Minute Book: May 1671

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Minute Book: May 1671', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp739-748 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: May 1671', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp739-748.

"Minute Book: May 1671". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp739-748.


May 1671

May 2.
[Downing's memoranda.]
To draw out [a list of] what money warrants the Navy, Ordnance and Victualler have had since the 1st Jan., 1670–1, and what [stands] further assigned to them for which they are to have warrants. (Done.)
The Prince of Orange his second 20,000l. to be put on the second quarter of the subsidy. A warrant [for same to be registered] after what [is already] charged on the project for this year's expense. (Done.)
Thomas Shewill [to be] coll[ector of] Bristol [port].
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 168.]
Warrant to the London Farmers of Excise that in paying in their rent for the London farm they express the month for which they pay in their money. The like warrant for Sir William Bucknall et al. for their Norfolk [Excise] farm [and other Excise farms]: and to the Grand Commissioners of Excise that they express the quarter for which they pay in each sum.
Warrant to the Treasurers of the Navy to take up money [on loan] at [interest] not exceeding 10 per cent.
The Earl of Ossory desired Dr. Robert Gorge's petition and the order of Council annexed, to be delivered to Mr. Robert Thornhill.
Mr. Thornhill desires from Viscount Ranelagh a copy for his Lordship of the state of the account of Ireland which Lord Aungier gave in of the five years' revenue to His Majesty ending 1675, Dec. 25.
Sergt. Beck's (Mr. Duppa) order done.
[Treasury Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 116.]
May 11. [Downing's memoranda.]
Alderman Backwell: for Mr. Scott to surrender his searcher's place to Mr. Thomas Hampson, Mr. Blink's brother. (Done.)
A privy seal for 20,000l. for the extraordinaries of the Works.
Lady Morley: petition. (Done.)
Earl of Pembroke. (Done.)
Consul of Algiers: order, whether signed or not. (Done.)
Earl of Craven's warrant to be sent to Capt. Wharton. (Done.)
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 168.]
Sir Sam. Morland: warrant on his patent.
Mr. Brown: warrant on the Exchequer on his petition and report.
Earl of Oxford's warrant.
Mrs. Loop.
Mr. Samborn.
Mr. Culliford.
Customs Farmers' list.
Mr. Ramsey.
Mr. Langhorn.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 117.]
May 12. [Downing's memoranda.]
Letter to Window Horne for the 35l. in her hands to be paid to Sir Robt. Hollands according to the order of the Treasury, and that if she pay it not course will be taken with her. (Done.)
Mr. Dobell's money for his interest in Windsor to be on the loans of the new farm of the Customs when the privy seal is passed. (Done.)
Direction to be given to the Commissioners for Wine Licences to let no lease but to Michaelmas next, and after that term not to act till further order.
Sir Robert Atkin to be of the King's Counsel. [Dormant warrant for his salary as such.] (Done.)
Lord Colepeper moves for his arrears as Governor of the Isle of Wight. Letter to Sir Robert Holmes to pay the 175l. as in Lord Colepeper's paper. (Done.)
Mrs. Palmer: a warrant according to Sir C. Harbord's report. (Done.)
Lord Ashley to have lists of the expenses for the last year.
Mr. Dobell's privy seal to be sent up to be signed. (Done.)
Mr. Kirke's warrant for his 3,000l. [for the Gentlemen] Pensioners. (Done.)
Earl of Pembroke: [warrant]. (Done.)
Earl of Middlesex.
[Treasury Minute Book DCXXV. p. 169.]
Sir Ch. Cotterell: warrant on the new fund for Ambassadors.
Mr. Worden: warrant on the fund for Ambassadors: on the first quarter that's free.
Queen's dressers: warrant for all they are in arrear: on the Exchequer.
Memorandum: to add to Mr. Brock's letter [the superscription] "to the Mayor, Recorder and Justices of the city of Chester," when entered.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 117.]
May 13. [Downing's memoranda.]
Sir Robt. Holms: warrant. Query: the note.
Alderman Backwell: warrant for the King's hand to 200l.
Mr. Colman: warrant. Query: the paper.
Earl of Pembroke: warrant for his creation money.
Prince of Orange: his 20,000l. warrant to be on the second quarter of the subsidy as is inserted [in the text or body of said warrant].
Sir Edm. Windham: order for 260l. 18s. 4d. to be put on the Wine Licences. Query: [a] former warrant. Query: if not a mistake for Sidenham.
Earl of Middlesex: creation money: warrant.
Sir Ste. Fox, the [surplusage or balance due to him on the] foot of his account (viz. 14,954l. 2s. 2d.) [is to be charged] on the Country Excise on account. But a privy seal first to pass.
Memorandum: to get the Harbinger's warrant filled up.
Memorandum: Newarke report to be done the first on the petition day.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 117.]
May 16. [Downing's memoranda.]
Sir John Heath to have 500l. and Sir Gilbert Gerrard 200l. during the time of the employment, and 250l. per an. for Sir George Downing, Secretary to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. (Done.)
Mr. Baker's warrant to be on any money in the Exchequer. (Done.)
Mr. Squibb a privy seal for his 300l.
Lady Villers: her grant on the coinage [money] to be made for 31 years with [i.e. including] the present term. (Done.)
Sir Edward Walker as King-at-Arms: a warrant for a year [of his salary as such] on the new farm of the Customs on the quarter ending Xmas, 1671. (Done.)
To attend Mr. Williamson about Sir Robt. Atkins to be King's Counsel. (Done.)
Sir Francis Cobb: petition considered: [ordered] that it be done according to Sir C. Harbord's report. (Done.)
Mr. Fisher to be spoke to to know what done about Mr. Tregunnell. (Done.)
Mr. Montague's order to be on an old Customs tally in Sir R. Long's hands. Charnock [to bear this in] mind on Thursday next when Sir R. Long comes.
Sir Robert Vynor and Sir Gilbert Talbot called in about [an] accompt of moneys for the Jewel Office. [Ordered] that Sir Gilbert Talbot send an accompt of the plate in his office and [of the plate] for which he hath indentures. Also a warrant for a privy seal for Sir Robert Vynor for the money, [that is] for 22,825l. 8s. 8d. as in Sir G. Talbot's certificate. (Done.)
The Knight Harbinger's money to be put on a Customs tally remaining in the Exchequer. To remind Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir R. Long before 7 to-morrow morning. (Done.)
Sir John Bennett's warrant for his defalcations against to-morrow on the old Excise accounts. (Done.)
Also Sir Allen Apsley and Mr. Ellyott; and Mr. Newporte 500l. on the old Customs tally for the Wardrobe.
Sir William Bowles et al. [warrant for] 2,000l. which is in the establishment for the year and a [same for] 1,000l. blank [i.e.] 3,000l. in all.
Lady Morley.
[Treasury Minute Book DCXXV. pp. 170–1.]
The like directions for dismissing what Receivers [were ordered] th'other day to go into the country.
Sir Jno. Poppleston's business to be carried up to-morrow.
Memorandum: to give an account to-morrow morning what [was] writ to Mr. Lawr[ence] about Mr. Mellish's debt.
Lord Gerard to transfer his principal and interest which is on the Eleven months' tax.
[Ordered] that both these payments be placed on the overplus of the rent of the London Excise not paid into the Exchequer, viz. the 20,000l. out of which their [the Excise Farmers'] defalcations were made and the Excise [Office] quarterly bills, &c. paid. Lloyd to [keep me, Charnock, in] mind [of] this to-morrow.
Capt. John Barry: warrant for 120l. on the 10,000l. general dormant.
Le Gouche: warrant for 1,000l. on his privy seal for a present to the Count d'Albon, Envoy from the Duke of Orleans.
Edw. Wise: warrant on his privy seal.
Sir John Heath to have 500l.: Sir G. Gerard, 200l.; and 250l. per an. to Sir G. Downing as Secretary to the Lords of the Treasury.
Mr. Sackvile: warrant for that money as ensign to Viscount Grandison from the date of the warrant. Query: w[arran]t of this kind for Mr. Howard. Taken away again.
Lady Harvy's warrant in Mr. Baker's name to be on any money in the Exchequer.
Mr. Edw. Conoway: a falconer: warrant [for his salary as such of] 44l. per an.: not in blank.
Mr. Spight: give account what Mr. Laurence was to do. He [Lawrence] was writ to May 12 [last] to give an account what Mr. Mellish owes to the King and what to the Queen.
Dean Barry: that the payment for Dublin School be put on the concordatums. A report [to this effect to be made to the King in Council].
Mr. Rogers: warrant for four years of his fee [payable] in the Exchequer of 32l. 5s. 0d. per an. as Keeper of the Standing Wardrobe in Whitehall.
E[arl of] Nott[ingham's] warrant [for his creation money].
[Treasury Minute Book DCXXIV. pp. 117–8.]
May 17. [Downing's memoranda.]
The women of the Queen's Bedchamber to be placed on [such of] the loans on the Customs in the Exchequer [as remain yet] uncharged. (Done.)
Receiver of the First Fruits to be as reported by the Lord Chief Baron. [This report] to be shewed [to] Sir G. D[owning] to-morrow morning.
Lord Ogle: warrant to be in Col. Thomas Howard's name as desired by Lord Ogle and Robert Dymock, Esq. (Done.)
Mr. Griffith: 1,000l. on the loan money on the Customs, in the Exchequer.
Madame de Borde to have her warrant for her pension [in the same way] as the Queen's dressers: on the same fund. (Done.)
Earl of Nottingham. (Done.)
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 171.]
Sir William Bowles: 3,000l., viz. 2,[000l.] as before and 1[000l.] with a blank.
Memorandum: Mr. Sayer's and Mr. Samborne's part[icular].
The Cofferer of the Household: warrants on his privy seal.
Query: when Mr. Griffin last [had] an assignment.
Mr. Harris: warrant on his patent.
Earl of Thanet: query: warrant for his creation money.
Another letter to Mr. Laurence about Mr. Mellish.
Mr. Chase: warrant.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 119.]
May 18. [Downing's memoranda.]
Petition of Mr. Bloome and the Customers [Customs Farmers'] report [thereon are both] read and approved. A warrant accordingly. (Done.)
The [Killegrews'] players' 800l. is to be put on the Customs loan in the Exchequer. [Ordered] that they bring their present order, and that it be placed [or assigned and registered] accordingly. (Done.)
Petition [from the inhabitants of] Midsomer Norton considered and granted. A privy seal as Sir Charles Harbord reports.
Petition of Sir Edmond Wyndham considered. A warrant to the Attorney General that he issue a fiat accordingly. Sir Herbert Price hath the papers.
A box for petitions to be kept. (Done.)
Mr. Ferrer's warrant not to be delivered out till he pay 700l. into the Exchequer. Mrs. Wolseley is to have it. (Done.)
Mr. Scott to have liberty to surrender to Mr. Hampson his place of searcher of London. (Done.)
A model for the Wine Licence officers is to be laid on the table to-morrow morning. (Done.)
The Attorney General to be directed to prosecute the Six Clerks for their mortgage [of crown lands]. A warrant [accordingly].
Viscount Dillon called in. [Ordered] that he have a new patent, and in Sir Robert Vynor's name, for his money. (Done.)
Sir Robt. Pye's order. (Done.)
Manor of Lawley to be taken into His Majesty's hands for debt.
[Treasury Minute Book DCXXV. p. 172.]
Mrs. Wells: 100l. on her pension.
Sir Sam. Starling: minutes [about his affairs]: to have them [produced].
Devon and Hereford Exc. [? Excise]: certificates considered. Warrants. [Ordered.]
Mrs. Burrell.
Mr. Halsall: reference to the Attorney General for his opinion. Query: if Sir G. Lane may have a copy.
Mr. Winyard: query: the petition.
May 19. [Downing's memoranda.]
Mr. Ball called in with a certificate from Prince Rupert about the place of Surveyor of Windsor. [Ordered] that he have a warrant during pleasure.
Sir Francis Leake: his petition to be referred to the proper officer.
Berwick Bridge: a warrant on the Customs. (Done.)
[Ibid. p. 173.]
Lord Belasyse: warrant on the fund for Ambassadors.
Sir Tho. Chichley: warrant about the Armory to be altered.
Mr. Jay: to suspend him as Receiver of the King's revenue, and to take him into custody.
Mr. Arden: salary to be stopped: attorney of the Exchequer.
Mr. Géo. Kirk: salary to be stopped as bailiff of W and housekeeper of Whitehall, and as Bedchamberman till he pay his debt to the Receiver.
Mr. Wade: letter to the Earl of Carbery to quicken the payment.
The Cofferer of the Household: direction on the order for 100l. to the Cofferer, viz. to pay [same] on the affidavit that the said order is lost.
Henry Hawes: warrant as one of [the King's] music.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 119.]
May 20. [Downing's memoranda.]
To give an account of all the warrants for felling wood in New Forest since Lord St. John had to do with the forest.
Viscount Fauconberg's paper of extraordinaries how they agree with the rules. The rules and paper to be carried on Monday to Sir G. Downing. (Done.)
Sir R. Long to be spoken to about the privy purse warrant [viz. that] which was last for [healing] medals and the money of the alum farm drawn from them. Monday morning early. (Done.)
A list of the [County] Excise Farmers' names and rents on Monday.
To see to borrow money for the Earl of Lauderdale: Monday morning. (Done.)
Directions to Sir Tho. Player to bring into the Exchequer all tallies of the Royal Aid, if any, yet remaining in his hands; [on] Monday. (Done [i.e. a letter written to Player].)
[Treasury Minute Book DCXXV. p. 173.]
Sir William Boreman's warrant to be on the Law Bill after Lady Fisher.
Query: if Mr. Gohory must have a warrant.
Memorandum: the na. of Cust. new [? names of new Customs Farmers].
Memorandum: left open, Smith, Oxford, Sidnham, Backwell, Bowman, [the] two Cottrels, the Yeomen prickers.
Sir Edw. Griffin: 10,000l. on his privy seal; upon the Additional Excise; to be placed next after the Duke of Buckingham's 4,300l.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 120.]
May 22. [Downing's memoranda.]
Warrant for 3,000l. on the London or Country Excise to Mr. Harvy for the Queen. (Done.)
Certificates from Mr. Christian and Mr. Williamson desiring that their Excise lease may be in Mr. Partion [? Parker] name. Warrant for the King's hand. (Done.)
Warrant for a great seal for 12,000l. per an. to the Queen to complete her jointure: which is to be on the present Excise.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 174.]
May 22 [sic ? for 23]. [Downing's memoranda.]
Lord St. John called in and Sir C. Harbord's reports are considered. Warrant accordingly for the money in the several certificates: [the warrant to be] on dotard trees. (Done.)
Sir John Talbot's note read desiring Mr. Lloyd's name to be inserted in the Nottingham Excise lease instead of Mr. Eyre. Warrant for the King's hand. (Done.)
Mr. Dobell's warrant for a privy seal [is] to be dispatched. (Done.)
Mr. Packer 3,000l. on the alum farm.
[Ibid. p. 174.]
May 25. [Downing's memoranda.]
Berwick bridge warrant. (Done.)
Mr. Slingsby: a warrant for 5,000l. for the Mint. (Done.)
Mr. Utting: a warrant for . . . . .
The Duke of Buckingham's warrant on his privy seal for coaches [is] to be on the new additional Excise after 30,000l. for the Queen. (Done.)
To search in the book in my Lord Treasurer's [Southampton's] time whether all the warrants for felling of woods in New Forest were not directed to the High Woodward of the said forest or whether the bark were ever sold and accompted to His Majesty's use. (Done.)
[Treasury Minute Book DCXXV. p. 175.]
May 26. [Downing's memoranda.]
Mr. Tregonnell called in: a warrant [ordered] for 400l. according to Sir C. Harbord's report; and to make him a good assignment on beer and ale. (Done.)
Sir Thomas Penistone and Mr. Knowles called in and declare they are agreed about their joint interest in the excise of Oxfordshire, and Sir Thomas desires that Mr. Knowles may be also inserted in the said lease: a warrant [accordingly]. (Done.)
[The] Auditor [concerned viz. for North Wales] called in about the accompt of the King's revenue for North Wales. [Ordered] that the messenger assist the auditor to collect the arrears of rents on the manor of Ruthin. A warrant to Hodson to do it.
Warrant to the Trustees of the fee farms, as desired by Mr. Tompkins. (Done.)
Certificate from Sir R. Long of what is charged and unpaid on the late farm of the Customs. Warrant for 6,000l. thereof for the Privy Purse; then for 1,200l. for the Works; then for the remainder [to be] for the Privy Purse.
Write Mr. Breames forthwith to pay into the Exchequer the moneys in his hands.
Mr. Ball's Commission to be despatched. (Done.)
Lord Chief Baron: [warrant]: (Done.)
Mr. Sambrooke: patent for his salary. (Done.)
Mr. Packer: [warrant] on the Law bill [to be for repairs, &c., at] Windsor. (Done.)
Warrant about the fee farms. (Done.)
Viscount Hereford. (Done.)
Mr. Jeremy Hough [Houghton]. (Done.)
Lord St. John to enclose 200 acres [in New Forest for a nursery]. ([Warrant] done.)
Newark: report.
Mr. Newport and Mr. Reymes: warrant for interest. (Done.)
Lord Berkeley: warrant.
[Ibid. p. 175–6.]
[? before May 27.] [Charnock's memoranda.]
Duke of York: 6,000l. for Midsummer quarter and 6,000l. for Michaelmas quarter next.
[Warrant for — for secret service for] intelligence: in Lord Arlington's name.
Delivered in to be signed [the following papers, viz.]:—
Ryan; Tinte; Fitz Harres; Keneday; Bishop of Clogher; Nugent; Sir C. Farrell; Lacy; Mrs. Carey; R. Talbot.
Abbot [to] draw the warrants on the Law Bill; and on the Additional Excise.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 120.]
May 27. [Charnock's memoranda.]
Paper commission for my Lord's signature for Sir Robert L[ong] to have Sir H. Wood's place of receiver: such a commission as was before.
The fair copy of the privy seal to be prepared against Monday noon.
Alderman Bucknall to come to the Treasurer of the Household on Monday morning about the Excise lease of Gloucestershire. The Excise Commissioners of Gloucester not to pass a lease thereof without further order.
[Treasury Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 120.]
[? after May 27.] [Charnock's memoranda.]
Treasurers of the Navy: warrant for their five 2,000l. [? 52,000] on the Law bill: on their privy seal of March 18 last.
Memorandum: Mr. Samborn.
May 30. [Downing's memoranda.]
Commission to Hen. Coventry, Robert Philips, Hartgill Baron, and Mr. Marriot to be Commissioners to enquire what houses in and near Windsor Castle may belong to His Majesty. Sir C. Harbord to be spoken to at dinner at Sir R. Long's.
Memorandum: the Prince of Orange his warrants to be despatched except what were placed on foreign commodities. (Done.)
Warrant to the officers of the Works to take care and collect the rents of Hyde Park, which were by Mr. Hamilton surrendered to His Majesty from the time Mr. Hamilton is to be paid out of the Tenths: and to apply the money for St. James's [Park] walls. (Done.)
Sir Ralph Knight called in and Sir C. Harbord's report is read: [ordered] that he buy 600l. per an. fee farms: that he make a surrender of his patent of 600l. per an. and be paid the like sum on the and interest. (Done.)
Petition about the Yorkshire discovery is considered together with Sir C. Harbord's report. A commission [to issue] accordingly. (Done).
Mr. Neale's surrender and privy seal [are] to be despatched, but [ordered] that Sir Fretcheville Holles do pay 600l. of the money and the King only the remaining 400l. (Done.)
Another letter [to be sent] to the King's officers [of the Customs] in London [port] and [to] the Surveyor of the outports to give an account of what moneys have been received of the outports upon the late Wine Act for raising 310,000l., and to give same [account] to Col. Birch [to enable him] to make a state of Mr. Wadlowe's account. (Done.)
A caveat [to be entered by Charnock in the Caveat Book] that if Mr. Chipp do apply for a new lease of his house, Lord Arlington be first heard.
Charles, Lord Cornwallis: petition read: granted: a warrant during pleasure. (Done.)
Sir John Talbot brings in the privy seal for the fee farm officers. Warrants accordingly on the fee farms. (Done in part.)
An instruction to the Trustees [for sale of fee farms] that if any buy several rents so as to make up 10l. per an. that they sell at 16 years' purchase. (Done.)
When any warrants are to be signed about wood in New Forest Lord St. John to be first heard.
Petition of considered, [together with] Sir C. Harbord's report. Warrant accordingly.
[Treasury Minute Book DCXXV. p. 177.]
May 31. [Downing's memoranda.]
Mr. Dobell's privy seal brought in. A warrant [ordered] on the new farm of the Customs. (Done.)
Strike out the word 'loans' in Viscount Fauconberg's warrant for his extraordinaries on the subsidy and draw a warrant to pay 6 per cent. interest for that money till [it be] paid [to said Viscount]. Let the messengers go home with me for the warrant. (Done.)
Sir William Temple's privy seal brought in. Warrant on the fund for Ambassadors. (Done.)
Sir C. Harbord brought a draft of instructions for a commission to enquire of houses in Windsor [belonging to and concealed from the King]. Commission [ordered] accordingly. (Done.) [i.e. Warrant signed for preparation of said commission.]
An inquisition to go out against Mr. Cadwallader Jones to seize the money in Mr. Breame's hands. Mr. Lawrence to draw the warrant. Mr. Charnock to call [on him] and hasten him in it.
Sir Ra. Knight called in. [Ordered] that he be acquitted of buying the fee farm rents, and that he have 8,000l. for his 600l. per an. pension and interest till paid, on the Chimney money. [He] to release [or surrender] his pension and then [to have] a privy seal. (Done.)
Warrant for Mistress Plea [Pley] for interest [in the same way] as Viscount Fauconberg. (Done.)
Mr. Tregunnell called in. [Ordered] that the charge of his privy seal be paid by Charnock and put to account. Charnock to take care. (Done.)
Mr. Seymour: warrant on the privy seal for the walk in New Forest: to place it on the [proceeds of the sale of offal timber or] trees as in the privy seal. (Done.)
A certificate to be made up of what is charged on the Customs, Excise and Chimney money. Charnock to look out Sir R. Long's last certificate and warrant since passed and give an account to-morrow morning.
Mistress Stepkins to be put in the list of pensioners. (Done.)
[Ordered] that as to such as have tallies for the Wardrobe debt care be taken to make a list of them. Charnock to do it.
[Ibid. p. 178.]