Minute Book: October 1670

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Minute Book: October 1670', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp498-502 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: October 1670', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp498-502.

"Minute Book: October 1670". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp498-502.


October 1670

Oct. 14. [Downing's memoranda.]
Sir Jo. Duncombe: his half year's exchequer salary to Lady Day last as a Commissioner of the Ordnance [is ordered] on the Exchequer in General.
Warrant for the Treasury Lords' salaries for the quarter ended Michaelmas last: on the new farm of the Customs.
Sir Sam. Morland: warrant dormant for 200l. per an. for him during his and his son's life: out of the Excise.
[Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 100.]
Oct. 17. [Downing's memoranda.]
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir J. Duncomb, Sir T. Clifford.
Sir Edm. Bowyer: his 200l. to be put on the loans on the fee farms.
Sir P. Wych: warrant for his extraordinaries and his interest money: on the Wine Act.
Mr. Price: warrant for 200l. on the loans on the fee farms, if so much [be] due.
Sir Jo. Bennet: warrant for his [Post Office] defalcations: [to be] on the Wine Act.
Col. Mann: warrant for 20l. on any money in the Exchequer on the old dormant: for reward of service.
Lady Fisher: warrant for 1,750l. on the loans on the fee farms; taking in [cancelling] a former warrant for 1,000l. on the late farm of the Customs [postea: in the margin: "to stay"].
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 99.]
Mrs. Golden: a warrant for the arrears of her pension on the loans on the new farm of the Customs. [In the margin: done.]
Viscount Dillon: warrant for his pension of 1,000l.: but first the King to be discharged of the 7 years.
Earl of Carlisle's pension: [my Lords] to be reminded about a warrant for payment thereof.
Mrs. Boynton: warrant for what is due to her on her pension on the new farm of the Customs.
The like for Secretary Trevor for what [is] due.
Disbanded officers of Dunkirk called in and are made acquainted with the letter to Lord Ashley about Wootton Coppice in New Forest. Report to be made to the King of the considerableness of that forest: [but that] withal their debt be represented [to his Majesty]. Sir Ste. Fox to be first sent to for a state of it.
Warrant for the Commissioners of the Privy Seal: on the loans on the new farm of the Customs.
Write the Customs Farmers to advance 1,000l. for rebuilding the Custom House.
Sir G. Downing to see what [was] directed in Mr. Prettyman's case when the Lord Chief Baron [was] here [at the Treasury].
The Commissioners of Accounts: warrant for 500l. on the new farm of the Customs.
Sir Ste. Fox called in: warrants [ordered] according to his requests.
Mr. Alderman Bucknall.
[Ibid. DCXXV. pp. 133–4.]
[? 17 or 19 Oct.] [Downing's memoranda.]
Sir William Godolphin: [warrant] for his [ordinary] entertainment: on the loans on the new farm of the Customs.
Sir Ste. Fox: [warrant for] 1,650l. for secret service: on the new farm of the Customs.
Sir Dennis Gauden: warrant for his [victualling] ordinary for Sept. last to Oct. instant: on the loans on the new farm of the Customs.
[Minute Book DCXXV. p. 134.]
Oct. 19. [Downing's memoranda.]
Warrant for 500l. for the Commissioners of Accounts on the loans on the new farm of the Customs. [Erased: in the margin to stay.]
Mr. Griffin: warrant [to enable him] to take up money at 6 per cent. for salary [of the persons paid in the office of Treasurer of the Chamber] and for the rest at 10l. per cent. [in the same way] as the Treasurers of the Navy [are empowered to borrow]. [In the margin: to stay.] Also a warrant to said Griffin to have his order registered in the place certified by Sir R. Long.
Sir Ste. Fox: warrants according to his request.
Sir Alg. May: warrant on the Wine Act for half a year.
H. Thomas: warrant for 10l.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 100.]
Oct. 21. [Downing's memoranda.]
Mr. Progers: Warrant for his 73l. 4s. 6d. on the Exchequer.
Sir William Armorer: warrant dormant for his 10l. per an.
Duke of York: warrant on his Wine Licence privy seal.
Sir Jo. Bennet's certificate delivered to Mr. Aneley.
To move about Lady Byron; Lwellyn; Owen; Burrell, [and the] armourers.
[Ibid. p. 100.]
Warrant to the Customs Farmers to collect the 4l. per tun on wines according to the act. [Done.]
The Treasurer of the Household moves about Mr. Martin. The King to be moved to pardon him, and a warrant for a noli prosequi.
Mr. Battailhe: warrant for the impost bill money for this year. [Done.]
Warrant brought in by Mr. Brounker about certain rents in Yorkshire and Nonsuch. Warrant to Sir C. Harbord to rate the particular. [Done.]
Mr. Montague: warrant for 3 months' [ordinary as ambassador]: on the loan on the new farm of the Customs. [Done.]
Sir John Heath brings a warrant from the King for him to be ingrosser, &c., of the fee farm sales. Sir G. Downing [is to see] that the allowances [to be made to him as his fee for such work] agree with what was resolved by my Lords and the Lord Keeper, and then a warrant [to be made out] according to the King's warrant. [Done.]
The draft of a commission to the Commissioners for Wine Licences is brought in by the Attorney General. Ordered that the Commission be prepared accordingly. [Given to Mr. Warcup.]
Another draft of a warrant for the Attorney General, about the fee farms. A warrant accordingly [is ordered to be prepared] for the King's hand.
[Minute Book DCXXV. pp. 134–5.]
Oct. 24 [Downing's memoranda.]
Commission to Mr. Dudley North to receive the arrears of the taxes of Suffolk. Quere: if the last receiver be dead.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 101.]
Mr. Lawrence to be spoken to about Mr. Lyonell Woden's paying of moneys.
[Draw out] the total of what the several offices and other heads had from Michaelmas, 1669, to the 1st of January, 1669–70. [Done.]
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 135.]
Oct. 25.
[Downing's memoranda.]
Alderman Backwell's privy seal for interest [is] brought in. Warrant [ordered] on the loans on the new farm of the Customs. [Done.]
An order of Council about 3,704l. for the [navy] victualler [is read]. Warrant for a privy seal. [Done.]
The bill for Mr. Parrie's privy seal is to be sent for: and see if Mr. Parry be obliged to swear to his extraordinaries. [Done].
Warrant for Sir William Temple's [ambassadorial] extraordinaries: on the Wine Act. [Done.]
Warrant for the 1,198l. on the loans on the new farm of the Customs. [Done.]
Sir Bernard Gascoyne: warrant for a year on the loans on the new farm of the Customs: and the rest [to be] on the fee farms in course. [Done].
Warrant on the Customs for Sir Edward Walker as King at Arms: on the new farm of the Customs. [Done.]
Sergeant Harsnett: warrant for a year on the loans on the new farm of the Customs. [Done.]
The report from Sir C. Harbord and the farmers of the Customs about a harbour at [Seaton sluice constructed by Sir Ralph] Delavale is read [and which Sir Ralph has prayed to be made a harbour or place of entry to be annexed as a harbour or creek to the port of Newcastle-on-Tyne]. Report accordingly [to be made] to his Majesty against making it a harbour under the Great Seal, but to let him [Sir Ralph] have the land as Sir C. Harbord reports: but first Sir C. Harbord to certify how much land is necessary.
[Ibid. p. 136.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Sir Edw. Griffin: warrant for taking up [on loan] money [for the office of the Chamber] wholly at 10 per cent.
Col. Chamb" [? Chamberlain]: warrants accordingly, upon the report of the Excise Commissioners.
The Duke [of York's] warrant.
Bateman: caveat.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 101.]
Oct. 26. [Downing's memoranda.]
A warrant [for a] privy seal for vacating a privy seal for 700l. per an. to Mr. Turnor for secret service [and to make the said sum] to be made payable on the Customs to Sir Job Charleton and Mr. Justice Mylward, as Judges of Chester, and [for them] to be paid as the other judges, the last day of each term, on the money of the Customs coming into the Exchequer.
Sir Job Charleton and Milward, their last warrant to be made on the loans on the new farm of the Customs: and let it reach to Michaelmas. [Done.]
Sir Bernard Gascoyne's bill is to be sent for about French tunnage.
Lady Shannon: warrant. [Done].
The Treasurer's Remembrancer's office: Mr. Tuthill.
[Minute Book DCXXV. p. 137.]
Lady Sayer: [warrant for] 100l. on the loans on the fee farms.
Col. Howard: warrant to pay what [was] in arrear to him before the last establishment of the Yeomen of the Guard. The warrant must be to Mr. Griffin to pay it out of his funds which he hath already. Quere: if a certificate [is not] to be had first? In margin: 250l. for half a year ending at the settlement at Lady Day, 1670.
Mrs. Wells: a warrant [for her in the same way] as Mrs. Boynton: on the loans on the new farm of the Customs.
Capt. Sonne's petition delivered to him now.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 101.]
Oct. 28. [Downing's memoranda.]
Write the Attorney General sending him a copy of the King's warrant about the lady Cleveland's particular to. . . . them out of the patent for sale of the fee farms. [Done.]
Write the Customs Farmers to pay the Earl of Dover [sic for Devon] what's due [on his creation money:] reciting his dormant warrant and that my Lords will allow it on their [the Customs Farmers'] accompt. [Done.]
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 137.]
Earl of Devon: dormant warrant for his creation money.
Prince Rupert's warrant to be put on the new farm of the Customs.
Warrant to the officers of the Works to take care of [the repairs, &c., at] Somerset House and Audley End.
Band of Gentlemen Pensioners: warrant for a year: upon the First Fruits.
Mrs. Price's warrant to be made in her own name.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 101.]
Oct. 31. [Downing's memoranda.]
To ask Sir G. [Downing] about a day for [discussing the business of] Ireland, viz., Athlone, Corporations, quit rents.
Sir P. Wych: his warrant delivered to Mr. Oneby.
To speak with Mr. Griffin about Col. Howard.
Lord Hawley: his 500l. to be on the fee farms in course.
Sir Jo. Bennet: to be placed on the loans on the next farm of the Customs.
The Attorney General to have ready money for 2 years of his salary. Prepare the warrant with a blank.
Mr. Packer: when the privy seal for 20,000l. [for the Works] is brought in, a warrant [is to be signed] for 300l. for him, to be by him paid to Mr. Smith towards the business of paling the Great Park at Windsor: to be on the loans on the new farm of the Customs.
Maids of Honour: their warrant to be made ready: on the loans on the new farm of the Customs.
Query: Earl of Stamford.
Queen's bargemen: Mrs. Luellyn, &c.
[Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 101–2; DCXXV. p. 138.]