Entry Book: February 1676, 16-28

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Entry Book: February 1676, 16-28', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp129-142 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: February 1676, 16-28', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp129-142.

"Entry Book: February 1676, 16-28". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp129-142.


February 1676, 16-28

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Feb. 16. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to the Duke of Hamilton. Customs free, several parcels of plate sent by sea to London under the custody of William Shills, being the proper household goods of said Duke and his Duchess. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 85.
Same from same to same to discharge the seizure of the ship James of New York with a parcel of salt by her imported into Dover and there seized : said vessel only coming into said port with intention to clear for New York : the seven way of salt on board, brought from the Netherlands contrary to law, being a small parcel and supposed to be taken in for the ship's conveniency. Ibid, p. 86.
Same from same to same to employ William Birkin head as a landwaiter Southampton port loco George Turner deceased : and Edward Batchellor as tidewaiter ibid loco Andrew Feilder deceased. Ibid.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated 1675-6 Feb. of a pardon to Joshua Gallard and Joseph Salter yeoman for the killing of John Gillam of London, carpenter : with restitution of goods. Docquet Book, p. 27.
Same of same dated same of a grant to the Earl of Castlehaven of 500l. per an. out of the revenue in Ireland ut supra, p. 115, under date Jan. 27. Ibid, p. 29.
Charles Bertie to Cousin [Howard, Auditor of the Receipt] to pay to William Montague (the Queen's Attorney General) 40l. for one year to Xmas last as a King's Counsel at law. Money Book (General) p. 292.
Money warrant for 90l. to Anthony Segar for the extraordinary charges and service of him, John Dorney, Richard Gregory and Edward Tyre in their attendance on the Treasury [when] at Windsor in summer 1674 : to be distributed by Segar in such proportions as Treasurer Danby shall think fit. Ibid.
Same for 29l. 3s. 4d. to Andrew Lawrence for his allowance of 3s. 4d. a day for the time he is employed as Surveyor of the King's Highways (being for 1674 Michaelmas to 1675, Lady Day) : as by the certificate of the Earl of Arlington, Lord Chamberlain.
24l. to John Greene for one year's fee as Keeper of the King's Stables at the Mews.
45l. 12s. 6d. to John Cary for half a year as one of the King's falconers.
25l. 1s. 10d. each to William Sakins, Arthur Wichelse, Silvanus Rowley and John Silvester for same as same.
22l. to Thomas Dechamp and Abel Daniel for same as same.
19l. 0s. 2d. to James Roper for same as same.
25l. to William Poulton for same as same.
Ibid, p. 293.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 4,294l. to George Wharton on any orders in his name for the Ordnance : to be by tallies on the Hearthmoney farm rent due in Sept. next. Ibid.
Letter of direction on an order of Jan. 12 last for 14,300l. to Samuell Pepys for Tangier : to be hereby by tallies as above. Ibid, p. 294.
Feb. 17. Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 3,050l. (which the Treasurers of Excise are directed to bring into the Exchequer) to Sir Stephen Fox to complete his last privy seal for secret service. Ibid.
Same to same to pay said Fox 1,000l. for half a year of the Earl of Sussex's pension : and as in part of 3,000l. which the Customs Cashier a month since brought into the Exchequer for said Fox which for want of orders said Fox could not then receive. Ibid.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to Lady Morley as royal bounty. (Money warrant dated Feb. 18 hereon.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 61. Money Book (General) p. 294.
Treasurer Danby's approval of the report (dated Dec. 30 last) to the King from the Earl of Essex, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, on the petition of John Bury (as by order of reference thereon dated Dec. 2 last). Hereon said Lord Lieutenant reports that in 1660 the King appointed the Earls of Orrery, Mountrath and Anglesey, Visct. Massereene, Sir John Temple, Sir William Bury and John Weaver to be Commissioners for the affairs of Ireland with 1,000l. per an. each : that said Sir W. Bury had a warrant for 500l. in part of his allowance and that petitioner, Sir W. Bury's heir, craves payment thereof as it remains unsatisfied. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 236.
Feb. 18. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of certain premises, not named, of which John Cholmley prays a lease. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 237.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal as follows. We are informed that many mistakes have been committed and many doubts have arisen in and about the sale of fee farms which have been occasioned partly through the inadvertency of the officers before whom said rents stood in charge or of the clerks employed in the sale by reason whereof many purchasers who have paid their purchase money into the Exchequer [have yet] not received the first [sic for fruit] of their purchases nor can otherwise be relieved than by particular instructions and directions from the King. The Treasury is hereby authorised to give warrant to the said Trustees for relief of the respective purchasers out of the rents remaining unsold as the case of each may require conformably to instructions as below. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Feb. 28 of docquet hereof.)
Appending :Instructions to be observed herein by said Trustees.
(1) Where any rents have been doubly purchased [i.e. by two different purchasers] from the Trustees or conveyed from the Crown before such purchase the Trustees are to grant other rents. (2) So also where rents have been sold which have since appeared to be parcels of greater rents which have been sold to others or set aside for pensions. (3) So also where rents have been sold which were not saleable : provided a proper surrender thereof be made. (4) So also where rents have been sold which for the greater space of 40 years last past have not been received (although the same have been answered to the Crown by the collectors or receivers thereof) so that the purchaser cannot receive the same : provided a proper surrender thereof be made. (5) Where any mistake has been committed in conveying either of complicate rents as entire or of entire rents as complicate or such like misnomer or apparent mistake said Trustees may satisfy same by further assurance. (6) Where any rents called Castle Guard rents (which appear not to the said Trustees to have been constantly and duly applied to the guard or repair of the Castles whereunto they did belong) or where any either Castle Guard or other rents which have heretofore been assigned to the payment and maintenance of any governments, castles or forts which are since decayed or otherwise provided for upon new establishments, have been sold the Trustees are to convey same according to the contract. (7) Where any rents have been sold which are charged with the payment of any stipend or other payments or out of which such stipend or other payment hath usually been allowed or paid the Trustees are to convey other rents. (8) Where any rent being an entire rent (or supposed to be so) has been long divided either by order of the Courts or otherwise and part thereof not received for the greater part of 40 years last past so that the purchaser cannot receive the same the Trustees are to convey other rents. (9) Where any rent said is more or less than is expressed in the sale the Trustees are to rectify [sic for ratify] said sale by further assurance making allowance to the King or party, as may be, for such mistake. (10) Where any contractor has paid his purchase money into the Exchequer and has not had the effect of his contract the Trustees are to convey other rents. (11) In any other particular case not enumerated above the Trustees can by direction of the Lord Treasurer give remedy as the case requires.
King's Warrant Book V. pp. 62-4. Docquet Book. p. 32.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant of the office of collector of Ipswich port to Thomas Bridgeman gent. in reversion after Matthew Snelling. (Vacated : See Mar. 1. infra p. 144.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 65.
Same to same for a same for a grant to Sir Gilbert Talbott Kt. Master of the Jewel House and Sir Peter Wyche (at the nomination of Bernard Grenville Esq. one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber) of the manor or manors of Chertsey and Hardwick, co. Surrey, and the scite and demesne lands thereof, the rights &c. thereof, all lands, tithes, tenements, &c., thereto, all rents reserved &c., courts leet and other courts and profits thereof &c. (except all coppice wood and underwoods therein) : to hold to the said Talbott from the death of the Queen Consort to the end of any then existing terms granted by her or by the King in the premises and to the said Wyche for 41 years from and after the determination of the said terms at the yearly rent of 6l. 13s. 4d. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 15 of docquet hereof.) Ibid, pp. 65-6. Docquet Book, p. 38.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a grant to Henry Bond, discoverer of the longitude, of 96l. 2s. 0d. due to the King for 12 years' arrears of a yearly rent of 8l. 0s. 2d. issuing out of Ashley and Waddon, co. Dorset, in the possession of Sir Nappier but set in arrear upon the Marquess of Winchester. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 6 of docquet hereof). King's Warrant Book V. p. 66. Docquet Book, p. 35.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Thomas Weare and George Weare of Dirham, co. Gloucester, in consideration of 1,300l. to be paid by Henry Weare, junr., and as in trust for the said Henry, of several lands and hereditaments in Bitton, co. Gloucester, late the possession of Nicholas Veel, of Alveston, co. Gloucester, extended and seized towards satisfaction of the debt owing from said Veel to the King : with proviso for this grant to be void if said 1,300l. be not paid into the Exchequer within 10 days after this grant pass. (The various bonds on which said Nicholas Veel became debtor to the King are enumerated as follows, 1664, Aug. 11, in 1,000l. ; 1665, April 29, in 1,808l. ; 1666, Sept. 29 ; said Nicholas Veel, Thomas his brother and William Warner in 4,000l. on which last bond judgment was obtained in the Exchequer against the two Veels and Warner ; 1666, Aug. 4, said Nicholas Veel and said Thomas Veel in 19,478l. ; 1667, July 18, Nicholas Veel with Edward Hyde of East Hatch, co. Wilts, in 2,000l. : all which have becoming forfeit it was found by 2 inquisitions before the sheriff of Gloucester that said Nicholas was seized in his demesne as of freehold for the lives of himself, Alice his wife, and Nicholas his son of a messuage called the Beach in the said parish of Bitton late in his tenure and now in the tenure of Henry Weare and divers other lands, which the said Henry Weare and Henry his son (being ignorant of the extents against Veel) agreed to purchase for 1,800l. of which 500l. was to be paid on Veel's surrendering said lands to Mr. Hill, prebendary of Salisbury (of whom same were held by said Veel) and by said Hill granted to John (Henry) Weare, junr., the carrying out of which arrangement was interrupted by the discovery of said Veel's indebtedness to the King, and led to an action at law by Veel against Henry Weare, senr., Henry Weare, junr., and George Weare, who thereupon exhibited a bill in Chancer, against said Veel, which court decreed July 5 last that the remaining 1,300l. of purchase money should be paid into Court by the said Weares and thereupon the extents and incumbrances assigned to them). (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 16 of docquet hereof). King's Warrant Book V. pp. 66-8. Docquet Book, p. 40.
Money warrant for 250l. to the Countess of Brentford for half a year on her pension : to be by tallies on the Hearthmoney farm rent due in March next. Money Book (General) p. 295.
Feb. 19. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to Lord Maynard, Customs free, 2 dozen of gloves now in the Custom House. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 87.
Feb. 19. (28) Money warrant for 500l. to Richard, Lord Arundell of Trerice for half a year to Xmas last on his pension. Money Book (General) p. 294. Money Book (Fees and Pensions) p. 31.
Same for 1,300l. to John, Lord Berkeley, for 3 months' ordinary in advance to April 7 next as ambassador extraordinary to France : he having taken leave of tho King in order to his journey into France. Oct. 7 last : as appears by the certificate of Secretary Coventry, dated the 11th inst. Money Book (General) pp. 294-5.
Feb. 21. Same for 52,500l. to Lemuel Kingdon, as imprest for the pay of the Guards and Garrisons Jan. 1 last to April 1 next : half thereof out of the Exchequer and half thereof by tallies on the Excise. Ibid, p. 295.
Same for 500l. to Frances, Countess of Portland for half a year to Sept. 29 on her pension : to be by tallies on the Hearthmoney farm rent due in March next. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies for last Xmas quarter of Mrs. Hamilton's pension. Ibid, p. 296.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to John Cholmley of the tithes of wood, underwood, coppices and woodlands called Lez Earledoms or Lez Earldome woods pertaining to the Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery being extra parochial and near the forest of Melchet and the parishes of Whiteparish, Landford and Plaitford, containing about 440 acres, all for 31 years at 20s. per an. rent : the petitioner to recover the tithes at his own proper costs and charges and not to compound with any pretended owner without the consent of the Lord Treasurer.
Prefixing : Constat and ratal of the premises by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. (Entry of docquet of demise hereof dated Feb. 22).
Warrants not Relating to Money VI. pp. 237-8, 240.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Richard Reeve, Receiver of the Eighteen Months' assessment for London, on the arrears thereon : an allowance having been craved thereon in respect of tofts unbuilt and houses not inhabited, &c. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 239.
Same from same to Auditor Sir William Godolphin, Auditor of Crown Revenues of Wales, in making up the accounts of Bevis Lloyd for the year ended 1674 Mich. as Receiver of Crown Revenues in South Wales and Monmouth to discharge him of 475l. 19s. 10d. leaving him indebted to the King thereon in the sum of only 16s. 10d. : said Lloyd being indebted on his account dated 1671-2, Mar. 20, in the sum of 1,550l. 11s. 1d. through the failure of some of his deputies : for settlement of which he immediately treated with Lady Middleton and Mr. Thelwall for the sale of his own lands which was suspended by the difficulty of his conveying, he being bound to the King : whereupon he petitioned twice but no report was thereon made till 1673, May 15, when order was given him to convey his lands to the King which he did 1673, July 11, and the King thereon conveyed to said purchasers : during which transaction from 1672 June 10, to 1673 Oct., he paid said purchasers interest for their money ; and several sums amounting to 933l. and 2,000l. of the said purchase money were paid into the Exchequer in Nov. 1673 : in spite whereof he is charged in his said account for 1671 with 197l. 6s. 2d. for 12 per cent. interest charge for said 1,550l. 11s. 1d. whereby he was charged to owe the King 3,272l. 8s. 6d. on his account made 1672-3, Mar. 20 : and in the account made 1673-4, Mar. 20, he is charged with 278l. 13s. 8d. for like 12 per cent. charged for the said 3,272l. 8s. 6d. both which sums come to the 475l. 19s. 10d. and are hereby ordered to be remitted. Ibid, pp. 241-2.
Order by Treasurer Danby as follows : Bevis Lloyd and Richard Gwynne were by Sir Rich. Piggott, Perient Trott and Humphrey Beane appointed as their deputies to collect the King's 1666 Lady Day half year's Hearthmoney, viz., in co. Somerset. Said Lloyd and Gwynne are thereon indebted 562l. 5s. 11d. By privy seal of 1674, Mar. 27, Lloyd was to pay 500l. to Francis Poyntz and a tally was struck therefor dated 1674, July 12. Poyntz complains that Lloyd scruples payment thereof, alleging (1) that he is bound to pay his receipts to said Piggott, Trott and Beane ; (2) that there was a tally struck on him for the same money for Sir Phillip Lloyd ; (3) that he claims defalcations for his extraordinary charges by reason of the great opposition he met, some of his officers being beaten and one or two killed. On hearing said case in the presence of all the parties concerned it is hereby ordered that Lloyd shall forthwith pay said 500l. to Poyntz and acquittances and releases thereon to be given : and that Lloyd be allowed 62l. 5s. 11d. on account of said extraordinary charges. Failing payment by Lloyd of said 500l. then Poyntz is to proceed against him and Timothy Wade his surety. Ibid, pp. 242-4.
Feb. 22. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to [the King's Remembrancer] to stay process against William Stanhop, senr., and William Stanhop, junr., Farmers of Excise for co. Notts for the 3 years ending 1674, June 24. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 239.
Treasurer Danby to the following judges severally, viz., Baron Littleton, Baron Bertie, judges for the Northern Circuit, Chief Justice North, Justice Rainsford, judges for the Western Circuit, Justice Windham and Baron Thurland, for the Midland Circuit, Justice Twisden and Serj. Pemberton, for the Home Circuit, Lord Chief Baron Turner and Justice Ellis, for the Norfolk Circuit, Justice Wild and Justice Atkins, for the Oxford Circuit. I am informed by the sub-collectors in the several counties that a great part of the Law duties hath not been properly paid and particularly for appearances that are entered in Courts holding plea under 40s. which are due to the King in the opinion of the King's counsel. In all the assizes in your circuit you are to give it in charge to the several officers who have the care of the collection of said duty that they take care that same be collected and answered to to the King. Ibid, p. 240.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to permit the landing, Customs free, of 9 trunks, 2 mails, 8 portmanteaus and one case belonging to the Duchess of Mazarin with some other necessaries belonging to her retinue : which goods are lately arrived from France on the Merlin yacht. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 87.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to John Tyndal and Thomas Tyndal, gent., of the office of searcher of Bristol port : to be held and exercised by them successively for the life of the longest liver. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 15 of docquet hereof : "to hold the same to the said John Tindale immediately after the determination of the interest of Sackvile Greaves therein who now enjoys the same" and to said Thomas Tyndale after said Sackvile Greaves and said John Tyndale.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 64. Docquet Book, p. 37.
Feb. 2. [sic erratum for 22] Charles Bertie to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to pay Secretary Williamson 1,000l. upon his late order for 2,000l. ut supra p. 129 under date Feb. 15. Money Book (General) p. 296.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay Prince Rupert 120l. for 2 years' creation money. Ibid.
Feb. 23. Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for the Receiver of the Manor and Castle of Windsor to pay the wages of 20 marks per an. to the underkeeper of Sandhurst Walk in Windsor Forest. King's Warrant Book V. p. 69.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Treasurer Danby of all that parcel of ground with the buildings thereon called the Cockpit, abutting south upon Hampden House and garden, east upon a Tennis Court, and west and north upon St. James's Park and containing 210 feet north to south and 140 feet east to west at the south end thereof and 80 feet at the north end thereof, with all easements, &c., for 99 years determinable upon the lives of said Danby, Edward. Lord Latimer and Peregrine, Visct. Osborne, at the rent of [6s. 8d. per an.]. The said grant to be in consideration of the repairing and new building of the premises (or the greatest part thereof) at the cost of said Earl : the grant to be revocable on the Crown repaying to said Earl the cost of such repairs and new building. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 6 of docquet hereof). Ibid, p. 70. Docquet Book, p. 34.
Royal warrant to Treasurer Danby to direct the Trustees for fee farms to contract with Sir Hugh Bethell, Kt., for rents as in the schedule below being of the value, at five years' purchase, of 780l. 11s. 5d. ; the said Bethel having a grant under the great seal of date 1670, Aug. 25, of the said fee farm rents as below for 31 years from 1671 Lady Day, and he desiring now to purchase the Crown reversion thereof at 5 years' purchase, viz. : King's Warrant Book V. pp. 70-1.
s. d.
Fee farm rent out of the manor of Rise, co. York, per an. 79 10 0
A rent out of Allerthorpe, co. Yorks 7 6 8
Another ditto 14 8 3
A rent out of Holme upon the Wolds 8 10 4
9 small rents, enumerated, in Givendale, in all 30 1 10
139 17 1
Caveat that no docquet pass for a pardon to Hutchins, who with others is convicted of a robbery, but that when any such docquet be brought notice be given to the Lord Treasurer. Caveat Book, p. 17.
Treasuer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated 1675-6 Feb., of a grant to Charles Bowles, second son of Sir William Bowles, James Spelman and John Wight, Esqts., of the offices of Master of His Majesty's Tents and Toils for life in reversion after William Bowles the present officer. Docquet Book. p. 36.
Same of same dated same of a pardon and release to the City of London of 15,463l. 16s. 11d. arrears of the last Eighteen Months' assessment : all in respect of the many houses uninhabited and tofts of ground unbuilt in said city, ut supra p. 103 under date Jan. 10. Ibid.
Privy seal to discharge Dorothy Chiffinch, widow to Thomas Chiffinch, of liability for the sums paid to said Thomas Chiffinch by authorisations dated as follows : viz. (1660, Nov. 9), 900l. to be paid to Monsieur Feurier, a French merchant for goods delivered for the King's service ; (1660-1, Feb. 4), 1,000l. for the Works at Hampton Court and elsewhere ; (1660-1, Mar. 13), several sums amounting to 2,000l. for the Privy Purse, making in all 3,900l. ; (1665, Nov. 10), 3,252l. paid to him by Lord Ashley, then Treasurer of Prize Money and set in super on said Chiffinch in the accounts of said Lord Ashley : all the said moneys having been applied according to the King's directions and for his service : "and likewise of and from all and every other sum and sums of money which were at any time or times imprested to the said Thomas Chiffinch out of the Receipt of our Exchequer for the use or service of our Privy Purse or otherwise." (Royal warrant dated Feb. 4 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Feb. 16 of docquet hereof. Treasurer Danby's warrant accordingly dated May 5 to the Auditors of Imprests.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 72-3, 49. Docquet Book, p. 28. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. pp. 315-6.
Feb. 24. Treasurer Danby to Sir John Reresby and Sir Godfry Copley to be communicated to the rest of the Justices of Peace in the West Riding of Yorks. Great complaints are made to me by the Hearthmoney Farmers of some late proceedings by you and other Justices in Yorks, viz., that where their officers make distresses for non-payment of that duty you order the re-delivery of the distress and the officers are indited and imprisoned on pretence that the firehearths in question are not certified to the Clerk of the Peace and returned into the Exchequer and therefore the distresses are illegal. I believe this pretence is raised by the Clerks of the Peace who endeavour by obstructing the King's revenue to create profit to themselves. The said duty does not grow due to the King by the certificate the Clerk of the Peace returns into the Exchequer, but the charge is made and the duty arises on every firehearth, and although direction is given by the last Hearthmoney Act that certificates of new surveys shall be made to the Clerks of the Peace and so returned into the Exchequer, that was done that the King might have certain knowledge of his revenue and might thereby charge each officer. But the officer may before such certificate levy and collect, and a certificate will neither justify an overcharge or an undercharge in the survey. Further there is not the same occasion as before for certifying the returns because the duty is now in farm and the Farmers are obliged to return true copies of all surveys. Another complaint is that you order re-delivery of distresses taken for smiths' forges. As to that there have been verdicts and judgments at law given that smiths' forges are liable to pay the duty. But if any be not yet satisfied therein I am willing it may be further tried at law and the Farmers offer to join issue, which I think the best expedient to put an end to these differences and all future clamours. Communicate this letter to the Justices in your Riding : and as your care is that the people be not oppressed so I doubt not you will take like care that the officers be not discountenanced. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 250-1.
Treasurer Danby's approval of the report from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on the petition of Lewis, Lord Duras, said petition shewing that the King granted him 3,000l. per an. out of the 20,000l. per an. reserved in Ireland, and that he is now about a marriage and prays a letter to the Lord Lieutenant for payment thereof accordingly. Hereon the Lord Lieutenant reports that the King has by privy seal appropriated said 20,000l. per an. to Windsor Castle with non obstantes to future letters and that therefore the course must be to order the Receiver of the 20,000l. to pay 3,000l. per an. to petitioner or to grant him a patent under the great seal of England of that pension payable out of that fund. Ibid, p. 232.
Charles Bertie to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to pay the 500l. (which the Customs Cashier is ordered to bring into the Exchequer for four of the Grooms of the Bedchamber) to Mr. Guy, Mr. Lane, Mr. Walter and Mr. Seymour. Money Book (General) p. 296.
Money warrant for 500l. to Lewis, Lord Duras, for one year to Xmas last on his pension : to be by tallies on the Hearthmoney farm rent due in March next. Ibid.
[? Feb. 24.] Charles Bertie to Alderman Backwell to pay Major Trelawney 200l. "for which he will deliver you a tally struck upon you as Receiver of the Queen's [Portuguese marriage] portion" : same being for two years' pension. Money Book (General) p. 297. Money Book (Fees and Pensions) p. 36.
Feb. 25. Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 90l. into the Exchequer for Mr. Segar. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 87.
Same to same to bring into the Exchequer 500l. for four of the Grooms of the Bedchamber ; 50l. for the Pages ; 100l. for Mr. Chiffinch ; 81l. 6s. 8d. for the Attorney General : 750l. for the Queen's Dressers ; 250l. for the Maids [of Honour] and 50l. for Lady Sanderson : in all 1,781l. 6s. 8d. Ibid.
Royal warrant to the Attorney General to enter a noli prosequi upon the Quo Warranto filed in the King's Bench Michaelmas 25 Car. II. against Benjamin, Lord Fitz-Walter, concerning his claims of sole fishing in the river of Wallfleet, co. Essex, from a place called Rysands to Clayclods. King's Warrant Book V. p. 72.
Feb. 26. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Edmond Ashton on the 264l. owing to the King on his account as late late Receiver of Hearthmoney for co. Lancs. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 245.
Charles Bertie to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to pay to Sir Stephen Fox (on his privy seal for 8,000l. per an. for secret service) 4,000l. [for the Lord Treasurer] which the Customs Cashier is directed to bring into the Exchequer. Money Book (General) p. 297. Money Book (Fees and Pensions) p. 4.
Same to same to pay to Mr. Segar 90l. which is to be brought into the Exchequer as above. Money Book (General) p. 297.
Feb. 27. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt for tallies of assignment to be levied for the discharge of the debt of 1,118l. 14s. 9d. due to the King from Major Norton late Receiver of Crown Revenues for Durham, Northumberland and Richmond Archdeaconry (representing 811l. 3s. 5d. due upon his account thereof to Mich. 1670 and 307l. 11s. 4d. for 12 per cent, interest charge thereon for three years) : same having been granted to William Chiffinch by the privy seal of July 31 last. Ibid, pp. 300-1.
Feb. 28 Same from same to Thomas Newton, the King's woodward in, and to other the officers of, Whittlewood and Salcey Forests to fell trees therein sufficient for the gating, stiling, cabining and staking the several coppices as follow, viz., Hartwell deer coppice in Howletts Walk in Salcey Forest and Shiplake and Stallage coppices in Hanger and Hazleborough walks in Whittlewood Forest : the said coppices being fit to be felled this season and sold for the Queen's service. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. p. 245.
Same from same to Sergt. Ramsy to arrest William Rosson, a carpenter or joiner who is complained of by the Hearthmoney contractors for having dangerously wounded Samuel Evans, one of their collectors. Ibid, p. 247-8.
Report to the King in the form of approval by Treasurer Danby and .. ("Lord Chancellor is also to sign") of the report dated Feb. 26 from the Earl of Essex, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, on the petition of John, Lord Kingston [said report] concluding that 2,000l. per an. in land above the quit rent and all charges and incumbrances may be a sufficient proportion to be allowed to said Lord in full of all his demands both on his own account and in trust for Mr. Roberts as reprisals. Ibid, p. 248.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to employ Henry Colchester as a landwaiter London port, loco Tho. Mead, deceased. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 88.
Royal sign manual for 338l. 10s. 0d. to Sir Allan Apsley as royal bounty, being 48l. 10s. 0d. due to him for 97 days to Mar. 25 last on his fee of 10s. a day ; 90l. for a quarter to Mar. 12 last on his allowance of 30l. a month and 200l. for the like to Mar. 25 last on his allowance of 800l., all as late Master of the Hawks of which office he has lately made a surrender before payment of these arrears so due. (Money warrant dated Mar. 9 hereon.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 83. Money Book (General) p. 308
Charles Bertie to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to pay to Lemuel Kingdon all such moneys as now remain in the Exchequer and were brought in by the Customs Cashier for the use of the Forces upon the direction of 2,000l. per week and as the same shall be brought in, until 26,000l. be paid. Money Book (General) p. 297.
Same to same to issue 500l. (which is to be brought into the Exchequer by the Customs Cashier) to Mr. Philips, Mr. Felton, Mr. Godolphin and Mr. Greenville, four of the Grooms of the Bedchamber. Ibid.
Money warrant for 100l. to John Dryden for half a year to June 24 last on his fee as Poet Laureate and Historiographer to the King. Ibid.
Same for 6,972l. to William Ashburnham, Cofferer of the Household, for interest of moneys by him borrowed for the service of the Household as by his account thereof made up to July 1 last. Ibid, p. 298.
Same for 24,662l. 3s. 6d. to Sir Stephen Fox for eleven similar interest accounts made up to same date (ten whereof were allowed by Treasurer Danby, Jan. 22 last, and the eleventh similarly on the 28th Jan.) for money advanced for the service of the Forces. Ibid.
Same for 500l. to James, Earl of Northampton, for half a year to Xmas last on his pension of 1,000l. per an. as by his patent of the 11th inst.
50l. to same for same on his vearly fee of 100l. as Constable of the Tower.
Ibid, p. 299.
Same for 25l. to Frances Clarke, relict of Dr. Timothy Clarke for a quarter ended 1671, Xmas, on his fee as late one of the King's Physicians. Ibid.
Same for 75l. to Madam Civett for a quarter on her pension. Ibid.
Same for 500l. to Richard, Lord Arundell of Trerice, for half a year to Xmas last on his pension : to be by tallies on the Hearthmoney farm rent due in March next. Ibid, p. 300.
[?] Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated 1675-6 Feb. of a grant to Roger Whitley Esq. and Thomas Whitley his son in trust for Charles, Lord Gerard of parcels of ground ut supra Cal. Treasury Books, IV. pp. 851-2. Docquet Book, p. 32.
Feb. 29. Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to give Thomas Dereham his tallies of assignment on the Post Office from time to time as formerly for his salary of Court Post as letter carrier to His Majesty. Money Book (General) p. 299.
Money warrant for 8,589l. 0s. 11d. to Visct. Grandison and Col. Villiers as by the privy seal of Dec. 15 last (Cal. Treasury Book IV. p. 864) : to be by tallies on the Wine Licence Commissioners. Ibid, p. 300.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay 12l. each to Daniell Collwall and Thomas Burton for one year's salary to Sept. 29 last as two of the undersearchers London port. Ibid, p. 306.
Privy seal for 10,000l. to Charles Bertie : for secret service : without account. (Royal warrant dated Feb. 22 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Feb. 28 of docquet hereof. Money warrant hereon dated Mar. 6.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 69, 78. Docquet Book, p. 31. Money Book (General) p. 304.
Same for 5,566l. 17s. 1d. to Dame Robina Lockhart representing extraordinaries of her late husband Sir William Lockhart, Ambassador to France (viz., for his equipage which marched from Paris for the campaign in May, 1675, and other extraordinaries ; said Lockhart having died without signing a bill thereof : the bill hereof being signed by said Dame Robina, Secretary Coventry and John Lewin, General of the Horse and Steward to the said Sir William Lockhart). Further to bestow upon the said Dame Robina the 5,904 oz. of white plate and 1,068 oz. of gilt plate, which according to an indenture, 1673, Dec. 11, made between said Sir William Lockhart and Sir Gilbert Talbot. Master and Treasurer of the Jewels and Plate, was received by said Lockhart of said Talbot : the said white plate not having been returned into the Jewel House, is hereby granted her ; and in lieu of the said gilt plate (which she has returned into the Jewel House) she is hereby to be paid 340l. The 5,904 oz. of white plate granted as above to Lady Lockhart is enumerated as follows. 12 meat and 12 sallet dishes and 12 insides, weighing 1,982 oz. ; 12 candlesticks, 4 salvers and 2 chamber pots, weighing 632 oz. ; 3 deep basons, 3 broad basons, and 4 ewers, weighing 790 oz. ; 2 French sugar casters and 2 broad sugar boxes, weighing 104 oz. ; 6 stands for dishes, 24 trencher salts and a warming pan, weighing 336 2/4 oz. ; 2 sweet meat stands, 24 spoons and 24 forks, weighing 473 oz. ; 4 snuffer pans and snuffers and 24 knivhafts, weighing 216 oz. 1 can, 2 tumblers and 72 trencher plates, weighing 1,358 oz. (Royal warrant dated Feb. 23 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 1 of docquet hereof. Money warrant hereon dated Mar. 15 for 5,566 17s. 1d. and 340l.) Ibid, pp. 107-8. Docquet Book, p. 33. Money Book (General) p. 310.
Same for 4,556 14s. 0d. to Col. Stapleton, governor of the Leeward Islands for the pay of two companies there, from 1672, July 7, to 1674, July 7 : and dormant warrant for 2,778l. 10s. 0d. per an. from time to time for the establishment of said two companies to be paid to said Stapleton during his government. No further payments to be henceforth made on the privy seal of 1672, Sept. 23, for the pay of said companies, the pay of said two companies having been established 1670-1, Mar. 8, at 2,778l. 10s. 8d. per an. for 80 common soldiers, besides officers in each company and by the privy seal of 1670-1, Mar. 10, said sum was made payable to Sir Charles Wheeler, then Governor of said Island[s] : and said companies having been satisfied their pay in St. Christopher from the first day of their being mustered under Sir Charles Wheeler, "which was" [sic? erratum for until] the 7th of July, 1672, out of the sequestration and sale of said Wheeler's plantation there : but by the privy seal of 1672, Sept. 23, said Wheeler being removed from said government and Sir William Stapleton constituted in his place, the like sum of 2,778l. 10s. 8d. was thereby directed to be paid to Stapleton for said two companies : but now it is certified that no issues have been made on the said last recited privy seal, so that it now appears from Commissary John Bains' examination of several muster rolls which have been sent over express and which commence 1672, July 7, and continue to 1674, July 7, that there is due for pay for that period 4,556l. 14s. 0d. which is short of the rate of the said establishment because the said companies are wasted from their complement of 80 men each to smaller numbers : the King being now minded by advice of [the Privy] Council to take care for the future maintenance of said companies according to the said establishment and to that end that recruits be sent over to fill them up to 80 men each. (Royal warrant dated Feb. 18 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 1 of docquet hereof. For money warrant hereon see under date May 25 infra.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 108-10, 66. Docquet Book, p. 33.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Sir Mathew Hale, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, of a pension of 1,000l. per an. from Xmas last for life. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 6 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V p. 75. Docquet Book. p. 34.
Mar. 28
altered to Feb. 29
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to the Trustees of the Queen Consort's jointure (viz., Denzell, Lord Holles, High Steward to the Queen, William, Visct. Brouncker, Chancellor and Keeper of her Great Seal, Henry, Earl of Clarendon, Sir Richard Bellings her principal Secretary and Master of Requests, John Harvey her Treasurer and Receiver General, William Montagu her Attorney General and John Hall her Surveyor General) to make a declaration by indenture unto Dame Mary Scroope, widow of Sir Adrian Scroope, Kt. of the Bath, that from the death of the Queen Consort said Trustees shall be possessed of the premises as below on trust to pay to said Dame Scroope thereout 500l. per an. for life (excepting out of said grant the fines on renewals and the powers of granting stewardships or bailiwicks). In case of failure of payment of said 500l. per an. to her then said Trustees are to stand possessed of said premises on trust only for her benefit for her to receive all the profits thereof until she be paid all arrears of her said 500l. per an. : all by reason that the said Queen and her said Trustees did by indenture dated grant to said Dame Scroope, a pension of 500l. per an. secured on the castle and manor of Pontefract, co. Yorks, manor or lordship of Knaresborough, co. Yorks, castle and manor of Tickhill, co. Yorks and Notts, castle or lordship of Pickering, park called Blandesby park, co. Yorks, lordship or manor of Methwold, co. Norfolk, and castle, manor or lordship of Halton, co. Chester, with the rents reserved on leases therein, but excepting profits of courts, royalties and fee farms. In the new indenture herein as above the manor or lordship of Knaresborough is not included in the body thereof, but is to be as a supplement to satisfy any arrears that may arise from non-payment of said 500l. per an. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Mar. 29 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 78-81. Docquet Book. p. 50.
Feb. 29. Privy seal for a grant to Oliver Hale in trust for Sir Robert Thomas of debts due to the Crown from the late bishop of London and Robert Mellish, ut supra p. 116, under date Jan. 28. The difference between the two privy seals consists in fresh clauses added in the present privy seal and relating to the grant of the bonds for securing said debts and secondly in the addition in the clause for the transfer to said Sir Robert Thomas of the King's right in the said lease of the following provisos, viz., that thereout lands of the clearly yearly value of 120l. be first settled for securing the payment of 695l. to Dr. John Butler, D.D., one of the King's chaplains in ordinary and canon of the free chapel in Windsor Castle, being due to him in the right of Susan his wife, sister to the said Sir Robert Thomas : and likewise lands of the clear yearly value of 70l. for securing the annuities of 30l. each to John and Humphrey Thomas, brothers of said Sir Robert Thomas : and likewise lands of the clear yearly value of 50l. for the securing of 205l. to said John Thomas (being unpaid arrears of his annuity) and 300l. to said Humphrey (less any sum already received in part thereof). (Royal sign manual dated Feb. 11 for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Feb. 23 of docquet hereof. Treasurer Danby's warrant dated Mar. 23 to the Receipt for tallies for 3547l. 19s. 10d. to said Hale. King's Warrant Book V. pp. 51-5. Docquet Book, p. 31. Money Book (General), pp. 319-20.
Report to the King from Treasurer Danby (as by the order of reference of the 21st inst.) on the petition of the Mayor, Aldermen and inhabitants of Northampton praying a grant of 2,000 tons of timber out of Salcey and Whittlewood forests, militia money remaining unpaid in said county, said to be about 1,200l., and the Excise and Hearthmoney of said town for a short term of years. I find that 2,000 tons of timber cannot be spared out of said forests ; but 300 tons may be allowed for the present to begin with for rebuilding public places and public uses. A letter may be written to the Lord Lieutenants and gentlemen of the county recommending the disposition of the militia money towards the rebuilding of the town. As to Hearthmoney they are under the same necessity of the King's grace as London was to which the said duty was remitted for seven years. As to the Excise its remission would be of little advantage and would create a great inconvenience in respect of the contract with the Excise Farmers. Warrants not Relating to Money VI. pp. 246-7