Warrant Books: December 1708, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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'Warrant Books: December 1708, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp451-458 [accessed 17 September 2024].

'Warrant Books: December 1708, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online, accessed September 17, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp451-458.

"Warrant Books: December 1708, 1-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1952), , British History Online. Web. 17 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp451-458.


December 1708, 1–10

Dec. 1. J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Postmasters General to direct the masters of the packet boats from Falmouth to Lisbon to transport recruits not exceeding 50 in any one boat, according to the contract between you & the Transports Commissioners. Ibid.
William Lowndes to the Agents for Taxes. On your representation touching the taxes on Somerset House the Lord Treasurer has given direction for reimbursing 57l. to the Earl of Feversham which was assessed on that palace & paid by him for the year ended Lady day last in regard the [Assessment Commissioners] had not then notice given them of the death of the Queen Dowager. You are to take care that such notice be given to the Commissioners “so that her Majesty's palace which are exempted by law be not taxed for the future.” Ibid., p. 20.
Same to the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Hannah Griffith, widow of Thomas Griffith late Collector of Sligo, praying to be relieved from her husband's debt to the Crown for which she has been prosecuted to the ruin of herself & 5 children. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 45.
Dec. 2. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Receipt to take in loans to the amount of 7146l. 6. 1¼ on credit of the Act 6 Anne c. 73 for the Half Subsidies, to pay the interest for three months from Sept 2 last on the 476420l. 8. 3 loans taken in on the said Act.
Prefixing: certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt of amount due for said interest. Money Book XIX, pp. 403–4.
Letter of direction for 6209l. 10. 5 to Spencer Compton, out of Civil List moneys: & is for paying her Majesty's [private] pensions & charities for last June 24 quarter. Disposition Book XIX, p. 237.
Same for 39793l. 7. 7½ to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, out of loans to be made by said Brydges on credit of the Half Subsidies &c anno 1708 [6 Anne c. 73]; the orders for which loans are to be drawn without interest & are meant to be reserved in his hands till they can be disposed of at par: & is intended to make good the following demands: viz
£ s. d.
in part of 500000l. for the war in Spain & other purposes
to answer several bills of exchange drawn by Mr. Mead, the Deputy Paymaster of the Forces in Spain, for the use of his Catholic Majesty & for the Foreign Forces in Spain & their extraordinaries 10281 17 10
to answer bills drawn by Major Gen. Stanhope for value taken up in Spain for the use of the Forces there 254 1 3
to complete the pay of 1300 Palatines & 4200 Imperial & Italian Foot in Spain to 1708 June 30 5709 11 2
towards completing 6 months' pay to the King of Spain's own Troops to June 30 last 16712 12 4
in part of 894272l. 3. 6 for the 40000 men anno 1708
for subsistence upon account to the Regiments of Farrington & Johnson to enable them to recruit: and is to be esteemed as part of the savings by respits which may be applied towards the charge of recruiting 749 4 11
for a month's subsistence to Dec 20 inst to the same Regiments 1776
in part of 494689l. 6. 8 for subsidies to the Allies anno 1708
for the King of Portugal towards his subsidy for the months of Novr & Decr 1708 & is to be employed towards reimbursing the Deputy Paymaster of her Majesty's Forces in Catalonia the money by him paid to the Commissary of the Troops there in the pay of the said king 4310 0
£39793 7
Disposition Book XIX, p. 238.
Dec. 2. William Lowndes to the Salt Commissioners to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of George Campbell & Alexander Inglis of the city of Edinburgh, merchants, relating to a new invention & improvement of salt, together with the Solicitor General's report thereto annexed. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 20.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of John Smith, John Woodrow & Antho Cooper, merchants at Yarmouth, shewing that they were concerned in several malt debentures to the amount of 982l. 9. 0 which were sent to Robert Atwood, merchant, to receive [cash on them] who sent them to Mr. Thomas Tresham the proper officer at the Excise Office who promised to procure the Excise Commissioners' hands thereto & then to deliver them back but Tresham procured a person to apply to the [Excise Cashier or] Treasurer & went with him to desire payment & so defrauded the petitioners. Reference Book VIII, p. 339.
Dec. 3. Warrant dormant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Surveyor General of Woods for the raising of 7000l. by 1000l. per an out of wood sales in Dean Forest to complete the 14000l. grant to Henry Segar ut supra, p. 286. (In the margin: two later confirmations hereof of dates 1711 May 4 by the Treasury Lords & 1711 July 3 by Treasurer the Earl of Oxford.) Money Book XIX, p. 402.
Dec. 3. Same by same to same for raising 2500l. for Charles, Earl of Berkeley, by 500l. a year out of wood sales in Dean Forest ut supra, pp. 285–6. (In the margin: a later confirmation hereof dated 1711 June 26 by Treasurer the Earl of Oxford.) Ibid., p. 403.
Money orders for Michaelmas term's allowances to the Welsh Judges as follows viz:
125l. to Sir Joseph Jekyll as Chief Justice of Chester.
50l. to John Pocklington as Second Justice of Chester; & 50l. as Second Justice of Denbigh, Flint & Montgomery.
75l. to William Banastre as Chief Justice of Glamorgan, Brecon & Radnor.
75l. to Charles Cox as Second Justice of the same counties.
75l. to John Hook as Chief Justice of Merioneth, Carnarvon & Anglesea.
75l. to William Jessop as Second Justice of the same counties.
75l. to Thomas Webb as Second Justice of Pembroke, Carmarthen & Cardigan.
91l. 4. 0 to Charles Whittacre as Chief Justice of the same counties to wit from 1708 June 16 to June 23 and from June 24 to Sept 29. Order Book VII, p. 206.
Treasury reference to the Comptrollers of Army Accounts of the petition of Major Gen. Webb shewing that his Regiment was the Princes [Princess's] Own Regiment & her then Royal Highness was pleased to allow Trophy Money which was paid by Sir Benjamin Bathurst for putting the drummers in[to] her livery and the colours [to be embroidered] with her arms which is an expense upwards of 80l. per an [now coming] out of the petitioner's pocket since her [Royal Highness's] accession [as Queen Anne]. In regard the Regiment is her Majesty's Regiment of Foot & all commissions drawn for it are such therefore prays that he may have the said allowance of 80l. per an for 6 years past, being the difference in clothing the said drummers &c above their offreckonings. Reference Book VIII, p. 338.
Dec. 4. Letter of direction for 8316l. 5. 2 to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad, out of the fifth payment to be made by the East India Company before Jan 12 next: to be as in part of 500000l. for the war in Spain &c & to be paid for services as follows viz
£ s. d.
to answer bills of exchange drawn by Mr. Mead for the use of the Foreign Troops in her Majesty's service in Catalonia 4778 17 6
to complete 6 months' pay to the King of Spain's own Troops to June 30 last 3537 7 8
£8316 5 2
Disposition Book XIX, p. 240.
William Lowndes to the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of John Vernon, late of the city of Dublin merchant, for stay of process against him on bond to the late King James for tobacco impost. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 45.
Dec. 5. Royal warrant dated St James's to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 1500l. per an to John, Lord Somers as Lord President of the Privy Council as from Nov 25 last, being the day he took place as Lord President; 1000l. thereof as in lieu of an allowance of 10 dishes every meal formerly made to the Lord President & the remaining 500l. as royal bounty. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 461.
Dec. 6. Same dated same to Treasurer Godolphin to raise 1000l. by wood sales in Whittlewood Forest towards satisfying the allowances of the officers & keepers thereof & other the debts & charges thereof. (Treasurer Godolphin's warrant dated Dec 7 hereon to Edward Wilcox, Surveyor General of Woods Trent South. In the margin: a later confirmation dated 1711 May 5 of said warrant.) Ibid., pp. 461–2. Warrants not Relating to Money XX, p. 287.
J. Taylour to the Auditor of the Receipt concerning the supply of the 29208l. 6. 8 to James Brydges ut supra, pp. 364–5. What the loans on Malt or on the Half Subsidies do not at present extend to satisfy, your Lordship may please to supply by issuing so much out of the money, in the Exchequer, of the East India Company's payments. Disposition Book XIX, p. 198.
Letter of direction for 107263l. 7. 4½ to Sir Thomas Littleton, Treasurer of the Navy, out of loans to be made by himself on credit of the Half Subsidies &c anno 1708 [6 Anne c. 73]: for which loans the [repayment] orders are to be drawn without interest, the same being intended to be reserved in his hands for such uses of the Navy as shall be appointed.
Likewise 29687l. 10. 9¾ to Thomas Micklethwaite, Paymaster of Transports: out of loans to be similarly made by said Micklethwaite on the same credit: the orders for repayment of said loans to be drawn without interest as above & to be reserved [in the hands of said Micklethwaite] till money can be raised on them at par and then to be applied towards satisfying the Transport debt according to such directions as the Lord Treasurer shall give. Ibid., p. 239.
William Lowndes to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Martha Porter, widow of Capt. Thomas Porter late of the Duke of Bolton's late Regiment. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 20.
Dec. 7. Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Samuel Bayly, Receiver General of Taxes for Co Stafford, praying an allowance of 8s per cent. [per 100l] (the like allowance as the Excise Commissioners give for returns) on 57168l. which he has paid into the Exchequer for 2 years' receipts to Lady day last of the Land Tax & Houses Duty for the said County. Reference Book VIII, p. 338.
Same to same of the petition of Sir Richard Allen, Thomas Barker, John Aldred, Jos Pack & Benjamin Spillman, securities for Samuel Pacey deceased, Receiver General for Co Suffolk, shewing that by the Lord Treasurer's warrant they are to pay 1850l. per month till June 1709 on said Pacey's account, which they cannot comply with but [except] by raising it out of their own estates but hope if they have more time allowed to do it out of said Pacey's effects: therefore praying stay of process till April next on their paying 1000l. before Xmas & 500l. a month for the following 3 months. Ibid.
Dec. 7. Subscription by Treasurer Godolphin for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant dated Nov 17 to the Master of the Jewel Office for the delivery to Sir Richard Onslow, Speaker of the House of Commons, of 4000 ounces of white plate, being the same quantity that has been allowed to former Speakers: to an estimate of 1500l. Warrants not Relating to Money XX, p. 286.
William Lowndes to Sir James Montague [Solicitor General] to report his opinion on the enclosed Act of Parliament in Scotland [missing] in favour of Mrs. James Ramsey, with the draft [missing] of a commission proposed by the Lord Advocate Scotland for the collecting or uplifting of a month's cess thereby granted. If such commission be necessary is it not most proper to be under the Queen's sign manual? The Lord Treasurer wishes to speak with you to-morrow morning. Out Letters (North Britain) I, p. 463.
Dec. 8. Money warrant for 2922l. 2. 11 to Samuell Smethyn, her Majesty's goldsmith, for gilt & white plate delivered into the Jewel House.
Appending: certificate dated 1708 Dec 3 by Jo. Charlton of the amount of the said plate so delivered. (Money order dated Dec 13 hereon.) Money Book XIX, pp. 404–5. Order Book VII, p. 202. Disposition Book XIX, p. 242.
Same for 250l. to Thomas Visct Duplin as assignee of George, late Earl of Kinnoul, for last Sept 29 quarter on said Earl's annuity. Money Book XIX, p. 405.
Letter of direction for 1000l. to William Lowndes: for secret service: out of Civil List moneys. Disposition Book XIX, p. 240.
Same for 10000l. to the Duke of Montagu for the service of the Great Wardrobe: to be issued by 500l. a week from this day. Ibid., p. 241.
William Lowndes to the Navy Commissioners enclosing the petition [missing] of the poor seamen's widows whose husbands were lost with Sir Cloudesley Shovell. Please certify whether anything is due to them and whether it has been usual upon such sad accidents to bestow bounties. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 20.
Dec. 8, 13. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to employ Samuell Harrington as a tidesman Bristol port loco William Mason who has quitted that employment.
Charles Arundell as landwaiter at Poole loco William Loup preferred as below.
William Loup as surveyor of Bristol port loco John Yates deceased. Out Letters (Customs) XV, p. 137.
Dec. 8. Same by same to same to permit a parcel of Newfoundland prize fish taken by her Majesty's ship Hastings in the prize St Stephen of Lisbon (condemned in the Court of Admiralty Oct 23 last) to be marked & exported without landing same or paying Duties thereon; the said marking being in order to prevent any claim for [salt] debentures on re-export.
Prefixing: report by said Commissioners on the petition of Capt. John Paul on behalf of the officers & company of said ship praying said liberty otherwise the whole prize will come to nothing, to the great loss and discouragement of the petitioners. By royal declaration of 1 June 1702 the manner of division of prizes so taken was laid down. By a further declaration of 1703 May 17 a relaxation was granted of the Duties for oils made of fish or any creature living in the seas [arising out] of foreign fishing & for Foreign Plantation goods condemned as prize & thereby the said Duties were reduced to native Duties. By the Act of Trade of last Session [6 Anne c. 65, clause 9], prize goods are not to be exempt from existing Duties. By the Act of last Session for the Half Subsidies [6 Anne c. 73] all the Duties chargeable under the said Declaration of 1st June 1702 are to be levied on prize goods. The Act of 18 Car. II [c. 2] forbids the import of ling, herring, cod, whether fresh, dried or salted. As to the train oil & whale fins the Duties thereon same are subject to the high Duties as follows pursuant to the said Act of Parliament which confirms the Declaration of 1 June 1702 viz
£ s. d.
on every ton of train oil 22 13
on every hundredweight of whale fins 4 17
Out Letters (Customs) XV, pp. 138–140.
Dec. 8. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Customs Commissioners to pay to John Elbridge, Deputy Comptroller of Bristol port, 150l. for an allowance of a second assistant clerk at 20l. per an to keep a distinct account of the import Duties on tobacco, in his office; to be for the last 7½ years during which he has been obliged to keep such clerk by the great increase of business in that port. “And that you cause 40l. per an (together with 20l. per an formerly paid by incidents) to be inserted in the [Customs] Establishment from Michaelmas last for 2 additional clerks to be employed in the Comptroller's office of the said port, one thereof being the above second assistant clerk and the other being a third clerk whom the said Elbridge is compelled to employ by reason of the late orders and instructions for keeping the accounts of cash, remittances, bonds &c: the necessity of which is attested by Mr. Carkesse who was sent to inspect that port upon the late Collector's withdrawing himself.
Prefixing: presentment by said Commissioners concerning the necessity for such clerks. By his personal unwearied care and great skill the said Elbridge hath carried on the accounts of the said port of Bristol which were left by the late Collector in the utmost confusion and could not be adjusted without the help of the said Elbridge from his own books. He was also instrumental in making known some of the [said late] Collector's failures of duty and his great arrears in cash. Ibid., pp. 140–1.
Dec. 9. Royal warrant dated St James's to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 2,000,000l. to Sir Thomas Littleton, Treasurer of the Navy: as imprest for the Navy & Victualling. (Money warrant dated Dec 16 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec 16 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 464. Money Book XIX, p. 406. Order Book VII, p. 203.
Dec. 9. Same to same for a same for 600,000l. to John Howe, Paymaster of Guards & Garrisons: as imprest for Guards & Garrisons in Great Britain & the Invalids & 5000 men to serve on board the Fleet anno 1709. (Money warrant dated Dec 16 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec 16 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 464. Money Book XIX, p. 406. Order Book VII, p. 203.
Same to same for a same for 2,500,000l. to James Brydges, Paymaster of the Forces Abroad: as imprest for the Forces, whether Foreign or Subject, under his pay anno 1709. (Money warrant dated Dec 16 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec 16 hereon.) Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 465. Money Book XIX, p. 406. Order Book VII, p. 203.
William Lowndes to Auditor Maynwaring to prepare for declaration Nehemiah Arnold's account for one year to Sept 29 last as Paymaster of Malt Lottery Tickets. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 22.
Dec. 10. Royal warrant dated St James's to the Auditors of Imprests to allow in the accounts of the Paymaster General of Guards & Garrisons the sum of 6000l. hereby ordered to be paid for subsistence of the Foot Regiment, late Col. Lillingston's & now Col. Jones's, they having received but a very small part of their subsistence since 5 March 1706–7 when they were sent from Ireland to the Leeward Islands, where they remained ever since & are now in great distress for want of a further supply; which the said Paymaster General does not think himself authorised to pay without royal warrant in regard there has not been hitherto any regular muster rolls returned from the said Regiment: & likewise to allow in account the 6635l. 12. 5 which has been issued to the said Paymaster on account of said subsistence & has been by him paid accordingly. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, pp. 462–3.
Treasurer Godolphin to Jo Chetwynd. Thanks for yours from Genoa of the 9/20th November last with the ample detail of your conference with his Royal Highness [the Duke of Savoy]. As to the account of the soldiers embarking at Final it will be necessary to distinguish therein how many of them are for recruits to the two German Regiments lately sent to Spain, because you know levy money is to be allowed for them only. I am obliged for your care in sending the money to Mr. Stanhope for the service of her Majesty's Troops under him & for the proposals for their future supply [of money]. Sir Henry Furnese has also made a proposal to me for that purpose & on comparing it with those from the Italian merchants I find that his is much the best for her Majesty's advantage. I have therefore agreed with him for the ensuing year & pursuant thereto he doth by this night's post remit a considerable sum for the said Troops so that you will have no further troubles on that head.
I am sorry that any Commanders of her Majesty's ships should make difficulties to carry money for the Troops to such places where it may be required. The Lord High Admiral has been desired to give them directions relating to that matter so that I hope it will be remedied for the future. Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 21.
Same to the Lord High Admiral. Her Majesty's ministers in Italy & Portugal have represented that the Commanders of her Majesty's ships have frequently made difficulties of transporting her Majesty's money from one place to another for payment of the Troops in those parts; which if they should continue to do may prove to be of very ill consequence by disappointing the Troops of early supplies & thereby hinder their going upon action. I desire you to order all Captains or Commanders of her Majesty's men of war ordered to Portugal or the Mediterranean to carry the Queen's money for the future without any delay or excuse from place to place for payment of the Troops as the Commanders in Chief of her Majesty's Forces in Portugal, Spain or Italy shall desire. Out Letters (General) XIX, pp. 21–22.