Minute Book: March 1670

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Minute Book: March 1670', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp378-399 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: March 1670', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp378-399.

"Minute Book: March 1670". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp378-399.


March 1670

March 2.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir John Duncombe.
Mr. Broxholme called in about his account of the Aids.
Sir W. Doyly's report about the contract with Alderman Backwell about the tin at Ostend is approved. Notice to be given to Alderman Backwell, Sir W. Doyly and Major Andros, and that they accordingly conclude with him.
Write the Earl of Carbery about the widow Oliver to take care that she be paid out of the profits of the Court, else my Lords will complain to the King.
Ordered that the warrant for a great seal for the administrators of the late Queen be carried to the Solicitor General to peruse, and that he add a preamble showing the reason of the settlement, viz. for the King's honour and the greater security of the administrator: also a clause that all warrants of the King, the Treasury Lords and the administrators be entered in the Exchequer before any payment [be made] upon them: else the payment to be void. Sir G. Downing to also carry to the Solicitor General the warrant relating to the Trustees, and that he make it agree and consistent with this warrant for the administrators.
Ordered that Col. Strode's proposition about farming the 4½ per cent, in the Barbados islands be considered on Friday next.
The Grooms of the Chamber to the King are called in. Say they are [in the matter of the payment of their salaries] a year behind the Yeomen of the Guard, messengers, &c. This to be considered on Tuesday next.
Mr. Harrinton called in and his order of Council read. Report to be made to the King that 600l. be allowed to the farmers [? of Excise, co. Lincoln] out of the arrears in their hands.
[The report about] Mr. Beane and the other Excise reports to be heard on Monday.
Sir W. Doyly and Mr. Lawrence called in. Doyly presents a paper of what to be done with the several Receivers of the Aids. [Ordered] that the directions written by Sir J. Duncomb in the margin of the paper be perused. Abbot to do this and to advise with Mr. Lawrence.
Warrant for Mr. Johnson. The first part of Mr. Sherwin's report granted, the second not.
[Ibid. III. p. 266.]
March 3.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir Jo. Duncomb.
Robert Lesley's petition considered. Referred to Dr. Wren and Mr. May and that they be heard to-morrow whether there be no stone in England fit to pave the streets with. Lesley to attend then.
[Minute Book. III. p. 267.]
March 4.
Present: Sir J. Duncombe.
Write Mr. Sherwyn to hasten the perfecting the instructions and Commissions for the Receivers of Hearth money.
March 5.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir John Duncomb.
Write the Alum Farmers to attend to-morrow to give an account to my Lords for the King why they proceed not in their agreement with the Earl of Mulgrave, and why they pay not their rent into the Exchequer.
The Lords of Ireland came in, viz. the Earl of Burlington, Duke of Ormonde, Lord Arlington, Lord Aungier, Col. Tho. Piggot, Secretary Trevor, Sir George Carteret, the Vice Chamberlain, Lord Berkeley, the Earl of Ossory. Lord Berkeley makes report for a retrenchment [in the military establishment of Ireland] in regard the King's revenue is not sufficient to bear the charge, and moves that it be left to him and the Council to retrench so far as may be with safety, and which can't be but by degrees, for want of present money to pay them. So an instruction [is agreed upon for them] to do it so far as money can be provided, not exceeding 13 companies and seven troops of horse in the whole.
Also Lord Berkeley presents a paper about defalcations to the farmers [of the revenue] in Ireland, which he took back because the order of Council about this business is not yet come down. But [it is] ordered that an instruction be prepared to leave this business to the Chief Governor and Council in Ireland, who only can examine well this business, and that the rule here is to let the farmer reap their gains during their beneficial years, and as to the years in which they demanded defalcations that upon examination upon oath of their rents and receipts they be made savers [merely, that is not losers] but nothing for their pains, only their expenses.
Also [ordered] that Lord Berkeley have an instruction to put the people in Ireland on the making of linen, and to put in execution the Act in Ireland for encouragement thereof, as far as may be.
The Duke of Ormonde presents a petition from Mr. Coventry and Col. Legg. on reference to my Lords. [Ordered] that accordingly the matter be entered in the Civil List of Ireland.
Also the Earl of Burlington's petition is read. [Ordered] that his 20s. a day be added to the Civil List.
Also 2,000l. per an. for concordatums. [Ordered to be added to the Civil List.]
Also Mr. Marmaduke Darcye's business to be inserted in the Civil List.
Also an order of Council read about Sir John Bellew about his quit rents. [Ordered] that he be heard at the Treasury by Counsel on Sunday next at 3 p.m., as to the legal part and that the Solicitor General attend then and that then all other petitions be heard.
[Minute Book III. pp. 267–8.]
March 7.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir John Duncombe.
The Marquess of Worcester called in: moves about the Speech House for Dean Forest. Mr. Agar is called in. Warrant for the building of the speech house in the old place [as it is set out] in Mr. Agar's certificate that that is the convenientest place being in the middle of the forest. Consideration to be had of repairing St. Briavels.
Warrant for Sir James Smith to be a Commissioner of Excise.
Write the Commissioners of the Navy to certify what of the timber felled in Dean Forest is fit for the Navy and what not, and that that [the unfit] be felled to build a speech house.
Mr. Agar is referred to Mr. Philips, auditor for Middlesex, for the stating of his account as receiver of the two last subsidies [for that County]. Meantime a warrant to stay process against him.
The Earl of Bristol called in, moves that his pension of 2,000l. per an. be absolute as [also] that of his wife's 1,000l.per an.: otherwise he doth not accept it [the proposed arrangement] and [further moves] that his wife's 1,000l. per an. be [secured] to his son after her death. Also moves for a day to consider the business of     Charite.
The Earl of Cardigan's warrant to be placed on the first month of the Customs that will bear it.
Mr. Preston called in. Ordered that Sir G. Downing, Sir C. Harbord and Sir R. Long, or any two of them examine the complaints against his father, and report. Charnock to make the reference on the affidavit.
Lord Arlington: a warrant for two years [? of his salary].
The business of the settlement of the estate of the Queen Mother is to be considered to-morrow.
Lady Palmer called in: moves for stay of process [against her] as surety for Mr. Reuse, and that she have assistance against the deputy receiver. The latter to be done.
Warrant for a year of the Earl of Lindsey's creation money.
My Lords being informed by the present farmers of the duty of 5s. a ton on French shipping in Ireland, that Sir George Carteret or his deputies have again taken possession of that duty whereby His Majesty's service is much prejudiced [do order] Sir George to attend next Friday to shew cause why he has again seized it. Sir Barnard Gascoigne, Sir James Bunch and Alderman Bucknell to attend then.
Sir R. Long, Mr. Sherwyn and Mr. Webb are to report the Commission and instructions for the receivers of the Chimney money to-morrow morning.
The King came in and the Duke of York.
Capt. Brabant called in: moves that he may be defalked for the war as well as for the plague [on his farm for the Excise of Northumberland]: confesses that he has no covenant to that effect but says he was a great loser by the war as well by the plague. Mr. Ayliffe, his Counsel, says that the late Lord Treasurer did promise that though he had no covenant to that effect yet that he should be considered for it. Brabant says that with the access of the war he has lost above the 2,400l. which he owes and prays it [to be allowed him as a defalcation]. Lord Ashley says he remembers no such promises. Mr. Ayliffe says Sir Philip Warwick avers they were to be allowed defalcations for the war as well as the plague, yet my Lords allow that suppose he had a covenant for the war as for the plague yet all he can demand is to be made a saver. Also [Brabant's] Counsel moves that process be stayed while the business is depending. Ordered that Brabant pay 1,000l. and the rest to be remitted to him.
The late Commissioners of Excise are called in with Col. Birch and their petition is read. Mr. Ayliffe, their Counsel, is heard and demands 2d. in the £ for all which might have been received. Col. Birch says that by the King's privy seal expressly they are to have no allowance [of poundage] for defalcations and Sir John Robinson was one of them: as to the plague time when the greater defalcations they took the greater pains: also they take 2d. per £ for above 16,000l. more than the whole rent. This they acknowledge. More [than this says Col. Birch] they have retained 2d. per £ for about 15,000l. when not yet come into the Exchequer. This already ordered [by the arrangement] that they should have it as the money comes in. [They] move [for the allowance of] 25l. which was paid to Major General Langhorne. This allowed. [Also they] move [for allowance of] 29l. 3s. 6d. paid to Mr. Chiffinch in excess of the privy seal. As to beer imported . . . . . . Also they overpaid 8s. 4d. interest and to another [paid as interest] 2l. 8s. 4d. for 1,121l. 7s. 0d. [Ordered] nothing to be done more than what my Lords had ordered before.
Lord Buckhurst's docquet to be for life and to be placed on a particular fund: but [ordered] that no more patents be granted for the Bedchamber for life.
The Duke of York moves about building two frigates at Hull.
The Treasurer of the Household makes report of the Earl of Bristol's pretences: that he insists to have his own 2,000l. per an. for life and the 1,000l. per an. after his lady's life to go to his son. [Ordered] that he have the 2,000l. per an. as desired but thereof the only to dispose of 1,000l. per an.: also Mr. Digby to have the 1,000l. per an. after his mother's death [but] only till he [succeed to the reversion of and] enjoy Sir Robert Long's place [as auditor of the Receipt] and no longer.
Lord Ashley reports Mr. Pearce's case. [Ordered] that it be allowed.
Also about Mr. Symond's case. [Ordered] that he be paid as reported [upon].
Also about Pickering house. [Ordered] that he have it for three lives or 21 years: and about the Phisick Garden [viz. that the King orders] no lease to be renewed.
Also about leases [of lands] of the late Queen Mother [still] unperfected.
Query what Mr. Louther got out of the Lady Castlemayne's Yorkshire grant.
[Ordered] that as to the Yeoman of the Guard Sir Edward Griffith have a distinct fund for them, which is not to be alienated for payment of bills or other matter.
Write the Alum Farmers and Mr. Lawrence to attend to-morrow concerning their rent being unpaid and their contract with the Earl of Mulgrave unperfected.
[Minute Book III. pp. 268–71.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Earl of Craven: warrant for his creation money.
Sewers: warrant.
Petitions: Barker and Halsnoth to be stopped.
Col. Stroud's petition.
Fitz Gerard.
Hamilton's order.
Mr. Royer.
Mrs. Chiffinch.
Mr. Brock: Chamber …
Mr. Cottle.
Innocents [the innocent papists in Ireland].
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 71.]
March 8.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Sir Thomas Bond's privy seal to pass.
[Warrant for] 6,000l. more for the Ordnance: on the Customs: if so much [be] set out for them.
Warrant for 200l. to Sir Edward Griffen for the Maundy.
Major Walden called in and his petition read. My Lords accept his proposition but if he fail a day then an extent to go out against him and his sureties. Meantime a warrant for stay of process.
Major Gibbs called in. He promises he'll pay in the whole debt on Saturday next. Warrant to stay process till then.
The 12 per cent. [interest charge] to be taken off from Mr. Norcot (Northcott).
Mr. Beavis Lloyd called in: informs my Lords that there is some money, viz. 600l., of the aids and other taxes in the County of Monmouth remaining in the hands of William Morgan, the said Morgan belonging to Sir Trevor Williams, of which money said Lloyd is robbed. Write Sir Trevor Williams to attend my Lords on Friday to shew reason why he protects said Morgan.
The persons desired by Mr. Brock are to be sent for to appear at the Excise office.
Sir Robt. Long and Mr. Webb called in about the drafts of the Commission and the instructions for the Chimney Collectors. As to the point about landlords and occupiers Webb is to attend the Attorney General again and desire his written opinion on the cases which they shall put to him. As to the rest my Lords do approve them. Sir G. Downing to advise with Sir R. Long about instructions for Mr. Sherwin and Mr. Webb to be employed as agents for managing the receipt of the Chimney money.
Mr. Sherwin brings in a draft for the Commission to my Lords from the King. Ordered that it be dispatched and made ready for the King's signature.
The draft of the contract for the 4½ per cent. duty at Barbados is to be perused and considered by Sir R. Long, Sir G. Downing and Sir C. Harbord.
Andrew Crevet's petition read. Referred to the office of Ordnance.
The letter to the referees about the 200,000l. is read. Ordered that Sir George Carteret and Secretary Trevor attend about it on Tuesday morning. [A later direction:] none to be sent.
Aldermen Backwell being to be the receiver of the [unpaid] remain of the Queen Consort's dowry and Mr. Parry [being to be] agent to solicit for those moneys and [the amount of the said unpaid remain being] agreed, report is to be made to Lord Arlington that the business be despatched. Also Sir Robert Southwell reads a draft of a commission for Alderman Backwell, which is approved so as he insert a clause to make Alderman Backwell accountable: which is done and is to be sent with the report to Lord Arlington.
Ordered that when any warrants for extents are made the said warrants are to repeat the whole report or reasons. Abbot to take care in this matter.
Major Broxholme to have liberty on good security to go into the country for three months to look after His Majesty's money; and an extent to go out presently against his estate. Write Mr. Lawrence to take care in it.
Warrant for Mr. Kirke for half a year on the Customs as of the Bedchamber.
Jo. Vaughan called in about allowances to Bevis Lloyd and John Lloyd for carrying the money of the Aids. Write Sir W. Doily to attend about it to-morrow.
Money to be provided for Lady Fisher for a year: [In this case there is necessary] a [clause of] direction only for her on her [former] warrant for a year on the late farm of the Customs.
Mr. Sherwyn makes report about the alum business, and a draft of an agreement [of the alum farmers] with the Earl of Mulgrave is read. [Ordered] that he pay presently 1,000l. Write Auditor Chislett to speedily make up and adjust the alum farmers' accompt, taking in the 1,700l. Write Sir John Lowther about the alum business, "and that he would not go about to interrupt the king, [Sir G. Downing to take care of] repeating [in the said letter] how the right is in the Crown, and what charge the Crown hath been at in this business."
Mr. Mead is to endorse every man's quality in the margent of his [each man's] impost bill.
Warrant to take off the 12 per cent. from Mr. Porter and for stay of process against him. The like for Mr. Barker, he first paying in the remain of his accompt. The certificate delivered again to Mr. Barker to get a tally, &c.
Col. Buller called in and his petition read. The King to be moved in it.
Ordered that search be made whether process is ordered against the Chimney Farmers about the King's half year [of the Hearth money, viz. to 1666, Lady Day].
Mr. Warcupp to have the first place that falls in my Lords' gift.
[Minute Book III. pp. 271–3.]
March 9
Present: Treasurer of the Household.
Write Mr. Zouch to attend about the dish of meat which he is to carry up to the King's table or pay 100l. gratuity per an. for it.
Sir Trevor Williams, Sir Thomas Prober and Mr. Beavis Lloyd called in about the money in the hands of Mr. Trevor's servant. Sir Trevor says he protects him not.
[Ibid. III. p. 273.]
March 11.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir Jo. Duncombe.
Write Col. Birch to hasten the account of the late Commissioners of Excise.
Write Auditor Chislet to hasten the Alum Farmers' account, and to call upon them speedily in order thereto.
Sir R. Long and Col. Birch came in and a new clause to the Wine Act is read.
The business of the French tonnage and of the 200,000l. tallies, which were to have been considered to-day, are to be considered on Tuesday. Notice to be given to all the parties.
On Monday afternoon the business of the late Queen's trustees and administrators is to be considered. The Solicitor General, Mr. Sherwyn and Sir R. Long are to attend then with all the warrants my Lords have passed in this business.
Mr. Colvile [and other banker creditors of the Government] called in. My Lords tell them they will do nothing to take from their security on the 310,000l. [Wine] Act, but [will] add many [funds] to better their security.
Lord Arlington to be spoken to about Sir Jo. Finch's extraordinaries in regard there is therein comprised mournings for other princes as well as for the Queen Mother.
Dormant warrant for the prebend [arie] s of Lichfield.
The Chimney Collectors' commissions are to be made ready. Charnock to come to-morrow early and bring the draft.
Mr. Fillingham referred to Auditor Aldworth.
Process ad computandum to go out against such of the King's Receivers of his land revenue as have not accounted according to law. Write the Auditors of the Exchequer Court for the names of such Receivers.
Mr. Corderoy's order to be given out.
My Lords to be moved next Tuesday about the 74l. which Edward Capell is in arrear on the Royal Aid for Herefordshire.
A commission to Mr. Goddard to seize prohibited goods at Sir Thomas Littleton's desire.
At Lord Ashley's command write Baron Spelman to put off till Thursday next the seal day for issuing process.
[Ibid. III. p. 274.]
[Downing's memoranda, Saturday, Mar. 12.]
Petition of the nobility, &c., innocent [papists] in Ireland, with four other papers annexed, delivered to Sir John Belew for a letter to be drawn by them.
Mr. Fr. Perdeene and Martha Maria uxor [ejus] petition.
Mr. Agar: against to-morrow to send it to Mr. Hall.
Farmer of Excise of co. Leicester and Mr. Smith.
Mr. Royer's warrant to be left with Mr. Clarke.
The Earl of Thomond the first Irish business.
Martin, searcher of Plymouth. Mr. Progers. Mr. Presse about this.
[Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 72.]
March 13.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir John Duncombe. Together with the Earl of Ossory, Vice Chamberlain, Sir Edward Deering, Duke of Ormonde, Secretary Trevor, Earl of Burlington, Lord Arlington, Lord Aungier, Sir Geo. Lane, Col. Piggot, Lord Berkeley. Also the Solicitor General called in.
[Ordered] that Sir G. Downing do, with Auditor Beale, cast up what the civil and military lists [of Ireland] come to, as now [they stand, together] with the revenue, whereby it may appear what they exceed it.
Mr. Killigrew called in on behalf of Lady Portland from the King and her report is read, and Lord Arlington says that report makes her in a worse condition than before; [ordered] that the report be made that she have 500l. per an. on the establishment during her life in lieu of her pretences to the 3,040l.
Abbot [is to] ask for the last order in Council about the gold lying in Ireland undisposed, which Alderman Bucknell sent over.
Also report to be made to the King that no more money be issued to the army in Ireland, nor on the civil list, unless on some extraordinary exigent till Lord Berkeley come [go] over thither.
Petition read from the Archbishop of Dublin, Lord Chancellor of Ireland. [Ordered] that he have 1,200l. per an. on the establishment of Ireland.
Two petitions read from Viscount Ranelagh. The 100l. per an. to be continued: that of [the fee of the post of] Constable of Roscommon refused.
Petition read from the Constable of Dublin. The Duke of Ormonde says his office of Constable is very ancient: that of Governor a late office. [Ordered] that his pension of 20s. a day be continued during his life time and he to give up all his patents.
Tho. Piggot's petition read. The King to be moved in it.
Viscount Dillon's petition read.
Sir Theo. Jones's petition read.
Sir John Bellew called in and heard by his Counsel who allege his right not to pay the new quit rent or if there be a . . . . . that the King will by his grace extricate him out of it. The Solicitor General says he is liable by the general clause in the Explanatory Act which says that every one that is restored is made liable to the new quit rent except cleared by express words: which Mr. Ayloffe, Bellew's Counsel, confesses and flees to His Majesty's grace. The King to be acquainted with it.
[Ibid. III. pp. 275–6.]
March 15.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir John Duncomb.
The abuses in Whittlewood forest are to be considered on Friday. Mr. Hall, of the Queen's Council, Mr. Harbord and Mr. Goodman, woodward of said forest, to attend then.
Sir G. Downing to see where 500l. may be presently found for the Earl of Bristol, and then, after Easter, consideration to be had about settling his, his lady's and his son's pensions. Floyd to mind me [Downing] of it.
The King to be moved in the matter of Mr. Brunkert's docquet.
Sir W. Doyly and Sir Walter Moyle called in about said Moyle's accounts of the Aids. Ordered that a copy of it be sent to the Solicitor of [aids for] Devon to show where the moneys are: and that he and the other solicitors shall have another year's allowances to Lady Day last, when the accounts are passed. Sir W. Doyly to send the accounts and prepare letters to the Commissioners of Devon.
Mr. Beane to be heard on Monday next.
Sir Robert Howard and Alderman Bucknell called in about the business of brandy.
Mr. Norcot and Sir W. Doyly called in. Norcot's petition referred to said Doyly.
Sir Robt. Howard and Col. Thomas Howard called in about settling a Receiver and Surveyor of the Greenwax. They propound Mr. Thomas Aram and that Brewster be suspended. The King to be moved in it.
Mr. Russell's (Bushell's) desire about a Collector is to be granted. A warrant accordingly.
Process to be stopped against Sir John Robinson and the Chimney Collectors of London till Easter term.
Sir G. Downing to consider where to provide money to pay Sir John Robinson's bills [for the Tower]. Floyd to mind me [Downing] of it.
Warrant for a year for Eton College.
Mr. Tregonnell to be heard to-morrow as to what is due to him. Charnock to lay his petition then on the table.
Mr. Nath. Whetham to be Receiver of Chimney money for Gloucestershire. Floyd to insert him on the list.
Capt. Story, Receiver of Assessments in Cambridge, called in: his petition for allowance for carriage of moneys is read. Referred to Sir W. Doyly as to his petition and as to his salary as Solicitor.
Petition from Major Andros about the price of sugars is referred to Sir G. Downing, Sir C. Harbord and Sir R. Long.
Sir G. Carteret, Sir Jo. Bunce, Sir B. Gascoyne and Alderman Bucknell are to attend next Friday about the French tonnage duty.
Warrant for the Earl of St. Albans for three years of his creation money if so much is due to him.
The objections offered by Sir G. Downing to my Lords [are considered and the changes proposed are] to be inserted in the commission for the Collectors of the Chimney money. Charnock to prepare it accordingly.
Write Sir Thomas Strickland to pay in speedily his rent of the farm of imported salt as the persons who are assigned thereon do press my Lords very much for their money.
A warrant for Sir Edw. Trelawney on the remain of the money of the Queen's portion which shall come into the Exchequer.
Warrant for Sir Ste. Fox on his privy seal for 9,200l. for the Duke of Monmouth.
Warrant to stay process against Sir Sam Starling till Easter term. The like for Mr. Povy.
Sir Hugh Bethell's warrant is to be filled up with the old reserved rents. Charnock to do it.
The order of Council about the gold in Ireland is to be considered the first day that the Lords of Ireland are at the Treasury, and then Mr. Backwell and Mr. Bucknall are to attend. Abbott to take care of this.
The House of Commons to be moved for leave to bring in a clause for 12d. on coals at Sunderland, carried along the water [coastwise] as at Newcastle.
Warrant for 2,000l. for Sir Ste. Fox for secret service: to be on the late Farmers of the Customs. Write them to pay it by the 25th inst.
Petition from Mary Bloss: referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Write the Alum Farmers to bring in their accounts to Auditor Chislet, or process will issue against them.
Sir W. Doyly to attend to-morrow about Mr. Welsted's petition.
Mr. Bridges [king's musician] called in and his petition read. Warrant for 56l. on the old tally money. Order for half a year to Mr. Brockwell [king's] musician. Mr. Brockwell hath 111l. 6s. 8d. per an.
Mr. Norcot's petition referred to Sir W. Doyly.
Warrant for Sir Ste. Fox for the Guards and Garrisons: on the Excise.
Mr. Ligneer's business to be considered the first Monday after Easter.
Thomas Baldwin, of Aylesbury, to attend on Friday week upon Mr. Reuse's affidavit; he having been employed by Reuse to receive the assessments for which he has not accompted. Otherwise an extent to issue.
Write the Customs Farmers to advance 1,400l. for Lord Ambassador Montague on [the Customs rent of] May, 1671: for which he [Montague] has a warrant already.
Consideration to be had to-morrow about issuing an extent against the late Chimney Farmers.
[Minute Book III. pp. 276–8.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Mr. Middleton to have liberty for six months to be absent from Milford, where he is customer, he leaving a sufficient deputy.
Warrant for 200l. for Mr. Lawrence for this year's salary.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. pp. 72–3.]
March 16.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir John Duncombe.
The deed for settling the Trustees and Administrators of the late Queen [Mother's estate] is to be considered on Friday.
Warrant to stay process against Mr. Kirby on his Hearth money account.
Sir J. Bennet called in: offers a report of the Attorney General about building a bridge at Putney. Ordered that Sir J. Bennet find where timber may be had to do it.
Consideration to be had on Friday next of putting in Commissioners for the Wine Act.
Warrant for Sir Thomas Gower as steward.
Warrant for Lady Henry Howard.
A noble to be reserved for Lady [Lord] Grandison's rent for the coach houses.
Mr. Capell's 70l. warrant to be drawn but the money reserved to discharge his tax.
James Lancashire's son to have his [father's] office of bailiff.
Sir Edmund Bowyer called in: moves that he may have the 200l. he desired formerly of the King: says he fears that money upon the Poll is gone. My Lords will consider him after the Parliament.
To be examined what Secretary passed Mr. Gringeu's docquet.
The King to be acquainted with the Earl of Oxford's docquet.
Warrant for Alderman Backwell on his interest privy seal on the old tally money of the Customs.
Process of extent against the late Chimney Farmers for their rent of their farm.
The warrant against Mr. Kirby, for an extent is not to be delivered out till further order.
Process stopped against the late Chimney Farmers for Lady Day, 1666. The farmers and the auditor to attend next Wednesday about that account.
Mr. Cooper called in about his accounts, and his petition and proposals are read. Ordered to attend on Friday with Sir William Doyly and his auditor with the state of his account, and then his proposals to be considered. Process of extent ordered against Cooper's securities, as well as against himself. [No securities. Query: refer to Mr. Lawrence.]
Sir Thomas Meeres, Sir Robt. Ker and Col. Disney to attend on Monday about the money in Mr. Hutchinson's hands.
Mr. Lawrence's 200l. is to be on the old tally money [on the Customs].
Sir W. Doyly's report about Capt. Story is read. Warrant accordingly to allow him so much of the money [as is] in his hands.
Mr. Tregunnell's petition read. The King to be moved about Prince Rupert's docquet. Tregonnell's petition referred to Sir C. Harbord to report what is fit to be allowed after examining the King's covenants.
Process stopped against Mr. Rewse (Mr. Bean) for 10 days; he being to be heard next Monday.
[Minute Book III. pp. 278–9.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Ordnance warrant. Done.
Mr. Warden. Done.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 92.]
March 18.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir John Duncomb.
Mr. Hall called in. Ordered that he and Mr. Goodman be heard the second Monday after Easter as to the abuses in Whittlewood Forest.
Major Andros' warrant for 250l. to be drawn on the tin money from Ostend.
Sir John Shaw called in. The warrant for process against the late Customs Farmers is suspended for eight days longer.
Write Sir John Lowther to attend my Lords next Monday about some alum works which he is erecting.
The Vice-Chamberlain called in about his having seized the 5s. per ton on French shipping. He declares he will not interrupt the Farmers but refer himself to the King to be afterwards considered. The King to be moved in it.
Warrant for 250l. to Major General Langhorne.
The draft of the warrant for the Trustees and Administrators [of the late Queen Mother's jointure estate] is read in the presence of Sir R. Long. Ordered that it be made ready for the King's hand and directed to the Solicitor General.
Sir R. Long to draw a privy seal for Sir Tho. Bond if Lord Ashley do it not.
Sir R. Long to draw a privy seal for vacating Sir Samuell Barnardiston's privy seal for 300l.
Warrant for Sergeant Waller as the Lord Keeper desires: on the Customs.
The officers of the Works to attend on Monday: and then to be considered how to get them money for Windsor.
[Minute Book III. p. 280.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Warrant for the Earl of Craven's creation money.
Gilbert [ordered into] custody. [It] appears by letter from the Commissioners of Assessments of St. Austins Lathe, in Kent, dated 1669–70, Feb. 5, that he had about 950l. then in his hands, the said sum not appearing to be yet paid.
Mrs. Oliver: warrant on the contingencies.
Peere Williams: warrant to-morrow.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 73.]
[March 17] warrant for 60l. for Sergeant Broome: on the Customs as the Lord Keeper desires.
Mr. Portman: warrant.
The Maundy [money] whether [to be issued to] the Wardrobe or Treasurer of the Chamber.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 92.]
March 22.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir Jo. Duncomb.
Sir Robt. Carr called in about the arrears of the taxes in Lincolnshire. Write the Duke of Albemarle to retain in his hands for the King the money which he has of Col. Disney's purchase money. Write said Disney that my Lords will have him arrested if he do not speedily give satisfaction for the money due from his servant Eustace Seymour. Write Sir Thomas Hussy, et al. Commissioners for that division, that my Lords look upon them as liable to pay the money if Disney be not responsible.
Col. Kirby called in: prays that the extent against him may be stayed, and proposes the sale of his estate for making good the debt of the aids. Warrant to stay the extent for two months.
Write Sir R. Long and Sir Henry Wood to certify the allowances demanded by the trustees [for the late Queen Mother's jointure estate] in order to the better satisfying my Lords as to their presenting to His Majesty the warrant for settling in the hands of such trustees the two years of her late Majesty's revenue.
Alderman Backwell to attend to-morrow about furnishing money for the navy. Write Mr. Colvile to attend Sir J. Duncomb tomorrow. Sir Ste. Fox also to be here.
The King to be acquainted that 2,500l. hath lain these ten days [ready in the Exchequer] for the Wardrobe for the Duke of Albemarle's body [funeral] and not taken away. The other 2,500l. to be provided on the ordinary assignments of the Wardrobe, and Sir G. Downing to provide the money.
Sir G. Downing to look out how stands the business of the ship to be built [at Hull out of timber felled] in Sherwood Forest.
The paper of the Irish establishment is to be produced to-morrow. Write Auditor Beale to come to cast it up.
Lord Aungier called in says there is 4,200l. [due] to Lady Portland from the King for that 1,000l. was paid her by the Duke of Ormonde out of his own money. [Ordered] that 500l.per an. be placed on the Irish Civil list for the Duke of Ormonde to repay him viz. 500l. this year and 500l. next year.
Sir W. Doyly called in: presents a state of the arrears of the Aids of Kent, and orders are made thereupon.
The King to be moved about Mr. Howard's docquet.
Widow Clements: warrant for a cottage.
Jasper Everard, a falconer: his docquet not to pass. No more falconers. (To make a list of such [falconers] as have been put in since my Lords' time as Treasury Commissioners, and to enquire whether any have been preferred before others out of their course.)
Sir G. Downing to press Sir Thomas Strickland to pay in his rent.
The money to be borrowed for the Maundy.
My Lords to sit next Thursday on petitions.
Mr. Brabant's proposition read about his paying the King's money.
My Lords propound that he pay the money in six months.
Sir Dennis Gauden called in: moves for money or assignments for what is due to him and not yet assigned. Ordered that he come the first day after my Lords sit when the Wine Act [is] passed.
The Earl of Sandwich moves for the whole money for the Duke of Albemarle's funeral. He also says he knows not that the 2,500l. is in the Exchequer.
Charnock to search when [sic for where] the Maundy money was wont to be paid, viz. the Wardrobe or Treasury of the Chamber.
William Tabrett and Samuel Vouse, the persons complained of by the Farmers of the Customs, are to attend next Tuesday concerning some prohibited goods endeavoured to be concealed by them. Tabrett to bring with him his servant that drove his waggon to town: Vouse likewise to bring his servant.
Warrant for Alderman Backwell's interest money on the old Customs tallies money: dormant warrant for his over interest money on the chimneys.
The papers about the remain of the Queen Consort's wedding portion are to be sent to Lord Arlington.
Sir G. Downing to ask Sir James Sheene about the queries relating to the Corporation of Ulster's plantation in Ulster, and accordingly to insert the matter in the Irish establishment.
[Minute Book III. pp. 281–2; DCXXV. p. 93.]
March 23.
Present: Sir Jo. Duncomb.
The Lord Chief Baron and the rest of the Barons are to attend to-morrow to advise my Lords about appointing and approving fit persons to be Receivers of the Chimney money. Write Mr. Sherwyn to bring to-morrow the instructions for said Receivers.
A quarter's salary for Sir William Swan as His Majesty's Resident at Hamburgh. His warrant for extraordinaries to be amended.
Mr. Griffith called in with his paper. The King to be moved in it for his pleasure.
The warrant to enable my Lords to appoint Collectors of the Chimney money is to be sent up for the King's hand.
Write Major Andros to cause the tin at Ostend to be delivered to Alderman Backwell or his agent from time to time he taking Backwell's receipt for same, said Backwell undertaking to pay 4l. 6s. for every cwt. delivered to him. Andros to send to Sir G. Downing an account from time to time of the delivery of each parcel so that my Lords may be enabled to call for the money accordingly.
My Lords to be certified to-morrow what stands charged on the 8,000l. per mensem [of the Customs rent] for old tallies. Also to be certified when the 15,000l. directed by my Lords' warrant of Jan. 28 last to be stopped out of the 35,000l. upon the old tallies or first list of tallies for the old Farmers of the Customs which stopped, were or will be in course to be paid. Sir R. Long to certify what old tallies are come in course to be paid and have not been called for.
Then my Lords move Alderman Backwell to lend 10,000l., to be paid [back] on the first [moneys received] of the Wine Act. Backwell promises to lend it and to pay it into the Exchequer by loan [on the Exchequer] in general. Sir G. Downing to certify Backwell with this order. Write Sir R. Long not to issue the 10,000l. without my Lords' particular order.
A privy seal for Madame for 5,000l. out of the Queen's portion to be paid into the Exchequer. Sir G. Downing and Sir R. Long to settle the rate Backwell is to have for that money [which he is to lend].
[The following warrants, viz.] 1,000l. for Windsor; 2,500l. for the Lord General's funeral; 200l. for the Maundy and the installation money; Sir Stephen Fox's 1661 privy seal for 1,000l.; the King's 1,000l. and Sir Thomas Littleton's 500l. towards building the "Roebuck," a ship at Hull and the new buildings at Hampton Court are to be placed on the abovesaid 10,000l. loan from Alderman Backwell. The king pays half a year to the watermen, 500l. to the Duke of Buckingham; 2,200l. to pay the warrant for the remain of the money for the land taken into St. James's Park [all these payments to be assigned] on the abovesaid 10,000l. [as also a] warrant for 500l. more for the Duke of York's buildings [at Hampton Court], and if the money will hold out 500l. for Greenwich.
Mr. Griffith to be considered.
The paper about the Queen's portion to be sent to Mr. Williamson.
The Earl of Norwich called in with Mrs. Tindall, and his petition is read: says there is 7,000l. due to him on his pension. Write Sir R. Long to certify what is due to his lordship. He prays either that my Lords will order money for Mrs. Tindall and Sir Philip Warwick or else recall the privy seal on his pension, and then he will settle their payment. The case to be reported to the King. Sir G. Downing to be at Sir Robert Howard's committee for brandy.
Sir Thomas Littleton called in, and is told that Alderman Backwell will answer to-morrow what money he can help him to.
Sir G. Downing to take care that Sir Jo. Finch's account be altered at Lord Arlington's.
Sir Robert Southwell's paper considered about his allowance in Portugal and is approved, but [it is ordered] that interest be taken out and rather [or in stead thereof] somewhat more allowed. Mr. Williamson to be acquainted with it.
Sir Maurice Eustace called in. [Resolved] that it appears by the Act of Parliament that the land is vested in the King when the money paid, but Sir Maurice must show what money received and what yet due.
Process ad computandum [is ordered] against the Alum Farmers. Also against all the receivers of the revenue [who are behind with their accounts].
Sir G. Downing to speak to Sir G. Carteret for his letter to his sub-farmer of the French tonnage to put Mr. Bucknall in possession of it.
The warrant for Lady Castlemaine is to be prepared for the King's hand. A blank to be left for the term of years and the rent.
The report about the manor of Ruthin is to be confirmed and an order to issue accordingly.
Sir Henry Wood to have notice that my Lords will give him all assistance to get in that money from the [late] Queen's Receivers.
Send the Customs Farmers a copy of Mr. Pett's letter who complains of some interruption from their officers.
Lord Ashley to be spoken to about the arrears of Cheshire.
The officers of the Works called in. Ordered that the sergeant bring Mr. Mellish to my Lords to-morrow.
Write Mr. Lawrence for an account forthwith how the matter stands as to the extent against Mr. Prichard for the 500l. due from him.
The Surveyor of the Works to send an estimate of the charge of burning brick for walling in Hyde Park. The King to be moved in it. Write Sir William Poultney and the officers of the Works to attend my Lords on Monday about the 100,000 bricks which said Poultney is to furnish to the officers of the Works.
Warrant for Mrs. Quarterman.
Warrant for Sir Stephen Fox's interest: as desired.
Mr. Eustace Seymour called in. The letters about him to be stopped till he's heard. Ordered to attend next Monday.
[Minute Book III. pp. 283–5.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Mr. De Champ: warrant for a year—44l. [out of or ? also for] 132l. arrears due at Xmas, 1667. Whereof 44l. to be on the Hearth money.
Sir G. Downing to go to Alderman Backwell to-morrow.
[Earl of] Craven.
Peer Williams.
Earl of Middlesex: warrant for creation money.
Mr. Smith's warrant for salary.
Sir Roger Bradshaw at Widow Cutts over against "Three Cranes" in Chancery Lane. Mr. Dixon to know when Irish Lord died. Also Mr. Felon against the "Castle," upper end of Ch[ancery] Lane.
Sir William Boreman, about his brother's warrant.
Mrs. Golding: warrant.
The King's warrant for Ridley and Holman sent to Mr. Snell by Mr. Edow's man.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. pp. 73–4.]
March 24.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Write Sir R. Long to certify what moneys of the Additional Aid and the Eleven Month's tax are yet unpaid. For Long's convenience enclose him his last certificate of the said arrears. Write Sir W. Doily for a certificate in whose hands the said arrears remain, and for his guidance to apply to Mr. Burgesse for Sir R. Long's certificate of them as above.
Write the Barons of the Exchequer that my Lords expected their company this morning about the receivers of the Hearth money, and desire them not to fail to-morrow, the despatch of this business being of great concernment to the King's service.
Lord Arlington's 200l. is to be placed on the 10,000l. loan of Alderman Backwell.
Write Sir R. Long for a certificate or list of all tallies that were struck on the late Farmers of the Customs, and then the auditors are to certify which of them [have been] brought in to them.
Consideration to be had of my Lord's appointing a Treasurer for the Excise, and that Alderman Bucknell, et al., be called on for their rent of their country farms. Sir Ste. Fox to certify if the rent of the Excise be well paid.
The warrants for the Trustees and Administrators to the late Queen are to be corrected according to the certificate from Sir Robert Long and Sir Henry Wood, viz. 200l. to each trustee and administrator except the Earl of St. Albans, who is to have— and the other officers [to have] as on the certificate. Charnock to have care of this.
Mr. Kirk's warrant is to be made ready according to the draft brought in by Mr. Lawrence.
Write the Attorney General, and despatch the report about Mr. Martin, of Plymouth, as desired by Mr. Progers.
[Minute Book III. pp. 285–6.]
March 25.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Warrant for what is due of the Earl of St. Albans' creation money.
Major Andros to go back to Ostend to settle the fisher at work again [to fish] for the remain of the tin.
Warrant on Lord St. John's privy seal for Lindhurst.
Sir G. Downing to mind my Lords when any fobbs of money [are] to be had to pay Mr. Offley's warrant charged on the late Farmers of the Customs. Floyd to remind Downing.
Sir G. Downing to consider where to place Mr. Elliot for his late warrants.
Write Sir Thomas Player as desired by Sir Francis Cobb to depute such persons as he shall nominate to collect the arrears of the first Aids (First Poll) if he think them fit and that they give him sufficient security. Abbot to speak with Sir Francis Cobb and draw the letter.
The Chimney Farmers to attend on Monday about the extent going out against them.
The Lord Chief Baron, having twice excused himself from meeting my Lords about appointing Receivers of the Hearth money, write him and the Barons of the Exchequer (Baron Turner and Baron Littleton) to attend on Monday without fail: and the instructions for the Chimney collectors to be then considered.
A warrant for [the amount of] Sir Philip Warwick's and Mrs. Tindall's debts, as reported this day by the Treasurer of the Household.
Warrant to suspend Mr. Brewster, and to put in the other person as reported from the King to-day by the Treasurer of the Household.
The Treasurer of the Household reports from His Majesty that by all means care be taken to wall in Hyde Park. Also that His Majesty will consider what he will have further allowed to his Privy Purse.
[Ibid. III. pp. 286–7.]
[Downing's memoranda.]
Query: about E [arl of] Holland's warrant not yet paid at the Customs.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 74.]
Sir William Temple's letter: done.
Mr. Pearce: done.
Mr. Hart: done.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 95.]
March 29.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncomb.
The draft of Mr. Brewster's suspension to be shewn to the Solicitor General.
Sir G. Downing to send to Mr. Browne for a copy of the Wine Bill.
Petition of Mr. Reynolds read. The business to be done as desired.
Sir Courtney Poole called in on behalf of Mr. Martin, of Plymouth. Write the Attorney General not to proceed in the report of that business, my Lords being resolved to hear the business themselves: and that Mr. Progers attend my Lords if he will say anything on this matter.
Mr. Sherwin called in and a draft of a privy seal for Sir Thomas Bond's accounts is read. [Ordered] that the 1,500l. be left out of the privy seal and the debt made . . . . . . .
Publication to be made in the Gazette that the Receivers of the revenue in jointure to the late Queen Mother have neglected to bring in their accounts for the year ended at Michaelmas last and are keeping the money in their hands and that if they do not forthwith bring in their accompts and pay the said money to Sir Henry Wood process will issue against them.
Warrant for Peter Prideaux to be a Commissioner for Appeals [in Excise] in the place of Mr. Scowen, lately deceased, and the first payment [of salary to him] to be at Lady Day last. Give the Farmers of the Excise notice that it is His Majesty's intention that Mr. Prideaux is to have that quarter.
The late Customs Farmers called in with Auditor Beale about their accounts, and present a paper of demands, which is referred to Auditor Beale.
The warrant for the Trustees and Administrators of the late Queen's estate is to be prepared and sent up for the King's hand.
The bill for Mr.— is to be viewed and his docquet signed.
The Earl of St. Albans' accounts are to be considered the first Wednesday after Easter week.
Warrant on the Customs for Sir John Finch's extraordinaries for mournings.
Mr. Mead to send an impost bill for Lady Cornwallis. She has not paid her New Year's gift.
Sir G. Downing to see where money may be had for half a year for Sir Herbert Price.
Mr. Sherwin to bring the Chimney instructions to-morrow.
Charnock to examine what is the knight keeper of the otter hounds that stands in the establishment of the Treasury of the Chamber.
Sir Philip Warwick's and Mrs. Tindall's money is to be placed on the Chimneys.
Alderman Backwell's 1,595l. old Custom tallies is to be placed on the Wine Act after the 10,000l. which he has [lately] lent.
The letter from the Commissioners of Aids of Suffolk is to be sent to Sir W. Doyly.
Mr. Tabret called in on the Customs Farmers' complaint. Mr. Vaux says that the four bags of wool were his but that he knew nothing of the goods in them and these wool packs were lodged in Vaux's wool barn which Tabret had hired. Tabret confesses he put the goods into the wool packs but that he knows not whose goods they are nor who delivered them to him. Warrant for his arrest. The case to be reported in Council. Also the Customs Farmers complain of several violences and threats to their officers. [Ordered] that they attend to-morrow week.
Mr. Barnard Howard is to have the first searcher's place that falls vacant.
Mr. Prettyman and Mr. Scarlet are to be heard to-morrow.
Ordered that the business of the Excise complaint in Chester be referred to other persons in Chester to examine.
Edward Lord Dudley called in and his petition read. Warrant for 25l. to him in part of the 100l. on Lady Levingston's privy seal.
Mr. Booth called in. Ordered that the letters formerly ordered to the city and the county of Chester be prepared and sent to Lord Ashley. Warrant to stop process against Booth till further order.
Process to be stopped against Mr. Beane till next [term].
The statute in Mr. Vermuden's letter is to be produced or cause to be shewn.
Thomas Howard's petition read. Referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Sir Geo. Chudleigh's petition read. Referred to Mr. Lawrence what is fit to be done.
Lord Freschville's petition read. [Ordered] that the present term be made up [to] 31 years.
Alice Argal's petition read. Referred to Sir W. Doyly.
Report read about Mr. Norcot. Warrant ordered accordingly.
Petition of divers late sub-farmers of Hearth money read. To be heard the Wednesday in Easter week.
The Earl of Bristol's 500l. is to be [placed] on Alderman Backwell's 10,000l. Abbot to take care.
Warrant for the Earl of Suffolk for his 20,000l. on the Chimneys.
Mr. Web called in. Ordered that the Chimney Farmers be heard the first Wednesday after Easter week.
[Minute Book III. pp. 287–9.]
March 30.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncomb.
The King to be moved that the business of Mr. Martin, of Plymouth, be referred to the Treasury.
The 1,000l. order for Lady Fisher is to be sent hither to the Treasury.
Send to Mr. Sherwin and Mr. Webb the list of names of such persons as my Lords have designed to be Collectors of Hearth money in the respective counties, for them to certify to what value security will be necessary for each such Receiver.
Lord St. John called in and the sergeant brings in Mr. Swineborne: [who] says he is not able to pay the money which is above 3,000l. Lord St. John says he'll pay in 1,000l. of the money.
Write Auditor Philips for an account of the value of the manor of Somersham that so the Treasurer of the Household may know it.
Mr. Welsted called in, and his petition is read, Sir W. Doyly being present. Doyly says there is nothing due to him as Solicitor. Ordered that 30l. be paid Welsted in full [of all claims].
Warrant for a year for Mrs. Wells if due.
Lord Buckhurst called in. Warrant for 1,000l. on the first month of the 3,000l. per month of the Customs that will bear it.
Captain Isles's petition considered. [Resolved] that it cannot be paid here but at Barbados where the debt was contracted.
Mr. Sherwin and Mr. Webb are to carry the Chimney money Collectors' instructions to the King's Counsel to consider and report their opinion in writing thereupon whether they be according to law and [then] that they despatch them. And that an instruction be added for the further encouragement of such as shall raise the revenue of their receipt above such a value.
Warrant for such a sum for Healing medals as in the last warrant [viz.] 200l. Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 75 adds they will not have it.
The Cofferer of the Household and Sir Ste Fox are called in and told that they shall have no orders on the Excise to reach [or be dated] after Midsummer come twelvemonth but that my Lords will give them ready money. Sir Ste. Fox to state how far the Excise is now charged and to bring the statement to-morrow.
Mr. Scarlet and Mr. Prettyman called in. Scarlet's Counsel is heard about his warrant for the place of Receiver of First Fruits. My Lords tell him the warrant is against an order of Council by which those places are not to be disposed without first the Treasury being acquainted with it. So Mr. Scarlet's Counsel say Mr. Prettiman hath no right to the office. Mr. Pemberton, Counsel for Mr. Prettiman, says that upon Sir John Prettiman's suspension a warrant was granted by the King to Sir Thomas Cooke, but that Sir John Prettiman never surrendered nor as they know is outed on his forfeiture: that before the Lord Treasurer [Southampton] and Lord Ashley it was ordered that if Mr. Prettiman would pay 1,500l. of the debt he as Remembrancer [of First Fruits] should also be Receiver and that by law the place of Remembrancer and Receiver of First Fruits are in one person and that the King can't be wronged on the account, and the Bishops make return into the Exchequer of all the instructions [to their sub-collectors] and so the King cannot be wronged. Also Mr. Prettyman says he has Lord Treasurer Southampton's warrant to execute this place of Receiver during Sir John Prettiman's suspension and that he did really pay the 1,500l. of his own money and not the King's and that Sir John Prettiman's debt was thereby so much lessened as may appear by accounts already made. Ordered that this business be referred to Auditor Beale to examine. Also as to the inconvenience of having these two places [combined] in one [person]. Mr. Scarlet's Counsel say that there may be collusion when they are in one. Ordered that this point be considered when a return is made from Auditor Beale. The Barons of the Exchequer, Sir R. Long and Sir C. Harbord to be then present.
Consideration to be had after Easter about the 9,000l. directed from [? for] the Treasury of the Chamber last summer.
Petition read from Cadwallader Jones. Ordered that he make a proposition of what money he will advance.
Petition read from Sir John Bridges' officers. To be borne in mind when the covenants for letting [to farm] the 4½ per cent. duty on the sugars [in Barbados &c.] are brought in. The report about the price of the sugars is read and approved.
Mr. Cooper, late Receiver of Assessments in co. Notts., called in, and his petition read. His proposals for satisfying the money due from him to the King are approved. Sir G. Downing to deliver the propositions signed. Sir W. Doyly to return the names of the Collectors that have money in their hands of the aids in Nottinghamshire. Write the Warden of the Fleet to give Mr. Cooper liberty on bail till Michaelmas.
Petition read from Mr. Gorsuch. To be considered after Easter.
Sir John Bowles called in about the business of Mr. Eustace Seymour. [Ordered] that if there be only 232l. 5s. 6d., Sir John Bowles undertake to pay it in six months: otherwise, the business to be returned back to the Commissioners [for assessments for that division of the County of Lincoln]. The business referred to Sir W. Doyly.
The second list of the customs tallies to be sent to the Custom House. Charnock to make it ready.
Report to be made in Sir Maurice Eustace's business according to his petition and the certificates.
[Minute Book III. pp. 289–92.]
March 31.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncomb.
Sir Jeffery Shakerly and Mr. Brock, Farmer of Excise of Chester, called in about the complaint of the Excise. The petition to be carried up to Council.
Warrant for Sir Ste. Fox for 500l. on his privy seal for Secret Service. To be paid out of Alderman Backwell's 10,000l. loan.
The warrant for suspending Mr. Brewster is returned from the Solicitor General who says its legal.
Mr. Progers called in with the report about Mr. Martinc. To be considered on Monday week what time to appoint to hear that business.
The Earl of Sandwich called in. Ordered that Sir G. Downing mind my Lords of his Lordship's interest money which is about 800l.
Warrant for Mr. Stanny.
Mr. Chiffinch brings in a draft of a privy seal in his name. Sir G. Downing to speak with Lord Ashley about it.
Warrant on the Customs for what is due to the Commissioners of the privy seal.
Sir Stephen Fox and the Cofferer of the Household called in with Auditor Aldworth about their interest accounts. Ordered that they have no more warrants on the Excise but for future to be assigned on the Wine Act. Abbot to take care of this. As to the Cofferer's interest account my Lords take exception to his being allowed interest for what's on the orders for the Chimney money: but yet for this time do pass it, and the account is declared.
Sir Robert Townsend, Mr. Kirke and Mr. Gape called in about Mr. Gape's assignment on the Exchequer. Mr. Gape consents to quit his claim to the money which Mr. Kirke is now to receive, and [instead thereof] to accept payment on the next money which Mr. Kirke is to receive thence. Mr. Kirke and Sir Robt. Townsend agree thereto and promise him a new letter of attorney accordingly.
Sir Ste. Fox's interest account is considered, approved and declared.
Mr. Pepys called in: complains that there's above 20,000l. unsupplied him by Alderman Backwell [for Tangier]. Alderman Backwell called in, says he'll make up his 10,000l. loan into 14,000l. loan on the Wine Act. The Treasury of the Chamber [is ordered to have] 2,000l. for wages. Mr. Elliot to have 200l. in part of the loan, and Mr. Offley to have 500l.
At Sir Francis Cobb's desire write the persons who are to be deputed to collect the Old Poll to give an account to the Treasury from time to time what money they collect and pay in to Sir Thomas Player.
Order for half a year for Sir Herbert Price and Mrs. Wells: on Backwell's loan money.
Sir G. Downing to attend the Treasurer of the Household with all petitions and the Wine Act and the papers about Barbados.
Mr. Mesmin's docquet to pass. Charnock to get it and to bring it subscribed to Sir G. Downing.
Petition read from John Dawborne. Referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Same from Robt. Bird. The King to be moved in it.
Same from Mathew Appleyard. Warrant accordingly as desired for executing the place by a deputy.
Same from John Sayre. Warrant for a year.
[Minute Book III. pp. 292–4.]