Index: Q, R

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online [accessed 19 September 2024].

'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online, accessed September 19, 2024,

"Index: Q, R". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1952), , British History Online. Web. 19 September 2024.



Quarterly Poll. See Assessments.

Quash, Joseph, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Devon, 87, 98.

Queen Anne's Bounty, Commissioners of, 242;

Governors of, Treasurer to. See Barker, E.

Queen's Almoner. See Law, J.

Queen's Barges, Master of, badges for, altered upon account of the Union with Scotland, 292.

Queen's Bench, 386;

attornies of, omissions and defaults charged on in connexion with Stamp Duties, 103.

Queensberry, Duke of. See Douglas, J.

-, Earl of. See Douglas, W.

Queen's Clockmaker. See Herbert, [T.]

Queen's Counsel, 386. See also Lechmere, N.

Queensferry, South Queensferry, co. Linlithgow, borough of, 68;

grant of the office of cocquet above, 125;

tidewaiters at, 312.

Queen's Goldsmith. See Smethin, S.

Queen's Jeweller. See Evance, Sir S.

Queen's Locksmith. See Harris, P.

Queen's Printers, 145, 172, 211, 221, 407;

payment to, 33. See also Anderson, —.; Anderson, Mrs.;

Brewster, E.;

Williams, J.

Queen's Process, Scotland. See Scotland.

Queen's Roads, bridges on, repairing, 217.

from Bishop's Gate to Sandpit Gate in Windsor Great Park, 363, 425.

from Frogmore to Datchet Bridge round the wall of Windsor House Park, 34, 209, 261, 316, 328.

gravel for, 217.

Keeper or Surveyor of. See Studholme, M.

posts on, taking up, 217.

rails for, 217.

repair of, 217.

Queen's Solicitors, Scotland. See Scotland, Solicitors.

Queen's Tennis Courts, Keeper or Master of. See Chaplin, T.;

Cook, T.;

Moore, H.

Queen's Trumpets, Scotland, 114, 467.

Queen's Waiters. See Customs.

Queen's Watermen, badges of, 28, 270;

alteration of, on account of the Union with Scotland, 142, 292. fees of, 397.

Queen's Writer, Scotland. See Scotland.

Quit rents, payable out of the ferry at Datchet, 166;

Scotland, 240;

Virginia, 110, 219, 427.


Raby, Lord. See Wentworth, T.

Racehorses. See Horses.

Radgers, Robert, Provost of Glasgow, 186, 203.

Radnor, county of, Justices of, Chief Justice. See Banastre, W.;

Second Justice. See Cox, C.

Receiver General of Taxes. See Powell, C.

Rae. See Wrae.

Ramsay (Ramsey), Ann, payment to, 117.

-, Mrs. James, Act of Parliament, Scotland, in favour of, 455.

-, William, 5th Earl of Dalhousie, 435.

Randolph, Tho., certificate of tax assessments, 205.

Randue, [Theodore], Housekeeper of Windsor Castle, 249.

Ranelagh, Earl of. See Jones, R.

Rappahannock River, Virginia, 431.

Ratkiller in Ordinary to Her Majesty. See Martin, W.

Ravelston, Ravelstoun, co. Midlothian, 126.

Ray (Wray), Lord, pension of, 115.

-, Christopher, colonel, of Major General Farrington's regiment, 460.

-, William, stamper, 471.

Raymond, —, captain of the Exeter man of war, 375.

Rayner, John, Attorney General for New York, 335, 405.

Raynsford, Francis, lieutenant colonel, petition for pension for loss of an arm and other wounds, 395.

Reading, co. Berks, Assizes at, trial of coiner at, 7.

Records, in the Tower. See London—Tower;

in the Treasury of the Receipt at Westminster, allowance for sorting and ordering, 136, 295.

Reddall, Ambrose, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Bedford, 86, 97.

Reed (Reid), —, proposal to the Navy about ballast, 412.

-, -, lieutenant colonel, arrears due to, 118.

Reeve, Hannah. See Dodgein, Hannah.

Reid. See Reed.

Removing Wardrobe. See Wardrobe.

Renaud, Franĉoise Marie, pension of, 234.

Renfrew, county of, sheriff of, rents payable by, 65.

Renfrew, co. Renfrew, borough of, 68.

Requena, Spain, Castle of, 261.

Requests, Court of, setting up lights in, 224.

Restenneth, Reslennet, co. Forfar, feuar of, 61.

Restoration, The, 362.

Reus, —, Secretary to the Prince of Hesse, 1.

Reven [Riven], William, examination of in connexion with proceedings for high treason, 333.

Revolution, The, 27, 266.

Reynardson, Jacob, 112;

a Commissioner of the Equivalent Fund, 79.

-, -, Customs collector of Bristol port, 360.

Reynolds, Arthur, pension of, 233.

-, -, an out pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, 167.

-, John, carpenter, 217.

-, William, tidesman and boatman at Rye, 224, 226.

Rhaetia. See Grisons.

Rhode Island, chaplain going to. See Honyman, J.;

collector of Customs at, 332.

Rhodes, Christopher, Secretary or Chief Clerk to the Commissioners for enquiring into the state of the losses sustained by the proprietors of plantations and inhabitants in Nevis, 324.

Rialton, Viscount. See Godolphin, F.

-, Viscountess. See Godolphin, Henrietta.

Ricard, Judith, pension of, 234.

Rice, John, colonel, Army debentures delivered to, 23, 24, 224, 258, 367, 435, 464.

-, William, tidesman and boatman at Falmouth, 224.

Rich, Nathaniel, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Essex, 29, 86, 95, 283, 447.

Richards, John, Chamber accounts, 384.

Richardson, John, clerk to the Post Office, Scotland, 127.

-, -, accomptant, afterwards Accomptant General of the Hearthmoney, 133;

Accomptant General of the Salt Duty, 133.

-, -, of Durham, maltster, concealment of malt, 176, 218, 236.

-, -, petition concerning services in the Excise and salt revenue, 15, 367.

Richers, Thomas, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Cambridge, 87, 97.

Riches, Johanna, keeper of a coffee house at Deal, examination of in connexion with proceedings for high treason, 333.

Richlaw [Ruchlaw], co. Haddington, feuar of, 61.

Richmond alias West Sheen, co. Surrey, lease of premises in land called Fryars, 334.

manor of, lands in, lease of, 212;

steward of, 212.

New Park, keeper of. See Rochester, Earl of.

Palace, 373;

Housekeeper at. See White, R.

premises at, lease of, 26, 334, 373.

Richmond, Duke of. See Stuart, C.

Richmond Fee alias Richmond Lands. See Kendal.

Richmond Herald. See Hare, J.

Rickards, Samuel, Customs debt as surety for Edward Parsons, 172.

Riddle, Walter, Register's servant, Scotland, 116.

Riding officers. See Customs;


Riga, Russia, hemp imported into Scotland from, 129.

Rigby, Charles, tidesman and boatman at Pembroke Ferry, 155.

-, Edward, landwaiter and searcher at Dumfries, 246.

Rings, imported for the Pinworks at Dundee and Glasgow from Stockholm, duty free, 128;

present of, for Ambassadors, 274.

Riots, in Devizes, 423, 442.

Riven. See Reven.

Rivers, Earl of. See Savage, R.

Roads. See Queen's Roads.

Roan, Banks, tidesman at Ilfracombe, 56.

Robbers, Customs officers accused of being, 90;

on the highway, arrest of, 304.

Robbery, on the highway, estate forfeited for, 161;

man executed for, 206.

Robertland, co. Ayr, barony of, 438.

Roberts (Robert), —, a Commissioner of the Revenue, Ireland, 235.

-, Humphrey, affidavit concerning embezzlement of materials of Beaumaris Castle, 9.

-, James, deputy storekeeper, Scotland, debt due to, 114.

-, Joseph, Plumber of the Works at Windsor, 314, 340;

petition to be appointed Sergeant Plumber of the Works, 460.

-, Patricius, collector of Excise, London port, petition to be appointed collector of Salt Duties, 239.

-, William, Paymaster of the Works at Windsor Castle, allowance for fees paid by, 465;

issues to, 34, 99, 146, 244, 317, 358, 372;

payments by, 34, 244, 336.

Robes, Office of, issues for, 21, 220, 244, 254.

Robin Hood's Bay, co. York, 254, 360.

Robinson, —, captain, commander of the William and Mary yacht, 137.

-, Charles, payment for clothing, accoutrements and bayonets for the Forces in Spain and Portugal, 11, 171, 250, 429.

-, David, letter referred to the Agents for Taxes, 284.

-, John, Register of Certificates, Jersey, 334.

-, -, Doctor, Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Sweden, 350, 351, 396.

-, William, of Witchford, 458.

-, Sir William, a Commissary General of Provisions for the Army in Ireland, 88, 247, 362.

-, -, lease of lands in Walton Leigh, 437.

Roche, Peter la, Gentleman Harbinger, travelling charges of, 405.

-, William, sub-receiver for Prizes in Plymouth, 371.

Rochefoucauld, de la. See Mountandre.

Rochester, Earl of. See Hyde, L.

Rockingham Forest, co. Northampton, discovery of timber belonging to the Crown in, 29, 383.

Rogers, John, of Lenborough, Receiver General of Taxes, co. Buckingham, 96, 197, 235, 272, 321.

-, William (John), Receiver General of Taxes, co. Gloucester, 87, 97.

-, Zack, agent for the pacquet boats at Falmouth, 102.

Rollo, Andrew, 3rd Lord Rollo, Regiment of Scots Horse of, 118.

-, Sir Henry, of Woodside, farm of the Customs and Excise of Scotland to, 91.

Rolt, Thomas, tidesman at Plymouth, 154.

Rome, Italy, Ambassador's correspondence and postages of letters at, 346.

Romer, —, colonel, engineer in New York, 326.

Romford, co. Essex, fairs and markets at, lease of, 335.

Romney, Earl of, See Sydney, H.

Romney Marsh, co. Kent, 200.

Rooke, Heyman, colonel, Regiment of Foot of, 262, 409.

Roope, Nicholas, a Commissioner for Transports, 311;

contractor for Transport ships, 204.

Roos, John, chief graver of Her Majesty's Signets, Seals, Stamps and Arms, 153, 313, 391.

Rope, works at Glasgow and Leith, grant of exemption from Customs duties, 122, 129.

Roper, Francis, lease of the house for pheasants, etc., in St. James's Park, 370, 379.

Roscommon, Earl of. See Dillon, R.

Rosebery, Earl of. See Primrose, A.

Rosenerans, [Iver Eriksen], Envoy Extraordinary from the King of Denmark, present of a ring for, 274.

Ross, bishopric rents of, tack of, 69.

-, Earldom of, chamberlain of, 63. See also Tarbat, Viscount;

pensions payable out of, 57.

Ross, —, Regiment of Foot of, 117.

-, Charles, Royal Regiment of Dragoons of Ireland of, 100, 176, 288.

-, David, Commissioner of Excise, Scotland, 185, 201, 379.

-, John, storekeeper, Scotland, 113.

-, William, 12th Lord Ross, a Commissioner for the Union of England and Scotland, 120;

a Lord Commissioner of the Treasury, Scotland, 175, 369;

Treasurer Depute of Scotland, 112.

Ross and Cromarty, county of, sheriff of, rents payable by, 64, 65;

retoured duties, 66.

Rossington, —, colonel, petition for reward for causing Excise on tea and coffee to be changed into a Custom, 27.

Rostellan, co. Cork, manor of, created a corporation with a weekly market and two annual fairs, 168.

Rothesay, co. Bute, borough of, 68.

Rotterdam, Holland, 201, 221, 419;

potash and train oil imported from, 127.

Rouge Croix Pursuivant. See Bound, J.

Rouge Dragon Pursuivant. See Downes, D.

Row, James, storekeeper, Scotland, 113.

Roxburgh, county of, Hereditary Sheriff of, rents payable by, 65. See also Douglas, A.

Roxburgh, Duke of. See Kerr, J.

Roy, John, landwaiter at Minehead, 254.

Royal Africa Company. See Africa Company.


Groom of the Stole and First Lady of. See Marlborough, Duchess of.

Ladies of, salaries of, 89, 442. See also Burlington, Dowager Countess of;

Devonshire, Duchess of;

Frescheville, Lady;

Hyde, Lady Jane;

Ormonde, Duchess of;

Rialton, Viscountess;

Scarborough, Countess of;

Somerset, Duchess of;

Sunderland, Countess of.

linen for, 160.

Maids of Honour, chamber keeper to. See Evans, R.;

eating room at St. James's, 75;

salaries of, 89. See also Collier, Eliza;

Forrester, Mary;

Hales, Elizabeth;

Kingdon, Jane;

Smith, Ann;

Stanhope, Mary;

Temple, Christiana;

Wyvell, Ann.

Page of the Backstairs, Holland sheets for, 75. See also Smith, J.

Women of, salaries of, 89, 442. See also Cooper, Agnata;

Danvers, Beata;

Feilding, Margaret;

Hill, Alice;

Masham, Abigail.

Royal Boroughs, Scotland. See Scotland.


Queen's, Paymaster of. See Compton, S.

names of recipients—

André, P.

André, T. de.

Berkeley, Earl of.

Billon, P.

Bon, P. le.

Bruges alias Pride, Rebecca.

Burgiss, E.

Butts, J.

Cargil, J.

Christian, Ann.

College, Edith.

Congreve, C.

Cornwallis, T.

Cotherel, A.

Desprats, L.

Draghi, Sibilla Baptiste.

Driver, A.

Driver, L.

Dumas, J.

Duprat, I.

Edon, Ann.

Evans, E.

Fagg, T.

Fane, Mrs. Mary.

Farelle, P. la.

Fargues, P. la.

Gellott, Eliz.

Grantham, Earl of.

Griffin, J.

Hamilton, Ann.

Johnston, G.

Kacherdal, J. de.

Killigrew, Elizabeth.

Lovelace, Lord.

Mansel, Frances.

Mansel, Rachel.

Marlborough, Dowager Countess of.

Marsel, A.

Mordington, Lady.

Newman, J.

Palmer, C.

Pardon, Mary.

Parsons, Agnes.

Piaget, A.

Powell, W.

Power, Lord.

Pugh, Ann.

Rycaut, Charlotte.

Ryder, W.

St. Brès, L.

Sammes, Margaret.

Sarlande, —.

Sarlande, S. de.

Scale, P.

Segar, H.

Simpson, Martha.

Somers, Lord.

Stanhope, Mary.

Stewart, W.

Strother, Margaret.

Sylvius, Dame Ann.

Temple, Christiana.

Tyrawley, Lord.

Wharton, Earl of.

Williams, T.

Woodside, F.

Royal Buckhounds, Master of. See Hompesch, Baron de.

Royal Gardens and Plantations, issues for, 188, 291, 412;

superintendent of, 427;

works in, 221, 343. See also St. James's Park.


Apothecary to. See Jones, W.

board wages, issues for, 14, 20, 41, 45, 140, 175, 227, 248, 284.

Cofferer, issues to, 20, 34, 37, 41, 45;

Office of, arrears due in, 344;

payment by, 146. See also Bradford, Earl of;

Rialton, Viscount.

Comptroller of. See Cholmondley, Earl of.

Gentlemen Usher Quarter Waiters, allowance for riding charges, 167, 397.

Great Chamber, Grooms of, allowance for riding charges, 167, 397.

Greencloth, Board of, 34, 146, 330, 338;

officers of, 23.

Lord Chamberlain, 419;

certificates of, 55, 274, 380;

Office of, stationery for, 397;

warrants of, 75, 130, 137, 142, 145, 158, 160, 167, 191, 222, 227, 228, 270, 274, 292, 307, 308, 321, 328, 345, 368, 389, 401, 443, 455, 465. See also Kent, Marquess of.

necessary woman of. See Foyson, Mary.

Pages of the Presence, allowance for riding charges, 167 397.

Queen's progress to Newmarket, expenses of, 41.

servants of, attending the Queen of Portugal to Lisbon, 37.

servants of Wm. III, arrears due to, 195, 268, 286.

travelling charges, 145.

Vice Chamberlain of. See Coke, T.

wages, issues for, 14, 20, 41, 45, 140, 175, 227, 248, 284.

wine for, 154.

Wood Yard, clerk of. See Perkins, M.

-, Scotland. See Scotland.

ROYAL MEWS AND STABLES, at Windsor, 130;

coach houses built at Newmarket. 404, 428;

Master of the Horse. See Somerset, Duke of;

oats for, 344;

Purveyor of, to Wm. III. See Vezian, J.

Royal Palaces named:



St. James's.




Royal Parks named:

Hyde Park.

St. James's Park.

Windsor House Park.

Windsor Little Park.

Woodstock Park.

Ruchlaw. See Richlaw.

Rum, 206;

exemption from Excise duties on, 120;

imported from the West Indies, reduction to proof of, 101.

Rumney, Francis, waiter and searcher at Milton, 384.

Rumsey, [Edward], captain of the Pembroke man of war, 375.

Russell, Christopher, captain, petition of, 264.

-, Edward, Earl of Orford, Treasurer of the Navy, 224.

-, Lord Edward, Treasurer of the Chamber, 384.

-, Richard, debentures for freight of Transports ships, 173.

Russia (Muscovy), Ambassador from, house for, 222, 249, 306, 326, 345. See also Matveof, A. de.

Czar of, 349;

Envoy Extraordinary to. See Whitworth, C.

interpreters, payment to, 348. loss of ships of hemp merchants sent to, 16.

Rutherford, Robert, a Commissioner of the Mint at Edinburgh, 283.

-, -, of Fairniele, farm of the Customs and Excise of Scotland to, 91.

Rutherglen, co. Lanark, borough of, 68.

Rutland, county of, Receiver General of Taxes. See Cooper, J.;

Matthew, B.

Rutledge, Henry, tidewaiter in Newcastle, 389.

Ruvigny, Henry de Massue, Marquis de Ruvigny, Earl of Galway, [Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in Portugal], 19, 27, 31, 36, 147, 174, 189, 190, 203, 242, 250, 284, 315, 342, 365, 392, 399, 419, 460, 462;

Ambassador Extraordinary to the King of Portugal, 217, 307, 317.

Rycaut (Rycaute), —, captain, widow of, petition of, 415.

-, Charlotte, royal bounty for, 473.

Rycroft, John, extraordinary tidesman, 238, 239.

Ryder, William, surety for Lord Griffin, royal bounty for, 239, 337.

Rye, co. Sussex, boatmen and tidesmen at, 224, 226.

Ryley, Philip, Sergeant at Arms, 89, 366.

Rymer, Thomas, Historiographer Royal, publication of the Foedera, 299, 441.

Ryswick, peace of, 69.

Ryves, Hampden, upholsterer, 248.