Warrant Books: January 1708, 1-5

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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'Warrant Books: January 1708, 1-5', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp54-69 [accessed 17 September 2024].

'Warrant Books: January 1708, 1-5', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online, accessed September 17, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp54-69.

"Warrant Books: January 1708, 1-5". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1952), , British History Online. Web. 17 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp54-69.


January 1708, 1–5

Letters Patent, Privy Seals, Royal Sign Manuals and Warrants, Treasury Warrants, Commissions, Orders, Letters, Memorials, Reports and Other Entries: All Not of the Nature of Treasury Minutes.
1707–8. Jan. 1. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Hanne of Falmouth shewing that he exported a quantity of gold & silver orice for Portugal in the pacquet boats & has had 939 ounces [thereof] seized: the Duty thereon being small & the return in bullion great [petitioner thinks] that were it permitted to be sent by pacquet boats it would prevent the clandestine exportation thereof & be of great advantage to the nation: therefore praying leave to pay the Duty & export the said lace in the next merchant vessel. Reference Book VIII, p. 290.
Jan. 2. William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to report their opinion on the enclosed Order in Council [missing, see infra, p. 102] touching neutral ships permitted during the war to load tobacco in this kingdom on account of foreign merchants in amity with her Majesty & to carry the same directly to France. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 387.
Treasury reference to the Prizes Commissioners of the petition of Sir William Hodges & Sir Henry Furnese on behalf of Mr. Ellis Tyrrel [Terrel]. Reference Book VIII, p. 290.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Bernard Hutchins for the place of Receiver of Land Tax for Co. Somerset & city of Bristol in the place of Mr. Dixon: & proposing his securities. (Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin dated Jan 5 to the Queen's Remembrancer to take the securities, detailed, in 30000l. of the said Hutchins as Receiver of the Land Tax for Co. Somerset for the last half year of 1707 and for the arrears of the former half year). (Treasury commission dated Jan 5 hereon.) Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) I, pp. 134, 155, 147.
Jan. 3. William Lowndes to the Commissioners of Excise in Scotland. The Committee which was appointed [by the House of Lords on Dec 20 last, Lords Journal XVIII, p. 397] for settling & establishing a Court of Exchequer in North Britain have by their order of Dec. 30 [sic] last desired the Lord Treasurer to lay before them a state of what exemptions are claimed by any persons in North Britain as their private rights, from any Duties on exports or imports. Please give my Lord Treasurer an account of all exemptions so claimed. (The like letter to the Customs Commissioners in Scotland.)
Prefixing: (a) copy of said order of Dec 31 last [sic] that the Lord Treasurer lay before them (1) an account of the Crown rents in North Britain & what grants have been made of any part thereof or what charges are thereupon: (2) an account of the produce of the revenue of North Britain as well certain as casual for 3 years ended 1706 Sept 29 & the produce thereof from that time to Martinmas 1707 and likewise what has been the real produce of the Duties of Excise & likewise of the Customs from the time of the signing of the Treaty of Union to the 1 May following thereon: (3) a state of what exemptions are claimed by any persons in North Britain as their private rights, from any Duties payable on exports or imports: (4) a copy of the last contract between the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for Scotland & the taxmen for the revenue of Customs.
(b) an account dated 1707–8 Jan 3 of the Crown rents in North Britain & what grants have been made of any part thereof or what charges are thereupon as exhibited to the aforesaid Committee in pursuance of their aforesaid order: signed by Lord Glasgow “this is the account of the Crown rents given in to me by the clerk of Treasury in that part of Britain called Scotland.” [For the collation of this account with that under Jan 5 see infra, pp. 59–65.] Out Letters (North Britain) I, pp. 194–9.
Jan. 5. Money warrant for 16740l. 0. 6 ½ to the Bank of England for an allowance of 4 ½ per cent per an for circulating the sum of 1518425l. of Exchequer Bills from the 29th Sept. 1707 to the 25 Dec. 1707 in accordance with the terms of the Act of 5 Anne, [6 Anne, c. 21] for continuing the Duties on Houses to secure a yearly fund for circulating Exchequer Bills whereby a sum not exceeding 1,500,000l. [in such Bills] is intended to be raised.
Prefixing: certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt dated 1707 Dec 29 giving a statement of said circulation.
£ s. d.
1470225l. issued before 1707 Sept 29: allowance for 3 months 16540 0 7 ½
15250l. issued before 1707 Oct 25: allowance for 61 days 114 13 9
32950l. issued before 1707 Dec 4: allowance for 21 days 85 6 2
£1518425 £16740 0 6 ½
Disposition Book XIX, p. 87. Order Book VII, p. 91. Money Book XIX, p. 145.
William Lowndes to the Navy Commissioners to pay to Walter Whitfeild the 3600l. directed to the Navy Treasurer for him on Dec 23 last, supra Treasury Calendar, Vol. XXI, p. 525. Disposition Book XIX, p. 83.
Letter of direction for 248l. 5. 0 to Visct FitzHardinge, Treasurer of the Chamber: out of Civil List moneys: & is intended to be paid over to Richard Longbottom, barber to Wm. III, in full satisfaction for travelling charges & all other his disbursements in his said late Majesty's service; as certified by the Lord Chamberlain. Ibid., p. 89.
William Lowndes to the Attorney General to report on the enclosed papers [missing] relating to the fees & expenses of Mr. Brydges, Solicitor to the Customs, about the entering of nolle prosequi's to the informations against the goods brought from Scotland [since the Union &] imported thither before the Union. Out Letters (General) XVIII, p. 379.
Jan. 5. William Lowndes to the Customs Commissioners to present Edmund Fortescue for some place in the Customs: he being recommended to the Lord Treasurer. Ibid., p. 380.
Jan. 5, 7, 17, 22. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Edwards as a tidesman & boatman at Hubberston in Milford port loco Richard Grant deceased.
Isaac Williams as a coastwaiter in London port loco Jo. Noble deceased.
Tho Luscombe as a tidesman at Ilfracombe in Barnstaple port loco Banks Roan deceased.
William Alexander as copying clerk inwards London port loco John Myriel deceased.
James Hymans as a wine taster in London port loco Thomas Thatcher deceased.
Joseph Goodacre (an extraordinary tidesman in Chester port) as an established tidesman there loco Henry Gaskell.
James Cockram junr as waiter & searcher at Helford in Falmouth port loco his father who being old desires to resign to him.
Walter Lang as tidesman & boatman in Fowey port loco Thomas Stebbing deceased.
Jeremy Idle as a tidesman in the inferior list London port loco Isaac Williams preferred. Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 67, 71, 72.
Jan. 5. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Alexander Naughtie, master of the ship Anne of Week [Wick], shewing that sailing from Aberdeen in June last with tar & fish for Newcastle or London he was chased by a French privateer & obliged to shelter in Berwick Road & next morning was boarded by one Fortime, surveyor of Berwick port & 12 men more to whom he shewed his cocquet assuring him that he had no uncustomed goods on board & if he doubted the truth thereof he desired a coastwaiter might be sent along with him to his intended port: all which the aforesaid surveyor refused to do but cursed both him & his country, drew his sword & ran him through the hand & ordered him to be kept close in the cabin and the seamen below deck till he had unmoored the ship & carried her into Berwick but being drunk they bulged her on the rocks & she sank in 3 hours to petitioner's damage of about 400l. by which he and his family are reduced to misery: all which will be attested by the affidavits of the Earl of Seafield, Wemys et al. Reference Book VIII, p. 289.
Jan. 5 et postea. A series of papers & accounts relative to the revenue of the Crown in Scotland and of gifts & allocations thereout and farms of particular branches thereof &c: as follows: all as certified to Treasurer Godolphin with the object of his presenting same to the Lords' Committee appointed to draft a Bill for establishing a Court of Exchequer in Scotland ut supra p. 54: all as follows.
(1) Copy of an order made 1707–8 Jan 5 by the Lords Committees appointed to prepare a Bill for settling & establishing a Court of Exchequer in North Britain in pursuance of the Treaty of Union, that the Lord Treasurer of Great Britain be desired to lay before their Lordships a list of all debts due to the Crown in the north part of Great Britain and still standing out undetermined. Out Letters (North Britain) I, p. 276.
(2) Abstract of gifts and allocations affecting her Majesty's property roll and Crown rents of Scotland.
£ Scots.
£ s. d.
the fue duties of Brechin & Navar allocat to the Keeper of Stirling Castle 316l. 12. 0: the chaplains of the Thesawry of Brichen 9l.; the Lord of Errection of Couper 6s. 8d. (leaving a remain of 7l. 8. 0 Scots of the said duties) 325 18 8
pension of 400l. sterling to John Earl of Hyndford during pleasure: from Whitsunday 1702: payable out of the rents & duties of the Earldom of Ross 4800
pension to George, Visct of Tarbat 400l. per an sterling payable out of the rents of the Earldom of Ross whereof he is Chamberlain: from cropt 1702 for life, 4800l. Scots & 1000l. Scots of Chamberlain fee 5800
pension to the Earl of Rosebery, as Chamberlain of Fife, of 158l. 6. 8 sterling & additional salary of 76l. 13. 4 sterling payable out of the rents of the Chamberlainry of Fife from Whitsunday 1703 by gift dated 29 Jan 1702–3 (leaving a remain of 2048l. 7. 6 Scots of the said rents) 2820
gift to the Duke of Argyll of the fue, blench & other duties payable by him as his fee & salary as Great Master Household of Scotland during his life 6210 18 8
pension of 400l. sterling to the Duke of Douglas payable out of the rents of the Chamberlainry of Dunbar & that of Ettrick Forest: from Whitsunday 1704: by gift dated 10 Sept 1705 (leaving a remain of 102l. 8. 10 of the said rents) 4800
discharge to the said Duke of the fue & other duties payable for Teiling [Tealing] as by the Queen's signature dated 10 Mar 1707 “and is changed from Feu to Blench for payment of a penny yearly by him and his heirs if asked 213 10 8
gift to Lord Elibank for 19 years from Whitsunday 1705 by gift dated 2 Nov 1705 of the fue and other duties of Prora & Fenton & Bancrief 286 4 4
grant to the Governor of Stirling Castle for upholding the roof thereof payable out of the fue and other duties payable by the chamberlain of Monteith 469 11 8
gift to Thomas Miller minister at Kirkliston for life by gift dated 12 Aug 1706 of the fue duties of Hallyeards 66 19 8
gift dated 18 Feb 1706–7 to Colin, Earl of Balcarres for 10 years of the fue duty of 500l. sterling payable yearly by the Earl of Morton for the Earldom of Orkney & Lordship of Zetland 6000
gift to John, Duke of Roxburgh of the fue, blench & other duties of the Lordship of Kelso: from Whitsunday 1704 by gift dated 23 April 1707 1125 10 2
gift to Thomas, Earl of Haddington from Whitsunday 1704 for life by gift dated 1707 April 23 of the Feu, Blench and other duties of the Lordship of Melross, Coldstream & Binning 1418 18 2
discharge to William Morrison of Preston Grange of the fue, blench & other duties payable to [sic for by] him: discharged of all rests preceding Martinmas 1706 as likewise for 19 years thereafter unless her Majesty shall think fit sooner to recall the same: which gift is dated 28 April 1707 354
Total £34691 12 0
and remains of £2158 14 4
Out Letters (North Britain) I, pp. 255–7.
3 (a) Copy of the royal grant (in the form of a warrant for a privy seal) dated Kensington 1707 April 23, to the Earl of Roxburgh of the fue duties of the Earldom of Roxburgh: extracted from the [Scotch] Treasury Register of Signatures by Jes Mackenzie. Ibid., pp. 232–3.
3 (b) The like dated St James's 1702 May 6 for a pension of 400l. sterling per an to John, Earl of Hyndford. Ibid., pp. 233–4.
3 (c) The like dated St James's 1702 Nov 28 for a gift to Charles, Visct Tarbat of the Chamberlainry of the Earldom of Ross & Lordship of Ardmeanach and others with a salary of 1000l. Scots & 400l. per an sterling. Ibid., pp. 235–7.
3 (d) The like dated St James's 1702–3 Jan 29 for a pension of 158l. 6. 8 sterling to Archibald. Visct of Rosebery. Ibid., p. 237.
3 (e) The like dated Windsor Castle 1705 Sept 10 for a pension of 400l. sterling per an to Archibald. Duke of Douglas. Ibid., pp. 238–9.
3 (f) The like dated Windsor Castle 1706 Aug 12 for a gift to Thomas Miller, minister at Kirkliston of the fue duties of the lands & teinds of Hallyards: for his life. Ibid., p. 240.
3 (g) The like dated Kensington 1704 April 23 for a gift to Thomas, Earl of Haddington of the fue duties of the lands of Melrose et al. Ibid., pp. 241–2.
3 (h) The like dated St James's 1704 Dec 1 for a gift to John, Duke of Argyll of the fue, blench & other duties from the dukedom, marquisate, lordship & barony of Argyll &c and confirming all grants concerning his heritable office of Great Master Household. Ibid., pp. 242–5.
3 (i) The like dated 1706–7 Feb 18 of the infeoffment to James, Earl of Morton of the Earldom of Orkney & Lordship of Zetland. Ibid., pp. 245–255.
3 (j) The like dated Kensington 1706–7 Feb 18 of a ratification of a gift to Colin, Earl of Balcarres of the fue duties of Orkney & Zetland. Ibid., pp. 258–261.
3 (l) The like dated Kensington 1705 Nov 2 of a gift to Alexander, Lord Elibank of the ward & non entry duties of the lands of Elibank. Ibid., pp. 261–5.
3 (m) The like dated St James's 1705–6 Feb 2 of a gift to John, Earl of Mar of some fue duties out of the shires of Stirling & Clackmannan for keeping in repair the roof of the palace in the Castle of Stirling. Ibid., pp. 265–6.
(4) Rental of her Majesty's property and Crown rents or account of such sums of money &c as are payable yearly in the Exchequer by the feuars, chamberlains & others of her Majesty's property & Crown rents. [This rental has been collated with that noted supra p. 55 and the variants are here inserted in square brackets.]
Yearly £ Scots.
£ s. d.
by the Earl of Home for the Blench Duty of Coldingham 66 13 4
the feuars of the Earldom of March 153 12 2
— Glenmorristown 27 6 8
the feuar of Beaufort 13 6 8
— St Mary Isle 59 1 8
— Castlemilk 30 13 4
— Lewis [Lettis] 2000
— Kirknewtown 10 15 0
— Dishoyer & Toyer [Disher & Toy] 228 2 0
[feuar of Saltroats 8l. money, & 3 bolls 2 firlots beer 8 0 10]
the feuar of Largie 200
— Newby 67 4 0
— Parrisflat 10 17 4
— Munkland 29 15 4
— Almagill 43 6 8
— East & West Granges 66 13 4
the Blench Duty of Cardross 51 4 4
the Tack duty of the Assize Herring of the East Seas 24 0 0
the feuar of Kenmucks 30 12 6
— Leswalt & Money Bridge 100
— Neither New Listown 26 13 4
— Grangemuir 19 1 7
— Cambuskeith 10 13 4
— Hairhead 24 8 0
the feuar of Northuist 204
the Lordship of Kilwining 63 18 0
the Blench holder of Pitsligo 10 13 4
the feuar of Froterness [Fronterness] 266 13 4
— Lidderdale, feuar of St Mary Isle for his part thereof 40 11 8
the Blench holder of Money Maill 26 3 4
— Balgonie 23 6 0
the feuar of Mathrox [Methrox] & Meyvolls 14 6 8
the Marquess of Tweeddale for the Lordship of Dunfermline 66 13 4
the feuar of Greenlaw [Grinlay] 47
— Corsemichael 20
[Lord Balmerinoch for] the Lordship of Coupar 204 3 8
the Lordship of Balmerinoch 92 10 8
the feuar of Aitherny 13 6 8
[Lord Balmerinoch for the Lordship of Balmerinoch 128l. 10. 8 whereof discompted for Barrie 36l. leaving 92l. 10. 8.]
— Ochiltrie feuar of Trabeauch [Trubeauch] for his part thereof 80
the feuar of Kirktown of Bourlie 11 17 4
[the Earl of Dundonald for] the feuar of Dundonald 32 2 0
the feuar of Beill 74 17 10
the Blench holder of Cambuskennith 33 6 8
— duty of the barony of Clein 366 13 4
the feuar of Urquhart & others 144 13 4
— Pluscardin 120
— Kinloss 214 14 0
the feuars of Gradon & others 16 13 1
[— Hugh 30 0 0]
— Coldcoats 10
the Blench duty of Scone & Elcho [the Visct of Stormont for the Lordship of Scoon] 663 6 8
the feuar of Dennis [Dennie] 10
— Inglisberrie Grange 26 3 4
— Kilsmuir 87 13 4
the Tack duties of Isla 500
[feuar of Preston Grange & others 354l. 0. 0 this is gifted to the Lord of Preston Grange.]
the feuar of Claskelpie [Cashkelpie] 10 3 4
the feuars of Provarr [Provan] 108 10 0
the feuar of Thankertown 10
[by the Duke of Argyle for the Lordship thereof [of Argyle] 5210 18 8
[for the assize herrings of the west seas 1000 0 0
the above two gifted to the Duke of Argyle]
the Feu duty of Eales [“for the feu duties thereof” meaning the two preceding items] 42 6 8
the feuar of Balbethan 22 16 8
— Easter Temple Hall 16 19 6
— Kinghorne Easter 24
— Stanypeth 26 13 4
the frier lands of Dunbar [the feuar of Dunbar and feuar's lands 20
Torpichen 66 13 4
the feuar of St Culme [St Colme] 66 13 4
— Milne House 21 6 8
— Luffness 14
— Dunwoodie 40 3 4
— Bodiesbleck 20
— Cultmalundies 40
— Richlaw [Ruchlaw] 26 13 4
the lordship of Paisley [the Earl of Dundonald for Paisley] 120
the feuar of Hoptoun [the Earl of Hoptoun feuar thereof] 154 13 4
— Stanhope 30 6 9
— the Kirklands of Melville 14 12 0
the Blench holder of Dryburgh 17 17 8
the feuar of Cranshaws 21
— the barony of Haddington 249 8 8
— Dumfeilding 201 16 8
— Hamilton & Lessmahago 247 10 0
— Ogilfaw 16 16 8
— Manuel [Mannal] 52 7 4
— Haggs 27
— Fettercairn 59 10 0
— Falkirk 10 1 0
— Popill 16 0 4
— Buchan & Navarr [in the December list this is 7l. 8. 3] 333 6 8
— Kings Meadows 14 6 8
— Herriotts Hospital 33 6 8
— Plain & Curnock 10 19 9
[feuar of Coldbrandspath 21l. 0. 6 and 7 chalder of wheat & 7 chalder of beer 21 0 6]
the feuar of Kingsbarnes 20
— Belshes 26 16 8
— Cannongate & Leith 30 4 8
— Auld cambus 50
— Arnistoun 42
the lordship of Strathearn 1159 19 1
the feuar of Leithhead 20
[— Temple 39 0 0]
— Wester Gemmilsheills [Gamelshells] 13 6 8
— Barrie 36 0 0
— Aberbrothick 200
— Kingstown 55 1 8
— Logie Fintrae 457 1 4
— Onilcorse [Oneilcorse] 12 15 6
the Earl of Stair for his part of Trabeauch 23 13 4
the Lordship of Jedburg 375 16 8
the Lordship of Newbottle 293 7 6
the feuar of Reslennet [Restennet] 20
Unthank of money 8l., of Bear [beer] 3 bolls, 2 firlots at 3s. per boll being 10l. 10s. 18 10 0
the erected Lordship of Urquhart 460 10 0
Tealing, of money 66l. 6. 8 & 2 chalders of oats at 4l. per boll being 128l. & 96 poultry at 4s. per pair being 19l. 4. 0 213 10 8
the Chamberlain of Fife, of money 764l. 10. 0; of wheat 7 chaldron 2 bolls 3 firlots 3 peck; of bear [beer] 23 chalders 14 bolls 2 firlots 3 pecks 2 lippies & of oats 27 chalder 5 bolls 1 firlot 1 peck at 4l. per boll, and of meal 2 bolls & for kames 356 [495 capons in the December list where the items differ somewhat & the total figure is given as 764l. 10. 8] 4868 7 6
Chamberlain of Lindores, of money 107l. 5. 0, of bear [beer] 14 bolls 3 firlots 2 pecks at 4l. per boll 166 15 0
by [Sir Hugh Dalrymple] the President of the Session for North Berwick 133 16 8
by him for Heugh 30
the feuar of Hallyard (this is gifted to the minister of Kirkliston) 66 19 8
the feuar of Preston Grange 354
the Duke of Argyll for the Lordship thereof 5210 18 8
more by him for the assize herrings of the west seas. (These two are gifted to the Duke of Argyll.) 1000
the feuar of Coldbrandspath of money 21l. of wheat 7 chalders at 4l. per boll 917 0 6
the Lordship of Melross and others [this gifted to the Earl of Haddington] 1418 18 2
the feuar of Prora & Fentoun 17
the feuar of Balencreife in money 30l. 10. 0, in bear [beer] 2 chaldrons 13 bolls at 4l. per boll, & 29 ½ capons 231 ½ poultry & 300 pair of doves [in the December list the figure is 30l. 10. 0 & it is noted that this & the preceding item are gifted to Lord Elibank] 269 4 4
the feuar of the West Mains of Balincreife of money 43l., of beer 15 bolls at 4l. per boll. & 48 poultry [in the December list this figure is given as 43l. 0. 0] 120 12 0
the Chamberlain of Galloway, of money 1113l. 2. 8, of meal 1 chalder 2 bolls at 4l. per boll & 13 mairts at 10l. a piece 1315 2 8
the Lordship of Kelso [in the December list this figure is given as 1129l. 4. 2 & it is noted that this is gifted to the Duke of Roxburgh] 1125 10 2
the Chamberlain of Ettrick [the Chamberlain of the Lordship of Elluerk Forst] 2708 3 10
the Chamberlain of Dunbar, of money 134l. 11. 8, and 237 pair of cunneys at 13s. 4d. each pair counting 6 score to the hundred & is 148l. 13. 4; of wheat 15 chalders 9 bolls 2 firlots and of beer 15 chalders 9 bolls 2 firlots at 4l. per boll with deduction of the eighth part of the price on account of small measure, being 1746l. 15. 0 and of oats 2 chalder 1 peck at 4l. per boll being 128. 5. 0 [in the December list this is given as 134. 11. 8 with different details: & it is noted that this & the preceding item are gifted to the Duke of Douglas for payment of his pension of 400l. per an] 2194 5 0
the feuar of the third of Duffis [Dirffirs], of money 26l., of beer 7 chalders 12 bolls 2 firlots at 3l. per boll [in the December list this figure is given at 26. 0. 0] 399 10 0
the Chamberlain of Monteith, of money 59. 10. 0; of meal 20 bolls at 3l. per boll being 60l. & 5 chalders oats at 3l. per boll is 240l.; and 9 ¾ mairts at 10l. each is 97. 10. 0 and 15 mullons [muttons] at 3s. each is 2l. 5 and 10. 6. 8 for Ibert [in the December list the details differ & the total is given as 59. 10. 0] 469 11 8
the Chamberlain of Ross, of money 1834. 8. 4 & for the price of Kames & of beer, meal & oats 114 chalders 7 bolls 3 pecks at 3l. per boll [in the December list the details differ; there is no final figure & it noted that this is allocat to the Earl of Cromarty & Hyndford for payment of their pensions of 500l. sterling per an each. The December list ends with the item for Tealing & Polgavie in money 66. 6. 8 & 2 chalder of oats & 69 poultry but it is noted that this is gifted to the Duke of Douglas] 7327 19 7
Sum total £42638 7 0
There is no rental of Orkney & Zetland: but the same has been farmed for several tack duties viz to Sir Alexander Brand & partners for 3 years commencing cropt 1693 for 2150l. sterling yearly; and to Mr. Robert Douglass for cropt 1696 for 1200l. sterling; and to Sir Samuell McClellan & partners for 3 years commencing cropt 1697 for 1800l. per an sterling: which rents are now dissolved from the Crown by Act of Parliament & gifted by her Majesty by gift dated 1706–7 Feb 18 to the Earl of Morton for payment yearly of the sum of 500l. sterling, & redeemable by her Majesty & her successors on payment of 30000l. sterling. Out Letters (North Britain) I, pp. 270–3.
(5) Abbreviat of the constant rent payable to her Majesty yearly in the Sheriffs' Roll of her Majesty's Exchequer in Scotland.
Yearly £ Scots.
£ s. d.
Sheriff of Aberdeen for Books 30 0 0
for Blench & fue dues 76 6 8
— Ayr for Book 30
for Blenches 15 9 7
baillairy of Carrick
for Book 30
for Blench & fue 80 4 0
baillairy of Kelstuart
for 8 bolls wheat 10
for Blenches 3 13 2
Sheriff of Ayr, baillary of Cuningham
for Book 30
for Blenches 4 15 4
— Argyll has no Book but the Blenches are 20 4 0
— Annandale stewartry for Book 10 0 0
for Blenches 3 6 8
— Banff for Book 10 0 0
for Blench & Fue Duties 2 9 1
— Bathgate for Book 2 0 0
for Blenches 0 0 1
— Berwick for Book 40 0 0
for Blenches, Fues & Castleward 48 2 0
baillary of Lauderdale has no Book, but for Blenches 8 10 7
— Bute for Book 10 0 0
for Blenches 2 3 0
— Caithness for Book 10 0 0
for Blenches 0 10 0
— Cromartie (has no Blenches) for Book 6 0 0
— Clackmannan for Book 10 0 0
for Blenches 7 1 0
— Dunbarton for Book 20
for Blenches & Fue duties 12 13 1
— Dumfries for Book 30
for Blenches & Fue Duties 17 19 8
— Edinburgh for Book 20
for Blenches, fues & Castleward 102 3 4
regality of Mussul-borough for Book 2 0 0
— Elgin & Forres for Book 30
for Blenches & Fue Duties & 8 bolls oats yearly at the Exchequer Fiars 15 15 8
— Forfar for Book 30 0 0
for Blenches & Fue Duties 21 8 5
— Fyfe for Book 30
for Blenches & Fue Duties 55 8 4
Stewartry of Fyfe for Book 10 0 0
Regality of Dunfermline for Book 4
Regality of Pittenweem for Book 2
Regality of St Andrews has no Book nor Blenches.
— Haddington for Book 20
for Blench, Fue & Castleward 97 17 2
— Inverness for Book 20
for Blenches 2 3 4
— Kincardine for Books 20
for Blenches & Fue duties 71 14 1
Sheriff of Kinross for Book 10
for Blenches 8 5 3
— Kirkcudbright stewartry for Book 20
for Blenches 21 19 8
— Lanark for Book 20
for Blenches & Castleward 96 6 8
Regality of Glasgow: has no books nor Blenches.
— Linlithgow for Book 20
for Blenches, Fues & Castleward 40 17 11
the Regalities of Kirkliston & Stow has neither Book nor Blenches.
— Monteith stewartry for Book has no Blenches. 6 0 0
— Nairn for Book 10
for Blenches 2 8 0
— Orkney has neither Book nor Blenches.
— Peebles for Book 30 0 0
for Blenches 18 18 8
— Perth for Book 30
for Blench & Fues 64 14 2
stewartry of Stratherne
for Book 10
for Blenches 0 19 7
Regalities of Coupar, Culross & Dunkeld have neither Book nor Blenches.
— Renfrew for Book 30
for Blenches 15 6 6
Regality of Paisly has neither Book nor Blenches.
— Roxburgh for Book 10
for Blenches & Castlewards 83 3 0
— Ross for Book 10
for Blenches & Fues 14 1 6
— Selkirk for Book 10
for Blenches 12 12 3
— Sterling for Book 2
for Fue Duties 38 14 4
— Southerland for Book 10
for Blenches 8 0 1
— Wigtown for Book 30 0 0
for Blenches 0 4 2
Total of constant yearly rent in money £1828 10 0
besides 8 bolls of wheat & 8 bolls of oats yearly at the Exchequer Fiers. Out Letters (North Britain) I, pp. 267–9.
(6) Abbreviat of the Casual Rents arising by the Retoured Duties payable to her Majesty in the Sheriff Roll of the Exchequer in Scotland from March 1703 to March 1706.
£ s. d.
Sheriff of Aberdeen Retoured Duties 3440 4 7
— Ayr — 8199 18 2
— Argyll there are no Retoured Duties for the said three years.
— Annandale Retoured Duties 3366 13 4
— Banff — 515
— Bathgate has no Retoured Duties in it for the said 3 years.
— Berwick Retoured Duties 260 10 0
— Bute has no Retoured Duties in it for the said 3 years.
— Caithness ditto.
— Cromartie ditto.
— Clackmannan ditto.
— Dunbarton Retoured Duties 5 3 4
— Dumfries — 5998 6 8
— Edinburgh — 3415 8 4
— Elgin & Forres — 710 1 4
— Forfar — 2173 5 2
— Fyfe — 3580 18 4
— Haddington — 878 18 4
£32544 7 7
Out Letters (North Britain) I, p. 269.
(7) A breviate or abstract of compositions of signature, tacks & teinds &c from the term of Mart 1703 to the term of Mart 1706.
£ Scots
£ s. d.
the compositions of signatures from the 11 Nov 1703 to the 11 Nov 1704 amount to 1671 13 4
compositions of tacks & teinds paid to Mr. James Johnston for same time, the sum of which teinds is allocat to him until he be paid off 4000l. sterling, conform to gift dated 30 May 1699 2808
composition of signatures from 11 Nov 1704 to 11 Nov 1705 1383 13 4
composition of tacks & teinds paid to the above Johnston for same time 896 17 0
composition of signatures from 11 Nov 1705 to 11 Nov 1706 946 13 4
composition of tacks & teinds paid to said Johnston for said time 1579 7 4
£9286 4 4
of which 4002l. for compositions of signatures & 5284l. 4. 4 for compositions of tacks & tiends. Ibid., p. 274.
(8) Account of what is payable yearly in the Exchequer by the Royal Boroughs conform to the Borough Roll: (dated in the margin 22 Jan 1708 & certified by Alexander Kirkwood, clerk to the Borough Roll).
£ Scots
£ s. d.
The Borough of Aberdeen is 214l. 6. 8 Scots whereof allocat to the poor of St Mary's Hospital 100l. & to the chaplains of the Cathedral of Kirk 6l.: leaving 108 6 8
the burgh of Aberbrothick 2
— Annan 2
— St Andrews 6 13 4
— St Anstruther Easter 0 6 8
— St Anstruther Wester 0 13 4
— Air is 20l. & is allocat to the poor of that burgh & has been so of a considerable time.
the burgh of Banff 20 13 4
— Bervie 3 1 2
— Bruntisland 1 13 4
— Brechen is 8. 13. 0 which is allocat for pious uses within the said burgh.
the burgh of Carlisle 11 0 0
— Couper 17 6 8
— Cullan 21 12 8
— Culross 10 0 0
— Campbeltown 4 0 0
— Cockenny & the free port thereof 6 14 4
— Cromartie is rentalled at 13l. 6. 8 but having resigned its privileges long ago & having no representative in Parliament has fitted no Equie since the said resignation.
the burgh of Dunbar 4 0 0
— Dundee is 200l. Scots whereof 60l. is allocat to the Lord Gray & 10l. to the Constable of Dundee leaving 130 0 0
the burgh of Dunbarton 7 10 0
— Dumfries 20 1 0
— Dringwall 5 0 0
— Durnoch 2 0 0
— Dumfermline 0 6 0
— Dysert 2 10 0
— Edinburgh is 346. 13. 4 whereof 200l. is allocat to the Prebend of Corsterphine & 50l. to the Abbot & convent of Dumferline & 66. 13. 4 to the poor of their Hospital, leaving 30
the burgh of Elgin 13 6 8
— Earlsferry 1
— Falkland 0 1 0
— Forres 0 16 8
— Forfar 8 13 4
— Fortross 3
— Glasgow is 23. 6. 8 whereof 10l. is allocat to the archbishop thereof, leaving 13 6 8
the burgh of New Galloway 6 13 4
— Haddingtown is 150l. Scots whereof 20l. is allocat to the Earl of Lauderdale, leaving 130
the burgh of Irvine 7 6 8
— Inverness is 58l. 6. 8 whereof 10l. 8. 8 is allocat to the poor leaving 48 8 0
the burgh of Inverkeithing 6
— Jedburgh 3
— Inverary 6 13 4
— Kirkwall 3 6 8
— Kirkcaldy 1 14 0
— Kirkcudbright 9 13 4
— Kinghorn 2 10 0
— Kintore 6 0 0
— Lauder 5 10 8
— Lanark is 60l. Scots whereof 20l. is allocat to the Hospital thereof, leaving 40
the burgh of Linlithgow 52 10 0
— Lochmaben 2
— Montrose is 160l. Scots whereof 122l. 13. 4 is allocat to the bishop of Brechin, leaving 37 6 8
the burgh of Nairn 4
— North Berwick 1
— Peebles 9 10 0
— Perth is 800l. Scots whereof 694l. 6. 8 is allocat to the Hospital there & the remainder being 105l. 13. 4 is allocat for repairing & keeping up the bridge of Tay.
the burgh of Pittenweem 1
— Renfrew 5 6 8
— Rothesay 6
— Rutherglen is 13l. whereof 11l. is allocat to the Principal & Regents of the College of Glasgow, leaving, and is paid in 2
the burgh of Sarquhar 5
— Selkirk 6
— Sterling 6 13 4
— Stranrawer 3 6 8
— South Queensferry 3
— Tayne 5
— Wick 6 13 4
— Wigtown 20
£915 8 11
The burgh of Whithorn was never rentalled.
The burgh of Kilrenny was never rentalled nor ever fitted one Equie.
The burgh of Auchtermuchty Redenda is only Servitia Burgi solita & consiseta [consueta]. Out Letters (North Britain) I, pp. 274–6.
(9) List of the Fermes [Farms] of the several branches of the revenue [in Scotland] from 1661 to the 1st May 1707 which are not yet fitted and discharged by the Treasury of Scotland.
Inland Excise: tack of the Inland Excise to Mr. Archbald Dunbar & partners for 3 years commencing the 1st March 1701 for the yearly tack Duty of 30000l. sterling.
tack of the Inland Excise to Mr. William Johnston & partners for 3 years commencing 1st March 1704 for the yearly tack Duty of 33500l. sterling.
This tack was prerogate by the Lords of Treasury [of Scotland] from the 1st March 1707 to the 1st May thereafter for the proportional tack Duty, viz 2791l. 13. 4 sterling for the 2 months.
Customs & Foreign Excise: tack of the Customs & Foreign Excise to Sir John Home & partners for 5 years commencing the 1 Novr 1696 for the yearly tack Duty of 27000l. sterling: and the said tacksmen did likewise oblige themselves to be accomptable to the Treasury for the half of the profits of the said tack over & above the said tack Duty.
Note: this tack only continued for one year because by a clause of the tack it was declared that if the then present war with France should cease the tack should fall; which it did accordingly by the peace of Ryswick.
Tunnage: tack of the tunnage to Archibald Houston for 3 years commencing the 1st Sept 1704 for the yearly tack Duty of 4000l. Scots or 333l. 6. 8 sterling.
Crown rents of Orkney: tack of the Crown rents of Orkney to Mr. George Scot for 3 years commencing crop & year 1670 [sic for 1690] for the yearly tack Duty of 2277l. 15. 6 ¾ sterling.
tack of same to Sir Alexander Brand for 3 years commencing crop & year 1693 for the yearly tack Duty of 2150l. sterling.
tack of same to Sir Samuel McClellan for 3 years commencing crop & year 1697 for the yearly tack Duty of 1800l. sterling.
Bishops' Rents: tack of the bishopric rents of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Ross, Galway, Dunblane, Caithness, Brechin, Dunkeld & Murray to William Erskine for 3 years commencing crop & year 1695 for the yearly tack Duty of 4750l.
tack of the bishop's rents of Orkney to Sir Alexander Brand for 3 years commencing crop & year 1693 for the yearly tack Duty of 425l. sterling.
tack of the bishop's rents of Orkney to Mr. George Frazer & partner for 3 years commencing crop & year 1699 for the yearly tack Duty of 370l. sterling.
Post Office: tack of the Letter Post Office to George Clark & partners for 5 years commencing March 1696 for the yearly tack Duty of 1111l. 2. 2 2/3 sterling.
tack of the same to George Main for 3 years commencing 1 Nov 1701 for the yearly tack Duty of 1194l. 8. 10 2/3 sterling. There is one year of this tack cleared.
tack of same to George Main for 3 years commencing 1st Nov 1704 for the yearly tack Duty of 1194l. 8. 10 2/3 sterling. Ibid. p. 277.