Index: H

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Index: H', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Index: H', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

"Index: H". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.



Habeas Corpus, Treasury restrictions as to grant of, 7, 51, 53, 62, 123, 136, 154, 214, 229, 241.

Haddock, Anna, 568, 605.
-, -, William, 323, 568, 605.

Haesdonck (Halsdonck, Hasdunk), John van, 253, 329, 340, 370, 377, 381, 596.

Hackney Coaches, Commissioners for, 236.

Hague, the, 237.

Haile, Richard, 204.

Halberdiers, Guard, 291.

Hales, Sir John, bart., 526.

Halifax, Viscount. See Savile, G.

Hall, John (deputy to N. Mosely), 565.
-, -, -, Groom of Chamber to Queen Consort, 562, 617.
-, -, -, stores, 569.
-, -, Mr., an Attorney in the Exchequer, 399.
-, -, Robert, Customs Comptroller of Chester, 515; loan, 625; of Chichester, 519, 578.

Hallam, Cheyney (arrest of), 236, 244.
-, -, John, 464; proposer for Irish revenue farm, 465, 466.
-, -, Joseph, 480.

Halsall (Halsy, Halsey, Holsall), Alexander, Deputy Commissioner for Alienations, 591.
-, -, Edward, equerry to the Queen, 563, 571.
-, -, James, 80, 604, 631 Rumbold's children.
-, -, Mr. (for intelligence), 374, 425, 471.

Halsdonck. See Haesdonck.

Halsey. See Halsall.

Halsnoth, Joan, pension, 206, 369, 589.

Ham. See East Ham.

Hamburg, Resident at. See Swan, Sir W.

Hamels (co. Herts), 200.

Hamilton, Duke of. See Douglas, William.
-, -, Sir George, 408. 520.
-, -, James (Groom Bedchamber), 544, 585.
-, -, Mr., 144, 405.

Hammond, Edward, hire of ship, 569.
-, -, Nicholas, 191, 212; stores, 569.
-, -, Col. Robert, Keeper of Charles I. at Carisbrooke, 437.

Hampshire. See Southampton County.

Hampson, Ambrose, 624, 629.
-, -, Robert, 624, 629.
-, -, Sir Thomas, 524.

Hampton Court, 61, 607.
-, -, -, bridge, 389, 390.
-, -, -, bridges at, repairs, 251, 591.
-, -, -, Clerk of the Stables for. See Barker, W.
-, -, -, keepers, 633.
-, -, -, keeper of Privy Lodgings and Wardrobe. See Marriott, J.
-, -, -, lodgings in, 499.
-, -, -, New Park, 201.
-, -, -, stables at, 287–8, 547, 593.
-, -, -, stilling house at, 555.
-, -, -, Surveyor of the Stables. See Barker, Wm.
-, -, -, and town, ferries at, 195.

Hanaper (Hamper), 562.
-, -, Comptroller, 579.
-, -, keeper or clerk of, in Chancery, 212; see Seymour, H., 626.
-, -, office of, 186.
-, -, officers of, 182, 218.
-, -, revenue, 6, 18, 19, 93, 216, 224, 309, 320, 454, 567.

Hanby Grange (co. Lincoln), 204.

Hancock Dancer, 316.
-, -, Michael, King's huntsman, 558, 606.

Hankerton (co. Wilts), vicarage of. Tenths for, 108, 189.

Hannam, Captain, 238, 242.

Hanning (Hannings) Owen, searcher of Sandwich, Kent, 105, 194, 283, 315, 321, 348, 353, 361, 488.

Hanscomb, Matthew, Hearth money, 257, 262, 532.

Hanson, Sir Thomas, 281, 538.

Harbin, John, house of, 515; see Assessments (Exchange).

Harbingers, gentlemen and yeoman, 332, 342, 442, 606, 620.

Harbord (Harbert), Sir Charles, Surveyor General of Crown lands, passim; lease to, 535.
-, -, William, Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall, 96, 102, 160, 164, 183, 283, 379, 380, 613; tin coinage, 289, 304, 324, 469; woods, 360, 448, 479; Richmond Great Park or New Park, 371, 373, 374, 443, 600, 621, 627; Dean Forest, 8, 76, 107, 260, 267, 268, 269, 287, 288, 352, 375, 382, 422, 428, 439, 467, 495, 500.

Harby. See Harvy.

Harcourte, Abraham (loan), 207.

Harding, Honora, 102, 297, 553, 574, 585.
-, -, -, John, 556, 593.
-, -, Lewis, Receiver of Aids, etc., co. Beds, 89, 139, 206, 313, 315, 365, 405, 490, 511, 605, 607, 635.
-, -, Mr., 108, 355, 367.
-, -, Robert, 243.

Hardress, Mr. (Treasurer of Gray's Inn), 304.

Hardy, Nathaniel (loan), 169.

Hargrove, William, Wine Act Commissioner, 579, 581.

Harlakenden (Harlackenden), Mr.. Receiver of Taxes, Kent, 6, 15, 17, 21, 34, 49, 75, 147, 150, 311, 313, 331, 362, 385, 448, 452, 454, 467, 486, 505, 508, 512, 565,

Harman, Sir John, 205.

Harper, Henry, Collector of Aids, co. Hereford, 185.
-, -, John, weigher of Bristol, 367, 591.
-, -, Samuel, king's footman, 604.

Harpham, Mr., 85, 87; an Attorney in King's Remembrancer's Office, 91, 187.
-, -, -, Collector of Lincolnshire, 356.
-, -, Philip (arrest), 328, 570.

Harrington, Benjamin, Serjeant-at-Arms. 548, 610.

Harris, Henry, 122, 151, 411; yeoman of revels, vestures for, 609; loan, 621.
-, -, John, 177, 551; hire of ships, 570.
-, -, Mr., coin proposal, 494.
-, -, -, (petition on a tally), 60, 311.
-, -, William (Receiver of Hearth money, co. Devon), 9, 14, 25, 48, 81, 86, 315, 367, 400, 401, 402, 405, 474, 553, 597, 605, 640.

Harrison, James, 102.
-, -, John, 173.
-, -, Sir John, 84.
-, -, Mr., 93.
-, -, Thomas, 204; stores, 570.
-, -, William, goldsmith, 414, 607.

Harsnett, Roger, Serjeant-at-Arms, 548, 610, 644.

Hartford (Huntingdon), 624, 643.

Hart, Mr. (blacksmith, Surrey), 102.
-, -, Robert, 477.

Hartlib (Hartlip), Mr. [? Samuel, son of Samuel the writer], 5, 10, 15, 21, 58, 70, 71, 79, 81, 134, 147, 224, 246, 263, 281, 288, 293, 303, 306, 338, 339, 388, 390, 428, 501, 507, 511, 570.

Harvey (Hervey, Harvy, Hervy), Sir Daniel 19, 29, 43, 141, 143, 211, 135, 167, 327, 371.
-, -, -, Ambassador to Turkey, 327.
-, -, -, Keeper of New Park, 327, 373, 604.
-, -, -, Keeper of Richmond Park, 547, 618.
-, -, Sir Eliab, 316, 327.
-, -, Elyab, 43.
-, -, Sir Erasmus, 362, 388, 418, 423, 450,
-, -, Sir Job, 63, 151, 375, 388, 423, 427, 455, 466, 610.
-, -, John (Receiver of Crown Revenues, co. Lincoln), 29, 52, 171.
-, -, -, loan, 534, 625.
-, -, -, (Receiver to the Queen Consort, for issues to for the Queen see Queen Consort Treasurer), 288, 294, 590.
-, -, Lady, 63, 78, 82, 151, 283, 362, 427, 437, 439, 455.
-, -, Sir Peter, 393.
-, -, Sir Thomas, royal bounty, 247, 251, 527, 529, 534.

Harwich (Essex), 62, 86, 208.
-, -, garrison, 572, 588, 616, 640.

Harwood, Capt., 16, 17.
-, -, Capt. Thomas, 593.

Hasdunk. See Haesdonck.

Hasleden, Thomas, 191; stores, 569.

Haslegreave, John, hire of ships, 569.

Hastings, Mr., 440.
-, -, William, 371, 591.

Hatton, Sir Christopher (temp. Eliz.), 83, 601.
-, -, Christopher, 1st Lord Hatton, 380, 385, 387, 389, 394, 601; Governor of Guernsey, 464.

Haughton, Arthur, Purveyor to the Works, 546.
-, -, Isabell, 340, 578.

Haverford West (Pembroke), 58, 112, 113, 125, 130, 141, 158, 366.
-, -, Receiver of Taxes, 22.
-, -, Mayor of, 125.

Havering House (Havering-atte-Bower, Essex), 304, 338, 481, 490.

Hawes. See Howes.

Hawke, Thomas, 454, 458.

Hawkes, Robert, 271.

Hawks, Master of. See Apsley, Sir A.; Carnarvon, Earl of.

Hawley, Francis, 1st Lord Hawley, Baron of Donamore, 151, 249; steward of several manors in Somerset, 384, 423, 525, 595. 613–4.
-, -, Thomas, 431.

Hawthorne, Robert (Howthorne), 631.

Hay, William, 3rd Earl of Kinnoul, 447.

Haydon, Cary, 567.

Hayes, William (Secretary to Prince Rupert), 346, 353, 365, 373, 381, 383, 391, 405, 422, 426–7, 479, 499, 503, 511, 598.

Haynes, Mr. (Receiver), 148.
-, -, Robert (Collector, Oxfordshire), 307, 315, 336.

Haywood Forest (Hereford). 540, 561.

Heale, George, a Commissioner of Aids for Cornwall, 33, 163.
-, -, Rowland, loan to the Government, 175.

Healing gold, healing medals, Crown gold or angel gold, 230, 246, 248, 263, 266, 275, 315, 370, 428, 430, 435, 436, 443, 503, 531, 538, 565, 621.
-, -, day, 265.

HEARTH MONEY (ENGLAND) 15, 135, 626.
-, -, -, abuses by officers of, 158, 180.
-, -, -, accounts, 49, 224, 477, 517, 522, 530.
-, -, -, allowances to Clerks of the Peace by receivers, 184.
-, -, -, Auditor and auditing, 57, 62, 226, 229, 238, 241, 242, 248.
-, -, -, bill, 147, 281, 291, 293, 303, 526, 532.
-, -, -, bonds, 224–5, 226.
-, -, -, Committee (Parliamentary) for, 281.
-, -, -, complaints against officers, 126, 135.
-, -, -, considered by the House of Commons, 142, 150, 296.
-, -, -, exemptions, allowances or defalcations from, 25, 27, 90, 136, 167, 173, 244–5, 246, 262, 286, 288, 296, 343, 427–8, 449, 450, 453, 532.
-, -, -, Farmers, (including farmers' accounts, their failing on their contract, processes against them, and defalcations demanded by them), 2, 5, 8, 10, 18, 24, 30, 34, 38, 51, 52, 55, 61, 69, 71, 80, 81, 96, 99, 121, 134, 155, 158, 176, 182, 204, 216–7, 218, 220, 223, 224–5, 226, 228, 232, 233, 243, 244–5, 246, 251, 258, 263, 267, 281, 286, 288, 291, 294, 296, 297, 307, 312, 329, 330, 336, 338, 339, 341, 343, 350, 354, 355, 356, 361, 365, 390, 456, 457, 463, 475, 481, 485, 489, 498, 499, 505, 507, 543, 550, 577, 636: names of the farmers, 361, 516. See Piggot, Sir R., Trot, P., and Beane, H.; also Viner, Sir R., Brodrick, Sir A., Shane, Sir J., Hoare, J., Bence, J., Byves, J., Cocke, G., Temple, J.
-, -, -, -, arrest of, for failure on their contract, 516: and see supra under Farmers generally.
-, -, -, -, payments by, into the Exchequer, 121, 126, 156.
-, -, -, -, rules for their defalcations, 296, 532, 570, 572.
-, -, -, -, sub-farmers, 55.
-, -, -, improvements in revenue of, 24, 27, 28–9, 172.
-, -, -, justices, disloyal action concerning, 66, 74, 94, 170, 228, 296.
-, -, -, loans on, from Farmers, 267, 386.
-, -, -, -, from the city of London. See London (loans).
-, -, -, orders registered on, issues and payments out of and states of revenue of, 231, 242, 250, 251, 258, 262, 266–7, 287, 294, 296, 323, 325, 330, 332, 342, 345, 351, 352, 353, 355, 359, 360, 363, 367, 369, 370, 372, 379, 383, 385, 397, 398, 406, 410, 414, 418, 424, 428, 429, 431, 435, 441, 447, 458, 470, 471, 479, 487, 499, 500, 502, 511, 521, 523, 527, 536, 578, 585, 589, 591, 592, 597, 601, 603, 604, 605, 606, 608, 610, 612, 617, 628, 630, 632, 637, 639; and see Registering for orders specifically registered on Hearth money.
-, -, -, queries as to rules for surveying, and for certificates of exemption, &c., 48, 52, 55, 60, 62, 85, 175, 177, 234, 238, 240, 244–5, 522.
-, -, -, Receivers and Collectors, including their arrears, accounts, receipts and arrests. 2, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 21, 25, 28, 35, 37, 58, 94, 135, 142, 154, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 177, 178, 179, 184, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 217, 221–2, 424, 518.
-, -, -, Registering on, See Registering.
-, -, -, Revenues, state of, 270, 372.
-, -, -, riots, frauds and tumults against, 69, 79, 81, 124, 128, 167, 205, 210, 240, 267, 283, 288, 296, 297, 427–8, 532.
-, -, -, Rolls, duplicates and accounts, 9, 14, 25, 35, 75, 96, 219, 343, 363, 422; Great Roll of, 29, 31, 43, 523.
-, -, -, sheriffs acting as Collectors and Receivers of, 18, 24, 25, 30, 35, 81, 169, 378, 379.
-, -, -, surveys of, 356, 583.
-, -, -, towns refusing to pay, 128, 240, 283, 288.
-, -, -, warrants, 365.
-, -, IRELAND, farm of, 417, 423, 426, 637.

Heath, Sir John, a King's Counsel, 151, 233, 334, 520, 548.
-, -, Richard, agent to Dormer, Hearth money, co. Stafford, 144, 189, 73, 522.

Heather, Ralph, 183.

Hebdon, John, voyages, 639.
-, -, Mr., 93.

Hedcott, manor of [? Heathcote, co. Derby] 292.

Hedges. See Hodges.

Heemskirke (Heemskerck, Hemskirk, Hemskerke), Captain Laurence van (Louvis van), 54, 94, 104, 338, 350, 356, 363; secret service payments, 195; Royal bounty, 533; contractor for building fast ship for the Navy, 323, 389, 401, 406, 535, 586.

Heinsius (Hiensius. Hinsius, Hensuis, Heynsius), John, agent for the Admiralty of Zealand, 74, 75, 101, 103, 109, 131, 132, 148, 160.

Helby, Thomas, hire of ships, 569.

Hele, George Commissioner of Aids, Lesnewth, Cornwall), 153.
-, -, co. Cornwall, 186.

Helstone in Trigg, manor, Duchy of Cornwall), 605.

Hemp, 194, 237, 250, 272.
-, -, Flanders, 162.
-, -, Quinsborough, 162.
-, -, Riga, 162.

Hempsall, Mr., 117.

Henderson, John, Wine Act Commissioner, 581.

Henegat (Llangeler parish), co. Carmarthen, 215.

Henham (Hensham, Middlesex, ? Essex), 624, 629.

Henley, Oxford, 583.

Henley, Mr., 312, 367, 590.

Hensham. See Henham.

Henshaw, Mr., Latin Secretary, 473, 499.

Henwood Priory, 132.

Heralds College. See Garter King at Arms; Norroy; Chester; Pursuivants; Rouge; Somerset; Dethick, H.; Wingfield, J.; Holford, T.; St. George, H.; St. George, T.; Sandford, Fr.
-, -, Officers at Arms, 356, 371, 496, 576–7, 612.

Herbert, Edward, 3rd Baron Herbert of Chirbury. 307, 561.
-, -, Sir Henry, 114, 122, 243, 328, 544, 592.
-, -, Mr. 126, 142.
-, -, Philip, 24th Earl of Pembroke, Earl of Montgomery, 521.

Hereford, Bishop of, 107.
-, -, Bishopric Tenths, 192, 616.
-, -, City, 575, 578.
-, -, County. 66, 70, 599.
-, -, -, Excise Collectors, 58, 89.
-, -, -, Hearth money of, Receivers, 27, 50, 72, 81, 264, 561, 562, 594.
-, -, -, Receivers of Crown Lands, 171, 183, 193, 540, 561.
-, -, -, Receivers and Collectors of Taxes (including arrears, assesements, accounts, receipts), 3, 4, 6, 8, 15, 51, 73, 81, 105, 115, 144, 151, 185, 230, 240, 286, 307, 334, 341, 374, 460, 575, 627.
-, -, -, sheriffs, 636.
-, -, -, undersheriff, 80.

Hereford, Viscount. See Devereux. L.

Heriots, 490.

Herlakenden. See Harlackenden.

Heron, Mr., 352.

Herring, 280.
-, -, fishing. See Yarmouth.

Hertford County, 9, 48, 52, 55, 60, 175, 177 214, 319, 521.
-, -, -, Excise, 190, 353.
-, -, -, Hearth money, 62.
-, -, -, -, Receivers of, 24, 37, 48, 65, 289, 378, 518, 607.
-, -, -, Receivers of Crown Lands. 171, 185, 279.
-, -, -, Taxes (Poll and Aids), 108.
-, -, -, -, Roll, 75.
-, -, -, Receivers of Taxes, 206 (royal aid, 304, 330), 534, 552.

Hervey. See Harvey.

Hewitt (Hewit), Arthur, 342; Surveyor of Stables at Reading, 370, 589.
-, -, Dr., 128.
-, -, -, John, 128, 220, 455; pension, 519, 638.
-, -, Sir Thomas, bart., 521.

Hext, Mrs. See Coningsby, J.

Heydon, Cary, 104.
-, -, Sir John, 323.

Hickford (Higgford), Henry, 131, 569.

Hickman. Sir William, 136, 332, 387, 469.

Hicks, Sir William, Keeper of Waltham Forest, 256, 380, 411.

Higgford. See Hickford.

Hide. See Hyde.

Higgins (Higgons), Sir Thomas, 352, 356; Ambassador to Electro of Saxe, 371, 373, 409, 410, 418, 480, 598, 607, 608, 610, 634, 638.

Highway, Surveyor of, 79.
-, -, Commissioners for. See Sewers.

Hill, George (lease), 531.
-, -, Henry (constable of the Upper Half-hundred of Lympne). 85, 110.
-, -, John, 248; stores, 569.
-, -, Mr. (prisoner in the Fleet), 318, 348, 391, 398, 400, 463.
-, -, Captain Robert (Receiver of Hearth money, co. Cambridge), 24, 54, 125, 140, 220, 243, 245, 260, 264, 278, 428, 431, 457, 466, 570, 602.
-, -, William, an Auditor of the Exchequer Court, 66, 155, 156, 218, 253, 256, 346, 394, 406, 416, 448, 501, 516, 576, 593, 595, 607, 645.

Hillary, Mr., 342; merchant in York, 582.

Hill Hall (Essex), 533.

Hill Morton (co. Warwick), 526.

Hinchinbroke (Hinchinbrooke), Viscount. See Montagu, Edward.

Hinckford Hundred (Essex), 72, 115.

Hingston, John (organs), 467, 636.

Hinton (Somerset), 593.

Hinton, Edmund, goldsmith, 57, 61, 100, 220, 353, 376, 413, 414, 441, 467, 470, 502, 517, 518; (banker, loans), 265, 321, 425, 643.
-, -, (Hynton), Sir John, 366, 426, 454, 464.
-, -, William, 592; loan, 625; Queen's servant provider of robes to the Queen, 116, 231, 577.

Hippesley, Gabriel, 596.

Hirst. See Hurst.

Hoar (Hoare), James, Chimney Farmer, 361; see Hoard; Hord.
-, -, Mr., working goldsmith, 413, 414, 417.

Hoard, John, woollen draper, 617, 630.
-, -, See Hoare.

Hobson, Mrs. Judith, widow, royal bounty, 249, 275, 276, 346, 369, 536, 538.

Hoby, Sir Edward, bart., 630.

Hodges (Hedges), Mr., 43, 44, 63, 375, 400, 405.

Hodgekins, Mr., head collector [of Aids], co. Worcester, 415; solicitor of Aids for co. [? Worcester], 422.

Hodgkinson, Richard (stationer), 159, 369, 590, 639.

Hodgson, Thomas, 96, 540.

Hogan, Charles, keeper of Stilling House at Hampton Court, 555.

Holbeach, manor of (Lincoln), 342, 385, 619, 627.

Holbeech, Dr. Thomas (loan), 172.

Holbeech (Holbech, Holbidge), Samuel (receiver of Taxes and Hearth money, for Rutland and Leicester), 9, 27, 75, 259, 532.

Holder, Mr. (Royal Africa Company), 363, 368.

Holderness (Yorks), 567.

Holford, Thomas, Pursuivant at Arms, 578, 612.

Holland (co. Lincoln), 540, 592, 644.

Holland, 92, 189, 204, 223, 362, 388, 390, 517, 520, 581.
-, -, Ambassadors from and to. See Ambassadors.
-, -, duck (cloth), 162.
-, -, English Navigation Act directed against, 202.
-, -, English prisoners in. See Prisoners.
-, -, Navigation Acts, 198.
-, -, trade with New York, limitations of, 450.
-, -, regiment. See Regiments.

Holland, Ben, 287.
-, -, Earl of. See Rich, Henry; Rich, Robert.
-, -, Sir John, 16, 46, 57.
-, -, Joshua, of Chatham, 253, 257.
-, -, Mr., 262.

Hollar, Wenceslaus, King's stenographer, 450, 470, 633, 640.

Holles (Hollis, Hollys), Denzell, 1st Baron Holles of I field, 90, 116, 127, 133, 181, 189, 263, 265, 272, 273, 274, 282, 310, 356, 520, 5?6; Ambassador to France, 68, 78, 109, 117, 123, 231, 245, 522, 543; Ambassador at Breda, 164, 197, 262; lease 364, 372, 378, 383, 434, 532, 586, 617; one of the Queen's Council, 376, 391, 505.
-, -, Sir Francis, 78.
-, -, Col. Gervase, Master of Requests, 72, 182, 236, 521, 608.
-, -, Gilbert, 3rd Earl of Clare, 503, 516, 641.

Hollinshead, Holinshed, Francis (Receiver of Aids, etc. for Stafford and Lichfield), 22, 206, 497, 499, 637.

Hollisholl grange, 212.

Holman, Sir John (discharge of Baronet fee), 170.
-, -, Mr., receiver of Crown revenues Oxford and Berks, 12, 67.

Holmes, Sir Robert (Governor of Sandown Fort, Isle of Wight, for payments to as such, see Sandown Fort, 493, 495, 635.

Holt, (Leicester), 631.

Holt Forest. See Alice Holt Forest.

Holyhead (Anglesea), 636.

Holy Island garrison, 572, 616, 640.

Hooke, Eleazer, 17, 36, 73 (of Bristol), 76.
-, -, Sir Humphrey (Receiver of Eighteen months Tax, Gloucestershire), 287.

Hooker, Margaret, 116; Widow, 342.
-, -, Robert, 191.
-, -, Sir William, 299.

Hooper, John, customer of Barnstaple, 603.
-, -, Major, 445.

Hopkins, Gabriel (Coldstreamer), 329, 580.
-, -, John (clerk), vicar of Hankerton, 108, 189.

Hopper, Symon, 556; King's music, 593.

Hopton, Sir Edward, 70.

Hore (Hord), Thomas, a falconer, 360, 471, 599.

Horne, Mr. (woodward of Dean Forest, Hants), 30, 39.

Horse Guards, Whitehall, 445, 486, 488, 634, 638.

Horse, Master of, 389, 391; see Albemarle, Duke of; Buckingham, Duke of.

Horses for the King. See Albemarle, Duke of; Buckingham, Duke of.
-, -, passes for, 380, 519, 520, 521.

Horwood, Mr. (taxes), 47, 295, 297, 300, 303.
-, -, William, Equerry to the Queen, 563, 571.

Hosier, George (Receiver General for Salop), 22, 143, 207, 518.
-, -, -, Lieutenant of Shrewsbury Castle, for payments to, as such see Shrewsbury.
-, -, Thomas (collector of Brecon), 627.

Hoskins, John, 96.
-, -, Thomas, loan, 540.

Hospitals. See St. John. Payments for, 173.

Hostel, Maitre d', 408.

Houlden, Rowl., 341.

Houlker, William, Serjeant-at-Arms, 589, 610.

Hounslow Heath (Midd.), 389, 591.

Hovell, Sir James, 454.

How. See Howe.

Howard, Sir Cecill, 113.
-, -, Charles, Viscount Andover, afterwards 3rd Earl of Berkshire, royal bounty and pension to, 243, 251, 260, 271, 275, 359, 584, 617.
-, -, Charles, 4th Earl of Carlisle, 232, 267, 275, 332, 345, 383, 477, 504, 533; Ambassador to Denmark, 161; Anbassador to Muscovy, 6, 14, 111, 161, 202, 251, 515; Ambassador Extraordinary to Sweden, 161, 468, 475, 480, 488, 526, 629, 634, 638; annuity, 99, 136, 158, 201, 207, 397, 398, 441, 464, 497, 499, 501, 603.
-, -, -, 12th Earl of Nottingham, pension, 102, 106, 224, 273, 277, 303, 308, 471, 493, 495, 508, 568.
-, -, Colonel [? Col. Thomas], maritime regiments, 53, 55, 64, 341.
-, -, Edward, 1st Lord Howard of Escrick, 251.
-, -, Henry, of Norfolk, proposals for coining farthings, 302, 333, 346, 353, 365, 373, 381, 391–2, 405, 407, 422, 426.
-, -, -, of Suffolk, 424; lease, 612.
-, -, Henry Frederick, 27th Earl of Arundel (1646–52), 391.
-, -, James, 11th Earl of Suffolk, 143, 146, 224, 521; Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 583, 585; sale of Audley End House to the King, 640.
-, -, John, falconer, 554, 606.
-, -, Lady Mary (daughter of the Earl of Berkshire), 100.
-, -, Sir Philip, 428, 614.
-, -, Sir Robert, 265; brother of Lady Dryden. 68, 100; Farmer of Greenwax, 156, 500–1; Farmer of the Post Fines, 148, 155, 214, 552.
-, -, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Berkshire, 8,000l. privy seal for, 2,68, 117, 160, 218, 219, 385, 395, 516; Farmer of Greenwax, 86, 295, 380, 500–1; creation money, 100, 198, 201; lease of discovered lands, 110, 221, 320, 327, 341, 378; Farmer of Post Fines, 552.
-, -, -, Thomas, 12th Duke of Norfolk, Earl of Surrey, 176, 581, 599.
-, -, -, (Newark Castle), 552, 599.
-, -, -, of Suffolk, (discovery of coal patent), 334, 351, 368, 587; 520 export of horses.
-, -, Colonel Thomas, 92 (of Berks, 104), 130, 253, 341, and see supra, Howard, Col.
-, -, -, -, Clerk of the Market, 410.

Howe (How), Thomas, 331; falconer, 377.

Howell, Hugh, Excise Farmer, Norfolk, 358.
-, -, Richard, stores, 569.
-, -, Sarah, 188, 203; loan, 543, 618.

Howen, Mary, 421.

Howes (Hawes), Henry, 557, 593 King's music.
-, -, William, 556 King's music, 593.

Howland, Mr., 155, 305, 320, 364.

Howlett, William, 534.

Howthorne. See Hawthorne.

Hubbert, Edward, 162.

Hudson, Elizabeth, pension, 98, 192.
-, -, George, 556, 593.

Huggins, Thomas (Deputy Receiver of Hearth money, co. Essex), 183.

Hughes, John, 636.

Hulbert, Edward, 175.

Hulcott (Beds, ? Bucks), 530.

Hull, 63, 71, 84, 85, 91, 185, 187, 188, 209, 395, 497.
-, -, garrison, payments for, 15, 166 (Governor of, see Belasyse, J.), 167, 404, 442, 572, 588, 616, 640.
-, -, -, Deputy Governor of. See Colonel Gilby.
-, -, Hearth money, 82; Receivers of, 61, 184.
-, -, sheriffs of, 82.

Humber, lease of lands in the Great Sunk, &c., 395, 411, 487, 488, 500, 567, 634, 643.

Hume, Sir Alexander, 100, 411.

Hundreds, grants of, 364.

Hungerford, Dixwell, 540 (fines).
-, -, Sir Edward, 11, 113, 115, 119, 122, 143, 229, 274, 279, 370, 377, 534, 593.
-, -, Sir George, 288, 542.
-, -, Mr., 348.

Hunt, Edward, collector [Hearth money], London and Middlesex, 24.
-, -, Edmund, stores for the Navy, 569.
-, -, Henry, stores for the Navy, 569.
-, -, Morice, Excise Farmer, Norfolk, 358.

Huntingdon, Major Robert, a Commissioner of Excise from June 1668, 354, 567; Farmer of the duty of 5s. a ton on French shipping, 82, 86, 88, 89, 190, 191, 195, 198; Farmer of same in Ireland, 533.

Huntingdon, County, 250, 262, 643.
-, -, -, Excise, 190.
-, -, -, Justices, 390.
-, -, -, Hearth money, 50, 51; Receivers, 127, 205, 257, 270, 299, 379, 388, 532, 534, 581, 587, 594, 597.
-, -, -, Receivers of Crown Revenues, 24, 59, 62, 101, 172, 173, 597.
-, -, -, Receivers of Taxes, 18, 74, 92.

Huntingford, John (Excise Farmer, co. Derby), 340, 365.

Hurst (Hirst), Humbeston, 177; stores, 569.
-, -, Humfry (provisions), 203.
-, -, Marten, 176.
-, -, Castle (Hants), Governor of. See Strange, E.

Hussy, George, 116.

Hutchinson (Hutchenson, &c.), Daniel, 535.
-, -, George, cormorant keeper, 545.

Hyde [Edward], Earl of Clarendon, 175, 280.
-, -, Sir Frederick, Serjeant-at-Law, Welsh Judge, 613, 616.
-, -, Henry, Viscount Cornbury afterwards 2nd Earl of Clarendon, 320.
-, -, Dr. James, Reader in Physic, Oxford University, 150, 213, 549, 588.
-, -, Laurence, Master of the Robes, 97, 140, 143, 158, 164, 299, 307, 351, 360, 479, 516; for issues to for the Robes, see Robes.
-, -, Mr., 108.
-, -, Richard (accountant), 430.

Hyde Hall (co. Herts), 214.

Hyde Park, 405.

Hynton. See Hinton.