Minute Book: October 1667

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: October 1667', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp96-114 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: October 1667', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp96-114.

"Minute Book: October 1667". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp96-114.


October 1667

Oct. 1.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir John Duncomb.
Mr. Cofferer called in: prays a Privy Seal for 100,000l. for the Household for this year.
Sir William Doyly called in about the arrears from the City of London. Write the Lord Mayor and Alderman concerning the ungathered [arrears of the Aids], and to request them to give their support to get same in, and to take care about the re-assessing of the 2,800l.
Mr. Pyke is to account before Mr. Aldworth and to pay what is in his hands to Fillingham.
Write the Customs Farmers to pay the remainder of a tally for Carlisle.
Leave granted to Sir William Doyly to go into the country for a week.
Warrant for the Peers' creation money as they come [in order of precedence].
Warrant for Mr. Edward Deering as Receiver of Crown revenues for Suffolk and Cambridge while the patent is passing.
Process stayed against Mr. Johnson, Receiver of Hearth money for Northumberland.
The Excise Commissioners to attend to-morrow about John Willowby.
The Tin Farmers to account with William Harbord, Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall.
Time given to the Earl of Newburgh till next Monday to appear.
Sir Robert Paston called in and to excuse the King from his defalcations [on the farm of wood] offers 5,000l. [per an.] for the whole 21 years.
Thomas Killegrew called in: to have a new warrant on his Privy Seal.
A warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay the pensions of the Yates and the Pendrels.
Mr. Shears to be paid 150l. for bringing over the Spanish treaty. Mr. Williamson to pay it and my Lords to reimburse him.
Warrant for the fees of the Auditors of Imprests for auditing the Customs accounts.
Sir Henry Wood called in about what is in arrear to the Queen Mother. It is to be first considered what can be spared on the 68,000l. in Sir Stephen Fox's hands.
Mr. Barker, Clerk of the Stables for Hampton Court, called in about his docquets for those stables: to produce his accounts and swear to them.
Mr. Colvile's interest account in the name of Brown and Keats is to pass the Auditor.
John Forth to attend to-morrow about the Excise of Kent.
The 800l. for pulling down houses on the Tower is to be fixed on Sir Stephen Fox's 80,000l.
Dormant warrant ordered for the Prince's pension [? the 3,000l. to the Duke of York for his nursery] on the new farm of the Customs.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 172–3.]
Oct. 2.
Present: Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
The Bishop of Sarum's First Fruits to be enstalled.
Law. Hyde called in and his letter read. Resolved that he shall have a warrant to take up money at interest, but first is to bring a copy of his former warrant.
A table of the fees of the officers of the Exchequer to be brought to my Lords.
Order to the Receivers to pay Lord Chandos his pension and Mr. Capell his pension of 400l. per an.
Warrant for the salaries of the Masters in Chancery.
Warrant for 95,000l. to the Earl of Anglesey for seamen's wages.
Viscount Fanshaw to take Mr. Deering's security.
Mr. Townsend to bring in the state of his office, and then Mr. Rustat's money shall be settled on his assignments.
Mr. Seymour called in about his security for executing the Earl of Newburgh's office of sixpenny writs: he is to execute it till further order.
The Huntsmen's petition: ordered to have a year's salary out of Sir Edward Griffin's assignments on the Eleven Months' tax.
Warrant to be tendered to the King for Sir Stephen Fox to assign 68,000l. as my Lords shall direct.
Warrant for the Privy Seal for defalcations for the Farmers of the London Excise, and without the clause for the moiety of imported strong waters.
The Excise Commissioners' report heard concerning Mr. Willowby: process stayed against him.
Mr. Blany, &c., bring in the accounts of the East India prizes. To show it to the Duke of Albemarle to-morrow and bring it in again.
Mr. Forth, one of the Farmers of the Excise of Kent, called in: to produce their books and papers of charge to the Excise Commissioners, and to state their accompt for 1¼ years to Xmas last.
Notice to be given that my Lords will be ready to receive all propositions of such as desire to farm the Excise upon Wednesday come fortnight. This publication to be by affixing papers at the Exchequer, Custom House, Excise Office, Exchange, Post Office and outer rooms of the Treasury, and by notice in the Gazette. The Excise Commissioners called in and acquainted herewith.
The Customs Farmers called in: agree to pay 8,000l. every 14 days, viz. the 1st, 15th and last day of every month: moreover they will this month lend 30,000l. besides their rent, to be repaid before Xmas: they pray they may have their tallies for what is due to them and that they may have them in two or three weeks: say they will send on Saturday a list of what they have paid. Sir Robert Long to send a list of all tallies struck on the late Customs Farmers.
The Attorney General to send to my Lords a draft of the Privy Seal concerning collectors' securities and forfeitures on the Chimney money.
Sir George Carteret called in about tallies and orders in his hands which are to be all delivered to the Earl of Anglesey. Said Earl to be also acquainted that there will be on Monday next 10,000l. ready to pay seamen's tickets [due] before January [last].
A Privy Seal read about the tin business for the Bishop of Münster. The vouchers to be compared with the particulars in the Privy Seal.
The Farmers of the London Excise called in; and the paper about publishing the [letting the] farming of the Excise is read to them.
Sir Stephen Fox's settlement of the new establishment [for Guards and Garrisons] and the King's letter are to be considered to-morrow.
Mr. Meynell's interest account brought in: to consider to-morrow as to the course of payment.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 174–6.]
Oct. 3.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Warrant for Widow Hudson's pension.
"Examine whether Top's warrant for [remitting the fee as] Bart. be before or since the Order of Council that they pay each 1,090l." [1,095l.].
Warrant for 10,000l. for the Earl of Anglesey for seamen's wages before January last.
Sir Stephen Fox to be settled for his fund and a Privy Seal drawn to make the whole sum payable to him for Guards and Garrisons according to the present establishment. "The King to be moved about the officers dismissed their marching at the head of their companies since the last muster."
Write the Solicitor General to send [in] his brother's warrant and have a new one payable in the Exchequer on the new Farmers of Customs.
Warrant for the Lord Privy Seal's fee of 20s. a day: to be on the new farm of the Customs payable in the Exchequer.
Mr. Meynell called in about his interest account. Sir George Downing and Sir Robert Long to consider on what Privy Seal to draw a warrant for it, and to prepare a Privy Seal after to authorise it for this and other sums to be mentioned in a list.
Warrant for Sir Thomas Allen's fee of 40l. per an. for the garrison of Sandown.
The Earl of Carlisle moves for a warrant for his 1,000l. per an. on exported coals. Warrant ordered.
Write Deputy Auditor Chislet in accordance with the letter from the Farmers of the Chimney money.
Write Sir Robert Long to put into his weekly certificate all the small branches of the revenue.
The Earl of Anglesey is to express in his weekly certificate what money has been borrowed each week, what day, on what fund and of whom.
Warrant for the Privy Seal for settling the fortnightly payment into the Exchequer of the 8,000l. from the Customs.
Sir Edw. Griffith [Griffin], Sir George Downing, and Sir Robert Long to meet on Saturday to make a list of such as are to be paid out of his [Griffin's] 25,000l.: all to have one year's salary; the Duke of York's huntsmen first, the Queen's lodging at Tunbridge next and the rest as they stand in the list.
Sir William Rider, Sir William Tompson, Sir John Frederick, Mr. Jolly and Mr. G. Tompson to attend on Monday to consider of the best way of paying the seamen.
Sir [Allan] Apsley's Privy Seal to pass, but in the name of the person who is to have the money.
Sir Robert Long to certify to what offices the money for the war has been issued: these offices to prepare their account from Sept. 1, 1664.
The Vice-Chamberlain of the Household gives an account of several tallies and orders given by him to several. Resolved that when the tallies of the Customs come in my Lords will settle a course of their payments, but in the mean time he may keep tallies for Sir Robert Viner's 13,000l. instead of the Bucks tallies, and 3,000l. for Mr. Trethewy, and 400l. for others.
Sir B. Gascoyn prays the arrears to be included in his grant. To be considered when the King is better able to be applied to.
John Field and the falconers called in on his petition. Ordered that 50l. be paid him.
Daniel Grill's petition concerning a seizure referred to the Customs Farmers.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 176–8.]
Oct. 4.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
A Privy Seal ordered for Mr. Meynell's interest money.
Warrant ordered for the Earl of Berkshire's creation money.
Mr. Veile sent to about Mr. Goldesbrough's tally.
Ordered that the Receivers for the Aids on sending any bills of charge are to send [note of] on what tax the money is to be placed, and if they fail two posts then the Commissioners for the Aids are to give notice to my Lords, who will send for the Receiver in custody.
Mr. Hinton called in, and assured he shall be placed for his tallies in the list.
Mr. Blany to have a week more for perfecting the account of the East India prizes.
The Equerries called in: pray their board wages for the year of the suspension [of diet allowances, &c.].
The Earl of Berkshire called in: moves for his money to be charged on Sir Steven Fox's 68,000l.: ordered to bring his Privy Seal and to be heard with Lady Mary, his daughter, and Sir Robert Howard.
Sir James Bunce to have 1,000l. per an. of the tonnage money on French shipping.
Mr. Newport and the King's officers in the Customs not concerned in the Customs farm called in: offer a paper of proposals concerning the new Farmers' patent.
Write the King's officers of the Customs to certify what ships were in port before Michaelmas, and what ships were entered and what goods landed out of them before or since. The like for outward bound ships. An account hereof to be entered in all their books.
Auditor Newport to have a warrant for 32l. 17s. 0d. without account for services during his employment at the Customs.
Mr. Rogers called in. His counsel and the Earl of Bridgewater's counsel are to attend the Attorney General. [Resolved] that he may have a lease of 100 acres and no more.
Write Mr. Terrick to do his best to get in the Firehearth arrears in Anglesea.
The Lord Mayor called in: desired to have a little patience and my Lords will consider his business.
Mr. Madden's letter read: the rest of the Commissioners [for Dean Forest] to write as well as he what is heedful and what will finish their work.
Lord Arlington's docquet to lie till Mr. Controller be here; to inform my Lords whether the Privy Seal is amended on the point as to who shall certify the allowances.
The docquet for 30l. per an. to the pages of the Bedchamber for washing the King's sheets to lie by till it is known how this charge comes, whether anciently or how formerly paid.
Sir Alex. Hume's docquet to pass.
The Excise Commissioners called in: Mr. Beane to be excused for what Mr. Mildmay received. Mr. Beane and the Farmers of the London Excise to attend on Monday about imported beer. The warrant for the abatements to the said Farmers to be sent for from the Signet.
Mr. Eakin's petition read. Nothing done in it.
The Navy officers to send a list of what is owing to Mr. Wood, merchant.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 178–9.]
Oct. 7.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Lady Stukeley complains of one Izackson that he gives her not a true account of the logwood. Izackson to attend on Wednesday.
Another letter to Mr. Glanvile from Lord Arlington to come over.
The Navy officers to have liberty to take 2,000l. out of the 10,000l. Provided they reimburse it out of the moneys on the sale of prizes.
Sir John Pretyman to attend to-morrow.
Write the Auditor to take Sir Edm. Pooley's security as Receiver of Crown revenues for Norfolk and Huntingdon during the suspension of Christopher Jay.
The late Lord Treasurer's warrant to James Darcy as Master of the Studs read.
Warrant for 7,000l. to the Queen Mother on Sir Stephen Fox's 68,000l.
The King to be spoken to about the Custom on cloth for the Scotch regiment.
Order for the arrest of Thomas Collet (Coller) Subcollector for the Clerkenwell district under John Barcroft, Receiver of the Poll Money for Middlesex and Westminster.
The Cofferer of the Household moves for 15,000l. on Sir Stephen Fox. Warrant to Fox for it and for the other payments ordered on him. A Privy Seal ordered for 100,000l. to the Cofferer for this year.
The Commissioners for Dean Forest to proceed no further on any old warrant about felling any trees till they have given an account and receive new orders.
Sir Philip Warwick to send to the Countess of Southampton for the Irish accounts.
Mr. Laurence to prosecute Hensius on his bond.
Sir John Frederick, Sir William Rider and Mr. Jolliff called in: are desired their advice how money or credit might be had for paying the seamen for the time prior to January last: desired time to consider of it.
Sir Robert Long and the Auditors of the Imprests to advise about rules to be settled for the Collectors of the Tenths.
Lord Arlington's bill [for a Privy Seal] for allowance [of defalcations] on the P[os]t Office to be sent for, and if [it is therein stipulated that the defalcations are] to be certified by the other Secretary and two of the Privy Council, then to pass: otherwise to be altered and made so.
The orders for 95,000l. for the Treasurer of the Navy to be many, and not delivered out but by my Lords' order.
Mr. Meynell called in. Sir Robert Long to certify whether interest on interest has been allowed to any other. Mr. Meynell moves for the changing of his two tallies on the Poll. My Lords will do it after the 23rd of this month.
The Farmers of the London Excise called in: say they'll pay what can be proved of imported beer, and will save the King harmless from Beane and any other claiming from them: wherefore their Privy Seal to pass.
Sir Allan Apsley's Privy Seal to pass in his name for the party, mentioning him.
Write the Sheriffs of Somerset and Devon to execute the extent against Cadwallader Jones.
Sir John Wintour presents the return of the Commissioners of the Forest of Dean. The Commissioners to attend on Friday.
A fair list [of fees and salaries to be paid to the servants of the Household, &c., out of the 25,000l.] to be written out: and a warrant ordered to Sir Edward Griffith [Griffin] to assign those moneys in the order set down and to such persons as shall be appointed by each sort of men to receive it for them.
Mr. Thomas Davis, Collector for Gloucestershire, called in with Mr. Squibb. To pay in his arrears and his account to be stated: meantime to be discharged.
Antho. Dormer, Receiver of Hearth money for co. Stafford, to be arrested on the petition of Richard Brasington.
Sir Robert Long to certify on what Privy Seal each tally of the Customs is struck. Mr. Fuller is answered that when the list of the Custom House tallies is made his shall be ranged for payment.
Mrs. Harding told that nothing can be done on her pension till a week after Xmas. Pight's petition read: no money till after Xmas. The like answer on John Wingfield's petition and John Burges's petition.
Hart, the blacksmith in Surrey, to be sent for in custody for assaulting Benjamin Gosling, Collector of Hearth money for Surrey.
Mr. Grove's petition sent to Mr. Norton to answer.
The petition of the 16 Serjeants at Arms read. To be considered after Xmas.
Warrant for Mr. Mansell's pension.
The Tin Farmers to attend to-morrow with Mr. Harbord, Auditor of the Duchy, and Sir Robert Long.
Mr. Squib's petition read. My Lords will not grant his request.
Warrant for 200l. to John Macklier, the Swede.
Write the Customs Farmers with a copy of the Yarmouth letter, about the Customers letting the Dutch bring in fish.
Mr. Colvile's orders on the Poll bill to be considered Oct. 23.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 179–182.]
Oct. 9.
Present: all my Lords.
A year's wages settled to the [royal] watermen: to be on the Treasurer of the Chamber.
Sir John Ayton's petition deferred to a week after Xmas. The like order severally on the petitions severally of Hen. Cooke, Mr. Gamble, Dr. Giles Sweit Professor of Laws at Oxford, Peter Cary, Edith Cary, Andrew Laurence, Hen. Thomas, Col. Fitz Gerard, Fr. Tyringham, the distillers of odoriferous herbs, the Queen's gentlemen ushers, James Harrison, Mr. Thorndell, Elizabeth Burley, John Wynyard, Wilks Fitchett, Widow Carter the powder maker, Mr. Allen the King's tailor, Mr. Odart the Latin Secretary, Col. Legg for his fee, Sir All. Brodrick for his fee, Col. Russell, Lady Graves, Mr. Bowman, Edw. Wilkinson, Mr. LeGonse, the Earl of Nottingham, Sergeant Gide, Mr. Gravn's docquet, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Jerv. Price's Privy Seal.
the docquet for the physicians and chirurgeons to be released from subsidies not to pass.
Dormant warrant for Mrs. Jul. Hext's annuity.
Thomas Kidderminster's petition referred to Mr. Laurence.
Warrant for 40l. to Mr. Rose, the gardener.
Write the Lord Mayor to nominate a solicitor for London for the Aids.
On Martin Foster's petition Mr. Townsend is to attend to-morrow.
Mr. Heinsius's petition read. Nothing done on it.
Write Sir Heneage Finch to send Mr. Controller's resignment of the Logwood farm.
Tim. Coles' petition referred to the Excise Commissioners.
Lord Arlington's docquet for defalcations in the Post Office to pass.
Lady Fanshaw's tally ranged with the rest of the Custom House tallies.
Mr. East's docquet to pass.
Order about ebonywood at the Custom House for the East India Company. The Customs Farmers to bring on Friday the judgment about dust of pepper.
About the warrant for the officers of the Customs of Poole ordered to be ascertained by the table of fees passed by the House of Commons. The warrant to be made agreeable thereto.
Mr. Roger's 200l. to be on Sir Edward Griffin's assignments and so much to be taken out of the other bills.
The docquet for the poor of Westminster to pass.
The warrant for the cloth for the Scotch regiment to pass.
Process suspended against William Ellisdon: the matter to be examined.
Mr. Sherwyn called in about Mr. Tyes, of Worcester.
The East India Company's Privy Seal for Bombay to be altered so as to allow interest till Sir Jervas Lucas's bill of exchange is paid.
Lady Stukeley called in and Mr. Randall Izackson, of the Customs Farmers' Office, about her logwood business. Write Sir Edmund Turner that she have a view of the books.
Mr. Wren's and Sir Allen Apsley's Privy Seals to be tendered to the King.
Warrant to Mr. Watts to summon such as ...
The Earl of Crawford's petition read. To be considered when the King's revenue is in a better condition.
Sir Robert Long to certify what is due to Mr. Mell.
Mrs. Rumball's [petition read] for her children. Answered no danger of losing that fee, and for her other patent that the money will be paid next term when money comes in.
Sir Humph. Bennet's petition referred to Sir Robert Long and Sir Charles Harbord.
The docquet for the Farmers of the London Excise to pass.
Sir Robert Long and Mr. Sherwin to examine the Jersey petition.
The fees of the officers of the Pipe to be paid when the Pipe business is settled.
John Osbaldston's petition referred to Sir Allen Apsley.
Mr. Nicholas Kidwell called in about his petition for 30 acres of land in a common in Surrey. Referred to Sir Charles Harbord to speak with some Surrey gentlemen.
The Earl of Bath's Privy Seal for 1,000l. for the King's linen to be considered this day week.
Mr. Dunker's petition read. That money is assigned to the city, so he cannot have it.
Mr. Windham's docquet to pass.
Warrant to discharge a seizure of serges belonging to Dan. Griell.
Mr. Russell's warrant read. Send to the Secretaries [of State] to know if those accounts have been stated by them.
Col. Thomas Howard, of Berks, called in. My Lords are most willing to let him have 650l. for the reversion he prays of the manor of Newark but have no money. He says if they'll grant the manor they may have a clause of redemption within two years. To bring this proposition in writing.
Capt. Henry Young, late commander of the "Ruby" called in. To have his order for his wages.
Sir Robert Viner's paper of arrears due to him referred to Sir William Doyly to report every particular and where the money is and what is to be done to get it in.
Capt. Cook to be paid out of the Tenths when any money comes in.
The King to be moved about Sir Robert Paston's last proffer as to his Wood farm.
Mr. Gregory's fee to be paid by the Customs Farmers.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 182–6.]
Oct. 10.
The Farmers of the duty on exported coals to pay up their full rent into the Exchequer.
Mr. Townsend and Mr. Foster called in about Foster's having paid money without receiving a tally for it. Townsend to get him his tally, and to consider with Sir Robert Long how to do it.
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays to be the days of my Lords' meetings: at 3 p.m.
Alderman Bucknall called in [on behalf of the Farmers of the London Excise]. Produces two petitions which they desire to offer to the House of Commons about the Low Wines, desiring my Lords' approbation of their offering vials of them. To be considered on Monday.
Hemskirk's Privy Seal to be given to my Lords for the King to sign.
Cary Heydon's petition read: ordered to make out [prove or establish] her discoveries.
Mr. Windebank's petition read: to be considered after Xmas. The like order on the petitions severally from Mr. Marriot, Mr. Gravn, Capt. Bates and Mr. Blagg.
Lady Fisher to have an order out of the Tenths when any money comes in. A copy of the general dormant Privy Seal to be produced next Monday to my Lords.
Sir John Knight called in: gave an account of what passed at the Custom House at Bristol before Xmas: and thanked. Mr. Perin's petition read for a searcher's place in London. Referred to the Customs Farmers. The warrant for the Customer's place of Bristol not to be delivered till the former warrant be delivered up. Order for the discharge of George Lambe, now in custody for default in the returns of Chimney money for Whittlesea, Isle of Ely.
Mr. Spry called in about his being security for Lugger for the Tenths of Exeter. Ordered to pay off the present tallies on those Tenths and then come to my Lords to be considered for the rest. Sir Robert Long to certify how the receipts of the First Fruits and Tenths came to be divided and when. Write the Bishop of Sarum for what is due of the Tenths of 1666.
Mr. Hanning's petition read. His security to be taken as Searcher of Sandwich.
Capt. Tyringham's petition read and the Attorney General's report thereon. Tyringham called in says the 300l. per an. was in lieu of his father's right to coal mines in the Forest of Dean, and prays to have either the one or the other. The Commissioners of Dean Forest are to report the present state of the coal mines and quarries there and who now enjoys them and how they came by them.
Petition read from John Munford, merchant. My Lords will do nothing in it.
Alderman Backwell called in: says that coarse metals are put into the blocks of mine [mined tin] in Cornwall which is much complained of from beyond sea: also that the assaymaster is either not an honest or not an able man: and that Mr. Cory, of Ostend, complains of falseness of tin. Backwell ordered to tender these things in writing on Tuesday next, together with a paper of what is owing to him on several accounts and what is in arrear from several Receivers. His paper of arrears referred to Sir William Doyly, who is to certify where those moneys are and how to be quickened in.
[Write] Mr. Pepys to know what ships were paid off last week, and so every week.
Mr. Price, Receiver of Hereford, to attend on Monday.
[? Mr. Backwell] offers as to the 14,025l. 9s. 3d. to double that sum, if the whole be made payable on the Customs six months hence. To be considered on Tuesday.
Ordered that when any executor of one Mr. White, timber merchant, comes to demand money of Mr. Hugh May it be stopped till my Lords are acquainted therewith, [so] that Alderman Backwell may be paid.
My Lords are to forward at the Privy Council the commission for the Council of Trade.
Petition read from Capt. Story, &c., Farmers of the Excise of Cambridge. Referred to the Excise Commissioners.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 186–8.]
Oct. 14.
Present: Mr. Controller, Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
The Earl of Nottingham's pension to be considered.
The Marquess of Worcester presents a state of what is in arrear on the county of Monmouth. Delivered to Sir William Doyly to examine.
Sir Robert Long to make one book of all moneys paid to Sir George Carteret for the warrant out of the Exchequer.
Sir William Doyly presents a paper concerning Cornwall about the re-assessing 200l. in a dead collector's hands. Write Mr. Whaddon, of Cornwall, that my Lords are informed from Sir Walter Moyle and the Solicitor [of the Aids for Cornwall] that the 200l. is in his hands, and that he take care to pay it: the county also thinks he has it: that he recommended the man, and therefore my Lords think that he should make it good. Mr. Trevanyon, of Cornwall, to attend on Thursday next about what is in arrear of the Aids for Cornwal.
Write Sir Robert Viner that he or someone on his behalf attend Sir William Doyly to-morrow about his account of his tallies.
Sir John Duncomb called in and reports that Sir Robert Paston is willing to give 6,500l. for 21 years and to demand no gratuity of the King. Mr. Clayton called in and affirms the same. The King acquainted therewith.
Sir John Talbott called in. Moves for stay of process against him as security for Mr. Keyte, late Farmer of Chimney moneys for co. Worcester, and that he'll see the money paid next term. Process suspended till end of next term.
Sir John Mounson called in: acquainted my Lords how he had his payments on the alum farm. To state the case in writing Thursday next.
Sir Thomas Clergis's docquet to pass.
Robt. Barty's petition read. A report ordered of the value of the coppice wood in Waltham Forest desired to be cut. Mr. Jonas Moore to view it, calling to his assistance the proper officers upon the place.
"Out of the letter from Sir John Finch, Sir George Downing [is] to extract what command the ship that went from Barbados to Leghorn."
The Excise Commissioners called in. Sir Robert Long to be heard to-morrow as to the point of striking tallies for the defalcations.
Byam to pay what he owes.
Process stayed against Coles till the end of next term.
The Excise Commissioners make now a report concerning Cambridgeshire Excise, and that they did conceive that Major Walden undertook to pay in full for imported beer on Capt. Story's abating 50l. Walden to attend to-morrow. Mr. Laurence to suspend process against Capt. Story, Mr. Millicent and Mr. Dover.
Warrant ordered upon the Duke [of York's] Privy Seal. The like on that of the Farmers of the London Excise.
The papers of the Wilts abatement referred to the Excise Commissioners.
Sir Edward Griffin to produce his patent: his warrant to stay till he does so.
The Commissioners for the Forest of Dean called in. Ordered as they fell any timber to make report thereof. Their report on the wood in said forest read. Mr. Harbord says the profit of the wood is the King's. Sir John Wintour says it is his, and refers to his articles. The Commissioners to be heard to-morrow with Capt. Tyringham.
The table of fees and salaries payable in the Exchequer is to be brought in on Thursday.
Sir Robert Long, Sir Philip Warwick, Sir George Downing and Mr. Harbord are to examine the particulars of the Tin Farmers' payments.
The docquet for the Privy Purse to pass. Also the docquet for the payment in course on the Custom House money. Also the docquet for installing the Bishop of Sarum's [First Fruits].
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 189–91.]
Oct. 15.
Present: Sir Thomas Clifford, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Write Sir Robert Long to meet Sir George Carteret and Sir George Downing to-morrow about adjusting what money he has received from the war from 1664, Sept. 1, to now.
Write Col. Strowd to pass his account for the chimneys.
The Bishop of Hereford moves for a suspension of the warrant for the arrest of Mr. Owen, his collector: the warrant to be stopped, his Lordship taking order the money be paid in ten days. The Bishop of Ely moves the like for Lincoln, of which he was late Bishop.
Sir John Bennett called in: moves that the Farmers of the Alum money may have liberty to pay him the half-year on his pension to June 24 last; my Lords having previously ordered payments on that farm to be stopped. Bennett to be speedily considered as to what he is to have on that farm.
Mr. Lloyd called in. Process against him as Receiver of Fire-hearths for Norfolk to be stayed till further order.
Mr. Peirce Manaton's petition as collector of Barnstaple, read and referred to the Auditor of Imprests. Mr. Kilby's petition read. Nothing done in it.
Sir William Tyringham and Capt. Tyringham [called in]; prayed that he [Capt. Tyringham] may have a new lease of the coal mines and grindstones. To be considered when Lord Ashley is present.
The Privy Seal for the country Excise without tallies is to pass.
Sir Robert Long to certify each week what of the minute revenues comes in.
Write Mr. Pepys to hasten an account what is paid off of the growing charge, and what ships, &c.; and to make ready more ships to pay.
Warrant for half-a-year to Baron Spelman to Sept. 29 last.
Mr. Batelier prays to be admitted into his father's place as clerk of the Impost bills. To be admitted.
Walter Lloyd, Sub-Collector of the Tenths of St. Asaph, called in. To account by Dec. 1, and to be discharged on half fees.
Sir Robert Long to certify what useth to be done with the revenue of any bishop or other ecclesiastical person sede racante, and whose it is in law.
John Hopkins, clerk, now in custody for non-payment of Tenths for the vicarage of Hankerton in the diocese of Sarum, ordered to be discharged, and fees to be moderated: he having given satisfaction to my Lords therein.
Mr. Harding's petition read. Mr. Townsend to be here about it on Thursday next.
Warrant for what is due to Percival Stany, the letter carrier.
William Creed's petition read. To be considered when he's present.
Robert Roan's petition read. To attend with Mr. George on Monday next.
Petitions read from Mr. Waith and Mr. Burrows. These tallies to be placed early for payment in the list for Customs tallies.
Mary Rogers's petition referred to Sir Robert Long to certify whether such tallies were struck.
Sir Robert Paston's letter to be given to the Privy Council to-morrow.
The warrant for a new tally for 100l. for Thomas Windham on Mr. Watts, Receiver of Hertfordshire, read. To lie by till after Xmas.
James Barker's petition read. Nothing to be done in it.
Edward Grey's petition read. The books to be put into Sir Robert Long's hands, and Mr. Grey may peruse them there.
Lord Abergavenny's docquet read. The original report of the Attorney [General] to be produced, and then the docquet to pass.
G. Tomlin's petition read. Ordered that the "Cormorant" man's 81l. be put out, and Mr. Tomlin put in [for] so much.
Petition read from the Queen's gentlemen ushers. Nothing to be done in it.
The Customs Farmers' report on Mr. Brown's petition about 500 weight of nutmegs, read, that the money is paid and it will be dangerous to the Customs to meddle in these matters.
William George's petition read. My Lords can do nothing in it.
Arthur Bambridge's petition read. Referred to Sir Philip Warwick and Sir Charles Harbord.
Write the Customer of Lyme port to know why they pay not the fees.
Sir George Downing to speak with Lord Arlington or Mr. Williamson for Monsieur Mumbrun's [Montburn's] papers.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 191–3.]
Oct. 16.
Present: Mr. Controller, Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
The bidders for the Country Excise called in.
Sir William Doyly called in: puts in a paper that the officers in Westminster Hall don't pay for their offices what they are assessed. To pay in a week of next term or to be prosecuted. Mr. Veile senior's bond to be put in suit against him and Mr. Hyde for Veile's assessment for the Aids for August.
The Lord Mayor's letter read recommending Mr. Paul Cross as Solicitor for [the Aids, &c., for] London. Mr. Cross called in.
The business of the Privy Purse to be considered to-morrow.
[Treasury Minute Book I. p. 194.]
Oct. 17.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Warrant to take off the suspension of the Wood farm.
Warrant to suspend prosecuting Mr. Heinsius till Tuesday next.
Mr. Fitzherbert's warrant as Customer of Bristol to be delivered to him.
Warrant for Mr. Thyn for a quarter's pay: out of the Customs.
Lord Holles's Privy Seal or docquet for 2,200l. on his French embassy to be considered on Monday.
Sir John Munson to attend on Monday.
Warrant for a year's pension to Mrs. Lane, now Lady Fisher: to be in her husband's name and out of the Tenths that come into the Exchequer.
A settlement to be made on Monday as to the fortnightly 8,000l. from the Customs.
Write such Receivers of the Poll money as have already paid all, that they need not be here the 23rd inst., provided they appoint some friend to make that appear or to pay in their arrear.
Sir George Downing to go to Mr. Pretyman to receive his proposition for paying debt.
Dr. Wilson's petition read. To get a certificate what is in arrear to him.
Warrant for 1,000l. for the Privy Purse: on the Customs.
Mr. Trevanyon called in about his account of arrears of the Aids in Cornwall. His petition read. To make oath that his kinsman, Charles Trevanyon, received all the moneys.
Sir Stephen Fox's docquet to pass.
Ann Golding's petition read. To be considered after Xmas. The like order severally on Sergeant Maynard's certificate, Sir Charles Cotterell's certificate for his fee, and the King's barbers.
Hen. Seile, stationer, to be placed on the next payment of the Treasurer of the Chamber. The like for Rich. Royston on his petition.
Mr. Ellisdon, searcher of Poole, called in. Lord Weston's warrant confirmed; unless those of Lyme port can prove that it's contrary to what was paid 4 James I.
Sir John Talbott and Sir James Smith called in.
The proposals for the Excise to be considered next Wednesday.
Capt. Tyringham called in: prays a lease for 26 years of the coal mines and grindstones in Dean Forest, and to quit his pension of 300l. per an. and the arrears thereof. My Lords to move the King in it.
Alderman Backwell called in with Alderman Lewis. Petition read and referred to the Customs Farmers.
The Excise Commissioners called in.
The Gentlemen Sewers' petition to be considered on Sir Edw. Griffin's next payment.
Sir Thomas Whitgrave's petition read. Warrant to the Receiver of Oxford and Berks to pay his pension.
Nicholas Lamb's petition read. To be considered with the officers of the Customs' salaries.
The report on Mr. Bambridge's petition referred to the Attorney General.
Warrant for 54l. to the doorkeepers of the House of Lords.
The Attorney General's report read concerning the Marquess of Worcester [viz.] that he settle lands of equal value in like manner as these lands are settled on his family and the Crown. My Lords to offer this to the King.
Sir George Downing to speak with the Solicitor General about framing an Act that such as keep the King's money when due may pay interest and damages.
Richard Sims, Receiver of Tenths for Chichester, to be discharged on half fees, he having paid in all but 42l. 8s. 1½d. and promised to pay that on Saturday.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 194–6.]
Oct. 23.
Present: all my Lords.
The Earl of Berkshire's proposals concerning the lands commonly called Canvey Island referred to the Attorney General to the end the Crown's title thereto may be cleared.
Sir George Downing to speak with Lord Arlington about what was due to Mountbrun.
My Lords to be certified what moneys are in the Exchequer from discharge of Baronetcies without tallies of pro.
Warrant for the amount due to Sir Henry Jones on his Order of Council.
Process suspended against Col. Charles Trevanyon of Carhayes, Cornwall. Henry Hill, constable in Kent, to be discharged. John Science, messenger, to appear to-morrow.
Mr. Avery's docquet for 10,000l. to pass.
The East India Company's docquet for Bombay to pass.
Mr. Deering's docquet to pass.
The Earl of Anglesey acquaints my Lords that the money goes now away very fast in paying 20 ships now in the river to be paid.
Sir Robert Long to bring to-morrow the draft of a certificate or order for the 4 per cent. [allowance as additional interest], according to the Order of Council.
Warrant to the Earl of Anglesey to discharge him for the interest money he allows on his orders on the Eleven Months' tax.
The Privy Seal for Sir George Carteret for the moneys for the Bishop of Münster to be carried by my Lords to the Privy Council for the King's hand.
[Ibid. pp. 196–7.]
Oct. 25.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir John Duncomb.
Order to Capt. Cock to take up 5,000l. more [on loan] and to allow not exceeding ten per cent. [interest]. A like order for Mr. May for 10,000l. for the Works.
Warrant for 7,000l. to the Earl of Anglesey on the Customs.
[Ibid. p. 197.]
Oct. 28.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Warrant to the Attorney General to see as much land settled by the Marquess of Worcester on the King and his family as he desires to have the entail cut off from.
Warrant for 2,170l. to the Earl of Carlisle on his Privy Seal for Muscovy.
Ordered that there be but four conductors of the waggons for the present and that Samuell Thornton be retrenched and paid his salary to Sept. 29 last.
Process suspended against Mr. Brathwait.
Sir William Doyly to certify the names of the present Receivers of the Aids.
Mr. Wyvell, in custody as Receiver of the Tenths for York, called in: confessed he has money in his hands. To account in custody.
Mr. Perinant to have a commission to be continued in his employment as Solicitor for [the Aids for] London.
Report from Mr. Pepys about the Victualler of the Navy. His account read. Warrant for 32,000l. for Mr. Gawden on the Eleven Months' tax by a fictitious loan, that he may have 6 per cent.
Sir John Munson called in: prays payment of his Alum money. To be considered the first meeting.
Mr. Justinian Paget, of the King's Bench, called in. My Lords can't change the assessments [for the Aids or Poll]. If he will have abatements he must himself apply to the Commissioners thereof.
The present Farmers of the Excise are to have a copy of such of their partners' proposals as have bid for any farm to which they are Farmers.
Petition read from Mr. Bennet, Head Collector of Westminster. Nothing can be done in it.
Mr. Fillpott called in about a warrant for woods in New Forest. My Lords will consider it.
Lady Temple called in. Her husband's extraordinaries, being 160l., and the four months' ordinary, being 400l., to be paid him as before on the money [tin] in Flanders, and she to have such a letter for it as the last time.
Mr. Turny to have a lease of lands in extent upon an outlawry as desired.
Ordered that all docquets for the Great Seal and Privy Seal be for the future signed by my Lords themselves.
Petition read from the merchants of Lyme about fees for packets of goods. Their order of Council to be compared with the books by Sir George Downing; and Ellesdon to appear here this day fortnight. Meanwhile a warrant to the Customers to deliver the merchants' goods on security.
Mr. Finch called in. Moves to farm the imported strong waters to Midsummer next. To be considered.
Sir George Probert's petition read for a lease of some lands in co. Monmouth for 61 years. Sir Philip Warwick to be spoken to about it.
Alderman Bucknell called in [on behalf of the Farmers of Excise of London]: moves about their petition to the House of Commons. To first show their petition to the Solicitor General and then one of my Lords will offer it [to the House]. Sir George Downing to deliver to Alderman Bucknell their late proposal for the Excise.
Write Sir Philip Warwick to know how the business of Lord Willoughby as to the Barbados stands. Write the Clerks of the Council to know what orders of Council are made about it.
The King to be moved whether my Lords may not show the Irish accounts to some Privy Councillors of Ireland who have desired to see them.
Elizabeth Bell's petition read. Her tallies shall be put into the list.
William Allestry called in and his petition read: he has made oath of his receipts of the sheriffs. Process against him stayed.
Warrant for Capt. Cook for what is in the Exchequer on the Tenths.
Sir Ch. Cottrell's petition read: to have a warrant for the 260l. on Mr. Lugger, late Receiver of the Tenths for Exeter.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 198–200.]
Oct. 29.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
The Cofferer called in: moves for money for the Household. Warrant for 1,000l. a month to the Cofferer out of the 16,000l. per mensem from Sept. 29 last, payable into the Exchequer from the Customs, and applied for this year's supply of the [royal] family from that date.
Alderman Bucknell to give bond for payment of the 5s. per ton on French tonnage.
Robert Prust to attend next Thursday. Sir William Doyle to attend them concerning the arrears from Haverford West.
Mr. Nash to attend next Thursday to give bond for his better demeanour.
Warrant to place 3,000l. to the Marquess Mountbrun on Sir Stephen Fox's 68,600l., and interest to be allowed by the King for taking up the money.
Sir John Talbott called in: to have a copy of what is bidden by all the particular bidders for the Excise.
Mr. Windham's docquet to pass.
To consider on Thursday the business of money for the King's occasions.
Mr. Seykes, Receiver of the Poll money for co. Berks, to have a warrant to the Auditor to state his accounts.
Warrant for Capt. Nic. Tethersall's pension. The like for Widow Read's pension.
Warrant on the Privy Seal for the Privy Purse.
Fr. Bayly, shipwright, to have his tally settled with the other tallies on the Customs.
[Ibid. pp. 200–1.]
Oct. 31.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir John Duncomb.
G. Rotherham, Receiver of the Tenths of Chester, to be discharged.
Sir Ste. Fox called in: proposes a paper for an establishment of the forces. To have 1,000l. a month out of the receipts of the Customs in the Exchequer; besides other assignments which are to be settled for him. The King to be moved about Sir Cecill Howard for his salary to be put into the establishment.
Col. Kirkby's petition read. The Farmers of the London Excise to certify whether Forth be well or not.
Col. Gray's petition read. To have a fourth part of what he shall discover and bring in as belonging to the King.
Lord Byron called in: moves the payment of some tallies on the Customs. His tallies to be settled when the Customs tallies are considered.
Alderman Backwell called in to know what money he can help my Lords to. Promises 15,000l. to-morrow.
Sir Edm. Sawyer and Mr. Seyks called in. Seyks to have what he demands if the Teller's acquittance be within time, though the tally were thrown down a day after. Sir William Doyly to certify as to the remainder.
Sir B. Gascoigne to have his warrant.
The stop taken off Sir John Monson's payment on the alum farm.
Mr. Pinsent called in. My Lords cannot alter the rates.
William Paulet's petition read. To have liberty to surrender his patent to Richard Gwynne.
Sir John Knight to have 1,000l. on the 15,000l. to be paid by Alderman Backwell: the remaining 740l. is to be on the Eleven Months' tax in course.
Sir William Doyly and the Haverford West gentlemen called in: the examinations against Prust read. To attend on Monday with Prust and Richard Walter, the mayor of Haverford West.
Sir William Doyly and Mr. Ratcliff called in about the Chester petition, which is read. My Lords can only consider what's legally taxed, not whether equally or unequally. Sir William Doyly and Sir George Downing to speak with the Members of Parliament for Cheshire and Chester to see to accommodate that difference.
Sir William Doyly to mark the several Receivers as fit or not fit to be continued.
Mr. Meynell to be placed for his interest account on the Eleven Months' tax.
The business concerning the grant of Chelsea College and the lands thereto appertaining to the Royal Society in London referred to the Attorney General to examine the King's title to it.
Sir George Probart called in: to have a lease for 31 years at 4 marks per ann.
Sir Tho. Daniell to be paid. A warrant ordered on the Exchequer. The like for Serjeant Stevens's salary.
Sir John Pretyman's petition read. Sir Thomas Dollman and Sir Edward Hungerford to attend next Tuesday.
Sir George Downing to examine whether Dudley North have accounted for the Poll money for Suffolk.
John Peryn's petition read. Process stayed against him, and to go out against his deputy.
Mr. Morice's tally to be ranged with the Custom House tallies when they are ranged.
Mr. Petts' petition read. The officers of the Works to survey the house and report a value.
The King to be moved in Council that the Secretaries sign nothing relating to the Customs or aught else of the revenue; but that all such matters begin in the Treasury, and so go hence to His Majesty for signature.
John Newton's petition read. To have 14 days to pay his money.
The Earl of Anglesey called in. Ordered that 1,000l. be paid him for [seamen's] wages [due] before January [last] out of the receipts in the Exchequer from the Customs. The Earl may apply 500l. to maimed seamen.
The list of the Customs tallies to be considered and settled next Tuesday.
Richard Rainfield to be discharged. To take care to levy the remainder. Write the Dean and Chapter about it.
Henry Darcy's petition read. Warrant for taking his account.
Petition read from some officers and soldiers disbanded in Guernsey. Sir Steven Fox to answer the petition.
Gerard Weyman's petition referred to the Customs Farmers.
Petition read from Henry Sydnam, late Ranger of Clarendon Park. My Lords can't grant manors.
Tho. Yerborow's petition read. To be considered Tuesday next, when the Customs tallies are to be ranged.
Thomas Bambridge's petition read. My Lords can't pay him his fee as Ranger of Teesdale in Durham. Ordered that he have a lease of the forest of Teesdale, and try the title, and sue offenders against the forest laws.
The petition from the tapestry men and tailors to be considered when the business of the Wardrobe is in consideration.
Widow Estcourt's petition read. Sir Thomas Estcourt to attend next Tuesday and certify whether the persons in arrear be solvent.
Richard Dorny, the musician, to be considered after Xmas.
Petition read from Mrs. Alexander, widow, the King's shoemaker. To have a warrant to stop and seize leather that is [attempted] to be transported.
Sir Henry Herbert's petition read. To be considered after Xmas.
Petition read from several of the Yeomen of the Guard. My Lords can't allow interest in this case.
William Nash called in. To be dismissed.
Layton to get a certificate of his poverty from Parliament men or other gentlemen of note.
William Cotton's petition read. To be considered this day fortnight.
Warrant for payment of the taxes for the Custom House.
Mr. Townsend to be complained of to the Privy Council.
Warrant for 32,000l. to the Victualler out of loans on the Eleven Months' tax.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 201–4.]