Entry Book: March 1669

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Entry Book: March 1669', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp193-205 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: March 1669', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp193-205.

"Entry Book: March 1669". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp193-205.


March 1669

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
March 1 Treasury order for 20l [? 40l.] to Edw. Fauconberge Order Book XXXVI. p. 62.
Same for 20l. to John Lowe Ibid.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords concerning the custom upon Scotch cattle brought into England: present the answer [missing] of the Customs Farmers, and the reply of Robert Graham, merchant and drover. Out Letters Customs I. p. 148.
Warrant for a privy seal for 15,000l. to Sir George Carteret, formerly paid by him to the Earl of Anglesey for Ireland. Warrants Early XV. p. 245.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Warder and Mr. Onby for an account of what has been paid on the 100,000l. order due to the City, and what remains [unpaid] on the said City debt. Out Letters General I. p. 406.
Same to the Lord Chamberlain of the Household and the Earl of Bridgewater to attend on Wednesday about the alum farm and the alnage. Ibid, p. 407.
The Treasury Lords to the Council of Trade desiring their opinion on the question of the advisability of drowning the King's pre-emption of tin by a composition to be made with the tinners, and to be paid at the Coinage Hall, if such composition could be agreed on: viz. whether such arrangement would be of most advantage to the trade of this kingdom. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 98.
Memorandum. Warrant for a year to Mr. Davies Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 24.
Memorandum. Secretary Trevor's warrant to be prepared for the King's hand. Ibid, DCXXV. p. 27.
March 2 Treasury warrant to the Lord Keeper to allow 100l. to Edward Seymour for his employment of collecting the profits of the Sixpenny Writs during the sequestration thereof. viz. 1667, Oct. 11, to 1668, Sept. 27: the Earl of Newburgh, Farmer of said office, having allowed the said Seymour 100l. a year for his pains in that service. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 96.
March 3 Treasury orders for 41,560l. 4s. 5d. to Sir Robert Viner for plate and jewels sold to His Majesty. Order Book XXXVI. p. 39.
Same on the Royal Aid for 78l. 9s. 0d. to the Navy Treasurers Ibid, p. 70.
March 3 Warrant for a privy seal for 8,000l. to Secretary Trevor out of the customs of Oct. and Nov., 1670. Warrants Early XV. p. 245.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Tho. Elliott about a privy seal for settling his business about the King's house at Newmarket. Out Letters General I. p. 409.
Same to Sir C. Harbord to attend to-morrow concerning the business of Mrs. Jacobson's house. Ibid, p. 411.
Same to Mr. Nash, Mr. Sudlow and Mr. Westfeild, brewers of Wilts, to attend the Treasury this day three weeks about the business between them and the Farmers of the Excise of that county. Ibid, p. 412.
Money warrant for 40l. to Francis North on his fee as a King's Counsel. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 129.
Same (crossed through) for 2,000l. to Col. William Legg in further part of 25,000l. established for the Ordnance for the year ending January, 1669–70. Ibid, p. 130.
Warrant under the royal sign manual for 174l. to Edward Progers, Keeper of the King s Middle Park of Hampton Court, for hay for the deer and for taxes. Ibid, XV. p. 280.
Same for 100l. to John Du Moulin for building the vessel lately undertaken by him and Capt. Hemskirke, the same being for his present relief until the experiment of the said ship shall be made. (Treasury orders hereon dated March 18.) Ibid, p. 250; Order Book XXXVI. pp. 39, 65.
Treasury warrant to Humfry Morice, Auditor of Crown revenues for co. Lincoln, &c., to discharge the 12 per cent. interest charge set upon Mr. Broxholme, late Receiver of Poll money for co. Lincoln, in regard to an item of 500l. paid into the Exchequer by him after the 1st July, the date limited by the Act of Parliament for the 12 per cent.: he having only received the said 500l. after the said July 1, and having paid same in by Aug. 1. Warrants Early XXXIV. p. 154.
William Wardour to Sir G. Downing. I have according to your order examined the order for 100,000l. due to the city and I find that there has been paid on the same the sum of 54,278l. 2s. 2d., and there remains [unpaid] 45,721l. 17s. 10d. But what is registered for satisfying the said remaining sum doth not appear to me. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 124.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe to remit and discharge the super of 660l. 16s. 0d. remaining on the account of John Peryn, late Receiver of Hearth money for co. Huntingdon, due from vacant and indigent houses which should have been certified and returned within the space of two years: it appearing by the affidavit of Thomas Terry, deputy to said Peryn, that before the commission came to his hands for collecting the arrears of Hearth money due in the time of the [collectorship of the] sheriff the whole time limited by the Act of Parliament for the collecting all such arrears was elapsed except 20 days or near thereabouts. Ibid, p. 120.
Memorandum. The list of the Lent preachers is to be got Minute Book DCXXV. p. 27.
March 4 Treasury orders on the London Excise for 125l. each for half a year on their allowance to Edward Wyngate, Francis Finch. Sir Denny Ashburnham, and Sir George Benyon, and 100l. to John Ball. Order Book XXXVI. p. 60.
March 4 Warrant [for a privy seal] for the salaries of the Welsh Judges Warrants Early XV. p. 245.
Royal sign manual to the Attorney or Solicitor General for preparation of a grant to Thomas, Lord Richardson, Baron of Cramond, and Fabian Phelipps, of the office of Receiver and Collector of all reliefs due to the Crown by reason of any honors, castles, lordships, manors, lands, &c., holden of the Crown in socage before the dissolution of the Court of Wards and Liveries, and the conversion of tenures in capite or by knight service into free and common socage, and of all reliefs due to the Crown by fee farm rents or Tenths reserved by reason of the said conversion of tenures or by reason of any grant or reservation made or to be made by the Crown: and of all reliefs due by reason of the death of any peer of England: and of all reliefs due to the Crown by reason of any tenures by Grand or Petit Sergeanties or reservation thereupon: and to be likewise collectors of all heriots due and of all the rents and profits of escheats, called old escheats, with the arrears thereof: all for 21 years, and with power to prosecute for same: except such heriots and reliefs due to the Crown as shall be charged and estreated by the stewards to His Majesty's bailiffs or collectors in any of the manors in His Majesty's own actual possession not being due and payable by reason of any Tenths or fee farm rents growing due by the tenures of any manors, lands, &c., not now in the actual possession of His Majesty. Ibid pp. 209–10.
Treasury warrant to Simon Smith, Receiver, and Anthony Parsons, Auditor of Crown revenues for co. Southampton, &c., to continue payment of the 264l. 12s. 6d. per an. to Capt. Edward Strange, Capt. of Hurst Castle, for pay to himself and officers and soldiers there. Ibid, XXII. p. 104.
Same to the Receiver and Auditor of Crown revenues for co. Dorset, &o., to continue payment of the 149l. 0s. 10d. to Humfry Weld, Governor of Portland Castle, for his own and his soldiers' wages. Ibid.
Money warrant for Thomas White's interest money on his 4,000l. order. Warrants Early XX. p. 157.
March 5 Warrant for a privy seal for 40,000l. for saltpetre: to be charged on Hearth money. Ibid, XV. p. 208.
Same for same for 6.000l. to Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, for re-building the Custom House, lately demolished by the great dreadful fire in London. (Privy seal hereon, dated Mar. 25.) Ibid, pp. 208, 266.
Sir G. Downing to Thomas Williams, one of the Justices of the Peace in Sarum, to attend the Treasury at the hearing of the difference between the brewers of Sarum and the Farmers of the Excise of Wilts. Out Letters General I. p. 413.
Treasury warrant to the Warden of the fleet or his deputy to release John Kilby on bail for a month to go to the assizes now approaching at Aylesbury to get in money due to him from several persons. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 97.
The Treasury Lords to Sir R. Long to pay the 200l. warranted to John Woolley, out of the 700l. to be lent into the Exchequer by Mr. Meynell: and to reserve the remaining 500l. thereof for the Works. Ibid.
March 5 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against William Broxholm, late Receiver of Hearth money for Hull, and of the Royal Aid and Poll for co. Lincoln: he being by urgent occasions prevented from personal attendance in London for the perfecting his several accounts. Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 121.
Same to Sir John Denham, Surveyor of the Works, et al., concerning the building of the Custom House, the Crown having agreed with Sir Anthony Cope, the fee farmer of the ground whereon part of the old Custom House stood for such ground as is necessary for the said new Custom House, Cope having accepted in lieu of all such land so built or to be built upon, so much only as shall remain fronting Thomas Street on the north side of the King's buildings now intended to be erected: the said building process to be directed by said Denham, Hugh May, Comptroller of the Works, Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works. Edward Marshall, the King's Master Mason, Richard Ryder, the King's Master Carpenter, Daniel Calwall and William Dickenson, "and inasmuch as the estimate of 6,000l. may be enhanced and outrun if it should be left at liberty for every officer to have what cost and conveniences he thinks fit to be done, therefore we do order that no waynscot or other joyners' work be made or used but in the two public offices called the Great Custom House and the Searcher's office and there not above 10 foot high and that the benches and tables round the Great Custom House do not exceed the dimensions of five foot breadth for the tables and a foot and a half for the benches, and be only covered with cloth in the same manner as in the old Custom House, and that there be no manner of workmanship or cost either there or in any other office bestowed except in plain tables and benches and those covered with cloth where the like were so in the old Custom House before the [Great] Fire, without any drawers, desks, boxes, presses, shelves, perticions, backs or inclosures of seats or any hangings or linings of walls or other furniture of rooms except at the proper cost and charge of the person for whose conveniency it's done: and that the seats and offices be as equally divided to the officers and persons concerned in the management of the Customs as they possibly can be, allowing the same proportion to each as they had in the old Custom House and not more; and if there be any overplus of room that it be not disposed of without the consent of the" Treasury Lords. Ibid, pp. 121–4; Out Letters Customs I. pp. 149–51.
Money warrant for 174l. to Edward Progers for hay for deer, &c., in the King's Middle Park of Hampton Court. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 153.
Treasury order for 500l. for the Earl of Carlisle for extraordinaries of his voyage to Sweden as Ambassador Extraordinary thither: and for 500l. to Sir John Finch on his ordinary as Resident at Florence. Order Book XXXVI. p. 40.
March 6 The Treasury Lords to Mr. Wadlow, et al., requesting them to advance to the Treasurers of the Navv 15.000l. on such orders as they have in their hands on the Wine Act. Warrants Early XL. p. 28.
Privy seal for 8,000l. to Sir John Trevor without account to come out the Customs of Oct. and Nov., 1670: the said sum having been warranted to him by the privy seal of 14 Oct., 1668, but he being willing to defer payment till the above date. Ibid, XV. pp. 247–8.
March 6 Privy seal for 2,250l. to the Duke of York for his children for nine months to Xmas last: and dormant warrant for the 3,000l. per an., for said children, to be paid in future out of the savings by the reductions in the Excise Office (Money warrant hereon dated March 18.) Warrants Early XV. pp. 248–9; XVIII. p. 28.
March 10 Sir G. Downing to Auditor Beale to state Sir Dennis Gauden's interest account, and to report the moneys due to him on any Treasury warrants. Out Letters General II. p. 16.
March 13 Warrant under the royal sign manual for 188l. to Thomas Lee for a small close of ground containing three aores, lying at the west end of the ground called the Sandpit Field (which Sandpit Field, together with the six acre close at the east end thereof, have been surrendered to the Crown by Sir William Poultney for the purpose of enlarging St. James's Park) and another close thereto adjoining, containing 4½ acres (worth about 10l. per an., and claimed to belong to the daughter and heir of Alexander Davies. deceased, being an infant of seven years under the custody of her mother, now the wife of John Tregunnell, and in lease to Richard Smith at the yearly rent of 6l. 13s. 4d. by grant from Hugh Audley, deceased. the late owner thereof), and similarly for 10l. to said Richard Smith for purchase of his said lease, and 5l. to Ralph Greatorex for surveying the said plots and other lands, houses, gardens, wayes, and watercourses near adjoining. and altering some of the said ways for the enlarging of said park: and also for the passing of some fee farm rent to the said infant heir in recompense. Warrants Early XV. pp. 257–9.
March 15 Sir G. Downing to Sir Edm. Sawyer for an exact account of the yearly value of the revenue belonging to Windsor Honor and Castle. Out Letters General I. p. 415.
Same to the Attorney and Solicitor General forwarding a paper for their opinion thereon. Ibid. p. 416.
Treasury order for 500l. to Mr. Packer, Paymaster of Works, to be paid out of the 700l. to be lent by Mr. Meynell. Order Book XXXVI. p. 62.
Treasury warrant for the observance of a royal warrant of the 12th inst. to permit Lord Arundell of Wardour to export 16 horses Custom free to France. Out Letters Customs I. p. 152.
Money warrant for 250l. to Peter du Moulin as royal bounty by the privy seal of Feb. 27 last. (Order hereon. March 16.) Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 130–1; Order Book XXXVI. p. 39.
Treasury warrant to Viscount Fanshaw to deliver to John Perryn his bonds as late Receiver of Hearth money for co. Huntingdon: he having perfected his accounts for same. Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 123.
Memorandum. Order of Council to be got for paying 10 per cent. interest. Minute Book DCXXV. p. 27.
March 16 Treasury orders for 366l. 16s. 9d. to Sir Edw. Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, and 2,000l. to William Legg for the Ordnance. Order Book XXXVI. p. 39.
Sir G. Downing to Sir W. Doyly for a certificate how Mr. Sanderson's account stands, as well for the Poll bill as for the Aids of co. Westmorland. Out Letters General I. p. 418.
Same to Sir W. Doily for the like of Sir W. Moyle's account as Receiver of part of the Royal Aids for co. Cornwall. Ibid, p. 419.
March 16 Privy seal for 9l. to Sir Dennis Gauden for certain provisions. detailed, furnished extra or at different prices for the garrison of Dunkirk: Gauden's account hereof having been referred for consideration by order of the Privy Council, dated 1664, Mar. 25. Warrants Early XV. pp. 280–2.
Same for 28,000l. for Sir Dennis Gauden, Victualler of the Navy. Ibid, p. 263.
Same for the payments of the 462l. 10s. 0d. quarterly to each of the Secretaries of State to be on the farm of unwrought wood. Ibid, pp. 260–1
Same, dormant, for the augmentation of 100l. per an. each and salary of 50l. per an. each to the Welsh judges out of Crown revenues in Wales. Ibid, pp. 251–2.
Treasury warrant to Robert Napier, Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall, Eustace Bridgell, deputy steward of the honour of Bradninch. and John Ward, gent., to sell the goods of Thomas Chudleigh, deceased, seized in his house in the Castle Close of Exeter in satisfaction of an arrear of rent due to the King from Chudleigh on the lease of said house and in further satisfaction of 714l. 15s. 3d. due from him on his account as Receiver of Benevolence money [for co. Devon]. Ibid XXXVII. p. 203
Money warrant for 550l. to Sir Charles Doe for two large diamond rings sold to the King in Nov., 1663. Ibid, XX. p. 157.
March 17 A list of the impost bills [permitting the free importation of wines to individuals specified and to amounts specified] for the year ended Xmas last. Out Letters Customs I. pp. 153–8.
Treasury orders for, in all, 8,000l. to Sir John Trevor Order Book XXXVI. p. 39.
Same for 130l. 15s. 8d. for two foot companies in Dover Castle. Ibid, p. 62.
Same on the London Excise for 750l. to the Duke of York's children. Ibid p. 60.
Money warrant for 101l. 9s. 10d. to Elizabeth Leonard, relict of William Leonard, late Governor of Tilbury Fort and Gravesend blockhouse, being due for 484 days to 1664–5, Jan. 22, on his fees of 2s. a day and 4d. a day and 20l. a year. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 133.
Same for 152l. 5s. 0d. to Anthony Cogan to be paid to John Tregonnell for the rent of the Mulberry garden and Mulberry Garden Fields for 1½ years to Xmas last. Ibid.
Same for 500l. to Philip Packer for the Works: out of the 700l. lately lent into the Exohequer by Isaac Meynell. Ibid, p. 131
Same for the fee of 70l. per an. to Sir Heneage Finch, Solicitor General: out of Crown land revenue. Ibid, XXXVII. p. 204. and XXII. p. 105.
Treasury warrant to Anthony Parsons. Auditor of Crown revenues for co. Southampton, for particulars of all the accounts of the woodward of New Forest from 1660, to be delivered to Lord St. John of Basing, now Lord Warden of said forest: in order to give his lordship an inspection into the accompts, so as to prevent abuses in the embezzling His Majesty's timber felled there for the use of the Navy. Ibid, XXXVII. p. 204
March 17 Warrant for changing an order for 500l. to John Hebdon for the expenses of two voyages he made, one to present the King's letter to the Emperor of Russia in 1661, the other to receive the Extraordinary Ambassador from said Emperor to the King at the Sound in 1662. Warrants Early XX. p. 158.
March 18 Treasury warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for preparation of a grant to Sir John Shaw and Robert Townson of the office of Collector of Customs of London port, as granted 1639–40 to Sir Abraham Dawes, Sir Thomas Dawes, and John Dawes, the said Sir John Shaw having purchased the surviving interest of John Dawes and Lord Cornwallis in said grant. Out Letters Customs I. p. 159.
Sir G. Downing to Mr Blakeston, Mr. Davison, Mr. Lambton, Mr. Carre and Mr Neile to meet and inquire as to what money is remaining in the hand of Mr Tymothy Whittingham of the money collected for the relief of the poor of Piedmont, and to make a report thereof to my Lords, who are inclined to dispose of what shall be so found in Mr. Whittingham's hands to Col. Henry Eubanke, who has undertaken to make discovery thereof, His Majesty having graciously referred this business to my Lords, thereby in some measure to recompense Col Eubanke's services. Out Letters General I. p. 421.
Money warrant for 40l. to John Clerke, D.C.L. and Reader of Civil law in Cambridge, on his fee of 40l. per an. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 134.
March 19 Sir G. Downing to Sir John Bennett. The business of your account of the Cavalier money is deferred to the 26th inst. Out Letters General I. p. 422.
Same to Sir R. Long for a certificate to what time Lord Arlington and Sir William Morice were paid their quarterly 462l. 10s. 0d. charged on the duty on unwrought wood: also as to whether any money hasbeen paid to Secretary Trevor upon the wood farm. Ibid.
Memorandum. The Hearth money Farmers order of Council is to be got [for] this afternoon. Minute Book DCXXV. p. 29.
[sic for 1668–9]
Mar. 21.
Treasury warrant to Sir Robert Paston, Farmer of the duty on unwrought wood. to pay 562l. 10s. 0d. quarterly to Lord Arlington and Sir John Trevor, Principal Secretaries of State. Warrants Early XXII. p. 157.
March 22 Sir G. Downing to George Goodman, to inform the Treasury what wood he sold in Whittlewood Forest, and by what warrant and what became of the money. Out Letters General I. p. 424.
Same to Mr. Pepys to inform the Treasury how it comes to pass that 1,250l. is set down in Sir Denys Gauden's account for provision for sick and wounded on board His Majesty's fleet when the Duke of York was there in person, whereas care was taken of them by the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded. Ibid.
Same to Lord Henry Howard concerning the present which he is to carry to Tafilet. Ibid.
Same to Sir Allen Apsley: have prepared your warrant and put it in the bundle to be signed among the first but my Lords at present are signing no warrants on the Exchequer [in general] because they would have the debt on it somewhat paid off. Ibid, p. 425.
Same to the Farmers of the Irish revenue to attend to-morrow with their answer to my Lords' queries concerning their accounts of payments, &c. Ibid.
March 22 Sir G. Downing to Sir W. Doily for the account of Mr. Sands, Receiver for Cumberland and Westmorland. Out Letters General I. p. 425.
Treasury warrant to John Moorehouse, Purveyor of the Navy, and to the Surveyor General of Woods, Trent South, to fell 1,000 trees in the forest of Whittlewood for the service of the Navy, returning inventories of said timber to the Surveyor General and to the principal officers of the Navy: and to advise concerning the preservation of the remaining timber in said forest: same being in part execution of the royal warrant of Jan. 23 last for felling 2,000 trees in Whittlewood and Alice Holt Forests: and the Earl of Oxford. Justice in Eyre, having certified that so much timber has been felled in Alice Holt Forest, that to take any considerable quantity from it would prove a total destruction to said forest. Warrants Early XXXVII. pp. 206–7.
March 23 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long for an account of what has been assigned on the Wine Act. Out Letters General I. p. 426.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Sir John Hinton for the 800l. due to him from the Exchequer and 700l. from the Treasurer of the Chamber, he being reduced to great extremity. Can give no warrant for payments without a great seal or a privy seal. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 98.
[Before March 24] Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown lands for a constat of lands in Sigglesthorne and Knottingley, co. Yorks, and of tithes in Bestwall, co. Dorset, as petitioned for by Sir Edmond Wyndham. Ibid, XXXVII. p. 214.
March 24 Sir G. Downing to Sir Edm. Sawyer to bring on Friday the account of Dudley Reuse, Receiver of the Honor and Castle of Windsor. Out Letters General I. p. 426.
Same to Alderman Backwell to attend on Friday about Lady Fanshawe's plate. Ibid, p. 427.
Same to Mr. Warder for a more particular account of the moneys paid in of the Additional Aid and the Eleven Months' tax for each county and place: the account received to-day mentioning only in gross how much has been paid in of those taxes. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Booth. You may tarry in the country a month for getting in the money. You must then come up and pass your account. Ibid, p. 428.
Same to the Lord Privy Seal and the other Lords of Ireland, detailed, to attend on Friday about the Irish [revenue] farm. Ibid.
Warrant under the royal sign manual for 200l. to Lord Willoughby, Governor of the Barbados, for the use of Major Needham and the rest of those poor persons suffering at Surinam; for the relief of their necessitous condition. (Money warrant hereon, dated Mar. 30; order hereon, dated April 1.) Warrants Early XV. p. 257; XVIII. p. 135; Order Book XXXVI. p. 40.
Memorandum. Warrant for Mr. Needham on the King's warrant. Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 26.
Memorandum. Warrant for over interest Ibid.
Memorandum. Warrant for Mr. Seykes Ibid.
March 24 Memorandum. Warrant for the Earl of Bath Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 27.
Memorandum. Warrant for Col. Birch for Xmas, and to be put into the succeeding bills for salary. Ibid.
Memorandum. See what remains uncharged on June, 1669: for Lord Howard to have it. Ibid. DCXXV. p. 30.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Sir Charles Wyndham, as the nominee of Sir Edmond Wyndham, of various lands in Sigglesthorne and Knottingley, co. Yorks, and tithes in Bestwall, part of the monastry of Sheen in Dorset. Warrants Early XXXVII. pp. 208–9, 212.
Prefixing:—Particulars of the premises and two separate reports on Wyndham's petition by way of ratal of said particulars by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands: and entry of demise.
[?] Entry of demise by lease under the Exchequer seal to John Payne of certain messuages in Thornton and Stanton subter Bardon, co. Leicester, part of the possessions of John Cane, outlaw. Ibid, p. 209
March 24 Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Sir Thomas Hanmer, bart., of certain salt springs by him lately discovered in the wastes of His Majesty's lordship of Bagillt and hundred of Coleshill, co. Flint, with power to open the soil and erect saltworks, houses, saltpans, furnaces, &c. Ibid. pp. 210–11.
Prefixing:—Said Hanmer's petition, report thereon by the Surveyor General of Crown lands, and entry of demise.
The Treasury Lords to the [King's Remembrancer] to stay process against Sir Walter Moyle, late Receiver of Aids for Cornwall: there being no money now remaining in his hands of the said receipt. Ibid. XXXIV. p. 155.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the case of His Majesty's leasehold and copyhold tenants within the Duchy of Cornwall. Have diligently considered the said tenants petition and are fully satisfied that by reason of the new increased rents therein mentioned the King's fines upon such estates as have or shall be so granted to them are and will be much lessened and the tenants impoverished by raising the rents: therefore advise an order that all such new raised rents reserved on tenements in possession or reversion may be purchased by the respective tenants in such way as the King shall think fit and that for the future no such rents be reserved. Advise that the moneys arising thereby may be applied to the payment of such warrants as are or shall be charged on the Exchequer [in general]. Ibid XXXVII. p. 215.
March 25
Fourteen Treasury orders on the Wine Act for in all 87,000l. to John Wadlow and John Sayers for the Vintners of London in repayment of loan on the Wine Act. Order Book XXXVI. p. 92–4.
Royal sign manual for 130l. 15s. 8d. to Richard Golder for the use of the two foot companies in Dover Castle under Sir Francis Vincent for a moiety of one month's pay. Warrants Early XV. p. 251.
March 26 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Warcup to attend at the Treasury next Wednesday, when his business with the brewers of Salisbury is to be heard. Out Letters General II. p. 1.
Same to Sir Hugh Cholmely, The Treasury Lords have reported to the King that your account may be declared. Ibid, p. 2.
March 26 Warrant for a privy seal for 26,197l. 13s. 8d. to Mr. Meynell for interest on the principal sum of 320, 187l. Warrants Early XV. p. 253.
Same for same for 497l. 17s. 4d. for Mr. Portman for interest, &c. on procuring 9,608l. 16s. 1d. [to be lent to the Government]. Ibid.
Same for 6.657l. 16s. 4d. to Alderman Backwell for interest on 128,889l. 18s. 3d. procured and advanced to the Government. Ibid.
Same for 12,456l. 10s. 9d. to Sir Robert Vynor for divers chains, medals, and other works of gold. &c. Ibid.
Money warrant for 30l. to Anthony Seager for nine months to Lady Day last as Keeper of the Treasury Chamber. Ibid, XVIII. p. 134.
[?] Same for 20l. to John Morehouse, Purveyor of Alice Holt and Whittlewood Forest, co. Northampton. Ibid, p. 135.
March 26 The Treasury Lords to Thomas Carew, Henry Northleigh, and Sebastian Isaack to enquire what has become of the estate of William Milton, late sub-collector of Hearth money in the Hundred of Shebbear and Black Torrington, who is now in prison at Stoke Canon, co. Devon, for moneys of that duty detained by him: the said estate, valued at 2 000l., having been seized by Samuel Louis, of the parish of Sheepwash, Devon, upon pretence of debt: as is alleged by Cadwallader Jones, surety for William Harris, late Receiver of Hearth money for that county. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 124.
Same to [Mr. Lawrence] to assist said Cadwallader Jones in attempting to sue and recover from said Samuel Louis the estate of said Milton and all the books of accounts relating to said Milton's employment as sub-collector as above. Ibid, p. 125.
Memorandum. Enquire for an order of Council about several copyhold fees to be paid into the Exchequer for discharge of the debt now upon it. Minute Book DCXXV. p. 30.
March 29 [Sir G. Downing] to the Lord Privy Seal, the Duke of Ormonde, Earl of Burlington, Earl of Orrery, Lord John Berkeley, Sir George Carteret, the Solicitor General, and Sir John Temple to attend the Treasury to-morrow and on Wednesday about the security to be given by the present proposers for the farm of [the revenue of] Ireland. Out Letters General II p. 5.
Same to Mr. Prettyman. The Archbishop of York writes that Anthony Wilkes, his Sub-Collector of Tenths, has paid into the Exchequer 442l. 17s. 2d. for Xmas, 1667, and has left in Prettyman's hands 500l. more for perfecting his account. Desires Prettyman to speedily pay this in. Ibid, p. 6.
Treasury order registered on the imposition of coinage for 150l. to Dame Barbara Villiers on her pension of 600l. per an. Order Book XXXVI. p. 139.
Money warrant for 10,000l. to John Wadlow and the rest of the Vintners who are undertakers for the collection of the wine duty: being for the charge of collection of same. Warrants Early XL. p. 28.
Report to the King (struok through) from the Treasury Lords on the case of Co. John Fitz Patrick concerning his restoration to his estate in Ireland. he praying a new patent of exemption from quit rent thereon; said quit rents having been discharged by letters patent, but afterwards possibly resumed again by the general words of the Act of Explanation. Ibid, XXXVII. pp. 214–5, 216–7.
Prefixing:—Said Fitz Patrick's petition.
March 29 Treasury warrant to the Receipt revoking the order of 1667, Sept 18, ut infra, and ordering payment of 2 per cent. in full of the gratuity of 4 per cent. over and above the interest of 6 per cent. to all such persons who have lent money on the Eleven months' tax since 1667, Nov. 1, for such time as the said persons received only 2 per cent. gratuity for same: 4 per cent. gratuity having been directed by the order in Council of 1667, Sept. 18, to be allowed thereon up to 1667, Nov. 1, and thereafter only 2 per cent., but several subsequent orders of Council having continued the said gratuity of 4 per cent. whereby it happens that some who lent on said fund since 1667, Nov. 1, have only received 2 per cent. gratuity while others who also lent after said date have received 4 per cent. gratuity. Warrants Early XXIII. p. 21.
Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to pay 175l. to John Birch, Auditor of Excise, for Xmas quarter of his salary for himself and his clerk. Ibid, XXIV. pp. 79–80.
Same to the Commissioners of the London Excise to pay 185l. to Mr. Ashmole, Controller of Excise for same. Ibid, p. 80.
Memorandum. Warrant for Mr. Goldsbrough Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 27.
Memorandum. Warrants for Sir G. Charnock and Mr. Fox: after the order of Council is first had. Ibid.
March 30 Treasury warrant to the Commissioners of Excise et al. according to the order of Council to discharge Sir William Blakeston of the several debts or arrears of 277l. 13s. 0d. and 330l. with which he is charged as sub-commissioner upon his accompt for the Excise of Durham: he having paid in 300l. on account thereof. Warrants Early XXIV. pp. 80–1; Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 27.
Same to same to discharge Nicholas Bataille and Hugh Tresse, late Farmers of Excise of co. Nottingham, of the 100l. arrear remaining on their account for the quarter ending 1665. Sept. 29. Warrants Early XXIV. p. 82.
Money warrant for 20,000l. to be made use of for striking of tallies from time to time for the discharge of such collectors of Hearth money as have paid their moneys direct to Sir Thomas Player [at the Chamber of London] without levying tallies therefor at the Exchequer. Ibid. XXI. p. 4.
Privy seal for 40,000l. to Col. Legg, Lieutenant of the Ordnance, for furnishing a magazine of saltpetre. Ibid, XV. p. 371.
Sir G. Downing to the Duke of Albemarle. Have drawn a warrant for 1,000l. for you as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. "So wishing your Grace the recovery of your good health." Out Letters General II p. 6.
Same to Sir Robert Viner. Have drawn a warrant for the money due to Mr. Duncker and for the ranging of your tallies; so please bring the tallies that I may send them to the Exchequer to be paid according to the direction of said warrant. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Hayes and Mr. Palmer to attend on Friday at the hearing of said Palmer's proposals for the making of farthings. Ibid, p. 7.
March 30 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Prettyman forwarding two letters for his opinion to the Treasury on the state of the cases therein. Out Letters General II. p. 7.
Same to Mr. Lawrence concerning the delivering up Mr. Stukeley's bonds. Ibid.
Privy seal for 4,800l. to the Countess of Dysart without account, the King being "since our happy restoration upon good and valuable consideration become justly indebted" to said Countess for said amount [being in reality the surrender price of her pension]. Warrants Early XV. p. 268.
Treasury warrant to John Madden and Thomas Agar, Surveyors General of Woods, Trent South, or to— Horne, High Woodward of New Forest, co. Southampton, to fell 45 tons of timber for the repair of His Majesty's house at Lyndhurst, co. Southampton: as by the royal warrant of the 24th inst. Ibid, XXXVII. p. 212.
Memorandum. To number all the papers concerning one business. Minute Book DCXXV. p. 31.
March 31 Treasury order on the Country Excise for 20,000l., in part of 100,000l. loan from the City on Hearth money. Order Book XXXVI. p. 65.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Blondeau to send to the Treasury a copy of his patent as Engineer to the Mint. Out Letters General II. p. 8.
Money warrant for 2,483l. to the Cofferer of the Household, viz. 1,283l. for the expense of the Dutch and Swedish Ambassadors in Novr., 1667, and Feb., 1667–8, being the time they were on His Majesty's charge, and 800l. for the expense of the French Ambassador during the time he lay at His Majesty's charge, and 400l. for fuel for the Houses of Parliament. Warrants Early XXIV. p. 29.
Royal warrant for 26,197l. 13s. 8d. to Isaac Meynell, of London, goldsmith, for interest at 6 per cent. and reward at 4 per cent. for moneys advanced by him to Sir George Carteret, late Treasurer of the Navy, amounting in the whole to 320, 187l., whereof there has been repaid to him on or before 1668, June 1, at several times in the accompt thereof stated, the sum of 315,187l., leaving 5,000l. of said principal money unpaid at said date. Ibid, XV. pp. 297–8.
Privy seal for 497l. 17s. 6¼d. to John Portman, of London, goldsmith, as 6 per cent. and 4 per cent. reward on 9,608l. 16s. 1d. advanced by him to Sir George Carteret for the use of the Navy; whereof there has been repaid at several times before 1667, Dec. 14, the sum of 7,168l. 5s. 4d., leaving 2,440l. 10s. 9d. principal money still unpaid. Ibid, pp. 292–3.
Same for 12,456l. 10s. 9d. to Sir Robert Vyner for divers parcels of gilt and white plate, and jewels, detailed, delivered into the Jewel House from 1668, June 24, to 1668–9, Feb. 14. Ibid, pp. 269–70.
Same for 3,994l. 13s. 10d. to Alderman Edward Backwell for interest at 6 per cent. and 2,663l. 2s 6d. for gratuity at 4 per cent., making in all 6,657l. 16s. 4d. as interest on 128,896l. 18s. 3d. advanced by said Backwell into the Exchequer, and to several persons for the King's service, whereof was repaid to him at or before Dec. 25 last, being the day unto which his account of same is made up, at several times in the said account mentioned, the sum of 62,373l. 19s. 9d., leaving unpaid the sum of 68,522l. 18s. 6d. Ibid, pp. 277–8.
March 31 Warrant for a privy seal for 100,000l. to the Treasurers of the Navy in part of 200,000l. for the year to end in Jan., 1669–70. (Privy seal hereon April 6). Warrants Early XV. pp. 260, 264, 267.
Treasury warrant to Sir Edmond Sawyer, Auditor of Crown revenues for co. Berks, to discharge from the 12 per cent. charge Thomas Seykes, Receiver General of the Royal Aid for co. Berks: it appearing by a certificate made by George Wharton of the 25th inst. in behalf of said Seykes that although the two last tallies completing the assignment made of that Aid to the Lieutenant of the Ordnance amounting to 328l. 0s. 5d. could not for several reasons be struck upon the said Receivers till Nov. 19 last, yet the said [sum] was by said Wharton wholly received of the said Seykes on behalf of said Lieutenant of the Ordnance before 1668, April 25. Ibid, XXXIV. pp. 155–6.
Money warrant, dormant, for the perpetuity of 16l. 13s. 4d. per an. to Emmanuel College, Cambridge: on which there is now 25l. due for 1½ years to Xmas last. Ibid, XVIII. p. 136.
Same for 139l. to John Viscount Mordaunt for 278 days to Sept. 29 last on his fee of 10s. a day as late Governor of Windsor Castle. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Mathew Johnson, gent., of a messuage in Wilbarston, co. Northampton, estreated to the Crown on the death of Elizabeth Allen. Ibid, XXXVII. p. 219
Prefixing:—Johnson's petition and report thereon by the Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Memorandum. Warrant to stay process against Mr. Sands Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 28.
Memorandum. Warrant for Mr. Stanny Ibid.
March — Treasury warrant, dormant, to the Auditor and Receiver of Crown revenues for Wales to pass debentures for payment from Lady Day last of the yearly sum or augmentation of 100l., together with the former yearly salary of 50l. to each of the Justices of the Grand Session in South and North Wales, viz. Sir Frederick Hyde, sergeant at law, Sir Richard Lloyd, Timothy Littleton, sergeant at law, Thomas Jones, Thomas Street and Simon Degg. Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 205.
[?] Entry of demise by lease under the Exohequer seal to John Millett and Jane, his wife, of divers lands in Lackenby in the parish of Wilton, co. Yorks, part of the lands of Cuthbert Morley, outlaw. Ibid.