Index: W

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1960.

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'Index: W', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717, ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online [accessed 18 September 2024].

'Index: W', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Edited by William A Shaw, F H Slingsby( London, 1960), British History Online, accessed September 18, 2024,

"Index: W". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Ed. William A Shaw, F H Slingsby(London, 1960), , British History Online. Web. 18 September 2024.



Waddall, John, tenant of a messuage in St. James's parish, 371.

Wade, [George], major general, regiment of foot, 91, 734; regiment of horse, 502.

-, John, clerical fee due to, 97.

Wadeson, Edward, Clerk Engrosser of the Works, 499.

Wadman, William, tidesman, Hull port, 78.

Wadsworth Timber. See Wyre, river.

Waggener, Henry, lease of premises in St. James's bailiwick, 453.

Wainewright (Waynewright), Hayford, and Elizabeth his wife, mortgage of Holy Island, 453.

Wakefield Lodge. See Whittlewood Forest.

Walden (Walkden), John, lease of ground in Jermyn Street etc., 427.

Wales, Justices of, 144; salaries of, 363–364, 412, 423, 704, 709. See also Beeston, H.; Cowper, S.; Cumberbatch, R.; Jeffreyes, E.; Jekyll, Sir J.; Jessop, W.; Vaughan, R.; Whitaker, E.; Wright, W.

-, East, Collector of Excise in. See Crosby, —.

-, North, Receiver General of Taxes for. See Austin, T.; Receiver of Taxes for. See Lloyd, T.

-, Principality of, revenue from, as computed at the time of the Treaty of Union, 346.

-, South, [Assessment Commissioners of, 14; Receiver General of Assessments. See Philips, J.; Receiver of Taxes for. See Howell, G.

Wales, Prince of. See George Augustus.

Wales, Princess of. See Wilhelmina Charlotte Caroline.

Walkadine, Richard, tenant of premises in St. James's, 282.

Walkden. See Walden.

Walker, Daniel, damages to his Meeting House in Pilkington, 187.

-, -, demolition of his Meeting House in Manchester, 187.

-, Elizabeth, Mrs., of Warrington, offers a discovery of concealed money, 24, 369, 384, 481.

-, Emanuel, Collector of Chepstow, 389.

-, Fowler, demolition of his Meeting House in Walsall, 186.

-, Henage, esquire, Chief Usher of the Exchequer Court, 211, 511, 717.

-, Sir Hovenden, House of Commons order served on, 321.

-, John, Sheriff of co. Monmouth, 691.

-, Richard, King's Clerk for the business of coining half pence and farthings, 621.

-, Robert, Quarter Master, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 538.

-, -, Adjutant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 542.

-, Roger, demolition of his Meeting House in Walsall, 186.

-, Thomas, King's Housekeeper at Newmarket, fee of, 177, 178, 438, 633.

-, William, damages to his Meeting House in Pilkington, 187.

Wall, Joseph, esquire warrant for, 29.

-, William, attorney at law, payment to, for drawing informations, 24, 38, 376.

-, -, of Preston, attorney at law, payment to, for charges at the trial of Rebels, 494.

Wallace, Robt., Rebel prisoner transported to Jamaica, 206.

-, Robert, captain, commander of the Anne, 204, 209.

-, Thomas, tidesurveyor at Arran and Lamlash, 294.

Waller, John, riding officer in the Isle of Sheppey, 646.

-, William, tenant of a messuage in High Holborn, 370.

Walley, Samuel, boatman at Sidmouth in Exeter port, 615.

Wallington, Wellington, co. Surrey, hundred, 279, 556.

Wallis, Ralph, late clerk for the Comptrolment of the new Duties of Excise, prays to be Inspector of clerks for the said Duties, 96.

-, William, esquire, lease of the forest of Arkengarth Dale, co. York, 619, 673, 699.

-, -, memorial of, 45.

-, -, esquire, petition of, 30.

Wallop, John, esquire, a Lord of the Treasury, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 270, 383, 591, 727.

Walmesley (Walmsley), Thomas, a witness against the Rebels, 196.

Walpole, —, report from, 62.

-, Galfridus, esquire, memorial of, 37, 38; Treasurer of Greenwich Hospital, 587, 603.

-, Horatio (Horace), esquire, Minister and Plenipotentiary to the States General, bills of extraordinaries, 75–76, 163.
-, payment to, for a journey from London to Hanover and back, 163.
-, payment to, in sending a messenger from the Hague to Copenhagen, 297.
-, Surveyor and Auditor General of the Plantations, 677, 696, 726.
-, Treasury Secretary, 96, 99, 102, 103, 105, 108, 112, 113, 120, 121, 123, 131, 145, 148, 149, 151, 152, 156, 157, 158, 161, 162, 164, 169, 170, 178, 180, 181, 191, 197, 199, 201, 212, 213, 216, 217, 219, 231, 240, 251, 262, 268.

-, -, senior, esquire, Receiver General and Cashier of Customs, 74, 232, 233, 249, 310, 375, 582; memorial of, 30.

-, Robert, esquire, a Lord of the Treasury, 11, 210, 270; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 211; lease of a house at Chelsea, 255, 268; Paymaster General of the Forces, 114, 154, 155, 156, 737; Secretary at War, 260; Treasurer of Chelsea Hospital, 114.

Walsall, co. Stafford, Meeting House in, demolished, 186; sufferers by riots in, damages for, 185, 186.

Walsham, co. Norfolk, hundred, 278.

Walter, James, waiter and searcher at Briton Ferry, dismissed, 497.

-, Sir John, Civil List arrears for, 129, 139.

Walters, —. Monsieur, bill and account of, 280.

-, Ben., purser of the Diamond, 168.

-, Didric, pension for, 672.

-, Hen., Sheriff of co. Somerset, 249.

Waltham, co. Essex, hundred of, 627.

Waltham Forest, officers of, fees and allowances to, 173, 443, 635; Warden or Lieutenant of, 443, 635.

Walton, Thomas, declines employment as a tidewaiter at Montrose, 320.

Wandesford, Eliz[abeth], grant of lands to, 520; pension for, 520.

War, against France, 735; against Louis XIV, 736; in Italy, Spain and Portugal, Commissioners appointed to inspect the affairs of, 560; Secretary to. See Murray, G.; the late, 115; utensils of, seizure of, 33.

Warburton, Thomas, demolition of his Meeting House in Manchester, 187.

Ward, —, counsel for the late Duchess of Ormonde and Lady Elizabeth Butler, 5.

-, -, House of Commons order served on, 321.

-, George, of Rosedale, weaver, demise of a messuage in Rosedale, 258, 259

-, Sir John, late Sheriff of London and Middlesex, 210.

-, William, tenant of a messuage in Rosedale, 259.

-, -, tenure of meadow land in St. Margaret's in the borough of Leicester, 95.

Wardlaw, Gilbert, a Clerk to the Commissioners of Transports, 418.

Wardour, Anna Sophia, innovation of a lost order of loan on the sixteenth 4s. Aid, 630.

Wardrobe, Great, 15, 512.
-, banners delivered out of, 248.
-, clothing for Drummers and Hautbois of the regiments of Guards furnished out of, 681.
-, coats of the royal arms for the Kings at Arms, Heralds and Pursuivants to be provided by, 710–711.
-, furniture etc. delivered out of, 595, 651–652, 695.
-, lace delivered into, 462.
-, liveries delivered out of, 248.
-, Master of, 595, 596, 651, 652, 710; accounts, 262–263; issues to, 25, 47, 66, 142, 461, 585; payments by, 101, 462. See also Montagu, John, Duke of Montagu,
-, robes or vestures out of, for the Lord Chancellor, 386.
-, standards delivered out of, 248.

Wareham, co. Dorset, waiter and searcher at, 497, 551.

Wareing, Samuel, damages to his Meeting House in Pilkington, 187.

Waring, John, searcher of the port of Chester, Beaumaris and Liverpool. 474.

Warminster, co. Wilts, 706.

Warner, Hannah, widow, lease of houses in Pall Mall, 254, 379.

-, Jonathan, lease of lands in the bailiwick of St. James's, 428.

-, Thomas, a Commissioner for Stamp Duties, 147.

-, William, lease of tenements in and near Bury Street in St. James's, 676.

Warneton, Belgium, Mayor of. See Wiel, Van de.

Warren, Hen., grant of the manor of Weston, alias Barking, 231.

-, John, demolition of his Meeting House in Kingswinford, 186.

-, Richard, lease of premises in St. James's, 426–427.

Warrender, Sir George, baronet, petition of, 26; grant of a Few Duty out of the lands of Lochend, 431.

-, John, grant of a Few Duty to, 431.

Warring, Richard, brigadier, pension for: to cease when he has a Troop, 536.

Warrington, co. Lancaster, 481, 483.

Warrington, Earl of. See Booth, George.

Warsash, co. Southampton. See Hook.

Warwick, county of, riots in, 141, 185, 188, 626; Receiver General of Assessments. See Andrews, J.; Claridge, W.; Newsham, T.; Newsham, W.; Sheriff of. See Dixwell, Sir W.

Warwick, Sir Philip, grant of a piece of land in Whitehall to, 241.

Wase, —, payment to, 44.

Wass, John, Walls End Field in Harwich in the tenure of, 315.

Water cask, for provisioning a ship, 219.

Waterford, co. Waterford, barracks, seven companies of foot at, 546; Customs officers at, 517; French minister at, salary of, 517; storekeeper at, pay for, 534.

Waterford, Henry, Collector of the Customs of Cloth and Petty Customs Outwards in London port, 138, 159.

Waters, Catharine, pay of her husband, a lieutenant in New England, 266.

-, William, lease of premises in St. Albans Street, etc., 429–430.

Watkins, —, Longford Mills etc. in the possession of, 221.

-, Henry, bill drawn by, 265.

-, Thomas, esquire, a Manager and Director of the Lottery [as by 3 Geo. 1, c. 7], 447–448, 703.

-, William, esquire, Keeper or Surveyor of the King's Private Roads, Gates and Bridges and Guide in all Royal Progresses, 38, 124, 491, 584; patent of appointment, 263; report on bills for work done at the Exchequer Office, 663.

Watson (Wattson), —, report on, by the Commissioners for Land Tax for the Division of Blackheath, 144.

-, Edward, lease of land in Rosedale manor, 311–312.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Peter, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, Robert, ancient tenant of the manor of Rosedale, 107.

-, -, lease of a messuage etc. in Rosedale, 257–259.

-, -, of Rosedale, husbandman, demise of a messuage etc. in Rosedale, 259.

-, Thomas, lease of land in Rosedale manor, 311–312.

-, -, junior, lease of land in Rosedale manor, 311–312.

-, William, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

Watt, Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

Watts, John, weighing porter in Bristol port, 132.

-, Richard, Surveyor of the Duties on Houses for co. Leicester, 112–113.

-, William, tenement at Richmond in the tenure of, 498.

-, -, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 171.

Wattson. See Watson.

Wayland, co. Norfolk, hundred, 278.

Waynewright. See Wainewright.

Webb, —, messuage at Harwich in the tenure of, 317.

-, Daniel, tidesman in Bristol port, 132.

-, John, captain, Commissary of the Garrison and Works of Gibraltar, pay for, 264.

-, -, Harbourer, 396.

-, -, lieutenant general, regiment [Seventh Foot] of, 735, 754, 854.

-, John Richmond, lieutenant general, foot regiment of, 269.

-, Robert, Keeper of the Stool to the House of Lords, payment to, 295–296; petition for pay, 112.

-, Roger, Harbourer, 396.

-, Thomas, clerk in the Alienation Office, salary of, 697.

Webber, Samuel, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 541.

-, Walter, boatman in Minehead port, 390.

Webster, —, memorial delivered to, 22.

-, Edward, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 543.

-, -, underclerk of the Treasury, 210, 385, 591, 728; to be Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in the Affairs of Ireland, 16.

-, George, porter attending the door of the Office for duties on Hides and Houses, 129, 217.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

Weddell, Thomas, esquire, loan by, 285.

Wedderbourne, Alexander, Commissioner of Excise in Scotland, 248.

Wednesbury, co. Stafford, sufferers by riots in, 185.

Weeks, Charles, Comptroller of the warehouses for coffee, 648.

Weems. See Wemyss.

Wekett, William, gentleman, former Keeper of Treasury Chambers, 476.

Weldon, Walker, Receiver General of Taxes for co. Kent, 194, 629, 655, 658, 693, 718.

Wellington, co. Surrey. See Wallington.

Wells, co. Norfolk, landwaiter and searcher at, 463; riding officer at, 252, 291.

Wellwood, James, Dr., a Commissioner for Sick and Wounded, memorial of, 92–93.

Welsh, Isaac, demolition of his Meeting House in Birmingham, 188.

-, Peirce, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 541.

Wem, co. Salop, Meeting House in, demolished, 188.

Wemyss (Weems, Wemys), Henry, cornet, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539, 540.

-, Maurice, cornet, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 540.

-, Robert, Collector of Customs at Alloa, 229; Collector of Customs at Anstruther, 290.

Wenman, William, late Paymaster of the Civil List Lottery, 232, 296, 380.

Wentworth, John, Collector and acting Customer of Arundel, 647.

-, Thomas, Baron Raby, 3rd Earl of Strafford, demise to, in 1696 of Post Fines money, 291; Farmer of Post Fines, 291; Royal Regiment of Dragoons of, 100, 715, 734, 735.

Werden, George, papers relating to, 33, 215; recommended as a Customs Surveyor, 311; tidesman, London port, 390; tidesman, discharged, pension for, 390, 476, 481.

Werden Point, co. Sussex, riding officer at, 79.

Werge, Richard, minister at Alnwick, royal bounty for, 191.

Wessell, Leonard, lease of a messuage or farm in Eton, 676.

West, Charles, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

-, Henry, tenant of a messuage in St. James's, 283.

-, John, 15th Baron de la Warr, Joint Receiver General and Cashier of Excise, 30, 435.

-, Richard, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 543.

-, Samuel, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

West Bromwich, co. Stafford, Meeting House, demolished, 186; sufferers by riots in, damages for, 186.

West India, Pacquet boats, 369; Transport service to, incident disbursements on, 419–420.

West Indies, brandy and rum from, 701; indigo from, 413, 459; naval stores from, 4, 86.

West Itchenor, Itchenor, co. Sussex, riding officer at, 252.

West Sheen, co. Surrey. See Richmond.

Westby, Nicholas, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 543.

Westcombe, Gregory, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

-, William, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

Westfield, co. York. See Cropton, co. York.

Westgate, co. York. See Thornton Dale.

Westley, John, payment to, for a cellar used for prisoners, 106.

Westminster Abbey, Coronation at, 395.
-, Abbot of, 254.
-, city of, Receiver General of Assessments. See Fazakerly, Sir W.
-, county of, Receiver General of Assessments. See Fazakerly, Sir W.
-, Dean and Chapter of. See London and Westminster —Streets etc. (St. Peter's).
-, Excise of, annuity granted out of, 299.
-, Hall Court at, 170, 391, 572, 688; table to stand before the Lord High Steward in, 652; three pieces of paragon for, 652.
-, Housekeeper [of his Majesty's Palace] at, allowance to, 169–170, 391, 572, 635, 688. See also Incledon, J.
-, Liberty of, 254, 282, 371.
-, prosecuting counterfeiters etc. in, expense of, 500.
-, Receiver General of the Duties on Houses, 215, 217.
-, trial of Rebels at, 721.
-, works at, 83; issues for, 585, 689.

Westmorland, county of, Distributor [of Stamps] in. See Baines, R.; Receiver General of Assessments. See Baines, J.; Receiver of Taxes for. See Brougham, —; Sheriff of. See Tufton, Thomas, Earl of Thanet.

Westmorland, Earl. See Fane, F.; Fane, T.

Weston, alias Barking, co. Surrey, manor, 231.

Weston, John, Surveyor of the Duties on Houses, co. Devon, 368–369.

-, Joseph, et al., petition of, concerning the estate of the Receiver of Taxes for Worcester, 395.

Wetham. See Whetham.

Wexford, co. Wexford, barracks, two companies of foot at, 545; Customer and Comptroller at, 517.

Wey, John, a Commissioner for Licensing Hackney Coaches, 489.

Weybridge, co. Surrey, Brooklands, alias Brookeslands in, 121, 200, 276.

Weymouth, co. Dorset, 121, 714; Commander of the [Customs House] smack at, 132.

Whalefins, 148.
-, Duties on, appropriation of, 358.
-,-, [as by 9 Wm. III, c. 45, and continued to 1 Aug. 1710 by the Deficiencies Act of 1 Anne, c. 7], receiving and paying, allowance for clerks for, 234; revenue from, amount of, 324.
-,-, [as by 6 Anne, c. 48], 339.
-,-, [as by 8 Anne, c. 14], payment out of, to the South Sea Company, 240, 294, 415, 613.
-,-, [as by 9 Anne, c. 15], 237.
-,-, Equivalent due to Scotland thereon, 327.
-,-, revenue from, as computed at the time of the Treaty of Union, 347.
-, imported and re-exported, account of, 554.

Wharam, William, lease of premises in St. James's, 426–427; lease of tenements in Cock Yard and Jermyn Street, 86.

Wharton, —, expenses at meetings of the Commissioners for Hackney Coaches, 596

-, Thomas, post entries of brandies and rum imported above proof, 423.

-, -, Earl of Wharton, regiment of, 540.

-, William, chaplain, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 544.

Wheat, 431; for Minorca, 810; for the Army, 705, 707; for the Forces abroad, 559.

Wheate, —, opening indictments at the trial of the Rebels of Preston, 202.

-, Sir Thomas, baronet, Storekeeper of Ordnance in the Tower, the Minories and elsewhere, patent of appointment and fee, 215.

Wheatly, Henry, clerk, going to South Carolina as minister, royal bounty for, 171.

Wheeler, —, ground in St. James's, 283.

-, John, watchman, London port, 79.

Whetham (Wetham), [Thomas], major general, Commander in Chief in North Britain, 509, 694.
-, commission from, 363.
-, regiment of, 734, 736; at Minorca, 503; at Port Mahon, 833.

Whitaker, Charles, waiter and searcher at Briton Ferry, 497; presentment by the Customs Commissioners, 38.

-, Edward, Second Justice of Glamorgan, Brecon and Radnor, 144, 363–364, 412, 709.

Whitchurch, co. Salop, Meeting House demolished in a riot, 188.

White, —, Alderman of Newcastle upon Tyne, 592.

-, Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Andrew, tidewaiter in Dublin poty, drowned in the execution of his duty, 617.

-, Benj[amin]. demolition of his Meeting House in Shrewsbury, 188.

-, Daniel, Surveyor of the Duties of Houses, co. Kent, salary of, 179.

-, Hector, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, Jane, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

-, John, Collector of Perth Amboy, 390.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Ralph, House of Commons order served on, 321.

-, Susannah, widow of Andrew, royal bounty for, 46, 617.

White Flag Bay, St. Christopher, Customs waiter at. See Meadowcroft, R.

Whitehall, 163, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227.
-, [Assessment] Commissioners of, 14.
-, Banqueting House, 450.
-, bill dated at, allowance of, 76.
-, Bowling Green, 86, 152.
-, Chapel organ in, repair of, 170.
-, Fountain Wall, 255.
-, Guard Houses at, repair of, 609.
-, King's Chapel, Groom of, cleaning, payment to, for, 391; new candlesticks for, 364, 372; Yeoman of. See Richardson, [J.],
-, leases of ground etc. in, 71, 86, 152, 163, 183, 241, 289, 373, 379, 381–382, 415, 425, 447, 673, 679.
-, letters dated at, 79, 150.
-, lodgings in, repairs to, 179.
-, Office of the Board of Works in, 30, 454.
-, Old Bowling Green, 255.
-, Palace, 163, 183, 241, 255, 373, 374, 379, 382, 425, 679.
-,-, assessments, 1, 86.
-,-, Privy Garden, 130, 289, 379, 409, 415, 425; lodgings in frequently, overflowed by spring tides and land floods, 415.
-,-, Queen Mary's Garden, 289, 379.
-,-, rebuilding, 289, 415.
-,-, Receiver General of Assessments. See Parsons, E.
-,-, servants of the, discharge of assessments on, 471.
-, works at, 83; issues for, 585, 689.

Whitehall, Gilbert, assignee of. See Amherst, C.

Whitehaven, co. Cumberland, 625.

Whitehead, Daniel, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 171.

-, Joseph, Joint Clerk of the Hanaper in Chancery, 197.

-, Manasseth, of London, merchant, ships let to freight to, 382.

Whitehouse, Moses, damages to his Meeting House in Sedgley, 186.

Whitfield, Nath., Navy payments, 166, 167.

Whitmore, Richard, Surveyor of the Duties on Houses, co. Kent, dismissed, 179.

-, Robert, Surveyor of the Duties on Houses for co. Cambridge, 377.

Whittingham, Swindall, tidesman, London port, 132.

Whittle, John, clerk, pension for, 519.

-, Thomas, a Lancashire witness against the Rebels, 196.

Whittlewood Forest, cos. Northampton, Rutland and Bucks., 37.
-, felling in, 513.
-, Gullet Lodge, 513.
-, Hanger and Shrobb, the Page's Lodge to, 513.
-, Hanger Lodge, 513.
-, Haselborough, Hazleborough, Lodge, 513; the Page's Lodge at, 513.
-, Lodges and sloughs, repair of, 513.
-, Maggot Moor, Lodge at, 513.
-, Ranger of. See FitzRoy, Charles, Duke of Grafton,
-, repair of lodges and roads in, 162.
-, Sholebrook, Shellbrook, Lodge, 513; the Page's Lodge to, 513.
-, Shrobb Lodge, 513.
-, Wakefield, Lodge, 513; the Page's Lodge to, 513.
-, Wakefield Lawn, Little Lodge upon, 513.
-, woodward of, patent fees in lieu of poundage, 136, 314. See also Newton, T.

Whitton, —, agent to the Earl of Galway's Spanish regiment of foot, 839.

Whitwick. See Wightwick.

Whitworth, —, bills of exchange, 46, 50, 65.

-, Charles, esquire, Envoy and Plenipotentiary at the Hague, bills drawn by, 379, 588, 713; equipage for, 712, 713; removed to the Hague and employed there with the title of Plenipotentiary only to the States General, 712.
-, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the King of Prussia, 224, 455, 610, 712.

Whotley, Drew, petition of, 21.

Wibergh. See Wybergh.

Wich. See Wych.

Wicklow [co. Wicklow], barracks, three companies of foot at, 545.

Widdrington, William, 4th Baron Widdrington, royal bounty for, 28, 424.

Wiel, Van de, Mayor of Warneton, payment to, 219.

Wietzendorf, Witsendorff, Hanover, 298.

Wigan, co. Lancaster, Rebels executed at, 106.

Wight, Isle of, Distribution of Stamps in. See Ewald, R.; Penney, J.; Governor of, petition of, 558. See also Cadogan, William, Lord Cadogan; Governor of, residence of. See Carisbrooke; Kings Park Farm, house and barns upon, repair of, 558; Receiver General of Assessments. See Austin, T.; Hooker, E.

Wight, Samuel, Customs waiter at Old Road, Antigua, 553.

Wightman, Joseph, major general, certificates of, 509; Commander in Chief of the Forces in North Britain, pay for, as brigadier, 174; foraging the Forces at Stirling, 670; regiment of, 502, 670, 671, 734.

Wightwick (Whitwick), Thomas, Portcullis Pursuivant, 432, 637, 711; York Herald, 711.

Wigley, Eliz., a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 171.

Wignall, Geo., a witness against the Rebels, 196.

Wigtown, co. Wigtown, Comptroller of Customs at. See Ogilvie, J.; Salt officer at, 493.

Wilbar, William, petition of, 121.

Wilcove [co. Cornwall], botman at, 79, 252.

Wilcox, —, super on, 248.

-, Edward, Surveyor General of Woods, Trent South, 314.

Wild, Jonathan, rewarded for discovering footpads, 458.

Wilde, Jonathan, allowance to, for prosecuting coiners, 59.

Wilhelmina Charlotte Caroline, Princess of Wales, apartments at Hampton Court and St. James's, 170, 273; Dressing Room at St. James's, 711; closets at St. James's for, 711.

Wilkie, James, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

Wilkin, Thomas, lease of a messuage etc. in Barrow, co. Lincoln, 234.

Wilkins, John, tenant of a messuage in Pall Mall, 379.

-, -, tidewaiter at Leith, 442.

Wilkinson, Charles, petition of, to be appointed Receiver General of Taxes for cos. York, Durham and Northumberland, 70, 72, 726; Receiver [General] for Taxes and Duties on Houses for cos. York and Durham, 56.

-, -, esquire, sheriff for co. Yorks, 609.

-, John, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 171.

-, Michael, of Rosedale, husbandman, demise of a messuage to, 258, 259.

-, William, tenant of a messuage in Rosedale, 259.

Willes. See Willis.

William III appoints a yearly sum for the maintenance of tour bursars in divinity in Glasgow University, 469.
-, Blacksmith to. See Bache, W.
-, Civil List. See Civil List.
-, Commissioners for stating the debts of, 82, 111.
-,-, chief clerk to, 126. See also Chocke, A.
-,-, clerks under, 111. See also Lowndes, C.; Nixon, J.
-,-, See also Williamson, E.
-, debt due from, 53.
-, debts and arrears of, owing in the Great Wardrobe, 101.
-, First and Principal Physician to. See Hutton, J.
-, grants by, of a piece of ground near St. James's Park, 129; of an annuity to Glasgow University, 469; of an estate, 156; of grounds in Richmond to Sir C. Hedges, 308, 376; out of compositions for teinds or leases thereof, 549.
-, huntsman to. See Powell, W.
-, in Holland and Flanders, 577.
-, lace and linen provided for the use of, 101.
-, regiments ordered to be taken into the service of the States General by, 319.

Williams, Edward, landwaiter, to be a Surveyor of Newcastle port, 702.

-, Evan, lease of a house in Richmond, 451.

-, Francis, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

-, Jane, prosecuted for uttering false money, 500.

-, John, tidesman and boatman at Poole, 551.

-, -, King's waiter, Bristol port, 123.

-, -, captain in the Independent Company at Annapolis Royal, 633; serjeant to. See Tipton, W.

-, -, adjutant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 542.

-, -, report dated office for the Duties on Hides signed by, 382.

-, -, esquire, a Commissioner for Taxes, 211, 367, 382, 590, 719, 729.

-, Sir John, petition about indigo out of the Tench from Cadiz, 413, 459.

-, -, et al., owners of the Jane frigate, petition of, 108.

-, Rice, tidewaiter at Carnarvon, 380.

-, Richard, surgeon, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 542.

-, Roger, tenant of a messuage in St. James's Street, 371.

-, -, quarter master, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

-, Thomas, Customs waiter at Parham in Antigua, 553.

-, William, purser of the Dragon, 168.

-, Zachary, Collector at Truro, 497.

Williamson, —, a Commissioner of Customs, 667, 668.

-, Adam, captain, charges for a journey to London, 280; charges for his journey to Holland to take care of Baron Gortz, 19, 318.

-, Christopher, tidesman in Bristol port, 669.

-, Edmund, a Commissioner for stating the debts of William III, 111, 126; payment to, 82.

-, Mary, widow of Ralph, payment to, 640, 655.

-, Ralph, formerly Receiver General of Taxes for cos. York, Durham and Northumberland, 640, 655, 656; widow of. See Williamson, Mary.

Willington, Henry, quarter master, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 540.

Willis (Willes), —, captain, commander of his Majesty's ship Deal Castle, 281.

-, Edmund, paper signed by, 127.

-, Edward, Master of Arts, King's Decypherer, payment to, for charges and taxes on salary, 18; salary of, 292, 625.

-, Robert, Mayor [of Bideford], 497.

Willoughby, co. Lincoln, 130, 256.

Willoughby, [William], Baron Willoughby of Parham, lands in co. Lincoln, 256.

Willoughby Bay, Antigua, Customs waiter at. See Brown, A.

Wills, [Charles], lieutenant general, debt due to, for services in mustering and disbanding Marine regiments, 18, 24, 35, 42, 43, 130–131, 369, 473, 649, 698; regiment of, 90, 502, 671.

Willson. See Wilson.

Wilsen [? Winsen or Wulfsen], Hanover, 298.

Wilson (Willson), —. clothier, petition of, 43.

-, Christopher, of Rosedale, husbandman, demise of a messuage to, 258, 259.

-, Henry, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

-, John, waste ground and sheds at Harwich, 316, 317.

-, Mary, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

-, Samuel, lease of land in Rosedale manor, 311–312.

-, Worcester, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 541.

Wilts, county of, Devizes, Chippenham, Warminster and Trowbridge Divisions, Receiver General of Assessments. See Lanham, R.; Receiver General of Taxes. See Baxter, A.; Sarum and Marlborough Divisions, Receiver General of Assessments. See Flower, H.; Sheriff of. See Eyles, J.

Winchester, co. Southampton, Marine headquarters at, 698; works at, 83; works at, issues for, 585, 689.

Winchester, Marquis of. See Poulett, Charles.

Winchfield, co. Berks. See Winkfield.

Window sashes, 194, 455.

Window shutters, 194, 455.

Windows, Duty on. See Houses.

Windress, William, colonel, regiment of, 543, 734, 736, 786, 799–800, 855.

Windsor, arrear of tax for lands and possessions at, 102.
-, Band of Gentlemen Pensioners attending the King at, 457.
-, gardens at, 94.
-, King's Garden in: 84.
-, King's lands at, discharge of arrears of taxes on, 398.
-, Master Plumber at. See Roberts, J.

Windsor Castle, Constable of, and warden of Windsor Forest, wages for the officers of the said Forest, 211.
-, Free Chapel of St. George in, Dean and Canons of, lease of their garden, 84.
-, Governor and Captain of. See Grey, Henry, Duke of Kent.
-, great water engine, repair of, 288, 361–363.
-, Mill, 362.
-, Round Tower Ditch, barracks in the, ill state of, 315.
-, Swainmote Court, 37, 437; expenses of holding, payment for, 634.
-, works at, 83; issues for, 585, 689–690; Paymaster of. See Roberts, W.

Windsor Forest, 27.
-, bridges and pounds in decay, 368.
-, Cranborne Chase, Cranbourne Chase, Cranburn Chase, Cranburne Chace, trees felled in, 56; underkeepers of, allowance to, for hay for the deer, 440, 467.
-, cutting underwood in, 129–130.
-, Fan Grove (Fangrove), Coppice, 129.
-, Knowle Grove (Knowlegrove) Coppice, 129.
-, lying within the bailiwick of Surrey, Out Ranger of. See Onslow, T.
-, officers of, wages and fees for, 383.
-, Stubbridge Coppice, 129.
-, Swainmote Court. See Windsor Castle.
-, Swinley Rails, Swindley, fences at, ruinous condition of, 199.
-, underwood, sale of, 129–130.
-, Warden of, issue for, 268; wages for the officers of the said Forest, 211. See also Temple, Sir Richard, Baron Cobham.

Windsor Great Park, deer, allowance for keeping, memorial about, 578.
-, keepers, wages of, memorial about, 578.
-, lodges etc. in, representation about the repairs of, 46, 578, 586.

Windsor House Park, deer in, hay for, 383, 729.

Windsor Little Park, keepers of, allowances to, 101, 213; making hay and killing moles in, 213; Ranger or Deputy Ranger of. See Godolphin, Francis, Earl of Godolphin.

Windsor Mote Park, 61; rent for, 380.

Windsor Park, deer in, 46.

Windsor Herald. See Mauduit, P.

Windsor, [Andrews], brigadier, regiment of, 543, 734, 735.

-, Dixie, esquire, Storekeeper of the Ordnance, patent fee of, 636.

-, Thomas, Viscount Windsor, regiment [Third Dragoon Guards] of, 539, 723, 735, 741, 853.

Windward Caribbee Islands, Captain General and Governor in Chief of. See Lowther, R.

Wine Licences, account, passing the, 134.
-, Commissioners for, to state a three years' account of revenue, 491, 674; warrant to, concerning a reduced rate of twenty-one shillings for guineas, 722, 730–731.
-, Office, incidents bills, 698; painting the King's arms for the use of, 698; salary bills, 698.
-, officers employed in, list of, demanded, 13, 288.
-, revenue as computed at the time of the Treaty of Union, 346.

Wines, at San-Felipe castle, account of, 827–829.
-, [for the King and Household], 72.
-, French, 100.
-, from Portugal, 382.
-, imported and re-exported, account of, demanded, 148, 554.
-, imported by commanders of Navy ships, complaint against, 512.
-, King's, storekeeper of. See Heymans, J.
-, running, prosecution against persons for, 467.
-, sold at Port Mahon, 811.
-, Spanish, 395.

Wines, Duties on, appropriation of, 359.
-, [as by 6 Anne, c. 48], 339.
-, [as by 9 Anne, c. 15], 237.
-, expiring 24 June, 1714, certificate of money remaining unsatisfied on and interest due on, asked for, 51.
-, (for the Coinage Duty, 10s. per ton on imported wines), 346.
-, French, Additional Duty [as by 1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 12], 237.
-,-, amount of receipts from the prize Duty of 25l. per ton, 349–350, 351.
-,-, income from the Duty of 25l. per ton [as by 7–8 Wm. III, c. 20], 81, 128.
-,-, new Duty of 25l. per ton [as by 6 Anne, c. 73, clause 11], income from, 81, 128, 228, 250, 411, 412, 602, 630; net produce in Scotland, 342; proportion due by way of Equivalent, 342.
-, from 1 August, 1710, to 1 August, 1712, Equivalent due to Scotland on, 327.
-, Impositions, appropriation of, 358; [as by 8–9 Wm. III, c. 20], 233; revenue from, as computed at the time of the Treaty of Union, 346.
-, Low Wines and Sweets, Spirits, Act for, loans remaining unsatisfied upon, and interest due on, certificate of, demanded, 399, 607.
-,-, additional of 2d. per gallon, 400.
-,-, as by 4–5 Anne, c. 23, 400, 401.
-,-, [as by 6 Anne, c. 2], 237.
-,-, continuation of, as by the Act 7–8 Wm. III, c. 30, 400; as by the Act 12–13 Wm. III, c. 11, 400; as by the Act 3–4 Anne, c. 18, 400.
-,-, Equivalent due to Scotland thereon, 327.
-,-, Excise Duties [as by 12–13 Wm. III, c. 11], continued to 24 June, 1710 [by 3–4 Anne, c. 18], revenue from, amount of, as at Mich. 1705, 326.
-,-, extended for one year by the Act of 6 Anne, c. 39, 401.
-,-, moneys arising from, carried into the Exchequer, amount of, 585.
-,-, original Duties as by 2 Wm. and Mary, c. 9, 400.
-,-, prolonged for a period of 96 years by the Act of 6 Anne, c. 2, 400–401, 401.
-,-, Register of loans founded on, principal and interest on, paying off the, 723.
-,-, renewal Act of 4–5 Anne, c. 23, 400, 401.
-,-, revenue from, 347, 348.
-, payment out of, to the South Sea Company [as by 8 Anne, c. 14], 240, 294, 415, 613.
-, revenue from [as by 1 James II, c. 3, and continued by the Two Deficiencies Acts of 8–9 Wm. III and 1 Anne, c. 7, to 1 August, 1710], amount of, as at Mich. 1705, 324.

Wingfield, Thomas, quarter master, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 537.

Winington, alias Jeffreyes, Edward, a Counsellor at Law, 182.

Winkfield, Winchfield, co. Berks, King's lands at, discharge of taxes on, 398.

Winkleigh, co. Devon, hundred, 277.

Winnington, John a surety for S. Davies, 648.

Winterhouse, co. Surrey, farm, 231.

Wire, Duties on. See Gold.

Wirksworth, co. Derby, mines of, duties of Lott and Cope of, lease of, 10,

Wisbech, co. Cambridge, port of, 262; tidesman at, 647.

Wiscot, Wiscott, co. Lincoln. See Barrow upon Humber, co. Lincoln.

Wisdom, Mathew, at Oxford, damages for, 189.

Wise, Christopher, tidesman and boatman at Dartmouth, 646.

-, Edward, lease of a messuage or farm in Eton, 676.

-, Henry, King's Gardiner, 293; issues to, for his Majesty's Gardens, 93–94, 212, 594.

-, Robert, tobacco merchant, petition to pay off his debt for which he has obtained an Act of Parliament [12 Anne, St. 2, c. 26], for a composition, 571.

Wishart, Sir James, payment ordered by, 77.

Witheridge, co. Devon, hundred, 277.

Witherington, Richard, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

Withers, [Hunt], brigadier, regiment of [Dragoons], 734, 735.

-, Thomas, clerk of H. Pelham, 214.

Witsendorff, Hanover. See Wietzendorf.

Wittewrong, Sir John, regiment of, 541.

Witton, Francis, demolition of his Meeting House in Stourbridge, 189.

Wivell, Edward, father of Eliz. Gunman and Marg. Wivell, Agent at Dover to the Victualling Commissioners, accounts, 487, 505.

-, Marg., father of. See Wivell, E.; petition of, 487, 505.

-, See also Wyvell; Wyvill.

Woking, co. Surrey, hundred, 279, 556.

Wolfenbuttel, Duke of, Envoy Extraordinary from. See Bottinger, Monsieur.

Wollaston (Woolaston, Woollaston), lease of the manor of Furness, 3, 9–10, 213, 295.

-, [Richard], charges for passing commissions of the Scotch Justices of the Peace, 2.

-, Richard, payment to, for claims for fees etc. in making forth commissions of peace, 101

-, -, esquire, Receiver General for Assessments for co. Hertford, 372, 627, 655.

Wolley, Richard, petition of, 25.

Wolrich, Sir John, baronet, sheriff for co. Salop, 570.

Wolseley, Richard, captain, prays to be replaced on Half Pay, 468.

-, [William], brigadier, regiment of, 537.

Wolverhampton, co. Stafford, Meeting House, demolished, 186; sufferers by riots in, damages for, 185, 186; supervisor of the Duties on Hides and Skins at, dismissal of, 79–80.

Wonford, co. Devon, hundred, 277.

Wood, —, memorandum about piracies, 70.

-, -, proposal of, for supplying the Mint with British copper, 450.

-, Andrew, Hackney Coach keeper, petition of, 701.

-, [Cornelius], lieutenant general, regiment [Third Dragoon Guards] of, 735, 741.

-, Elizabeth, Navy assigned tickets overpaid to, 166, 167.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, tenant of a tenement and lands in Lockton and Westfield in Cropton, 258.

-, Sir James, regiment of foot in the Dutch service, 318–319.

-, Michael, weigher, Chester port, 79.

-, Richard, Attorney of the Exchequer Court, Scotland, 402.

-, Robert, landcarriage waiter at Glasgow, 229, 626.

-, Thomas, of the James galley, 166, 167.

-, William, Receiver General of Assessments for co. Salop, 278.

-, -, petition of, for furnishing copper to the Mint, 574.

Woodbridge, co. Suffolk, port, Collector of, to keep a horse, 675.

Woodcock (Woodcocke), Robert, clerical fee due to, 97.

-, Thomas, esquire, late Receiver General of Assessments for co. Leicester, 285, 654, 693.

Woodeson, John, Deputy Clerk of the Privy Seal, 446.

Woodman, Thomas, land at Gosport purchased from, 255.

-, -, purchase of lands from, 102.

Woods and Forests, felling and cutting in, 137, 162, 275, 318, 377, 513.
-, sales, grants of, 39; officers and keepers paid out of, 318; proceeds from, to defray expenses of works and repairs, 137; sums arising from, privy seals for, 39.
-, Surveyor General of, 22, 25, 37,40, 56, 58, 72, 101, 137, 157, 161, 162, 183, 199, 214, 272, 275, 287, 368, 377, 384, 437, 488, 505, 513, 595, 649.
-,-, issue to, 268.
-,-, memorials of, about damages done to the woods and timber in the forests, 408, 496.
-,-, payment by, 268.
-,-, reports by, 27, 37, 513.
-,-, salary of, 178, 180, 439, 639.
-,-, See also Hewett, T.; Young, E.
-, Trent, North, Surveyor General of, 13, 18.
-, Trent, South, Surveyor General of, 13, 18; payment by, 314. See also Wilcox, E.
-, waste and destruction in, 496.
-, woodwards of, 12d. per £ poundage had by, on wood sales, 314.
-,-, named: Alice Holt Forest. Arkengarthdale Forest. Bere Forest. Braydon Forest. Dean Forest. Epping Forest. New Forest. Richmond Forest. Rockingham Forest. Salcey Wood. Whittlewood. Windsor Forest. Woolmer Forest.

Woods, —, importing copper, 69.

Woodward, George, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

Woofe, William, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

Wool, exported, recognizances for, forfeiture of, 92.
-, put on French vessels by smugglers, 160.
-, Register of. See Janeway, J.
-, Spanish, 148, 554.

Woolaston. See Wollaston.

Woolfe, Richard, House of Commons order served on, 321.

Woollames, Joseph, waiter and searcher at Blackwall. 291.

Woollaston. See Wollaston.

Woollen Goods, exported, account of. demanded, 148–149, 554.

Woollen manufactures, exported to Muscovia, 110.

Woollen trade, improvement of. Commission for the, 158.

Woolley, Adam, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

Woolmer. co. Southampton, forest, keepers and undertakers of. salaries of. See Howe. Ruperta.

Woolwich, co. Kent. Navy Yard at, 14, 300, 302.

Woolwin, Robert, boatman in Shoreham port, 646.

Wootton. co. Surrey. See Wotton.

Worcester, county of, distributor of Stamps for. See Baylis, W.; Loveday, W.
-, persons committing tumultuous riots in, prosecution of, 626.
-, rebellious riots in, 141, 185, 188–189.
-, Receivers General of Assessments. See Albert, —; Longden, R.; Sparry, J.
-, Receiver General of the Duties on Houses, 161.
-, Sheriff of. See Smith, T.
-, Surveyor of the Duties on Houses for, 161.

Worcester. co. Worcester, battle at, 223: city of, 395.

Worcester, Thomas, lease of a messuage in West Haddon. co. Northampton. 676.

Works, Board of, 24. 37, 38, 46, 49, 54, 112, 124, 133, 145, 213, 251, 252, 288, 293, 306, 361, 395, 458, 491, 504, 609, 624, 701, 726.
-, allowances, debt on, issue for, 585, 689.
-, Chief Clerk of, office of, vacancy of, supplied by a clerk nominated by the title of Clerk Engrosser. 499; grant of the office of, 466, 499. See also Mercer. J.
-, Clerk Engrosser to, letters patent constituting the, 499; fee of, 635. See also Mercer, J.; Wadeson, E.
-, Commissioners of, 624.
-, Comptroller of. See Vanbrugh, Sir J.
-, estimates of, for works and repairs, 30, 194, 231, 271–272, 273, 315, 408, 442, 454, 455, 574, 574–575, 583–584, 650, 710, 711, 712.
-, issues for, 25, 47, 66, 230, 393.
-, Master Bricklayer. See Hughes, T.
-, Master Carver. See Gibbons, G.
-, Master Glazier. See Ireland, J.
-, Master Joyner. See Hopson, J.
-, Master Mason. See Jackson, B.
-, Master Plaisterer. See Lance, D.
-, Office of, debt of, issues for, 585, 689; payment of, 83. rebuilding, Treasury allowance of the expense of, 454.
-,-, report about, 30.
-,-, tax arrears, 472.
-, officers, list of, demanded, 13, 288; salaries and fees of, 176, 444. 635.
-, Paymaster of, fee of, 635.
-,-, issues to, 83, 212, 461, 585, 594.
-,-, payments by, 93, 94, 212, 263, 461, 499, 594.
-,-, report on bills for work done at the Exchequer Offices. 663.
-,-, See also Dartiquenave, C.
-, Principal Officers of, 69.
-, Purveyor to. See Hopson, J.
-, repairs to the King's Private Roads, gates or bridges united to the, 263.
-, reports by, 58, 59, 663.
-, Serjeant Painter. See Highmore, T.
-, Serjeant Plumber. See Roberts, J.
-, Surveyor General of, fee of. 635: report on bills for work done at the Exchequer Offices, 663. See also Wren, Sir C.
-, Surveyor of the Kings Roads appointed one of the members of the, 584.

Worsley, —, tenant of a house near Great Swallow Street, 283.

-, Henry, Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Portugal, 75, 225, 456, 611.

Worth, Ambrose, deceased, waiter at Penryn, 582.

Worthey, Edward, tidesman in London port, to be waiter and searcher at Blackwall, 291.

Wortley, alias Montague, Edward, Ambassador Extraordinary to the Grand Seignior, 75, 225, 455.

Wotton, Wootton, co. Surrey, hundred, 279, 556.

Wrait, Andrew, an officer of salt in Kirkcaldy collection, 91.

Wray, Sir Cecil, sheriff of co. Lincoln, 609.

Wrecks etc., between Plymouth Sound and Land's End and 11 degrees to 26 degrees north latitude in America, grant of, 214–215.

Wren, Sir Christopher, account of building Greenwich Hospital, 37–38.
-, house in the possession of, near Scotland Yard, 269.
-, report by, on the state of the water engine at Windsor Castle, 362.
-, report on the Old Call House signed by, 584.
-, Surveyor General of the Works, 635, 663, 701.
-, to state an account of what money has been expended in building Greenwich Hospital, 481.

-, Eleanor, widow of captain Ralph Wren, payment to, 9; petition of, 69, 717.

-, James, Surveyor of the Duties on Houses, co. Norfolk, 192.

-, Ralph, captain, 717; widow of. See Wren, Eleanor.

Wrexham, co. Denbigh. Lampint Street Meeting House near, demolished in a riot, 189; Lower Trape Street, Meeting House in, defaced and damaged in a riot, 189.

Wrigglesworth, Geo., riding officer at Cardurnock, 373.

Wright, Eden, waiter and searcher at Hartlepool, 131.

-, Laurence, Surveyor of the Duties on Houses for Worcestershire, 161.

-, Mathew, petition of, 30, 387.

-, Richard, esquire, Knight Harbinger, fees, 180, 638.

-, William, Chief Justice of Glamorgan, Brecon and Radnor, 144, 363, 412, 709.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

Wrightington [co. Lancaster], 484.

Wrightson, Albro, quarter master, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 537.

Wroth, Eliz., executrix of John, 277.

-, John, Receiver General of Assessments for co. Essex, 277, 381, 657, 693.

Wurtembergers. See German.

Wyatt (Wyat), William, an under-clerk of the Treasury, 210, 385, 591, 728.

-, -, a Manager and Director of the Lottery [as by 3 Geo. I, c. 7], 447, 703.

Wybergh (Wyberg, Wibergh), Thomas, a Serjeant at Arms, 177, 320; attending the House of Commons, 457, 479, 504; executors of, payment to, 637, 674, 724.

Wych (Wyche, Wich), Cyril, esquire, bill of extraordinaries, 227, 621; Resident with the Hanse Towns, 76, 456, 611, 621.

Wye, Mossom, payment to, 44; royal bounty for, 50, 68, 69.

-, William, going to Carolina as a minister, royal bounty for, 501.

Wymondesold, Mathew, gentleman, loan by, 285.

Wyndham, —, counsel for the King at the trials of the Rebels at Liverpool, 494.

-, Catherine, lease of Richmond Ferry, 198.

-, Frances, daughter of Dame Anne Wyndham, pension for, 180, 443, 638.

-, Francis, colonel, or his guardians or trustees, heir male of, payment to, 223, 442, 445, 640.

-, Hugh, colonel of a regiment of horse (the Carabineers, later Sixth Dragoon Guards), 733.

-, Mahaleel, a Doorkeeper of the House of Peers, 479.

-, Sir William, reducing Army regiments, 266.

-, Post Office expresses about [arresting], 554.

Wynn, Owen, major general, payment to, 795; regiment of, 735, 794–796, 855.

Wynne, Thomas, esquire, recommends — Lloyd to be a Customs officer, 70; recommends H. Quellin as a Customs tidewaiter, 380.

Wyre, river, 484; Wadsworth Timber at or near, 484.

Wyvell, Fra., Navy wages paid to, 167.

Wyvill, Francis, Receiver General of Assessments for cos. York, Durham and Northumberland, the city and county of the city of York, and the town and county of Hull, 277, 630, 641, 655, 655–656, 726; executors of, payment to, 655, 655–656, 693.