Treasury Warrants: November 1717, 26-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1960.

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'Treasury Warrants: November 1717, 26-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717, ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online [accessed 16 September 2024].

'Treasury Warrants: November 1717, 26-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Edited by William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online, accessed September 16, 2024,

"Treasury Warrants: November 1717, 26-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby(London, 1960), , British History Online. Web. 16 September 2024.


November 1717, 26–30

Nov. 26. Money order for three years' interest to 1714 Dec. 25 on Debentures for the sufferers in St. Christopher and Nevis: all ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIX, pp. 463–86, under date 1715 April 12: the present order being for 302l. 14s. 10½d. for interest on 11 Debentures, not detailed. Money Book XXIII, p. 546.
Same for 302l. 14s. 10½d. to the several sufferers at Nevis and St. Christopher for three years' interest to 1714 Dec. 25 at the rate of 6 per cent. on 11 debentures, amounting in principal money to 1,681l. 19s.d., as in the authentick list transmitted to the Treasury from the Commissioners of Trade and signed by William Popple, their Secretary, and annexed to the Treasury warrant [missing, see infra p. 717, under date Dec. 17] on which this order is grounded: all as by a clause of the Act of 12 Anne [13 Anne, c. 18], appropriating the moneys granted for the service of the year 1714 and as by his present Majesty's privy seal of 19 March 1714–15: [which said debentures are as follows: viz. and see supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXIX, p. 486.]
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Charles Matthew, Esq., debenture No. 145 308 2 51/5 55 9
Thomas Elford, debenture No. 292 114 17 9 20 13
Sibella Richards, debenture No. 353 72 16 4 13 2
William Basnet, debenture No. 354 69 11 1 12 10
Joshua Hobson, debenture No. 374 232 0 4 41 15 3
John Thornton, debenture No. 390 675 4 5 121 10 9
Alexander Langdon, debenture No. 499 113 2 2 20 7
George Cherriot, debenture No. 562 27 19 1 5 0
Sebastian Branch, debenture No. 602 55 17 9 10 1
Samuel Earle, debenture No. 617 2 19 1 0 10
Richard Reams, debenture No. 636 9 9 1 1 14 0
£1,681 19 61/5 £302 14 10½
Order Book X, p. 38.
Nov. 26. C. Stanhope to the Stamps Commissioners. The Earl of Carnarvon by a memorial to the Treasury Lords has desired consent to use your instruments and to fix his seal thereto in order to the facilitating the service of making out his debentures. My Lords consent that you give him such liberty to make use of your instruments in your Office accordingly. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 247.
Treasury reference to the Commissioners for the Duties on Hides &c. of the petition of Charles Squibb, shewing that he was made Surveyor of the Duties on Hides in 1714 and Supervisor thereof in June 1716, which he faithfully discharged “and hopes the Commissioners of the said Duty will favour his character notwithstanding the accusation against him in November 1716 whereby he was discharged, which accusation was false and malicious as hath since appeared: that he is youngest son of Mr. Squibb, formerly a clerk of the Treasury”: therefore praying to be restored. Reference Book IX, p. 359.
Same to the Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland of the petition of George Monro of Culrain, Chamberlain of the Crown Rents of the Earldom of Ross, praying to be allowed the salary of 83l. 6s. 8d. for the year 1714 in his account for that year. Out Letters (North Britain) IV, p. 198.
Nov. 27. Privy seal for 300l. as equipage and 3l. a day as ordinary to James Haldane, Esq., who is appointed as Resident with the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel. King's Warrant Book XXVIII, p. 498.
Royal sign manual for 1,050l. to John, Earl of Stair, Ambassador Extraordinary to the most Christian King: without accompt: “in satisfaction of the like sum by him disbursed by our direction and for our special service.”
Followed by: (a) said Earl's account dated Paris 4 Oct. 1717 of the money laid out for his Majesty's service from the 19th June to the 19th September, old style [1717]:
for two expresses sent to England and back again 50
for an entertainment upon the anniversary of the King's accession to the Crown 100
for secret services, 450 Louis d'or at 30 livres 900
(b) Secretary J. Addison's allowance of said bill. “I allow this bill, amounting to 1,050l., being over and above the Regulation, by his Majesty's special command.” (Money warrant dated Nov. 30 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 4 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Dec. 6 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XXVIII, p. 508. Order Book X, p. 34. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 51.
Nov. 27. Money order for 79,876l. 5s.d. to the Bank of England for three quarters of a year commencing from 1717 Sept. 29 in recompense and consideration of the sum of 1,775,027l. 17s. 10½d. owing to them as by the Act of 7 Anne, c. 30, for enlarging the Capital Stock of said Bank, to wit on the annuity or yearly sum payable to the said Bank for ever out of House Duties continued for ever by the Act of 5 Anne, [6 Anne, c. 21], which took effect from 31 July 1710. Order Book X, p. 40. Letter of direction for 9,223l. 13s. 0d. to Charles Bodvile, Earl of Radnor, on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Chamber: as imprest and upon account to be paid over and applied to satisfy all sums payable in that Office at Michaelmas 1717 as follows:
£ s. d.
on the certain established allowance for Michaelmas quarter 1717 [for the Office of the Chamber] 5,341 16 2
for stationery wares for the Offices of the Secretaries of State for same quarter 369 1 2
to the Housekeeper [of his Majesty's Palace] at Westminster on his allowances for said quarter 32 6 8
to ditto more for looking after the Court erected in Westminster Hall, for the same time 24 5 0
to the ratkiller, in full of his bills for half a year to 1717 Michaelmas 28 19 0
to Mr. Andrew Trebeck for reading prayers at St. James's the summer season 1717 15 0 0
to the Marshal of the Ceremonies for attendance on Foreign Ministers from Lady day 1715 to Lady day 1717 46 0 0
to Sir Godfrey Kneller, bart., Principal Painter to his Majesty, for drawing three pictures of his Majesty at whole length at 50l. each and for fees of [the Exchequer and Treasury] Offices [on said payments] 161 5 0
to John Howard, joiner, in full of his bill for carved frames and cases from 4 July 1715 to 4 Sept. 1717 494 0 9
to Ann Fatt for sweeping of chimneys at St. James's from Lady day 1717 to Michaelmas following 21 18 0
to Benja[min] Bedford for a quarter's rent due 30 Oct. 1717 for the house hired for the Czar of Muscovy's Minister 107 10 0
to Sarah Peach, a necessary woman at St. James's, for half a year due 31 July 1717 on her allowances 14 0 0
to Alice Haberly, another necessary woman there: half a year due at the same time on her allowances 31 1 6
to — Chaddick, another [necessary woman]: half a year due at the same time on her allowances 11 10 0
to Jane Spencer, another [necessary woman]: half a year due at same time on ditto 16 0 0
to the Gentlemen and others of his Majesty's Chapel for their travelling charges to Hampton Court 457 4 0
to Thomas Robinson, locksmith, in full of his bills for iron and brass locks and for work done in all his Majesty's Palaces and houses from Lady day 1717 to Michaelmas following 552 15 9
to the 40 Messengers [of the Chamber] in Ordinary, to clear their bills of service to Michaelmas 1717 1,500 0 0
£9,223 13 0
Disposition Book XXIV, pp. 45–6.
Nov. 27. Same for 24,790l. to the Cofferer of the Household: and is intended to defray the expense in his Majesty's Household, Chambers, Chapels and Stables for the months of July, August and September 1717 according to a statement made thereof by the Board of Greencloth the 11th of October last: out of Civil List moneys. Ibid., p. 47.
Same for 13,423l. 0s.d. to William Clayton, on the unsatisfied order in his name: to be as imprest and upon account to satisfy all sums due at Michaelmas last on any the bounties, pensions and other payments established by his Majesty and made payable by said Clayton's hands: out of Civil List moneys. Ibid.
Same for 3,319l. 7s.d. to John, Duke of Montague, on the unsatisfied order in his name as Master of the Great Wardrobe: as imprest and upon account to clear the debt due in the Office of the Great Wardrobe for the quarter ended at Midsummer last 1717: out of Civil List moneys. Ibid.
Same for 6,355l. 3s.d. to Charles Dartiquenave, on the unsatisfied order in his name as Paymaster of the Works: and is intended to satisfy the debt in the Office of the Works at Midsummer 1717, that is to say:
£ s. d.
[for works at] the Tower of London 107 18 10½
[ditto at] Whitehall 981 3 6
[ditto at] St. James's 1,405 6 3
[ditto at] Westminster 108 0
[ditto at] Denmark House 341 9
[ditto at] Winchester 25 4 11
[ditto at] Newmarket 47 0
allowances 674 15 1
[works at] Hampton Court House [or Palace] 508 14 11
[ditto at] Hampton Court Gardens 60 11
[ditto at] Kensington Gardens 58 3 11
[works at] Windsor Castle 279 12
[ditto at the] Mews at Charing Cross 1,174 19 2
[ditto at] Savoy Barracks 35 10
[ditto at] Kensington House [Palace] 546 16
£6,355 3
Disposition Book XXIV, p. 48.
Nov. 27. Letter of direction for 5,000l. to Casper Frederick Henning: without account: on the unsatisfied order in his name for the use of his Majesty's Privy Purse: out of Civil List moneys. Ibid.
C. Stanhope to Mr. Popple. I have laid before the Treasury Lords yours of the 19th inst. in which the Commissioners of Trade think it is of great consequence to hinder as much as possible the poor inhabitants of the Leeward Islands from dispersing themselves into other settlements (as they seem inclined to do) for want of encouragement where they now are. This is to desire you to acquaint the Commissioners of Trade that my Lords of the Treasury shall be ready when opportunity offers of giving to the said poor inhabitants all due encouragement to the best of their Lordships' power. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 246.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Tho. Hackman of Ringwood, Co. Southants, for a non pros to the information against him on account of a parcel of marten skins seized by Mr. Moor, the collector of Poole port, from the ship Joseph and Elizabeth. Reference Book IX, p. 357.
Same to same of the petition of Abraham Darney praying delivery of two chests of Delft ware about 7l. value which he brought with him from Holland. Ibid.
Royal warrant dated St. James's to the Duke of Bolton, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, for a patent to pass immediately under the great seal of Ireland for an annuity or yearly sum of 3,000l. of money of Great Britain to Erengard Melosine, Duchess of Munster, her executors and assigns, in consideration of her good services to us performed: to be charged on the revenues of Ireland from 1717 Sept. 29 for 32 years. Out Letters (Ireland) X p. 159.
Nov. 28. Same dated same to William Clayton to make no further payment on the pension of 300l. per an. to Richard, Earl of Bellomont, inserted in the Establishment of pensions payable by said Clayton as signed by the King on the 18th April 1716: on which pension he has been paid to June 24 last: but the same being hereby determined, the King being minded so to determine it. King's Warrant Book XXVIII, p. 493.
Same to Edward Harley, one of the Auditors of Imprests, to make allowance as follows in the account of William Chetwynd, now preparing for declaration, of the moneys by him received and paid when he resided at Genoa as Envoy Extraordinary from the late Queen Anne. In the said account George Murray, then Secretary to the Commissioners for Inspecting the Affairs of the late War in Italy, Spain and Portugal, stands charged with 1,070l. imprested to him by said Chetwynd on account of allowances to the said Commissioners. You have reported on the said Murray's account shewing 1,043l. 2s. 6d. disbursement by him out of the said 1,070l. The King being well satisfied that the said disbursements are just and reasonable directs the allowance of said 1,070l. in said Chetwynd's account upon the said Murray paying into the Exchequer the 26l. 17s. 6d. balance due.
Appending: said Harley's report, dated Oct. 12 last on said Murray's memorial and account. He has paid 190l. 7s. 0d. for salaries of the three Commissioners and himself as their Secretary; 848l. 2s. 6d. for clerks, travelling charges through the Grisons to Italy and incidents and 4l. 13s. 0d. for fees. The said payments and the payments made by the Earl of Carnarvon (as Paymaster General of the Forces Abroad) for the service of the said Commission do not together exceed their pay and contingent charges as stated by the said Earl to the Treasury in May 1713 “amounting in the whole to 11,379l. 13s. 0d.,” which appears to have been granted by two votes of Parliament of 15 April 1712 and 1 July 1713 [Commons Journals, Vol. XVII, pp. 190, 448]: but no warrant has been obtained for allowing the accomptant's [John Murray's] payments. Ibid., pp. 505–6.
Nov. 28. Royal sign manual for 4,000l. to Sir Charles Cooke, Treasurer of the Levant Company of Merchants, London: as royal bounty: without account: “the same being intended towards reimbursing the charge the said Company is to be at in settling Abraham Stanyan, Esq., whom we have appointed to be our Ambassador at Constantinople, in consideration of the expenses they have been at in so lately settling another person who was sent Ambassador thither.” (Money warrant dated Dec. 4 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 5 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Dec. 6 hereon.) Ibid., p. 510. Order Book X, p. 33. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 52.
Money warrant for 28l. 10s. 8d. to Thomas, Earl of Thanet, for the surplusage on his account as Sheriff of Westmorland for the year ended 1713 Sept. 29.
Prefixing: certificate by Francis Neale, Deputy Clerk of the Pipe, of the said surplusage. (Money order dated Dec. 10 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Dec. 6 hereon.) Money Book XXVI, pp. 133–4. Order Book X, p. 42. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 51.
Same for 46l. 9s. 8d. to same for the surplusage on his like account for the year ended 1715 Sept. 29.
Prefixing: certificate, ut supra. (Money order dated Dec. 10 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Dec. 6 hereon.) Money Book XXVI, pp. 134–5. Order Book X, p. 42. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 51.
Same for 40l. 13s. 4d. to John Walker for the surplusage on his account as Sheriff of Co. Monmouth for the year ended 1715 Sept. 29, said surplusage arising by his expenses in proclaiming his Majesty and in other public services. (Money order dated Dec. 10 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Dec. 6 hereon.) Money Book XXVI, pp. 135–6. Order Book X, p. 42. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 51.
Same for 573l. to James Haldane, Resident with the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel: 300l. thereof for equipage and 273l. for a quarter's ordinary in advance. (Money order dated Dec. 5 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Dec. 6 hereon.) Money Book XXVI, p. 136. Order Book X, p. 35. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 51.
Nov. 28. Money warrant for 1,910l. to Sir Robert Sutton, one of the Ambassadors and Plenipotentiaries for a mediation of a peace or truce between the Emperor of Germany and the Grand Seignior: 1,000l. thereof for equipage and 910l. for 91 days from July 25 last on his ordinary of 10l. a day. (Money order dated Dec. 5 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Dec. 6 hereon.) Money Book XXVI, p. 137. Order Book X, p. 35. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 51.
Same for 1,910l. to Abraham Stanyan as a same: 1,000l. for equipage and 910l. for a quarter's ordinary commencing from the day he shall deliver to the Emperor his Majesty's letters notifying his being recalled from the employment of Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at the Court of Vienna. (Money order dated Dec. 5 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Dec. 6 hereon.) Money Book XXVI, p. 137. Order Book X, p. 34. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 51.
Treasury allowance of the incidents bill, detailed, of the Hawkers and Pedlars' Office for one year from 1714 June 23 to 1715 June 24: total 616l. 5s. 7d. Money Book XXVI, p. 140.
Same of the salary bill, detailed, of said Office for half a year from 1714 June 24 to Dec. 25: total 560l.
and for the succeeding half year to 1715 June 24: total 660l. Ibid., pp. 141, 142.
Letter of direction for sums as follows to the respective Receivers General of Taxes concerned: as allowances for the extraordinary expenses of their receipt: out of any money in the Exchequer arisen and to arise by and out of arrears of Land Tax which by a late Act of Parliament [3 Geo. I, c. 4, clause 3] is applicable to the payment of these sums. [In each case the warrants for payments to these Receivers as calendared supra, pp. 627–9, under date Oct. 29 are for a quarter of the larger sums as here set down. For the probable explanation of the difference see the note, supra, p. 654, under date Nov. 13]: viz.
£ s. d.
Ambrose Reddall, Receiver General for Co. Beds, in part of 570l. 142 10 0
Laurence Ambrose, late same for Co. Berks, in part of 919l. 3s. 0d. 229 15 9
John Rogers, late same for Co. Bucks, in part of 147l. 36 15 0
the trustee for the children of Alexander Horton, late same for Co. Bucks, in part of 147l. 36 15 0
John Millicent, late same for Co. Cambridge, in part of 289l. 6s. 0d. 72 6 6
John Grove, late same for Co. Cambridge, in part of 56l. 17s. 0d. 14 4 3
the executors of John Derbie, late same for Co. Dorset, in part of 499l. 9s. 0d. 124 17 3
John Wroth, [present] same for Co. Essex, in part of 125l. 8s. 0d. 31 7 0
William Jeay and William Dowse, same for Co. Huntingdon, in part of 367l. 1s. 0d. 91 15 3
Walker Weldon, late same for Co. Kent, in part of 50l. 12 10 0
the trustees of the widow of William Fausset, late same for Co. Kent, in part of 350l. 87 10 0
John Thornton, late same for Co. Lanes, in part of 2,220l. 555 0 0
Thomas Woodcocke, late same for Co. Leicester, in part of 336l. 84 0 0
the administratrix of John Coxall, late same for Co. Lincoln, in part of 174l. 1s. 0d. 43 10 3
Langley Banks, [present] same for Co. Lincoln, in part of 300l. 75 0 0
the executors of James Caswall, late same for Co. Monmouth, in part of 2,397l. 19s. 6d. 599 9 10½
Samuel Lyon, late same for Co. Northampton, in part of 125l. 31 5 0
William Pacy, late same for Co. Norfolk, in part of 993l. 7s. 0d. 248 6 9
Thornagh Gurdon, late same for part of Norfolk, in part of 170l. 42 10 0
Cha. Mackarell, [present] same for part of Norfolk, in part of 100l. 25 0 0
John Bury, same for Co. Notts, in part of 378l. 92 10 0
the executors of Sir Robert Harrison, late same for Co. Oxon, in part of 367l. 10s. 0d. 91 17 6
Thomas Austin, late same for Co. Southampton, in part of 680l. 170 0 0
Anthony Springett, late same for Sussex, in part of 295l. 10s. 0d. 73 17 6
Nathaniel Tredcroft, late same for part of Sussex, in part of 30l. 7 10 0
the sur[vivor] of John Andrews, late same for Co. Warwick, in part of 871l. 16s.d. 217 19
Alexander Baxter, late same for part of Wilts, in part of 93l. 12s. 0d. 23 8 0
the executors of Francis Wyvill, late same for Co. Yorks, in part of 3,731l. 17s. 0d. 932 19 3
John Cowper, [present] same for Co. Northampton and Rutland, in part of 609l. 152 5 0
John Sparry, same for Co. Worcester, in part of 680l. 170 0 0
£4,516 14
Disposition Book XXIV, pp. 49–50.
Nov. 28. Treasury reference to Mr. Cracherode [Treasury Solicitor] of the petition of John Mills, High Constable for the Hundred of Ossulston, praying payment of 50l. expended by him in apprehending several coiners by warrant from the Earl of Sunderland. Reference Book IX, p. 358.
Nov. 28. Treasury reference to the Taxes Commissioners of the petition of James Philips, late Receiver General of Taxes for Cardigan, Carmarthen, Pembroke and Glamorgan, praying an allowance of 3 pence per £ on 25,807l. remitted by him to London for the Land Tax 1715 and 1716 and House Duties 1715, he having made early payments and cleared his accounts. Reference Book IX, p. 358.
The like of the petition of William Lynch and Henry Nash, same for Co. Suffolk, praying allowance for their extraordinary expenses in remitting 273,922l. for the Taxes of 1709, 1710, 1715, 1716; they having been at 280l. charge in guards for their money and 150l. in taking out their commissions and passing their accounts. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to James Craggs, Esq., Secretary at War, to prepare a royal warrant to pay Col. Alexander Campbell's Independent Company [in the Highlands] for the year ended 1714 Dec. 24 according to their musters taken thereof from the 25th Dec. 1713 to the 24 Dec. 1714.
Prefixing: said Craggs' report on the memorial of Lieut. Col. Alexander Campbell. I paid this Independent Company on the Establishment of the year 1714. On the 16th July 1714 a royal warrant ordered the forming of a third Company under Capt. Colin Campbell of Officers and 410 privates and for reducing other two Independent Companies in the Highlands, viz. the Company of Lieut. Col. Alexander Campbell and that of Col. William Grant to the same numbers of 40 privates each. On the 3rd Aug. 1714 (on his Majesty's accession) this order was countermanded by a letter from Mr. Gwynn to Major Gen. Whetham, who commanded in chief in North Britain. On the 17th Dec. 1714 the first order was again revived for the forming a third Company under Capt. Robert Monroe and for reducing the other two Independent Companies to the same numbers above mentioned; which was put in execution at Xmas. The annexed certificate of the Commissaries' Office shows that “they” [Col. Alexander Campbell's Independent Company] were mustered complete from 25 Dec. 1713 to 24 Dec. 1714, viz. himself [Lieut. Col. Alexander Campbell], two Lieuts., three Serjeants, three Corporals, two Drums, 80 privates. There was no order for reducing this Company from the original numbers of 80 privates till that of the 16th July 1714, which was contradicted on the 3rd of August, which orders coming within so few days one of the other there was no possibility of putting the first in execution before it was contradicted by the second.
Appending Copy of
(1) the royal warrant of 16 July 1714.
(2) F. Gwynn's letter of 3 Aug. 1714.
(3) royal warrant of 17 Dec. 1714.
(4) certificate signed by E. Turner and dated Commissary General's Office 15 Aug. 1717 of the mustering as above. “Upon examination of the muster rolls in this Office of Col. Alexander Campbell's Independent Company I find him mustered as Captain with two Lieutenants, three Serjeants, three Corporals, two drummers and 80 private soldiers from the 25th Dec. 1713 to the 24th Dec. 1714.”
Warrants not Relating to Money XXIV, pp. 343–6.
Nov. 28. Treasury subscription for the execution of a warrant dated Oct. 21 last from the Duke of Newcastle, Lord Chamberlain, to the Duke of Montague, Master of the Great Wardrobe, for the delivery to Abraham Stanyan, Esq., Ambassador from his Majesty to the Emperor of the Turks, the following items [being furniture for his chapel], viz. one large Bible of Imperial paper richly bound in two volumes without sculps; two Common Prayer Books in folio, six in a lesser folio; one altar cloth of tissue and velvet pan'd; 20 ells of fine diaper for cloths for the Communion Table; 10 ells of fine diaper for towels; two surplices of fine Holland; one Cloth of State of crimson damask with his Majesty's arms embroidered thereon; a great chair; two high stools; a footstool and two cushions suitable, all trimmed with gold and silver fringe and made up with cases of Bayes; and a foot carpet of Turkey work: to an estimate of 382l. Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I, p. 50.
Nov. 29. Treasury warrant dormant to the Customs Cashier to pay the salary of 10l. per an. to Daniel Man and John Man for their Office of Comptroller of Cardiff port. Money Book XXVI, p. 133.
William Lowndes to the Auditor of the Receipt to transmit to the Treasury Lords with all expedition an account of the several debts at this time remaining unsatisfied on the public Registers in the Exchequer for which any provision was made by Parliament and the rates of interest payable for the same respectively:
Also an account of the several annuities in the Exchequer, when [purchased] and at what rates purchased, how much the purchase money amounted to, for what terms granted and how much thereof is already lapsed:
And likewise how much is standing out in Exchequer Bills with an estimate of the annual charge the public is at for the interest and circulation thereof: together with the sums advanced by the Bank and East India Companies; and the debt to the South Sea Company; and the yearly annuities payable to them for the same respectively and for what continuance. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 247.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. By an Address of the 27th inst. to the King [See Commons Journals XVIII, p. 631] the House of Commons have desired accounts to be laid before them of the gross and nett produce of the several Fonds applicable to the sinking the principal or for payment of the interest on the National Debt. Pursuant to his Majesty's pleasure the Treasury Lords direct you to lay the said account before the House with all possible expedition so far as concerns the revenue under your management.
The like letter severally to
the Commissioners of Excise.
the Commissioners of Salt Duty.
the Commissioners for [Duties on] Hides &c.
the Commissioners of Stamp Duties.
the Commissioners of Hackney Coaches.
the Commissioners of Hawkers and Pedlars.
Ibid., p. 248.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to lay before the House of Commons with all possible expedition pursuant to the above Address the following accounts: viz.
of the gross and nett produce of the several fonds applicable to the sinking the principal or payment of the interest of the National Debt, distinguishing each of the said fonds and the annual exceeding or deficiency of them respectively from Lady day 1710 to Michaelmas 1717:
also an account how much of the said Deficiencies have been made good by Parliament.
Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 248.
Nov. 29. William Lowndes to the Excise Commissioners. It appears by your certificate that the nett produce of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise for three years from 1 Aug. 1714 to 1 Aug. 1717 (exclusive of the weekly sum of 3,700l. and the yearly sum of 35,000l. appropriated to public uses) did amount to 736,369l. 19s. 0d. My Lords find that within the time of the said three years there was paid into the Exchequer 549,256l. 11s.d. of the said nett produce and that within the same time there was paid upon pensions at the Excise Office 114,868l. 11s.d., both which sums amount to 664,125l. 2s.d., so that on the 1st of August last there remained 72,244l. 16s.d. or thereabouts of the said nett produce to be brought into the Exchequer or to be applied to such pensions at the Excise Office.
The Treasury Lords direct you to send them forthwith a certificate how much of the said remainder has since Aug. 1 last been paid into the Exchequer or applied to such pensions and how much is still unpaid into the Exchequer or unapplied to such pensions. Ibid., p. 249.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Vaughan Philips, a King's waiter in London port, proposing Anthony Slocker as his deputy. Reference Book IX, p. 358.
Same to same of the petition of William Beaching for the reward of 50l. promised in the Gazette for the conviction of the owlers concerned in the assault on the Customs officers on the coast of Sussex. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Samuel Barwick, Esq., Receiver General of Barbados, to be assisting to Mr. Horace Walpole as Auditor of the Plantations, ut supra, p. 677. Warrants not Relating to Money XXIV, pp. 339–40.
The like to James Roscow, Receiver General of Virginia. Ibid., pp. 341–2.
The like to Samuel Shute, Captain General &c. of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire. Ibid., p. 342.
The like to Alexander Spotswood, Governor of Virginia. Ibid., p. 347.
The like to Sir Nicho[las] Lawes, Governor of Jamaica. Ibid., pp. 347–8.
The like to Walter Hamilton, Governor of the Leeward Isles. Ibid., pp. 348–9.
Nov. 29. The like to Robert Lowther, Governor of Barbados and the Windward Caribbee Islands. Ibid., p. 349.
The like to Robert Hunter, Governor of the Province of New York. Ibid., p. 350.
The like to James Knight, Receiver General of his Majesty's Revenues arising in Jamaica. Ibid., pp. 351–2.
The like to James Dixon, Receiver General of his Majesty's Revenues arising in the Province of New York. Ibid., pp. 352–3.
The like to Samuel Penhallow, Treasurer and Receiver General of his Majesty's Revenues arising in the Province of New Hampshire in New England. Ibid., pp. 353–4.
The like to Jeremiah Allen, Treasurer and Receiver General of his Majesty's Revenues arising in the Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England. Ibid., pp. 355–6.
Nov. 30. Money warrant for 1,425l. to Evelyn, Duke of Kingston, Keeper of the Privy Seal; for 285 days from 19 Dec. 1716 (the date of his patent) to 29 Sept. 1717 on his allowance of 4l. a day in lieu of diet and on his fee of 20s. a day. (Money order for 1,140l. in part of said 1,425l. for said period on his 4l. a day.) (Letter of direction dated Dec. 6 hereon.) Money Book XXVI, p. 138. Order Book X, p. 34. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 51.
Treasury warrant dormant to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay the salary of 40l. per an. to Lawrence Carter as one of his Majesty's Counsel learned in the law; from the time he was last paid thereon. (Letter of direction dated Dec. 6 for 40l. hereon [for one year].) Money Book XXVI, p. 139. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 52.
Money warrant for 50l. to Capt. Edward Thomas, which with 150l. already paid to him is to be in full of his claims and service in defraying the expenses of Count Gyllenborg and his retinue from Plymouth to Harwich and for the said Thomas's journey thither and back again. (Money order dated Dec. 5 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Dec. 6 hereon.) Money Book XXVI, p. 139. Order Book X, p. 36. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 52.
Treasury warrant dormant to William Jessop, Receiver General of the Revenue arising by Fines for Alienations, to pay to the several officers in the Alienation Office the respective fees as follows: viz.
to Sir William Ashburnham, John Ramsden, Esq., and said William Jessop as Commissioners in the said Office 40l. each per term.
to the said William Jessop as Receiver General 40l. per term.
to William Freeman, Esq., Master of Chancery, 20l. per term.
to Theophilus Newcomen and Thomas Webb, clerks in the said Office, 5l. each per term.
and such incidents as shall be certified by the said Commissioners.
Money Book XXVI, p. 144.
Nov. 30. Treasury allowance of the Wine Licence Office salary bill, detailed, for 1714 Xmas quarter: total 387l. 10s. 0d.
The like of the incidents bill, detailed, of said Office for one year ended 1714 Xmas: total 569l. 10s. 10½d.
The like of the salary bill, detailed, of said Office for one year to Xmas 1715: total 2,050l.
The like of the incidents bill, detailed, of said Office for said year: total 852l. 14s. 3d. (including 1l. to John Canon, arms painter, for painting his Majesty's arms for the use of this Office). Money Book XXVI, pp. 152–5.
C. Stanhope to the Navy Commissioners to make forth a Navy bill (“a bill or bills in the method of your Office”) on John Aislabie, Treasurer of the Navy, for 722l. 10s. 0d. to Sir Roger Mostyn, Paymaster of the arrears due to the late Marine Regiments: and is intended to be paid over to Lieut. Gen. Wills in full of his service and expenses in attending the mustering and disbanding of the said Marines at the respective headquarters of Southampton, Winchester and Canterbury according to the sign manual of Feb. 5 last. The said bill is to be assigned for payment out of the money remaining in the hands of the Navy Treasurer arisen by sale of reversionary annuities. Care is to be taken that said Mostyn be duly charged herewith in the Navy Treasurer's accounts in order to his [Mostyn's] accounting for the same. (Same to said Aislabie to so pay the said sum to Mostyn.) Disposition Book XXIV, pp. 50, 51.
Same to the Earl of Lincoln [Paymaster of the Forces]. Mr. Secretary Addison has signified to my Lords the King's pleasure that the following accounts be laid before the House of Commons. My Lords desire you to cause the same to be made up and laid before the said House with all expedition in accordance with their Address.
Followed by: copy of the said Address, Resolutions of the House of Commons dated 29 Nov. inst.: (fn. 1)
for an account of the disposition of the 20,000l. granted the last Session of Parliament for the Contingencies for the Land Forces: and all warrants and directions for issuing money thereupon.
for an account of the disposition of the 28,245l. 9s. 2d. granted the last Session for fire and candle for Garrisons in Great Britain.
for an account of the disposition of the 23,929l. 8s.d. granted the last Session of Parliament for General and Staff Officers.
Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 249.
Treasury reference to the Commissioners for the Duties on Hides of the petition of Philip Kerrington shewing that he was upon the first Establishment of said Duties as Supervisor for Co. Norfolk till March last, when his commission was superseded under pretence of his disaffection to the present Establishment, which [slander] proves to be malicious and false “by several certificates enclosed”: therefore praying to be restored. Reference Book IX, p. 359.


  • 1. See Commons Journals XVIII, p. 641.