Entry Book: February 1672

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Entry Book: February 1672', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp1180-1196 [accessed 9 March 2025].

'Entry Book: February 1672', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1908), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp1180-1196.

"Entry Book: February 1672". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1908), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp1180-1196.


February 1672

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Feb. 1 Royal sign manual for a Treasury warrant to Thomas Howlder to receive from Sir Thomas Bond such sums of gold and silver (being moneys of foreign species received into his custody forthwith to be coined in the Mint) which said Holder shall immediately pay into the Mint to be coined, and when coined to receive same back for the King's use. (Treasury warrants, dated Feb. 2. in accordance herewith to Thomas Holder and Sir T. Bond severally.) King's Warrant Book III. p. 77; Warrants Early XIX. pp. 50, 51.
Entry of instructions to the Customs Commissioners [by way of resolution by the Treasury Lords on papers submitted from said Commissioners]. As to the carriage of cattle and other goods from Aberthaw. Barry and Sully to Minehead, Watchet and Uphill, and other places on the Seven by way of market trade where the patent officers require bond and make certificate for which they demand fees, it is resolved that where sheep shall at any time be carried from any place upon any pretence whatsoever that bond be taken as is usual in such case, least on pretence of carriage of them to market they should be transported to parts beyond the seas. On these bonds no fee to be taken by any officer. For carriage [of] cattle and other goods to market upon the Severn no bonds or certificates are to be taken. Warrants Early XLIII. pp. 167–8.
Also:—Francis Bennet, landcarriage man, whose name was by accident left out of the quarter's salary bill, is to be paid according to the establishment.
Also:—Mr. Humerston. Clerk of the coast business, is to be paid his salary from Sept. 29 last.
Also:—As to seizures under appraised you can take the King's moiety either in money or in kind.
The Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners to issue deputations to Samuell Mills and Moses Perkins as watchmen, London port, locis Thomas Heycock, turned out, and — Hadley, in whose place Moses Perkins was formerly appointed but has only just appeared. Ibid, p. 168
Feb 2 Same to Sir Robt. Atkins to take security for the debt of 250l. due to the King from Allen Lockhart, late one of the protonotaries of Common Pleas, upon account of the duty on law proceedings there [i.e. in the Court of Common Pleas], with which debt his brother, Col. Lockhart, is now chargeable as his administrator. Ibid, p. 177
Feb. 3 Treasury warrant to the King' Remembrancer to stay process on the super in the account of Alice Argall, widow, executrix of Thomas Argall, deceased, late Receiver General of the Eleven Months' tax in Essex, said super of 13l. 5s. 10d being set upon the inhabitants of the parish of Rettendon, in Chelmsford Hundred. as an arrear charged upon hospital lands upon which distringas did issue, but an application having been made to the Treasury Lords by Dr. Wallis and Dr. Wren, the two readers of mathematics to the University of Oxford, that the lands so returned in arrear are a certain farm called Little Hayes, long since given to the university for the endowment of the reader of the mathematics' chair, and that the said lands are let at the full rent without any fine: all forasmuch as the Act for the Eleven Months' tax exempted readers. officers and ministers of the University from being taxed in respect of any stipends therein. Warrants Early XLTII. pp 170–1.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to Mary Scott, widow. as Royal bounty. (Money warrant dated Feb. 5.) King's Warrant Book III. p. 68; Warrants Early XIX. p. 52.
Same for 200l. to Miles Mann, gent., in part of arrears due to him as Colonel of a regiment of foot in Scotland. (Money warrant dated Feb. 15.) King's Warrant Book III. pp. 71, 73; Warrants Early XIX. p. 59.
Same for 310l. to Thomas Doyley in reward for services. (Money warrant dated Feb. 6.) King's Warrant Book III. p. 72. Warrants Early XIX. p. 52.
Treasury subscription of payments as follow, directed by His Majesty for the following week from the 3rd inst, viz.: Warrants Early XIX. p. 51.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
To the Privy Purse for [out of] goods seized 167 16 9
" Duke [of York] 1,000 0 0
" Duke of Monmouth 500 0 0
" Ordnance 1,000 0 0
" Great Wardrobe 1,500 0 0
" Master of the Robes 500 0 0
" Navy [for one week] 5,176 18 0
" Works 1,000 0 0
To Tangier for one week 1,067 0 0
11,911 14 9
There was a week for Tangier signed last week, which was not called for by Mr. Pepys, which is to be paid this week, being 1,067 0 0
The 30,000l. from Sir John Shaw and partners, the old Farmers of the Customs, to be paid as it comes into the Exchequer to the several persons as directed by the King's warrant.
To Mrs. Scott, upon the dormant warrant 100 0 0
To Francis Benskin 20 0 0
£13.098 14 9
Money warrant for 20l. to Francis Benskin as royal bounty Ibid. p. 52.
Feb.5 Treasury subscription of a docquet dated 1671–2, Jan, of a warrant to the Exchequer for 150l. per an. to the church wardens of St. Margaret's, Westminster, and of St. Martin's in the Fields, as of His Majesty's accustomed bounty, to be received for the relief of the poor of said parishes. (Money warrants hereon dated Feb. 23 for 50l. for the poor of St. Margaret's, Westminster. and 100l. for the poor of St. Martin's in the Fields.) British Museum Additional MS. 28,074, p. 29; Warrants Early XIX. p. 63.
Jan. [sic, erratum for Feb.] 6 Treasury warrant to Sergeant Fra. Stevens to arrest John Maynard, senr., and John Maynard, junr., it appearing by the affidavit of Jan. 26 of John Vickers, surveyor of Colchester port, that being ordered by the Collector of Customs to remove certain tables and seats out of the then Custom House there to the place where the Custom House was then intended to be kept, he received much ill language from said Maynard, senr., wharfinger and crane keeper there, who by many threats stopped the work: and further by an affidavit of Steven Furley, of Colchester, that on the 22nd Jan., John Webdon, Collector of Customs of said port, received many blows from the two Maynards, and was thrust back and kept out by them. Warrants Early XLLII. pp. 179–80.
Feb. 6 Reference to Sir C. Harbord et al., of the petition from Richard Welbeck, stablekeeper at Reading, complaining that Sir Thomas Clarges detains some ground from him belonging to him as stablekeeper. Out Letters General III. p. 75.
Treasury subscription of a docquet of a warrant dated 1671, Dec., of a lease to George Viscount Grandison, Hen. Howard, and Edwd. Villiers, Esq., of the manor of Working and Chobham. co. Surrey, &c. (as granted 13 Nov., 18 Jas. I, to Sir Edwd. Zouch): to hold for 1,000 years from Michaelmas next, with a eovenant on His Majesty's part that during the continuance of the estates tail the reversion shall not be granted out of the Crown. British Museum Additional MS. 28,074, pp. 28–9.
Same of same, date 1671–2, Jan., of a grant to Sir Joseph Williamson, kt.. of the office of one of the clerks of the Privy Council, with the salary of 250l.: upon the surrender of Sir Richard Browne, kt. and bart. Ibid, p. 29.
Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners et al., to allow 6 per cent. interest to Edmund Chamberlain on his advance of a first quarter's rent as Farmer of Excise of Bristol and co. Gloucester. Warrants Early XLIII p. 180.
The Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners to accept 21. 10s. 0d. per tun instead of the full duty on 40 pipes of defective Canary wines imported by William Warren. of London, merchant. Ibid, p 181.
Feb. 7 Treasury warrant to the Earl of St. Albans et al., Trustees of the [jointure of] the late Queen Mother. By the report of the 16th ult. from Sir C. Harbord et al., made on the petition of William Simpson, gent., it is certified that the castle and prepositors of Pontefract, co. Yorks. and the bailiwicks of East, South, West and North Pon tefract, with the several rents of said bailiwicks, amounting in all to 19l. 16s. 5¼d., part of the possessions of the Duchy of Lancaster, were by Sir John Walter, Sir James Fullerton and Sir Thomas Trevor, deceased (lessees in trust for King Charles I), granted to Henry late Earl of Holland, by indenture of 1629, June 11, in trust for the late Queen Mother as part of her jointure: and said bailiwicks are now legally vested in said Queen Mother's Trustees for his present Majesty's use and are in hand and may be granted to petitioner, although a grant thereof has been made by Lord Seymour. late Chancellor of the said Duchy, which, though confirmed under the Duchy seal, is conceived not to be good against the interest of said Trustees. This is, therefore, to authorise you to pass a lease of the premises to petitioner for 40 years or for the life of said Simpson or John Brigges, of Gringley on the Hill. Said lease to be prepared by Sir Peter Ball, late Attorney General to the late Queen Mother. Ibid, pp. 177–8.
Feb. 7 Sir Ro. Howard to the late Farmers of the Hearthmoney to make all possible despatch with the accounts of their farm thereof and of the King's half year ended at Lady Day, 1666. Out Letters General III. p. 72.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing a protection sent by Mr. Wren from the Duke of York this morning for Customs officers [against the press gang]. Ibid, p. 73.
Reference to Mr. Sherwyn et al. to inspect the whole state of the Law Proceedings, all powers of officers, checks and abuses, &c., &c., Warrants Early XLIII p. 184; Out Letters General III. p. 75.
Feb. 8 The Treasury Lords to the Auditor, &c., of the Exchequer to take care that the revenue be issued and disposed according to the establishment set out in the royal sign manual of the 27th ult. (ut supra, p. 1177 under date Jan. 29). and in such method, manner and proportion as shall be hereafter from time to time directed by the Treasury Lords every Saturday in each week, and not otherwise, "and if at any time any warrants signed by us should come to you for payment of any money not within the heads before mentioned we do expect from you that you do not pass any debentures or draw any orders for payment of any money upon such orders until you have represented the same to us." Warrants Early XIX. pp. 53–4.
Treasury warrant to same to give tallies to Sir John Bennet upon such contracts for purchase of fee farms as he shall bring to the Exchequer as if he had really paid the money into the Receipt, and to discharge the Exchequer thereof by making issues of the same [said tallies] upon the orders [of loan] registered for 22,000l.: some difference having arisenconcerning 8,000l. of the 30,000l. tallies of loan which were ordered to be-similarly proceeded upon by the Treasury warrant of Nov 13 last. Ibid, p. 55.
Money warrant for 1,050l. to Chri. Lister in satisfaction of the purchase of his right and estate in Holy Island in the Bishopric of Durham and for the purchase of the right and estate of other the proprietors of the said island according to certain conveyances thereof to the King, as lately prepared by the Attorney General. Ibid.
Feb 9 Same for 100l. to Humphrey Cornwall as royal bounty Ibid, p. 56.
Treasury warrant dormant to—Whitley, Receiver of Crown Revenues, co. Chester, to pay out of the revenues of said county (and to Auditor Humphry Morice to allow in account) the pension of 50l. per an. to the preacher of Macclesfield: same being certified to have been paid to Michaelmas last. Ibid.
Sir Ro. Howard to Sir John Birkenhead to attend my Lords on Tuesday next with such preparations as you have made for advanoing the duty arising on the late Act for an importation on Law Proceedings. Out Letters General III. p. 74.
Feb. 9 Treasury subscription of a docquet, dated 1671–2, Feb., of a privy seal requiring Sir Thos. Trevor, Kt. of the Bath, to convey to Thomas Stringer, gent., all his interest in several rents of 240l. 0s. 0¼d. per an., payable out of the manor of Glaston, co. Somerset, and 151l. 12s. 0½d.. payable out of the manors of Battersea and Wandsworth, co. Surrey, which came to him as executor to his late father Sir Thomas Trevor, Kt., deceased. who was the surviving trustee of a term of 99 years in the said rents for the use of His Majesty's late royal father: the said Mr. Stringer having contracted with the Trustees for sale of Fee Farms for the purchase of the same. British Museum Additional MS. 28,074. p. 31.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to supersede process of extent against Humphry Beane, late Farmer of Excise for Essex and Suffolk, for an arrear of rent due from him: all or most part of the said arrear being lately paid in. Warrants Early XLIII p. 182.
[?] Same to the Customs Commissioners to increase the salary of the four searchers of London port from 40l. to 60l. per an. Ibid.
Feb. 9 Treasury warrant to Francis Stevens to arrest Joseph Phripp, of Cowes, innkeeper, and Matthew Phripp for assaulting on Oct. 31 last John Fellowes, a gauger of Excise at Newport, Isle of Wight, and Richard Raymond, Surveyor of Excise for co. Southampton. Ibid, p. 183.
The Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners to employ George Massey as waiter and searcher at Neston, loco— Huet, "with whose service we are not well satisfied." Ibid. p. 185.
Same to Sir George Probert to abstain from further waste of woods or underwoods in the parcels of ground lately granted to him in the parishes of Llanvihangel, Turmonoth [Tirnewydd] and Usk, co. Monmouth. Ibid. p. 192
[?] Treasury warrant to Sir H. Finch, Attorney General, to prepare a lease to John Crane, citizen and dyer of London, of the King's right to 323 acres of land in Ransom Moor, in Doddington. Isle of Ely, purchased by Alice Pigott after the decease of Thomas Pigott, her husband, and bequeathed by her at her death to her three children Samuell, Izaac and Anne Pigott, all aliens born beyond the seas, and all dead, whereby the estate is forfeit to His Majesty but withheld by William Neile, a stranger. Ibid, pp. 181–2.
Feb. 10 Reference to Sir C. Harbord of the petition from Sir Jo. Duncomb for a grant of the inheritance of three small houses and gardens adjoining his own house: he being desirous to buy in the'20 years now in being and to erect a convenient dwelling house in place thereof. Ibid. p. 187; Out Letters General III. p. 73.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for Sir Thomas Trevor, Kt. of the Bath, son and heir of Sir Thomas Trevor, late one of the Barons of the Exchequer, to convey to—, in trust for the King, all his remaining trust interest as follows. By letters patent under the great seal, dated 1616–7, Jan. 10, the King demised to Sir Francis Bacon, then Chancellor to the Prince of Wales, Sir James Fullerton, Thomas Murray, John Walter, afterwards Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Sir John Dacombe, Thomas Trevor, afterwards'a Baron of the Exchequer, inter al, the manor of Glaston, and the hundred or liberty of Twelve Hides of Glaston, in trust for Charles, Prince of Wales: also by other letters patent of 1619, Oct. 5, said King James did demise to Sir Henry Hobart, then Chancellor to Charles Prince of Wales, Sir James Fullerton, Thomas Murray, [Sir] John Walter and [Sir Thomas] Trevor the manor of Batrichsey alias Battersea, and also the manor of Batriohsey and Wandelsworth, alias Battersea and Wandsworth, for 99 years in trust for said Prince: which said premises were assigned by said trustees as follows (in pursuance of the special direction and appointment of said late King Charles I. for the remainder of said term of 99 years, but with reservation of certain rents specified), the manor of Glaston to William Williams, Robert Mitchell, Walter Marks, Robert Marsh, citizens of London, by indenture dated 1628, July 19, for certain years at 240l. 0s. 0¼d. rent; and the manor of Batricksey and Wandelsworth to Oliver Cave, John Spencer and Henry Faveil, by indenture dated 1627. April 9, at the rent of 151l. 12s. 0½d. By sur vivorship Sir Thomas Trevor became solely possessed of all the unassigned lands in abovesaid patents and also of the aforesaid rents, and on his death his son, the present Sir Thomas. as executor of the last will and testament of his father, became possessed and interested in law in the same for the residue of the said respective terms of 99 years and ought to convey same to any person as directed by the King. Further said lands, as above, were included in the grant of 1670, Nov. 11, to the Trustees for sale of Fee Farms, and have been contracted for by Thomas Stringer, of St. Clements Danes, Midd., gent. In order to the better conveyance of them to Stringer this privy seal authorises Sir Thomas Trevor to convey his interest in the premises to said Stringer, with covenant for quiet enjoyment for the remainder of the term therein. Warrants Early XLIII. pp. 171–6,183.
Feb. 12 Treasury subscription of a docquet dated 1671–2. Feb., of a grant to John Markham and Mathew Johnson, of the office of head searcher in London port, on the surrender of same by John Markham and his son Robert Markham: this grant being in reversion of the grant now in being to Tho. Elway, Esq. British Museum Additional MS. 28.074. p. 32.
r Mar. 20]
Same of same, dated 1671, Dec., of a grant of the office of one of His Majesty's falconers to John Legg, loco Samuel Wood, deceased: with the fee of 50l. per an. Ibid, pp. 33, 40.
Feb. 12 Money warrant for 970l. to Sir Edward Deering, Sir Thomas Strickland and Robert Milward, Commissioners for the Privy Seal, for 94 days to Jan. 1 last. Warrants Early XIX. p. 56.
Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to employ Thomas Gaywood as clerk for exported beer ("to enter orders and keep a check upon the accomptant for exported beer ') with 30l per an. salary. Ibid, XLIII. pp. 185–6.
The Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners to increase the salary of David Bennett, surveyor of the land carriage men in London port, in consideration of his charges of keeping a horse: this increase to preclude any other allowances for boat hire, &c. Ibid, p. 190.
Same to same to employ Jacob Westcomb as deputy collector of Customs at Barnstaple, Devon: and John Hill as same at Bideford: and Capt. Owen Lindsey as waiter and searcher in Totnes, with 25l. per an. salary, and Arthur Johnson as noontender in London port. Ibid, pp. 190, 191.192,193.
Feb. 12 The Treasury Lords to—to appear at the Treasury to answer complaints made against them by Peter Calvert and Samuell Vincent, Farmers of Excise for co. Wilts, for abuses done to Henry Creed and William London, gaugers. Warrants Early XLIII. p. 191.
Same to Sir Lionell Jenkins and the rest of the Judges of the Ecclesiastical Court to take effectual order for the enforcing of executors and administrators to exhibit and bring in their inventories as by the law and the practice of the courts they ought to do; whereby His Majesty may be answered the duty thereon, there being great neglect herein. Further to state their opinion whether commissions that are issued out of the Exchequer Courts for the administering of oaths to executors and administrators be not commissions ad instantiam partium, and consequently liable to answer the duty of 2s. for every such commission within the meaning of the late Act. Ibid, p. 193.
Feb. 13 Money warrant for 73l. 15s. Od. to John Orpin for so much disbursed by him in the hire and repair of several carriages lately employed in His Majesty's service. Ibid, XIX. p. 59.
Feb. 14 Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Treasury. By the privy seal of 1670–1, Feb. 28, several orders have been drawn for 18,176l. 2s. 0d. to Sir Thomas Player, Chamberlain of London, being to be paid to such persons to whom the same is due upon assignment from Sir Geo. Carteret, late Treasurer of the Navy; which [said orders] were not satisfied, the money not being raised by reason of the burning of the city: also other orders for payment of the sum of 189,100l. 9s. 7¾d. [were drawn as payable] to the Treasurer of the Navy to be paid to several persons to whom same is due for stores, &c., also other orders for 265,368l. 19s. 2d. to same to be paid to persons for wages due: all which orders were by Treasury warrant of June 12 last directed to be registered on the second Wine Act, but none of the said orders have yet been so registered, and only the orders for the said sums of 18,176l. 2s. Od. and 265,368l. 19s. 2d. have been signed by the Treasury Lords, whilst the orders for the 189,100l. 9s. 7¾d. are drawn but not yet so signed: "wee being gratiously pleased that all the said debts should be justly paid as soone as can possibly conseal with the necessity of our affairs and the state of our revenue," therefore the last named orders are to be signed and the whole are to be registered on the said Act as above. (The Treasury Lords to the Exchequer, dated Feb. 22, for the Navy debt as above to be so registered to the amount of 472,645l 10s. 9¾d., "and in order thereunto forthwith transmit unto us such of them as are not yet signed by us, although we do very well know that considerable sums have been paid of the debt for which those orders are to be registered; yet since there can be no inconvenienoy thereby happen to His Majesty. the money being payable upon accompt to the Treasurer of the Navy, and there being no particular account returned which of them are paid, we think fit that the whole be registered as aforesaid." King's Warrant Book III. p. 81; Warrants Early XLIII p. 266.
Feb. 15 Money warrant for 1.160l. to Isaac Le Gouce for two jewels of diamonds which were given to two strangers, as by the certificate of the Lord Chamberlain of Jan. 27 last. Warrants Early XIX. p. 57.
Feb. 15 Money warrant for 1,000l. to Ralph Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe, in part of 14,876l. 18s. Od. for one year's ordinary of the Wardrobe to Michaelmas next. Warrants Early XIX. p. 57.
Same for 275l. to the Masters in Chancery for Xmas quarter last, being 25l. to each of them, viz. Sir William Child, Sir Justinian Lewen, Sir Thomas Estcourt, Sir Mundeford Brampston, Sir Nathaniel Hobard, Sir William Glascocke, Sir John Coell, Sir William Beversham, Sir Robert Stewart, Sir Timothy Baldwyn, Sir Andrew Hackett. Ibid, p. 58
Same for 1,000l. to Sir Allen Apsley for the Duke of York in part of 24,000l. for one year as part of 48,000l. for two years from 1670, June 24, in compensation for the Wine Licences. Ibid.
Treasury allowance of Richard Gregory's fee for Xmas quarter last for attending the Treasury Lords. Ibid, p 579.
Feb. 16 Sir Ro. Howard to the Customs Commissioners. My Lords have nominated Robert Dagleys for the next vacancy of a tidewaiter's place in London port. Out Letters General III. p. 79.
Treasury warrant to the Warden of the Fleet to release David Powell, late Sheriff of co. Montgomery, his estate being under an extent for the moneys of the Eighteen Months' assessment due from him to the King. Warrants Early XLIII p. 202.
Money warrant for 5,500l. to the Duke of Buckingham for a half year's advance on his 11,000l. Ibid, XIX. p. 60
Same, dormant, for payment of the pension of 600l. per an. to Lady Villers out of the coinage money and the 450l. per an. salary to the three Roctiers. gravers to the Mint. Ibid.
Feb. 17 Privy seal for 5l. a day as ordinary to Sir Bernard Guascon [Gascoigne] as Envoy Extraordinary to the Emperor of Germany; and 500l. for equipage. (Undated Treasury subscription of undated docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book III. p. 80; British Museum Additional MS. 28,074, p. 32.
Sir Ro. Howard to the Auditors of Imprests to hasten the four years' account of the late Customs Farmers. Out Letters General III. p. 80.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands to prepare a perfect schedule and rate of the rents and values of all His Majesty's honors, manors, lands, &c., in the survey of the Exchequer, which were part of the jointure of the late Queen Mother. Warrants Early XLIII. p. 194.
Same to Richard Gregory to arrest Richard Walden, gent., bailiff and collector of the late priory of Henwood and other rents, co. Warwick, it being certified by Thomas Raban; deputy auditor, that he is in super 210l. 16s. 8¼d. in his account for the year ending 1670, Sept. 29. Ibid.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to employ George Stretton (Shetton) as one of the three gaugers for exported beer: the like for George Henshaw as same. Ibid, p. 195.
[?] Instructions to the Customs Commissioners [by way of resolutions by the Treasury Lords on papers submitted by said Commissioners on the 12th inst.] (1) Your proposed method for keeping the bonds is approved. (2) The allowance on prizage wines is to be 10 per cent. where the duty is paid in ready money and 12 per cent, where the wines are not filled up, but we do not think fit that in any case the 8 per cent. should be allowed upon Prizage wines for defect or damage for the long lying thereof. (3) The paper concerning Bristol port is approved. (4) Order shall be given to Mr. Haworth, searcher of Kent, to call in his deputations. (5) We approve your agreement with Capt. Symonds for the settlement of his smack with a mate and six men at 284l. per an. Ibid, pp. 195–6.
[? Feb. 17] Instructions to the Customs Commissioners [by way of resolutions by the Treasury Lords on papers of the 5th inst. submitted by said Commissioners]. (1) Four boatmen and tidesmen to be added to the two already established at Pill, in Bristol. (2) Humphry Wharton, Collector at Bridgwater, to be removed from that employ and—Heyshara, now collector at Poole, is to replace him. (3) A collection to be made at Minehead distinct from Bridgwater; a collector and two boatmen and tidesmen to be appointed there. (4) The surveyorship at St. Ives to be added to that at Penzance, but without increase of salary. (5) The proposition of George Moyser's quitting 5l. of his salary of 15l. if Abraham Mault may be appointed to wait at the North side of St. Mawes is approved. They are to have the use of a boat. (6) The removal of the collection from Helford to Falmouth is approved. A boat to be settled at Helford. (7) A waiter and searcher to be settled at Polruan. (8) William Seager to be continued as waiter and searcher at Plymouth, and Tho. Jackson to be continued as coastwaiter. Yealm is to be placed under Plymouth and not under Dartmouth. (9) The surveyor's report for lessening the salary of Nicholas Ball as waiter and searcher at Teignmouth is not approved. Considering the duty required of him 25l. is a fit salary. (10) Four tidesmen to be added in the port of Lyme with a salary of 10l. per an. and 12d. a day when employed. (11) We do not approve of John Friers being a tidesman at Weymouth. (12) We do not approve of appointing a land waiter at Poole port. and adding a tidesman there. (13) Henry Jubber's salary to be increased from 25l. to 30l. Warrants Early XLIII. pp. 196–7.
Feb. 17 The Treasury Lords to the [Principal] officers of the Navy. Since the stop of the Exchequer the Treasurer of the Navy has been ordered to take in and re-accept some orders payable out of the Exchequer from persons who had formerly taken same in payment of stores and to pay said persons out of money remaining in his hands which was furnished for carrying on the present year's action, "and His Majesty well remembering that when you attended him in the month of Oct. last concerning the state of the Navy you did assure His Majesty that there were not three ships of his whole Navy which were not repaired and that there were stores enough to serve the whole fleet for 12 months," the King has resolved that no part of the money furnished to the Treasurer of the Navy since Dec. 18 last, up to the last of Dec. next shall be applied to bills bearing date before Dec. 18 last: and, upon assurance that the ships were repaired and the stores full as aforesaid, that the said money should only be converted for satisfying the Victualler for this year's service and for paying the seamen's wages and wages to the yards. Any remainder to be disposed towards providing all sorts of stores for the next year's service. Ibid pp. 197–8.
Feb. 20 Letters of direction upon two separate orders for 5,000l. each for the Cofferer of the Household, dated 1670, Aug. 11, and registered on the sale of fee farms: same having already (viz. by a letter of direction of Dec. 18 last) been transferred and charged on the Excise. Warrants Early XIX. p. 59.
Money warrant for 1,273l. 16s. 6d. to the Honourable Ralph Montague, Master of the Great Wardrobe. Ibid, p. 60
Treasury subscription of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant, dated Feb. 5, to the Master of the Jewel House, for the delivery to the Duke of Monmouth of 10,000 oz. of white silver plate, to be made into such vessels as he shall direct. Ibid, XLIII. p 202.
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners for Assessments, co. Notts. In the accounts of John Cooper, Receiver General of Assessments [for your county] several arrears will be set in super, viz. for the Royal Aid, 312l. 18s. 9d. for the Additional Aid, 353l. 6s. 0d., and for the Eleven Months tax, 1,280l. 8s. 2d. If the accounts are declared process will issue against the head collectors for these in supers, and if the head collectors prove insolvent process will go against you, the Commissioners. For the present the declaring the accounts is respited till the last day of Easter term, so that you may avoid all possible trouble by getting in said arrears, and we desire you either at a general meeting or in your respective divisions as shall be most conducible to His Majesty's service to call before you the head collectors and the subcollectors and to examine their accounts, and by the best means you can to find out and discover whether the said sums of money so intended to be set in super or any part thereof remain in the hands of any sub-collectors or any other person or persons and why the same is not levied and paid in to His Majesty's use; and if upon such examination you find that the moneys charged upon the said collector shall not appear to be in their hands but to be unpaid to them by the sub-collectors or not paid to the sub-collectors by the respective persons on whom the same was assessed, that then you cause the same to be forth with levied upon the persons who ought to answer and pay the same, and if the said officers or persons be insolvent or the moneys not paid for any other reason, that then you cause the same to be re-assessed. If the money is in the bands of the head collector ready for payment to His Majesty we will appoint them how to pay it and to take a legal discharge. Ibid. pp. 200–1
The like letter severally to the like Commissioners for the following counties for sums detailed:
£ s. d.
Co. Gloucester, One Month's tax and Eleven . Months'tax 339 0 9
Co. Lincoln, One Month's Tax and Eleven Months' tax 2.312 0 3
Co. Hereford, Royal Aid 58 13 0
Co. York, One Month and Eleven Months tax 573 12 2
Co. Lancs., One Month and Eleven Months' tax 423 14 6
Co. Northumberland, One Month and Eleven Months' tax 1,065 14 5
Co. Oxford, One Monthand Eleven Months'tax 2,440 13 3
Co. Middlesex, Eleven Months'tax 3,143 1 9
London, Eleven Months'tax 2,353 9 7
Co. Kent, the two Aids 794 12 9
Co. Brecon, the two Aids and Eleven Months' tax 337 2 5
Co. Radnor, Eleven Months'tax 57 17 4
Feb 20 Sir Ro. Howard to the Trustees for Fee Farms. Upon the petition of Lord St. John and his partners in the late intended Farm of the Customs, His Majesty is pleased that all such rents as were not returned in the various Auditors' particulars] and so are not yet conveyed to you to be sold and are saleable by the Act of Parliament should be set apart free to be purchased by said Lord St. John and his partners at 16 years' purchase. Out Letters General III p. 80.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Samuel Pepys on his accounts as Treasurer for Tangier: he, being at present by our direction otherwise employed in the service of His Majesty, has undertaken to make up his accounts with all speed. Warrants Early XLIII p. 199.
Feb. 22 Privy seal for paying to Tobias Rustat. Esq., Henry Bull, Esq, of Midsomer Norton and John Tooker (Tucker), of Midsomer Norton. gent., 235l. (being fines as follows due to the King. viz. 80l due from Richard and John Abraham for two lives by copy of court roll in reversion of their father's life; 751. due from John Cole, James Hart and John Abraham for two lives in reversion of John Purnell; 80l. due from Henry Athay for two lives in reverson of his father: being all for the reversion of several copyhold estates in the King's manors of Farrington Gurney and Widcombe near adjoining the manor of Midsomer Norton and parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall): same to be in trust for the repair of the parish church of Midsomer Norton, which is very large and in great decay, especially the tower ready to fall, the re-edifying of what must be new built thereof being estimated at 600l., or 2,000l. in case it fall: same being granted of the King's bounty on the petition and in view of the poverty of said inhabitants. (Undated royal warrant for said privy seal. Treasury subscription, dated Feb. 6, for the docquet hereof. Money warrant hereon, dated Feb. 14.) King's Warrant Book III. pp. 62, 75–6; British Museum Additional MS. 28,074, p. 28; Warrants Early XLIII p. 213.
Dormant privy seal for sums not exceeding 10,000l. in the whole to Isaac Le Gouch, Kings Jeweller. for all such sums of money as shall be due to him for such jewels as the King shall buy of him, upon signification thereof from the Lord Chamberlain. (Royal warrant for said privy seal, dated ? Dec., 1671. Treasury subscription, dated 1671–2, Mar.,5, of the docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book III. pp. 54, 92; British Museum Additional MS. 28,074, p. 37.
Undated royal sign manual for a privy seal, dated Feb. 22, for 700l. to Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland, 200l. thereof being in satisfaction of so much lent by her to His Majesty, and 500l. thereof for payment of a set of coach horses lately bought by His Majesty of the said Duchess. (Undated Treasury signature of docquet hereof. Money warrant, dated Mar. 5.) King's Warrant Book III. p. 73; Warrants Early XIX. p. 68; British Museum Additional MS. 28,074, p. 33.
Privy seal for the city loan of 60,000l. to be secured on and liquidated out of fee farms to be selected to the value of 6,000l. per an., which the city or any particular member thereof interested in said debt may purchase at 16 years' purchase: and the orders assigned to the city by Sir Ste. Fox for the security of said loan [being orders registered in said Fox's name on the fee farms] are to be taken as ready money for the purpose of such purchase. (Treasury subscription dated Feb. 17 of undated docquet hereof.)' King's Warrant Book III. p. 85; British Museum Additional MS. 28,074, p. 31.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to issue process against all such wines belonging to Thomas Cannon, of London, merchant., as are now in the possession of Robert Mason and Nathaniel Redbourne for security of the duty due on the 76 pipes of Spanish wine recently imported by said Cannon, who some few days since has absented himself from his usual place of abode. Warrants Early XLIII. p. 203.
Feb. 22 The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners of the One and the Eleven Months' assessments in co. Devon. There is a super of 193l. 9s. 9d. set in the account of John Northcote, late receiver of said assessments in co. Devon, beingset upon Richard Baron, late collector of said moneys in the Hundred of East Budleigh and part of Cliston, co. Devon, for the payment of which said Baron has offered security. You are to examine the sufficiency of said security. Warrants Early XLIII. p. 204.
Order of reference [to Sherwyn et al.] of the petition from said Rich. Baron, Collector of the Eleven Months' assessments in the Hundred of East Budleigh, co. Dorset; proposing to give good security for payment of the abovesaid super of 193l. 9s. 9d. Out Letters General III p. 81.
Treasury approval of the following as Sub-commissioners of Excise for the counties detailed, at the request of the Farmers of Excise for said counties, viz.: Warrants Early XLIII. p. 215.
Tho. Chadwick, Rob. Gravely, Edward Phipps, Alexander Read, Walter Burden, for co. Lancs.
William Penn, Hugh Tresse and Alexander Read for co. Notts.
Feb. 23 Treasury instructions to the Customs Commissioners [in the form of resolutions on papers of the 19th inst., submitted by said Commissioners]. (1) As the collection at Minehead is made separate from that at Bridgwater the salary of the Bridgwater collector should be reduced from 50l. to 40l., and that of the Minehead collector increased from 25l. to 35l. (2) The proposed settlement at Appledore, Bideford and Barnstaple is approved, but further enquiry to be made as to William Matthewes, who is proposed as surveyor, waiter and searcher for the three ports. (3) The proposed settlement at Falmouth, Penryn and Truro also approved. Some one to be presented as waiter and searcher at Falmouth loco Humphrey Southoote. All entries to be at the head ports, of Appledore and Falmouth for the entries of [ships'] masters, but the merchants' entries to be as formerly. (4) The salary of the two waiters and searchers at Helford to be 15l. per an. (5) Thomas Carnaby, tidesman at Looe, to be dismissed and two tidesmen and boatmen to be settled there with 10l.per an. and 12d. a day when employed. The quay there to be allowed. (6) Some one to be nominated loco Mr. Strelley, collector at Plymouth, with 140l.per an. Thomas Peirse to be continued as riding surveyor. Joseph Mountford to be dismissed as waiter and searcher, and only four persons to be continued there. Mr. Hamblyn, the warehouse keeper, is to quit one of his employments. Two tidesmen to be added to make up 12, at Plymouth, with 10l. per an. and 18d. a day when employed. Two boatmen to be added to the four already established, with 10l. per an. and 4s. 8d. a week, two of these to attend in turns at Stonehouse. (7) The salary of Mr. Hagedot, collector in Exeter port, to be augmented to 140l., and he to keep another clerk. The tidesmen to have 10l. per an. and 18d. a day when employed. (8) The landwaiters at Topsham to be quickened. Thomas Spicer to be removed thither from Lyme at 30l. per an. and two tidesmen to be added. (9) A waiter and searcher to be appointed for Lympston port at 20l. and the other two waiters to be applied to Exmouth. (10) Two boatmen and tidesmen to be added in Lyme port with 10l. per an. and 18d. a day when employed. The like 18d. a day to be allowed to the four tidesmen at Plymouth and the four tidesmen at Poole. Thomas Tannet. waiter and seacher in that port, to be dismissed. as he lives at Weymouth. The four tidesmen at Cowes to be paid 10l. per an. and 18d. a day when employed. (11) A boat and four men to be employed at Portsmouth with the like allowance. Ibid, pp. 204–6.
Feb. 23 Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular and ratal of several parcels of land called Marsh Holmes or Harrington Marsh, &c., part of the manor of Moulton, co. Lincoln, with a view to a reversionary lease thereof to Sir Thomas Bond, who has paid 500l. to Mr. Tartereau as the fine on the renewal of lease thereof by one Smithier, at present possessed of one lease thereof. Warrants Early XLIII. p. 207.
The Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Winder as Collector at Plymouth, loco—Strelly, disabled by age. Ibid, pp. 208. 210 211 212, 218.
—Ekins as waiter and seacher at Poole, loco Thomas Tannat.
Jo. Charles, Roger Harris. John Lewis, and Henry Jerman as four boatmen and tidesmen at the Pill as additional to the two already established there.
—Willey as Collector of Poole port, loco—Heysham, removed to be Collector of Bridgwater port.
Thomas Perkins and William Clegget as tidesmen and boatmen at Falmouth and Penryn.
Ralph Thompson as waiter and searcher at Polruan. a member of Fowey port.
Richard Harris as Collector of Ilfracombe, loco Nicholas Parmitter, not skillful.
Bennet Crust and Thomas Fullum as waiters at Saltash. loco Hutchins Bynny, unfit.
John Mohun and Robt. Edgcomb as two tidesman, Plymouth port, additional to the ten established there.
—Shewell as Collector at Minehead, made a separate collection from Bridgwater.
Anthony Isaacson, as Collector of Newcastle, loco Geo. Dawson, with whose service we are not well satisfied."
Same to same to pay John Man, Giles Dunstar and George Blake (constituted riding surveyors for the outports, with John Clement as assistant with 20s. a day each above their salaries during employment) the said extra allowance for the days as follows, it being certified that Giles Dunstar began the Western survey Nov. 6 last, and returned to London on the 20th of Nov., and began the Northern survey with John Clement on the 4th Dec. and returned on the 26th Dec.; whilst John Man began his survey of the Western ports Nov. 6 last and returned to London Jan. 18 last; and George Blake began his survey of the Western ports Nov. 8 last and returned Feb. 1 instant. But as said Blake was sent for to return to London on Jan. 10 last he is to be paid only to that date. Ibid, p 209.
[?] Declaration of the accompts of Edmund Lawrence for the Hearthmoney of Dorset and Poole, and of Symon Smith for same of Southampton and Isle of Wight, and of William Levett for same of co. Wilts: being all for one and a half years to 1670, Sept. 29. Ibid. pp. 208, 210
[?Feb. 23] Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to take the securities of Tho. Rich, of Lincoln's Inn, and John Cook of the parish of St. Mary Matfellon, alias Whitechapel, as sureties of said Thomas Rich as Receiver General of the subsidy for co. Gloucester. Warrants Early XLIII. p. 213.
The Treasury Lords to the Trustees for sale of Fee Farms to select fee farms to the value of 6,000l. per an. for the city's loan of 60,000l. as by the privy seal of the 22nd inst. Ibid, p. 217.
Feb 23 Royal warrant to the Treasury for a grant to Sir John Duncomb of a house and garden, wherein he now dwells, situate on the west side of St. James' Street, and three other small houses and gardens thereto adjoining, the first in the possession of Jane Beard, 45 foot front, at 30l. per an., the next on the north side thereof, where petitioner now lives. 36½ foot front, valued, together with some rooms used herewith, taken out of the first house, at 50l. per an.; the next northwards, 22½ foot front, in the tenure of Charles Pickar. valued at 30l. per an.; the next northwards, in the tenure of Edmund Waller, 52 foot front, with a little stable and yard, and valued at 40l. per an. King's Warrant Book III. p. 86.
Order of reference to Sir C. Harbord of the petition from Mr. Lisle and Mr. Reeves for putting a stop to Mr. Darnall's felling and carrying away of timber trees out of the manor of Shaw, near Windsor. Out Letters General III. p. 86.
Royal warrant to the Treasury for 200l. to the under marshals for attending the House of Lords for five sessions, being 40l. a session; as His Majesty has formerly allowed to them. (Money warrant dated Mar. 8.) King's Warrant Book III. p. 91; Warrants Early XIX p. 70.
Treasury warrant to Thomas Holder, Esq., to pay (out of the moneys by him lately received from Sir Thomas Bond in foreign specie to be coined in the Mint) 36,250l. to Sir Thomas Osborne, Treasurer of the Navy, and 20,000l. to George Wharton, Treasurer of the Ordnance. Warrants Early XIX. p. 61.
Money warrant for 1,000l. and 2,000l. to the Earl of Bath on his pensions as Groom of the Stole and First Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Ibid.
Same dormant for the fee of 56s. a day to said Earl of Bath as Governor of Plymouth and St. Nicholas Island. Ibid, p. 62.
Same for the pension of 1,000l. per an. to the Duke of Richmond, one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to John Birch, Edmund Wingate and Edward Waring, Commissioners for the Retrospect of the late Wine Act, to pay 300l. to John Lawrance for charges necessary for prosecuting the Vintners and others. Ibid, p. 63.
Feb. 24 Royal warrant to the Cofferer of the Household and the Auditors of Imprests. There are divers orders remaining in the hands of said Cofferer registered on the fee farms. As the moneys from sale of said fee farms did not come in so timely as the occasions of the Household required, the said Cofferer was supplied by transferring those payments to other branches of the revenue, and yet the original orders were left in his hands to be disposed of for such other service as the King should direct. There is due to Elizabeth, Lady Cornwallis, 2,400l. for four years' arrears of her annuity of 600l. to Xmas last. Same is to be paid to her by said Cofferer out of said orders and the Auditor of Imprests is to allow same on the accounts of said Cofferer, "although said moneys shall or may in the Imprest Roll be charged or imprested to him for the use and service of our said Household." King's Warrant Book III. pp. 83–4.
Feb. 24 Order of reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition from John Burgh for restoration to a jerker's place in the Customs. Out Letters General III. p. 84.
Feb. 26 Treasury order for a vigorous prosecution for recovery of the 2,000l. payable to Robert Mellish, which is to be raised out of the manor or lordship of Flinstone [Flemingston] and Rain haughe, co. Glamorgan, by Henry Saunderson, of the Inner Temple (possessed thereof in trust, raising said 2,000l. thereout for said Mellish) the said Saunderson having by d rection of the Treasury Lords and at the request of the Bishop of Lincoln and of Robert Saunderson [sic ? for Mellish] conveyed the said manor to His Majesty (towards satisfaction of said Mellish's debt of 3,547l. 19s. 10d., as sub-collector under the Bishop of Lincoln, of the Tenths of the Diocese of Lincoln for three years to 1669, Xmas): out of the said 2,000l. so to be raised 200l. shall be in discharge of a recognizance to that amount entered into by said Henry Saunderson as a surety of said Mellish. If any assets remain from said manor after discharging the said debt of 3,547l. 19s. 10d. and the said bond of 200l. the Treasury Lords hereby declare that they shall be granted to said Robert Saunderson [sic ? for Mellish]. Warrants Early XLIII. pp. 186–8.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of a farm and lands called Frogmore, in Windsor, with a view to a lease thereof to Richard Franklyn, tenant thereof. Ibid, p. 252.
The Treasury Lords to the sheriffs of London [and elsewhere] for the Customs officers of London or the outports to be free from serving on any juries or inquests or as constables, headboroughs or tythingmen. Ibid, pp. 214, 215.
[?] Entry of demise by in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Sir John Lort, Kt. and Bart., of messuages, &c., in Llaninwith [Llanewydd or Newchurch], co. Carmarthen, part of the lands of John Harris, Esq., outlaw. Ibid, p. 216.
[?] Same of same to Robert Heywood of a messuage, &c., in Winkleigh, co. Devon, part of the lands of Humphrey Heywood, outlaw. Ibid.
[?] Same of same to John Parten of a capital messuage called Crundale Place, in Crundale, co Kent, part of the lands of Jeremie Gay, senr., and Jeremie Gay, junr., outlaws. Ibid
Feb. 26 The Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to Sir Thomas Bond a cabinet, a table and stands in three cases. wherein is some hats and two dozen of gloves, a sweet box for Madl. Qeurwell, a little chair or coach, old, and a case of bottles. Ibid.
Feb. 27 Same to same to employ Thomas Frampton as a tidesman in ordinary, London port. Ibid.
[?] Declaration of the accompt of Richard Gwyn for Hearthmoney Pembroke, Haverfordwest, Carmarthen, Cardigan and Glamorgan for three half years to 1670, Sept. 29. Ibid, p. 217.
Feb. 27 Treasury warrant to Auditor Sir Joseph Seymour to allow 40 marks in account to William Spencer, late Receiver General of Crown rents for Lancs., Westmorland and Cumberland, being levied on his estate by the sheriff of said county in part of an arrear of 119l 4s. 11d. due on his receipt: all on said Spencer's paying in the remainder of his said arrear. Warrants Early XLIII. pp. 220–1.
Royal warrant to the Treasury for a reversionary lease to Michael Bebington, gent., of certain marsh lands called Rideings, alias Pipnell marsh, and another new recovered marsh or pasture, both lying in the parishes of Moulton and Whaplade, co. Lincoln, and in lease to Valentine Clerk; and likewise another marsh called Prior's Marsh, in the manor of Spalding or Moulton: all being part of the jointure of the late Queen Mother. King's Warrant Book III. pp. 82–3.
Sir Ro. Howard to Mr. Birch et al, Commissioners of the Retrospect of the late Wine Act, to consider of some method for their account that so a ready recourse may be had to the particular gauges that have been taken upon retailers of wine in the district of London: and to appoint some one well acquainted with the Act who shall assist Auditor Aldworth, R. Kingdon and Mr. Green, and shall produce to them from time to time the duplicate of the rest taken 1670, June 24, and of any copies of papers, &c., had by said Birch et al. out of the Custom House concerning the entries of wines imported, by which any charge has been made upon merchants or vintners. Out Letters General III. p. 87.
Feb. 28 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer and the Clerk of the Pipe to add the words "cum omnibus domibus edificiis crectionibus et muribus superinde incrochiatis" to a grant to be made to Sir Edmund Windham of certain concealed lands in Hogg Lane, alias Rosemary Lane, in St. Andrew's Holborn, London. Warrants Early XLIII p. 188.
Same to John Birch, Edmd. Wareing and Edward Wingate, Commissioners for the Retrospect of the late Wine Act, to discharge George Fawson, vintner, of his wine bonds for 311l. 7s. 2d. on payment of 29l. 15s. 9d., being the remainder of the moneys due thereon; amongst the acquittances held by Fawson for the remaining 281l. 11s. 4d., being one for 61l. 5s. 0d. forged by Jonathan Hignett, sometime clerk assistant to the comptroller of said [late Wine] Office, as to which Fawson has obtained an injunction to stay proceedings on his bond, he having really paid the money. Ibid, p. 219.
The Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners to employ Richard Bromley, John Orton and Robt. Barwick as waiters for coal at Sunderland. Ibid, pp. 222, 223, 249
Michael Potts and David Robinson as boatmen at Sunderland locis Tho. Thompson and his man.
Thomas Ball and Robert Newman as two additional tidesmen at Topsham.
Same to Lord Robartes to take care that the arrear of 18l. 3s. 8d. due to His Majesty from Francis Dawe (late deputy bailiff to said Lord Roberts for the Hundred of Trigg, due from said Lord's said office of bailiff for the 12th, 13th and 15th years of Charles II.) be forthwith paid to Robert Naper, Receiver General of the revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall. Ibid, p. 225.
Feb. 29 Same to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Grey as waiter and searcher at Sunderland loco David Robinson removed to be a boatman there. Ibid, p. 221.
Robert Fuller as noon tender in London, loco Richard Wallis, deceased. Ibid, p. 225
Feb. 29 Royal warrant, dated Feb. 27, for a privy seal for allowing 5,060l. 6s. 7d. for defalcations to Sir William Bucknall et al., Farmers of the London Excise, they being 23,060l. 6s. 7d. in arrear on their farm ended 1671, Jan. 24, said allowance being for damage by them sustained by the first Wine Act, they alleging that the duty on brandy imposed by said Act did impair the importation of brandy in the said two years at least 28,000l., "all which being debated before us and wee being satisfied that the said Act of Parliament did not at all or very little impair the importation of brandy," yet we make said allowance as of grace and in view of the willingness and industry of said Farmers. (Privy seal, dated Feb. 29.) King's Warrant Book III. pp. 84,105.
[? Feb.] Treasury subscription of a docquet, dated 1671–2, Feb., of a sign manual erecting an office to be called the office of underkeeper of His Majesty's palace or mansion house called Audley End, and of keeper of the gardens, wardrobe, privy lodging, and galleries there, and a grant of said office to Jerome Lacy, with the fee of 150l. per an. and an allowance of 100l. per an. for fuel, &c., and wages of servants, &c., and 120l. per an. for wages of gardeners, &c., to commence from Michaelmas last. British Museum Additional MS. 28,074, pp. 33–4.
[?] Same of same, dated 1670, Nov., of a grant of the office of Serjeant at Arms to Roger Charnock, Esq., upon the surrender of William Houlker: with the salary of 3s. a day and board wages of 2s. 6d. a day: to date from 1669, June 24. Ibid, p. 34.
Feb. — The Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners. By order of Council of the 7th inst. the King has directed a general embargo on all ships trading from England. You are to take notice hereof and to give notice to the inferior officers of the Customs to see said embargo effectually laid. But said order is not intended to extend to the stopping any foreign ships and which are not navigated by any English subjects. These are to be permitted freely to proceed on their voyages as heretofore without interruption. Warrants Early XLIII. p. 189.
Feb. —
and Mar. 5
Same to the Lord Mayor and Justices of York city concerning their order made June 15 last, on the complaint of Robert Fowler, et al., bakers of said city, concerning distresses lately made on their goods by James Collins, Receiver of Hearthmoney for said city, for Hearthmoney due upon baking ovens, in which order said justices discharge said distresses and order a return of the goods because the hearths of the said bakers' ovens were not formerly certified to the Clerks of the Peace. and by him with the approbation of the Justices returned into the Exchequer, whereby to charge the Receiver of that duty. When you have seriously studied the several Hearthmoney Acts, you will not judge that the authority of collecting depends upon the returns into the Exchequer, for though the first Act directs certificates to be returned yet it is clear by the scope of the Act that this was in order to accompting, not collecting, for said Act appoints the tax to be paid within six weeks after due. The third Act makes it payable on demand. There is not in any of the Acts a prohibition of levying till the [rolls of the] hearths and stoves are returned into the Exchequer. We hope this will satisfy you to forthwith remove your obstruction to the officers' proceeding and to give them encouragement in future in all their legal actings. Ibid pp. 253, 241–2.