Warrant Book: September 1711, 21-29

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 25, 1711. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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'Warrant Book: September 1711, 21-29', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 25, 1711, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1952), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol25/pp460-472 [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Warrant Book: September 1711, 21-29', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 25, 1711. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1952), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol25/pp460-472.

"Warrant Book: September 1711, 21-29". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 25, 1711. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1952), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol25/pp460-472.


September 1711

Sept. 21. Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to Spencer Compton to pay 200l. to Robina, Countess of Forfar, as royal bounty. Money Book XXI, p. 186.
Money warrant for 40l. to Thomas Butler: without account: as reward and for his expense and trouble in going down to the Duke of Newcastle's house at Welbeck in Nottinghamshire for the privy seal which was in his Grace's custody there at the time of his death. (Money order dated Sept. 25 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Oct. 16 hereon.) Ibid., p. 186. Order Book VIII, pp. 101, 170.
Letter of direction for 200l. to Spencer Compton: out of Civil List moneys. Disposition Book XXI, p. 159.
Same for 500l. to the Africa Company in part of 1,647l. 10s. 0d. as by the order of the 13th inst., supra, p. 432: out of Civil List moneys. Ibid., p. 160.
T. Harley to the Excise Commissioners to report on the enclosed proposition [missing] about some alterations in the management of the Excise which the proposer believes will conduce to the increase [of the yield] thereof. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 447.
Same to the Earl of Dartmouth to acquaint the Portugal Envoy with the enclosed report [missing] made to the Lord Treasurer by the Customs Commissioners on the said Envoy's memorial concerning some chocolate brought over by Monsieur Brochado. Ibid., p. 448.
Same to Sir Christopher Wren. There is an absolute necessity that the Guard House at St. James's, which now lies in a very ruinous condition, should be repaired and made fit for the entertainment of the Guards by the time her Majesty shall come there. The Lord Treasurer directs you to view same and estimate for the repairs and to report by whom such repairs used to be made and in what manner the charge thereof used to be defrayed. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Thomas York, merchant, in behalf of himself et al., owners of the ship Dorothy, for leave for her to unlade at Newcastle, she having duly performed quarantine. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Suffolk and Bindon [as Deputy Earl Marshal of England]. The Lord Treasurer finds by an article in a report made to the House of Lords [see footnote, supra, p. 444, by the Lords' Committee appointed to consider of the method of keeping records that you had proposed to the Committee that certain records and books of the Court of Wards lying in great confusion in a large room adjoining to Westminster Hall should be removed to the Heralds' Office and that the Committee was of opinion that the same should be done and a schedule of them made and laid before her Majesty and before the House of Lords before Feb. 1 next so that it may be known what they are and whether it may be proper to remove any of them to some other place or have them remain in the Heralds' Office to enable them the better to make out the descents and pedigrees of the nobility. My Lord Treasurer desires to know whether the Heralds have considered this affair or are taking any measurers about performing the work. If not, your Lordship will please to consider the enclosed proposal of John Anstis concerning this business and send the Lord Treasurer your opinion thereon that so this work (which her Majesty thinks fit to have done) may be put in some forwardness.
Appending: the proposal of Mr. Anstis dated 29 June 1711. The books and papers which lie in the room adjoined to Westminster Hall are the Instruments of the dissolved Court of Wards, being duplicates of the Inquisitions post mortem transmitted thither according to the statute from the Chapel of the Rolls (where the originals remain upon record) and entries of the proceedings thereupon, which are also upon record, some of them (as I take it) in the Chancery, others in the Exchequer, such as Liveries, Ouster le Mains, Premier Seisin, Proofs of Age &c.
There are also transcripts from records touching tenures in capite and many deeds which were lodged probably in that Court [of Wards] to prove tenures of lands of pedigrees of persons who had suits or actions there.
These papers (containing the times of the deaths of all tenants under the Crown, their heirs, their ages &c., found upon oath by juries) are the surest proofs of the descents of such families and if the proposal of the Earl Marshal for removing them to the Heralds' Office be approved it is humbly offered:
(1) that the Duke of Norfolk is willing to be at the charge of making proper receptacles to preserve them in the Heralds' College which will be a considerable expense.
(2) that all the books shall be immediately cleaned and such of them as have received injury by the wet be carefully aired and removed forthwith, after a schedule has been taken of them.
(3) that all the parchments and papers (which now lie in the greatest confusion) may be cleaned and put into boxes to be made out of the boards in the shelves in that room and to be safely nailed up and removed to the Heralds' Office.
(4) that the contents of each instrument be put into a calendar and digested in order of time with relation to the subject matter of it and then that the loose papers be bound into volumes to preserve them and keep them constantly in method.
But there is so great a quantity of papers that it is impracticable to make an exact list of every particular before the 1st of February, though such schedules may be taken in that time as that the nature of the contents and subject matter of them may appear: which perhaps will answer the intention of the Lords in their report.
(5) when these Indexes are finished the catalogues shall be transmitted to the Treasury, signed by the person who has the custody of them as a charge upon himself; and on his death or removal to be signed in the like manner by his successor, and the same may be printed for service of the public if it be thought proper.
The Office of Arms consisting of 13 persons in ordinary (besides the extraordinary ones) no particular officer now thinks himself answerable for the books lately stolen out of their Library. It is therefore humbly proposed:
(a) that the Garter King of Arms have the custody of these Instruments and be made responsible for them, which charge (though it will require much time and pains) I will readily undertake for the service of the nobility and gentry if her Majesty approves the Earl Marshal's nomination of me to that office. In which case I hope that two Officers of Arms (for whom I will be answerable) may be permitted to assist me for three or four years and that they may have an allowance for their labour in registering and making indexes to those papers so as there be laid before the Lord Treasurer an account of the progress made in this affair half yearly to satisfy his Lordship of their deserving the allowance.
(b) that the charges of removing and new binding and of the paper used in making these indexes be repaid out of the Treasury.
(c) that the use of these books (while in the College of Arms) be under such directions as the Earl Marshal shall give from time to time.
Out Letters (General) XIX, pp. 448–9.
Sept. 21. Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Board of Ordnance and to the Victualling Commissioners to deliver provisions as follows out of her Majesty's stores to the Africa Company for the purposes named.
Prefixing: Order of the Queen in Council dated Windsor 1711 July 30 to the above effect, being made on a report from the Board of Trade dated July 27 in relation to the securing the Settlements on the Coast of Africa and preserving the African trade till some other provisions be made by Parliament for the same: said report being as follows: In the consideration of this matter we have several times been attended by the Royal Africa Company and some of the separate traders, as also by Capt. Holland, who lately served on that coast as Commander of your Majesty's ship Scarborough; and they inform us that the Settlements on that coast are in want of men, ammunition and provisions necessary to defend them until there is a settlement of that trade: that it is necessary for the preservation of the trade to Africa during the present war that two ships of the Fourth Rate and two of the Fifth Rate should attend that coast as well to annoy the enemy that frequent those parts with large private ships of war (who also carry great cargoes) as to secure the ships of your Majesty's subjects trading thither. The Africa Company inform us that there are in their several Settlements about 100 Europeans and that they are ready to send out by the first convoy a ship with a cargo to the amount of 2,500l. which they offer to apply wholly to the support of the said forts, but there being a necessity of sending a further force of 100 soldiers and artificers who also serve as soldiers and the Company not being in a condition to entertain and fit them or to furnish them with provisions and subsistence and to transport them to Africa or to purchase Ordnance stores to be sent thither, they beseech your Majesty's assistance therein: and as to the sum they pray of your Majesty for six months' subsistence of their men amounting (as they compute it) to 1,075l., they propose it shall be invested into a proper cargo for that trade: and they further crave liberty to put on board your Majesty's guardships in the Thames the said 100 men, as they shall from time to time raise them, in order to secure them [from escaping] till the convoys be ready.
Hereupon we represent to your Majesty that it is our opinion that the said Fourth Rates and Fifth Rates be provided and that they take on board the said soldiers, artificers, agents and servants of the Company; and that a transport ship be appointed to carry stores to be furnished by the Ordnance and Victualling as follows: further that 572l. 10s. 0d. be directed to defray the charge of entertaining and fitting out 100 soldiers and artificers and 1,075l. for six months' subsistence for them and that they be secured on the guard ships as is desired; but that the Company be obliged to give a particular account of the laying out and expending of the said money, stores and provisions.
Followed by: list of the stores to be furnished by the Board of Ordnance (100 muskets, 100 barrels of gunpowder, four ton great shot, viz. Whole, Demy Culverine, Minion and Saker, 10 hundredweight of musket, fuzee and pistol shot, 10,000 flints, six demi culverine of 28 hundredwright each, stationery ware, gunners' small stores for the Factories); and by the Victualling Commissioners (200 hundredweight of beef and pork, 200 hundredweight of bread in cask, 100 hundredweight of flour in cask, 12 firkins of butter, 10 hundredweight of old Cheshire cheese). Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, pp. 273–5.
Sept. 21. Same by same to George Granville, Secretary at War, to draw a royal warrant for paying 1,632l. 6s. 10d. to William Lilly for medicines by him provided by order of the Duke of Argyll and shipped on board the William transport for the use of the Hospitals and Forces in Spain.
Prefixing and appending: separate reports by James Brydges and by the Comptrollers of Army Accounts on said Lilly's memorial for same. The report by Brydges dated 18 Sept. 1711 states that "the payments hitherto made by me for chests of medicine furnished for the use of the Regiments in Spain have been directed out of the Contingencies of the Forces in Spain." The medicines in question have been furnished for this year 1711 and ought to have been satisfied out of the supplies of Parliament for Spain for this year in case there had been no deficiency fallen upon the service, but besides the extraordinaries of preceding years the deficiencies of this [year] proves so great as that there is not money to answer all the most pressing parts of the service. In the estimate laid before Parliament for Spain for the year 1711 there was included 8,000l. for Contingencies of the Army and Hospitals, which is the proper head to charge this expense to.
In their report dated 1 Sept. 1711 and signed by P. Meadowes and J. Bruce, the Comptrollers of Army Accounts state that they have examined the particulars of one of the invoices of medicines and found them perfectly good and reasonable in their prices, and another invoice of 17 pair of Regimental chests of medicines were viewed at the Apothecaries' Common Hall and valued at the usual price of 25l. each pair and the shipment is attested by certificate of Doctor Smallbone and Mr. Plummerden. Ibid., pp. 277–8.
Same by same to the Auditor of the Receipt to make out new orders for paying two bankers' annuities of 6l. 15s. 0d. per an. and 6l. per an. to John Gregory as executor to his father, Anthony Gregory: it appearing by the said Auditor's two certificates of the assigns of Gilbert Whitehall and John Lindsay (the said certificates being dated 1704 Sept. 9 and Nov. 4 and made in pursuance of an Act of Parliament of 2 and 3 Anne, c. 9) that the said Anthony appeared to be the proprietor of 6l. 15s. 0d. per an. as in lieu of 225l. principal money and 6l. as in lieu of 200l. principal money, being after the rate of 3 per cent. per an. as part of greater annuities granted by Charles II. to said Whitehall and Lindsay: and by a further certificate of said Auditor dated 1706 Dec. 11 the said annuities appeared to rest in James Coates of Cripplegate as administrator of said Anthony, and orders were made out in the name of said Coates, but since that date the will of said Anthony has been proved in the Prerogative Court 1707 Oct. 20 by John Gregory as son and executor and the letters of administration formerly granted to said Coates have been laid aside: The orders for paying to said Coates are to be hereby cancelled as fraudulently obtained.
Prefixing report by Lord Halifax, Auditor of the Receipt, hereon. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 279.
Sept. 22. Thomas Harley to the Excise Commissioners, Scotland. By Mr. Lowndes's letter of April last you were directed to advance 1,500l. to Archibald Douglas of Cavers for the then ensuing circuit of the Lords of Justiciary in Scotland. The charges of the approaching circuit will probably amount to a like sum, and it is necessary that speedy order be given for payment of it. The Lord Treasurer directs you to forthwith pay the like sum to said Douglas out of any Excise money in the hands of your Cashier applicable to the uses of the Civil Government. You are also to certify my Lord what you have paid for the Circuit Courts since the Union, distinguishing therein how much of it is already allowed in your accounts and for what parts. thereof warrants are still wanting for your discharge. (Cancelled and superseded by the letter of Sept. 25 infra.) Out Letters (North Britain) II, pp. 267–8.
Sept. 24. Royal warrant dated Windsor Castle to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to discharge Thomas, Earl of Strafford, late Lord Raby, from liability to return plate as follows delivered to him out of the Jewel House, viz. 945 ounces 10 pennyweight of gilt plate and 6,064 ounces of white plate delivered to him 25 Sept. 1705 [on his going] as Ambassador Extraordinary to the King of Prussia. Queen's Warrant Book XXV, pp. 92–3.
Sept. 25. Confirmation by Treasurer Oxford of the money warrant of July 10 last, supra, p. 359, for 200l. each to the Managers of the 1710 Lottery. Money Book XXI, p. 129.
Money order for 500l. to Robert Lowther for one quarter to Sept. 22 inst. on his 2,000l. per an. as Capt. General and Governor in Chief of Barbados and other islands and places in America: it being certified by Alexander Skene, Secretary of said island, that said Lowther arrived there Jan. 22 last. Order Book VIII, p. 102.
Same for 98l. 14s. 0d. for the city impost on wines for the Lord Mayor and members of the Corporation and officials of the city of London, detailed, for the year 1709 Xmas to 1710 Xmas. Ibid., p. 105.
Sept. 25. The like for same for the succeeding year: with like details of the officials, &c. Ibid., p. 108.
Letter of direction for 9,375l. to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: out of Contributions on the 2,000,000l.: and is intended to be paid over to Francis Stratford for one moiety of 18,750l. for the value of 75,000 Rix Dollars at 60 pence each in his bills on Hamburg at two months' and 2½ months' usance; the said dollars being to be applied there to answer two quarters on the subsidies payable to the King of Denmark: "the other moiety not being proposed to be received by the said Mr. Stratford till the end of four months from the date hereof." Disposition Book XXI, p. 161.
T. Harley to the Taxes Commissioners to report on the enclosed letter [missing] concerning the arrear due to the Crown from Geo. Howell, late Receiver General of Taxes of South Wales. Out Letters (General) XX, p. 8.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Samuel Baylie, late Receiver General for Co. Stafford, praying an allowance of 545l., being 8s. per cent. [per 100l.] on his collections of Land Tax and House Duties 1706–1710 amounting to 136,262l. 10s. 10d.; and proposing to pay 5,000l. by Sept. towards his 8,000l. debt to the Queen and to clear his accounts before Michaelmas: therefore praying a supersedeas to his prosecution and to the extent against his estate. Reference Book IX, p. 12.
Thomas Harley to the Excise Commissioners, Scotland, to advance immediately 1,000l. to Alexander Douglas for the charge of the approaching Circuit of the Lords of the Justiciary [being in replacement of the cancelled letter of Sept. 22, supra, p. 464]. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 268.
Entry of a Treasury caveat in favour of Lord Barnard that no lease or grant pass of lead mines &c. in the forest of Teesdale, co. Durham, till he be first heard. Notice to be sent to his Lordship to his house at Fairlawn: the letter to be left with Mr. Ruddle in Plough Court, Lombard Street. Caveat Book, p. 63.
Sept. 26. Money warrant for 1,500l. to Christopher Rhodes (whom the Managers and Directors as well of the 1,500,000l. Lottery [9 Anne, c. 6] anno 1711 as of the 2,000,000l. Adventure anno 1711 [9 Anne, c. 16] have chosen to be their Secretary) for the incident expenses attending the execution of the Acts for the said Lottery and Adventure. (Money order dated Sept. 27 hereon; three-sevenths or 642l. 17s. 2d. thereof to be paid out of the moneys of the Lottery fund and 857l. 2s. 10d. for the remaining four-sevenths to be paid out of the moneys of the Adventure fund.) Money Book XXI, p. 187. Order Book VIII, p. 101.
Same for 569l. 14s. 6d. to Thomas Lowther, gent., whereof 552l. 7s. 0d. is in satisfaction of several sums of money which he hath disbursed by order for her Majesty's special service and the remaining 17l. 7s. 6d. for Exchequer fees &c. thereon. (Money order dated Sept. 27 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Sept. 27 hereon.) Money Book XXI, p. 187. Order Book VIII, p. 101. Disposition Book XXI, p. 161.
Sept. 26. T. Harley to Visct. Ryalton to pay (out of moneys imprested to you for arrears due to the Household during the time you were Cofferer thereof) 500l. to Tregonall Frampton for half a year to Lady day last on his allowance of 1,000l. per an. for keeping her Majesty's running horses. Disposition Book XXI, p. 160.
Same to same to pay out of the 6,000l. directed to you "this day" as late Cofferer 600l. to Sir John Holland for half a year to Lady day last as late Comptroller of the Household. In the margin: 6,000l. directed 11 August. Ibid.
Letter of direction for 750l. each to the Earl of Dartmouth and Henry St. John, Principal Secretaries of State: out of Civil List moneys: for secret service. Ibid., p. 161.
T. Harley to Mr. Brydges enclosing two papers [missing], viz. (1) a memorial of Major Henry Pulleine concerning his subsistence since his return from Portugal: and (2) a letter from Mrs. Spicer, wife to Col. Spicer, Lieutenant Governor of Guernsey, concerning six months' pay due to her husband. Out Letters (General) XX, p. 8.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands. The Lord Treasurer observes that by the inspection of many ancient grants from the Crown it is found that timber trees, mines, quarries and other royalties are excepted. He desires you to inform yourself about these matters, especially as to the grants which have been made of the forests, parks and chases, and in due time to give him some account thereof. Ibid.
Same to the Postmasters General to send to the Lord Treasurer an account of the whole charge of management of the revenue of the Post Office as it was settled in 1685 (after it was consolidated in the Crown), how much in 1689 (after the Revolution) and how it now stands "in order to his Lordship's taking into consideration the proposed Establishment for the growing charges of managing that revenue." Please express therein the salaries in the General Post Office, the Postmasters, stages, letter carriers, packet boats, to what places employed and the annual charge thereof: and the like for the Penny Post. Ibid., p. 9.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Courteis and John Lyndsay for Customs free delivery of such of the wines seized in two small ships of theirs as are turned to vinegar and are not merchantable. Reference Book IX, p. 13.
Treasurer Oxford to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Alexander Hamilton, Lieut. Col. of Lieut. Gen. [Richard] Gorges' Regiment of Foot, praying a pension, he being disabled from further service by wounds received in the army. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 252.
Sept. 27. Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Salt Commissioners to repay to salt officers whose salaries do not exceed 100l. per an. the assessments on them for Land Tax anno 1711.
Prefixing: memorial from said Commissioners on behalf of said officers. Money Book XXI, p. 204.
Letter of direction for 500l. to Visct. Ryalton, late Cofferer of the Household: on his order for arrears due in that office. Disposition Book XXI, p. 160.
T. Harley to the Board of Ordnance to report on the enclosed letter [missing] of Samuel Clark about the debt owing to the King of Portugal in pursuance of a treaty for powder which it is proposed to be satisfied by stock in the South Sea Company. Please send my Lord Treasurer a state of the said debt, and whether you have any objections to the said proposal.
Also to report on Mr. Howe's report enclosed [missing] relating to the accounts of the pay of the Detachments of the First and Coldstream Regiments of Guards in Spain whereby it appears that they are charged with the value of arms delivered out of the Ordnance Stores, which the Officers of the said Detachments allege are not vouched by any indenture or receipts from them for the same. Out Letters (General) XX, p. 9.
Same to Sidney Godolphin, Esq. The Lord Treasurer is informed that a fine of 200l. on Francis Herbert, late Sheriff of Montgomery, is given in charge to the present Sheriff to be levied. My Lord desires you to take care that if it be not actually levied no proceedings be had therein till signification from him. If it be levied it is to remain in the Sheriff's hands in order to the procuring a warrant for repaying same to Mr. Herbert. Ibid., p. 10.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. My Lord has read your report of the 27th Aug. last on Mr. Dummer's petition for relief concerning the seizure of his effects employed in the service of the Navy at Portsmouth, and that the Navy bills which shall be made out to him quarterly may be accepted to reimburse her Majesty. My Lord is willing to give all the help he can to Mr. Dummer. Please put what he desires into such a method that he may be served thereby. Ibid.
Same to the Salt Commissioners. The Attorney General has considered your report on Sir Alexander Rigby's representation about frauds in curing and packing of fish and receiving the drawbacks [of Salt Duty] on the exportation of said fish from Scotland for the salt used in the said process. Please consider said report as enclosed [missing] and propose such clauses as may obviate such frauds. Ibid., p. 11.
Same to the Excise Commissioners enclosing a recommendation [missing] of Mr. Barkly, Surveyor of Excise at Taunton, to be collector there in the room of the late collector, deceased. In the margin: "sent away per order of Mr. Taylour." Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed report [missing] of Lord Halifax [Auditor of the Receipt] on the case of William Allen, proposing that the debt due to him (on an Exchequer annuity) from Guy Palmes when one of the Tellers of the Receipt, may be stopped [paying at the Exchequer] and [in lieu thereof may be] paid by the Receiver of the Post Office out of moneys in his hands on a pension which was granted to the said Palmes, preferable to any private debt charged thereon. Out Letters (General) XX, p. 11.
Sept. 27. Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Customs Commissioners to pay 100l. to Geo. Courtney, Esq., Vice-Admiral of Devon, for his charges in saving and securing the wine out of a French ship of 30 tons laden with white wine driven ashore on the 6th Dec. 1708 near East Tingmouth and secured by the officers of the Vice Admiralty of Devon in two cellars at Teignmouth.
Prefixing: report dated 30 July 1711 by the Customs Commissioners on the memorial of said Courtney. We were informed by letters of 11 Dec. 1708 from Richard Score, the then collector, and John Gill, the then Surveyor of Exeter and Topsham ports, that on the 6th of that month a French ship of 30 tons with 110 hogsheads of white wine from Bordeaux bound for Dunkirk drove ashore near East Tingmouth and broke up in three hours. The crew of five were all saved and 90 hogsheads of wine were washed ashore and secured in cellars in Tingmouth by the Deputy to George Courtney, Esq., the Vice Admiral of Devon. The Customs officers put locks on the doors and we directed that no wine should be delivered till the Duties were paid after condemnation as prize. On an agreement with said Courtney 7 April 1709 we directed our officers (upon production to them of the Admiralty Court adjudication of the wines) to assist Mr. Courtney's agents in the sale thereof, and on the 4 November 1709 Mr. Nicho. Cove, agent to the Vice Admiral, sold same to the value of 147l. 4s. 0d., whereof he craved 13l. 14s. 4d. for the charge of bringing them from Tingmouth to Exeter. The remainder, being 133l. 9s. 8d., was deposited in the Queen's chest under joint locks. Since then the said Cove has exhibited to us a bill for 260l. 11s. 1d. for his charges in saving and securing the wine. Our officers after local examination think 92l. 15s. 0d. sufficient to be allowed. By a clause in an Act of 6 Anne [c. 73] the neat proceed of the sale of prize wines is to be applied proportionately towards discharging the Duties thereon so far as the same will extend, "the whole not being sufficient to pay the Duties due for the quantity so sold." We shall not object to your Lordship allowing 100l. to Courtney for his trouble and charge out of the 147l. 4s. 0d. total realised. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 357–9.
Treasury reference to the Auditors of Imprests of the petition of the Earl of Ranelagh for stay of the process issued against him upon the stopping [delaying] the passing his accounts. Reference Book IX, p. 13.
Same to the Taxes Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Crawthorpe [Cawthorpe] of London, apothecary, concerning William Cawthorpe his father, deceased, Receiver General of the Lindsey Division in Co. Lincoln; praying stay of process [on his said father's accounts]. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Transports Commissioners to pay to John [sic] Wimple the sum due to him for hire of his ship Jenny, pink, by making forth, registering and delivering to him bills or debentures in the method of your Office.
Prefixing: report by said Commissioners on the said George [sic] Wimple's case as by the order of reference of July 13 last. The said vessel was employed in transporting corn from Barbary to Barcelona and by contract made with Thomas Jenings, a Commissioner of the Navy, dated Lisbon 13 May 1709 she was taken up by him to transport naval stores from thence to Port Mahon at 14s. per ton per month, to continue therein until three days after her return to Lisbon with the first convoy or the master to have liberty to freight the vessel at Port Mahon if he thought fit. By an order of Sir Edward Whitaker dated at Port Mahon 31 Aug. 1709 she was directed to attend the Fleet in order to the transportation of corn from Barbary to Barcelona for the use of the Army: and by several other orders from Commanders of her Majesty's ships it appears that she did accordingly go under their convoy to Oran in Barbary where she took in a loading of corn and delivered same at Tarragona 22 April n.s., and from thence sailed to Port Mahon, where by order of Capt. Nicholas Haddock, Commander of the Chatham, she was to take in powder from the St. Quintin store ship. The time of the ship's service has been determined by order from the Lord High Admiral as from 28 Aug. 1709 to 2 May 1710 for the transportation of corn. On her 190½ tons burden as measured in the Thames this comes to 1,084l. 1s. 6d. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, p. 280.
Sept. 28. Letter of direction for 800l. to Spencer Compton: out of Civil List moneys: "to be applied as her Majesty hath directed." Disposition Book XXI, p. 166.
T. Harley to the Customs Commissioners to report on the petition [missing] of Henry Lyoll, merchant, for leave to several ships therein to unlade without airing their goods, having performed full quarantine. Out Letters (General) XX, p. 12.
Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Works returning their reports on the demand of Anthony Vernatte for repairing and maintaining lamps at Westminster during the Sessions of Parliament in 1708, 1709 and 1710. The Lord Treasurer directs you to compare and report on the rates and prices for keeping those lamps with [the rates and prices for] what is kept up at Whitehall and Kensington. Ibid., pp. 12, 25.
Same to Mr. Brydges to report on the enclosed memorial [missing] of three supernumerary Officers of Col. Disney's Regiment praying payment of a royal warrant for 100l. 13s. 0d. for their subsistence 1710 Dec. 23 to 1711 June 23. Ibid., p. 12.
Same to the Customs Commissioners enclosing an extract of a letter from the Duke of Leeds. On the arrival of the Cleveland yacht your officers are to demean themselves with civility in the searching and clearing thereof. Ibid., p. 13.
Same to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded to report on the enclosed letter [missing] from the Mayor of Pembroke in answer to your agent's complaint against him touching the Sick and Wounded seamen and prisoners of war in that port. Ibid.
Sept. 28. T. Harley to the Attorney General enclosing a draft [missing] of a royal warrant to authorise The Lord Treasurer to put into execution that part of the Act for the South Sea Company which relates to the Stock for the use of the public. Please peruse and alter as you think proper and return it by ten of the clock to-morrow "because his Lordship will then take it with him to Windsor and lay it before the Queen for her royal signature." Out Letters (General) XX, p. 13.
William Lowndes to the Commissioners for Wine Licences. The Lord Treasurer directs you to certify him once a month what persons (as well of your own number as of your officers) are from time to time absent from duty and on what occasions. (The like to the Commissioners for Hawkers and Pedlars: and to the Commissioners of Hackney Coaches.) Ibid., p. 15.
Treasury reference to the Taxes Commissioners of the petition of Alexander Baxter (nominated Receiver General of Land Tax anno 1711 for part of Co. Wilts) to be Receiver General of the Old and the Additional Duties on Houses for the same part and proposing his sureties, detailed. (For his commission see infra, p. 489.) Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) II, p. 71.
Dormant warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Excise Commissioners, Scotland, authorising an Establishment of allowances for riding charges to officers employed in the revenue of Excise in Scotland.
Prefixing: said Establishment in detail as proposed by said Commissioners, Totals respectively for the Duties on Leather or on Hides and Skins 806l. 16s. 6d.; for the Excise of beer and ale 330l. 11s. 0d.; and for the Duties on Candles 111l. 16s. 6d.: combined total 1,249l. 4s. 0d. Out Letters (North Britain) II, pp. 270–1.
Sept. 29. Letter of direction for 18,594l. 14s. 7d. to Charles Cæsar, Treasurer of the Navy: out of Contributions for the 2,000,000l. [9 Anne, c. 16]: and is to be applied as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
on the head of Wages.
for carrying on recalls of several of her Majesty's ships 6,000 0 0
on the head of Victualling.
to answer several bills of exchange (other than those from Jamaica and Port Mahon) specified in a schedule dated July 31 last, including Capt. Vanbrugh's bill of 225l. from Milford payable to Mr. Langhorn for victualling the Speedwell's company 12,594 14 7
£18,594 14 7
Disposition Book XXI, p. 162.
Same for 21,593l. 18s. 9¾d. to Charles Dartiquenave, Paymaster of the Works: out of funds as follows, viz. 10,796l. 19s. 5½d. out of loans to be made by said Dartiquenave on credit of her Majesty's tin (for which loans the orders are to remain in the Exchequer and to be drawn without interest as usual) and the remaining 10,796l. 19s. 6¼d. [out of Civil List moneys] by weekly payments of 1,000l. next and immediately after payment of the 20,000l. for the works at Blenheim which is now a-paying by a like weekly payment. The total 21,593l. 18s. 9¾d. is intended to be applied to clear the debt in the Office of the Works for the months as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
for the months of Oct., Nov. and Dec. 1710 6,298 3
for Jan., Feb. and March 1710–11 7,506 4
for April, May and June 1711 7,789 10
£21,593 18
Sept. 29. Same for 2,031l. 19s. 4¼d. to William Roberts, Paymaster of the Works at Windsor: to be issued out of funds as follows: viz. 1,015l. 19s. 8½d. out of loans to be made by said Roberts on credit of her Majesty's tin (for which the orders are to be ut supra) and the remainder out of Civil List moneys after payment of the above 20,000l. for works at Blenheim. The said 2,031l. 19s. 4¼d. is intended to be applied to clear the debt on said Roberts' Office for the respective months as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
for Oct., Nov. and Dec. 1710 725 17
for Jan., Feb. and March 1710–11 583 1
for April, May and June 1711 723 0
£2,031 19
Ibid., p. 163.
T. Harley to the Auditor of the Receipt. The Lord Treasurer desires that all the moneys payable to Robert Corker on his 2,250l. per week upon account of the tin affair be forthwith satisfied: but that from and after the last week's payment the said weekly sum of 2,250l. do cease and instead thereof the weekly sum of 3,000l. be reserved and set apart out of the Civil List revenues till further order: the first of the said weekly payments to be applied towards paying Foreign Ministers [British ambassadors] on their allowances according to a list which will be sent to you: and the second weekly sum to the said Corker: and so to continue to be issued alternately to them and to him until the Foreign Ministers shall be satisfied. (See under Oct. 2, infra, p. 482.) Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to make forth an account, as desired by the Commissioners for Stating the Public Accounts, of the several compositions made by the Treasury [with public debtors] since 1701 Dec. 13 to the present: by virtue of any [private] Act of Parliament for that purpose, the person, the debt, the sum recovered or received. (The like letter severally to the Excise Commissioners, Salt Commissioners, Stamps Commissioners and Agents for Taxes.) Out Letters (General) XX, p. 14.
Same to Mr. Granville [Secretary at War]. It is necessary that an Establishment should be formed for the allowances to the gentlemen who are going to inspect the public affairs in Spain and their Secretary. Please draft same, leaving blanks for the allowances. Have this ready to give to my Lord Treasurer at Windsor. Out Letters (General) XX, p. 14.
Sept. 29. T. Harley to Mr. Brydges enclosing copies [missing] of several minutes or orders entered in the Treasury [Minute] Book on reading your memorials to the Lord Treasurer the 28th inst., yourself being then present [supra, pp. 99–100]. Please pursue the several rules and directions therein. Ibid.
Warrant by Treasurer Oxford to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Henry, Earl of Rochester, of the two mansion houses as follows for 31 years at 6s. 8d. per an. rent and without fine in pursuance of her Majesty's pleasure: with a clause of re-assumption to the Crown on payment of 4,500l. and with liberty to the lessee to erect palisades or poles to enclose 26 foot in breadth out of the Privy Garden the whole length that the premises adjoin the said garden northwards, but to be restrained from building on the ground so enclosed.
Prefixing. particular and memoranda by Auditor Thomas Jett and Surveyor General's ratal of said premises:
(1) the mansion house in St. Margarets, Westminster, next the Cockpit adjoining a house in the tenure of Thomas Cooke and now or late in the tenure of Laurence, Earl of Rochester, with a small piece of ground adjoining, 62 feet by 22 feet, all as demised to William Shaw 4 Jan. 2 James II.
(2) the mansion house in the said parish and adjoining the first named near the great gate at the north end called King Street and the south-west corner of the Privy Garden of the Palace of Whitehall and abutting south on the house of Henry Guy: all in the tenure of Laurence, Earl of Rochester, and as demised by James II. to said William Shaw as above.
Followed by: entry of the Lord Treasurer's signature dated 16 Nov. 1711 of the docquet of this lease. Warrants not Relating to Money XXI, pp. 281–5, 324.
Thomas Harley to the Customs Commissioners [Scotland] to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Thomas Couts, merchant, on behalf of himself and others concerned in the ship George of Montrose, praying leave for her to unload, she not having touched at any infectious place. Out Letters (North Britain) II, p. 270.