Entry Book: December 1670

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Entry Book: December 1670', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp697-709 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: December 1670', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp697-709.

"Entry Book: December 1670". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp697-709.


December 1670

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Dec. 2 Treasury order for 6,000l. to the Navy Treasurers: out of the loans on the new farm of the Customs. Order Book XXXVII. p. 74.
The Treasury Lords to the Customs Farmers to pay into the Receipt the remain of the 32,000l. due for the month of Oct. last, "except what has been paid by you upon tallies of assignment struck upon your farm rent" by virtue of Treasury warrants: and further to observe the like method for the month of November last, and so for the following months to the end of your farm. Out Letters Customs I. p. 218.
Sir G. Downing to Alderman Backwell for an account to my Lords how the 10,000l. [loan promised and made by you] is disposed by you. Out Letters General II. p. 379.
Dec. 3 Treasury order for 358l. 17s. 1d. to Jonathan Clarke in repayment of loan: to be registered on the Wine Act. Order Book XXXVII. p. 219.
Same for 1,614l. 2s. 8d. to Sir John Robinson, Lieutenant of the Tower, for fees, &c., and for 761l. 0s. 1d. for diet of prisoners: out of the sale of fee farms. Ibid, p. 201.
Dec. 5 Same on the Exchequer in general for 718l. 6s. 2d. to Alderman Backwell in full of all gratuity for loan on the city order assigned to him by Sir Thomas Player. Ibid, p. 104.
Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long to call together the rest of the officers of the Receipt in order to the making a report about fees taken for tallies struck for moneys paid into the Exchequer for His Majesty's fee farm rents to be sold. Out Letters General II. p. 397.
Same to the Attorney General to report as to the fee farm rents conveyed to the Six Clerks in Chancery in 1627, viz. whether it was a sale or a mortgage redeemable on payment of the money. Ibid.
Dec. 5 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long et al., to meet on the business of supers set on any accomptant and to offer an opinion as to how to quicken them in "and whereas the monies of the monthly assessments are appropriated to the payment of tallies or orders [it is required of us] that we also offer a method for preventing the confounding of the said monies in the sheriffs accompts and that they be distinctly paid into the Exchequer so as they may be applied to their proper uses." Out Letters General II. p. 398.
Same to Sir James Hayes to return the bills about encouraging the Plantation trade and suppressing tobacco in England "which you had from Mr. Forth and which he had from me." Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long for a certificate that Mrs. Margaret Scot is agent to the Countess of Brentford. Ibid.
Dec. 6 Treasury order for 920l. to Sir William Turner, Kt., in repayment of loan: to be registered on the fee farms. Order Book XXXVII. p. 201.
Treasury order for 900l. to Sir W. Turner in repayment of loan: out of the Customs of July, 1671. Ibid, p. 28.
Dec. 7 Fifteen Treasury orders for, in all, 24,500l. to the Navy Treasurers. Ibid, p. 74.
1667 [sicerratum for 1670] Dec. 8 Treasury order on the Exchequer in general for 500l. to Philip Packer for extraordinary services for the [St. James's] Park wall. Ibid, p. 104.
Dec. 8 Same for 500l. to Isaack Meynell in repayment of loan: [out of the new farm of the Customs]. Ibid, p. 75.
Dec. 9 Sir G. Downing to Alderman Backwell to attend Lord Ashley at his house this afternoon. Out Letters General II. p. 398.
Same to Sir R. Long for a certificate how much of the Eleven months tax is to be paid before the 3,000l. payable thereout to Lord Gerard. Ibid, p. 399.
Same to the Chief Baron of the Exchequer to call before him Mr. Prettiman, Capt Scarlet and the Auditors of Imprests to examine whether the 1,500l. paid by Prettiman for the place of Receiver of First Fruits was bona fide his own cash: and also to report on the usefulness of said office. Ibid.
Treasury fiats for letters patent to constitute Robert Hall, gent., Customer of Chester port in place of Evan Edwards, gent., deceased: and to constitute Edmund Anguish, Esq.. Collector in Yarmouth port, in place of Robert Tracy, deceased. Out Letters Customs I. p. 221.
Treasury warrant to Sir John Robinson to forthwith pay the duty on five tuns and one hogshead of French wine lodged in a cellar in the Tower of London, imported by Mr. Bataille, His Majesty's purveyor for wines: according to an information clearly made out by Capt. Wyngate. Ibid, p. 219.
Money warrant (erased) on the loans on the Excise for 6,000l. to Sir Ste. Fox for the pay of the Guards and Garrisons (in the margin: "Drawn again on the Exchequer in general"). Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 43.
Same for 927l. 4s. 4d. to Edward Backwell for service in the seasonable advance of 24,100l. for supply of His Majesty's occasions: it appearing by certificate from the Auditor of the Receipt of Nov. 24 last that Backwell did lend that sum to the Earl of Anglesey, late Treasurer of the Navy, upon assignment made to him by said Earl of orders registered on the Eleven months' tax: which sum is fully paid to him with interest at 6 per cent., but he never received any gratuity for the same: which at 4 per cent. per an. amounts to 927l. 4s. 4d., "and it likewise appears that there were seven other orders assigned by the said Earl to the said Backwell, registered on the said Act. amounting to 1,509l. 3s. 5d. upon account of interest for the said 24,100l., at 6 per cent. per an.; and because the said Backwell hath received full interest for the said sum at 6 per cent. per an., he was to re-assign the said last mentioned orders to the said Earl of Anglesey, two of which orders you certify he hath accordingly re-assigned and so the other five orders amounting to 909l. 3s. 5d. are yet to be re-assigned for His Majesty's use and service." The present warrant to take effect so soon as Backwell shall have so re-assigned said five orders. (Treasury order hereon. dated Dec. 8.) Ibid, pp. 43–4; Order Book XXXVII. p. 75.
Dec. 9 Treasury warrant to the Attorney General to prepare a grant to George Viscount Grandison and Henry Brounker of the palace or mansion house at Nonsuch, co. Surrey. and of the Little Park containing 671 acres of ground enclosed and stored with deer and granted in custody to Lord George Berkeley and others: and also Nonsuch Great Park containing 1,030 acres, now in lease to Sir Robert Long: the said grant to be to them and their heirs for ever, to be holden of His Majesty by fealty only at the reserved annual rent of 10s., with an exception of all royal mines of gold and silver. Warrants Early XXXVII. pp. 439–40.
[?] Entry of demise by custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal of several closes of land in Shabbington, co. Bucks, to Andrew Thorne, being parcel of the lands of Sir William Clarke, bart., outlaw. Ibid, p. 440.
Dec. 9 Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown lands to issue his warrant to the steward of the manor of Milton Falconberg. directing him to grant to Col. Harrison Kymer an estate in a tenement in said manor. Ibid, p. 441.
Same to the Auditors of the revenue. "Whereas you have desired from us directions in making forth your particulars of chantry rents, pensions and portions and such like rents, divers of them standing in charge before you as farme rents of land which were never granted in fee farm and divers of them having bin duely answered to the Crown by collectors although they have not bin paid by the owners by the most part of 40 years last past, these are to require you to make forth [particulars of] all such rents as they stand in charge in the records before you, and that you make forth all such of them as have bin constantly answered to the Crowne until the year 1642: and whereas provision is to be made to leave rents unsold for the payment of rents resolute and other perpetual payments wherewith His Majesty's revenue is chargeable, which cannot be done until it be knowne what they are, we therefore require you to certify unto us what the payments of that nature amount unto in each county: and also to certify what other pensions for life or any other term and what payments to garrisons do still remayne payable by the receivers in each county." Ibid, pp. 441–2.
Same to Charles Twitty and Geo. Rainton to assign and transfer to Philip Packer the order for 5,000l. registered on the Eleven months' tax in the name of William Legg, late Lieutenant of the Ordnance; which order was by His Majesty's commands by him assigned to the present Farmers of the Customs and by them assigned to you (as assignees to His Majesty's use) both which assignments are registered and upon record in the book of Regi-try appointed to be kept by Act of Parliament for the said Eleven Months' tax: the said order to be to said Packer as in part of the privy seal of Oct. 21 last for 20,000l. to him for the extraordinary services to His Majesty's buildings. Ibid, XXXV. p. 10.
Dec. 9 Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt and the Clerk of the Pells to enter on record in each their office that the above-said 5,000l. is so assigned as in part of abovesaid 20,000l., and that Packer is to be charged therewith in his accompt as if he had received the same by an order drawn upon the said privy seal in the usual course of the Exchequer. "And the Auditor of the Receipt is hereby further required to take care to charge the said Philip Packer as well in the Imprest Roll to be certified into the Office of the King's Remembrancer as in the Imprest Certificate for the accompt of the said Philip Packer, to the end His Majesty may not be doubly charged upon this occasion." Warrants Early XXXV. p. 11.
Dec. 10 Treasury orders for 880l. to Viscount Fauconberg, in repayment of loan: [out of the new farm of the Customs]. (See Dec. 5.) Order Book XXXVII. p. 75.
Money warrant for 72l. to John Greene for three years of his fees as His Majesty's stablekeeper at the Mews. Warrants Early XXII. p. 11.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Williamson to intimate in next Monday's Gazette that the bidding for the farm of the Excise formerly appointed for the 12 of Dec. is postponed to the second Monday in Feb. next. Out Letters General II. p. 399.
Dec. 12 Treasury order for 2,375l. 2s. 9d. to Sir John Robinson, Knt. and Bart., in repayment of loan: to be registered on the fee farms. Order Book XXXVII. p. 201.
Same for 100l. and 100l. to Edward Backwell in repayment of loan: [out of the new farm of the Customs]. Ibid. p. 75.
Money warrant for 5,000l. to Baptist May for the Privy Purse: out of fines and forfeitures of uncustomed and prohibited goods. (Treasury order hereon, dated Dec. 14.) Out Letters Customs II. p. 147; Order Book XXXVII. p. 28.
Same, dormant, for the annuity of 20l. to Henry, Earl of St. Albans. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 361.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to take care that Sir William Scroggs, appointed a Serjeant-at-Law by letters patent of 1669, Nov. 2, be paid the like salary as is usual to other Serjeants. Ibid.
Same for 10,000l. to the Earl of Sandwich for the use of the Great Wardrobe. (Treasury order hereon, dated Dec. 17, "to be paid out of Alderman Backwell's loan.") Ibid, p. 364; Order Book XXXVII. p. 104.
Sir G. Downing to the Excise Commissioners to certify my Lords on Wednesday next what there is in arrear of the rent of the Excise farms: "at which time my Lords will likewise speak with you about making out certificates every week of what there is behind of the Excise." Out Letters General II. p. 400.
Same to Sir R. Long to bring on Monday an accompt of what the Farmers of Excise are in arrear of their rent. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Agar to attend my Lords about his accompt of money received for enclosing ground in Dean Forest. Ibid.
Dec. 12 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for a commission to James Smyth as officer for receiving the revenue of Hearth money for co. Sussex. Warrants Early XXXVI p. 161.
Privy seal for 2,000l. to Lady Elizabeth Delavell as royal bounty. Ibid, XVa. p. 111.
Warrant for a privy seal for registering on the new farm of the Customs which commences at Michaelmas, 1671. (Privy seal hereon, dated Dec. 22.) Ibid, pp. 74, 99.
Money warrant for 145l. 12s. 4d. to Lawrence Bathurst, Receiver of Assessments for co. Gloucester, in satisfaction of the like surplusage on his account for the Royal and Additional Aids for said county. Ibid, XXXV, p. 12.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to deliver up the bonds of said Bathurst. Ibid.
Dec. 13 Treasury order for 10l. to Mary Hodgen as gratuity for loan on the land revenue: to be paid out of the sale of fee farms. Order Book XXXVII. p. 201.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Francis Hollingshead on the super of 229l. 7s. 5d. set on him as Receiver General of the Eleven months' tax in co. Stafford. Warrants Early XXXV. p. 11.
Dec. 14 Treasury order for 927l. 4s. 4d. to Edward Backwell in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 75.
Same for 34l. 16s. 4d. to Phillip Maddox for reward for loan: out of the Customs. Ibid, p. 29.
Money warrant for 14,000l. to the Treasurers of the Navy upon account [for the Navy]: to be paid out of Alderman Backwell's loan. (Treasury order hereon, dated Dec. 14.) Warrants Early XVIII. p. 363; Order Book XXXVII. p. 104.
Same for 6,000l. to Sir Ste. Fox upon account for the pay of the Guards and Garrisons: to be paid as above. (Treasury order hereon, dated Dec. 21.) Warrants Early XVIII. p. 363; Order Book XXXVII. p. 105.
Same for 60l. to the Rt. Honbl. the Earl of Scarsdale for three years' creation money. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 364.
Same for 6,000l. to William Ashburnham, Cofferer of the Household, being for the extraordinary expense of their Majesty's journey to Audley End and Newmarket in September and October last, and for the entertainment of the Prince of Orange: to be registered on the Country Excise in the course and order agreed on by said Cofferer and Sir Ste. Fox. (Six Treasury orders hereon for, in all, 6,000l., dated Dec. 17.) Ibid, XXIV. p. 58; Order Book XXXVII. XXXVII. p. 260.
Same for 800l. to Thomas Killegrew, Master of their Majesties' comedians, for himself and the rest of the Company. (Treasury order, dated Dec. 19.) Warrants Early XXVIII. pp. 44–5; Order Book XXXVII. p. 76.
Same for 1,150l. to Isaac le Gouche, His Majesty's Jeweller, viz. 350l. for a diamond ring given to Monsr. le Count de Pussy, Envoy from the Prince of Tuscany; and 800l. for a jewel with His Majesty's picture for present money which was given to Seignor Pietro Mucenigo, Ambassador from the Republic of Venice: as certified by the Lord Chamberlain on the 13th ult. (Treasury order hereon, dated Dec. 47.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 45; Order Book XXXVII. pp. 75, 104.
Dec 14 Money warrant for 1,000l. to George, Lord Berkeley, upon account to be laid out for the repairs and fences of Nonsuch Park: same having been formerly warranted by the late Treasurer Southampton 1667. Apr. 15, but nothing having been paid on the said warrant, as appears by the certificate of the Auditor of the Receipt of Nov. 17 last. (Treasury order hereon, dated Dec. 19.) Warrants Early XXVIII p. 46; Order Book XXXVII. p 76.
Treasury order on the Exchequer in general for 30,000l. to Sir William Bucknall in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 106.
Sir G. Downing to Peter Hellerd and Tymothy Hamlyn transmitting complaint and affidavit of Customs frauds in Plymonth port, in which they and other officers of the Customs are concerned. You are to attend my Lords hereon on Jan. 9 next. Out Letters General II. p. 400.
Same to the Attorney General to give my Lords his opinion at what time the power given by Act of Parliament to the Commissioners of Accounts expires. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Spencer and the rest of the Farmers of the 4½ per cent. duty on sugars at Barbados. My Lords wonder that you have not yet paid in the advance money on your farm. Pay it in without delay, as His Majesty's occasions press for it, and the regiment there suffers for want of it. Ibid, p. 401.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to supersede the extent against John Swynborne, Receiver General of Durham, &c., as Charles, Lord St. John of Basing, has promised to pay to His Majesty so much of the debt due to His Majesty from said Swynborn [as such of his estate as is] purchased by said Lord is liable to. Warrants Early XXXV. p. 13.
Dec. 15 Clause of direction on Treasury orders as follow to Edward Backwell in repayment of loan, viz.:—
1670, July 13 for 2,000l.
14 for 500l.
22 for 1,000l.
Aug. 2 for 3,100l.
15 for 1,000l.
17 for 15,000l.
18 for 7,400l.
Order Book XXXVII. p. 117.
Royal sign manual for payment of interest on the sum of 795l. 7s. 8d. due to Col. Silius Titus, one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber, being the still unpaid amount of the privy seal of 1666–7, Jan. 28 (and for which a Treasury warrant. issued 1667–8, Feb. 17, assigning same on the Hearth money). Warrants Early XVa. p. 87.
Dec. 16 [Downing's memoranda]. Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 107.
Earl of Bolingbroke: Warrant for creation money.
Mr. Moor: Query. Warrant to Sir Tho. Chichely to order Mr. Wharton to pay the money on his order of Council.
Sir Tho. Ingram [letter] about officers of the Works [? their] representation to him that they may have wherewith [to maintain their poor families]: to report to the King why [they are] not paid.
Percy Church: His business considered. Warrant ordered.
Duke of Monmouth: Warrant for his creation money.
Mint: Warrant for 4,000l.
Memorandum: Ordnance: Warrant.
Query: If Mr. Sandford's warrant [has the words 'interest] must be uncharged' left out.
Dec. 16 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long to certify my Lords how much each receiver of Tenths has paid into the Exchequer this year and how much each Receiver of revenue has paid in this year. Out Letters General II. p. 401.
Same to the Auditors of the revenue to certify the names of the Receivers with in their respective audits who have not passed their accounts. Ibid.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to certify the names of Collectors of Tenths who have not yet passed their accounts. Ibid.
Same to Sir John Bankes and Mr. Pepys to meet forthwith to adjust the matter about the ship "Leopard," &c. Ibid.
Same to Sir John Shaw to forthwith pay unto the Exchequer all such money as you have received [from Customers of the outports] for the coinage duty. Ibid.
Same to Sir Edm. Turner to quicken the returns from the outports of money collected for the coinage duty and to have it paid into the Exchequer as soon as may be. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Auditor Sir Edmund Sawyer to forbear to charge the 12 per cent. on William Porter, late Receiver of Hearth money for Berks, he having (out of the 1,397l. 7s. 4d. on his said account) paid 514l. 14s. 0d. into the Chamber of London on the 20 July, 1668, and the balance 882l. 13s. 4d. to Mr. Barker by assignment, said Barker having declared himself satisfied with the payment thereof. Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 205.
Privy seal for the levying of tallies of assignment for 2,250l. to the use of the Earl of Bristol and Lady Ann, his wife, on the Collectors of the Tenths of the clergy of certain dioceses detailed: same to be for three quarters to June 24 last on the annuities of 2,000l. and 1,000l. respectively to George Earl of Bristol and his wife Ann, Countess of Bristol: as granted by the letter patent of Sept. 9 last, granting said annuities to William Earl of Bedford, John Russell of Shingay, co. Cambridge, and William Russell, Esq., in trust for said Earl and Countess of Bristol. Ibid, XVa pp. 91–3.
Dec. 17 Royal sign manual to the Customs Farmers to stop any further collecting of the 4l. a tun granted to the King conditionally in the late Wine Act and ordered to be collected by the royal warrant of Oct. 2 last (ut supra. p. 669), the King having been "applied unto by our House of Commons humbly praying that we would make a stop of any further levying the said imposition": Said Farmers are to forthwith pay into the Receipt all moneys received on this head by virtue of the said royal warrant of Oct. 2 last. Ibid, p. 79.
Dec. 19 Treasury order for 500l. to James Bridgman, in repayment of loan: [out of the new farm of the Customs]. Order Book XXXVII. p. 75.
Treasury warrant to Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, to take up 300l. at interest for repairs of Windsor Park. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 364.
Money warrant for 250l. to said Packer to be employed in building a Snow Well at His Majesty's house at Lindhurst, altering Mr. Musgrave's house and building a forest prison there. Ibid, p. 365.
Dec. 19 Money warrant for 18l. 5s. 0d. to John Stone for one year's salary as His Majesty's master mason at Windsor: in part of his arrears thereon. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 401.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor and Receiver of Crown revenues for Northumberland, Cumberland. and Westmorland, viz. to the Receivers to pay, and to the Auditor to allow in account, the annuity or yearly fee of 231l. 5s. 0d. to Col. Edward Villers, Captain and Governor of Tynemouth Castle, and the forces and forts and places of defence there, as by the letters patent of his appointment of Sept. 22 last. Ibid, XXII. pp. 123–4.
Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long to meet with Auditor Aldworth, Col. Bireh, Mr. Wadlow, and the late Commissioners of the Wine Act to make up an account of all moneys received or to be received by said Wadlow before the 25th inst., both of the first and second Wine Act, and how disposed by him: and an account what bonds are standing out unpaid on either of those two Acts, and when the money on such bonds will become due: and to give their opinion on the sufficiency of the persons obliged by the said bonds and to make up a list of all persons in the out districts who have received any of the said moneys. Out Letters General II. p. 402.
Same to Mr. Prettyman, Mr. Porter and Mr. Fen to take care that the money due on Prettyman's bonds be forthwith paid into the Exchequer now that he hath his patents as Remembrancer of First Fruits. Ibid.
Same to the late Farmers of the Customs, Auditor Beale, and the King's officers of the Customs for the accounts of the said late Farmers to be brought to my Lords Jan. 2 next. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Colvile, brother to John Colvile, deceased. My Lords are informed by Mr. Wadlow that you have in your hands orders on the late Wine Act payable to your late brother for about 8,000l., which Wadlow says are paid. My Lords desire you to take care that same be forthwith returned into the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 403.
Same to the Attorney General to consult with Sir W. Doily as to superseding the inquisition of Mr. Swynborne's estate at the request of Lord St. John, who has undertaken to pay Swynborne's debt to the King. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Morison. The King has commanded that the Garden called Goring Garden, now in your possession, should be delivered up to the possession of Mr. Tregonwell, the owner thereof, to whom His Majesty did pay rent for the same. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of St. Albans and the rest of the late Queen's Council and her administrators, to prepare a list of all those payments of her late Majesty's which are contained in the lists and schedules annexed to the late letters patent in such method as you think fit they should be paid: so as [on condition] that a moiety of the debt due to each person be first paid in such method. Ibid, p. 404.
Same to Sir R. Long to draw a warrant for paying into the Exchequer the moneys paid into the Pipe of the arrears of the monthly assessments "according to what you mentioned this afternoon." My Lords also desire you to send the draft privy seal containing the list of Navy creditors sent from the Navy Office amended as you think it fit to pass. Ibid.
Dec. 19 The Treasury Lords to Sir John Hubbert. Sir John Holland, Thomas Townshend, Jacob Preston, Richd. Haughton and Edmond Brightiff, Commissioners of Assessments for co. Norfolk, concerning the great arrears standing out on said county, which they have been from time to time desired to take care in, "but the mischief still continues notwithstanding that you are enabled by the law to take such effectual course that the monie might be answered." If you find that the money has been collected and not answered by the Collector to the Receiver General you are to make sale of the real and personal estate of such Collector. If the assetsprove insufficient or by any other means the money be not paid you are to proceed as the Act directs [i.e. by reassessing and levying the arrear] that so there may be no diminution of the tax imposed. Warrants Early XXXV. p. 14.
The like letters to Sir John Bramston, Sir John Shaw and the rest of the Commissioners of Assessments for co. Essex; and to Sir Norton Knatchbull and the rest of the like Commissioners for Kent. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Auditor Sir Joseph Seymour to allow 93l. 15s. 0d. in account to John Newsham, Receiver of Aids, &c., for co. Warwick, being an allowance of 6s. 3d. per cent. for the charges of the carriage and conduct of 30,000l. from Warwickshire into the Exchequer: and also to discharge him of the 12 per cent. interest charge. Ibid, p. 16.
[Dec. before 20] Royal warrant for a privy seal for 6,000l. to Philip Packer upon account for impaling the Great Park at Windsor. (Privy seal, dated Dec. 20, with a marginal note of an order hereon for 1,000l., dated 1670–1, Jan. 9, on the advance on the Customs.) Ibid, XVa. pp. 74, 90.
Dec. 20 Treasury order for 200l. to Thomas Rosse in repayment of loan: to be registered on the fee farms. Order Book XXXVII. p. 202.
Same on the Exchequer in general for 207l. 9s. 0d. to John Walker, Usher of the Exchequer, on his liberates. Ibid, p. 105.
The like for 229l. 7s. 10d. to Francis Hollingshead, Receiver of Assessments in Staffordshire. Ibid.
The like for 2,000l. and 200l. to Sir Robert Vynor in repayment of loan. Ibid, p. 75.
The like on the Hearth money for 100l. to Mr. Meynell for gratuity on loan. Ibid, p. 124.
The like for 120l.; 417l. 12s. 2d.; 11l. 13s. 2d.; 18l. 5s. 4d.; 25l. 6s. 0d. to Mr. Meynell as reward for loans: [to be] out of the Customs. Ibid, p. 29.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Pepys to send to my Lords a copy of the order of Council of 1665–6, Feb. 21, by which interest is payable for several of the Navy debts. And also to certify my Lords to what sum the debts do amount, which are in the list returned to the Treasury for which interest is payable by virtue of the said order. Pray despatch these things as the Navy privy seal stops for want thereof. Out Letters General II. p. 404.
Dec. 21 Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay the King's Remembrancer 45l. 12s. 0d. for the fees to himself and his clerks heretofore usually paid by the Customers of the ports of England and Wales for passing their accompts for the year ending Xmas next. Out Letters Customs II p. 148.
Dec. 21 Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay the King's Remembrancer 283l. 1s. 2d. and 27l. 9s. 4d. being money disbursed by said King's Remembrancer for parchment and other necessaries for the blank books for the Customs Comptrollers and Searchers of the ports of England and Wales and the port of London respectively. Out Letters Customs II. pp. 149–50.
Prefixing:—Account of said disbursements.
Sir G. Downing to Sir Allen Apsley. Send me to-morrow the bill for the Duke of York's 24,000l. per an. Out Letters General II. p. 405.
Dec. 22 Treasury order for 46l. 10s. 10d. to Edward Dyer, gent., in repayment of loan: to be registered on the fee farms. Order Book XXXVII. p. 202.
For 46l. 10s. 10d. to Isaack Staggins for same on same.
Treasury warrant to John Birch, Edward Wingate and Edward Dering. By the Treasury warrant of June 24 last you were directed to pay your receipts of the Wine Act money weekly, either into the Receipt or into the hands of John Wadlow. John Henderson and William Hargrave. You are in future to pay it only into the Receipt, as we think that more expedient for His Majesty's service. Warrants Early XXVI. p. 27.
Money warrant for 30l. to Francis Sandford for 1½ years' salary as Rouge Dragon Pursuivant at Arms. Ibid, XVIII. p. 365.
Same for 4,000l. to [Henry Slingsby], the Master and Worker of the Mint: out of the coinage money. (Treasury order hereon, dated Dec. 23.) Ibid. p. 366; Order Book XXXVII. p. 104.
Treasury warrant to Sir Thomas Chichly, Master of the Ordnance. to pay 184l. to Jeremy Blackman in full satisfaction for his losses and damages sustained by him in his walls, dove house, meadows, warren, &c., at Woolwich. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 367.
Money warrant for 40l. to Percy Church for two years to June 24 last, on his annuity payable at the Receipt: and dormant warrant for said annuity in future. Ibid, p. 368.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt until further order to stop payment of the 3,957l. 8s. 3d. ordered to the officers of the late Lord Wentworth's regiment and to William Sanders, a draper, as ordered by the Treasury warrant of 1668, Aug. 28, and again ordered by the Treasury warrant of 1668, Nov. 17. Ibid, XXI. p. 40.
Privy seal for 1,500l to Robert. Viscount Mandeville as royal bounty. (Money warrant hereon, dated Dec. 27.) Ibid, XVa. p. 88: XXVII. p. 54.
Treasury warrant to Sir Henry Wood to pay to George Wharton as the successor to Col William Legg in the office of Treasurer of the Ordnance the 1,040l. ordered by royal sign manual of April 8 last, prefixed in detail, to be paid to said Legg out of the revenues of the late Queen Mother. Ibid, XVa. pp. 80–1.
The Treasury Lords to Anto. Applethwaite, at Ipswich, concerning the money in his hands arising from the sale of the estate of Edward Keen, as by order of the Commissioners for Assessments for Suffolk. You are forthwith to pay same to Dudley North, Esq., at his house at Bury St. Edmunds. The like letter to Capt. Lingfield at Ipswich. Ibid XXXV. p. 15.
Treasury warrant to Sir R. Long to take care that what remains unpaid to the Paymaster of the Works of the sum formerly charged on the Tenths be discharged before payment be made of any other sum since assigned thereupon. Ibid, XXX. p. 152.
Dec. 22 Entry of resolutions as follow, made at a meeting at the Treasury Chambers on this day. there being present the King, Duke of York. Prince Rupert, Duke of Buckingham, Earl of Lauderdale, Lord Ashley, the Treasurer of the Household, and Secretary Trevor. Warrants Early XXXIII. pp. 155–6.
Upon taking into consideration the state of His Majesty's revenue and other His Majesty's affairs in the island of Barbados:
(1) Ordered: that His Majesty's regiment under the command of Sir Toby Bridge, in the island of Barbados and the Leeward Islands, be forthwith sent for home and that only such of the soldiers whose names are in the first muster roll and are yet in service in the said regiment be paid their whole arreares and to the officers half the arrears, and be paid out of the rent of the farm of the 4½ per cent. upon sugars before any other payment [out of said farm].
(2) That such owners of ships, master and seamen to whom any money is due for freight, ammunition or wages for service due in the West Indies be paid out of the rent of the said farm next after the said soldiers and officers in the course and proportions set down in the annexed list [wanting].
(3) That the imposition upon liquors and other the public revenue of the island of Barbados except the rent of the farm of the 4½ per cent. be in the first plan appropriated to defray the charges of the Civil Government [of said island] and that the remainder thereof be allowed to the Lord Willough by for his entertainment as Governor, but that consideration be had for what his Lordship hath disbursed for extraordinary defalcations and other extraordinary services in the island.
And as for his Lordship's charges for his equipage and voyage to the Barbados that 1,000l. be allowed him; and for the voyages which he made to the Leeward Islands by His Majesty's command that 5l. per diem be allowed him during each expedition, in the whole amounting to 770l.
(4) That a Governor be forthwith sent to His Majesty's island of Barbados.
(5) That the just pretences of the Earl of Kinnoul be considered, his Lordship having surrendered the property of the island which was granted to him by letters patent under the great seal of England in consideration of which surrender His Majesty by his order in Council of the 13th of June, 1663. did direct that his Lordship should receive 500l. per an. for seven years and at the expiration thereof then the yearly sum of 1,000l.; of all which not one penny hath yet been paid."
Dec. 23 Treasury order for 115l. to Sir Peter Wyche in repayment of loan: out of the new farm of their Customs. Order Book XXXVII. p. 76.
Money warrant for 26l. 13s. 4d. to John Wingfield for one year's fee as one of His Majesty's heralds. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 366.
Same, dormant, for 40l. per an. to John Shillingford alias Izard for his fee as one of the prickers to His Majesty's privy harriers. Ibid, p. 367.
Same, dormant. for 6 per cent. interest to Silius Titus, one of the Grooms of His Majesty's Bedchamber on the 795l. 7s. 8d. ordered to him by the privy seal of 1666–7, Jan. 28. Ibid, XXI. pp. 40–1.
Money warrant (erased) for 934l. to Sir Dennis Gawden for the victualling ordinary for November and December instant. Ibid, XXVIII. p. 47.
Dec. 23 Royal warrant for a privy seal for 434l. 10s. 0d. to . . . . . . . . . . for money by him disbursed in Greenwich Park. Warrants Early XVa. p. 83.
Sir G. Downing to Sir C. Harbord. My Lords having now under consideration the making up of Her Majesty's jointure, and being desirous that the same, as much as may be, may be made up out of His Majesty's land revenue, you are to consider what lands are yet remaining which may be applied towards the making up thereof. consulting with the Auditors of the revenue and the late Queen's Auditor. Out Letters General II. p. 405.
Same to Sir R. Long for a certificate on Wednesday next of what will then remain yet unpaid and in arrear of the Country and London Excise. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown lands for particulars of certain houses and grounds, parcel of the manor of Kennington, co. Surrey, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, of which John Arrundell prays æ renewal of lease; and also of the demesne lands of the said manor, of which Sir Edward Walker prays a reversionary lease with the houses therein, now in grant to the Earl of Drogheda. Warrants Early XXXVII. pp 442–3.
Same to same for the like of a tenement, parcel of the manor of Climsland and Duchy of Cornwall, with a view to a lease thereof to — for two lives in reversion of the life of Margaret Couch, now in being. Ibid, p. 443.
Same to same for a particular of a tenement in the manor of Eastway, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, of which Samuel Harding desires a renewal of lease. Ibid, pp. 443–4.
Dec. 26 Privy seal for 100l. to the poor of St. Martin's in the Fields Ibid. XVa. p. 106.
Dec. 28 Letter of direction made on an order for 1,250l. to the Duke of York for maintenance of [the government of] New York. Ibid, XXII. p. 25.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to Sir Ste. Fox on the privy seal of 1668, Apr. 30, for 8,000l. per an. for secret service. (Treasury order hereon, dated Dec. 29, "to be paid out of Sir William Bucknall's or Alderman Backwell's loan on the Exchequer in general.") Ibid, XVIII. p. 370; Order Book XXXVII. p. 105.
Same for 20,000l. to same for the service of Guards and Garrisons. (Treasury order hereon, dated Dec. 29, "out of Mr. Backwell's loan.") Warrants Early XVIII. p. 370; Order Book XXXVII. p. 105.
Treasury order on the Exchequer in general for 200l. to Sir R. Long for extraordinary services. Order Book XXXVII. p. 106.
The like for 100l. to William Wardour for same Ibid.
Sir G. Downing to Sir John Bankes. I have got the King's hand to a warrant for your privy seal, it is countersigned by my Lords, and is in Charnock's hands to be disposed as you shall think fit. Out Letters General II. p. 406.
Dec. 29 Treasury orders for 186l. 15s. 10d.; 116l. 12s. 4d.; 174l. 16s. 7d.; 280l. 3s. 10d. to Mr. Meynell as reward [or gratuity for loans]. Order Book XXXVII. p. 219.
Same on the Hearth money for 785l. 18s. 6d. to Mr. Meynell for six months' interest on 26,197l. 13s. 8d.; and for 523l. 19s. 0d. more for reward. Ibid, p. 124.
Dec. 29 Treasury order on the Exchequer in general for 150l. to Dame Barbara Villers on her annuity: out of the coinage money. Order Book XXXVII. p. 106.
Same for 1,000l. to Robert Coke in repayment of loan: [out of the new farm of the Customs]. Ibid, p. 76.
Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long to send presently the certificate of what remains unpaid of the London and Country Excise, "for His Majesty will be here presently. Also pray let me know whether Viscount Brouncker or Mr. Pepys have been with you to give you imformation in the perfecting the privy seal about the Navy debts that so in case they have failed I may put them in mind." Out Letters General II. p. 405.
Dec. 30 Treasury order on the Exchequer in general for 144l. 4s. 0d. to William Burges for the officers of the Receipt in compensation for fees. Order Book XXXVII. p. 106.
Sir G. Downing to Sir C. Harbord to hasten the report about Mr. Dawborne's business about woods in Windsor Forest. Out Letters General II. p. 406.
Same to Sir D. Gawden to attend him to-morrow Ibid.
Dec. 31 Treasury order for 2,785l. 14s. 4d. to Arthur Onslow in repayment of loan: out of the new farm of the Customs. Order Book XXXVII. p. 76.
Dec. — Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the reference of Nov. 30 last of the petition of John Digby, praying the office of keeper of the chase and park of Somersham for which he claims your Majesty's promise to his late father, Sir Kenelm Digby. Your Majesty has lately granted said park and chase to Henry Brounker and William Young, which grant is now passing; and a docquett thereof being lately "sent unto us from the privy seal to acquaint us therewith we, by your Majesty's command, did pass the said docquett." Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 153.
Prefixing:—Note of said Digby's petition. Said park and chase was leased to Sir Kenelm Digby for 42 years, which His Majesty promised to grant to Sir Kenelm in consideration of 2,500l. paid by him to the Earl of Suffolk for the surrender of said Earl's interest therein to the King to enable the King to make a grant thereof to said Sir Kenelm, but the latter died before the grant was made.