Treasury Minutes: September 1717, 11-25

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1960.

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'Treasury Minutes: September 1717, 11-25', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717, ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online [accessed 16 September 2024].

'Treasury Minutes: September 1717, 11-25', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Edited by William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online, accessed September 16, 2024,

"Treasury Minutes: September 1717, 11-25". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby(London, 1960), , British History Online. Web. 16 September 2024.


September 1717, 11–25

Sept. 11.
Present: Lord Stanhope, Lord Torrington.
My Lords upon considering the state of the Civil List direct the following issue to be made: viz.
£ s. d.
to the Cofferer of the Household for June 24 quarter 21,260 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Chamber for same quarter 9,965 19 8
£31,225 19 8
Prepare a warrant for 200l. to Russel Robartes, Esq., as of his Majesty's royal bounty.
The like for 100l. to Thomas Day, Esq.
The like for 215l. to Monsieur Ignace de Koch, the gentleman who brought the news of the victory obtained by Prince Eugene over the Turks in the plains of Belgrade.
The like for 800l. to Sir Alexander Cairnes as of his Majesty's free gift and royal bounty.
[My Lords order] 20l. to Cornelius Morphy [to be paid] per Mr. Lowther.
Likewise 20l. to Susannah White: as bounty: [to be paid] per Mr. Lowther. Treasury Minute Book XXIII, p. 150.
Sept. 11,
Entry of petitions, memorials &c. this day read.
Mr. Beranger's memorial about bills of exchange drawn on him by Mr. Whitworth &c. Ordered.
Petition of Jonathan Smart to be [appointed] Receiver of Land Tax for Co. Herts. Referred to the Commissioners for Taxes.
The Lord Chamberlain's letter about works and repairs at Hampton Court. The Board of Works to make an estimate.
Memorial of John Mead and Don Joseph Cortizes relating to money disbursed for forage &c. to the Portuguese Troops. Referred to the Secretary at War.
The Treasurer of the Chamber's memorial for 9,965l. 19s. 8d. for 1717 June 24 quarter. Ordered.
The Duchess of Marlborough's representation about lodges &c. in Windsor Great Park. [Send] a letter to her Grace to transmit an estimate of the charge of the repairs she desires.
[The draft of a] King's warrant prepared for 100l. bounty to Capt. Joseph Rokeby.
The account of the 2s. per hogshead in the Colony of Virginia. Read.
The Duke of Kent's memorial about keeping the deer in Windsor Park. My Lord Stanhope will speak to the King about this.
Petition of Ch[arles] Burniston for an employment in the Customs. Referred to the Customs Commissioners.
Memorial of Robert Johnson, Custom House officer. My Lords will inform themselves of his character.
Mr. Hampden's letter from Bath recommending Mr. Sutherland to succeed Mr. Bowen [as] Surveyor at Lee. To be brought in when there is a full Board.
Mr. Dalton's letter. To be brought in when there is a full Board.
The memorial of William, Visct. Mountjoy, praying his Majesty to grant him a further lease of the castle or lands of Mountjoy in the Kingdom of Ireland. Referred to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.
The letter from the Mayor of Deal complaining of the Surveyor of the Customs there. Referred to the Customs Commissioners.
Lord Molesworth's letter about Aulnage Duties. Referred to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Register of Patters T 4/20, p. 31.
Sept. 25.
Present: Lord Stanhope, Lord Torrington, Mr. Baillie.
Prepare a new warrant [privy seal] for 30,000l. to the Privy Purse.
[My Lords order a money] warrant for 1,000l. in the name of Mr. Lowndes: for secret service.
[Write] Mr. Blagny to send my Lords a printed list of the French Refugiez to whom the bounty of 15,000l. per an. hath been distributed.
[Write the Principal] Officers of the Mint to attend on Wednesday next with an account of what tin under their care is unsold or undisposed of.
Write to the Customs Commissioners in Scotland to hasten their intended representation about frauds committed at Inverness.
A memorial from the Earl of Lincoln [Paymaster of the Forces] for subsistence [for the Forces] is read and ordered as follows:
£ s. d.
in part of 959,943l. 1s. 10½d. voted for Guards and Garrisons &c. anno 1717.
for one month's subsistence from the 25th inst. to Oct. 24 next for the Regiments, Troops and Companies provided for in this sum exclusive of the 13 Regiments transferred to the Establishment of Ireland
44,082 11 9
to answer the pensions upon the Establishment of Guards and Garrisons and those payable by particular warrants from his Majesty and several other allowances and contingent warrants payable out of the Contingencies of the Forces: for half a year to 24 June 1717 according to a particular account thereof 5,825 2
to answer a bill of exchange drawn by Brigadier Preston upon account of the Contingent expenses of the Forces in North Britain 200 0 0
in further part of 34,742l. 14s. 2d. voted for Forces in America anno 1717.
for one month's subsistence from Sept. 24 inst. of the Regiments and Independent Companies provided for in this sum
2,092 0 0
£52,199 14
[The letter of direction hereon is dated Sept. 26.]
My Lords upon considering the debt due to the Civil List are pleased to direct the following issues to be made: viz.
to clear the Civil List to Lady day 1717.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
to the Great Wardrobe 10,840 9 10
to the Works 7,610 9 6
to fees and salaries [payable] at the Exchequer 3,117 11
to pensions and annuities [payable] there 4,246 19 8
25,815 10
to clear the Civil List to Midsummer, 1717.
to [the King's private] pensions and annuities [payable] per Mr. Clayton
11,562 16
£37,378 7
Treasury Minute Book XXIII, pp. 151–2. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 23.
Sept. 25,
Entry of petitions, memorials &c. this day read.
Petition of William Smith [praying] to be restored to his employment in the Customs. Read.
Lord Sunderland's letter transmitting the memorial of Capt. Edward Thomas. Mr. Powys to state this proportion.
The letter from Mr. Craggs, senr., recommending Mr. Potter to be riding officer [of the Customs] at Pulcherres [Polkerris] in the port of Fowey. Ordered.
The letter from Mr. Medlycot, one of the Commissioners of the Revenue in Ireland, desiring leave of absence for three months. Prepare a letter [granting him leave] accordingly.
The case of Edward Newton. Referred to the Commissioners of Stamp Duties.
[The Customs Commissioners'] report on the petition of John Bamber about diamonds seized. Read and agreed to.
The representation of William Henn to be Surveyor of Houses. Ordered.
Secretary Cragg's memorial relating to the Garrison of Gibraltar. A copy to be sent to Mr. Missing, the Contractor [for victualling said Garrison].
The report from the Comptrollers [of Army Accounts] on Mr. Missing's demand for victualling the said Garrison of Gibraltar. A demand for this sum [is] to be made by the Earl of Lincoln [Paymaster of the Forces].
S. Buckley's demand of 375l. for furnishing 5,000 [printed copies of] Gyllenburg and Gortz's letters. (fn. 1) The 375l. to be issued to him, he paying the fees.
Mr. Cracherode's report on the petition of William Roke, late Undersheriff of Cumberland. Agreed to.
Mr. Cracherode's report on Mr. Carnaby's petition for losses [sustained by him] by the Rebellion in Northumberland. Agreed to.
Mr. Scot's petition [praying] to be restored to some employment in the Customs. Referred to the Customs Commissioners. Register of Papers T 4/20 p. 32.


  • 1. The letters between Charles, Count Gyllenborg, the Barons Görtz, Sparre and others relating to the intention of raising a Rebellion in England to be supported by Sweden, were published in London in 1717 in both folio and octavo. Large extracts from the letters are printed in Tindal's Continuation of Rapin, Vol. V, pp. 509–19, and in the Parliamentary History.In his opening speech to the Parliament George submitted the correspondence to both the Houses (20 Feb. 1716–17, Lords Journals, Vol. XX, p. 413; Commons Journals, Vol. XVIII, p. 474). In the case of the Commons the said copies were read “and are bound up with the other papers of this Session” The originals of the intercepted letters are preserved in the Public Record Office.