Warrant Books: September 1708, 11-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1952.

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'Warrant Books: September 1708, 11-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp388-393 [accessed 17 September 2024].

'Warrant Books: September 1708, 11-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1952), British History Online, accessed September 17, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp388-393.

"Warrant Books: September 1708, 11-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 22, 1708. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1952), , British History Online. Web. 17 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol22/pp388-393.


September 1708, 11–15

Sept. 13. Royal warrant dated Windsor Castle to Spencer Compton, Paymaster of the Queen's Pensions & Bounties, to pay 40l. per an to John Cairon, minister of the French church at Wapping; the like allowance having been granted by the royal warrant of 1706–7 March 20 to Lewis de la Prade who had been licensed about 5 years before to perform divine service there in the French language at the desire & for the use & benefit of the Jersey and Guernsey people that inhabited at or near Wapping: and it being now represented by Henry, bishop of London that the said De la Prade was dismissed from the said cure about January last & that the said Cairon has served therein ever since. Queen's Warrant Book XXIII, p. 430.
Same to same to pay to Capt. — Vetch an allowance of 10s. a day from Aug 16 last during the time he shall be detained here (from his wife & family who are at New York) in attendance on the Commissioners for Trade about a proposal which he has made for the public service [and which is] now under their consideration. Ibid., p. 431.
Money warrant for 20l. to John Skaife, clerk, for the charge of his passage to Virginia whither he is going chaplain. Money Book XIX, p. 357. Order Book VII, p. 187.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin [to the Customs Cashier] to pay the officers of the Pipe 80l. 12. 4 for one year to June 24 last on their several fees payable out of the Customs viz 63l. 2. 0 to the Clerk of the Pipe & the secondary & sworn clerks in his Office; 5l. 15. 0 to John Pottinger, Comptroller of the Pipe; 11l. 15. 4 to Henry Ballow & John Smith, Deputy Chamberlains for joining Tallies. Money Book XIX, p. 357.
Money warrant for 9l. 2. 6 to John Incledon for one year to June 24 last on his fee of 6 pence a day as Keeper of her Majesty's Royal House at Westminster. Ibid., p. 358. Disposition Book XIX, p. 207.
Sept. 13. Warrant by same to the Salt Commissioners for stay of prosecution against Christopher Dent for fraudulently obtaining debentures for [salt Duty on] fish which were not exported; he having turned Queen's evidence in several like frauds and thereby strengthened the evidence of Henry Rutledge late a tidewaiter in Newcastle port who first discovered these frauds; and greatly contributed to recoveries and was also serviceable in discovering masters of ships & others who were further witnesses for the Queen.
Prefixing: report by said Commissioners on said Dent's petition. Money Book XIX, p. 360.
Same by same to same to pay 50l. to Joseph Bentley, collector of Lancaster port, for a further reward for detecting frauds in relation to the salt revenue, he having for some years past made it part of his business to examine the Custom House books for the ports of Chester & Lancaster & along the coast of Wales for such frauds by the relanding, under forged coast certificates, of unexported salt on which debentures had been obtained.
Prefixing: memorial from said Commissioners representing said Bentley's services, in continuation of their like report of 1705 Dec 10. Ibid., p. 361.
Same dormant by Treasurer Godolphin to the Excise Commissioners to pay to Charles, Duke of Grafton & Isabella, Duchess Dowager of Grafton respectively 2000l. per an & 1000l. per an (& all arrears thereon) upon the annuity of 3000l. per an granted by Charles II 1674 Oct 22 to Henry, late Duke of Grafton & his heirs male; the said Henry having by will dated 8 July 1687 (as empowered by said grant) appointed 1000l. per an thereof to the said Isabella his wife by way of jointure: the said annuity having hitherto been paid at the Exchequer. Ibid., pp. 372–3.
J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to let the money warrant for 1809l. 4. 2 to the executors of George Stepney ut supra, p. 377 be satisfied out of loans to be made by the said executors on the sale of tin, the [repayment money] orders for which loans are to be drawn without interest and to remain in your office until they come in course of repayment. Disposition Book XIX, p. 210.
Subscription by Treasurer Godolphin of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant to the Great Wardrobe for provision of furniture for the House of Commons: to an estimate of 467l. Warrants not Relating to Money XX, p. 382.
Royal warrant dated Windsor Castle to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to pay 4320l. to the four new Regiments ordered to be raised in place of the Foot Regiments of Brigadier Sankey, Col. Pearse, Col. Stanwix & Col. Newton, to wit for levy money at the rate of 40s. per man: the said Regiments having been removed from the Irish Establishment from 1707 April 27. Out Letters (Ireland) IX, p. 36.
Entry of Treasurer Godolphin's signature of the docquet of a patent of grant of the salary of 300l. per an each to the new Commissioners of the Excise in Scotland ut supra, p. 379. Out Letters (North Britain) I, p. 429.
Sept. 13. Royal warrant dated Windsor Castle to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal dormant for payment of 210l. per an to the University of Edinburgh for the seven professors there, equally & proportionably among them, for an augmentation of their salary: the Queen having granted same out of the profits of the Post Office in Scotland by letters under the privy seal of Scotland dated 1707 Sept 15: that is to say William Law, Professor of Philosophy, James Gregory, Professor of Mathematics, William Scot, Charles Erskine & Robert Stewart, Professors of Philosophy, Laurence Dundas, Professor of Humanity, & John Goodall, Professor of Hebrew: and it has been represented that the said privy seal is not sufficient authority to charge the profits arising by the said Post Office in the manner therein expressed: the same is therefore hereby to be paid out of any moneys in the Receipt of the Exchequer, or in the hands of the Receiver of the revenues and profits arising by the said Post Office in Scotland. (Privy seal dated Sept 22 hereon.) Ibid., pp. 429–30.
Same to same for a same conferring a like grant to the University of Glasgow that is to say 40l. per an to the Professor of the Oriental Languages; 40l. per an to the Professor of Mathematics; 25l. per an to the Professor of Humanity; 30l. per an to the Professor of Botany; 22l. per an to the Principal or Head of the said university; 11l. each to the 3 Professors of Philosophy; 20l. to the Professor of Greek: to be payable as above out of any our revenue or the revenue of the Post Office in Scotland. (Privy seal dated Sept 22 hereon.) Ibid., p. 431.
Sept. 14. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin dated Windsor Castle to Spencer Compton to pay 50l. to Thomas Williams as royal bounty for his service & expenses in coming express from Falmouth with letters sent from Col. Handasyde, Governor of Jamaica, giving an account of the taking & destroying of some of the galleons in the West Indies by her Majesty's ships under Commodore Wager. Money Book XIX, p. 357.
Same for 1740l. to the executors of John Methuen, late Ambassador to the King of Portugal, in full of his several bills of extraordinaries [to wit so much thereof as is allowable under or] within the Regulation [relating to ambassadorial extraordinaries] to the 13 July 1706 being the day of his death. (Money order dated Sept 14 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Oct 7 hereon.) Ibid., p. 358. Order Book VII, p. 184. Disposition Book XIX, p. 220.
Same for 7l. 8. 6 to William Trafford, for the surplusage on his account as Sheriff of Co Stafford for the year ended at 1707 Sept 29: the same arising by payments for the arrest of William Brooks for burglary: as certified by Philip Tullie, Deputy clerk of the Pipe. (Money order dated Oct 19 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Nov 22 hereon.) Money Book XIX, p. 359. Order Book VII, p. 200. Disposition Book XIX, p. 234.
Money order for 140000l. to Sir John Humble bart, who is appointed to be the officer in the Exchequer for paying the annuities & benefits of the Million Lottery Tickets as by 5 & 6 Wm. & Mary c. 7: and is as imprest for paying the said annuities & other payments as by the said Act. Order Book VII, p. 188.
Sept. 14. J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Customs Commissioners. According to your report on the petition of the gentlemen of the Fishery in Cornwall concerning prize salt ut supra p. 387 it is directly against law to admit same to an entry. Does the law allow the export of the said salt in the manner you propose? Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 3.
Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Mint. Send the Lord Treasurer the precedents for the prices which you refer to in your report on John Roos's bill of 642l. 10. 11 for engraving public seals. If you have no precedents then please report on the reasonableness or otherwise of Roos's charges. Ibid., p. 4.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Carter of London tallow chandler shewing that in July last he bought tallow from Edward Jones a merchant in Bristol to the value of 78l. 5. 6 & (as Jones was unwilling to accept payment in London) gave him for same a note [bill] drawn on Thomas Beech deputy to Mr. Sansom collector of Customs there. The note was accepted: but at the same time the petitioner not having any effects in Beech's hands gave Beech a note payable to him or order for said sum payable in London & falling due before that [so] accepted by Beech: “that Sansom & Beech failing he was forced to pay the money to Mr. Jones the merchant, himself, notwithstanding which the Customs Commissioners demand payment of the note given to Beech: therefore praying relief. Reference Book VIII, p. 328.
Same to same of the petition of Catlin Thorowgood of London merchant shewing that he has been a great trader in wines for several years but by losses obliged to stop his trade: that he has sold his estate to pay his Customs bonds & is now to be sued for the interest thereon: therefore praying remission of same. Ibid., p. 330.
Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin dated Windsor Castle to Robert Walpole, Secretary at War, to prepare a royal warrant for paying 72l. to John Jones & John Shuter, the two printers that were sent upon the Expedition with the Earl of Rivers in 1706, for the remainder of the pay due to them till their return home, they having an allowance of 50s. a week each by the royal warrant of 22 July 1706 as from the 20th of the said July, which allowance was paid to Dec 23 following & no further, whereas they were discharged by the said Earl at Alicante on 1706–7 Feb 25 & they continued on board the transport ship until the 3 June 1707 & attended several times afterwards to take ashore the printing press & several other things belonging thereto, which were delivered back to Mr. John Williams 1707 June 3 from whom the same were procured; before which time the said Jones & Shuter could not return to their business by reason of sickness & disorder.
Prefixing: report dated 6 Nov 1707 by Henry St John, then Secretary at War, on the petition of said John Williams in behalf of said Jones & Shuter. Payment may be charged on the Contingencies for the Forces in Spain “which fund nevertheless remained as tho' the two Establishments [for the successive Expeditions] of the Earl of Galway & the Earl Rivers had not been incorporated.” Warrants not Relating to Money XX, pp. 257–8.
Sept. 14. Warrant by Treasurer Godolphin dated Windsor Castle to Robert Walpole, Secretary at War, for taking off the respits on the pay of one sergeant in the Company of Grenadiers of Major Walter Douglas of Brigadier Livesay's Regiment of Foot. Hereby the sum of 15l. 4. 2 is to be paid as the difference between the pay of a sergeant & a private for one year ended 24 Dec 1707: and a further 27l. 8. 0 for the respited pay of a sergeant for 3 years from 25 Dec 1703: the said Regiment having come from the Irish to the English Establishment 25 Dec 1703 whereby [to wit by the said English Establishment] 3 sergeants are allowed to his Company “but the Regiment being at that time in the West Indies and afterwards called home and again recruited, by the hurry thereof and the great distance (when in the West Indies) he had not the opportunity of knowing the Establishment, which occasioned his mustering but 2 sergeants and the stopping of the third sergeant from 25 Dec 1703 until 24 Dec 1707 amounting to 109l. 10. 0 notwithstanding he continually kept & paid Maurice Burn a proper person to assist the Company and act as a third sergeant as he had continued to do ever since the day of his being mustered (as is certified by Col. Franks) & thereupon & in consideration of his having completed his Company of Grenadiers at his own charge & his great losses by desertion & death, being in the sickly garrison of Tilbury Fort above 12 months, & his long and faithful services in Europe & the West Indies” the said respit of that third sergeant may be removed.
Prefixing: report dated 1708 June 28 by Thomas Broderick dated from the Office in Spring Gardens of the Comptrollers of Army Accounts on the petition of said Major Douglas.
In the margin: this report & warrant were cancelled & replaced by the report of Oct 2 & warrant of Oct 25 next infra p. 421. Ibid., pp. 259–260.
Same by same to the Auditors of Imprests to make allowances, detailed, in the account of the Commissioners for Sick & Wounded in the late war.
Appending: (1) report by John Smith, Chancellor of the Exchequer, dated 1708 Aug 7: & (2) report by the Auditors of Imprests dated 1706–7 March 4 on said accounts. As to their craving for 7865l. for salaries of themselves and their officers we find that in a state of the debts laid before the House of Commons in the sessions of 1699 & 1700 the salaries of the Commissioners & officers were provided for from Midsummer 1698 (when their Commission was dissolved) to Michaelmas 1700. They were employed in going down to the ports & paying the said debts until the end of 1703. What they deserve for the subsequent time for making up & prosecuting their accounts rests with the Lord Treasurer. They claim 418l. for taxes paid on their salaries as being a branch of the Navy. But the Treasury authority mentions only taxes on the salaries of the Navy Commissioners, and they do not thereby appear to be entitled to this craving. As to the craving of 137l. 9. 6 for new year's gifts at several offices in ten years' time we do not conceive any office ought to be allowed such expenses without special authority & no such authority appears to have been obtained.
As to the article of 6227l. 7. 8 for discounts, an abatement of 305l. 1. 6½ has been made on payment of several persons' accounts; 502l. 0. 3 was transacted by Mr. Povey their Treasurer & is not a part of their account. For the remaining 5420l. 5. 10½ we have caused them to make out an account of the particulars and the rates at which they discounted and we find that they represented same from time to time to the Treasury & acted according to their directions. They have also produced several certificates from merchants and brokers whereby it appears the discount [was] at the cheapest rate and the whole is attested upon oath of Mr. Jeremy Garrard their secretary. Ibid., pp. 264–8.
Sept. 14 & 24. Commission by Treasurer Godolphin to Richard Smith to be Surveyor of the Duties on Houses loco Henry Yaxley deceased. (Warrant dated Sep 14 by same to the Receiver of said Duties for the City of London to pay said Smith 40l. per an salary.)
Barkham Edwards as same loco David Jones deceased. (The like salary warrant dated Sept 24 directed to the Receiver General of said Duties for Co Kent.) Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) I, pp. 151, 154.
Sept. 15. Letter of direction for 480l. to Spencer Compton, Paymaster of the Queen's Pensions & Bounties: out of Civil List moneys: & is to be paid over according to such warrants as he hath received or shall receive in that behalf. Disposition Book XIX, p. 208.
J. Taylour (in the absence of William Lowndes) to the Customs Commissioners. The Lord Treasurer is informed you will not permit the Portugal Envoy to ship the bed for the Queen of Portugal unless he swear to a value of 15000l., although he is ready to make affidavit [and] to pay Custom for same at the valuation of 8000l. What reasons have you for fixing at 15000l. the value which he is to swear? Out Letters (General) XIX, p. 3.
Treasury reference to Mr. Borret of the petition of Mary, wife of George Purdon, shewing that her husband unfortunately killed a man in Lambeth Marsh in May last & at the late assizes at Guilford was found guilty of manslaughter & his estate forfeited to the Crown, under colour whereof the bailiff of Westminster has seized all the petitioner's goods even to the bed on which she lay with a broken leg: therefore prays a remission of her husband's forfeiture. Reference Book VIII, p. 328.
Same to Mr. Walpole & Mr. Broderick of the petition of the Officers of Col. Munden's Regiment praying to be reimbursed their expense in hiring vessels to transport the said Regiment to Ireland. Ibid.