Entry Book: June 1670, 15-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Entry Book: June 1670, 15-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp594-607 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: June 1670, 15-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp594-607.

"Entry Book: June 1670, 15-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp594-607.


June 1670, 15-30

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 15 Same to the King's Remembrancer to take the securities, detailed, of Symon Smyth, receiver of Hearth money for co. Southampton. Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 190.
The Treasury Lords to the Bishop of Durham concerning John Swinborne appointed receiver of assessments to the four Northern Counties on the recommendation of said Bishop and others as below: on which receiver there now rests an arrear of 3,872l. 14s. 7d. which cannot be recovered as Swinborne has no estate and which will therefore fall on the persons who so recommended him. Desire them to take order herein. Otherwise process must issue. Ibid, XXXIV. pp. 248–9.
The like letter to Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Sir Edward Charleton, Sir Tho. Gower, Sir John Goodrick, Sir William Cony, Conyers Darcy, Edward Gray, Dr. Tho. Barwell, Dr. Sancroft, Dan Collingwood. Ibid, p. 249.
Treasury warrant to Auditor Richard Aldworth, to make forth a particular of the office of Collector of several small dispersed rents within the manor of Barnsley cum Dodworth, Yorks, late parcel of the Queen Mother's jointure: with a view to a new grant of said office to Samuel Smith, son of John Smith, who is at present in execution of said office. Ibid, XXXVII. p. 353.
June 15 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Williamson to insert the following notification in next Thursday's Gazette:— Out Letters General II. p. 309.
The Trustees for sale of His Majesty's fee farm rents and other rents do intend on Wednesday, the 22nd instant, at two in the afternoon, to sit at Auditor Phelips's office in the King's Bench Building, in the Inner Temple, and on Friday following, and thenceforth on every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at eight of the clock in the morning and two in the afternoon to contract with the immediate tenants or others according to the late Act of Parliament for sale thereof.
Same to Mr. Mead to send to the Treasury impost bills for such public ministers as have not yet had the usual allowances. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Prettiman to attend my Lords on Monday week and bring Mr. Urwyn, his clerk: for the hearing the dispute with Mr. Scarlett The like to Auditors Wood and Beale. Ibid, p. 310.
June 15
Money warrant for 583l. 6s. 8d. to the Earl of Nottingham for half a year on his several annuities of 1,000 marks and 500l. Out Letters Customs II. pp. 119. 120.
June 15 Same for 100l. to Lawrence Squib in full compensation for his services as a Commissioner for Exchanges. (Order hereon. dated June 16.) Warrants Early XXVII. p. 21; Order Book XXXVII. p. 168.
Same for 100l. to Peter Watson, Esqr., one of the Gentlemen Ushers quarterwaiters in ordinary: in part of his arrears. (Treasury order hereon, dated June 29.) Warrants Early XXVII. p. 12; Order Book XXXVII. p. 169.
June 16 Sir G. Downing to Robert Bradshaw, Collector of Customs in Chichester port, forwarding a copy of the late Wine Act and of the Treasury instructions thereupon, for him to execute same with all possible diligence. Out Letters General II. p. 311.
The like to the following Collectors of Customs severally:—
John Willey in Poole port.
Joseph Ashe in Plymouth port.
David Horton in Cowes port.
John Viccars in Colchester port.
John Francis in Beaumaris port.
Bazill Fielding in Carlisle port.
George Gosnell in Ipswich port.
Philip Boucher in Barnstaple port.
Hugh Salisbury in Portsmouth port.
Walter Breames in Dover port.
Thomas Coles in Southampton port.
Charles Broster in Chester port.
Giles Ivey in Lyme port.
John Martin in Rye port.
Francis Mettcalfe in Lancaster port.
John Eves and John Summers in Exeter port.
George Plea in Weymouth port.
William Hurt in Dartmouth port.
John Man in Milford port.
John Wyatt and William Mellhuish in Bristol port;
John Morice in Bridgewater port.
Stephen Pyard in Rochester port.
Thomas Addison in Whitehaven port.
William Jones in Aberdovey port.
Robert Bagnall in Faversham port.
Richard Gwyn in Swansea port.
Samuel Birch in Liverpool.
June 16 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Hicks enquiring as to the prompt dispatch of the above letters in the post, which were all sent to you last Tuesday week by Sherland that they might be sent away with the greater care and dispatch. But as yet there is no acknowledgment from the parties of the receipt thereof. If those letters be not forthwith sent away and delivered it will be the loss of the whole business. Out Letters General II. p. 311.
June 16
[Apr. 16]
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 100l. to the Mayor, bailiffs and burgesses of Berwick towards the support and repair of the bridge there: as by the royal letters patent of 1666, July 23, granting an annuity of 100l. for that purpose. Out Letters Customs II. p. 121; Warrants Early XXVII. p. 22.
June 17 Same [to the King's Remembrancer] to take the securities of Bevis Lloyd, of Cairey y Penill, co. Denbigh, Collector of Hearth money for Monmouth, Brecon and Radnor. Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 191.
Same to Richard Marryott, Receiver of the revenue of Windsor Castle, to pay moneys from time to time for the service of the Works there as shall be directed. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 136.
Same to Deputy Auditor Chislet to allow 272l. 17s. 3½d. in the account of Thomas Sandys, Receiver General of Assessments in Cumberland and Westmorland. Ibid, XXXIV. p. 249.
Same to the King's Remembrancer to deliver up the bonds of Jervas Bennet, Receiver of Aids for co. Derby. Ibid, p. 250.
Sir G. Downing to Auditor Phelips to attend my Lords on Tuesday with Sir Tho. Player's accounts of the Taxes. Out Letters General II. p. 312.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant under the Exchequer Seal of the office of bailiff and collector of several rents in the manor of Barnsley to Samuel Smith. Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 357.
Prefixing:—Particular and ratal of the premises.
Letter of direction fixing on the fee farms a Treasury order of 1670, May 18, for 100l. to Isabell Boynton, widow, on her pension. Order Book XXXVII. p. 167.
Treasury warrant [to the Auditor of the Receipt] to draw orders from time to time for payment of over interest at 4 per cent. (besides the usual and common rate of interest of 6 per cent.) to Philip Madox, gent, for moneys lent by him on the Customs of July, 1671. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 332.
Money warrant for 29l. 6s. 8d. to Andrew Lawrence for half a year as Surveyor of Ways. (Order hereon, dated June 18.) Ibid, XXVII. p. 24; Order Book XXXVII. p. 169.
Same for 500l. to the Duke of Buckingham for horses for their Majesties. Warrants Early XXVII. p. 25.
Same for 344l 10s. 8d. to Sir Gabriell Silvius, Envoy Extraordinary to the Elector of Brandenburgh and Princes of Luneburg, for his extraordinaries. (Order hereon, dated June 22.) Ibid.; Order Book XXXVII. p. 169.
Same for 46l. 16s. 0d. to Hugh May, late Paymaster of the Works, being due and in arrear to him at the time of his surrender of said place. Warrants Early XXVII. p. 26.
June 17 Money warrant for 89l. 12s. 10d. to Sir Thomas St. George, Somerset Herald, being the balance yet due to him of his expenses in his late employment with Sir Thomas Higgins to carry the Garter to the Duke of Saxe. (Order hereon, dated June 22.) Warrants Early XXVII. p 26; Order Book XXXVII p. 184.
Same for 66l. 9s. 7d. and 159l. 10s. 0d. to Henry St. George, Richmond Herald, for his extraordinaries, he being employed to attend on the Earl of Carlisle, ambassador extraordinary to the King of Sweden, to perform the ceremonies of the delivery of the Garter to the said King. (Order hereou, dated June 22.) Warrants Early XXVII. p. 27; Order Book XXXVII. p. 190.
Same for 1,000l to George Viscount Grandison for 4 years' fee to Lady Day, 1669, as Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard. (Order hereon, dated June 24.) Warrants Early XXVII. p. 27; Order Book XXXVII. p. 168.
Same for 3,700l. to Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, for the rebuilding of the Custom House (Order hereon, dated June 20 for 2,800l. ? erratum for 3,700l.) Out Letters Customs II. p 121; Order Book XXXVII. p. 25.
June 18 Sir G. Downing to Col. Birch. My Lords have yesterday moved the King about making searches in cellars [for the retrospect of the Wine Act] according to the minute which you gave them, and His Majesty has directed that it be done, and that for example you begin first with those in Whitehall. Out Letters General II. p. 312.
Same to Mr. Breames to attend my Lords on the 27th inst. with an account of the moneys you have received by the profits of the office of Cadwallader Jones. Ibid.
Treasury order on the fee farms for 500l. to Sir Ste. Fox for secret service. Order Book XXXVII. p. 184.
Same for 2,500l. to Sir Ste. Fox for secret service Ibid. p. 168.
June 20 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to take the securities of Ellis Cooper, of Wittenhall, co. Durham, collector of Hearth money for East and North Riding of Yorks: and of Nath. Smyth, of Barnwell St. Andrews, co. Northampton, collector of same for co. Northampton. Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 191.
Same [to same] for John Dunklyn to be collector of same for London, Westminster and Middlesex. Ibid
Same [to same] for William Strickland to be collector of same in the city of York and the West Riding of Yorks. Ibid, p 192.
Same to same to take the securities, detailed, of Hugh Holland, of Lytham, co. Lancs., as receiver of Hearth money for co. Suffolk. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Sir Edmund Sayer to allow 248l. 13s. 0½d. in the account of Charles Goodwin, late receiver of Aids for Sussex. Ibid, XXXIV pp. 250–1.
Same to Auditor Parsons to similarly allow 100l. in the account of William Levet, receiver of Assessments for Wilts Ibid, p. 252.
Same to Sir R. Long to discharge Thomas Stubbing, High Collector of Assessments for the hundred of Appletree, co. Derby, of the sum of 18l. 1s. 8d being his law costs in an action brought against him by Thomas Jolly upon his levying the sum of 34l. 1s. 8d. in arrear upon the town of Meynell Langley: as appears by the account of Jervas Bennet, Receiver of Assessments for co. Derby, and as attested by Tho. Raban. Deputy Auditor of said county. Ibid
June 20 Sir G. Downing to the Customs Farmers to forthwith pay into the Exchequer 3,000l. to meet the salary of the Judges against Wednesday next, being the last day of the term. Out Letters General II. p. 312.
Same to Mr. Williamson to repeat in every Gazette for the next three weeks the advertisement about the meetings of the Trustces for sale of fee farms. Ibid, p 313.
The Treasury Lords to the Surveyor General of Crown lands to examine into the matter of the complaints of Robert Wright of Nidd. co. Yorks. against Alice Snow and her son Richard Snow to defrand him of his right in a farm belonging to the Crown on Wenworth Hill, co. Yorks, in the forest of Knaresborough, said Snow having got possession thereof during said Wright's service in Sir Richard Hutton's regiment for the late King. Warrants Early XXXVII. p 359.
[ ? ] Entry of demise by lease under the Exchequer seal to Richard Somer of a messuage, &c, in Horncastle and Thornton, co. Lincoln, part of the possession of Robert Richardson, gent, outlaw. Ibid.
June 20 Privy seal for 80l. per an. to John Lord Lovelace, viz.: 40l. per an. for wages and entertainment of the keepers of Woodstock Park and 40l. for hay for the deer: to date from 1668, March 25, being the date of the last payment thereof to the Earl of Clarendon (the farm and custody of the manor of Woodstock having been granted by letters patent of 1625–6 Mar. 20, to Philip Earl of Montgomery, at the reserved rent of 114l. 1s. 10d. for the manor and 20l. for the woods, but the abovesaid sums of 40l. and 40l. having been allowed by privy seal of Charles I and said allowances having been continued by privy seal of 1666–7. Jan. 7, to Edward Earl of Clarendon, then lieutenant of the said manor, whose tenure of said office was terminated by the Act of Parliament for banishing said Earl). Ibid, XVa. pp. 6–8.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for the discharge of the baronet fee of 1.095l. due from William Bowyer, of Denham, Bucks. Ibid, XVIII. p. 333.
Money warrant for 100l. 7s. 6d. to Sir Richard Bishop, Kt., one of his Majesty's Serjeants at Arms, for one year on his fees. &c. Ibid. XXVII. p 26.
Same for 29,995l. 18s. 7d. to the Navy Treasurers; for the navy for this year: on the loans on the Customs. (Four Treasury orders heron, dated June 24.) Out Letters Customs II. p. 122; Order Book XXXVII. pp. 25, 26.
[July sic ? erratum for June] 20 Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe to discharge Anthony Gilby, William Broxholme, Penniston Whalley, and John Cooper, Receivers of Hearth money for the several parts of Lindsey, Kesteven, and Holland, co. Lincoln, and for co. Notts, of several supers detailed (88l. 18s. 1d., 352l. and 160l. 11s. 0d.) on their accounts for 3 half years ended 1665, Sept. 29. Warrants Early XXXVI p. 198.
June 20 Same to the King's Remembrancer to deliver up the bonds of the abovesaid Receivers. Ibid, p. 160.
[ ? ] The Treasury Lords to the Treasurer of Gray's Inn. The Hearth money duty has not been collected by you in Gray's Inn for 3 years past, although it ought to have been paid to the King's officers half-yearly. You are to collect same and for the future to be more punctual. Ibid.
June 20 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to stay proceedings against Hugh May on his account as late Paymaster of the Works. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 138.
[ ? ] Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of George, Bishop of Winchester, praying the King's order for the discharge of the arrears of Tenths of several small parishes in Winchester, the churches of which were some of them in the late times of trouble totally ruined and demolished, and those of them which are yet standing [being] very much decayed and out of repair, so that (and for the smallness of the income) no able minister will undertake the cure. Advise that same be discharged. Ibid.
June 21 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Adrian May's executors on his accounts of moneys for Greenwich Park: said accounts being now before the Auditor. Ibid, p. 137.
Same to Auditor Parsons to allow. 199l. 10s. 0d. to Charles Trevannyon, Deputy Receiver of Aids in co Cornwall, for his charges in bringing 12,460l. to Exeter to His Majesty's waggons. Ibid, XXXIV. p. 256.
Sir G. Downing to Sir W. Doyly returning an accompt because the date is not mentioned, and it is not expressed whether the accompt is of the Royal Aid or Additional Aid, or [Eleven] months' Assessment. Out Letters General II. p. 314.
Same to Morice Wynn, Receiver of Wales, for an account of moneys received from the manor of Ruthin, "and that you do not pay the same into the Exchequer without my Lords' particular order." Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General and Sir Philip Warwick to attend my Lords on the 29th inst. about a privy seal for 2,000l. for [rebate on] goods exported before the King's restoration. Ibid.
Same to George Gosnell, of Ipswich, and John Vickers, of Colchester, forwarding Col. Birch's replies to their queries as to their [Wine Act] instructions. Ibid.
Same to Deputy Auditor Chislet to attend on Monday with the state of Sir Richard Oatley's accompt. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners and principal officers of the Navy. "His Majesty intends to be here on Friday morning next at nine of the clock concerning the last business which you were here about." Ibid.
Same to John Cooper to attend my Lords to-morrow about the bond your brother is to give for your paying the money which you owe the King on your accounts of the Aids for Nottingham. Ibid, p. 315.
Same to Alderman Backwell to attend my Lords to-morrow, and to forthwith pay into the Exchequer the money for the tin, same being three weeks overdue. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown lands to rate a particular of the premises as below in order to the passing a grant thereof. Warrants Early XXXVII. pp. 352–3.
Prefixing:—Royal sign manual, dated 1670, June 17, to the Treasury Lords to cause a lease of the manor of West Ashford, co. Devon, to be passed to Sir Amias Pollard in reversion of his present lease, which will expire 1676, April 1.
June 21 Privy seal for 28,000l, to Baptist May for the Privy Purse Warrants Early XVa. p. 4.
Same for 500l. to Sidney Godolphin, Groom of the Bedchamber, for his expenses in two journeys lately to France and Flanders and for other extraordinary charges on that occasion by the King's particular command. (Money warrant hereon dated June 29; order hereon dated July 1.) Ibid, p. 1; XXVII. p. 20; Order Book XXXVII. p. 173.
Same for 3l. a day as ordinary and 300l. thereon by way of advance, to James Hamilton, Esq., one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber, as Envoy Extraordinary to the Duke of Florence. Ibid, XV. p. 445.
June 22 Sir G. Downing to Hugh May concerning an estimate of the charge of Lord Arlington's new lodgings in Whitehall. Out Letters General II. p. 315.
Same to the Attorney General to peruse the covenants contained in the last grant of the London Excise, and to prepare a warrant for a lease to pass the great seal to the present Farmers for three years from 1671, June 24. Ibid, p. 316.
Same to Sir John Nicholas to attend my Lords on Monday about the business of the park at Windsor. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Breames, of Dover. My Lords permit you to stay in the country till the service you mention be performed. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Townesend to attend him on Saturday, my Lords having given directions for the renewing of your patent. Ibid, p. 317.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for an immediate extent against Charles Read, Receiver General of Crown revenues in co. Yorks, called Lennox lands, for the 555l. 19s. 1¾d. resting on the foot of his last account. Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 355.
Same to Walter Strickland to be Receiver of above said Lennox lands in place of said Read. Ibid p. 356.
Royal warrant to Sir Henry Wood to pay 2,307l. to Samuel Pepys for Tangier: out of the receipts from the late Queen Mother's estate. Ibid. XV. pp. 443–4.
Letter of direction fixing on the fee farms a Treasury order of 1669–70, Jan. 28, for 1,000l. to Lawrence Hyde for the Robes. Order Book XXXVII. p. 168.
Money warrant for 300l. to Lady Cornwallis on her pension of 100l. per an. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 334.
Same for 5,000l. to the Duchess of Orleans as royal bounty: out of the Queen Consort's portion. Ibid, p. 335.
Same, dormant, for the salary of 450l. per an. to John, Joseph, and Philip Roetier, gravers of the Mint: to be paid out of the 20s. per tun on French wines, by the late Act reserved for coinage. Ibid.
Money warrant for 4,007l. 10s. 8d to the Earl of Sandwieh for tradesmen's bills for the Wardrobe as appears upon the foot of his account for the year ended Sept. 27 last: and for 8,000l. more to same in part of the estimate brought in of 16,251l. 0s. 8d. for the Wardrobe for the current year ending Sept. 29 next. Ibid. XXVII. pp. 10–11.
June 24 Treasury warrant to Sir Edward Sawyer to allow 75l. 14s. 2d. in account to Symon Smyth, Receiver of Assessments for co. Surrey. as an allowance for conveying up 70,000l., being the money of his receipt. Warrants Early XXXIV. p. 253.
Same to Deputy Auditor Chislet to make allowance of 220l. in account to William Green. Receiver of Assessments for co. Leicester, for his charges in guarding and carrying 98,000l. from Northampton to London: and further to forbear the 12 per cent interest charge. Ibid, p. 254.
Same to the King's Remembrancer for an immediate extent against William Broxholme. late Receiver of Assessments for co. Lincoln. on an arrear of 10,638l. 15s. 5d. Ibid.
Same to Deputy Auditor William Chislett to allow 300l. in account to George Hosier. late Receiver of Assessments for Salop. for his charge in bringing up 43,684l. and 50,000l., and further to forbear the 12 per cent. interest charge. Ibid p. 255.
Same to the King's Remembrancer, to take the sureties of Mr. Lawrence, of Wimborne All Saints. co. Dorset, as Receiver of Hearth money for co.—. Ibid XXXVI. p. 192.
Sir G. Downing to Lord Hawley and the rest of the Trustees for fee farms, conveying the Treasury recommendation of Thomas Ross to be their messenger. and Mr. Womack and Matthew Millward to be their doorkeepers. Out Letters General II. p. 317.
Same to Sir C. Harbord to attend my Lords on Monday, when the Six Clerks in Chancery are to attend about the business of their mortgage. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Farmers and Auditors of Imprests to attend on Friday at the consideration of the said Farmers' account for the year ended 1668, Sept. 29. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Lawrence for his certificate of the [legal] proceedings had [in hand by him] during the last term. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Dickenson at the Custom House, and the Attorney and Solicitor General to attend my Lords on Tuesday for the consideration of the business of importing spices, and the case of Benjamin Waller relating thereto. Ibid, p. 318
Same to Sir W. Doily to attend my Lords [as a matter] of course [or routine] every Tuesday and Friday morning, to acquaint them of what occurs to him in the affair of getting in the assessments and poll of the several counties. Ibid.
Same to the Receivers of the Duchy of Cornwall to attend my Lords next Wednesday about his accompt Ibid.
Same to Walter Strickland to attend him to-morrow Ibid, p. 319.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown lands for a particular of the late park and demesnes of Berkhampstead and the scite of the capital messuage thereto belonging. of which John Sayres, His Majesty's master cook, prays a further term. Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 354.
[ ? ] Entry of demise by lease under the Exchequer Seal to Thomas Christopher, of the capital messuage called King's Tutnell, &c. in parish of Bromsgrove, co. Worcester, parcel of lands of William Sheldon, gent., outlaw. Ibid.
[?June24] Entry of demise by lease to William Beckett of a messuage, &c., in Low Ellerdakers in Easington, co. Durham, part of the lands of William Brosse, gent., outlaw. Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 354.
June 24 Royal warrant for a privy seal for leave to John Ogilby to import 20,000 reams of royal paper in 5 years' time, viz.: 4,000 reams per an. customs free, "he having undertaken a vast and expensive work, an English Atlas, viz., a description of the whole world in several tomes, as also a late embassy to the Emperor of Japan, a second part of his former China. which he intends the same shall be printed." (Privy seal, dated June 30.) Ibid, XV. p. 444; XVa. pp 5–6.
Same for same for 5,000l. to Mr. Chiffinch for secret service. (Privy seal, dated June 28.) Ibid. XV. p. 444; XVa. p. 4.
June 24 The Treasury Lords to the Sheriff of Essex enclosing particulars of all the fee farm rents in the county of Essex which are to be sold as part of the 10,000l. per an of fee farm rents of the Crown which have been conveyed to trustees for the purposes of sale. All in accordance with the late Act for advancing the sale. of said rents. "We desire that you will take special care to have them dispersed and published in the considerable places of the said county [so] that the immediate tenants may take notice thereof and make applications for their purchase." Ibid. XXVII. p. 28.
June 24 and 28 and July 5 The like letter to the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex. Cambridge and Beds.; and to the Sheriffs of Leicester, Warwick, Cumberland, Suffolk, Northampton, Stafford, Lancs.. Bucks. Berks, Lincoln, Oxford, and Huntingdon; and to the sheriffs of Somerset. Southampton, Dorset, Wilts, Cornwall, Derby and Gloucester. Ibid, pp. 28, 29, 32.
Money warrant for 1947l. 2s. 8d. to Lord Arlington, his Majesty's Postmaster General, for packets and despatches carried free by him, June 30 last to Dec. 31 last. Ibid, p. 28–9.
Together with:—A letter of direction hereon, dated 1670, July 11.
Same for 920l. to Arthur Earl of Essex for one quarter to the 22nd instant as Ambassador Extraordinary to Denmark. Ibid, p. 10.
Same for 250l. each to Sir Edward Walker, Sir John Nicholas, and Sir Richard Browne for one year as Clerks of the Privy Council. Ibid, p. 11.
Same for 40l. to John Shillingford for a year of his fee as a yeoman pricker. Ibid.
Same for 20l. to Dr. John Willson for one year on his annuity or fee as one of the King's musicians. Ibid, p. 12.
Same for 110,000l. to the Navy Treasurers: to be in orders registered on the Wine Act. Ibid, XXVI. p. 8.
[ ? ] Same for 10,658l. 12s. 3½d. (in full of 15,000l.) to Sir Edw. Griffin for a half year to such of his Majesty's servants as have not had assignments for the half year ended Lady Day last. Ibid. XXVII. p. 4.
Together with:—A letter of direction, dated 1670, May 18.
June 25 Sir G. Downing to the Lord Chief Baron and Serjeant Maynard to attend my Lords on Monday at the consideration of some business of great concernment relating to the Customs. Out Letters General II. p. 319.
June 25 Treasury order on the fee farms for 9,200l. to the Earl of Essex as Ambassador to Denmark [? erratum for 920l., see money order of June 24, supra, p. 601]. Order Book XXXVII. p. 168.
Same for 844l. 3s. 2d. to Henry Gregory, gent., in repayment of loan. Ibid. p. 169.
Same on the Exchequer in general for 636l. to John Lyndsey, goldsmith, for repayment of loan. Ibid. p. 100.
Same for 300l. and 300l. to Edward Backwell, Esq. in repayment of loan: out of the Wine Act. Ibid, p. 215.
June 26 Same on the Exchequer in general for 150l. to Dame Barbara Villers on her pension out of the coinage money. Ibid, p. 100
Same for 275l. to the Masters in Chancery for Lady Day quarter last: out of the Customs of Sept., 1670. Ibid, p. 26.
June 27 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to take the securities of Ralph Whitley, of Chester, Receiver of Hearth money for Denbigh and Flint. Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 193.
Same to Richard Marryott. Receiver of the Honor of Windsor, to mark out 50 loads of timber in Windsor Forest for repairs of Windsor Castle: the trees to be such trees as shall be approved by Hartgill Baron, Comptroller of the Works at Windsor, Philip Packer, Paymaster of Works. Richard Ryder. His Majesty's master carpenter, William Smyth, of Old Windsor, gent., and Charles Whittacre, of New Windsor, gent. Ibid, XXXVII. pp. 355–6.
Same to Auditor Richard Aldworth to deliver to Walter Strickland a perfect roll or extract out of the records of the charge of His Majesty's revenue of Lennox lands Ibid, pp. 357–8.
Same to Auditor Humphrey Morice to take care that no further moneys be paid to Robert Mellish, who has been suspended from the office of Receiver of Crown revenues for co. Lincoln. Ibid, p. 358.
Sir G. Downing to the Lord Chief Baron, Mr. Prettyman. Auditors Beale and Wood, Sir R. Long, and Sir C. Harbord to attend on Wednesday at the hearing the business between Mr. Prettyman and Capt. Scarlett about the place of Receiver of the Tenths. Out Letters General II. p. 319.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to attend next Wednesday at nine in the morning. when the King intends to be here about the business lately in debate about the Navy. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Chislet, Sir Richard Oatley, and Col. Scriven to attend my Lords on Friday at the hearing of the business of the accounts of said Scriven and Oatley. Ibid, p. 320.
Same to Mr. Colvile to attend my Lords to-morrow Ibid.
Royal warrant [for a privy seal] for 1,000l to Richard Marryott, Receiver of the Honor of Windsor: to be employed in repairs of Windsor Castle. (Privy seal, dated June 30.) Warrants Early XV. p. 444; XVa. p. 11.
Five Treasury orders for, in all, 7,500l. to the Duke of Monmouth in part of 9,200l. for several expenses and disbursements for His Majesty. Order Book XXXVII. p. 257.
Treasury order for 300l. to James Hamilton, Envoy Extraordinary to the Grand Duke of Tuscany: on the loans on the Wine Act. Ibid, p. 215.
June 27 Treasury order [? two orders], on the Exchequer in General for 2,000l. (and 2,000l.) to Sir Ste. Fox on his 8,000l. per an. for secret service. Order Book XXXVII. p. 100.
Treasury order for 275l. to the Masters in Chancery for Midsummer quarter. Ibid. p. 26
Money warrant for 5l. to Elizabeth Pinckney, widow, as royal bounty. Warrants Early XVIII p. 337.
Treasury warrant [to the Auditor of the Receipt] to make allowance in the accompt of the Clerk of the Hanaper, of the sum of 32l. which the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal gave said clerk warrant to pay to Henry Slingsby for providing silver for a new Great Seal by reason of the weakness and thinness of the old seal: notwithstanding the fact that such payment has not hitherto been made out of the Hanaper. Ibid, p. 336.
Money warrant for 37l. 10s. 0d. and 200l. to Sir Robert Southwell, one of the clerks of the Council, being three-quarters to Lady Day last on his fee of 50l. per an., and one year on his annuity of 200l. per an. Ibid XXVII. p. 13.
Same for one year to Sir Allen Apsley on his several fees and allowances as Master of the Hawks. viz. 30l. a month, 10s. a day and 800l. a year. Ibid pp. 13–14
Same for 100l. 7s. 6d. to Miles Bull, one of the Serjeants at Arms, for one year's salary and board wages. Ibid, p. 14.
Same for 500l. to Edward Arden for the Commissioners of Accounts. Ibid. p. 17.
Same for 182l. to Sir William Swan for one quarter to June 24 instant as Resident at Hamburgh. Ibid. p. 30 (reverse).
Same for 722l. to the Navy Treasurers to be paid to William Castle in full satisfaction for building Her Majesty's "Kitchen" yacht. Ibid. p. 17.
Same, dormant, for the fee of 2s. a day to Sir Francis Leake, Kt. and Bart., as capt. of the blockhouse of West Tilbury, Essex and 20l. per an. and 4d. a day as capt. of the blockhouse near Gravesend, Kent, both to commence from Sept. 29 last: as by the letters patent of Jan. 19 last appointing him. Ibid pp. 17–18.
Money warrant for 100 marks to the ordinary grooms and pages of the Chamber to the Queen Consort as royal bounty, as by the privy seal of 1664–5, Jan. 10. Ibid. p. 19.
Same for 73l. to Hobart Colby and John Hall to be equally divided between them, and to be for one year of their respective fees of 2s. each as two of the Grooms of the Chamber in Ordinary to the Queen Consort. Ibid. p. 20.
Same, dormant, for the annuity or pension of 120l. to Sir Charles Windham: as by the letters patent of April 20 last. Ibid. pp. 29–30.
Money warrant for 2,375l. 2s. 9d. to Sir John Robinson, Kt. and Bart., Lieutenant of the Tower, being so much due. viz. 761l. 0s. 1d. due on his quarterly bill of allowances and demands for the charge of keeping prisoners and other necessary charges and repairs in said Tower, and 1614l. 2s. 8d. for 1½ years from 1668, Sept. 30, to himself, the Gentleman Porter and 40 yeoman waiters there. Ibid. p. 32.
June 28 Treasury warrant to Auditor Sir Edmond Sawyer to forbear the 12 per cent. interest charge on William Porter, late Receiver of Hearth money for co. Berks. Warrants Early XXXIV. p. 257; XXXVI. p. 161.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Packer to attend my Lords to-morrow about the arrear of Tenths money in his hands as Receiver. Out Letters General II. p. 320.
Same to Mr. Bowman to attend him to-morrow Ibid, p. 321.
Same to Mr. Williamson to remind Lord Arlington that when he is next at the Committee for Foreign Affairs he will remind His Majesty to appoint a time when the Treasury Lords may attend him at that Committee about the accounts of Lord Willoughby, and particularly about the allowance of 3,000l. per an. craved and some other allowances. Ibid.
Same to same returning Lord Arlington's letter and warrant about Mr. Vantlet and the warrant for 20 tun of wine for the Portuguese Envoy. Ibid.
Treasury order on the fee farms for 250l. to Anthony Ryder, gent., in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII p. 169.
237l. 10s. 0d. to Philip Madox, gent., for same.
500l. to John Gauntlett, gent., for same.
Money warrant for 10l. to Anthony Segar for one quarter's allowance as Chamber Keeper at the Treasury. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 336.
Same for 91l. 5s. 0d. to Thomas Duppa, one of His Majesty's Gentlemen Ushers in Ordinary, for one year on his fee or allowance of 5s. a day. Ibid, XXVII. p. 19.
Same for 9,000l. to Baptist May for the Privy Purse in part of the privy seal of the 21st inst. for 28,000l. for the Privy Purse. Ibid.
Same for 62l. 3s. 4d. for one year to Sir Denys Gauden, Surveyor of all victuals for His Majesty's ships, on his fee of 50l. per an. and allowance of 8d. a day for his clerk: and in part of 120l. 19s. 2d. arrears thereon. Ibid, pp. 22–3.
Same, dormant, for 10l. per an. to Sir Thomas Fanshaw, His Majesty's Coroner and Attorney of the King's Bench, whereon there is 35l. due for 3½ years to 1668, Sept. 29: to be as formerly by tallies of assignment levied at the Receipt on said Coroner: all as by the letters patent of 1670, June 27, granting said office and fee to said Fanshaw. Ibid.
June 29 The Treasury Lords to William Hale and Ralph Ratcliffe, Justices of the Peace of co. Hereford, concerning their certificate of Hearthmoney exemption of several persons in King's Walden "because they are by reason of their poverty and smallness of estate not taxed to the usual rates towards the church and poor: which certificate we do not find by the Act that either the minister, churchwardens, and overseers for the poor have power to make or the Justices of the Peace to allow. There is indeed in the last Act a clause which empowers the making and allowing certificates; and to prevent for the future the trouble and inconvenience which irregular certificates have heretofore occasioned his Majesty's officer is furnished with a printed form drawn by good advice and exactly according to the law, which, as we are informed, hath been tendered to you but refused and instead thereof these made which the law doth not justify. We desire your reasons for doing this. We are likewise informed that you intend at the next Quarter Sessions to move the Bench that the form of a certificate by you now allowed may be there agreed to be universally used in your county. It is advisable you consider well before you propose it. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 193.
June 29 The like letter to Sir Robert Joselyn and Sir Humphry Gore about allowing two certificates for the Hearthmoney exemption of several persons in the towns of Stortford and Thornley. Warrants Early XXXVI p. 193.
Sir G. Downing to Sir C. Harbord and Col. Birch to attend the Privy Council this afternoon about the business of the retrospect of the Wine Act. Out Letters General II. p. 321.
Same to Alderman Backwell to pay into the Exchequer to-morrow the 1.000l. for Monsieur de Grammont. "We have a privy seal in readiness for issuing it out and so we only stay for the money." Ibid, p 322.
Same to Auditor Aldworth to attend on Friday with Charles Read about said Read's petition as Receiver of Crown revenues, co. Yorks. Ibid, pp. 322, 323.
Same to Sergeant Gregory to bring Mr. Hill to my Lords on Friday. Ibid, p. 323.
Money warrant for 27l. 14s. 3d. to Anthony Segar for necessaries for the Treasury Chamber. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 337.
Entry of the Treasury allowance of the June 24 quarter's salary bill, detailed, of the Excise of London, Middlesex and Surrey: (total 1,817l. 8s. 4d). Ibid, XXIV. pp. 52–3.
Money warrant for 4,000l. to Sir Edward Turner as the King's free gift without accompt. Ibid, XXVII. p. 31.
Same, dormant, for the fee of 3s. a day and board wages of 2s. 6d. a day to James Berke (Berks) as one of His Majesty's Sergeant-at-Arms. Ibid, p. 15.
The like to Tho. Payne as same Ibid, p. 16.
Same for the yearly fee of 54l. 15s. 0d. and augmentation of 45l. 12s. 6d. for board wages to Sir George Charnock. knt., one of His Majesty's Sergeants-at-Arms: and warrant for 100l. 7s. 6d. for one year hereon. Ibid, p. 18.
Same for 36l. 10s. 0d. each to the seven Grooms of the Queen's Chamber, viz.: Richard Elton, John Robinson, Tho. Wetherden, John Maxwell, Bartholomew Lucar, William Lowe and Henry Carter: viz. for one year of their fee. Ibid, pp. 20–1.
Same for 100l. to Ralph Foliard and Thomas Lisle for one year as His Majesty's barbers. Ibid, pp. 28–9.
Same for 250l. to Hugh Wyndham, a baron of the Exchequer, for last Trinity term's fee. Out Letters Customs II. pp. 122–3.
[? June] Incomplete and undated entry. See infra p. 608 under date July 1. "That if Her Majesty shall please to quit and surrender up the fee farm rents in her jointure and reteine the manors and lands that then a settlement shall be made to Her Majesty under the Great Seal of so much of the Excise of London in which the King hath a fee simple as will make up the said manor and lands so kept by her to the value of 40,000l. per an." "Or if Her Majesty please to surrender her whole jointure already settled in the two first patents, that then the entire sum of 40,000l. per an. shall be settled upon her in manner aforesaid out of the said part of Excise aforesaid with a covenant to be confirmed by Act of Parliament if desired." Warrants Early XLII. p. 6 (reverse).