Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 25, 1711. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.
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'Index: S', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 25, 1711, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1952), British History Online [accessed 17 March 2025].
'Index: S', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 25, 1711. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1952), British History Online, accessed March 17, 2025,
"Index: S". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 25, 1711. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1952), British History Online. Web. 17 March 2025.
Sabin, Major General Joseph, Regiment of, 245, 344; offreckonings, 607.
Sables d'Olonne, France, ship of, 592.
Sacheverell, Dr. Henry, impeachment of, 282–3.
-, -, Samuel, tidesman, London Port, 269.
Sail cloth, Act for encouraging the making of, in Great Britain, 182.
St. Albans, Duke of. See Beauclerk, Charles.
-, -, Earl of. See Jermyn, Henry.
St. Andrews, Bishop of, 370.
St. Augustine (Austins), East and West, co. Kent, Land Tax arrears, 423.
St. Bartholomew, London, parsonage of, 348.
St. Botolph, London, perpetuity for poor of, 381.
St. Christoll, Captain James, 333.
St. Christopher, Lieutenant Governor of, allowances, 280, 361, 485; grant of land to, 343, 365, 407, 459.
-, -, chaplains going to, 208.
-, -, farm of revenue, 474.
-, -, grant of Rennew Lands, 418.
St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, Gorgie lands in, 379.
St. George, Bank of, Genoa, 89, 413.
St. George, Henry, Garter Principal King at Arms, fees and salary, 191.
St. Helena, bills of exchange, 324, 615.
St. Hill, _, payment for water used at St. James's Palace, 319.
St. Ives, co. Cornwall, waiter at, 587.
St. Jacob, seizure, 272; owner, 288; quarantine, 288.
St. James, London, Bailiwick of, leases, 310, 352; commission of enquiry, 397; parish of, 356; tenements in, 178.
St. James's Palace, 66.
-, brasiers for, 497.
-, [Chapel], repairs to organ of, 143, 204.
-, furnishings for, 183, 256, 484, 599.
-, Guard House, repairs to, 98, 460.
-, mourning at, removal of, 183.
-, Queen's chambers at, 540, 541.
-, Receiver General for, 180, 333, 370, 372, 378, 523, 530, 633.
-, repairs to, 460, 497, 616.
-, Royal Warrants dated, 138, 140–3, 147, 153, 170, 172, 178, 184, 186, 201, 202, 582.
-, servants' taxes, 343.
-, Treasury meeting at, 4.
-, umbrellas for, 549.
-, water supply, 319.
St. James's Park, fish and fowl of, issue for, 233, 349; under-keepers of, 606; upkeep of, 490; works in, 334.
St. James's Square, furnishings for house in, 497.
St. James's Street, tenements in, 310.
St. John, prize, 263.
St. John the Baptist, Walbrook, Churchwardens of, perpetuity for poor of, 381.
St. John Street, Clerkenwell, 395.
St. John, Henry, Secretary of State, 16, 46–7, 126, 134, 172, 220, 330, 338, 402, 419, 466, 495, 526, 538, 579, 618, 626, 630, 632.
-, arrears due to, 58, 267.
-, Catalonia, recruits from, 310.
-, demands, 58.
-, Dutch naval officers detained, 248, 309.
-, false musters, 330.
-, issue to, for secret service, 20, 197, 223, 466, 482, 495, 579.
-, patent of, 579.
-, prosecution of Thomas Hurley, 335.
-, reference from, 393.
-, report by, 45.
-, small arms, agreement for, 317.
-, treaties required from, 72, 83. See also Legge, William; Douglas, James.
St. Johns, _. Lieutenant-Colonel, personal pay, 49.
St. Joseph, 214.
St. Katherine by the Tower, London, 263.
St. Lawrence River, Canada, 572.
St. Magnus, Parish of, London, Churchwardens of, perpetuity for poor of, 381.
St. Margaret, Westminster, Parish of, 184; messuage in, 472.
St. Mary, Woolnoth, Parish of, London, collectors for the poor of, 371.
St. Mawes Castle, co. Cornwall, condition of, 410; gunners at, 410, 454.
St. Michael, Cornhill [London], perpetuity for poor of, 381.
St. Nicolo de Tolentino, pieces of eight on, 356.
St. Nicholas Island, co. Devon, barracks, fire and candle allowance, 453.
St. Paul's Cathedral, London, disposal of material from, 583.
St. Peter, prize, 263.
St. Peter, York. See York, Cathedral Church of.
St. Quintin, store ship, powder from, 469.
St. Quintin, Sir William, Commissioner of Revenue, Ireland, 328; commission, 432; salary, 432.
St. Saviour in the Marshes, York, rector of, pension, 210.
St. Stephens (San Estevan), Spain, battle of, 348.
St. X, galleon, capture of, 353.
Salcombe, co. Devon, Customs Officers, 129.
Salisbury, ship's wages, 226.
Salisbury, Earl of. See Cecil, James.
Salisbury, co. Wilts. See Sarum.
Salisbury, William, Receiver General for county [unstated], 181.
Salmon, in prize ship, 130, 140.
Salmon Fishery, Scotland, preservation of, 239.
Salop, county of:
-, Distributor of Stamps for, 306.
-, Receivers General of, 180, 181, 187, 266, 422.
-, Under Sheriff of, 341, 395.
Salt, Duties on:
-, bonds for, 367, 455.
-, commissioners of, certificate of, 525.
-, commissioners of, 112, 577; incidents bill, 173, 245, 280, 404, 570; salary bill, 119, 265, 336, 467, 490; staff absences, 441.
-, Comptroller of, petition of, 391. See also Hall, T.; appointment of deputy, 391.
-, debts on compounded, 300, 301, 330, 348, 447, 471, 524, 525.
-, distribution of revenue from, 163, 205, 239, 290, 339, 557.
-, foreign salt, 546.
-, process against defaulters, 296, 409, 504, 516, 519, 530.
-, rock salt, 330, 428.
-, salt seized, 584.
-, Scotland, drawbacks, 467.
-, Subscriptions to South Sea Stock, 557.
Salter, Jerome, petition, 632.
Salton, co. York, prebend of, pension of, 210.
Saltpetre, purchased from East India Company, 84, 85, 392.
Sambrooke, Jeremy, petition, 305, 632.
-, -, Sir Samuel Vanaker, lease of land in the Savoy, 305, 632.
Samuel, transport, Palatines aboard, 244; quarantine, 488.
Sandiford, Thomas, petition, proof spirits, 379.
Sandwich, co. Kent, Land Tax arrears, 423.
San Estevan, Spain. See St. Stephens.
San Gaetano master, 356; pieces of eight on, 356.
Sanguieneto, John Stephen, articles of agreement, pieces of eight, 356.
Sankey, Captain Henry, half pay, 345.
-, -, Lieutenant General Nicholas, commission, 57, 266; pay of, 169, 302, 327, 330; petitions, 624, 632.
Sansom, John, Customs collector, Bristol, 431; surety, 319, 320; petition, 575; assignments, 596; lawsuits, 596. See also Goddard, John.
Santini, Nicholas, and Company, proposal concerning remittances and their repayment, 59.
Santigni, _, bills of exchange, 504, 506.
Saragossa, Battle of, trophies, 488.
Sartre, Francis, royal bounty, 345.
Sarum (Salisbury), co. Wilts.:
-, diocese of, annuity payable out of Tenths, 212, 551; Receiver of Tenths for, assignment, 382.
-, Division of, Receiver General of House Duties, 489. See also Child, J.
-, Gilbert, Bishop of, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, 280, 553.
Sarum, Old, co. Wilts., 266.
Sauli (Soley), Dominico, Marquis of Montella, Envoy Extraordinary from Republic of Genoa, agreement with concerning prize ships, 69, 76, 327, 330, 356, 398. See also Genoa.
Saunderson, James, Commissioner, Alienation Office, appointment, 295; allowance, 303, 313.
Savage, Richard, 8th Earl of Rivers, Constable of the Tower, pay, 8, 138, 159, 168, 229, 585; Expedition of: allowance, 562, 577; baggage, 554; bill of exchange, 562; foreign coin for, 508.
Savery, Thomas, Treasurer, Commissioners for Sick and Wounded, issues to, 34, 101, 107, 226, 234, 536. See also Sick and Wounded, Commissioners for.
Savoy, London, 31, 212.
-, boundaries of land in, 555.
-, claim to ground in the, 632.
-, Dissolved Hospital of the Master and Chaplains of, leases of lands of, 305, 352, 397, 608.
-, French ministers, annuity for, 559.
-, leases in the, 305.
-, Lutheran Church in, memorial and papers relating to, 54, 254–5, 352, 555.
-, Marshalsea prison in the, 588; repairs to, 437, 623.
Savoy, Duke of, differences with House of Austria, Plenipotentiary by way of arbitration, 537. See also Stanyon, A.
-, Envoy Extraordinary to (John Chetwynd), 215, 218, 224, 225, 231, 232, 233, 244, 308, 483. See also Chetwynd, John; Palmes, W.
-, Envoy from, 57–8, 458.
-, German troops, 499.
-, remittance for, 31, 74.
-, subsidy to, 58, 74, 76, 97, 116, 227, 327, 458, 507–8, 513, 605.
-, treaty with, 537.
Sawtell, Thomas, clerk, General Post Office, salary, 589.
Saxons, 2, 319; Establishment for, 77.
Say, Alexander, clerk, General Post Office, salary, 589.
Scaife, Charles, payment to, 470.
Scarborough, commander of, 462.
Scarborough (Scarburgh), Countess of.
-, See Lumley, Frances.
Scarborough, Henrietta Maria, a Maid of Honour, allowance, 138, 236, 337, 549.
-, -, Richard, bonds, 267.
-, -, Robert, tobacco bonds, 573.
Scarsdale, co. Derby, Land Tax arrears, 425.
Schomberg, Charles, Marquis of Harwich, regiment of, offreckonings, 606.
-, -, and Leinster, Maynard, Duke of, annuity, 346, 398, 572.
Score, Richard, collector of Customs at Exeter, 203, 468.
Scot, Andrew, owner of the Six Brothers, petition, 229, 246.
-, Admiralty Court, Judges of:
-, (_ Graham), salary, 415; (David, Earl of Wemyss), allowance, 415.
-, Advocate General. See Scotland, Lord Advocate.
-, affairs to be considered by Treasury, 60.
-, Almoner, 350, 545. See also Law, J.
-, Apothecary, Her Majesty's. See Hepburn, P.
-, Apprentice Duty, collector (_ Watt), 351.
-, Army in. See Army, in Scotland and Scotland, Forces in.
-, Attorney General, opinion of, 160.
-, Attorneys, 123.
-, Auditors, 123.
-, Bishoprics, revenue, 387.
-, Blackness Castle [Linlithgow], 347.
-, Borough Roll, clerk to the. See Kirkwood, A.
-, Chancellery, Director of the, royal warrant, 455. See also Kerr, C.
-, Chaplains, Queen's, 350. See also Blair, R. [recte David]; Mitchell, William.
-, Charities and Bounties, Queens, allowance for, 124.
-, annuity on, 51.
-, distribution of, 159.
-, establishment of, 37.
-, list of, 45, 55.
-, See also Scotland, Civil List.
-, Charity Roll, 375, 376, 547; allowance of, 350; people in before Union, 159.
-, Church of, charges of Church affairs and salaries of officers, 124.
-, Church of, Procurator for. See Dundas, J.
-, Circuit Courts, expenses, 543.
-, Judges, advances for, 43.
-, expenses of, 41.
-, payments, 464.
-, Civil List (Establishment for Civil Affairs), 144.
-, allowance for, 45, 349.
-, annuity on, 45, 51.
-, charities and bounties, 250.
-, clerks, 255.
-, issue for, 240.
-, placing on royal bounty, 628.
-, sums due upon, 121–4.
-, coinage money, 55.
-, See also Mint.
-, Concealed Lands, Discoverer of, Office of, 55.
-, Customs:
-, Accomptant and Inspector General of, in, 208, 373. See also Short, J.
-, account of the old tack of, 106.
-, Baltic, plague in, 397.
-, Customs, Commissioners, 10, 146, 168.
-, Accomptant and Inspector General of (John Short), petition of, 208; salary of, 208.
-, enforcing quarantine, 441.
-, Leith, ill-treatment of customs officers, 330; improvement to port of, 242.
-, letters to, quarantine, 472; release from quarantine, 532; importation of Irish cattle and corn, 246; Spanish duty, 454.
-, presentment from, 169.
-, reference to, 208.
-, report from, 51.
-, report by, 160.
-, request of, for military assistance to their officers, 160.
-, salary bill, 228.
-, salt imported, 546.
-, Duties, sinking of ships to avoid paying, 160.
-, Edinburgh, Collector James Houstone, petition, arrears of salary, 350.
-, Establishment, directions concerning alterations to, 169.
-, Newport, Glasgow, collector, 350.
-, Officers, and boatmen, 146; Establishment of, 14, 146; military assistance for, 160; salaries, 146, 168–9.
-, quarantine, 415.
-, Receiver General of, warrant, seizure of wine, 283.
-, salaries, 355, 502.
-, Secretary (_ Broughton), leave of absence, 532.
-, seizures, 51.
-, drafts of troops out of, 18.
-, pay for, 19.
-, Edinburgh, St. Cuthbert's parish, land in, 379.
-, Edinburgh University annuity, 528.
-, Episcopal Ministers in, 147.
-, Establishment. See Scotland—Civil List.
-, Exchequer Court:
-, Barons of, 121, 124, 147, 159.
-, allowances to, 123.
-, annuities, 400.
-, charge of repairs of Holyrood House, 52.
-, Charity roll, allowance of, 375, 376.
-, civil establishment, clerks, payment, 255.
-, Civil List payments, 545.
-, Glasgow Customs house, 541, 542.
-, imprests of Earl of Leven, 238.
-, Invalids, funds, payment, 328, 329.
-, letter, Holyrood House, rent of tenements annexed to, 388–9.
-, letter, salt certificates, 243.
-, Lord Chief Baron, allowance to, 123.
-, charges on revenue, 627.
-, to attend the Treasury, 41.
-, Lordships of Erection, duties and rents, 281, 282.
-, payments to artificers, 52.
-, references to, 413, 496, 500, 541, 546, 568, 578, 594, 604; Customs allowances, 350.
-, report concerning charge of sending Proclamations to Scotland, 55.
-, royal warrants dormant, 380, 564.
-, session, Lord President of, 415.
-, to prepare the draft of a privy seal 52.
-, warrant to [Lord] Justice General of [Scotland], Archibald, Earl of Hay, salary, 243.
-, See also Scrope, J.; Smith, J.
-, doorkeepers of, 123.
-, Examiner of, 350. See Hall, J.
-, Lord Chief Baron. See Exchequer Court—Barons of.
-, Macers of, 122.
-, Marshal of the. See Montgomery, W.
-, Messenger of. See Doul, W.
-, Pipe, Clerks of (John Tyas, Colin Mackenzie), 124; allowance, 485; salary, 251, 359.
-, Queen's Remembrancers, 123; payment, 485; salary, 251, 360. See Stewart, William; Tarver, John.
-, repairs of, 52.
-, Seal, person deputed to keep, 123.
-, Solicitor to the. See Bowles, W.
-, Treasurer's Remembrancer. See Allanson, W.
-, Usher of, Deputy of. See Stephens, James.
-, Usher of, Hereditary, assignees, 350.
-, See also Bellenden, Lord; Cockburn, Sir Archibald.
-, wine seized, 238.
-, Excise:
-, Accomptant General (George Drummond), salary, 312.
-, Argyll (Argyle), establishment, 312.
-, Auditor (George Tilson), salary, 312.
-, Ayr, establishment, 312.
-, Berwick, establishment, 312.
-, Caithness, establishment, 312.
-, Candle Duties, incidents, 361.
-, salaries, 361, 545.
-, Cashier (Robert Sinclair), salary, 312.
-, Commissioners:
-, advances by, 43, 465.
-, Auditor (George Tilson), allowance for clerk, 403.
-, Beer Duties, 470.
-, Candle Duties, 470.
-, Circuit Courts, 464.
-, Hides and Skins Duties, 470.
-, Leather Duties, 470; staff, 414.
-, letters to, 465; payments, civil government, 464; advances out, 500, 501; payment to Lords Justiciary, 242.
-, reference to, 459.
-, royal warrant, charges of circuits of Lords of Justiciary, 282.
-, salaries, 312.
-, Secretary (_ Doudeswell), leave of absence, 373.
-, warrant to, riding officers, 470.
-, See also Whetham, J.
-, Comptroller (John Parsons), salary, 312.
-, Dumfries, establishment, 312.
-, Dundee, establishment, 312.
-, duty free spirits, 493.
-, Edinburgh, Candle Duties, gaugers, 312.
-, Edinburgh Brewery, examiner, salary, 312; general surveyor, salary, 312.
-, establishment, 312, 313.
-, exemptions from, 459.
-, Fife, establishment, 312.
-, Galloway, establishment, 312.
-, Glasgow, establishment, 312.
-, Hides and Skins Duties, salaries, 545.
-, incidents, 132, 361, 553.
-, Leather Duties, Commissioner for, 291.
-, Leith Port, gaugers, 312.
-, Linlithgow, establishment, 312.
-, Murray, establishment, 312.
-, Office, incidents, 246; salaries, 246.
-, Perth, establishment, 312.
-, Ross, establishment, 312.
-, salaries, 132, 361, 545.
-, spirits from sugar works, exemption from duty, 334.
-, Teviotdale, establishment, 312.
-, Falconer, Under. See Nasmith, J.
-, fish exported, 467.
-, fishery in, 154.
-, forage. See Army in Scotland.
-, Forces in, Commander-in-Chief of (David, Earl of Leven), 230, 231, 235, 240, 261. See also Army, in Scotland.
-, Fort William in Inverlochie, Governor of (Lieutenant General Maitland), exemption from Excise duty, 459.
-, garrisons, 230, 231, 235.
-, General Assembly, Commissioner for, payment to, 261. See also David, Earl of Glasgow.
-, Glasgow University, annuity, 528.
-, Great Seal of, charters under, 379.
-, replaced by that appointed by the Act of Union, 172.
-, Keeper of (Hugh, Earl of Loudoun), allowance, 576.
-, royal warrant, 455.
-, late Keeper of (John Stewart), 576, 578.
-, Heralds, 121.
-, Highlands, woods in, 103, 493.
-, holdings in, charge of, signatures relating to, 52.
-, Holyrood House, guard at, 243.
-, Librarian, 350.
-, tenements annexed to, 388, 389.
-, See also under Holyrood House.
-, Hornings, Register of, Keeper of. See Mitchelson, J.
-, Writer of. See Alves, J.
-, House Duties in, Surveyor General of, salary, 564.
-, importation of Irish cattle and corn, 239, 246.
-, invasion of, 238.
-, Judges. See Circuit Courts.
-, Justice Clerk of. See Scotland, Lord Justice Clerk.
-, Justice Court:
-, Clerk to the. See Montgomerie, J.
-, Dempster of the. See Park, J.
-, Keepers of the. See Johnstown, J.; Smith, W.
-, Macers of Justiciary, 122.
-, John Mason; James Forrest, 349; late Thomas Montgomery; John Henderson, 349.
-, Justice General of. See Scotland, Lord Justice General.
-, Justiciary, Lords of, circuit charges, 282, 543. See also Scotland, Circuit Courts.
-, letter to, accounts, 250.
-, payment of charge of Alexander Douglas, 465.
-, payment of charge of Archibald Douglas of Cavas, 464.
-, payment to, 242.
-, Knights Marshal. See Keith, John and William.
-, Lands:
-, Crown Land Rents and Casualties, Receiver General of:
-, additional allowance to Bishop of Edinburgh, 380.
-, warrant to, 261.
-, See also Douglas, Archibald.
-, Leather Duties [9 Anne, c. 12], Commissioners for (Alexander Wedderburn; John Whetham; David Ross; Alexander Forbes; James Boyle), patent and salary, 291.
-, Limner, Queen's. See Ogilvie, G.
-, Linen, exports of, Duty on, 10.
-, Lord Advocate (Advocate General):
-, letter, Leith, breaking open of warehouse, 415.
-, Lordships of Erection, rents and duties, 281, 282.
-, (Sir David Dalrymple, late Sir James Stewart), 349; pension, 350.
-, (Sir James Stewart, late Sir David Dalrymple), salary, 545.
-, (Sir James Stewart), appointment, 455.
-, free postage, 591.
-, patent, pension, 564.
-, See also Dalrymple, Sir D.; Stewart, Sir J.
-, Lord Chief Baron. See Scotland, Exchequer Court.
-, Lord Justice Clerk, 349. See also Adam Cockburn; James Erskine of Grange.
-, Lord Justice General of, 42, 349, 545. See also Cromartie, George, Earl of; Ilay, Archibald, Earl of.
-, Lord Register, 349. See also Boyle, David, Earl of Glasgow; Murray, Sir James.
-, mail service, 487.
-, Mint, 52, 55, 401, 413. See also Edinburgh.
-, debt due to moneyers of, for recoining the money of Scotland, 55.
-, debt of, to Mint (England), 52.
-, late Chief Warden and Receiver General of Bullion (William Spence otherwise Spens), accounts, 413.
-, General of the, 8, 172.
-, See also Balmerino, Lord.
-, See also Lauderdale, Earl of.
-, Trial Pieces, 3.
-, warrant for, 401.
-, Musters, Commissary of (Robert Rutherford), 349, 383.
-, Netherlands, The, Conservator of Scots Privileges and resident in (Sir Andrew Kennydye), 543; commission, 496.
-, novodamus, charters of, signatures relating to, 52.
-, Officers [et al.], in, bounties due to, 3.
-, Civil List payments, 3.
-, pensions due to, 3.
-, salaries due to, 3.
-, papers relating to, 88.
-, Papists in, 547.
-, pensions, 159.
-, See also Scotland; charities and bounties; see also Royal Bounty, Scotland.
-, Physicians, Queen's. See Dalrymple, T.; Eizat [Sir] E.
-, Physick Garden, Keeper of the. See Sutherland, J.
-, Pipe, Clerks of. See Scotland, Exchequer Court.
-, Post Office, Postmasters General, warrant, annuities to the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, 502.
-, Presenter of Signatures. See Veitch, J.
-, Process, Queen's. See Scotland, Session, Court of.
-, Proclamations circulated in, 605.
-, Procurator for the Church (John Douglas), 350.
-, Property Roll, Enroller of the. See Anderson, A.
-, Pursuivants, 122.
-, late Pursuivant, William Home, 545.
-, Pursuivant, Alexander Martin, late William Smith; John Turner, 349.
-, Queen's Remembrancer. See Scotland, Exchequer Court.
-, Revenue, Receiver General of, payment of royal bounty, 147.
-, See also Douglas, Archibald.
-, See also Scotland, Civil List, Excise.
-, Salt:
-, Salt Duties, drawbacks, 467.
-, salt imported, 546.
-, Secretaries of State, house of, near Privy Garden, 578.
-, Session, Court of:
-, Clerk of Her Majesty's Process (John Dalrymple late Sir James Dalrymple), 350. See also Dalrymple, John.
-, Extractor of Her Majesty's Process. See Reid, J.
-, Session, Lords of, 121.
-, Lords of, named, 349.
-, former Lords of, named, 349, 545.
-, Macers of, 3, 49, 122, 545.
-, late Macer of, 545.
-, Underclerk of Her Majesty's Process (Alexander Findlason, late Gavin Hamilton), 350. See also Findlason, Alexander.
-, Sheriff's Roll, Clerk of, 350.
-, Enroller of, 350.
-, Signet, late Keeper of the (John Stewart), 578.
-, Solicitor General, late (William Carmichael), pension, 350. See also Carmichael, William.
-, Solicitors, Queen's, Proclamations circulated to, 605.
-, spirits, duty free, 493; spirits imported from, 103.
-, Stamp Duties, 78.
-, collectors (John Hamilton,—Watt), 351.
-, sugar works in, spirits from, 334.
-, Teinds (tithes), renewing of tacks of, instructions concerning, 52.
-, tobacco, exportation of, from, frauds, 295.
-, Treasury of, Lordship of Erection, duties and rents, 281, 282.
-, troops ordered from, 176.
-, Trumpeters (Francis Marine; Gilbert Yeatts), 349.
-, trumpets, 122.
-, Union with, 578.
-, Seal appointed by Act of, 172.
-, Trial Pieces [of coinage], 3.
-, Wardrobe, Clerk of the. See Baird, J.
-, Wardrobe, Master of the. See Auchmouty, J.
-, Wardrobe, Underkeepers of. See Lessley, A.; Morison, R.
-, weights and measures for, 52, 371.
-, Wine Duties, 148.
-, wine seized, 238, 625; imported into, 148, 619.
-, wool exported, 239.
-, Works, Masters of, 123.
-, Clerk of the Stores to. See Murray, W.
-, Works, Surveyor of. See Smyth,_.
-, Scotland Yard, Westminster, grant of land in, 331; houses in, 431.
Scott, Ann, Duchess of Buccleuch, annuity of, 189, 192, 297–8, 303.
-, -, Henry, Earl of Deloraine, gilt plate as present to, 170.
-, -, James, Envoy Extraordinary to King of Poland, equipage, 283, 284; ordinary, 283, 284, 287, 482.
-, -, William, Surveyor of House Duties, co. York., 575.
Scray, Upper and Lower, co. Kent, Land Tax assessments, 388, 423.
Scrivener, John, Surveyor of House Duties, co. Sussex, 147, 217, 434, 503, 575.
Scrope (Scroop, Scroope), John, a Baron of the Exchequer, Scotland, 14, 15, 78, 103, 123, 225, 630.
-, additional allowance of, 225.
-, additional salary for, 133.
-, affairs relating to Scotland, 60.
-, allowance, 245, 340, 485.
-, allowance to, 611.
-, attending or to attend Treasury, 41, 51, 55, 88.
-, Civil List payments, Scotland, 3.
-, letters to, 334, 373, 493; attendance at Treasury, 272; quarantine, 585; Stamp Duties, 342.
-, money order for, 225.
-, opinion of, 160.
-, payment, 308.
-, practice of, 485.
-, reference to, 630; Queen's Falconer in Scotland (James Nasmith), petition, allowance, 528.
-, report, 625.
-, See also Scotland, Exchequer Court, Barons of.
Scudamore, John, payment to, 215.
Seafield, Earl of. See Ogilvie, James.
Seaford, co. Sussex, Receiver General for, 181, 418, 489.
Seals, Queen's Engraver of, 296, 299, 435. See also Roos, J.
Seamen. See Navy, seamen.
Searle, George, Accomptant General, General Post Office, salary, 589.
Seaton, Mary, royal bounty, 376.
Secretary of State. See State, Secretary of.
Secret Service, issues for, 3, 7, 12, 20, 22, 32, 34, 55, 57, 70, 78–9, 84, 93, 96, 105, 109, 113, 120, 138, 145, 149, 153, 157, 197, 200, 219, 223, 256, 266, 300, 338, 445, 454, 466, 482, 495, 547, 556, 564, 576, 578–9, 580, 586, 624.
Sedière, Lieutenant-Colonel [Louis] de, respites on, 182.
Segar, Henry, payment, 269, 346.
Seisdon, co. Stafford, Land Tax arrears, 425.
Seissan (Sessan, de Seissans), Major General, French deserters under, 83, 102–3, 379.
Selby, Captain Ralph, petition, 632.
-, -, William, customs officer, Northumberland, 150.
Selwyn, Colonel John, Regiment of, offreckonings, 606.
Senserft, James and Son, payment, 613.
Sergison, _, contracts for hemp, 217; Navy payments, 93.
Serjeants-at-Arms, attending the House of Commons. See Wiberg, T.
-, to attend Treasury with mace, 73.
Serjeants' Inn, Fleet Street, 200, 244.
Serra, Gomez, payment for jewel, 562.
Sessan. See Seissan.
Seton, Sir Alexander, Lord of Session, Scotland, revenue of bishoprics, 387.
Severn, river, searcher and water bailiff, 341, 420.
Sevewright, David, burgess of Edinburgh, land in St. Cuthbert, Edinburgh, 379.
-, -, John, 379.
Seward, Thomas, distributor of stamps, Dorchester, 159.
Sewell, Josias, Page of the Removing Wardrobe, 143, 187, 497.
-, -, Elizabeth, widow of Josias Sewell, annuity to, 187.
Sewers, Commissioners of, Richmond New Park, 406.
Seymour, Algernon, 15th Earl of Hertford subsequently 7th Duke of Somerset, Governor of Tynemouth Castle, petition of, 220; surgeon for Invalids, 220.
-, Regiment of, captains of, 158; offreckonings of, 606; recruits for, 199.
-, -, Berkeley, Governor of Maryland, allowances, 446, 474, 477; petition, 605.
-, -, Charles, 5th Duke of Somerset, Custodian of House Park, Hampton Court, fees payable by, 200.
-, lodgings of, at Kensington, 147.
-, Master of the Horse, annuity of, 245; gold cup for Newmarket race meeting, 201; stable accounts, 92, 429, 456.
-, -, -, late Groom of Prince George's Bedchamber, pension, 432.
-, -, Sir Edward, late Treasurer of the Navy, executors of, 158.
-, -, Elizabeth, Duchess of Somerset, Groom of the Stole and Mistress of the Robes, appointment, 186; issues to, 187, 206, 236, 238, 294, 337, 422, 459; plate for, 262.
-, -, Francis, Earl of Yarmouth, attending the Treasury, 581.
-, -, Lieutenant General William, Regiment of, subsistence, 33, 211, 535.
Shadforth, Henry, master of the William and Anne, 407.
Shadwell, Dr., payment, 498.
-, -, Capt. Edward, petition of, 484
Shakenhof Coppice. See Wychwood Forest.
Shales (Sheeles), Charles. See Shales, John, Commissary General.
-, -, Henry, late Auditor of Crown Revenue for co. York, 210. See also Shales, John, Commissary General.
-, -, John, Commissary General of the Army in Ireland; executors, 519; sons of, 514–8; stay of process, 518–9.
-, -, -, doorkeeper, Commissioners of Taxes, 481, 553.
Shallet, Joseph, payment, 614.
Shannon, Viscount. See Boyle, Richard.
Sharfleet (Sharp Fleet Creek), co. Kent, quarantine in, 440.
Sharp, Dame Margaret, pension, 124, 350.
-, -, Sir William, pension, 124, 350.
Sharleston, co. York., tenements in, 397.
Sharples, John, Postmaster of Preston, co. Lancaster, debt of, 269, 536, 628.
Sharret, William, Collector of Excise, Isle of Wight, debt, 209.
Shaw, John, Lottery business, allowance, 359.
-, -, Sir John, 220; Farmer of Customs, Scotland, 158, 542.
-, -, Robert, Computator of Duties on Plantation goods, petition of, 220.
-, -, William, lease of house to, 331, 405, 472.
Sheeles. See Shales.
Sheerness, co. Kent, garrison at, 388; navy yard at, 229, 356; and see Navy, Yards.
Sheffield, John, Duke of Buckingham, President of the Privy Council, allowances, 343.
Shelley, John, Sheriff of co. Sussex, 300.
-, -, Mary, royal bounty, 429.
Sheppard (Shepherd), John, petition of, tobacco bonds, 283.
-, -, Samuel, attending the Treasury, 9; bills of exchange, 35–6, 76; petition of, 632; report of, 524; surety of Lottery receiver, 68.
Sheppey, Isle of, co. Kent, 388.
Shepway, Upper, co. Kent, Land Tax arrears, 423.
Sheres, Sir H., sums imprested to, 82.
Sherlock, Thomas, Master of the Temple, salary, 382.
Sherman, John, Army victualler, 431.
Sherrard, Sir John, Sheriff of co. Lincoln, 406.
Sherwood Forest, co. Nottingham, decayed trees in, 528.
Shields, co. Northumberland, bills of exchange from, 111.
Shimings, William, master of the Good Success, 592.
Shippen, William, Commissioner for stating Public Accounts, allowance, 360, 380, 490, 506.
-, beer. See Navy, beer.
-, brigantines bought at New England, 114.
-, discharge of, demands for money for, 2.
-, Duties taken from, for lighthouses, 139.
-, foreign, Duties on, 139.
-, from Baltic, 164.
-, from Sweden, petitions for release from quarantine of, 188.
-, galleon taken by Admiral Wager, 53, 77, 353, 628.
-, laden with tobacco, 173.
-, laid up, 156.
-, man-of-war, lost, 183.
-, Naval. See under Navy.
-, paying off, 156.
-, pursers, petition of, 93.
-, quarantine. See Quarantine.
-, seized, as having French wine and brandy on board, 127.
-, sinking of, to avoid paying Duties, 160.
-, Swedish, petitions for royal passes for, 148.
-, taken by enemy, 173.
-, trading vessels from Ireland to England, not to bring Palatines, 24.
-, wages. See Navy, wages.
-, names of:
-, Adventure, 238, 572.
-, Adventure, of Dublin, 331.
-, Albion, galley, 441.
-, Allured, 489.
-, Ann, 213, 489, 549.
-, Ann, of Peterhead, 238.
-, Ann and Mary, 213.
-, Anna Petronella, prize, 263.
-, Anne, of London, 407.
-, Anne and Margaret, 407.
-, Baltic, 592.
-, Bannerman, of Peterhead, 238.
-, Benjamin, 213.
-, Benjamin Hope, 488.
-, Biddulph, 213, 224.
-, Black Cat, 592.
-, Blessing, 203, 246.
-, Bristol, man of war, 353.
-, Britannia, 592, 615.
-, Brotherly Love, 407.
-, Careful Woman, 592.
-, Chatham, 26, 356, 469.
-, Clark, transport, 244.
-, Cleveland, yacht, 469.
-, Concord, 213.
-, Concord, of Leith, 167, 238.
-, Constance, 594.
-, Coronation, 202, 213, 489.
-, Councill House, 288.
-, Crane, 207, 246, 591.
-, Crown, 489.
-, Danbrittoun Castle, 380.
-, Defyance, 36, 226.
-, Despatch, frigate, 257–8.
-, Dorothy, 460, 496, 592.
-, Duke and Duchess, 596.
-, Eagle, 213.
-, Eleanor, 203, 246.
-, Elizabeth, 407, 488–9.
-, Elizabeth, of London, 407.
-, Elizabeth and Sarah, 455.
-, Emanuel, 246.
-, Emelia, frigate, 213.
-, Endeavour, transport, 244, 488.
-, Essex, man of war, 95, 442.
-, Exchange, 213.
-, Excellent, of Sables d'Olonne, 592.
-, Expectation, 488.
-, Experiment, 407.
-, Faulcon, 202, 213.
-, Fox, 229.
-, Francis, 455.
-, Francis and Mary, 488.
-, Friends' Adventure, 488.
-, Friends' Goodwill, 488.
-, Friendship, 489.
-, Fro, 592.
-, George, 592.
-, George, of Montrose, 472, 592.
-, George and Elizabeth, 148, 592.
-, Good Success, 592.
-, Grafton, 26, 356.
-, Greyhound, packet boat, 384, 440.
-, Hannah, brigatine, of Cork, 593, 606.
-, Happy Return, 213, 407, 455.
-, Hazard, transport, 200.
-, Hedway Eleona, 221, 235.
-, Hellveotsluice [otherwise Hellvoetsluis], Dutch man-of-war, 330.
-, Henrietta, 488.
-, Henry and William, 407.
-, Hester, 592.
-, Hope, French prize, 130, 140, 619.
-, Hope and Clare, 592.
-, Humble Servant, 213, 488.
-, Hutton, 213.
-, Industry, transport, 394.
-, Iron Weigh, 592.
-, James, of Dumfries, 592.
-, Jane and Margaret, 489.
-, Jenny, pink, 366, 468–9.
-, John, 213.
-, John and Rebecca, 213, 224.
-, John and Thomas, 177, 213.
-, John Goodwill, 455.
-, John Thorowgood, 213.
-, Joseph, 532, 574, 583.
-, Judith, 592.
-, Katherine, 213, 489.
-, Katherine, of Leith, 238.
-, King of Poland, 489.
-, Kingston, 488.
-, Lacking Friendship, 213.
-, Lancaster, 340.
-, Langly, 213, 224, 592.
-, Lawrence, frigate, 213, 224, 592.
-, Leviathan, from Virginia, 167.
-, Lioness, 489.
-, Little Joseph, hoy, 229.
-, Love, 401, 592.
-, Love's Encrease, 592.
-, Loving Friendship, 224.
-, Lyddell, 407.
-, Lyoness, 489.
-, Manila, prize, 569, 596.
-, Margaret, 213.
-, Margaretta, privateer, 263.
-, Margaretta alias Pearl, 488.
-, Mary, 203, 246, 592.
-, Memoria, Danish prize, 306.
-, Merchant's Goodwill, 488.
-, Milford, 40.
-, Mountjoy, of Londonderry, 192.
-, Nathaniel, 221, 235.
-, Nathaniel and John, 203, 246.
-, Neptune, 356, 455.
-, Newcastle, galley, 460, 488.
-, Norfolk, 340.
-, Nostra Seigniora del Soccoro, 188, 203, 214.
-, Nostra Senora de Loretto [y] St. Nicholas de Tolentino, 50, 356.
-, Orange Tree, 623–4.
-, Owner's Adventure, 407.
-, Owners' Goodwill, 202, 489.
-, Panther, 616.
-, Pearl, 488.
-, Peregrine, galley, 549.
-, Phillip and Mary, 202, 213.
-, Phœnix, transport, 200, 250, 446, 447.
-, Port Merchant, 213.
-, Portsmouth, 1.
-, Prince Charles, 455.
-, Prophet Daniel, 488, 591.
-, Providence, of Whitby, 203, 213, 246, 407, 488, 592.
-, Ravan, galley, 591.
-, Resolution, 110, 556.
-, Returne, 489.
-, Robert, 592.
-, Robert and Barbara, 213, 224.
-, Robert and William, 202, 213, 455.
-, Robinson, frigate, 371.
-, Rose, 489.
-, Rotterdam, 592.
-, Royal Anne, 497.
-, Rupert, 95, 442.
-, St. Jacob, 272, 288.
-, St. John, prize, 263.
-, St. Joseph, 214.
-, St. Peter, prize, 263.
-, St. Quintin, store ship, 469.
-, St. X, galleon, 353.
-, Salisbury, 36, 226.
-, Samuel, transport, 244, 488.
-, San Gaetano, 50, 356.
-, Scarborough, 462.
-, Six Brothers, 229, 246.
-, Speedwell, 99, 470, 489.
-, Staden, of Stockholm, 426, 538.
-, Stephen, 248, 288.
-, Success, 127, 584, 618.
-, Susanna, 213.
-, Sweet Apple, 455.
-, Thomas and Ann, transport, 446–7.
-, Thomas and Elizabeth, 455.
-, Thomas and Francis, 213.
-, Thomas and Robert, 592.
-, Triumph, 356.
-, Tryton, 229.
-, Two Brothers, 213.
-, Two Virgins, transport, 244.
-, Union, 127, 574, 584, 618.
-, Unity, of Margate, 188, 200, 213, 246, 455.
-, Valentine, 364.
-, Vanguard, 356.
-, Vear, frigate, 284.
-, Venture, of Dublin, 331.
-, Vine, 489.
-, Vineyard, 213.
-, Virgin Catherine, 592.
-, Wecselmunde, 489.
-, William, 202, 213, 463, 583, 592.
-, William and Ann, 202, 213, 407.
-, William and Joseph, 265.
-, William and Mary, 203, 213, 246, 265.
-, William Goodwill, 213.
-, Wine Fat, 592.
-, Wisdom of Solomon, 592.
-, Woman of Samaria, 592.
-, Worcester, 3, 126, 541, 588.
-, York(e), 423, 426.
-, Young Tobias, 592.
Shipwrights. See Navy.
Shirley, Robert, 1st Viscount Tamworth and 1st Earl Ferrers, gift of plate, 538.
Shoreditch, Richard, Agent for Taxes, 1, 120, 130, 288, 481, 552; appointment of, 171; attending the Treasury, 19, 29; patent, 580; salary, 246, 485.
Shoreham, co. Sussex, Customs officers at, 156, 527, 618. See also Aldersey, A.
Short, _, petition, 624.
-, -, John, Accomptant and Inspector of Customs in Scotland, 208, 373.
-, -, -, reward for, 238.
Shorthand writers, 283.
Shovell, Sir Cloudesley, 388; loss of ship of, 183, 300, 620; Regiment of, 338, 527; widow of, 530.
-, -, Elizabeth, widow, 388, 527, 530.
Shrewsbury, co. Salop, 506.
-, Assessment Commissioner of the Land Tax, 158.
-, Distributor of Stamps at, 81, 364.
Shrewsbury, Duke of. See Talbot, Charles.
Shrider, Christopher, organ maker, payments to, 62, 143, 279.
Shropshire. See Salop, county of.
Shute, _, surety for _ Austin, 436.
Shuter, Christopher, petition of, 596.
Sibourg (Sybourg), Colonel Charles de, Regiment of, offreckonings, 607.
Sick and Wounded:
-, Commissioners for, 31, 34, 38, 71, 103, 577, 631. See also Addison, T.; Elder D.
-, account of pressing services of, 34.
-, accounts, debts of, 87, 100, 186, 384, 402, 487, 527.
-, accounts of prisoners, 87, 402, 598–9.
-, Agent of, 98.
-, Agent for seamen in Jamaica, 540.
-, Agent for seamen at Pembroke, 469.
-, Agent of, at Plymouth, accounts, 577, 596.
-, Agent of, in Spain and Portugal, 443.
-, appointed Commissioners for South Sea Trade, 321.
-, bills of Course, 101, 492.
-, bills of exchange, 38, 101, 487.
-, demands to be made by, 107.
-, estimates of, 537.
-, hospital at Port Mahon, 388.
-, memorials of, 93, 98, 624.
-, methods of, 596.
-, numbers of sick and wounded in Quarters, 107–8.
-, provisions, stores and hospitals relating to, 95.
-, seamen, quartering of, 107.
-, service of, imprests for, 107, 234.
-, share of profits on sale of wine on ships, 364.
-, stays of process, 387, 516–7, 519.
-, to attend Treasury, 74, 87, 98.
-, Treasurer for, issues to, 34, 101, 226, 234, 491, 536. See also Savery, T.
Sidling, co. Dorset, 221.
Sidney, Hon. Thomas, Comptroller of Excise, allowance to, for clerks, 187.
Signatures, Presenter of, Scotland, 122.
Signet, Clerk of the, warrants to, for privy seals, 153, 171–2, 178, 186, 229, 242, 251, 252, 257, 268, 281, 295, 343, 413, 442, 495, 561, 562, 600.
Signet Office, Ireland, payment to, 261.
Signets and Seals, Chief Engraver of, 77–8, 190, 296, 299, 335, 363, 435, 608. See also Roos, J.
Silk, imported, 629; seized, 293, 495, 588–9.
Silver fringe, 201.
Silver, Captain Thomas, Master Gunner of Great Britain, executors of, 191, 299.
Silvius, Dame—, royal bounty, 492.
Simpson, John, gardener, 533.
-, -, Thomas, master of the Britannia, 615.
Sinclair, Robert, Cashier, Excise, Scotland, salary, 312.
Sire, Michael, reward for, 499.
Six Brothers, owner, quarantine, 229, 246.
Six Clerks, Office of the late lawyer of, 353.
Skagen (Skaggan), Jutland, quarantine for ships from, 419.
Skene, Alexander, Secretary of Barbados, 435, 464.
Skerries, The [co. Anglesey], lighthouse at, 533.
Skins, Duties on. See Hides and Skins. grant of market for selling of, 395.
Slack Pitts Coppice. See Wychwood Forest.
Slaine (Slann), Andrew, Queen's Waiter London Port, patent, salary, 386, 426.
Slane, Lord Christopher, Regiment of, subsistence, 16, 241.
Slann, Andrew. See Slaine.
Slaughter, _, Agent for the Sick and Wounded at Plymouth, 577, 596.
Slingelandt, _, Secretary to the Council of the States General, 4, 556.
Sloan, Dr. _,payment to, 598.
Sloper, Mr. [Deputy in England of James Bridges, Paymaster General of the Forces Abroad], 63.
-, account of money owing, 40.
-, attending or to attend the Treasury, 30, 33, 36, 45, 47, 51, 55, 67, 78, 79 and passim.
-, demands, 27.
-, information concerning Earl of Clarendon's memorial, 45.
-, memorial of, 41, 61, 71, 108.
-, representation of, 254.
-, to make list of Bridges' tallies, 88.
-, to request advance from Bank, 44, 64.
-, See also Army, Forces Abroad, Paymaster General of, Deputy to.
Small Arms. See Ordnance.
Smallbone, Dr. _, Apothecaries Hall, certificate of, 463.
Smallstone and the Grove. See Wychwood Forest, Coppices in.
Smallwell, Nathaniel, master of the Robert, 592.
Smallwood, John, merchant of Liverpool, petition, 524.
Smethin. See Smithin.
Smith (Smyth), _, Surveyor of the Works in Scotland, 52.
-, -, Alexander, information against master of the Vear, 284.
-, -, Bernard, organ builder, administratrix, of, 204, 279.
-, -, George, Queen's Proctor, 223, 254; attending the Treasury, 27, 57; contents of captured Genoese ships, 60, 84.
-, -, Hendrick, imprisonment, 562.
-, -, Hercules, reward, 238.
-, -, John, a Baron of the Exchequer, Scotland, attending or to attend the Treasury, 51, 55.
-, -, -, Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer Court, 119, 249, 364, 381, 435, 495.
-, -, -, of Bideford, merchant, executors of, petition of, 173, 624.
-, -, -, Receiver General of Land Revenue for cos. Essex, Hertford, Huntingdon, London and Middlesex, 522–3.
-, -, -, Teller of the Exchequer, 61.
-, -, Joseph, factor in Virginia, 173.
-, -, -, Master of the William, 592.
-, -, Mary, petition, proof spirits, 379.
-, -, Matthew, boatman, 587.
-, -, Obediah, Surveyor of the Window Tax, co. Northampton, 34, 229.
-, -, Thomas, housekeeper at the House of Commons, 559.
-, -, -, M.P. for Glasgow, 541.
-, -, -, payment, 612.
-, -, -, petition of, 234.
-, -, Captain Thomas, recompense for, 116, 598.
-, -, William, Keeper of the Justice Court, Scotland, 122, 349.
-, -, -, Paymaster, Band of Gentleman Pensioners, 313, 330, 359.
Smithin (Smethin, Smythin), Samuel, goldsmith, payments to, for plate, 136, 270, 298, 299, 343, 409, 578.
Smyrna, bills of exchange, 613, 615.
Smyth. See Smith.
Smythin. See Smithin.
Snart, John, founder, payment for weights and measures, 371.
Snell, John, Robert and Vyner, bankers' annuities, 384–5.
Snip (Snep), _, owler of Romney, bailor of, 447, 484.
Snow, Sir Jeremiah, creditors and executor of, 384–5.
-, -, Robert, bankers' annuities of, 385.
Snowdon, Thomas, discharge of, from prison, 525.
Snuff, stopped at Custom House, 152.
Soap, duties on, 421.
Sohnius, Gerhard, payment to, for translations, 419.
Soley. See Sauli.
Solicitor General:
-, allowance for Irish Parliament, 260.
-, appointment of Postmaster General, 278.
-, attendances at the Treasury, 1, 25–6, 42–3, 57, 86.
-, Auditors of Imprests attending, 292.
-, Clerk of the Pipe, great seal, 370.
-, establishment of a General Post Office, 311.
-, loans on tin, 536.
-, Lottery contributions [9 Anne, c. 6], 237, 311.
-, Mint, the, appointment of Comptroller of, 295; receipts of, 325.
-, Office of Works, seals of office, 399.
-, opinion of, 210.
-, references to, 40, 63, 67–8, 74, 78, 88, 138, 170, 200, 210, 237, 260, 278, 292–3, 311 (3), 315, 321, 325, 351, 370, 379, 399, 412, 536, 562, 569, 625.
-, reports of, 200, 625.
-, Richmond, New Park, seal of office of Keeper of, 412.
-, South Sea Trade, commission for, 311; seal of, 321; Navy subscriptions for, 315; Stock, 569.
-, tax arrears, recovery of, 351.
-, warrants to, 379, 562.
-, Ireland, payment to, for clerk, 260.
-, Scotland, pension of, 124, 350.
Sollers, Edmund, bankruptcy of, 524.
Sols. See Coins, Crowns.
Somers Island. See Bermuda Islands.
Somerset, co., Receiver General of Taxes for, 180, 197, 255, 519, 616; repayment to, 56. See also Hutchins, B.
Somerset, Duchess of. See Seymour, Elizabeth.
-, -, Duke of. See Seymour, Charles.
-, -, Henry, Duke of Beaufort, Keeper of the New Forest, representation of, 621.
Somerset Herald. See Heralds.
Somerset House, Chapel of, furniture for, 238.
-, lodgings at, 591.
Sommers, Philip, master of the Union, 574. Cf. Summers.
Sorrell, Francis, clerk to Agents for Taxes, payments, 550–1.
-, -, -, Lottery business, expenses, 22, 199, 210.
-, -, -, secretary, Commissioners for House Duties, payments, 130, 481.
-, -, -, secretary, Commissioners for Taxes, 553.
Sound, the, ships passing through, 393.
-, See also Denmark.
Sous. See Coins.
South, Humphrey, petition of, 418, 459.
-, -, John, Commissioner of Excise, Ireland, executors of, 328.
Southampton, county of:
-, Auditor for, 225.
-, Distributor of Stamps in, 152.
-, High Sheriff of, Land Tax arrears, 424.
-, Land revenue of, 351.
-, Land Tax arrears, 424.
-, Receiver General of Taxes and House Duties, 181, 412, 419, 436, 489, 522. See also Austin, T.
-, Sheriffs of, 313, 609.
Southampton, Duke of. See Fitzroy, Charles.
Southcrook, Menai River, co. Anglesey, lease of ferry, 368, 494, 620.
-, See also Menai River.
Southern, Ralph, master of the Rotterdam, 592.
South Molton, co. Devon, Land Tax arrears, 424.
Southsea, co. Southampton, papers taken from ship at, 559, 560.
South Sea Company (Corporation):
-, Act, 100.
-, annuities of, issues, 72.
-, Charter, 84, 441.
-, Directors of, Court of, 557; instructions to, 111; memorial of, 105.
-, erection of, 481.
-, incorporation of, 569.
-, management of, 567, 580–1.
-, Receivers of subscriptions, 105, 323; surety for, 503.
-, Stock of, 95, 467, 470, 472.
-, adjustment of, 601–2.
-, deposit of, as security for loans, 89, 104, 108, 112, 114–5, 558, 584, 611.
-, floating Departmental debts in, 441.
-, issue of, 76.
-, payment in, 100, 105, 111.
-, payments out of, 607.
-, rate, 115.
-, seamen's tickets to be made part of capital stock, 74, 111.
-, subscribing of bills into, 101.
-, subscriptions into, 74, 83, 95, 101, 105, 111, 115, 315, 323, 338, 355, 358, 376–7, 492, 557, 569, 573.
-, transfers of, 600–1, 609.
-, Sub-Governor of, 105, 503.
-, Treasurer, 557.
South Sea Trade, Act for [9 Anne c. 15], 378, 383.
-, Commissioners for, 311, 321–3, 358.
South Seas, the, ship from, 575.
Southwark, co. Surrey, Palatines in, 446; skin market, 395; wharves at, 372.
Southwell School [co. Nottingham], annuity to schoolmaster of, 382.
Southwell, Edward, a Clerk of the Privy Council, 190.
-, -, Sir Thomas, Commissioner of Revenue, Ireland, 328; commission, 432.
Southwold, co. Suffolk, boatmen and waiters at, 268; Customs collector at, 599.
Spain, 36, 100, 104, 126, 148.
-, Army in, 208, 212, 215, 217–8, 221, 333, 436, 454, 595, 597, 618.
-, Artillery train in, 532, 598.
-, Commissary of Provisions, 274.
-, Commissary of Stores in, 389.
-, Commissioners for inspecting Army Affairs in, 74, 108, 399, 454, 471–2, 494–5, 530, 538, 548; Secretary to, 272.
-, See also Army abroad—Spain and Portugal.
-, Engineer to, 383.
-, General and Commander in Chief in, 463, 527, 531. See also Campbell, John.
-, medicine chests for, 463.
-, mule carriages for, 100.
-, volunteers to, 103.
-, See also Army, in Spain.
-, Army of, debts due to, 371; deserters from 35, 218.
-, assays of money of, 486.
-, bills of exchange from, 10, 34, 62, 69, 94, 303; rules concerning, 20.
-, brandy imported from, 379, 588, 626.
-, corn sent to, 469.
-, foreign forces in, 300.
-, hospitals in, 366, 463.
-, invalids in, 568.
-, King of, Charles III (his Catholic Majesty), 99, 148, 208.
-, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to, 187–8, 197, 201. See also Campbell, John.
-, Envoys from, 436; payment, 214–5; present to, 298–9. See also Rios, Marquis de los; Gallas, Count.
-, express message from, 257.
-, letters of, to the Queen, 54.
-, money for use of, 18, 19, 88.
-, Ordnance stores for, 286.
-, remittances to, 507.
-, Resident at Court of, 229, 482, 632.
-, subsidy to, 436; stoppages out of, 632.
-, Treaty with, 443.
-, letters and packets to, 456.
-, pistoles. See Coins.
-, Portuguese troops in, 429.
-, powder sent to, 106.
-, prisoners in, 577, 581, 605.
-, purchase of mules in, 629.
-, regiment formed in, 627.
-, regiments embarked in Ireland for, 171.
-, remittances to, 63, 69, 113, 508.
-, rials. See Coins.
-, ship built in (Nostra Seigniora del Soccoro), 188.
-, state of war in, 88, 609.
-, transport agents in, 444, 568.
-, victualling agents in, 443.
Spanheim [Ezechiel], Baron, Ambassador from the King of Prussia, payment to daughter of, 143; present intended for, 143.
Sparry, _, Receiver General of Taxes, for part of co. Norfolk, arrears, 579.
-, -, John, Receiver General of Taxes for co. Worcester, 178, 433, 490, 591, 625, 632.
Spearing, _, Customs clerk, Portsmouth, absconding of, 395.
Specie Bills. See Exchequer Bills.
Speedwell, quarantine, 489; victualling of, 470.
Speering, Daniel, Churchwarden of Porchester Church, 252.
Speke, Hugh, royal bounty, 438.
-, -, Mary, royal bounty, 438, 602.
Spence (Spens) William, Chief Warden of the Mint [Scotland], accounts of, 413.
Spencer, Lieutenant _, recruiting officer, 280.
-, -, Ann, Countess of Sunderland, a Lady of the Bedchamber, allowance, 236, 337, 549.
-, -, Robert, 3rd Earl of Sunderland, daughter of, 212.
-, -, William, master of the Stephen, 248, 288.
Spens. See Spence.
Spicer, Colonel [Giles], Lieutenant Governor of Guernsey, pay, 466.
-, -, Mrs. _, letter of, 466.
Spithead, co. Southampton, prize ship at, 140; transports at, 228.
Spotswood, Alexander, Governor of Virginia, 371; appointment, 451, 454.
Springett, Anthony, stay of process, 519.
Stables. See Royal Mews and Stables.
Stacey, Richard, master bricklayer, Office of Works, 403.
Staden, of Stockholm, refitting at Portsmouth, 426, 538.
Stafford, county of, High Sheriff of, Land Tax arrears, 425.
-, Receivers General of Taxes and House Duties, 59, 178–9, 181–2, 412, 465, 489, 531. See also Baylie, S.
Staghounds, presented to the Queen, 499.
Stahremberg (Starembergh), _, Marshal, 287.
Staincliffe, East, co. York., Land Tax arrears, 424.
Stair, Earl of. See Dalrymple, John.
Stamford, Earl of. See Grey, Thomas.
Stamp Duties, Chief Inspector of, salary, 267, 627.
-, Edwards, J.
-, Commissioners for, 42, 110, 146, 152, 172, 188, 267, 395, 555, 580, 622, 629.
-, appointments by, 159, 313, 389, 552, 622.
-, Clerks and Apprentices, Duties on, clerks for, 403.
-, counterfeit stamps, 320.
-, devices for new stamps (dies), 74, 77–8, 289, 335, 363.
-, Distributors of Stamps:
-, cos. Bedford, Cambridge, Essex and Hertford, 156, 582, 622. See also Boys, A.
-, co. Chester, 445.
-, co. Cornwall, 178, 235, 277, 620.
-, cos. Montgomery and Salop, 279, 306, 364, 445, See also Millington, J.; Philips, T.
-, Norwich, 211, 360. See also Garrod, D.
-, Shrewsbury, 81.
-, co. Southampton, 152.
-, Taunton, 9, 146, 242. See also Beresford, T.
-, Tiverton, 269.
-, Wells, 9, 146.
-, co. Wilts., 306.
-, engraving and cutting escutcheons, 608.
-, Land Tax, refund of, 428.
-, parchments and papers, discount rates, 391.
-, paper, specimens of, 315.
-, petitions referred to, 156, 178.
-, playing cards, duty on (9 Anne, c. 16), 342, 389–90.
-, reports by, 146, 166.
-, stamp duty on judgments, 60, 276.
-, Stationers' Company, printing of almanacks, 394.
-, stays of process, 296, 409, 471, 504, 530.
-, to attend Treasury, 77, 104–5.
-, Comptroller of the Accounts of, 110; salary, 555.
-, income from distribution and application of, 132.
-, Office, salaries and incidents, 110, 245, 247, 334, 346, 547, 608.
-, Parchment, duty on, 391.
-, Receiver of, allowance, 403.
-, Vellum, Duty on, distribution of revenue from, 163, 205, 239, 290.
Stamp Duties (Scotland), Apprentice Duty, collectors of, 351.
Stamp Office, Commissioners of the. See Stamp Duty Commissioners.
Stamped Paper, distributor of, at Exeter, 172, 188.
Stamper. See Frazier, A.
Stanborough, Hundred of, co. Devon, Receiver General of Taxes for, 179.
Standfleet (Stanlet, Stanleet), Creek quarantine vessels in, 177.
Standgate (Stangate) Creek, co. Kent, damage to oyster beds at, by quarantine, 165, 169, 450, 621; for quarantine vessels, 440.
Staneforth. See Staniforth.
Stanfeild, Samuel, petition, reduction of proof brandy and rum, 131, 379.
Stanford, _, naval stores furnished by, 377.
Stangate Creek, co. Kent. See Standgate.
Stanhope, Lieutenant General, 28, 33, 212, 218, 390, 436; bills of exchange, 64, 96–7, 220, 287, 411, 416, 437; messengers of, 411; pay of, 39, 234–5; prisoners with, 33.
-, -, Colonel William, Regiment of, subsistence, 338.
Staniforth (Staneforth), Disney, purchaser of the Hope prize, 130, 140, 619.
Stanleet, Stanlet Creek. See Standfleet Creek.
Stanley, Richard, waterman, 587.
Stanneries. See under Tin.
Stanstead, co. Essex, repair of road at, 538.
Stanwix, Brigadier, 96; Governor of Gibraltar, 397, 447; Regiment of, 441.
Stanyan, Abraham, Envoy to the Swiss Cantons, 96, 220, 437, 482; loan of, 89; ordinary, 564; arbitrator between Austria and Duke of Savoy, 537.
-, -, Lawrence, Paymaster of Artillery Train, accounts, 531–2.
Staples, Edward, clerk assistant, House of Commons, 559.
Staremberg. See Stahremberg.
Starkey, John, rent charge of the rectory of West Leigh, co. Lancaster, 386.
State, Secretaries of, 23, 51, 70.
-, Baltic, plague in the, 397.
-, copies of treaties required from, 56, 72, 79, 83.
-, secret service dues, 34.
-, See also Dartmouth, William, Earl of; Queensberry, James, Duke of; St. John, Henry.
-, (William, Earl of Dartmouth), 20, 24, 28, 44, 62, 69, 78, 82, 97–8, 101, 125, 148, 212–3, 224, 242, 254, 315, 397, 423, 426, 458, 460, 466, 499, 527, 536, 560–1, 579, 585, 591, 621, 627–8.
-, Africa Company, [Royal], 629, 630.
-, allowances by, 224–5.
-, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, papers concerning, 320.
-, Baltic Sea, convoys, 417, 419.
-, Genoa, ship of, detained, 389.
-, Gibraltar, stores for, 262. instructions for Inspectors of Army accounts, 72–3.
-, issues to, for secret service, 145, 149, 223, 466, 495, 579.
-, loans on tin, 149.
-, memorial of, 218.
-, patent of, 305.
-, pieces of eight, agreement concerning, 355, 357.
-, Portugal, Army of, provisions for, 314.
-, Portugal, King of, subsidy to, 364.
-, Prussia, recruits from, 458.
-, references to, 607, 631–2.
-, salary, 129, 145.
-, Saragossa, Spain, battle of, trophies of, 488.
-, Spain, treaties for foreign forces in, 300.
-, Spain, King of, subsidy to, 436.
-, Spain and Portugal, ordnance stores, 286.
-, (James, Duke of Queensberry), 182, 295.
-, bills allowed by, 175; issues to for secret service, 138, 153, 223; patent of, 129.
-, (Henry St. John), 16, 46–7, 126, 134, 172, 220, 230, 338, 402, 419, 466, 495, 526, 538, 579, 618, 626, 630, 632.
-, arrears due to Bishop of Munster and Duke of Wolfenbuttel, 58, 267.
-, Catalonia, recruits from, 310.
-, demands of, 58.
-, Dutch naval officers detained, 248, 309.
-, false musters, 330.
-, Irish Parliament allowance for, 260.
-, issue to, for secret service, 20, 197, 223, 466, 495, 579.
-, patent of, 579.
-, prosecution of Thomas Hurley, 335.
-, reference from, 393.
-, report by, 45.
-, small arms, agreement for, 317.
-, Ireland, payment to, 260.
States General of the United Provinces:
-, Agent in the Cevennes, 338.
-, Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentaries to the 262, 265, 301, 480, 482–3. See also Churchill, John, Duke of Marlborough; Wentworth, Thomas, Duke of Strafford; Townsend, Lord.
-, Secretary to, 290, 378, 483.
-, Council of the, Secretary to, accounts of moiety of cost of foreign troops, 556. See also Slingelandt, _.
-, Envoy from, 292, 333, 419, 422, 633. See also Vryberge, _,
-, Minister from, passage of, 456.
-, Ordnance stores, 286.
-, payments by, for Palatine troops, 215.
-, Plenipotentiary of, arbitrator between the House of Austria and Duke of Savoy, 537.
-, release of nationals of, 562. See also Holland.
Stationers', Company of, petition, printing of almanacks, 394.
Stationery, payments for, 219.
Staunton, Mr., 111, 112.
Stawell (Stowell), Edward, Commissioner for Army Affairs in Spain and Portugal, 454, 495.
Staynton, Henry, lease of Kirkstall Ings alias Folly Ings, in York, 608.
Stebbing, Samuel, Somerset Herald, fees and salary, 191.
Steill, James, Scottish Herald, 121.
Steinghens (Stenghen), Monsieur, letter of, 220; petition, 632.
Stephen, master of, quarantine of, 248, 288.
Stephens, James, Deputy Usher of Exchequer, Scotland, 123.
-, -, Robert, messenger, salary, 387.
Stepney, William, et al., petition of, 156.
Sterne, Colonel Robert, Regiment of, clothing, 520.
Steuart. See Stewart.
Stevens, Major Giles, imprest to, towards raising recruits, 160, 280, 628.
-, -, Henry, steward of the Courts of the Honour of Ewelme, co. Oxford, petition of, 160, 624.
Stevenson, Alexander, petition, 390.
Stewart (Steuart, Steward, Stuart), Dougall, of Blairhall, Lord of Session, Scotland, 121.
-, -, Sir James, Advocate General, Scotland, pension, 124, 349, 350, 455; salary, 545, 564; free postage, 591.
-, -, Sir James, solicitor, 122.
-, -, Brigadier John, service of, in Portugal, 248.
-, -, John, late Keeper of the Signet, Scotland, petition of, 578.
-, -, Sir Simeon, Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer, 225; encroachments of, in Holt and Woolmer Forests, 224, 630.
-, -, Walter, petition, 130, 532; naval contract for canvas, 130, 154.
-, -, Lieutenant General William, Regiment of, offreckonings, 335, 390.
-, -, William, Queen's Remembrancer, Scotland 123, 360, 485.
Stiles, Thomas, payment, 615.
Stirling Castle, Garrison of, provisions for, 36, 44, 230–1, 235, 261–2.
Stirling, Earl of. See Alexander, Henry.
Stivers. See Coins, Guilders and Stivers.
Stockdale, Christopher, Alienation Office, appointment of, 295.
Stockholm, Sweden, deals, tar, etc. from, 148, 592; ships from, 202, 426, 456, 538.
Stockwell, Elizabeth, administratrix of Bernard Smith, payment to, 204, 279.
Stole, Groom of the. See Royal Bedchamber and Somerset, Duchess of.
Stone, John, clerk to Auditor Maynwaring, 392.
Storeaker, John, Surveyor of House Duties, co. York, commission, 288.
Stores, Clerk of the, Scotland, 123.
Story, Elizabeth, royal bounty, 498–9.
Stowell. See Stawell.
Stracey and Denham, petition, 628.
Stracey, Richard, payment, 553.
Strachan, Dr., Professor of Divinity, Edinburgh University, pension, 546.
-, -, Isabella, widow, petition, 546.
Strafford, Earl of. See Wentworth, Thomas.
Strand Gate, 555.
Stranraer, Scotland, bills of exchange, 324.
Stratford, Francis, loans of, 53–5, 57; bills, 98–9, 465, 514.
Strickland, Captain Charles, payment, to, 613.
-, -, Thomas, Commissioner of the Transfer Office of the 1710 Lottery, 171, 359, 401, 434, 593, 601, 625.
-, -, William, Commissioner of Revenue, Ireland, 328, 432.
Strode, _, petition of, 624.
-, -, Martha and Sidney, petition of, 447.
-, -, William, reward to, 238.
-, -, Sir William, legatees of, 447.
Strong, Robert, witness against persons illegally corresponding with France, 433.
Strood, co. Kent, danger from quarantine to, 164.
Strother, Margaret, royal bounty, 438.
Stuart. See Stewart.
Stubbs, William, Lottery business, 22, 204.
Stuckey, Michael, bills of exchange, 258.
Stucley, Ann, payment, 615.
Studholme, Michael, Keeper of the Queen's Private Roads, 55, 86–7, 275–6, 400, 402, 420, 538.
Stuart, Anthony, cashier, Victualling of the Navy, stay of process, 515–8, 520.
-, -, Joseph, of Ripley, co. Surrey, security for payment, 184, 530, 533. See also Weston, J.
Sturton, Judith, royal bounty, 429.
Subercase, Monsieur, agreement of, concerning prisoners, 160; bills payable to, 160, 258; capitulation of Annapolis Royal, 284.
Subsidies, to Allies, 155.
Success, seizure of, 584, 618.
Suez. See Fez.
Suffolk, county of, Commissioners for Recruiting, clerk to, 623.
-, copies of Act [8 Anne, c. 10], required in, 172.
-, land in, 456.
-, Receivers General of Taxes and House Duties, 146, 179, 181, 412, 489, 618.
Suffolk, Earl of. See Howard, Henry.
Suffolk Street [Pall Mall], lodgings in, 427.
Sugar, captured, 616; works, 334.
Summers, Robert, petition, 592. Cf. Sommers.
Sunderland, Countess of. See Spencer, Ann.
-, -, Earl of. See Spencer, Robert.
Surrey, county of, burglars apprehended in, 385.
-, lands in, trust of, 173, 623.
-, Receiver General of Duties on Births, Burials and Marriages, 266.
-, Receivers General of Taxes and House Duties, 7, 8, 19, 61, 136, 141, 164, 178, 179, 180, 184, 266, 315, 328, 330, 489, 490, 519, 523, 530, 533, 573, 594.
-, Sheriff of, payment to, 385.
Susanna, quarantine, 213.
Sussex, county of, burglar apprehended in, 395–6.
-, lands in, trust of, 173, 623.
-, Land Tax arrears, 318.
-, outlawry in, 300.
-, Receivers General of Taxes and House Duties, 147, 179, 181, 217, 332, 413, 418, 422, 434, 489, 503, 558, 575, 579, 628.
-, Sheriffs of, 300, 395–6, 418.
-, wool transported from, 148, 239, 367, 384, 447.
Sutherland, Charlotte, Lady Duffus, royal bounty, 404, 416, 553.
-, -, Countess of. See Gordon, Jean.
-, -, James, Keeper the Physic Garden, 123.
-, -, Kenneth, Lord Duffus, royal bounty, 554.
Sutton-at-Hone, Upper and Lower, co. Kent, Land Tax arrears, 423.
Sutton, Brigadier General [Richard], petition, 624.
-, -, Colonel Richard, Regiment of, pay of, 22, 200, 607.
-, -, Sir Robert, Ambassador to the Grand Signior, 499.
Suze [Suez]. See Fez.
Swabia, Circle of, Germany, remittances to, 505.
Swales, Thomas, landcarriage waiter, London port, 166.
Swallowfield, co. Berkshire, land in, 620.
Swayland, Henry, riding officer at Newhaven, appointment of, 384.
-, Danish ship captured by, 306.
-, deals from, 213.
-, iron from, 213.
-, Minister from, 272, 306, 383, 426, 431, 538.
-, pitch and tar from, 134, 213.
-, Resident at Court of, 482.
-, seizure of arms and ship by the Danes, 272, 311, 316, 383, 431.
-, Senate of, 311, 383.
-, ships from, passes 148; quarantine performed by, 188, 213, 407, 419.
-, ship of refitting at Portsmouth, 426, 538.
Sweet, _, accounts of, 7, 24; payments to and by, 30, 46, 83, 102, 220.
Sweet Apple, quarantine, 455.
Sweets, for House of Commons, 152.
Swift, Richard, Solicitor General Post Office, salary, 589.
Swimmer, _, wine belonging to, 584.
Swintown, Margaret, royal bounty, 429.
Swiny, Owen, payment, 497.
Switzerland, bank, loan by, 89.
-, Canton of Berne, loans from, 96–7, 220, 437.
-, Envoy to, 89, 96, 220, 437, 482, 564.
-, national of, 602.
Sybourg. See Sibourg.
Sydney, John, Earl of Leicester, land of, 551.
Sydserff, Elizabeth, wife of David Sevewright, lands of, 379.
Symes, L'Estrange, Comptroller of the Revels, salary, 192.