I doubt not but you will easily determine." Ibid, pp. 259-60.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, on payment of ad valorem duty, 12 doz. pairs of gloves lately brought from France on board the Industry of London for the Duchess of Portsmouth. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 96.
Same from same to same to deliver to James Vernon (on payment of custom ad valorem) a box containing 15 pairs of gloves, a box of odours, a pocket glass and a purse lately brought from Leghorn on the ship Friend for his use. Ibid.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated March of a grant to Robert, Lord Digby of the reversion of the manor of Sheldon with the appurtenances in cos. Warwick and Worcester in reversion after the grant thereof made by James I. to Sir Robert Digby for the lives of any heirs male of Henry, Lord Grey. Docquet Book, p. 40.
Mar. 19. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Sir James Hayes and Sir Peter Apsley of the liberty, licence, power and authority (as far as the laws of England and the just prerogatives of the Crown shall extend) to ship and lade within any port of the King's dominions all woollen cloths as well white as coloured, unrowed, unbarbed and unshorne and not fully dressed with wrappers thereunto usually allowed, made or to be made within England or other the King's dominion (cloths made in the counties of Kent and Suffolk only excepted) of what prices soever same be and to transport the same to any parts beyond the seas in amity with the King and there to sell same without danger of forfeiture : to hold same for 31 years from Xmas last at the rent of 20s. per an.. all as granted 1674-5, Feb. 24, to Frances. Countess of Portland, for 31 years at the rent of 100l. per an. which said grant to her has become void by non payment of said rent in accordance with a proviso therein that if said rent be behind or unpaid for six months then same to be so void : the reduction of rent in the present grant being by reason the king is "informed that of late years the exportation of white woollen cloths and other cloths unrowed and unshorn is much decreased, whereby the benefit of our said grant is become of little value." (The text of this warrant does not state that the grant to Hayes and Apsley is in trust, but the marginal note reads : "Sir James Hayes and Sir Peter Apsley for the Countess of Portland." Treasurer Danby's subscription dated April 3 of docquet hereof. This docquet states that the grant is to Hayes and Apsley at the nomination of said Countess of Portland, and contains further a discharge of the rental of 100l. due upon the previous grant to said Countess.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 99, 100. Docquet Book, p. 54.
Mar. 20. Royal warrant [to the Attorney or Solicitor General] for a great seal for a grant to William Talman (Tallman) of the office of a King's waiter, London port, in reversion after Mr. Lloyd (see below) ("to take effect immediately after the determination of the several interests of John Marshall, &c. as in Cal. Treasury Books IV. p. 858, save that John Charnock appears here as Roger Charnock, and John Field is added). (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 29 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book IV. p. 546 ; V. p. 100. Docquet Book, p. 51.
The like for Thomas Apprice after said Talman. Ibid.
The like for Mr. Ellis Lloyd to come in Mr. Westphaling's place next after Mr. Field as the like. (See supra Cal. Treasury Book IV. p. 858, under date 1675, Dec. 1). (Treasurer Danby's subscription, undated, of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book IV. pp. 522 ; V. 100. Docquet Book, p. 47.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to Col. Richard Kirby as royal bounty. (Money warrant hereon dated Mar. 21.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 99. Money Book (General) p. 316.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for [a great seal for] a grant to Henry Fanshaw of the reversion of the office of Auditor of Excise and New Impost after John Birch, Esq. : with the fee of 500l. per an. for himself and 200l. per an. for three clerks. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 24 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 99. Docquet Book, p. 45.
Same for a privy seal granting to Capt. Phillip Howard for his own use all the bark, lop, tops, and offal [of the timber] that the King shall give out of the forests of Whittlewood and Salcey towards the rebuilding of the town of Northampton, not exceeding 1,000 tons of timber. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 24 of docquet hereof. For Treasurer Danby's warrant hereon to the woodward of said forests see infra under date Aug. 18.) Ibid, p. 99. Ibid, p. 46.
Entry of Treasurer Danby's agreement with the report (dated Mar. 17) from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on the petition of Col. Cary Dillon : said report being to the effect that the King had granted to petitioner by patent the office of Master and Worker of the Mint to be re-established in Ireland with the fee of 500l. per an. which fee was never placed on the establishment and so not paid : and that same may be commanded to be placed on the establishment. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 261.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against George Benyon, Esq., who by privy seal of 1674, July 30, was discharged of all sums due upon several accounts therein mentioned, said Benyon being under danger of process by reason of not having sued out his quietus est, and by reason of an item of 12l. or thereabouts charged on said G. Benyon as due from his father Sir George Benion, deceased, late Receiver of Crown Revenues for co. Northampton and Rutland. Ibid.
Royal warrant to the Attorney General. The late royal warrant (see Cal. Treasury Books IV. pp. 823, 853) directed you to prepare a great seal for a demise of the revenue of Ireland for 7 years to Sir James Shaen, Sir William Petty, William Hill, William Rider, Robert Gorges, Thomas Hoare, Francis Sone, William Muschamp, Edward Richbell, Stanhop Mill, Lawrence Stannian and William Hanway. It is hereby directed that the said lease be made to Sir James Shaen, William Hill, William Rider, Thomas Hoar, Francis Sone, William Muschamp, Edward Richbell, Lawrence Stannian, Stanhope Mill, John Gourney and Thomas Sheridan for the said term and under the same rents and agreements as in the former warrant : with this explanation only, that in regard the clause for allowing defalcations is not plainly and clearly expressed in the said warrant, the King's intent and meaning is and is hereby declared to be that if by grants of the King, his father, grandfather, or of Queen Elizabeth or by plague, pestilence, great mortality, great destruction of houses by fire or otherwise, domestic rebellion, invasion by foreign enemies or any other unavoidable calamity, or if by Act of Parliament, or by any other Act to be done by the King, or if by judgment in the Exchequer or other Courts lands shall be discharged from quit rents ; or if by proclamation or other act of State the duties shall be lessened or taken away contrary to the agreement aforesaid, the Farmers [are] upon due proof of the loss to have proportionate allowances made out of their rents by the Lord Lieutenant and Council. This clause is accordingly to be in serted in the bill [of the great seal for said lease]. King's Warrant Book V. pp. 97-8.
Same [to the Clerk of the Signet] for a privy seal as follows. Hugh May late Paymaster of the Works did in Easter, 1665, receive 6,666l. 13s. 4d. out of the Exchequer as imprest for the Works in part of 10,000l. per an. for same as by the privy seal of 1663, April 10 ; and similarly in Michaelmas term following he received 3,333l. 6s. 8d. as same ; and also a further 500l. to be expended for an aqueduct from Hyde Park through St. James's Park to Whitehall pursuant to the privy seal of 1664, Aug. 30. In Easter term, 1666, he received 305l. for the repair of Nonsuch and for fitting same for the reception of the officers of the Exchequer over and above 150l. already received by him for same as by the privy seal of 1667, Sept. 30. These sums amount to 10,805l. Said May has passed his accounts for the years ending 1666, May 30, and 1667, June 30 [sic for May 31] but is not therein charged with said 10,805l. by reason of the loss or miscarriage of a prest certificate which was made by Sir Robert Long, late Auditor of the Receipt to charge him : whereby May appears in surplus 8,155l. 3s. 4d. in the last mentioned account instead of in arrear 2,649l. 16s. 8d. This is therefore to require that in said May's account, now making up, for the year ended 1668, May 31, May be charged also with said 10,805l., and be allowed the said 8,155l. 3s. 4d. surplusage ; and because the said 6,666l. 13s. 4d. was not paid in specie but by tallies on Thomas Price, late Receiver of Royal aid, co. Hereford (viz., two dated 1665, June 30, for 3,333l. 6s. 8d. and 1,466 13s. 4d. respectively, and one dated 1665. July 26, for 1,866l. 13s. 4d.) on the last of which tallies there is still 69l. 3s. 4d. unpaid as is certified by said Price the 10th inst., said 69l. 3s. 4d. is to hereby allowed in account to said May and said last tally is to be vacated and a fresh tally struck for 1,797l. 10s. 0d. to discharge said Price. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated April 19 of docquet hereof.) Ibid, pp. 122-4. Docquet Book, p. 57.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated Mar. of a warrant to the Trustees of the Queen Consort to grant to Richard Prowse, gent., at the nomination of Elizabeth Lady Clifford, widow of Thomas, Lord Clifford, of the issues of lead within the soke and wapentake of Wirksworth, co. Derby, with the Lott, Copp., and Bearemaster's place there for 40 years in reversion after the grant of same for 31 years made to Ralph Freeman, Esq., at the nomination of Lord Clifford : all at the rent of 140l. per an. for the said lead mines and Lott and Copp, and 2l. 13s. 4d. for the Bearemaster's office. Docquet Book, p. 41.
Money warrant for 150l. to Mris. Sophia Stewart for half a year on her pension. Money Book (General) p. 316.
Same for 50l. to Thomas Agar and Charles Strode for one year to Sept. 29 last on their fee as Surveyor General of Woods, South Trent. Ibid.
Letter of direction on 3,000l. in part of an order of the 7th inst. for 10,000l. to Charles Bertie for secret service : same to be hereby payable by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors on their rent payable the present March. Ibid.
Sir Richard Browne (having a petition before the Lord Treasurer for an arrear of 214l. 11s. 0d. due to the King for 8 years upon a fee farm rent of 26l. 16s. 4d. per an. payable out of the priory of Pilton, co. Devon) desires that nothing may be done by way of surprise till he has attended the Lord Treasurer therein. Caveat Book, p. 18.